From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:07 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202746 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE,SPF_PASS,URIBL_BLOCKED,USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A3F58C43331 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:13 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5716820663 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:13 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="UwmZxkia" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1726515AbgC0GdM (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:12 -0400 Received: from ([]:59006 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1725936AbgC0GdM (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:12 -0400 IronPort-SDR: B0xMHF07ksitC5BWU93FV8fxtGbpmE25Eb9aLWIJI+++hqpjV6ux6CDPKn+DvY66MdEKNJhrtt RmcCjszd4qi9+IzpXjt3MR0kh9+Ex6dJ6Ho6Ym5VRuqKqp9lV8998vvZHrbEK4sHzfPWpacuEL J3WrpmzT4lDv0e6l/MVNqrV38cpLlx1HKWHEP0XAe7ZLL6WkEIMX4i/bx/8bepifRt2Mg7ahr4 oW1vo52GXrmIDngyqOBWJtU1RIMZvW/J/DYK8BafeEJ9Jzql7oqNxLXPdhC53V3KpsdPAW5TwQ XPs= X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.72,311,1580799600"; d="scan'208";a="68584129" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA256; 26 Mar 2020 23:33:11 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:10 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:11 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=Gh9LFtn5Agiu6KoWsVk6kGZX8xVF2n2jxHuFBfHDkjNDGD9GXIs/hLtXFLdXVDBmd6UjegVOwtUeWYz+5SAM/5/aHbe2trGC5z94oLnu4CE4WfHYmO0rjmaDMIPRxOnKYWNrr6mL+ptFo076dbjzOo20XZhGw2OOznaIHBA9zArR5jF5twstHljLTbMl/0QyDvVP0EerhhRH0TH3iuyp9x5/TUkbfdMq3DAw6kKIEQoIU/0AKaCcLemb7Zjy3gFtqmIFUU7uG/K4H875YmJvcdO1yX7ammIxXgjp1X9hmlyvouC4Tt5amfdRuBtCXWCzIkCFwg2Rd2qMiRcYcVR3Dw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=MiAsrOYsP30GtRBrM48mwYCMUnIJvzhFbAQwDwmMWJ0=; b=OMe7jo1HaUSry+S+slmYHDzqONyJ0zllkl3JUb6LHS3yKNT7HNVldNdgA9ZObwtXVHpLnqiWMvy9aYTnps2MzkK13Wl4PjOD3CIxLfQx4D2KXwVX8OdzuLaUwq07T0j9D3jVmokiL4mrEcm23ryUO50FZ4A9LvjvXUr5VINqSnycTR8ee3MfWq7Kct77j8ihW24YrKYXWrobpokWqehIctKeNiIpz7OGZibpPDoDP3sh9iOHFxQc2LqrNslZZ/uGgljpIWJSwaLrG80cTpV4bSvtMcVBPJhFZymZZGFAQMdVEiY78k7SFx5Gfvn87P0v1MT7fgsPn8i7soF5KLV92A== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-microchiptechnology-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=MiAsrOYsP30GtRBrM48mwYCMUnIJvzhFbAQwDwmMWJ0=; b=UwmZxkia6MjSOKFOmAbqIP+u8ApwB84N0DuwF33eWCa1a/qDOweBoyFU5dnEOuQ3GX9VoO6V7M8hfbBkI+XK2LzSYONeWyM1D1T8nDK6TJcgf5FmBpsvm0VS/pdHTCqXffWfGUIXVbhOAGqUUU6V1CuUskYazWkmHf2BpSd7D1o= Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:8e::32) by (2603:10b6:a03:1b::29) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2856.19; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:08 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e]) by ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2835.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:08 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v6 01/17] wilc1000: add hif.h Thread-Topic: [PATCH v6 01/17] wilc1000: add hif.h Thread-Index: AQHWBAGUkxz2OwCU/EOoBmOVrT5toA== Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:07 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: fc847412-c2c9-4396-26e5-08d7d218b692 x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:127; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(186003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: n5oio2dSj9C2yUzoexvPQiHLXg2Ag+IX7uYNUrNm4ccqWh2UZBDz2p1cNdOiO83h/muutT/dzazpxasZjSoX+HJViVNPIP3FealzaI9SFsTHPNj2D1wxvo68QoJSVrTAMPUkNKjwt/P4TVSoL/VCUnxep5PlzwUXFiKqt0HcjjVzyCjh0et7eKldhQIjzbdrMOfg+Hhcm8WEjrZYuOnRLH9NlN/CSA8laCbGq4cc3945/YDSYHweR7NCTJXmboowOUEDg5YjhQjwYDu/X+XXKel57qk9BGF3jy3GcugFFdwNSAPv1z3h+wcggWddm/9xgd6gCiHxKn2hGh2M1sL5sCXv1yowipsBO/iUkzuyEUjX7J4M84BdJoOQCvqnfYe5LANPpoJKBIOkm+MQGu+dXw9L0Kqa/aLXiYJW9qtQMMdt0bU0iWyjZ3A3MzkK+Iyj x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: tSAPwPl6ETphoYyl+5fCFMm3/sebPsWVWuBAntH4agZqxBadqwpWhv/5tJ2Xc3V9Dx54JDZYLd7c2tlvVSex4ZU71UlKPOU9UxBzq23lX0IseaxQoJ3qGD7plk3hWkht4esW+7CiArZMgaa2dTI1Mw== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: fc847412-c2c9-4396-26e5-08d7d218b692 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:07.9344 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: hwE8ZpaJ3tB4CXp2rphffQ0dkmjdHN1cClpmAjVV87bMYIhzMDp/xRrBLOKoYDxmt04PRdkCNWlCjLcLgjBYQspLy807dkhR3VtKlvZygl8= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Moved 'drivers/staging/wilc1000/hif.h' to 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.h'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.h | 214 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 214 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.h diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.h b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..db9179171f05 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.h @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#ifndef WILC_HIF_H +#define WILC_HIF_H +#include +#include "wlan_if.h" + +enum { + WILC_IDLE_MODE = 0x0, + WILC_AP_MODE = 0x1, + WILC_STATION_MODE = 0x2, + WILC_GO_MODE = 0x3, + WILC_CLIENT_MODE = 0x4 +}; + +#define WILC_MAX_NUM_PROBED_SSID 10 + +#define WILC_TX_MIC_KEY_LEN 8 +#define WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN 8 + +#define WILC_ADD_STA_LENGTH 40 +#define WILC_NUM_CONCURRENT_IFC 2 + +enum { + WILC_SET_CFG = 0, + WILC_GET_CFG +}; + +#define WILC_MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE 256 + +struct rf_info { + u8 link_speed; + s8 rssi; + u32 tx_cnt; + u32 rx_cnt; + u32 tx_fail_cnt; +}; + +enum host_if_state { + HOST_IF_IDLE = 0, + HOST_IF_SCANNING = 1, + HOST_IF_CONNECTING = 2, + HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP = 3, + HOST_IF_CONNECTED = 4, + HOST_IF_P2P_LISTEN = 5, + HOST_IF_FORCE_32BIT = 0xFFFFFFFF +}; + +struct cfg_param_attr { + u32 flag; + u16 short_retry_limit; + u16 long_retry_limit; + u16 frag_threshold; + u16 rts_threshold; +}; + +enum cfg_param { + WILC_CFG_PARAM_RETRY_SHORT = BIT(0), + WILC_CFG_PARAM_RETRY_LONG = BIT(1), + WILC_CFG_PARAM_FRAG_THRESHOLD = BIT(2), + WILC_CFG_PARAM_RTS_THRESHOLD = BIT(3) +}; + +enum scan_event { + SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND = 0, + SCAN_EVENT_DONE = 1, + SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED = 2, + SCAN_EVENT_FORCE_32BIT = 0xFFFFFFFF +}; + +enum conn_event { + CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP = 0, + CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF = 1, + CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_FORCE_32BIT = 0xFFFFFFFF +}; + +enum { + WILC_HIF_SDIO = 0, + WILC_HIF_SPI = BIT(0) +}; + +enum { + WILC_MAC_STATUS_INIT = -1, + WILC_MAC_STATUS_DISCONNECTED = 0, + WILC_MAC_STATUS_CONNECTED = 1 +}; + +struct wilc_rcvd_net_info { + s8 rssi; + u8 ch; + u16 frame_len; + struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt; +}; + +struct wilc_user_scan_req { + void (*scan_result)(enum scan_event evt, + struct wilc_rcvd_net_info *info, void *priv); + void *arg; + u32 ch_cnt; +}; + +struct wilc_conn_info { + u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + u8 security; + enum authtype auth_type; + u8 ch; + u8 *req_ies; + size_t req_ies_len; + u8 *resp_ies; + u16 resp_ies_len; + u16 status; + void (*conn_result)(enum conn_event evt, u8 status, void *priv_data); + void *arg; + void *param; +}; + +struct wilc_remain_ch { + u16 ch; + u32 duration; + void (*expired)(void *priv, u64 cookie); + void *arg; + u32 cookie; +}; + +struct wilc; +struct host_if_drv { + struct wilc_user_scan_req usr_scan_req; + struct wilc_conn_info conn_info; + struct wilc_remain_ch remain_on_ch; + u64 p2p_timeout; + + enum host_if_state hif_state; + + u8 assoc_bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + + struct timer_list scan_timer; + struct wilc_vif *scan_timer_vif; + + struct timer_list connect_timer; + struct wilc_vif *connect_timer_vif; + + struct timer_list remain_on_ch_timer; + struct wilc_vif *remain_on_ch_timer_vif; + + bool ifc_up; + u8 assoc_resp[WILC_MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE]; +}; + +struct wilc_vif; +int wilc_remove_wep_key(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 index); +int wilc_set_wep_default_keyid(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 index); +int wilc_add_wep_key_bss_sta(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *key, u8 len, + u8 index); +int wilc_add_wep_key_bss_ap(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *key, u8 len, + u8 index, u8 mode, enum authtype auth_type); +int wilc_add_ptk(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *ptk, u8 ptk_key_len, + const u8 *mac_addr, const u8 *rx_mic, const u8 *tx_mic, + u8 mode, u8 cipher_mode, u8 index); +s32 wilc_get_inactive_time(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac, + u32 *out_val); +int wilc_add_rx_gtk(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *rx_gtk, u8 gtk_key_len, + u8 index, u32 key_rsc_len, const u8 *key_rsc, + const u8 *rx_mic, const u8 *tx_mic, u8 mode, + u8 cipher_mode); +int wilc_set_pmkid_info(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct wilc_pmkid_attr *pmkid); +int wilc_get_mac_address(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *mac_addr); +int wilc_set_join_req(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *bssid, const u8 *ies, + size_t ies_len); +int wilc_disconnect(struct wilc_vif *vif); +int wilc_set_mac_chnl_num(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 channel); +int wilc_get_rssi(struct wilc_vif *vif, s8 *rssi_level); +int wilc_scan(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 scan_source, u8 scan_type, + u8 *ch_freq_list, u8 ch_list_len, + void (*scan_result_fn)(enum scan_event, + struct wilc_rcvd_net_info *, void *), + void *user_arg, struct cfg80211_scan_request *request); +int wilc_hif_set_cfg(struct wilc_vif *vif, + struct cfg_param_attr *cfg_param); +int wilc_init(struct net_device *dev, struct host_if_drv **hif_drv_handler); +int wilc_deinit(struct wilc_vif *vif); +int wilc_add_beacon(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 interval, u32 dtim_period, + struct cfg80211_beacon_data *params); +int wilc_del_beacon(struct wilc_vif *vif); +int wilc_add_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac, + struct station_parameters *params); +int wilc_del_allstation(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 mac_addr[][ETH_ALEN]); +int wilc_del_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac_addr); +int wilc_edit_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac, + struct station_parameters *params); +int wilc_set_power_mgmt(struct wilc_vif *vif, bool enabled, u32 timeout); +int wilc_setup_multicast_filter(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 enabled, u32 count, + u8 *mc_list); +int wilc_remain_on_channel(struct wilc_vif *vif, u64 cookie, + u32 duration, u16 chan, + void (*expired)(void *, u64), + void *user_arg); +int wilc_listen_state_expired(struct wilc_vif *vif, u64 cookie); +void wilc_frame_register(struct wilc_vif *vif, u16 frame_type, bool reg); +int wilc_set_operation_mode(struct wilc_vif *vif, int index, u8 mode, + u8 ifc_id); +int wilc_get_statistics(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct rf_info *stats); +int wilc_get_vif_idx(struct wilc_vif *vif); +int wilc_set_tx_power(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 tx_power); +int wilc_get_tx_power(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *tx_power); +void wilc_scan_complete_received(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buffer, u32 length); +void wilc_network_info_received(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buffer, u32 length); +void wilc_gnrl_async_info_received(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buffer, u32 length); +void *wilc_parse_join_bss_param(struct cfg80211_bss *bss, + struct cfg80211_crypto_settings *crypto); +#endif From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:09 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202742 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BB0C5C2BA13 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:21 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8503920663 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:21 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="jUHzRaY8" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1726804AbgC0GdO (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:14 -0400 Received: from ([]:65124 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1725992AbgC0GdN (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:13 -0400 IronPort-SDR: qwWjSi/pqqW9c5DF0opkSxbizOBqmSjdCQdxzw5CUt8iPo4+NuqHiRVu0wChMh9s5LHIqCpQRV 9nZlRgf2Jrx2z3YAFifGC8Wowlo6eFjARnr7ez/DzcSrGOD6E0aGCMItHYdntocidXnEfjy+bJ g7XcNq46Xear38csmPuupAAbZPfihrLHr+PXJu/xZDZG3hCQUB3nQOoWR8DQ0SLqJtBzwSmSV1 7LqU+Hl+4tEeUIOptHYfXJlI0RQFLZEFFO0NtzIZDeG1xpbcKzXWIQnPABV+CSk0twnR5zcW0h wB8= X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.72,311,1580799600"; d="scan'208";a="70382797" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA256; 26 Mar 2020 23:33:12 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:10 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:11 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=fG6Bq6RObXG4ZZ45c+r5cxmZNo4aRAJoq1mzK0uqQHHX8qZMX0o6XqxWyUamGH/kyfBMJTR/YxBlr6eBpdN+38a5jrTlI6sIvmdVtxrNVf9pt68IfxJJWh2XqZyTl88a5XsrfDequVvpD4s4UQtnlA10A1cg2DwoLZDUSsK3VCnIGnnscY9ByTbKagftOwSDuyoqYnKiD1V28i5uKhHbM8ogBTlkM4WbE/bQbFiHRwyjhr0UGYO+082YcPZCzshv6EUGceL+cbYWVuZmrlmBCV5MlWsiKmEqWwx70ipPhjT3J2AxIhWSv32mMNQxuLca2ktmzinmmHjAKfe+JCbFtg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=8fqBoFwOpa2YZmAdj3Mi1awEx3AadnjLVU+7Ob+EfT4=; b=mzeCDNLbctjMJiOSLB3+QKNfG8oROadnNTc1ffhJVSgmYs+DpDgILF9ROASVdxmbkx96bN5GT1xgqp81c3RsMvXYo2AE+yLByDILFUKDIXjePaWTzZTg4EUzcfEme3UjJLdmjQx3prEi+4FaQ2UpowyUD2SS0ZJD1toXOAI4u29sNRIxYli4uijhkVu0dH9dblth2xhiEHylZ1Ji9sexDKfiLe5ec5Fa+8KA1Ak2BdA1+J51L1zLXTzPXPyANLfJiMMeq7L2+rF7wLqf0RHY4Wq8ho0d3EI493qVwor1pocPJPWacyFYWCmVwMvdx/nmfj9e3KbB3+2NC1tiYlP53w== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-microchiptechnology-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=8fqBoFwOpa2YZmAdj3Mi1awEx3AadnjLVU+7Ob+EfT4=; b=jUHzRaY8zhE65nGE9vAPadnVzGvZmAfjkBNqAt9nVY9tAeEZpdPDR5QfczeDKq41TD1e58BlkZYvjyn8tao7yNwR7F+vNFbLy+5SIN/qKQee1EGE6VKKTOedtclvWMWjAs0HKuI+XQJ58eBVMQfC8dsuBBJfmi2GBmqHZypnB1I= Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:8e::32) by (2603:10b6:a03:1b::29) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2856.19; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:09 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e]) by ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2835.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:09 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v6 02/17] wilc1000: add hif.c Thread-Topic: [PATCH v6 02/17] wilc1000: add hif.c Thread-Index: AQHWBAGUQhNUbfTH8Euuhfg0cIXkDw== Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:09 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 1674e2ae-6e53-41aa-792c-08d7d218b747 x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:2582; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(45080400002)(186003)(30864003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003)(559001)(579004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: O+z6wfLzPPhppdeh0QmaXghvk4g7D+LJjDpccbhA8o5LjrNXhzMUQyKAmPpxsLla+flT40NLNv1jjl62E+P0Qvp8JBJExGNU8AVU99UB2PWDo6FnouaudPqij1gpcB6JlMZUkrbWye/CLPE5xH5gs8pcDfpopoLopNrx5TBqNA4lvlqzqgBp+6T10brXf0otgY2IR5FTqopB0HDZFFvXzU6KE7pl+/oTXD3GxTD7nnFpR4T8eIuQYee1JaVKrTQHu1PiiNsjHacuLvUHxPt6KNg/LJ8ivG9/E6ACu6O2CcvYQTZDCUou6/sTDe74j3NFeSUDN7avMz8dQ8af7bdehBbW8vi2O9D1YAOrmdm78IXIj+XJuOCMb1Gwjjocj2ZtgFCT0gcEVmy0sZJaPjgKRQEXASMDCjJmdfC3GJ6m8xIVe2MZ6BSGVjdUuStVK7oG x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: 46OcFTIL803ii+yNZ0Vekf4nDV8s8vCUcliWgMURkCt4SAPMZkCZG9ak9K6xI8ffmO6RrWeFu7ZpJ3doqwxT20dyl15yJup7sG+FEdBotCMC74a2RsxmEz2NErzk/qgVMN1Gbolu1VDHFXRHAKb0rQ== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 1674e2ae-6e53-41aa-792c-08d7d218b747 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:09.0867 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: x5v95S93ZdjXA7q8kXI0ESG2gKOL66eURyOyWtPu47/NyqoJkxpX8pMWoHLlGOS68rWCfawyCeofomixYsAb2sFORzXd+m507DXYz6CbgjE= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Moved 'drivers/staging/wilc1000/hif.c' to 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.c'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.c | 1959 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1959 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.c diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.c b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6c7de2f8d3f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/hif.c @@ -0,0 +1,1959 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries. + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#include "netdev.h" + +#define WILC_HIF_SCAN_TIMEOUT_MS 5000 +#define WILC_HIF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS 9500 + +#define WILC_FALSE_FRMWR_CHANNEL 100 + +struct wilc_rcvd_mac_info { + u8 status; +}; + +struct wilc_set_multicast { + u32 enabled; + u32 cnt; + u8 *mc_list; +}; + +struct wilc_del_all_sta { + u8 assoc_sta; + u8 mac[WILC_MAX_NUM_STA][ETH_ALEN]; +}; + +union wilc_message_body { + struct wilc_rcvd_net_info net_info; + struct wilc_rcvd_mac_info mac_info; + struct wilc_set_multicast mc_info; + struct wilc_remain_ch remain_on_ch; + char *data; +}; + +struct host_if_msg { + union wilc_message_body body; + struct wilc_vif *vif; + struct work_struct work; + void (*fn)(struct work_struct *ws); + struct completion work_comp; + bool is_sync; +}; + +/* 'msg' should be free by the caller for syc */ +static struct host_if_msg* +wilc_alloc_work(struct wilc_vif *vif, void (*work_fun)(struct work_struct *), + bool is_sync) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg; + + if (!work_fun) + return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); + + msg = kzalloc(sizeof(*msg), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!msg) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + msg->fn = work_fun; + msg->vif = vif; + msg->is_sync = is_sync; + if (is_sync) + init_completion(&msg->work_comp); + + return msg; +} + +static int wilc_enqueue_work(struct host_if_msg *msg) +{ + INIT_WORK(&msg->work, msg->fn); + + if (!msg->vif || !msg->vif->wilc || !msg->vif->wilc->hif_workqueue) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!queue_work(msg->vif->wilc->hif_workqueue, &msg->work)) + return -EINVAL; + + return 0; +} + +/* The idx starts from 0 to (NUM_CONCURRENT_IFC - 1), but 0 index used as + * special purpose in wilc device, so we add 1 to the index to starts from 1. + * As a result, the returned index will be 1 to NUM_CONCURRENT_IFC. + */ +int wilc_get_vif_idx(struct wilc_vif *vif) +{ + return vif->idx + 1; +} + +/* We need to minus 1 from idx which is from wilc device to get real index + * of wilc->vif[], because we add 1 when pass to wilc device in the function + * wilc_get_vif_idx. + * As a result, the index should be between 0 and (NUM_CONCURRENT_IFC - 1). + */ +static struct wilc_vif *wilc_get_vif_from_idx(struct wilc *wilc, int idx) +{ + int index = idx - 1; + struct wilc_vif *vif; + + if (index < 0 || index >= WILC_NUM_CONCURRENT_IFC) + return NULL; + + list_for_each_entry_rcu(vif, &wilc->vif_list, list) { + if (vif->idx == index) + return vif; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static int handle_scan_done(struct wilc_vif *vif, enum scan_event evt) +{ + int result = 0; + u8 abort_running_scan; + struct wid wid; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + struct wilc_user_scan_req *scan_req; + + if (evt == SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED) { + abort_running_scan = 1; + = WID_ABORT_RUNNING_SCAN; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.val = (s8 *)&abort_running_scan; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to set abort running\n"); + result = -EFAULT; + } + } + + if (!hif_drv) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: hif driver is NULL\n", __func__); + return result; + } + + scan_req = &hif_drv->usr_scan_req; + if (scan_req->scan_result) { + scan_req->scan_result(evt, NULL, scan_req->arg); + scan_req->scan_result = NULL; + } + + return result; +} + +int wilc_scan(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 scan_source, u8 scan_type, + u8 *ch_freq_list, u8 ch_list_len, + void (*scan_result_fn)(enum scan_event, + struct wilc_rcvd_net_info *, void *), + void *user_arg, struct cfg80211_scan_request *request) +{ + int result = 0; + struct wid wid_list[5]; + u32 index = 0; + u32 i, scan_timeout; + u8 *buffer; + u8 valuesize = 0; + u8 *search_ssid_vals = NULL; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (hif_drv->hif_state >= HOST_IF_SCANNING && + hif_drv->hif_state < HOST_IF_CONNECTED) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Already scan\n"); + result = -EBUSY; + goto error; + } + + if (vif->connecting) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Don't do obss scan\n"); + result = -EBUSY; + goto error; + } + + hif_drv->usr_scan_req.ch_cnt = 0; + + if (request->n_ssids) { + for (i = 0; i < request->n_ssids; i++) + valuesize += ((request->ssids[i].ssid_len) + 1); + search_ssid_vals = kmalloc(valuesize + 1, GFP_KERNEL); + if (search_ssid_vals) { + wid_list[index].id = WID_SSID_PROBE_REQ; + wid_list[index].type = WID_STR; + wid_list[index].val = search_ssid_vals; + buffer = wid_list[index].val; + + *buffer++ = request->n_ssids; + + for (i = 0; i < request->n_ssids; i++) { + *buffer++ = request->ssids[i].ssid_len; + memcpy(buffer, request->ssids[i].ssid, + request->ssids[i].ssid_len); + buffer += request->ssids[i].ssid_len; + } + wid_list[index].size = (s32)(valuesize + 1); + index++; + } + } + + wid_list[index].id = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_PROBE; + wid_list[index].type = WID_BIN_DATA; + wid_list[index].val = (s8 *)request->ie; + wid_list[index].size = request->ie_len; + index++; + + wid_list[index].id = WID_SCAN_TYPE; + wid_list[index].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[index].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[index].val = (s8 *)&scan_type; + index++; + + if (scan_type == WILC_FW_PASSIVE_SCAN && request->duration) { + wid_list[index].id = WID_PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME; + wid_list[index].type = WID_SHORT; + wid_list[index].size = sizeof(u16); + wid_list[index].val = (s8 *)&request->duration; + index++; + + scan_timeout = (request->duration * ch_list_len) + 500; + } else { + scan_timeout = WILC_HIF_SCAN_TIMEOUT_MS; + } + + wid_list[index].id = WID_SCAN_CHANNEL_LIST; + wid_list[index].type = WID_BIN_DATA; + + if (ch_freq_list && ch_list_len > 0) { + for (i = 0; i < ch_list_len; i++) { + if (ch_freq_list[i] > 0) + ch_freq_list[i] -= 1; + } + } + + wid_list[index].val = ch_freq_list; + wid_list[index].size = ch_list_len; + index++; + + wid_list[index].id = WID_START_SCAN_REQ; + wid_list[index].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[index].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[index].val = (s8 *)&scan_source; + index++; + + hif_drv->usr_scan_req.scan_result = scan_result_fn; + hif_drv->usr_scan_req.arg = user_arg; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, wid_list, index); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send scan parameters\n"); + goto error; + } + + hif_drv->scan_timer_vif = vif; + mod_timer(&hif_drv->scan_timer, + jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(scan_timeout)); + +error: + + kfree(search_ssid_vals); + + return result; +} + +static int wilc_send_connect_wid(struct wilc_vif *vif) +{ + int result = 0; + struct wid wid_list[4]; + u32 wid_cnt = 0; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + struct wilc_conn_info *conn_attr = &hif_drv->conn_info; + struct wilc_join_bss_param *bss_param = conn_attr->param; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_BIN_DATA; + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = conn_attr->req_ies; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = conn_attr->req_ies_len; + wid_cnt++; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_11I_MODE; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = (s8 *)&conn_attr->security; + wid_cnt++; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_AUTH_TYPE; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = (s8 *)&conn_attr->auth_type; + wid_cnt++; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_JOIN_REQ_EXTENDED; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_STR; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = sizeof(*bss_param); + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = (u8 *)bss_param; + wid_cnt++; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, wid_list, wid_cnt); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "failed to send config packet\n"); + goto error; + } else { + hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP; + } + + return 0; + +error: + + kfree(conn_attr->req_ies); + conn_attr->req_ies = NULL; + + return result; +} + +static void handle_connect_timeout(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg = container_of(work, struct host_if_msg, work); + struct wilc_vif *vif = msg->vif; + int result; + struct wid wid; + u16 dummy_reason_code = 0; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (!hif_drv) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: hif driver is NULL\n", __func__); + goto out; + } + + hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_IDLE; + + if (hif_drv->conn_info.conn_result) { + hif_drv->conn_info.conn_result(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP, + WILC_MAC_STATUS_DISCONNECTED, + hif_drv->conn_info.arg); + + } else { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: conn_result is NULL\n", __func__); + } + + = WID_DISCONNECT; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.val = (s8 *)&dummy_reason_code; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send disconnect\n"); + + hif_drv->conn_info.req_ies_len = 0; + kfree(hif_drv->conn_info.req_ies); + hif_drv->conn_info.req_ies = NULL; + +out: + kfree(msg); +} + +void *wilc_parse_join_bss_param(struct cfg80211_bss *bss, + struct cfg80211_crypto_settings *crypto) +{ + struct wilc_join_bss_param *param; + struct ieee80211_p2p_noa_attr noa_attr; + u8 rates_len = 0; + const u8 *tim_elm, *ssid_elm, *rates_ie, *supp_rates_ie; + const u8 *ht_ie, *wpa_ie, *wmm_ie, *rsn_ie; + int ret; + const struct cfg80211_bss_ies *ies = rcu_dereference(bss->ies); + + param = kzalloc(sizeof(*param), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!param) + return NULL; + + param->beacon_period = cpu_to_le16(bss->beacon_interval); + param->cap_info = cpu_to_le16(bss->capability); + param->bss_type = WILC_FW_BSS_TYPE_INFRA; + param->ch = ieee80211_frequency_to_channel(bss->channel->center_freq); + ether_addr_copy(param->bssid, bss->bssid); + + ssid_elm = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_SSID, ies->data, ies->len); + if (ssid_elm) { + if (ssid_elm[1] <= IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN) + memcpy(param->ssid, ssid_elm + 2, ssid_elm[1]); + } + + tim_elm = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_TIM, ies->data, ies->len); + if (tim_elm && tim_elm[1] >= 2) + param->dtim_period = tim_elm[3]; + + memset(param->p_suites, 0xFF, 3); + memset(param->akm_suites, 0xFF, 3); + + rates_ie = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_SUPP_RATES, ies->data, ies->len); + if (rates_ie) { + rates_len = rates_ie[1]; + if (rates_len > WILC_MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED) + rates_len = WILC_MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED; + param->supp_rates[0] = rates_len; + memcpy(¶m->supp_rates[1], rates_ie + 2, rates_len); + } + + if (rates_len < WILC_MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED) { + supp_rates_ie = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_EXT_SUPP_RATES, + ies->data, ies->len); + if (supp_rates_ie) { + u8 ext_rates = supp_rates_ie[1]; + + if (ext_rates > (WILC_MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED - rates_len)) + param->supp_rates[0] = WILC_MAX_RATES_SUPPORTED; + else + param->supp_rates[0] += ext_rates; + + memcpy(¶m->supp_rates[rates_len + 1], + supp_rates_ie + 2, + (param->supp_rates[0] - rates_len)); + } + } + + ht_ie = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_HT_CAPABILITY, ies->data, ies->len); + if (ht_ie) + param->ht_capable = true; + + ret = cfg80211_get_p2p_attr(ies->data, ies->len, + IEEE80211_P2P_ATTR_ABSENCE_NOTICE, + (u8 *)&noa_attr, sizeof(noa_attr)); + if (ret > 0) { + param->tsf_lo = cpu_to_le32(ies->tsf); + param->noa_enabled = 1; + param->idx = noa_attr.index; + if (noa_attr.oppps_ctwindow & IEEE80211_P2P_OPPPS_ENABLE_BIT) { + param->opp_enabled = 1; + param->opp_en.ct_window = noa_attr.oppps_ctwindow; + param->opp_en.cnt = noa_attr.desc[0].count; + param->opp_en.duration = noa_attr.desc[0].duration; + param->opp_en.interval = noa_attr.desc[0].interval; + param->opp_en.start_time = noa_attr.desc[0].start_time; + } else { + param->opp_enabled = 0; + param->opp_dis.cnt = noa_attr.desc[0].count; + param->opp_dis.duration = noa_attr.desc[0].duration; + param->opp_dis.interval = noa_attr.desc[0].interval; + param->opp_dis.start_time = noa_attr.desc[0].start_time; + } + } + wmm_ie = cfg80211_find_vendor_ie(WLAN_OUI_MICROSOFT, + WLAN_OUI_TYPE_MICROSOFT_WMM, + ies->data, ies->len); + if (wmm_ie) { + struct ieee80211_wmm_param_ie *ie; + + ie = (struct ieee80211_wmm_param_ie *)wmm_ie; + if ((ie->oui_subtype == 0 || ie->oui_subtype == 1) && + ie->version == 1) { + param->wmm_cap = true; + if (ie->qos_info & BIT(7)) + param->uapsd_cap = true; + } + } + + wpa_ie = cfg80211_find_vendor_ie(WLAN_OUI_MICROSOFT, + WLAN_OUI_TYPE_MICROSOFT_WPA, + ies->data, ies->len); + if (wpa_ie) { + param->mode_802_11i = 1; + param->rsn_found = true; + } + + rsn_ie = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_RSN, ies->data, ies->len); + if (rsn_ie) { + int offset = 8; + + param->mode_802_11i = 2; + param->rsn_found = true; + /* extract RSN capabilities */ + offset += (rsn_ie[offset] * 4) + 2; + offset += (rsn_ie[offset] * 4) + 2; + memcpy(param->rsn_cap, &rsn_ie[offset], 2); + } + + if (param->rsn_found) { + int i; + + param->rsn_grp_policy = crypto->cipher_group & 0xFF; + for (i = 0; i < crypto->n_ciphers_pairwise && i < 3; i++) + param->p_suites[i] = crypto->ciphers_pairwise[i] & 0xFF; + + for (i = 0; i < crypto->n_akm_suites && i < 3; i++) + param->akm_suites[i] = crypto->akm_suites[i] & 0xFF; + } + + return (void *)param; +} + +static void handle_rcvd_ntwrk_info(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg = container_of(work, struct host_if_msg, work); + struct wilc_rcvd_net_info *rcvd_info = &msg->body.net_info; + struct wilc_user_scan_req *scan_req = &msg->vif->hif_drv->usr_scan_req; + const u8 *ch_elm; + u8 *ies; + int ies_len; + size_t offset; + + if (ieee80211_is_probe_resp(rcvd_info->mgmt->frame_control)) + offset = offsetof(struct ieee80211_mgmt, u.probe_resp.variable); + else if (ieee80211_is_beacon(rcvd_info->mgmt->frame_control)) + offset = offsetof(struct ieee80211_mgmt, u.beacon.variable); + else + goto done; + + ies = rcvd_info->mgmt->u.beacon.variable; + ies_len = rcvd_info->frame_len - offset; + if (ies_len <= 0) + goto done; + + ch_elm = cfg80211_find_ie(WLAN_EID_DS_PARAMS, ies, ies_len); + if (ch_elm && ch_elm[1] > 0) + rcvd_info->ch = ch_elm[2]; + + if (scan_req->scan_result) + scan_req->scan_result(SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND, rcvd_info, + scan_req->arg); + +done: + kfree(rcvd_info->mgmt); + kfree(msg); +} + +static void host_int_get_assoc_res_info(struct wilc_vif *vif, + u8 *assoc_resp_info, + u32 max_assoc_resp_info_len, + u32 *rcvd_assoc_resp_info_len) +{ + int result; + struct wid wid; + + = WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.val = assoc_resp_info; + wid.size = max_assoc_resp_info_len; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_GET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) { + *rcvd_assoc_resp_info_len = 0; + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send association response\n"); + return; + } + + *rcvd_assoc_resp_info_len = wid.size; +} + +static s32 wilc_parse_assoc_resp_info(u8 *buffer, u32 buffer_len, + struct wilc_conn_info *ret_conn_info) +{ + u8 *ies; + u16 ies_len; + struct wilc_assoc_resp *res = (struct wilc_assoc_resp *)buffer; + + ret_conn_info->status = le16_to_cpu(res->status_code); + if (ret_conn_info->status == WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { + ies = &buffer[sizeof(*res)]; + ies_len = buffer_len - sizeof(*res); + + ret_conn_info->resp_ies = kmemdup(ies, ies_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ret_conn_info->resp_ies) + return -ENOMEM; + + ret_conn_info->resp_ies_len = ies_len; + } + + return 0; +} + +static inline void host_int_parse_assoc_resp_info(struct wilc_vif *vif, + u8 mac_status) +{ + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + struct wilc_conn_info *conn_info = &hif_drv->conn_info; + + if (mac_status == WILC_MAC_STATUS_CONNECTED) { + u32 assoc_resp_info_len; + + memset(hif_drv->assoc_resp, 0, WILC_MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE); + + host_int_get_assoc_res_info(vif, hif_drv->assoc_resp, + WILC_MAX_ASSOC_RESP_FRAME_SIZE, + &assoc_resp_info_len); + + if (assoc_resp_info_len != 0) { + s32 err = 0; + + err = wilc_parse_assoc_resp_info(hif_drv->assoc_resp, + assoc_resp_info_len, + conn_info); + if (err) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, + "wilc_parse_assoc_resp_info() returned error %d\n", + err); + } + } + + del_timer(&hif_drv->connect_timer); + conn_info->conn_result(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_CONN_RESP, mac_status, + hif_drv->conn_info.arg); + + if (mac_status == WILC_MAC_STATUS_CONNECTED && + conn_info->status == WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { + ether_addr_copy(hif_drv->assoc_bssid, conn_info->bssid); + hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_CONNECTED; + } else { + hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_IDLE; + } + + kfree(conn_info->resp_ies); + conn_info->resp_ies = NULL; + conn_info->resp_ies_len = 0; + + kfree(conn_info->req_ies); + conn_info->req_ies = NULL; + conn_info->req_ies_len = 0; +} + +static inline void host_int_handle_disconnect(struct wilc_vif *vif) +{ + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.scan_result) { + del_timer(&hif_drv->scan_timer); + handle_scan_done(vif, SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED); + } + + if (hif_drv->conn_info.conn_result) + hif_drv->conn_info.conn_result(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF, + 0, hif_drv->conn_info.arg); + else + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: conn_result is NULL\n", __func__); + + eth_zero_addr(hif_drv->assoc_bssid); + + hif_drv->conn_info.req_ies_len = 0; + kfree(hif_drv->conn_info.req_ies); + hif_drv->conn_info.req_ies = NULL; + hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_IDLE; +} + +static void handle_rcvd_gnrl_async_info(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg = container_of(work, struct host_if_msg, work); + struct wilc_vif *vif = msg->vif; + struct wilc_rcvd_mac_info *mac_info = &msg->body.mac_info; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (!hif_drv) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: hif driver is NULL\n", __func__); + goto free_msg; + } + + if (!hif_drv->conn_info.conn_result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: conn_result is NULL\n", __func__); + goto free_msg; + } + + if (hif_drv->hif_state == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) { + host_int_parse_assoc_resp_info(vif, mac_info->status); + } else if (mac_info->status == WILC_MAC_STATUS_DISCONNECTED) { + if (hif_drv->hif_state == HOST_IF_CONNECTED) { + host_int_handle_disconnect(vif); + } else if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.scan_result) { + del_timer(&hif_drv->scan_timer); + handle_scan_done(vif, SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED); + } + } + +free_msg: + kfree(msg); +} + +int wilc_disconnect(struct wilc_vif *vif) +{ + struct wid wid; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + struct wilc_user_scan_req *scan_req; + struct wilc_conn_info *conn_info; + int result; + u16 dummy_reason_code = 0; + + = WID_DISCONNECT; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.val = (s8 *)&dummy_reason_code; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send disconnect\n"); + return result; + } + + scan_req = &hif_drv->usr_scan_req; + conn_info = &hif_drv->conn_info; + + if (scan_req->scan_result) { + del_timer(&hif_drv->scan_timer); + scan_req->scan_result(SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED, NULL, scan_req->arg); + scan_req->scan_result = NULL; + } + + if (conn_info->conn_result) { + if (hif_drv->hif_state == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) + del_timer(&hif_drv->connect_timer); + + conn_info->conn_result(CONN_DISCONN_EVENT_DISCONN_NOTIF, 0, + conn_info->arg); + } else { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: conn_result is NULL\n", __func__); + } + + hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_IDLE; + + eth_zero_addr(hif_drv->assoc_bssid); + + conn_info->req_ies_len = 0; + kfree(conn_info->req_ies); + conn_info->req_ies = NULL; + + return 0; +} + +int wilc_get_statistics(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct rf_info *stats) +{ + struct wid wid_list[5]; + u32 wid_cnt = 0, result; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_LINKSPEED; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = (s8 *)&stats->link_speed; + wid_cnt++; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_RSSI; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = (s8 *)&stats->rssi; + wid_cnt++; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_SUCCESS_FRAME_COUNT; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_INT; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = sizeof(u32); + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = (s8 *)&stats->tx_cnt; + wid_cnt++; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_RECEIVED_FRAGMENT_COUNT; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_INT; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = sizeof(u32); + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = (s8 *)&stats->rx_cnt; + wid_cnt++; + + wid_list[wid_cnt].id = WID_FAILED_COUNT; + wid_list[wid_cnt].type = WID_INT; + wid_list[wid_cnt].size = sizeof(u32); + wid_list[wid_cnt].val = (s8 *)&stats->tx_fail_cnt; + wid_cnt++; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_GET_CFG, wid_list, wid_cnt); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send scan parameters\n"); + return result; + } + + if (stats->link_speed > TCP_ACK_FILTER_LINK_SPEED_THRESH && + stats->link_speed != DEFAULT_LINK_SPEED) + wilc_enable_tcp_ack_filter(vif, true); + else if (stats->link_speed != DEFAULT_LINK_SPEED) + wilc_enable_tcp_ack_filter(vif, false); + + return result; +} + +static void handle_get_statistics(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg = container_of(work, struct host_if_msg, work); + struct wilc_vif *vif = msg->vif; + struct rf_info *stats = (struct rf_info *)msg->; + + wilc_get_statistics(vif, stats); + + kfree(msg); +} + +static void wilc_hif_pack_sta_param(u8 *cur_byte, const u8 *mac, + struct station_parameters *params) +{ + ether_addr_copy(cur_byte, mac); + cur_byte += ETH_ALEN; + + put_unaligned_le16(params->aid, cur_byte); + cur_byte += 2; + + *cur_byte++ = params->supported_rates_len; + if (params->supported_rates_len > 0) + memcpy(cur_byte, params->supported_rates, + params->supported_rates_len); + cur_byte += params->supported_rates_len; + + if (params->ht_capa) { + *cur_byte++ = true; + memcpy(cur_byte, params->ht_capa, + sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_cap)); + } else { + *cur_byte++ = false; + } + cur_byte += sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_cap); + + put_unaligned_le16(params->sta_flags_mask, cur_byte); + cur_byte += 2; + put_unaligned_le16(params->sta_flags_set, cur_byte); +} + +static int handle_remain_on_chan(struct wilc_vif *vif, + struct wilc_remain_ch *hif_remain_ch) +{ + int result; + u8 remain_on_chan_flag; + struct wid wid; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.scan_result) + return -EBUSY; + + if (hif_drv->hif_state == HOST_IF_WAITING_CONN_RESP) + return -EBUSY; + + if (vif->connecting) + return -EBUSY; + + remain_on_chan_flag = true; + = WID_REMAIN_ON_CHAN; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = 2; + wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wid.val) + return -ENOMEM; + + wid.val[0] = remain_on_chan_flag; + wid.val[1] = (s8)hif_remain_ch->ch; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + kfree(wid.val); + if (result) + return -EBUSY; + + hif_drv->remain_on_ch.arg = hif_remain_ch->arg; + hif_drv->remain_on_ch.expired = hif_remain_ch->expired; + hif_drv-> = hif_remain_ch->ch; + hif_drv->remain_on_ch.cookie = hif_remain_ch->cookie; + hif_drv->remain_on_ch_timer_vif = vif; + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_handle_roc_expired(struct wilc_vif *vif, u64 cookie) +{ + u8 remain_on_chan_flag; + struct wid wid; + int result; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (vif->priv.p2p_listen_state) { + remain_on_chan_flag = false; + = WID_REMAIN_ON_CHAN; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = 2; + + wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wid.val) + return -ENOMEM; + + wid.val[0] = remain_on_chan_flag; + wid.val[1] = WILC_FALSE_FRMWR_CHANNEL; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + kfree(wid.val); + if (result != 0) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to set remain channel\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (hif_drv->remain_on_ch.expired) { + hif_drv->remain_on_ch.expired(hif_drv->remain_on_ch.arg, + cookie); + } + } else { + netdev_dbg(vif->ndev, "Not in listen state\n"); + } + + return 0; +} + +static void wilc_handle_listen_state_expired(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg = container_of(work, struct host_if_msg, work); + + wilc_handle_roc_expired(msg->vif, msg->body.remain_on_ch.cookie); + kfree(msg); +} + +static void listen_timer_cb(struct timer_list *t) +{ + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = from_timer(hif_drv, t, + remain_on_ch_timer); + struct wilc_vif *vif = hif_drv->remain_on_ch_timer_vif; + int result; + struct host_if_msg *msg; + + del_timer(&vif->hif_drv->remain_on_ch_timer); + + msg = wilc_alloc_work(vif, wilc_handle_listen_state_expired, false); + if (IS_ERR(msg)) + return; + + msg->body.remain_on_ch.cookie = vif->hif_drv->remain_on_ch.cookie; + + result = wilc_enqueue_work(msg); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: enqueue work failed\n", __func__); + kfree(msg); + } +} + +static void handle_set_mcast_filter(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg = container_of(work, struct host_if_msg, work); + struct wilc_vif *vif = msg->vif; + struct wilc_set_multicast *set_mc = &msg->body.mc_info; + int result; + struct wid wid; + u8 *cur_byte; + + = WID_SETUP_MULTICAST_FILTER; + wid.type = WID_BIN; + wid.size = sizeof(struct wilc_set_multicast) + (set_mc->cnt * ETH_ALEN); + wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wid.val) + goto error; + + cur_byte = wid.val; + put_unaligned_le32(set_mc->enabled, cur_byte); + cur_byte += 4; + + put_unaligned_le32(set_mc->cnt, cur_byte); + cur_byte += 4; + + if (set_mc->cnt > 0 && set_mc->mc_list) + memcpy(cur_byte, set_mc->mc_list, set_mc->cnt * ETH_ALEN); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send setup multicast\n"); + +error: + kfree(set_mc->mc_list); + kfree(wid.val); + kfree(msg); +} + +static void handle_scan_timer(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg = container_of(work, struct host_if_msg, work); + + handle_scan_done(msg->vif, SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED); + kfree(msg); +} + +static void handle_scan_complete(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct host_if_msg *msg = container_of(work, struct host_if_msg, work); + + del_timer(&msg->vif->hif_drv->scan_timer); + + handle_scan_done(msg->vif, SCAN_EVENT_DONE); + + kfree(msg); +} + +static void timer_scan_cb(struct timer_list *t) +{ + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = from_timer(hif_drv, t, scan_timer); + struct wilc_vif *vif = hif_drv->scan_timer_vif; + struct host_if_msg *msg; + int result; + + msg = wilc_alloc_work(vif, handle_scan_timer, false); + if (IS_ERR(msg)) + return; + + result = wilc_enqueue_work(msg); + if (result) + kfree(msg); +} + +static void timer_connect_cb(struct timer_list *t) +{ + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = from_timer(hif_drv, t, + connect_timer); + struct wilc_vif *vif = hif_drv->connect_timer_vif; + struct host_if_msg *msg; + int result; + + msg = wilc_alloc_work(vif, handle_connect_timeout, false); + if (IS_ERR(msg)) + return; + + result = wilc_enqueue_work(msg); + if (result) + kfree(msg); +} + +int wilc_remove_wep_key(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 index) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + + = WID_REMOVE_WEP_KEY; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + wid.val = &index; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, + "Failed to send remove wep key config packet\n"); + return result; +} + +int wilc_set_wep_default_keyid(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 index) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + + = WID_KEY_ID; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + wid.val = &index; + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, + "Failed to send wep default key config packet\n"); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_add_wep_key_bss_sta(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *key, u8 len, + u8 index) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + struct wilc_wep_key *wep_key; + + = WID_ADD_WEP_KEY; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = sizeof(*wep_key) + len; + wep_key = kzalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wep_key) + return -ENOMEM; + + wid.val = (u8 *)wep_key; + + wep_key->index = index; + wep_key->key_len = len; + memcpy(wep_key->key, key, len); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, + "Failed to add wep key config packet\n"); + + kfree(wep_key); + return result; +} + +int wilc_add_wep_key_bss_ap(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *key, u8 len, + u8 index, u8 mode, enum authtype auth_type) +{ + struct wid wid_list[3]; + int result; + struct wilc_wep_key *wep_key; + + wid_list[0].id = WID_11I_MODE; + wid_list[0].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[0].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[0].val = &mode; + + wid_list[1].id = WID_AUTH_TYPE; + wid_list[1].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[1].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[1].val = (s8 *)&auth_type; + + wid_list[2].id = WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE; + wid_list[2].type = WID_STR; + wid_list[2].size = sizeof(*wep_key) + len; + wep_key = kzalloc(wid_list[2].size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wep_key) + return -ENOMEM; + + wid_list[2].val = (u8 *)wep_key; + + wep_key->index = index; + wep_key->key_len = len; + memcpy(wep_key->key, key, len); + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, wid_list, + ARRAY_SIZE(wid_list)); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, + "Failed to add wep ap key config packet\n"); + + kfree(wep_key); + return result; +} + +int wilc_add_ptk(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *ptk, u8 ptk_key_len, + const u8 *mac_addr, const u8 *rx_mic, const u8 *tx_mic, + u8 mode, u8 cipher_mode, u8 index) +{ + int result = 0; + u8 t_key_len = ptk_key_len + WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN + WILC_TX_MIC_KEY_LEN; + + if (mode == WILC_AP_MODE) { + struct wid wid_list[2]; + struct wilc_ap_wpa_ptk *key_buf; + + wid_list[0].id = WID_11I_MODE; + wid_list[0].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[0].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[0].val = (s8 *)&cipher_mode; + + key_buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*key_buf) + t_key_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!key_buf) + return -ENOMEM; + + ether_addr_copy(key_buf->mac_addr, mac_addr); + key_buf->index = index; + key_buf->key_len = t_key_len; + memcpy(&key_buf->key[0], ptk, ptk_key_len); + + if (rx_mic) + memcpy(&key_buf->key[ptk_key_len], rx_mic, + WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN); + + if (tx_mic) + memcpy(&key_buf->key[ptk_key_len + WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN], + tx_mic, WILC_TX_MIC_KEY_LEN); + + wid_list[1].id = WID_ADD_PTK; + wid_list[1].type = WID_STR; + wid_list[1].size = sizeof(*key_buf) + t_key_len; + wid_list[1].val = (u8 *)key_buf; + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, wid_list, + ARRAY_SIZE(wid_list)); + kfree(key_buf); + } else if (mode == WILC_STATION_MODE) { + struct wid wid; + struct wilc_sta_wpa_ptk *key_buf; + + key_buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*key_buf) + t_key_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!key_buf) + return -ENOMEM; + + ether_addr_copy(key_buf->mac_addr, mac_addr); + key_buf->key_len = t_key_len; + memcpy(&key_buf->key[0], ptk, ptk_key_len); + + if (rx_mic) + memcpy(&key_buf->key[ptk_key_len], rx_mic, + WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN); + + if (tx_mic) + memcpy(&key_buf->key[ptk_key_len + WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN], + tx_mic, WILC_TX_MIC_KEY_LEN); + + = WID_ADD_PTK; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = sizeof(*key_buf) + t_key_len; + wid.val = (s8 *)key_buf; + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + kfree(key_buf); + } + + return result; +} + +int wilc_add_rx_gtk(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *rx_gtk, u8 gtk_key_len, + u8 index, u32 key_rsc_len, const u8 *key_rsc, + const u8 *rx_mic, const u8 *tx_mic, u8 mode, + u8 cipher_mode) +{ + int result = 0; + struct wilc_gtk_key *gtk_key; + int t_key_len = gtk_key_len + WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN + WILC_TX_MIC_KEY_LEN; + + gtk_key = kzalloc(sizeof(*gtk_key) + t_key_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!gtk_key) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* fill bssid value only in station mode */ + if (mode == WILC_STATION_MODE && + vif->hif_drv->hif_state == HOST_IF_CONNECTED) + memcpy(gtk_key->mac_addr, vif->hif_drv->assoc_bssid, ETH_ALEN); + + if (key_rsc) + memcpy(gtk_key->rsc, key_rsc, 8); + gtk_key->index = index; + gtk_key->key_len = t_key_len; + memcpy(>k_key->key[0], rx_gtk, gtk_key_len); + + if (rx_mic) + memcpy(>k_key->key[gtk_key_len], rx_mic, WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN); + + if (tx_mic) + memcpy(>k_key->key[gtk_key_len + WILC_RX_MIC_KEY_LEN], + tx_mic, WILC_TX_MIC_KEY_LEN); + + if (mode == WILC_AP_MODE) { + struct wid wid_list[2]; + + wid_list[0].id = WID_11I_MODE; + wid_list[0].type = WID_CHAR; + wid_list[0].size = sizeof(char); + wid_list[0].val = (s8 *)&cipher_mode; + + wid_list[1].id = WID_ADD_RX_GTK; + wid_list[1].type = WID_STR; + wid_list[1].size = sizeof(*gtk_key) + t_key_len; + wid_list[1].val = (u8 *)gtk_key; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, wid_list, + ARRAY_SIZE(wid_list)); + } else if (mode == WILC_STATION_MODE) { + struct wid wid; + + = WID_ADD_RX_GTK; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = sizeof(*gtk_key) + t_key_len; + wid.val = (u8 *)gtk_key; + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + } + + kfree(gtk_key); + return result; +} + +int wilc_set_pmkid_info(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct wilc_pmkid_attr *pmkid) +{ + struct wid wid; + + = WID_PMKID_INFO; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = (pmkid->numpmkid * sizeof(struct wilc_pmkid)) + 1; + wid.val = (u8 *)pmkid; + + return wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); +} + +int wilc_get_mac_address(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *mac_addr) +{ + int result; + struct wid wid; + + = WID_MAC_ADDR; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = ETH_ALEN; + wid.val = mac_addr; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_GET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to get mac address\n"); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_set_join_req(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *bssid, const u8 *ies, + size_t ies_len) +{ + int result; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + struct wilc_conn_info *conn_info = &hif_drv->conn_info; + + if (bssid) + ether_addr_copy(conn_info->bssid, bssid); + + if (ies) { + conn_info->req_ies_len = ies_len; + conn_info->req_ies = kmemdup(ies, ies_len, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!conn_info->req_ies) + return -ENOMEM; + } + + result = wilc_send_connect_wid(vif); + if (result) + goto free_ies; + + hif_drv->connect_timer_vif = vif; + mod_timer(&hif_drv->connect_timer, + jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(WILC_HIF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS)); + + return 0; + +free_ies: + kfree(conn_info->req_ies); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_set_mac_chnl_num(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 channel) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + + = WID_CURRENT_CHANNEL; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + wid.val = &channel; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to set channel\n"); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_set_operation_mode(struct wilc_vif *vif, int index, u8 mode, + u8 ifc_id) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + struct wilc_drv_handler drv; + + = WID_SET_OPERATION_MODE; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = sizeof(drv); + wid.val = (u8 *)&drv; + + drv.handler = cpu_to_le32(index); + drv.mode = (ifc_id | (mode << 1)); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to set driver handler\n"); + + return result; +} + +s32 wilc_get_inactive_time(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac, u32 *out_val) +{ + struct wid wid; + s32 result; + + = WID_SET_STA_MAC_INACTIVE_TIME; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = ETH_ALEN; + wid.val = kzalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wid.val) + return -ENOMEM; + + ether_addr_copy(wid.val, mac); + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + kfree(wid.val); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to set inactive mac\n"); + return result; + } + + = WID_GET_INACTIVE_TIME; + wid.type = WID_INT; + wid.val = (s8 *)out_val; + wid.size = sizeof(u32); + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_GET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to get inactive