From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:38 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739685 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id BCB9E199C4; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:01 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="IsnJWQK1"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="Ke3KKbU8" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 421D7110; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:13:57 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VDoqY2030766; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:15 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=WulkzPkxdTRKci3zV4iGxe048BpLPCrvgmjVz4BIPFY=; b=Isn JWQK1Aig246HFoD+dtQfbT0+gA/wo5QufDCAlsT8aiKIi4qaAGHaPTkMqFnDLDkW Z10Ec++uTTYqbdHD6t8C5MMSgCOPAIEeUgPNkAlG5xCYcMEqMDy3mt3Ml2kKn4n0 0FAKHcqe3BuwRjvTalANI4pJsPOIcxV9/+YAjqIg16NuPIyvRpyyckJBNOH7C0vb dN5QsiNxiFEE/FQp56hvLDHHNlqqHwVupJp7H5IsnmRNf7oc7TlJvTLnqSzxXcFO 6PtQW5ZNPTF+GmTJCLH/baLZ1Z2NGd8hIJMA1ERBAoHArNr1tkW3YZaxU0pAhjXB M07+R/kTiJ26ZHY6Wcg== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf3v-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:14 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:14 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:14 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=VLpUbpUNpOjVcvw6XX22/tZN7BP+Hd1E/QQhDsMxw1aZyPGru2uVCGVyCKF3pvrlJkdrvWRKRoHgI9/BfCp9Z70hb6rVs1rGB9AXkepty6W6oKypeQYst5ORxtvjTs/XGxd2OY66jYV5TUe65ZfpdXrXSveVUr2Ja2i2f6UtETve4rtWXHYLEAV4M9AH7KiHFlvm66liIh4H6rke1sgDxKO6DVgUam/7cGOtH+5BK2xGOWZhpCOvPLto6aeet6wcC5ZuiFubKWIe9rWiqP1YtbS498YAUKqGqojwlUATRhSgZc/qQlS8OJe9pZMohMQFmGo/NJptUdxKLCdrTuJxkQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=WulkzPkxdTRKci3zV4iGxe048BpLPCrvgmjVz4BIPFY=; b=ldbyYmog5P4fixQK/8aWdd/uTtiAuNu1neLsI/nc7uTbt4QDWu1U2+ct2ra4O2ZolwZurLL0v/97oxBX1e6QjXRq1RvDTBqw/J4hZta5v4CfaHCF1ANgFm2s8NpKwcZbWAzry1dK7uypaPEHWcXDn9P1A6W8fReOqHqUcL7M5bGhXMWb5MthrnCFE97tAi2yYTVTQQuScFFj/AOH39zBwkefyhLcXNk+lbw6TeO4On/we5Ge16UgPds5CnEDnxcKJtZaeZbabkQmEVEMaK45RMMrjexC2K1dIMltnZgXs7ufTVdghbn8R9MSSMKUdrbtpfFqyBgqVkUpXB51uAAlaA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=WulkzPkxdTRKci3zV4iGxe048BpLPCrvgmjVz4BIPFY=; b=Ke3KKbU8SRigKelqiklk8ByqzQcSGAoMJ9z5Tz96/amScOhFpjdcstQ7giqFmOV7dsWZAoLE0RAy6p1zv86AAyl+uEtAAH3ybKP0B+qzrj1uAOPCmb1y8f4DOprAKLAJji18Xq5XJnCz216mz+fQq9o8izdSMkxwnpl+mjZJpYM= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by LO4P265MB6572.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:2f6::6) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.29; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:13 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:13 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Matt Coster , Linus Walleij Subject: [PATCH v8 01/20] sizes.h: Add entries between SZ_32G and SZ_64T Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:38 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|LO4P265MB6572:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: cbe4f789-b075-4b2d-6cf6-08dbda23e6a7 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(39850400004)(396003)(366004)(346002)(376002)(136003)(230922051799003)(451199024)(1800799009)(186009)(64100799003)(2906002)(478600001)(6486002)(86362001)(6666004)(2616005)(1076003)(26005)(38350700005)(38100700002)(36756003)(6512007)(6506007)(52116002)(66556008)(66476007)(54906003)(41300700001)(44832011)(316002)(66946007)(6916009)(5660300002)(8676002)(8936002)(4326008)(7416002); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: cbe4f789-b075-4b2d-6cf6-08dbda23e6a7 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2023 15:13:13.3599 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 0d5fd8bb-e8c2-4e0a-8dd5-2c264f7140fe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: yTiHAAiNzST1VR5o+In19aXeDBimmHnkrqcpqF7fRMxl9KDfZ/cznMjEQFX1730GiWMh8cSZb2Vq5T19SDcBfQ== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: LO4P265MB6572 X-OriginatorOrg: X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: 15a78312-3e47-46eb-9010-2e54d84a9631 X-Proofpoint-GUID: P9PZnttcs57zSDbcaGT0h64nRxyk4W9z X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: P9PZnttcs57zSDbcaGT0h64nRxyk4W9z From: Matt Coster sizes.h has a gap in defines between SZ_32G and SZ_64T. Add the missing defines so they can be used in drivers. Signed-off-by: Matt Coster Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker Reviewed-by: Linus Walleij --- include/linux/sizes.h | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/include/linux/sizes.h b/include/linux/sizes.h index 84aa448d8bb3..c3a00b967d18 100644 --- a/include/linux/sizes.h +++ b/include/linux/sizes.h @@ -47,8 +47,17 @@ #define SZ_8G _AC(0x200000000, ULL) #define SZ_16G _AC(0x400000000, ULL) #define SZ_32G _AC(0x800000000, ULL) +#define SZ_64G _AC(0x1000000000, ULL) +#define SZ_128G _AC(0x2000000000, ULL) +#define SZ_256G _AC(0x4000000000, ULL) +#define SZ_512G _AC(0x8000000000, ULL) #define SZ_1T _AC(0x10000000000, ULL) +#define SZ_2T _AC(0x20000000000, ULL) +#define SZ_4T _AC(0x40000000000, ULL) +#define SZ_8T _AC(0x80000000000, ULL) +#define SZ_16T _AC(0x100000000000, ULL) +#define SZ_32T _AC(0x200000000000, ULL) #define SZ_64T _AC(0x400000000000, ULL) #endif /* __LINUX_SIZES_H__ */ From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:39 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739684 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id AEA031DFF0; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:05 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="wimbSwdl"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="VoPH6rG+" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 6B24C11C; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:13:59 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VDoqY4030766; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:16 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=hRPUL5Zhd7cSw5gol2T/qkJJQcxXiJuMQsjZxRfRUys=; b=wim bSwdlfdEDygaYO1bkn383zPdLEzh3oxUnUi7EQW2JKy0fqluPwqFOULrCjnPVh74 XI3OZ8Joq55iILm+7PmtYuAAOzFEKSwsb32xtxvfX5MVojmLeU93dWwDd6hVdiCq ytK3QN36DBXQut4g/KGsf+sSK4/aBWW9ulJiWBPa6A9JU9zgJP5B1cQUZ7UoT81K h0kwFV8NO0h1tvKnsG7FF0hIkUu3SH9hZJcFrP5ptFUI9dywPI2S6mZ9FvQo+Y/9 kz6e+vzKyslMEPtfk1VqAgpEuV9I4D453bpvZGKPuLS/i1ELMXUR/rRMJJUouRnG ELPMuZLXMWq4iu9ta8g== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf3v-3 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:16 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:14 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:14 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=ejWMry6AQZVIDQ5AeQ0jxvohwDJqtXV4nVVC2Ru6RGw98Ej7iZ4KH6yY180elC6fKM8iJEGR/JMYxUdvka2xwHUOX66oB4pQ71M9ZmmUNcCMIJhrvGfebu0Mwh2m5BqaWJacQS64MQrKShdEARvta2Oi05VjdA7bfRTHG4FhTJwoC1nY2Yv7v1anQ2avjhpN3S9+SC+8c2Gi9Xsgs/NSJx1Rl0GKUQDP8clPFF6I8YOkXrJgnZc3InJov6I+160d6AW6qDtD0wi/a8d2THhsX25U8b+RBUorkC48NTRQugoEKdJt9qKnj+kGAH1ET5JtlkbGwsKcsXD2jxApZdR6kQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=hRPUL5Zhd7cSw5gol2T/qkJJQcxXiJuMQsjZxRfRUys=; b=Ds/xeTb+Lm5nOvHzcKCTB3RWTvxFdMyjdfiPBJlxNXliawJWNmbVuzpybtZv8AZMoIqFiqOKPIiXJkCblYVJQ5T/kRLZFTolQMyTOqX6M8UKkP5m7BqJUD/cd4hc1z/st5OqqSO/QPyxdsG/02+V/k+wq1HV0vmSrv1SmlFPD0HDeJPaEKbiL1Fe/arTavWy0BuMbYeKTofkXu7gAw33cpYmtK0byhAzT0wc8qD9x37ENniqCVQjz7JsMIknMjnLQKsscKEjJizcjOcVC5I/3K85cmpN7b1i7XNJc4GceZYPRHksjQzkJ4kly2ND1Kewo4GKZ9ahr4fiyrnQHQpM/w== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=hRPUL5Zhd7cSw5gol2T/qkJJQcxXiJuMQsjZxRfRUys=; b=VoPH6rG+4D9DkQQRrRXd5kl9y0VeVSocXJE9gc91hbs4UK8w53KDZTknj8pL2QXH3gNr407c4l9jArzbgZc/XH4AO2l5xkloMgOXWNN168GL3aTrEGmqtC+2i2qykMbgbjNsYnJLF+9fizN4GaVeyPg0qtBgQMZ6eR+p+a617r0= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by LO4P265MB6572.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:2f6::6) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.29; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:13 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:13 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v8 02/20] drm/gpuvm: Helper to get range of unmap from a remap op. Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:39 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|LO4P265MB6572:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: bb9d657a-e6a5-402e-07a0-08dbda23e702 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(39850400004)(396003)(366004)(346002)(376002)(136003)(230922051799003)(451199024)(1800799009)(186009)(64100799003)(2906002)(478600001)(6486002)(86362001)(6666004)(2616005)(1076003)(26005)(38350700005)(38100700002)(36756003)(6512007)(6506007)(52116002)(66556008)(66476007)(41300700001)(44832011)(316002)(66946007)(6916009)(5660300002)(8676002)(8936002)(4326008)(7416002); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: bb9d657a-e6a5-402e-07a0-08dbda23e702 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2023 15:13:13.8697 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 0d5fd8bb-e8c2-4e0a-8dd5-2c264f7140fe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: 0Q+qRis1JlA6Hx0n5xUaztT5M7CmdLZDnVCTz04KndIQIHBNF25CN7T/cCHlFi1FxlS5o+/ZdEjn0CibGDJC4Q== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: LO4P265MB6572 X-OriginatorOrg: X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: 15a78312-3e47-46eb-9010-2e54d84a9631 X-Proofpoint-GUID: yfYyzTRkdHN4eWD5wtxsufvpSC20sKxB X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: yfYyzTRkdHN4eWD5wtxsufvpSC20sKxB From: Donald Robson Determining the start and range of the unmap stage of a remap op is a common piece of code currently implemented by multiple drivers. Add a helper for this. Changes since v7: - Renamed helper to drm_gpuva_op_remap_to_unmap_range() - Improved documentation Changes since v6: - Remove use of __always_inline Signed-off-by: Donald Robson Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker Reviewed-by: Danilo Krummrich --- include/drm/drm_gpuvm.h | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/include/drm/drm_gpuvm.h b/include/drm/drm_gpuvm.h index c7ed6bf441d4..c64585dc4e8e 100644 --- a/include/drm/drm_gpuvm.h +++ b/include/drm/drm_gpuvm.h @@ -702,4 +702,32 @@ void drm_gpuva_remap(struct drm_gpuva *prev, void drm_gpuva_unmap(struct drm_gpuva_op_unmap *op); +/** + * drm_gpuva_op_remap_to_unmap_range() - Helper to get the start and range of + * the unmap stage of a remap op. + * @op: Remap op. + * @start_addr: Output pointer for the start of the required unmap. + * @range: Output pointer for the length of the required unmap. + * + * The given start address and range will be set such that they represent the + * range of the address space that was previously covered by the mapping being + * re-mapped, but is now empty. + */ +static inline void +drm_gpuva_op_remap_to_unmap_range(const struct drm_gpuva_op_remap *op, + u64 *start_addr, u64 *range) +{ + const u64 va_start = op->prev ? + op->prev->va.addr + op->prev->va.range : + op->unmap->va->va.addr; + const u64 va_end = op->next ? + op->next->va.addr : + op->unmap->va->va.addr + op->unmap->va->va.range; + + if (start_addr) + *start_addr = va_start; + if (range) + *range = va_end - va_start; +} + #endif /* __DRM_GPUVM_H__ */ From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:42 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739682 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 32D1B1DFEF; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:10 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="L0wKyu2c"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="cXVLCj6x" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 81885EA; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:14:00 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39V7NESV029243; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:18 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-type:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=bq1M3a6G+OB1G6B3NyueQbcxV6CRHcLbiucsVyjk1WY=; b=L0w Kyu2cIzHsHNQyabmdfOLJ1DCM4zVdv3B1XVzEBmOygXFCPBOjYBXa23fcCJuzSJl YnOJhHCf+QuEhS5rTXp8xXzwMTSxB22wf1N7Hfr3e8vamhWPpB/rDqPxtaw2rwhM cEWEkvbLAZ2aA6S6mpsHXD0w7PcL70Q3TsD1vR/1enHY7TI2R7q+Aa6pSC7dD6op 2DRcwJQJfExRue/QJLh9JdwN4Qa2I/xOygH6RptcMdOHQnkv6Z1gROh1cfkToDwr xBZyQyUbkSQA1hFiMjkjAcCSnznSkmCRZkjoh6dA9ox0bAImgul99oBgqYNxOzCq 7Tzny0V2ZkbErHZudNQ== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf3w-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:18 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:17 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:17 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=Z2zNhQ4QglW0k/v1aU4z4fAT1k9UsHIwCZH8Wom/gVOXyKXAV0ebqJXv4/GZoQrnt1vZb3GjbE9jshanBSI79yD83mKq19pbmd7TBlWiRWztQix/k9g/G2QggoceZfs2AKKv45WaXrcqnrSVAOCuANRpSYYcxR7A2egx1nFXEg7ROI58uMjLtfuwzp7TpbRrY1IAmv2Ulqer82fcX1YYRVGeR3idx93o0S1GmwTbi+DcCSyo78KDxb80eUEEOFUVPsbHxEW99/eNO1OterytP4MF2DYxQM6r2vnXvZAJ+HCoUNJhsaEAlZlyiFsyEyE0ZLHm865py7R1ASBas43pOg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=bq1M3a6G+OB1G6B3NyueQbcxV6CRHcLbiucsVyjk1WY=; b=a2MVkgYndFQyJqpTbJi7kCp1qapPuruTkWJQKjAfTIfcTAABYt0UV4WVEpm0UxW+DBzXNlffl2uftQS6n5UDiqNQR4gDUOR5CAw8srzQIDIu0bGu5ghl2j5sgrzhDlKh2MRNQGHHF8BRzCEOegv7HJNmyMFZrdO8BKY3ik4knvTPCNK+Xu7mDptEhtBZ1G1vuqNCT3orbNWasDWAXnPyczScE/C5YMQmTf1xqUAR1P5n+RVMITcEENnPxXnBgEjTI9nF0gpueOwDHf6ZnZlbUCBIcju4XxrmbzgYhVLRHNJu+k4FD9GYjk8KVS143ioKU1+Tq29A0iyHhMBEvKG8mA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=bq1M3a6G+OB1G6B3NyueQbcxV6CRHcLbiucsVyjk1WY=; b=cXVLCj6xYU34ND9lvJp4e097VjeQzsf3muP+RD5lRZnpNb/+VBwT2kSanX3y3TAIApSeDjlv1Sp4LdGREFXHnYB7Jonj/s1NRkXkAM51TG5AIIhlsC3Quy2XMma9z40ZGOI0A9x6XAJUyDWs9cbuR4rTLrV9Gjh1LkiNSi0VQd4= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:15 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:15 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Matt Coster Subject: [PATCH v8 05/20] drm/imagination: Add skeleton PowerVR driver Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:42 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 7d0faf85-0907-48f3-629a-08dbda23e7fc X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; 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The driver registers itself with DRM on probe. Ioctl handlers are currently implemented as stubs. Changes since v5: - Update compatible string & description to match marketing name - Checkpatch fixes in to/from_pvr_device/file macros Changes since v3: - Clarify supported GPU generations in driver description - Use drm_dev_unplug() when removing device - Change from_* and to_* functions to macros - Fix IS_PTR/PTR_ERR confusion in pvr_probe() - Remove err_out labels in favour of direct returning - Remove specific am62 compatible match string - Drop MODULE_FIRMWARE() Co-developed-by: Frank Binns Signed-off-by: Frank Binns Co-developed-by: Matt Coster Signed-off-by: Matt Coster Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker Reviewed-by: Maxime Ripard --- MAINTAINERS | 1 + drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig | 2 + drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile | 1 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig | 15 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile | 9 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h | 153 +++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c | 509 +++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.h | 22 + 8 files changed, 712 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.h diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index bef1ac7ed647..8166ffd4349e 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -10265,6 +10265,7 @@ M: Frank Binns M: Donald Robson S: Supported F: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/gpu/img,powervr.yaml +F: drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/ F: include/uapi/drm/pvr_drm.h IMON SOUNDGRAPH USB IR RECEIVER diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig b/drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig index 3eee8636f847..7fc72d994782 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig @@ -394,6 +394,8 @@ source "drivers/gpu/drm/solomon/Kconfig" source "drivers/gpu/drm/sprd/Kconfig" +source "drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig" + config DRM_HYPERV tristate "DRM Support for Hyper-V synthetic video device" depends on DRM && PCI && MMU && HYPERV diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile index 8e1bde059170..d236103e3361 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile @@ -198,3 +198,4 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_HYPERV) += hyperv/ obj-y += solomon/ obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_SPRD) += sprd/ obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_LOONGSON) += loongson/ +obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_POWERVR) += imagination/ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e9aaa5313485 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +# Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. + +config DRM_POWERVR + tristate "Imagination Technologies PowerVR (Series 6 and later) & IMG Graphics" + depends on ARM64 + depends on DRM + select DRM_GEM_SHMEM_HELPER + select DRM_SCHED + select FW_LOADER + help + Choose this option if you have a system that has an Imagination + Technologies PowerVR (Series 6 or later) or IMG GPU. + + If "M" is selected, the module will be called powervr. diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..19b40c2d7356 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +# Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. + +subdir-ccflags-y := -I$(srctree)/$(src) + +powervr-y := \ + pvr_drv.o \ + +obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_POWERVR) += powervr.o diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..53b1cdb5a6a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_DEVICE_H +#define PVR_DEVICE_H + +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/** + * struct pvr_device - powervr-specific wrapper for &struct drm_device + */ +struct pvr_device { + /** + * @base: The underlying &struct drm_device. + * + * Do not access this member directly, instead call + * from_pvr_device(). + */ + struct drm_device base; +}; + +/** + * struct pvr_file - powervr-specific data to be assigned to &struct + * drm_file.driver_priv + */ +struct pvr_file { + /** + * @file: A reference to the parent &struct drm_file. + * + * Do not access this member directly, instead call from_pvr_file(). + */ + struct drm_file *file; + + /** + * @pvr_dev: A reference to the powervr-specific wrapper for the + * associated device. Saves on repeated calls to + * to_pvr_device(). + */ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; +}; + +#define from_pvr_device(pvr_dev) (&(pvr_dev)->base) + +#define to_pvr_device(drm_dev) container_of_const(drm_dev, struct pvr_device, base) + +#define from_pvr_file(pvr_file) ((pvr_file)->file) + +#define to_pvr_file(file) ((file)->driver_priv) + +/** + * DOC: IOCTL validation helpers + * + * To validate the constraints imposed on IOCTL argument structs, a collection + * of macros and helper functions exist in ``pvr_device.h``. + * + * Of the current helpers, it should only be necessary to call + * PVR_IOCTL_UNION_PADDING_CHECK() directly. This macro should be used once in + * every code path which extracts a union member from a struct passed from + * userspace. + */ + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_union_padding_check() - Validate that the implicit padding between + * the end of a union member and the end of the union itself is zeroed. + * @instance: Pointer to the instance of the struct to validate. + * @union_offset: Offset into the type of @instance of the target union. Must + * be 64-bit aligned. + * @union_size: Size of the target union in the type of @instance. Must be + * 64-bit aligned. + * @member_size: Size of the target member in the target union specified by + * @union_offset and @union_size. It is assumed that the offset of the target + * member is zero relative to @union_offset. Must be 64-bit aligned. + * + * You probably want to use PVR_IOCTL_UNION_PADDING_CHECK() instead of calling + * this function directly, since that macro abstracts away much of the setup, + * and also provides some static validation. See its docs for details. + * + * Return: + * * %true if every byte between the end of the used member of the union and + * the end of that union is zeroed, or + * * %false otherwise. + */ +static __always_inline bool +pvr_ioctl_union_padding_check(void *instance, size_t union_offset, + size_t union_size, size_t member_size) +{ + /* + * void pointer arithmetic is technically illegal - cast to a byte + * pointer so this addition works safely. + */ + void *padding_start = ((u8 *)instance) + union_offset + member_size; + size_t padding_size = union_size - member_size; + + return !memchr_inv(padding_start, 0, padding_size); +} + +/** + * PVR_STATIC_ASSERT_64BIT_ALIGNED() - Inline assertion for 64-bit alignment. + * @static_expr_: Target expression to evaluate. + * + * If @static_expr_ does not evaluate to a constant integer which would be a + * 64-bit aligned address (i.e. a multiple of 8), compilation will fail. + * + * Return: + * The value of @static_expr_. + */ +#define PVR_STATIC_ASSERT_64BIT_ALIGNED(static_expr_) \ + ({ \ + static_assert(((static_expr_) & (sizeof(u64) - 1)) == 0); \ + (static_expr_); \ + }) + +/** + * PVR_IOCTL_UNION_PADDING_CHECK() - Validate that the implicit padding between + * the end of a union member and the end of the union itself is zeroed. + * @struct_instance_: An expression which evaluates to a pointer to a UAPI data + * struct. + * @union_: The name of the union member of @struct_instance_ to check. If the + * union member is nested within the type of @struct_instance_, this may + * contain the member access operator ("."). + * @member_: The name of the member of @union_ to assess. + * + * This is a wrapper around pvr_ioctl_union_padding_check() which performs + * alignment checks and simplifies things for the caller. + * + * Return: + * * %true if every byte in @struct_instance_ between the end of @member_ and + * the end of @union_ is zeroed, or + * * %false otherwise. + */ +#define PVR_IOCTL_UNION_PADDING_CHECK(struct_instance_, union_, member_) \ + ({ \ + typeof(struct_instance_) __instance = (struct_instance_); \ + size_t __union_offset = PVR_STATIC_ASSERT_64BIT_ALIGNED( \ + offsetof(typeof(*__instance), union_)); \ + size_t __union_size = PVR_STATIC_ASSERT_64BIT_ALIGNED( \ + sizeof(__instance->union_)); \ + size_t __member_size = PVR_STATIC_ASSERT_64BIT_ALIGNED( \ + sizeof(__instance->union_.member_)); \ + pvr_ioctl_union_padding_check(__instance, __union_offset, \ + __union_size, __member_size); \ + }) + +#endif /* PVR_DEVICE_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a23bef62b52b --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c @@ -0,0 +1,509 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_drv.h" + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/** + * DOC: PowerVR (Series 6 and later) and IMG Graphics Driver + * + * This driver supports the following PowerVR/IMG graphics cores from Imagination Technologies: + * + * * AXE-1-16M (found in Texas Instruments AM62) + */ + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_create_bo() - IOCTL to create a GEM buffer object. + * @drm_dev: [IN] Target DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN/OUT] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_bo_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file-private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_CREATE_BO. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL if the value of &drm_pvr_ioctl_create_bo_args.size is zero + * or wider than &typedef size_t, + * * -%EINVAL if any bits in &drm_pvr_ioctl_create_bo_args.flags that are + * reserved or undefined are set, + * * -%EINVAL if any padding fields in &drm_pvr_ioctl_create_bo_args are not + * zero, + * * Any error encountered while creating the object (see + * pvr_gem_object_create()), or + * * Any error encountered while transferring ownership of the object into a + * userspace-accessible handle (see pvr_gem_object_into_handle()). + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_create_bo(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_get_bo_mmap_offset() - IOCTL to generate a "fake" offset to be + * used when calling mmap() from userspace to map the given GEM buffer object + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device (unused). + * @raw_args: [IN/OUT] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_get_bo_mmap_offset_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_GET_BO_MMAP_OFFSET. + * + * This IOCTL does *not* perform an mmap. See the docs on + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_get_bo_mmap_offset_args for details. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%ENOENT if the handle does not reference a valid GEM buffer object, + * * -%EINVAL if any padding fields in &struct + * drm_pvr_ioctl_get_bo_mmap_offset_args are not zero, or + * * Any error returned by drm_gem_create_mmap_offset(). + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_get_bo_mmap_offset(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_dev_query() - IOCTL to copy information about a device + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN/OUT] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_dev_query_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_DEV_QUERY. + * If the given receiving struct pointer is NULL, or the indicated size is too + * small, the expected size of the struct type will be returned in the size + * argument field. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success or when fetching the size with args->pointer == NULL, or + * * -%E2BIG if the indicated size of the receiving struct is less than is + * required to contain the copied data, or + * * -%EINVAL if the indicated struct type is unknown, or + * * -%ENOMEM if local memory could not be allocated, or + * * -%EFAULT if local memory could not be copied to userspace. + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_dev_query(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_create_context() - IOCTL to create a context + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN/OUT] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_context_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_CREATE_CONTEXT. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if provided arguments are invalid, or + * * -%EFAULT if arguments can't be copied from userspace, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_create_render_context(). + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_create_context(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_destroy_context() - IOCTL to destroy a context + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN/OUT] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_destroy_context_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_DESTROY_CONTEXT. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if context not in context list. + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_destroy_context(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_create_free_list() - IOCTL to create a free list + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN/OUT] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_free_list_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_CREATE_FREE_LIST. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_free_list_create(). + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_create_free_list(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_destroy_free_list() - IOCTL to destroy a free list + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_destroy_free_list_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_DESTROY_FREE_LIST. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if free list not in object list. + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_destroy_free_list(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_create_hwrt_dataset() - IOCTL to create a HWRT dataset + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN/OUT] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_hwrt_dataset_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_CREATE_HWRT_DATASET. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_hwrt_dataset_create(). + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_create_hwrt_dataset(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_destroy_hwrt_dataset() - IOCTL to destroy a HWRT dataset + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_destroy_hwrt_dataset_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_DESTROY_HWRT_DATASET. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if HWRT dataset not in object list. + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_destroy_hwrt_dataset(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_create_vm_context() - IOCTL to create a VM context + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN/OUT] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_vm_context_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_CREATE_VM_CONTEXT. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_vm_create_context(). + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_create_vm_context(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_destroy_vm_context() - IOCTL to destroy a VM context +* @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. +* @raw_args: [IN] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type +* &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_destroy_vm_context_args. +* @file: [IN] DRM file private data. +* +* Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_DESTROY_VM_CONTEXT. +* +* Return: +* * 0 on success, or +* * -%EINVAL if object not in object list. + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_destroy_vm_context(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_vm_map() - IOCTL to map buffer to GPU address space. + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_map_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_VM_MAP. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL if &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_map_args.flags is not zero, + * * -%EINVAL if the bounds specified by &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_map_args.offset + * and &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_map_args.size are not valid or do not fall + * within the buffer object specified by + * &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_map_args.handle, + * * -%EINVAL if the bounds specified by + * &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_map_args.device_addr and + * &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_map_args.size do not form a valid device-virtual + * address range which falls entirely within a single heap, or + * * -%ENOENT if &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_map_args.handle does not refer to a + * valid PowerVR buffer object. + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_vm_map(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/** + * pvr_ioctl_vm_unmap() - IOCTL to unmap buffer from GPU address space. + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_unmap_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_VM_UNMAP. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL if &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_unmap_args.device_addr is not a valid + * device page-aligned device-virtual address, or + * * -%ENOENT if there is currently no PowerVR buffer object mapped at + * &drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_op_unmap_args.device_addr. + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_vm_unmap(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +/* + * pvr_ioctl_submit_job() - IOCTL to submit a job to the GPU + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @raw_args: [IN] Arguments passed to this IOCTL. This must be of type + * &struct drm_pvr_ioctl_submit_job_args. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Called from userspace with %DRM_IOCTL_PVR_SUBMIT_JOB. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if arguments are invalid. + */ +static int +pvr_ioctl_submit_jobs(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + return -ENOTTY; +} + +#define DRM_PVR_IOCTL(_name, _func, _flags) \ + DRM_IOCTL_DEF_DRV(PVR_##_name, pvr_ioctl_##_func, _flags) + +/* clang-format off */ + +static const struct drm_ioctl_desc pvr_drm_driver_ioctls[] = { + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(DEV_QUERY, dev_query, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(CREATE_BO, create_bo, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(GET_BO_MMAP_OFFSET, get_bo_mmap_offset, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(CREATE_VM_CONTEXT, create_vm_context, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(DESTROY_VM_CONTEXT, destroy_vm_context, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(VM_MAP, vm_map, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(VM_UNMAP, vm_unmap, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(CREATE_CONTEXT, create_context, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(DESTROY_CONTEXT, destroy_context, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(CREATE_FREE_LIST, create_free_list, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(DESTROY_FREE_LIST, destroy_free_list, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(CREATE_HWRT_DATASET, create_hwrt_dataset, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(DESTROY_HWRT_DATASET, destroy_hwrt_dataset, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), + DRM_PVR_IOCTL(SUBMIT_JOBS, submit_jobs, DRM_RENDER_ALLOW), +}; + +/* clang-format on */ + +#undef DRM_PVR_IOCTL + +/** + * pvr_drm_driver_open() - Driver callback when a new &struct drm_file is opened + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device. + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Allocates powervr-specific file private data (&struct pvr_file). + * + * Registered in &pvr_drm_driver. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%ENOMEM if the allocation of a &struct ipvr_file fails, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_memory_context_init(). + */ +static int +pvr_drm_driver_open(struct drm_device *drm_dev, struct drm_file *file) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(drm_dev); + struct pvr_file *pvr_file; + + pvr_file = kzalloc(sizeof(*pvr_file), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!pvr_file) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* + * Store reference to base DRM file private data for use by + * from_pvr_file. + */ + pvr_file->file = file; + + /* + * Store reference to powervr-specific outer device struct in file + * private data for convenient access. + */ + pvr_file->pvr_dev = pvr_dev; + + /* + * Store reference to powervr-specific file private data in DRM file + * private data. + */ + file->driver_priv = pvr_file; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_drm_driver_postclose() - One of the driver callbacks when a &struct + * drm_file is closed. + * @drm_dev: [IN] DRM device (unused). + * @file: [IN] DRM file private data. + * + * Frees powervr-specific file private data (&struct pvr_file). + * + * Registered in &pvr_drm_driver. + */ +static void +pvr_drm_driver_postclose(__always_unused struct drm_device *drm_dev, + struct drm_file *file) +{ + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + + kfree(pvr_file); + file->driver_priv = NULL; +} + +DEFINE_DRM_GEM_FOPS(pvr_drm_driver_fops); + +static struct drm_driver pvr_drm_driver = { + .driver_features = DRIVER_RENDER, + .open = pvr_drm_driver_open, + .postclose = pvr_drm_driver_postclose, + .ioctls = pvr_drm_driver_ioctls, + .num_ioctls = ARRAY_SIZE(pvr_drm_driver_ioctls), + .fops = &pvr_drm_driver_fops, + + .name = PVR_DRIVER_NAME, + .desc = PVR_DRIVER_DESC, + .date = PVR_DRIVER_DATE, + .major = PVR_DRIVER_MAJOR, + .minor = PVR_DRIVER_MINOR, + .patchlevel = PVR_DRIVER_PATCHLEVEL, + +}; + +static int +pvr_probe(struct platform_device *plat_dev) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; + struct drm_device *drm_dev; + + pvr_dev = devm_drm_dev_alloc(&plat_dev->dev, &pvr_drm_driver, + struct pvr_device, base); + if (IS_ERR(pvr_dev)) + return PTR_ERR(pvr_dev); + + drm_dev = &pvr_dev->base; + + platform_set_drvdata(plat_dev, drm_dev); + + return drm_dev_register(drm_dev, 0); +} + +static int +pvr_remove(struct platform_device *plat_dev) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = platform_get_drvdata(plat_dev); + + drm_dev_unplug(drm_dev); + + return 0; +} + +static const struct of_device_id dt_match[] = { + { .compatible = "img,img-axe", .data = NULL }, + {} +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, dt_match); + +static struct platform_driver pvr_driver = { + .probe = pvr_probe, + .remove = pvr_remove, + .driver = { + .name = PVR_DRIVER_NAME, + .of_match_table = dt_match, + }, +}; +module_platform_driver(pvr_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Imagination Technologies Ltd."); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION(PVR_DRIVER_DESC); +MODULE_LICENSE("Dual MIT/GPL"); +MODULE_IMPORT_NS(DMA_BUF); diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ecd8f6011ae9 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.h @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_DRV_H +#define PVR_DRV_H + +#include "linux/compiler_attributes.h" +#include + +#define PVR_DRIVER_NAME "powervr" +#define PVR_DRIVER_DESC "Imagination PowerVR (Series 6 and later) & IMG Graphics" +#define PVR_DRIVER_DATE "20230904" + +/* + * Driver interface version: + * - 1.0: Initial interface + */ +#define PVR_DRIVER_MAJOR 1 +#define PVR_DRIVER_MINOR 0 +#define PVR_DRIVER_PATCHLEVEL 0 + +#endif /* PVR_DRV_H */ From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:43 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739683 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 554961DFF1; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:06 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="k5tGbeLY"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="YvAiqRlt" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id BA8DB119; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:13:58 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39V7NESW029243; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:19 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=GiTGrgyTcxoTne1TGiGrEydJN1DrQJuD+4s3paRBaZs=; b=k5t GbeLY2KIHYM4HRElkTM1quJdUgU6utqT1F4kMx5reshHup/RuZy5BDzz+cQjNXB3 NBqM2pNQbZ2UEgwPgK+dD24m2f2d61zByZt8zGv5TZgRQtrphXlVoXwRHZ2E8WZf fHdaBCwMq1nD1EKRxGKUgZX9U0KOxlK9+qhXOmNSDrSxC6UzQGvTyqeL4/XPVy94 4hT7hQdS1PRDhTWklZDES8CXlEC4dKJgH7HLtzGC195FOS/X/xoLiCkn320jCerr lBd2OSj2Q8K5WdN7zm6Qs+mnVq8Wb7Jh1xE9/k5SB5rcgSG1vO0DHwsb8jkCJbZm A7aR4+mNbXV2VpFNTWg== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf3w-2 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:18 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:18 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:18 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=iDVyg/YwQkHjkC4ja8+1LqdVRKotMcwuozdDxDDs9vvqfDLw9S0cOjGKEVXrc712A8tAGGUJ88oHphu4qg29CeJcvE9wyLc7XXNgATU0Nc6BG0L4wnlOp/lkR0/02ryST/+Q5Gc2fNGQzfl/Uhk4GAtP8ohgWePbypnDVHEpCDoMQTZSZqeJS2WdE2+qrYRnSsJr/c2he6ESbaUSWSL7o1TJ9TTUWcToQyB0r30Vteyyte5Lp41vudkz9mrrnN69Db0GzCXPGNLNdJtj47XkeAvIK/Hsr8Y/0ZsxmuWi/3IVmeb4k7MVhyB0t7uCJg4Xk5H88B/hsumEvgSIt3OtPw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=GiTGrgyTcxoTne1TGiGrEydJN1DrQJuD+4s3paRBaZs=; b=mlgFQzXDuVJ01lUMZ3Bau2U2sfMCZNUNmH3D7eTNQgFbzGpjLxwTNFL04ul3dWHq9yi1rNgynfRuV3znZQdUF0xp3X/C9BtkvxAaFzyuhu8AEhE/iTxvdg+PaN2oH5jX/RF4CBfZt36HV7KUWo00yPZTgCi5xNMfviEOAHsW5IMQszFe6OThZhao3/Uy7XijpWJ0YxZL0+tBP++sRrKOQLIMV1fmpBUbCRY0hSgmDlHL+H7yJSvyT3cduphsHZTHX80iqUbZte8aUCk2fi+huiidkilBdFrb82UB40nehCXnA83wSidkwblAY1oGZsSaAx3gAD9K4YnRdzykGGmoug== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=GiTGrgyTcxoTne1TGiGrEydJN1DrQJuD+4s3paRBaZs=; b=YvAiqRlttwiwDRAscKU8hlBclYktlyEyNH9PbfrNeyPUDSifg3IykCM6tn01VEMvrywWKukKILqdnskvBVE4P8h/xWyeQ4xk8DN2hRbO1piux7SYsy54Qmlz/lWF7pp6AsyOHttbGkQ1doeObfSNiOIMuwaK1KYxzfee6PiZxxQ= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:17 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:17 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Matt Coster Subject: [PATCH v8 06/20] drm/imagination: Get GPU resources Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:43 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 8b771527-7513-4945-beac-08dbda23e8d7 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(136003)(376002)(366004)(39850400004)(346002)(396003)(230922051799003)(64100799003)(1800799009)(186009)(451199024)(2906002)(30864003)(7416002)(41300700001)(5660300002)(44832011)(8676002)(4326008)(8936002)(38350700005)(36756003)(86362001)(38100700002)(107886003)(1076003)(316002)(6916009)(66946007)(66476007)(66556008)(2616005)(83380400001)(478600001)(6666004)(26005)(6512007)(6506007)(52116002)(6486002)(134885004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 8b771527-7513-4945-beac-08dbda23e8d7 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2023 15:13:17.0085 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 0d5fd8bb-e8c2-4e0a-8dd5-2c264f7140fe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: kpu8V8sFKTVB8vjwqu53S/LHB5Hhv4g6p3YvN9sHxdZZRTHDJeOaZJDChtpJxulCB4kwxWPDZOPMhE3C7f9GxA== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CWLP265MB2018 X-OriginatorOrg: X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: 15a78312-3e47-46eb-9010-2e54d84a9631 X-Proofpoint-GUID: kSMxUVroEAZ0omMGdzxHLpVo8SFmskMb X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: kSMxUVroEAZ0omMGdzxHLpVo8SFmskMb Acquire clock and register resources, and enable/map as appropriate. Changes since v3: - Remove regulator resource (not used on supported platform) - Use devm helpers - Use devm_clk_get_optional() for optional clocks - Don't prepare clocks on resource acquisition - Drop pvr_device_clk_core_get_freq() helper - Drop pvr_device_reg_fini() - Drop NULLing of clocks in pvr_device_clk_init() - Use dev_err_probe() on clock acquisition failure - Remove PVR_CR_READ/WRITE helper macros - Improve documentation for GPU clocks - Remove regs resource (not used in this commit) Co-developed-by: Frank Binns Signed-off-by: Frank Binns Co-developed-by: Matt Coster Signed-off-by: Matt Coster Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker Reviewed-by: Maxime Ripard --- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile | 1 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c | 147 ++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c | 18 ++- 4 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile index 19b40c2d7356..b4aa190c9d4a 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ subdir-ccflags-y := -I$(srctree)/$(src) powervr-y := \ + pvr_device.o \ pvr_drv.o \ obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_POWERVR) += powervr.o diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cef3511c0c42 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/** + * pvr_device_reg_init() - Initialize kernel access to a PowerVR device's + * control registers. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * Sets struct pvr_device->regs. + * + * This method of mapping the device control registers into memory ensures that + * they are unmapped when the driver is detached (i.e. no explicit cleanup is + * required). + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by devm_platform_ioremap_resource(). + */ +static int +pvr_device_reg_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + struct platform_device *plat_dev = to_platform_device(drm_dev->dev); + void __iomem *regs; + + pvr_dev->regs = NULL; + + regs = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(plat_dev, 0); + if (IS_ERR(regs)) + return dev_err_probe(drm_dev->dev, PTR_ERR(regs), + "failed to ioremap gpu registers\n"); + + pvr_dev->regs = regs; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_device_clk_init() - Initialize clocks required by a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * Sets struct pvr_device->core_clk, struct pvr_device->sys_clk and + * struct pvr_device->mem_clk. + * + * Three clocks are required by the PowerVR device: core, sys and mem. On + * return, this function guarantees that the clocks are in one of the following + * states: + * + * * All successfully initialized, + * * Core errored, sys and mem uninitialized, + * * Core deinitialized, sys errored, mem uninitialized, or + * * Core and sys deinitialized, mem errored. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * Any error returned by devm_clk_get(), or + * * Any error returned by devm_clk_get_optional(). + */ +static int pvr_device_clk_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + struct clk *core_clk; + struct clk *sys_clk; + struct clk *mem_clk; + + core_clk = devm_clk_get(drm_dev->dev, "core"); + if (IS_ERR(core_clk)) + return dev_err_probe(drm_dev->dev, PTR_ERR(core_clk), + "failed to get core clock\n"); + + sys_clk = devm_clk_get_optional(drm_dev->dev, "sys"); + if (IS_ERR(sys_clk)) + return dev_err_probe(drm_dev->dev, PTR_ERR(core_clk), + "failed to get sys clock\n"); + + mem_clk = devm_clk_get_optional(drm_dev->dev, "mem"); + if (IS_ERR(mem_clk)) + return dev_err_probe(drm_dev->dev, PTR_ERR(core_clk), + "failed to get mem clock\n"); + + pvr_dev->core_clk = core_clk; + pvr_dev->sys_clk = sys_clk; + pvr_dev->mem_clk = mem_clk; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_device_init() - Initialize a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * If this function returns successfully, the device will have been fully + * initialized. Otherwise, any parts of the device initialized before an error + * occurs will be de-initialized before returning. + * + * NOTE: The initialization steps currently taken are the bare minimum required + * to read from the control registers. The device is unlikely to function + * until further initialization steps are added. [This note should be + * removed when that happens.] + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * Any error returned by pvr_device_reg_init(), + * * Any error returned by pvr_device_clk_init(), or + * * Any error returned by pvr_device_gpu_init(). + */ +int +pvr_device_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + int err; + + /* Enable and initialize clocks required for the device to operate. */ + err = pvr_device_clk_init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Map the control registers into memory. */ + return pvr_device_reg_init(pvr_dev); +} + +/** + * pvr_device_fini() - Deinitialize a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + */ +void +pvr_device_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + /* + * Deinitialization stages are performed in reverse order compared to + * the initialization stages in pvr_device_init(). + */ +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h index 53b1cdb5a6a6..d61b3615b49f 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h @@ -11,9 +11,22 @@ #include #include #include +#include +#include #include +#include +#include +#include #include #include +#include +#include + +/* Forward declaration from . */ +struct clk; + +/* Forward declaration from . */ +struct firmware; /** * struct pvr_device - powervr-specific wrapper for &struct drm_device @@ -26,6 +39,37 @@ struct pvr_device { * from_pvr_device(). */ struct drm_device base; + + /** + * @regs: Device control registers. + * + * These are mapped into memory when the device is initialized; that + * location is where this pointer points. + */ + void __iomem *regs; + + /** + * @core_clk: General core clock. + * + * This is the primary clock used by the entire GPU core. + */ + struct clk *core_clk; + + /** + * @sys_clk: Optional system bus clock. + * + * This may be used on some platforms to provide an independent clock to the SoC Interface + * (SOCIF). If present, this needs to be enabled/disabled together with @core_clk. + */ + struct clk *sys_clk; + + /** + * @mem_clk: Optional memory clock. + * + * This may be used on some platforms to provide an independent clock to the Memory + * Interface (MEMIF). If present, this needs to be enabled/disabled together with @core_clk. + */ + struct clk *mem_clk; }; /** @@ -56,6 +100,114 @@ struct pvr_file { #define to_pvr_file(file) ((file)->driver_priv) +int pvr_device_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void pvr_device_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +/** + * PVR_CR_FIELD_GET() - Extract a single field from a PowerVR control register + * @val: Value of the target register. + * @field: Field specifier, as defined in "pvr_rogue_cr_defs.h". + * + * Return: The extracted field. + */ +#define PVR_CR_FIELD_GET(val, field) FIELD_GET(~ROGUE_CR_##field##_CLRMSK, val) + +/** + * pvr_cr_read32() - Read a 32-bit register from a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @reg: Target register. + * + * Return: The value of the requested register. + */ +static __always_inline u32 +pvr_cr_read32(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 reg) +{ + return ioread32(pvr_dev->regs + reg); +} + +/** + * pvr_cr_read64() - Read a 64-bit register from a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @reg: Target register. + * + * Return: The value of the requested register. + */ +static __always_inline u64 +pvr_cr_read64(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 reg) +{ + return ioread64(pvr_dev->regs + reg); +} + +/** + * pvr_cr_write32() - Write to a 32-bit register in a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @reg: Target register. + * @val: Value to write. + */ +static __always_inline void +pvr_cr_write32(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 reg, u32 val) +{ + iowrite32(val, pvr_dev->regs + reg); +} + +/** + * pvr_cr_write64() - Write to a 64-bit register in a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @reg: Target register. + * @val: Value to write. + */ +static __always_inline void +pvr_cr_write64(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 reg, u64 val) +{ + iowrite64(val, pvr_dev->regs + reg); +} + +/** + * pvr_cr_poll_reg32() - Wait for a 32-bit register to match a given value by + * polling + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @reg_addr: Address of register. + * @reg_value: Expected register value (after masking). + * @reg_mask: Mask of bits valid for comparison with @reg_value. + * @timeout_usec: Timeout length, in us. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%ETIMEDOUT on timeout. + */ +static __always_inline int +pvr_cr_poll_reg32(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 reg_addr, u32 reg_value, + u32 reg_mask, u64 timeout_usec) +{ + u32 value; + + return readl_poll_timeout(pvr_dev->regs + reg_addr, value, + (value & reg_mask) == reg_value, 0, timeout_usec); +} + +/** + * pvr_cr_poll_reg64() - Wait for a 64-bit register to match a given value by + * polling + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @reg_addr: Address of register. + * @reg_value: Expected register value (after masking). + * @reg_mask: Mask of bits valid for comparison with @reg_value. + * @timeout_usec: Timeout length, in us. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%ETIMEDOUT on timeout. + */ +static __always_inline int +pvr_cr_poll_reg64(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 reg_addr, u64 reg_value, + u64 reg_mask, u64 timeout_usec) +{ + u64 value; + + return readq_poll_timeout(pvr_dev->regs + reg_addr, value, + (value & reg_mask) == reg_value, 0, timeout_usec); +} + /** * DOC: IOCTL validation helpers * diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c index a23bef62b52b..a4c871f58fa4 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c @@ -464,6 +464,7 @@ pvr_probe(struct platform_device *plat_dev) { struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; struct drm_device *drm_dev; + int err; pvr_dev = devm_drm_dev_alloc(&plat_dev->dev, &pvr_drm_driver, struct pvr_device, base); @@ -474,14 +475,29 @@ pvr_probe(struct platform_device *plat_dev) platform_set_drvdata(plat_dev, drm_dev); - return drm_dev_register(drm_dev, 0); + err = pvr_device_init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + return err; + + err = drm_dev_register(drm_dev, 0); + if (err) + goto err_device_fini; + + return 0; + +err_device_fini: + pvr_device_fini(pvr_dev); + + return err; } static int pvr_remove(struct platform_device *plat_dev) { struct drm_device *drm_dev = platform_get_drvdata(plat_dev); + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(drm_dev); + pvr_device_fini(pvr_dev); drm_dev_unplug(drm_dev); return 0; From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:45 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739677 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 888C11DFFD; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:46 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="S0NrEBcv"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="iXEx7mQf" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 4DB98D4C; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:14:23 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VCA1wE001257; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:26 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=sYoo4haio8wbyitB6JJhiXyE4EYzftUZvfRse3A1S3s=; b=S0N rEBcvXq6CZ2iyDMoazp8IgbdQP9rPIrrA0PerwmHJMPqTQv7enwgvAh/H+D5arEG cAxKz4hxve4b4EaOclmgSJRss1UW+35B+wU6LyokLV3nN9Ja5RqzQYAD3Bkn3DZT 8M4GTnZzIlePstuIPPI6WwVPXlD5I7ZFh9nom5xkuf6GoXCImi9VUZ2vVYtmNTjY tF/vksC2PQjCXmE8S+KWR1DTB1UEuqYKXEeINRfiuFmF4wQfkgxpXUVvbptrSvms NSZtUT1XLVav8upUKdry6x3v+R9JY+gp2p/rr6AzdUinl9dqsvap8LeG//Boq/ai Q4YxNZpIEJU6egkz1DA== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf40-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:26 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:25 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:25 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=fXFfpB7H6Q+cpYC2ceCebCmE/OHPe1gy4iAQqL7d5gbnu2k3hl3DiCewrE+U1AlH9X4f3lloMj7EazmzTsr3+iXMITSkPOE6M+sKLeyEk8KodJHhbcGm0G6A7ph8s8USuD2yxvtHhOdbAnnkInm+a9mHO7uxq9w4UUvXBLPWnOXoYEHZ+kCe6bNdSBOzqkjnBkh3oYjqqjtcvLd0meI2lgKPqCCYGfNqj6M/9k3ZVY6hcpfUs3JZ61gByQCgKvBR8btDccEQoBfBpQRFlKaxI6Vp5VdYULLQEIG47eje52HbAssfkq5+f7BDIhLrsQiYhD9bklAjeC0EL40goHHE6w== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=sYoo4haio8wbyitB6JJhiXyE4EYzftUZvfRse3A1S3s=; b=Qy/Qqbu9tJ+M28cML28N2kI/RBUZl7O3A0+KpFtU/KViHukD8i1u2rs+fiDN4i3f+A5W4FxW71qxB+JnBVeNX00uylbRRztY76qYfjSLG/nR4me+Ori6P1N0rr6n0AGqq0gPrt+O3FbcK7cD7Oy3Aqs4tSXk2tv2yrjaxcO9lYI1m67pRIRmdq5Q3B9xMzSMlNZZRc7LsECkG3WeRhPdEhMDjqBsaIWrhM4hU23U2I2uMkFyvSzX1rbnW2ANiuf2trw+Fn7rJTgqMAy2ZM5S5Lj9uWaQaPZvFAOAOyFbd+OHPhzNK3qYL0DqL1/sJiOzvy2RhMcZ0jKzclaEgl7mzQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=sYoo4haio8wbyitB6JJhiXyE4EYzftUZvfRse3A1S3s=; b=iXEx7mQfJnXZcb5EBEZHF04Ssi00lT1feMPCHlnQbxKS/ju98cQxxlgOWzUbPhCpNzK4I/nydzsDDhJLjHobhILSoJEfTAly3zg6SVeoH6RhrQXmfSDyk4dbWv0pgQoKNOt0Oxnxh9e0GQx4AuqjP5Xzd01LFAJ+LCIP1YJ2a+Y= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:18 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:18 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v8 08/20] drm/imagination: Add firmware and MMU related headers Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:45 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: e4254a85-4752-4b41-41c5-08dbda23e9ba X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; 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DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: e4254a85-4752-4b41-41c5-08dbda23e9ba X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2023 15:13:18.5219 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 0d5fd8bb-e8c2-4e0a-8dd5-2c264f7140fe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: MUTZu2gD3FRlE0qheyPs9IPyckH7+DTtQ8oHvLgYRspapWFfoSSw0x/EW/UJJyGuFLjdjxneQ+ObAkRbymIplw== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CWLP265MB2018 X-OriginatorOrg: X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: 15a78312-3e47-46eb-9010-2e54d84a9631 X-Proofpoint-GUID: Jjyvy7Bfhnx01gGCxp0Ux9N1M9le8JSp X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: Jjyvy7Bfhnx01gGCxp0Ux9N1M9le8JSp Changes since v5: - Split up header commit due to size Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker Acked-by: Maxime Ripard --- .../drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_heap_config.h | 113 ++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_meta.h | 356 ++++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips.h | 335 ++++++++++++++++ .../drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips_check.h | 58 +++ .../gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mmu_defs.h | 136 +++++++ 5 files changed, 998 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_heap_config.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_meta.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips_check.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mmu_defs.h diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_heap_config.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_heap_config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..632221b88281 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_heap_config.h @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_HEAP_CONFIG_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_HEAP_CONFIG_H + +#include + +/* + * ROGUE Device Virtual Address Space Definitions + * + * This file defines the ROGUE virtual address heaps that are used in + * application memory contexts. It also shows where the Firmware memory heap + * fits into this, but the firmware heap is only ever created in the + * kernel driver and never exposed to userspace. + * + * ROGUE_PDSCODEDATA_HEAP_BASE and ROGUE_USCCODE_HEAP_BASE will be programmed, + * on a global basis, into ROGUE_CR_PDS_EXEC_BASE and ROGUE_CR_USC_CODE_BASE_* + * respectively. Therefore if client drivers use multiple configs they must + * still be consistent with their definitions for these heaps. + * + * Base addresses have to be a multiple of 4MiB. + * Heaps must not start at 0x0000000000, as this is reserved for internal + * use within the driver. + * Range comments, those starting in column 0 below are a section heading of + * sorts and are above the heaps in that range. Often this is the reserved + * size of the heap within the range. + */ + +/* 0x00_0000_0000 ************************************************************/ + +/* 0x00_0000_0000 - 0x00_0040_0000 */ +/* 0 MiB to 4 MiB, size of 4 MiB : RESERVED */ + +/* 0x00_0040_0000 - 0x7F_FFC0_0000 **/ +/* 4 MiB to 512 GiB, size of 512 GiB less 4 MiB : RESERVED **/ + +/* 0x80_0000_0000 ************************************************************/ + +/* 0x80_0000_0000 - 0x9F_FFFF_FFFF **/ +/* 512 GiB to 640 GiB, size of 128 GiB : GENERAL_HEAP **/ +#define ROGUE_GENERAL_HEAP_BASE 0x8000000000ull +#define ROGUE_GENERAL_HEAP_SIZE SZ_128G + +/* 0xA0_0000_0000 - 0xAF_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 640 GiB to 704 GiB, size of 64 GiB : FREE */ + +/* B0_0000_0000 - 0xB7_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 704 GiB to 736 GiB, size of 32 GiB : FREE */ + +/* 0xB8_0000_0000 - 0xBF_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 736 GiB to 768 GiB, size of 32 GiB : RESERVED */ + +/* 0xC0_0000_0000 ************************************************************/ + +/* 0xC0_0000_0000 - 0xD9_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 768 GiB to 872 GiB, size of 104 GiB : FREE */ + +/* 0xDA_0000_0000 - 0xDA_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 872 GiB to 876 GiB, size of 4 GiB : PDSCODEDATA_HEAP */ +#define ROGUE_PDSCODEDATA_HEAP_BASE 0xDA00000000ull +#define ROGUE_PDSCODEDATA_HEAP_SIZE SZ_4G + +/* 0xDB_0000_0000 - 0xDB_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 876 GiB to 880 GiB, size of 256 MiB (reserved 4GiB) : BRN **/ +/* + * The BRN63142 quirk workaround requires Region Header memory to be at the top + * of a 16GiB aligned range. This is so when masked with 0x03FFFFFFFF the + * address will avoid aliasing PB addresses. Start at 879.75GiB. Size of 256MiB. + */ +#define ROGUE_RGNHDR_HEAP_BASE 0xDBF0000000ull +#define ROGUE_RGNHDR_HEAP_SIZE SZ_256M + +/* 0xDC_0000_0000 - 0xDF_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 880 GiB to 896 GiB, size of 16 GiB : FREE */ + +/* 0xE0_0000_0000 - 0xE0_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 896 GiB to 900 GiB, size of 4 GiB : USCCODE_HEAP */ +#define ROGUE_USCCODE_HEAP_BASE 0xE000000000ull +#define ROGUE_USCCODE_HEAP_SIZE SZ_4G + +/* 0xE1_0000_0000 - 0xE1_BFFF_FFFF */ +/* 900 GiB to 903 GiB, size of 3 GiB : RESERVED */ + +/* 0xE1_C000_000 - 0xE1_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 903 GiB to 904 GiB, reserved 1 GiB, : FIRMWARE_HEAP */ +#define ROGUE_FW_HEAP_BASE 0xE1C0000000ull + +/* 0xE2_0000_0000 - 0xE3_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 904 GiB to 912 GiB, size of 8 GiB : FREE */ + +/* 0xE4_0000_0000 - 0xE7_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 912 GiB to 968 GiB, size of 16 GiB : TRANSFER_FRAG */ +#define ROGUE_TRANSFER_FRAG_HEAP_BASE 0xE400000000ull +#define ROGUE_TRANSFER_FRAG_HEAP_SIZE SZ_16G + +/* 0xE8_0000_0000 - 0xF1_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 928 GiB to 968 GiB, size of 40 GiB : RESERVED */ + +/* 0xF2_0000_0000 - 0xF2_001F_FFFF **/ +/* 968 GiB to 969 GiB, size of 2 MiB : VISTEST_HEAP */ +#define ROGUE_VISTEST_HEAP_BASE 0xF200000000ull +#define ROGUE_VISTEST_HEAP_SIZE SZ_2M + +/* 0xF2_4000_0000 - 0xF2_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 969 GiB to 972 GiB, size of 3 GiB : FREE */ + +/* 0xF3_0000_0000 - 0xFF_FFFF_FFFF */ +/* 972 GiB to 1024 GiB, size of 52 GiB : FREE */ + +/* 0xFF_FFFF_FFFF ************************************************************/ + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_HEAP_CONFIG_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_meta.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_meta.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..736e94618832 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_meta.h @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_META_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_META_H + +/***** The META HW register definitions in the file are updated manually *****/ + +#include +#include + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * META registers and MACROS + ***************************************************************************** + */ +#define META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(t) (0x04800000U + (0x1000U * (t))) + +#define META_CR_TXPRIVEXT (0x048000E8) +#define META_CR_TXPRIVEXT_MINIM_EN BIT(7) + +#define META_CR_SYSC_JTAG_THREAD (0x04830030) +#define META_CR_SYSC_JTAG_THREAD_PRIV_EN (0x00000004) + +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT0 (0x0480FFE0) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT1 (0x0480FFE8) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_SHIFT (28) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_MASK (0xF0000000) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_DCACHEHITS (8 << META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_SHIFT) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_ICACHEHITS (9 << META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_SHIFT) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_ICACHEMISS \ + (0xA << META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_SHIFT) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_ICORE (0xD << META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_SHIFT) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_THR_SHIFT (24) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_THR_MASK (0x0F000000) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_THR_0 (0x1 << META_CR_PERF_COUNT_THR_SHIFT) +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT_THR_1 (0x2 << META_CR_PERF_COUNT_THR_1) + +#define META_CR_TxVECINT_BHALT (0x04820500) +#define META_CR_PERF_ICORE0 (0x0480FFD0) +#define META_CR_PERF_ICORE1 (0x0480FFD8) +#define META_CR_PERF_ICORE_DCACHEMISS (0x8) + +#define META_CR_PERF_COUNT(ctrl, thr) \ + ((META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_##ctrl << META_CR_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_SHIFT) | \ + ((thr) << META_CR_PERF_COUNT_THR_SHIFT)) + +#define META_CR_TXUXXRXDT_OFFSET (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(0U) + 0x0000FFF0U) +#define META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_OFFSET (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(0U) + 0x0000FFF8U) + +/* Poll for done. */ +#define META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_DREADY_BIT (0x80000000U) +/* Set for read. */ +#define META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_RDnWR_BIT (0x00010000U) +#define META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_TX_S (12) +#define META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_RX_S (4) +#define META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_UXX_S (0) + +/* Internal ctrl regs. */ +#define META_CR_TXUIN_ID (0x0) +/* Data unit regs. */ +#define META_CR_TXUD0_ID (0x1) +/* Data unit regs. */ +#define META_CR_TXUD1_ID (0x2) +/* Address unit regs. */ +#define META_CR_TXUA0_ID (0x3) +/* Address unit regs. */ +#define META_CR_TXUA1_ID (0x4) +/* PC registers. */ +#define META_CR_TXUPC_ID (0x5) + +/* Macros to calculate register access values. */ +#define META_CR_CORE_REG(thr, reg_num, unit) \ + (((u32)(thr) << META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_TX_S) | \ + ((u32)(reg_num) << META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_RX_S) | \ + ((u32)(unit) << META_CR_TXUXXRXRQ_UXX_S)) + +#define META_CR_THR0_PC META_CR_CORE_REG(0, 0, META_CR_TXUPC_ID) +#define META_CR_THR0_PCX META_CR_CORE_REG(0, 1, META_CR_TXUPC_ID) +#define META_CR_THR0_SP META_CR_CORE_REG(0, 0, META_CR_TXUA0_ID) + +#define META_CR_THR1_PC META_CR_CORE_REG(1, 0, META_CR_TXUPC_ID) +#define META_CR_THR1_PCX META_CR_CORE_REG(1, 1, META_CR_TXUPC_ID) +#define META_CR_THR1_SP META_CR_CORE_REG(1, 0, META_CR_TXUA0_ID) + +#define SP_ACCESS(thread) META_CR_CORE_REG(thread, 0, META_CR_TXUA0_ID) +#define PC_ACCESS(thread) META_CR_CORE_REG(thread, 0, META_CR_TXUPC_ID) + +#define META_CR_COREREG_ENABLE (0x0000000U) +#define META_CR_COREREG_STATUS (0x0000010U) +#define META_CR_COREREG_DEFR (0x00000A0U) +#define META_CR_COREREG_PRIVEXT (0x00000E8U) + +#define META_CR_T0ENABLE_OFFSET \ + (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(0U) + META_CR_COREREG_ENABLE) +#define META_CR_T0STATUS_OFFSET \ + (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(0U) + META_CR_COREREG_STATUS) +#define META_CR_T0DEFR_OFFSET (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(0U) + META_CR_COREREG_DEFR) +#define META_CR_T0PRIVEXT_OFFSET \ + (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(0U) + META_CR_COREREG_PRIVEXT) + +#define META_CR_T1ENABLE_OFFSET \ + (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(1U) + META_CR_COREREG_ENABLE) +#define META_CR_T1STATUS_OFFSET \ + (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(1U) + META_CR_COREREG_STATUS) +#define META_CR_T1DEFR_OFFSET (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(1U) + META_CR_COREREG_DEFR) +#define META_CR_T1PRIVEXT_OFFSET \ + (META_CR_CTRLREG_BASE(1U) + META_CR_COREREG_PRIVEXT) + +#define META_CR_TXENABLE_ENABLE_BIT (0x00000001U) /* Set if running */ +#define META_CR_TXSTATUS_PRIV (0x00020000U) +#define META_CR_TXPRIVEXT_MINIM (0x00000080U) + +#define META_MEM_GLOBAL_RANGE_BIT (0x80000000U) + +#define META_CR_TXCLKCTRL (0x048000B0) +#define META_CR_TXCLKCTRL_ALL_ON (0x55111111) +#define META_CR_TXCLKCTRL_ALL_AUTO (0xAA222222) + +#define META_CR_MMCU_LOCAL_EBCTRL (0x04830600) +#define META_CR_MMCU_LOCAL_EBCTRL_ICWIN (0x3 << 14) +#define META_CR_MMCU_LOCAL_EBCTRL_DCWIN (0x3 << 6) +#define META_CR_SYSC_DCPART(n) (0x04830200 + (n) * 0x8) +#define META_CR_SYSC_DCPARTX_CACHED_WRITE_ENABLE (0x1 << 31) +#define META_CR_SYSC_ICPART(n) (0x04830220 + (n) * 0x8) +#define META_CR_SYSC_XCPARTX_LOCAL_ADDR_OFFSET_TOP_HALF (0x8 << 16) +#define META_CR_SYSC_XCPARTX_LOCAL_ADDR_FULL_CACHE (0xF) +#define META_CR_SYSC_XCPARTX_LOCAL_ADDR_HALF_CACHE (0x7) +#define META_CR_MMCU_DCACHE_CTRL (0x04830018) +#define META_CR_MMCU_ICACHE_CTRL (0x04830020) +#define META_CR_MMCU_XCACHE_CTRL_CACHE_HITS_EN (0x1) + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * META LDR Format + ****************************************************************************** + */ +/* Block header structure. */ +struct rogue_meta_ldr_block_hdr { + u32 dev_id; + u32 sl_code; + u32 sl_data; + u16 pc_ctrl; + u16 crc; +}; + +/* High level data stream block structure. */ +struct rogue_meta_ldr_l1_data_blk { + u16 cmd; + u16 length; + u32 next; + u32 cmd_data[4]; +}; + +/* High level data stream block structure. */ +struct rogue_meta_ldr_l2_data_blk { + u16 tag; + u16 length; + u32 block_data[4]; +}; + +/* Config command structure. */ +struct rogue_meta_ldr_cfg_blk { + u32 type; + u32 block_data[4]; +}; + +/* Block type definitions */ +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_COMMENT_TYPE_MASK (0x0010U) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_BLK_IS_COMMENT(x) (((x) & ROGUE_META_LDR_COMMENT_TYPE_MASK) != 0U) + +/* + * Command definitions + * Value Name Description + * 0 LoadMem Load memory with binary data. + * 1 LoadCore Load a set of core registers. + * 2 LoadMMReg Load a set of memory mapped registers. + * 3 StartThreads Set each thread PC and SP, then enable threads. + * 4 ZeroMem Zeros a memory region. + * 5 Config Perform a configuration command. + */ +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_MASK (0x000FU) + +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_LOADMEM (0x0000U) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_LOADCORE (0x0001U) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_LOADMMREG (0x0002U) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_START_THREADS (0x0003U) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_ZEROMEM (0x0004U) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_CONFIG (0x0005U) + +/* + * Config Command definitions + * Value Name Description + * 0 Pause Pause for x times 100 instructions + * 1 Read Read a value from register - No value return needed. + * Utilises effects of issuing reads to certain registers + * 2 Write Write to mem location + * 3 MemSet Set mem to value + * 4 MemCheck check mem for specific value. + */ +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CFG_PAUSE (0x0000) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CFG_READ (0x0001) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CFG_WRITE (0x0002) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CFG_MEMSET (0x0003) +#define ROGUE_META_LDR_CFG_MEMCHECK (0x0004) + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * ROGUE FW segmented MMU definitions + ****************************************************************************** + */ +/* All threads can access the segment. */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_ALLTHRS (0xf << 8U) +/* Writable. */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_WRITEABLE (0x1U << 1U) +/* All threads can access and writable. */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_ALLTHRS_WRITEABLE \ + (ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_ALLTHRS | ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_WRITEABLE) + +/* Direct map region 10 used for mapping GPU memory - max 8MB. */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DMAP_GPU_ID (10U) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DMAP_GPU_ADDR_START (0x07000000U) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DMAP_GPU_MAX_SIZE (0x00800000U) + +/* Segment IDs. */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_ID (1U) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_BOOTLDR_ID (2U) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_TEXT_ID (ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_BOOTLDR_ID) + +/* + * SLC caching strategy in S7 and volcanic is emitted through the segment MMU. + * All the segments configured through the macro ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_OUTADDR_TOP are + * CACHED in the SLC. + * The interface has been kept the same to simplify the code changes. + * The bifdm argument is ignored (no longer relevant) in S7 and volcanic. + */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_OUTADDR_TOP_VIVT_SLC(pers, slc_policy, mmu_ctx) \ + ((((u64)((pers) & 0x3)) << 52) | (((u64)((mmu_ctx) & 0xFF)) << 44) | \ + (((u64)((slc_policy) & 0x1)) << 40)) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_OUTADDR_TOP_VIVT_SLC_CACHED(mmu_ctx) \ + ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_OUTADDR_TOP_VIVT_SLC(0x3, 0x0, mmu_ctx) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_OUTADDR_TOP_VIVT_SLC_UNCACHED(mmu_ctx) \ + ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_OUTADDR_TOP_VIVT_SLC(0x0, 0x1, mmu_ctx) + +/* + * To configure the Page Catalog and BIF-DM fed into the BIF for Garten + * accesses through this segment. + */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_OUTADDR_TOP_SLC(pc, bifdm) \ + (((u64)((u64)(pc) & 0xFU) << 44U) | ((u64)((u64)(bifdm) & 0xFU) << 40U)) + +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_META_BIFDM_ID (0x7U) + +/* META segments have 4kB minimum size. */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_ALIGN (0x1000U) + +/* Segmented MMU registers (n = segment id). */ +#define META_CR_MMCU_SEGMENT_N_BASE(n) (0x04850000U + ((n) * 0x10U)) +#define META_CR_MMCU_SEGMENT_N_LIMIT(n) (0x04850004U + ((n) * 0x10U)) +#define META_CR_MMCU_SEGMENT_N_OUTA0(n) (0x04850008U + ((n) * 0x10U)) +#define META_CR_MMCU_SEGMENT_N_OUTA1(n) (0x0485000CU + ((n) * 0x10U)) + +/* + * The following defines must be recalculated if the Meta MMU segments used + * to access Host-FW data are changed + * Current combinations are: + * - SLC uncached, META cached, FW base address 0x70000000 + * - SLC uncached, META uncached, FW base address 0xF0000000 + * - SLC cached, META cached, FW base address 0x10000000 + * - SLC cached, META uncached, FW base address 0x90000000 + */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_BASE_ADDRESS (0x10000000U) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_META_CACHED (0x0U) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_META_UNCACHED (META_MEM_GLOBAL_RANGE_BIT) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_META_CACHE_MASK (META_MEM_GLOBAL_RANGE_BIT) +/* + * For non-VIVT SLCs the cacheability of the FW data in the SLC is selected in + * the PTEs for the FW data, not in the Meta Segment MMU, which means these + * defines have no real effect in those cases. + */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_VIVT_SLC_CACHED (0x0U) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_VIVT_SLC_UNCACHED (0x60000000U) +#define ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_VIVT_SLC_CACHE_MASK (0x60000000U) + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * ROGUE FW Bootloader defaults + ****************************************************************************** + */ +#define ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_META_ADDR (0x40000000U) +#define ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_DEVV_ADDR_0 (0xC0000000U) +#define ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_DEVV_ADDR_1 (0x000000E1) +#define ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_DEVV_ADDR \ + ((((u64)ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_DEVV_ADDR_1) << 32) | \ + ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_DEVV_ADDR_0) +#define ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_LIMIT (0x1FFFF000) +#define ROGUE_FW_MAX_BOOTLDR_OFFSET (0x1000) + +/* Bootloader configuration offset is in dwords (512 bytes) */ +#define ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_CONF_OFFSET (0x80) + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * ROGUE META Stack + ****************************************************************************** + */ +#define ROGUE_META_STACK_SIZE (0x1000U) + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * ROGUE META Core memory + ****************************************************************************** + */ +/* Code and data both map to the same physical memory. */ +#define ROGUE_META_COREMEM_CODE_ADDR (0x80000000U) +#define ROGUE_META_COREMEM_DATA_ADDR (0x82000000U) +#define ROGUE_META_COREMEM_OFFSET_MASK (0x01ffffffU) + +#define ROGUE_META_IS_COREMEM_CODE(a, b) \ + ({ \ + u32 _a = (a), _b = (b); \ + ((_a) >= ROGUE_META_COREMEM_CODE_ADDR) && \ + ((_a) < (ROGUE_META_COREMEM_CODE_ADDR + (_b))); \ + }) +#define ROGUE_META_IS_COREMEM_DATA(a, b) \ + ({ \ + u32 _a = (a), _b = (b); \ + ((_a) >= ROGUE_META_COREMEM_DATA_ADDR) && \ + ((_a) < (ROGUE_META_COREMEM_DATA_ADDR + (_b))); \ + }) +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * 2nd thread + ****************************************************************************** + */ +#define ROGUE_FW_THR1_PC (0x18930000) +#define ROGUE_FW_THR1_SP (0x78890000) + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * META compatibility + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +#define META_CR_CORE_ID (0x04831000) +#define META_CR_CORE_ID_VER_SHIFT (16U) +#define META_CR_CORE_ID_VER_CLRMSK (0XFF00FFFFU) + +#define ROGUE_CR_META_MTP218_CORE_ID_VALUE 0x19 +#define ROGUE_CR_META_MTP219_CORE_ID_VALUE 0x1E +#define ROGUE_CR_META_LTP218_CORE_ID_VALUE 0x1C +#define ROGUE_CR_META_LTP217_CORE_ID_VALUE 0x1F + +#define ROGUE_FW_PROCESSOR_META "META" + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_META_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fe5167bf7fba --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips.h @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_MIPS_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_MIPS_H + +#include +#include + +/* Utility defines for memory management. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K (12) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_4K (0x1 << ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_MASK_4K (ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_4K - 1) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_64K (16) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_64K (0x1 << ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_64K) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_MASK_64K (ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_64K - 1) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_256K (18) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_256K (0x1 << ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_256K) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_MASK_256K (ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_256K - 1) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_1MB (20) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_1MB (0x1 << ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_1MB) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_MASK_1MB (ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_1MB - 1) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4MB (22) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_4MB (0x1 << ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4MB) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_MASK_4MB (ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_4MB - 1) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PTE_ENTRY_SIZE (2) +/* log2 page table sizes dependent on FW heap size and page size (for each OS). */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGETABLE_SIZE_4K(pvr_dev) ((pvr_dev)->fw_dev.fw_heap_info.log2_size - \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K + \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PTE_ENTRY_SIZE) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGETABLE_SIZE_64K(pvr_dev) ((pvr_dev)->fw_dev.fw_heap_info.log2_size - \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_64K + \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PTE_ENTRY_SIZE) +/* Maximum number of page table pages (both Host and MIPS pages). */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_MAX_NUM_PAGETABLE_PAGES (4) +/* Total number of TLB entries. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_NUMBER_OF_TLB_ENTRIES (16) +/* "Uncached" caching policy. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_UNCACHED_CACHE_POLICY (2) +/* "Write-back write-allocate" caching policy. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_WRITEBACK_CACHE_POLICY (3) +/* "Write-through no write-allocate" caching policy. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_WRITETHROUGH_CACHE_POLICY (1) +/* Cached policy used by MIPS in case of physical bus on 32 bit. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_CACHED_POLICY (ROGUE_MIPSFW_WRITEBACK_CACHE_POLICY) +/* Cached policy used by MIPS in case of physical bus on more than 32 bit. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_CACHED_POLICY_ABOVE_32BIT (ROGUE_MIPSFW_WRITETHROUGH_CACHE_POLICY) +/* Total number of Remap entries. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_NUMBER_OF_REMAP_ENTRIES (2 * ROGUE_MIPSFW_NUMBER_OF_TLB_ENTRIES) + +/* MIPS EntryLo/PTE format. */ + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_READ_INHIBIT_SHIFT (31U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_READ_INHIBIT_CLRMSK (0X7FFFFFFF) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_READ_INHIBIT_EN (0X80000000) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_EXEC_INHIBIT_SHIFT (30U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_EXEC_INHIBIT_CLRMSK (0XBFFFFFFF) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_EXEC_INHIBIT_EN (0X40000000) + +/* Page Frame Number */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_SHIFT (6) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_ALIGNSHIFT (12) +/* Mask used for the MIPS Page Table in case of physical bus on 32 bit. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_MASK (0x03FFFFC0) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_SIZE (20) +/* Mask used for the MIPS Page Table in case of physical bus on more than 32 bit. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_MASK_ABOVE_32BIT (0x3FFFFFC0) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_SIZE_ABOVE_32BIT (24) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ADDR_TO_ENTRYLO_PFN_RSHIFT (ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_ALIGNSHIFT - \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_SHIFT) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_CACHE_POLICY_SHIFT (3U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_CACHE_POLICY_CLRMSK (0XFFFFFFC7) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_DIRTY_SHIFT (2U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_DIRTY_CLRMSK (0XFFFFFFFB) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_DIRTY_EN (0X00000004) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_VALID_SHIFT (1U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_VALID_CLRMSK (0XFFFFFFFD) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_VALID_EN (0X00000002) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_GLOBAL_SHIFT (0U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_GLOBAL_CLRMSK (0XFFFFFFFE) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_GLOBAL_EN (0X00000001) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_DVG (ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_DIRTY_EN | \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_VALID_EN | \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_GLOBAL_EN) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_UNCACHED (ROGUE_MIPSFW_UNCACHED_CACHE_POLICY << \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_CACHE_POLICY_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_DVG_UNCACHED (ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_DVG | \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_UNCACHED) + +/* Remap Range Config Addr Out. */ +/* These defines refer to the upper half of the Remap Range Config register. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_REMAP_RANGE_ADDR_OUT_MASK (0x0FFFFFF0) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_REMAP_RANGE_ADDR_OUT_SHIFT (4) /* wrt upper half of the register. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_REMAP_RANGE_ADDR_OUT_ALIGNSHIFT (12) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ADDR_TO_RR_ADDR_OUT_RSHIFT (ROGUE_MIPSFW_REMAP_RANGE_ADDR_OUT_ALIGNSHIFT - \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_REMAP_RANGE_ADDR_OUT_SHIFT) + +/* + * Pages to trampoline problematic physical addresses: + * - ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN : 0x1FC0_0000 + * - ROGUE_MIPSFW_DATA_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN : 0x1FC0_1000 + * - ROGUE_MIPSFW_CODE_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN : 0x1FC0_2000 + * - (benign trampoline) : 0x1FC0_3000 + * that would otherwise be erroneously remapped by the MIPS wrapper. + * (see "Firmware virtual layout and remap configuration" section below) + */ + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_LOG2_NUMPAGES (2) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_NUMPAGES BIT(ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_LOG2_NUMPAGES) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE (ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_NUMPAGES << \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_LOG2_SEGMENT_SIZE (ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_LOG2_NUMPAGES + \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_TARGET_PHYS_ADDR (ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_OFFSET(a) ((a) - ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_SENSITIVE_ADDR(a) (ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN == \ + (~((1 << ROGUE_MIPSFW_TRAMPOLINE_LOG2_SEGMENT_SIZE) - 1) \ + & (a))) + +/* Firmware virtual layout and remap configuration. */ +/* + * For each remap region we define: + * - the virtual base used by the Firmware to access code/data through that region + * - the microAptivAP physical address correspondent to the virtual base address, + * used as input address and remapped to the actual physical address + * - log2 of size of the region remapped by the MIPS wrapper, i.e. number of bits from + * the bottom of the base input address that survive onto the output address + * (this defines both the alignment and the maximum size of the remapped region) + * - one or more code/data segments within the remapped region. + */ + +/* Boot remap setup. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_VIRTUAL_BASE (0xBFC00000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN (0x1FC00000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_LOG2_SEGMENT_SIZE (12) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_NMI_CODE_VIRTUAL_BASE (ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_VIRTUAL_BASE) + +/* Data remap setup. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_DATA_REMAP_VIRTUAL_BASE (0xBFC01000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_DATA_CACHED_REMAP_VIRTUAL_BASE (0x9FC01000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_DATA_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN (0x1FC01000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_DATA_REMAP_LOG2_SEGMENT_SIZE (12) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_NMI_DATA_VIRTUAL_BASE (ROGUE_MIPSFW_DATA_REMAP_VIRTUAL_BASE) + +/* Code remap setup. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_CODE_REMAP_VIRTUAL_BASE (0x9FC02000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_CODE_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN (0x1FC02000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_CODE_REMAP_LOG2_SEGMENT_SIZE (12) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_EXCEPTIONS_VIRTUAL_BASE (ROGUE_MIPSFW_CODE_REMAP_VIRTUAL_BASE) + +/* Permanent mappings setup. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PT_VIRTUAL_BASE (0xCF000000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_REGISTERS_VIRTUAL_BASE (0xCF800000) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_STACK_VIRTUAL_BASE (0xCF600000) + +/* Bootloader configuration data. */ +/* + * Bootloader configuration offset (where ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_DATA lives) + * within the bootloader/NMI data page. + */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOTLDR_CONF_OFFSET (0x0) + +/* NMI shared data. */ +/* Base address of the shared data within the bootloader/NMI data page. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_NMI_SHARED_DATA_BASE (0x100) +/* Size used by Debug dump data. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_NMI_SHARED_SIZE (0x2B0) +/* Offsets in the NMI shared area in 32-bit words. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_NMI_SYNC_FLAG_OFFSET (0x0) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_NMI_STATE_OFFSET (0x1) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_NMI_ERROR_STATE_SET (0x1) + +/* MIPS boot stage. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_STAGE_OFFSET (0x400) + +/* + * MIPS private data in the bootloader data page. + * Memory below this offset is used by the FW only, no interface data allowed. + */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PRIVATE_DATA_OFFSET (0x800) + +struct rogue_mipsfw_boot_data { + u64 stack_phys_addr; + u64 reg_base; + u64 pt_phys_addr[ROGUE_MIPSFW_MAX_NUM_PAGETABLE_PAGES]; + u32 pt_log2_page_size; + u32 pt_num_pages; + u32 reserved1; + u32 reserved2; +}; + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_GET_OFFSET_IN_DWORDS(offset) ((offset) / sizeof(u32)) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_GET_OFFSET_IN_QWORDS(offset) ((offset) / sizeof(u64)) + +/* Used for compatibility checks. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ARCHTYPE_VER_CLRMSK (0xFFFFE3FFU) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_ARCHTYPE_VER_SHIFT (10U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_CORE_ID_VALUE (0x001U) +#define ROGUE_FW_PROCESSOR_MIPS "MIPS" + +/* microAptivAP cache line size. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_MICROAPTIVEAP_CACHELINE_SIZE (16U) + +/* + * The SOCIF transactions are identified with the top 16 bits of the physical address emitted by + * the MIPS. + */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_WRAPPER_CONFIG_REGBANK_ADDR_ALIGN (16U) + +/* Values to put in the MIPS selectors for performance counters. */ +/* Icache accesses in COUNTER0. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_ICACHE_ACCESSES_C0 (9U) +/* Icache misses in COUNTER1. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_ICACHE_MISSES_C1 (9U) + +/* Dcache accesses in COUNTER0. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_DCACHE_ACCESSES_C0 (10U) +/* Dcache misses in COUNTER1. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_DCACHE_MISSES_C1 (11U) + +/* ITLB instruction accesses in COUNTER0. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_ITLB_INSTR_ACCESSES_C0 (5U) +/* JTLB instruction accesses misses in COUNTER1. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_JTLB_INSTR_MISSES_C1 (7U) + + /* Instructions completed in COUNTER0. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_INSTR_COMPLETED_C0 (1U) +/* JTLB data misses in COUNTER1. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_JTLB_DATA_MISSES_C1 (8U) + +/* Shift for the Event field in the MIPS perf ctrl registers. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_EVENT_SHIFT (5U) + +/* Additional flags for performance counters. See MIPS manual for further reference. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_COUNT_USER_MODE (8U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_COUNT_KERNEL_MODE (2U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_PERF_COUNT_CTRL_COUNT_EXL (1U) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_NBHWIRQ 8 + +/* Macros to decode C0_Cause register. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_EXCCODE(cause) (((cause) & 0x7c) >> 2) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_EXCCODE_FWERROR 9 +/* Use only when Coprocessor Unusable exception. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_UNUSABLE_UNIT(cause) (((cause) >> 28) & 0x3) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_PENDING_HWIRQ(cause) (((cause) & 0x3fc00) >> 10) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_FDCIPENDING BIT(21) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_IV BIT(23) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_IC BIT(25) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_PCIPENDING BIT(26) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_TIPENDING BIT(30) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_CAUSE_BRANCH_DELAY BIT(31) + +/* Macros to decode C0_Debug register. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_EXCCODE(debug) (((debug) >> 10) & 0x1f) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DSS BIT(0) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DBP BIT(1) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DDBL BIT(2) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DDBS BIT(3) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DIB BIT(4) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DINT BIT(5) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DIBIMPR BIT(6) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DDBLIMPR BIT(18) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DDBSIMPR BIT(19) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_IEXI BIT(20) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DBUSEP BIT(21) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_CACHEEP BIT(22) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_MCHECKP BIT(23) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_IBUSEP BIT(24) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DM BIT(30) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_C0_DEBUG_DBD BIT(31) + +/* Macros to decode TLB entries. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_MASK(page_mask) (((page_mask) >> 13) & 0XFFFFU) +/* Page size in KB. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_PAGE_SIZE(page_mask) ((((page_mask) | 0x1FFF) + 1) >> 11) +/* Page size in KB. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_PAGE_MASK(page_size) ((((page_size) << 11) - 1) & ~0x7FF) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_VPN2(entry_hi) ((entry_hi) >> 13) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_COHERENCY(entry_lo) (((entry_lo) >> 3) & 0x7U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_PFN(entry_lo) (((entry_lo) >> 6) & 0XFFFFFU) +/* GET_PA uses a non-standard PFN mask for 36 bit addresses. */ +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_PA(entry_lo) (((u64)(entry_lo) & \ + ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_MASK_ABOVE_32BIT) << 6) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_INHIBIT(entry_lo) (((entry_lo) >> 30) & 0x3U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GET_DGV(entry_lo) ((entry_lo) & 0x7U) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_GLOBAL BIT(0) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_VALID BIT(1) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_DIRTY BIT(2) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_XI BIT(30) +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_TLB_RI BIT(31) + +#define ROGUE_MIPSFW_REMAP_GET_REGION_SIZE(region_size_encoding) (1 << (((region_size_encoding) \ + + 1) << 1)) + +struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry { + u32 tlb_page_mask; + u32 tlb_hi; + u32 tlb_lo0; + u32 tlb_lo1; +}; + +struct rogue_mips_remap_entry { + u32 remap_addr_in; /* Always 4k aligned. */ + u32 remap_addr_out; /* Always 4k aligned. */ + u32 remap_region_size; +}; + +struct rogue_mips_state { + u32 error_state; /* This must come first in the structure. */ + u32 error_epc; + u32 status_register; + u32 cause_register; + u32 bad_register; + u32 epc; + u32 sp; + u32 debug; + u32 depc; + u32 bad_instr; + u32 unmapped_address; + struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry tlb[ROGUE_MIPSFW_NUMBER_OF_TLB_ENTRIES]; + struct rogue_mips_remap_entry remap[ROGUE_MIPSFW_NUMBER_OF_REMAP_ENTRIES]; +}; + +#include "pvr_rogue_mips_check.h" + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_MIPS_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips_check.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips_check.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..efad38039cae --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mips_check.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_MIPS_CHECK_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_MIPS_CHECK_H + +#include + +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry, tlb_page_mask) == 0, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry, tlb_page_mask) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry, tlb_hi) == 4, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry, tlb_hi) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry, tlb_lo0) == 8, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry, tlb_lo0) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry, tlb_lo1) == 12, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry, tlb_lo1) incorrect"); +static_assert(sizeof(struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry) == 16, + "struct rogue_mips_tlb_entry is incorrect size"); + +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_remap_entry, remap_addr_in) == 0, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_remap_entry, remap_addr_in) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_remap_entry, remap_addr_out) == 4, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_remap_entry, remap_addr_out) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_remap_entry, remap_region_size) == 8, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_remap_entry, remap_region_size) incorrect"); +static_assert(sizeof(struct rogue_mips_remap_entry) == 12, + "struct rogue_mips_remap_entry is incorrect size"); + +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, error_state) == 0, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, error_state) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, error_epc) == 4, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, error_epc) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, status_register) == 8, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, status_register) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, cause_register) == 12, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, cause_register) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, bad_register) == 16, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, bad_register) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, epc) == 20, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, epc) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, sp) == 24, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, sp) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, debug) == 28, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, debug) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, depc) == 32, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, depc) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, bad_instr) == 36, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, bad_instr) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, unmapped_address) == 40, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, unmapped_address) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, tlb) == 44, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, tlb) incorrect"); +static_assert(offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, remap) == 300, + "offsetof(struct rogue_mips_state, remap) incorrect"); +static_assert(sizeof(struct rogue_mips_state) == 684, + "struct rogue_mips_state is incorrect size"); + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_MIPS_CHECK_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mmu_defs.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mmu_defs.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cd28cded2741 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_mmu_defs.h @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +/* *** Autogenerated C -- do not edit *** */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_MMU_DEFS_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_MMU_DEFS_H + +#define ROGUE_MMU_DEFS_REVISION 0 + +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_VERTEX (0x00000000U) +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_PIXEL (0x00000001U) +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_COMPUTE (0x00000002U) +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_TLA (0x00000003U) +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_PB_VCE (0x00000004U) +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_PB_TE (0x00000005U) +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_META (0x00000007U) +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_HOST (0x00000008U) +#define ROGUE_BIF_DM_ENCODING_PM_ALIST (0x00000009U) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PC_INDEX_SHIFT (30U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PC_INDEX_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF003FFFFFFFULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PD_INDEX_SHIFT (21U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PD_INDEX_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFC01FFFFFULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PT_INDEX_SHIFT (12U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PT_INDEX_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFE00FFFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PC_VALUE (0x00000400U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PD_VALUE (0x00000200U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PT_VALUE (0x00000200U) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PC_VALUE (0x00000020U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PD_VALUE (0x00000040U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PT_VALUE (0x00000040U) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_MASK (0x00000007U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_4KB (0x00000000U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_16KB (0x00000001U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_64KB (0x00000002U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_256KB (0x00000003U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_1MB (0x00000004U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_2MB (0x00000005U) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_4KB_RANGE_SHIFT (12U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_4KB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF0000000FFFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_16KB_RANGE_SHIFT (14U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_16KB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF0000003FFFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_64KB_RANGE_SHIFT (16U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_64KB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF000000FFFFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_256KB_RANGE_SHIFT (18U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_256KB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF000003FFFFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_1MB_RANGE_SHIFT (20U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_1MB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF00000FFFFFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_2MB_RANGE_SHIFT (21U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_2MB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF00001FFFFFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_4KB_RANGE_SHIFT (12U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_4KB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF0000000FFFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_16KB_RANGE_SHIFT (10U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_16KB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF00000003FFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_64KB_RANGE_SHIFT (8U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_64KB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF00000000FFULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_256KB_RANGE_SHIFT (6U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_256KB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF000000003FULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_1MB_RANGE_SHIFT (5U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_1MB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF000000001FULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_2MB_RANGE_SHIFT (5U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_2MB_RANGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF000000001FULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_PM_META_PROTECT_SHIFT (62U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_PM_META_PROTECT_CLRMSK (0xBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_PM_META_PROTECT_EN (0x4000000000000000ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_VP_PAGE_HI_SHIFT (40U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_VP_PAGE_HI_CLRMSK (0xC00000FFFFFFFFFFULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_PAGE_SHIFT (12U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_PAGE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF0000000FFFULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_VP_PAGE_LO_SHIFT (6U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_VP_PAGE_LO_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF03FULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_SHIFT (5U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDFULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_EN (0x0000000000000020ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_PM_SRC_SHIFT (4U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_PM_SRC_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_PM_SRC_EN (0x0000000000000010ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_SLC_BYPASS_CTRL_SHIFT (3U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_SLC_BYPASS_CTRL_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_SLC_BYPASS_CTRL_EN (0x0000000000000008ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_CC_SHIFT (2U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_CC_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_CC_EN (0x0000000000000004ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_READ_ONLY_SHIFT (1U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_READ_ONLY_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_READ_ONLY_EN (0x0000000000000002ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_VALID_SHIFT (0U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_VALID_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_DATA_VALID_EN (0x0000000000000001ULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_SHIFT (40U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_EN (0x0000010000000000ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PT_BASE_SHIFT (5U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PT_BASE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFF000000001FULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT (1U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PAGE_SIZE_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PAGE_SIZE_4KB (0x0000000000000000ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PAGE_SIZE_16KB (0x0000000000000002ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PAGE_SIZE_64KB (0x0000000000000004ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PAGE_SIZE_256KB (0x0000000000000006ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PAGE_SIZE_1MB (0x0000000000000008ULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_PAGE_SIZE_2MB (0x000000000000000aULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_VALID_SHIFT (0U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_VALID_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEULL) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PD_DATA_VALID_EN (0x0000000000000001ULL) + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_PD_BASE_SHIFT (4U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_PD_BASE_CLRMSK (0x0000000FU) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_PD_BASE_ALIGNSHIFT (12U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_PD_BASE_ALIGNSIZE (4096U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_SHIFT (1U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFDU) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_ENTRY_PENDING_EN (0x00000002U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_VALID_SHIFT (0U) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_VALID_CLRMSK (0xFFFFFFFEU) +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_VALID_EN (0x00000001U) + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_MMU_DEFS_H */ From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:46 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739676 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E25C71E506; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:47 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="HqFc/H6+"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="BqST4SA3" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id B0253D47; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:14:23 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VCJjRk013616; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:35 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=BNAxej3KvneDaYePCiMB/+uag/wdYkSuCDJ1fUXCULc=; b=HqF c/H6+rVPn0jCTNh+rnalMoR/6wphN0XwrUCUNC2UbGyCkJYbtoOq+nS03/Bccsl0 KLheIb3+3Td1UbXD5lJ2ilSZ1IqFevK7XQCF76RMdiiLme1noZmhqbYfibfkroyU dU2puwr6BDDgybvetDjwbwM/DEsLqb4Hn8PIudAjWnaIomrnVsOCWO9aGR4B310x Vv/Hos4x0qMbMnOgBhHtlgwKOz3kIBs177PnYE+F7EXWomcOWUYst3iUOKfDYDod PAoyHZ164PQ6HyjpeuaKMtkMPQ1L9U7iMcxzX1HpCtwCE2QHmfJP/PtyVXIMwN+k 2nqlslPHakqFWlHtB4A== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf42-8 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:34 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:30 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:30 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=AgUJDdKYx/4+JNyU91r8tvBNdO9nMyRRae0+pdCcgBtvJRI3Ghn4gTWIo+EyNOoULnD2ILUYJ2GvIJ0g6qrmlbZJblmLg8SeChtvaJakx/edh1yIqhRV8gCPkp/cprWWDadhT0MpfTOfBTernTpni7qz5OfQJ6NCcaNhUGI02e+wKq2sti1/Nc9SAXxhZZvAcejInKWjo2ZasqQNn/+z9ktnEG7G3saCr1C/C4NYxcZIZMmC+D83xt5eW71z/Ov7FHXtd5JTih8uyszuGtBLTdyCd4DPmjrTv26lk9IHjqr/tOQbuI1pSZgw649H66nFL7/EjNEMbYfgqvZ2kF1bDw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=BNAxej3KvneDaYePCiMB/+uag/wdYkSuCDJ1fUXCULc=; b=CZ6t1v+0JqeLxx5qX/kv9i4YEvcoyJ6J41oqn92He+OTsAFj1jz30mSUz+UYy1a0bukdOuwB5DufoRhnWMJ9AvznV7PQXQKdUBHd9Tva0kOAUYOqxdUb2aBRiltA8Q161OXcG9hBCCmgq8S9muVEfQlKdI9hAm9jEVpKgwosqgPM0F/enk0nR+C1/Wa1Ht1SUye4v5dir2yEBsv+lEbe/KbyifL+846lft9HToROMuA3oYA7GGeDZ4Y4iYwyo1uQMmy8dI78JpmqsV1Iwu9FQ8Aa2YS6PbQl4NL6PPFMZeKdypa1ajaOdaAN2FCR40HgCjsAi8hw8JEVZmRVLFmohQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=BNAxej3KvneDaYePCiMB/+uag/wdYkSuCDJ1fUXCULc=; b=BqST4SA3BA5TCUdpmAeITXEITnP92t51ZdN0mIQhZfUxdSJR35Ea6mP0o07b9lzUeCugsglyxUTqwYHTHl5HWe7JnhfB7W0EiTXHAVdlIsimpzov2nLutXiPOZUDDZ2o1sKAYammYwCJMiGuCUzhwSniIN2Cdvwah+mLweYk8GI= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:19 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:19 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v8 09/20] drm/imagination: Add FWIF headers Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:46 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: b1ecc62e-e1df-46de-dce4-08dbda23ea14 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(136003)(376002)(366004)(39850400004)(346002)(396003)(230173577357003)(230922051799003)(230273577357003)(64100799003)(1800799009)(186009)(451199024)(66899024)(2906002)(30864003)(7416002)(41300700001)(5660300002)(44832011)(8676002)(4326008)(8936002)(38350700005)(36756003)(86362001)(38100700002)(1076003)(316002)(6916009)(66946007)(66476007)(66556008)(2616005)(83380400001)(478600001)(6666004)(26005)(19627235002)(6512007)(6506007)(52116002)(6486002)(579004)(559001); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: b1ecc62e-e1df-46de-dce4-08dbda23ea14 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2023 15:13:19.1356 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 0d5fd8bb-e8c2-4e0a-8dd5-2c264f7140fe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: 4diH58vKKymrldk3uBSuehNPuDzq68ZHQo+YpA9KuXMorcB3dqgRYvJZHJobTlaZFeBUAPe9OWOiSvF+AfqUpw== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CWLP265MB2018 X-OriginatorOrg: X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: 15a78312-3e47-46eb-9010-2e54d84a9631 X-Proofpoint-GUID: Mw6Am8DSN99A3q_GnGyG5knLv4KPtTsY X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: Mw6Am8DSN99A3q_GnGyG5knLv4KPtTsY Changes since v7: - Add padding to struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl to place read and write offsets in different cache lines Changes since v5: - Split up header commit due to size - Add BRN 71242 to device info Changes since v4: - Add FW header device info Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker Acked-by: Maxime Ripard --- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif.h | 2188 +++++++++++++++++ .../drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_check.h | 493 ++++ .../drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client.h | 373 +++ .../imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client_check.h | 133 + .../drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_common.h | 60 + .../drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_dev_info.h | 113 + .../pvr_rogue_fwif_resetframework.h | 28 + .../drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h | 258 ++ .../imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared_check.h | 108 + .../drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_stream.h | 78 + 10 files changed, 3832 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_check.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client_check.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_common.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_dev_info.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_resetframework.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared_check.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_stream.h diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a7829e431c75 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif.h @@ -0,0 +1,2188 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "pvr_rogue_defs.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_common.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h" + +/* + **************************************************************************** + * Logging type + **************************************************************************** + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_NONE 0x00000000U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_TRACE 0x00000001U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_MAIN 0x00000002U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_MTS 0x00000004U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_CLEANUP 0x00000008U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_CSW 0x00000010U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_BIF 0x00000020U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_PM 0x00000040U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_RTD 0x00000080U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_SPM 0x00000100U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_POW 0x00000200U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_HWR 0x00000400U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_HWP 0x00000800U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_RPM 0x00001000U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_DMA 0x00002000U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_MISC 0x00004000U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_DEBUG 0x80000000U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_GROUP_MASK 0x80007FFEU +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_MASK 0x80007FFFU + +/* String used in pvrdebug -h output */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_GROUPS_STRING_LIST \ + "main,mts,cleanup,csw,bif,pm,rtd,spm,pow,hwr,hwp,rpm,dma,misc,debug" + +/* Table entry to map log group strings to log type value */ +struct rogue_fwif_log_group_map_entry { + const char *log_group_name; + u32 log_group_type; +}; + +/* + **************************************************************************** + * ROGUE FW signature checks + **************************************************************************** + */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SIG_BUFFER_SIZE_MIN (8192) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_TIMEDIFF_ID ((0x1UL << 28) | ROGUE_CR_TIMER) + +/* + **************************************************************************** + * Trace Buffer + **************************************************************************** + */ + +/* Default size of ROGUE_FWIF_TRACEBUF_SPACE in DWords */ +#define ROGUE_FW_TRACE_BUF_DEFAULT_SIZE_IN_DWORDS 12000U +#define ROGUE_FW_TRACE_BUFFER_ASSERT_SIZE 200U +#define ROGUE_FW_THREAD_NUM 1U +#define ROGUE_FW_THREAD_MAX 2U + +#define ROGUE_FW_POLL_TYPE_SET 0x80000000U + +struct rogue_fwif_file_info_buf { + char path[ROGUE_FW_TRACE_BUFFER_ASSERT_SIZE]; + char info[ROGUE_FW_TRACE_BUFFER_ASSERT_SIZE]; + u32 line_num; + u32 padding; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space { + u32 trace_pointer; + + u32 trace_buffer_fw_addr; + + /* To be used by host when reading from trace buffer */ + u32 *trace_buffer; + + struct rogue_fwif_file_info_buf assert_buf; +} __aligned(8); + +/* Total number of FW fault logs stored */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FWFAULTINFO_MAX (8U) + +struct rogue_fw_fault_info { + aligned_u64 cr_timer; + aligned_u64 os_timer; + + u32 data __aligned(8); + u32 reserved; + struct rogue_fwif_file_info_buf fault_buf; +} __aligned(8); + +enum rogue_fwif_pow_state { + ROGUE_FWIF_POW_OFF, /* idle and ready to full power down */ + ROGUE_FWIF_POW_ON, /* running HW commands */ + ROGUE_FWIF_POW_FORCED_IDLE, /* forced idle */ + ROGUE_FWIF_POW_IDLE, /* idle waiting for host handshake */ +}; + +/* Firmware HWR states */ +/* The HW state is ok or locked up */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_HARDWARE_OK BIT(0) +/* Tells if a HWR reset is in progress */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_RESET_IN_PROGRESS BIT(1) +/* A DM unrelated lockup has been detected */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_GENERAL_LOCKUP BIT(3) +/* At least one DM is running without being close to a lockup */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_DM_RUNNING_OK BIT(4) +/* At least one DM is close to lockup */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_DM_STALLING BIT(5) +/* The FW has faulted and needs to restart */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_FW_FAULT BIT(6) +/* The FW has requested the host to restart it */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_RESTART_REQUESTED BIT(7) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_STATE_SHIFT (8U) +/* The FW has requested the host to restart it, per PHR configuration */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_RESTART_REQUESTED ((1) << ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_STATE_SHIFT) +/* A PHR triggered GPU reset has just finished */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_RESTART_FINISHED ((2) << ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_STATE_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_RESTART_MASK \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_RESTART_REQUESTED | ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_RESTART_FINISHED) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_MODE_OFF (0UL) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_MODE_RD_RESET (1UL) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PHR_MODE_FULL_RESET (2UL) + +/* Firmware per-DM HWR states */ +/* DM is working if all flags are cleared */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_WORKING (0) +/* DM is idle and ready for HWR */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_READY_FOR_HWR BIT(0) +/* DM need to skip to next cmd before resuming processing */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_NEEDS_SKIP BIT(2) +/* DM need partial render cleanup before resuming processing */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_NEEDS_PR_CLEANUP BIT(3) +/* DM need to increment Recovery Count once fully recovered */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_NEEDS_TRACE_CLEAR BIT(4) +/* DM was identified as locking up and causing HWR */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_GUILTY_LOCKUP BIT(5) +/* DM was innocently affected by another lockup which caused HWR */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_INNOCENT_LOCKUP BIT(6) +/* DM was identified as over-running and causing HWR */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_GUILTY_OVERRUNING BIT(7) +/* DM was innocently affected by another DM over-running which caused HWR */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_INNOCENT_OVERRUNING BIT(8) +/* DM was forced into HWR as it delayed more important workloads */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_HARD_CONTEXT_SWITCH BIT(9) +/* DM was forced into HWR due to an uncorrected GPU ECC error */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_STATE_GPU_ECC_HWR BIT(10) + +/* Firmware's connection state */ +enum rogue_fwif_connection_fw_state { + /* Firmware is offline */ + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_FW_OFFLINE = 0, + /* Firmware is initialised */ + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_FW_READY, + /* Firmware connection is fully established */ + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_FW_ACTIVE, + /* Firmware is clearing up connection data*/ + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_FW_OFFLOADING, + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_FW_STATE_COUNT +}; + +/* OS' connection state */ +enum rogue_fwif_connection_os_state { + /* OS is offline */ + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_OS_OFFLINE = 0, + /* OS's KM driver is setup and waiting */ + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_OS_READY, + /* OS connection is fully established */ + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_OS_ACTIVE, + ROGUE_FW_CONNECTION_OS_STATE_COUNT +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_os_runtime_flags { + unsigned int os_state : 3; + unsigned int fl_ok : 1; + unsigned int fl_grow_pending : 1; + unsigned int isolated_os : 1; + unsigned int reserved : 26; +}; + +#define PVR_SLR_LOG_ENTRIES 10 +/* MAX_CLIENT_CCB_NAME not visible to this header */ +#define PVR_SLR_LOG_STRLEN 30 + +struct rogue_fwif_slr_entry { + aligned_u64 timestamp; + u32 fw_ctx_addr; + u32 num_ufos; + char ccb_name[PVR_SLR_LOG_STRLEN]; + char padding[2]; +} __aligned(8); + +#define MAX_THREAD_NUM 2 + +/* firmware trace control data */ +struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf { + u32 log_type; + struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space tracebuf[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; + /* + * Member initialised only when sTraceBuf is actually allocated (in + * ROGUETraceBufferInitOnDemandResources) + */ + u32 tracebuf_size_in_dwords; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 tracebuf_flags; +} __aligned(8); + +/* firmware system data shared with the Host driver */ +struct rogue_fwif_sysdata { + /* Configuration flags from host */ + u32 config_flags; + /* Extended configuration flags from host */ + u32 config_flags_ext; + enum rogue_fwif_pow_state pow_state; + u32 hw_perf_ridx; + u32 hw_perf_widx; + u32 hw_perf_wrap_count; + /* Constant after setup, needed in FW */ + u32 hw_perf_size; + /* The number of times the FW drops a packet due to buffer full */ + u32 hw_perf_drop_count; + + /* + * ui32HWPerfUt, ui32FirstDropOrdinal, ui32LastDropOrdinal only valid + * when FW is built with ROGUE_HWPERF_UTILIZATION & + * ROGUE_HWPERF_DROP_TRACKING defined in rogue_fw_hwperf.c + */ + /* Buffer utilisation, high watermark of bytes in use */ + u32 hw_perf_ut; + /* The ordinal of the first packet the FW dropped */ + u32 first_drop_ordinal; + /* The ordinal of the last packet the FW dropped */ + u32 last_drop_ordinal; + /* State flags for each Operating System mirrored from Fw coremem */ + struct rogue_fwif_os_runtime_flags + os_runtime_flags_mirror[ROGUE_FW_MAX_NUM_OS]; + + struct rogue_fw_fault_info fault_info[ROGUE_FWIF_FWFAULTINFO_MAX]; + u32 fw_faults; + u32 cr_poll_addr[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; + u32 cr_poll_mask[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; + u32 cr_poll_count[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; + aligned_u64 start_idle_time; + +#if defined(SUPPORT_ROGUE_FW_STATS_FRAMEWORK) +# define ROGUE_FWIF_STATS_FRAMEWORK_LINESIZE (8) +# define ROGUE_FWIF_STATS_FRAMEWORK_MAX \ + (2048 * ROGUE_FWIF_STATS_FRAMEWORK_LINESIZE) + u32 fw_stats_buf[ROGUE_FWIF_STATS_FRAMEWORK_MAX] __aligned(8); +#endif + u32 hwr_state_flags; + u32 hwr_recovery_flags[PVR_FWIF_DM_MAX]; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 fw_sys_data_flags; + /* Identify whether MC config is P-P or P-S */ + u32 mc_config; +} __aligned(8); + +/* per-os firmware shared data */ +struct rogue_fwif_osdata { + /* Configuration flags from an OS */ + u32 fw_os_config_flags; + /* Markers to signal that the host should perform a full sync check */ + u32 fw_sync_check_mark; + u32 host_sync_check_mark; + + u32 forced_updates_requested; + u8 slr_log_wp; + struct rogue_fwif_slr_entry slr_log_first; + struct rogue_fwif_slr_entry slr_log[PVR_SLR_LOG_ENTRIES]; + aligned_u64 last_forced_update_time; + + /* Interrupt count from Threads > */ + u32 interrupt_count[MAX_THREAD_NUM]; + u32 kccb_cmds_executed; + u32 power_sync_fw_addr; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 fw_os_data_flags; + u32 padding; +} __aligned(8); + +/* Firmware trace time-stamp field breakup */ + +/* ROGUE_CR_TIMER register read (48 bits) value*/ +#define ROGUE_FWT_TIMESTAMP_TIME_SHIFT (0U) +#define ROGUE_FWT_TIMESTAMP_TIME_CLRMSK (0xFFFF000000000000ull) + +/* Extra debug-info (16 bits) */ +#define ROGUE_FWT_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG_INFO_SHIFT (48U) +#define ROGUE_FWT_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG_INFO_CLRMSK ~ROGUE_FWT_TIMESTAMP_TIME_CLRMSK + +/* Debug-info sub-fields */ +/* + * Bit 0: ROGUE_CR_EVENT_STATUS_MMU_PAGE_FAULT bit from ROGUE_CR_EVENT_STATUS + * register + */ +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_MMU_PAGE_FAULT_SHIFT (0U) +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_MMU_PAGE_FAULT_SET \ + BIT(ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_MMU_PAGE_FAULT_SHIFT) + +/* Bit 1: ROGUE_CR_BIF_MMU_ENTRY_PENDING bit from ROGUE_CR_BIF_MMU_ENTRY register */ +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_MMU_ENTRY_PENDING_SHIFT (1U) +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_MMU_ENTRY_PENDING_SET \ + BIT(ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_MMU_ENTRY_PENDING_SHIFT) + +/* Bit 2: ROGUE_CR_SLAVE_EVENT register is non-zero */ +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_SLAVE_EVENTS_SHIFT (2U) +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_SLAVE_EVENTS_SET \ + BIT(ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_SLAVE_EVENTS_SHIFT) + +/* Bit 3-15: Unused bits */ + +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_STR_MAXLEN 64 +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_STR_PREPEND " (debug info: " +#define ROGUE_FWT_DEBUG_INFO_STR_APPEND ")" + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * HWR Data + ****************************************************************************** + */ +enum rogue_hwrtype { + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_UNKNOWNFAILURE = 0, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_OVERRUN = 1, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_POLLFAILURE = 2, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_BIF0FAULT = 3, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_BIF1FAULT = 4, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_TEXASBIF0FAULT = 5, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_MMUFAULT = 6, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_MMUMETAFAULT = 7, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_MIPSTLBFAULT = 8, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_ECCFAULT = 9, + ROGUE_HWRTYPE_MMURISCVFAULT = 10, +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWRTYPE_BIF_BANK_GET(hwr_type) \ + (((hwr_type) == ROGUE_HWRTYPE_BIF0FAULT) ? 0 : 1) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWRTYPE_PAGE_FAULT_GET(hwr_type) \ + ((((hwr_type) == ROGUE_HWRTYPE_BIF0FAULT) || \ + ((hwr_type) == ROGUE_HWRTYPE_BIF1FAULT) || \ + ((hwr_type) == ROGUE_HWRTYPE_TEXASBIF0FAULT) || \ + ((hwr_type) == ROGUE_HWRTYPE_MMUFAULT) || \ + ((hwr_type) == ROGUE_HWRTYPE_MMUMETAFAULT) || \ + ((hwr_type) == ROGUE_HWRTYPE_MIPSTLBFAULT) || \ + ((hwr_type) == ROGUE_HWRTYPE_MMURISCVFAULT)) \ + ? true \ + : false) + +struct rogue_bifinfo { + aligned_u64 bif_req_status; + aligned_u64 bif_mmu_status; + aligned_u64 pc_address; /* phys address of the page catalogue */ + aligned_u64 reserved; +}; + +struct rogue_eccinfo { + u32 fault_gpu; +}; + +struct rogue_mmuinfo { + aligned_u64 mmu_status[2]; + aligned_u64 pc_address; /* phys address of the page catalogue */ + aligned_u64 reserved; +}; + +struct rogue_pollinfo { + u32 thread_num; + u32 cr_poll_addr; + u32 cr_poll_mask; + u32 cr_poll_last_value; + aligned_u64 reserved; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_tlbinfo { + u32 bad_addr; + u32 entry_lo; +}; + +struct rogue_hwrinfo { + union { + struct rogue_bifinfo bif_info; + struct rogue_mmuinfo mmu_info; + struct rogue_pollinfo poll_info; + struct rogue_tlbinfo tlb_info; + struct rogue_eccinfo ecc_info; + } hwr_data; + + aligned_u64 cr_timer; + aligned_u64 os_timer; + u32 frame_num; + u32 pid; + u32 active_hwrt_data; + u32 hwr_number; + u32 event_status; + u32 hwr_recovery_flags; + enum rogue_hwrtype hwr_type; + u32 dm; + u32 core_id; + aligned_u64 cr_time_of_kick; + aligned_u64 cr_time_hw_reset_start; + aligned_u64 cr_time_hw_reset_finish; + aligned_u64 cr_time_freelist_ready; + aligned_u64 reserved[2]; +} __aligned(8); + +/* Number of first HWR logs recorded (never overwritten by newer logs) */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWINFO_MAX_FIRST 8U +/* Number of latest HWR logs (older logs are overwritten by newer logs) */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWINFO_MAX_LAST 8U +/* Total number of HWR logs stored in a buffer */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWINFO_MAX \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_HWINFO_MAX_FIRST + ROGUE_FWIF_HWINFO_MAX_LAST) +/* Index of the last log in the HWR log buffer */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWINFO_LAST_INDEX (ROGUE_FWIF_HWINFO_MAX - 1U) + +struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf { + struct rogue_hwrinfo hwr_info[ROGUE_FWIF_HWINFO_MAX]; + u32 hwr_counter; + u32 write_index; + u32 dd_req_count; + u32 hwr_info_buf_flags; /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 hwr_dm_locked_up_count[PVR_FWIF_DM_MAX]; + u32 hwr_dm_overran_count[PVR_FWIF_DM_MAX]; + u32 hwr_dm_recovered_count[PVR_FWIF_DM_MAX]; + u32 hwr_dm_false_detect_count[PVR_FWIF_DM_MAX]; +} __aligned(8); + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_FAST_EN (1) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_MEDIUM_EN (2) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SLOW_EN (3) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_NODELAY_EN (4) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CDM_ARBITRATION_TASK_DEMAND_EN (1) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CDM_ARBITRATION_ROUND_ROBIN_EN (2) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_ISP_SCHEDMODE_VER1_IPP (1) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_ISP_SCHEDMODE_VER2_ISP (2) +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * ROGUE firmware Init Config Data + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +/* Flag definitions affecting the firmware globally */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_MODE_RAND BIT(0) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_SRESET_EN BIT(1) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_HWPERF_EN BIT(2) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_DM_KILL_MODE_RAND_EN BIT(3) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_POW_RASCALDUST BIT(4) +/* Bit 5 is reserved. */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_FBCDC_V3_1_EN BIT(6) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CHECK_MLIST_EN BIT(7) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_DISABLE_CLKGATING_EN BIT(8) +/* Bit 9 is reserved. */ +/* Bit 10 is reserved. */ +/* Bit 11 is reserved. */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_REGCONFIG_EN BIT(12) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ASSERT_ON_OUTOFMEMORY BIT(13) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_HWP_DISABLE_FILTER BIT(14) +/* Bit 15 is reserved. */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SHIFT (16) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_FAST \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_FAST_EN \ + << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_MEDIUM \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_MEDIUM_EN \ + << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SLOW \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SLOW_EN \ + << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_NODELAY \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_NODELAY_EN \ + << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_MASK \ + (7 << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CTXSWITCH_PROFILE_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_DISABLE_DM_OVERLAP BIT(19) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ASSERT_ON_HWR_TRIGGER BIT(20) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_FABRIC_COHERENCY_ENABLED BIT(21) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_VALIDATE_IRQ BIT(22) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_DISABLE_PDP_EN BIT(23) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_SPU_POWER_STATE_MASK_CHANGE_EN BIT(24) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_WORKEST BIT(25) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_PDVFS BIT(26) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CDM_ARBITRATION_SHIFT (27) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CDM_ARBITRATION_TASK_DEMAND \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_CDM_ARBITRATION_TASK_DEMAND_EN \ + << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CDM_ARBITRATION_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CDM_ARBITRATION_ROUND_ROBIN \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_CDM_ARBITRATION_ROUND_ROBIN_EN \ + << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CDM_ARBITRATION_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CDM_ARBITRATION_MASK \ + (3 << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_CDM_ARBITRATION_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_SHIFT (29) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_NONE (0) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_VER1_IPP \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_ISP_SCHEDMODE_VER1_IPP \ + << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_VER2_ISP \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_ISP_SCHEDMODE_VER2_ISP \ + << ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_SHIFT) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_MASK \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_VER1_IPP | \ + ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ISPSCHEDMODE_VER2_ISP) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_VALIDATE_SOCUSC_TIMER BIT(31) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_ALL (0xFFFFFFFFU) + +/* Extended Flag definitions affecting the firmware globally */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_EXT_TFBC_CONTROL_SHIFT (0) +/* [7] YUV10 override + * [6:4] Quality + * [3] Quality enable + * [2:1] Compression scheme + * [0] Lossy group + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_EXT_TFBC_CONTROL_MASK (0xFF) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_EXT_ALL (ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_EXT_TFBC_CONTROL_MASK) + +/* Flag definitions affecting only workloads submitted by a particular OS */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_TDM_EN BIT(0) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_GEOM_EN BIT(1) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_FRAG_EN BIT(2) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_CDM_EN BIT(3) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_LOW_PRIO_CS_TDM BIT(4) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_LOW_PRIO_CS_GEOM BIT(5) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_LOW_PRIO_CS_FRAG BIT(6) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_LOW_PRIO_CS_CDM BIT(7) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_ALL (0xFF) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_DM_ALL \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_TDM_EN | \ + ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_GEOM_EN | \ + ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_FRAG_EN | \ + ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_CDM_EN) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_CLRMSK \ + ~(ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_OS_CTXSWITCH_DM_ALL) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FILTCFG_TRUNCATE_HALF BIT(3) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FILTCFG_TRUNCATE_INT BIT(2) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FILTCFG_NEW_FILTER_MODE BIT(1) + +enum rogue_activepm_conf { + ROGUE_ACTIVEPM_FORCE_OFF = 0, + ROGUE_ACTIVEPM_FORCE_ON = 1, + ROGUE_ACTIVEPM_DEFAULT = 2 +}; + +enum rogue_rd_power_island_conf { + ROGUE_RD_POWER_ISLAND_FORCE_OFF = 0, + ROGUE_RD_POWER_ISLAND_FORCE_ON = 1, + ROGUE_RD_POWER_ISLAND_DEFAULT = 2 +}; + +struct rogue_fw_register_list { + /* Register number */ + u16 reg_num; + /* Indirect register number (or 0 if not used) */ + u16 indirect_reg_num; + /* Start value for indirect register */ + u16 indirect_start_val; + /* End value for indirect register */ + u16 indirect_end_val; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_dllist_node { + u32 p; + u32 n; +}; + +/* + * This number is used to represent an invalid page catalogue physical address + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_INVALID_PC_PHYADDR 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLLU + +/* This number is used to represent unallocated page catalog base register */ +#define ROGUE_FW_BIF_INVALID_PCSET 0xFFFFFFFFU + +/* Firmware memory context. */ +struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext { + /* device physical address of context's page catalogue */ + aligned_u64 pc_dev_paddr; + /* + * associated page catalog base register (ROGUE_FW_BIF_INVALID_PCSET == + * unallocated) + */ + u32 page_cat_base_reg_set; + /* breakpoint address */ + u32 breakpoint_addr; + /* breakpoint handler address */ + u32 bp_handler_addr; + /* DM and enable control for BP */ + u32 breakpoint_ctl; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 fw_mem_ctx_flags; + u32 padding; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + * FW context state flags + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CONTEXT_FLAGS_NEED_RESUME (0x00000001U) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CONTEXT_FLAGS_MC_NEED_RESUME_MASKFULL (0x000000FFU) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CONTEXT_FLAGS_TDM_HEADER_STALE (0x00000100U) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CONTEXT_FLAGS_LAST_KICK_SECURE (0x00000200U) + +#define ROGUE_NUM_GEOM_CORES_MAX 4 + +/* + * FW-accessible TA state which must be written out to memory on context store + */ +struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state_per_geom { + /* To store in mid-TA */ + aligned_u64 geom_reg_vdm_call_stack_pointer; + /* Initial value (in case is 'lost' due to a lock-up */ + aligned_u64 geom_reg_vdm_call_stack_pointer_init; + u32 geom_reg_vbs_so_prim[4]; + u16 geom_current_idx; + u16 padding[3]; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state { + /* FW-accessible TA state which must be written out to memory on context store */ + struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state_per_geom geom_core[ROGUE_NUM_GEOM_CORES_MAX]; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + * FW-accessible ISP state which must be written out to memory on context store + */ +struct rogue_fwif_frag_ctx_state { + u32 frag_reg_pm_deallocated_mask_status; + u32 frag_reg_dm_pds_mtilefree_status; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 ctx_state_flags; + /* + * frag_reg_isp_store should be the last element of the structure as this + * is an array whose size is determined at runtime after detecting the + * ROGUE core + */ + u32 frag_reg_isp_store[]; +} __aligned(8); + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CTX_USING_BUFFER_A (0) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CTX_USING_BUFFER_B (1U) + +struct rogue_fwif_compute_ctx_state { + u32 ctx_state_flags; /* Target buffer and other flags */ +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext { + /* CCB details for this firmware context */ + u32 ccbctl_fw_addr; /* CCB control */ + u32 ccb_fw_addr; /* CCB base */ + struct rogue_fwif_dma_addr ccb_meta_dma_addr; + + /* Context suspend state */ + /* geom/frag context suspend state, read/written by FW */ + u32 context_state_addr __aligned(8); + + /* Flags e.g. for context switching */ + u32 fw_com_ctx_flags; + u32 priority; + u32 priority_seq_num; + + /* Framework state */ + /* Register updates for Framework */ + u32 rf_cmd_addr __aligned(8); + + /* Statistic updates waiting to be passed back to the host... */ + /* True when some stats are pending */ + bool stats_pending __aligned(4); + /* Number of stores on this context since last update */ + s32 stats_num_stores; + /* Number of OOMs on this context since last update */ + s32 stats_num_out_of_memory; + /* Number of PRs on this context since last update */ + s32 stats_num_partial_renders; + /* Data Master type */ + u32 dm; + /* Device Virtual Address of the signal the context is waiting on */ + aligned_u64 wait_signal_address; + /* List entry for the wait-signal list */ + struct rogue_fwif_dllist_node wait_signal_node __aligned(8); + /* List entry for the buffer stalled list */ + struct rogue_fwif_dllist_node buf_stalled_node __aligned(8); + /* Address of the circular buffer queue pointers */ + aligned_u64 cbuf_queue_ctrl_addr; + + aligned_u64 robustness_address; + /* Max HWR deadline limit in ms */ + u32 max_deadline_ms; + /* Following HWR circular buffer read-offset needs resetting */ + bool read_offset_needs_reset; + + /* List entry for the waiting list */ + struct rogue_fwif_dllist_node waiting_node __aligned(8); + /* List entry for the run list */ + struct rogue_fwif_dllist_node run_node __aligned(8); + /* UFO that last failed (or NULL) */ + struct rogue_fwif_ufo last_failed_ufo; + + /* Memory context */ + u32 fw_mem_context_fw_addr; + + /* References to the host side originators */ + /* the Server Common Context */ + u32 server_common_context_id; + /* associated process ID */ + u32 pid; + + /* True when Geom DM OOM is not allowed */ + bool geom_oom_disabled __aligned(4); +} __aligned(8); + +/* Firmware render context. */ +struct rogue_fwif_fwrendercontext { + /* Geometry firmware context. */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext geom_context; + /* Fragment firmware context. */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext frag_context; + + struct rogue_fwif_static_rendercontext_state static_render_context_state; + + /* Number of commands submitted to the WorkEst FW CCB */ + u32 work_est_ccb_submitted; + + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 fw_render_ctx_flags; +} __aligned(8); + +/* Firmware compute context. */ +struct rogue_fwif_fwcomputecontext { + /* Firmware context for the CDM */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext cdm_context; + + struct rogue_fwif_static_computecontext_state + static_compute_context_state; + + /* Number of commands submitted to the WorkEst FW CCB */ + u32 work_est_ccb_submitted; + + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 compute_ctx_flags; + + u32 wgp_state; + u32 wgp_checksum; + u32 core_mask_a; + u32 core_mask_b; +} __aligned(8); + +/* Firmware TDM context. */ +struct rogue_fwif_fwtdmcontext { + /* Firmware context for the TDM */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext tdm_context; + + /* Number of commands submitted to the WorkEst FW CCB */ + u32 work_est_ccb_submitted; +} __aligned(8); + +/* Firmware TQ3D context. */ +struct rogue_fwif_fwtransfercontext { + /* Firmware context for TQ3D. */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext tq_context; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Defines for CMD_TYPE corruption detection and forward compatibility check + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +/* + * CMD_TYPE 32bit contains: + * 31:16 Reserved for magic value to detect corruption (16 bits) + * 15 Reserved for ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK (1 bit) + * 14:0 Bits available for CMD_TYPEs (15 bits) + */ + +/* Magic value to detect corruption */ +#define ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD (0x2ABC) +#define ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_MASK (0xFFFF0000U) +#define ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFT (16U) +#define ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED \ + (ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD << ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFT) + +/* Kernel CCB control for ROGUE */ +struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl { + /* write offset into array of commands (MUST be aligned to 16 bytes!) */ + u32 write_offset; + /* Padding to ensure read and write offsets are in separate cache lines. */ + u8 padding[128 - sizeof(u32)]; + /* read offset into array of commands */ + u32 read_offset; + /* Offset wrapping mask (Total capacity of the CCB - 1) */ + u32 wrap_mask; + /* size of each command in bytes */ + u32 cmd_size; + u32 padding2; +} __aligned(8); + +/* Kernel CCB command structure for ROGUE */ + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_PT (0x1U) /* MMU_CTRL_INVAL_PT_EN */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_PD (0x2U) /* MMU_CTRL_INVAL_PD_EN */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_PC (0x4U) /* MMU_CTRL_INVAL_PC_EN */ + +/* + * can't use PM_TLB0 bit from BIFPM_CTRL reg because it collides with PT + * bit from BIF_CTRL reg + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_PMTLB (0x10) +/* BIF_CTRL_INVAL_TLB1_EN */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_TLB \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_PMTLB | 0x8) +/* MMU_CTRL_INVAL_ALL_CONTEXTS_EN */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_CTX_ALL (0x800) + +/* indicates FW should interrupt the host */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_INTERRUPT (0x4000000U) + +struct rogue_fwif_mmucachedata { + u32 cache_flags; + u32 mmu_cache_sync_fw_addr; + u32 mmu_cache_sync_update_value; +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_BPDATA_FLAGS_ENABLE BIT(0) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_BPDATA_FLAGS_WRITE BIT(1) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_BPDATA_FLAGS_CTL BIT(2) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_BPDATA_FLAGS_REGS BIT(3) + +struct rogue_fwif_bpdata { + /* Memory context */ + u32 fw_mem_context_fw_addr; + /* Breakpoint address */ + u32 bp_addr; + /* Breakpoint handler */ + u32 bp_handler_addr; + /* Breakpoint control */ + u32 bp_dm; + u32 bp_data_flags; + /* Number of temporary registers to overallocate */ + u32 temp_regs; + /* Number of shared registers to overallocate */ + u32 shared_regs; + /* DM associated with the breakpoint */ + u32 dm; +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_KICK_DATA_MAX_NUM_CLEANUP_CTLS \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_MAXSUPPORTED + 1U) /* +1 is RTDATASET cleanup */ + +struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data { + /* address of the firmware context */ + u32 context_fw_addr; + /* Client CCB woff update */ + u32 client_woff_update; + /* Client CCB wrap mask update after CCCB growth */ + u32 client_wrap_mask_update; + /* number of CleanupCtl pointers attached */ + u32 num_cleanup_ctl; + /* CleanupCtl structures associated with command */ + u32 cleanup_ctl_fw_addr + [ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_KICK_DATA_MAX_NUM_CLEANUP_CTLS]; + /* + * offset to the CmdHeader which houses the workload estimation kick + * data. + */ + u32 work_est_cmd_header_offset; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_combined_geom_frag_kick_data { + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data geom_cmd_kick_data; + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data frag_cmd_kick_data; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_force_update_data { + /* address of the firmware context */ + u32 context_fw_addr; + /* Client CCB fence offset */ + u32 ccb_fence_offset; +}; + +enum rogue_fwif_cleanup_type { + /* FW common context cleanup */ + ROGUE_FWIF_CLEANUP_FWCOMMONCONTEXT, + /* FW HW RT data cleanup */ + ROGUE_FWIF_CLEANUP_HWRTDATA, + /* FW freelist cleanup */ + ROGUE_FWIF_CLEANUP_FREELIST, + /* FW ZS Buffer cleanup */ + ROGUE_FWIF_CLEANUP_ZSBUFFER, +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_request { + /* Cleanup type */ + enum rogue_fwif_cleanup_type cleanup_type; + union { + /* FW common context to cleanup */ + u32 context_fw_addr; + /* HW RT to cleanup */ + u32 hwrt_data_fw_addr; + /* Freelist to cleanup */ + u32 freelist_fw_addr; + /* ZS Buffer to cleanup */ + u32 zs_buffer_fw_addr; + } cleanup_data; +}; + +enum rogue_fwif_power_type { + ROGUE_FWIF_POW_OFF_REQ = 1, + ROGUE_FWIF_POW_FORCED_IDLE_REQ, + ROGUE_FWIF_POW_NUM_UNITS_CHANGE, + ROGUE_FWIF_POW_APM_LATENCY_CHANGE +}; + +enum rogue_fwif_power_force_idle_type { + ROGUE_FWIF_POWER_FORCE_IDLE = 1, + ROGUE_FWIF_POWER_CANCEL_FORCED_IDLE, + ROGUE_FWIF_POWER_HOST_TIMEOUT, +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_power_request { + /* Type of power request */ + enum rogue_fwif_power_type pow_type; + union { + /* Number of active Dusts */ + u32 num_of_dusts; + /* If the operation is mandatory */ + bool forced __aligned(4); + /* + * Type of Request. Consolidating Force Idle, Cancel Forced + * Idle, Host Timeout + */ + enum rogue_fwif_power_force_idle_type pow_request_type; + } power_req_data; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_slcflushinvaldata { + /* Context to fence on (only useful when bDMContext == TRUE) */ + u32 context_fw_addr; + /* Invalidate the cache as well as flushing */ + bool inval __aligned(4); + /* The data to flush/invalidate belongs to a specific DM context */ + bool dm_context __aligned(4); + /* Optional address of range (only useful when bDMContext == FALSE) */ + aligned_u64 address; + /* Optional size of range (only useful when bDMContext == FALSE) */ + aligned_u64 size; +}; + +enum rogue_fwif_hwperf_update_config { + ROGUE_FWIF_HWPERF_CTRL_TOGGLE = 0, + ROGUE_FWIF_HWPERF_CTRL_SET = 1, + ROGUE_FWIF_HWPERF_CTRL_EMIT_FEATURES_EV = 2 +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl { + enum rogue_fwif_hwperf_update_config opcode; /* Control operation code */ + aligned_u64 mask; /* Mask of events to toggle */ +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_enable_blks { + /* Number of ROGUE_HWPERF_CONFIG_MUX_CNTBLK in the array */ + u32 num_blocks; + /* Address of the ROGUE_HWPERF_CONFIG_MUX_CNTBLK array */ + u32 block_configs_fw_addr; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_da_blks { + /* Number of ROGUE_HWPERF_CONFIG_CNTBLK in the array */ + u32 num_blocks; + /* Address of the ROGUE_HWPERF_CONFIG_CNTBLK array */ + u32 block_configs_fw_addr; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_coreclkspeedchange_data { + u32 new_clock_speed; /* New clock speed */ +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWPERF_CTRL_BLKS_MAX 16 + +struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl_blks { + bool enable; + /* Number of block IDs in the array */ + u32 num_blocks; + /* Array of ROGUE_HWPERF_CNTBLK_ID values */ + u16 block_ids[ROGUE_FWIF_HWPERF_CTRL_BLKS_MAX]; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_select_custom_cntrs { + u16 custom_block; + u16 num_counters; + u32 custom_counter_ids_fw_addr; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_zsbuffer_backing_data { + u32 zs_buffer_fw_addr; /* ZS-Buffer FW address */ + + bool done __aligned(4); /* action backing/unbacking succeeded */ +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_freelist_gs_data { + /* Freelist FW address */ + u32 freelist_fw_addr; + /* Amount of the Freelist change */ + u32 delta_pages; + /* New amount of pages on the freelist (including ready pages) */ + u32 new_pages; + /* Number of ready pages to be held in reserve until OOM */ + u32 ready_pages; +}; + +#define MAX_FREELISTS_SIZE 3 +#define MAX_HW_GEOM_FRAG_CONTEXTS_SIZE 3 + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_MAX_FREELISTS_TO_RECONSTRUCT \ + (MAX_HW_GEOM_FRAG_CONTEXTS_SIZE * MAX_FREELISTS_SIZE * 2U) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FREELISTS_RECONSTRUCTION_FAILED_FLAG 0x80000000U + +struct rogue_fwif_freelists_reconstruction_data { + u32 freelist_count; + u32 freelist_ids[ROGUE_FWIF_MAX_FREELISTS_TO_RECONSTRUCT]; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_write_offset_update_data { + /* + * Context to that may need to be resumed following write offset update + */ + u32 context_fw_addr; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Proactive DVFS Structures + ****************************************************************************** + */ +#define NUM_OPP_VALUES 16 + +struct pdvfs_opp { + u32 volt; /* V */ + u32 freq; /* Hz */ +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_opp { + struct pdvfs_opp opp_values[NUM_OPP_VALUES]; + u32 min_opp_point; + u32 max_opp_point; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_max_freq_data { + u32 max_opp_point; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_min_freq_data { + u32 min_opp_point; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Register configuration structures + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_MAX_SIZE 512 + +enum rogue_fwif_regdata_cmd_type { + ROGUE_FWIF_REGCFG_CMD_ADD = 101, + ROGUE_FWIF_REGCFG_CMD_CLEAR = 102, + ROGUE_FWIF_REGCFG_CMD_ENABLE = 103, + ROGUE_FWIF_REGCFG_CMD_DISABLE = 104 +}; + +enum rogue_fwif_reg_cfg_type { + /* Sidekick power event */ + ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_PWR_ON = 0, + /* Rascal / dust power event */ + ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_DUST_CHANGE, + /* Geometry kick */ + ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_GEOM, + /* Fragment kick */ + ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_FRAG, + /* Compute kick */ + ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_CDM, + /* TLA kick */ + ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_TLA, + /* TDM kick */ + ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_TDM, + /* Applies to all types. Keep as last element */ + ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_ALL +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_reg_cfg_rec { + u64 sddr; + u64 mask; + u64 value; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_regconfig_data { + enum rogue_fwif_regdata_cmd_type cmd_type; + enum rogue_fwif_reg_cfg_type reg_config_type; + struct rogue_fwif_reg_cfg_rec reg_config __aligned(8); +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_reg_cfg { + /* + * PDump WRW command write granularity is 32 bits. + * Add padding to ensure array size is 32 bit granular. + */ + u8 num_regs_type[ALIGN((u32)ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_TYPE_ALL, + sizeof(u32))] __aligned(8); + struct rogue_fwif_reg_cfg_rec + reg_configs[ROGUE_FWIF_REG_CFG_MAX_SIZE] __aligned(8); +} __aligned(8); + +enum rogue_fwif_os_state_change { + ROGUE_FWIF_OS_ONLINE = 1, + ROGUE_FWIF_OS_OFFLINE +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_os_state_change_data { + u32 osid; + enum rogue_fwif_os_state_change new_os_state; +} __aligned(8); + +enum rogue_fwif_counter_dump_request { + ROGUE_FWIF_PWR_COUNTER_DUMP_START = 1, + ROGUE_FWIF_PWR_COUNTER_DUMP_STOP, + ROGUE_FWIF_PWR_COUNTER_DUMP_SAMPLE, +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_counter_dump_data { + enum rogue_fwif_counter_dump_request counter_dump_request; +} __aligned(8); + +enum rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_type { + /* Common commands */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_KICK = 101U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_MMUCACHE = 102U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_BP = 103U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* SLC flush and invalidation request */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_SLCFLUSHINVAL = 105U | + ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* + * Requests cleanup of a FW resource (type specified in the command + * data) + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_CLEANUP = 106U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Power request */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_POW = 107U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Backing for on-demand ZS-Buffer done */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_ZSBUFFER_BACKING_UPDATE = + 108U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Unbacking for on-demand ZS-Buffer done */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_ZSBUFFER_UNBACKING_UPDATE = + 109U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Freelist Grow done */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_FREELIST_GROW_UPDATE = + 110U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Freelists Reconstruction done */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_FREELISTS_RECONSTRUCTION_UPDATE = + 112U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* + * Informs the firmware that the host has added more data to a CDM2 + * Circular Buffer + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_NOTIFY_WRITE_OFFSET_UPDATE = + 114U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Health check request */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_HEALTH_CHECK = 115U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Forcing signalling of all unmet UFOs for a given CCB offset */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_FORCE_UPDATE = 116U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* There is a geometry and a fragment command in this single kick */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_COMBINED_GEOM_FRAG_KICK = 117U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Informs the FW that a Guest OS has come online / offline. */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_OS_ONLINE_STATE_CONFIGURE = 118U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* Commands only permitted to the native or host OS */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_REGCONFIG = 200U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* Configure HWPerf events (to be generated) and HWPerf buffer address (if required) */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_HWPERF_UPDATE_CONFIG = 201U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* Enable or disable multiple HWPerf blocks (reusing existing configuration) */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_HWPERF_CTRL_BLKS = 203U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Core clock speed change event */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_CORECLKSPEEDCHANGE = 204U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* + * Ask the firmware to update its cached ui32LogType value from the (shared) + * tracebuf control structure + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_LOGTYPE_UPDATE = 206U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Set a maximum frequency/OPP point */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_PDVFS_LIMIT_MAX_FREQ = 207U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* + * Changes the relative scheduling priority for a particular OSid. It can + * only be serviced for the Host DDK + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_OSID_PRIORITY_CHANGE = 208U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Set or clear firmware state flags */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_STATEFLAGS_CTRL = 209U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* Set a minimum frequency/OPP point */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_PDVFS_LIMIT_MIN_FREQ = 212U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Configure Periodic Hardware Reset behaviour */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_PHR_CFG = 213U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* Configure Safety Firmware Watchdog */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_WDG_CFG = 215U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Controls counter dumping in the FW */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_COUNTER_DUMP = 216U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Configure, clear and enable multiple HWPerf blocks */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_HWPERF_CONFIG_ENABLE_BLKS = 217U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Configure the custom counters for HWPerf */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_HWPERF_SELECT_CUSTOM_CNTRS = 218U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* Configure directly addressable counters for HWPerf */ + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_HWPERF_CONFIG_BLKS = 220U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_LAST_ALLOWED_GUEST_KCCB_CMD \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_REGCONFIG - 1) + +/* Kernel CCB command packet */ +struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd { + /* Command type */ + enum rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_type cmd_type; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 kccb_flags; + + /* + * NOTE: Make sure that uCmdData is the last member of this struct + * This is to calculate actual command size for device mem copy. + * (Refer ROGUEGetCmdMemCopySize()) + */ + union { + /* Data for Kick command */ + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data cmd_kick_data; + /* Data for combined geom/frag Kick command */ + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_combined_geom_frag_kick_data + combined_geom_frag_cmd_kick_data; + /* Data for MMU cache command */ + struct rogue_fwif_mmucachedata mmu_cache_data; + /* Data for Breakpoint Commands */ + struct rogue_fwif_bpdata bp_data; + /* Data for SLC Flush/Inval commands */ + struct rogue_fwif_slcflushinvaldata slc_flush_inval_data; + /* Data for cleanup commands */ + struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_request cleanup_data; + /* Data for power request commands */ + struct rogue_fwif_power_request pow_data; + /* Data for HWPerf control command */ + struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl hw_perf_ctrl; + /* + * Data for HWPerf configure, clear and enable performance + * counter block command + */ + struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_enable_blks + hw_perf_cfg_enable_blks; + /* + * Data for HWPerf enable or disable performance counter block + * commands + */ + struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl_blks hw_perf_ctrl_blks; + /* Data for HWPerf configure the custom counters to read */ + struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_select_custom_cntrs + hw_perf_select_cstm_cntrs; + /* Data for HWPerf configure Directly Addressable blocks */ + struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_da_blks hw_perf_cfg_da_blks; + /* Data for core clock speed change */ + struct rogue_fwif_coreclkspeedchange_data + core_clk_speed_change_data; + /* Feedback for Z/S Buffer backing/unbacking */ + struct rogue_fwif_zsbuffer_backing_data zs_buffer_backing_data; + /* Feedback for Freelist grow/shrink */ + struct rogue_fwif_freelist_gs_data free_list_gs_data; + /* Feedback for Freelists reconstruction*/ + struct rogue_fwif_freelists_reconstruction_data + free_lists_reconstruction_data; + /* Data for custom register configuration */ + struct rogue_fwif_regconfig_data reg_config_data; + /* Data for informing the FW about the write offset update */ + struct rogue_fwif_write_offset_update_data + write_offset_update_data; + /* Data for setting the max frequency/OPP */ + struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_max_freq_data pdvfs_max_freq_data; + /* Data for setting the min frequency/OPP */ + struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_min_freq_data pdvfs_min_freq_data; + /* Data for updating the Guest Online states */ + struct rogue_fwif_os_state_change_data cmd_os_online_state_data; + /* Dev address for TBI buffer allocated on demand */ + u32 tbi_buffer_fw_addr; + /* Data for dumping of register ranges */ + struct rogue_fwif_counter_dump_data counter_dump_config_data; + /* Data for signalling all unmet fences for a given CCB */ + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_force_update_data force_update_data; + } cmd_data __aligned(8); +} __aligned(8); + +PVR_FW_STRUCT_SIZE_ASSERT(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd); + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Firmware CCB command structure for ROGUE + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_zsbuffer_backing_data { + u32 zs_buffer_id; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_freelist_gs_data { + u32 freelist_id; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_freelists_reconstruction_data { + u32 freelist_count; + u32 hwr_counter; + u32 freelist_ids[ROGUE_FWIF_MAX_FREELISTS_TO_RECONSTRUCT]; +}; + +/* 1 if a page fault happened */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_CONTEXT_RESET_FLAG_PF BIT(0) +/* 1 if applicable to all contexts */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_CONTEXT_RESET_FLAG_ALL_CTXS BIT(1) + +struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data { + /* Context affected by the reset */ + u32 server_common_context_id; + /* Reason for reset */ + enum rogue_context_reset_reason reset_reason; + /* Data Master affected by the reset */ + u32 dm; + /* Job ref running at the time of reset */ + u32 reset_job_ref; + /* ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_CONTEXT_RESET_FLAG bitfield */ + u32 flags; + /* At what page catalog address */ + aligned_u64 pc_address; + /* Page fault address (only when applicable) */ + aligned_u64 fault_address; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_fw_pagefault_data { + /* Page fault address */ + u64 fw_fault_addr; +}; + +enum rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_type { + /* Requests ZSBuffer to be backed with physical pages */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_ZSBUFFER_BACKING = 101U | + ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Requests ZSBuffer to be unbacked */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_ZSBUFFER_UNBACKING = 102U | + ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Requests an on-demand freelist grow/shrink */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_FREELIST_GROW = 103U | + ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Requests freelists reconstruction */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_FREELISTS_RECONSTRUCTION = + 104U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Notifies host of a HWR event on a context */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_CONTEXT_RESET_NOTIFICATION = + 105U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Requests an on-demand debug dump */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_DEBUG_DUMP = 106U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + /* Requests an on-demand update on process stats */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_UPDATE_STATS = 107U | + ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_CORE_CLK_RATE_CHANGE = + 108U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_REQUEST_GPU_RESTART = + 109U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, + + /* Notifies host of a FW pagefault */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_CONTEXT_FW_PF_NOTIFICATION = + 112U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED, +}; + +enum rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_update_stats_type { + /* + * PVRSRVStatsUpdateRenderContextStats should increase the value of the + * ui32TotalNumPartialRenders stat + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_UPDATE_NUM_PARTIAL_RENDERS = 1, + /* + * PVRSRVStatsUpdateRenderContextStats should increase the value of the + * ui32TotalNumOutOfMemory stat + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_UPDATE_NUM_OUT_OF_MEMORY, + /* + * PVRSRVStatsUpdateRenderContextStats should increase the value of the + * ui32NumGeomStores stat + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_UPDATE_NUM_GEOM_STORES, + /* + * PVRSRVStatsUpdateRenderContextStats should increase the value of the + * ui32NumFragStores stat + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_UPDATE_NUM_FRAG_STORES, + /* + * PVRSRVStatsUpdateRenderContextStats should increase the value of the + * ui32NumCDMStores stat + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_UPDATE_NUM_CDM_STORES, + /* + * PVRSRVStatsUpdateRenderContextStats should increase the value of the + * ui32NumTDMStores stat + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_UPDATE_NUM_TDM_STORES +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_update_stats_data { + /* Element to update */ + enum rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_update_stats_type element_to_update; + /* The pid of the process whose stats are being updated */ + u32 pid_owner; + /* Adjustment to be made to the statistic */ + s32 adjustment_value; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_core_clk_rate_change_data { + u32 core_clk_rate; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd { + /* Command type */ + enum rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_type cmd_type; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 fwccb_flags; + + union { + /* Data for Z/S-Buffer on-demand (un)backing*/ + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_zsbuffer_backing_data + cmd_zs_buffer_backing; + /* Data for on-demand freelist grow/shrink */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_freelist_gs_data cmd_free_list_gs; + /* Data for freelists