time\n"); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_get_rssi(struct wilc_vif *vif, s8 *rssi_level) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + + if (!rssi_level) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: RSSI level is NULL\n", __func__); + return -EFAULT; + } + + = WID_RSSI; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + wid.val = rssi_level; + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_GET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to get RSSI value\n"); + + return result; +} + +static int wilc_get_stats_async(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct rf_info *stats) +{ + int result; + struct host_if_msg *msg; + + msg = wilc_alloc_work(vif, handle_get_statistics, false); + if (IS_ERR(msg)) + return PTR_ERR(msg); + + msg-> = (char *)stats; + + result = wilc_enqueue_work(msg); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: enqueue work failed\n", __func__); + kfree(msg); + return result; + } + + return result; +} + +int wilc_hif_set_cfg(struct wilc_vif *vif, struct cfg_param_attr *param) +{ + struct wid wid_list[4]; + int i = 0; + + if (param->flag & WILC_CFG_PARAM_RETRY_SHORT) { + wid_list[i].id = WID_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT; + wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->short_retry_limit; + wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; + wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); + i++; + } + if (param->flag & WILC_CFG_PARAM_RETRY_LONG) { + wid_list[i].id = WID_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT; + wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->long_retry_limit; + wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; + wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); + i++; + } + if (param->flag & WILC_CFG_PARAM_FRAG_THRESHOLD) { + wid_list[i].id = WID_FRAG_THRESHOLD; + wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->frag_threshold; + wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; + wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); + i++; + } + if (param->flag & WILC_CFG_PARAM_RTS_THRESHOLD) { + wid_list[i].id = WID_RTS_THRESHOLD; + wid_list[i].val = (s8 *)¶m->rts_threshold; + wid_list[i].type = WID_SHORT; + wid_list[i].size = sizeof(u16); + i++; + } + + return wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, wid_list, i); +} + +static void get_periodic_rssi(struct timer_list *t) +{ + struct wilc_vif *vif = from_timer(vif, t, periodic_rssi); + + if (!vif->hif_drv) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: hif driver is NULL", __func__); + return; + } + + if (vif->hif_drv->hif_state == HOST_IF_CONNECTED) + wilc_get_stats_async(vif, &vif->periodic_stat); + + mod_timer(&vif->periodic_rssi, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(5000)); +} + +int wilc_init(struct net_device *dev, struct host_if_drv **hif_drv_handler) +{ + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + hif_drv = kzalloc(sizeof(*hif_drv), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!hif_drv) + return -ENOMEM; + + *hif_drv_handler = hif_drv; + + vif->hif_drv = hif_drv; + + if (wilc->clients_count == 0) + mutex_init(&wilc->deinit_lock); + + timer_setup(&vif->periodic_rssi, get_periodic_rssi, 0); + mod_timer(&vif->periodic_rssi, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(5000)); + + timer_setup(&hif_drv->scan_timer, timer_scan_cb, 0); + timer_setup(&hif_drv->connect_timer, timer_connect_cb, 0); + timer_setup(&hif_drv->remain_on_ch_timer, listen_timer_cb, 0); + + hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_IDLE; + + hif_drv->p2p_timeout = 0; + + wilc->clients_count++; + + return 0; +} + +int wilc_deinit(struct wilc_vif *vif) +{ + int result = 0; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (!hif_drv) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: hif driver is NULL", __func__); + return -EFAULT; + } + + mutex_lock(&vif->wilc->deinit_lock); + + del_timer_sync(&hif_drv->scan_timer); + del_timer_sync(&hif_drv->connect_timer); + del_timer_sync(&vif->periodic_rssi); + del_timer_sync(&hif_drv->remain_on_ch_timer); + + if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.scan_result) { + hif_drv->usr_scan_req.scan_result(SCAN_EVENT_ABORTED, NULL, + hif_drv->usr_scan_req.arg); + hif_drv->usr_scan_req.scan_result = NULL; + } + + hif_drv->hif_state = HOST_IF_IDLE; + + kfree(hif_drv); + vif->hif_drv = NULL; + vif->wilc->clients_count--; + mutex_unlock(&vif->wilc->deinit_lock); + return result; +} + +void wilc_network_info_received(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buffer, u32 length) +{ + int result; + struct host_if_msg *msg; + int id; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv; + struct wilc_vif *vif; + + id = get_unaligned_le32(&buffer[length - 4]); + vif = wilc_get_vif_from_idx(wilc, id); + if (!vif) + return; + hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (!hif_drv) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "driver not init[%p]\n", hif_drv); + return; + } + + msg = wilc_alloc_work(vif, handle_rcvd_ntwrk_info, false); + if (IS_ERR(msg)) + return; + + msg->body.net_info.frame_len = get_unaligned_le16(&buffer[6]) - 1; + msg->body.net_info.rssi = buffer[8]; + msg->body.net_info.mgmt = kmemdup(&buffer[9], + msg->body.net_info.frame_len, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!msg->body.net_info.mgmt) { + kfree(msg); + return; + } + + result = wilc_enqueue_work(msg); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: enqueue work failed\n", __func__); + kfree(msg->body.net_info.mgmt); + kfree(msg); + } +} + +void wilc_gnrl_async_info_received(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buffer, u32 length) +{ + int result; + struct host_if_msg *msg; + int id; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv; + struct wilc_vif *vif; + + mutex_lock(&wilc->deinit_lock); + + id = get_unaligned_le32(&buffer[length - 4]); + vif = wilc_get_vif_from_idx(wilc, id); + if (!vif) { + mutex_unlock(&wilc->deinit_lock); + return; + } + + hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (!hif_drv) { + mutex_unlock(&wilc->deinit_lock); + return; + } + + if (!hif_drv->conn_info.conn_result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: conn_result is NULL\n", __func__); + mutex_unlock(&wilc->deinit_lock); + return; + } + + msg = wilc_alloc_work(vif, handle_rcvd_gnrl_async_info, false); + if (IS_ERR(msg)) { + mutex_unlock(&wilc->deinit_lock); + return; + } + + msg->body.mac_info.status = buffer[7]; + result = wilc_enqueue_work(msg); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: enqueue work failed\n", __func__); + kfree(msg); + } + + mutex_unlock(&wilc->deinit_lock); +} + +void wilc_scan_complete_received(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buffer, u32 length) +{ + int result; + int id; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv; + struct wilc_vif *vif; + + id = get_unaligned_le32(&buffer[length - 4]); + vif = wilc_get_vif_from_idx(wilc, id); + if (!vif) + return; + hif_drv = vif->hif_drv; + + if (!hif_drv) + return; + + if (hif_drv->usr_scan_req.scan_result) { + struct host_if_msg *msg; + + msg = wilc_alloc_work(vif, handle_scan_complete, false); + if (IS_ERR(msg)) + return; + + result = wilc_enqueue_work(msg); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: enqueue work failed\n", + __func__); + kfree(msg); + } + } +} + +int wilc_remain_on_channel(struct wilc_vif *vif, u64 cookie, + u32 duration, u16 chan, + void (*expired)(void *, u64), + void *user_arg) +{ + struct wilc_remain_ch roc; + int result; + + = chan; + roc.expired = expired; + roc.arg = user_arg; + roc.duration = duration; + roc.cookie = cookie; + result = handle_remain_on_chan(vif, &roc); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: failed to set remain on channel\n", + __func__); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_listen_state_expired(struct wilc_vif *vif, u64 cookie) +{ + if (!vif->hif_drv) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: hif driver is NULL", __func__); + return -EFAULT; + } + + del_timer(&vif->hif_drv->remain_on_ch_timer); + + return wilc_handle_roc_expired(vif, cookie); +} + +void wilc_frame_register(struct wilc_vif *vif, u16 frame_type, bool reg) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + struct wilc_reg_frame reg_frame; + + = WID_REGISTER_FRAME; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = sizeof(reg_frame); + wid.val = (u8 *)®_frame; + + memset(®_frame, 0x0, sizeof(reg_frame)); + + if (reg) + reg_frame.reg = 1; + + switch (frame_type) { + case IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION: + reg_frame.reg_id = WILC_FW_ACTION_FRM_IDX; + break; + + case IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_REQ: + reg_frame.reg_id = WILC_FW_PROBE_REQ_IDX; + break; + + default: + break; + } + reg_frame.frame_type = cpu_to_le16(frame_type); + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to frame register\n"); +} + +int wilc_add_beacon(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 interval, u32 dtim_period, + struct cfg80211_beacon_data *params) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + u8 *cur_byte; + + = WID_ADD_BEACON; + wid.type = WID_BIN; + wid.size = params->head_len + params->tail_len + 16; + wid.val = kzalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wid.val) + return -ENOMEM; + + cur_byte = wid.val; + put_unaligned_le32(interval, cur_byte); + cur_byte += 4; + put_unaligned_le32(dtim_period, cur_byte); + cur_byte += 4; + put_unaligned_le32(params->head_len, cur_byte); + cur_byte += 4; + + if (params->head_len > 0) + memcpy(cur_byte, params->head, params->head_len); + cur_byte += params->head_len; + + put_unaligned_le32(params->tail_len, cur_byte); + cur_byte += 4; + + if (params->tail_len > 0) + memcpy(cur_byte, params->tail, params->tail_len); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send add beacon\n"); + + kfree(wid.val); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_del_beacon(struct wilc_vif *vif) +{ + int result; + struct wid wid; + u8 del_beacon = 0; + + = WID_DEL_BEACON; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + wid.val = &del_beacon; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send delete beacon\n"); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_add_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac, + struct station_parameters *params) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + u8 *cur_byte; + + = WID_ADD_STA; + wid.type = WID_BIN; + wid.size = WILC_ADD_STA_LENGTH + params->supported_rates_len; + wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wid.val) + return -ENOMEM; + + cur_byte = wid.val; + wilc_hif_pack_sta_param(cur_byte, mac, params); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result != 0) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send add station\n"); + + kfree(wid.val); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_del_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac_addr) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + + = WID_REMOVE_STA; + wid.type = WID_BIN; + wid.size = ETH_ALEN; + wid.val = kzalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wid.val) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (!mac_addr) + eth_broadcast_addr(wid.val); + else + ether_addr_copy(wid.val, mac_addr); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to del station\n"); + + kfree(wid.val); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_del_allstation(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 mac_addr[][ETH_ALEN]) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + int i; + u8 assoc_sta = 0; + struct wilc_del_all_sta del_sta; + + memset(&del_sta, 0x0, sizeof(del_sta)); + for (i = 0; i < WILC_MAX_NUM_STA; i++) { + if (!is_zero_ether_addr(mac_addr[i])) { + assoc_sta++; + ether_addr_copy(del_sta.mac[i], mac_addr[i]); + } + } + + if (!assoc_sta) + return 0; + + del_sta.assoc_sta = assoc_sta; + + = WID_DEL_ALL_STA; + wid.type = WID_STR; + wid.size = (assoc_sta * ETH_ALEN) + 1; + wid.val = (u8 *)&del_sta; + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send delete all station\n"); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_edit_station(struct wilc_vif *vif, const u8 *mac, + struct station_parameters *params) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + u8 *cur_byte; + + = WID_EDIT_STA; + wid.type = WID_BIN; + wid.size = WILC_ADD_STA_LENGTH + params->supported_rates_len; + wid.val = kmalloc(wid.size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wid.val) + return -ENOMEM; + + cur_byte = wid.val; + wilc_hif_pack_sta_param(cur_byte, mac, params); + + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send edit station\n"); + + kfree(wid.val); + return result; +} + +int wilc_set_power_mgmt(struct wilc_vif *vif, bool enabled, u32 timeout) +{ + struct wid wid; + int result; + s8 power_mode; + + if (enabled) + power_mode = WILC_FW_MIN_FAST_PS; + else + power_mode = WILC_FW_NO_POWERSAVE; + + = WID_POWER_MANAGEMENT; + wid.val = &power_mode; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + result = wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); + if (result) + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Failed to send power management\n"); + + return result; +} + +int wilc_setup_multicast_filter(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 enabled, u32 count, + u8 *mc_list) +{ + int result; + struct host_if_msg *msg; + + msg = wilc_alloc_work(vif, handle_set_mcast_filter, false); + if (IS_ERR(msg)) + return PTR_ERR(msg); + + msg->body.mc_info.enabled = enabled; + msg->body.mc_info.cnt = count; + msg->body.mc_info.mc_list = mc_list; + + result = wilc_enqueue_work(msg); + if (result) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "%s: enqueue work failed\n", __func__); + kfree(msg); + } + return result; +} + +int wilc_set_tx_power(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 tx_power) +{ + struct wid wid; + + = WID_TX_POWER; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.val = &tx_power; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + + return wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_SET_CFG, &wid, 1); +} + +int wilc_get_tx_power(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *tx_power) +{ + struct wid wid; + + = WID_TX_POWER; + wid.type = WID_CHAR; + wid.val = tx_power; + wid.size = sizeof(char); + + return wilc_send_config_pkt(vif, WILC_GET_CFG, &wid, 1); +} From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:10 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202744 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4CCD1C2D0F0 for ; 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Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:11 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:12 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=iGbcrwsV85CnH6vDBfL+OLduB6kaJtSz4oZw+/ufto+shH/u+8oizxhvV+646bxDKN0VK1wp6v8FWkDelFDcYD0qx6Oa4pgwgJaGdtuuqhdhgWI5DvTb08nry4bgeHaloLUswTS/gAyG3kmi4/6Z4Lv6dn3d0x9kgGGjf3oNMRlkm0c+j/uXwgrBJImL+gzC1F4fDFo+2dcYn7ttoDEocHk08cqvTtKxTkHDfWSRUChNzw5ZlTxhzEp6Jq6+IpOEVjnLJrupuKvd4atP4nRvqLTb5mbBeN6d8oBvt4nwhlZl82vVADgipvtMXSV14ElGPKVT39yaafsh5rXTMQHShA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=R2hyFijpSxD8B1vp9pfBnZgARrhmzsNY8CIUqsPqbr4=; b=k8S7Fiqxgz2efQXYhZYrVq+pdhmS5xIMguxhUF86Kk/VfBgBSlAnustt/bn1+3cedH7OB5UNmse0raJ1xk/Ap/Bazna4A2AghTuAD2qhGVEBozgXxn1ORC/sn5qObYsDFUFRVSisHKwiRgPwA8NUCsSNZQm8LJWY2IX1UQqcBm4Snw0hu+AS3TjQW/LzaiInNySjNvPqmfW+fiBvp5GgZ9I20g0NZpcvidjfnPoAp4xnLDfTw6zkZNMwORh50X6Zd57KgPZ37hrScz4JBZbMgF5PKCAjyqwymN6JaBSqsXPKGX4ufIBE+n/enchLV+QRDHJE5uT/SL210vpr9eJtvA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 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x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 191e1c0c-1675-48d5-3799-08d7d218b801 x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:5797; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(186003)(30864003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003)(559001)(579004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: PDiufU64ue0ZHkbtDbEOIpgYZUVq4rXvZZXMpxotja7ZYj3u7u1gsVtcjSCEQonVq7Q2SIgmOmFu22Df8fqmbKg80C+7LyO/nkPWz0iBHIaUKRPUmNrZ0MySXe8nTsFO8xt4BwtZqr3F9VjJRyqU/ES/CZo2B4vgSWAUl9VWHpl6igDh524uddO9CsYtTwdZehdA5phln7hgVQxa1ejwwaL+RwLP+BkzV0RQnCNlz8HEAK9ALmdly4jrRyOioDl0P+0zMbn1iOGsngzVcf0J6hu59nHpUP6gzwHrNiioU+ItU92nFdlEwd8UyoanFefn7icOyCYNBl6TWfvwAtdSDFbXuCEt92g8hDonq7lcT3SSlEQ8Z8NZ4+hIsWTjvmCEm7Aa8dxFtNrZqRDh1fFEA0HuKBh2DU+O7syMhA0iSoc5brU28qw6IyNvrkAHvdlJ x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: KozvShGLKi4H06BMKpsSOBVmMC38RBQFyP93BYYk++KwxP8LLh072p2DlxcqBNUaZ0TOqg25D42Nwpv8B7JTSD6JB0gLNvT3vZt/Nvw7OOyusD6yndyGEqiL1x39YBabybf0cJYnChSAyIgOZ/XGfA== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 191e1c0c-1675-48d5-3799-08d7d218b801 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:10.2771 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: HkOB/pKgo7ORJ5RkCpgA/8HhHz6NQzOFgUDj3x7udourG2jgVMJekGQe/C9plrA70HKxKKBU4IXCDfBm9ikdyCuZIYWfH4CCsI2R8eJDz88= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Moved 'drivers/staging/wilc1000/wlan_if.h' to 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_if.h'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- .../net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_if.h | 803 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 803 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_if.h diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_if.h b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_if.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f85fd575136d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_if.h @@ -0,0 +1,803 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries. + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#ifndef WILC_WLAN_IF_H +#define WILC_WLAN_IF_H + +#include +#include "fw.h" + +/******************************************** + * + * Wlan Configuration ID + * + ********************************************/ + +enum bss_types { + WILC_FW_BSS_TYPE_INFRA = 0, + WILC_FW_BSS_TYPE_INDEPENDENT, + WILC_FW_BSS_TYPE_AP, +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_OPER_MODE_B_ONLY = 0, /* 1, 2 M, otherwise 5, 11 M */ + WILC_FW_OPER_MODE_G_ONLY, /* 6,12,24 otherwise 9,18,36,48,54 */ + WILC_FW_OPER_MODE_G_MIXED_11B_1, /* 1,2,5.5,11 otherwise all on */ + WILC_FW_OPER_MODE_G_MIXED_11B_2, /* 1,2,5,11,6,12,24 otherwise all on */ +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_PREAMBLE_SHORT = 0, /* Short Preamble */ + WILC_FW_PREAMBLE_LONG = 1, /* Long Preamble */ + WILC_FW_PREAMBLE_AUTO = 2, /* Auto Preamble Selection */ +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_PASSIVE_SCAN = 0, + WILC_FW_ACTIVE_SCAN = 1, +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_NO_POWERSAVE = 0, + WILC_FW_MIN_FAST_PS = 1, + WILC_FW_MAX_FAST_PS = 2, + WILC_FW_MIN_PSPOLL_PS = 3, + WILC_FW_MAX_PSPOLL_PS = 4 +}; + +enum chip_ps_states { + WILC_CHIP_WAKEDUP = 0, + WILC_CHIP_SLEEPING_AUTO = 1, + WILC_CHIP_SLEEPING_MANUAL = 2 +}; + +enum bus_acquire { + WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_ONLY = 0, + WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_AND_WAKEUP = 1, +}; + +enum bus_release { + WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY = 0, + WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP = 1, +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_NO_ENCRYPT = 0, + WILC_FW_ENCRYPT_ENABLED = BIT(0), + WILC_FW_WEP = BIT(1), + WILC_FW_WEP_EXTENDED = BIT(2), + WILC_FW_WPA = BIT(3), + WILC_FW_WPA2 = BIT(4), + WILC_FW_AES = BIT(5), + WILC_FW_TKIP = BIT(6) +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_SEC_NO = WILC_FW_NO_ENCRYPT, + WILC_FW_SEC_WEP = WILC_FW_WEP | WILC_FW_ENCRYPT_ENABLED, + WILC_FW_SEC_WEP_EXTENDED = WILC_FW_WEP_EXTENDED | WILC_FW_SEC_WEP, + WILC_FW_SEC_WPA = WILC_FW_WPA | WILC_FW_ENCRYPT_ENABLED, + WILC_FW_SEC_WPA_AES = WILC_FW_AES | WILC_FW_SEC_WPA, + WILC_FW_SEC_WPA_TKIP = WILC_FW_TKIP | WILC_FW_SEC_WPA, + WILC_FW_SEC_WPA2 = WILC_FW_WPA2 | WILC_FW_ENCRYPT_ENABLED, + WILC_FW_SEC_WPA2_AES = WILC_FW_AES | WILC_FW_SEC_WPA2, + WILC_FW_SEC_WPA2_TKIP = WILC_FW_TKIP | WILC_FW_SEC_WPA2 +}; + +enum authtype { + WILC_FW_AUTH_OPEN_SYSTEM = 1, + WILC_FW_AUTH_SHARED_KEY = 2, + WILC_FW_AUTH_ANY = 3, + WILC_FW_AUTH_IEEE8021 = 5 +}; + +enum site_survey { + WILC_FW_SITE_SURVEY_1CH = 0, + WILC_FW_SITE_SURVEY_ALL_CH = 1, + WILC_FW_SITE_SURVEY_OFF = 2 +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_ACK_POLICY_NORMAL = 0, + WILC_FW_ACK_NO_POLICY, +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_REKEY_POLICY_DISABLE = 1, + WILC_FW_REKEY_POLICY_TIME_BASE, + WILC_FW_REKEY_POLICY_PKT_BASE, + WILC_FW_REKEY_POLICY_TIME_PKT_BASE +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_FILTER_NO = 0x00, + WILC_FW_FILTER_AP_ONLY = 0x01, + WILC_FW_FILTER_STA_ONLY = 0x02 +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_11N_PROT_AUTO = 0, /* Auto */ + WILC_FW_11N_NO_PROT, /* Do not use any protection */ + WILC_FW_11N_PROT_ERP, /* Protect all ERP frame exchanges */ + WILC_FW_11N_PROT_HT, /* Protect all HT frame exchanges */ + WILC_FW_11N_PROT_GF /* Protect all GF frame exchanges */ +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_ERP_PROT_SELF_CTS, + WILC_FW_ERP_PROT_RTS_CTS, +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_11N_OP_MODE_HT_MIXED = 1, + WILC_FW_11N_OP_MODE_HT_ONLY_20MHZ, + WILC_FW_11N_OP_MODE_HT_ONLY_20_40MHZ, +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_OBBS_NONHT_NO_DETECT = 0, + WILC_FW_OBBS_NONHT_DETECT_ONLY = 1, + WILC_FW_OBBS_NONHT_DETECT_PROTECT = 2, + WILC_FW_OBBS_NONHT_DETECT_PROTECT_REPORT = 3, +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_HT_PROT_RTS_CTS_NONHT = 0, /* RTS-CTS at non-HT rate */ + WILC_FW_HT_PROT_FIRST_FRAME_NONHT, /* First frame at non-HT rate */ + WILC_FW_HT_PROT_LSIG_TXOP, /* LSIG TXOP Protection */ + WILC_FW_HT_PROT_FIRST_FRAME_MIXED, /* First frame at Mixed format */ +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_SMPS_MODE_STATIC = 1, + WILC_FW_SMPS_MODE_DYNAMIC = 2, + WILC_FW_SMPS_MODE_MIMO = 3, /* power save disable */ +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_AUTO = 0, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_1 = 1, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_2 = 2, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_5_5 = 5, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_11 = 11, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_6 = 6, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_9 = 9, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_12 = 12, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_18 = 18, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_24 = 24, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_36 = 36, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_48 = 48, + WILC_FW_TX_RATE_MBPS_54 = 54 +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_DEFAULT_SCAN = 0, + WILC_FW_USER_SCAN = BIT(0), + WILC_FW_OBSS_PERIODIC_SCAN = BIT(1), + WILC_FW_OBSS_ONETIME_SCAN = BIT(2) +}; + +enum { + WILC_FW_ACTION_FRM_IDX = 0, + WILC_FW_PROBE_REQ_IDX = 1 +}; + +enum wid_type { + WID_CHAR = 0, + WID_SHORT = 1, + WID_INT = 2, + WID_STR = 3, + WID_BIN_DATA = 4, + WID_BIN = 5, +}; + +struct wid { + u16 id; + enum wid_type type; + s32 size; + s8 *val; +}; + +enum { + WID_NIL = 0xffff, + + /* + * BSS Type + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Infrastructure Independent Access Point + * Values to set : 0 1 2 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_BSS_TYPE = 0x0000, + + /* + * Transmit Rate + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : 1 2 5.5 11 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 + * Values to set : 1 2 5 11 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_CURRENT_TX_RATE = 0x0001, + + /* + * Channel + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration(g) : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 + * Values to set : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_CURRENT_CHANNEL = 0x0002, + + /* + * Preamble + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : short long Auto + * Values to set : 0 1 2 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_PREAMBLE = 0x0003, + + /* + * 11g operating mode (ignored if 11g not present) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : HighPerf Compat(RSet #1) Compat(RSet #2) + * Values to set : 1 2 3 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11G_OPERATING_MODE = 0x0004, + + /* + * Mac status (response only) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : disconnect connect + * Values to get : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_STATUS = 0x0005, + + /* + * Scan type + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Passive Scanning Active Scanning + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_SCAN_TYPE = 0x0007, + + /* + * Key Id (WEP default key Id) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Any value between 0 to 3 + * Values to set : Same value. Default is 0 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_KEY_ID = 0x0009, + + /* + * QoS Enable + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : QoS Disable WMM Enable + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_QOS_ENABLE = 0x000A, + + /* + * Power Management + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : NO_POWERSAVE MIN_POWERSAVE MAX_POWERSAVE + * Values to set : 0 1 2 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_POWER_MANAGEMENT = 0x000B, + + /* + * WEP/802 11I Configuration + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration:Disable WP40 WP104 WPA-AES WPA-TKIP RSN-AES RSN-TKIP + * Values (0x) : 00 03 07 29 49 31 51 + * Configuration:WPA-AES+TKIP RSN-AES+TKIP + * Values (0x) : 69 71 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11I_MODE = 0x000C, + + /* + * WEP Configuration: Used in BSS STA mode only when WEP is enabled + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Open System Shared Key Any Type | 802.1x Auth + * Values (0x) : 01 02 03 | BIT2 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_AUTH_TYPE = 0x000D, + + /* + * Site Survey Type + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Values to set + * Survey 1 Channel : 0 + * survey all Channels : 1 + * Disable Site Survey : 2 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_SITE_SURVEY = 0x000E, + + /* + * Listen Interval + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Any value between 1 to 255 + * Values to set : Same value. Default is 3 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_LISTEN_INTERVAL = 0x000F, + + /* + * DTIM Period + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Any value between 1 to 255 + * Values to set : Same value. Default is 3 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_DTIM_PERIOD = 0x0010, + + /* + * ACK Policy + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Normal Ack No Ack + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_ACK_POLICY = 0x0011, + + /* + * Reset MAC (Set only) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Don't Reset Reset No Request + * Values to set : 0 1 2 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_RESET = 0x0012, + + /* + * Broadcast SSID Option: Setting this will adhere to "" SSID element + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Enable Disable + * Values to set : 1 0 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_BCAST_SSID = 0x0015, + + /* + * Disconnect (Station) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Association ID + * Values to set : Association ID + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_DISCONNECT = 0x0016, + + /* + * 11a Tx Power Level + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Sets TX Power (Higher the value greater the power) + * Values to set : Any value between 0 and 63 (inclusive Default 48) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11A = 0x0018, + + /* + * Group Key Update Policy Selection + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disabled timeBased packetBased timePacketBased + * Values to set : 1 2 3 4 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_REKEY_POLICY = 0x0019, + + /* + * Allow Short Slot + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disallow Short Slot Allow Short Slot + * (Enable Only Long Slot) (Enable Short Slot if applicable) + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_SHORT_SLOT_ALLOWED = 0x001A, + + WID_PHY_ACTIVE_REG = 0x001B, + + /* + * 11b Tx Power Level + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Sets TX Power (Higher the value greater the power) + * Values to set : Any value between 0 and 63 (inclusive Default 48) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11B = 0x001D, + + /* + * Scan Request + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Request default scan + * Values to set : 0 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_START_SCAN_REQ = 0x001E, + + /* + * Rssi (get only) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : + * Values to get : Rssi value + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_RSSI = 0x001F, + + /* + * Join Request + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Request to join + * Values to set : index of scan result + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_JOIN_REQ = 0x0020, + + WID_LINKSPEED = 0x0026, + + /* + * Enable User Control of TX Power + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Enable + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_USER_CONTROL_ON_TX_POWER = 0x0027, + + WID_MEMORY_ACCESS_8BIT = 0x0029, + + /* + * Enable Auto RX Sensitivity feature + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Enable + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_AUTO_RX_SENSITIVITY = 0x0032, + + /* + * Receive Buffer Based Ack + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Enable + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_DATAFLOW_CONTROL = 0x0033, + + /* + * Scan Filter + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Class No filter AP only Station Only + * Values to set : 0 1 2 + * Configuration : Priority High Rssi Low Rssi Detect + * Values to set : 0 0x4 0x0 + * Configuration : Channel filter off filter on + * Values to set : 0 0x10 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_SCAN_FILTER = 0x0036, + + /* + * Link Loss Threshold (measure in the beacon period) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Any value between 10 and 254(Set to 255 disable) + * Values to set : Same value. Default is 10 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_LINK_LOSS_THRESHOLD = 0x0037, + + WID_ABORT_RUNNING_SCAN = 0x003E, + + /* NMAC Character WID list */ + WID_WPS_START = 0x0043, + + /* + * Protection mode for MAC + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Auto No protection ERP HT GF + * Values to set : 0 1 2 3 4 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_PROT_MECH = 0x0080, + + /* + * ERP Protection type for MAC + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Self-CTS RTS-CTS + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_ERP_PROT_TYPE = 0x0081, + + /* + * HT Option Enable + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : HT Enable HT Disable + * Values to set : 1 0 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_ENABLE = 0x0082, + + /* + * 11n Operating mode (Note that 11g operating mode will also be + * used in addition to this, if this is set to HT Mixed mode) + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : HT Mixed HT Only-20MHz HT Only-20/40MHz + * Values to set : 1 2 3 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_OPERATING_MODE = 0x0083, + + /* + * 11n OBSS non-HT STA Detection flag + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Do not detect + * Values to set : 0 + * Configuration : Detect, do not protect or report + * Values to set : 1 + * Configuration : Detect, protect and do not report + * Values to set : 2 + * Configuration : Detect, protect and report to other BSS + * Values to set : 3 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_OBSS_NONHT_DETECTION = 0x0084, + + /* + * 11n HT Protection Type + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : RTS-CTS First Frame Exchange at non-HT-rate + * Values to set : 0 1 + * Configuration : LSIG TXOP First Frame Exchange in Mixed Fmt + * Values to set : 2 3 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_HT_PROT_TYPE = 0x0085, + + /* + * 11n RIFS Protection Enable Flag + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Enable + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_RIFS_PROT_ENABLE = 0x0086, + + /* + * SMPS Mode + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Static Dynamic MIMO (Power Save Disabled) + * Values to set : 1 2 3 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_SMPS_MODE = 0x0087, + + /* + * Current transmit MCS + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : MCS Index for data rate + * Values to set : 0 to 7 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_CURRENT_TX_MCS = 0x0088, + + WID_11N_PRINT_STATS = 0x0089, + + /* + * 11n Short GI Enable Flag + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Enable + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_SHORT_GI_ENABLE = 0x008D, + + /* + * 11n RIFS Enable Flag + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Enable + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_RIFS_MODE = 0x0094, + + /* + * TX Abort Feature + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Self CTS Enable Self CTS + * Values to set : 0 1 + * Configuration : Disable TX Abort Enable TX Abort + * Values to set : 2 3 + * Configuration : Enable HW TX Abort Enable SW TX Abort + * Values to set : 4 5 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_TX_ABORT_CONFIG = 0x00A1, + + WID_REG_TSSI_11B_VALUE = 0x00A6, + WID_REG_TSSI_11G_VALUE = 0x00A7, + WID_REG_TSSI_11N_VALUE = 0x00A8, + WID_TX_CALIBRATION = 0x00A9, + WID_DSCR_TSSI_11B_VALUE = 0x00AA, + WID_DSCR_TSSI_11G_VALUE = 0x00AB, + WID_DSCR_TSSI_11N_VALUE = 0x00AC, + + /* + * Immediate Block-Ack Support + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Enable + * Values to set : 0 1 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_IMMEDIATE_BA_ENABLED = 0x00AF, + + /* + * TXOP Disable Flag + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Disable Enable + * Values to set : 1 0 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_11N_TXOP_PROT_DISABLE = 0x00B0, + + WID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_11N = 0x00B1, + + /* Custom Character WID list */ + /* SCAN Complete notification WID*/ + WID_SCAN_COMPLETE = 0x00C9, + + WID_DEL_BEACON = 0x00CA, + + WID_LOG_TERMINAL_SWITCH = 0x00CD, + WID_TX_POWER = 0x00CE, + /* EMAC Short WID list */ + /* RTS Threshold */ + /* + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Any value between 256 to 2347 + * Values to set : Same value. Default is 2347 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_RTS_THRESHOLD = 0x1000, + + /* + * Fragmentation Threshold + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + * Configuration : Any value between 256 to 2346 + * Values to set : Same value. Default is 2346 + * ----------------------------------------------------------- + */ + WID_FRAG_THRESHOLD = 0x1001, + + WID_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT = 0x1002, + WID_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT = 0x1003, + WID_BEACON_INTERVAL = 0x1006, + WID_MEMORY_ACCESS_16BIT = 0x1008, + WID_PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME = 0x100D, + WID_JOIN_START_TIMEOUT = 0x100F, + WID_ASOC_TIMEOUT = 0x1011, + WID_11I_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT = 0x1012, + WID_EAPOL_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 0x1013, + + /* NMAC Short WID list */ + WID_11N_SIG_QUAL_VAL = 0x1085, + WID_CCA_THRESHOLD = 0x1087, + + /* Custom Short WID list */ + + /* EMAC Integer WID list */ + WID_FAILED_COUNT = 0x2000, + WID_RETRY_COUNT = 0x2001, + WID_MULTIPLE_RETRY_COUNT = 0x2002, + WID_FRAME_DUPLICATE_COUNT = 0x2003, + WID_ACK_FAILURE_COUNT = 0x2004, + WID_RECEIVED_FRAGMENT_COUNT = 0x2005, + WID_MCAST_RECEIVED_FRAME_COUNT = 0x2006, + WID_FCS_ERROR_COUNT = 0x2007, + WID_SUCCESS_FRAME_COUNT = 0x2008, + WID_HUT_TX_COUNT = 0x200A, + WID_TX_FRAGMENT_COUNT = 0x200B, + WID_TX_MULTICAST_FRAME_COUNT = 0x200C, + WID_RTS_SUCCESS_COUNT = 0x200D, + WID_RTS_FAILURE_COUNT = 0x200E, + WID_WEP_UNDECRYPTABLE_COUNT = 0x200F, + WID_REKEY_PERIOD = 0x2010, + WID_REKEY_PACKET_COUNT = 0x2011, + WID_1X_SERV_ADDR = 0x2012, + WID_STACK_IP_ADDR = 0x2013, + WID_STACK_NETMASK_ADDR = 0x2014, + WID_HW_RX_COUNT = 0x2015, + WID_MEMORY_ADDRESS = 0x201E, + WID_MEMORY_ACCESS_32BIT = 0x201F, + + /* NMAC Integer WID list */ + /* Custom Integer WID list */ + WID_GET_INACTIVE_TIME = 0x2084, + /* EMAC String WID list */ + WID_SSID = 0x3000, + WID_FIRMWARE_VERSION = 0x3001, + WID_OPERATIONAL_RATE_SET = 0x3002, + WID_BSSID = 0x3003, + WID_WEP_KEY_VALUE = 0x3004, + WID_11I_PSK = 0x3008, + WID_11E_P_ACTION_REQ = 0x3009, + WID_1X_KEY = 0x300A, + WID_HARDWARE_VERSION = 0x300B, + WID_MAC_ADDR = 0x300C, + WID_HUT_DEST_ADDR = 0x300D, + WID_PHY_VERSION = 0x300F, + WID_SUPP_USERNAME = 0x3010, + WID_SUPP_PASSWORD = 0x3011, + WID_SITE_SURVEY_RESULTS = 0x3012, + WID_RX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x3013, + WID_SET_STA_MAC_INACTIVE_TIME = 0x3017, + WID_ADD_WEP_KEY = 0x3019, + WID_REMOVE_WEP_KEY = 0x301A, + WID_ADD_PTK = 0x301B, + WID_ADD_RX_GTK = 0x301C, + WID_ADD_TX_GTK = 0x301D, + WID_REMOVE_KEY = 0x301E, + WID_ASSOC_REQ_INFO = 0x301F, + WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO = 0x3020, + WID_MANUFACTURER = 0x3026, /* Added for CAPI tool */ + WID_MODEL_NAME = 0x3027, /* Added for CAPI tool */ + WID_MODEL_NUM = 0x3028, /* Added for CAPI tool */ + WID_DEVICE_NAME = 0x3029, /* Added for CAPI tool */ + + /* NMAC String WID list */ + WID_SET_OPERATION_MODE = 0x3079, + WID_11N_P_ACTION_REQ = 0x3080, + WID_HUT_TEST_ID = 0x3081, + WID_PMKID_INFO = 0x3082, + WID_FIRMWARE_INFO = 0x3083, + WID_REGISTER_FRAME = 0x3084, + WID_DEL_ALL_STA = 0x3085, + WID_REMAIN_ON_CHAN = 0x3996, + WID_SSID_PROBE_REQ = 0x3997, + WID_JOIN_REQ_EXTENDED = 0x3998, + + WID_IP_ADDRESS = 0x3999, + + /* Custom String WID list */ + + /* EMAC Binary WID list */ + WID_UAPSD_CONFIG = 0x4001, + WID_UAPSD_STATUS = 0x4002, + WID_WMM_AP_AC_PARAMS = 0x4003, + WID_WMM_STA_AC_PARAMS = 0x4004, + WID_NETWORK_INFO = 0x4005, + WID_STA_JOIN_INFO = 0x4006, + WID_CONNECTED_STA_LIST = 0x4007, + + /* NMAC Binary WID list */ + WID_11N_AUTORATE_TABLE = 0x4080, + + WID_SCAN_CHANNEL_LIST = 0x4084, + + WID_INFO_ELEMENT_PROBE = 0x4085, + WID_INFO_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATE = 0x4086, + WID_ADD_STA = 0X4087, + WID_REMOVE_STA = 0X4088, + WID_EDIT_STA = 0X4089, + WID_ADD_BEACON = 0x408a, + + WID_SETUP_MULTICAST_FILTER = 0x408b, + + /* Miscellaneous WIDs */ + WID_ALL = 0x7FFE, + WID_MAX = 0xFFFF +}; + +#endif From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:11 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202745 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE,SPF_PASS,URIBL_BLOCKED,USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3BF20C2D0F1 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:16 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F21FE20663 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:15 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="HJ2jCuvt" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1726661AbgC0GdP (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:15 -0400 Received: from ([]:41337 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1727115AbgC0GdO (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:14 -0400 IronPort-SDR: CtGqqJ4P6TqJntDvaLr74r+01WNn/drKGfnairDiUsZ1D4RrSdgzilm1WtxixkMlBDqycNhCcb hEbXcJv0qDL7sVpgLZEAJ3XUSKh3G5ONC4+8zQ49mI2EqxjG2tgmCukgF4SdwwkcKl2XpJ+fvB 4k+DA9rVcPc2IkNKfnj+0O8qCflrLibzdtBRFKrs+etuLuhcIZvWQ1W/e6T3Yy8R8mvUiIMr9M 8+gkKe3muEDfcQf/WRuHpP/LDQx3mssRIqVec5lJaKJtMFijfpDbhMRnxlZ5mXxL3BohwQaXwc zek= X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.72,311,1580799600"; d="scan'208";a="7177545" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA256; 26 Mar 2020 23:33:13 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:12 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:13 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=XfHB6VQGwUutmR/RmBtYOEvkCpz65WQIJvGnS+4HxJv3APVs5B9/ia8C/S6fHNW89Uuh1vzA1qyprgJJrmc4UPvhRJ8GtbDNtevQEDaNDIDczCqtb7WsWT8xLKgoO9ZNM/o14gfI67NEVMkq9JJDPisBwVwfr2G+JuRic0blMiJv/j7Z4CM9FGURcO2jVCpgLIXV6zuEGmAKhnr9YworY1cPN/VTTP2VBrUhKxvLYHG3eVYpbtJIUj6YdLY9qlapemvhjFY0dNV0Oc9vcFWbbWKYGniaz5u9wYrmSumoJy9+TojmPt26zrKAaeQnRko+lor3TqnRczzXODtsEUgAWw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=yM7DSo3pfXzV/3Pstpzs1QmL/t5wphbjKbPwoFgRNKY=; b=h215S+5GxbP9Z5mEuDk4U3jj7oU1ye66DDEC7YcBlxR6dZMetD8fjhr9BAUkh2gAzwV3udO9p4gFRuFQFyD5uocEnCCsJvDmrP+jTZMgZA2hau9nlVVstSHzNlDdMcv9ORjo+D8tRD2fpt+NAwtxtHt76z05oFbOyBSDZ1nbf2WuLI+BbcJFsilSu3ZMa4IRLvpNxXoKyhIJ5uc37/3SOIcNlb7b/nUmg/9qHmNvQUq/vOPQXa/vuIynoN1RMR0XfYMmFIQYw9V9cghfHx4WGXzeErrDqnjSa3GW1EHU6I/vQAI4RyUqaM1c6Sp8d0r6EWhTKfHmfsZnO4YP67gmTw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-microchiptechnology-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=yM7DSo3pfXzV/3Pstpzs1QmL/t5wphbjKbPwoFgRNKY=; b=HJ2jCuvtSKC7k+vmTtNGiexOo1rPHxmsgXwhxLr14wAabmcHA7clDD2vOXBV1k5sOb1sIAQJFr5EFIjgcdGUkNUmstgWo355fXL/fOwhmaQ5iGkfRqUkt/MGS8fqXYmBq1AVpQvpHF+6D0lKHdUw2LZ/sh4DTND3DmWVSraxrsI= Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:8e::32) by (2603:10b6:a03:1b::29) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2856.19; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:11 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e]) by ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2835.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:11 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v6 05/17] wilc1000: add wlan_cfg.c Thread-Topic: [PATCH v6 05/17] wilc1000: add wlan_cfg.c Thread-Index: AQHWBAGWnWipWlaZWkqrZnR9Oeq/og== Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:11 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 4c6093f8-4ce9-4d44-5c62-08d7d218b8d3 x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:343; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(186003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: EvWpXsX6LGcatHs/ePWaAvsr+D9mBGfKoNGlGepMqfJ1ur+zWOAwOEVFaq98Y0/Cm/i1Bazf+XYyKLXjWpmQf7URIOdwBEVxX0YtCLDnlr08g6j974Ni6lWiXPkfvzA4zS1mGZ5Z+yayyxFv+6KfMTqjGsSFvGnZjZOY+JM3GsqCTGecwXNtF2evFrRnv4iDn9GSxQe3vZ5KihngJHb2hXrhjlBXWffXMgVpUKJjMlqdK/PyuR3S0LaBUZvA3p5iWl2msTRGnuWYoFenkaiPjpCJS5+UWlINd1L8gO/6HdC1gwB7kXkl/VFUNRcb8VVvsap0RpYJgRSzn+w1inwEI7ReC2fd2WH3pJDmD+vIpFS2yQOM0gDBSVGFzFEx6F5gyLbRyz+Sov5GfUOPxbHHWJ88bjXY3C5HFMvTwTF/j9nbDhi2+bRC38khCX3WKuGE x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: 6SiMe3bKo498C/aKfVyI5V1m6ZiE6sBvJyPK1m5QWFuHJ3WSm3DsQ5PWo0nY0jeiVBjzhlDeyElVcCjv/38rBKRKXXN4+V2KrIwrTWJuNR7EG5phckcOezbSvpXlYjcv7zfmjUxXVDEq8BbTdR76cw== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 4c6093f8-4ce9-4d44-5c62-08d7d218b8d3 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:11.6692 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: uK+gHGnROf6TptR5HAs092kK/Gziqj5iwbpliziIlLH53hxBUqERVCJPITfcojR+rRBlKFbt98XhM0pKRpnAkHq6WismWfjwAI1hdq0/biI= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Moved 'drivers/staging/wilc1000/wlan_cfg.c' to 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_cfg.c'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- .../wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_cfg.c | 413 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 413 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_cfg.c diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_cfg.c b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_cfg.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fe2a7ed8e5cd --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan_cfg.c @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries. + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#include +#include "wlan_if.h" +#include "wlan.h" +#include "wlan_cfg.h" +#include "netdev.h" + +enum cfg_cmd_type { + CFG_BYTE_CMD = 0, + CFG_HWORD_CMD = 1, + CFG_WORD_CMD = 2, + CFG_STR_CMD = 3, + CFG_BIN_CMD = 4 +}; + +static const struct wilc_cfg_byte g_cfg_byte[] = { + {WID_STATUS, 0}, + {WID_RSSI, 0}, + {WID_LINKSPEED, 0}, + {WID_NIL, 0} +}; + +static const struct wilc_cfg_hword g_cfg_hword[] = { + {WID_NIL, 0} +}; + +static const struct wilc_cfg_word g_cfg_word[] = { + {WID_FAILED_COUNT, 0}, + {WID_RECEIVED_FRAGMENT_COUNT, 0}, + {WID_SUCCESS_FRAME_COUNT, 0}, + {WID_GET_INACTIVE_TIME, 0}, + {WID_NIL, 0} + +}; + +static const struct wilc_cfg_str g_cfg_str[] = { + {WID_FIRMWARE_VERSION, NULL}, + {WID_MAC_ADDR, NULL}, + {WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO, NULL}, + {WID_NIL, NULL} +}; + +#define WILC_RESP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIG_REPLY 'R' +#define WILC_RESP_MSG_TYPE_STATUS_INFO 'I' +#define WILC_RESP_MSG_TYPE_NETWORK_INFO 'N' +#define WILC_RESP_MSG_TYPE_SCAN_COMPLETE 'S' + +/******************************************** + * + * Configuration Functions + * + ********************************************/ + +static int wilc_wlan_cfg_set_byte(u8 *frame, u32 offset, u16 id, u8 val8) +{ + if ((offset + 4) >= WILC_MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE) + return 0; + + put_unaligned_le16(id, &frame[offset]); + put_unaligned_le16(1, &frame[offset + 2]); + frame[offset + 4] = val8; + return 5; +} + +static int wilc_wlan_cfg_set_hword(u8 *frame, u32 offset, u16 id, u16 val16) +{ + if ((offset + 5) >= WILC_MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE) + return 0; + + put_unaligned_le16(id, &frame[offset]); + put_unaligned_le16(2, &frame[offset + 2]); + put_unaligned_le16(val16, &frame[offset + 4]); + + return 6; +} + +static int wilc_wlan_cfg_set_word(u8 *frame, u32 offset, u16 id, u32 val32) +{ + if ((offset + 7) >= WILC_MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE) + return 0; + + put_unaligned_le16(id, &frame[offset]); + put_unaligned_le16(4, &frame[offset + 2]); + put_unaligned_le32(val32, &frame[offset + 4]); + + return 8; +} + +static int wilc_wlan_cfg_set_str(u8 *frame, u32 offset, u16 id, u8 *str, + u32 size) +{ + if ((offset + size + 4) >= WILC_MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE) + return 0; + + put_unaligned_le16(id, &frame[offset]); + put_unaligned_le16(size, &frame[offset + 2]); + if (str && size != 0) + memcpy(&frame[offset + 4], str, size); + + return (size + 4); +} + +static int wilc_wlan_cfg_set_bin(u8 *frame, u32 offset, u16 id, u8 *b, u32 size) +{ + u32 i; + u8 checksum = 0; + + if ((offset + size + 5) >= WILC_MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE) + return 0; + + put_unaligned_le16(id, &frame[offset]); + put_unaligned_le16(size, &frame[offset + 2]); + + if ((b) && size != 0) { + memcpy(&frame[offset + 4], b, size); + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) + checksum += frame[offset + i + 4]; + } + + frame[offset + size + 4] = checksum; + + return (size + 5); +} + +/******************************************** + * + * Configuration Response Functions + * + ********************************************/ + +static void wilc_wlan_parse_response_frame(struct wilc *wl, u8 *info, int size) +{ + u16 wid; + u32 len = 0, i = 0; + struct wilc_cfg *cfg = &wl->cfg; + + while (size > 0) { + i = 0; + wid = get_unaligned_le16(info); + + switch (FIELD_GET(WILC_WID_TYPE, wid)) { + case WID_CHAR: + while (cfg->b[i].id != WID_NIL && cfg->b[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (cfg->b[i].id == wid) + cfg->b[i].val = info[4]; + + len = 3; + break; + + case WID_SHORT: + while (cfg->hw[i].id != WID_NIL && cfg->hw[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (cfg->hw[i].id == wid) + cfg->hw[i].val = get_unaligned_le16(&info[4]); + + len = 4; + break; + + case WID_INT: + while (cfg->w[i].id != WID_NIL && cfg->w[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (cfg->w[i].id == wid) + cfg->w[i].val = get_unaligned_le32(&info[4]); + + len = 6; + break; + + case WID_STR: + while (cfg->s[i].id != WID_NIL && cfg->s[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (cfg->s[i].id == wid) + memcpy(cfg->s[i].str, &info[2], info[2] + 2); + + len = 2 + info[2]; + break; + + default: + break; + } + size -= (2 + len); + info += (2 + len); + } +} + +static void wilc_wlan_parse_info_frame(struct wilc *wl, u8 *info) +{ + u32 wid, len; + + wid = get_unaligned_le16(info); + + len = info[2]; + + if (len == 1 && wid == WID_STATUS) { + int i = 0; + + while (wl->cfg.b[i].id != WID_NIL && + wl->cfg.b[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (wl->cfg.b[i].id == wid) + wl->cfg.b[i].val = info[3]; + } +} + +/******************************************** + * + * Configuration Exported Functions + * + ********************************************/ + +int wilc_wlan_cfg_set_wid(u8 *frame, u32 offset, u16 id, u8 *buf, int size) +{ + u8 type = FIELD_GET(WILC_WID_TYPE, id); + int ret = 0; + + switch (type) { + case CFG_BYTE_CMD: + if (size >= 1) + ret = wilc_wlan_cfg_set_byte(frame, offset, id, *buf); + break; + + case CFG_HWORD_CMD: + if (size >= 2) + ret = wilc_wlan_cfg_set_hword(frame, offset, id, + *((u16 *)buf)); + break; + + case CFG_WORD_CMD: + if (size >= 4) + ret = wilc_wlan_cfg_set_word(frame, offset, id, + *((u32 *)buf)); + break; + + case CFG_STR_CMD: + ret = wilc_wlan_cfg_set_str(frame, offset, id, buf, size); + break; + + case CFG_BIN_CMD: + ret = wilc_wlan_cfg_set_bin(frame, offset, id, buf, size); + break; + } + + return ret; +} + +int wilc_wlan_cfg_get_wid(u8 *frame, u32 offset, u16 id) +{ + if ((offset + 2) >= WILC_MAX_CFG_FRAME_SIZE) + return 0; + + put_unaligned_le16(id, &frame[offset]); + + return 2; +} + +int wilc_wlan_cfg_get_val(struct wilc *wl, u16 wid, u8 *buffer, + u32 buffer_size) +{ + u8 type = FIELD_GET(WILC_WID_TYPE, wid); + int i, ret = 0; + struct wilc_cfg *cfg = &wl->cfg; + + i = 0; + if (type == CFG_BYTE_CMD) { + while (cfg->b[i].id != WID_NIL && cfg->b[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (cfg->b[i].id == wid) { + memcpy(buffer, &cfg->b[i].val, 1); + ret = 1; + } + } else if (type == CFG_HWORD_CMD) { + while (cfg->hw[i].id != WID_NIL && cfg->hw[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (cfg->hw[i].id == wid) { + memcpy(buffer, &cfg->hw[i].val, 2); + ret = 2; + } + } else if (type == CFG_WORD_CMD) { + while (cfg->w[i].id != WID_NIL && cfg->w[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (cfg->w[i].id == wid) { + memcpy(buffer, &cfg->w[i].val, 4); + ret = 4; + } + } else if (type == CFG_STR_CMD) { + while (cfg->s[i].id != WID_NIL && cfg->s[i].id != wid) + i++; + + if (cfg->s[i].id == wid) { + u16 size = get_unaligned_le16(cfg->s[i].str); + + if (buffer_size >= size) { + memcpy(buffer, &cfg->s[i].str[2], size); + ret = size; + } + } + } + return ret; +} + +void wilc_wlan_cfg_indicate_rx(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *frame, int size, + struct wilc_cfg_rsp *rsp) +{ + u8 msg_type; + u8 msg_id; + + msg_type = frame[0]; + msg_id = frame[1]; /* seq no */ + frame += 4; + size -= 4; + rsp->type = 0; + + switch (msg_type) { + case WILC_RESP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIG_REPLY: + wilc_wlan_parse_response_frame(wilc, frame, size); + rsp->type = WILC_CFG_RSP; + rsp->seq_no = msg_id; + break; + + case WILC_RESP_MSG_TYPE_STATUS_INFO: + wilc_wlan_parse_info_frame(wilc, frame); + rsp->type = WILC_CFG_RSP_STATUS; + rsp->seq_no = msg_id; + /* call host interface info parse as well */ + wilc_gnrl_async_info_received(wilc, frame - 4, size + 4); + break; + + case WILC_RESP_MSG_TYPE_NETWORK_INFO: + wilc_network_info_received(wilc, frame - 4, size + 4); + break; + + case WILC_RESP_MSG_TYPE_SCAN_COMPLETE: + wilc_scan_complete_received(wilc, frame - 4, size + 4); + break; + + default: + rsp->seq_no = msg_id; + break; + } +} + +int wilc_wlan_cfg_init(struct wilc *wl) +{ + struct wilc_cfg_str_vals *str_vals; + int i = 0; + + wl->cfg.b = kmemdup(g_cfg_byte, sizeof(g_cfg_byte), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wl->cfg.b) + return -ENOMEM; + + wl->cfg.hw = kmemdup(g_cfg_hword, sizeof(g_cfg_hword), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wl->cfg.hw) + goto out_b; + + wl->cfg.w = kmemdup(g_cfg_word, sizeof(g_cfg_word), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wl->cfg.w) + goto out_hw; + + wl->cfg.s = kmemdup(g_cfg_str, sizeof(g_cfg_str), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!wl->cfg.s) + goto out_w; + + str_vals = kzalloc(sizeof(*str_vals), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!str_vals) + goto out_s; + + wl->cfg.str_vals = str_vals; + /* store the string cfg parameters */ + wl->cfg.s[i].id = WID_FIRMWARE_VERSION; + wl->cfg.s[i].str = str_vals->firmware_version; + i++; + wl->cfg.s[i].id = WID_MAC_ADDR; + wl->cfg.s[i].str = str_vals->mac_address; + i++; + wl->cfg.s[i].id = WID_ASSOC_RES_INFO; + wl->cfg.s[i].str = str_vals->assoc_rsp; + i++; + wl->cfg.s[i].id = WID_NIL; + wl->cfg.s[i].str = NULL; + return 0; + +out_s: + kfree(wl->cfg.s); +out_w: + kfree(wl->cfg.w); +out_hw: + kfree(wl->cfg.hw); +out_b: + kfree(wl->cfg.b); + return -ENOMEM; +} + +void wilc_wlan_cfg_deinit(struct wilc *wl) +{ + kfree(wl->cfg.b); + kfree(wl->cfg.hw); + kfree(wl->cfg.w); + kfree(wl->cfg.s); + kfree(wl->cfg.str_vals); +} From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:14 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202743 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6E671C18E5B for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:19 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3B81F20716 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:19 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="hu9+aaOg" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1727611AbgC0GdS (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:18 -0400 Received: from ([]:49536 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1727185AbgC0GdR (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:17 -0400 IronPort-SDR: UgXkgm+e2wxs8HJZmWVB69P9YIYh4sbKvhPboP55B1dCXWLDMqPpFIg4frDodxuZ5cd2ZMOVvF uQRc8Q+K1eMuY7K9rSoB4zESHhujnIH4Nm80VDl7dDeZrKiecETUoO7nrn66aG0ShXwJoGBILu zA5QOdhR56k37yuzOpTdw0u5zMKa5KZsV1i4GERuE9o6h4Q3k1AQc2YiukNzH4K2K5PH5wltlB 7vaHt/59hKZ0/Jz+UhfQ7MVYF00p0wnBIMwp9DD+ZsmBfSqJR+dLOCRiRTFwVoujaxJeGT143r rlU= X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.72,311,1580799600"; d="scan'208";a="70452369" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA256; 26 Mar 2020 23:33:17 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:16 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:16 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=CgGfBLCzx2bWEEbBUZZ48RsYc5YojyV6EKULDrMYRod5oHWF8INS0Atqnzz2CQYK9YYn3nQPmBKY+GxI67dkFCyHxdlYI31AGHNcHT506zhGnbbkrwYLUXFa8IyW7w0TeJ1CKKqj+Hx0eGg6schRku/U37iouNYmfKMu9P1yvq9bToPr+1W4Udkf7vVup5BfsmX0WsMbxpu15mfgAB52NeIiHuBmSo6mPpL19jI0fJt4u41KyTR9A6aZynnwYnUa7DAF5aqzZtn6uT0/QZVT7kZFkoV0BHWFnaiYVnQFMWP37vR81mYgj7M/tU15KqcdFtA996e+QzbtR6+RFoN61g== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=0b3beiyNfhS46gSnoKDWekGTMNLPCYbEj5psv/cEmy8=; b=A+kJJNSc8YBqtCRE/QGMiD3qeNm60RARIKF5Kk7m6qx7tzPi1vHp+LtsI9vowaa+f5KGP4+o6WJ58A9RQVxssF9FLsX4bOLCvLIqwWxoALcLL+pR13ilxVgxxO+FLYATBLJe4bQ3uKBPQeliwOLfjHRptfXPm+DWU0buSnqWXjQnC0bJPngFSWvIhbsPSloHEMY+5mZJgsGI/vzobcTo5O9N7zYRXUaGiYcwQunn+W84yJ0f0Gx1nzu7Y2jAca53UzwRYg4rxf0naDuGb098rxcLg2ffq49wf2ikYxTL/zEf1LObz77E4O9WRF6L8A6a4FMVa3QYKp2Q02f28W0E0A== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-microchiptechnology-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=0b3beiyNfhS46gSnoKDWekGTMNLPCYbEj5psv/cEmy8=; b=hu9+aaOg0BqwE8ZEdNhjHLHXLHHFSaQ351ABbgOch06VixDJHgv7VGjx2mxWnVqNnOXQve3wxwW94+RQHjgkmbmhJRdCukudzZGOCtdUmdRGidqSPsHntsXIr/OCFcer+4jnMLMmSgIBt4meH+rJ4XBChLtsnC+Y+pNvU0/yeTM= Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:8e::32) by (2603:10b6:a03:1b::29) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2856.19; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:14 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e]) by ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2835.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:14 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v6 08/17] wilc1000: add netdev.h Thread-Topic: [PATCH v6 08/17] wilc1000: add netdev.h Thread-Index: AQHWBAGXqb+EqHk78kaoK1aDrpr9rA== Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:14 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 382127e9-cfda-4ed5-9376-08d7d218ba4b x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:1186; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(186003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: tyOCi9QH9tfihmUOYf3f/M5j3mosi1sJ1kak75vnQR7kDz9zmxwKMBukhroLgnXept4GhapCXq3IKzQNOc9p0+1qHtYPofRAloT0hJWS3yfly3JcyxKfI7aiwlYbj0vNJPtOaqiP2KzPhgBcKSr57zaS+CznmKDYdVbSod/aI3ldcm4EdnTf6ZL3ShDcnGovwZN4CV4G8/NlmcJfZNcnMH7eBeHNFCSAVWOzdSrPbPvVWKibOM+XcVm67mInKc7bv5JD8DRJrfCPCQfWatXEY58WTdge9n0cKdn6yRKWpt07H65UlPxQ8z8+qhPyp/In8B/cN+/eJEfC8CbRU2ShR04iVXXlr+Q2D0ZRC25BBBH7s3QhxAxzLq5DaogkYAgBKp0qlpFt9OMuJsAebHcLFRDjb7Fy8OpVyCtPiP73n+Og99PWl/U3a/WAJqMZKmc4 x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: PZCzwRMWrAzSi49ZMxryhLkITzU+wScvDQVPOxaSYksqatZR/FAKS9kLnWF8wJik4QxeEEwj1EMec7b+chafouk/YQNbclG6dH4ixPLctDES5iPCetW6v19TX0D9Am8V8Hrp7JpJxzUgLSlJMPa3Qw== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 382127e9-cfda-4ed5-9376-08d7d218ba4b X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:14.1418 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: CBEV1JG4NDr0usxwM1cj9GrJ9MRBYeFA9HDfwQq+8Yscyv7fTOqwLQS/dyHc0yr0VQPJ685Ys8Co6mwJdOWMuRlxgaSQLUM8R8BXJihLN4w= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Moved 'drivers/staging/wilc1000/netdev.h' to 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- .../net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h | 294 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 294 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..61cbec674a62 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/netdev.h @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries. + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#ifndef WILC_NETDEV_H +#define WILC_NETDEV_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "hif.h" +#include "wlan.h" +#include "wlan_cfg.h" + +#define FLOW_CONTROL_LOWER_THRESHOLD 128 +#define FLOW_CONTROL_UPPER_THRESHOLD 256 + +#define PMKID_FOUND 1 +#define NUM_STA_ASSOCIATED 8 + +#define NUM_REG_FRAME 2 + +#define TCP_ACK_FILTER_LINK_SPEED_THRESH 54 +#define DEFAULT_LINK_SPEED 72 + +struct wilc_wfi_stats { + unsigned long rx_packets; + unsigned long tx_packets; + unsigned long rx_bytes; + unsigned long tx_bytes; + u64 rx_time; + u64 tx_time; + +}; + +struct wilc_wfi_key { + u8 *key; + u8 *seq; + int key_len; + int seq_len; + u32 cipher; +}; + +struct wilc_wfi_wep_key { + u8 *key; + u8 key_len; + u8 key_idx; +}; + +struct sta_info { + u8 sta_associated_bss[WILC_MAX_NUM_STA][ETH_ALEN]; +}; + +/* Parameters needed for host interface for remaining on channel */ +struct wilc_wfi_p2p_listen_params { + struct ieee80211_channel *listen_ch; + u32 listen_duration; + u64 listen_cookie; +}; + +static const u32 wilc_cipher_suites[] = { + WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP40, + WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP104, + WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP, + WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP, + WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_CMAC +}; + +#define CHAN2G(_channel, _freq, _flags) { \ + .band = NL80211_BAND_2GHZ, \ + .center_freq = (_freq), \ + .hw_value = (_channel), \ + .flags = (_flags), \ + .max_antenna_gain = 0, \ + .max_power = 30, \ +} + +static const struct ieee80211_channel wilc_2ghz_channels[] = { + CHAN2G(1, 2412, 0), + CHAN2G(2, 2417, 0), + CHAN2G(3, 2422, 0), + CHAN2G(4, 2427, 0), + CHAN2G(5, 2432, 0), + CHAN2G(6, 2437, 0), + CHAN2G(7, 2442, 0), + CHAN2G(8, 2447, 0), + CHAN2G(9, 2452, 0), + CHAN2G(10, 2457, 0), + CHAN2G(11, 2462, 0), + CHAN2G(12, 2467, 0), + CHAN2G(13, 2472, 0), + CHAN2G(14, 2484, 0) +}; + +#define RATETAB_ENT(_rate, _hw_value, _flags) { \ + .bitrate = (_rate), \ + .hw_value = (_hw_value), \ + .flags = (_flags), \ +} + +static struct ieee80211_rate wilc_bitrates[] = { + RATETAB_ENT(10, 0, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(20, 1, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(55, 2, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(110, 3, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(60, 9, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(90, 6, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(120, 7, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(180, 8, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(240, 9, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(360, 10, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(480, 11, 0), + RATETAB_ENT(540, 12, 0) +}; + +struct wilc_priv { + struct wireless_dev wdev; + struct cfg80211_scan_request *scan_req; + + struct wilc_wfi_p2p_listen_params remain_on_ch_params; + u64 tx_cookie; + + bool cfg_scanning; + + u8 associated_bss[ETH_ALEN]; + struct sta_info assoc_stainfo; + struct sk_buff *skb; + struct net_device *dev; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv; + struct wilc_pmkid_attr pmkid_list; + u8 wep_key[4][WLAN_KEY_LEN_WEP104]; + u8 wep_key_len[4]; + + /* The real interface that the monitor is on */ + struct net_device *real_ndev; + struct wilc_wfi_key *wilc_gtk[WILC_MAX_NUM_STA]; + struct wilc_wfi_key *wilc_ptk[WILC_MAX_NUM_STA]; + u8 wilc_groupkey; + + /* mutexes */ + struct mutex scan_req_lock; + bool p2p_listen_state; + int scanned_cnt; + + u64 inc_roc_cookie; +}; + +struct frame_reg { + u16 type; + bool reg; +}; + +#define MAX_TCP_SESSION 25 +#define MAX_PENDING_ACKS 256 + +struct ack_session_info { + u32 seq_num; + u32 bigger_ack_num; + u16 src_port; + u16 dst_port; + u16 status; +}; + +struct pending_acks { + u32 ack_num; + u32 session_index; + struct txq_entry_t *txqe; +}; + +struct tcp_ack_filter { + struct ack_session_info ack_session_info[2 * MAX_TCP_SESSION]; + struct pending_acks pending_acks[MAX_PENDING_ACKS]; + u32 pending_base; + u32 tcp_session; + u32 pending_acks_idx; + bool enabled; +}; + +struct wilc_vif { + u8 idx; + u8 iftype; + int monitor_flag; + int mac_opened; + struct frame_reg frame_reg[NUM_REG_FRAME]; + struct net_device_stats netstats; + struct wilc *wilc; + u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; + struct host_if_drv *hif_drv; + struct net_device *ndev; + u8 mode; + struct timer_list during_ip_timer; + struct timer_list periodic_rssi; + struct rf_info periodic_stat; + struct tcp_ack_filter ack_filter; + bool connecting; + struct wilc_priv priv; + struct list_head list; + struct cfg80211_bss *bss; +}; + +struct wilc { + struct wiphy *wiphy; + const struct wilc_hif_func *hif_func; + int io_type; + s8 mac_status; + struct clk *rtc_clk; + bool initialized; + int dev_irq_num; + int close; + u8 vif_num; + struct list_head vif_list; + + /* protect vif list */ + struct mutex vif_mutex; + struct srcu_struct srcu; + u8 open_ifcs; + + /* protect head of transmit queue */ + struct mutex txq_add_to_head_cs; + + /* protect txq_entry_t transmit queue */ + spinlock_t txq_spinlock; + + /* protect rxq_entry_t receiver queue */ + struct mutex rxq_cs; + + /* lock to protect hif access */ + struct mutex hif_cs; + + struct completion cfg_event; + struct completion sync_event; + struct completion txq_event; + struct completion txq_thread_started; + + struct task_struct *txq_thread; + + int quit; + + /* lock to protect issue of wid command to firmware */ + struct mutex cfg_cmd_lock; + struct wilc_cfg_frame cfg_frame; + u32 cfg_frame_offset; + u8 cfg_seq_no; + + u8 *rx_buffer; + u32 rx_buffer_offset; + u8 *tx_buffer; + + struct txq_entry_t txq_head; + int txq_entries; + + struct rxq_entry_t rxq_head; + + const struct firmware *firmware; + + struct device *dev; + bool suspend_event; + + int clients_count; + struct workqueue_struct *hif_workqueue; + enum chip_ps_states chip_ps_state; + struct wilc_cfg cfg; + void *bus_data; + struct net_device *monitor_dev; + + /* deinit lock */ + struct mutex deinit_lock; + u8 sta_ch; + u8 op_ch; + struct ieee80211_channel channels[ARRAY_SIZE(wilc_2ghz_channels)]; + struct ieee80211_rate bitrates[ARRAY_SIZE(wilc_bitrates)]; + struct ieee80211_supported_band band; + u32 cipher_suites[ARRAY_SIZE(wilc_cipher_suites)]; +}; + +struct wilc_wfi_mon_priv { + struct net_device *real_ndev; +}; + +void wilc_frmw_to_host(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buff, u32 size, u32 pkt_offset); +void wilc_mac_indicate(struct wilc *wilc); +void wilc_netdev_cleanup(struct wilc *wilc); +void wilc_wfi_mgmt_rx(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buff, u32 size); +void wilc_wlan_set_bssid(struct net_device *wilc_netdev, u8 *bssid, u8 mode); +struct wilc_vif *wilc_netdev_ifc_init(struct wilc *wl, const char *name, + int vif_type, enum nl80211_iftype type, + bool rtnl_locked); +#endif From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:16 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202740 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0F78FC2BA1B for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:30 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B57DA20663 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:29 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="MPnDY+0I" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1727666AbgC0GdX (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:23 -0400 Received: from ([]:49549 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1727185AbgC0GdW (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:22 -0400 IronPort-SDR: 1CP3LkytKAmnVdbX7QfveRL1U2gjWP4RsMfoFfHNnd3gbz/f4bs62dIv7cKKeyXPjqWQk8CD4e I2kDosFqs3v9hqaLQ6VbIkpHrxQr/jze0Oyt9OgaU4sVK+A3L3yJ7PVtYhs7gJDqg4GhEfeoox utAMznDFy2QophfBu1TPEFkXpgZrI13hRCqpZBWnV670M3epNhgp2b6VWLIlLbSwzyRWqTzbaD Mk+YVSAL/whkM6JttgfWEwjx8lfeMIivzZjXykCRWqQ4BnbVEfyImxEk0PTgUtmvWI4uxUcuBo uLc= X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.72,311,1580799600"; d="scan'208";a="70452400" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA256; 26 Mar 2020 23:33:21 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:18 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:18 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=dvpXFAhIfc6O7Ffj5KAXeje3/83IcfgWID4mJGAtc+0vaGAuNA+K55FUh5iHhwxMjSzqCGW1oJi9K5ijB61eVdOuSIgGvZM4vA0Dc32u32DxACGh5aUcMVLgJphFGfttGaVQ8Rqb0I9/bhcfqiTH1/KIDa/fC2gMAauHOdsFmPenCJDRP3xsIb8jMtjo/MrAFCm6IXsV9G9DQppbUrBjfgI7FfOykV8nEWZw/tkV1X21LmWMDbH2XQZFcKxAoYmwj+ETX9wzLXnBxirFnyl8gymxeYiw6/pl2wm1SHzKXUDUtadRk3yqdNy8kMRZ/DWrMzl6xsEWc9CBIE8FtVhNNQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=Jf3t/5MFB/CSijnJK4XtO9fCTjGZSy+D+RGg+/Bom0Y=; b=BDY7EPzqOiHf7ipCNt8z+bLk33yJBokE04Lk0+PHwKgLSVW+sLzUr5bwIt8zbvoZ91/rhnR4NmuoCGCWtbdafDzk1nnKQvHcpLT3D7eprOH5YkKnctPOcUQYJQx7QB4dZVlbD4Spa6s0CwEL73ujP+2RsQ1/mAGKv7a0w5Y5d0Rt3YKbs19bSxQkIu8o11rxAEBP8Va+xYsVkpmx4EwC4cWBlxEOck1XYsJGymjrWhXUA7PkpUNk/Z5QqZAdBJr/ln8jXIWf/DoFHGTJWWrvsOY2hJgJ927BPo9/HY7VNbq0bXzSUSfXOn0x0qFKXXcSzx1VXGzqnrgEblNyzTIgww== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-microchiptechnology-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=Jf3t/5MFB/CSijnJK4XtO9fCTjGZSy+D+RGg+/Bom0Y=; b=MPnDY+0IwxlncO5HO/DHguHFdMwm/jRHonIDSQQdf+Ky2inhXN1SKcewe5JfmY2A3vhJo8NSXGVzFcXbCvDzftRjYTdrgBfqMxDs8KI9kQoVhOale5PKzp49pawkT9gVByfAsbGod6V/Hlq3S1z+eZVUBfdBpado8k3OFiVuVJI= Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:8e::32) by (2603:10b6:a03:1b::29) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2856.19; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:16 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e]) by ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2835.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:16 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v6 11/17] wilc1000: add spi.c Thread-Topic: [PATCH v6 11/17] wilc1000: add spi.c Thread-Index: AQHWBAGZWTlZUM4UiUSwYbBGBh9zVQ== Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:16 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 59ee0c0a-6afc-4de3-6943-08d7d218bbdd x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:185; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(186003)(30864003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003)(579004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: OpReM26/ok5rSanWh1f1oNomtr9kNurkpax2AdSYtMKuSCQnKleLjHV02vKMGX9ZUtLumomijxVA8ntYLvHvM1Moz3ndK5vNgSY4L9uDYVYxeKrRTpjsApUMhzwTyf9hp03aQqRSxJNlM0pgerdeZ1HLSjxEwQ9rRf1es0MHa8lLP+M/c2YiP7OQ75spo7hRmdxydltiA5n725/dUCY88NynW3y1iimg2iTKVGhtVBO9sGcWio5X6ldqsvdj4SxqmQT95DK7ZMhe7tmXmfjgUwSLsGzxnJpb9c6KcsmvRZuZTnnf8VsTZw3ou9Ffrhp3Zsxoih+5w1kijuV+aE3hoPK9vxU7+mgIIio29NTNUrAwn/AumZnGy2ZA/rpe2YYyZERAePgQrGDMzubUioGMfoq5IGEWCYNmjA4WCufcB8mzR+FJDiNT1dGJjmkCpl7/ x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: 8n1bBjFDWoHG6AfUOPLjjzWJQPK9IYglrRix9EzoMJyvFwqcWWQ374BrANrptKkAqSDtxeG4mr+T9dNEkMjANjwDqHiyxu5mNG6iFber0Hv7UHSDBT8QfuRmo9So5UAjIe8QvoIpah5qKceO4GVJfA== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 59ee0c0a-6afc-4de3-6943-08d7d218bbdd X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:16.7113 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: F/YHcHrS5mjT/R/bbdbeRq6ssCM0PLdenTuVB1SyK5CSdxOKgDLqZ5LyZf2E6mBFNPhJeAiaWlGxGMX3GDJEXpnmnydczRWplAy9vzW9Sko= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Moved 'drivers/staging/wilc1000/spi.c' to 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/spi.c'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/spi.c | 945 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 945 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/spi.c diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/spi.c b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/spi.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3f19e3f38a39 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/spi.c @@ -0,0 +1,945 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries. + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "netdev.h" +#include "cfg80211.h" + +struct wilc_spi { + int crc_off; +}; + +static const struct wilc_hif_func wilc_hif_spi; + +/******************************************** + * + * Spi protocol Function + * + ********************************************/ + +#define CMD_DMA_WRITE 0xc1 +#define CMD_DMA_READ 0xc2 +#define CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE 0xc3 +#define CMD_INTERNAL_READ 0xc4 +#define CMD_TERMINATE 0xc5 +#define CMD_REPEAT 0xc6 +#define CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE 0xc7 +#define CMD_DMA_EXT_READ 0xc8 +#define CMD_SINGLE_WRITE 0xc9 +#define CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xca +#define CMD_RESET 0xcf + +#define DATA_PKT_SZ_256 256 +#define DATA_PKT_SZ_512 512 +#define DATA_PKT_SZ_1K 1024 +#define DATA_PKT_SZ_4K (4 * 1024) +#define DATA_PKT_SZ_8K (8 * 1024) +#define DATA_PKT_SZ DATA_PKT_SZ_8K + +#define USE_SPI_DMA 0 + +#define WILC_SPI_COMMAND_STAT_SUCCESS 0 +#define WILC_GET_RESP_HDR_START(h) (((h) >> 4) & 0xf) + +struct wilc_spi_cmd { + u8 cmd_type; + union { + struct { + u8 addr[3]; + u8 crc[]; + } __packed simple_cmd; + struct { + u8 addr[3]; + u8 size[2]; + u8 crc[]; + } __packed dma_cmd; + struct { + u8 addr[3]; + u8 size[3]; + u8 crc[]; + } __packed dma_cmd_ext; + struct { + u8 addr[2]; + __be32 data; + u8 crc[]; + } __packed internal_w_cmd; + struct { + u8 addr[3]; + __be32 data; + u8 crc[]; + } __packed w_cmd; + } u; +} __packed; + +struct wilc_spi_read_rsp_data { + u8 rsp_cmd_type; + u8 status; + u8 resp_header; + u8 resp_data[4]; + u8 crc[]; +} __packed; + +struct wilc_spi_rsp_data { + u8 rsp_cmd_type; + u8 status; +} __packed; + +static int wilc_bus_probe(struct spi_device *spi) +{ + int ret; + struct wilc *wilc; + struct wilc_spi *spi_priv; + + spi_priv = kzalloc(sizeof(*spi_priv), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!spi_priv) + return -ENOMEM; + + ret = wilc_cfg80211_init(&wilc, &spi->dev, WILC_HIF_SPI, &wilc_hif_spi); + if (ret) { + kfree(spi_priv); + return ret; + } + + spi_set_drvdata(spi, wilc); + wilc->dev = &spi->dev; + wilc->bus_data = spi_priv; + wilc->dev_irq_num = spi->irq; + + wilc->rtc_clk = devm_clk_get(&spi->dev, "rtc_clk"); + if (PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(wilc->rtc_clk) == -EPROBE_DEFER) + return -EPROBE_DEFER; + else if (!IS_ERR(wilc->rtc_clk)) + clk_prepare_enable(wilc->rtc_clk); + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_bus_remove(struct spi_device *spi) +{ + struct wilc *wilc = spi_get_drvdata(spi); + + if (!IS_ERR(wilc->rtc_clk)) + clk_disable_unprepare(wilc->rtc_clk); + + wilc_netdev_cleanup(wilc); + return 0; +} + +static const struct of_device_id wilc_of_match[] = { + { .compatible = "microchip,wilc1000", }, + { /* sentinel */ } +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, wilc_of_match); + +static struct spi_driver wilc_spi_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = MODALIAS, + .of_match_table = wilc_of_match, + }, + .probe = wilc_bus_probe, + .remove = wilc_bus_remove, +}; +module_spi_driver(wilc_spi_driver); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); + +static int wilc_spi_tx(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *b, u32 len) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int ret; + struct spi_message msg; + + if (len > 0 && b) { + struct spi_transfer tr = { + .tx_buf = b, + .len = len, + .delay = { + .value = 0, + .unit = SPI_DELAY_UNIT_USECS + }, + }; + char *r_buffer = kzalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!r_buffer) + return -ENOMEM; + + tr.rx_buf = r_buffer; + dev_dbg(&spi->dev, "Request writing %d bytes\n", len); + + memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); + spi_message_init(&msg); + msg.spi = spi; + msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; + spi_message_add_tail(&tr, &msg); + + ret = spi_sync(spi, &msg); + if (ret < 0) + dev_err(&spi->dev, "SPI transaction failed\n"); + + kfree(r_buffer); + } else { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "can't write data with the following length: %d\n", + len); + ret = -EINVAL; + } + + return ret; +} + +static int wilc_spi_rx(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *rb, u32 rlen) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int ret; + + if (rlen > 0) { + struct spi_message msg; + struct spi_transfer tr = { + .rx_buf = rb, + .len = rlen, + .delay = { + .value = 0, + .unit = SPI_DELAY_UNIT_USECS + }, + + }; + char *t_buffer = kzalloc(rlen, GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!t_buffer) + return -ENOMEM; + + tr.tx_buf = t_buffer; + + memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); + spi_message_init(&msg); + msg.spi = spi; + msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; + spi_message_add_tail(&tr, &msg); + + ret = spi_sync(spi, &msg); + if (ret < 0) + dev_err(&spi->dev, "SPI transaction failed\n"); + kfree(t_buffer); + } else { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "can't read data with the following length: %u\n", + rlen); + ret = -EINVAL; + } + + return ret; +} + +static int wilc_spi_tx_rx(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *wb, u8 *rb, u32 rlen) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int ret; + + if (rlen > 0) { + struct spi_message msg; + struct spi_transfer tr = { + .rx_buf = rb, + .tx_buf = wb, + .len = rlen, + .bits_per_word = 8, + .delay = { + .value = 0, + .unit = SPI_DELAY_UNIT_USECS + }, + + }; + + memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); + spi_message_init(&msg); + msg.spi = spi; + msg.is_dma_mapped = USE_SPI_DMA; + + spi_message_add_tail(&tr, &msg); + ret = spi_sync(spi, &msg); + if (ret < 0) + dev_err(&spi->dev, "SPI transaction failed\n"); + } else { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "can't read data with the following length: %u\n", + rlen); + ret = -EINVAL; + } + + return ret; +} + +static int spi_data_write(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *b, u32 sz) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_spi *spi_priv = wilc->bus_data; + int ix, nbytes; + int result = 0; + u8 cmd, order, crc[2] = {0}; + + /* + * Data + */ + ix = 0; + do { + if (sz <= DATA_PKT_SZ) { + nbytes = sz; + order = 0x3; + } else { + nbytes = DATA_PKT_SZ; + if (ix == 0) + order = 0x1; + else + order = 0x02; + } + + /* + * Write command + */ + cmd = 0xf0; + cmd |= order; + + if (wilc_spi_tx(wilc, &cmd, 1)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed data block cmd write, bus error...\n"); + result = -EINVAL; + break; + } + + /* + * Write data + */ + if (wilc_spi_tx(wilc, &b[ix], nbytes)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed data block write, bus error...\n"); + result = -EINVAL; + break; + } + + /* + * Write Crc + */ + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) { + if (wilc_spi_tx(wilc, crc, 2)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed data block crc write, bus error...\n"); + result = -EINVAL; + break; + } + } + + /* + * No need to wait for response + */ + ix += nbytes; + sz -= nbytes; + } while (sz); + + return result; +} + +/******************************************** + * + * Spi Internal Read/Write Function + * + ********************************************/ +static u8 wilc_get_crc7(u8 *buffer, u32 len) +{ + return crc7_be(0xfe, buffer, len); +} + +static int wilc_spi_single_read(struct wilc *wilc, u8 cmd, u32 adr, void *b, + u8 clockless) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_spi *spi_priv = wilc->bus_data; + u8 wb[32], rb[32]; + int cmd_len, resp_len; + u8 crc[2]; + struct wilc_spi_cmd *c; + struct wilc_spi_read_rsp_data *r; + + memset(wb, 0x0, sizeof(wb)); + memset(rb, 0x0, sizeof(rb)); + c = (struct wilc_spi_cmd *)wb; + c->cmd_type = cmd; + if (cmd == CMD_SINGLE_READ) { + c->u.simple_cmd.addr[0] = adr >> 16; + c->u.simple_cmd.addr[1] = adr >> 8; + c->u.simple_cmd.addr[2] = adr; + } else if (cmd == CMD_INTERNAL_READ) { + c->u.simple_cmd.addr[0] = adr >> 8; + if (clockless == 1) + c->u.simple_cmd.addr[0] |= BIT(7); + c->u.simple_cmd.addr[1] = adr; + c->u.simple_cmd.addr[2] = 0x0; + } else { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "cmd [%x] not supported\n", cmd); + return -EINVAL; + } + + cmd_len = offsetof(struct wilc_spi_cmd, u.simple_cmd.crc); + resp_len = sizeof(*r); + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) { + c->u.simple_cmd.crc[0] = wilc_get_crc7(wb, cmd_len); + cmd_len += 1; + resp_len += 2; + } + + if (cmd_len + resp_len > ARRAY_SIZE(wb)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "spi buffer size too small (%d) (%d) (%zu)\n", + cmd_len, resp_len, ARRAY_SIZE(wb)); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (wilc_spi_tx_rx(wilc, wb, rb, cmd_len + resp_len)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd write, bus error...\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + r = (struct wilc_spi_read_rsp_data *)&rb[cmd_len]; + if (r->rsp_cmd_type != cmd) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed cmd response, cmd (%02x), resp (%02x)\n", + cmd, r->rsp_cmd_type); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (r->status != WILC_SPI_COMMAND_STAT_SUCCESS) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd state response state (%02x)\n", + r->status); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (WILC_GET_RESP_HDR_START(r->resp_header) != 0xf) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Error, data read response (%02x)\n", + r->resp_header); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (b) + memcpy(b, r->resp_data, 4); + + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) + memcpy(crc, r->crc, 2); + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_spi_write_cmd(struct wilc *wilc, u8 cmd, u32 adr, u32 data, + u8 clockless) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_spi *spi_priv = wilc->bus_data; + u8 wb[32], rb[32]; + int cmd_len, resp_len; + struct wilc_spi_cmd *c; + struct wilc_spi_rsp_data *r; + + memset(wb, 0x0, sizeof(wb)); + memset(rb, 0x0, sizeof(rb)); + c = (struct wilc_spi_cmd *)wb; + c->cmd_type = cmd; + if (cmd == CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE) { + c->u.internal_w_cmd.addr[0] = adr >> 8; + if (clockless == 1) + c->u.internal_w_cmd.addr[0] |= BIT(7); + + c->u.internal_w_cmd.addr[1] = adr; + c-> = cpu_to_be32(data); + cmd_len = offsetof(struct wilc_spi_cmd, u.internal_w_cmd.crc); + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) + c->u.internal_w_cmd.crc[0] = wilc_get_crc7(wb, cmd_len); + } else if (cmd == CMD_SINGLE_WRITE) { + c->u.w_cmd.addr[0] = adr >> 16; + c->u.w_cmd.addr[1] = adr >> 8; + c->u.w_cmd.addr[2] = adr; + c-> = cpu_to_be32(data); + cmd_len = offsetof(struct wilc_spi_cmd, u.w_cmd.crc); + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) + c->u.w_cmd.crc[0] = wilc_get_crc7(wb, cmd_len); + } else { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "write cmd [%x] not supported\n", cmd); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) + cmd_len += 1; + + resp_len = sizeof(*r); + + if (cmd_len + resp_len > ARRAY_SIZE(wb)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "spi buffer size too small (%d) (%d) (%zu)\n", + cmd_len, resp_len, ARRAY_SIZE(wb)); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (wilc_spi_tx_rx(wilc, wb, rb, cmd_len + resp_len)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd write, bus error...\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + r = (struct wilc_spi_rsp_data *)&rb[cmd_len]; + if (r->rsp_cmd_type != cmd) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed cmd response, cmd (%02x), resp (%02x)\n", + cmd, r->rsp_cmd_type); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (r->status != WILC_SPI_COMMAND_STAT_SUCCESS) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd state response state (%02x)\n", + r->status); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_spi_dma_rw(struct wilc *wilc, u8 cmd, u32 adr, u8 *b, u32 sz) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_spi *spi_priv = wilc->bus_data; + u8 wb[32], rb[32]; + int cmd_len, resp_len; + int retry, ix = 0; + u8 crc[2]; + struct wilc_spi_cmd *c; + struct wilc_spi_rsp_data *r; + + memset(wb, 0x0, sizeof(wb)); + memset(rb, 0x0, sizeof(rb)); + c = (struct wilc_spi_cmd *)wb; + c->cmd_type = cmd; + if (cmd == CMD_DMA_WRITE || cmd == CMD_DMA_READ) { + c->u.dma_cmd.addr[0] = adr >> 16; + c->u.dma_cmd.addr[1] = adr >> 8; + c->u.dma_cmd.addr[2] = adr; + c->u.dma_cmd.size[0] = sz >> 8; + c->u.dma_cmd.size[1] = sz; + cmd_len = offsetof(struct wilc_spi_cmd, u.dma_cmd.crc); + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) + c->u.dma_cmd.crc[0] = wilc_get_crc7(wb, cmd_len); + } else if (cmd == CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE || cmd == CMD_DMA_EXT_READ) { + c->u.dma_cmd_ext.addr[0] = adr >> 16; + c->u.dma_cmd_ext.addr[1] = adr >> 8; + c->u.dma_cmd_ext.addr[2] = adr; + c->u.dma_cmd_ext.size[0] = sz >> 16; + c->u.dma_cmd_ext.size[1] = sz >> 8; + c->u.dma_cmd_ext.size[2] = sz; + cmd_len = offsetof(struct wilc_spi_cmd, u.dma_cmd_ext.crc); + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) + c->u.dma_cmd_ext.crc[0] = wilc_get_crc7(wb, cmd_len); + } else { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "dma read write cmd [%x] not supported\n", + cmd); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!spi_priv->crc_off) + cmd_len += 1; + + resp_len = sizeof(*r); + + if (cmd_len + resp_len > ARRAY_SIZE(wb)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "spi buffer size too small (%d)(%d) (%zu)\n", + cmd_len, resp_len, ARRAY_SIZE(wb)); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (wilc_spi_tx_rx(wilc, wb, rb, cmd_len + resp_len)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd write, bus error...