reconstruction */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_freelists_reconstruction_data + cmd_freelists_reconstruction; + /* Data for context reset notification */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data + cmd_context_reset_notification; + /* Data for updating process stats */ + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_update_stats_data + cmd_update_stats_data; + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_core_clk_rate_change_data + cmd_core_clk_rate_change; + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_fw_pagefault_data cmd_fw_pagefault; + } cmd_data __aligned(8); +} __aligned(8); + +PVR_FW_STRUCT_SIZE_ASSERT(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd); + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Workload estimation Firmware CCB command structure for ROGUE + ****************************************************************************** + */ +struct rogue_fwif_workest_fwccb_cmd { + /* Index for return data array */ + u16 return_data_index; + /* The cycles the workload took on the hardware */ + u32 cycles_taken; +}; + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Client CCB commands for ROGUE + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +/* + * Required memory alignment for 64-bit variables accessible by Meta + * (The gcc meta aligns 64-bit variables to 64-bit; therefore, memory shared + * between the host and meta that contains 64-bit variables has to maintain + * this alignment) + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FWALLOC_ALIGN sizeof(u64) + +#define ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK BIT(15) +#define ROGUE_CCB_FWALLOC_ALIGN(size) \ + (((size) + (ROGUE_FWIF_FWALLOC_ALIGN - 1)) & \ + ~(ROGUE_FWIF_FWALLOC_ALIGN - 1)) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_GEOM \ + (201U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_TQ_3D \ + (202U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_FRAG \ + (203U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_FRAG_PR \ + (204U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_CDM \ + (205U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_TQ_TDM \ + (206U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_FBSC_INVALIDATE \ + (207U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_TQ_2D \ + (208U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_PRE_TIMESTAMP \ + (209U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_NULL \ + (210U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_ABORT \ + (211U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED | ROGUE_CCB_TYPE_TASK) + +/* Leave a gap between CCB specific commands and generic commands */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_FENCE (212U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_UPDATE (213U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_RMW_UPDATE \ + (214U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_FENCE_PR (215U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_PRIORITY (216U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) +/* + * Pre and Post timestamp commands are supposed to sandwich the DM cmd. The + * padding code with the CCB wrap upsets the FW if we don't have the task type + * bit cleared for POST_TIMESTAMPs. That's why we have 2 different cmd types. + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_POST_TIMESTAMP \ + (217U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_UNFENCED_UPDATE \ + (218U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_UNFENCED_RMW_UPDATE \ + (219U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_PADDING (221U | ROGUE_CMD_MAGIC_DWORD_SHIFTED) + +struct rogue_fwif_workest_kick_data { + /* Index for the KM Workload estimation return data array */ + u16 return_data_index __aligned(8); + /* Predicted time taken to do the work in cycles */ + u32 cycles_prediction __aligned(8); + /* Deadline for the workload */ + aligned_u64 deadline; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header { + u32 cmd_type; + u32 cmd_size; + /* + * external job reference - provided by client and used in debug for + * tracking submitted work + */ + u32 ext_job_ref; + /* + * internal job reference - generated by services and used in debug for + * tracking submitted work + */ + u32 int_job_ref; + /* Workload Estimation - Workload Estimation Data */ + struct rogue_fwif_workest_kick_data work_est_kick_data __aligned(8); +}; + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Client CCB commands which are only required by the kernel + ****************************************************************************** + */ +struct rogue_fwif_cmd_priority { + s32 priority; +}; + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Signature and Checksums Buffer + ****************************************************************************** + */ +struct rogue_fwif_sigbuf_ctl { + /* Ptr to Signature Buffer memory */ + u32 buffer_fw_addr; + /* Amount of space left for storing regs in the buffer */ + u32 left_size_in_regs; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_counter_dump_ctl { + /* Ptr to counter dump buffer */ + u32 buffer_fw_addr; + /* Amount of space for storing in the buffer */ + u32 size_in_dwords; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_firmware_gcov_ctl { + /* Ptr to firmware gcov buffer */ + u32 buffer_fw_addr; + /* Amount of space for storing in the buffer */ + u32 size; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + ***************************************************************************** + * ROGUE Compatibility checks + ***************************************************************************** + */ + +/* + * WARNING: Whenever the layout of ROGUE_FWIF_COMPCHECKS_BVNC changes, the + * following define should be increased by 1 to indicate to the compatibility + * logic that layout has changed. + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_COMPCHECKS_LAYOUT_VERSION 3 + +struct rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc { + /* WARNING: This field must be defined as first one in this structure */ + u32 layout_version; + aligned_u64 bvnc; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_init_options { + u8 os_count_support; + u8 padding[7]; +} __aligned(8); + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_COMPCHECKS_BVNC_DECLARE_AND_INIT(name) \ + struct rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc(name) = { \ + ROGUE_FWIF_COMPCHECKS_LAYOUT_VERSION, \ + 0, \ + } + +static inline void rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc_init(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc *compchecks) +{ + compchecks->layout_version = ROGUE_FWIF_COMPCHECKS_LAYOUT_VERSION; + compchecks->bvnc = 0; +} + +struct rogue_fwif_compchecks { + /* hardware BVNC (from the ROGUE registers) */ + struct rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc hw_bvnc; + /* firmware BVNC */ + struct rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc fw_bvnc; + /* identifier of the FW processor version */ + u32 fw_processor_version; + /* software DDK version */ + u32 ddk_version; + /* software DDK build no. */ + u32 ddk_build; + /* build options bit-field */ + u32 build_options; + /* initialisation options bit-field */ + struct rogue_fwif_init_options init_options; + /* Information is valid */ + bool updated __aligned(4); + u32 padding; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Updated configuration post FW data init. + ****************************************************************************** + */ +struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg { + /* APM latency in ms before signalling IDLE to the host */ + u32 active_pm_latency_ms; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 runtime_cfg_flags; + /* + * If set, APM latency does not reset to system default each GPU power + * transition + */ + bool active_pm_latency_persistant __aligned(4); + /* Core clock speed, currently only used to calculate timer ticks */ + u32 core_clock_speed; + /* Last number of dusts change requested by the host */ + u32 default_dusts_num_init; + /* Periodic Hardware Reset configuration values */ + u32 phr_mode; + /* New number of milliseconds C/S is allowed to last */ + u32 hcs_deadline_ms; + /* The watchdog period in microseconds */ + u32 wdg_period_us; + /* Array of priorities per OS */ + u32 osid_priority[ROGUE_FW_MAX_NUM_OS]; + /* On-demand allocated HWPerf buffer address, to be passed to the FW */ + u32 hwperf_buf_fw_addr; + + bool padding __aligned(4); +}; + +/* + ***************************************************************************** + * Control data for ROGUE + ***************************************************************************** + */ + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_DEBUG_DUMP_ALL (99999U) + +enum rogue_fwif_tpu_dm { + ROGUE_FWIF_TPU_DM_PDM = 0, + ROGUE_FWIF_TPU_DM_VDM = 1, + ROGUE_FWIF_TPU_DM_CDM = 2, + ROGUE_FWIF_TPU_DM_TDM = 3, + ROGUE_FWIF_TPU_DM_LAST +}; + +enum rogue_fwif_gpio_val_mode { + /* No GPIO validation */ + ROGUE_FWIF_GPIO_VAL_OFF = 0, + /* + * Simple test case that initiates by sending data via the GPIO and then + * sends back any data received over the GPIO + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_GPIO_VAL_GENERAL = 1, + /* + * More complex test case that writes and reads data across the entire + * GPIO AP address range. + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_GPIO_VAL_AP = 2, + /* Validates the GPIO Testbench. */ + ROGUE_FWIF_GPIO_VAL_TESTBENCH = 5, + /* Send and then receive each byte in the range 0-255. */ + ROGUE_FWIF_GPIO_VAL_LOOPBACK = 6, + /* Send and then receive each power-of-2 byte in the range 0-255. */ + ROGUE_FWIF_GPIO_VAL_LOOPBACK_LITE = 7, + ROGUE_FWIF_GPIO_VAL_LAST +}; + +enum fw_perf_conf { + FW_PERF_CONF_NONE = 0, + FW_PERF_CONF_ICACHE = 1, + FW_PERF_CONF_DCACHE = 2, + FW_PERF_CONF_JTLB_INSTR = 5, + FW_PERF_CONF_INSTRUCTIONS = 6 +}; + +enum fw_boot_stage { + FW_BOOT_STAGE_TLB_INIT_FAILURE = -2, + FW_BOOT_STAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE = -1, + FW_BOOT_NOT_STARTED = 0, + FW_BOOT_BLDR_STARTED = 1, + FW_BOOT_CACHE_DONE, + FW_BOOT_TLB_DONE, + FW_BOOT_MAIN_STARTED, + FW_BOOT_ALIGNCHECKS_DONE, + FW_BOOT_INIT_DONE, +}; + +/* + * Kernel CCB return slot responses. Usage of bit-fields instead of bare + * integers allows FW to possibly pack-in several responses for each single kCCB + * command. + */ +/* Command executed (return status from FW) */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_RTN_SLOT_CMD_EXECUTED BIT(0) +/* A cleanup was requested but resource busy */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_RTN_SLOT_CLEANUP_BUSY BIT(1) +/* Poll failed in FW for a HW operation to complete */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_RTN_SLOT_POLL_FAILURE BIT(2) +/* Reset value of a kCCB return slot (set by host) */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_RTN_SLOT_NO_RESPONSE 0x0U + +struct rogue_fwif_connection_ctl { + /* Fw-Os connection states */ + enum rogue_fwif_connection_fw_state connection_fw_state; + enum rogue_fwif_connection_os_state connection_os_state; + u32 alive_fw_token; + u32 alive_os_token; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_osinit { + /* Kernel CCB */ + u32 kernel_ccbctl_fw_addr; + u32 kernel_ccb_fw_addr; + u32 kernel_ccb_rtn_slots_fw_addr; + + /* Firmware CCB */ + u32 firmware_ccbctl_fw_addr; + u32 firmware_ccb_fw_addr; + + /* Workload Estimation Firmware CCB */ + u32 work_est_firmware_ccbctl_fw_addr; + u32 work_est_firmware_ccb_fw_addr; + + u32 rogue_fwif_hwr_info_buf_ctl_fw_addr; + + u32 hwr_debug_dump_limit; + + u32 fw_os_data_fw_addr; + + /* Compatibility checks to be populated by the Firmware */ + struct rogue_fwif_compchecks rogue_comp_checks; +} __aligned(8); + +/* BVNC Features */ +struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc_block { + /* Counter block ID, see ROGUE_HWPERF_CNTBLK_ID */ + u16 block_id; + + /* Number of counters in this block type */ + u16 num_counters; + + /* Number of blocks of this type */ + u16 num_blocks; + + u16 reserved; +}; + +#define ROGUE_HWPERF_MAX_BVNC_LEN (24) + +#define ROGUE_HWPERF_MAX_BVNC_BLOCK_LEN (16U) + +/* BVNC Features */ +struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc { + /* BVNC string */ + char bvnc_string[ROGUE_HWPERF_MAX_BVNC_LEN]; + /* See ROGUE_HWPERF_FEATURE_FLAGS */ + u32 bvnc_km_feature_flags; + /* Number of blocks described in aBvncBlocks */ + u16 num_bvnc_blocks; + /* Number of GPU cores present */ + u16 bvnc_gpu_cores; + /* Supported Performance Blocks for BVNC */ + struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc_block + bvnc_blocks[ROGUE_HWPERF_MAX_BVNC_BLOCK_LEN]; +}; + +PVR_FW_STRUCT_SIZE_ASSERT(struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc); + +struct rogue_fwif_sysinit { + /* Fault read address */ + aligned_u64 fault_phys_addr; + + /* PDS execution base */ + aligned_u64 pds_exec_base; + /* UCS execution base */ + aligned_u64 usc_exec_base; + /* FBCDC bindless texture state table base */ + aligned_u64 fbcdc_state_table_base; + aligned_u64 fbcdc_large_state_table_base; + /* Texture state base */ + aligned_u64 texture_heap_base; + + /* Event filter for Firmware events */ + u64 hw_perf_filter; + + aligned_u64 slc3_fence_dev_addr; + + u32 tpu_trilinear_frac_mask[ROGUE_FWIF_TPU_DM_LAST] __aligned(8); + + /* Signature and Checksum Buffers for DMs */ + struct rogue_fwif_sigbuf_ctl sigbuf_ctl[PVR_FWIF_DM_MAX]; + + struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_opp pdvfs_opp_info; + + struct rogue_fwif_dma_addr coremem_data_store; + + struct rogue_fwif_counter_dump_ctl counter_dump_ctl; + + u32 filter_flags; + + u32 runtime_cfg_fw_addr; + + u32 trace_buf_ctl_fw_addr; + u32 fw_sys_data_fw_addr; + + u32 gpu_util_fw_cb_ctl_fw_addr; + u32 reg_cfg_fw_addr; + u32 hwperf_ctl_fw_addr; + + u32 align_checks; + + /* Core clock speed at FW boot time */ + u32 initial_core_clock_speed; + + /* APM latency in ms before signalling IDLE to the host */ + u32 active_pm_latency_ms; + + /* Flag to be set by the Firmware after successful start */ + bool firmware_started __aligned(4); + + /* Host/FW Trace synchronisation Partition Marker */ + u32 marker_val; + + /* Firmware initialization complete time */ + u32 firmware_started_timestamp; + + u32 jones_disable_mask; + + /* Firmware performance counter config */ + enum fw_perf_conf firmware_perf; + + /* + * FW Pointer to memory containing core clock rate in Hz. + * Firmware (PDVFS) updates the memory when running on non primary FW + * thread to communicate to host driver. + */ + u32 core_clock_rate_fw_addr; + + enum rogue_fwif_gpio_val_mode gpio_validation_mode; + + /* Used in HWPerf for decoding BVNC Features */ + struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc bvnc_km_feature_flags; + + /* Value to write into ROGUE_CR_TFBC_COMPRESSION_CONTROL */ + u32 tfbc_compression_control; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + ***************************************************************************** + * Timer correlation shared data and defines + ***************************************************************************** + */ + +struct rogue_fwif_time_corr { + aligned_u64 os_timestamp; + aligned_u64 os_mono_timestamp; + aligned_u64 cr_timestamp; + + /* + * Utility variable used to convert CR timer deltas to OS timer deltas + * (nS), where the deltas are relative to the timestamps above: + * deltaOS = (deltaCR * K) >> decimal_shift, see full explanation below + */ + aligned_u64 cr_delta_to_os_delta_kns; + + u32 core_clock_speed; + u32 reserved; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + * The following macros are used to help converting FW timestamps to the Host + * time domain. On the FW the ROGUE_CR_TIMER counter is used to keep track of + * time; it increments by 1 every 256 GPU clock ticks, so the general + * formula to perform the conversion is: + * + * [ GPU clock speed in Hz, if (scale == 10^9) then deltaOS is in nS, + * otherwise if (scale == 10^6) then deltaOS is in uS ] + * + * deltaCR * 256 256 * scale + * deltaOS = --------------- * scale = deltaCR * K [ K = --------------- ] + * GPUclockspeed GPUclockspeed + * + * The actual K is multiplied by 2^20 (and deltaCR * K is divided by 2^20) + * to get some better accuracy and to avoid returning 0 in the integer + * division 256000000/GPUfreq if GPUfreq is greater than 256MHz. + * This is the same as keeping K as a decimal number. + * + * The maximum deltaOS is slightly more than 5hrs for all GPU frequencies + * (deltaCR * K is more or less a constant), and it's relative to the base + * OS timestamp sampled as a part of the timer correlation data. + * This base is refreshed on GPU power-on, DVFS transition and periodic + * frequency calibration (executed every few seconds if the FW is doing + * some work), so as long as the GPU is doing something and one of these + * events is triggered then deltaCR * K will not overflow and deltaOS will be + * correct. + */ + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CRDELTA_TO_OSDELTA_ACCURACY_SHIFT (20) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_GET_DELTA_OSTIME_NS(delta_cr, k) \ + (((delta_cr) * (k)) >> ROGUE_FWIF_CRDELTA_TO_OSDELTA_ACCURACY_SHIFT) + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * GPU Utilisation + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +/* See rogue_common.h for a list of GPU states */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_TIME_MASK \ + (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull & ~ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_MASK) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_GET_TIME(word) \ + ((word)(&ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_TIME_MASK)) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_GET_STATE(word) \ + ((word)(&ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_MASK)) + +/* + * The OS timestamps computed by the FW are approximations of the real time, + * which means they could be slightly behind or ahead the real timer on the + * Host. In some cases we can perform subtractions between FW approximated + * timestamps and real OS timestamps, so we need a form of protection against + * negative results if for instance the FW one is a bit ahead of time. + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_GET_PERIOD(newtime, oldtime) \ + (((newtime) > (oldtime)) ? ((newtime) - (oldtime)) : 0U) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_MAKE_WORD(time, state) \ + (ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_GET_TIME(time) | \ + ROGUE_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_GET_STATE(state)) + +/* + * The timer correlation array must be big enough to ensure old entries won't be + * overwritten before all the HWPerf events linked to those entries are + * processed by the MISR. The update frequency of this array depends on how fast + * the system can change state (basically how small the APM latency is) and + * perform DVFS transitions. + * + * The minimum size is 2 (not 1) to avoid race conditions between the FW reading + * an entry while the Host is updating it. With 2 entries in the worst case the + * FW will read old data, which is still quite ok if the Host is updating the + * timer correlation at that time. + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_TIME_CORR_ARRAY_SIZE 256U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_TIME_CORR_CURR_INDEX(seqcount) \ + ((seqcount) % ROGUE_FWIF_TIME_CORR_ARRAY_SIZE) + +/* Make sure the timer correlation array size is a power of 2 */ +static_assert((ROGUE_FWIF_TIME_CORR_ARRAY_SIZE & + (ROGUE_FWIF_TIME_CORR_ARRAY_SIZE - 1U)) == 0U, + "ROGUE_FWIF_TIME_CORR_ARRAY_SIZE must be a power of two"); + +struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb { + struct rogue_fwif_time_corr time_corr[ROGUE_FWIF_TIME_CORR_ARRAY_SIZE]; + u32 time_corr_seq_count; + + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 gpu_util_flags; + + /* Last GPU state + OS time of the last state update */ + aligned_u64 last_word; + + /* Counters for the amount of time the GPU was active/idle/blocked */ + aligned_u64 stats_counters[PVR_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_NUM]; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl { + /* Render number */ + u32 render_target_index; + /* index in RTA */ + u32 current_render_target; + /* total active RTs */ + u32 active_render_targets; + /* total active RTs from the first TA kick, for OOM */ + u32 cumul_active_render_targets; + /* Array of valid RT indices */ + u32 valid_render_targets_fw_addr; + /* Array of number of occurred partial renders per render target */ + u32 rta_num_partial_renders_fw_addr; + /* Number of render targets in the array */ + u32 max_rts; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 rta_ctl_flags; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_freelist { + aligned_u64 freelist_dev_addr; + aligned_u64 current_dev_addr; + u32 current_stack_top; + u32 max_pages; + u32 grow_pages; + /* HW pages */ + u32 current_pages; + u32 allocated_page_count; + u32 allocated_mmu_page_count; + u32 freelist_id; + + bool grow_pending __aligned(4); + /* Pages that should be used only when OOM is reached */ + u32 ready_pages; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 freelist_flags; + /* PM Global PB on which Freelist is loaded */ + u32 pm_global_pb; + u32 padding; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * HWRTData + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +/* HWRTData flags */ +/* Deprecated flags 1:0 */ +#define HWRTDATA_HAS_LAST_GEOM BIT(2) +#define HWRTDATA_PARTIAL_RENDERED BIT(3) +#define HWRTDATA_DISABLE_TILE_REORDERING BIT(4) +#define HWRTDATA_NEED_BRN65101_BLIT BIT(5) +#define HWRTDATA_FIRST_BRN65101_STRIP BIT(6) +#define HWRTDATA_NEED_BRN67182_2ND_RENDER BIT(7) + +enum rogue_fwif_rtdata_state { + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_NONE = 0, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_KICK_GEOM, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_KICK_GEOM_FIRST, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_GEOM_FINISHED, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_KICK_FRAG, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_FRAG_FINISHED, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_FRAG_CONTEXT_STORED, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_GEOM_OUTOFMEM, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_PARTIALRENDERFINISHED, + /* + * In case of HWR, we can't set the RTDATA state to NONE, as this will + * cause any TA to become a first TA. To ensure all related TA's are + * skipped, we use the HWR state + */ + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_HWR, + ROGUE_FWIF_RTDATA_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0x7FFFFFFFU +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common { + bool geom_caches_need_zeroing __aligned(4); + + u32 screen_pixel_max; + aligned_u64 multi_sample_ctl; + u64 flipped_multi_sample_ctl; + u32 tpc_stride; + u32 tpc_size; + u32 te_screen; + u32 mtile_stride; + u32 teaa; + u32 te_mtile1; + u32 te_mtile2; + u32 isp_merge_lower_x; + u32 isp_merge_lower_y; + u32 isp_merge_upper_x; + u32 isp_merge_upper_y; + u32 isp_merge_scale_x; + u32 isp_merge_scale_y; + u32 rgn_header_size; + u32 isp_mtile_size; + u32 padding; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata { + /* MList Data Store */ + aligned_u64 pm_mlist_dev_addr; + + aligned_u64 vce_cat_base[4]; + aligned_u64 vce_last_cat_base[4]; + aligned_u64 te_cat_base[4]; + aligned_u64 te_last_cat_base[4]; + aligned_u64 alist_cat_base; + aligned_u64 alist_last_cat_base; + + aligned_u64 pm_alist_stack_pointer; + u32 pm_mlist_stack_pointer; + + u32 hwrt_data_common_fw_addr; + + u32 hwrt_data_flags; + enum rogue_fwif_rtdata_state state; + + u32 freelists_fw_addr[MAX_FREELISTS_SIZE] __aligned(8); + u32 freelist_hwr_snapshot[MAX_FREELISTS_SIZE]; + + aligned_u64 vheap_table_dev_addr; + + struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl rta_ctl; + + aligned_u64 tail_ptrs_dev_addr; + aligned_u64 macrotile_array_dev_addr; + aligned_u64 rgn_header_dev_addr; + aligned_u64 rtc_dev_addr; + + u32 owner_geom_not_used_by_host __aligned(8); + + bool geom_caches_need_zeroing __aligned(4); + + struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_ctl cleanup_state __aligned(64); +} __aligned(8); + +/* + ****************************************************************************** + * Sync checkpoints + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +#define PVR_SYNC_CHECKPOINT_UNDEF 0x000 +#define PVR_SYNC_CHECKPOINT_ACTIVE 0xac1 /* Checkpoint has not signaled. */ +#define PVR_SYNC_CHECKPOINT_SIGNALED 0x519 /* Checkpoint has signaled. */ +#define PVR_SYNC_CHECKPOINT_ERRORED 0xeff /* Checkpoint has been errored. */ + +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_check.h" + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_check.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_check.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8384d0a57688 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_check.h @@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CHECK_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CHECK_H + +#include + +#define OFFSET_CHECK(type, member, offset) \ + static_assert(offsetof(type, member) == (offset), \ + "offsetof(" #type ", " #member ") incorrect") + +#define SIZE_CHECK(type, size) \ + static_assert(sizeof(type) == (size), #type " is incorrect size") + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_file_info_buf, path, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_file_info_buf, info, 200); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_file_info_buf, line_num, 400); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_file_info_buf, 408); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space, trace_pointer, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space, trace_buffer_fw_addr, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space, trace_buffer, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space, assert_buf, 16); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space, 424); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf, log_type, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf, tracebuf, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf, tracebuf_size_in_dwords, 856); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf, tracebuf_flags, 860); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf, 864); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fw_fault_info, cr_timer, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fw_fault_info, os_timer, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fw_fault_info, data, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fw_fault_info, reserved, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fw_fault_info, fault_buf, 24); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fw_fault_info, 432); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, config_flags, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, config_flags_ext, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, pow_state, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, hw_perf_ridx, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, hw_perf_widx, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, hw_perf_wrap_count, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, hw_perf_size, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, hw_perf_drop_count, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, hw_perf_ut, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, first_drop_ordinal, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, last_drop_ordinal, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, os_runtime_flags_mirror, 44); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, fault_info, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, fw_faults, 3536); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, cr_poll_addr, 3540); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, cr_poll_mask, 3548); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, cr_poll_count, 3556); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, start_idle_time, 3568); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, hwr_state_flags, 3576); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, hwr_recovery_flags, 3580); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, fw_sys_data_flags, 3616); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, mc_config, 3620); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysdata, 3624); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slr_entry, timestamp, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slr_entry, fw_ctx_addr, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slr_entry, num_ufos, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slr_entry, ccb_name, 16); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slr_entry, 48); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, fw_os_config_flags, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, fw_sync_check_mark, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, host_sync_check_mark, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, forced_updates_requested, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, slr_log_wp, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, slr_log_first, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, slr_log, 72); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, last_forced_update_time, 552); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, interrupt_count, 560); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, kccb_cmds_executed, 568); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, power_sync_fw_addr, 572); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, fw_os_data_flags, 576); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osdata, 584); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_bifinfo, bif_req_status, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_bifinfo, bif_mmu_status, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_bifinfo, pc_address, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_bifinfo, reserved, 24); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_bifinfo, 32); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_eccinfo, fault_gpu, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_eccinfo, 4); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_mmuinfo, mmu_status, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_mmuinfo, pc_address, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_mmuinfo, reserved, 24); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_mmuinfo, 32); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_pollinfo, thread_num, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_pollinfo, cr_poll_addr, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_pollinfo, cr_poll_mask, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_pollinfo, cr_poll_last_value, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_pollinfo, reserved, 16); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_pollinfo, 24); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_tlbinfo, bad_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_tlbinfo, entry_lo, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_tlbinfo, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, hwr_data, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, cr_timer, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, os_timer, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, frame_num, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, pid, 52); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, active_hwrt_data, 56); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, hwr_number, 60); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, event_status, 64); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, hwr_recovery_flags, 68); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, hwr_type, 72); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, dm, 76); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, core_id, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, cr_time_of_kick, 88); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, cr_time_hw_reset_start, 96); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, cr_time_hw_reset_finish, 104); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, cr_time_freelist_ready, 112); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, reserved, 120); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_hwrinfo, 136); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, hwr_info, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, hwr_counter, 2176); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, write_index, 2180); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, dd_req_count, 2184); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, hwr_info_buf_flags, 2188); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, hwr_dm_locked_up_count, 2192); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, hwr_dm_overran_count, 2228); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, hwr_dm_recovered_count, 2264); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, hwr_dm_false_detect_count, 2300); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf, 2336); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext, pc_dev_paddr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext, page_cat_base_reg_set, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext, breakpoint_addr, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext, bp_handler_addr, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext, breakpoint_ctl, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext, fw_mem_ctx_flags, 24); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext, 32); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state_per_geom, geom_reg_vdm_call_stack_pointer, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state_per_geom, geom_reg_vdm_call_stack_pointer_init, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state_per_geom, geom_reg_vbs_so_prim, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state_per_geom, geom_current_idx, 32); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state_per_geom, 40); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state, geom_core, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_ctx_state, 160); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_ctx_state, frag_reg_pm_deallocated_mask_status, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_ctx_state, frag_reg_dm_pds_mtilefree_status, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_ctx_state, ctx_state_flags, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_ctx_state, frag_reg_isp_store, 12); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_ctx_state, 16); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_ctx_state, ctx_state_flags, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_ctx_state, 4); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, ccbctl_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, ccb_fw_addr, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, ccb_meta_dma_addr, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, context_state_addr, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, fw_com_ctx_flags, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, priority, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, priority_seq_num, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, rf_cmd_addr, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, stats_pending, 44); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, stats_num_stores, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, stats_num_out_of_memory, 52); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, stats_num_partial_renders, 56); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, dm, 60); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, wait_signal_address, 64); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, wait_signal_node, 72); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, buf_stalled_node, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, cbuf_queue_ctrl_addr, 88); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, robustness_address, 96); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, max_deadline_ms, 104); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, read_offset_needs_reset, 108); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, waiting_node, 112); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, run_node, 120); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, last_failed_ufo, 128); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, fw_mem_context_fw_addr, 136); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, server_common_context_id, 140); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, pid, 144); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, geom_oom_disabled, 148); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwcommoncontext, 152); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl, write_offset, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl, padding, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl, read_offset, 128); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl, wrap_mask, 132); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl, cmd_size, 136); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl, padding2, 140); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl, 144); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data, context_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data, client_woff_update, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data, client_wrap_mask_update, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data, num_cleanup_ctl, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data, cleanup_ctl_fw_addr, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data, work_est_cmd_header_offset, 28); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data, 32); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_combined_geom_frag_kick_data, geom_cmd_kick_data, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_combined_geom_frag_kick_data, frag_cmd_kick_data, 32); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_combined_geom_frag_kick_data, 64); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_force_update_data, context_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_force_update_data, ccb_fence_offset, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_force_update_data, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_request, cleanup_type, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_request, cleanup_data, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_request, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_power_request, pow_type, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_power_request, power_req_data, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_power_request, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slcflushinvaldata, context_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slcflushinvaldata, inval, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slcflushinvaldata, dm_context, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slcflushinvaldata, address, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slcflushinvaldata, size, 24); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_slcflushinvaldata, 32); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl, opcode, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl, mask, 8); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl, 16); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_enable_blks, num_blocks, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_enable_blks, block_configs_fw_addr, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_enable_blks, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_da_blks, num_blocks, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_da_blks, block_configs_fw_addr, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_config_da_blks, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_coreclkspeedchange_data, new_clock_speed, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_coreclkspeedchange_data, 4); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl_blks, enable, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl_blks, num_blocks, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl_blks, block_ids, 8); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_ctrl_blks, 40); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_select_custom_cntrs, custom_block, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_select_custom_cntrs, num_counters, 2); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_select_custom_cntrs, custom_counter_ids_fw_addr, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwperf_select_custom_cntrs, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_zsbuffer_backing_data, zs_buffer_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_zsbuffer_backing_data, done, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_zsbuffer_backing_data, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist_gs_data, freelist_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist_gs_data, delta_pages, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist_gs_data, new_pages, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist_gs_data, ready_pages, 12); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist_gs_data, 16); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelists_reconstruction_data, freelist_count, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelists_reconstruction_data, freelist_ids, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelists_reconstruction_data, 76); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_write_offset_update_data, context_fw_addr, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_write_offset_update_data, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd, cmd_type, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd, kccb_flags, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd, cmd_data, 8); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd, 88); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data, server_common_context_id, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data, reset_reason, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data, dm, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data, reset_job_ref, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data, flags, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data, pc_address, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data, fault_address, 32); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_context_reset_data, 40); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_fw_pagefault_data, fw_fault_addr, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd_fw_pagefault_data, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd, cmd_type, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd, fwccb_flags, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd, cmd_data, 8); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd, 88); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header, cmd_type, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header, cmd_size, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header, ext_job_ref, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header, int_job_ref, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header, work_est_kick_data, 16); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header, 40); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, active_pm_latency_ms, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, runtime_cfg_flags, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, active_pm_latency_persistant, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, core_clock_speed, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, default_dusts_num_init, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, phr_mode, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, hcs_deadline_ms, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, wdg_period_us, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, osid_priority, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, hwperf_buf_fw_addr, 64); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, padding, 68); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg, 72); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_connection_ctl, connection_fw_state, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_connection_ctl, connection_os_state, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_connection_ctl, alive_fw_token, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_connection_ctl, alive_os_token, 12); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_connection_ctl, 16); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc, layout_version, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc, bvnc, 8); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc, 16); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_init_options, os_count_support, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_init_options, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, hw_bvnc, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, fw_bvnc, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, fw_processor_version, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, ddk_version, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, ddk_build, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, build_options, 44); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, init_options, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, updated, 56); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compchecks, 64); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, kernel_ccbctl_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, kernel_ccb_fw_addr, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, kernel_ccb_rtn_slots_fw_addr, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, firmware_ccbctl_fw_addr, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, firmware_ccb_fw_addr, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, work_est_firmware_ccbctl_fw_addr, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, work_est_firmware_ccb_fw_addr, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, rogue_fwif_hwr_info_buf_ctl_fw_addr, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, hwr_debug_dump_limit, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, fw_os_data_fw_addr, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, rogue_comp_checks, 40); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_osinit, 104); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sigbuf_ctl, buffer_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sigbuf_ctl, left_size_in_regs, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sigbuf_ctl, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct pdvfs_opp, volt, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct pdvfs_opp, freq, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct pdvfs_opp, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_opp, opp_values, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_opp, min_opp_point, 128); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_opp, max_opp_point, 132); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_pdvfs_opp, 136); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_counter_dump_ctl, buffer_fw_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_counter_dump_ctl, size_in_dwords, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_counter_dump_ctl, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc, bvnc_string, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc, bvnc_km_feature_flags, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc, num_bvnc_blocks, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc, bvnc_gpu_cores, 30); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc, bvnc_blocks, 32); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_hwperf_bvnc, 160); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, fault_phys_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, pds_exec_base, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, usc_exec_base, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, fbcdc_state_table_base, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, fbcdc_large_state_table_base, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, texture_heap_base, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, hw_perf_filter, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, slc3_fence_dev_addr, 56); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, tpu_trilinear_frac_mask, 64); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, sigbuf_ctl, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, pdvfs_opp_info, 152); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, coremem_data_store, 288); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, counter_dump_ctl, 304); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, filter_flags, 312); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, runtime_cfg_fw_addr, 316); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, trace_buf_ctl_fw_addr, 320); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, fw_sys_data_fw_addr, 324); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, gpu_util_fw_cb_ctl_fw_addr, 328); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, reg_cfg_fw_addr, 332); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, hwperf_ctl_fw_addr, 336); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, align_checks, 340); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, initial_core_clock_speed, 344); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, active_pm_latency_ms, 348); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, firmware_started, 352); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, marker_val, 356); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, firmware_started_timestamp, 360); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, jones_disable_mask, 364); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, firmware_perf, 368); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, core_clock_rate_fw_addr, 372); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, gpio_validation_mode, 376); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, bvnc_km_feature_flags, 380); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, tfbc_compression_control, 540); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sysinit, 544); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb, time_corr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb, time_corr_seq_count, 10240); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb, gpu_util_flags, 10244); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb, last_word, 10248); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb, stats_counters, 10256); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb, 10280); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, render_target_index, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, current_render_target, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, active_render_targets, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, cumul_active_render_targets, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, valid_render_targets_fw_addr, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, rta_num_partial_renders_fw_addr, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, max_rts, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, rta_ctl_flags, 28); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_rta_ctl, 32); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, freelist_dev_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, current_dev_addr, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, current_stack_top, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, max_pages, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, grow_pages, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, current_pages, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, allocated_page_count, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, allocated_mmu_page_count, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, freelist_id, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, grow_pending, 44); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, ready_pages, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, freelist_flags, 52); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, pm_global_pb, 56); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_freelist, 64); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, geom_caches_need_zeroing, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, screen_pixel_max, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, multi_sample_ctl, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, flipped_multi_sample_ctl, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, tpc_stride, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, tpc_size, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, te_screen, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, mtile_stride, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, teaa, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, te_mtile1, 44); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, te_mtile2, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, isp_merge_lower_x, 52); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, isp_merge_lower_y, 56); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, isp_merge_upper_x, 60); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, isp_merge_upper_y, 64); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, isp_merge_scale_x, 68); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, isp_merge_scale_y, 72); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, rgn_header_size, 76); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, isp_mtile_size, 80); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata_common, 88); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, pm_mlist_dev_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, vce_cat_base, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, vce_last_cat_base, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, te_cat_base, 72); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, te_last_cat_base, 104); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, alist_cat_base, 136); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, alist_last_cat_base, 144); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, pm_alist_stack_pointer, 152); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, pm_mlist_stack_pointer, 160); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, hwrt_data_common_fw_addr, 164); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, hwrt_data_flags, 168); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, state, 172); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, freelists_fw_addr, 176); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, freelist_hwr_snapshot, 188); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, vheap_table_dev_addr, 200); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, rta_ctl, 208); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, tail_ptrs_dev_addr, 240); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, macrotile_array_dev_addr, 248); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, rgn_header_dev_addr, 256); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, rtc_dev_addr, 264); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, owner_geom_not_used_by_host, 272); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, geom_caches_need_zeroing, 276); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, cleanup_state, 320); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, 384); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sync_checkpoint, state, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sync_checkpoint, fw_ref_count, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_sync_checkpoint, 8); + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CHECK_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8bf501371469 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client.h @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CLIENT_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CLIENT_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h" + +/* + * Page size used for Parameter Management. + */ +#define ROGUE_PM_PAGE_SIZE SZ_4K + +/* + * Minimum/Maximum PB size. + * + * Base page size is dependent on core: + * S6/S6XT/S7 = 50 pages + * S8XE = 40 pages + * S8XE with BRN66011 fixed = 25 pages + * + * Minimum PB = Base Pages + (NUM_TE_PIPES-1)*16K + (NUM_VCE_PIPES-1)*64K + + * IF_PM_PREALLOC(NUM_TE_PIPES*16K + NUM_VCE_PIPES*16K) + * + * Maximum PB size must ensure that no PM address space can be fully used, + * because if the full address space was used it would wrap and corrupt itself. + * Since there are two freelists (local is always minimum sized) this can be + * described as following three conditions being met: + * + * (Minimum PB + Maximum PB) < ALIST PM address space size (16GB) + * (Minimum PB + Maximum PB) < TE PM address space size (16GB) / NUM_TE_PIPES + * (Minimum PB + Maximum PB) < VCE PM address space size (16GB) / NUM_VCE_PIPES + * + * Since the max of NUM_TE_PIPES and NUM_VCE_PIPES is 4, we have a hard limit + * of 4GB minus the Minimum PB. For convenience we take the smaller power-of-2 + * value of 2GB. This is far more than any current applications use. + */ +#define ROGUE_PM_MAX_FREELIST_SIZE SZ_2G + +/* + * Flags supported by the geometry DM command i.e. &struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom. + */ + +#define ROGUE_GEOM_FLAGS_FIRSTKICK BIT_MASK(0) +#define ROGUE_GEOM_FLAGS_LASTKICK BIT_MASK(1) +/* Use single core in a multi core setup. */ +#define ROGUE_GEOM_FLAGS_SINGLE_CORE BIT_MASK(3) + +/* + * Flags supported by the fragment DM command i.e. &struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag. + */ + +/* Use single core in a multi core setup. */ +#define ROGUE_FRAG_FLAGS_SINGLE_CORE BIT_MASK(3) +/* Indicates whether this render produces visibility results. */ +#define ROGUE_FRAG_FLAGS_GET_VIS_RESULTS BIT_MASK(5) +/* Indicates whether a depth buffer is present. */ +#define ROGUE_FRAG_FLAGS_DEPTHBUFFER BIT_MASK(7) +/* Indicates whether a stencil buffer is present. */ +#define ROGUE_FRAG_FLAGS_STENCILBUFFER BIT_MASK(8) +/* Disable pixel merging for this render. */ +#define ROGUE_FRAG_FLAGS_DISABLE_PIXELMERGE BIT_MASK(15) +/* Indicates whether a scratch buffer is present. */ +#define ROGUE_FRAG_FLAGS_SCRATCHBUFFER BIT_MASK(19) +/* Disallow compute overlapped with this render. */ +#define ROGUE_FRAG_FLAGS_PREVENT_CDM_OVERLAP BIT_MASK(26) + +/* + * Flags supported by the compute DM command i.e. &struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute. + */ + +#define ROGUE_COMPUTE_FLAG_PREVENT_ALL_OVERLAP BIT_MASK(2) +/*!< Use single core in a multi core setup. */ +#define ROGUE_COMPUTE_FLAG_SINGLE_CORE BIT_MASK(5) + +/* + * Flags supported by the transfer DM command i.e. &struct rogue_fwif_cmd_transfer. + */ + +/*!< Use single core in a multi core setup. */ +#define ROGUE_TRANSFER_FLAGS_SINGLE_CORE BIT_MASK(1) + +/* + ************************************************ + * Parameter/HWRTData control structures. + ************************************************ + */ + +/* + * Configuration registers which need to be loaded by the firmware before a geometry + * job can be started. + */ +struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs { + u64 vdm_ctrl_stream_base; + u64 tpu_border_colour_table; + + /* Only used when feature VDM_DRAWINDIRECT present. */ + u64 vdm_draw_indirect0; + /* Only used when feature VDM_DRAWINDIRECT present. */ + u32 vdm_draw_indirect1; + + u32 ppp_ctrl; + u32 te_psg; + /* Only used when BRN 49927 present. */ + u32 tpu; + + u32 vdm_context_resume_task0_size; + /* Only used when feature VDM_OBJECT_LEVEL_LLS present. */ + u32 vdm_context_resume_task3_size; + + /* Only used when BRN 56279 or BRN 67381 present. */ + u32 pds_ctrl; + + u32 view_idx; + + /* Only used when feature TESSELLATION present */ + u32 pds_coeff_free_prog; + + u32 padding; +}; + +/* Only used when BRN 44455 or BRN 63027 present. */ +struct rogue_fwif_dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs { + u64 te_psgregion_addr; +}; + +/* + * Represents a geometry command that can be used to tile a whole scene's objects as + * per TA behavior. + */ +struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom { + /* + * rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared field must always be at the beginning of the + * struct. + * + * The command struct (rogue_fwif_cmd_geom) is shared between Client and + * Firmware. Kernel is unable to perform read/write operations on the + * command struct, the SHARED region is the only exception from this rule. + * This region must be the first member so that Kernel can easily access it. + * For more info, see rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared definition. + */ + struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared cmd_shared; + + struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs regs __aligned(8); + u32 flags __aligned(8); + + /* + * Holds the geometry/fragment fence value to allow the fragment partial render command + * to go through. + */ + struct rogue_fwif_ufo partial_render_geom_frag_fence; + + /* Only used when BRN 44455 or BRN 63027 present. */ + struct rogue_fwif_dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs __aligned(8); + + /* Only used when BRN 61484 or BRN 66333 present. */ + u32 brn61484_66333_live_rt; + + u32 padding; +}; + +/* + * Configuration registers which need to be loaded by the firmware before ISP + * can be started. + */ +struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs { + u32 usc_pixel_output_ctrl; + +#define ROGUE_MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_REGISTERS_PER_PIXEL 8U + u32 usc_clear_register[ROGUE_MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_REGISTERS_PER_PIXEL]; + + u32 isp_bgobjdepth; + u32 isp_bgobjvals; + u32 isp_aa; + /* Only used when feature S7_TOP_INFRASTRUCTURE present. */ + u32 isp_xtp_pipe_enable; + + u32 isp_ctl; + + /* Only used when BRN 49927 present. */ + u32 tpu; + + u32 event_pixel_pds_info; + + /* Only used when feature CLUSTER_GROUPING present. */ + u32 pixel_phantom; + + u32 view_idx; + + u32 event_pixel_pds_data; + + /* Only used when BRN 65101 present. */ + u32 brn65101_event_pixel_pds_data; + + /* Only used when feature GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT or BRN 47217 present. */ + u32 isp_oclqry_stride; + + /* Only used when feature ZLS_SUBTILE present. */ + u32 isp_zls_pixels; + + /* Only used when feature ISP_ZLS_D24_S8_PACKING_OGL_MODE present. */ + u32 rgx_cr_blackpearl_fix; + + /* All values below the ALIGN(8) must be 64 bit. */ + aligned_u64 isp_scissor_base; + u64 isp_dbias_base; + u64 isp_oclqry_base; + u64 isp_zlsctl; + u64 isp_zload_store_base; + u64 isp_stencil_load_store_base; + + /* + * Only used when feature FBCDC_ALGORITHM present and value < 3 or feature + * FB_CDC_V4 present. Additionally, BRNs 48754, 60227, 72310 and 72311 must + * not be present. + */ + u64 fb_cdc_zls; + +#define ROGUE_PBE_WORDS_REQUIRED_FOR_RENDERS 3U + u64 pbe_word[8U][ROGUE_PBE_WORDS_REQUIRED_FOR_RENDERS]; + u64 tpu_border_colour_table; + u64 pds_bgnd[3U]; + + /* Only used when BRN 65101 present. */ + u64 pds_bgnd_brn65101[3U]; + + u64 pds_pr_bgnd[3U]; + + /* Only used when BRN 62850 or 62865 present. */ + u64 isp_dummy_stencil_store_base; + + /* Only used when BRN 66193 present. */ + u64 isp_dummy_depth_store_base; + + /* Only used when BRN 67182 present. */ + u32 rgnhdr_single_rt_size; + /* Only used when BRN 67182 present. */ + u32 rgnhdr_scratch_offset; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag { + struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared cmd_shared __aligned(8); + + struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs regs __aligned(8); + /* command control flags. */ + u32 flags; + /* Stride IN BYTES for Z-Buffer in case of RTAs. */ + u32 zls_stride; + /* Stride IN BYTES for S-Buffer in case of RTAs. */ + u32 sls_stride; + + /* Only used if feature GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT present. */ + u32 execute_count; +}; + +/* + * Configuration registers which need to be loaded by the firmware before CDM + * can be started. + */ +struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs { + u64 tpu_border_colour_table; + + /* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE present. */ + u64 cdm_cb_queue; + + /* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE present. */ + u64 cdm_cb_base; + /* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE present. */ + u64 cdm_cb; + + /* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE is not present. */ + u64 cdm_ctrl_stream_base; + + u64 cdm_context_state_base_addr; + + /* Only used when BRN 49927 is present. */ + u32 tpu; + u32 cdm_resume_pds1; + + /* Only used when feature COMPUTE_MORTON_CAPABLE present. */ + u32 cdm_item; + + /* Only used when feature CLUSTER_GROUPING present. */ + u32 compute_cluster; + + /* Only used when feature TPU_DM_GLOBAL_REGISTERS present. */ + u32 tpu_tag_cdm_ctrl; + + u32 padding; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute { + /* Common command attributes */ + struct rogue_fwif_cmd_common common __aligned(8); + + /* CDM registers */ + struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs regs; + + /* Control flags */ + u32 flags __aligned(8); + + /* Only used when feature UNIFIED_STORE_VIRTUAL_PARTITIONING present. */ + u32 num_temp_regions; + + /* Only used when feature CDM_USER_MODE_QUEUE present. */ + u32 stream_start_offset; + + /* Only used when feature GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT present. */ + u32 execute_count; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs { + /* + * All 32 bit values should be added in the top section. This then requires only a + * single RGXFW_ALIGN to align all the 64 bit values in the second section. + */ + u32 isp_bgobjvals; + + u32 usc_pixel_output_ctrl; + u32 usc_clear_register0; + u32 usc_clear_register1; + u32 usc_clear_register2; + u32 usc_clear_register3; + + u32 isp_mtile_size; + u32 isp_render_origin; + u32 isp_ctl; + + /* Only used when feature S7_TOP_INFRASTRUCTURE present. */ + u32 isp_xtp_pipe_enable; + u32 isp_aa; + + u32 event_pixel_pds_info; + + u32 event_pixel_pds_code; + u32 event_pixel_pds_data; + + u32 isp_render; + u32 isp_rgn; + + /* Only used when feature GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT present. */ + u32 frag_screen; + + /* All values below the aligned_u64 must be 64 bit. */ + aligned_u64 pds_bgnd0_base; + u64 pds_bgnd1_base; + u64 pds_bgnd3_sizeinfo; + + u64 isp_mtile_base; +#define ROGUE_PBE_WORDS_REQUIRED_FOR_TQS 3 + /* TQ_MAX_RENDER_TARGETS * PBE_STATE_SIZE */ + u64 pbe_wordx_mrty[3U * ROGUE_PBE_WORDS_REQUIRED_FOR_TQS]; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_cmd_transfer { + /* Common command attributes */ + struct rogue_fwif_cmd_common common __aligned(8); + + struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs regs __aligned(8); + + u32 flags; + + u32 padding; +}; + +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_client_check.h" + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CLIENT_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client_check.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client_check.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9fd1c5b826a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_client_check.h @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CLIENT_CHECK_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CLIENT_CHECK_H + +#include + +#define OFFSET_CHECK(type, member, offset) \ + static_assert(offsetof(type, member) == (offset), \ + "offsetof(" #type ", " #member ") incorrect") + +#define SIZE_CHECK(type, size) \ + static_assert(sizeof(type) == (size), #type " is incorrect size") + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, vdm_ctrl_stream_base, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, tpu_border_colour_table, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, vdm_draw_indirect0, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, vdm_draw_indirect1, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, ppp_ctrl, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, te_psg, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, tpu, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, vdm_context_resume_task0_size, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, vdm_context_resume_task3_size, 44); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, pds_ctrl, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, view_idx, 52); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, pds_coeff_free_prog, 56); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_regs, 64); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs, te_psgregion_addr, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom, cmd_shared, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom, regs, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom, flags, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom, partial_render_geom_frag_fence, 84); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom, dummy_rgnhdr_init_geom_regs, 96); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom, brn61484_66333_live_rt, 104); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom, 112); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, usc_pixel_output_ctrl, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, usc_clear_register, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_bgobjdepth, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_bgobjvals, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_aa, 44); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_xtp_pipe_enable, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_ctl, 52); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, tpu, 56); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, event_pixel_pds_info, 60); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, pixel_phantom, 64); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, view_idx, 68); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, event_pixel_pds_data, 72); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, brn65101_event_pixel_pds_data, 76); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_oclqry_stride, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_zls_pixels, 84); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, rgx_cr_blackpearl_fix, 88); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_scissor_base, 96); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_dbias_base, 104); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_oclqry_base, 112); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_zlsctl, 120); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_zload_store_base, 128); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_stencil_load_store_base, 136); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, fb_cdc_zls, 144); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, pbe_word, 152); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, tpu_border_colour_table, 344); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, pds_bgnd, 352); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, pds_bgnd_brn65101, 376); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, pds_pr_bgnd, 400); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_dummy_stencil_store_base, 424); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, isp_dummy_depth_store_base, 432); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, rgnhdr_single_rt_size, 440); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, rgnhdr_scratch_offset, 444); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_frag_regs, 448); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag, cmd_shared, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag, regs, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag, flags, 464); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag, zls_stride, 468); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag, sls_stride, 472); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag, execute_count, 476); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_frag, 480); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, tpu_border_colour_table, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, cdm_cb_queue, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, cdm_cb_base, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, cdm_cb, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, cdm_ctrl_stream_base, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, cdm_context_state_base_addr, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, tpu, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, cdm_resume_pds1, 52); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, cdm_item, 56); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, compute_cluster, 60); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, tpu_tag_cdm_ctrl, 64); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_compute_regs, 72); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute, common, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute, regs, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute, flags, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute, num_temp_regions, 84); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute, stream_start_offset, 88); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute, execute_count, 92); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_compute, 96); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_bgobjvals, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, usc_pixel_output_ctrl, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, usc_clear_register0, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, usc_clear_register1, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, usc_clear_register2, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, usc_clear_register3, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_mtile_size, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_render_origin, 28); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_ctl, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_xtp_pipe_enable, 36); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_aa, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, event_pixel_pds_info, 44); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, event_pixel_pds_code, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, event_pixel_pds_data, 52); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_render, 56); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_rgn, 60); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, frag_screen, 64); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, pds_bgnd0_base, 72); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, pds_bgnd1_base, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, pds_bgnd3_sizeinfo, 88); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, isp_mtile_base, 96); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, pbe_wordx_mrty, 104); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_transfer_regs, 176); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_transfer, common, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_transfer, regs, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_transfer, flags, 184); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_transfer, 192); + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CLIENT_CHECK_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_common.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_common.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..18b69500ba96 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_common.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_COMMON_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_COMMON_H + +#include + +/* + * This macro represents a mask of LSBs that must be zero on data structure + * sizes and offsets to ensure they are 8-byte granular on types shared between + * the FW and host driver. + */ +#define PVR_FW_ALIGNMENT_LSB 7U + +/* Macro to test structure size alignment. */ +#define PVR_FW_STRUCT_SIZE_ASSERT(_a) \ + static_assert((sizeof(_a) & PVR_FW_ALIGNMENT_LSB) == 0U, \ + "Size of " #_a " is not properly aligned") + +/* The master definition for data masters known to the firmware. */ + +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_GP (0) +/* Either TDM or 2D DM is present. */ +/* When the 'tla' feature is present in the hw (as per @pvr_device_features). */ +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_2D (1) +/* + * When the 'fastrender_dm' feature is present in the hw (as per + * @pvr_device_features). + */ +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_TDM (1) + +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_GEOM (2) +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_FRAG (3) +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_CDM (4) +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_RAY (5) +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_GEOM2 (6) +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_GEOM3 (7) +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_GEOM4 (8) + +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_LAST PVR_FWIF_DM_GEOM4 + +/* Maximum number of DM in use: GP, 2D/TDM, GEOM, 3D, CDM, RAY, GEOM2, GEOM3, GEOM4 */ +#define PVR_FWIF_DM_MAX (PVR_FWIF_DM_LAST + 1U) + +/* GPU Utilisation states */ +#define PVR_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_IDLE 0U +#define PVR_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_ACTIVE 1U +#define PVR_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_BLOCKED 2U +#define PVR_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_NUM 3U +#define PVR_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_MASK 0x3ULL + +/* + * Maximum amount of register writes that can be done by the register + * programmer (FW or META DMA). This is not a HW limitation, it is only + * a protection against malformed inputs to the register programmer. + */ +#define PVR_MAX_NUM_REGISTER_PROGRAMMER_WRITES 128U + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_COMMON_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_dev_info.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_dev_info.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0a1020790e1e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_dev_info.h @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef __PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_DEV_INFO_H__ +#define __PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_DEV_INFO_H__ + +enum { + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_44079 = 0, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_47217, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_48492, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_48545, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_49927, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_50767, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_51764, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_62269, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_63142, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_63553, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_66011, + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_71242, + + PVR_FW_HAS_BRN_MAX +}; + +enum { + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_35421 = 0, + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_38020, + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_38748, + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_42064, + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_42290, + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_42606, + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_47025, + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_57596, + + PVR_FW_HAS_ERN_MAX +}; + +enum { + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_AXI_ACELITE = 0, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_CDM_CONTROL_STREAM_FORMAT, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_CLUSTER_GROUPING, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_COMMON_STORE_SIZE_IN_DWORDS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_COMPUTE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_COMPUTE_MORTON_CAPABLE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_COMPUTE_OVERLAP, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_COREID_PER_OS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_DYNAMIC_DUST_POWER, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_ECC_RAMS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_FBCDC, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_FBCDC_ALGORITHM, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_FBCDC_ARCHITECTURE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_FBC_MAX_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTORS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_FBC_MAX_LARGE_DESCRIPTORS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_FB_CDC_V4, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_GPU_MULTICORE_SUPPORT, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_GPU_VIRTUALISATION, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_GS_RTA_SUPPORT, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_IRQ_PER_OS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_ISP_MAX_TILES_IN_FLIGHT, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_ISP_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_ISP_ZLS_D24_S8_PACKING_OGL_MODE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_LAYOUT_MARS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_MAX_PARTITIONS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_META, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_META_COREMEM_SIZE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_MIPS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_NUM_CLUSTERS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_NUM_ISP_IPP_PIPES, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_NUM_OSIDS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_NUM_RASTER_PIPES, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_PBE2_IN_XE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_PBVNC_COREID_REG, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_PERFBUS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_PERF_COUNTER_BATCH, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_PHYS_BUS_WIDTH, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_RISCV_FW_PROCESSOR, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_ROGUEXE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_S7_TOP_INFRASTRUCTURE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SIMPLE_INTERNAL_PARAMETER_FORMAT, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SIMPLE_INTERNAL_PARAMETER_FORMAT_V2, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SIMPLE_PARAMETER_FORMAT_VERSION, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SLC_BANKS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SLC_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_BITS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SLC_SIZE_CONFIGURABLE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SLC_SIZE_IN_KILOBYTES, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SOC_TIMER, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_SYS_BUS_SECURE_RESET, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_TESSELLATION, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_TILE_REGION_PROTECTION, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_TILE_SIZE_X, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_TILE_SIZE_Y, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_TLA, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_TPU_CEM_DATAMASTER_GLOBAL_REGISTERS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_TPU_DM_GLOBAL_REGISTERS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_TPU_FILTERING_MODE_CONTROL, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_USC_MIN_OUTPUT_REGISTERS_PER_PIX, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_VDM_DRAWINDIRECT, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_VDM_OBJECT_LEVEL_LLS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SPACE_BITS, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_WATCHDOG_TIMER, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_WORKGROUP_PROTECTION, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_XE_ARCHITECTURE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_XE_MEMORY_HIERARCHY, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_XE_TPU2, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_XPU_MAX_REGBANKS_ADDR_WIDTH, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_XPU_MAX_SLAVES, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_XPU_REGISTER_BROADCAST, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_XT_TOP_INFRASTRUCTURE, + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_ZLS_SUBTILE, + + PVR_FW_HAS_FEATURE_MAX +}; + +#endif /* __PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_DEV_INFO_H__ */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_resetframework.