\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + r = (struct wilc_spi_rsp_data *)&rb[cmd_len]; + if (r->rsp_cmd_type != cmd) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed cmd response, cmd (%02x), resp (%02x)\n", + cmd, r->rsp_cmd_type); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (r->status != WILC_SPI_COMMAND_STAT_SUCCESS) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd state response state (%02x)\n", + r->status); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (cmd == CMD_DMA_WRITE || cmd == CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE) + return 0; + + while (sz > 0) { + int nbytes; + u8 rsp; + + if (sz <= DATA_PKT_SZ) + nbytes = sz; + else + nbytes = DATA_PKT_SZ; + + /* + * Data Response header + */ + retry = 100; + do { + if (wilc_spi_rx(wilc, &rsp, 1)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed resp read, bus err\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (WILC_GET_RESP_HDR_START(rsp) == 0xf) + break; + } while (retry--); + + /* + * Read bytes + */ + if (wilc_spi_rx(wilc, &b[ix], nbytes)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed block read, bus err\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* + * Read Crc + */ + if (!spi_priv->crc_off && wilc_spi_rx(wilc, crc, 2)) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed block crc read, bus err\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ix += nbytes; + sz -= nbytes; + } + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_spi_read_reg(struct wilc *wilc, u32 addr, u32 *data) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int result; + u8 cmd = CMD_SINGLE_READ; + u8 clockless = 0; + + if (addr < WILC_SPI_CLOCKLESS_ADDR_LIMIT) { + /* Clockless register */ + cmd = CMD_INTERNAL_READ; + clockless = 1; + } + + result = wilc_spi_single_read(wilc, cmd, addr, data, clockless); + if (result) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd, read reg (%08x)...\n", addr); + return result; + } + + le32_to_cpus(data); + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_spi_read(struct wilc *wilc, u32 addr, u8 *buf, u32 size) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int result; + + if (size <= 4) + return -EINVAL; + + result = wilc_spi_dma_rw(wilc, CMD_DMA_EXT_READ, addr, buf, size); + if (result) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd, read block (%08x)...\n", addr); + return result; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int spi_internal_write(struct wilc *wilc, u32 adr, u32 dat) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int result; + + result = wilc_spi_write_cmd(wilc, CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE, adr, dat, 0); + if (result) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed internal write cmd...\n"); + return result; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int spi_internal_read(struct wilc *wilc, u32 adr, u32 *data) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int result; + + result = wilc_spi_single_read(wilc, CMD_INTERNAL_READ, adr, data, 0); + if (result) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed internal read cmd...\n"); + return result; + } + + le32_to_cpus(data); + + return 0; +} + +/******************************************** + * + * Spi interfaces + * + ********************************************/ + +static int wilc_spi_write_reg(struct wilc *wilc, u32 addr, u32 data) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int result; + u8 cmd = CMD_SINGLE_WRITE; + u8 clockless = 0; + + if (addr < WILC_SPI_CLOCKLESS_ADDR_LIMIT) { + /* Clockless register */ + cmd = CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE; + clockless = 1; + } + + result = wilc_spi_write_cmd(wilc, cmd, addr, data, clockless); + if (result) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed cmd, write reg (%08x)...\n", addr); + return result; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_spi_write(struct wilc *wilc, u32 addr, u8 *buf, u32 size) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + int result; + + /* + * has to be greated than 4 + */ + if (size <= 4) + return -EINVAL; + + result = wilc_spi_dma_rw(wilc, CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE, addr, NULL, size); + if (result) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed cmd, write block (%08x)...\n", addr); + return result; + } + + /* + * Data + */ + result = spi_data_write(wilc, buf, size); + if (result) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed block data write...\n"); + return result; + } + + return 0; +} + +/******************************************** + * + * Bus interfaces + * + ********************************************/ + +static int wilc_spi_deinit(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + /* + * TODO: + */ + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_spi_init(struct wilc *wilc, bool resume) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_spi *spi_priv = wilc->bus_data; + u32 reg; + u32 chipid; + static int isinit; + int ret; + + if (isinit) { + ret = wilc_spi_read_reg(wilc, WILC_CHIPID, &chipid); + if (ret) + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Fail cmd read chip id...\n"); + + return ret; + } + + /* + * configure protocol + */ + + /* + * TODO: We can remove the CRC trials if there is a definite + * way to reset + */ + /* the SPI to it's initial value. */ + ret = spi_internal_read(wilc, WILC_SPI_PROTOCOL_OFFSET, ®); + if (ret) { + /* + * Read failed. Try with CRC off. This might happen when module + * is removed but chip isn't reset + */ + spi_priv->crc_off = 1; + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Failed read with CRC on, retrying with CRC off\n"); + ret = spi_internal_read(wilc, WILC_SPI_PROTOCOL_OFFSET, ®); + if (ret) { + /* + * Read failed with both CRC on and off, + * something went bad + */ + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed internal read protocol\n"); + return ret; + } + } + if (spi_priv->crc_off == 0) { + reg &= ~0xc; /* disable crc checking */ + reg &= ~0x70; + reg |= (0x5 << 4); + ret = spi_internal_write(wilc, WILC_SPI_PROTOCOL_OFFSET, reg); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "[wilc spi %d]: Failed internal write reg\n", + __LINE__); + return ret; + } + spi_priv->crc_off = 1; + } + + /* + * make sure can read back chip id correctly + */ + ret = wilc_spi_read_reg(wilc, WILC_CHIPID, &chipid); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Fail cmd read chip id...\n"); + return ret; + } + + isinit = 1; + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_spi_read_size(struct wilc *wilc, u32 *size) +{ + int ret; + + ret = spi_internal_read(wilc, + WILC_SPI_INT_STATUS - WILC_SPI_REG_BASE, size); + *size = FIELD_GET(IRQ_DMA_WD_CNT_MASK, *size); + + return ret; +} + +static int wilc_spi_read_int(struct wilc *wilc, u32 *int_status) +{ + return spi_internal_read(wilc, WILC_SPI_INT_STATUS - WILC_SPI_REG_BASE, + int_status); +} + +static int wilc_spi_clear_int_ext(struct wilc *wilc, u32 val) +{ + return spi_internal_write(wilc, WILC_SPI_INT_CLEAR - WILC_SPI_REG_BASE, + val); +} + +static int wilc_spi_sync_ext(struct wilc *wilc, int nint) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = to_spi_device(wilc->dev); + u32 reg; + int ret, i; + + if (nint > MAX_NUM_INT) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Too many interrupts (%d)...\n", nint); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* + * interrupt pin mux select + */ + ret = wilc_spi_read_reg(wilc, WILC_PIN_MUX_0, ®); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_PIN_MUX_0); + return ret; + } + reg |= BIT(8); + ret = wilc_spi_write_reg(wilc, WILC_PIN_MUX_0, reg); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_PIN_MUX_0); + return ret; + } + + /* + * interrupt enable + */ + ret = wilc_spi_read_reg(wilc, WILC_INTR_ENABLE, ®); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_INTR_ENABLE); + return ret; + } + + for (i = 0; (i < 5) && (nint > 0); i++, nint--) + reg |= (BIT((27 + i))); + + ret = wilc_spi_write_reg(wilc, WILC_INTR_ENABLE, reg); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_INTR_ENABLE); + return ret; + } + if (nint) { + ret = wilc_spi_read_reg(wilc, WILC_INTR2_ENABLE, ®); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_INTR2_ENABLE); + return ret; + } + + for (i = 0; (i < 3) && (nint > 0); i++, nint--) + reg |= BIT(i); + + ret = wilc_spi_read_reg(wilc, WILC_INTR2_ENABLE, ®); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_INTR2_ENABLE); + return ret; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +/* Global spi HIF function table */ +static const struct wilc_hif_func wilc_hif_spi = { + .hif_init = wilc_spi_init, + .hif_deinit = wilc_spi_deinit, + .hif_read_reg = wilc_spi_read_reg, + .hif_write_reg = wilc_spi_write_reg, + .hif_block_rx = wilc_spi_read, + .hif_block_tx = wilc_spi_write, + .hif_read_int = wilc_spi_read_int, + .hif_clear_int_ext = wilc_spi_clear_int_ext, + .hif_read_size = wilc_spi_read_size, + .hif_block_tx_ext = wilc_spi_write, + .hif_block_rx_ext = wilc_spi_read, + .hif_sync_ext = wilc_spi_sync_ext, +}; From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:18 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202738 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 874A0C2D0EF for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:31 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5235820716 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:31 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="U5g7F3nh" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1727773AbgC0Gd3 (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:29 -0400 Received: from ([]:49560 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1727701AbgC0GdX (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:23 -0400 IronPort-SDR: wKatXDfB42BuW6I3gZZ/056XvwjhoIrLxaLU38l+CEhCMnFuynDSPPl2j6pxYxVsRpoRldRidq ncIB3Ppg9/KtyNLH+CCzSLD16PjOzbr2JooRpPgwHjVoWGDLqrl+5F6rtmiRk5JKrPWpzKTy/e 3Gkzj5TMd/GXt2cbzXV7IjdoAVlnrM1101lQRKH6IDL3ENumvxVzsDnN5ES/IMJqIm9KQIFlKF xJckplViV3RNQpgkqBsjyvV4MJFGxiRizvtZiDZHAyxzkp1MFudCw835F1Ac0Jnd69rXOqN4ha MJQ= X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.72,311,1580799600"; d="scan'208";a="70452409" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA256; 26 Mar 2020 23:33:22 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:20 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:20 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=DmaMZK23yShtthal5jndqjGCRGHViIfzdkZta3L7Ju8jZK1kugkaMU8xn/klzEFtGXgQ557FCL2RK3tLcVfP6rDl6Im9xqlaC5JDnSRNfo0OpK2MhA4ONCeipev7ZQgvwFnw54VucxzVSDn98w4m5Z/Y/zjuZvb7IWoIGdFu65YzD4tBhbCtQ8bl+SBsx9KDyRNAQcCkrLCzSqx0ivyi1SZYX2sLC0rdY/KRjdR9jpqK6J2fITdKdyAyHyDxoAantYaA82z9wce4TlemSE9Jg6qiEQGmPLm+rD5TUfOS00Rkp6vOtXWjP+hboD+zRwq84pvHjxnbc1CMl9vyorbhgg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; 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Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:18 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e]) by ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2835.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:18 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v6 13/17] wilc1000: add wlan.c Thread-Topic: [PATCH v6 13/17] wilc1000: add wlan.c Thread-Index: AQHWBAGavm4rnYaCekSS9jKTjxch6g== Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:18 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: fe80c991-87a4-4a27-0ad6-08d7d218bcbe x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:15; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(186003)(30864003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003)(559001)(579004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: 4gyS8fl5PM8tnO07mWWmdtPImJYArFi7AAltaFqZJEE9zr1OEwYLHRJ0cqTfYCbHqUIwHhvKlEA47+yyS26DYaNHfSG8gTef3Ur3oZQkLr3Tot/dqcsnZNG9FrCLnEz8MVUXo6xk+HnaHhJhE/DGqkbVfHBGJ5feJxQHsVQsdKoQNhr6QQlnyEDpqHk6i54BqK9HkjRSu39ZcsXk39IUhjcdRJ91Zumx8qbmiDUw5xKEZCxaBkxh5JxDXmSFjW9QNDjyL/NqjN/r3r0ZvK2pNKW4K4QDZOPQh1XCRDsxArS5xcevuZPfjxc0dXRunijhIu/d8G38bwQySJgSvU2vckC7MvAZcfbdgr/HcJha4NjFow76wK/qRSqWiEX0cH+vAzGcDf2V4EDoLCDV4JXhQbIR3OeAC72UC+5TolFFgYhU5svhH2TLUAB+OJWCsfVK x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: 9CSF3JDhFfekFrxXhWgltjnAcasCMERWfCCvpqT8bM5G2WU2BXfydRtqTfePH+XLYyC0hxD5v2t80SxPRO3H0yIC9jyFmshRJdm+m7vOrJmhPlbAggzL9EHAqQ9LCHiEISiPe8m9/CE8X1FxzcSypA== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: fe80c991-87a4-4a27-0ad6-08d7d218bcbe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:18.2434 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: zPH2Mz9HSi4eJpsgkLuWCcYKGKDT24fehnlKviCpPXUyjvGwOCC1xH1oz3/GAEIPcy6h5H6kJYl8tsFlCLl+v/0KTt1+a9Wy/MxyzC5ZJJk= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Moved 'drivers/staging/wilc1000/wlan.c' to 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan.c'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- .../net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan.c | 1238 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1238 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan.c diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan.c b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6a82fb2f283e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/wlan.c @@ -0,0 +1,1238 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries. + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#include +#include +#include "cfg80211.h" +#include "wlan_cfg.h" + +static inline bool is_wilc1000(u32 id) +{ + return (id & (~WILC_CHIP_REV_FIELD)) == WILC_1000_BASE_ID; +} + +static inline void acquire_bus(struct wilc *wilc, enum bus_acquire acquire) +{ + mutex_lock(&wilc->hif_cs); + if (acquire == WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_AND_WAKEUP) + chip_wakeup(wilc); +} + +static inline void release_bus(struct wilc *wilc, enum bus_release release) +{ + if (release == WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP) + chip_allow_sleep(wilc); + mutex_unlock(&wilc->hif_cs); +} + +static void wilc_wlan_txq_remove(struct wilc *wilc, struct txq_entry_t *tqe) +{ + list_del(&tqe->list); + wilc->txq_entries -= 1; +} + +static struct txq_entry_t * +wilc_wlan_txq_remove_from_head(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct txq_entry_t *tqe = NULL; + unsigned long flags; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + if (!list_empty(&wilc->txq_head.list)) { + tqe = list_first_entry(&wilc->txq_head.list, struct txq_entry_t, + list); + list_del(&tqe->list); + wilc->txq_entries -= 1; + } + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + return tqe; +} + +static void wilc_wlan_txq_add_to_tail(struct net_device *dev, + struct txq_entry_t *tqe) +{ + unsigned long flags; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + list_add_tail(&tqe->list, &wilc->txq_head.list); + wilc->txq_entries += 1; + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + complete(&wilc->txq_event); +} + +static void wilc_wlan_txq_add_to_head(struct wilc_vif *vif, + struct txq_entry_t *tqe) +{ + unsigned long flags; + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + mutex_lock(&wilc->txq_add_to_head_cs); + + spin_lock_irqsave(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + list_add(&tqe->list, &wilc->txq_head.list); + wilc->txq_entries += 1; + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + mutex_unlock(&wilc->txq_add_to_head_cs); + complete(&wilc->txq_event); +} + +#define NOT_TCP_ACK (-1) + +static inline void add_tcp_session(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 src_prt, + u32 dst_prt, u32 seq) +{ + struct tcp_ack_filter *f = &vif->ack_filter; + + if (f->tcp_session < 2 * MAX_TCP_SESSION) { + f->ack_session_info[f->tcp_session].seq_num = seq; + f->ack_session_info[f->tcp_session].bigger_ack_num = 0; + f->ack_session_info[f->tcp_session].src_port = src_prt; + f->ack_session_info[f->tcp_session].dst_port = dst_prt; + f->tcp_session++; + } +} + +static inline void update_tcp_session(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 index, u32 ack) +{ + struct tcp_ack_filter *f = &vif->ack_filter; + + if (index < 2 * MAX_TCP_SESSION && + ack > f->ack_session_info[index].bigger_ack_num) + f->ack_session_info[index].bigger_ack_num = ack; +} + +static inline void add_tcp_pending_ack(struct wilc_vif *vif, u32 ack, + u32 session_index, + struct txq_entry_t *txqe) +{ + struct tcp_ack_filter *f = &vif->ack_filter; + u32 i = f->pending_base + f->pending_acks_idx; + + if (i < MAX_PENDING_ACKS) { + f->pending_acks[i].ack_num = ack; + f->pending_acks[i].txqe = txqe; + f->pending_acks[i].session_index = session_index; + txqe->ack_idx = i; + f->pending_acks_idx++; + } +} + +static inline void tcp_process(struct net_device *dev, struct txq_entry_t *tqe) +{ + void *buffer = tqe->buffer; + const struct ethhdr *eth_hdr_ptr = buffer; + int i; + unsigned long flags; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + struct tcp_ack_filter *f = &vif->ack_filter; + const struct iphdr *ip_hdr_ptr; + const struct tcphdr *tcp_hdr_ptr; + u32 ihl, total_length, data_offset; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + if (eth_hdr_ptr->h_proto != htons(ETH_P_IP)) + goto out; + + ip_hdr_ptr = buffer + ETH_HLEN; + + if (ip_hdr_ptr->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP) + goto out; + + ihl = ip_hdr_ptr->ihl << 2; + tcp_hdr_ptr = buffer + ETH_HLEN + ihl; + total_length = ntohs(ip_hdr_ptr->tot_len); + + data_offset = tcp_hdr_ptr->doff << 2; + if (total_length == (ihl + data_offset)) { + u32 seq_no, ack_no; + + seq_no = ntohl(tcp_hdr_ptr->seq); + ack_no = ntohl(tcp_hdr_ptr->ack_seq); + for (i = 0; i < f->tcp_session; i++) { + u32 j = f->ack_session_info[i].seq_num; + + if (i < 2 * MAX_TCP_SESSION && + j == seq_no) { + update_tcp_session(vif, i, ack_no); + break; + } + } + if (i == f->tcp_session) + add_tcp_session(vif, 0, 0, seq_no); + + add_tcp_pending_ack(vif, ack_no, i, tqe); + } + +out: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); +} + +static void wilc_wlan_txq_filter_dup_tcp_ack(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + struct tcp_ack_filter *f = &vif->ack_filter; + u32 i = 0; + u32 dropped = 0; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + for (i = f->pending_base; + i < (f->pending_base + f->pending_acks_idx); i++) { + u32 index; + u32 bigger_ack_num; + + if (i >= MAX_PENDING_ACKS) + break; + + index = f->pending_acks[i].session_index; + + if (index >= 2 * MAX_TCP_SESSION) + break; + + bigger_ack_num = f->ack_session_info[index].bigger_ack_num; + + if (f->pending_acks[i].ack_num < bigger_ack_num) { + struct txq_entry_t *tqe; + + tqe = f->pending_acks[i].txqe; + if (tqe) { + wilc_wlan_txq_remove(wilc, tqe); + tqe->status = 1; + if (tqe->tx_complete_func) + tqe->tx_complete_func(tqe->priv, + tqe->status); + kfree(tqe); + dropped++; + } + } + } + f->pending_acks_idx = 0; + f->tcp_session = 0; + + if (f->pending_base == 0) + f->pending_base = MAX_TCP_SESSION; + else + f->pending_base = 0; + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + while (dropped > 0) { + wait_for_completion_timeout(&wilc->txq_event, + msecs_to_jiffies(1)); + dropped--; + } +} + +void wilc_enable_tcp_ack_filter(struct wilc_vif *vif, bool value) +{ + vif->ack_filter.enabled = value; +} + +static int wilc_wlan_txq_add_cfg_pkt(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 *buffer, + u32 buffer_size) +{ + struct txq_entry_t *tqe; + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + netdev_dbg(vif->ndev, "Adding config packet ...\n"); + if (wilc->quit) { + netdev_dbg(vif->ndev, "Return due to clear function\n"); + complete(&wilc->cfg_event); + return 0; + } + + tqe = kmalloc(sizeof(*tqe), GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!tqe) + return 0; + + tqe->type = WILC_CFG_PKT; + tqe->buffer = buffer; + tqe->buffer_size = buffer_size; + tqe->tx_complete_func = NULL; + tqe->priv = NULL; + tqe->ack_idx = NOT_TCP_ACK; + tqe->vif = vif; + + wilc_wlan_txq_add_to_head(vif, tqe); + + return 1; +} + +int wilc_wlan_txq_add_net_pkt(struct net_device *dev, void *priv, u8 *buffer, + u32 buffer_size, + void (*tx_complete_fn)(void *, int)) +{ + struct txq_entry_t *tqe; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc; + + wilc = vif->wilc; + + if (wilc->quit) + return 0; + + tqe = kmalloc(sizeof(*tqe), GFP_ATOMIC); + + if (!tqe) + return 0; + tqe->type = WILC_NET_PKT; + tqe->buffer = buffer; + tqe->buffer_size = buffer_size; + tqe->tx_complete_func = tx_complete_fn; + tqe->priv = priv; + tqe->vif = vif; + + tqe->ack_idx = NOT_TCP_ACK; + if (vif->ack_filter.enabled) + tcp_process(dev, tqe); + wilc_wlan_txq_add_to_tail(dev, tqe); + return wilc->txq_entries; +} + +int wilc_wlan_txq_add_mgmt_pkt(struct net_device *dev, void *priv, u8 *buffer, + u32 buffer_size, + void (*tx_complete_fn)(void *, int)) +{ + struct txq_entry_t *tqe; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc; + + wilc = vif->wilc; + + if (wilc->quit) + return 0; + + tqe = kmalloc(sizeof(*tqe), GFP_ATOMIC); + + if (!tqe) + return 0; + tqe->type = WILC_MGMT_PKT; + tqe->buffer = buffer; + tqe->buffer_size = buffer_size; + tqe->tx_complete_func = tx_complete_fn; + tqe->priv = priv; + tqe->ack_idx = NOT_TCP_ACK; + tqe->vif = vif; + wilc_wlan_txq_add_to_tail(dev, tqe); + return 1; +} + +static struct txq_entry_t *wilc_wlan_txq_get_first(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + struct txq_entry_t *tqe = NULL; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + if (!list_empty(&wilc->txq_head.list)) + tqe = list_first_entry(&wilc->txq_head.list, struct txq_entry_t, + list); + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + return tqe; +} + +static struct txq_entry_t *wilc_wlan_txq_get_next(struct wilc *wilc, + struct txq_entry_t *tqe) +{ + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + if (!list_is_last(&tqe->list, &wilc->txq_head.list)) + tqe = list_next_entry(tqe, list); + else + tqe = NULL; + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wilc->txq_spinlock, flags); + + return tqe; +} + +static void wilc_wlan_rxq_add(struct wilc *wilc, struct rxq_entry_t *rqe) +{ + if (wilc->quit) + return; + + mutex_lock(&wilc->rxq_cs); + list_add_tail(&rqe->list, &wilc->rxq_head.list); + mutex_unlock(&wilc->rxq_cs); +} + +static struct rxq_entry_t *wilc_wlan_rxq_remove(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + struct rxq_entry_t *rqe = NULL; + + mutex_lock(&wilc->rxq_cs); + if (!list_empty(&wilc->rxq_head.list)) { + rqe = list_first_entry(&wilc->rxq_head.list, struct rxq_entry_t, + list); + list_del(&rqe->list); + } + mutex_unlock(&wilc->rxq_cs); + return rqe; +} + +void chip_allow_sleep(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + u32 reg = 0; + + wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_WAKEUP_REG, ®); + + wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_WAKEUP_REG, + reg & ~WILC_SDIO_WAKEUP_BIT); + wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_HOST_TO_FW_REG, 0); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(chip_allow_sleep); + +void chip_wakeup(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + u32 reg, clk_status_reg; + const struct wilc_hif_func *h = wilc->hif_func; + + if (wilc->io_type == WILC_HIF_SPI) { + do { + h->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_SPI_WAKEUP_REG, ®); + h->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_SPI_WAKEUP_REG, + reg | WILC_SPI_WAKEUP_BIT); + h->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_SPI_WAKEUP_REG, + reg & ~WILC_SPI_WAKEUP_BIT); + + do { + usleep_range(2000, 2500); + wilc_get_chipid(wilc, true); + } while (wilc_get_chipid(wilc, true) == 0); + } while (wilc_get_chipid(wilc, true) == 0); + } else if (wilc->io_type == WILC_HIF_SDIO) { + h->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_HOST_TO_FW_REG, + WILC_SDIO_HOST_TO_FW_BIT); + usleep_range(200, 400); + h->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_WAKEUP_REG, ®); + do { + h->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_WAKEUP_REG, + reg | WILC_SDIO_WAKEUP_BIT); + h->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_CLK_STATUS_REG, + &clk_status_reg); + + while (!(clk_status_reg & WILC_SDIO_CLK_STATUS_BIT)) { + usleep_range(2000, 2500); + + h->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_CLK_STATUS_REG, + &clk_status_reg); + } + if (!(clk_status_reg & WILC_SDIO_CLK_STATUS_BIT)) { + h->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_SDIO_WAKEUP_REG, + reg & ~WILC_SDIO_WAKEUP_BIT); + } + } while (!(clk_status_reg & WILC_SDIO_CLK_STATUS_BIT)); + } + + if (wilc->chip_ps_state == WILC_CHIP_SLEEPING_MANUAL) { + if (wilc_get_chipid(wilc, false) < WILC_1000_BASE_ID_2B) { + u32 val32; + + h->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_REG_4_TO_1_RX, &val32); + val32 |= BIT(6); + h->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_REG_4_TO_1_RX, val32); + + h->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_REG_4_TO_1_TX_BANK0, &val32); + val32 |= BIT(6); + h->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_REG_4_TO_1_TX_BANK0, val32); + } + } + wilc->chip_ps_state = WILC_CHIP_WAKEDUP; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(chip_wakeup); + +void host_wakeup_notify(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_ONLY); + wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_CORTUS_INTERRUPT_2, 1); + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(host_wakeup_notify); + +void host_sleep_notify(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_ONLY); + wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_CORTUS_INTERRUPT_1, 1); + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(host_sleep_notify); + +int wilc_wlan_handle_txq(struct wilc *wilc, u32 *txq_count) +{ + int i, entries = 0; + u32 sum; + u32 reg; + u32 offset = 0; + int vmm_sz = 0; + struct txq_entry_t *tqe; + int ret = 0; + int counter; + int timeout; + u32 vmm_table[WILC_VMM_TBL_SIZE]; + const struct wilc_hif_func *func; + u8 *txb = wilc->tx_buffer; + struct net_device *dev; + struct wilc_vif *vif; + + if (wilc->quit) + goto out_update_cnt; + + mutex_lock(&wilc->txq_add_to_head_cs); + tqe = wilc_wlan_txq_get_first(wilc); + if (!tqe) + goto out_unlock; + dev = tqe->vif->ndev; + wilc_wlan_txq_filter_dup_tcp_ack(dev); + i = 0; + sum = 0; + while (tqe && (i < (WILC_VMM_TBL_SIZE - 1))) { + if (tqe->type == WILC_CFG_PKT) + vmm_sz = ETH_CONFIG_PKT_HDR_OFFSET; + else if (tqe->type == WILC_NET_PKT) + vmm_sz = ETH_ETHERNET_HDR_OFFSET; + else + vmm_sz = HOST_HDR_OFFSET; + + vmm_sz += tqe->buffer_size; + vmm_sz = ALIGN(vmm_sz, 4); + + if ((sum + vmm_sz) > WILC_TX_BUFF_SIZE) + break; + + vmm_table[i] = vmm_sz / 4; + if (tqe->type == WILC_CFG_PKT) + vmm_table[i] |= BIT(10); + cpu_to_le32s(&vmm_table[i]); + + i++; + sum += vmm_sz; + tqe = wilc_wlan_txq_get_next(wilc, tqe); + } + + if (i == 0) + goto out_unlock; + vmm_table[i] = 0x0; + + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_AND_WAKEUP); + counter = 0; + func = wilc->hif_func; + do { + ret = func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_HOST_TX_CTRL, ®); + if (ret) + break; + + if ((reg & 0x1) == 0) + break; + + counter++; + if (counter > 200) { + counter = 0; + ret = func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_HOST_TX_CTRL, 0); + break; + } + } while (!wilc->quit); + + if (ret) + goto out_release_bus; + + timeout = 200; + do { + ret = func->hif_block_tx(wilc, + WILC_VMM_TBL_RX_SHADOW_BASE, + (u8 *)vmm_table, + ((i + 1) * 4)); + if (ret) + break; + + ret = func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_HOST_VMM_CTL, 0x2); + if (ret) + break; + + do { + ret = func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_HOST_VMM_CTL, ®); + if (ret) + break; + if (FIELD_GET(WILC_VMM_ENTRY_AVAILABLE, reg)) { + entries = FIELD_GET(WILC_VMM_ENTRY_COUNT, reg); + break; + } + } while (--timeout); + if (timeout <= 0) { + ret = func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_HOST_VMM_CTL, 0x0); + break; + } + + if (ret) + break; + + if (entries == 0) { + ret = func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_HOST_TX_CTRL, ®); + if (ret) + break; + reg &= ~BIT(0); + ret = func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_HOST_TX_CTRL, reg); + } + } while (0); + + if (ret) + goto out_release_bus; + + if (entries == 0) { + /* + * No VMM space available in firmware so retry to transmit + * the packet from tx queue. + */ + ret = WILC_VMM_ENTRY_FULL_RETRY; + goto out_release_bus; + } + + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP); + + offset = 0; + i = 0; + do { + u32 header, buffer_offset; + char *bssid; + u8 mgmt_ptk = 0; + + tqe = wilc_wlan_txq_remove_from_head(dev); + if (!tqe) + break; + + vif = tqe->vif; + if (vmm_table[i] == 0) + break; + + le32_to_cpus(&vmm_table[i]); + vmm_sz = FIELD_GET(WILC_VMM_BUFFER_SIZE, vmm_table[i]); + vmm_sz *= 4; + + if (tqe->type == WILC_MGMT_PKT) + mgmt_ptk = 1; + + header = (FIELD_PREP(WILC_VMM_HDR_TYPE, tqe->type) | + FIELD_PREP(WILC_VMM_HDR_MGMT_FIELD, mgmt_ptk) | + FIELD_PREP(WILC_VMM_HDR_PKT_SIZE, tqe->buffer_size) | + FIELD_PREP(WILC_VMM_HDR_BUFF_SIZE, vmm_sz)); + + cpu_to_le32s(&header); + memcpy(&txb[offset], &header, 4); + if (tqe->type == WILC_CFG_PKT) { + buffer_offset = ETH_CONFIG_PKT_HDR_OFFSET; + } else if (tqe->type == WILC_NET_PKT) { + bssid = tqe->vif->bssid; + buffer_offset = ETH_ETHERNET_HDR_OFFSET; + memcpy(&txb[offset + 8], bssid, 6); + } else { + buffer_offset = HOST_HDR_OFFSET; + } + + memcpy(&txb[offset + buffer_offset], + tqe->buffer, tqe->buffer_size); + offset += vmm_sz; + i++; + tqe->status = 1; + if (tqe->tx_complete_func) + tqe->tx_complete_func(tqe->priv, tqe->status); + if (tqe->ack_idx != NOT_TCP_ACK && + tqe->ack_idx < MAX_PENDING_ACKS) + vif->ack_filter.pending_acks[tqe->ack_idx].txqe = NULL; + kfree(tqe); + } while (--entries); + + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_AND_WAKEUP); + + ret = func->hif_clear_int_ext(wilc, ENABLE_TX_VMM); + if (ret) + goto out_release_bus; + + ret = func->hif_block_tx_ext(wilc, 0, txb, offset); + +out_release_bus: + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP); + +out_unlock: + mutex_unlock(&wilc->txq_add_to_head_cs); + +out_update_cnt: + *txq_count = wilc->txq_entries; + return ret; +} + +static void wilc_wlan_handle_rx_buff(struct wilc *wilc, u8 *buffer, int size) +{ + int offset = 0; + u32 header; + u32 pkt_len, pkt_offset, tp_len; + int is_cfg_packet; + u8 *buff_ptr; + + do { + buff_ptr = buffer + offset; + header = get_unaligned_le32(buff_ptr); + + is_cfg_packet = FIELD_GET(WILC_PKT_HDR_CONFIG_FIELD, header); + pkt_offset = FIELD_GET(WILC_PKT_HDR_OFFSET_FIELD, header); + tp_len = FIELD_GET(WILC_PKT_HDR_TOTAL_LEN_FIELD, header); + pkt_len = FIELD_GET(WILC_PKT_HDR_LEN_FIELD, header); + + if (pkt_len == 0 || tp_len == 0) + break; + + if (pkt_offset & IS_MANAGMEMENT) { + buff_ptr += HOST_HDR_OFFSET; + wilc_wfi_mgmt_rx(wilc, buff_ptr, pkt_len); + } else { + if (!is_cfg_packet) { + wilc_frmw_to_host(wilc, buff_ptr, pkt_len, + pkt_offset); + } else { + struct wilc_cfg_rsp rsp; + + buff_ptr += pkt_offset; + + wilc_wlan_cfg_indicate_rx(wilc, buff_ptr, + pkt_len, + &rsp); + if (rsp.type == WILC_CFG_RSP) { + if (wilc->cfg_seq_no == rsp.seq_no) + complete(&wilc->cfg_event); + } else if (rsp.type == WILC_CFG_RSP_STATUS) { + wilc_mac_indicate(wilc); + } + } + } + offset += tp_len; + } while (offset < size); +} + +static void wilc_wlan_handle_rxq(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + int size; + u8 *buffer; + struct rxq_entry_t *rqe; + + while (!wilc->quit) { + rqe = wilc_wlan_rxq_remove(wilc); + if (!rqe) + break; + + buffer = rqe->buffer; + size = rqe->buffer_size; + wilc_wlan_handle_rx_buff(wilc, buffer, size); + + kfree(rqe); + } + if (wilc->quit) + complete(&wilc->cfg_event); +} + +static void wilc_unknown_isr_ext(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + wilc->hif_func->hif_clear_int_ext(wilc, 0); +} + +static void wilc_wlan_handle_isr_ext(struct wilc *wilc, u32 int_status) +{ + u32 offset = wilc->rx_buffer_offset; + u8 *buffer = NULL; + u32 size; + u32 retries = 0; + int ret = 0; + struct rxq_entry_t *rqe; + + size = FIELD_GET(WILC_INTERRUPT_DATA_SIZE, int_status) << 2; + + while (!size && retries < 10) { + wilc->hif_func->hif_read_size(wilc, &size); + size = FIELD_GET(WILC_INTERRUPT_DATA_SIZE, size) << 2; + retries++; + } + + if (size <= 0) + return; + + if (WILC_RX_BUFF_SIZE - offset < size) + offset = 0; + + buffer = &wilc->rx_buffer[offset]; + + wilc->hif_func->hif_clear_int_ext(wilc, DATA_INT_CLR | ENABLE_RX_VMM); + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_block_rx_ext(wilc, 0, buffer, size); + if (ret) + return; + + offset += size; + wilc->rx_buffer_offset = offset; + rqe = kmalloc(sizeof(*rqe), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!rqe) + return; + + rqe->buffer = buffer; + rqe->buffer_size = size; + wilc_wlan_rxq_add(wilc, rqe); + wilc_wlan_handle_rxq(wilc); +} + +void wilc_handle_isr(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + u32 int_status; + + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_AND_WAKEUP); + wilc->hif_func->hif_read_int(wilc, &int_status); + + if (int_status & DATA_INT_EXT) + wilc_wlan_handle_isr_ext(wilc, int_status); + + if (!(int_status & (ALL_INT_EXT))) + wilc_unknown_isr_ext(wilc); + + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(wilc_handle_isr); + +int wilc_wlan_firmware_download(struct wilc *wilc, const u8 *buffer, + u32 buffer_size) +{ + u32 offset; + u32 addr, size, size2, blksz; + u8 *dma_buffer; + int ret = 0; + + blksz = BIT(12); + + dma_buffer = kmalloc(blksz, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!dma_buffer) + return -EIO; + + offset = 0; + do { + addr = get_unaligned_le32(&buffer[offset]); + size = get_unaligned_le32(&buffer[offset + 4]); + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_ONLY); + offset += 8; + while (((int)size) && (offset < buffer_size)) { + if (size <= blksz) + size2 = size; + else + size2 = blksz; + + memcpy(dma_buffer, &buffer[offset], size2); + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_block_tx(wilc, addr, + dma_buffer, size2); + if (ret) + break; + + addr += size2; + offset += size2; + size -= size2; + } + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY); + + if (ret) + goto fail; + } while (offset < buffer_size); + +fail: + + kfree(dma_buffer); + + return ret; +} + +int wilc_wlan_start(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + u32 reg = 0; + int ret; + u32 chipid; + + if (wilc->io_type == WILC_HIF_SDIO) { + reg = 0; + reg |= BIT(3); + } else if (wilc->io_type == WILC_HIF_SPI) { + reg = 1; + } + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_ONLY); + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_VMM_CORE_CFG, reg); + if (ret) { + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY); + return ret; + } + reg = 0; + if (wilc->io_type == WILC_HIF_SDIO && wilc->dev_irq_num) + reg |= WILC_HAVE_SDIO_IRQ_GPIO; + + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_GP_REG_1, reg); + if (ret) { + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY); + return ret; + } + + wilc->hif_func->hif_sync_ext(wilc, NUM_INT_EXT); + + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_CHIPID, &chipid); + if (ret) { + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY); + return ret; + } + + wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_GLB_RESET_0, ®); + if ((reg & BIT(10)) == BIT(10)) { + reg &= ~BIT(10); + wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_GLB_RESET_0, reg); + wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_GLB_RESET_0, ®); + } + + reg |= BIT(10); + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_GLB_RESET_0, reg); + wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_GLB_RESET_0, ®); + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY); + + return ret; +} + +int wilc_wlan_stop(struct wilc *wilc, struct wilc_vif *vif) +{ + u32 reg = 0; + int ret; + + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_AND_WAKEUP); + + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_GP_REG_0, ®); + if (ret) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Error while reading reg\n"); + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP); + return ret; + } + + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_GP_REG_0, + (reg | WILC_ABORT_REQ_BIT)); + if (ret) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Error while writing reg\n"); + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP); + return ret; + } + + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_FW_HOST_COMM, ®); + if (ret) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Error while reading reg\n"); + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP); + return ret; + } + reg = BIT(0); + + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, WILC_FW_HOST_COMM, reg); + if (ret) { + netdev_err(vif->ndev, "Error while writing reg\n"); + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP); + return ret; + } + + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ALLOW_SLEEP); + + return 0; +} + +void wilc_wlan_cleanup(struct net_device *dev) +{ + struct txq_entry_t *tqe; + struct rxq_entry_t *rqe; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + wilc->quit = 1; + while ((tqe = wilc_wlan_txq_remove_from_head(dev))) { + if (tqe->tx_complete_func) + tqe->tx_complete_func(tqe->priv, 0); + kfree(tqe); + } + + while ((rqe = wilc_wlan_rxq_remove(wilc))) + kfree(rqe); + + kfree(wilc->rx_buffer); + wilc->rx_buffer = NULL; + kfree(wilc->tx_buffer); + wilc->tx_buffer = NULL; + wilc->hif_func->hif_deinit(NULL); +} + +static int wilc_wlan_cfg_commit(struct wilc_vif *vif, int type, + u32 drv_handler) +{ + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + struct wilc_cfg_frame *cfg = &wilc->cfg_frame; + int t_len = wilc->cfg_frame_offset + sizeof(struct wilc_cfg_cmd_hdr); + + if (type == WILC_CFG_SET) + cfg->hdr.cmd_type = 'W'; + else + cfg->hdr.cmd_type = 'Q'; + + cfg->hdr.seq_no = wilc->cfg_seq_no % 256; + cfg->hdr.total_len = cpu_to_le16(t_len); + cfg->hdr.driver_handler = cpu_to_le32(drv_handler); + wilc->cfg_seq_no = cfg->hdr.seq_no; + + if (!wilc_wlan_txq_add_cfg_pkt(vif, (u8 *)&cfg->hdr, t_len)) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +int wilc_wlan_cfg_set(struct wilc_vif *vif, int start, u16 wid, u8 *buffer, + u32 buffer_size, int commit, u32 drv_handler) +{ + u32 offset; + int ret_size; + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + mutex_lock(&wilc->cfg_cmd_lock); + + if (start) + wilc->cfg_frame_offset = 0; + + offset = wilc->cfg_frame_offset; + ret_size = wilc_wlan_cfg_set_wid(wilc->cfg_frame.frame, offset, + wid, buffer, buffer_size); + offset += ret_size; + wilc->cfg_frame_offset = offset; + + if (!commit) { + mutex_unlock(&wilc->cfg_cmd_lock); + return ret_size; + } + + netdev_dbg(vif->ndev, "%s: seqno[%d]\n", __func__, wilc->cfg_seq_no); + + if (wilc_wlan_cfg_commit(vif, WILC_CFG_SET, drv_handler)) + ret_size = 0; + + if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&wilc->cfg_event, + WILC_CFG_PKTS_TIMEOUT)) { + netdev_dbg(vif->ndev, "%s: Timed Out\n", __func__); + ret_size = 0; + } + + wilc->cfg_frame_offset = 0; + wilc->cfg_seq_no += 1; + mutex_unlock(&wilc->cfg_cmd_lock); + + return ret_size; +} + +int wilc_wlan_cfg_get(struct wilc_vif *vif, int start, u16 wid, int commit, + u32 drv_handler) +{ + u32 offset; + int ret_size; + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + mutex_lock(&wilc->cfg_cmd_lock); + + if (start) + wilc->cfg_frame_offset = 0; + + offset = wilc->cfg_frame_offset; + ret_size = wilc_wlan_cfg_get_wid(wilc->cfg_frame.frame, offset, wid); + offset += ret_size; + wilc->cfg_frame_offset = offset; + + if (!commit) { + mutex_unlock(&wilc->cfg_cmd_lock); + return ret_size; + } + + if (wilc_wlan_cfg_commit(vif, WILC_CFG_QUERY, drv_handler)) + ret_size = 0; + + if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&wilc->cfg_event, + WILC_CFG_PKTS_TIMEOUT)) { + netdev_dbg(vif->ndev, "%s: Timed Out\n", __func__); + ret_size = 0; + } + wilc->cfg_frame_offset = 0; + wilc->cfg_seq_no += 1; + mutex_unlock(&wilc->cfg_cmd_lock); + + return ret_size; +} + +int wilc_send_config_pkt(struct wilc_vif *vif, u8 mode, struct wid *wids, + u32 count) +{ + int i; + int ret = 0; + u32 drv = wilc_get_vif_idx(vif); + + if (mode == WILC_GET_CFG) { + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { + if (!wilc_wlan_cfg_get(vif, !i, + wids[i].id, + (i == count - 1), + drv)) { + ret = -ETIMEDOUT; + break; + } + } + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { + wids[i].size = wilc_wlan_cfg_get_val(vif->wilc, + wids[i].id, + wids[i].val, + wids[i].size); + } + } else if (mode == WILC_SET_CFG) { + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { + if (!wilc_wlan_cfg_set(vif, !i, + wids[i].id, + wids[i].val, + wids[i].size, + (i == count - 1), + drv)) { + ret = -ETIMEDOUT; + break; + } + } + } + + return ret; +} + +static int init_chip(struct net_device *dev) +{ + u32 chipid; + u32 reg; + int ret = 0; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = vif->wilc; + + acquire_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_ACQUIRE_ONLY); + + chipid = wilc_get_chipid(wilc, true); + + if ((chipid & 0xfff) != 0xa0) { + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, + WILC_CORTUS_RESET_MUX_SEL, + ®); + if (ret) { + netdev_err(dev, "fail read reg 0x1118\n"); + goto release; + } + reg |= BIT(0); + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, + WILC_CORTUS_RESET_MUX_SEL, + reg); + if (ret) { + netdev_err(dev, "fail write reg 0x1118\n"); + goto release; + } + ret = wilc->hif_func->hif_write_reg(wilc, + WILC_CORTUS_BOOT_REGISTER, + WILC_CORTUS_BOOT_FROM_IRAM); + if (ret) { + netdev_err(dev, "fail write reg 0xc0000\n"); + goto release; + } + } + +release: + release_bus(wilc, WILC_BUS_RELEASE_ONLY); + + return ret; +} + +u32 wilc_get_chipid(struct wilc *wilc, bool update) +{ + static u32 chipid; + u32 tempchipid = 0; + u32 rfrevid = 0; + + if (chipid == 0 || update) { + wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_CHIPID, &tempchipid); + wilc->hif_func->hif_read_reg(wilc, WILC_RF_REVISION_ID, + &rfrevid); + if (!is_wilc1000(tempchipid)) { + chipid = 0; + return chipid; + } + if (tempchipid == WILC_1000_BASE_ID_2A) { /* 0x1002A0 */ + if (rfrevid != 0x1) + tempchipid = WILC_1000_BASE_ID_2A_REV1; + } else if (tempchipid == WILC_1000_BASE_ID_2B) { /* 0x1002B0 */ + if (rfrevid == 0x4) + tempchipid = WILC_1000_BASE_ID_2B_REV1; + else if (rfrevid != 0x3) + tempchipid = WILC_1000_BASE_ID_2B_REV2; + } + + chipid = tempchipid; + } + return chipid; +} + +int wilc_wlan_init(struct net_device *dev) +{ + int ret = 0; + struct wilc_vif *vif = netdev_priv(dev); + struct wilc *wilc; + + wilc = vif->wilc; + + wilc->quit = 0; + + if (wilc->hif_func->hif_init(wilc, false)) { + ret = -EIO; + goto fail; + } + + if (!wilc->tx_buffer) + wilc->tx_buffer = kmalloc(WILC_TX_BUFF_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!wilc->tx_buffer) { + ret = -ENOBUFS; + goto fail; + } + + if (!wilc->rx_buffer) + wilc->rx_buffer = kmalloc(WILC_RX_BUFF_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!wilc->rx_buffer) { + ret = -ENOBUFS; + goto fail; + } + + if (init_chip(dev)) { + ret = -EIO; + goto fail; + } + + return 0; + +fail: + + kfree(wilc->rx_buffer); + wilc->rx_buffer = NULL; + kfree(wilc->tx_buffer); + wilc->tx_buffer = NULL; + + return ret; +} From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:18 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202741 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE,SPF_PASS,URIBL_BLOCKED,USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BD41AC2D0E7 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:26 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 732E520663 for ; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:26 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="ZF3jIMyk" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1727749AbgC0GdZ (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:25 -0400 Received: from ([]:49549 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1727708AbgC0GdY (ORCPT ); Fri, 27 Mar 2020 02:33:24 -0400 IronPort-SDR: xBGRiXiPJct1+hhxZQOR0GDEa1yE3HzEC1GctcHy8Cz4bPqkdR3LghSn0DXXYYw8AZGhbCnZhd rljKSNZJwWglkGMQYwM/1nmc71xA3KjmCtY/I8EqUYI7gPLUoddcJt0p1OlNKIVjD/rLQHGrXI pPLq2heqfpiL43RILnhVEZK3JwV4YvzpjisSjCy4PVwY0vhbWMedp7U9PofFzKMKIZUSDPlxI0 WEJXsXZLHLkYUzLdYbAQmQrFsNzSpJckkBY8qUle8gOwynOKCNqS/34DVggcpDKhhn1Cebb7r6 Xcs= X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.72,311,1580799600"; d="scan'208";a="70452414" Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/AES256-SHA256; 26 Mar 2020 23:33:23 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:21 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:21 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=HkmWeSAHLXtK/6+YQPe4Kym42+HcpBuLu7XM8oCUfFX9ldMgGVTRK2EVa9+u/Rrj7WcEqCAS5i+AALQM/FxEXAXGanP7F2xpAjFb9Jb/FWGoXIt/DlXOj3D6jnfu7SGY2Izc2eEeSI2EcmLjGUEqjdbE2iokE6ZNmgQPXy0UqPf1XaezGTUSSCe2c05wJJTyO5V5gxip23ioEuAoullFOz+bMbC0AW27StVyKWF7/JAuBCKkZScSlFPy9BJWbacauw7UtACk6lwQrWSn8KLtJjl03pjHhH4PJKZm0kS3fcq4lEuNuGYAFzpP+0+paWZ1Ocep+HTzVkppnDGmxyqG9Q== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=6Y3dRx7lty2J5gZu8DU1YXgIthh1ObPT+WLB9M2bTRw=; b=lRDnP1+wo6Z+XsWUvCcI/Wp7RTugrAmC+ga6pmI//eMCutemdASuhp8smgJ+j0iVQ3TTDXYE6S2DTt/emuZP84c0hHJ5bKOf0gIPfs8W8vTIMwoJc3V69OnxNLUYmbijduc7AYBXaOrSFX5cdzyE03S7eKlQ+RmC9BF7tEzD+AMLF846qbKe9SbY4vEPd2V/zsI2Zu2IudVkMLKDkJ/D5I7VmxU2uhXu5KpWYToKN2skFn6orZ8YKIZ2Im0pklULOTo92fa6W9Q9nlfFhYCYxdARIQaFn8twx+Oy8xOpGU0ArCJvpZi0vX5HYaZIKr9/sSo5HPLoJhyrp0kh5PVl0Q== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-microchiptechnology-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=6Y3dRx7lty2J5gZu8DU1YXgIthh1ObPT+WLB9M2bTRw=; b=ZF3jIMyksAofWXU0zOP42ANILYb/EW+uilV2Gwf4onoEsQnXqErLV1mdLUT5CRsfoq2XT5W34kdZx2nLTb4H/tIilFCFIHLrG7aWv8HxRQ2IMdRWELcYyNLhGQY7ORyOwjN8ADTEGL2A50/AenDOt6+nc5U/RXikCHEB+a9YDNw= Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:8e::32) by (2603:10b6:a03:1b::29) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2856.19; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:19 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e]) by ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2835.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:19 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v6 14/17] wilc1000: add sdio.c Thread-Topic: [PATCH v6 14/17] wilc1000: add sdio.c Thread-Index: AQHWBAGaqsNYpKZtUEy/lvOPO4SrUw== Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:18 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 886963d0-d94a-4647-b440-08d7d218bd32 x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:8; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(186003)(30864003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003)(579004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: 90oksm82MZH1TZKvkd2xHLmxBbvjJ7HMP2laYtdwMt9e5POFMGZzTxUW71Tb2M7LHAO40onnyO5+ULskubo2zqOP+CHQJ6XrXzrULLWuwDzbMcVfrc1hL7lAhauwtzHpXPF9CVELq24c4+y6g/rKN2mQtsJ+tgfHmgM5jM6hzkrq3zPX/loWynW1BgLhStiT30kCLtUzhHuaveCvwGEUThmpmSuWYFTKQt5qSKhs9QWSsmnls//IPzmRv2MYWrfVxkdXp/TSKWOd61BBvyiK5X0fJVOPsqy6dW18ApO3dWzRIC9mWPT5wptiyELKCKzDdp6VaEKua+h3w2QMBmq1Z8qh7g5j8oLM2zs9K53ZJHGc4VilXUX4kC++ecYSMDMNfZxlNoEZcr7KQs4JlxXzv5hqcSyXO5PmY6NSYVCE1UV3WzqE6knZ3PxDQfoXCI2C x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: s8I2SoOK5XT3/Zi9xqXs8eSp2Ob8nzpOKdfB2Iehi5WKQBLAy2g7LsEQRwPLyXDzpy4VdjlPqWSjk1CIMf3Ggb9EXpNMYAUXISJJInp1RvQythwWYU2M7rO1WSzQvvIjZNzKBv2oWmJ9R5K/cKOvjw== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 886963d0-d94a-4647-b440-08d7d218bd32 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:19.0429 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: GpIWxXftL95X2MOGI7BpmFSMcVPdWatJGh0wqxmy8TKV5X882NVmM2tIKxHYRR8i376N+KCVEH9VBFc5zLlM+EPb0cOZ/ytXi6KdlHjOUKs= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Moved 'drivers/staging/wilc1000/sdio.c' to 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/sdio.c'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- .../net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/sdio.c | 1023 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1023 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/sdio.c diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/sdio.c b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/sdio.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..36eb589263bf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/sdio.c @@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Microchip Technology Inc., and its subsidiaries. + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "netdev.h" +#include "cfg80211.h" + +#define SDIO_MODALIAS "wilc1000_sdio" + +#define SDIO_VENDOR_ID_WILC 0x0296 +#define SDIO_DEVICE_ID_WILC 0x5347 + +static const struct sdio_device_id wilc_sdio_ids[] = { + { SDIO_DEVICE(SDIO_VENDOR_ID_WILC, SDIO_DEVICE_ID_WILC) }, + { }, +}; + +#define WILC_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE 512 + +struct wilc_sdio { + bool irq_gpio; + u32 block_size; + int has_thrpt_enh3; +}; + +struct sdio_cmd52 { + u32 read_write: 1; + u32 function: 3; + u32 raw: 1; + u32 address: 17; + u32 data: 8; +}; + +struct sdio_cmd53 { + u32 read_write: 1; + u32 function: 3; + u32 block_mode: 1; + u32 increment: 1; + u32 address: 17; + u32 count: 9; + u8 *buffer; + u32 block_size; +}; + +static const struct wilc_hif_func wilc_hif_sdio; + +static void wilc_sdio_interrupt(struct sdio_func *func) +{ + sdio_release_host(func); + wilc_handle_isr(sdio_get_drvdata(func)); + sdio_claim_host(func); +} + +static int wilc_sdio_cmd52(struct wilc *wilc, struct sdio_cmd52 *cmd) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = container_of(wilc->dev, struct sdio_func, dev); + int ret; + u8 data; + + sdio_claim_host(func); + + func->num = cmd->function; + if (cmd->read_write) { /* write */ + if (cmd->raw) { + sdio_writeb(func, cmd->data, cmd->address, &ret); + data = sdio_readb(func, cmd->address, &ret); + cmd->data = data; + } else { + sdio_writeb(func, cmd->data, cmd->address, &ret); + } + } else { /* read */ + data = sdio_readb(func, cmd->address, &ret); + cmd->data = data; + } + + sdio_release_host(func); + + if (ret) + dev_err(&func->dev, "%s..failed, err(%d)\n", __func__, ret); + return ret; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_cmd53(struct wilc *wilc, struct sdio_cmd53 *cmd) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = container_of(wilc->dev, struct sdio_func, dev); + int size, ret; + + sdio_claim_host(func); + + func->num = cmd->function; + func->cur_blksize = cmd->block_size; + if (cmd->block_mode) + size = cmd->count * cmd->block_size; + else + size = cmd->count; + + if (cmd->read_write) { /* write */ + ret = sdio_memcpy_toio(func, cmd->address, + (void *)cmd->buffer, size); + } else { /* read */ + ret = sdio_memcpy_fromio(func, (void *)cmd->buffer, + cmd->address, size); + } + + sdio_release_host(func); + + if (ret) + dev_err(&func->dev, "%s..failed, err(%d)\n", __func__, ret); + + return ret; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_probe(struct sdio_func *func, + const struct sdio_device_id *id) +{ + struct wilc *wilc; + int ret; + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv; + + sdio_priv = kzalloc(sizeof(*sdio_priv), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!sdio_priv) + return -ENOMEM; + + ret = wilc_cfg80211_init(&wilc, &func->dev, WILC_HIF_SDIO, + &wilc_hif_sdio); + if (ret) { + kfree(sdio_priv); + return ret; + } + + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_WILC1000_HW_OOB_INTR)) { + struct device_node *np = func->card->dev.of_node; + int irq_num = of_irq_get(np, 0); + + if (irq_num > 0) { + wilc->dev_irq_num = irq_num; + sdio_priv->irq_gpio = true; + } + } + + sdio_set_drvdata(func, wilc); + wilc->bus_data = sdio_priv; + wilc->dev = &func->dev; + + wilc->rtc_clk = devm_clk_get(&func->card->dev, "rtc"); + if (PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(wilc->rtc_clk) == -EPROBE_DEFER) + return -EPROBE_DEFER; + else if (!IS_ERR(wilc->rtc_clk)) + clk_prepare_enable(wilc->rtc_clk); + + dev_info(&func->dev, "Driver Initializing success\n"); + return 0; +} + +static void wilc_sdio_remove(struct sdio_func *func) +{ + struct wilc *wilc = sdio_get_drvdata(func); + + if (!IS_ERR(wilc->rtc_clk)) + clk_disable_unprepare(wilc->rtc_clk); + + wilc_netdev_cleanup(wilc); +} + +static int wilc_sdio_reset(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + int ret; + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = SDIO_CCCR_ABORT; + = WILC_SDIO_CCCR_ABORT_RESET; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Fail cmd 52, reset cmd ...\n"); + return ret; + } + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = sdio_get_drvdata(func); + int ret; + + dev_info(dev, "sdio suspend\n"); + chip_wakeup(wilc); + + if (!IS_ERR(wilc->rtc_clk)) + clk_disable_unprepare(wilc->rtc_clk); + + if (wilc->suspend_event) { + host_sleep_notify(wilc); + chip_allow_sleep(wilc); + } + + ret = wilc_sdio_reset(wilc); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Fail reset sdio\n"); + return ret; + } + sdio_claim_host(func); + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_enable_interrupt(struct wilc *dev) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = container_of(dev->dev, struct sdio_func, dev); + int ret = 0; + + sdio_claim_host(func); + ret = sdio_claim_irq(func, wilc_sdio_interrupt); + sdio_release_host(func); + + if (ret < 0) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "can't claim sdio_irq, err(%d)\n", ret); + ret = -EIO; + } + return ret; +} + +static void wilc_sdio_disable_interrupt(struct wilc *dev) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = container_of(dev->dev, struct sdio_func, dev); + int ret; + + sdio_claim_host(func); + ret = sdio_release_irq(func); + if (ret < 0) + dev_err(&func->dev, "can't release sdio_irq, err(%d)\n", ret); + sdio_release_host(func); +} + +/******************************************** + * + * Function 0 + * + ********************************************/ + +static int wilc_sdio_set_func0_csa_address(struct wilc *wilc, u32 adr) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + int ret; + + /** + * Review: BIG ENDIAN + **/ + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_FBR_CSA_REG; + = (u8)adr; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed cmd52, set %04x data...