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_resetframework.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3d89524fe5d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_resetframework.h @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_RESETFRAMEWORK_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_RESETFRAMEWORK_H + +#include +#include + +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h" + +struct rogue_fwif_rf_registers { + union { + u64 cdmreg_cdm_cb_base; + u64 cdmreg_cdm_ctrl_stream_base; + }; + u64 cdmreg_cdm_cb_queue; + u64 cdmreg_cdm_cb; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_rf_cmd { + /* THIS MUST BE THE LAST MEMBER OF THE CONTAINING STRUCTURE */ + struct rogue_fwif_rf_registers fw_registers __aligned(8); +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_RF_CMD_SIZE sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_rf_cmd) + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_RESETFRAMEWORK_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..06c8012b31d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SHARED_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SHARED_H + +#include +#include + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_NUM_RTDATAS 2U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_NUM_GEOMDATAS 1U +#define ROGUE_FWIF_NUM_RTDATA_FREELISTS 2U +#define ROGUE_NUM_GEOM_CORES 1U + +#define ROGUE_NUM_GEOM_CORES_SIZE 2U + +/* + * Maximum number of UFOs in a CCB command. + * The number is based on having 32 sync prims (as originally), plus 32 sync + * checkpoints. + * Once the use of sync prims is no longer supported, we will retain + * the same total (64) as the number of sync checkpoints which may be + * supporting a fence is not visible to the client driver and has to + * allow for the number of different timelines involved in fence merges. + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_MAX_UFOS (32U + 32U) + +/* + * This is a generic limit imposed on any DM (GEOMETRY,FRAGMENT,CDM,TDM,2D,TRANSFER) + * command passed through the bridge. + * Just across the bridge in the server, any incoming kick command size is + * checked against this maximum limit. + * In case the incoming command size is larger than the specified limit, + * the bridge call is retired with error. + */ +#define ROGUE_FWIF_DM_INDEPENDENT_KICK_CMD_SIZE (1024U) + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_START (0) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_ZSBUFFER (0) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_MSAABUFFER (1) +#define ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_MAXSUPPORTED (2) + +struct rogue_fwif_dma_addr { + aligned_u64 dev_addr; + u32 fw_addr; + u32 padding; +} __aligned(8); + +struct rogue_fwif_ufo { + u32 addr; + u32 value; +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_UFO_ADDR_IS_SYNC_CHECKPOINT (1) + +struct rogue_fwif_sync_checkpoint { + u32 state; + u32 fw_ref_count; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_ctl { + /* Number of commands received by the FW */ + u32 submitted_commands; + /* Number of commands executed by the FW */ + u32 executed_commands; +} __aligned(8); + +/* + * Used to share frame numbers across UM-KM-FW, + * frame number is set in UM, + * frame number is required in both KM for HTB and FW for FW trace. + * + * May be used to house Kick flags in the future. + */ +struct rogue_fwif_cmd_common { + /* associated frame number */ + u32 frame_num; +}; + +/* + * Geometry and fragment commands require set of firmware addresses that are stored in the Kernel. + * Client has handle(s) to Kernel containers storing these addresses, instead of raw addresses. We + * have to patch/write these addresses in KM to prevent UM from controlling FW addresses directly. + * Typedefs for geometry and fragment commands are shared between Client and Firmware (both + * single-BVNC). Kernel is implemented in a multi-BVNC manner, so it can't use geometry|fragment + * CMD type definitions directly. Therefore we have a SHARED block that is shared between UM-KM-FW + * across all BVNC configurations. + */ +struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared { + /* Common command attributes */ + struct rogue_fwif_cmd_common cmn; + + /* + * RTData associated with this command, this is used for context + * selection and for storing out HW-context, when TA is switched out for + * continuing later + */ + u32 hwrt_data_fw_addr; + + /* Supported PR Buffers like Z/S/MSAA Scratch */ + u32 pr_buffer_fw_addr[ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_MAXSUPPORTED]; +}; + +/* + * Client Circular Command Buffer (CCCB) control structure. + * This is shared between the Server and the Firmware and holds byte offsets + * into the CCCB as well as the wrapping mask to aid wrap around. A given + * snapshot of this queue with Cmd 1 running on the GPU might be: + * + * Roff Doff Woff + * [..........|-1----------|=2===|=3===|=4===|~5~~~~|~6~~~~|~7~~~~|..........] + * < runnable commands >< !ready to run > + * + * Cmd 1 : Currently executing on the GPU data master. + * Cmd 2,3,4: Fence dependencies met, commands runnable. + * Cmd 5... : Fence dependency not met yet. + */ +struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl { + /* Host write offset into CCB. This must be aligned to 16 bytes. */ + u32 write_offset; + /* + * Firmware read offset into CCB. Points to the command that is runnable + * on GPU, if R!=W + */ + u32 read_offset; + /* + * Firmware fence dependency offset. Points to commands not ready, i.e. + * fence dependencies are not met. + */ + u32 dep_offset; + /* Offset wrapping mask, total capacity in bytes of the CCB-1 */ + u32 wrap_mask; + + /* Only used if SUPPORT_AGP is present. */ + u32 read_offset2; + + /* Only used if SUPPORT_AGP4 is present. */ + u32 read_offset3; + /* Only used if SUPPORT_AGP4 is present. */ + u32 read_offset4; + + u32 padding; +} __aligned(8); + +#define ROGUE_FW_LOCAL_FREELIST (0) +#define ROGUE_FW_GLOBAL_FREELIST (1) +#define ROGUE_FW_FREELIST_TYPE_LAST ROGUE_FW_GLOBAL_FREELIST +#define ROGUE_FW_MAX_FREELISTS (ROGUE_FW_FREELIST_TYPE_LAST + 1U) + +struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch { + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_state_base_addr; + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_state_resume_addr; + u64 geom_reg_ta_context_state_base_addr; + + struct { + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task0; + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task1; + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task2; + + /* VDM resume state update controls */ + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task0; + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task1; + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task2; + + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task3; + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task4; + + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task3; + u64 geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task4; + } geom_state[2]; +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_GEOM_REGISTERS_CSWITCH_SIZE \ + sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch) + +struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch { + u64 cdmreg_cdm_context_pds0; + u64 cdmreg_cdm_context_pds1; + u64 cdmreg_cdm_terminate_pds; + u64 cdmreg_cdm_terminate_pds1; + + /* CDM resume controls */ + u64 cdmreg_cdm_resume_pds0; + u64 cdmreg_cdm_context_pds0_b; + u64 cdmreg_cdm_resume_pds0_b; +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_static_rendercontext_state { + /* Geom registers for ctx switch */ + struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch ctxswitch_regs[ROGUE_NUM_GEOM_CORES_SIZE] + __aligned(8); +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_STATIC_RENDERCONTEXT_SIZE \ + sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_static_rendercontext_state) + +struct rogue_fwif_static_computecontext_state { + /* CDM registers for ctx switch */ + struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch ctxswitch_regs __aligned(8); +}; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_STATIC_COMPUTECONTEXT_SIZE \ + sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_static_computecontext_state) + +enum rogue_fwif_prbuffer_state { + ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_UNBACKED = 0, + ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_BACKED, + ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_BACKING_PENDING, + ROGUE_FWIF_PRBUFFER_UNBACKING_PENDING, +}; + +struct rogue_fwif_prbuffer { + /* Buffer ID*/ + u32 buffer_id; + /* Needs On-demand Z/S/MSAA Buffer allocation */ + bool on_demand __aligned(4); + /* Z/S/MSAA -Buffer state */ + enum rogue_fwif_prbuffer_state state; + /* Cleanup state */ + struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_ctl cleanup_sate; + /* Compatibility and other flags */ + u32 prbuffer_flags; +} __aligned(8); + +/* Last reset reason for a context. */ +enum rogue_context_reset_reason { + /* No reset reason recorded */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_NONE = 0, + /* Caused a reset due to locking up */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_GUILTY_LOCKUP = 1, + /* Affected by another context locking up */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_INNOCENT_LOCKUP = 2, + /* Overran the global deadline */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_GUILTY_OVERRUNING = 3, + /* Affected by another context overrunning */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_INNOCENT_OVERRUNING = 4, + /* Forced reset to ensure scheduling requirements */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_HARD_CONTEXT_SWITCH = 5, + /* FW Safety watchdog triggered */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_FW_WATCHDOG = 12, + /* FW page fault (no HWR) */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_FW_PAGEFAULT = 13, + /* FW execution error (GPU reset requested) */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_FW_EXEC_ERR = 14, + /* Host watchdog detected FW error */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_RESET_REASON_HOST_WDG_FW_ERR = 15, + /* Geometry DM OOM event is not allowed */ + ROGUE_CONTEXT_GEOM_OOM_DISABLED = 16, +}; + +struct rogue_context_reset_reason_data { + enum rogue_context_reset_reason reset_reason; + u32 reset_ext_job_ref; +}; + +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_shared_check.h" + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SHARED_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared_check.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared_check.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4d6684474185 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_shared_check.h @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SHARED_CHECK_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SHARED_CHECK_H + +#include + +#define OFFSET_CHECK(type, member, offset) \ + static_assert(offsetof(type, member) == (offset), \ + "offsetof(" #type ", " #member ") incorrect") + +#define SIZE_CHECK(type, size) \ + static_assert(sizeof(type) == (size), #type " is incorrect size") + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_dma_addr, dev_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_dma_addr, fw_addr, 8); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_dma_addr, 16); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ufo, addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ufo, value, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_ufo, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_ctl, submitted_commands, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_ctl, executed_commands, 4); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_ctl, 8); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl, write_offset, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl, read_offset, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl, dep_offset, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl, wrap_mask, 12); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl, read_offset2, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl, read_offset3, 20); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl, read_offset4, 24); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl, 32); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_reg_vdm_context_state_base_addr, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_reg_vdm_context_state_resume_addr, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_reg_ta_context_state_base_addr, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task0, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task1, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task2, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task0, 48); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task1, 56); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task2, 64); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task3, 72); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task4, 80); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task3, 88); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task4, 96); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task0, 104); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task1, 112); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task2, 120); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task0, 128); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task1, 136); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task2, 144); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task3, 152); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task4, 160); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task3, 168); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task4, 176); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, 184); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_context_pds0, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_context_pds1, 8); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_terminate_pds, 16); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_terminate_pds1, 24); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_resume_pds0, 32); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_context_pds0_b, 40); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_resume_pds0_b, 48); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, 56); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_static_rendercontext_state, ctxswitch_regs, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_static_rendercontext_state, 368); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_static_computecontext_state, ctxswitch_regs, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_static_computecontext_state, 56); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_common, frame_num, 0); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_common, 4); + +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared, cmn, 0); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared, hwrt_data_fw_addr, 4); +OFFSET_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared, pr_buffer_fw_addr, 8); +SIZE_CHECK(struct rogue_fwif_cmd_geom_frag_shared, 16); + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SHARED_CHECK_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_stream.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_stream.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..97859a41e677 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_rogue_fwif_stream.h @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_STREAM_H +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_STREAM_H + +/** + * DOC: Streams + * + * Commands are submitted to the kernel driver in the form of streams. + * + * A command stream has the following layout : + * - A 64-bit header containing: + * * A u32 containing the length of the main stream inclusive of the length of the header. + * * A u32 for padding. + * - The main stream data. + * - The extension stream (optional), which is composed of: + * * One or more headers. + * * The extension stream data, corresponding to the extension headers. + * + * The main stream provides the base command data. This has a fixed layout based on the features + * supported by a given GPU. + * + * The extension stream provides the command parameters that are required for BRNs & ERNs for the + * current GPU. This stream is comprised of one or more headers, followed by data for each given + * BRN/ERN. + * + * Each header is a u32 containing a bitmask of quirks & enhancements in the extension stream, a + * "type" field determining the set of quirks & enhancements the bitmask represents, and a + * continuation bit determining whether any more headers are present. The headers are then followed + * by command data; this is specific to each quirk/enhancement. All unused / reserved bits in the + * header must be set to 0. + * + * All parameters and headers in the main and extension streams must be naturally aligned. + * + * If a parameter appears in both the main and extension streams, then the extension parameter is + * used. + */ + +/* + * Stream extension header definition + */ +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_SHIFT 29U +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_MASK (7U << PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_SHIFT) +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_MAX 8U +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_CONTINUATION BIT(28U) + +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_DATA_MASK ~(PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_MASK | PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_CONTINUATION) + +/* + * Stream extension header - Geometry 0 + */ +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_GEOM0 0U + +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_GEOM0_BRN49927 BIT(0U) + +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_GEOM0_VALID PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_GEOM0_BRN49927 + +/* + * Stream extension header - Fragment 0 + */ +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_FRAG0 0U + +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_FRAG0_BRN47217 BIT(0U) +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_FRAG0_BRN49927 BIT(1U) + +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_FRAG0_VALID PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_FRAG0_BRN49927 + +/* + * Stream extension header - Compute 0 + */ +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_COMPUTE0 0U + +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_COMPUTE0_BRN49927 BIT(0U) + +#define PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_COMPUTE0_VALID PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_COMPUTE0_BRN49927 + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_STREAM_H */ From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:48 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739672 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 0B3923D6B; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:21:44 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="hzBjkfLa" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 661DDA6; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 09:21:39 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VGKgMs010204; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:20:42 GMT Received: from pps.reinject (localhost []) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0sq78apf-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:20:42 +0000 (GMT) Received: from pps.reinject ( []) by pps.reinject ( with ESMTP id 39VGKfds010199; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:20:41 GMT Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf42-5 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:30 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:28 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:28 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=F42PUTRF7+IQLWIBOS4Fv9/6RYmAyhb6/EeVV4RXaAqykxMvww+KSOo3m8TGgJOwHKpF2GSjuWo5U5zUf3H9xEUQf3cWvb85Fs7P4BRqPePJiI7mRjM+wJnP8XvcrbgeFygQpgzo/refIFSsLkEGneTpIdZ9ozpdPWPXAduuzWAoxt5tzKYRknFerikN+xW6dEUNdmTgqYbr7E7rBNWOgGG/4X++igX8DVb6JnrGyKD4zlHn7SY+d+iI2FxFYNyqXxOAQIQ3uPTG7l/QipTeYdGg+9ZxdLuoiq5ZIkPzZBO3wKz2p7qiLrzJjYWrvQUKUTJTgLf5Sz4n9GOJJpjQug== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=1PjzXUn6EZd0u+rWwiIiNhCnn2yCzyLGk7fx1EdmuFg=; b=DbYLy3NJzGjb0mejX+CKhbG3MzMn63rSri1a/owsYOMNE+5ov3uYIhwai6tuSVKTcmHE4aI4dZOcHJQ87tBj9stGSs8Tji0PD8JytOmtZbzqzuX8oSpnlxEyF4hdEWGlwVQYClrH/TaQh6hW+Zq1c5mM11tjJBG7k8DBMx5WtZEBaw99Qd6TgAC+8JdlvEiQ79tXsW3PrIurbxTq77Q2IYXpwrXJ3Y7dlT2axqKzZcS0gKmc7MEYTlpV2igDuyFh+DB3TgCpj8iqdq5Ey7y59E7PMsXXKJOixhyUW6yoYu/klggf/BmxVuatI10wdcYuUMIU56a3ulnZqtwr2I28mw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=1PjzXUn6EZd0u+rWwiIiNhCnn2yCzyLGk7fx1EdmuFg=; b=hzBjkfLadpTPzO7/6dJv6z7KLNMBwwA7+O+o8Iobjp+o9c6F8i55FD8LUTN/kb/BrRXGM2FE0wr0H8LkLFg9NX78wJ2rk3xxTQlovMy1EQqB8qIEe8se9zDiClJffIllimanesNU7UBtOh7RLqWfTj4F5ZBXR/exL7FILWtrMNk= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:20 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:20 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Matt Coster Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:48 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: e5a296e9-f4e4-44e1-d653-08dbda23eaed X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(136003)(376002)(366004)(39850400004)(346002)(396003)(230173577357003)(230922051799003)(230273577357003)(64100799003)(1800799009)(186009)(451199024)(2906002)(30864003)(7416002)(41300700001)(5660300002)(44832011)(8676002)(4326008)(8936002)(38350700005)(36756003)(86362001)(38100700002)(107886003)(1076003)(316002)(6916009)(66946007)(66476007)(66556008)(2616005)(83380400001)(478600001)(6666004)(26005)(6512007)(6506007)(52116002)(6486002)(579004)(559001); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: e5a296e9-f4e4-44e1-d653-08dbda23eaed X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2023 15:13:20.6321 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 0d5fd8bb-e8c2-4e0a-8dd5-2c264f7140fe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: ObkFSndIALCDvRBidcpT2i2ERlJ8HhTvUH1XeVYlWeiS2YOHY6c0Ia2JYyM5Jp41MK8PEOO4kqb7nJ+Thpj6rA== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CWLP265MB2018 X-OriginatorOrg: X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: 15a78312-3e47-46eb-9010-2e54d84a9631 X-Proofpoint-GUID: 0h-MnNyQxe-SJHH5lSLQpQPed-oAOA-Y X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: 0h-MnNyQxe-SJHH5lSLQpQPed-oAOA-Y subject: [PATCH v8 11/20] drm/imagination: Add GEM and VM related code Add a GEM implementation based on drm_gem_shmem, and support code for the PowerVR GPU MMU. The GPU VA manager is used for address space management. Changes since v7: - kernel-doc fixes - Remove prefixes from DRM_PVR_BO_* flags - CREATE_BO ioctl now returns an error if provided size isn't page aligned - Optimised MMU flushes Changes since v6: - Don't initialise kernel_vm_ctx when using MIPS firmware processor - Rename drm_gpuva_manager uses to drm_gpuvm - Sync GEM object to device on creation Changes since v5: - Use WRITE_ONCE() when writing to page tables - Add memory barriers to page table insertion - Fixed double backing page alloc on page table objects - Fix BO mask checks in DRM_IOCTL_PVR_CREATE_BO handler - Document use of pvr_page_table_*_idx when preallocing page table objs - Remove pvr_vm_gpuva_mapping_init() - Remove NULL check for unmap op in remap function - Protect gem object with mutex during drm_gpuva_link/unlink - Defer free or release of page table pages until after TLB flush - Use drm_gpuva_op_remap_get_unmap_range() helper Changes since v4: - Correct sync function in vmap/vunmap function documentation - Update for upstream GPU VA manager - Fix missing frees when unmapping drm_gpuva objects - Always zero GEM BOs on creation Changes since v3: - Split MMU and VM code - Register page table allocations with kmemleak - Use drm_dev_{enter,exit} Changes since v2: - Use GPU VA manager - Use drm_gem_shmem Co-developed-by: Matt Coster Signed-off-by: Matt Coster Co-developed-by: Donald Robson Signed-off-by: Donald Robson Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker --- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig | 1 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile | 5 +- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c | 27 +- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h | 24 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c | 289 ++- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.c | 421 ++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.h | 175 ++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c | 2573 ++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.h | 109 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c | 942 ++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.h | 60 + 11 files changed, 4615 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.h diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig index e9aaa5313485..3e167d5470b4 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Kconfig @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ config DRM_POWERVR depends on DRM select DRM_GEM_SHMEM_HELPER select DRM_SCHED + select DRM_GPUVM select FW_LOADER help Choose this option if you have a system that has an Imagination diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile index 9e144ff2742b..8fcabc1bea36 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile @@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ powervr-y := \ pvr_device.o \ pvr_device_info.o \ pvr_drv.o \ - pvr_fw.o + pvr_fw.o \ + pvr_gem.o \ + pvr_mmu.o \ + pvr_vm.o obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_POWERVR) += powervr.o diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c index b1fae182c4f6..f71e400ea24e 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ #include "pvr_fw.h" #include "pvr_rogue_cr_defs.h" +#include "pvr_vm.h" #include @@ -312,7 +313,30 @@ pvr_device_gpu_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) else return -EINVAL; - return pvr_set_dma_info(pvr_dev); + err = pvr_set_dma_info(pvr_dev); + if (err) + return err; + + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.processor_type != PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_MIPS) { + pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx = pvr_vm_create_context(pvr_dev, false); + if (IS_ERR(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx)) + return PTR_ERR(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx); + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_device_gpu_fini() - GPU-specific deinitialization for a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + */ +static void +pvr_device_gpu_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.processor_type != PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_MIPS) { + WARN_ON(!pvr_vm_context_put(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx)); + pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx = NULL; + } } /** @@ -364,6 +388,7 @@ pvr_device_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) * Deinitialization stages are performed in reverse order compared to * the initialization stages in pvr_device_init(). */ + pvr_device_gpu_fini(pvr_dev); } bool diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h index 833fd686c8eb..a5e62ca00737 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h @@ -123,8 +123,24 @@ struct pvr_device { */ struct clk *mem_clk; + /** + * @kernel_vm_ctx: Virtual memory context used for kernel mappings. + * + * This is used for mappings in the firmware address region when a META firmware processor + * is in use. + * + * When a MIPS firmware processor is in use, this will be %NULL. + */ + struct pvr_vm_context *kernel_vm_ctx; + /** @fw_dev: Firmware related data. */ struct pvr_fw_device fw_dev; + + /** + * @mmu_flush_cache_flags: Records which MMU caches require flushing + * before submitting the next job. + */ + atomic_t mmu_flush_cache_flags; }; /** @@ -145,6 +161,14 @@ struct pvr_file { * to_pvr_device(). */ struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; + + /** + * @vm_ctx_handles: Array of VM contexts belonging to this file. Array + * members are of type "struct pvr_vm_context *". + * + * This array is used to allocate handles returned to userspace. + */ + struct xarray vm_ctx_handles; }; /** diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c index 02a0ccc51f3e..c3a5cc04c3de 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c @@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ #include "pvr_device.h" #include "pvr_drv.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_mmu.h" #include "pvr_rogue_defs.h" #include "pvr_rogue_fwif_client.h" #include "pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h" +#include "pvr_vm.h" #include @@ -60,7 +63,72 @@ static int pvr_ioctl_create_bo(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, struct drm_file *file) { - return -ENOTTY; + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_bo_args *args = raw_args; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(drm_dev); + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj; + size_t sanitized_size; + + int idx; + int err; + + if (!drm_dev_enter(drm_dev, &idx)) + return -EIO; + + /* All padding fields must be zeroed. */ + if (args->_padding_c != 0) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + /* + * On 64-bit platforms (our primary target), size_t is a u64. However, + * on other architectures we have to check for overflow when casting + * down to size_t from u64. + * + * We also disallow zero-sized allocations, and reserved (kernel-only) + * flags. + */ + if (args->size > SIZE_MAX || args->size == 0 || args->flags & + ~DRM_PVR_BO_FLAGS_MASK || args->size & (PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + sanitized_size = (size_t)args->size; + + /* + * Create a buffer object and transfer ownership to a userspace- + * accessible handle. + */ + pvr_obj = pvr_gem_object_create(pvr_dev, sanitized_size, args->flags); + if (IS_ERR(pvr_obj)) { + err = PTR_ERR(pvr_obj); + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + /* This function will not modify &args->handle unless it succeeds. */ + err = pvr_gem_object_into_handle(pvr_obj, pvr_file, &args->handle); + if (err) + goto err_destroy_obj; + + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return 0; + +err_destroy_obj: + /* + * GEM objects are refcounted, so there is no explicit destructor + * function. Instead, we release the singular reference we currently + * hold on the object and let GEM take care of the rest. + */ + pvr_gem_object_put(pvr_obj); + +err_drm_dev_exit: + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return err; } /** @@ -87,7 +155,61 @@ static int pvr_ioctl_get_bo_mmap_offset(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, struct drm_file *file) { - return -ENOTTY; + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_get_bo_mmap_offset_args *args = raw_args; + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj; + struct drm_gem_object *gem_obj; + int idx; + int ret; + + if (!drm_dev_enter(drm_dev, &idx)) + return -EIO; + + /* All padding fields must be zeroed. */ + if (args->_padding_4 != 0) { + ret = -EINVAL; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + /* + * Obtain a kernel reference to the buffer object. This reference is + * counted and must be manually dropped before returning. If a buffer + * object cannot be found for the specified handle, return -%ENOENT (No + * such file or directory). + */ + pvr_obj = pvr_gem_object_from_handle(pvr_file, args->handle); + if (!pvr_obj) { + ret = -ENOENT; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + gem_obj = gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + + /* + * Allocate a fake offset which can be used in userspace calls to mmap + * on the DRM device file. If this fails, return the error code. This + * operation is idempotent. + */ + ret = drm_gem_create_mmap_offset(gem_obj); + if (ret != 0) { + /* Drop our reference to the buffer object. */ + drm_gem_object_put(gem_obj); + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + /* + * Read out the fake offset allocated by the earlier call to + * drm_gem_create_mmap_offset. + */ + args->offset = drm_vma_node_offset_addr(&gem_obj->vma_node); + + /* Drop our reference to the buffer object. */ + pvr_gem_object_put(pvr_obj); + +err_drm_dev_exit: + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return ret; } static __always_inline u64 @@ -516,10 +638,12 @@ pvr_ioctl_dev_query(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, break; case DRM_PVR_DEV_QUERY_HEAP_INFO_GET: - return -EINVAL; + ret = pvr_heap_info_get(pvr_dev, args); + break; case DRM_PVR_DEV_QUERY_STATIC_DATA_AREAS_GET: - return -EINVAL; + ret = pvr_static_data_areas_get(pvr_dev, args); + break; } drm_dev_exit(idx); @@ -666,7 +790,46 @@ static int pvr_ioctl_create_vm_context(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, struct drm_file *file) { - return -ENOTTY; + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_vm_context_args *args = raw_args; + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + int idx; + int err; + + if (!drm_dev_enter(drm_dev, &idx)) + return -EIO; + + if (args->_padding_4) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + vm_ctx = pvr_vm_create_context(pvr_file->pvr_dev, true); + if (IS_ERR(vm_ctx)) { + err = PTR_ERR(vm_ctx); + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + /* Allocate object handle for userspace. */ + err = xa_alloc(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles, + &args->handle, + vm_ctx, + xa_limit_32b, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (err < 0) + goto err_cleanup; + + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return 0; + +err_cleanup: + pvr_vm_context_put(vm_ctx); + +err_drm_dev_exit: + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return err; } /** @@ -686,7 +849,19 @@ static int pvr_ioctl_destroy_vm_context(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, struct drm_file *file) { - return -ENOTTY; + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_destroy_vm_context_args *args = raw_args; + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + + if (args->_padding_4) + return -EINVAL; + + vm_ctx = xa_erase(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles, args->handle); + if (!vm_ctx) + return -EINVAL; + + pvr_vm_context_put(vm_ctx); + return 0; } /** @@ -716,7 +891,79 @@ static int pvr_ioctl_vm_map(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, struct drm_file *file) { - return -ENOTTY; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(drm_dev); + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_map_args *args = raw_args; + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj; + size_t pvr_obj_size; + + u64 offset_plus_size; + int idx; + int err; + + if (!drm_dev_enter(drm_dev, &idx)) + return -EIO; + + /* Initial validation of args. */ + if (args->_padding_14) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + if (args->flags != 0 || + check_add_overflow(args->offset, args->size, &offset_plus_size) || + !pvr_find_heap_containing(pvr_dev, args->device_addr, args->size)) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + vm_ctx = pvr_vm_context_lookup(pvr_file, args->vm_context_handle); + if (!vm_ctx) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + pvr_obj = pvr_gem_object_from_handle(pvr_file, args->handle); + if (!pvr_obj) { + err = -ENOENT; + goto err_put_vm_context; + } + + pvr_obj_size = pvr_gem_object_size(pvr_obj); + + /* + * Validate offset and size args. The alignment of these will be + * checked when mapping; for now just check that they're within valid + * bounds + */ + if (args->offset >= pvr_obj_size || offset_plus_size > pvr_obj_size) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_put_pvr_object; + } + + err = pvr_vm_map(vm_ctx, pvr_obj, args->offset, + args->device_addr, args->size); + if (err) + goto err_put_pvr_object; + + /* + * In order to set up the mapping, we needed a reference to &pvr_obj. + * However, pvr_vm_map() obtains and stores its own reference, so we + * must release ours before returning. + */ + +err_put_pvr_object: + pvr_gem_object_put(pvr_obj); + +err_put_vm_context: + pvr_vm_context_put(vm_ctx); + +err_drm_dev_exit: + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return err; } /** @@ -739,7 +986,24 @@ static int pvr_ioctl_vm_unmap(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, struct drm_file *file) { - return -ENOTTY; + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_vm_unmap_args *args = raw_args; + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + int err; + + /* Initial validation of args. */ + if (args->_padding_4) + return -EINVAL; + + vm_ctx = pvr_vm_context_lookup(pvr_file, args->vm_context_handle); + if (!vm_ctx) + return -EINVAL; + + err = pvr_vm_unmap(vm_ctx, args->device_addr, args->size); + + pvr_vm_context_put(vm_ctx); + + return err; } /* @@ -930,6 +1194,8 @@ pvr_drm_driver_open(struct drm_device *drm_dev, struct drm_file *file) */ pvr_file->pvr_dev = pvr_dev; + xa_init_flags(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1); + /* * Store reference to powervr-specific file private data in DRM file * private data. @@ -955,6 +1221,9 @@ pvr_drm_driver_postclose(__always_unused struct drm_device *drm_dev, { struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + /* Drop references on any remaining objects. */ + pvr_destroy_vm_contexts_for_file(pvr_file); + kfree(pvr_file); file->driver_priv = NULL; } @@ -962,7 +1231,7 @@ pvr_drm_driver_postclose(__always_unused struct drm_device *drm_dev, DEFINE_DRM_GEM_FOPS(pvr_drm_driver_fops); static struct drm_driver pvr_drm_driver = { - .driver_features = DRIVER_RENDER, + .driver_features = DRIVER_GEM | DRIVER_GEM_GPUVA | DRIVER_RENDER, .open = pvr_drm_driver_open, .postclose = pvr_drm_driver_postclose, .ioctls = pvr_drm_driver_ioctls, @@ -976,6 +1245,8 @@ static struct drm_driver pvr_drm_driver = { .minor = PVR_DRIVER_MINOR, .patchlevel = PVR_DRIVER_PATCHLEVEL, + .gem_prime_import_sg_table = drm_gem_shmem_prime_import_sg_table, + .gem_create_object = pvr_gem_create_object, }; static int diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..beaaff062a85 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.c @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_vm.h" + +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static void pvr_gem_object_free(struct drm_gem_object *obj) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_gem = gem_to_pvr_gem(obj); + + mutex_destroy(&pvr_gem->gpuva_lock); + drm_gem_shmem_object_free(obj); +} + +static int pvr_gem_mmap(struct drm_gem_object *gem_obj, struct vm_area_struct *vma) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj = gem_to_pvr_gem(gem_obj); + struct drm_gem_shmem_object *shmem_obj = shmem_gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + + if (!(pvr_obj->flags & DRM_PVR_BO_ALLOW_CPU_USERSPACE_ACCESS)) + return -EINVAL; + + return drm_gem_shmem_mmap(shmem_obj, vma); +} + +static const struct drm_gem_object_funcs pvr_gem_object_funcs = { + .free = pvr_gem_object_free, + .print_info = drm_gem_shmem_object_print_info, + .pin = drm_gem_shmem_object_pin, + .unpin = drm_gem_shmem_object_unpin, + .get_sg_table = drm_gem_shmem_object_get_sg_table, + .vmap = drm_gem_shmem_object_vmap, + .vunmap = drm_gem_shmem_object_vunmap, + .mmap = pvr_gem_mmap, + .vm_ops = &drm_gem_shmem_vm_ops, +}; + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_flags_validate() - Verify that a collection of PowerVR GEM + * mapping and/or creation flags form a valid combination. + * @flags: PowerVR GEM mapping/creation flags to validate. + * + * This function explicitly allows kernel-only flags. All ioctl entrypoints + * should do their own validation as well as relying on this function. + * + * Return: + * * %true if @flags contains valid mapping and/or creation flags, or + * * %false otherwise. + */ +static bool +pvr_gem_object_flags_validate(u64 flags) +{ + static const u64 invalid_combinations[] = { + /* + * Memory flagged as PM/FW-protected cannot be mapped to + * userspace. To make this explicit, we require that the two + * flags allowing each of these respective features are never + * specified together. + */ + (DRM_PVR_BO_PM_FW_PROTECT | + DRM_PVR_BO_ALLOW_CPU_USERSPACE_ACCESS), + }; + + int i; + + /* + * Check for bits set in undefined regions. Reserved regions refer to + * options that can only be set by the kernel. These are explicitly + * allowed in most cases, and must be checked specifically in IOCTL + * callback code. + */ + if ((flags & PVR_BO_UNDEFINED_MASK) != 0) + return false; + + /* + * Check for all combinations of flags marked as invalid in the array + * above. + */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(invalid_combinations); ++i) { + u64 combo = invalid_combinations[i]; + + if ((flags & combo) == combo) + return false; + } + + return true; +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_into_handle() - Convert a reference to an object into a + * userspace-accessible handle. + * @pvr_obj: [IN] Target PowerVR-specific object. + * @pvr_file: [IN] File to associate the handle with. + * @handle: [OUT] Pointer to store the created handle in. Remains unmodified if + * an error is encountered. + * + * If an error is encountered, ownership of @pvr_obj will not have been + * transferred. If this function succeeds, however, further use of @pvr_obj is + * considered undefined behaviour unless another reference to it is explicitly + * held. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error encountered while attempting to allocate a handle on @pvr_file. + */ +int +pvr_gem_object_into_handle(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj, + struct pvr_file *pvr_file, u32 *handle) +{ + struct drm_gem_object *gem_obj = gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + struct drm_file *file = from_pvr_file(pvr_file); + + u32 new_handle; + int err; + + err = drm_gem_handle_create(file, gem_obj, &new_handle); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * Release our reference to @pvr_obj, effectively transferring + * ownership to the handle. + */ + pvr_gem_object_put(pvr_obj); + + /* + * Do not store the new handle in @handle until no more errors can + * occur. + */ + *handle = new_handle; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_from_handle() - Obtain a reference to an object from a + * userspace handle. + * @pvr_file: PowerVR-specific file to which @handle is associated. + * @handle: Userspace handle referencing the target object. + * + * On return, @handle always maintains its reference to the requested object + * (if it had one in the first place). If this function succeeds, the returned + * object will hold an additional reference. When the caller is finished with + * the returned object, they should call pvr_gem_object_put() on it to release + * this reference. + * + * Return: + * * A pointer to the requested PowerVR-specific object on success, or + * * %NULL otherwise. + */ +struct pvr_gem_object * +pvr_gem_object_from_handle(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, u32 handle) +{ + struct drm_file *file = from_pvr_file(pvr_file); + struct drm_gem_object *gem_obj; + + gem_obj = drm_gem_object_lookup(file, handle); + if (!gem_obj) + return NULL; + + return gem_to_pvr_gem(gem_obj); +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_vmap() - Map a PowerVR GEM object into CPU virtual address + * space. + * @pvr_obj: Target PowerVR GEM object. + * + * Once the caller is finished with the CPU mapping, they must call + * pvr_gem_object_vunmap() on @pvr_obj. + * + * If @pvr_obj is CPU-cached, dma_sync_sgtable_for_cpu() is called to make + * sure the CPU mapping is consistent. + * + * Return: + * * A pointer to the CPU mapping on success, + * * -%ENOMEM if the mapping fails, or + * * Any error encountered while attempting to acquire a reference to the + * backing pages for @pvr_obj. + */ +void * +pvr_gem_object_vmap(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj) +{ + struct drm_gem_shmem_object *shmem_obj = shmem_gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + struct drm_gem_object *obj = gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + struct iosys_map map; + int err; + + dma_resv_lock(obj->resv, NULL); + + err = drm_gem_shmem_vmap(shmem_obj, &map); + if (err) + goto err_unlock; + + if (pvr_obj->flags & PVR_BO_CPU_CACHED) { + struct device *dev = shmem_obj->>dev; + + /* If shmem_obj->sgt is NULL, that means the buffer hasn't been mapped + * in GPU space yet. + */ + if (shmem_obj->sgt) + dma_sync_sgtable_for_cpu(dev, shmem_obj->sgt, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); + } + + dma_resv_unlock(obj->resv); + + return map.vaddr; + +err_unlock: + dma_resv_unlock(obj->resv); + + return ERR_PTR(err); +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_vunmap() - Unmap a PowerVR memory object from CPU virtual + * address space. + * @pvr_obj: Target PowerVR GEM object. + * + * If @pvr_obj is CPU-cached, dma_sync_sgtable_for_device() is called to make + * sure the GPU mapping is consistent. + */ +void +pvr_gem_object_vunmap(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj) +{ + struct drm_gem_shmem_object *shmem_obj = shmem_gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + struct iosys_map map = IOSYS_MAP_INIT_VADDR(shmem_obj->vaddr); + struct drm_gem_object *obj = gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + + if (WARN_ON(!map.vaddr)) + return; + + dma_resv_lock(obj->resv, NULL); + + if (pvr_obj->flags & PVR_BO_CPU_CACHED) { + struct device *dev = shmem_obj->>dev; + + /* If shmem_obj->sgt is NULL, that means the buffer hasn't been mapped + * in GPU space yet. + */ + if (shmem_obj->sgt) + dma_sync_sgtable_for_device(dev, shmem_obj->sgt, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); + } + + drm_gem_shmem_vunmap(shmem_obj, &map); + + dma_resv_unlock(obj->resv); +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_zero() - Zeroes the physical memory behind an object. + * @pvr_obj: Target PowerVR GEM object. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error encountered while attempting to map @pvr_obj to the CPU (see + * pvr_gem_object_vmap()). + */ +static int +pvr_gem_object_zero(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj) +{ + void *cpu_ptr; + + cpu_ptr = pvr_gem_object_vmap(pvr_obj); + if (IS_ERR(cpu_ptr)) + return PTR_ERR(cpu_ptr); + + memset(cpu_ptr, 0, pvr_gem_object_size(pvr_obj)); + + /* Make sure the zero-ing is done before vumap-ing the object. */ + wmb(); + + pvr_gem_object_vunmap(pvr_obj); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_create_object() - Allocate and pre-initializes a pvr_gem_object + * @drm_dev: DRM device creating this object. + * @size: Size of the object to allocate in bytes. + * + * Return: + * * The new pre-initialized GEM object on success, + * * -ENOMEM if the allocation failed. + */ +struct drm_gem_object *pvr_gem_create_object(struct drm_device *drm_dev, size_t size) +{ + struct drm_gem_object *gem_obj; + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj; + + pvr_obj = kzalloc(sizeof(*pvr_obj), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!pvr_obj) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + gem_obj = gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + gem_obj->funcs = &pvr_gem_object_funcs; + + drm_gem_gpuva_set_lock(gem_obj, &pvr_obj->gpuva_lock); + + return gem_obj; +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_create() - Creates a PowerVR-specific buffer object. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @size: Size of the object to allocate in bytes. Must be greater than zero. + * Any value which is not an exact multiple of the system page size will be + * rounded up to satisfy this condition. + * @flags: Options which affect both this operation and future mapping + * operations performed on the returned object. Must be a combination of + * DRM_PVR_BO_* and/or PVR_BO_* flags. + * + * The created object may be larger than @size, but can never be smaller. To + * get the exact size, call pvr_gem_object_size() on the returned pointer. + * + * Return: + * * The newly-minted PowerVR-specific buffer object on success, + * * -%EINVAL if @size is zero or @flags is not valid, + * * -%ENOMEM if sufficient physical memory cannot be allocated, or + * * Any other error returned by drm_gem_create_mmap_offset(). + */ +struct pvr_gem_object * +pvr_gem_object_create(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, size_t size, u64 flags) +{ + struct drm_gem_shmem_object *shmem_obj; + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj; + struct sg_table *sgt; + int err; + + /* Verify @size and @flags before continuing. */ + if (size == 0 || !pvr_gem_object_flags_validate(flags)) + return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); + + shmem_obj = drm_gem_shmem_create(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), size); + if (IS_ERR(shmem_obj)) + return ERR_CAST(shmem_obj); + + shmem_obj->pages_mark_dirty_on_put = true; + shmem_obj->map_wc = !(flags & PVR_BO_CPU_CACHED); + pvr_obj = shmem_gem_to_pvr_gem(shmem_obj); + pvr_obj->flags = flags; + + sgt = drm_gem_shmem_get_pages_sgt(shmem_obj); + if (IS_ERR(sgt)) { + err = PTR_ERR(sgt); + goto err_shmem_object_free; + } + + mutex_init(&pvr_obj->gpuva_lock); + + dma_sync_sgtable_for_device(shmem_obj->>dev, sgt, + DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); + + /* + * Do this last because pvr_gem_object_zero() requires a fully + * configured instance of struct pvr_gem_object. + */ + pvr_gem_object_zero(pvr_obj); + + return pvr_obj; + +err_shmem_object_free: + drm_gem_shmem_free(shmem_obj); + + return ERR_PTR(err); +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_get_dma_addr() - Get DMA address for given offset in object + * @pvr_obj: Pointer to object to lookup address in. + * @offset: Offset within object to lookup address at. + * @dma_addr_out: Pointer to location to store DMA address. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if object is not currently backed, or if @offset is out of valid + * range for this object. + */ +int +pvr_gem_get_dma_addr(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj, u32 offset, + dma_addr_t *dma_addr_out) +{ + struct drm_gem_shmem_object *shmem_obj = shmem_gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + u32 accumulated_offset = 0; + struct scatterlist *sgl; + unsigned int sgt_idx; + + WARN_ON(!shmem_obj->sgt); + for_each_sgtable_dma_sg(shmem_obj->sgt, sgl, sgt_idx) { + u32 new_offset = accumulated_offset + sg_dma_len(sgl); + + if (offset >= accumulated_offset && offset < new_offset) { + *dma_addr_out = sg_dma_address(sgl) + + (offset - accumulated_offset); + return 0; + } + + accumulated_offset = new_offset; + } + + return -EINVAL; +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5209b7625233 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_gem.h @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_GEM_H +#define PVR_GEM_H + +#include "pvr_rogue_heap_config.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_meta.h" + +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* Forward declaration from "pvr_device.h". */ +struct pvr_device; +struct pvr_file; + +/** + * DOC: Flags for DRM_IOCTL_PVR_CREATE_BO (kernel-only) + * + * Kernel-only values allowed in &pvr_gem_object->flags. The majority of options + * for this field are specified in the UAPI header "pvr_drm.h" with a + * DRM_PVR_BO_ prefix. To distinguish these internal options (which must exist + * in ranges marked as "reserved" in the UAPI header), we drop the DRM prefix. + * The public options should be used directly, DRM prefix and all. + * + * To avoid potentially confusing gaps in the UAPI options, these kernel-only + * options are specified "in reverse", starting at bit 63. + * + * We use "reserved" to refer to bits defined here and not exposed in the UAPI. + * Bits not defined anywhere are "undefined". + * + * CPU mapping options + * :PVR_BO_CPU_CACHED: By default, all GEM objects are mapped write-combined on the CPU. Set this + * flag to override this behaviour and map the object cached. + * + * Firmware options + * :PVR_BO_FW_NO_CLEAR_ON_RESET: By default, all FW objects are cleared and reinitialised on hard + * reset. Set this flag to override this behaviour and preserve buffer contents on reset. + */ +#define PVR_BO_CPU_CACHED BIT_ULL(63) + +#define PVR_BO_FW_NO_CLEAR_ON_RESET BIT_ULL(62) + +#define PVR_BO_KERNEL_FLAGS_MASK (PVR_BO_CPU_CACHED | PVR_BO_FW_NO_CLEAR_ON_RESET) + +/* Bits 61..3 are undefined. */ +/* Bits 2..0 are defined in the UAPI. */ + +/* Other utilities. */ +#define PVR_BO_UNDEFINED_MASK ~(PVR_BO_KERNEL_FLAGS_MASK | DRM_PVR_BO_FLAGS_MASK) + +/* + * All firmware-mapped memory uses (mostly) the same flags. Specifically, + * firmware-mapped memory should be: + * * Read/write on the device, + * * Read/write on the CPU, and + * * Write-combined on the CPU. + * + * The only variation is in caching on the device. + */ +#define PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_CACHED (ULL(0)) +#define PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED DRM_PVR_BO_BYPASS_DEVICE_CACHE + +/** + * struct pvr_gem_object - powervr-specific wrapper for &struct drm_gem_object + */ +struct pvr_gem_object { + /** + * @base: The underlying &struct drm_gem_shmem_object. + * + * Do not access this member directly, instead call + * shem_gem_from_pvr_gem(). + */ + struct drm_gem_shmem_object base; + + /** + * @flags: Options set at creation-time. Some of these options apply to + * the creation operation itself (which are stored here for reference) + * with the remainder used for mapping options to both the device and + * CPU. These are used every time this object is mapped, but may be + * changed after creation. + * + * Must be a combination of DRM_PVR_BO_* and/or PVR_BO_* flags. + * + * .. note:: + * + * This member is declared const to indicate that none of these + * options may change or be changed throughout the object's + * lifetime. + */ + u64 flags; + + /** + * @gpuva_lock: Lock for preventing concurrent access during memory + * mapping operations. + */ + struct mutex gpuva_lock; +}; + +static_assert(offsetof(struct pvr_gem_object, base) == 0, + "offsetof(struct pvr_gem_object, base) not zero"); + +#define shmem_gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj) (&(pvr_obj)->base) + +#define shmem_gem_to_pvr_gem(shmem_obj) container_of_const(shmem_obj, struct pvr_gem_object, base) + +#define gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj) (&(pvr_obj)->base.base) + +#define gem_to_pvr_gem(gem_obj) container_of_const(gem_obj, struct pvr_gem_object, base.base) + +/* Functions defined in pvr_gem.c */ + +struct drm_gem_object *pvr_gem_create_object(struct drm_device *drm_dev, size_t size); + +struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_gem_object_create(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + size_t size, u64 flags); + +int pvr_gem_object_into_handle(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj, + struct pvr_file *pvr_file, u32 *handle); +struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_gem_object_from_handle(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, + u32 handle); + +static __always_inline struct sg_table * +pvr_gem_object_get_pages_sgt(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj) +{ + return drm_gem_shmem_get_pages_sgt(shmem_gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj)); +} + +void *pvr_gem_object_vmap(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj); +void pvr_gem_object_vunmap(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj); + +int pvr_gem_get_dma_addr(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj, u32 offset, + dma_addr_t *dma_addr_out); + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_get() - Acquire reference on pvr_gem_object + * @pvr_obj: Pointer to object to acquire reference on. + */ +static __always_inline void +pvr_gem_object_get(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj) +{ + drm_gem_object_get(gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj)); +} + +/** + * pvr_gem_object_put() - Release reference on pvr_gem_object + * @pvr_obj: Pointer to object to release reference on. + */ +static __always_inline void +pvr_gem_object_put(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj) +{ + drm_gem_object_put(gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj)); +} + +static __always_inline size_t +pvr_gem_object_size(struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj) +{ + return gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj)->size; +} + +#endif /* PVR_GEM_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7de43b6c203e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c @@ -0,0 +1,2573 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_mmu.h" + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_fw.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_mmu_defs.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define PVR_SHIFT_FROM_SIZE(size_) (__builtin_ctzll(size_)) +#define PVR_MASK_FROM_SIZE(size_) (~((size_) - U64_C(1))) + +/* + * The value of the device page size (%PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE) is currently + * pegged to the host page size (%PAGE_SIZE). This chunk of macro goodness both + * ensures that the selected host page size corresponds to a valid device page + * size and sets up values needed by the MMU code below. + */ +#if (PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE == SZ_4K) +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_X ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_4KB +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_SHIFT ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_4KB_RANGE_SHIFT +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_CLRMSK ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_4KB_RANGE_CLRMSK +#elif (PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE == SZ_16K) +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_X ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_16KB +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_SHIFT ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_16KB_RANGE_SHIFT +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_CLRMSK ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_16KB_RANGE_CLRMSK +#elif (PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE == SZ_64K) +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_X ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_64KB +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_SHIFT ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_64KB_RANGE_SHIFT +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_CLRMSK ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_64KB_RANGE_CLRMSK +#elif (PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE == SZ_256K) +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_X ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_256KB +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_SHIFT ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_256KB_RANGE_SHIFT +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_CLRMSK ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_256KB_RANGE_CLRMSK +#elif (PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE == SZ_1M) +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_X ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_1MB +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_SHIFT ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_1MB_RANGE_SHIFT +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_CLRMSK ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_1MB_RANGE_CLRMSK +#elif (PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE == SZ_2M) +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_X ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_2MB +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_SHIFT ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_2MB_RANGE_SHIFT +# define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_CLRMSK ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_2MB_RANGE_CLRMSK +#else +# error Unsupported device page size PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE +#endif + +#define ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PT_VALUE_X \ + (ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PT_VALUE >> \ + (PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT - PVR_SHIFT_FROM_SIZE(SZ_4K))) + +enum pvr_mmu_sync_level { + PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_NONE = -1, + PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0 = 0, + PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1 = 1, + PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_2 = 2, +}; + +#define PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0_FLAGS (ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_PT | \ + ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_INTERRUPT | \ + ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_TLB) +#define PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1_FLAGS (PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0_FLAGS | ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_PD) +#define PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_2_FLAGS (PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1_FLAGS | ROGUE_FWIF_MMUCACHEDATA_FLAGS_PC) + +/** + * pvr_mmu_set_flush_flags() - Set MMU cache flush flags for next call to + * pvr_mmu_flush_exec(). + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @flags: MMU flush flags. Must be one of %PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_*_FLAGS. + * + * This function must be called following any possible change to the MMU page + * tables. + */ +static void pvr_mmu_set_flush_flags(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 flags) +{ + atomic_fetch_or(flags, &pvr_dev->mmu_flush_cache_flags); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_flush_request_all() - Request flush of all MMU caches when + * subsequently calling pvr_mmu_flush_exec(). + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * This function must be called following any possible change to the MMU page + * tables. + */ +void pvr_mmu_flush_request_all(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + /* TODO: implement */ +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_flush_exec() - Execute a flush of all MMU caches previously + * requested. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @wait: Do not return until the flush is completed. + * + * This function must be called prior to submitting any new GPU job. The flush + * will complete before the jobs are scheduled, so this can be called once after + * a series of maps. However, a single unmap should always be immediately + * followed by a flush and it should be explicitly waited by setting @wait. + * + * As a failure to flush the MMU caches could risk memory corruption, if the + * flush fails (implying the firmware is not responding) then the GPU device is + * marked as lost. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success when @wait is true, or + * * -%EIO if the device is unavailable, or + * * Any error encountered while submitting the flush command via the KCCB. + */ +int pvr_mmu_flush_exec(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, bool wait) +{ + /* TODO: implement */ + return -ENODEV; +} + +/** + * DOC: PowerVR Virtual Memory Handling + */ +/** + * DOC: PowerVR Virtual Memory Handling (constants) + * + * .. c:macro:: PVR_IDX_INVALID + * + * Default value for a u16-based index. + * + * This value cannot be zero, since zero is a valid index value. + */ +#define PVR_IDX_INVALID ((u16)(-1)) + +/** + * DOC: MMU backing pages + */ +/** + * DOC: MMU backing pages (constants) + * + * .. c:macro:: PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE + * + * Page size of a PowerVR device's integrated MMU. The CPU page size must be + * at least as large as this value for the current implementation; this is + * checked at compile-time. + */ +#define PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE SZ_4K +static_assert(PAGE_SIZE >= PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE); + +/** + * struct pvr_mmu_backing_page - Represents a single page used to back a page + * table of any level. + * @dma_addr: DMA address of this page. + * @host_ptr: CPU address of this page. + * @pvr_dev: The PowerVR device to which this page is associated. **For + * internal use only.** + */ +struct pvr_mmu_backing_page { + dma_addr_t dma_addr; + void *host_ptr; +/* private: internal use only */ + struct page *raw_page; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; +}; + +/** + * pvr_mmu_backing_page_init() - Initialize a MMU backing page. + * @page: Target backing page. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * This function performs three distinct operations: + * + * 1. Allocate a single page, + * 2. Map the page to the CPU, and + * 3. Map the page to DMA-space. + * + * It is expected that @page be zeroed (e.g. from kzalloc()) before calling + * this function. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%ENOMEM if allocation of the backing page or mapping of the backing + * page to DMA fails. + */ +static int +pvr_mmu_backing_page_init(struct pvr_mmu_backing_page *page, + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct device *dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev; + + struct page *raw_page; + int err; + + dma_addr_t dma_addr; + void *host_ptr; + + raw_page = alloc_page(__GFP_ZERO | GFP_KERNEL); + if (!raw_page) + return -ENOMEM; + + host_ptr = vmap(&raw_page, 1, VM_MAP, pgprot_writecombine(PAGE_KERNEL)); + if (!host_ptr) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_free_page; + } + + dma_addr = dma_map_page(dev, raw_page, 0, PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE, + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (dma_mapping_error(dev, dma_addr)) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_unmap_page; + } + + page->dma_addr = dma_addr; + page->host_ptr = host_ptr; + page->pvr_dev = pvr_dev; + page->raw_page = raw_page; + kmemleak_alloc(page->host_ptr, PAGE_SIZE, 1, GFP_KERNEL); + + return 0; + +err_unmap_page: + vunmap(host_ptr); + +err_free_page: + __free_page(raw_page); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_backing_page_fini() - Teardown a MMU backing page. + * @page: Target backing page. + * + * This function performs the mirror operations to pvr_mmu_backing_page_init(), + * in reverse order: + * + * 1. Unmap the page from DMA-space, + * 2. Unmap the page from the CPU, and + * 3. Free the page. + * + * It also zeros @page. + * + * It is a no-op to call this function a second (or further) time on any @page. + */ +static void +pvr_mmu_backing_page_fini(struct pvr_mmu_backing_page *page) +{ + struct device *dev = from_pvr_device(page->pvr_dev)->dev; + + /* Do nothing if no allocation is present. */ + if (!page->pvr_dev) + return; + + dma_unmap_page(dev, page->dma_addr, PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE, + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + kmemleak_free(page->host_ptr); + vunmap(page->host_ptr); + + __free_page(page->raw_page); + + memset(page, 0, sizeof(*page)); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync() - Flush a MMU backing page from the CPU to the + * device. + * @page: Target backing page. + * + * .. caution:: + * + * **This is potentially an expensive function call.** Only call + * pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync() once you're sure you have no more changes to + * make to the backing page in the immediate future. + */ +static void +pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync(struct pvr_mmu_backing_page *page, u32 flags) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = page->pvr_dev; + struct device *dev; + + /* + * Do nothing if no allocation is present. This may be the case if + * we are unmapping pages. + */ + if (!pvr_dev) + return; + + dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev; + + dma_sync_single_for_device(dev, page->dma_addr, + PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + pvr_mmu_set_flush_flags(pvr_dev, flags); +} + +/** + * DOC: Raw page tables + */ + +#define PVR_PAGE_TABLE_TYPEOF_ENTRY(level_) \ + typeof_member(struct pvr_page_table_l##level_##_entry_raw, val) + +#define PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_GET(level_, name_, field_, entry_) \ + (((entry_).val & \ + ~ROGUE_MMUCTRL_##name_##_DATA_##field_##_CLRMSK) >> \ + ROGUE_MMUCTRL_##name_##_DATA_##field_##_SHIFT) + +#define PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(level_, name_, field_, val_) \ + ((((PVR_PAGE_TABLE_TYPEOF_ENTRY(level_))(val_)) \ + << ROGUE_MMUCTRL_##name_##_DATA_##field_##_SHIFT) & \ + ~ROGUE_MMUCTRL_##name_##_DATA_##field_##_CLRMSK) + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw - A single entry in a level 2 page table. + * @val: The raw value of this entry. + * + * This type is a structure for type-checking purposes. At compile-time, its + * size is checked against %ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PC_VALUE. + * + * The value stored in this structure can be decoded using the following bitmap: + * + * .. flat-table:: + * :widths: 1 5 + * :stub-columns: 1 + * + * * - 31..4 + * - **Level 1 Page Table Base Address:** Bits 39..12 of the L1 + * page table base address, which is 4KiB aligned. + * + * * - 3..2 + * - *(reserved)* + * + * * - 1 + * - **Pending:** When valid bit is not set, indicates that a valid + * entry is pending and the MMU should wait for the driver to map + * the entry. This is used to support page demand mapping of + * memory. + * + * * - 0 + * - **Valid:** Indicates that the entry contains a valid L1 page + * table. If the valid bit is not set, then an attempted use of + * the page would result in a page fault. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw { + u32 val; +} __packed; +static_assert(sizeof(struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw) * 8 == + ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PC_VALUE); + +static bool +pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw_is_valid(struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw entry) +{ + return PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_GET(2, PC, VALID, entry); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw_set() - Write a valid entry into a raw level 2 + * page table. + * @entry: Target raw level 2 page table entry. + * @child_table_dma_addr: DMA address of the level 1 page table to be + * associated with @entry. + * + * When calling this function, @child_table_dma_addr must be a valid DMA + * address and a multiple of %ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_PD_BASE_ALIGNSIZE. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw_set(struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw *entry, + dma_addr_t child_table_dma_addr) +{ + child_table_dma_addr >>= ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PC_DATA_PD_BASE_ALIGNSHIFT; + + WRITE_ONCE(entry->val, + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(2, PC, VALID, true) | + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(2, PC, ENTRY_PENDING, false) | + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(2, PC, PD_BASE, child_table_dma_addr)); +} + +static void +pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw_clear(struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw *entry) +{ + WRITE_ONCE(entry->val, 0); +} + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw - A single entry in a level 1 page table. + * @val: The raw value of this entry. + * + * This type is a structure for type-checking purposes. At compile-time, its + * size is checked against %ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PD_VALUE. + * + * The value stored in this structure can be decoded using the following bitmap: + * + * .. flat-table:: + * :widths: 1 5 + * :stub-columns: 1 + * + * * - 63..41 + * - *(reserved)* + * + * * - 40 + * - **Pending:** When valid bit is not set, indicates that a valid entry + * is pending and the MMU should wait for the driver to map the entry. + * This is used to support page demand mapping of memory. + * + * * - 39..5 + * - **Level 0 Page Table Base Address:** The way this value is + * interpreted depends on the page size. Bits not specified in the + * table below (e.g. bits 11..5 for page size 4KiB) should be + * considered reserved. + * + * This table shows the bits used in an L1 page table entry to + * represent the Physical Table Base Address for a given Page Size. + * Since each L1 page table entry covers 2MiB of address space, the + * maximum page size is 2MiB. + * + * .. flat-table:: + * :widths: 1 1 1 1 + * :header-rows: 1 + * :stub-columns: 1 + * + * * - Page size + * - L0 page table base address bits + * - Number of L0 page table entries + * - Size of L0 page table + * + * * - 4KiB + * - 39..12 + * - 512 + * - 4KiB + * + * * - 16KiB + * - 39..10 + * - 128 + * - 1KiB + * + * * - 64KiB + * - 39..8 + * - 32 + * - 256B + * + * * - 256KiB + * - 39..6 + * - 8 + * - 64B + * + * * - 1MiB + * - 39..5 (4 = '0') + * - 2 + * - 16B + * + * * - 2MiB + * - 39..5 (4..3 = '00') + * - 1 + * - 8B + * + * * - 4 + * - *(reserved)* + * + * * - 3..1 + * - **Page Size:** Sets the page size, from 4KiB to 2MiB. + * + * * - 0 + * - **Valid:** Indicates that the entry contains a valid L0 page table. + * If the valid bit is not set, then an attempted use of the page would + * result in a page fault. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw { + u64 val; +} __packed; +static_assert(sizeof(struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw) * 8 == + ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PD_VALUE); + +static bool +pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw_is_valid(struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw entry) +{ + return PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_GET(1, PD, VALID, entry); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw_set() - Write a valid entry into a raw level 1 + * page table. + * @entry: Target raw level 1 page table entry. + * @child_table_dma_addr: DMA address of the level 0 page table to be + * associated with @entry. + * + * When calling this function, @child_table_dma_addr must be a valid DMA + * address and a multiple of 4 KiB. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw_set(struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw *entry, + dma_addr_t child_table_dma_addr) +{ + WRITE_ONCE(entry->val, + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(1, PD, VALID, true) | + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(1, PD, ENTRY_PENDING, false) | + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(1, PD, PAGE_SIZE, ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_SIZE_X) | + /* + * The use of a 4K-specific macro here is correct. It is + * a future optimization to allocate sub-host-page-sized + * blocks for individual tables, so the condition that any + * page table address is aligned to the size of the + * largest (a 4KB) table currently holds. + */ + (child_table_dma_addr & ~ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PT_BASE_4KB_RANGE_CLRMSK)); +} + +static void +pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw_clear(struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw *entry) +{ + WRITE_ONCE(entry->val, 0); +} + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw - A single entry in a level 0 page table. + * @val: The raw value of this entry. + * + * This type is a structure for type-checking purposes. At compile-time, its + * size is checked against %ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PT_VALUE. + * + * The value stored in this structure can be decoded using the following bitmap: + * + * .. flat-table:: + * :widths: 1 5 + * :stub-columns: 1 + * + * * - 63 + * - *(reserved)* + * + * * - 62 + * - **PM/FW Protect:** Indicates a protected region which only the + * Parameter Manager (PM) or firmware processor can write to. + * + * * - 61..40 + * - **VP Page (High):** Virtual-physical page used for Parameter Manager + * (PM) memory. This field is only used if the additional level of PB + * virtualization is enabled. The VP Page field is needed by the PM in + * order to correctly reconstitute the free lists after render + * completion. This (High) field holds bits 39..18 of the value; the + * Low field holds bits 17..12. Bits 11..0 are always zero because the + * value is always aligned to the 4KiB page size. + * + * * - 39..12 + * - **Physical Page Address:** The way this value is interpreted depends + * on the page size. Bits not specified in the table below (e.g. bits + * 20..12 for page size 2MiB) should be considered reserved. + * + * This table shows the bits used in an L0 page table entry to represent + * the Physical Page Address for a given page size (as defined in the + * associated L1 page table entry). + * + * .. flat-table:: + * :widths: 1 1 + * :header-rows: 1 + * :stub-columns: 1 + * + * * - Page size + * - Physical address bits + * + * * - 4KiB + * - 39..12 + * + * * - 16KiB + * - 39..14 + * + * * - 64KiB + * - 39..16 + * + * * - 256KiB + * - 39..18 + * + * * - 1MiB + * - 39..20 + * + * * - 2MiB + * - 39..21 + * + * * - 11..6 + * - **VP Page (Low):** Continuation of VP Page (High). + * + * * - 5 + * - **Pending:** When valid bit is not set, indicates that a valid entry + * is pending and the MMU should wait for the driver to map the entry. + * This is used to support page demand mapping of memory. + * + * * - 4 + * - **PM Src:** Set on Parameter Manager (PM) allocated page table + * entries when indicated by the PM. Note that this bit will only be set + * by the PM, not by the device driver. + * + * * - 3 + * - **SLC Bypass Control:** Specifies requests to this page should bypass + * the System Level Cache (SLC), if enabled in SLC configuration. + * + * * - 2 + * - **Cache Coherency:** Indicates that the page is coherent (i.e. it + * does not require a cache flush between operations on the CPU and the + * device). + * + * * - 1 + * - **Read Only:** If set, this bit indicates that the page is read only. + * An attempted write to this page would result in a write-protection + * fault. + * + * * - 0 + * - **Valid:** Indicates that the entry contains a valid page. If the + * valid bit is not set, then an attempted use of the page would result + * in a page fault. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw { + u64 val; +} __packed; +static_assert(sizeof(struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw) * 8 == + ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRY_SIZE_PT_VALUE); + +/** + * struct pvr_page_flags_raw - The configurable flags from a single entry in a + * level 0 page table. + * @val: The raw value of these flags. Since these are a strict subset of + * &struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw; use that type for our member here. + * + * The flags stored in this type are: PM/FW Protect; SLC Bypass Control; Cache + * Coherency, and Read Only (bits 62, 3, 2 and 1 respectively). + * + * This type should never be instantiated directly; instead use + * pvr_page_flags_raw_create() to ensure only valid bits of @val are set. + */ +struct pvr_page_flags_raw { + struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw val; +} __packed; +static_assert(sizeof(struct pvr_page_flags_raw) == + sizeof(struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw)); + +static bool +pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_is_valid(struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw entry) +{ + return PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_GET(0, PT, VALID, entry); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_set() - Write a valid entry into a raw level 0 + * page table. + * @entry: Target raw level 0 page table entry. + * @dma_addr: DMA address of the physical page to be associated with @entry. + * @flags: Options to be set on @entry. + * + * When calling this function, @child_table_dma_addr must be a valid DMA + * address and a multiple of %PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE. + * + * The @flags parameter is directly assigned into @entry. It is the callers + * responsibility to ensure that only bits specified in + * &struct pvr_page_flags_raw are set in @flags. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_set(struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw *entry, + dma_addr_t dma_addr, + struct pvr_page_flags_raw flags) +{ + WRITE_ONCE(entry->val, PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(0, PT, VALID, true) | + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(0, PT, ENTRY_PENDING, false) | + (dma_addr & ~ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_CLRMSK) | + flags.val.val); +} + +static void +pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_clear(struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw *entry) +{ + WRITE_ONCE(entry->val, 0); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_flags_raw_create() - Initialize the flag bits of a raw level 0 page + * table entry. + * @read_only: This page is read-only (see: Read Only). + * @cache_coherent: This page does not require cache flushes (see: Cache + * Coherency). + * @slc_bypass: This page bypasses the device cache (see: SLC Bypass Control). + * @pm_fw_protect: This page is only for use by the firmware or Parameter + * Manager (see PM/FW Protect). + * + * For more details on the use of these four options, see their respective + * entries in the table under &struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw. + * + * Return: + * A new &struct pvr_page_flags_raw instance which can be passed directly to + * pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_set() or pvr_page_table_l0_insert(). + */ +static struct pvr_page_flags_raw +pvr_page_flags_raw_create(bool read_only, bool cache_coherent, bool slc_bypass, + bool pm_fw_protect) +{ + struct pvr_page_flags_raw flags; + + flags.val.val = + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(0, PT, READ_ONLY, read_only) | + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(0, PT, CC, cache_coherent) | + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(0, PT, SLC_BYPASS_CTRL, slc_bypass) | + PVR_PAGE_TABLE_FIELD_PREP(0, PT, PM_META_PROTECT, pm_fw_protect); + + return flags; +} + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l2_raw - The raw data of a level 2 page table. + * + * This type is a structure for type-checking purposes. At compile-time, its + * size is checked against %PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l2_raw { + /** @entries: The raw values of this table. */ + struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw + entries[ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PC_VALUE]; +} __packed; +static_assert(sizeof(struct pvr_page_table_l2_raw) == PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE); + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l1_raw - The raw data of a level 1 page table. + * + * This type is a structure for type-checking purposes. At compile-time, its + * size is checked against %PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l1_raw { + /** @entries: The raw values of this table. */ + struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw + entries[ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PD_VALUE]; +} __packed; +static_assert(sizeof(struct pvr_page_table_l1_raw) == PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE); + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l0_raw - The raw data of a level 0 page table. + * + * This type is a structure for type-checking purposes. At compile-time, its + * size is checked against %PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE. + * + * .. caution:: + * + * The size of level 0 page tables is variable depending on the page size + * specified in the associated level 1 page table entry. Since the device + * page size in use is pegged to the host page size, it cannot vary at + * runtime. This structure is therefore only defined to contain the required + * number of entries for the current device page size. **You should never + * read or write beyond the last supported entry.** + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l0_raw { + /** @entries: The raw values of this table. */ + struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw + entries[ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PT_VALUE_X]; +} __packed; +static_assert(sizeof(struct pvr_page_table_l0_raw) <= PVR_MMU_BACKING_PAGE_SIZE); + +/** + * DOC: Mirror page tables + */ + +/* + * We pre-declare these types because they cross-depend on pointers to each + * other. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l1; +struct pvr_page_table_l0; + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l2 - A wrapped level 2 page table. + * + * To access the raw part of this table, use pvr_page_table_l2_get_raw(). + * Alternatively to access a raw entry directly, use + * pvr_page_table_l2_get_entry_raw(). + * + * A level 2 page table forms the root of the page table tree structure, so + * this type has no &parent or &parent_idx members. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l2 { + /** + * @entries: The children of this node in the page table tree + * structure. These are also mirror tables. The indexing of this array + * is identical to that of the raw equivalent + * (&pvr_page_table_l1_raw.entries). + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *entries[ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PC_VALUE]; + + /** + * @backing_page: A handle to the memory which holds the raw + * equivalent of this table. **For internal use only.** + */ + struct pvr_mmu_backing_page backing_page; + + /** + * @entry_count: The current number of valid entries (that we know of) + * in this table. This value is essentially a refcount - the table is + * destroyed when this value is decremented to zero by + * pvr_page_table_l2_remove(). + */ + u16 entry_count; +}; + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_init() - Initialize a level 2 page table. + * @table: Target level 2 page table. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * It is expected that @table be zeroed (e.g. from kzalloc()) before calling + * this function. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error encountered while intializing &table->backing_page using + * pvr_mmu_backing_page_init(). + */ +static int +pvr_page_table_l2_init(struct pvr_page_table_l2 *table, + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + return pvr_mmu_backing_page_init(&table->backing_page, pvr_dev); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_fini() - Teardown a level 2 page table. + * @table: Target level 2 page table. + * + * It is an error to attempt to use @table after calling this function. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l2_fini(struct pvr_page_table_l2 *table) +{ + pvr_mmu_backing_page_fini(&table->backing_page); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_sync() - Flush a level 2 page table from the CPU to the + * device. + * @table: Target level 2 page table. + * + * This is just a thin wrapper around pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync(), so the + * warning there applies here too: **Only call pvr_page_table_l2_sync() once + * you're sure you have no more changes to make to** @table **in the immediate + * future.** + * + * If child level 1 page tables of @table also need to be flushed, this should + * be done first using pvr_page_table_l1_sync() *before* calling this function. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l2_sync(struct pvr_page_table_l2 *table) +{ + pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync(&table->backing_page, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_2_FLAGS); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_get_raw() - Access the raw equivalent of a mirror level 2 + * page table. + * @table: Target level 2 page table. + * + * Essentially returns the CPU address of the raw equivalent of @table, cast to + * a &struct pvr_page_table_l2_raw pointer. + * + * You probably want to call pvr_page_table_l2_get_entry_raw() instead. + * + * Return: + * The raw equivalent of @table. + */ +static struct pvr_page_table_l2_raw * +pvr_page_table_l2_get_raw(struct pvr_page_table_l2 *table) +{ + return table->backing_page.host_ptr; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_get_entry_raw() - Access an entry from the raw equivalent + * of a mirror level 2 page table. + * @table: Target level 2 page table. + * @idx: Index of the entry to access. + * + * Technically this function returns a pointer to a slot in a raw level 2 page + * table, since the returned "entry" is not guaranteed to be valid. The caller + * must verify the validity of the entry at the returned address (perhaps using + * pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw_is_valid()) before reading or overwriting it. + * + * The value of @idx is not checked here; it is the callers responsibility to + * ensure @idx refers to a valid index within @table before dereferencing the + * returned pointer. + * + * Return: + * A pointer to the requested raw level 2 page table entry. + */ +static struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw * +pvr_page_table_l2_get_entry_raw(struct pvr_page_table_l2 *table, u16 idx) +{ + return &pvr_page_table_l2_get_raw(table)->entries[idx]; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_entry_is_valid() - Check if a level 2 page table entry is + * marked as valid. + * @table: Target level 2 page table. + * @idx: Index of the entry to check. + * + * The value of @idx is not checked here; it is the callers responsibility to + * ensure @idx refers to a valid index within @table before calling this + * function. + */ +static bool +pvr_page_table_l2_entry_is_valid(struct pvr_page_table_l2 *table, u16 idx) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw entry_raw = + *pvr_page_table_l2_get_entry_raw(table, idx); + + return pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw_is_valid(entry_raw); +} + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l1 - A wrapped level 1 page table. + * + * To access the raw part of this table, use pvr_page_table_l1_get_raw(). + * Alternatively to access a raw entry directly, use + * pvr_page_table_l1_get_entry_raw(). + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l1 { + /** + * @entries: The children of this node in the page table tree + * structure. These are also mirror tables. The indexing of this array + * is identical to that of the raw equivalent + * (&pvr_page_table_l0_raw.entries). + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *entries[ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PD_VALUE]; + + /** + * @backing_page: A handle to the memory which holds the raw + * equivalent of this table. **For internal use only.** + */ + struct pvr_mmu_backing_page backing_page; + + union { + /** + * @parent: The parent of this node in the page table tree structure. + * + * This is also a mirror table. + * + * Only valid when the L1 page table is active. When the L1 page table + * has been removed and queued for destruction, the next_free field + * should be used instead. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l2 *parent; + + /** + * @next_free: Pointer to the next L1 page table to take/free. + * + * Used to form a linked list of L1 page tables. This is used + * when preallocating tables and when the page table has been + * removed and queued for destruction. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *next_free; + }; + + /** + * @parent_idx: The index of the entry in the parent table (see + * @parent) which corresponds to this table. + */ + u16 parent_idx; + + /** + * @entry_count: The current number of valid entries (that we know of) + * in this table. This value is essentially a refcount - the table is + * destroyed when this value is decremented to zero by + * pvr_page_table_l1_remove(). + */ + u16 entry_count; +}; + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_init() - Initialize a level 1 page table. + * @table: Target level 1 page table. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * When this function returns successfully, @table is still not considered + * valid. It must be inserted into the page table tree structure with + * pvr_page_table_l2_insert() before it is ready for use. + * + * It is expected that @table be zeroed (e.g. from kzalloc()) before calling + * this function. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error encountered while intializing &table->backing_page using + * pvr_mmu_backing_page_init(). + */ +static int +pvr_page_table_l1_init(struct pvr_page_table_l1 *table, + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + table->parent_idx = PVR_IDX_INVALID; + + return pvr_mmu_backing_page_init(&table->backing_page, pvr_dev); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_free() - Teardown a level 1 page table. + * @table: Target level 1 page table. + * + * It is an error to attempt to use @table after calling this function, even + * indirectly. This includes calling pvr_page_table_l2_remove(), which must + * be called *before* pvr_page_table_l1_free(). + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l1_free(struct pvr_page_table_l1 *table) +{ + pvr_mmu_backing_page_fini(&table->backing_page); + kfree(table); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_sync() - Flush a level 1 page table from the CPU to the + * device. + * @table: Target level 1 page table. + * + * This is just a thin wrapper around pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync(), so the + * warning there applies here too: **Only call pvr_page_table_l1_sync() once + * you're sure you have no more changes to make to** @table **in the immediate + * future.** + * + * If child level 0 page tables of @table also need to be flushed, this should + * be done first using pvr_page_table_l0_sync() *before* calling this function. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l1_sync(struct pvr_page_table_l1 *table) +{ + pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync(&table->backing_page, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1_FLAGS); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_get_raw() - Access the raw equivalent of a mirror level 1 + * page table. + * @table: Target level 1 page table. + * + * Essentially returns the CPU address of the raw equivalent of @table, cast to + * a &struct pvr_page_table_l1_raw pointer. + * + * You probably want to call pvr_page_table_l1_get_entry_raw() instead. + * + * Return: + * The raw equivalent of @table. + */ +static struct pvr_page_table_l1_raw * +pvr_page_table_l1_get_raw(struct pvr_page_table_l1 *table) +{ + return table->backing_page.host_ptr; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_get_entry_raw() - Access an entry from the raw equivalent + * of a mirror level 1 page table. + * @table: Target level 1 page table. + * @idx: Index of the entry to access. + * + * Technically this function returns a pointer to a slot in a raw level 1 page + * table, since the returned "entry" is not guaranteed to be valid. The caller + * must verify the validity of the entry at the returned address (perhaps using + * pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw_is_valid()) before reading or overwriting it. + * + * The value of @idx is not checked here; it is the callers responsibility to + * ensure @idx refers to a valid index within @table before dereferencing the + * returned pointer. + * + * Return: + * A pointer to the requested raw level 1 page table entry. + */ +static struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw * +pvr_page_table_l1_get_entry_raw(struct pvr_page_table_l1 *table, u16 idx) +{ + return &pvr_page_table_l1_get_raw(table)->entries[idx]; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_entry_is_valid() - Check if a level 1 page table entry is + * marked as valid. + * @table: Target level 1 page table. + * @idx: Index of the entry to check. + * + * The value of @idx is not checked here; it is the callers responsibility to + * ensure @idx refers to a valid index within @table before calling this + * function. + */ +static bool +pvr_page_table_l1_entry_is_valid(struct pvr_page_table_l1 *table, u16 idx) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw entry_raw = + *pvr_page_table_l1_get_entry_raw(table, idx); + + return pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw_is_valid(entry_raw); +} + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_l0 - A wrapped level 0 page table. + * + * To access the raw part of this table, use pvr_page_table_l0_get_raw(). + * Alternatively to access a raw entry directly, use + * pvr_page_table_l0_get_entry_raw(). + * + * There is no mirror representation of an individual page, so this type has no + * &entries member. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_l0 { + /** + * @backing_page: A handle to the memory which holds the raw + * equivalent of this table. **For internal use only.** + */ + struct pvr_mmu_backing_page backing_page; + + union { + /** + * @parent: The parent of this node in the page table tree structure. + * + * This is also a mirror table. + * + * Only valid when the L0 page table is active. When the L0 page table + * has been removed and queued for destruction, the next_free field + * should be used instead. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *parent; + + /** + * @next_free: Pointer to the next L0 page table to take/free. + * + * Used to form a linked list of L0 page tables. This is used + * when preallocating tables and when the page table has been + * removed and queued for destruction. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *next_free; + }; + + /** + * @parent_idx: The index of the entry in the parent table (see + * @parent) which corresponds to this table. + */ + u16 parent_idx; + + /** + * @entry_count: The current number of valid entries (that we know of) + * in this table. This value is essentially a refcount - the table is + * destroyed when this value is decremented to zero by + * pvr_page_table_l0_remove(). + */ + u16 entry_count; +}; + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_init() - Initialize a level 0 page table. + * @table: Target level 0 page table. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * When this function returns successfully, @table is still not considered + * valid. It must be inserted into the page table tree structure with + * pvr_page_table_l1_insert() before it is ready for use. + * + * It is expected that @table be zeroed (e.g. from kzalloc()) before calling + * this function. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error encountered while intializing &table->backing_page using + * pvr_mmu_backing_page_init(). + */ +static int +pvr_page_table_l0_init(struct pvr_page_table_l0 *table, + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + table->parent_idx = PVR_IDX_INVALID; + + return pvr_mmu_backing_page_init(&table->backing_page, pvr_dev); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_free() - Teardown a level 0 page table. + * @table: Target level 0 page table. + * + * It is an error to attempt to use @table after calling this function, even + * indirectly. This includes calling pvr_page_table_l1_remove(), which must + * be called *before* pvr_page_table_l0_free(). + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l0_free(struct pvr_page_table_l0 *table) +{ + pvr_mmu_backing_page_fini(&table->backing_page); + kfree(table); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_sync() - Flush a level 0 page table from the CPU to the + * device. + * @table: Target level 0 page table. + * + * This is just a thin wrapper around pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync(), so the + * warning there applies here too: **Only call pvr_page_table_l0_sync() once + * you're sure you have no more changes to make to** @table **in the immediate + * future.** + * + * If child pages of @table also need to be flushed, this should be done first + * using a DMA sync function (e.g. dma_sync_sg_for_device()) *before* calling + * this function. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l0_sync(struct pvr_page_table_l0 *table) +{ + pvr_mmu_backing_page_sync(&table->backing_page, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0_FLAGS); +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_get_raw() - Access the raw equivalent of a mirror level 0 + * page table. + * @table: Target level 0 page table. + * + * Essentially returns the CPU address of the raw equivalent of @table, cast to + * a &struct pvr_page_table_l0_raw pointer. + * + * You probably want to call pvr_page_table_l0_get_entry_raw() instead. + * + * Return: + * The raw equivalent of @table. + */ +static struct pvr_page_table_l0_raw * +pvr_page_table_l0_get_raw(struct pvr_page_table_l0 *table) +{ + return table->backing_page.host_ptr; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_get_entry_raw() - Access an entry from the raw equivalent + * of a mirror level 0 page table. + * @table: Target level 0 page table. + * @idx: Index of the entry to access. + * + * Technically this function returns a pointer to a slot in a raw level 0 page + * table, since the returned "entry" is not guaranteed to be valid. The caller + * must verify the validity of the entry at the returned address (perhaps using + * pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_is_valid()) before reading or overwriting it. + * + * The value of @idx is not checked here; it is the callers responsibility to + * ensure @idx refers to a valid index within @table before dereferencing the + * returned pointer. This is espcially important for level 0 page tables, which + * can have a variable number of entries. + * + * Return: + * A pointer to the requested raw level 0 page table entry. + */ +static struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw * +pvr_page_table_l0_get_entry_raw(struct pvr_page_table_l0 *table, u16 idx) +{ + return &pvr_page_table_l0_get_raw(table)->entries[idx]; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_entry_is_valid() - Check if a level 0 page table entry is + * marked as valid. + * @table: Target level 0 page table. + * @idx: Index of the entry to check. + * + * The value of @idx is not checked here; it is the callers responsibility to + * ensure @idx refers to a valid index within @table before calling this + * function. + */ +static bool +pvr_page_table_l0_entry_is_valid(struct pvr_page_table_l0 *table, u16 idx) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw entry_raw = + *pvr_page_table_l0_get_entry_raw(table, idx); + + return pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_is_valid(entry_raw); +} + +/** + * struct pvr_mmu_context - context holding data for operations at page + * catalogue level, intended for use with a VM context. + */ +struct pvr_mmu_context { + /** @pvr_dev: The PVR device associated with the owning VM context. */ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; + + /** @page_table_l2: The MMU table root. */ + struct pvr_page_table_l2 page_table_l2; +}; + +/** + * struct pvr_page_table_ptr - A reference to a single physical page as indexed + * by the page table structure. + * + * Intended for embedding in a &struct pvr_mmu_op_context. + */ +struct pvr_page_table_ptr { + /** + * @l1_table: A cached handle to the level 1 page table the + * context is currently traversing. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *l1_table; + + /** + * @l0_table: A cached handle to the level 0 page table the + * context is currently traversing. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *l0_table; + + /** + * @l2_idx: Index into the level 2 page table the context is + * currently referencing. + */ + u16 l2_idx; + + /** + * @l1_idx: Index into the level 1 page table the context is + * currently referencing. + */ + u16 l1_idx; + + /** + * @l0_idx: Index into the level 0 page table the context is + * currently referencing. + */ + u16 l0_idx; +}; + +/** + * struct pvr_mmu_op_context - context holding data for individual + * device-virtual mapping operations. Intended for use with a VM bind operation. + */ +struct pvr_mmu_op_context { + /** @mmu_ctx: The MMU context associated with the owning VM context. */ + struct pvr_mmu_context *mmu_ctx; + + /** @map: Data specifically for map operations. */ + struct { + /** + * @sgt: Scatter gather table containing pages pinned for use by + * this context - these are currently pinned when initialising + * the VM bind operation. + */ + struct sg_table *sgt; + + /** @sgt_offset: Start address of the device-virtual mapping. */ + u64 sgt_offset; + + /** + * @l1_prealloc_tables: Preallocated l1 page table objects + * use by this context when creating a page mapping. Linked list + * fully created during initialisation. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *l1_prealloc_tables; + + /** + * @l0_prealloc_tables: Preallocated l0 page table objects + * use by this context when creating a page mapping. Linked list + * fully created during initialisation. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *l0_prealloc_tables; + } map; + + /** @unmap: Data specifically for unmap operations. */ + struct { + /** + * @l1_free_tables: Collects page table objects freed by unmap + * ops. Linked list empty at creation. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *l1_free_tables; + + /** + * @l0_free_tables: Collects page table objects freed by unmap + * ops. Linked list empty at creation. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *l0_free_tables; + } unmap; + + /** + * @curr_page: A reference to a single physical page as indexed by the + * page table structure. + */ + struct pvr_page_table_ptr curr_page; + + /** + * @sync_level_required: The maximum level of the page table tree + * structure which has (possibly) been modified since it was last + * flushed to the device. + * + * This field should only be set with pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync() + * or indirectly by pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_partial(). + */ + enum pvr_mmu_sync_level sync_level_required; +}; + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_insert() - Insert an entry referring to a level 1 page + * table into a level 2 page table. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing at the entry to insert the L1 page + * table into. + * @child_table: Target level 1 page table to be referenced by the new entry. + * + * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure @op_ctx.curr_page points to a + * valid L2 entry. + * + * It is the caller's responsibility to execute any memory barries to ensure + * that the creation of @child_table is ordered before the L2 entry is inserted. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l2_insert(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *child_table) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l2 *l2_table = + &op_ctx->mmu_ctx->page_table_l2; + struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw *entry_raw = + pvr_page_table_l2_get_entry_raw(l2_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l2_idx); + + pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw_set(entry_raw, + child_table->backing_page.dma_addr); + + child_table->parent = l2_table; + child_table->parent_idx = op_ctx->curr_page.l2_idx; + l2_table->entries[op_ctx->curr_page.l2_idx] = child_table; + ++l2_table->entry_count; + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table = child_table; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_remove() - Remove a level 1 page table from a level 2 page + * table. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing at the L2 entry to remove. + * + * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure @op_ctx.curr_page points to a + * valid L2 entry. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l2_remove(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l2 *l2_table = + &op_ctx->mmu_ctx->page_table_l2; + struct pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw *entry_raw = + pvr_page_table_l2_get_entry_raw(l2_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->parent_idx); + + WARN_ON(op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->parent != l2_table); + + pvr_page_table_l2_entry_raw_clear(entry_raw); + + l2_table->entries[op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->parent_idx] = NULL; + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->parent_idx = PVR_IDX_INVALID; + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->next_free = op_ctx->unmap.l1_free_tables; + op_ctx->unmap.l1_free_tables = op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table; + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table = NULL; + + --l2_table->entry_count; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_insert() - Insert an entry referring to a level 0 page + * table into a level 1 page table. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing at the entry to insert the L0 page + * table into. + * @child_table: L0 page table to insert. + * + * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure @op_ctx.curr_page points to a + * valid L1 entry. + * + * It is the caller's responsibility to execute any memory barries to ensure + * that the creation of @child_table is ordered before the L1 entry is inserted. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l1_insert(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *child_table) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw *entry_raw = + pvr_page_table_l1_get_entry_raw(op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_idx); + + pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw_set(entry_raw, + child_table->backing_page.dma_addr); + + child_table->parent = op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table; + child_table->parent_idx = op_ctx->curr_page.l1_idx; + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->entries[op_ctx->curr_page.l1_idx] = child_table; + ++op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->entry_count; + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table = child_table; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_remove() - Remove a level 0 page table from a level 1 page + * table. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing at the L1 entry to remove. + * + * If this function results in the L1 table becoming empty, it will be removed + * from its parent level 2 page table and destroyed. + * + * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure @op_ctx.curr_page points to a + * valid L1 entry. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l1_remove(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw *entry_raw = + pvr_page_table_l1_get_entry_raw(op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->parent, + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->parent_idx); + + WARN_ON(op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->parent != + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table); + + pvr_page_table_l1_entry_raw_clear(entry_raw); + + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->entries[op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->parent_idx] = NULL; + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->parent_idx = PVR_IDX_INVALID; + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->next_free = op_ctx->unmap.l0_free_tables; + op_ctx->unmap.l0_free_tables = op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table; + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table = NULL; + + if (--op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->entry_count == 0) { + /* Clear the parent L2 page table entry. */ + if (op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->parent_idx != PVR_IDX_INVALID) + pvr_page_table_l2_remove(op_ctx); + } +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_insert() - Insert an entry referring to a physical page + * into a level 0 page table. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing at the L0 entry to insert. + * @dma_addr: Target DMA address to be referenced by the new entry. + * @flags: Page options to be stored in the new entry. + * + * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure @op_ctx.curr_page points to a + * valid L0 entry. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l0_insert(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + dma_addr_t dma_addr, struct pvr_page_flags_raw flags) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw *entry_raw = + pvr_page_table_l0_get_entry_raw(op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_idx); + + pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_set(entry_raw, dma_addr, flags); + + /* + * There is no entry to set here - we don't keep a mirror of + * individual pages. + */ + + ++op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->entry_count; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_remove() - Remove a physical page from a level 0 page + * table. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing at the L0 entry to remove. + * + * If this function results in the L0 table becoming empty, it will be removed + * from its parent L1 page table and destroyed. + * + * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure @op_ctx.curr_page points to a + * valid L0 entry. + */ +static void +pvr_page_table_l0_remove(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw *entry_raw = + pvr_page_table_l0_get_entry_raw(op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_idx); + + pvr_page_table_l0_entry_raw_clear(entry_raw); + + /* + * There is no entry to clear here - we don't keep a mirror of + * individual pages. + */ + + if (--op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->entry_count == 0) { + /* Clear the parent L1 page table entry. */ + if (op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table->parent_idx != PVR_IDX_INVALID) + pvr_page_table_l1_remove(op_ctx); + } +} + +/** + * DOC: Page table index utilities + */ + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l2_idx() - Calculate the level 2 page table index for a + * device-virtual address. + * @device_addr: Target device-virtual address. + * + * This function does not perform any bounds checking - it is the caller's + * responsibility to ensure that @device_addr is valid before interpreting + * the result. + * + * Return: + * The index into a level 2 page table corresponding to @device_addr. + */ +static u16 +pvr_page_table_l2_idx(u64 device_addr) +{ + return (device_addr & ~ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PC_INDEX_CLRMSK) >> + ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PC_INDEX_SHIFT; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_idx() - Calculate the level 1 page table index for a + * device-virtual address. + * @device_addr: Target device-virtual address. + * + * This function does not perform any bounds checking - it is the caller's + * responsibility to ensure that @device_addr is valid before interpreting + * the result. + * + * Return: + * The index into a level 1 page table corresponding to @device_addr. + */ +static u16 +pvr_page_table_l1_idx(u64 device_addr) +{ + return (device_addr & ~ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PD_INDEX_CLRMSK) >> + ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PD_INDEX_SHIFT; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_idx() - Calculate the level 0 page table index for a + * device-virtual address. + * @device_addr: Target device-virtual address. + * + * This function does not perform any bounds checking - it is the caller's + * responsibility to ensure that @device_addr is valid before interpreting + * the result. + * + * Return: + * The index into a level 0 page table corresponding to @device_addr. + */ +static u16 +pvr_page_table_l0_idx(u64 device_addr) +{ + return (device_addr & ~ROGUE_MMUCTRL_VADDR_PT_INDEX_CLRMSK) >> + ROGUE_MMUCTRL_PAGE_X_RANGE_SHIFT; +} + +/** + * DOC: High-level page table operations + */ + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_get_or_insert() - Retrieves (optionally inserting if + * necessary) a level 1 page table from the specified level 2 page table entry. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @should_insert: [IN] Specifies whether new page tables should be inserted + * when empty page table entries are encountered during traversal. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * + * If @should_insert is %false: + * * -%ENXIO if a level 1 page table would have been inserted. + * + * If @should_insert is %true: + * * Any error encountered while inserting the level 1 page table. + */ +static int +pvr_page_table_l1_get_or_insert(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + bool should_insert) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l2 *l2_table = + &op_ctx->mmu_ctx->page_table_l2; + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *table; + + if (pvr_page_table_l2_entry_is_valid(l2_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l2_idx)) { + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table = + l2_table->entries[op_ctx->curr_page.l2_idx]; + return 0; + } + + if (!should_insert) + return -ENXIO; + + /* Take a prealloced table. */ + table = op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables; + if (!table) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* Pop */ + op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables = table->next_free; + table->next_free = NULL; + + /* Ensure new table is fully written out before adding to L2 page table. */ + wmb(); + + pvr_page_table_l2_insert(op_ctx, table); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_get_or_insert() - Retrieves (optionally inserting if + * necessary) a level 0 page table from the specified level 1 page table entry. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @should_insert: [IN] Specifies whether new page tables should be inserted + * when empty page table entries are encountered during traversal. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * + * If @should_insert is %false: + * * -%ENXIO if a level 0 page table would have been inserted. + * + * If @should_insert is %true: + * * Any error encountered while inserting the level 0 page table. + */ +static int +pvr_page_table_l0_get_or_insert(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + bool should_insert) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *table; + + if (pvr_page_table_l1_entry_is_valid(op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_idx)) { + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table = + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table->entries[op_ctx->curr_page.l1_idx]; + return 0; + } + + if (!should_insert) + return -ENXIO; + + /* Take a prealloced table. */ + table = op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables; + if (!table) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* Pop */ + op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables = table->next_free; + table->next_free = NULL; + + /* Ensure new table is fully written out before adding to L1 page table. */ + wmb(); + + pvr_page_table_l1_insert(op_ctx, table); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_context_create() - Create an MMU context. + * @pvr_dev: PVR device associated with owning VM context. + * + * Returns: + * * Newly created MMU context object on success, or + * * -%ENOMEM if no memory is available, + * * Any error code returned by pvr_page_table_l2_init(). + */ +struct pvr_mmu_context *pvr_mmu_context_create(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctx), GFP_KERNEL); + int err; + + if (!ctx) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + err = pvr_page_table_l2_init(&ctx->page_table_l2, pvr_dev); + if (err) + return ERR_PTR(err); + + ctx->pvr_dev = pvr_dev; + + return ctx; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_context_destroy() - Destroy an MMU context. + * @ctx: Target MMU context. + */ +void pvr_mmu_context_destroy(struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx) +{ + pvr_page_table_l2_fini(&ctx->page_table_l2); + kfree(ctx); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_get_root_table_dma_addr() - Get the DMA address of the root of the + * page table structure behind a VM context. + * @ctx: Target MMU context. + */ +dma_addr_t pvr_mmu_get_root_table_dma_addr(struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx) +{ + return ctx->page_table_l2.backing_page.dma_addr; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l1_alloc() - Allocate a l1 page_table object. + * @ctx: MMU context of owning VM context. + * + * Returns: + * * Newly created page table object on success, or + * * -%ENOMEM if no memory is available, + * * Any error code returned by pvr_page_table_l1_init(). + */ +static struct pvr_page_table_l1 * +pvr_page_table_l1_alloc(struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx) +{ + int err; + + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *table = + kzalloc(sizeof(*table), GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!table) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + err = pvr_page_table_l1_init(table, ctx->pvr_dev); + if (err) { + kfree(table); + return ERR_PTR(err); + } + + return table; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_table_l0_alloc() - Allocate a l0 page_table object. + * @ctx: MMU context of owning VM context. + * + * Returns: + * * Newly created page table object on success, or + * * -%ENOMEM if no memory is available, + * * Any error code returned by pvr_page_table_l0_init(). + */ +static struct pvr_page_table_l0 * +pvr_page_table_l0_alloc(struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx) +{ + int err; + + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *table = + kzalloc(sizeof(*table), GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!table) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + err = pvr_page_table_l0_init(table, ctx->pvr_dev); + if (err) { + kfree(table); + return ERR_PTR(err); + } + + return table; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync() - Mark an MMU op context as requiring a + * sync operation for the referenced page tables up to a specified level. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @level: Maximum page table level for which a sync is required. + */ +static void +pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + enum pvr_mmu_sync_level level) +{ + if (op_ctx->sync_level_required < level) + op_ctx->sync_level_required = level; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_manual() - Trigger a sync of some or all of the + * page tables referenced by a MMU op context. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @level: Maximum page table level to sync. + * + * Do not call this function directly. Instead use + * pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_partial() which is checked against the current + * value of &op_ctx->sync_level_required as set by + * pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync(). + */ +static void +pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_manual(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + enum pvr_mmu_sync_level level) +{ + /* + * We sync the page table levels in ascending order (starting from the + * leaf node) to ensure consistency. + */ + + WARN_ON(level < PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_NONE); + + if (level <= PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_NONE) + return; + + if (op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table) + pvr_page_table_l0_sync(op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table); + + if (level < PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1) + return; + + if (op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table) + pvr_page_table_l1_sync(op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table); + + if (level < PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_2) + return; + + pvr_page_table_l2_sync(&op_ctx->mmu_ctx->page_table_l2); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_partial() - Trigger a sync of some or all of the + * page tables referenced by a MMU op context. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @level: Requested page table level to sync up to (inclusive). + * + * If @level is greater than the maximum level recorded by @op_ctx as requiring + * a sync operation, only the previously recorded maximum will be used. + * + * Additionally, if @level is greater than or equal to the maximum level + * recorded by @op_ctx as requiring a sync operation, that maximum level will be + * reset as a full sync will be performed. This is equivalent to calling + * pvr_mmu_op_context_sync(). + */ +static void +pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_partial(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + enum pvr_mmu_sync_level level) +{ + /* + * If the requested sync level is greater than or equal to the + * currently required sync level, we do two things: + * * Don't waste time syncing levels we haven't previously marked as + * requiring a sync, and + * * Reset the required sync level since we are about to sync + * everything that was previously marked as requiring a sync. + */ + if (level >= op_ctx->sync_level_required) { + level = op_ctx->sync_level_required; + op_ctx->sync_level_required = PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_NONE; + } + + pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_manual(op_ctx, level); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_sync() - Trigger a sync of every page table referenced by + * a MMU op context. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * + * The maximum level marked internally as requiring a sync will be reset so + * that subsequent calls to this function will be no-ops unless @op_ctx is + * otherwise updated. + */ +static void +pvr_mmu_op_context_sync(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx) +{ + pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_manual(op_ctx, op_ctx->sync_level_required); + + op_ctx->sync_level_required = PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_NONE; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_load_tables() - Load pointers to tables in each level of + * the page table tree structure needed to reference the physical page + * referenced by a MMU op context. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @should_create: Specifies whether new page tables should be created when + * empty page table entries are encountered during traversal. + * @load_level_required: Maximum page table level to load. + * + * If @should_create is %true, this function may modify the stored required + * sync level of @op_ctx as new page tables are created and inserted into their + * respective parents. + * + * Since there is only one root page table, it is technically incorrect to call + * this function with a value of @load_level_required greater than or equal to + * the root level number. However, this is not explicitly disallowed here. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * Any error returned by pvr_page_table_l1_get_or_create() if + * @load_level_required >= 1 except -%ENXIO, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_page_table_l0_get_or_create() if + * @load_level_required >= 0 except -%ENXIO. + */ +static int +pvr_mmu_op_context_load_tables(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + bool should_create, + enum pvr_mmu_sync_level load_level_required) +{ + const struct pvr_page_table_l1 *l1_head_before = + op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables; + const struct pvr_page_table_l0 *l0_head_before = + op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables; + int err; + + /* Clear tables we're about to fetch in case of error states. */ + if (load_level_required >= PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1) + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table = NULL; + + if (load_level_required >= PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0) + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table = NULL; + + /* Get or create L1 page table. */ + if (load_level_required >= PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1) { + err = pvr_page_table_l1_get_or_insert(op_ctx, should_create); + if (err) { + /* + * If @should_create is %false and no L1 page table was + * found, return early but without an error. Since + * pvr_page_table_l1_get_or_create() can only return + * -%ENXIO if @should_create is %false, there is no + * need to check it here. + */ + if (err == -ENXIO) + err = 0; + + return err; + } + } + + /* Get or create L0 page table. */ + if (load_level_required >= PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0) { + err = pvr_page_table_l0_get_or_insert(op_ctx, should_create); + if (err) { + /* + * If @should_create is %false and no L0 page table was + * found, return early but without an error. Since + * pvr_page_table_l0_get_or_insert() can only return + * -%ENXIO if @should_create is %false, there is no + * need to check it here. + */ + if (err == -ENXIO) + err = 0; + + /* + * At this point, an L1 page table could have been + * inserted but is now empty due to the failed attempt + * at inserting an L0 page table. In this instance, we + * must remove the empty L1 page table ourselves as + * pvr_page_table_l1_remove() is never called as part + * of the error path in + * pvr_page_table_l0_get_or_insert(). + */ + if (l1_head_before != op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables) { + pvr_page_table_l2_remove(op_ctx); + pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync(op_ctx, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_2); + } + + return err; + } + } + + /* + * A sync is only needed if table objects were inserted. This can be + * inferred by checking if the pointer at the head of the linked list + * has changed. + */ + if (l1_head_before != op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables) + pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync(op_ctx, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_2); + else if (l0_head_before != op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables) + pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync(op_ctx, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_set_curr_page() - Reassign the current page of an MMU op + * context, syncing any page tables previously assigned to it which are no + * longer relevant. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @device_addr: New pointer target. + * @should_create: Specify whether new page tables should be created when + * empty page table entries are encountered during traversal. + * + * This function performs a full sync on the pointer, regardless of which + * levels are modified. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_mmu_op_context_load_tables(). + */ +static int +pvr_mmu_op_context_set_curr_page(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + u64 device_addr, bool should_create) +{ + pvr_mmu_op_context_sync(op_ctx); + + op_ctx->curr_page.l2_idx = pvr_page_table_l2_idx(device_addr); + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_idx = pvr_page_table_l1_idx(device_addr); + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_idx = pvr_page_table_l0_idx(device_addr); + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_table = NULL; + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table = NULL; + + return pvr_mmu_op_context_load_tables(op_ctx, should_create, + PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_next_page() - Advance the current page of an MMU op + * context. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @should_create: Specify whether new page tables should be created when + * empty page table entries are encountered during traversal. + * + * If @should_create is %false, it is the caller's responsibility to verify that + * the state of the table references in @op_ctx is valid on return. If -%ENXIO + * is returned, at least one of the table references is invalid. It should be + * noted that @op_ctx as a whole will be left in a valid state if -%ENXIO is + * returned, unlike other error codes. The caller should check which references + * are invalid by comparing them to %NULL. Only &@ptr->l2_table is guaranteed + * to be valid, since it represents the root of the page table tree structure. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EPERM if the operation would wrap at the top of the page table + * hierarchy, + * * -%ENXIO if @should_create is %false and a page table of any level would + * have otherwise been created, or + * * Any error returned while attempting to create missing page tables if + * @should_create is %true. + */ +static int +pvr_mmu_op_context_next_page(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + bool should_create) +{ + s8 load_level_required = PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_NONE; + + if (++op_ctx->curr_page.l0_idx != ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PT_VALUE_X) + goto load_tables; + + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_idx = 0; + load_level_required = PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0; + + if (++op_ctx->curr_page.l1_idx != ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PD_VALUE) + goto load_tables; + + op_ctx->curr_page.l1_idx = 0; + load_level_required = PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_1; + + if (++op_ctx->curr_page.l2_idx != ROGUE_MMUCTRL_ENTRIES_PC_VALUE) + goto load_tables; + + /* + * If the pattern continued, we would set &op_ctx->curr_page.l2_idx to + * zero here. However, that would wrap the top layer of the page table + * hierarchy which is not a valid operation. Instead, we warn and return + * an error. + */ + WARN(true, + "%s(%p) attempted to loop the top of the page table hierarchy", + __func__, op_ctx); + return -EPERM; + + /* If indices have wrapped, we need to load new tables. */ +load_tables: + /* First, flush tables which will be unloaded. */ + pvr_mmu_op_context_sync_partial(op_ctx, load_level_required); + + /* Then load tables from the required level down. */ + return pvr_mmu_op_context_load_tables(op_ctx, should_create, + load_level_required); +} + +/** + * DOC: Single page operations + */ + +/** + * pvr_page_create() - Create a device-virtual memory page and insert it into + * a level 0 page table. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing at the device-virtual address of the + * target page. + * @dma_addr: DMA address of the physical page backing the created page. + * @flags: Page options saved on the level 0 page table entry for reading by + * the device. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EEXIST if the requested page already exists. + */ +static int +pvr_page_create(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, dma_addr_t dma_addr, + struct pvr_page_flags_raw flags) +{ + /* Do not create a new page if one already exists. */ + if (pvr_page_table_l0_entry_is_valid(op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_idx)) { + return -EEXIST; + } + + pvr_page_table_l0_insert(op_ctx, dma_addr, flags); + + pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync(op_ctx, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_page_destroy() - Destroy a device page after removing it from its + * parent level 0 page table. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + */ +static void +pvr_page_destroy(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx) +{ + /* Do nothing if the page does not exist. */ + if (!pvr_page_table_l0_entry_is_valid(op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table, + op_ctx->curr_page.l0_idx)) { + return; + } + + /* Clear the parent L0 page table entry. */ + pvr_page_table_l0_remove(op_ctx); + + pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync(op_ctx, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_destroy() - Destroy an MMU op context. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + */ +void pvr_mmu_op_context_destroy(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx) +{ + const bool flush_caches = + op_ctx->sync_level_required != PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_NONE; + + pvr_mmu_op_context_sync(op_ctx); + + /* Unmaps should be flushed immediately. Map flushes can be deferred. */ + if (flush_caches && !op_ctx->map.sgt) + pvr_mmu_flush_exec(op_ctx->mmu_ctx->pvr_dev, true); + + while (op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables) { + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *tmp = op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables; + + op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables = + op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables->next_free; + pvr_page_table_l0_free(tmp); + } + + while (op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables) { + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *tmp = op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables; + + op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables = + op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables->next_free; + pvr_page_table_l1_free(tmp); + } + + while (op_ctx->unmap.l0_free_tables) { + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *tmp = op_ctx->unmap.l0_free_tables; + + op_ctx->unmap.l0_free_tables = + op_ctx->unmap.l0_free_tables->next_free; + pvr_page_table_l0_free(tmp); + } + + while (op_ctx->unmap.l1_free_tables) { + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *tmp = op_ctx->unmap.l1_free_tables; + + op_ctx->unmap.l1_free_tables = + op_ctx->unmap.l1_free_tables->next_free; + pvr_page_table_l1_free(tmp); + } + + kfree(op_ctx); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_create() - Create an MMU op context. + * @ctx: MMU context associated with owning VM context. + * @sgt: Scatter gather table containing pages pinned for use by this context. + * @sgt_offset: Start offset of the requested device-virtual memory mapping. + * @size: Size in bytes of the requested device-virtual memory mapping. For an + * unmapping, this should be zero so that no page tables are allocated. + * + * Returns: + * * Newly created MMU op context object on success, or + * * -%ENOMEM if no memory is available, + * * Any error code returned by pvr_page_table_l2_init(). + */ +struct pvr_mmu_op_context * +pvr_mmu_op_context_create(struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx, struct sg_table *sgt, + u64 sgt_offset, u64 size) +{ + int err; + + struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx = + kzalloc(sizeof(*op_ctx), GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!op_ctx) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + op_ctx->mmu_ctx = ctx; + op_ctx->map.sgt = sgt; + op_ctx->map.sgt_offset = sgt_offset; + op_ctx->sync_level_required = PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_NONE; + + if (size) { + /* + * The number of page table objects we need to prealloc is + * indicated by the mapping size, start offset and the sizes + * of the areas mapped per PT or PD. The range calculation is + * identical to that for the index into a table for a device + * address, so we reuse those functions here. + */ + const u32 l1_start_idx = pvr_page_table_l2_idx(sgt_offset); + const u32 l1_end_idx = pvr_page_table_l2_idx(sgt_offset + size); + const u32 l1_count = l1_end_idx - l1_start_idx + 1; + const u32 l0_start_idx = pvr_page_table_l1_idx(sgt_offset); + const u32 l0_end_idx = pvr_page_table_l1_idx(sgt_offset + size); + const u32 l0_count = l0_end_idx - l0_start_idx + 1; + + /* + * Alloc and push page table entries until we have enough of + * each type, ending with linked lists of l0 and l1 entries in + * reverse order. + */ + for (int i = 0; i < l1_count; i++) { + struct pvr_page_table_l1 *l1_tmp = + pvr_page_table_l1_alloc(ctx); + + err = PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(l1_tmp); + if (err) + goto err_cleanup; + + l1_tmp->next_free = op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables; + op_ctx->map.l1_prealloc_tables = l1_tmp; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < l0_count; i++) { + struct pvr_page_table_l0 *l0_tmp = + pvr_page_table_l0_alloc(ctx); + + err = PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(l0_tmp); + if (err) + goto err_cleanup; + + l0_tmp->next_free = op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables; + op_ctx->map.l0_prealloc_tables = l0_tmp; + } + } + + return op_ctx; + +err_cleanup: + pvr_mmu_op_context_destroy(op_ctx); + + return ERR_PTR(err); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_op_context_unmap_curr_page() - Unmap pages from a memory context + * starting from the current page of an MMU op context. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing at the first page to unmap. + * @nr_pages: Number of pages to unmap. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error encountered while advancing @op_ctx.curr_page with + * pvr_mmu_op_context_next_page() (except -%ENXIO). + */ +static int +pvr_mmu_op_context_unmap_curr_page(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, + u64 nr_pages) +{ + int err; + + if (nr_pages == 0) + return 0; + + /* + * Destroy first page outside loop, as it doesn't require a page + * advance beforehand. If the L0 page table reference in + * @op_ctx.curr_page is %NULL, there cannot be a mapped page at + * @op_ctx.curr_page (so skip ahead). + */ + if (op_ctx->curr_page.l0_table) + pvr_page_destroy(op_ctx); + + for (u64 page = 1; page < nr_pages; ++page) { + err = pvr_mmu_op_context_next_page(op_ctx, false); + /* + * If the page table tree structure at @op_ctx.curr_page is + * incomplete, skip ahead. We don't care about unmapping pages + * that cannot exist. + * + * FIXME: This could be made more efficient by jumping ahead + * using pvr_mmu_op_context_set_curr_page(). + */ + if (err == -ENXIO) + continue; + else if (err) + return err; + + pvr_page_destroy(op_ctx); + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_unmap() - Unmap pages from a memory context. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @device_addr: First device-virtual address to unmap. + * @size: Size in bytes to unmap. + * + * The total amount of device-virtual memory unmapped is + * @nr_pages * %PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error code returned by pvr_page_table_ptr_init(), or + * * Any error code returned by pvr_page_table_ptr_unmap(). + */ +int pvr_mmu_unmap(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, u64 device_addr, u64 size) +{ + int err = pvr_mmu_op_context_set_curr_page(op_ctx, device_addr, false); + + if (err) + return err; + + return pvr_mmu_op_context_unmap_curr_page(op_ctx, + size >> PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT); +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_map_sgl() - Map part of a scatter-gather table entry to + * device-virtual memory. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context pointing to the first page that should be + * mapped. + * @sgl: Target scatter-gather table entry. + * @offset: Offset into @sgl to map from. Must result in a starting address + * from @sgl which is CPU page-aligned. + * @size: Size of the memory to be mapped in bytes. Must be a non-zero multiple + * of the device page size. + * @page_flags: Page options to be applied to every device-virtual memory page + * in the created mapping. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL if the range specified by @offset and @size is not completely + * within @sgl, or + * * Any error encountered while creating a page with pvr_page_create(), or + * * Any error encountered while advancing @op_ctx.curr_page with + * pvr_mmu_op_context_next_page(). + */ +static int +pvr_mmu_map_sgl(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, struct scatterlist *sgl, + u64 offset, u64 size, struct pvr_page_flags_raw page_flags) +{ + const unsigned int pages = size >> PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT; + dma_addr_t dma_addr = sg_dma_address(sgl) + offset; + const unsigned int dma_len = sg_dma_len(sgl); + struct pvr_page_table_ptr ptr_copy; + unsigned int page; + int err; + + if (size > dma_len || offset > dma_len - size) + return -EINVAL; + + /* + * Before progressing, save a copy of the start pointer so we can use + * it again if we enter an error state and have to destroy pages. + */ + memcpy(&ptr_copy, &op_ctx->curr_page, sizeof(ptr_copy)); + + /* + * Create first page outside loop, as it doesn't require a page advance + * beforehand. + */ + err = pvr_page_create(op_ctx, dma_addr, page_flags); + if (err) + return err; + + for (page = 1; page < pages; ++page) { + err = pvr_mmu_op_context_next_page(op_ctx, true); + if (err) + goto err_destroy_pages; + + dma_addr += PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE; + + err = pvr_page_create(op_ctx, dma_addr, page_flags); + if (err) + goto err_destroy_pages; + } + + return 0; + +err_destroy_pages: + memcpy(&op_ctx->curr_page, &ptr_copy, sizeof(op_ctx->curr_page)); + err = pvr_mmu_op_context_unmap_curr_page(op_ctx, page); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_mmu_map() - Map an object's virtual memory to physical memory. + * @op_ctx: Target MMU op context. + * @size: Size of memory to be mapped in bytes. Must be a non-zero multiple + * of the device page size. + * @flags: Flags from pvr_gem_object associated with the mapping. + * @device_addr: Virtual device address to map to. Must be device page-aligned. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error code returned by pvr_page_table_ptr_init(), or + * * Any error code returned by pvr_mmu_map_sgl(), or + * * Any error code returned by pvr_page_table_ptr_next_page(). + */ +int pvr_mmu_map(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, u64 size, u64 flags, + u64 device_addr) +{ + struct pvr_page_table_ptr ptr_copy; + struct pvr_page_flags_raw flags_raw; + struct scatterlist *sgl; + u64 mapped_size = 0; + unsigned int count; + int err; + + if (!size) + return 0; + + if ((op_ctx->map.sgt_offset | size) & ~PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_MASK) + return -EINVAL; + + err = pvr_mmu_op_context_set_curr_page(op_ctx, device_addr, true); + if (err) + return -EINVAL; + + memcpy(&ptr_copy, &op_ctx->curr_page, sizeof(ptr_copy)); + + flags_raw = pvr_page_flags_raw_create(false, false, + flags & DRM_PVR_BO_BYPASS_DEVICE_CACHE, + flags & DRM_PVR_BO_PM_FW_PROTECT); + + /* Map scatter gather table */ + for_each_sgtable_dma_sg(op_ctx->map.sgt, sgl, count) { + const size_t sgl_len = sg_dma_len(sgl); + u64 sgl_offset, map_sgl_len; + + if (sgl_len <= op_ctx->map.sgt_offset) { + op_ctx->map.sgt_offset -= sgl_len; + continue; + } + + sgl_offset = op_ctx->map.sgt_offset; + map_sgl_len = min_t(u64, sgl_len - sgl_offset, size - mapped_size); + + err = pvr_mmu_map_sgl(op_ctx, sgl, sgl_offset, map_sgl_len, + flags_raw); + if (err) + break; + + /* + * Flag the L0 page table as requiring a flush when the MMU op + * context is destroyed. + */ + pvr_mmu_op_context_require_sync(op_ctx, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_0); + + op_ctx->map.sgt_offset = 0; + mapped_size += map_sgl_len; + + if (mapped_size >= size) + break; + + err = pvr_mmu_op_context_next_page(op_ctx, true); + if (err) + break; + } + + if (err && mapped_size) { + memcpy(&op_ctx->curr_page, &ptr_copy, sizeof(op_ctx->curr_page)); + pvr_mmu_op_context_unmap_curr_page(op_ctx, + mapped_size >> PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT); + } + + return err; +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a0d72e1f523 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.h @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_MMU_H +#define PVR_MMU_H + +#include +#include + +/* Forward declaration from "pvr_device.h" */ +struct pvr_device; + +/* Forward declaration from "pvr_mmu.c" */ +struct pvr_mmu_context; +struct pvr_mmu_op_context; + +/* Forward declaration from "pvr_vm.c" */ +struct pvr_vm_context; + +/* Forward declaration from */ +struct sg_table; + +/** + * DOC: Public API (constants) + * + * .. c:macro:: PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE + * + * Fixed page size referenced by leaf nodes in the page table tree + * structure. In the current implementation, this value is pegged to the + * CPU page size (%PAGE_SIZE). It is therefore an error to specify a CPU + * page size which is not also a supported device page size. The supported + * device page sizes are: 4KiB, 16KiB, 64KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB and 2MiB. + * + * .. c:macro:: PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT + * + * Shift value used to efficiently multiply or divide by + * %PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE. + * + * This value is derived from %PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE. + * + * .. c:macro:: PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_MASK + * + * Mask used to round a value down to the nearest multiple of + * %PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE. When bitwise negated, it will indicate whether a + * value is already a multiple of %PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE. + * + * This value is derived from %PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE. + */ + +/* PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE determines the page size */ +#define PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SIZE (PAGE_SIZE) +#define PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT (PAGE_SHIFT) +#define PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_MASK (PAGE_MASK) + +/** + * DOC: Page table index utilities (constants) + * + * .. c:macro:: PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE + * + * Size of device-virtual address space which can be represented in the page + * table structure. + * + * This value is checked at runtime against + * &pvr_device_features.virtual_address_space_bits by + * pvr_vm_create_context(), which will return an error if the feature value + * does not match this constant. + * + * .. admonition:: Future work + * + * It should be possible to support other values of + * &pvr_device_features.virtual_address_space_bits, but so far no + * hardware has been created which advertises an unsupported value. + * + * .. c:macro:: PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_BITS + * + * Number of bits needed to represent any value less than + * %PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE exactly. + * + * .. c:macro:: PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_MASK + * + * Bitmask of device-virtual addresses which are valid in the page table + * structure. + * + * This value is derived from %PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE, so the same + * notes on that constant apply here. + */ +#define PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE SZ_1T +#define PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_BITS __ffs(PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE) +#define PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_MASK (PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE - 1) + +void pvr_mmu_flush_request_all(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +int pvr_mmu_flush_exec(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, bool wait); + +struct pvr_mmu_context *pvr_mmu_context_create(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void pvr_mmu_context_destroy(struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx); + +dma_addr_t pvr_mmu_get_root_table_dma_addr(struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx); + +void pvr_mmu_op_context_destroy(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx); +struct pvr_mmu_op_context * +pvr_mmu_op_context_create(struct pvr_mmu_context *ctx, + struct sg_table *sgt, u64 sgt_offset, u64 size); + +int pvr_mmu_map(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, u64 size, u64 flags, + u64 device_addr); +int pvr_mmu_unmap(struct pvr_mmu_op_context *op_ctx, u64 device_addr, u64 size); + +#endif /* PVR_MMU_H */ + diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..edf6fbabe554 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c @@ -0,0 +1,942 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_vm.h" + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_drv.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_mmu.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_heap_config.h" + +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/** + * DOC: Memory context + * + * This is the "top level" datatype in the VM code. It's exposed in the public + * API as an opaque handle. + */ + +/** + * struct pvr_vm_context - Context type which encapsulates an entire page table + * tree structure. + * @pvr_dev: The PowerVR device to which this context is bound. + * + * This binding is immutable for the life of the context. + * @mmu_ctx: The context for binding to physical memory. + * @gpuvm_mgr: GPUVM object associated with this context. + * @lock: Global lock on this entire structure of page tables. + * @fw_mem_ctx_obj: Firmware object representing firmware memory context. + * @ref_count: Reference count of object. + */ +struct pvr_vm_context { + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; + struct pvr_mmu_context *mmu_ctx; + struct drm_gpuvm gpuvm_mgr; + struct mutex lock; + struct pvr_fw_object *fw_mem_ctx_obj; + struct kref ref_count; +}; + +/** + * pvr_vm_get_page_table_root_addr() - Get the DMA address of the root of the + * page table structure behind a VM context. + * @vm_ctx: Target VM context. + */ +dma_addr_t pvr_vm_get_page_table_root_addr(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx) +{ + return pvr_mmu_get_root_table_dma_addr(vm_ctx->mmu_ctx); +} + +/** + * DOC: Memory mappings + */ + +/** + * struct pvr_vm_gpuva - Wrapper type representing a single VM mapping. + */ +struct pvr_vm_gpuva { + /** @base: The wrapped drm_gpuva object. */ + struct drm_gpuva base; + + /** + * @node: Linked list node, to build a list of mappings to cleanup after + * unmapping, so that all associated &struct pvr_gem_object can be freed + * outside of callback context. + */ + struct list_head node; +}; + +static __always_inline +struct pvr_vm_gpuva *to_pvr_vm_gpuva(struct drm_gpuva *gpuva) +{ + return container_of(gpuva, struct pvr_vm_gpuva, base); +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_gpuva_mapping_init() - Setup a mapping object. + * @va: Pointer to pvr_vm_gpuva mapping object. + * + * The parameters of the mapping are handled internally by DRM GPUVA manager. + */ +static void +pvr_vm_gpuva_mapping_init(struct pvr_vm_gpuva *va) +{ + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&va->node); +} + +/** + * struct pvr_vm_gpuva_op_ctx - Context of a map/unmap operation. + */ +struct pvr_vm_gpuva_op_ctx { + /** @pvr_obj: Object associated with mapping (map only). */ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj; + + /** + * @vm_ctx: VM context where the mapping will be created or destroyed. + */ + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + + /** @mmu_op_ctx: MMU op context. */ + struct pvr_mmu_op_context *mmu_op_ctx; + + /** + * @new_va: Prealloced VA mapping object (init in callback). + * Used when creating a mapping. + */ + struct pvr_vm_gpuva *new_va; + + /** + * @prev_va: Prealloced VA mapping object (init in callback). + * Used when a mapping or unmapping operation overlaps an existing + * mapping and splits away the beginning into a new mapping. + */ + struct pvr_vm_gpuva *prev_va; + + /** + * @next_va: Prealloced VA mapping object (init in callback). + * Used when a mapping or unmapping operation overlaps an existing + * mapping and splits away the end into a new mapping. + */ + struct pvr_vm_gpuva *next_va; + + /** + * @returned_gpuvas: When unlinking, this list holds now unused + * &struct pvr_vm_gpuva objects. These must be cleaned up when this + * object is cleaned up. + */ + struct list_head returned_gpuvas; +}; + +static void +pvr_vm_gpuva_link(struct pvr_vm_gpuva *va) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_gem = gem_to_pvr_gem(va->base.gem.obj); + + mutex_lock(&pvr_gem->gpuva_lock); + drm_gpuva_link(&va->base); + mutex_unlock(&pvr_gem->gpuva_lock); +} + +static void +pvr_vm_gpuva_unlink(struct pvr_vm_gpuva_op_ctx *op, struct pvr_vm_gpuva *va) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_gem = gem_to_pvr_gem(va->base.gem.obj); + + mutex_lock(&pvr_gem->gpuva_lock); + drm_gpuva_unlink(&va->base); + mutex_unlock(&pvr_gem->gpuva_lock); + + list_move_tail(&va->node, &op->returned_gpuvas); +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_gpuva_map() - Insert a mapping into a memory context. + * @op: gpuva op containing the remap details. + * @op_ctx: Operation context. + * + * Context: Called by drm_gpuvm_sm_map following a successful mapping while + * @op_ctx.vm_ctx mutex is held. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_mmu_map(). + */ +static int +pvr_vm_gpuva_map(struct drm_gpuva_op *op, void *op_ctx) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_gem = gem_to_pvr_gem(op->map.gem.obj); + struct pvr_vm_gpuva_op_ctx *ctx = op_ctx; + int err; + + if ((op->map.gem.offset | op-> & ~PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_MASK) + return -EINVAL; + + err = pvr_mmu_map(ctx->mmu_op_ctx, op->, pvr_gem->flags, + op->; + if (err) + return err; + + drm_gpuva_map(&ctx->vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr, &ctx->new_va->base, &op->map); + pvr_vm_gpuva_link(ctx->new_va); + ctx->new_va = NULL; + + /* + * Setting the pvr_obj pointer to NULL in the pvr_vm_bind_op means that + * the reference won't be released when it is cleaned up. + */ + ctx->pvr_obj = NULL; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_gpuva_unmap() - Remove a mapping from a memory context. + * @op: gpuva op containing the unmap details. + * @op_ctx: Operation context. + * + * Context: Called by drm_gpuvm_sm_unmap following a successful unmapping while + * @op_ctx.vm_ctx mutex is held. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_mmu_unmap(). + */ +static int +pvr_vm_gpuva_unmap(struct drm_gpuva_op *op, void *op_ctx) +{ + struct pvr_vm_gpuva_op_ctx *ctx = op_ctx; + + int err = pvr_mmu_unmap(ctx->mmu_op_ctx, op->>va.addr, + op->>va.range); + + if (err) + return err; + + drm_gpuva_unmap(&op->unmap); + pvr_vm_gpuva_unlink(ctx, to_pvr_vm_gpuva(op->; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_gpuva_remap() - Remap a mapping within a memory context. + * @op: gpuva op containing the remap details. + * @op_ctx: Operation context. + * + * Context: Called by either drm_gpuvm_sm_map or drm_gpuvm_sm_unmap when a + * mapping or unmapping operation causes a region to be split. The + * @op_ctx.vm_ctx mutex is held. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_vm_gpuva_unmap() or pvr_vm_gpuva_unmap(). + */ +static int +pvr_vm_gpuva_remap(struct drm_gpuva_op *op, void *op_ctx) +{ + struct pvr_vm_gpuva_op_ctx *ctx = op_ctx; + u64 va_start = 0, va_range = 0; + int err; + + drm_gpuva_op_remap_to_unmap_range(&op->remap, &va_start, &va_range); + err = pvr_mmu_unmap(ctx->mmu_op_ctx, va_start, va_range); + if (err) + return err; + + /* No actual remap required: the page table tree depth is fixed to 3, + * and we use 4k page table entries only for now. + */ + drm_gpuva_remap(&ctx->prev_va->base, &ctx->next_va->base, &op->remap); + + if (op->remap.prev) { + pvr_gem_object_get(gem_to_pvr_gem(ctx->prev_va->base.gem.obj)); + pvr_vm_gpuva_link(ctx->prev_va); + ctx->prev_va = NULL; + } + + if (op-> { + pvr_gem_object_get(gem_to_pvr_gem(ctx->next_va->base.gem.obj)); + pvr_vm_gpuva_link(ctx->next_va); + ctx->next_va = NULL; + } + + pvr_vm_gpuva_unlink(ctx, to_pvr_vm_gpuva(op->remap.unmap->va)); + + return 0; +} + +/* + * Public API + * + * For an overview of these functions, see *DOC: Public API* in "pvr_vm.h". + */ + +/** + * pvr_device_addr_is_valid() - Tests whether a device-virtual address + * is valid. + * @device_addr: Virtual device address to test. + * + * Return: + * * %true if @device_addr is within the valid range for a device page + * table and is aligned to the device page size, or + * * %false otherwise. + */ +bool +pvr_device_addr_is_valid(u64 device_addr) +{ + return (device_addr & ~PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_MASK) == 0 && + (device_addr & ~PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_MASK) == 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_device_addr_and_size_are_valid() - Tests whether a device-virtual + * address and associated size are both valid. + * @device_addr: Virtual device address to test. + * @size: Size of the range based at @device_addr to test. + * + * Calling pvr_device_addr_is_valid() twice (once on @size, and again on + * @device_addr + @size) to verify a device-virtual address range initially + * seems intuitive, but it produces a false-negative when the address range + * is right at the end of device-virtual address space. + * + * This function catches that corner case, as well as checking that + * @size is non-zero. + * + * Return: + * * %true if @device_addr is device page aligned; @size is device page + * aligned; the range specified by @device_addr and @size is within the + * bounds of the device-virtual address space, and @size is non-zero, or + * * %false otherwise. + */ +bool +pvr_device_addr_and_size_are_valid(u64 device_addr, u64 size) +{ + return pvr_device_addr_is_valid(device_addr) && + size != 0 && (size & ~PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_MASK) == 0 && + (device_addr + size <= PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE); +} + +static const struct drm_gpuvm_ops pvr_vm_gpuva_ops = { + .sm_step_map = pvr_vm_gpuva_map, + .sm_step_remap = pvr_vm_gpuva_remap, + .sm_step_unmap = pvr_vm_gpuva_unmap, +}; + +/** + * pvr_vm_create_context() - Create a new VM context. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @is_userspace_context: %true if this context is for userspace. This will + * create a firmware memory context for the VM context + * and disable warnings when tearing down mappings. + * + * Return: + * * A handle to the newly-minted VM context on success, + * * -%EINVAL if the feature "virtual address space bits" on @pvr_dev is + * missing or has an unsupported value, + * * -%ENOMEM if allocation of the structure behind the opaque handle fails, + * or + * * Any error encountered while setting up internal structures. + */ +struct pvr_vm_context * +pvr_vm_create_context(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, bool is_userspace_context) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + u16 device_addr_bits; + + int err; + + err = PVR_FEATURE_VALUE(pvr_dev, virtual_address_space_bits, + &device_addr_bits); + if (err) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Failed to get device virtual address space bits\n"); + return ERR_PTR(err); + } + + if (device_addr_bits != PVR_PAGE_TABLE_ADDR_BITS) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Device has unsupported virtual address space size\n"); + return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); + } + + vm_ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*vm_ctx), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!vm_ctx) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + vm_ctx->pvr_dev = pvr_dev; + kref_init(&vm_ctx->ref_count); + mutex_init(&vm_ctx->lock); + + drm_gpuvm_init(&vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr, + is_userspace_context ? "PowerVR-user-VM" : "PowerVR-FW-VM", + 0, 1ULL << device_addr_bits, 0, 0, &pvr_vm_gpuva_ops); + + vm_ctx->mmu_ctx = pvr_mmu_context_create(pvr_dev); + err = PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(&vm_ctx->mmu_ctx); + if (err) { + vm_ctx->mmu_ctx = NULL; + goto err_put_ctx; + } + + if (is_userspace_context) { + /* TODO: Create FW mem context */ + err = -ENODEV; + goto err_put_ctx; + } + + return vm_ctx; + +err_put_ctx: + pvr_vm_context_put(vm_ctx); + + return ERR_PTR(err); +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_context_release() - Teardown a VM context. + * @ref_count: Pointer to reference counter of the VM context. + * + * This function ensures that no mappings are left dangling by unmapping them + * all in order of ascending device-virtual address. + */ +static void +pvr_vm_context_release(struct kref *ref_count) +{ + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx = + container_of(ref_count, struct pvr_vm_context, ref_count); + + /* TODO: Destroy FW mem context */ + WARN_ON(vm_ctx->fw_mem_ctx_obj); + + WARN_ON(pvr_vm_unmap(vm_ctx, vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr.mm_start, + vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr.mm_range)); + + drm_gpuvm_destroy(&vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr); + pvr_mmu_context_destroy(vm_ctx->mmu_ctx); + mutex_destroy(&vm_ctx->lock); + + kfree(vm_ctx); +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_context_lookup() - Look up VM context from handle + * @pvr_file: Pointer to pvr_file structure. + * @handle: Object handle. + * + * Takes reference on VM context object. Call pvr_vm_context_put() to release. + * + * Returns: + * * The requested object on success, or + * * %NULL on failure (object does not exist in list, or is not a VM context) + */ +struct pvr_vm_context * +pvr_vm_context_lookup(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, u32 handle) +{ + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + + xa_lock(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles); + vm_ctx = xa_load(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles, handle); + if (vm_ctx) + kref_get(&vm_ctx->ref_count); + + xa_unlock(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles); + + return vm_ctx; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_context_put() - Release a reference on a VM context + * @vm_ctx: Target VM context. + * + * Returns: + * * %true if the VM context was destroyed, or + * * %false if there are any references still remaining. + */ +bool +pvr_vm_context_put(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx) +{ + WARN_ON(!vm_ctx); + + if (vm_ctx) + return kref_put(&vm_ctx->ref_count, pvr_vm_context_release); + + return true; +} + +/** + * pvr_destroy_vm_contexts_for_file: Destroy any VM contexts associated with the + * given file. + * @pvr_file: Pointer to pvr_file structure. + * + * Removes all vm_contexts associated with @pvr_file from the device VM context + * list and drops initial references. vm_contexts will then be destroyed once + * all outstanding references are dropped. + */ +void pvr_destroy_vm_contexts_for_file(struct pvr_file *pvr_file) +{ + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + unsigned long handle; + + xa_for_each(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles, handle, vm_ctx) { + /* vm_ctx is not used here because that would create a race with xa_erase */ + pvr_vm_context_put(xa_erase(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles, handle)); + } +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_map() - Map a section of physical memory into a section of device-virtual memory. + * @vm_ctx: Target VM context. + * @pvr_obj: Target PowerVR memory object. + * @pvr_obj_offset: Offset into @pvr_obj to map from. + * @device_addr: Virtual device address at the start of the requested mapping. + * @size: Size of the requested mapping. + * + * No handle is returned to represent the mapping. Instead, callers should + * remember @device_addr and use that as a handle. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL if @device_addr is not a valid page-aligned device-virtual + * address; the region specified by @pvr_obj_offset and @size does not fall + * entirely within @pvr_obj, or any part of the specified region of @pvr_obj + * is not device-virtual page-aligned, + * * Any error encountered while performing internal operations required to + * destroy the mapping (returned from pvr_vm_gpuva_map or + * pvr_vm_gpuva_remap). + */ +int +pvr_vm_map(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx, + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj, u64 pvr_obj_offset, + u64 device_addr, u64 size) +{ + const size_t pvr_obj_size = pvr_gem_object_size(pvr_obj); + struct pvr_vm_gpuva_op_ctx op_ctx = { .vm_ctx = vm_ctx }; + struct pvr_vm_gpuva *gpuva, *tmp_gpuva; + struct sg_table *sgt; + int err; + + if (!pvr_device_addr_and_size_are_valid(device_addr, size) || + pvr_obj_offset & ~PAGE_MASK || size & ~PAGE_MASK || + pvr_obj_offset + size > pvr_obj_size || + pvr_obj_offset > pvr_obj_size) { + return -EINVAL; + } + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&op_ctx.returned_gpuvas); + + op_ctx.new_va = kzalloc(sizeof(*op_ctx.new_va), GFP_KERNEL); + op_ctx.prev_va = kzalloc(sizeof(*op_ctx.prev_va), GFP_KERNEL); + op_ctx.next_va = kzalloc(sizeof(*op_ctx.next_va), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!op_ctx.new_va || !op_ctx.prev_va || !op_ctx.next_va) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto out_free; + } + + pvr_vm_gpuva_mapping_init(op_ctx.new_va); + pvr_vm_gpuva_mapping_init(op_ctx.prev_va); + pvr_vm_gpuva_mapping_init(op_ctx.next_va); + + sgt = pvr_gem_object_get_pages_sgt(pvr_obj); + err = PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(sgt); + if (err) + goto out_free; + + op_ctx.mmu_op_ctx = pvr_mmu_op_context_create(vm_ctx->mmu_ctx, sgt, + pvr_obj_offset, size); + err = PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(op_ctx.mmu_op_ctx); + if (err) { + op_ctx.mmu_op_ctx = NULL; + goto out_mmu_op_ctx_destroy; + } + + pvr_gem_object_get(pvr_obj); + op_ctx.pvr_obj = pvr_obj; + + mutex_lock(&vm_ctx->lock); + err = drm_gpuvm_sm_map(&vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr, &op_ctx, device_addr, size, + gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj), pvr_obj_offset); + mutex_unlock(&vm_ctx->lock); + + pvr_gem_object_put(op_ctx.pvr_obj); + +out_mmu_op_ctx_destroy: + pvr_mmu_op_context_destroy(op_ctx.mmu_op_ctx); + +out_free: + kfree(op_ctx.next_va); + kfree(op_ctx.prev_va); + kfree(op_ctx.new_va); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(gpuva, tmp_gpuva, &op_ctx.returned_gpuvas, + node) { + drm_gem_object_put(gpuva->base.gem.obj); + list_del(&gpuva->node); + kfree(gpuva); + } + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_unmap() - Unmap an already mapped section of device-virtual memory. + * @vm_ctx: Target VM context. + * @device_addr: Virtual device address at the start of the target mapping. + * @size: Size of the target mapping. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL if @device_addr is not a valid page-aligned device-virtual + * address, + * * Any error encountered while performing internal operations required to + * destroy the mapping (returned from pvr_vm_gpuva_unmap or + * pvr_vm_gpuva_remap). + */ +int +pvr_vm_unmap(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx, u64 device_addr, u64 size) +{ + struct pvr_vm_gpuva_op_ctx op_ctx = { .vm_ctx = vm_ctx }; + struct pvr_vm_gpuva *gpuva, *tmp_gpuva; + int err; + + if (!pvr_device_addr_and_size_are_valid(device_addr, size)) + return -EINVAL; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&op_ctx.returned_gpuvas); + + op_ctx.prev_va = kzalloc(sizeof(*op_ctx.prev_va), GFP_KERNEL); + op_ctx.next_va = kzalloc(sizeof(*op_ctx.next_va), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!op_ctx.prev_va || !op_ctx.next_va) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + pvr_vm_gpuva_mapping_init(op_ctx.prev_va); + pvr_vm_gpuva_mapping_init(op_ctx.next_va); + + op_ctx.mmu_op_ctx = + pvr_mmu_op_context_create(vm_ctx->mmu_ctx, NULL, 0, 0); + err = PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(op_ctx.mmu_op_ctx); + if (err) { + op_ctx.mmu_op_ctx = NULL; + goto out; + } + + mutex_lock(&vm_ctx->lock); + err = drm_gpuvm_sm_unmap(&vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr, &op_ctx, device_addr, size); + mutex_unlock(&vm_ctx->lock); + +out: + pvr_mmu_op_context_destroy(op_ctx.mmu_op_ctx); + kfree(op_ctx.next_va); + kfree(op_ctx.prev_va); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(gpuva, tmp_gpuva, &op_ctx.returned_gpuvas, + node) { + drm_gem_object_put(gpuva->base.gem.obj); + list_del(&gpuva->node); + kfree(gpuva); + } + + return err; +} + +/* Static data areas are determined by firmware. */ +static const struct drm_pvr_static_data_area static_data_areas[] = { + { + .area_usage = DRM_PVR_STATIC_DATA_AREA_FENCE, + .location_heap_id = DRM_PVR_HEAP_GENERAL, + .offset = 0, + .size = 128, + }, + { + .area_usage = DRM_PVR_STATIC_DATA_AREA_YUV_CSC, + .location_heap_id = DRM_PVR_HEAP_GENERAL, + .offset = 128, + .size = 1024, + }, + { + .area_usage = DRM_PVR_STATIC_DATA_AREA_VDM_SYNC, + .location_heap_id = DRM_PVR_HEAP_PDS_CODE_DATA, + .offset = 0, + .size = 128, + }, + { + .area_usage = DRM_PVR_STATIC_DATA_AREA_EOT, + .location_heap_id = DRM_PVR_HEAP_PDS_CODE_DATA, + .offset = 128, + .size = 128, + }, + { + .area_usage = DRM_PVR_STATIC_DATA_AREA_VDM_SYNC, + .location_heap_id = DRM_PVR_HEAP_USC_CODE, + .offset = 0, + .size = 128, + }, +}; + +#define GET_RESERVED_SIZE(last_offset, last_size) round_up((last_offset) + (last_size), PAGE_SIZE) + +/* + * The values given to GET_RESERVED_SIZE() are taken from the last entry in the corresponding + * static data area for each heap. + */ +static const struct drm_pvr_heap pvr_heaps[] = { + [DRM_PVR_HEAP_GENERAL] = { + .base = ROGUE_GENERAL_HEAP_BASE, + .size = ROGUE_GENERAL_HEAP_SIZE, + .flags = 0, + .page_size_log2 = PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT, + }, + [DRM_PVR_HEAP_PDS_CODE_DATA] = { + .base = ROGUE_PDSCODEDATA_HEAP_BASE, + .size = ROGUE_PDSCODEDATA_HEAP_SIZE, + .flags = 0, + .page_size_log2 = PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT, + }, + [DRM_PVR_HEAP_USC_CODE] = { + .base = ROGUE_USCCODE_HEAP_BASE, + .size = ROGUE_USCCODE_HEAP_SIZE, + .flags = 0, + .page_size_log2 = PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT, + }, + [DRM_PVR_HEAP_RGNHDR] = { + .base = ROGUE_RGNHDR_HEAP_BASE, + .size = ROGUE_RGNHDR_HEAP_SIZE, + .flags = 0, + .page_size_log2 = PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT, + }, + [DRM_PVR_HEAP_VIS_TEST] = { + .base = ROGUE_VISTEST_HEAP_BASE, + .size = ROGUE_VISTEST_HEAP_SIZE, + .flags = 0, + .page_size_log2 = PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT, + }, + [DRM_PVR_HEAP_TRANSFER_FRAG] = { + .base = ROGUE_TRANSFER_FRAG_HEAP_BASE, + .size = ROGUE_TRANSFER_FRAG_HEAP_SIZE, + .flags = 0, + .page_size_log2 = PVR_DEVICE_PAGE_SHIFT, + }, +}; + +int +pvr_static_data_areas_get(const struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_dev_query_args *args) +{ + struct drm_pvr_dev_query_static_data_areas query = {0}; + int err; + + if (!args->pointer) { + args->size = sizeof(struct drm_pvr_dev_query_static_data_areas); + return 0; + } + + err = PVR_UOBJ_GET(query, args->size, args->pointer); + if (err < 0) + return err; + + if (!query.static_data_areas.array) { + query.static_data_areas.count = ARRAY_SIZE(static_data_areas); + query.static_data_areas.stride = sizeof(struct drm_pvr_static_data_area); + goto copy_out; + } + + if (query.static_data_areas.count > ARRAY_SIZE(static_data_areas)) + query.static_data_areas.count = ARRAY_SIZE(static_data_areas); + + err = PVR_UOBJ_SET_ARRAY(&query.static_data_areas, static_data_areas); + if (err < 0) + return err; + +copy_out: + err = PVR_UOBJ_SET(args->pointer, args->size, query); + if (err < 0) + return err; + + args->size = sizeof(query); + return 0; +} + +int +pvr_heap_info_get(const struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_dev_query_args *args) +{ + struct drm_pvr_dev_query_heap_info query = {0}; + u64 dest; + int err; + + if (!args->pointer) { + args->size = sizeof(struct drm_pvr_dev_query_heap_info); + return 0; + } + + err = PVR_UOBJ_GET(query, args->size, args->pointer); + if (err < 0) + return err; + + if (!query.heaps.array) { + query.heaps.count = ARRAY_SIZE(pvr_heaps); + query.heaps.stride = sizeof(struct drm_pvr_heap); + goto copy_out; + } + + if (query.heaps.count > ARRAY_SIZE(pvr_heaps)) + query.heaps.count = ARRAY_SIZE(pvr_heaps); + + /* Region header heap is only present if BRN63142 is present. */ + dest = query.heaps.array; + for (size_t i = 0; i < query.heaps.count; i++) { + struct drm_pvr_heap heap = pvr_heaps[i]; + + if (i == DRM_PVR_HEAP_RGNHDR && !PVR_HAS_QUIRK(pvr_dev, 63142)) + heap.size = 0; + + err = PVR_UOBJ_SET(dest, query.heaps.stride, heap); + if (err < 0) + return err; + + dest += query.heaps.stride; + } + +copy_out: + err = PVR_UOBJ_SET(args->pointer, args->size, query); + if (err < 0) + return err; + + args->size = sizeof(query); + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_heap_contains_range() - Determine if a given heap contains the specified + * device-virtual address range. + * @pvr_heap: Target heap. + * @start: Inclusive start of the target range. + * @end: Inclusive end of the target range. + * + * It is an error to call this function with values of @start and @end that do + * not satisfy the condition @start <= @end. + */ +static __always_inline bool +pvr_heap_contains_range(const struct drm_pvr_heap *pvr_heap, u64 start, u64 end) +{ + return pvr_heap->base <= start && end < pvr_heap->base + pvr_heap->size; +} + +/** + * pvr_find_heap_containing() - Find a heap which contains the specified + * device-virtual address range. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @start: Start of the target range. + * @size: Size of the target range. + * + * Return: + * * A pointer to a constant instance of struct drm_pvr_heap representing the + * heap containing the entire range specified by @start and @size on + * success, or + * * %NULL if no such heap exists. + */ +const struct drm_pvr_heap * +pvr_find_heap_containing(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u64 start, u64 size) +{ + u64 end; + + if (check_add_overflow(start, size - 1, &end)) + return NULL; + + /* + * There are no guarantees about the order of address ranges in + * &pvr_heaps, so iterate over the entire array for a heap whose + * range completely encompasses the given range. + */ + for (u32 heap_id = 0; heap_id < ARRAY_SIZE(pvr_heaps); heap_id++) { + /* Filter heaps that present only with an associated quirk */ + if (heap_id == DRM_PVR_HEAP_RGNHDR && + !PVR_HAS_QUIRK(pvr_dev, 63142)) { + continue; + } + + if (pvr_heap_contains_range(&pvr_heaps[heap_id], start, end)) + return &pvr_heaps[heap_id]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_find_gem_object() - Look up a buffer object from a given + * device-virtual address. + * @vm_ctx: [IN] Target VM context. + * @device_addr: [IN] Virtual device address at the start of the required + * object. + * @mapped_offset_out: [OUT] Pointer to location to write offset of the start + * of the mapped region within the buffer object. May be + * %NULL if this information is not required. + * @mapped_size_out: [OUT] Pointer to location to write size of the mapped + * region. May be %NULL if this information is not required. + * + * If successful, a reference will be taken on the buffer object. The caller + * must drop the reference with pvr_gem_object_put(). + * + * Return: + * * The PowerVR buffer object mapped at @device_addr if one exists, or + * * %NULL otherwise. + */ +struct pvr_gem_object * +pvr_vm_find_gem_object(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx, u64 device_addr, + u64 *mapped_offset_out, u64 *mapped_size_out) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj; + struct drm_gpuva *va; + + mutex_lock(&vm_ctx->lock); + + va = drm_gpuva_find_first(&vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr, device_addr, 1); + if (!va) + goto err_unlock; + + pvr_obj = gem_to_pvr_gem(va->gem.obj); + pvr_gem_object_get(pvr_obj); + + if (mapped_offset_out) + *mapped_offset_out = va->gem.offset; + if (mapped_size_out) + *mapped_size_out = va->va.range; + + mutex_unlock(&vm_ctx->lock); + + return pvr_obj; + +err_unlock: + mutex_unlock(&vm_ctx->lock); + + return NULL; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_get_fw_mem_context: Get object representing firmware memory context + * @vm_ctx: Target VM context. + * + * Returns: + * * FW object representing firmware memory context, or + * * %NULL if this VM context does not have a firmware memory context. + */ +struct pvr_fw_object * +pvr_vm_get_fw_mem_context(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx) +{ + return vm_ctx->fw_mem_ctx_obj; +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b98bc3981807 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_VM_H +#define PVR_VM_H + +#include "pvr_rogue_mmu_defs.h" + +#include + +#include + +/* Forward declaration from "pvr_device.h" */ +struct pvr_device; +struct pvr_file; + +/* Forward declaration from "pvr_gem.h" */ +struct pvr_gem_object; + +/* Forward declaration from "pvr_vm.c" */ +struct pvr_vm_context; + +/* Forward declaration from */ +struct drm_pvr_ioctl_get_heap_info_args; + +/* Functions defined in pvr_vm.c */ + +bool pvr_device_addr_is_valid(u64 device_addr); +bool pvr_device_addr_and_size_are_valid(u64 device_addr, u64 size); + +struct pvr_vm_context *pvr_vm_create_context(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + bool is_userspace_context); + +int pvr_vm_map(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx, + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj, u64 pvr_obj_offset, + u64 device_addr, u64 size); +int pvr_vm_unmap(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx, u64 device_addr, u64 size); + +dma_addr_t pvr_vm_get_page_table_root_addr(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx); + +int pvr_static_data_areas_get(const struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_dev_query_args *args); +int pvr_heap_info_get(const struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_dev_query_args *args); +const struct drm_pvr_heap *pvr_find_heap_containing(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + u64 addr, u64 size); + +struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_vm_find_gem_object(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx, + u64 device_addr, + u64 *mapped_offset_out, + u64 *mapped_size_out); + +struct pvr_fw_object * +pvr_vm_get_fw_mem_context(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx); + +struct pvr_vm_context *pvr_vm_context_lookup(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, u32 handle); +bool pvr_vm_context_put(struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx); +void pvr_destroy_vm_contexts_for_file(struct pvr_file *pvr_file); + +#endif /* PVR_VM_H */ From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:50 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739678 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 2011B1DFF2; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:39 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="KdnkIDNG"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="hj87Bk70" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 9CFFE1B4; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:14:20 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VCJjRi013616; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:33 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=8dq+QqSmsjfeCnpEMqrdByS/vt5CIgsbRHg15g6fD34=; b=Kdn kIDNGzeJnjNOSvVPhb9W9i5P31s94GqHBCMarfssRk/3HZO+7QgO7Kt2UdSPvwpG RoJiow1Euds+r1QONrD8Ff6o5Pz9myf6GreR7DynXt9KE1xbyJNtYzS6Uy0e8En+ Z/wtOg6Ta/yKME+jceg+KDvVLmo2mlCWaKep8YFMFY6SAAvaXWfC64c+Ra5B3vP8 lnrXGEFUrgbeD6FUI0mGSR5tq8Dm3yOIm/NpPmwUX+HhXwdz6i9R8B27ELc2L5A/ mD/jnn98vmsAY1xtWZSM8URpvBK0okG/ofmvkMTi2qUqSBSESSLxdHuUG4rDHYCK L4ewPrZt2yKZTmC6m9g== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf42-6 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:32 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:28 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:28 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=HiSrhKobcnq+CRctqMZ5TWlsmZRb3oJJr1RZqhk6WXhQjBiV2/cbj58VXAAAyQs3Bn6tvDrhBw6ZfQpoYawnzpXrF6XQpUr1JZT5vDPeyRqrAGVhu6ZtuZqek7lT+DWJ4xFUwEeutRR9o50RGN2aK3P9ZP9QY3b36dn0489PdPe8C5AgSTbnjBKoliQ/jujjmdKHfwqSmEAJf/qOSJKDNXBgIlZkEH8zv/xYvPD6O0bIokbvtDAWXLIvIIFlh0MTip/AMHA4BauvxaGO9TXRKGDQdx1uWSOMrxiagRY9ZfXCgf2CJK3WVWO2AEHpHd7AHMESl4HJNTwjNzWEikDOZw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=8dq+QqSmsjfeCnpEMqrdByS/vt5CIgsbRHg15g6fD34=; b=drPttxayyobCZfwfbWvMkicJ9EzkmWLQcMOA1K5UyRic+7tww1eIPHnIPKquz0qANmzH8XBz1/w92xlYVF3pDGB3s3eBzLgomVBj5S5Kd3iKu1jCQESzGP2F51HIAt8yCGjMgKnG6EMQB061e7GxuZUlpeZpAJLUouvXkbxNNpXhx6HIqOIrudNTA0LAbnrJNoGj86Sm4rTkTF42uCvVSAEsjz+2UDDFjbzBxGHnVedxIstn6xzXSmGv5FooLGzsAF8aWiKst/ytrvtHGGGleBoXAIwNScfP8tBpwIsYYsQSW2dqJphOiYVVmXfXJY32JohYlklWPZ63XrOLLiTULw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=8dq+QqSmsjfeCnpEMqrdByS/vt5CIgsbRHg15g6fD34=; b=hj87Bk70Ka6D9XjdyXl9PYSMnok3Talll0UqyfgviSNFnbRTsoSIIzfiRNBckfKTFiGQ8UH1K2sRxglCc8ArtYGKxn+88b/HV7ULsgZm4xHShKoAeKCrB2cbWMad5N8OD6gpooZwbplO4gmpOA6EWTdG+b3RdOXcnLCxuYAIxcA= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:21 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:21 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v8 13/20] drm/imagination: Implement firmware infrastructure and META FW support Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:50 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 1050a3f2-6ac5-41de-a9b8-08dbda23eba0 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(136003)(376002)(366004)(39850400004)(346002)(396003)(230922051799003)(64100799003)(1800799009)(186009)(451199024)(2906002)(30864003)(7416002)(41300700001)(5660300002)(44832011)(8676002)(4326008)(8936002)(38350700005)(36756003)(86362001)(38100700002)(1076003)(316002)(6916009)(66946007)(66476007)(66556008)(2616005)(83380400001)(478600001)(6666004)(26005)(6512007)(6506007)(52116002)(6486002)(579004)(559001)(134885004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 1050a3f2-6ac5-41de-a9b8-08dbda23eba0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2023 15:13:21.8135 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 0d5fd8bb-e8c2-4e0a-8dd5-2c264f7140fe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: p0J7IAzP63VJT7v4VPo+nqJBec9D7DYdfxhhNunxTg/5FQ3GvavG0PSxX9wd7089iPB3ZbTLwekMx9saPSUROg== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CWLP265MB2018 X-OriginatorOrg: X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: 15a78312-3e47-46eb-9010-2e54d84a9631 X-Proofpoint-GUID: CZWwyev0ukZLfYD9aEL0NApoVNq2PYKv X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: CZWwyev0ukZLfYD9aEL0NApoVNq2PYKv The infrastructure includes parsing of the firmware image, initialising FW-side structures, handling the kernel and firmware command ringbuffers and starting & stopping the firmware processor. This patch also adds the necessary support code for the META firmware processor. Changes since v6: - Add a minimum retry count to pvr_kccb_reserve_slot_sync() Changes since v5: - Add workaround for BRN 71242 - Attempt to recover GPU on MMU flush command failure Changes since v4: - Remove use of drm_gem_shmem_get_pages() - Remove interrupt resource name Changes since v3: - Hard reset FW processor on watchdog timeout - Switch to threaded IRQ - Rework FW object creation/initialisation to aid hard reset - Added MODULE_FIRMWARE() - Use drm_dev_{enter,exit} Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker --- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile | 4 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.c | 638 ++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.h | 71 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c | 103 ++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h | 60 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c | 1 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c | 1342 +++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.h | 474 ++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.c | 554 +++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.h | 14 + .../gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.c | 306 ++++ .../gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.h | 13 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.c | 120 ++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.h | 78 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c | 70 +- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.c | 166 +- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.h | 2 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c | 26 +- 18 files changed, 4018 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.h diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile index 235e2d329e29..5b02440841be 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile @@ -4,10 +4,14 @@ subdir-ccflags-y := -I$(srctree)/$(src) powervr-y := \ + pvr_ccb.o \ pvr_device.o \ pvr_device_info.o \ pvr_drv.o \ pvr_fw.o \ + pvr_fw_meta.o \ + pvr_fw_startstop.o \ + pvr_fw_trace.o \ pvr_gem.o \ pvr_mmu.o \ pvr_power.o \ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..64b58b8989ca --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.c @@ -0,0 +1,638 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_ccb.h" +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_drv.h" +#include "pvr_fw.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_power.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define RESERVE_SLOT_TIMEOUT (1 * HZ) /* 1s */ +#define RESERVE_SLOT_MIN_RETRIES 10 + +static void +ccb_ctrl_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl *ctrl = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_ccb *pvr_ccb = priv; + + ctrl->write_offset = 0; + ctrl->read_offset = 0; + ctrl->wrap_mask = pvr_ccb->num_cmds - 1; + ctrl->cmd_size = pvr_ccb->cmd_size; +} + +/** + * pvr_ccb_init() - Initialise a CCB + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @pvr_ccb: Pointer to CCB structure to initialise. + * @num_cmds_log2: Log2 of number of commands in this CCB. + * @cmd_size: Command size for this CCB. + * + * Return: + * * Zero on success, or + * * Any error code returned by pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(). + */ +static int +pvr_ccb_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_ccb *pvr_ccb, + u32 num_cmds_log2, size_t cmd_size) +{ + u32 num_cmds = 1 << num_cmds_log2; + u32 ccb_size = num_cmds * cmd_size; + int err; + + pvr_ccb->num_cmds = num_cmds; + pvr_ccb->cmd_size = cmd_size; + + err = drmm_mutex_init(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), &pvr_ccb->lock); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * Map CCB and control structure as uncached, so we don't have to flush + * CPU cache repeatedly when polling for space. + */ + pvr_ccb->ctrl = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, sizeof(*pvr_ccb->ctrl), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + ccb_ctrl_init, pvr_ccb, &pvr_ccb->ctrl_obj); + if (IS_ERR(pvr_ccb->ctrl)) + return PTR_ERR(pvr_ccb->ctrl); + + pvr_ccb->ccb = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, ccb_size, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &pvr_ccb->ccb_obj); + if (IS_ERR(pvr_ccb->ccb)) { + err = PTR_ERR(pvr_ccb->ccb); + goto err_free_ctrl; + } + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(pvr_ccb->ctrl_obj, &pvr_ccb->ctrl_fw_addr); + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(pvr_ccb->ccb_obj, &pvr_ccb->ccb_fw_addr); + + WRITE_ONCE(pvr_ccb->ctrl->write_offset, 0); + WRITE_ONCE(pvr_ccb->ctrl->read_offset, 0); + WRITE_ONCE(pvr_ccb->ctrl->wrap_mask, num_cmds - 1); + WRITE_ONCE(pvr_ccb->ctrl->cmd_size, cmd_size); + + return 0; + +err_free_ctrl: + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(pvr_ccb->ctrl_obj); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_ccb_fini() - Release CCB structure + * @pvr_ccb: CCB to release. + */ +void +pvr_ccb_fini(struct pvr_ccb *pvr_ccb) +{ + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(pvr_ccb->ccb_obj); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(pvr_ccb->ctrl_obj); +} + +/** + * pvr_ccb_slot_available_locked() - Test whether any slots are available in CCB + * @pvr_ccb: CCB to test. + * @write_offset: Address to store number of next available slot. May be %NULL. + * + * Caller must hold @pvr_ccb->lock. + * + * Return: + * * %true if a slot is available, or + * * %false if no slot is available. + */ +static __always_inline bool +pvr_ccb_slot_available_locked(struct pvr_ccb *pvr_ccb, u32 *write_offset) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl *ctrl = pvr_ccb->ctrl; + u32 next_write_offset = (READ_ONCE(ctrl->write_offset) + 1) & READ_ONCE(ctrl->wrap_mask); + + lockdep_assert_held(&pvr_ccb->lock); + + if (READ_ONCE(ctrl->read_offset) != next_write_offset) { + if (write_offset) + *write_offset = next_write_offset; + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +static void +process_fwccb_command(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd *cmd) +{ + switch (cmd->cmd_type) { + case ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_CMD_REQUEST_GPU_RESTART: + pvr_power_reset(pvr_dev, false); + break; + + default: + drm_info(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), "Received unknown FWCCB command %x\n", + cmd->cmd_type); + break; + } +} + +/** + * pvr_fwccb_process_worker() - Process any pending FWCCB commands + * @work: Work item. + * + * For this initial implementation, FWCCB commands will be printed to the console but otherwise not + * processed. + */ +void pvr_fwccb_process(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd *fwccb = pvr_dev->fwccb.ccb; + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl *ctrl = pvr_dev->fwccb.ctrl; + u32 read_offset; + + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->fwccb.lock); + + while ((read_offset = READ_ONCE(ctrl->read_offset)) != READ_ONCE(ctrl->write_offset)) { + struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd cmd = fwccb[read_offset]; + + WRITE_ONCE(ctrl->read_offset, (read_offset + 1) & READ_ONCE(ctrl->wrap_mask)); + + /* Drop FWCCB lock while we process command. */ + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->fwccb.lock); + + process_fwccb_command(pvr_dev, &cmd); + + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->fwccb.lock); + } + + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->fwccb.lock); +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_capacity() - Returns the maximum number of usable KCCB slots. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * Return: + * * The maximum number of active slots. + */ +static u32 pvr_kccb_capacity(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + /* Capacity is the number of slot minus one to cope with the wrapping + * mechanisms. If we were to use all slots, we might end up with + * read_offset == write_offset, which the FW considers as a KCCB-is-empty + * condition. + */ + return pvr_dev->kccb.slot_count - 1; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_used_slot_count_locked() - Get the number of used slots + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * + * KCCB lock must be held. + * + * Return: + * * The number of slots currently used. + */ +static u32 +pvr_kccb_used_slot_count_locked(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_ccb *pvr_ccb = &pvr_dev->kccb.ccb; + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl *ctrl = pvr_ccb->ctrl; + u32 wr_offset = READ_ONCE(ctrl->write_offset); + u32 rd_offset = READ_ONCE(ctrl->read_offset); + u32 used_count; + + lockdep_assert_held(&pvr_ccb->lock); + + if (wr_offset >= rd_offset) + used_count = wr_offset - rd_offset; + else + used_count = wr_offset + pvr_dev->kccb.slot_count - rd_offset; + + return used_count; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_send_cmd_reserved_powered() - Send command to the KCCB, with the PM ref + * held and a slot pre-reserved + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @cmd: Command to sent. + * @kccb_slot: Address to store the KCCB slot for this command. May be %NULL. + */ +void +pvr_kccb_send_cmd_reserved_powered(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd *cmd, + u32 *kccb_slot) +{ + struct pvr_ccb *pvr_ccb = &pvr_dev->kccb.ccb; + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd *kccb = pvr_ccb->ccb; + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl *ctrl = pvr_ccb->ctrl; + u32 old_write_offset; + u32 new_write_offset; + + WARN_ON(pvr_dev->lost); + + mutex_lock(&pvr_ccb->lock); + + if (WARN_ON(!pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count)) + goto out_unlock; + + old_write_offset = READ_ONCE(ctrl->write_offset); + + /* We reserved the slot, we should have one available. */ + if (WARN_ON(!pvr_ccb_slot_available_locked(pvr_ccb, &new_write_offset))) + goto out_unlock; + + memcpy(&kccb[old_write_offset], cmd, + sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd)); + if (kccb_slot) { + *kccb_slot = old_write_offset; + /* Clear return status for this slot. */ + WRITE_ONCE(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn[old_write_offset], + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_RTN_SLOT_NO_RESPONSE); + } + mb(); /* memory barrier */ + WRITE_ONCE(ctrl->write_offset, new_write_offset); + pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count--; + + /* Kick MTS */ + pvr_fw_mts_schedule(pvr_dev, + PVR_FWIF_DM_GP & ~ROGUE_CR_MTS_SCHEDULE_DM_CLRMSK); + +out_unlock: + mutex_unlock(&pvr_ccb->lock); +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_try_reserve_slot() - Try to reserve a KCCB slot + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * + * Return: + * * true if a KCCB slot was reserved, or + * * false otherwise. + */ +static bool pvr_kccb_try_reserve_slot(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + bool reserved = false; + u32 used_count; + + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); + + used_count = pvr_kccb_used_slot_count_locked(pvr_dev); + if (pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count < pvr_kccb_capacity(pvr_dev) - used_count) { + pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count++; + reserved = true; + } + + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); + + return reserved; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_reserve_slot_sync() - Try to reserve a slot synchronously + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -EBUSY if no slots were reserved after %RESERVE_SLOT_TIMEOUT, with a minimum of + * %RESERVE_SLOT_MIN_RETRIES retries. + */ +static int pvr_kccb_reserve_slot_sync(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + unsigned long start_timestamp = jiffies; + bool reserved = false; + u32 retries = 0; + + while ((jiffies - start_timestamp) < (u32)RESERVE_SLOT_TIMEOUT || + retries < RESERVE_SLOT_MIN_RETRIES) { + reserved = pvr_kccb_try_reserve_slot(pvr_dev); + if (reserved) + break; + + usleep_range(1, 50); + + if (retries < U32_MAX) + retries++; + } + + return reserved ? 0 : -EBUSY; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_send_cmd_powered() - Send command to the KCCB, with a PM ref held + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @cmd: Command to sent. + * @kccb_slot: Address to store the KCCB slot for this command. May be %NULL. + * + * Returns: + * * Zero on success, or + * * -EBUSY if timeout while waiting for a free KCCB slot. + */ +int +pvr_kccb_send_cmd_powered(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd *cmd, + u32 *kccb_slot) +{ + int err; + + err = pvr_kccb_reserve_slot_sync(pvr_dev); + if (err) + return err; + + pvr_kccb_send_cmd_reserved_powered(pvr_dev, cmd, kccb_slot); + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_send_cmd() - Send command to the KCCB + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @cmd: Command to sent. + * @kccb_slot: Address to store the KCCB slot for this command. May be %NULL. + * + * Returns: + * * Zero on success, or + * * -EBUSY if timeout while waiting for a free KCCB slot. + */ +int +pvr_kccb_send_cmd(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd *cmd, + u32 *kccb_slot) +{ + int err; + + err = pvr_power_get(pvr_dev); + if (err) + return err; + + err = pvr_kccb_send_cmd_powered(pvr_dev, cmd, kccb_slot); + + pvr_power_put(pvr_dev); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_wait_for_completion() - Wait for a KCCB command to complete + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @slot_nr: KCCB slot to wait on. + * @timeout: Timeout length (in jiffies). + * @rtn_out: Location to store KCCB command result. May be %NULL. + * + * Returns: + * * Zero on success, or + * * -ETIMEDOUT on timeout. + */ +int +pvr_kccb_wait_for_completion(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 slot_nr, + u32 timeout, u32 *rtn_out) +{ + int ret = wait_event_timeout(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn_q, READ_ONCE(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn[slot_nr]) & + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_RTN_SLOT_CMD_EXECUTED, timeout); + + if (ret && rtn_out) + *rtn_out = READ_ONCE(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn[slot_nr]); + + return ret ? 0 : -ETIMEDOUT; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_is_idle() - Returns whether the device's KCCB is idle + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer + * + * Returns: + * * %true if the KCCB is idle (contains no commands), or + * * %false if the KCCB contains pending commands. + */ +bool +pvr_kccb_is_idle(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl *ctrl = pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.ctrl; + bool idle; + + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); + + idle = (READ_ONCE(ctrl->write_offset) == READ_ONCE(ctrl->read_offset)); + + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); + + return idle; +} + +static const char * +pvr_kccb_fence_get_driver_name(struct dma_fence *f) +{ + return PVR_DRIVER_NAME; +} + +static const char * +pvr_kccb_fence_get_timeline_name(struct dma_fence *f) +{ + return "kccb"; +} + +static const struct dma_fence_ops pvr_kccb_fence_ops = { + .get_driver_name = pvr_kccb_fence_get_driver_name, + .get_timeline_name = pvr_kccb_fence_get_timeline_name, +}; + +/** + * struct pvr_kccb_fence - Fence object used to wait for a KCCB slot + */ +struct pvr_kccb_fence { + /** @base: Base dma_fence object. */ + struct dma_fence base; + + /** @node: Node used to insert the fence in the pvr_device::kccb::waiters list. */ + struct list_head node; +}; + +/** + * pvr_kccb_wake_up_waiters() - Check the KCCB waiters + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * Signal as many KCCB fences as we have slots available. + */ +void pvr_kccb_wake_up_waiters(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_kccb_fence *fence, *tmp_fence; + u32 used_count, available_count; + + /* Wake up those waiting for KCCB slot execution. */ + wake_up_all(&pvr_dev->kccb.rtn_q); + + /* Then iterate over all KCCB fences and signal as many as we can. */ + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); + used_count = pvr_kccb_used_slot_count_locked(pvr_dev); + + if (WARN_ON(used_count + pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count > pvr_kccb_capacity(pvr_dev))) + goto out_unlock; + + available_count = pvr_kccb_capacity(pvr_dev) - used_count - pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count; + list_for_each_entry_safe(fence, tmp_fence, &pvr_dev->kccb.waiters, node) { + if (!available_count) + break; + + list_del(&fence->node); + pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count++; + available_count--; + dma_fence_signal(&fence->base); + dma_fence_put(&fence->base); + } + +out_unlock: + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_fini() - Cleanup device KCCB + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + */ +void pvr_kccb_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + pvr_ccb_fini(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb); + WARN_ON(!list_empty(&pvr_dev->kccb.waiters)); + WARN_ON(pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count); +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_init() - Initialise device KCCB + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_ccb_init(). + */ +int +pvr_kccb_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + pvr_dev->kccb.slot_count = 1 << ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_NUMCMDS_LOG2_DEFAULT; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pvr_dev->kccb.waiters); + pvr_dev-> = dma_fence_context_alloc(1); + spin_lock_init(&pvr_dev->kccb.fence_ctx.lock); + + return pvr_ccb_init(pvr_dev, &pvr_dev->kccb.ccb, + ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_NUMCMDS_LOG2_DEFAULT, + sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd)); +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_fence_alloc() - Allocate a pvr_kccb_fence object + * + * Return: + * * NULL if the allocation fails, or + * * A valid dma_fence pointer otherwise. + */ +struct dma_fence *pvr_kccb_fence_alloc(void) +{ + struct pvr_kccb_fence *kccb_fence; + + kccb_fence = kzalloc(sizeof(*kccb_fence), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!kccb_fence) + return NULL; + + return &kccb_fence->base; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_fence_put() - Drop a KCCB fence reference + * @fence: The fence to drop the reference on. + * + * If the fence hasn't been initialized yet, dma_fence_free() is called. This + * way we have a single function taking care of both cases. + */ +void pvr_kccb_fence_put(struct dma_fence *fence) +{ + if (!fence) + return; + + if (!fence->ops) { + dma_fence_free(fence); + } else { + WARN_ON(fence->ops != &pvr_kccb_fence_ops); + dma_fence_put(fence); + } +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_reserve_slot() - Reserve a KCCB slot for later use + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * @f: KCCB fence object previously allocated with pvr_kccb_fence_alloc() + * + * Try to reserve a KCCB slot, and if there's no slot available, + * initializes the fence object and queue it to the waiters list. + * + * If NULL is returned, that means the slot is reserved. In that case, + * the @f is freed and shouldn't be accessed after that point. + * + * Return: + * * NULL if a slot was available directly, or + * * A valid dma_fence object to wait on if no slot was available. + */ +struct dma_fence * +pvr_kccb_reserve_slot(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct dma_fence *f) +{ + struct pvr_kccb_fence *fence = container_of(f, struct pvr_kccb_fence, base); + struct dma_fence *out_fence = NULL; + u32 used_count; + + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); + + used_count = pvr_kccb_used_slot_count_locked(pvr_dev); + if (pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count >= pvr_kccb_capacity(pvr_dev) - used_count) { + dma_fence_init(&fence->base, &pvr_kccb_fence_ops, + &pvr_dev->kccb.fence_ctx.lock, + pvr_dev->, + atomic_inc_return(&pvr_dev->kccb.fence_ctx.seqno)); + out_fence = dma_fence_get(&fence->base); + list_add_tail(&fence->node, &pvr_dev->kccb.waiters); + } else { + pvr_kccb_fence_put(f); + pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count++; + } + + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); + + return out_fence; +} + +/** + * pvr_kccb_release_slot() - Release a KCCB slot reserved with + * pvr_kccb_reserve_slot() + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * Should only be called if something failed after the + * pvr_kccb_reserve_slot() call and you know you won't call + * pvr_kccb_send_cmd_reserved(). + */ +void pvr_kccb_release_slot(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); + if (!WARN_ON(!pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count)) + pvr_dev->kccb.reserved_count--; + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.lock); +} + +/** + * pvr_fwccb_init() - Initialise device FWCCB + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_ccb_init(). + */ +int +pvr_fwccb_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + return pvr_ccb_init(pvr_dev, &pvr_dev->fwccb, + ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_NUMCMDS_LOG2, + sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_fwccb_cmd)); +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..60ebaa7dca63 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_ccb.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_CCB_H +#define PVR_CCB_H + +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" + +#include +#include + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_device.h. */ +struct pvr_device; + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_gem.h. */ +struct pvr_fw_object; + +struct pvr_ccb { + /** @ctrl_obj: FW object representing CCB control structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *ctrl_obj; + /** @ccb_obj: FW object representing CCB. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *ccb_obj; + + /** @ctrl_fw_addr: FW virtual address of CCB control structure. */ + u32 ctrl_fw_addr; + /** @ccb_fw_addr: FW virtual address of CCB. */ + u32 ccb_fw_addr; + + /** @num_cmds: Number of commands in this CCB. */ + u32 num_cmds; + + /** @cmd_size: Size of each command in this CCB, in bytes. */ + u32 cmd_size; + + /** @lock: Mutex protecting @ctrl and @ccb. */ + struct mutex lock; + /** + * @ctrl: Kernel mapping of CCB control structure. @lock must be held + * when accessing. + */ + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_ctl *ctrl; + /** @ccb: Kernel mapping of CCB. @lock must be held when accessing. */ + void *ccb; +}; + +int pvr_kccb_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void pvr_kccb_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +int pvr_fwccb_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void pvr_ccb_fini(struct pvr_ccb *ccb); + +void pvr_fwccb_process(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +struct dma_fence *pvr_kccb_fence_alloc(void); +void pvr_kccb_fence_put(struct dma_fence *fence); +struct dma_fence * +pvr_kccb_reserve_slot(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct dma_fence *f); +void pvr_kccb_release_slot(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +int pvr_kccb_send_cmd(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd *cmd, u32 *kccb_slot); +int pvr_kccb_send_cmd_powered(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd *cmd, + u32 *kccb_slot); +void pvr_kccb_send_cmd_reserved_powered(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd *cmd, + u32 *kccb_slot); +int pvr_kccb_wait_for_completion(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 slot_nr, u32 timeout, + u32 *rtn_out); +bool pvr_kccb_is_idle(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void pvr_kccb_wake_up_waiters(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +#endif /* PVR_CCB_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c index 51ff10522d23..6055cf6054f7 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c @@ -114,6 +114,87 @@ static int pvr_device_clk_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) return 0; } +static irqreturn_t pvr_device_irq_thread_handler(int irq, void *data) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = data; + irqreturn_t ret = IRQ_NONE; + + /* We are in the threaded handler, we can keep dequeuing events until we + * don't see any. This should allow us to reduce the number of interrupts + * when the GPU is receiving a massive amount of short jobs. + */ + while (pvr_fw_irq_pending(pvr_dev)) { + pvr_fw_irq_clear(pvr_dev); + + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.booted) { + pvr_fwccb_process(pvr_dev); + pvr_kccb_wake_up_waiters(pvr_dev); + } + + pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev); + + ret = IRQ_HANDLED; + } + + /* Unmask FW irqs before returning, so new interrupts can be received. */ + pvr_fw_irq_enable(pvr_dev); + return ret; +} + +static irqreturn_t pvr_device_irq_handler(int irq, void *data) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = data; + + if (!pvr_fw_irq_pending(pvr_dev)) + return IRQ_NONE; /* Spurious IRQ - ignore. */ + + /* Mask the FW interrupts before waking up the thread. Will be unmasked + * when the thread handler is done processing events. + */ + pvr_fw_irq_disable(pvr_dev); + return IRQ_WAKE_THREAD; +} + +/** + * pvr_device_irq_init() - Initialise IRQ required by a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, + * * Any error returned by platform_get_irq_byname(), or + * * Any error returned by request_irq(). + */ +static int +pvr_device_irq_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + struct platform_device *plat_dev = to_platform_device(drm_dev->dev); + + init_waitqueue_head(&pvr_dev->kccb.rtn_q); + + pvr_dev->irq = platform_get_irq(plat_dev, 0); + if (pvr_dev->irq < 0) + return pvr_dev->irq; + + /* Clear any pending events before requesting the IRQ line. */ + pvr_fw_irq_clear(pvr_dev); + pvr_fw_irq_enable(pvr_dev); + + return request_threaded_irq(pvr_dev->irq, pvr_device_irq_handler, + pvr_device_irq_thread_handler, + IRQF_SHARED, "gpu", pvr_dev); +} + +/** + * pvr_device_irq_fini() - Deinitialise IRQ required by a PowerVR device + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + */ +static void +pvr_device_irq_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + free_irq(pvr_dev->irq, pvr_dev); +} + /** * pvr_build_firmware_filename() - Construct a PowerVR firmware filename * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. @@ -324,7 +405,19 @@ pvr_device_gpu_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) return PTR_ERR(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx); } + err = pvr_fw_init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_vm_ctx_put; + return 0; + +err_vm_ctx_put: + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.processor_type != PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_MIPS) { + pvr_vm_context_put(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx); + pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx = NULL; + } + + return err; } /** @@ -334,6 +427,8 @@ pvr_device_gpu_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) static void pvr_device_gpu_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) { + pvr_fw_fini(pvr_dev); + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.processor_type != PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_MIPS) { WARN_ON(!pvr_vm_context_put(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx)); pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx = NULL; @@ -386,10 +481,17 @@ pvr_device_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) if (err) goto err_pm_runtime_put; + err = pvr_device_irq_init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_device_gpu_fini; + pm_runtime_put(dev); return 0; +err_device_gpu_fini: + pvr_device_gpu_fini(pvr_dev); + err_pm_runtime_put: pm_runtime_put_sync_suspend(dev); @@ -407,6 +509,7 @@ pvr_device_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) * Deinitialization stages are performed in reverse order compared to * the initialization stages in pvr_device_init(). */ + pvr_device_irq_fini(pvr_dev); pvr_device_gpu_fini(pvr_dev); } diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h index 0f37d84e9c61..0d0648314de1 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ #ifndef PVR_DEVICE_H #define PVR_DEVICE_H +#include "pvr_ccb.h" #include "pvr_device_info.h" #include "pvr_fw.h" @@ -123,6 +124,12 @@ struct pvr_device { */ struct clk *mem_clk; + /** @irq: IRQ number. */ + int irq; + + /** @fwccb: Firmware CCB. */ + struct pvr_ccb fwccb; + /** * @kernel_vm_ctx: Virtual memory context used for kernel mappings. * @@ -153,6 +160,49 @@ struct pvr_device { u32 kccb_stall_count; } watchdog; + struct { + /** @ccb: Kernel CCB. */ + struct pvr_ccb ccb; + + /** @rtn_q: Waitqueue for KCCB command return waiters. */ + wait_queue_head_t rtn_q; + + /** @rtn_obj: Object representing KCCB return slots. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *rtn_obj; + + /** + * @rtn: Pointer to CPU mapping of KCCB return slots. Must be accessed by + * READ_ONCE()/WRITE_ONCE(). + */ + u32 *rtn; + + /** @slot_count: Total number of KCCB slots available. */ + u32 slot_count; + + /** @reserved_count: Number of KCCB slots reserved for future use. */ + u32 reserved_count; + + /** + * @waiters: List of KCCB slot waiters. + */ + struct list_head waiters; + + /** @fence_ctx: KCCB fence context. */ + struct { + /** @id: KCCB fence context ID allocated with dma_fence_context_alloc(). */ + u64 id; + + /** @seqno: Sequence number incremented each time a fence is created. */ + atomic_t seqno; + + /** + * @lock: Lock used to synchronize access to fences allocated by this + * context. + */ + spinlock_t lock; + } fence_ctx; + } kccb; + /** * @lost: %true if the device has been lost. * @@ -161,6 +211,16 @@ struct pvr_device { */ bool lost; + /** + * @reset_sem: Reset semaphore. + * + * GPU reset code will lock this for writing. Any code that submits commands to the firmware + * that isn't in an IRQ handler or on the scheduler workqueue must lock this for reading. + * Once this has been successfully locked, &pvr_dev->lost _must_ be checked, and -%EIO must + * be returned if it is set. + */ + struct rw_semaphore reset_sem; + /** @sched_wq: Workqueue for schedulers. */ struct workqueue_struct *sched_wq; }; diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c index debec785a7c0..9f5d794e601f 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c @@ -1331,3 +1331,4 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Imagination Technologies Ltd."); MODULE_DESCRIPTION(PVR_DRIVER_DESC); MODULE_LICENSE("Dual MIT/GPL"); MODULE_IMPORT_NS(DMA_BUF); +MODULE_FIRMWARE("powervr/rogue_33.15.11.3_v1.fw"); diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c index c48de4a3af46..af0955b126b1 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c @@ -1,16 +1,84 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT /* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ +#include "pvr_ccb.h" #include "pvr_device.h" #include "pvr_device_info.h" #include "pvr_fw.h" +#include "pvr_fw_info.h" +#include "pvr_fw_startstop.h" +#include "pvr_fw_trace.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_power.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_dev_info.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_heap_config.h" +#include "pvr_vm.h" #include +#include +#include +#include #include +#include +#include #include #define FW_MAX_SUPPORTED_MAJOR_VERSION 1 +#define FW_BOOT_TIMEOUT_USEC 5000000 + +/* Config heap occupies top 192k of the firmware heap. */ +#define PVR_ROGUE_FW_CONFIG_HEAP_GRANULARITY SZ_64K +#define PVR_ROGUE_FW_CONFIG_HEAP_SIZE (3 * PVR_ROGUE_FW_CONFIG_HEAP_GRANULARITY) + +/* Main firmware allocations should come from the remainder of the heap. */ +#define PVR_ROGUE_FW_MAIN_HEAP_BASE ROGUE_FW_HEAP_BASE + +/* Offsets from start of configuration area of FW heap. */ +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CONNECTION_CTL_OFFSET 0 +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_OSINIT_OFFSET \ + (PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CONNECTION_CTL_OFFSET + PVR_ROGUE_FW_CONFIG_HEAP_GRANULARITY) +#define PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SYSINIT_OFFSET \ + (PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_OSINIT_OFFSET + PVR_ROGUE_FW_CONFIG_HEAP_GRANULARITY) + +#define PVR_ROGUE_FAULT_PAGE_SIZE SZ_4K + +#define PVR_SYNC_OBJ_SIZE sizeof(u32) + +const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry * +pvr_fw_find_layout_entry(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, enum pvr_fw_section_id id) +{ + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.layout_entries; + u32 num_layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.header->layout_entry_num; + u32 entry; + + for (entry = 0; entry < num_layout_entries; entry++) { + if (layout_entries[entry].id == id) + return &layout_entries[entry]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry * +pvr_fw_find_private_data(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.layout_entries; + u32 num_layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.header->layout_entry_num; + u32 entry; + + for (entry = 0; entry < num_layout_entries; entry++) { + if (layout_entries[entry].id == META_PRIVATE_DATA || + layout_entries[entry].id == MIPS_PRIVATE_DATA || + layout_entries[entry].id == RISCV_PRIVATE_DATA) + return &layout_entries[entry]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +#define DEV_INFO_MASK_SIZE(x) DIV_ROUND_UP(x, 64) + /** * pvr_fw_validate() - Parse firmware header and check compatibility * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. @@ -122,6 +190,704 @@ pvr_fw_get_device_info(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) header->feature_param_size); } +static void +layout_get_sizes(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.layout_entries; + u32 num_layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.header->layout_entry_num; + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &pvr_dev->fw_dev.mem; + + fw_mem->code_alloc_size = 0; + fw_mem->data_alloc_size = 0; + fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size = 0; + fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size = 0; + + /* Extract section sizes from FW layout table. */ + for (u32 entry = 0; entry < num_layout_entries; entry++) { + switch (layout_entries[entry].type) { + case FW_CODE: + fw_mem->code_alloc_size += layout_entries[entry].alloc_size; + break; + case FW_DATA: + fw_mem->data_alloc_size += layout_entries[entry].alloc_size; + break; + case FW_COREMEM_CODE: + fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size += + layout_entries[entry].alloc_size; + break; + case FW_COREMEM_DATA: + fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size += + layout_entries[entry].alloc_size; + break; + case NONE: + break; + } + } +} + +int +pvr_fw_find_mmu_segment(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 addr, u32 size, void *fw_code_ptr, + void *fw_data_ptr, void *fw_core_code_ptr, void *fw_core_data_ptr, + void **host_addr_out) +{ + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.layout_entries; + u32 num_layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.header->layout_entry_num; + u32 end_addr = addr + size; + int entry = 0; + + /* Ensure requested range is not zero, and size is not causing addr to overflow. */ + if (end_addr <= addr) + return -EINVAL; + + for (entry = 0; entry < num_layout_entries; entry++) { + u32 entry_start_addr = layout_entries[entry].base_addr; + u32 entry_end_addr = entry_start_addr + layout_entries[entry].alloc_size; + + if (addr >= entry_start_addr && addr < entry_end_addr && + end_addr > entry_start_addr && end_addr <= entry_end_addr) { + switch (layout_entries[entry].type) { + case FW_CODE: + *host_addr_out = fw_code_ptr; + break; + + case FW_DATA: + *host_addr_out = fw_data_ptr; + break; + + case FW_COREMEM_CODE: + *host_addr_out = fw_core_code_ptr; + break; + + case FW_COREMEM_DATA: + *host_addr_out = fw_core_data_ptr; + break; + + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + /* Direct Mem write to mapped memory */ + addr -= layout_entries[entry].base_addr; + addr += layout_entries[entry].alloc_offset; + + /* + * Add offset to pointer to FW allocation only if that + * allocation is available + */ + *(u8 **)host_addr_out += addr; + return 0; + } + } + + return -EINVAL; +} + +static int +pvr_fw_create_fwif_connection_ctl(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + + fw_dev->fwif_connection_ctl = + pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset(pvr_dev, + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.config_offset + + PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_CONNECTION_CTL_OFFSET, + sizeof(*fw_dev->fwif_connection_ctl), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, + &fw_dev->mem.fwif_connection_ctl_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_connection_ctl)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Unable to allocate FWIF connection control memory\n"); + return PTR_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_connection_ctl); + } + + return 0; +} + +static void +pvr_fw_fini_fwif_connection_ctl(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_dev->mem.fwif_connection_ctl_obj); +} + +static void +fw_osinit_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_osinit *fwif_osinit = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = priv; + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &fw_dev->mem; + + fwif_osinit->kernel_ccbctl_fw_addr = pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.ctrl_fw_addr; + fwif_osinit->kernel_ccb_fw_addr = pvr_dev->kccb.ccb.ccb_fw_addr; + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn_obj, + &fwif_osinit->kernel_ccb_rtn_slots_fw_addr); + + fwif_osinit->firmware_ccbctl_fw_addr = pvr_dev->fwccb.ctrl_fw_addr; + fwif_osinit->firmware_ccb_fw_addr = pvr_dev->fwccb.ccb_fw_addr; + + fwif_osinit->work_est_firmware_ccbctl_fw_addr = 0; + fwif_osinit->work_est_firmware_ccb_fw_addr = 0; + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_mem->hwrinfobuf_obj, + &fwif_osinit->rogue_fwif_hwr_info_buf_ctl_fw_addr); + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_mem->osdata_obj, &fwif_osinit->fw_os_data_fw_addr); + + fwif_osinit->hwr_debug_dump_limit = 0; + + rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc_init(&fwif_osinit->rogue_comp_checks.hw_bvnc); + rogue_fwif_compchecks_bvnc_init(&fwif_osinit->rogue_comp_checks.fw_bvnc); +} + +static void +fw_osdata_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_osdata *fwif_osdata = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = priv; + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &pvr_dev->fw_dev.mem; + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_mem->power_sync_obj, &fwif_osdata->power_sync_fw_addr); +} + +static void +fw_fault_page_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + u32 *fault_page = cpu_ptr; + + for (int i = 0; i < PVR_ROGUE_FAULT_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*fault_page); i++) + fault_page[i] = 0xdeadbee0; +} + +static void +fw_sysinit_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_sysinit *fwif_sysinit = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = priv; + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &fw_dev->mem; + dma_addr_t fault_dma_addr = 0; + u32 clock_speed_hz = clk_get_rate(pvr_dev->core_clk); + + WARN_ON(!clock_speed_hz); + + WARN_ON(pvr_fw_object_get_dma_addr(fw_mem->fault_page_obj, 0, &fault_dma_addr)); + fwif_sysinit->fault_phys_addr = (u64)fault_dma_addr; + + fwif_sysinit->pds_exec_base = ROGUE_PDSCODEDATA_HEAP_BASE; + fwif_sysinit->usc_exec_base = ROGUE_USCCODE_HEAP_BASE; + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_mem->runtime_cfg_obj, &fwif_sysinit->runtime_cfg_fw_addr); + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_dev->fw_trace.tracebuf_ctrl_obj, + &fwif_sysinit->trace_buf_ctl_fw_addr); + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_mem->sysdata_obj, &fwif_sysinit->fw_sys_data_fw_addr); + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_mem->gpu_util_fwcb_obj, + &fwif_sysinit->gpu_util_fw_cb_ctl_fw_addr); + if (fw_mem->core_data_obj) { + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_mem->core_data_obj, + &fwif_sysinit->coremem_data_store.fw_addr); + } + + /* Currently unsupported. */ + fwif_sysinit->counter_dump_ctl.buffer_fw_addr = 0; + fwif_sysinit->counter_dump_ctl.size_in_dwords = 0; + + /* Skip alignment checks. */ + fwif_sysinit->align_checks = 0; + + fwif_sysinit->filter_flags = 0; + fwif_sysinit->hw_perf_filter = 0; + fwif_sysinit->firmware_perf = FW_PERF_CONF_NONE; + fwif_sysinit->initial_core_clock_speed = clock_speed_hz; + fwif_sysinit->active_pm_latency_ms = 0; + fwif_sysinit->gpio_validation_mode = ROGUE_FWIF_GPIO_VAL_OFF; + fwif_sysinit->firmware_started = false; + fwif_sysinit->marker_val = 1; + + memset(&fwif_sysinit->bvnc_km_feature_flags, 0, + sizeof(fwif_sysinit->bvnc_km_feature_flags)); +} + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_SLC_MIN_SIZE_FOR_DM_OVERLAP_KB 4 + +static void +fw_sysdata_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_sysdata *fwif_sysdata = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = priv; + u32 slc_size_in_kilobytes = 0; + u32 config_flags = 0; + + WARN_ON(PVR_FEATURE_VALUE(pvr_dev, slc_size_in_kilobytes, &slc_size_in_kilobytes)); + + if (slc_size_in_kilobytes < ROGUE_FWIF_SLC_MIN_SIZE_FOR_DM_OVERLAP_KB) + config_flags |= ROGUE_FWIF_INICFG_DISABLE_DM_OVERLAP; + + fwif_sysdata->config_flags = config_flags; +} + +static void +fw_runtime_cfg_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg *runtime_cfg = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = priv; + u32 clock_speed_hz = clk_get_rate(pvr_dev->core_clk); + + WARN_ON(!clock_speed_hz); + + runtime_cfg->core_clock_speed = clock_speed_hz; + runtime_cfg->active_pm_latency_ms = 0; + runtime_cfg->active_pm_latency_persistant = true; + WARN_ON(PVR_FEATURE_VALUE(pvr_dev, num_clusters, + &runtime_cfg->default_dusts_num_init) != 0); +} + +static void +fw_gpu_util_fwcb_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb *gpu_util_fwcb = cpu_ptr; + + gpu_util_fwcb->last_word = PVR_FWIF_GPU_UTIL_STATE_IDLE; +} + +static int +pvr_fw_create_structures(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &fw_dev->mem; + int err; + + fw_dev->power_sync = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, sizeof(*fw_dev->power_sync), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &fw_mem->power_sync_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_dev->power_sync)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW power_sync structure\n"); + return PTR_ERR(fw_dev->power_sync); + } + + fw_dev->hwrinfobuf = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, sizeof(*fw_dev->hwrinfobuf), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &fw_mem->hwrinfobuf_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_dev->hwrinfobuf)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Unable to allocate FW hwrinfobuf structure\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_dev->hwrinfobuf); + goto err_release_power_sync; + } + + err = pvr_fw_object_create(pvr_dev, PVR_SYNC_OBJ_SIZE, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &fw_mem->mmucache_sync_obj); + if (err) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Unable to allocate MMU cache sync object\n"); + goto err_release_hwrinfobuf; + } + + fw_dev->fwif_sysdata = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, + sizeof(*fw_dev->fwif_sysdata), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + fw_sysdata_init, pvr_dev, + &fw_mem->sysdata_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_sysdata)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW SYSDATA structure\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_sysdata); + goto err_release_mmucache_sync_obj; + } + + err = pvr_fw_object_create(pvr_dev, PVR_ROGUE_FAULT_PAGE_SIZE, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + fw_fault_page_init, NULL, &fw_mem->fault_page_obj); + if (err) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW fault page\n"); + goto err_release_sysdata; + } + + err = pvr_fw_object_create(pvr_dev, sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_gpu_util_fwcb), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + fw_gpu_util_fwcb_init, pvr_dev, &fw_mem->gpu_util_fwcb_obj); + if (err) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate GPU util FWCB\n"); + goto err_release_fault_page; + } + + err = pvr_fw_object_create(pvr_dev, sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_runtime_cfg), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + fw_runtime_cfg_init, pvr_dev, &fw_mem->runtime_cfg_obj); + if (err) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW runtime config\n"); + goto err_release_gpu_util_fwcb; + } + + err = pvr_fw_trace_init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_release_runtime_cfg; + + fw_dev->fwif_osdata = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, + sizeof(*fw_dev->fwif_osdata), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + fw_osdata_init, pvr_dev, + &fw_mem->osdata_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_osdata)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW OSDATA structure\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_osdata); + goto err_fw_trace_fini; + } + + fw_dev->fwif_osinit = + pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset(pvr_dev, + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.config_offset + + PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_OSINIT_OFFSET, + sizeof(*fw_dev->fwif_osinit), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + fw_osinit_init, pvr_dev, &fw_mem->osinit_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_osinit)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW OSINIT structure\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_osinit); + goto err_release_osdata; + } + + fw_dev->fwif_sysinit = + pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset(pvr_dev, + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.config_offset + + PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SYSINIT_OFFSET, + sizeof(*fw_dev->fwif_sysinit), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + fw_sysinit_init, pvr_dev, &fw_mem->sysinit_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_sysinit)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW SYSINIT structure\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_dev->fwif_sysinit); + goto err_release_osinit; + } + + return 0; + +err_release_osinit: + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->osinit_obj); + +err_release_osdata: + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->osdata_obj); + +err_fw_trace_fini: + pvr_fw_trace_fini(pvr_dev); + +err_release_runtime_cfg: + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->runtime_cfg_obj); + +err_release_gpu_util_fwcb: + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->gpu_util_fwcb_obj); + +err_release_fault_page: + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->fault_page_obj); + +err_release_sysdata: + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->sysdata_obj); + +err_release_mmucache_sync_obj: + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->mmucache_sync_obj); + +err_release_hwrinfobuf: + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->hwrinfobuf_obj); + +err_release_power_sync: + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->power_sync_obj); + + return err; +} + +static void +pvr_fw_destroy_structures(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &fw_dev->mem; + + pvr_fw_trace_fini(pvr_dev); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->runtime_cfg_obj); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->gpu_util_fwcb_obj); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->fault_page_obj); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->sysdata_obj); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->sysinit_obj); + + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->mmucache_sync_obj); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->hwrinfobuf_obj); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->power_sync_obj); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->osdata_obj); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->osinit_obj); +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_process() - Process firmware image, allocate FW memory and create boot + * arguments + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset(), or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(). + */ +static int +pvr_fw_process(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &pvr_dev->fw_dev.mem; + const u8 *fw = pvr_dev->fw_dev.firmware->data; + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *private_data; + u8 *fw_code_ptr; + u8 *fw_data_ptr; + u8 *fw_core_code_ptr; + u8 *fw_core_data_ptr; + int err; + + layout_get_sizes(pvr_dev); + + private_data = pvr_fw_find_private_data(pvr_dev); + if (!private_data) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Allocate and map memory for firmware sections. */ + + /* + * Code allocation must be at the start of the firmware heap, otherwise + * firmware processor will be unable to boot. + * + * This has the useful side-effect that for every other object in the + * driver, a firmware address of 0 is invalid. + */ + fw_code_ptr = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset(pvr_dev, 0, fw_mem->code_alloc_size, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &fw_mem->code_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_code_ptr)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW code memory\n"); + return PTR_ERR(fw_code_ptr); + } + + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.defs->has_fixed_data_addr()) { + u32 base_addr = private_data->base_addr & pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_heap_info.offset_mask; + + fw_data_ptr = + pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset(pvr_dev, base_addr, + fw_mem->data_alloc_size, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &fw_mem->data_obj); + } else { + fw_data_ptr = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, fw_mem->data_alloc_size, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &fw_mem->data_obj); + } + if (IS_ERR(fw_data_ptr)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate FW data memory\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_data_ptr); + goto err_free_fw_code_obj; + } + + /* Core code and data sections are optional. */ + if (fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size) { + fw_core_code_ptr = + pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &fw_mem->core_code_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_core_code_ptr)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Unable to allocate FW core code memory\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_core_code_ptr); + goto err_free_fw_data_obj; + } + } else { + fw_core_code_ptr = NULL; + } + + if (fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size) { + fw_core_data_ptr = + pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &fw_mem->core_data_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_core_data_ptr)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Unable to allocate FW core data memory\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_core_data_ptr); + goto err_free_fw_core_code_obj; + } + } else { + fw_core_data_ptr = NULL; + } + + fw_mem->code = kzalloc(fw_mem->code_alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL); + fw_mem->data = kzalloc(fw_mem->data_alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size) + fw_mem->core_code = kzalloc(fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size) + fw_mem->core_data = kzalloc(fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!fw_mem->code || !fw_mem->data || + (!fw_mem->core_code && fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size) || + (!fw_mem->core_data && fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size)) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_free_kdata; + } + + err = pvr_dev->fw_dev.defs->fw_process(pvr_dev, fw, + fw_mem->code, fw_mem->data, fw_mem->core_code, + fw_mem->core_data, fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size); + + if (err) + goto err_free_fw_core_data_obj; + + memcpy(fw_code_ptr, fw_mem->code, fw_mem->code_alloc_size); + memcpy(fw_data_ptr, fw_mem->data, fw_mem->data_alloc_size); + if (fw_mem->core_code) + memcpy(fw_core_code_ptr, fw_mem->core_code, fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size); + if (fw_mem->core_data) + memcpy(fw_core_data_ptr, fw_mem->core_data, fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size); + + /* We're finished with the firmware section memory on the CPU, unmap. */ + if (fw_core_data_ptr) + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(fw_mem->core_data_obj); + if (fw_core_code_ptr) + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(fw_mem->core_code_obj); + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(fw_mem->data_obj); + fw_data_ptr = NULL; + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(fw_mem->code_obj); + fw_code_ptr = NULL; + + err = pvr_fw_create_fwif_connection_ctl(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_free_fw_core_data_obj; + + return 0; + +err_free_kdata: + kfree(fw_mem->core_data); + kfree(fw_mem->core_code); + kfree(fw_mem->data); + kfree(fw_mem->code); + +err_free_fw_core_data_obj: + if (fw_core_data_ptr) + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->core_data_obj); + +err_free_fw_core_code_obj: + if (fw_core_code_ptr) + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_mem->core_code_obj); + +err_free_fw_data_obj: + if (fw_data_ptr) + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(fw_mem->data_obj); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->data_obj); + +err_free_fw_code_obj: + if (fw_code_ptr) + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(fw_mem->code_obj); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->code_obj); + + return err; +} + +static int +pvr_copy_to_fw(struct pvr_fw_object *dest_obj, u8 *src_ptr, u32 size) +{ + u8 *dest_ptr = pvr_fw_object_vmap(dest_obj); + + if (IS_ERR(dest_ptr)) + return PTR_ERR(dest_ptr); + + memcpy(dest_ptr, src_ptr, size); + + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(dest_obj); + + return 0; +} + +static int +pvr_fw_reinit_code_data(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &pvr_dev->fw_dev.mem; + int err; + + err = pvr_copy_to_fw(fw_mem->code_obj, fw_mem->code, fw_mem->code_alloc_size); + if (err) + return err; + + err = pvr_copy_to_fw(fw_mem->data_obj, fw_mem->data, fw_mem->data_alloc_size); + if (err) + return err; + + if (fw_mem->core_code) { + err = pvr_copy_to_fw(fw_mem->core_code_obj, fw_mem->core_code, + fw_mem->core_code_alloc_size); + if (err) + return err; + } + + if (fw_mem->core_data) { + err = pvr_copy_to_fw(fw_mem->core_data_obj, fw_mem->core_data, + fw_mem->core_data_alloc_size); + if (err) + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void +pvr_fw_cleanup(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_mem *fw_mem = &pvr_dev->fw_dev.mem; + + pvr_fw_fini_fwif_connection_ctl(pvr_dev); + if (fw_mem->core_code_obj) + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->core_code_obj); + if (fw_mem->core_data_obj) + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->core_data_obj); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->code_obj); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_mem->data_obj); +} + +/** + * pvr_wait_for_fw_boot() - Wait for firmware to finish booting + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%ETIMEDOUT if firmware fails to boot within timeout. + */ +int +pvr_wait_for_fw_boot(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + ktime_t deadline = ktime_add_us(ktime_get(), FW_BOOT_TIMEOUT_USEC); + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + + while (ktime_to_ns(ktime_sub(deadline, ktime_get())) > 0) { + if (READ_ONCE(fw_dev->fwif_sysinit->firmware_started)) + return 0; + } + + return -ETIMEDOUT; +} + +/* + * pvr_fw_heap_info_init() - Calculate size and masks for FW heap + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @log2_size: Log2 of raw heap size. + * @reserved_size: Size of reserved area of heap, in bytes. May be zero. + */ +void +pvr_fw_heap_info_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 log2_size, u32 reserved_size) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.gpu_addr = PVR_ROGUE_FW_MAIN_HEAP_BASE; + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.log2_size = log2_size; + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.reserved_size = reserved_size; + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.raw_size = 1 << fw_dev->fw_heap_info.log2_size; + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.offset_mask = fw_dev->fw_heap_info.raw_size - 1; + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.config_offset = fw_dev->fw_heap_info.raw_size - + PVR_ROGUE_FW_CONFIG_HEAP_SIZE; + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.size = fw_dev->fw_heap_info.raw_size - + (PVR_ROGUE_FW_CONFIG_HEAP_SIZE + reserved_size); +} + /** * pvr_fw_validate_init_device_info() - Validate firmware and initialise device information * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. @@ -143,3 +909,579 @@ pvr_fw_validate_init_device_info(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) return pvr_fw_get_device_info(pvr_dev); } + +/** + * pvr_fw_init() - Initialise and boot firmware + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * + * On successful completion of the function the PowerVR device will be + * initialised and ready to use. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL on invalid firmware image, + * * -%ENOMEM on out of memory, or + * * -%ETIMEDOUT if firmware processor fails to boot or on register poll timeout. + */ +int +pvr_fw_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + u32 kccb_size_log2 = ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_NUMCMDS_LOG2_DEFAULT; + u32 kccb_rtn_size = (1 << kccb_size_log2) * sizeof(*pvr_dev->kccb.rtn); + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + int err; + + if (fw_dev->processor_type == PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_META) + fw_dev->defs = &pvr_fw_defs_meta; + else + return -EINVAL; + + err = fw_dev->defs->init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + return err; + + drm_mm_init(&fw_dev->fw_mm, ROGUE_FW_HEAP_BASE, fw_dev->fw_heap_info.raw_size); + fw_dev->fw_mm_base = ROGUE_FW_HEAP_BASE; + spin_lock_init(&fw_dev->fw_mm_lock); + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&fw_dev->fw_objs.list); + err = drmm_mutex_init(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), &fw_dev->fw_objs.lock); + if (err) + goto err_mm_takedown; + + err = pvr_fw_process(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_mm_takedown; + + /* Initialise KCCB and FWCCB. */ + err = pvr_kccb_init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_fw_cleanup; + + err = pvr_fwccb_init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_kccb_fini; + + /* Allocate memory for KCCB return slots. */ + pvr_dev->kccb.rtn = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, kccb_rtn_size, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &pvr_dev->kccb.rtn_obj); + if (IS_ERR(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn)) { + err = PTR_ERR(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn); + goto err_fwccb_fini; + } + + err = pvr_fw_create_structures(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_kccb_rtn_release; + + err = pvr_fw_start(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_destroy_structures; + + err = pvr_wait_for_fw_boot(pvr_dev); + if (err) { + drm_err(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), "Firmware failed to boot\n"); + goto err_fw_stop; + } + + fw_dev->booted = true; + + return 0; + +err_fw_stop: + pvr_fw_stop(pvr_dev); + +err_destroy_structures: + pvr_fw_destroy_structures(pvr_dev); + +err_kccb_rtn_release: + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn_obj); + +err_fwccb_fini: + pvr_ccb_fini(&pvr_dev->fwccb); + +err_kccb_fini: + pvr_kccb_fini(pvr_dev); + +err_fw_cleanup: + pvr_fw_cleanup(pvr_dev); + +err_mm_takedown: + drm_mm_takedown(&fw_dev->fw_mm); + + if (fw_dev->defs->fini) + fw_dev->defs->fini(pvr_dev); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_fini() - Shutdown firmware processor and free associated memory + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + */ +void +pvr_fw_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + + fw_dev->booted = false; + + pvr_fw_destroy_structures(pvr_dev); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(pvr_dev->kccb.rtn_obj); + + /* + * Ensure FWCCB worker has finished executing before destroying FWCCB. The IRQ handler has + * been unregistered at this point so no new work should be being submitted. + */ + pvr_ccb_fini(&pvr_dev->fwccb); + pvr_kccb_fini(pvr_dev); + pvr_fw_cleanup(pvr_dev); + + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.lock); + WARN_ON(!list_empty(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.list)); + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.lock); + + drm_mm_takedown(&fw_dev->fw_mm); + + if (fw_dev->defs->fini) + fw_dev->defs->fini(pvr_dev); +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_mts_schedule() - Schedule work via an MTS kick + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device + * @val: Kick mask. Should be a combination of %ROGUE_CR_MTS_SCHEDULE_* + */ +void +pvr_fw_mts_schedule(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 val) +{ + /* Ensure memory is flushed before kicking MTS. */ + wmb(); + + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MTS_SCHEDULE, val); + + /* Ensure the MTS kick goes through before continuing. */ + mb(); +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_structure_cleanup() - Send FW cleanup request for an object + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @type: Type of object to cleanup. Must be one of &enum rogue_fwif_cleanup_type. + * @fw_obj: Pointer to FW object containing object to cleanup. + * @offset: Offset within FW object of object to cleanup. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, + * * -EBUSY if object is busy, + * * -ETIMEDOUT on timeout, or + * * -EIO if device is lost. + */ +int +pvr_fw_structure_cleanup(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 type, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, + u32 offset) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd cmd; + int slot_nr; + int idx; + int err; + u32 rtn; + + struct rogue_fwif_cleanup_request *cleanup_req = &cmd.cmd_data.cleanup_data; + + down_read(&pvr_dev->reset_sem); + + if (!drm_dev_enter(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), &idx)) { + err = -EIO; + goto err_up_read; + } + + cmd.cmd_type = ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_CLEANUP; + cmd.kccb_flags = 0; + cleanup_req->cleanup_type = type; + + switch (type) { + case ROGUE_FWIF_CLEANUP_FWCOMMONCONTEXT: + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr_offset(fw_obj, offset, + &cleanup_req->cleanup_data.context_fw_addr); + break; + case ROGUE_FWIF_CLEANUP_HWRTDATA: + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr_offset(fw_obj, offset, + &cleanup_req->cleanup_data.hwrt_data_fw_addr); + break; + case ROGUE_FWIF_CLEANUP_FREELIST: + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr_offset(fw_obj, offset, + &cleanup_req->cleanup_data.freelist_fw_addr); + break; + default: + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + err = pvr_kccb_send_cmd(pvr_dev, &cmd, &slot_nr); + if (err) + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + + err = pvr_kccb_wait_for_completion(pvr_dev, slot_nr, HZ, &rtn); + if (err) + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + + if (rtn & ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_RTN_SLOT_CLEANUP_BUSY) + err = -EBUSY; + +err_drm_dev_exit: + drm_dev_exit(idx); + +err_up_read: + up_read(&pvr_dev->reset_sem); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_object_fw_map() - Map a FW object in firmware address space + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @fw_obj: FW object to map. + * @dev_addr: Desired address in device space, if a specific address is + * required. 0 otherwise. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if @fw_obj is already mapped but has no references, or + * * Any error returned by DRM. + */ +static int +pvr_fw_object_fw_map(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, u64 dev_addr) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj = fw_obj->gem; + struct drm_gem_object *gem_obj = gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + + int err; + + spin_lock(&fw_dev->fw_mm_lock); + + if (drm_mm_node_allocated(&fw_obj->fw_mm_node)) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto err_unlock; + } + + if (!dev_addr) { + /* + * Allocate from the main heap only (firmware heap minus + * config space). + */ + err = drm_mm_insert_node_in_range(&fw_dev->fw_mm, &fw_obj->fw_mm_node, + gem_obj->size, 0, 0, + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.gpu_addr, + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.gpu_addr + + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.size, 0); + if (err) + goto err_unlock; + } else { + fw_obj->fw_mm_node.start = dev_addr; + fw_obj->fw_mm_node.size = gem_obj->size; + err = drm_mm_reserve_node(&fw_dev->fw_mm, &fw_obj->fw_mm_node); + if (err) + goto err_unlock; + } + + spin_unlock(&fw_dev->fw_mm_lock); + + /* Map object on GPU. */ + err = fw_dev->defs->vm_map(pvr_dev, fw_obj); + if (err) + goto err_remove_node; + + fw_obj->fw_addr_offset = (u32)(fw_obj->fw_mm_node.start - fw_dev->fw_mm_base); + + return 0; + +err_remove_node: + spin_lock(&fw_dev->fw_mm_lock); + drm_mm_remove_node(&fw_obj->fw_mm_node); + +err_unlock: + spin_unlock(&fw_dev->fw_mm_lock); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_object_fw_unmap() - Unmap a previously mapped FW object + * @fw_obj: FW object to unmap. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if object is not currently mapped. + */ +static int +pvr_fw_object_fw_unmap(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj = fw_obj->gem; + struct drm_gem_object *gem_obj = gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(gem_obj->dev); + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + + fw_dev->defs->vm_unmap(pvr_dev, fw_obj); + + spin_lock(&fw_dev->fw_mm_lock); + + if (!drm_mm_node_allocated(&fw_obj->fw_mm_node)) { + spin_unlock(&fw_dev->fw_mm_lock); + return -EINVAL; + } + + drm_mm_remove_node(&fw_obj->fw_mm_node); + + spin_unlock(&fw_dev->fw_mm_lock); + + return 0; +} + +static void * +pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_common(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, size_t size, + u64 flags, u64 dev_addr, + void (*init)(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv), + void *init_priv, struct pvr_fw_object **fw_obj_out) +{ + struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj; + void *cpu_ptr; + int err; + + /* %DRM_PVR_BO_PM_FW_PROTECT is implicit for FW objects. */ + flags |= DRM_PVR_BO_PM_FW_PROTECT; + + fw_obj = kzalloc(sizeof(*fw_obj), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!fw_obj) + return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&fw_obj->node); + fw_obj->init = init; + fw_obj->init_priv = init_priv; + + fw_obj->gem = pvr_gem_object_create(pvr_dev, size, flags); + if (IS_ERR(fw_obj->gem)) { + err = PTR_ERR(fw_obj->gem); + fw_obj->gem = NULL; + goto err_put_object; + } + + err = pvr_fw_object_fw_map(pvr_dev, fw_obj, dev_addr); + if (err) + goto err_put_object; + + cpu_ptr = pvr_fw_object_vmap(fw_obj); + if (IS_ERR(cpu_ptr)) { + err = PTR_ERR(cpu_ptr); + goto err_put_object; + } + + *fw_obj_out = fw_obj; + + if (fw_obj->init) + fw_obj->init(cpu_ptr, fw_obj->init_priv); + + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.lock); + list_add_tail(&fw_obj->node, &pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.list); + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.lock); + + return cpu_ptr; + +err_put_object: + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_obj); + + return ERR_PTR(err); +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_object_create() - Create a FW object and map to firmware + * @pvr_dev: PowerVR device pointer. + * @size: Size of object, in bytes. + * @flags: Options which affect both this operation and future mapping + * operations performed on the returned object. Must be a combination of + * DRM_PVR_BO_* and/or PVR_BO_* flags. + * @init: Initialisation callback. + * @init_priv: Private pointer to pass to initialisation callback. + * @fw_obj_out: Pointer to location to store created object pointer. + * + * %DRM_PVR_BO_DEVICE_PM_FW_PROTECT is implied for all FW objects. Consequently, + * this function will fail if @flags has %DRM_PVR_BO_CPU_ALLOW_USERSPACE_ACCESS + * set. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_object_create_common(). + */ +int +pvr_fw_object_create(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, size_t size, u64 flags, + void (*init)(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv), void *init_priv, + struct pvr_fw_object **fw_obj_out) +{ + void *cpu_ptr; + + cpu_ptr = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_common(pvr_dev, size, flags, 0, init, init_priv, + fw_obj_out); + if (IS_ERR(cpu_ptr)) + return PTR_ERR(cpu_ptr); + + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(*fw_obj_out); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_object_create_and_map() - Create a FW object and map to firmware and CPU + * @pvr_dev: PowerVR device pointer. + * @size: Size of object, in bytes. + * @flags: Options which affect both this operation and future mapping + * operations performed on the returned object. Must be a combination of + * DRM_PVR_BO_* and/or PVR_BO_* flags. + * @init: Initialisation callback. + * @init_priv: Private pointer to pass to initialisation callback. + * @fw_obj_out: Pointer to location to store created object pointer. + * + * %DRM_PVR_BO_DEVICE_PM_FW_PROTECT is implied for all FW objects. Consequently, + * this function will fail if @flags has %DRM_PVR_BO_CPU_ALLOW_USERSPACE_ACCESS + * set. + * + * Caller is responsible for calling pvr_fw_object_vunmap() to release the CPU + * mapping. + * + * Returns: + * * Pointer to CPU mapping of newly created object, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_object_create(), or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_object_vmap(). + */ +void * +pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, size_t size, u64 flags, + void (*init)(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv), + void *init_priv, struct pvr_fw_object **fw_obj_out) +{ + return pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_common(pvr_dev, size, flags, 0, init, init_priv, + fw_obj_out); +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset() - Create a FW object and map to + * firmware at the provided offset and to the CPU. + * @pvr_dev: PowerVR device pointer. + * @dev_offset: Base address of desired FW mapping, offset from start of FW heap. + * @size: Size of object, in bytes. + * @flags: Options which affect both this operation and future mapping + * operations performed on the returned object. Must be a combination of + * DRM_PVR_BO_* and/or PVR_BO_* flags. + * @init: Initialisation callback. + * @init_priv: Private pointer to pass to initialisation callback. + * @fw_obj_out: Pointer to location to store created object pointer. + * + * %DRM_PVR_BO_DEVICE_PM_FW_PROTECT is implied for all FW objects. Consequently, + * this function will fail if @flags has %DRM_PVR_BO_CPU_ALLOW_USERSPACE_ACCESS + * set. + * + * Caller is responsible for calling pvr_fw_object_vunmap() to release the CPU + * mapping. + * + * Returns: + * * Pointer to CPU mapping of newly created object, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_object_create(), or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_object_vmap(). + */ +void * +pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + u32 dev_offset, size_t size, u64 flags, + void (*init)(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv), + void *init_priv, struct pvr_fw_object **fw_obj_out) +{ + u64 dev_addr = pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_mm_base + dev_offset; + + return pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_common(pvr_dev, size, flags, dev_addr, init, init_priv, + fw_obj_out); +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_object_destroy() - Destroy a pvr_fw_object + * @fw_obj: Pointer to object to destroy. + */ +void pvr_fw_object_destroy(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj = fw_obj->gem; + struct drm_gem_object *gem_obj = gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj); + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(gem_obj->dev); + + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.lock); + list_del(&fw_obj->node); + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.lock); + + if (drm_mm_node_allocated(&fw_obj->fw_mm_node)) { + /* If we can't unmap, leak the memory. */ + if (WARN_ON(pvr_fw_object_fw_unmap(fw_obj))) + return; + } + + if (fw_obj->gem) + pvr_gem_object_put(fw_obj->gem); + + kfree(fw_obj); +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr_offset() - Return address of object in firmware address space, with + * given offset. + * @fw_obj: Pointer to object. + * @offset: Desired offset from start of object. + * @fw_addr_out: Location to store address to. + */ +void pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr_offset(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, u32 offset, u32 *fw_addr_out) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj = fw_obj->gem; + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(gem_from_pvr_gem(pvr_obj)->dev); + + *fw_addr_out = pvr_dev->fw_dev.defs->get_fw_addr_with_offset(fw_obj, offset); +} + +/* + * pvr_fw_hard_reset() - Re-initialise the FW code and data segments, and reset all global FW + * structures + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer + * + * If this function returns an error then the caller must regard the device as lost. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_init_dev_structures() or pvr_fw_reset_all(). + */ +int +pvr_fw_hard_reset(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct list_head *pos; + int err; + + /* Reset all FW objects */ + mutex_lock(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.lock); + + list_for_each(pos, &pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.list) { + struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj = container_of(pos, struct pvr_fw_object, node); + void *cpu_ptr = pvr_fw_object_vmap(fw_obj); + + WARN_ON(IS_ERR(cpu_ptr)); + + if (!(fw_obj->gem->flags & PVR_BO_FW_NO_CLEAR_ON_RESET)) { + memset(cpu_ptr, 0, pvr_gem_object_size(fw_obj->gem)); + + if (fw_obj->init) + fw_obj->init(cpu_ptr, fw_obj->init_priv); + } + + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(fw_obj); + } + + mutex_unlock(&pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_objs.lock); + + err = pvr_fw_reinit_code_data(pvr_dev); + if (err) + return err; + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.h index dca7fe5b3dd0..8b36fe6d85e3 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.h @@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ #define PVR_FW_H #include "pvr_fw_info.h" +#include "pvr_fw_trace.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" + +#include #include @@ -12,6 +16,289 @@ struct pvr_device; struct pvr_file; +/* Forward declaration from "pvr_vm.h". */ +struct pvr_vm_context; + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_FWCCB_NUMCMDS_LOG2 5 + +#define ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_NUMCMDS_LOG2_DEFAULT 7 + +/** + * struct pvr_fw_object - container for firmware memory allocations + */ +struct pvr_fw_object { + /** @ref_count: FW object reference counter. */ + struct kref ref_count; + + /** @gem: GEM object backing the FW object. */ + struct pvr_gem_object *gem; + + /** + * @fw_mm_node: Node representing mapping in FW address space. @pvr_obj->lock must + * be held when writing. + */ + struct drm_mm_node fw_mm_node; + + /** + * @fw_addr_offset: Virtual address offset of firmware mapping. Only + * valid if @flags has %PVR_GEM_OBJECT_FLAGS_FW_MAPPED + * set. + */ + u32 fw_addr_offset; + + /** + * @init: Initialisation callback. Will be called on object creation and FW hard reset. + * Object will have been zeroed before this is called. + */ + void (*init)(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv); + + /** @init_priv: Private data for initialisation callback. */ + void *init_priv; + + /** @node: Node for firmware object list. */ + struct list_head node; +}; + +/** + * struct pvr_fw_defs - FW processor function table and static definitions + */ +struct pvr_fw_defs { + /** + * @init: + * + * FW processor specific initialisation. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * This function must call pvr_fw_heap_calculate() to initialise the firmware heap for this + * FW processor. + * + * This function is mandatory. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any appropriate error on failure. + */ + int (*init)(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + + /** + * @fini: + * + * FW processor specific finalisation. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * This function is optional. + */ + void (*fini)(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + + /** + * @fw_process: + * + * Load and process firmware image. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @fw: Pointer to firmware image. + * @fw_code_ptr: Pointer to firmware code section. + * @fw_data_ptr: Pointer to firmware data section. + * @fw_core_code_ptr: Pointer to firmware core code section. May be %NULL. + * @fw_core_data_ptr: Pointer to firmware core data section. May be %NULL. + * @core_code_alloc_size: Total allocation size of core code section. + * + * This function is mandatory. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any appropriate error on failure. + */ + int (*fw_process)(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const u8 *fw, + u8 *fw_code_ptr, u8 *fw_data_ptr, u8 *fw_core_code_ptr, + u8 *fw_core_data_ptr, u32 core_code_alloc_size); + + /** + * @vm_map: + * + * Map FW object into FW processor address space. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @fw_obj: FW object to map. + * + * This function is mandatory. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any appropriate error on failure. + */ + int (*vm_map)(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj); + + /** + * @vm_unmap: + * + * Unmap FW object from FW processor address space. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @fw_obj: FW object to map. + * + * This function is mandatory. + */ + void (*vm_unmap)(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj); + + /** + * @get_fw_addr_with_offset: + * + * Called to get address of object in firmware address space, with offset. + * @fw_obj: Pointer to object. + * @offset: Desired offset from start of object. + * + * This function is mandatory. + * + * Returns: + * * Address in firmware address space. + */ + u32 (*get_fw_addr_with_offset)(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, u32 offset); + + /** + * @wrapper_init: + * + * Called to initialise FW wrapper. + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * This function is mandatory. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success. + * * Any appropriate error on failure. + */ + int (*wrapper_init)(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + + /** + * @has_fixed_data_addr: + * + * Called to check if firmware fixed data must be loaded at the address given by the + * firmware layout table. + * + * This function is mandatory. + * + * Returns: + * * %true if firmware fixed data must be loaded at the address given by the firmware + * layout table. + * * %false otherwise. + */ + bool (*has_fixed_data_addr)(void); + + /** + * @irq: FW Interrupt information. + * + * Those are processor dependent, and should be initialized by the + * processor backend in pvr_fw_funcs::init(). + */ + struct { + /** @enable_reg: FW interrupt enable register. */ + u32 enable_reg; + + /** @status_reg: FW interrupt status register. */ + u32 status_reg; + + /** + * @clear_reg: FW interrupt clear register. + * + * If @status_reg == @clear_reg, we clear by write a bit to zero, + * otherwise we clear by writing a bit to one. + */ + u32 clear_reg; + + /** @event_mask: Bitmask of events to listen for. */ + u32 event_mask; + + /** @clear_mask: Value to write to the clear_reg in order to clear FW IRQs. */ + u32 clear_mask; + } irq; +}; + +/** + * struct pvr_fw_mem - FW memory allocations + */ +struct pvr_fw_mem { + /** @code_obj: Object representing firmware code. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *code_obj; + + /** @data_obj: Object representing firmware data. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *data_obj; + + /** + * @core_code_obj: Object representing firmware core code. May be + * %NULL if firmware does not contain this section. + */ + struct pvr_fw_object *core_code_obj; + + /** + * @core_data_obj: Object representing firmware core data. May be + * %NULL if firmware does not contain this section. + */ + struct pvr_fw_object *core_data_obj; + + /** @code: Driver-side copy of firmware code. */ + u8 *code; + + /** @data: Driver-side copy of firmware data. */ + u8 *data; + + /** + * @core_code: Driver-side copy of firmware core code. May be %NULL if firmware does not + * contain this section. + */ + u8 *core_code; + + /** + * @core_data: Driver-side copy of firmware core data. May be %NULL if firmware does not + * contain this section. + */ + u8 *core_data; + + /** @code_alloc_size: Allocation size of firmware code section. */ + u32 code_alloc_size; + + /** @data_alloc_size: Allocation size of firmware data section. */ + u32 data_alloc_size; + + /** @core_code_alloc_size: Allocation size of firmware core code section. */ + u32 core_code_alloc_size; + + /** @core_data_alloc_size: Allocation size of firmware core data section. */ + u32 core_data_alloc_size; + + /** + * @fwif_connection_ctl_obj: Object representing FWIF connection control + * structure. + */ + struct pvr_fw_object *fwif_connection_ctl_obj; + + /** @osinit_obj: Object representing FW OSINIT structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *osinit_obj; + + /** @sysinit_obj: Object representing FW SYSINIT structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *sysinit_obj; + + /** @osdata_obj: Object representing FW OSDATA structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *osdata_obj; + + /** @hwrinfobuf_obj: Object representing FW hwrinfobuf structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *hwrinfobuf_obj; + + /** @sysdata_obj: Object representing FW SYSDATA structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *sysdata_obj; + + /** @power_sync_obj: Object representing power sync state. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *power_sync_obj; + + /** @fault_page_obj: Object representing FW fault page. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *fault_page_obj; + + /** @gpu_util_fwcb_obj: Object representing FW GPU utilisation control structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *gpu_util_fwcb_obj; + + /** @runtime_cfg_obj: Object representing FW runtime config structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *runtime_cfg_obj; + + /** @mmucache_sync_obj: Object used as the sync parameter in an MMU cache operation. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *mmucache_sync_obj; +}; + struct pvr_fw_device { /** @firmware: Handle to the firmware loaded into the device. */ const struct firmware *firmware; @@ -22,13 +309,200 @@ struct pvr_fw_device { /** @layout_entries: Pointer to firmware layout. */ const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *layout_entries; + /** @mem: Structure containing objects representing firmware memory allocations. */ + struct pvr_fw_mem mem; + + /** @booted: %true if the firmware has been booted, %false otherwise. */ + bool booted; + /** * @processor_type: FW processor type for this device. Must be one of * %PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_*. */ u16 processor_type; + + /** @funcs: Function table for the FW processor used by this device. */ + const struct pvr_fw_defs *defs; + + /** @processor_data: Pointer to data specific to FW processor. */ + union { + /** @mips_data: Pointer to MIPS-specific data. */ + struct pvr_fw_mips_data *mips_data; + } processor_data; + + /** @fw_heap_info: Firmware heap information. */ + struct { + /** @gpu_addr: Base address of firmware heap in GPU address space. */ + u64 gpu_addr; + + /** @size: Size of main area of heap. */ + u32 size; + + /** @offset_mask: Mask for offsets within FW heap. */ + u32 offset_mask; + + /** @raw_size: Raw size of heap, including reserved areas. */ + u32 raw_size; + + /** @log2_size: Log2 of raw size of heap. */ + u32 log2_size; + + /** @config_offset: Offset of config area within heap. */ + u32 config_offset; + + /** @reserved_size: Size of reserved area in heap. */ + u32 reserved_size; + } fw_heap_info; + + /** @fw_mm: Firmware address space allocator. */ + struct drm_mm fw_mm; + + /** @fw_mm_lock: Lock protecting access to &fw_mm. */ + spinlock_t fw_mm_lock; + + /** @fw_mm_base: Base address of address space managed by @fw_mm. */ + u64 fw_mm_base; + + /** + * @fwif_connection_ctl: Pointer to CPU mapping of FWIF connection + * control structure. + */ + struct rogue_fwif_connection_ctl *fwif_connection_ctl; + + /** @fwif_sysinit: Pointer to CPU mapping of FW SYSINIT structure. */ + struct rogue_fwif_sysinit *fwif_sysinit; + + /** @fwif_sysdata: Pointer to CPU mapping of FW SYSDATA structure. */ + struct rogue_fwif_sysdata *fwif_sysdata; + + /** @fwif_osinit: Pointer to CPU mapping of FW OSINIT structure. */ + struct rogue_fwif_osinit *fwif_osinit; + + /** @fwif_osdata: Pointer to CPU mapping of FW OSDATA structure. */ + struct rogue_fwif_osdata *fwif_osdata; + + /** @power_sync: Pointer to CPU mapping of power sync state. */ + u32 *power_sync; + + /** @hwrinfobuf: Pointer to CPU mapping of FW HWR info buffer. */ + struct rogue_fwif_hwrinfobuf *hwrinfobuf; + + /** @fw_trace: Device firmware trace buffer state. */ + struct pvr_fw_trace fw_trace; + + /** @fw_objs: Structure tracking FW objects. */ + struct { + /** @list: Head of FW object list. */ + struct list_head list; + + /** @lock: Lock protecting access to FW object list. */ + struct mutex lock; + } fw_objs; }; +#define pvr_fw_irq_read_reg(pvr_dev, name) \ + pvr_cr_read32((pvr_dev), (pvr_dev)->fw_dev.defs-> ## _reg) + +#define pvr_fw_irq_write_reg(pvr_dev, name, value) \ + pvr_cr_write32((pvr_dev), (pvr_dev)->fw_dev.defs-> ## _reg, value) + +#define pvr_fw_irq_pending(pvr_dev) \ + (pvr_fw_irq_read_reg(pvr_dev, status) & (pvr_dev)->fw_dev.defs->irq.event_mask) + +#define pvr_fw_irq_clear(pvr_dev) \ + pvr_fw_irq_write_reg(pvr_dev, clear, (pvr_dev)->fw_dev.defs->irq.clear_mask) + +#define pvr_fw_irq_enable(pvr_dev) \ + pvr_fw_irq_write_reg(pvr_dev, enable, (pvr_dev)->fw_dev.defs->irq.event_mask) + +#define pvr_fw_irq_disable(pvr_dev) \ + pvr_fw_irq_write_reg(pvr_dev, enable, 0) + +extern const struct pvr_fw_defs pvr_fw_defs_meta; +extern const struct pvr_fw_defs pvr_fw_defs_mips; + int pvr_fw_validate_init_device_info(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +int pvr_fw_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void pvr_fw_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +int pvr_wait_for_fw_boot(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +int +pvr_fw_hard_reset(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +void pvr_fw_mts_schedule(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 val); + +void +pvr_fw_heap_info_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 log2_size, u32 reserved_size); + +const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry * +pvr_fw_find_layout_entry(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, enum pvr_fw_section_id id); +int +pvr_fw_find_mmu_segment(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 addr, u32 size, void *fw_code_ptr, + void *fw_data_ptr, void *fw_core_code_ptr, void *fw_core_data_ptr, + void **host_addr_out); + +int +pvr_fw_structure_cleanup(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 type, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, + u32 offset); + +int pvr_fw_object_create(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, size_t size, u64 flags, + void (*init)(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv), void *init_priv, + struct pvr_fw_object **pvr_obj_out); + +void *pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, size_t size, u64 flags, + void (*init)(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv), + void *init_priv, struct pvr_fw_object **pvr_obj_out); + +void * +pvr_fw_object_create_and_map_offset(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 dev_offset, size_t size, + u64 flags, void (*init)(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv), + void *init_priv, struct pvr_fw_object **pvr_obj_out); + +static __always_inline void * +pvr_fw_object_vmap(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + return pvr_gem_object_vmap(fw_obj->gem); +} + +static __always_inline void +pvr_fw_object_vunmap(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + pvr_gem_object_vunmap(fw_obj->gem); +} + +void pvr_fw_object_destroy(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj); + +static __always_inline void +pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + pvr_fw_object_vunmap(fw_obj); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(fw_obj); +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_get_dma_addr() - Get DMA address for given offset in firmware object + * @fw_obj: Pointer to object to lookup address in. + * @offset: Offset within object to lookup address at. + * @dma_addr_out: Pointer to location to store DMA address. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if object is not currently backed, or if @offset is out of valid + * range for this object. + */ +static __always_inline int +pvr_fw_object_get_dma_addr(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, u32 offset, dma_addr_t *dma_addr_out) +{ + return pvr_gem_get_dma_addr(fw_obj->gem, offset, dma_addr_out); +} + +void pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr_offset(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, u32 offset, u32 *fw_addr_out); + +static __always_inline void +pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, u32 *fw_addr_out) +{ + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr_offset(fw_obj, 0, fw_addr_out); +} #endif /* PVR_FW_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a5d26c0b9e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.c @@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_fw.h" +#include "pvr_fw_info.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_cr_defs.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_meta.h" +#include "pvr_vm.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define ROGUE_FW_HEAP_META_SHIFT 25 /* 32 MB */ + +#define POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC 1000000 + +/** + * pvr_meta_cr_read32() - Read a META register via the Slave Port + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @reg_addr: Address of register to read. + * @reg_value_out: Pointer to location to store register value. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_cr_poll_reg32(). + */ +int +pvr_meta_cr_read32(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 reg_addr, u32 *reg_value_out) +{ + int err; + + /* Wait for Slave Port to be Ready. */ + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1, + ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1_READY_EN | + ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1_GBLPORT_IDLE_EN, + ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1_READY_EN | + ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1_GBLPORT_IDLE_EN, + POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Issue a Read. */ + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL0, + reg_addr | ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL0_RD_EN); + (void)pvr_cr_read32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL0); /* Fence write. */ + + /* Wait for Slave Port to be Ready. */ + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1, + ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1_READY_EN | + ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1_GBLPORT_IDLE_EN, + ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1_READY_EN | + ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVCTRL1_GBLPORT_IDLE_EN, + POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + *reg_value_out = pvr_cr_read32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVDATAX); + + return 0; +} + +static int +pvr_meta_wrapper_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + u64 garten_config; + + /* Configure META to Master boot. */ + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_META_BOOT, ROGUE_CR_META_BOOT_MODE_EN); + + /* Set Garten IDLE to META idle and Set the Garten Wrapper BIF Fence address. */ + + /* Garten IDLE bit controlled by META. */ + garten_config = ROGUE_CR_MTS_GARTEN_WRAPPER_CONFIG_IDLE_CTRL_META; + + /* The fence addr is set during the fw init sequence. */ + + /* Set PC = 0 for fences. */ + garten_config &= + ROGUE_CR_MTS_GARTEN_WRAPPER_CONFIG_FENCE_PC_BASE_CLRMSK; + garten_config |= + (u64)MMU_CONTEXT_MAPPING_FWPRIV + << ROGUE_CR_MTS_GARTEN_WRAPPER_CONFIG_FENCE_PC_BASE_SHIFT; + + /* Set SLC DM=META. */ + garten_config |= ((u64)ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_META_BIFDM_ID) + << ROGUE_CR_MTS_GARTEN_WRAPPER_CONFIG_FENCE_DM_SHIFT; + + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MTS_GARTEN_WRAPPER_CONFIG, garten_config); + + return 0; +} + +static __always_inline void +add_boot_arg(u32 **boot_conf, u32 param, u32 data) +{ + *(*boot_conf)++ = param; + *(*boot_conf)++ = data; +} + +static int +meta_ldr_cmd_loadmem(struct drm_device *drm_dev, const u8 *fw, + struct rogue_meta_ldr_l1_data_blk *l1_data, u32 coremem_size, u8 *fw_code_ptr, + u8 *fw_data_ptr, u8 *fw_core_code_ptr, u8 *fw_core_data_ptr, const u32 fw_size) +{ + struct rogue_meta_ldr_l2_data_blk *l2_block = + (struct rogue_meta_ldr_l2_data_blk *)(fw + + l1_data->cmd_data[1]); + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(drm_dev); + u32 offset = l1_data->cmd_data[0]; + u32 data_size; + void *write_addr; + int err; + + /* Verify header is within bounds. */ + if (((u8 *)l2_block - fw) >= fw_size || ((u8 *)(l2_block + 1) - fw) >= fw_size) + return -EINVAL; + + data_size = l2_block->length - 6 /* L2 Tag length and checksum */; + + /* Verify data is within bounds. */ + if (((u8 *)l2_block->block_data - fw) >= fw_size || + ((((u8 *)l2_block->block_data) + data_size) - fw) >= fw_size) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!ROGUE_META_IS_COREMEM_CODE(offset, coremem_size) && + !ROGUE_META_IS_COREMEM_DATA(offset, coremem_size)) { + /* Global range is aliased to local range */ + offset &= ~META_MEM_GLOBAL_RANGE_BIT; + } + + err = pvr_fw_find_mmu_segment(pvr_dev, offset, data_size, fw_code_ptr, fw_data_ptr, + fw_core_code_ptr, fw_core_data_ptr, &write_addr); + if (err) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Addr 0x%x (size: %d) not found in any firmware segment", + offset, data_size); + return err; + } + + memcpy(write_addr, l2_block->block_data, data_size); + + return 0; +} + +static int +meta_ldr_cmd_zeromem(struct drm_device *drm_dev, + struct rogue_meta_ldr_l1_data_blk *l1_data, u32 coremem_size, + u8 *fw_code_ptr, u8 *fw_data_ptr, u8 *fw_core_code_ptr, u8 *fw_core_data_ptr) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(drm_dev); + u32 offset = l1_data->cmd_data[0]; + u32 byte_count = l1_data->cmd_data[1]; + void *write_addr; + int err; + + if (ROGUE_META_IS_COREMEM_DATA(offset, coremem_size)) { + /* cannot zero coremem directly */ + return 0; + } + + /* Global range is aliased to local range */ + offset &= ~META_MEM_GLOBAL_RANGE_BIT; + + err = pvr_fw_find_mmu_segment(pvr_dev, offset, byte_count, fw_code_ptr, fw_data_ptr, + fw_core_code_ptr, fw_core_data_ptr, &write_addr); + if (err) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Addr 0x%x (size: %d) not found in any firmware segment", + offset, byte_count); + return err; + } + + memset(write_addr, 0, byte_count); + + return 0; +} + +static int +meta_ldr_cmd_config(struct drm_device *drm_dev, const u8 *fw, + struct rogue_meta_ldr_l1_data_blk *l1_data, + const u32 fw_size, u32 **boot_conf_ptr) +{ + struct rogue_meta_ldr_l2_data_blk *l2_block = + (struct rogue_meta_ldr_l2_data_blk *)(fw + + l1_data->cmd_data[0]); + struct rogue_meta_ldr_cfg_blk *config_command; + u32 l2_block_size; + u32 curr_block_size = 0; + u32 *boot_conf = boot_conf_ptr ? *boot_conf_ptr : NULL; + + /* Verify block header is within bounds. */ + if (((u8 *)l2_block - fw) >= fw_size || ((u8 *)(l2_block + 1) - fw) >= fw_size) + return -EINVAL; + + l2_block_size = l2_block->length - 6 /* L2 Tag length and checksum */; + config_command = (struct rogue_meta_ldr_cfg_blk *)l2_block->block_data; + + if (((u8 *)config_command - fw) >= fw_size || + ((((u8 *)config_command) + l2_block_size) - fw) >= fw_size) + return -EINVAL; + + while (l2_block_size >= 12) { + if (config_command->type != ROGUE_META_LDR_CFG_WRITE) + return -EINVAL; + + /* + * Only write to bootloader if we got a valid pointer to the FW + * code allocation. + */ + if (boot_conf) { + u32 register_offset = config_command->block_data[0]; + u32 register_value = config_command->block_data[1]; + + /* Do register write */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, register_offset, + register_value); + } + + curr_block_size = 12; + l2_block_size -= curr_block_size; + config_command = (struct rogue_meta_ldr_cfg_blk + *)((uintptr_t)config_command + + curr_block_size); + } + + if (boot_conf_ptr) + *boot_conf_ptr = boot_conf; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * process_ldr_command_stream() - Process LDR firmware image and populate + * firmware sections + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @fw: Pointer to firmware image. + * @fw_code_ptr: Pointer to FW code section. + * @fw_data_ptr: Pointer to FW data section. + * @fw_core_code_ptr: Pointer to FW coremem code section. + * @fw_core_data_ptr: Pointer to FW coremem data section. + * @boot_conf_ptr: Pointer to boot config argument pointer. + * + * Returns : + * * 0 on success, or + * * -EINVAL on any error in LDR command stream. + */ +static int +process_ldr_command_stream(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const u8 *fw, u8 *fw_code_ptr, + u8 *fw_data_ptr, u8 *fw_core_code_ptr, + u8 *fw_core_data_ptr, u32 **boot_conf_ptr) +{ + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + struct rogue_meta_ldr_block_hdr *ldr_header = + (struct rogue_meta_ldr_block_hdr *)fw; + struct rogue_meta_ldr_l1_data_blk *l1_data = + (struct rogue_meta_ldr_l1_data_blk *)(fw + ldr_header->sl_data); + const u32 fw_size = pvr_dev->fw_dev.firmware->size; + int err; + + u32 *boot_conf = boot_conf_ptr ? *boot_conf_ptr : NULL; + u32 coremem_size; + + err = PVR_FEATURE_VALUE(pvr_dev, meta_coremem_size, &coremem_size); + if (err) + return err; + + coremem_size *= SZ_1K; + + while (l1_data) { + /* Verify block header is within bounds. */ + if (((u8 *)l1_data - fw) >= fw_size || ((u8 *)(l1_data + 1) - fw) >= fw_size) + return -EINVAL; + + if (ROGUE_META_LDR_BLK_IS_COMMENT(l1_data->cmd)) { + /* Don't process comment blocks */ + goto next_block; + } + + switch (l1_data->cmd & ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_MASK) + case ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_LOADMEM: { + err = meta_ldr_cmd_loadmem(drm_dev, fw, l1_data, + coremem_size, + fw_code_ptr, fw_data_ptr, + fw_core_code_ptr, + fw_core_data_ptr, fw_size); + if (err) + return err; + break; + + case ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_START_THREADS: + /* Don't process this block */ + break; + + case ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_ZEROMEM: + err = meta_ldr_cmd_zeromem(drm_dev, l1_data, + coremem_size, + fw_code_ptr, fw_data_ptr, + fw_core_code_ptr, + fw_core_data_ptr); + if (err) + return err; + break; + + case ROGUE_META_LDR_CMD_CONFIG: + err = meta_ldr_cmd_config(drm_dev, fw, l1_data, fw_size, + &boot_conf); + if (err) + return err; + break; + + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + +next_block: + if (l1_data->next == 0xFFFFFFFF) + break; + + l1_data = (struct rogue_meta_ldr_l1_data_blk *)(fw + + l1_data->next); + } + + if (boot_conf_ptr) + *boot_conf_ptr = boot_conf; + + return 0; +} + +static void +configure_seg_id(u64 seg_out_addr, u32 seg_base, u32 seg_limit, u32 seg_id, + u32 **boot_conf_ptr) +{ + u32 seg_out_addr0 = seg_out_addr & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFUL; + u32 seg_out_addr1 = (seg_out_addr >> 32) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFUL; + u32 *boot_conf = *boot_conf_ptr; + + /* META segments have a minimum size. */ + u32 limit_off = max(seg_limit, ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_ALIGN); + + /* The limit is an offset, therefore off = size - 1. */ + limit_off -= 1; + + seg_base |= ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_ALLTHRS_WRITEABLE; + + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_MMCU_SEGMENT_N_BASE(seg_id), seg_base); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_MMCU_SEGMENT_N_LIMIT(seg_id), limit_off); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_MMCU_SEGMENT_N_OUTA0(seg_id), seg_out_addr0); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_MMCU_SEGMENT_N_OUTA1(seg_id), seg_out_addr1); + + *boot_conf_ptr = boot_conf; +} + +static u64 get_fw_obj_gpu_addr(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(gem_from_pvr_gem(fw_obj->gem)->dev); + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + + return fw_obj->fw_addr_offset + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.gpu_addr; +} + +static void +configure_seg_mmu(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 **boot_conf_ptr) +{ + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.layout_entries; + u32 num_layout_entries = pvr_dev->fw_dev.header->layout_entry_num; + u64 seg_out_addr_top; + u32 i; + + seg_out_addr_top = + ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_OUTADDR_TOP_SLC(MMU_CONTEXT_MAPPING_FWPRIV, + ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_META_BIFDM_ID); + + for (i = 0; i < num_layout_entries; i++) { + /* + * FW code is using the bootloader segment which is already + * configured on boot. FW coremem code and data don't use the + * segment MMU. Only the FW data segment needs to be configured. + */ + if (layout_entries[i].type == FW_DATA) { + u32 seg_id = ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_ID; + u64 seg_out_addr = get_fw_obj_gpu_addr(pvr_dev->fw_dev.mem.data_obj); + + seg_out_addr += layout_entries[i].alloc_offset; + seg_out_addr |= seg_out_addr_top; + + /* Write the sequence to the bootldr. */ + configure_seg_id(seg_out_addr, + layout_entries[i].base_addr, + layout_entries[i].alloc_size, seg_id, + boot_conf_ptr); + + break; + } + } +} + +static void +configure_meta_caches(u32 **boot_conf_ptr) +{ + u32 *boot_conf = *boot_conf_ptr; + u32 d_cache_t0, i_cache_t0; + u32 d_cache_t1, i_cache_t1; + u32 d_cache_t2, i_cache_t2; + u32 d_cache_t3, i_cache_t3; + + /* Initialise I/Dcache settings */ + d_cache_t0 = META_CR_SYSC_DCPARTX_CACHED_WRITE_ENABLE; + d_cache_t1 = META_CR_SYSC_DCPARTX_CACHED_WRITE_ENABLE; + d_cache_t2 = META_CR_SYSC_DCPARTX_CACHED_WRITE_ENABLE; + d_cache_t3 = META_CR_SYSC_DCPARTX_CACHED_WRITE_ENABLE; + i_cache_t0 = 0; + i_cache_t1 = 0; + i_cache_t2 = 0; + i_cache_t3 = 0; + + d_cache_t0 |= META_CR_SYSC_XCPARTX_LOCAL_ADDR_FULL_CACHE; + i_cache_t0 |= META_CR_SYSC_XCPARTX_LOCAL_ADDR_FULL_CACHE; + + /* Local region MMU enhanced bypass: WIN-3 mode for code and data caches */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_MMCU_LOCAL_EBCTRL, + META_CR_MMCU_LOCAL_EBCTRL_ICWIN | + META_CR_MMCU_LOCAL_EBCTRL_DCWIN); + + /* Data cache partitioning thread 0 to 3 */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_DCPART(0), d_cache_t0); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_DCPART(1), d_cache_t1); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_DCPART(2), d_cache_t2); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_DCPART(3), d_cache_t3); + + /* Enable data cache hits */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_MMCU_DCACHE_CTRL, + META_CR_MMCU_XCACHE_CTRL_CACHE_HITS_EN); + + /* Instruction cache partitioning thread 0 to 3 */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_ICPART(0), i_cache_t0); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_ICPART(1), i_cache_t1); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_ICPART(2), i_cache_t2); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_ICPART(3), i_cache_t3); + + /* Enable instruction cache hits */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_MMCU_ICACHE_CTRL, + META_CR_MMCU_XCACHE_CTRL_CACHE_HITS_EN); + + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, 0x040000C0, 0); + + *boot_conf_ptr = boot_conf; +} + +static int +pvr_meta_fw_process(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const u8 *fw, + u8 *fw_code_ptr, u8 *fw_data_ptr, u8 *fw_core_code_ptr, u8 *fw_core_data_ptr, + u32 core_code_alloc_size) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + u32 *boot_conf; + int err; + + boot_conf = ((u32 *)fw_code_ptr) + ROGUE_FW_BOOTLDR_CONF_OFFSET; + + /* Slave port and JTAG accesses are privileged. */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, META_CR_SYSC_JTAG_THREAD, + META_CR_SYSC_JTAG_THREAD_PRIV_EN); + + configure_seg_mmu(pvr_dev, &boot_conf); + + /* Populate FW sections from LDR image. */ + err = process_ldr_command_stream(pvr_dev, fw, fw_code_ptr, fw_data_ptr, fw_core_code_ptr, + fw_core_data_ptr, &boot_conf); + if (err) + return err; + + configure_meta_caches(&boot_conf); + + /* End argument list. */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, 0, 0); + + if (fw_dev->mem.core_code_obj) { + u32 core_code_fw_addr; + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(fw_dev->mem.core_code_obj, &core_code_fw_addr); + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, core_code_fw_addr, core_code_alloc_size); + } else { + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, 0, 0); + } + /* None of the cores supported by this driver have META DMA. */ + add_boot_arg(&boot_conf, 0, 0); + + return 0; +} + +static int +pvr_meta_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + pvr_fw_heap_info_init(pvr_dev, ROGUE_FW_HEAP_META_SHIFT, 0); + + return 0; +} + +static u32 +pvr_meta_get_fw_addr_with_offset(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, u32 offset) +{ + u32 fw_addr = fw_obj->fw_addr_offset + offset + ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_BASE_ADDRESS; + + /* META cacheability is determined by address. */ + if (fw_obj->gem->flags & PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED) + fw_addr |= ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_META_UNCACHED | + ROGUE_FW_SEGMMU_DATA_VIVT_SLC_UNCACHED; + + return fw_addr; +} + +static int +pvr_meta_vm_map(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj = fw_obj->gem; + + return pvr_vm_map(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx, pvr_obj, 0, fw_obj->fw_mm_node.start, + pvr_gem_object_size(pvr_obj)); +} + +static void +pvr_meta_vm_unmap(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + pvr_vm_unmap(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx, fw_obj->fw_mm_node.start, + fw_obj->fw_mm_node.size); +} + +static bool +pvr_meta_has_fixed_data_addr(void) +{ + return false; +} + +const struct pvr_fw_defs pvr_fw_defs_meta = { + .init = pvr_meta_init, + .fw_process = pvr_meta_fw_process, + .vm_map = pvr_meta_vm_map, + .vm_unmap = pvr_meta_vm_unmap, + .get_fw_addr_with_offset = pvr_meta_get_fw_addr_with_offset, + .wrapper_init = pvr_meta_wrapper_init, + .has_fixed_data_addr = pvr_meta_has_fixed_data_addr, + .irq = { + .enable_reg = ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVIRQENABLE, + .status_reg = ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVIRQSTATUS, + .clear_reg = ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVIRQSTATUS, + .event_mask = ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVIRQSTATUS_TRIGVECT2_EN, + .clear_mask = ROGUE_CR_META_SP_MSLVIRQSTATUS_TRIGVECT2_CLRMSK, + }, +}; diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d88970e82334 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_meta.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_FW_META_H +#define PVR_FW_META_H + +#include + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_device.h */ +struct pvr_device; + +int pvr_meta_cr_read32(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 reg_addr, u32 *reg_value_out); + +#endif /* PVR_FW_META_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..89794eb2078f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.c @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_fw.h" +#include "pvr_fw_meta.h" +#include "pvr_fw_startstop.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_cr_defs.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_meta.h" +#include "pvr_vm.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC 1000000 + +static void +rogue_axi_ace_list_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + /* Setup AXI-ACE config. Set everything to outer cache. */ + u64 reg_val = + (3U << ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION_AWDOMAIN_NON_SNOOPING_SHIFT) | + (3U << ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION_ARDOMAIN_NON_SNOOPING_SHIFT) | + (2U << ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION_ARDOMAIN_CACHE_MAINTENANCE_SHIFT) | + (2U << ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION_AWDOMAIN_COHERENT_SHIFT) | + (2U << ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION_ARDOMAIN_COHERENT_SHIFT) | + (2U << ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION_AWCACHE_COHERENT_SHIFT) | + (2U << ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION_ARCACHE_COHERENT_SHIFT) | + (2U << ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION_ARCACHE_CACHE_MAINTENANCE_SHIFT); + + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_AXI_ACE_LITE_CONFIGURATION, reg_val); +} + +static void +rogue_bif_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + dma_addr_t pc_dma_addr; + u64 pc_addr; + + /* Acquire the address of the Kernel Page Catalogue. */ + pc_dma_addr = pvr_vm_get_page_table_root_addr(pvr_dev->kernel_vm_ctx); + + /* Write the kernel catalogue base. */ + pc_addr = ((((u64)pc_dma_addr >> ROGUE_CR_BIF_CAT_BASE0_ADDR_ALIGNSHIFT) + << ROGUE_CR_BIF_CAT_BASE0_ADDR_SHIFT) & + ~ROGUE_CR_BIF_CAT_BASE0_ADDR_CLRMSK); + + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, BIF_CAT_BASEX(MMU_CONTEXT_MAPPING_FWPRIV), + pc_addr); +} + +static int +rogue_slc_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + u16 slc_cache_line_size_bits; + u32 reg_val; + int err; + + /* + * SLC Misc control. + * + * Note: This is a 64bit register and we set only the lower 32bits + * leaving the top 32bits (ROGUE_CR_SLC_CTRL_MISC_SCRAMBLE_BITS) + * unchanged from the HW default. + */ + reg_val = (pvr_cr_read32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SLC_CTRL_MISC) & + ROGUE_CR_SLC_CTRL_MISC_ENABLE_PSG_HAZARD_CHECK_EN) | + ROGUE_CR_SLC_CTRL_MISC_ADDR_DECODE_MODE_PVR_HASH1; + + err = PVR_FEATURE_VALUE(pvr_dev, slc_cache_line_size_bits, &slc_cache_line_size_bits); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Bypass burst combiner if SLC line size is smaller than 1024 bits. */ + if (slc_cache_line_size_bits < 1024) + reg_val |= ROGUE_CR_SLC_CTRL_MISC_BYPASS_BURST_COMBINER_EN; + + if (PVR_HAS_QUIRK(pvr_dev, 71242) && !PVR_HAS_FEATURE(pvr_dev, gpu_multicore_support)) + reg_val |= ROGUE_CR_SLC_CTRL_MISC_LAZYWB_OVERRIDE_EN; + + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SLC_CTRL_MISC, reg_val); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_start() - Start FW processor and boot firmware + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by rogue_slc_init(). + */ +int +pvr_fw_start(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + bool has_reset2 = PVR_HAS_FEATURE(pvr_dev, xe_tpu2); + u64 soft_reset_mask; + int err; + + if (PVR_HAS_FEATURE(pvr_dev, pbe2_in_xe)) + soft_reset_mask = ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET__PBE2_XE__MASKFULL; + else + soft_reset_mask = ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET_MASKFULL; + + if (PVR_HAS_FEATURE(pvr_dev, sys_bus_secure_reset)) { + /* + * Disable the default sys_bus_secure protection to perform + * minimal setup. + */ + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SYS_BUS_SECURE, 0); + (void)pvr_cr_read32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SYS_BUS_SECURE); /* Fence write */ + } + + /* Set Rogue in soft-reset. */ + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET, soft_reset_mask); + if (has_reset2) + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET2, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET2_MASKFULL); + + /* Read soft-reset to fence previous write in order to clear the SOCIF pipeline. */ + (void)pvr_cr_read64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET); + if (has_reset2) + (void)pvr_cr_read64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET2); + + /* Take Rascal and Dust out of reset. */ + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET, + soft_reset_mask ^ ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET_RASCALDUSTS_EN); + if (has_reset2) + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET2, 0); + + (void)pvr_cr_read64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET); + if (has_reset2) + (void)pvr_cr_read64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET2); + + /* Take everything out of reset but the FW processor. */ + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET_GARTEN_EN); + if (has_reset2) + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET2, 0); + + (void)pvr_cr_read64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET); + if (has_reset2) + (void)pvr_cr_read64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET2); + + err = rogue_slc_init(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_reset; + + /* Initialise Firmware wrapper. */ + pvr_dev->fw_dev.defs->wrapper_init(pvr_dev); + + /* We must init the AXI-ACE interface before first BIF transaction. */ + rogue_axi_ace_list_init(pvr_dev); + + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.processor_type != PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_MIPS) { + /* Initialise BIF. */ + rogue_bif_init(pvr_dev); + } + + /* Need to wait for at least 16 cycles before taking the FW processor out of reset ... */ + udelay(3); + + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET, 0x0); + (void)pvr_cr_read64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET); + + /* ... and afterwards. */ + udelay(3); + + return 0; + +err_reset: + /* Put everything back into soft-reset. */ + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET, soft_reset_mask); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_fw_stop() - Stop FW processor + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_cr_poll_reg32(). + */ +int +pvr_fw_stop(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + const u32 sidekick_idle_mask = ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE_MASKFULL & + ~(ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE_GARTEN_EN | + ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE_SOCIF_EN | + ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE_HOSTIF_EN); + bool skip_garten_idle = false; + u32 reg_value; + int err; + + /* + * Wait for Sidekick/Jones to signal IDLE except for the Garten Wrapper. + * For cores with the LAYOUT_MARS feature, SIDEKICK would have been + * powered down by the FW. + */ + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE, sidekick_idle_mask, + sidekick_idle_mask, POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Unset MTS DM association with threads. */ + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MTS_INTCTX_THREAD0_DM_ASSOC, + ROGUE_CR_MTS_INTCTX_THREAD0_DM_ASSOC_MASKFULL & + ROGUE_CR_MTS_INTCTX_THREAD0_DM_ASSOC_DM_ASSOC_CLRMSK); + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MTS_BGCTX_THREAD0_DM_ASSOC, + ROGUE_CR_MTS_BGCTX_THREAD0_DM_ASSOC_MASKFULL & + ROGUE_CR_MTS_BGCTX_THREAD0_DM_ASSOC_DM_ASSOC_CLRMSK); + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MTS_INTCTX_THREAD1_DM_ASSOC, + ROGUE_CR_MTS_INTCTX_THREAD1_DM_ASSOC_MASKFULL & + ROGUE_CR_MTS_INTCTX_THREAD1_DM_ASSOC_DM_ASSOC_CLRMSK); + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MTS_BGCTX_THREAD1_DM_ASSOC, + ROGUE_CR_MTS_BGCTX_THREAD1_DM_ASSOC_MASKFULL & + ROGUE_CR_MTS_BGCTX_THREAD1_DM_ASSOC_DM_ASSOC_CLRMSK); + + /* Extra Idle checks. */ + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_BIF_STATUS_MMU, 0, + ROGUE_CR_BIF_STATUS_MMU_MASKFULL, + POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_BIFPM_STATUS_MMU, 0, + ROGUE_CR_BIFPM_STATUS_MMU_MASKFULL, + POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + if (!PVR_HAS_FEATURE(pvr_dev, xt_top_infrastructure)) { + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_BIF_READS_EXT_STATUS, 0, + ROGUE_CR_BIF_READS_EXT_STATUS_MASKFULL, + POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + } + + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_BIFPM_READS_EXT_STATUS, 0, + ROGUE_CR_BIFPM_READS_EXT_STATUS_MASKFULL, + POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SLC_STATUS1, 0, + ROGUE_CR_SLC_STATUS1_MASKFULL, + POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * Wait for SLC to signal IDLE. + * For cores with the LAYOUT_MARS feature, SLC would have been powered + * down by the FW. + */ + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SLC_IDLE, + ROGUE_CR_SLC_IDLE_MASKFULL, + ROGUE_CR_SLC_IDLE_MASKFULL, POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * Wait for Sidekick/Jones to signal IDLE except for the Garten Wrapper. + * For cores with the LAYOUT_MARS feature, SIDEKICK would have been powered + * down by the FW. + */ + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE, sidekick_idle_mask, + sidekick_idle_mask, POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.processor_type == PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_META) { + err = pvr_meta_cr_read32(pvr_dev, META_CR_TxVECINT_BHALT, ®_value); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * Wait for Sidekick/Jones to signal IDLE including the Garten + * Wrapper if there is no debugger attached (TxVECINT_BHALT = + * 0x0). + */ + if (reg_value) + skip_garten_idle = true; + } + + if (!skip_garten_idle) { + err = pvr_cr_poll_reg32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE, + ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE_GARTEN_EN, + ROGUE_CR_SIDEKICK_IDLE_GARTEN_EN, + POLL_TIMEOUT_USEC); + if (err) + return err; + } + + if (PVR_HAS_FEATURE(pvr_dev, pbe2_in_xe)) + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET, + ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET__PBE2_XE__MASKFULL); + else + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET, ROGUE_CR_SOFT_RESET_MASKFULL); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ab84f14596c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_startstop.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_FW_STARTSTOP_H +#define PVR_FW_STARTSTOP_H + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_device.h. */ +struct pvr_device; + +int pvr_fw_start(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +int pvr_fw_stop(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +#endif /* PVR_FW_STARTSTOP_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..075f67dd0f94 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.c @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" +#include "pvr_fw_trace.h" + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static void +tracebuf_ctrl_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf *tracebuf_ctrl = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_fw_trace *fw_trace = priv; + u32 thread_nr; + + tracebuf_ctrl->tracebuf_size_in_dwords = ROGUE_FW_TRACE_BUF_DEFAULT_SIZE_IN_DWORDS; + tracebuf_ctrl->tracebuf_flags = 0; + + if (fw_trace->group_mask) + tracebuf_ctrl->log_type = fw_trace->group_mask | ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_TRACE; + else + tracebuf_ctrl->log_type = ROGUE_FWIF_LOG_TYPE_NONE; + + for (thread_nr = 0; thread_nr < ARRAY_SIZE(fw_trace->buffers); thread_nr++) { + struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space *tracebuf_space = + &tracebuf_ctrl->tracebuf[thread_nr]; + struct pvr_fw_trace_buffer *trace_buffer = &fw_trace->buffers[thread_nr]; + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(trace_buffer->buf_obj, + &tracebuf_space->trace_buffer_fw_addr); + + tracebuf_space->trace_buffer = trace_buffer->buf; + tracebuf_space->trace_pointer = 0; + } +} + +int pvr_fw_trace_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_trace *fw_trace = &pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_trace; + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + u32 thread_nr; + int err; + + for (thread_nr = 0; thread_nr < ARRAY_SIZE(fw_trace->buffers); thread_nr++) { + struct pvr_fw_trace_buffer *trace_buffer = &fw_trace->buffers[thread_nr]; + + trace_buffer->buf = + pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, + ROGUE_FW_TRACE_BUF_DEFAULT_SIZE_IN_DWORDS * + sizeof(*trace_buffer->buf), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED | + PVR_BO_FW_NO_CLEAR_ON_RESET, + NULL, NULL, &trace_buffer->buf_obj); + if (IS_ERR(trace_buffer->buf)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate trace buffer\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(trace_buffer->buf); + trace_buffer->buf = NULL; + goto err_free_buf; + } + } + + /* TODO: Provide control of group mask. */ + fw_trace->group_mask = 0; + + fw_trace->tracebuf_ctrl = + pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, + sizeof(*fw_trace->tracebuf_ctrl), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED | + PVR_BO_FW_NO_CLEAR_ON_RESET, + tracebuf_ctrl_init, fw_trace, + &fw_trace->tracebuf_ctrl_obj); + if (IS_ERR(fw_trace->tracebuf_ctrl)) { + drm_err(drm_dev, "Unable to allocate trace buffer control structure\n"); + err = PTR_ERR(fw_trace->tracebuf_ctrl); + goto err_free_buf; + } + + BUILD_BUG_ON(ARRAY_SIZE(fw_trace->tracebuf_ctrl->tracebuf) != + ARRAY_SIZE(fw_trace->buffers)); + + for (thread_nr = 0; thread_nr < ARRAY_SIZE(fw_trace->buffers); thread_nr++) { + struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space *tracebuf_space = + &fw_trace->tracebuf_ctrl->tracebuf[thread_nr]; + struct pvr_fw_trace_buffer *trace_buffer = &fw_trace->buffers[thread_nr]; + + trace_buffer->tracebuf_space = tracebuf_space; + } + + return 0; + +err_free_buf: + for (thread_nr = 0; thread_nr < ARRAY_SIZE(fw_trace->buffers); thread_nr++) { + struct pvr_fw_trace_buffer *trace_buffer = &fw_trace->buffers[thread_nr]; + + if (trace_buffer->buf) + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(trace_buffer->buf_obj); + } + + return err; +} + +void pvr_fw_trace_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_trace *fw_trace = &pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_trace; + u32 thread_nr; + + for (thread_nr = 0; thread_nr < ARRAY_SIZE(fw_trace->buffers); thread_nr++) { + struct pvr_fw_trace_buffer *trace_buffer = &fw_trace->buffers[thread_nr]; + + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(trace_buffer->buf_obj); + } + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(fw_trace->tracebuf_ctrl_obj); +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e637bb9de2b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_trace.h @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_FW_TRACE_H +#define PVR_FW_TRACE_H + +#include +#include + +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_device.h. */ +struct pvr_device; + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_gem.h. */ +struct pvr_fw_object; + +/* Forward declarations from pvr_rogue_fwif.h */ +struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf; +struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space; + +/** + * struct pvr_fw_trace_buffer - Structure representing a trace buffer + */ +struct pvr_fw_trace_buffer { + /** @buf_obj: FW buffer object representing trace buffer. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *buf_obj; + + /** @buf: Pointer to CPU mapping of trace buffer. */ + u32 *buf; + + /** + * @tracebuf_space: Pointer to FW tracebuf_space structure for this + * trace buffer. + */ + struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf_space *tracebuf_space; +}; + +/** + * struct pvr_fw_trace - Device firmware trace data + */ +struct pvr_fw_trace { + /** + * @tracebuf_ctrl_obj: Object representing FW trace buffer control + * structure. + */ + struct pvr_fw_object *tracebuf_ctrl_obj; + + /** + * @tracebuf_ctrl: Pointer to CPU mapping of FW trace buffer control + * structure. + */ + struct rogue_fwif_tracebuf *tracebuf_ctrl; + + /** + * @buffers: Array representing the actual trace buffers owned by this + * device. + */ + struct pvr_fw_trace_buffer buffers[ROGUE_FW_THREAD_MAX]; + + /** @group_mask: Mask of enabled trace groups. */ + u32 group_mask; +}; + +int pvr_fw_trace_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void pvr_fw_trace_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) +/* Forward declaration from . */ +struct dentry; + +void pvr_fw_trace_mask_update(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 old_mask, + u32 new_mask); + +void pvr_fw_trace_debugfs_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct dentry *dir); +#endif /* defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) */ + +#endif /* PVR_FW_TRACE_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c index 7de43b6c203e..c836ddebbf9b 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_mmu.c @@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ #include "pvr_mmu.h" +#include "pvr_ccb.h" #include "pvr_device.h" #include "pvr_fw.h" #include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_power.h" #include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" #include "pvr_rogue_mmu_defs.h" @@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ static void pvr_mmu_set_flush_flags(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 flags) */ void pvr_mmu_flush_request_all(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) { - /* TODO: implement */ + pvr_mmu_set_flush_flags(pvr_dev, PVR_MMU_SYNC_LEVEL_2_FLAGS); } /** @@ -120,8 +122,70 @@ void pvr_mmu_flush_request_all(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) */ int pvr_mmu_flush_exec(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, bool wait) { - /* TODO: implement */ - return -ENODEV; + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd cmd_mmu_cache = {}; + struct rogue_fwif_mmucachedata *cmd_mmu_cache_data = + &cmd_mmu_cache.cmd_data.mmu_cache_data; + int err = 0; + u32 slot; + int idx; + + if (!drm_dev_enter(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), &idx)) + return -EIO; + + /* Can't flush MMU if the firmware hasn't booted yet. */ + if (!pvr_dev->fw_dev.booted) + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + + cmd_mmu_cache_data->cache_flags = + atomic_xchg(&pvr_dev->mmu_flush_cache_flags, 0); + + if (!cmd_mmu_cache_data->cache_flags) + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + + cmd_mmu_cache.cmd_type = ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_MMUCACHE; + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(pvr_dev->fw_dev.mem.mmucache_sync_obj, + &cmd_mmu_cache_data->mmu_cache_sync_fw_addr); + cmd_mmu_cache_data->mmu_cache_sync_update_value = 0; + + err = pvr_kccb_send_cmd(pvr_dev, &cmd_mmu_cache, &slot); + if (err) + goto err_reset_and_retry; + + err = pvr_kccb_wait_for_completion(pvr_dev, slot, HZ, NULL); + if (err) + goto err_reset_and_retry; + + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return 0; + +err_reset_and_retry: + /* + * Flush command failure is most likely the result of a firmware lockup. Hard + * reset the GPU and retry. + */ + err = pvr_power_reset(pvr_dev, true); + if (err) + goto err_drm_dev_exit; /* Device is lost. */ + + /* Retry sending flush request. */ + err = pvr_kccb_send_cmd(pvr_dev, &cmd_mmu_cache, &slot); + if (err) { + pvr_device_lost(pvr_dev); + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + + if (wait) { + err = pvr_kccb_wait_for_completion(pvr_dev, slot, HZ, NULL); + if (err) + pvr_device_lost(pvr_dev); + } + +err_drm_dev_exit: + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return err; } /** diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.c index a494fed92e81..40ade2226552 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.c @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ #include "pvr_device.h" #include "pvr_fw.h" +#include "pvr_fw_startstop.h" #include "pvr_power.h" #include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" @@ -21,11 +22,38 @@ #define WATCHDOG_TIME_MS (500) +/** + * pvr_device_lost() - Mark GPU device as lost + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * This will cause the DRM device to be unplugged. + */ +void +pvr_device_lost(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + if (!pvr_dev->lost) { + pvr_dev->lost = true; + drm_dev_unplug(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)); + } +} + static int pvr_power_send_command(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd *pow_cmd) { - /* TODO: implement */ - return -ENODEV; + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + u32 slot_nr; + u32 value; + int err; + + WRITE_ONCE(*fw_dev->power_sync, 0); + + err = pvr_kccb_send_cmd_powered(pvr_dev, pow_cmd, &slot_nr); + if (err) + return err; + + /* Wait for FW to acknowledge. */ + return readl_poll_timeout(pvr_dev->fw_dev.power_sync, value, value != 0, 100, + POWER_SYNC_TIMEOUT_US); } static int @@ -71,8 +99,7 @@ pvr_power_fw_disable(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, bool hard_reset) return err; } - /* TODO: stop firmware */ - return -ENODEV; + return pvr_fw_stop(pvr_dev); } static int @@ -80,11 +107,17 @@ pvr_power_fw_enable(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) { int err; - /* TODO: start firmware */ - err = -ENODEV; + err = pvr_fw_start(pvr_dev); if (err) return err; + err = pvr_wait_for_fw_boot(pvr_dev); + if (err) { + drm_err(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), "Firmware failed to boot\n"); + pvr_fw_stop(pvr_dev); + return err; + } + queue_delayed_work(pvr_dev->sched_wq, &pvr_dev->, msecs_to_jiffies(WATCHDOG_TIME_MS)); @@ -94,14 +127,39 @@ pvr_power_fw_enable(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) bool pvr_power_is_idle(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) { - /* TODO: implement */ - return true; + /* + * FW power state can be out of date if a KCCB command has been submitted but the FW hasn't + * started processing it yet. So also check the KCCB status. + */ + enum rogue_fwif_pow_state pow_state = READ_ONCE(pvr_dev->fw_dev.fwif_sysdata->pow_state); + bool kccb_idle = pvr_kccb_is_idle(pvr_dev); + + return (pow_state == ROGUE_FWIF_POW_IDLE) && kccb_idle; } static bool pvr_watchdog_kccb_stalled(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) { - /* TODO: implement */ + /* Check KCCB commands are progressing. */ + u32 kccb_cmds_executed = pvr_dev->fw_dev.fwif_osdata->kccb_cmds_executed; + bool kccb_is_idle = pvr_kccb_is_idle(pvr_dev); + + if (pvr_dev->watchdog.old_kccb_cmds_executed == kccb_cmds_executed && !kccb_is_idle) { + pvr_dev->watchdog.kccb_stall_count++; + + /* + * If we have commands pending with no progress for 2 consecutive polls then + * consider KCCB command processing stalled. + */ + if (pvr_dev->watchdog.kccb_stall_count == 2) { + pvr_dev->watchdog.kccb_stall_count = 0; + return true; + } + } else { + pvr_dev->watchdog.old_kccb_cmds_executed = kccb_cmds_executed; + pvr_dev->watchdog.kccb_stall_count = 0; + } + return false; } @@ -118,6 +176,9 @@ pvr_watchdog_worker(struct work_struct *work) if (pm_runtime_get_if_in_use(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev) <= 0) goto out_requeue; + if (!pvr_dev->fw_dev.booted) + goto out_pm_runtime_put; + stalled = pvr_watchdog_kccb_stalled(pvr_dev); if (stalled) { @@ -127,6 +188,7 @@ pvr_watchdog_worker(struct work_struct *work) /* Device may be lost at this point. */ } +out_pm_runtime_put: pm_runtime_put(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev); out_requeue: @@ -158,18 +220,26 @@ pvr_power_device_suspend(struct device *dev) struct platform_device *plat_dev = to_platform_device(dev); struct drm_device *drm_dev = platform_get_drvdata(plat_dev); struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(drm_dev); + int err = 0; int idx; if (!drm_dev_enter(drm_dev, &idx)) return -EIO; + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.booted) { + err = pvr_power_fw_disable(pvr_dev, false); + if (err) + goto err_drm_dev_exit; + } + clk_disable_unprepare(pvr_dev->mem_clk); clk_disable_unprepare(pvr_dev->sys_clk); clk_disable_unprepare(pvr_dev->core_clk); +err_drm_dev_exit: drm_dev_exit(idx); - return 0; + return err; } int @@ -196,10 +266,19 @@ pvr_power_device_resume(struct device *dev) if (err) goto err_sys_clk_disable; + if (pvr_dev->fw_dev.booted) { + err = pvr_power_fw_enable(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_mem_clk_disable; + } + drm_dev_exit(idx); return 0; +err_mem_clk_disable: + clk_disable_unprepare(pvr_dev->mem_clk); + err_sys_clk_disable: clk_disable_unprepare(pvr_dev->sys_clk); @@ -239,7 +318,6 @@ pvr_power_device_idle(struct device *dev) int pvr_power_reset(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, bool hard_reset) { - /* TODO: Implement hard reset. */ int err; /* @@ -248,13 +326,69 @@ pvr_power_reset(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, bool hard_reset) */ WARN_ON(pvr_power_get(pvr_dev)); - err = pvr_power_fw_disable(pvr_dev, false); - if (err) - goto err_power_put; + down_write(&pvr_dev->reset_sem); + + if (pvr_dev->lost) { + err = -EIO; + goto err_up_write; + } + + /* Disable IRQs for the duration of the reset. */ + disable_irq(pvr_dev->irq); + + do { + err = pvr_power_fw_disable(pvr_dev, hard_reset); + if (!err) { + if (hard_reset) { + pvr_dev->fw_dev.booted = false; + WARN_ON(pm_runtime_force_suspend(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev)); + + err = pvr_fw_hard_reset(pvr_dev); + if (err) + goto err_device_lost; + + err = pm_runtime_force_resume(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev); + pvr_dev->fw_dev.booted = true; + if (err) + goto err_device_lost; + } else { + /* Clear the FW faulted flags. */ + pvr_dev->fw_dev.fwif_sysdata->hwr_state_flags &= + ~(ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_FW_FAULT | + ROGUE_FWIF_HWR_RESTART_REQUESTED); + } + + pvr_fw_irq_clear(pvr_dev); + + err = pvr_power_fw_enable(pvr_dev); + } + + if (err && hard_reset) + goto err_device_lost; + + if (err && !hard_reset) { + drm_err(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), "FW stalled, trying hard reset"); + hard_reset = true; + } + } while (err); + + enable_irq(pvr_dev->irq); + + up_write(&pvr_dev->reset_sem); + + pvr_power_put(pvr_dev); + + return 0; + +err_device_lost: + drm_err(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), "GPU device lost"); + pvr_device_lost(pvr_dev); + + /* Leave IRQs disabled if the device is lost. */ - err = pvr_power_fw_enable(pvr_dev); +err_up_write: + up_write(&pvr_dev->reset_sem); -err_power_put: pvr_power_put(pvr_dev); return err; diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.h index 439f08d13655..3e53189f0eda 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_power.h @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ int pvr_watchdog_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); void pvr_watchdog_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void pvr_device_lost(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + bool pvr_power_is_idle(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); int pvr_power_device_suspend(struct device *dev); diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c index edf6fbabe554..a9d3ea990aa8 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm.c @@ -334,6 +334,16 @@ static const struct drm_gpuvm_ops pvr_vm_gpuva_ops = { .sm_step_unmap = pvr_vm_gpuva_unmap, }; +static void +fw_mem_context_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext *fw_mem_ctx = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx = priv; + + fw_mem_ctx->pc_dev_paddr = pvr_vm_get_page_table_root_addr(vm_ctx); + fw_mem_ctx->page_cat_base_reg_set = ROGUE_FW_BIF_INVALID_PCSET; +} + /** * pvr_vm_create_context() - Create a new VM context. * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. @@ -393,13 +403,19 @@ pvr_vm_create_context(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, bool is_userspace_context) } if (is_userspace_context) { - /* TODO: Create FW mem context */ - err = -ENODEV; - goto err_put_ctx; + err = pvr_fw_object_create(pvr_dev, sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_fwmemcontext), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + fw_mem_context_init, vm_ctx, &vm_ctx->fw_mem_ctx_obj); + + if (err) + goto err_page_table_destroy; } return vm_ctx; +err_page_table_destroy: + pvr_mmu_context_destroy(vm_ctx->mmu_ctx); + err_put_ctx: pvr_vm_context_put(vm_ctx); @@ -419,8 +435,8 @@ pvr_vm_context_release(struct kref *ref_count) struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx = container_of(ref_count, struct pvr_vm_context, ref_count); - /* TODO: Destroy FW mem context */ - WARN_ON(vm_ctx->fw_mem_ctx_obj); + if (vm_ctx->fw_mem_ctx_obj) + pvr_fw_object_destroy(vm_ctx->fw_mem_ctx_obj); WARN_ON(pvr_vm_unmap(vm_ctx, vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr.mm_start, vm_ctx->gpuvm_mgr.mm_range)); From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:51 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739681 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 079191DFFC; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:14 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="eNeJ/pgM"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="p2jFdEaU" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 1A0FB115; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:14:08 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VCJjRd013616; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:27 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=4WWSvzZjgKrzsRNArRUPsb7k6SW3cxmUrBqr/BAAIG8=; b=eNe J/pgMyHfrqA2bLHcZLTlhbb4VNiHz83TgctLaVjz6tBIel+xPVqJPoLA8LL3t1su s7cR5uTZUqcXrwG2LPJmH4ynwGhOLQ3lUcs5MfDpXXpAVq19+KRA6RfMDe6F9ycP CbTXTV17UObaBdWL9wHUTigwNp9RkkGYfxcOJFDIJZxsEyvmMcKOy3AKQ0M3INw/ ZdWT/p1Pr8Z3wFNkB7GLbnHO7OnPuU57+ReajI3GsQLpNGXqFTQqwC9g17AzWY1c r9RE6cjHAGHgxEx0AhVYl+6hBVXJ8CEueLGBc9eShEQB4C16MwHjYNv2gm08GxZd jUXS9zYWgbZX6U8NWhA== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf41-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:27 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:26 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:26 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=mANW38ZXiBdR5OEqdEWCbHEmjRrK60NkUni4b5vj6MVWAKPCpzj47rRMnk3lkiAiAgIkEXEdE8xihkNXXxeRzbXHlAiBkNNMopWBalg6WoY6FE33ufGoqhEAhTFhqGfP7zpz5umfLlvjaDgpHV8Q7ClVze3+xvZdoAnJfzMjqJK1Xqlc/O54UdJ0/0f7zLuBAblmPv7nC/GMSwnYL1wABQSZKRxSJ6hVIfvFLGr8+EszxGEIiravot5GbjIEDF0nSZU5NYrXkXZazvXYE9d2yCmGfm0pDirVKZuo78uOBwVUsFxDsTHRJangeyuX4Tj29Oaos2JXnIBdkrCCvUCZEA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=4WWSvzZjgKrzsRNArRUPsb7k6SW3cxmUrBqr/BAAIG8=; b=k3cHP2OKK9xomWhw+wpPYzu67OZFxTDjuDmbl8HlsM7m9KsxtUgcoIDiF1MukvnVNn/Q6XtGY93zldztLbobdttTTXcWNW5BPrPpxypGEbRX7c0uW9NqyC0F4uSswLMnvUPUvOf2sWO4YBMS4UE6SNHgu4Hm/onZ0b2vKFN/vMiinVd2wTS8MzlQv7zs+KStYAGdi3fBAJDG8XAAxl6AITERzg6RGKQAoP13qVAdLe6O4+9hiW8Xe2cTCTJzZ2FxKVjZS6YziaWwTs24k7EetLxp9OeeZ91e3fP9Sm4LQxsTbhj8il8YngKXyzcQeBQBHZToqzHqOUj6iyH939PKaw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=4WWSvzZjgKrzsRNArRUPsb7k6SW3cxmUrBqr/BAAIG8=; b=p2jFdEaUSom7/ePTGDlZPbrZ7fh2hWPe42D/JbAJxJ3fqJM+sYMXSSgC7/fkcTIOl+wxh9virysYE0r2uEf2j8mO/xtiR5rsoHdMJBSIIbjdf5Ru/iUTnaWn2VVC9gWQyRQQ/xpR0c+TI12t19DYOGqwTTBaXd8mIjP58zGqVuc= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:22 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:22 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v8 14/20] drm/imagination: Implement MIPS firmware processor and MMU support Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:51 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: b9dcefe5-e3b0-4dc4-92c2-08dbda23ec09 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(136003)(376002)(366004)(39850400004)(346002)(396003)(230922051799003)(64100799003)(1800799009)(186009)(451199024)(2906002)(30864003)(7416002)(41300700001)(5660300002)(44832011)(8676002)(4326008)(8936002)(38350700005)(36756003)(86362001)(38100700002)(1076003)(316002)(6916009)(66946007)(66476007)(66556008)(2616005)(83380400001)(478600001)(6666004)(26005)(6512007)(6506007)(52116002)(6486002); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: b9dcefe5-e3b0-4dc4-92c2-08dbda23ec09 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2023 15:13:22.4125 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 0d5fd8bb-e8c2-4e0a-8dd5-2c264f7140fe X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: ktRVNq18tdnUYHheVhEYjYi+7eP6DHjBbWsHxphM/e5MXnmKaqCR4eRTi94LNQwpBfTmyDeQPw5cnbTMjcCDBA== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CWLP265MB2018 X-OriginatorOrg: X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: 15a78312-3e47-46eb-9010-2e54d84a9631 X-Proofpoint-GUID: Fp6nAWYMUg01ug2V4veZC2dhivXmaP9L X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: Fp6nAWYMUg01ug2V4veZC2dhivXmaP9L Add support for the MIPS firmware processor, used in the Series AXE GPU. The MIPS firmware processor uses a separate MMU to the rest of the GPU, so this patch adds support for that as well. Changes since v6: - Fix integer overflow in VM map error path Changes since v5: - Use alloc_page() when allocating MIPS pagetable Changes since v3: - Get regs resource (removed from GPU resources commit) Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker --- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile | 4 +- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c | 5 +- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h | 3 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c | 2 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.c | 252 ++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.h | 48 +++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.c | 238 ++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.h | 22 ++ 8 files changed, 572 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.h diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile index 5b02440841be..0a6532d30c00 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile @@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ powervr-y := \ pvr_drv.o \ pvr_fw.o \ pvr_fw_meta.o \ + pvr_fw_mips.o \ pvr_fw_startstop.o \ pvr_fw_trace.o \ pvr_gem.o \ pvr_mmu.o \ pvr_power.o \ - pvr_vm.o + pvr_vm.o \ + pvr_vm_mips.o obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_POWERVR) += powervr.o diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c index 6055cf6054f7..aac5e62d6cbe 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.c @@ -50,16 +50,19 @@ pvr_device_reg_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) { struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); struct platform_device *plat_dev = to_platform_device(drm_dev->dev); + struct resource *regs_resource; void __iomem *regs; + pvr_dev->regs_resource = NULL; pvr_dev->regs = NULL; - regs = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(plat_dev, 0); + regs = devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource(plat_dev, 0, ®s_resource); if (IS_ERR(regs)) return dev_err_probe(drm_dev->dev, PTR_ERR(regs), "failed to ioremap gpu registers\n"); pvr_dev->regs = regs; + pvr_dev->regs_resource = regs_resource; return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h index 0d0648314de1..f280b040b216 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h @@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ struct pvr_device { /** @fw_version: Firmware version detected at runtime. */ struct pvr_fw_version fw_version; + /** @regs_resource: Resource representing device control registers. */ + struct resource *regs_resource; + /** * @regs: Device control registers. * diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c index af0955b126b1..f79fd172b2e2 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw.c @@ -933,6 +933,8 @@ pvr_fw_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) if (fw_dev->processor_type == PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_META) fw_dev->defs = &pvr_fw_defs_meta; + else if (fw_dev->processor_type == PVR_FW_PROCESSOR_TYPE_MIPS) + fw_dev->defs = &pvr_fw_defs_mips; else return -EINVAL; diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bf13b05d1248 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.c @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_fw.h" +#include "pvr_fw_mips.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_mips.h" +#include "pvr_vm_mips.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#define ROGUE_FW_HEAP_MIPS_BASE 0xC0000000 +#define ROGUE_FW_HEAP_MIPS_SHIFT 24 /* 16 MB */ +#define ROGUE_FW_HEAP_MIPS_RESERVED_SIZE SZ_1M + +/** + * process_elf_command_stream() - Process ELF firmware image and populate + * firmware sections + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @fw: Pointer to firmware image. + * @fw_code_ptr: Pointer to FW code section. + * @fw_data_ptr: Pointer to FW data section. + * @fw_core_code_ptr: Pointer to FW coremem code section. + * @fw_core_data_ptr: Pointer to FW coremem data section. + * + * Returns : + * * 0 on success, or + * * -EINVAL on any error in ELF command stream. + */ +static int +process_elf_command_stream(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const u8 *fw, u8 *fw_code_ptr, + u8 *fw_data_ptr, u8 *fw_core_code_ptr, u8 *fw_core_data_ptr) +{ + struct elf32_hdr *header = (struct elf32_hdr *)fw; + struct elf32_phdr *program_header = (struct elf32_phdr *)(fw + header->e_phoff); + struct drm_device *drm_dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev); + u32 entry; + int err; + + for (entry = 0; entry < header->e_phnum; entry++, program_header++) { + void *write_addr; + + /* Only consider loadable entries in the ELF segment table */ + if (program_header->p_type != PT_LOAD) + continue; + + err = pvr_fw_find_mmu_segment(pvr_dev, program_header->p_vaddr, + program_header->p_memsz, fw_code_ptr, fw_data_ptr, + fw_core_code_ptr, fw_core_data_ptr, &write_addr); + if (err) { + drm_err(drm_dev, + "Addr 0x%x (size: %d) not found in any firmware segment", + program_header->p_vaddr, program_header->p_memsz); + return err; + } + + /* Write to FW allocation only if available */ + if (write_addr) { + memcpy(write_addr, fw + program_header->p_offset, + program_header->p_filesz); + + memset((u8 *)write_addr + program_header->p_filesz, 0, + program_header->p_memsz - program_header->p_filesz); + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static int +pvr_mips_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + pvr_fw_heap_info_init(pvr_dev, ROGUE_FW_HEAP_MIPS_SHIFT, ROGUE_FW_HEAP_MIPS_RESERVED_SIZE); + + return pvr_vm_mips_init(pvr_dev); +} + +static void +pvr_mips_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + pvr_vm_mips_fini(pvr_dev); +} + +static int +pvr_mips_fw_process(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const u8 *fw, + u8 *fw_code_ptr, u8 *fw_data_ptr, u8 *fw_core_code_ptr, u8 *fw_core_data_ptr, + u32 core_code_alloc_size) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + struct pvr_fw_mips_data *mips_data = fw_dev->processor_data.mips_data; + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *boot_code_entry; + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *boot_data_entry; + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *exception_code_entry; + const struct pvr_fw_layout_entry *stack_entry; + struct rogue_mipsfw_boot_data *boot_data; + dma_addr_t dma_addr; + u32 page_nr; + int err; + + err = process_elf_command_stream(pvr_dev, fw, fw_code_ptr, fw_data_ptr, fw_core_code_ptr, + fw_core_data_ptr); + if (err) + return err; + + boot_code_entry = pvr_fw_find_layout_entry(pvr_dev, MIPS_BOOT_CODE); + boot_data_entry = pvr_fw_find_layout_entry(pvr_dev, MIPS_BOOT_DATA); + exception_code_entry = pvr_fw_find_layout_entry(pvr_dev, MIPS_EXCEPTIONS_CODE); + if (!boot_code_entry || !boot_data_entry || !exception_code_entry) + return -EINVAL; + + WARN_ON(pvr_gem_get_dma_addr(fw_dev->mem.code_obj->gem, boot_code_entry->alloc_offset, + &mips_data->boot_code_dma_addr)); + WARN_ON(pvr_gem_get_dma_addr(fw_dev->mem.data_obj->gem, boot_data_entry->alloc_offset, + &mips_data->boot_data_dma_addr)); + WARN_ON(pvr_gem_get_dma_addr(fw_dev->mem.code_obj->gem, + exception_code_entry->alloc_offset, + &mips_data->exception_code_dma_addr)); + + stack_entry = pvr_fw_find_layout_entry(pvr_dev, MIPS_STACK); + if (!stack_entry) + return -EINVAL; + + boot_data = (struct rogue_mipsfw_boot_data *)(fw_data_ptr + boot_data_entry->alloc_offset + + ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOTLDR_CONF_OFFSET); + + WARN_ON(pvr_fw_object_get_dma_addr(fw_dev->mem.data_obj, stack_entry->alloc_offset, + &dma_addr)); + boot_data->stack_phys_addr = dma_addr; + + boot_data->reg_base = pvr_dev->regs_resource->start; + + for (page_nr = 0; page_nr < ARRAY_SIZE(boot_data->pt_phys_addr); page_nr++) { + /* Firmware expects 4k pages, but host page size might be different. */ + u32 src_page_nr = (page_nr * ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_4K) >> PAGE_SHIFT; + u32 page_offset = (page_nr * ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_4K) & ~PAGE_MASK; + + boot_data->pt_phys_addr[page_nr] = mips_data->pt_dma_addr[src_page_nr] + + page_offset; + } + + boot_data->pt_log2_page_size = ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K; + boot_data->pt_num_pages = ROGUE_MIPSFW_MAX_NUM_PAGETABLE_PAGES; + boot_data->reserved1 = 0; + boot_data->reserved2 = 0; + + return 0; +} + +static int +pvr_mips_wrapper_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_mips_data *mips_data = pvr_dev->fw_dev.processor_data.mips_data; + const u64 remap_settings = ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_LOG2_SEGMENT_SIZE; + u32 phys_bus_width; + + int err = PVR_FEATURE_VALUE(pvr_dev, phys_bus_width, &phys_bus_width); + + if (WARN_ON(err)) + return err; + + /* Currently MIPS FW only supported with physical bus width > 32 bits. */ + if (WARN_ON(phys_bus_width <= 32)) + return -EINVAL; + + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_WRAPPER_CONFIG, + (ROGUE_MIPSFW_REGISTERS_VIRTUAL_BASE >> + ROGUE_MIPSFW_WRAPPER_CONFIG_REGBANK_ADDR_ALIGN) | + ROGUE_CR_MIPS_WRAPPER_CONFIG_BOOT_ISA_MODE_MICROMIPS); + + /* Configure remap for boot code, boot data and exceptions code areas. */ + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP1_CONFIG1, + ROGUE_MIPSFW_BOOT_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN | + ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP1_CONFIG1_MODE_ENABLE_EN); + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP1_CONFIG2, + (mips_data->boot_code_dma_addr & + ~ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP1_CONFIG2_ADDR_OUT_CLRMSK) | remap_settings); + + if (PVR_HAS_QUIRK(pvr_dev, 63553)) { + /* + * WA always required on 36 bit cores, to avoid continuous unmapped memory accesses + * to address 0x0. + */ + WARN_ON(phys_bus_width != 36); + + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP5_CONFIG1, + ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP5_CONFIG1_MODE_ENABLE_EN); + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP5_CONFIG2, + (mips_data->boot_code_dma_addr & + ~ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP5_CONFIG2_ADDR_OUT_CLRMSK) | + remap_settings); + } + + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP2_CONFIG1, + ROGUE_MIPSFW_DATA_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN | + ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP2_CONFIG1_MODE_ENABLE_EN); + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP2_CONFIG2, + (mips_data->boot_data_dma_addr & + ~ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP2_CONFIG2_ADDR_OUT_CLRMSK) | remap_settings); + + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP3_CONFIG1, + ROGUE_MIPSFW_CODE_REMAP_PHYS_ADDR_IN | + ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP3_CONFIG1_MODE_ENABLE_EN); + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP3_CONFIG2, + (mips_data->exception_code_dma_addr & + ~ROGUE_CR_MIPS_ADDR_REMAP3_CONFIG2_ADDR_OUT_CLRMSK) | remap_settings); + + /* Garten IDLE bit controlled by MIPS. */ + pvr_cr_write64(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MTS_GARTEN_WRAPPER_CONFIG, + ROGUE_CR_MTS_GARTEN_WRAPPER_CONFIG_IDLE_CTRL_META); + + /* Turn on the EJTAG probe. */ + pvr_cr_write32(pvr_dev, ROGUE_CR_MIPS_DEBUG_CONFIG, 0); + + return 0; +} + +static u32 +pvr_mips_get_fw_addr_with_offset(struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj, u32 offset) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = to_pvr_device(gem_from_pvr_gem(fw_obj->gem)->dev); + + /* MIPS cacheability is determined by page table. */ + return ((fw_obj->fw_addr_offset + offset) & pvr_dev->fw_dev.fw_heap_info.offset_mask) | + ROGUE_FW_HEAP_MIPS_BASE; +} + +static bool +pvr_mips_has_fixed_data_addr(void) +{ + return true; +} + +const struct pvr_fw_defs pvr_fw_defs_mips = { + .init = pvr_mips_init, + .fini = pvr_mips_fini, + .fw_process = pvr_mips_fw_process, + .vm_map = pvr_vm_mips_map, + .vm_unmap = pvr_vm_mips_unmap, + .get_fw_addr_with_offset = pvr_mips_get_fw_addr_with_offset, + .wrapper_init = pvr_mips_wrapper_init, + .has_fixed_data_addr = pvr_mips_has_fixed_data_addr, + .irq = { + .enable_reg = ROGUE_CR_MIPS_WRAPPER_IRQ_ENABLE, + .status_reg = ROGUE_CR_MIPS_WRAPPER_IRQ_STATUS, + .clear_reg = ROGUE_CR_MIPS_WRAPPER_IRQ_CLEAR, + .event_mask = ROGUE_CR_MIPS_WRAPPER_IRQ_STATUS_EVENT_EN, + .clear_mask = ROGUE_CR_MIPS_WRAPPER_IRQ_CLEAR_EVENT_EN, + }, +}; diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..676b2d279796 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_fw_mips.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_FW_MIPS_H +#define PVR_FW_MIPS_H + +#include "pvr_rogue_mips.h" + +#include +#include + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_gem.h. */ +struct pvr_gem_object; + +#define PVR_MIPS_PT_PAGE_COUNT ((ROGUE_MIPSFW_MAX_NUM_PAGETABLE_PAGES * ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_SIZE_4K) \ + >> PAGE_SHIFT) +/** + * struct pvr_fw_mips_data - MIPS-specific data + */ +struct pvr_fw_mips_data { + /** + * @pt_pages: Pages containing MIPS pagetable. + */ + struct page *pt_pages[PVR_MIPS_PT_PAGE_COUNT]; + + /** @pt: Pointer to CPU mapping of MIPS pagetable. */ + u32 *pt; + + /** @pt_dma_addr: DMA mappings of MIPS pagetable. */ + dma_addr_t pt_dma_addr[PVR_MIPS_PT_PAGE_COUNT]; + + /** @boot_code_dma_addr: DMA address of MIPS boot code. */ + dma_addr_t boot_code_dma_addr; + + /** @boot_data_dma_addr: DMA address of MIPS boot data. */ + dma_addr_t boot_data_dma_addr; + + /** @exception_code_dma_addr: DMA address of MIPS exception code. */ + dma_addr_t exception_code_dma_addr; + + /** @cache_policy: Cache policy for this processor. */ + u32 cache_policy; + + /** @pfn_mask: PFN mask for MIPS pagetable. */ + u32 pfn_mask; +}; + +#endif /* PVR_FW_MIPS_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..09092bcf3d44 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.c @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_fw_mips.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_mmu.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_mips.h" +#include "pvr_vm.h" +#include "pvr_vm_mips.