\n", + cmd.address); + return ret; + } + + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_FBR_CSA_REG + 1; + = (u8)(adr >> 8); + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed cmd52, set %04x data...\n", + cmd.address); + return ret; + } + + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_FBR_CSA_REG + 2; + = (u8)(adr >> 16); + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed cmd52, set %04x data...\n", + cmd.address); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_set_block_size(struct wilc *wilc, u8 func_num, + u32 block_size) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + int ret; + + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = SDIO_FBR_BASE(func_num) + SDIO_CCCR_BLKSIZE; + = (u8)block_size; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed cmd52, set %04x data...\n", + cmd.address); + return ret; + } + + cmd.address = SDIO_FBR_BASE(func_num) + SDIO_CCCR_BLKSIZE + 1; + = (u8)(block_size >> 8); + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed cmd52, set %04x data...\n", + cmd.address); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +/******************************************** + * + * Sdio interfaces + * + ********************************************/ +static int wilc_sdio_write_reg(struct wilc *wilc, u32 addr, u32 data) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv = wilc->bus_data; + int ret; + + cpu_to_le32s(&data); + + if (addr >= 0xf0 && addr <= 0xff) { /* only vendor specific registers */ + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = addr; + = data; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd 52, read reg (%08x) ...\n", addr); + } else { + struct sdio_cmd53 cmd; + + /** + * set the AHB address + **/ + ret = wilc_sdio_set_func0_csa_address(wilc, addr); + if (ret) + return ret; + + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_FBR_DATA_REG; + cmd.block_mode = 0; + cmd.increment = 1; + cmd.count = 4; + cmd.buffer = (u8 *)&data; + cmd.block_size = sdio_priv->block_size; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd53(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd53, write reg (%08x)...\n", addr); + } + + return ret; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_write(struct wilc *wilc, u32 addr, u8 *buf, u32 size) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv = wilc->bus_data; + u32 block_size = sdio_priv->block_size; + struct sdio_cmd53 cmd; + int nblk, nleft, ret; + + cmd.read_write = 1; + if (addr > 0) { + /** + * func 0 access + **/ + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_FBR_DATA_REG; + } else { + /** + * func 1 access + **/ + cmd.function = 1; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_F1_DATA_REG; + } + + size = ALIGN(size, 4); + nblk = size / block_size; + nleft = size % block_size; + + if (nblk > 0) { + cmd.block_mode = 1; + cmd.increment = 1; + cmd.count = nblk; + cmd.buffer = buf; + cmd.block_size = block_size; + if (addr > 0) { + ret = wilc_sdio_set_func0_csa_address(wilc, addr); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd53(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd53 [%x], block send...\n", addr); + return ret; + } + if (addr > 0) + addr += nblk * block_size; + buf += nblk * block_size; + } + + if (nleft > 0) { + cmd.block_mode = 0; + cmd.increment = 1; + cmd.count = nleft; + cmd.buffer = buf; + + cmd.block_size = block_size; + + if (addr > 0) { + ret = wilc_sdio_set_func0_csa_address(wilc, addr); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd53(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd53 [%x], bytes send...\n", addr); + return ret; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_read_reg(struct wilc *wilc, u32 addr, u32 *data) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv = wilc->bus_data; + int ret; + + if (addr >= 0xf0 && addr <= 0xff) { /* only vendor specific registers */ + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + + cmd.read_write = 0; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = addr; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd 52, read reg (%08x) ...\n", addr); + return ret; + } + *data =; + } else { + struct sdio_cmd53 cmd; + + ret = wilc_sdio_set_func0_csa_address(wilc, addr); + if (ret) + return ret; + + cmd.read_write = 0; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_FBR_DATA_REG; + cmd.block_mode = 0; + cmd.increment = 1; + cmd.count = 4; + cmd.buffer = (u8 *)data; + + cmd.block_size = sdio_priv->block_size; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd53(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd53, read reg (%08x)...\n", addr); + return ret; + } + } + + le32_to_cpus(data); + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_read(struct wilc *wilc, u32 addr, u8 *buf, u32 size) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv = wilc->bus_data; + u32 block_size = sdio_priv->block_size; + struct sdio_cmd53 cmd; + int nblk, nleft, ret; + + cmd.read_write = 0; + if (addr > 0) { + /** + * func 0 access + **/ + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_FBR_DATA_REG; + } else { + /** + * func 1 access + **/ + cmd.function = 1; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_F1_DATA_REG; + } + + size = ALIGN(size, 4); + nblk = size / block_size; + nleft = size % block_size; + + if (nblk > 0) { + cmd.block_mode = 1; + cmd.increment = 1; + cmd.count = nblk; + cmd.buffer = buf; + cmd.block_size = block_size; + if (addr > 0) { + ret = wilc_sdio_set_func0_csa_address(wilc, addr); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd53(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd53 [%x], block read...\n", addr); + return ret; + } + if (addr > 0) + addr += nblk * block_size; + buf += nblk * block_size; + } /* if (nblk > 0) */ + + if (nleft > 0) { + cmd.block_mode = 0; + cmd.increment = 1; + cmd.count = nleft; + cmd.buffer = buf; + + cmd.block_size = block_size; + + if (addr > 0) { + ret = wilc_sdio_set_func0_csa_address(wilc, addr); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd53(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd53 [%x], bytes read...\n", addr); + return ret; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +/******************************************** + * + * Bus interfaces + * + ********************************************/ + +static int wilc_sdio_deinit(struct wilc *wilc) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_init(struct wilc *wilc, bool resume) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv = wilc->bus_data; + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + int loop, ret; + u32 chipid; + + /** + * function 0 csa enable + **/ + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 1; + cmd.address = SDIO_FBR_BASE(func->num); + = SDIO_FBR_ENABLE_CSA; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Fail cmd 52, enable csa...\n"); + return ret; + } + + /** + * function 0 block size + **/ + ret = wilc_sdio_set_block_size(wilc, 0, WILC_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Fail cmd 52, set func 0 block size...\n"); + return ret; + } + sdio_priv->block_size = WILC_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE; + + /** + * enable func1 IO + **/ + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 1; + cmd.address = SDIO_CCCR_IOEx; + = WILC_SDIO_CCCR_IO_EN_FUNC1; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Fail cmd 52, set IOE register...\n"); + return ret; + } + + /** + * make sure func 1 is up + **/ + cmd.read_write = 0; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = SDIO_CCCR_IORx; + loop = 3; + do { + = 0; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Fail cmd 52, get IOR register...\n"); + return ret; + } + if ( == WILC_SDIO_CCCR_IO_EN_FUNC1) + break; + } while (loop--); + + if (loop <= 0) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Fail func 1 is not ready...\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /** + * func 1 is ready, set func 1 block size + **/ + ret = wilc_sdio_set_block_size(wilc, 1, WILC_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Fail set func 1 block size...\n"); + return ret; + } + + /** + * func 1 interrupt enable + **/ + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 1; + cmd.address = SDIO_CCCR_IENx; + = WILC_SDIO_CCCR_IEN_MASTER | WILC_SDIO_CCCR_IEN_FUNC1; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Fail cmd 52, set IEN register...\n"); + return ret; + } + + /** + * make sure can read back chip id correctly + **/ + if (!resume) { + int rev; + + ret = wilc_sdio_read_reg(wilc, WILC_CHIPID, &chipid); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Fail cmd read chip id...\n"); + return ret; + } + dev_err(&func->dev, "chipid (%08x)\n", chipid); + rev = FIELD_GET(WILC_CHIP_REV_FIELD, chipid); + if (rev > FIELD_GET(WILC_CHIP_REV_FIELD, WILC_1000_BASE_ID_2A)) + sdio_priv->has_thrpt_enh3 = 1; + else + sdio_priv->has_thrpt_enh3 = 0; + dev_info(&func->dev, "has_thrpt_enh3 = %d...\n", + sdio_priv->has_thrpt_enh3); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_read_size(struct wilc *wilc, u32 *size) +{ + u32 tmp; + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + + /** + * Read DMA count in words + **/ + cmd.read_write = 0; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_INTERRUPT_DATA_SZ_REG; + = 0; + wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + tmp =; + + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_INTERRUPT_DATA_SZ_REG + 1; + = 0; + wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + tmp |= ( << 8); + + *size = tmp; + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_read_int(struct wilc *wilc, u32 *int_status) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv = wilc->bus_data; + u32 tmp; + u8 irq_flags; + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + + wilc_sdio_read_size(wilc, &tmp); + + /** + * Read IRQ flags + **/ + if (!sdio_priv->irq_gpio) { + cmd.function = 1; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_EXT_IRQ_FLAG_REG; + } else { + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_IRQ_FLAG_REG; + } + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.read_write = 0; + = 0; + wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + irq_flags =; + tmp |= FIELD_PREP(IRG_FLAGS_MASK,; + + if (FIELD_GET(UNHANDLED_IRQ_MASK, irq_flags)) + dev_err(&func->dev, "Unexpected interrupt (1) int=%lx\n", + FIELD_GET(UNHANDLED_IRQ_MASK, irq_flags)); + + *int_status = tmp; + + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_clear_int_ext(struct wilc *wilc, u32 val) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv = wilc->bus_data; + int ret; + int vmm_ctl; + + if (sdio_priv->has_thrpt_enh3) { + u32 reg = 0; + + if (sdio_priv->irq_gpio) + reg = val & (BIT(MAX_NUM_INT) - 1); + + /* select VMM table 0 */ + if (val & SEL_VMM_TBL0) + reg |= BIT(5); + /* select VMM table 1 */ + if (val & SEL_VMM_TBL1) + reg |= BIT(6); + /* enable VMM */ + if (val & EN_VMM) + reg |= BIT(7); + if (reg) { + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_IRQ_CLEAR_FLAG_REG; + = reg; + + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd52, set (%02x) data (%d) ...\n", + cmd.address, __LINE__); + return ret; + } + } + return 0; + } + if (sdio_priv->irq_gpio) { + /* has_thrpt_enh2 uses register 0xf8 to clear interrupts. */ + /* + * Cannot clear multiple interrupts. + * Must clear each interrupt individually. + */ + u32 flags; + int i; + + flags = val & (BIT(MAX_NUM_INT) - 1); + for (i = 0; i < NUM_INT_EXT && flags; i++) { + if (flags & BIT(i)) { + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_IRQ_CLEAR_FLAG_REG; + = BIT(i); + + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd52, set (%02x) data (%d) ...\n", + cmd.address, __LINE__); + return ret; + } + flags &= ~BIT(i); + } + } + + for (i = NUM_INT_EXT; i < MAX_NUM_INT && flags; i++) { + if (flags & BIT(i)) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Unexpected interrupt cleared %d...\n", + i); + flags &= ~BIT(i); + } + } + } + + vmm_ctl = 0; + /* select VMM table 0 */ + if (val & SEL_VMM_TBL0) + vmm_ctl |= BIT(0); + /* select VMM table 1 */ + if (val & SEL_VMM_TBL1) + vmm_ctl |= BIT(1); + /* enable VMM */ + if (val & EN_VMM) + vmm_ctl |= BIT(2); + + if (vmm_ctl) { + struct sdio_cmd52 cmd; + + cmd.read_write = 1; + cmd.function = 0; + cmd.raw = 0; + cmd.address = WILC_SDIO_VMM_TBL_CTRL_REG; + = vmm_ctl; + ret = wilc_sdio_cmd52(wilc, &cmd); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed cmd52, set (%02x) data (%d) ...\n", + cmd.address, __LINE__); + return ret; + } + } + return 0; +} + +static int wilc_sdio_sync_ext(struct wilc *wilc, int nint) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(wilc->dev); + struct wilc_sdio *sdio_priv = wilc->bus_data; + u32 reg; + + if (nint > MAX_NUM_INT) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Too many interrupts (%d)...\n", nint); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /** + * Disable power sequencer + **/ + if (wilc_sdio_read_reg(wilc, WILC_MISC, ®)) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed read misc reg...\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + reg &= ~BIT(8); + if (wilc_sdio_write_reg(wilc, WILC_MISC, reg)) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed write misc reg...\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (sdio_priv->irq_gpio) { + u32 reg; + int ret, i; + + /** + * interrupt pin mux select + **/ + ret = wilc_sdio_read_reg(wilc, WILC_PIN_MUX_0, ®); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_PIN_MUX_0); + return ret; + } + reg |= BIT(8); + ret = wilc_sdio_write_reg(wilc, WILC_PIN_MUX_0, reg); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_PIN_MUX_0); + return ret; + } + + /** + * interrupt enable + **/ + ret = wilc_sdio_read_reg(wilc, WILC_INTR_ENABLE, ®); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_INTR_ENABLE); + return ret; + } + + for (i = 0; (i < 5) && (nint > 0); i++, nint--) + reg |= BIT((27 + i)); + ret = wilc_sdio_write_reg(wilc, WILC_INTR_ENABLE, reg); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, "Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_INTR_ENABLE); + return ret; + } + if (nint) { + ret = wilc_sdio_read_reg(wilc, WILC_INTR2_ENABLE, ®); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed read reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_INTR2_ENABLE); + return ret; + } + + for (i = 0; (i < 3) && (nint > 0); i++, nint--) + reg |= BIT(i); + + ret = wilc_sdio_read_reg(wilc, WILC_INTR2_ENABLE, ®); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&func->dev, + "Failed write reg (%08x)...\n", + WILC_INTR2_ENABLE); + return ret; + } + } + } + return 0; +} + +/* Global sdio HIF function table */ +static const struct wilc_hif_func wilc_hif_sdio = { + .hif_init = wilc_sdio_init, + .hif_deinit = wilc_sdio_deinit, + .hif_read_reg = wilc_sdio_read_reg, + .hif_write_reg = wilc_sdio_write_reg, + .hif_block_rx = wilc_sdio_read, + .hif_block_tx = wilc_sdio_write, + .hif_read_int = wilc_sdio_read_int, + .hif_clear_int_ext = wilc_sdio_clear_int_ext, + .hif_read_size = wilc_sdio_read_size, + .hif_block_tx_ext = wilc_sdio_write, + .hif_block_rx_ext = wilc_sdio_read, + .hif_sync_ext = wilc_sdio_sync_ext, + .enable_interrupt = wilc_sdio_enable_interrupt, + .disable_interrupt = wilc_sdio_disable_interrupt, +}; + +static int wilc_sdio_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct sdio_func *func = dev_to_sdio_func(dev); + struct wilc *wilc = sdio_get_drvdata(func); + + dev_info(dev, "sdio resume\n"); + sdio_release_host(func); + chip_wakeup(wilc); + wilc_sdio_init(wilc, true); + + if (wilc->suspend_event) + host_wakeup_notify(wilc); + + chip_allow_sleep(wilc); + + return 0; +} + +static const struct of_device_id wilc_of_match[] = { + { .compatible = "microchip,wilc1000", }, + { /* sentinel */ } +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, wilc_of_match); + +static const struct dev_pm_ops wilc_sdio_pm_ops = { + .suspend = wilc_sdio_suspend, + .resume = wilc_sdio_resume, +}; + +static struct sdio_driver wilc_sdio_driver = { + .name = SDIO_MODALIAS, + .id_table = wilc_sdio_ids, + .probe = wilc_sdio_probe, + .remove = wilc_sdio_remove, + .drv = { + .pm = &wilc_sdio_pm_ops, + .of_match_table = wilc_of_match, + } +}; +module_driver(wilc_sdio_driver, + sdio_register_driver, + sdio_unregister_driver); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); From patchwork Fri Mar 27 06:33:21 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ajay Singh X-Patchwork-Id: 202739 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.7 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id EB1A6C2BA18 for ; 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Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:23 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.1713.5 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:33:23 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=WUxYGG0VzEJ3IR5Bl17hsd64naCCSQpNhRR5MloGkMObLqH2YfUfSRMiaOweDwLBzkNKnVre7EJdtKC6wFPC4j6MXyYCNnRIlD2Lyy5/hUDQcjWBZmDRZ/2MJFrj0PAB8Y19ZbG7ObCWjk1wSxsDpRpgFHnpL+tmrkyITsLUYWYRfhr1mxCKol/gihgR/DNEIzhBGAZNp03Wmbh8RVz6THZwZg5iR1WrRZ1EiW1un+u5oREBGI6GastL+XNrfgFsBBDKFQaufxxhr6gtykNwWERrOgmxgpqIu70VZD76bxoAG7NU4Py8fi872f0w1ZBV/7nldwnOc+iGCE2+SFWD0g== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=v+FHaC2cDxz7we2ANw7qXo4BJsliKhNlAJAMbrj1e60=; b=li7OnTa9ELPRXLPhM+ru7Jw1qEuoPE+tuilZni4Yp2w0LgJjnVy7nCHphUZ6swb3S7iClGuqtWkyTxuZeBhY6ujYDxA5H0UwX+tsDae+q3un8iE6W+SGo2qRhKS2t1m3dcLSjeBEJFx179le9da2YgI5Gu4q0AY6fUmZSqkuPxnZtWihGzT452faBYN9898JK50MjXiMHvHamcSsc8AaR3Fwp7yQ/b+b8s9//L/RLXOejCDOfD45l/B7s5cPg8q0YC+0P8XNq4WyhncDRFvCady/DmwOl5+gPa+5iQzQVVOxtEyZ7XacUc+VwgLUQ8QwUHFeYamCb5IGOC63K3o8dA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-microchiptechnology-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=v+FHaC2cDxz7we2ANw7qXo4BJsliKhNlAJAMbrj1e60=; b=sOZzvyLmxfDdn8E+G7zJpDWLqn5PbxGAuwiFIo9PXwJ5qzMn+6xjabkHFSewWClKR2dNgFMl/N1aiQsZrwXEJMJMYpWAJgCjPzwz8gWmbxi/8hMNWBN5Sn9UvvCN7XHEZ/5DjXXj2Q89hMSjwNBtD8Ou7VLCcG86IgnAQgURxt4= Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:8e::32) by (2603:10b6:a03:1b::29) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.2856.19; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:21 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e]) by ([fe80::c27:87cf:ca4:d86e%4]) with mapi id 15.20.2835.021; Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:21 +0000 From: To: CC: , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v6 17/17] wilc1000: add Makefile and Kconfig files for wilc1000 compilation Thread-Topic: [PATCH v6 17/17] wilc1000: add Makefile and Kconfig files for wilc1000 compilation Thread-Index: AQHWBAGbrApgv2HB8UaaR09pNWOsRg== Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 06:33:21 +0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 authentication-results: spf=none (sender IP is ); x-originating-ip: [] x-ms-publictraffictype: Email x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: 8e79d0be-b640-41cb-1b7c-08d7d218be6a x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: BYAPR11MB3397: x-ms-exchange-transport-forked: True x-microsoft-antispam-prvs: x-bypassexternaltag: True x-ms-oob-tlc-oobclassifiers: OLM:4941; x-forefront-prvs: 0355F3A3AE x-forefront-antispam-report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(39850400004)(136003)(376002)(346002)(366004)(396003)(81156014)(26005)(8676002)(81166006)(76116006)(66446008)(66556008)(66476007)(36756003)(6512007)(66946007)(6486002)(64756008)(91956017)(2906002)(6506007)(4326008)(71200400001)(2616005)(107886003)(186003)(86362001)(5660300002)(478600001)(1076003)(6916009)(316002)(8936002)(54906003); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:BYAPR11MB3397;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; received-spf: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) x-ms-exchange-senderadcheck: 1 x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0; x-microsoft-antispam-message-info: 5+zGm9WW3TQYyh0IY+8f5hcm1sa4pXMupY90kW5Tu9GYvhKEHirXNsyL3XF14IicDX4mknZ6DbQOIsFMkYv5Sy7mDOcB3UIg43zGP2hqSY4Tns+uZBm6QtGZbVd3HGZXO+TzygPRbz/v18XfxjJRfrcbMigh2W9ZYbUJIrYX0oDyU2AtNrDjW7g2yL04zFYBh5kmyak0NqgiDcug/FK3W7tgakuAHHGiIVh9uHIexs+7SLswqny6qkEUT80lO7cNkrZKp8/xjgRxU2KrefFqoec17SiH/fud1v+hXZynfYmg36025KzZatQpBY405fSsImRHdS8fnSenw0PMnqRLR3jY4aQ+99vSyetGtoL1WbWu2f4to7whyPa1YaBTvSbSN0MuvnNmHc/eblzErPcwdGWEbNAE6v2tBiPI6AAh/1olQ2VZqbef2BIrGsa5cVEj x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata: vKO+7qDIALVVfdGp6MXvBUHAE2myxeXkuNB1EIUh/tCSo3FfGPFRlZN5qi7rQM/vb9abh09AKaItWWGDtWzNRedM3EgyxLbjuwJ6/M/aVm1ZC45s7wXaehgB6SCzSakjStk8wVqvn3qyURbhPjuGcQ== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 8e79d0be-b640-41cb-1b7c-08d7d218be6a X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 27 Mar 2020 06:33:21.0738 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 3f4057f3-b418-4d4e-ba84-d55b4e897d88 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: ACudVmYsPRTAREyCKrCX1lh2DEvtW5eK8B+ItUb15fB8ySop9zS+AceylOyq2kWp8+hp4iUFACVYbq0syNU3wUF0EEXSi7wOJjVTz5TpkSQ= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BYAPR11MB3397 Sender: Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: From: Ajay Singh Added Makefile and Kconfig files for compiling wilc1000 module from 'drivers/net/wireless/microchip/'. Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh --- drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig | 1 + drivers/net/wireless/Makefile | 1 + drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Kconfig | 15 ++++++ drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Makefile | 2 + .../net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Kconfig | 47 +++++++++++++++++++ .../net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Makefile | 14 ++++++ drivers/staging/Kconfig | 2 - drivers/staging/Makefile | 1 - 8 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Kconfig create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Kconfig create mode 100644 drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Makefile diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig index 1c98d781ae49..86faf8f3d9b0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ source "drivers/net/wireless/st/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/wireless/ti/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/wireless/zydas/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/wireless/quantenna/Kconfig" +source "drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Kconfig" config PCMCIA_RAYCS tristate "Aviator/Raytheon 2.4GHz wireless support" diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/Makefile index 6cfe74515c95..f9a51c2889ca 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/Makefile @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_WLAN_VENDOR_ST) += st/ obj-$(CONFIG_WLAN_VENDOR_TI) += ti/ obj-$(CONFIG_WLAN_VENDOR_ZYDAS) += zydas/ obj-$(CONFIG_WLAN_VENDOR_QUANTENNA) += quantenna/ +obj-$(CONFIG_WLAN_VENDOR_MICROCHIP) += microchip/ # 16-bit wireless PCMCIA client drivers obj-$(CONFIG_PCMCIA_RAYCS) += ray_cs.o diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Kconfig new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a6b46fb6b1ec --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Kconfig @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +config WLAN_VENDOR_MICROCHIP + bool "Microchip devices" + default y + help + If you have a wireless card belonging to this class, say Y. + + Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the + kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip all the + questions about these cards. If you say Y, you will be asked for + your specific card in the following questions. + +if WLAN_VENDOR_MICROCHIP +source "drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Kconfig" +endif # WLAN_VENDOR_MICROCHIP diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..73b763c7393e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +obj-$(CONFIG_WILC1000) += wilc1000/ diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Kconfig b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Kconfig new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..80c92e8bf8a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Kconfig @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +config WILC1000 + tristate + help + Add support for the Atmel WILC1000 802.11 b/g/n SoC. + This provides Wi-FI over an SDIO or SPI interface, and + is usually found in IoT devices. + + This module only support IEEE 802.11n WiFi. + +config WILC1000_SDIO + tristate "Atmel WILC1000 SDIO (WiFi only)" + depends on CFG80211 && INET && MMC + select WILC1000 + help + This module adds support for the SDIO interface of adapters using + WILC1000 chipset. The Atmel WILC1000 SDIO is a full speed interface. + It meets SDIO card specification version 2.0. The interface supports + the 1-bit/4-bit SD transfer mode at the clock range of 0-50 MHz. + The host can use this interface to read and write from any register + within the chip as well as configure the WILC1000 for data DMA. + To use this interface, pin9 (SDIO_SPI_CFG) must be grounded. Select + this if your platform is using the SDIO bus. + +config WILC1000_SPI + tristate "Atmel WILC1000 SPI (WiFi only)" + depends on CFG80211 && INET && SPI + select WILC1000 + select CRC7 + help + This module adds support for the SPI interface of adapters using + WILC1000 chipset. The Atmel WILC1000 has a Serial Peripheral + Interface (SPI) that operates as a SPI slave. This SPI interface can + be used for control and for serial I/O of 802.11 data. The SPI is a + full-duplex slave synchronous serial interface that is available + immediately following reset when pin 9 (SDIO_SPI_CFG) is tied to + VDDIO. Select this if your platform is using the SPI bus. + +config WILC1000_HW_OOB_INTR + bool "WILC1000 out of band interrupt" + depends on WILC1000_SDIO + help + This option enables out-of-band interrupt support for the WILC1000 + chipset. This OOB interrupt is intended to provide a faster interrupt + mechanism for SDIO host controllers that don't support SDIO interrupt. + Select this option If the SDIO host controller in your platform + doesn't support SDIO time devision interrupt. diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Makefile b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a3305a0a888a --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +obj-$(CONFIG_WILC1000) += wilc1000.o + +ccflags-y += -DFIRMWARE_1002=\"atmel/wilc1002_firmware.bin\" \ + -DFIRMWARE_1003=\"atmel/wilc1003_firmware.bin\" + +wilc1000-objs := cfg80211.o netdev.o mon.o \ + hif.o wlan_cfg.o wlan.o + +obj-$(CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO) += wilc1000-sdio.o +wilc1000-sdio-objs += sdio.o + +obj-$(CONFIG_WILC1000_SPI) += wilc1000-spi.o +wilc1000-spi-objs += spi.o diff --git a/drivers/staging/Kconfig b/drivers/staging/Kconfig index baccd7c883cc..ef5e62e46704 100644 --- a/drivers/staging/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/staging/Kconfig @@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ source "drivers/staging/fbtft/Kconfig" source "drivers/staging/fsl-dpaa2/Kconfig" -source "drivers/staging/wilc1000/Kconfig" - source "drivers/staging/most/Kconfig" source "drivers/staging/ks7010/Kconfig" diff --git a/drivers/staging/Makefile b/drivers/staging/Makefile index fdd03fd6e704..4db5165cb08b 100644 --- a/drivers/staging/Makefile +++ b/drivers/staging/Makefile @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_UNISYSSPAR) += unisys/ obj-$(CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_XLNX_CLKWZRD) += clocking-wizard/ obj-$(CONFIG_FB_TFT) += fbtft/ obj-$(CONFIG_FSL_DPAA2) += fsl-dpaa2/ -obj-$(CONFIG_WILC1000) += wilc1000/ obj-$(CONFIG_MOST) += most/ obj-$(CONFIG_KS7010) += ks7010/ obj-$(CONFIG_GREYBUS) += greybus/