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/** + * pvr_vm_mips_init() - Initialise MIPS FW pagetable + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL, + * * Any error returned by pvr_gem_object_create(), or + * * And error returned by pvr_gem_object_vmap(). + */ +int +pvr_vm_mips_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + u32 pt_size = 1 << ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGETABLE_SIZE_4K(pvr_dev); + struct device *dev = from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev; + struct pvr_fw_mips_data *mips_data; + u32 phys_bus_width; + int page_nr; + int err; + + /* Page table size must be at most ROGUE_MIPSFW_MAX_NUM_PAGETABLE_PAGES * 4k pages. */ + if (pt_size > ROGUE_MIPSFW_MAX_NUM_PAGETABLE_PAGES * SZ_4K) + return -EINVAL; + + if (PVR_FEATURE_VALUE(pvr_dev, phys_bus_width, &phys_bus_width)) + return -EINVAL; + + mips_data = drmm_kzalloc(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev), sizeof(*mips_data), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!mips_data) + return -ENOMEM; + + for (page_nr = 0; page_nr < ARRAY_SIZE(mips_data->pt_pages); page_nr++) { + mips_data->pt_pages[page_nr] = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_ZERO); + if (!mips_data->pt_pages[page_nr]) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_free_pages; + } + + mips_data->pt_dma_addr[page_nr] = dma_map_page(dev, mips_data->pt_pages[page_nr], 0, + PAGE_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + if (dma_mapping_error(dev, mips_data->pt_dma_addr[page_nr])) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_free_pages; + } + } + + mips_data->pt = vmap(mips_data->pt_pages, pt_size >> PAGE_SHIFT, VM_MAP, + pgprot_writecombine(PAGE_KERNEL)); + if (!mips_data->pt) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_free_pages; + } + + mips_data->pfn_mask = (phys_bus_width > 32) ? ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_MASK_ABOVE_32BIT : + ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_MASK; + + mips_data->cache_policy = (phys_bus_width > 32) ? ROGUE_MIPSFW_CACHED_POLICY_ABOVE_32BIT : + ROGUE_MIPSFW_CACHED_POLICY; + + pvr_dev->fw_dev.processor_data.mips_data = mips_data; + + return 0; + +err_free_pages: + for (; page_nr >= 0; page_nr--) { + if (mips_data->pt_dma_addr[page_nr]) + dma_unmap_page(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev, + mips_data->pt_dma_addr[page_nr], PAGE_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + if (mips_data->pt_pages[page_nr]) + __free_page(mips_data->pt_pages[page_nr]); + } + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_mips_fini() - Release MIPS FW pagetable + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + */ +void +pvr_vm_mips_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + struct pvr_fw_mips_data *mips_data = fw_dev->processor_data.mips_data; + int page_nr; + + vunmap(mips_data->pt); + for (page_nr = ARRAY_SIZE(mips_data->pt_pages) - 1; page_nr >= 0; page_nr--) { + dma_unmap_page(from_pvr_device(pvr_dev)->dev, + mips_data->pt_dma_addr[page_nr], PAGE_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + __free_page(mips_data->pt_pages[page_nr]); + } + + fw_dev->processor_data.mips_data = NULL; +} + +static u32 +get_mips_pte_flags(bool read, bool write, u32 cache_policy) +{ + u32 flags = 0; + + if (read && write) /* Read/write. */ + flags |= ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_DIRTY_EN; + else if (write) /* Write only. */ + flags |= ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_READ_INHIBIT_EN; + else + WARN_ON(!read); + + flags |= cache_policy << ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_CACHE_POLICY_SHIFT; + + flags |= ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_VALID_EN | ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_GLOBAL_EN; + + return flags; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_mips_map() - Map a FW object into MIPS address space + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @fw_obj: FW object to map. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%EINVAL if object does not reside within FW address space, or + * * Any error returned by pvr_fw_object_get_dma_addr(). + */ +int +pvr_vm_mips_map(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + struct pvr_fw_mips_data *mips_data = fw_dev->processor_data.mips_data; + struct pvr_gem_object *pvr_obj = fw_obj->gem; + const u64 start = fw_obj->fw_mm_node.start; + const u64 size = fw_obj->fw_mm_node.size; + u64 end; + u32 cache_policy; + u32 pte_flags; + u32 start_pfn; + u32 end_pfn; + s32 pfn; + int err; + + if (check_add_overflow(start, size - 1, &end)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (start < ROGUE_FW_HEAP_BASE || + start >= ROGUE_FW_HEAP_BASE + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.raw_size || + end < ROGUE_FW_HEAP_BASE || + end >= ROGUE_FW_HEAP_BASE + fw_dev->fw_heap_info.raw_size || + (start & ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_MASK_4K) || + ((end + 1) & ROGUE_MIPSFW_PAGE_MASK_4K)) + return -EINVAL; + + start_pfn = (start & fw_dev->fw_heap_info.offset_mask) >> ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K; + end_pfn = (end & fw_dev->fw_heap_info.offset_mask) >> ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K; + + if (pvr_obj->flags & PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED) + cache_policy = ROGUE_MIPSFW_UNCACHED_CACHE_POLICY; + else + cache_policy = mips_data->cache_policy; + + pte_flags = get_mips_pte_flags(true, true, cache_policy); + + for (pfn = start_pfn; pfn <= end_pfn; pfn++) { + dma_addr_t dma_addr; + u32 pte; + + err = pvr_fw_object_get_dma_addr(fw_obj, + (pfn - start_pfn) << + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K, + &dma_addr); + if (err) + goto err_unmap_pages; + + pte = ((dma_addr >> ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K) + << ROGUE_MIPSFW_ENTRYLO_PFN_SHIFT) & mips_data->pfn_mask; + pte |= pte_flags; + + WRITE_ONCE(mips_data->pt[pfn], pte); + } + + pvr_mmu_flush_request_all(pvr_dev); + + return 0; + +err_unmap_pages: + for (; pfn >= start_pfn; pfn--) + WRITE_ONCE(mips_data->pt[pfn], 0); + + pvr_mmu_flush_request_all(pvr_dev); + WARN_ON(pvr_mmu_flush_exec(pvr_dev, true)); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_vm_mips_unmap() - Unmap a FW object into MIPS address space + * @pvr_dev: Target PowerVR device. + * @fw_obj: FW object to unmap. + */ +void +pvr_vm_mips_unmap(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj) +{ + struct pvr_fw_device *fw_dev = &pvr_dev->fw_dev; + struct pvr_fw_mips_data *mips_data = fw_dev->processor_data.mips_data; + const u64 start = fw_obj->fw_mm_node.start; + const u64 size = fw_obj->fw_mm_node.size; + const u64 end = start + size; + + const u32 start_pfn = (start & fw_dev->fw_heap_info.offset_mask) >> + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K; + const u32 end_pfn = (end & fw_dev->fw_heap_info.offset_mask) >> + ROGUE_MIPSFW_LOG2_PAGE_SIZE_4K; + + for (u32 pfn = start_pfn; pfn < end_pfn; pfn++) + WRITE_ONCE(mips_data->pt[pfn], 0); + + pvr_mmu_flush_request_all(pvr_dev); + WARN_ON(pvr_mmu_flush_exec(pvr_dev, true)); +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..71d238d5327a --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_vm_mips.h @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_VM_MIPS_H +#define PVR_VM_MIPS_H + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_device.h. */ +struct pvr_device; + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_gem.h. */ +struct pvr_fw_object; + +int +pvr_vm_mips_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +void +pvr_vm_mips_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); +int +pvr_vm_mips_map(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj); +void +pvr_vm_mips_unmap(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj); + +#endif /* PVR_VM_MIPS_H */ From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:53 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739680 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D2A8F1DFF7; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:33 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="nII2oG0b"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="YaKPSIPX" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 7DF451A6; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:14:17 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VCJjRg013616; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:29 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=5ACtYKgY0nuOACQ21KHPftjmMpov/jqWg7g3acFKBn0=; b=nII 2oG0bXVPDIxNeo0Q+jLfI04hsIkW/FKztf1IGSiDpgGki5sDTSg56gJl3v3SqW+E VgLowJM1FKASgubdRkFpnBw2qp//joxScD30PgJhHMxYNWhWJlhB57DSmSP+XclB QHd7p64HTQmXIxkBmekA8w22jKTmCqeZ2KNakbfdbWnX+Qcw4JmtFeZpGe1b7BCq da42FpbHv15KtzuOf4HsKuPUsiPYm/f3Py0sS66sMuxyNL0py1Pl1Y+RXiEg+Lfw DOeM6wngn9wRnRiAJ4srzpluvpvBui+P4X05qU1RZZ+PfY0+d1CPEplf5v7CV6rs dwMDbEPPNXzN/zFwgwA== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf42-3 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:29 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:28 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:28 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=GPvEp/lX3jJqOoP1Fs9kcXNlzGPZJa4YREIXE+tmcT7T4nUFN6Q+RbVmMVa68sWb4gfFk1yb/WqReTdwjQXRODbFPMiJjp9tZRkxAXjqzKhLzl9SB60FzTdBqv4unPlwJImYsFiqEW0iWgrzC889yoE6MBmh1hGF68SpB0GwH9GM8H9OGtoqfAgGgr1dTUXjikTBhPT7Pk/2UzjwWug5KGH9vaIRU5RL+BkPcBmGAoTCGM8RjPVBgASYuuUrOgrKxL3KkFgiUoaIYGweRU5te2Dq640gEMZZcmEGpqlOvr40lAguOCDfpzno+RCT9zWcXDQqwo6rrJRsW1C2fPoVsg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=5ACtYKgY0nuOACQ21KHPftjmMpov/jqWg7g3acFKBn0=; b=mURYmFHOAeQC6HDJL73NzewVsbokmvFNtK2RtghLPkVfzaneviW4SFCeH+Rl/PEghh9IPfjuF+AWEyClNJOJqD54SR7+W0WpsrgQp9lJRp3P4KtdCMzyXSObZyC0V33hTX3XQTEUmR45O46pzneuSCj8qMXs8ueoe6JRzknweCpW5BdWgfdGCRT4POxinRdtoZb1EkNPwY2QcJs1LrtC+KrGkoLztTg5DVT74D0YbEobIpunx84/mpzt+c9Z55o99WYufD2WlN+3MtvQ74wu8964I1SvE0Pk13RBp//CC7zOpD4FtvQJPk6VzLdJfU0/nOtlLDfiwv378EzFVsvlXQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=5ACtYKgY0nuOACQ21KHPftjmMpov/jqWg7g3acFKBn0=; b=YaKPSIPXm8qUwPnFSloq75GF4JnH1ELM+LrrqV4lbs6LjBVAu56uAj/teEPTjgcjyOJTgwdYT6jqC4dNELVH77EPJGdjIR7W8fB6nUM/M/EFeXYBgJs+rVR3XuTAZhtvPnoM7gQfh1MblHr2PnBpJ8HcS+VlW0gnnpVI1AX+5v8= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:23 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:23 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v8 16/20] drm/imagination: Implement context creation/destruction ioctls Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:53 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 0cb0d0fc-8838-43ff-7944-08dbda23eccf X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM; H:CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(136003)(376002)(366004)(39850400004)(346002)(396003)(230173577357003)(230922051799003)(230273577357003)(64100799003)(1800799009)(186009)(451199024)(2906002)(30864003)(7416002)(41300700001)(5660300002)(44832011)(8676002)(4326008)(8936002)(38350700005)(36756003)(86362001)(38100700002)(1076003)(316002)(6916009)(66946007)(66476007)(66556008)(2616005)(83380400001)(478600001)(6666004)(26005)(6512007)(6506007)(52116002)(6486002)(579004)(559001); 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Contexts are used for job submission and each is associated with a particular job type. Changes since v5: - Fix context release in final error path in pvr_context_create() Changes since v3: - Use drm_dev_{enter,exit} Co-developed-by: Boris Brezillon Signed-off-by: Boris Brezillon Signed-off-by: Sarah Walker --- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile | 4 + drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.c | 267 ++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.h | 109 ++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.c | 341 ++++++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.h | 161 +++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h | 21 ++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c | 29 +- drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.c | 285 +++++++++++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.h | 75 ++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.c | 125 +++++++ drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.h | 16 + 11 files changed, 1431 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.h create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.c create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.h diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile index fca2ee2efbac..0c8ab120f277 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/Makefile @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ subdir-ccflags-y := -I$(srctree)/$(src) powervr-y := \ pvr_ccb.o \ + pvr_cccb.o \ + pvr_context.o \ pvr_device.o \ pvr_device_info.o \ pvr_drv.o \ @@ -18,6 +20,8 @@ powervr-y := \ pvr_hwrt.o \ pvr_mmu.o \ pvr_power.o \ + pvr_stream.o \ + pvr_stream_defs.o \ pvr_vm.o \ pvr_vm_mips.o diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8dfc157c3c10 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.c @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_ccb.h" +#include "pvr_cccb.h" +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_hwrt.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static __always_inline u32 +get_ccb_space(u32 w_off, u32 r_off, u32 ccb_size) +{ + return (((r_off) - (w_off)) + ((ccb_size) - 1)) & ((ccb_size) - 1); +} + +static void +cccb_ctrl_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl *ctrl = cpu_ptr; + struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb = priv; + + WRITE_ONCE(ctrl->write_offset, 0); + WRITE_ONCE(ctrl->read_offset, 0); + WRITE_ONCE(ctrl->dep_offset, 0); + WRITE_ONCE(ctrl->wrap_mask, pvr_cccb->wrap_mask); +} + +/** + * pvr_cccb_init() - Initialise a Client CCB + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @pvr_cccb: Pointer to Client CCB structure to initialise. + * @size_log2: Log2 size of Client CCB in bytes. + * @name: Name of owner of Client CCB. Used for fence context. + * + * Return: + * * Zero on success, or + * * Any error code returned by pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(). + */ +int +pvr_cccb_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb, + u32 size_log2, const char *name) +{ + size_t size = 1 << size_log2; + int err; + + pvr_cccb->size = size; + pvr_cccb->write_offset = 0; + pvr_cccb->wrap_mask = size - 1; + + /* + * Map CCCB and control structure as uncached, so we don't have to flush + * CPU cache repeatedly when polling for space. + */ + pvr_cccb->ctrl = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, sizeof(*pvr_cccb->ctrl), + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + cccb_ctrl_init, pvr_cccb, + &pvr_cccb->ctrl_obj); + if (IS_ERR(pvr_cccb->ctrl)) + return PTR_ERR(pvr_cccb->ctrl); + + pvr_cccb->cccb = pvr_fw_object_create_and_map(pvr_dev, size, + PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + NULL, NULL, &pvr_cccb->cccb_obj); + if (IS_ERR(pvr_cccb->cccb)) { + err = PTR_ERR(pvr_cccb->cccb); + goto err_free_ctrl; + } + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(pvr_cccb->ctrl_obj, &pvr_cccb->ctrl_fw_addr); + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(pvr_cccb->cccb_obj, &pvr_cccb->cccb_fw_addr); + + return 0; + +err_free_ctrl: + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(pvr_cccb->ctrl_obj); + + return err; +} + +/** + * pvr_cccb_fini() - Release Client CCB structure + * @pvr_cccb: Client CCB to release. + */ +void +pvr_cccb_fini(struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb) +{ + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(pvr_cccb->cccb_obj); + pvr_fw_object_unmap_and_destroy(pvr_cccb->ctrl_obj); +} + +/** + * pvr_cccb_cmdseq_fits() - Check if a command sequence fits in the CCCB + * @pvr_cccb: Target Client CCB. + * @size: Size of the command sequence. + * + * Check if a command sequence fits in the CCCB we have at hand. + * + * Return: + * * true if the command sequence fits in the CCCB, or + * * false otherwise. + */ +bool pvr_cccb_cmdseq_fits(struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb, size_t size) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl *ctrl = pvr_cccb->ctrl; + u32 read_offset, remaining; + bool fits = false; + + read_offset = READ_ONCE(ctrl->read_offset); + remaining = pvr_cccb->size - pvr_cccb->write_offset; + + /* Always ensure we have enough room for a padding command at the end of the CCCB. + * If our command sequence does not fit, reserve the remaining space for a padding + * command. + */ + if (size + PADDING_COMMAND_SIZE > remaining) + size += remaining; + + if (get_ccb_space(pvr_cccb->write_offset, read_offset, pvr_cccb->size) >= size) + fits = true; + + return fits; +} + +/** + * pvr_cccb_write_command_with_header() - Write a command + command header to a + * Client CCB + * @pvr_cccb: Target Client CCB. + * @cmd_type: Client CCB command type. Must be one of %ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_*. + * @cmd_size: Size of command in bytes. + * @cmd_data: Pointer to command to write. + * @ext_job_ref: External job reference. + * @int_job_ref: Internal job reference. + * + * Caller must make sure there's enough space in CCCB to queue this command. This + * can be done by calling pvr_cccb_cmdseq_fits(). + * + * This function is not protected by any lock. The caller must ensure there's + * no concurrent caller, which should be guaranteed by the drm_sched model (job + * submission is serialized in drm_sched_main()). + */ +void +pvr_cccb_write_command_with_header(struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb, u32 cmd_type, u32 cmd_size, + void *cmd_data, u32 ext_job_ref, u32 int_job_ref) +{ + u32 sz_with_hdr = pvr_cccb_get_size_of_cmd_with_hdr(cmd_size); + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header cmd_header = { + .cmd_type = cmd_type, + .cmd_size = ALIGN(cmd_size, 8), + .ext_job_ref = ext_job_ref, + .int_job_ref = int_job_ref, + }; + struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl *ctrl = pvr_cccb->ctrl; + u32 remaining = pvr_cccb->size - pvr_cccb->write_offset; + u32 required_size, cccb_space, read_offset; + + /* + * Always ensure we have enough room for a padding command at the end of + * the CCCB. + */ + if (remaining < sz_with_hdr + PADDING_COMMAND_SIZE) { + /* + * Command would need to wrap, so we need to pad the remainder + * of the CCCB. + */ + required_size = sz_with_hdr + remaining; + } else { + required_size = sz_with_hdr; + } + + read_offset = READ_ONCE(ctrl->read_offset); + cccb_space = get_ccb_space(pvr_cccb->write_offset, read_offset, pvr_cccb->size); + if (WARN_ON(cccb_space < required_size)) + return; + + if (required_size != sz_with_hdr) { + /* Add padding command */ + struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header pad_cmd = { + .cmd_type = ROGUE_FWIF_CCB_CMD_TYPE_PADDING, + .cmd_size = remaining - sizeof(pad_cmd), + }; + + memcpy(&pvr_cccb->cccb[pvr_cccb->write_offset], &pad_cmd, sizeof(pad_cmd)); + pvr_cccb->write_offset = 0; + } + + memcpy(&pvr_cccb->cccb[pvr_cccb->write_offset], &cmd_header, sizeof(cmd_header)); + memcpy(&pvr_cccb->cccb[pvr_cccb->write_offset + sizeof(cmd_header)], cmd_data, cmd_size); + pvr_cccb->write_offset += sz_with_hdr; +} + +static void fill_cmd_kick_data(struct pvr_cccb *cccb, u32 ctx_fw_addr, + struct pvr_hwrt_data *hwrt, + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd_kick_data *k) +{ + k->context_fw_addr = ctx_fw_addr; + k->client_woff_update = cccb->write_offset; + k->client_wrap_mask_update = cccb->wrap_mask; + + if (hwrt) { + u32 cleanup_state_offset = offsetof(struct rogue_fwif_hwrtdata, cleanup_state); + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr_offset(hwrt->fw_obj, cleanup_state_offset, + &k->cleanup_ctl_fw_addr[k->num_cleanup_ctl++]); + } +} + +/** + * pvr_cccb_send_kccb_kick: Send KCCB kick to trigger command processing + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @pvr_cccb: Pointer to CCCB to process. + * @cctx_fw_addr: FW virtual address for context owning this Client CCB. + * @hwrt: HWRT data set associated with this kick. May be %NULL. + * + * You must call pvr_kccb_reserve_slot() and wait for the returned fence to + * signal (if this function didn't return NULL) before calling + * pvr_cccb_send_kccb_kick(). + */ +void +pvr_cccb_send_kccb_kick(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb, u32 cctx_fw_addr, + struct pvr_hwrt_data *hwrt) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd cmd_kick = { + .cmd_type = ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_KICK, + }; + + fill_cmd_kick_data(pvr_cccb, cctx_fw_addr, hwrt, &cmd_kick.cmd_data.cmd_kick_data); + + /* Make sure the writes to the CCCB are flushed before sending the KICK. */ + wmb(); + + pvr_kccb_send_cmd_reserved_powered(pvr_dev, &cmd_kick, NULL); +} + +void +pvr_cccb_send_kccb_combined_kick(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct pvr_cccb *geom_cccb, + struct pvr_cccb *frag_cccb, + u32 geom_ctx_fw_addr, + u32 frag_ctx_fw_addr, + struct pvr_hwrt_data *hwrt, + bool frag_is_pr) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_kccb_cmd cmd_kick = { + .cmd_type = ROGUE_FWIF_KCCB_CMD_COMBINED_GEOM_FRAG_KICK, + }; + + fill_cmd_kick_data(geom_cccb, geom_ctx_fw_addr, hwrt, + &cmd_kick.cmd_data.combined_geom_frag_cmd_kick_data.geom_cmd_kick_data); + + /* If this is a partial-render job, we don't attach resources to cleanup-ctl array, + * because the resources are already retained by the geometry job. + */ + fill_cmd_kick_data(frag_cccb, frag_ctx_fw_addr, frag_is_pr ? NULL : hwrt, + &cmd_kick.cmd_data.combined_geom_frag_cmd_kick_data.frag_cmd_kick_data); + + /* Make sure the writes to the CCCB are flushed before sending the KICK. */ + wmb(); + + pvr_kccb_send_cmd_reserved_powered(pvr_dev, &cmd_kick, NULL); +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a9f5f38b874b --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_cccb.h @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_CCCB_H +#define PVR_CCCB_H + +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_shared.h" + +#include +#include + +#define PADDING_COMMAND_SIZE sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header) + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_device.h. */ +struct pvr_device; + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_gem.h. */ +struct pvr_fw_object; + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_hwrt.h. */ +struct pvr_hwrt_data; + +struct pvr_cccb { + /** @ctrl_obj: FW object representing CCCB control structure. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *ctrl_obj; + + /** @ccb_obj: FW object representing CCCB. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *cccb_obj; + + /** + * @ctrl: Kernel mapping of CCCB control structure. @lock must be held + * when accessing. + */ + struct rogue_fwif_cccb_ctl *ctrl; + + /** @cccb: Kernel mapping of CCCB. @lock must be held when accessing.*/ + u8 *cccb; + + /** @ctrl_fw_addr: FW virtual address of CCCB control structure. */ + u32 ctrl_fw_addr; + /** @ccb_fw_addr: FW virtual address of CCCB. */ + u32 cccb_fw_addr; + + /** @size: Size of CCCB in bytes. */ + size_t size; + + /** @write_offset: CCCB write offset. */ + u32 write_offset; + + /** @wrap_mask: CCCB wrap mask. */ + u32 wrap_mask; +}; + +int pvr_cccb_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, struct pvr_cccb *cccb, + u32 size_log2, const char *name); +void pvr_cccb_fini(struct pvr_cccb *cccb); + +void pvr_cccb_write_command_with_header(struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb, + u32 cmd_type, u32 cmd_size, void *cmd_data, + u32 ext_job_ref, u32 int_job_ref); +void pvr_cccb_send_kccb_kick(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb, u32 cctx_fw_addr, + struct pvr_hwrt_data *hwrt); +void pvr_cccb_send_kccb_combined_kick(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + struct pvr_cccb *geom_cccb, + struct pvr_cccb *frag_cccb, + u32 geom_ctx_fw_addr, + u32 frag_ctx_fw_addr, + struct pvr_hwrt_data *hwrt, + bool frag_is_pr); +bool pvr_cccb_cmdseq_fits(struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb, size_t size); + +/** + * pvr_cccb_get_size_of_cmd_with_hdr() - Get the size of a command and its header. + * @cmd_size: Command size. + * + * Returns the size of the command and its header. + */ +static __always_inline u32 +pvr_cccb_get_size_of_cmd_with_hdr(u32 cmd_size) +{ + WARN_ON(!IS_ALIGNED(cmd_size, 8)); + return sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_ccb_cmd_header) + ALIGN(cmd_size, 8); +} + +/** + * pvr_cccb_cmdseq_can_fit() - Check if a command sequence can fit in the CCCB. + * @size: Command sequence size. + * + * Returns: + * * true it the CCCB is big enough to contain a command sequence, or + * * false otherwise. + */ +static __always_inline bool +pvr_cccb_cmdseq_can_fit(struct pvr_cccb *pvr_cccb, size_t size) +{ + /* We divide the capacity by two to simplify our CCCB fencing logic: + * we want to be sure that, no matter what we had queued before, we + * are able to either queue our command sequence at the end or add a + * padding command and queue the command sequence at the beginning + * of the CCCB. If the command sequence size is bigger than half the + * CCCB capacity, we'd have to queue the padding command and make sure + * the FW is done processing it before queueing our command sequence. + */ + return size + PADDING_COMMAND_SIZE <= pvr_cccb->size / 2; +} + +#endif /* PVR_CCCB_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7ade4d395d1d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.c @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_cccb.h" +#include "pvr_context.h" +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_drv.h" +#include "pvr_gem.h" +#include "pvr_power.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_common.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_resetframework.h" +#include "pvr_stream_defs.h" +#include "pvr_vm.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static int +remap_priority(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, s32 uapi_priority, + enum pvr_context_priority *priority_out) +{ + switch (uapi_priority) { + case DRM_PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_LOW: + *priority_out = PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_LOW; + break; + case DRM_PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_NORMAL: + *priority_out = PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_MEDIUM; + break; + case DRM_PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_HIGH: + if (!capable(CAP_SYS_NICE) && !drm_is_current_master(from_pvr_file(pvr_file))) + return -EACCES; + *priority_out = PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_HIGH; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int get_fw_obj_size(enum drm_pvr_ctx_type type) +{ + switch (type) { + case DRM_PVR_CTX_TYPE_RENDER: + return sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_fwrendercontext); + case DRM_PVR_CTX_TYPE_COMPUTE: + return sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_fwcomputecontext); + case DRM_PVR_CTX_TYPE_TRANSFER_FRAG: + return sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_fwtransfercontext); + } + + return -EINVAL; +} + +static int +process_static_context_state(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs *cmd_defs, + u64 stream_user_ptr, u32 stream_size, void *dest) +{ + void *stream; + int err; + + stream = kzalloc(stream_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!stream) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (copy_from_user(stream, u64_to_user_ptr(stream_user_ptr), stream_size)) { + err = -EFAULT; + goto err_free; + } + + err = pvr_stream_process(pvr_dev, cmd_defs, stream, stream_size, dest); + if (err) + goto err_free; + + kfree(stream); + + return 0; + +err_free: + kfree(stream); + + return err; +} + +static int init_render_fw_objs(struct pvr_context *ctx, + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_context_args *args, + void *fw_ctx_map) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_static_rendercontext_state *static_rendercontext_state; + struct rogue_fwif_fwrendercontext *fw_render_context = fw_ctx_map; + + if (!args->static_context_state_len) + return -EINVAL; + + static_rendercontext_state = &fw_render_context->static_render_context_state; + + /* Copy static render context state from userspace. */ + return process_static_context_state(ctx->pvr_dev, + &pvr_static_render_context_state_stream, + args->static_context_state, + args->static_context_state_len, + &static_rendercontext_state->ctxswitch_regs[0]); +} + +static int init_compute_fw_objs(struct pvr_context *ctx, + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_context_args *args, + void *fw_ctx_map) +{ + struct rogue_fwif_fwcomputecontext *fw_compute_context = fw_ctx_map; + struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch *ctxswitch_regs; + + if (!args->static_context_state_len) + return -EINVAL; + + ctxswitch_regs = &fw_compute_context->static_compute_context_state.ctxswitch_regs; + + /* Copy static render context state from userspace. */ + return process_static_context_state(ctx->pvr_dev, + &pvr_static_compute_context_state_stream, + args->static_context_state, + args->static_context_state_len, + ctxswitch_regs); +} + +static int init_transfer_fw_objs(struct pvr_context *ctx, + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_context_args *args, + void *fw_ctx_map) +{ + if (args->static_context_state_len) + return -EINVAL; + + return 0; +} + +static int init_fw_objs(struct pvr_context *ctx, + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_context_args *args, + void *fw_ctx_map) +{ + switch (ctx->type) { + case DRM_PVR_CTX_TYPE_RENDER: + return init_render_fw_objs(ctx, args, fw_ctx_map); + case DRM_PVR_CTX_TYPE_COMPUTE: + return init_compute_fw_objs(ctx, args, fw_ctx_map); + case DRM_PVR_CTX_TYPE_TRANSFER_FRAG: + return init_transfer_fw_objs(ctx, args, fw_ctx_map); + } + + return -EINVAL; +} + +static void +ctx_fw_data_init(void *cpu_ptr, void *priv) +{ + struct pvr_context *ctx = priv; + + memcpy(cpu_ptr, ctx->data, ctx->data_size); +} + +/** + * pvr_context_create() - Create a context. + * @pvr_file: File to attach the created context to. + * @args: Context creation arguments. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * A negative error code on failure. + */ +int pvr_context_create(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_context_args *args) +{ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = pvr_file->pvr_dev; + struct pvr_context *ctx; + int ctx_size; + int err; + + /* Context creation flags are currently unused and must be zero. */ + if (args->flags) + return -EINVAL; + + ctx_size = get_fw_obj_size(args->type); + if (ctx_size < 0) + return ctx_size; + + ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctx), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ctx) + return -ENOMEM; + + ctx->data_size = ctx_size; + ctx->type = args->type; + ctx->flags = args->flags; + ctx->pvr_dev = pvr_dev; + kref_init(&ctx->ref_count); + + err = remap_priority(pvr_file, args->priority, &ctx->priority); + if (err) + goto err_free_ctx; + + ctx->vm_ctx = pvr_vm_context_lookup(pvr_file, args->vm_context_handle); + if (IS_ERR(ctx->vm_ctx)) { + err = PTR_ERR(ctx->vm_ctx); + goto err_free_ctx; + } + + ctx->data = kzalloc(ctx_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ctx->data) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto err_put_vm; + } + + err = init_fw_objs(ctx, args, ctx->data); + if (err) + goto err_free_ctx_data; + + err = pvr_fw_object_create(pvr_dev, ctx_size, PVR_BO_FW_FLAGS_DEVICE_UNCACHED, + ctx_fw_data_init, ctx, &ctx->fw_obj); + if (err) + goto err_free_ctx_data; + + err = xa_alloc(&pvr_dev->ctx_ids, &ctx->ctx_id, ctx, xa_limit_32b, GFP_KERNEL); + if (err) + goto err_destroy_fw_obj; + + err = xa_alloc(&pvr_file->ctx_handles, &args->handle, ctx, xa_limit_32b, GFP_KERNEL); + if (err) { + /* + * It's possible that another thread could have taken a reference on the context at + * this point as it is in the ctx_ids xarray. Therefore instead of directly + * destroying the context, drop a reference instead. + */ + pvr_context_put(ctx); + return err; + } + + return 0; + +err_destroy_fw_obj: + pvr_fw_object_destroy(ctx->fw_obj); + +err_free_ctx_data: + kfree(ctx->data); + +err_put_vm: + pvr_vm_context_put(ctx->vm_ctx); + +err_free_ctx: + kfree(ctx); + return err; +} + +static void +pvr_context_release(struct kref *ref_count) +{ + struct pvr_context *ctx = + container_of(ref_count, struct pvr_context, ref_count); + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev = ctx->pvr_dev; + + xa_erase(&pvr_dev->ctx_ids, ctx->ctx_id); + pvr_fw_object_destroy(ctx->fw_obj); + kfree(ctx->data); + pvr_vm_context_put(ctx->vm_ctx); + kfree(ctx); +} + +/** + * pvr_context_put() - Release reference on context + * @ctx: Target context. + */ +void +pvr_context_put(struct pvr_context *ctx) +{ + if (ctx) + kref_put(&ctx->ref_count, pvr_context_release); +} + +/** + * pvr_context_destroy() - Destroy context + * @pvr_file: Pointer to pvr_file structure. + * @handle: Userspace context handle. + * + * Removes context from context list and drops initial reference. Context will + * then be destroyed once all outstanding references are dropped. + * + * Return: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL if context not in context list. + */ +int +pvr_context_destroy(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, u32 handle) +{ + struct pvr_context *ctx = xa_erase(&pvr_file->ctx_handles, handle); + + if (!ctx) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Release the reference held by the handle set. */ + pvr_context_put(ctx); + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_destroy_contexts_for_file: Destroy any contexts associated with the given file + * @pvr_file: Pointer to pvr_file structure. + * + * Removes all contexts associated with @pvr_file from the device context list and drops initial + * references. Contexts will then be destroyed once all outstanding references are dropped. + */ +void pvr_destroy_contexts_for_file(struct pvr_file *pvr_file) +{ + struct pvr_context *ctx; + unsigned long handle; + + xa_for_each(&pvr_file->ctx_handles, handle, ctx) + pvr_context_destroy(pvr_file, handle); +} + +/** + * pvr_context_device_init() - Device level initialization for queue related resources. + * @pvr_dev: The device to initialize. + */ +void pvr_context_device_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + xa_init_flags(&pvr_dev->ctx_ids, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1); +} + +/** + * pvr_context_device_fini() - Device level cleanup for queue related resources. + * @pvr_dev: The device to cleanup. + */ +void pvr_context_device_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + WARN_ON(!xa_empty(&pvr_dev->ctx_ids)); + xa_destroy(&pvr_dev->ctx_ids); +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa7115380272 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_context.h @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_CONTEXT_H +#define PVR_CONTEXT_H + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "pvr_cccb.h" +#include "pvr_device.h" + +/* Forward declaration from pvr_gem.h. */ +struct pvr_fw_object; + +enum pvr_context_priority { + PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_LOW = 0, + PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, + PVR_CTX_PRIORITY_HIGH, +}; + +/** + * struct pvr_context - Context data + */ +struct pvr_context { + /** @ref_count: Refcount for context. */ + struct kref ref_count; + + /** @pvr_dev: Pointer to owning device. */ + struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; + + /** @vm_ctx: Pointer to associated VM context. */ + struct pvr_vm_context *vm_ctx; + + /** @type: Type of context. */ + enum drm_pvr_ctx_type type; + + /** @flags: Context flags. */ + u32 flags; + + /** @priority: Context priority*/ + enum pvr_context_priority priority; + + /** @fw_obj: FW object representing FW-side context data. */ + struct pvr_fw_object *fw_obj; + + /** @data: Pointer to local copy of FW context data. */ + void *data; + + /** @data_size: Size of FW context data, in bytes. */ + u32 data_size; + + /** @ctx_id: FW context ID. */ + u32 ctx_id; +}; + +/** + * pvr_context_get() - Take additional reference on context. + * @ctx: Context pointer. + * + * Call pvr_context_put() to release. + * + * Returns: + * * The requested context on success, or + * * %NULL if no context pointer passed. + */ +static __always_inline struct pvr_context * +pvr_context_get(struct pvr_context *ctx) +{ + if (ctx) + kref_get(&ctx->ref_count); + + return ctx; +} + +/** + * pvr_context_lookup() - Lookup context pointer from handle and file. + * @pvr_file: Pointer to pvr_file structure. + * @handle: Context handle. + * + * Takes reference on context. Call pvr_context_put() to release. + * + * Return: + * * The requested context on success, or + * * %NULL on failure (context does not exist, or does not belong to @pvr_file). + */ +static __always_inline struct pvr_context * +pvr_context_lookup(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, u32 handle) +{ + struct pvr_context *ctx; + + /* Take the array lock to protect against context removal. */ + xa_lock(&pvr_file->ctx_handles); + ctx = pvr_context_get(xa_load(&pvr_file->ctx_handles, handle)); + xa_unlock(&pvr_file->ctx_handles); + + return ctx; +} + +/** + * pvr_context_lookup_id() - Lookup context pointer from ID. + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @id: FW context ID. + * + * Takes reference on context. Call pvr_context_put() to release. + * + * Return: + * * The requested context on success, or + * * %NULL on failure (context does not exist). + */ +static __always_inline struct pvr_context * +pvr_context_lookup_id(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, u32 id) +{ + struct pvr_context *ctx; + + /* Take the array lock to protect against context removal. */ + xa_lock(&pvr_dev->ctx_ids); + + /* Contexts are removed from the ctx_ids set in the context release path, + * meaning the ref_count reached zero before they get removed. We need + * to make sure we're not trying to acquire a context that's being + * destroyed. + */ + ctx = xa_load(&pvr_dev->ctx_ids, id); + if (!kref_get_unless_zero(&ctx->ref_count)) + ctx = NULL; + + xa_unlock(&pvr_dev->ctx_ids); + + return ctx; +} + +static __always_inline u32 +pvr_context_get_fw_addr(struct pvr_context *ctx) +{ + u32 ctx_fw_addr = 0; + + pvr_fw_object_get_fw_addr(ctx->fw_obj, &ctx_fw_addr); + + return ctx_fw_addr; +} + +void pvr_context_put(struct pvr_context *ctx); + +int pvr_context_create(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_context_args *args); + +int pvr_context_destroy(struct pvr_file *pvr_file, u32 handle); + +void pvr_destroy_contexts_for_file(struct pvr_file *pvr_file); + +void pvr_context_device_init(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +void pvr_context_device_fini(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +#endif /* PVR_CONTEXT_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h index 996318649499..506b83d4c782 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_device.h @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ #include "pvr_ccb.h" #include "pvr_device_info.h" #include "pvr_fw.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_stream.h" +#include "pvr_stream.h" #include #include @@ -146,12 +148,23 @@ struct pvr_device { /** @fw_dev: Firmware related data. */ struct pvr_fw_device fw_dev; + /** @stream_musthave_quirks: Bit array of "must-have" quirks for stream commands. */ + u32 stream_musthave_quirks[PVR_STREAM_TYPE_MAX][PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_MAX]; + /** * @mmu_flush_cache_flags: Records which MMU caches require flushing * before submitting the next job. */ atomic_t mmu_flush_cache_flags; + /** + * @ctx_ids: Array of contexts belonging to this device. Array members + * are of type "struct pvr_context *". + * + * This array is used to allocate IDs used by the firmware. + */ + struct xarray ctx_ids; + /** * @free_list_ids: Array of free lists belonging to this device. Array members * are of type "struct pvr_free_list *". @@ -255,6 +268,14 @@ struct pvr_file { */ struct pvr_device *pvr_dev; + /** + * @ctx_handles: Array of contexts belonging to this file. Array members + * are of type "struct pvr_context *". + * + * This array is used to allocate handles returned to userspace. + */ + struct xarray ctx_handles; + /** * @free_list_handles: Array of free lists belonging to this file. Array * members are of type "struct pvr_free_list *". diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c index 1ee58c96378f..76ec2a3a21ee 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_drv.c @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT /* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ +#include "pvr_context.h" #include "pvr_device.h" #include "pvr_drv.h" #include "pvr_free_list.h" @@ -673,7 +674,19 @@ static int pvr_ioctl_create_context(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, struct drm_file *file) { - return -ENOTTY; + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_create_context_args *args = raw_args; + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = file->driver_priv; + int idx; + int ret; + + if (!drm_dev_enter(drm_dev, &idx)) + return -EIO; + + ret = pvr_context_create(pvr_file, args); + + drm_dev_exit(idx); + + return ret; } /** @@ -693,7 +706,13 @@ static int pvr_ioctl_destroy_context(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *raw_args, struct drm_file *file) { - return -ENOTTY; + struct drm_pvr_ioctl_destroy_context_args *args = raw_args; + struct pvr_file *pvr_file = file->driver_priv; + + if (args->_padding_4) + return -EINVAL; + + return pvr_context_destroy(pvr_file, args->handle); } /** @@ -1289,6 +1308,7 @@ pvr_drm_driver_open(struct drm_device *drm_dev, struct drm_file *file) */ pvr_file->pvr_dev = pvr_dev; + xa_init_flags(&pvr_file->ctx_handles, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1); xa_init_flags(&pvr_file->free_list_handles, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1); xa_init_flags(&pvr_file->hwrt_handles, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1); xa_init_flags(&pvr_file->vm_ctx_handles, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1); @@ -1318,6 +1338,9 @@ pvr_drm_driver_postclose(__always_unused struct drm_device *drm_dev, { struct pvr_file *pvr_file = to_pvr_file(file); + /* Kill remaining contexts. */ + pvr_destroy_contexts_for_file(pvr_file); + /* Drop references on any remaining objects. */ pvr_destroy_free_lists_for_file(pvr_file); pvr_destroy_hwrt_datasets_for_file(pvr_file); @@ -1363,6 +1386,7 @@ pvr_probe(struct platform_device *plat_dev) drm_dev = &pvr_dev->base; platform_set_drvdata(plat_dev, drm_dev); + pvr_context_device_init(pvr_dev); devm_pm_runtime_enable(&plat_dev->dev); pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(&plat_dev->dev); @@ -1406,6 +1430,7 @@ pvr_remove(struct platform_device *plat_dev) pvr_device_fini(pvr_dev); drm_dev_unplug(drm_dev); pvr_watchdog_fini(pvr_dev); + pvr_context_device_fini(pvr_dev); return 0; } diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7603db7e79a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.c @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_stream.h" +#include "pvr_stream.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static __always_inline bool +stream_def_is_supported(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const struct pvr_stream_def *stream_def) +{ + if (stream_def->feature == PVR_FEATURE_NONE) + return true; + + if (!(stream_def->feature & PVR_FEATURE_NOT) && + pvr_device_has_feature(pvr_dev, stream_def->feature)) { + return true; + } + + if ((stream_def->feature & PVR_FEATURE_NOT) && + !pvr_device_has_feature(pvr_dev, stream_def->feature & ~PVR_FEATURE_NOT)) { + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +static int +pvr_stream_get_data(u8 *stream, u32 *stream_offset, u32 stream_size, u32 data_size, u32 align_size, + void *dest) +{ + *stream_offset = ALIGN(*stream_offset, align_size); + + if ((*stream_offset + data_size) > stream_size) + return -EINVAL; + + memcpy(dest, stream + *stream_offset, data_size); + + (*stream_offset) += data_size; + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_stream_process_1() - Process a single stream and fill destination structure + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @stream_def: Stream definition. + * @nr_entries: Number of entries in &stream_def. + * @stream: Pointer to stream. + * @stream_offset: Starting offset within stream. + * @stream_size: Size of input stream, in bytes. + * @dest: Pointer to destination structure. + * @dest_size: Size of destination structure. + * @stream_offset_out: Pointer to variable to write updated stream offset to. May be NULL. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, or + * * -%EINVAL on malformed stream. + */ +static int +pvr_stream_process_1(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const struct pvr_stream_def *stream_def, + u32 nr_entries, u8 *stream, u32 stream_offset, u32 stream_size, + u8 *dest, u32 dest_size, u32 *stream_offset_out) +{ + int err = 0; + u32 i; + + for (i = 0; i < nr_entries; i++) { + if (stream_def[i].offset >= dest_size) { + err = -EINVAL; + break; + } + + if (!stream_def_is_supported(pvr_dev, &stream_def[i])) + continue; + + switch (stream_def[i].size) { + case PVR_STREAM_SIZE_8: + err = pvr_stream_get_data(stream, &stream_offset, stream_size, sizeof(u8), + sizeof(u8), dest + stream_def[i].offset); + if (err) + return err; + break; + + case PVR_STREAM_SIZE_16: + err = pvr_stream_get_data(stream, &stream_offset, stream_size, sizeof(u16), + sizeof(u16), dest + stream_def[i].offset); + if (err) + return err; + break; + + case PVR_STREAM_SIZE_32: + err = pvr_stream_get_data(stream, &stream_offset, stream_size, sizeof(u32), + sizeof(u32), dest + stream_def[i].offset); + if (err) + return err; + break; + + case PVR_STREAM_SIZE_64: + err = pvr_stream_get_data(stream, &stream_offset, stream_size, sizeof(u64), + sizeof(u64), dest + stream_def[i].offset); + if (err) + return err; + break; + + case PVR_STREAM_SIZE_ARRAY: + err = pvr_stream_get_data(stream, &stream_offset, stream_size, + stream_def[i].array_size, sizeof(u64), + dest + stream_def[i].offset); + if (err) + return err; + break; + } + } + + if (stream_offset_out) + *stream_offset_out = stream_offset; + + return 0; +} + +static int +pvr_stream_process_ext_stream(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, + const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs *cmd_defs, void *ext_stream, + u32 stream_offset, u32 ext_stream_size, void *dest) +{ + u32 musthave_masks[PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_MAX]; + u32 ext_header; + int err = 0; + u32 i; + + /* Copy "must have" mask from device. We clear this as we process the stream. */ + memcpy(musthave_masks, pvr_dev->stream_musthave_quirks[cmd_defs->type], + sizeof(musthave_masks)); + + do { + const struct pvr_stream_ext_header *header; + u32 type; + u32 data; + + err = pvr_stream_get_data(ext_stream, &stream_offset, ext_stream_size, sizeof(u32), + sizeof(ext_header), &ext_header); + if (err) + return err; + + type = (ext_header & PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_MASK) >> PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_TYPE_SHIFT; + data = ext_header & PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_DATA_MASK; + + if (type >= cmd_defs->ext_nr_headers) + return -EINVAL; + + header = &cmd_defs->ext_headers[type]; + if (data & ~header->valid_mask) + return -EINVAL; + + musthave_masks[type] &= ~data; + + for (i = 0; i < header->ext_streams_num; i++) { + const struct pvr_stream_ext_def *ext_def = &header->ext_streams[i]; + + if (!(ext_header & ext_def->header_mask)) + continue; + + if (!pvr_device_has_uapi_quirk(pvr_dev, ext_def->quirk)) + return -EINVAL; + + err = pvr_stream_process_1(pvr_dev, ext_def->stream, ext_def->stream_len, + ext_stream, stream_offset, + ext_stream_size, dest, + cmd_defs->dest_size, &stream_offset); + if (err) + return err; + } + } while (ext_header & PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_CONTINUATION); + + /* + * Verify that "must have" mask is now zero. If it isn't then one of the "must have" quirks + * for this command was not present. + */ + for (i = 0; i < cmd_defs->ext_nr_headers; i++) { + if (musthave_masks[i]) + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_stream_process() - Build FW structure from stream + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + * @cmd_defs: Stream definition. + * @stream: Pointer to command stream. + * @stream_size: Size of command stream, in bytes. + * @dest_out: Pointer to destination buffer. + * + * Caller is responsible for freeing the output structure. + * + * Returns: + * * 0 on success, + * * -%ENOMEM on out of memory, or + * * -%EINVAL on malformed stream. + */ +int +pvr_stream_process(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs *cmd_defs, + void *stream, u32 stream_size, void *dest_out) +{ + u32 stream_offset = 0; + u32 main_stream_len; + u32 padding; + int err; + + if (!stream || !stream_size) + return -EINVAL; + + err = pvr_stream_get_data(stream, &stream_offset, stream_size, sizeof(u32), + sizeof(u32), &main_stream_len); + if (err) + return err; + + /* + * u32 after stream length is padding to ensure u64 alignment, but may be used for expansion + * in the future. Verify it's zero. + */ + err = pvr_stream_get_data(stream, &stream_offset, stream_size, sizeof(u32), + sizeof(u32), &padding); + if (err) + return err; + + if (main_stream_len < stream_offset || main_stream_len > stream_size || padding) + return -EINVAL; + + err = pvr_stream_process_1(pvr_dev, cmd_defs->main_stream, cmd_defs->main_stream_len, + stream, stream_offset, main_stream_len, dest_out, + cmd_defs->dest_size, &stream_offset); + if (err) + return err; + + if (stream_offset < stream_size) { + err = pvr_stream_process_ext_stream(pvr_dev, cmd_defs, stream, stream_offset, + stream_size, dest_out); + if (err) + return err; + } else { + u32 i; + + /* + * If we don't have an extension stream then there must not be any "must have" + * quirks for this command. + */ + for (i = 0; i < cmd_defs->ext_nr_headers; i++) { + if (pvr_dev->stream_musthave_quirks[cmd_defs->type][i]) + return -EINVAL; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * pvr_stream_create_musthave_masks() - Create "must have" masks for streams based on current device + * quirks + * @pvr_dev: Device pointer. + */ +void +pvr_stream_create_musthave_masks(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev) +{ + memset(pvr_dev->stream_musthave_quirks, 0, sizeof(pvr_dev->stream_musthave_quirks)); + + if (pvr_device_has_uapi_quirk(pvr_dev, 47217)) + pvr_dev->stream_musthave_quirks[PVR_STREAM_TYPE_FRAG][0] |= + PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_FRAG0_BRN47217; + + if (pvr_device_has_uapi_quirk(pvr_dev, 49927)) { + pvr_dev->stream_musthave_quirks[PVR_STREAM_TYPE_GEOM][0] |= + PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_GEOM0_BRN49927; + pvr_dev->stream_musthave_quirks[PVR_STREAM_TYPE_FRAG][0] |= + PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_FRAG0_BRN49927; + pvr_dev->stream_musthave_quirks[PVR_STREAM_TYPE_COMPUTE][0] |= + PVR_STREAM_EXTHDR_COMPUTE0_BRN49927; + } +} diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ecc5edfb7bf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream.h @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_STREAM_H +#define PVR_STREAM_H + +#include +#include +#include + +struct pvr_device; + +struct pvr_job; + +enum pvr_stream_type { + PVR_STREAM_TYPE_GEOM = 0, + PVR_STREAM_TYPE_FRAG, + PVR_STREAM_TYPE_COMPUTE, + PVR_STREAM_TYPE_TRANSFER, + PVR_STREAM_TYPE_STATIC_RENDER_CONTEXT, + PVR_STREAM_TYPE_STATIC_COMPUTE_CONTEXT, + + PVR_STREAM_TYPE_MAX +}; + +enum pvr_stream_size { + PVR_STREAM_SIZE_8 = 0, + PVR_STREAM_SIZE_16, + PVR_STREAM_SIZE_32, + PVR_STREAM_SIZE_64, + PVR_STREAM_SIZE_ARRAY, +}; + +#define PVR_FEATURE_NOT BIT(31) +#define PVR_FEATURE_NONE U32_MAX + +struct pvr_stream_def { + u32 offset; + enum pvr_stream_size size; + u32 array_size; + u32 feature; +}; + +struct pvr_stream_ext_def { + const struct pvr_stream_def *stream; + u32 stream_len; + u32 header_mask; + u32 quirk; +}; + +struct pvr_stream_ext_header { + const struct pvr_stream_ext_def *ext_streams; + u32 ext_streams_num; + u32 valid_mask; +}; + +struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs { + enum pvr_stream_type type; + + const struct pvr_stream_def *main_stream; + u32 main_stream_len; + + u32 ext_nr_headers; + const struct pvr_stream_ext_header *ext_headers; + + size_t dest_size; +}; + +int +pvr_stream_process(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev, const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs *cmd_defs, + void *stream, u32 stream_size, void *dest_out); +void +pvr_stream_create_musthave_masks(struct pvr_device *pvr_dev); + +#endif /* PVR_STREAM_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3c646e25accf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.c @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#include "pvr_device_info.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_client.h" +#include "pvr_rogue_fwif_stream.h" +#include "pvr_stream.h" +#include "pvr_stream_defs.h" + +#include +#include + +#define PVR_STREAM_DEF_SET(owner, member, _size, _array_size, _feature) \ + { .offset = offsetof(struct owner, member), \ + .size = (_size), \ + .array_size = (_array_size), \ + .feature = (_feature) } + +#define PVR_STREAM_DEF(owner, member, member_size) \ + PVR_STREAM_DEF_SET(owner, member, PVR_STREAM_SIZE_ ## member_size, 0, PVR_FEATURE_NONE) + +#define PVR_STREAM_DEF_FEATURE(owner, member, member_size, feature) \ + PVR_STREAM_DEF_SET(owner, member, PVR_STREAM_SIZE_ ## member_size, 0, feature) + +#define PVR_STREAM_DEF_NOT_FEATURE(owner, member, member_size, feature) \ + PVR_STREAM_DEF_SET(owner, member, PVR_STREAM_SIZE_ ## member_size, 0, \ + (feature) | PVR_FEATURE_NOT) + +#define PVR_STREAM_DEF_ARRAY(owner, member) \ + PVR_STREAM_DEF_SET(owner, member, PVR_STREAM_SIZE_ARRAY, \ + sizeof(((struct owner *)0)->member), PVR_FEATURE_NONE) + +#define PVR_STREAM_DEF_ARRAY_FEATURE(owner, member, feature) \ + PVR_STREAM_DEF_SET(owner, member, PVR_STREAM_SIZE_ARRAY, \ + sizeof(((struct owner *)0)->member), feature) + +#define PVR_STREAM_DEF_ARRAY_NOT_FEATURE(owner, member, feature) \ + PVR_STREAM_DEF_SET(owner, member, PVR_STREAM_SIZE_ARRAY, \ + sizeof(((struct owner *)0)->member), (feature) | PVR_FEATURE_NOT) + +/* + * When adding new parameters to the stream definition, the new parameters must go after the + * existing parameters, to preserve order. As parameters are naturally aligned, care must be taken + * with respect to implicit padding in the stream; padding should be minimised as much as possible. + */ +static const struct pvr_stream_def rogue_fwif_static_render_context_state_stream[] = { + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_reg_vdm_context_state_base_addr, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_reg_vdm_context_state_resume_addr, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_reg_ta_context_state_base_addr, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task0, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task1, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task2, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task3, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task4, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task0, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task1, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task2, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task3, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[0].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task4, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task0, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task1, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task2, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task3, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_store_task4, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task0, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task1, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task2, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task3, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch, + geom_state[1].geom_reg_vdm_context_resume_task4, 64), +}; + +const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs pvr_static_render_context_state_stream = { + .type = PVR_STREAM_TYPE_STATIC_RENDER_CONTEXT, + + .main_stream = rogue_fwif_static_render_context_state_stream, + .main_stream_len = ARRAY_SIZE(rogue_fwif_static_render_context_state_stream), + + .ext_nr_headers = 0, + + .dest_size = sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_geom_registers_caswitch), +}; + +static const struct pvr_stream_def rogue_fwif_static_compute_context_state_stream[] = { + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_context_pds0, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_context_pds1, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_terminate_pds, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_terminate_pds1, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_resume_pds0, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_context_pds0_b, 64), + PVR_STREAM_DEF(rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch, cdmreg_cdm_resume_pds0_b, 64), +}; + +const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs pvr_static_compute_context_state_stream = { + .type = PVR_STREAM_TYPE_STATIC_COMPUTE_CONTEXT, + + .main_stream = rogue_fwif_static_compute_context_state_stream, + .main_stream_len = ARRAY_SIZE(rogue_fwif_static_compute_context_state_stream), + + .ext_nr_headers = 0, + + .dest_size = sizeof(struct rogue_fwif_cdm_registers_cswitch), +}; diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7e0ecfa12030 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/imagination/pvr_stream_defs.h @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */ +/* Copyright (c) 2023 Imagination Technologies Ltd. */ + +#ifndef PVR_STREAM_DEFS_H +#define PVR_STREAM_DEFS_H + +#include "pvr_stream.h" + +extern const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs pvr_cmd_geom_stream; +extern const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs pvr_cmd_frag_stream; +extern const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs pvr_cmd_compute_stream; +extern const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs pvr_cmd_transfer_stream; +extern const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs pvr_static_render_context_state_stream; +extern const struct pvr_stream_cmd_defs pvr_static_compute_context_state_stream; + +#endif /* PVR_STREAM_DEFS_H */ From patchwork Tue Oct 31 15:12:55 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Sarah Walker X-Patchwork-Id: 739679 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id AB5671DFFD; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:14:37 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="nXIaC/Wi"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="i//sGJmF" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 227D71AD; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:14:18 -0700 (PDT) Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 39VCJjRl013616; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:36 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references :content-transfer-encoding:content-type:mime-version; s= dk201812; bh=LtWZmf1uzjHyZlYaPr4c61Fixq14QYYpLrHgNSxMBGA=; b=nXI aC/WiwMU1QGNr8FjUdi4qmXf0zp28t1gHOYZ076iF4fVa5X4RvW799AFqQcBu67A FNMGxexYi3touufMBQHuVoQUs125xgx7eUbyNnlOsbv9J6RZ3lTyzUaXugvvQQX7 TmhMDUCJOgHLKoWY1gcndHnA5kaLjSg2XnEJD+SYsHPqcJlhDIFcW6nlRyMWYgZ5 J64pMOBC221Ebjugf759L0c6d9NmQzNoS4WN4rb+KhT/0gLi06wG4ikRnGdDOArs nu6eok0k7HO0NtRW9ccircRwX0dmcgeVSo2MANpU2ADsmeUZb/6tA3tI2cVzuCVP r2+SnwXijWQa1XVkrsw== Received: from ([]) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 3u0rjntf42-9 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT); Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:35 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:34 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.34 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:31 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=Ew8W1b1Hw4jbJcu8XuuScL4Oo8XUYnbBt5ZigxO795EoXjwNcQ47dqsII4+Ss2ADxM12xlTG0L0vEc1cnbx4q523XodUIeoJiRddPdHL8ndB3eF8kj2oQKFoEM7JUoIRpCCxzAagQIJI5nG9MKWZ7WV2ky/SuifcGVY3Ll5aAUt9rqD1aggE0P42x4Xu3R/okjhzaYiF6jmfSa8Y7CLy5Bc+GcFYSo1/kj8ri9sJtAwbaaGoDILRm9njMdeRIiuVCVJPMcxNxQxX/JNzlSixtG6ekbkKrLMw0HK2Oc9XokNqsS7ISG/EYNafY62zN/hoHuQ7Wf4oC+wQL1vZ5oUhXg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=LtWZmf1uzjHyZlYaPr4c61Fixq14QYYpLrHgNSxMBGA=; b=V4CYhWTXU9fM1TqrepzW1QQOu0oFbPLROKYwO1sxbi+COjUP2EY+zPzya/vso91vXUQi/ANfx/yt56FIpl0VYu3PdLj8rVIfXqRLSDYsrKdONL+v9jRT++TCprabtIYJ93f4ZJ1Dcph9VIgvvXintkbIuKtOELFWEhkbbsjvFAzvQrtX28t+wvaF+04J2h8Csxzr1iipp/qkf3cWuuV44f+03Qy+g8YzlnPafk0/vWX+rurXwe551TBkBM8Oz/eKBZo5ueQXsuLHX28f2Vvev+ORA1SX7fJ3iw09Z2mWfPK0UdhID4hFzDcCtPG6+4/rCEbQxfVskYQvg0wur4lYnQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-IMGTecCRM-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=LtWZmf1uzjHyZlYaPr4c61Fixq14QYYpLrHgNSxMBGA=; b=i//sGJmFRrE8/86LJKSx84qtwyZreD2QDlVl9W61hOy+uiOn5SFvYHYn/cGeBPWNEZpuBDrdHULYijRRBtJrKSIwWoPw2Eia497W7uktQP8M64QHTY1/KH29xfQPWCPLPIIOIjG3E+2iEs4CYGxMjN+ap2txLfbuxcLGkY1dzdU= Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) by CWLP265MB2018.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:6a::10) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6933.25; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:25 +0000 Received: from CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086]) by CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::eef1:bccc:508d:e086%5]) with mapi id 15.20.6933.029; Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:13:25 +0000 From: Sarah Walker To: CC: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Subject: [PATCH v8 18/20] drm/imagination: Add firmware trace header Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:12:55 +0000 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0301.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:196::18) To CWLP265MB4817.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:400:170::9) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: CWLP265MB4817:EE_|CWLP265MB2018:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: e97faf77-430f-490b-2466-08dbda23ed9a X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; 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Only add new ones, if so required. + ****************************************************************************** + */ + +/* Available log groups. */ +enum rogue_fw_log_sfgroups { + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_NULL, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, + ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, +}; + +#define PVR_SF_STRING_MAX_SIZE 256U + +/* pair of string format id and string formats */ +struct rogue_fw_stid_fmt { + u32 id; + char name[PVR_SF_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; +}; + +/* + * The symbolic names found in the table above are assigned an u32 value of + * the following format: + * 31 30 28 27 20 19 16 15 12 11 0 bits + * - --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- + * 0-11: id number + * 12-15: group id number + * 16-19: number of parameters + * 20-27: unused + * 28-30: active: identify SF packet, otherwise regular int32 + * 31: reserved for signed/unsigned compatibility + * + * The following macro assigns those values to the enum generated SF ids list. + */ +#define ROGUE_FW_LOG_IDMARKER (0x70000000U) +#define ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(a, b, e) ((u32)(a) | ((u32)(b) << 12) | ((u32)(e) << 16) | \ + ROGUE_FW_LOG_IDMARKER) + +#define ROGUE_FW_LOG_IDMASK (0xFFF00000) +#define ROGUE_FW_LOG_VALIDID(I) (((I) & ROGUE_FW_LOG_IDMASK) == ROGUE_FW_LOG_IDMARKER) + +/* Return the group id that the given (enum generated) id belongs to */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SF_GID(x) (((u32)(x) >> 12) & 0xfU) +/* Returns how many arguments the SF(string format) for the given (enum generated) id requires */ +#define ROGUE_FW_SF_PARAMNUM(x) (((u32)(x) >> 16) & 0xfU) + +/* pair of string format id and string formats */ +struct rogue_km_stid_fmt { + u32 id; + const char *name; +}; + +static const struct rogue_km_stid_fmt stid_fmts[] = { + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(0, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_NULL, 0), + "You should not use this string" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 6), + "Kick 3D: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, RTD 0x%08x. Partial render:%d, CSW resume:%d, prio:%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "3D finished, HWRTData0State=%x, HWRTData1State=%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Kick 3D TQ: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, CSW resume:%d, prio: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "3D Transfer finished" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Kick Compute: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, prio: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Compute finished" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "Kick TA: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, RTD 0x%08x. First kick:%d, Last kick:%d, CSW resume:%d, prio:%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "TA finished" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Restart TA after partial render" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Resume TA without partial render" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Out of memory! Context 0x%08x, HWRTData 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Kick TLA: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, prio:%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "TLA finished" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "cCCB Woff update = %d, DM = %d, FWCtx = 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "UFO Checks for FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "UFO Check: [0x%08.8x] is 0x%08.8x requires 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "UFO Checks succeeded" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "UFO PR-Check: [0x%08.8x] is 0x%08.8x requires >= 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "UFO SPM PR-Checks for FWCtx 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "UFO SPM special PR-Check: [0x%08.8x] is 0x%08.8x requires >= ????????, [0x%08.8x] is ???????? requires 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "UFO Updates for FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "UFO Update: [0x%08.8x] = 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "ASSERT Failed: line %d of:" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "HWR: Lockup detected on DM%d, FWCtx: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "HWR: Reset fw state for DM%d, FWCtx: 0x%08.8x, MemCtx: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "HWR: Reset HW" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "HWR: Lockup recovered." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "HWR: False lockup detected for DM%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Alignment check %d failed: host = 0x%x, fw = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "GP USC triggered" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(32, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Overallocating %u temporary registers and %u shared registers for breakpoint handler" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(33, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Setting breakpoint: Addr 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(34, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Store breakpoint state" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(35, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Unsetting BP Registers" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(36, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Active RTs expected to be zero, actually %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(37, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "RTC present, %u active render targets" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(38, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Estimated Power 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(39, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "RTA render target %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(40, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Kick RTA render %u of %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(41, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "HWR sizes check %d failed: addresses = %d, sizes = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(42, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Pow: DUSTS_ENABLE = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(43, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Pow: On(1)/Off(0): %d, Units: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(44, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Pow: Changing number of dusts from %d to %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(45, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Pow: Sidekick ready to be powered down" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(46, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Pow: Request to change num of dusts to %d (bPowRascalDust=%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(47, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "No ZS Buffer used for partial render (store)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(48, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "No Depth/Stencil Buffer used for partial render (load)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(49, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "HWR: Lock-up DM%d FWCtx: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(50, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "MLIST%d checker: CatBase TE=0x%08x (%d Pages), VCE=0x%08x (%d Pages), ALIST=0x%08x, IsTA=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(51, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "MLIST%d checker: MList[%d] = 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(52, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "MLIST%d OK" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(53, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "MLIST%d is empty" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(54, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 8), + "MLIST%d checker: CatBase TE=0x%08x%08x, VCE=0x%08x%08x, ALIST=0x%08x%08x, IsTA=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(55, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "3D OQ flush kick" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(56, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "HWPerf block ID (0x%x) unsupported by device" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(57, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Setting breakpoint: Addr 0x%08.8x DM%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(58, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Kick RTU: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, prio: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(59, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "RDM finished on context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(60, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Kick SHG: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, prio: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(61, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "SHG finished" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(62, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "FBA finished on context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(63, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "UFO Checks failed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(64, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Kill DM%d start" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(65, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Kill DM%d complete" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(66, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "FC%u cCCB Woff update = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(67, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Kick RTU: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, prio: %d, Frame Context: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(68, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "GPU init" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(69, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "GPU Units init (# mask: 0x%x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(70, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Register access cycles: read: %d cycles, write: %d cycles, iterations: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(71, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Register configuration added. Address: 0x%x Value: 0x%x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(72, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Register configuration applied to type %d. (0:pow on, 1:Rascal/dust init, 2-5: TA,3D,CDM,TLA, 6:All)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(73, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Perform TPC flush." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(74, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "GPU has locked up (see HWR logs for more info)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(75, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "HWR has been triggered - GPU has overrun its deadline (see HWR logs)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(76, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "HWR has been triggered - GPU has failed a poll (see HWR logs)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(77, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Doppler out of memory event for FC %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(78, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "UFO SPM special PR-Check: [0x%08.8x] is 0x%08.8x requires >= 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(79, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "UFO SPM special PR-Check: [0x%08.8x] is 0x%08.8x requires 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(80, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "TIMESTAMP -> [0x%08.8x]" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(81, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "UFO RMW Updates for FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(82, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "UFO Update: [0x%08.8x] = 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(83, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Kick Null cmd: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(84, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "RPM Out of memory! Context 0x%08x, SH requestor %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(85, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Discard RTU due to RPM abort: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, prio: %d, Frame Context: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(86, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Deferring DM%u from running context 0x%08x @ %d (deferred DMs = 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(87, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Deferring DM%u from running context 0x%08x @ %d to let other deferred DMs run (deferred DMs = 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(88, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "No longer deferring DM%u from running context = 0x%08x @ %d (deferred DMs = 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(89, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "FWCCB for DM%u is full, we will have to wait for space! (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(90, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "FWCCB for OSid %u is full, we will have to wait for space! (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(91, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Host Sync Partition marker: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(92, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Host Sync Partition repeat: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(93, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Core clock set to %d Hz" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(94, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "Compute Queue: FWCtx 0x%08.8x, prio: %d, queue: 0x%08x%08x (Roff = %u, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(95, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Signal check failed, Required Data: 0x%x, Address: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(96, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 5), + "Signal update, Snoop Filter: %u, MMU Ctx: %u, Signal Id: %u, Signals Base: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(97, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Signalled the previously waiting FWCtx: 0x%08.8x, OSId: %u, Signal Address: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(98, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Compute stalled" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(99, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Compute stalled (Roff = %u, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(100, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Compute resumed (Roff = %u, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(101, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Signal update notification from the host, PC Physical Address: 0x%08x%08x, Signal Virtual Address: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(102, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Signal update from DM: %u, OSId: %u, PC Physical Address: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(103, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "DM: %u signal check failed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(104, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Kick TDM: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, prio:%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(105, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "TDM finished" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(106, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "MMU_PM_CAT_BASE_TE[%d]_PIPE[%d]: 0x%08x 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(107, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "BRN 54141 HIT" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(108, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "BRN 54141 Dummy TA kicked" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(109, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "BRN 54141 resume TA" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(110, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "BRN 54141 double hit after applying WA" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(111, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "BRN 54141 Dummy TA VDM base address: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(112, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Signal check failed, Required Data: 0x%x, Current Data: 0x%x, Address: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(113, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "TDM stalled (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(114, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Write Offset update notification for stalled FWCtx 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(115, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Changing OSid %d's priority from %u to %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(116, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Compute resumed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(117, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "Kick TLA: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(118, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "Kick TDM: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(119, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 11), + "Kick TA: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, RTD 0x%08x, First kick:%d, Last kick:%d, CSW resume:%d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(120, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 10), + "Kick 3D: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, RTD 0x%08x, Partial render:%d, CSW resume:%d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(121, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 8), + "Kick 3D TQ: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, CSW resume:%d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(122, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 6), + "Kick Compute: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(123, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 8), + "Kick RTU: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, Frame Context:%d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(124, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "Kick SHG: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(125, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Reconfigure CSRM: special coeff support enable %d." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(127, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "TA requires max coeff mode, deferring: %d." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(128, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "3D requires max coeff mode, deferring: %d." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(129, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Kill DM%d failed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(130, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Thread Queue is full, we will have to wait for space! (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(131, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Thread Queue is fencing, we are waiting for Roff = %d (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(132, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "DM %d failed to Context Switch on time. Triggered HCS (see HWR logs)." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(133, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "HCS changed to %d ms" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(134, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Updating Tiles In Flight (Dusts=%d, PartitionMask=0x%08x, ISPCtl=0x%08x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(135, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + " Phantom %d: USCTiles=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(136, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Isolation grouping is disabled" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(137, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Isolation group configured with a priority threshold of %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(138, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "OS %d has come online" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(139, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "OS %d has gone offline" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(140, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Signalled the previously stalled FWCtx: 0x%08.8x, OSId: %u, Signal Address: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(141, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "TDM Queue: FWCtx 0x%08.8x, prio: %d, queue: 0x%08x%08x (Roff = %u, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(142, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 6), + "Reset TDM Queue Read Offset: FWCtx 0x%08.8x, queue: 0x%08x%08x (Roff = %u becomes 0, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(143, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 5), + "User Mode Queue mismatched stream start: FWCtx 0x%08.8x, queue: 0x%08x%08x (Roff = %u, StreamStartOffset = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(144, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "GPU deinit" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(145, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "GPU units deinit" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(146, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Initialised OS %d with config flags 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(147, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "UFO limit exceeded %d/%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(148, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "3D Dummy stencil store" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(149, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Initialised OS %d with config flags 0x%08x and extended config flags 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(150, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Unknown Command (eCmdType=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(151, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "UFO forced update: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d [0x%08.8x] = 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(152, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 5), + "UFO forced update NOP: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d [0x%08.8x] = 0x%08.8x, reason %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(153, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "TDM context switch check: Roff %u points to 0x%08x, Match=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(154, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 6), + "OSid %d CCB init status: %d (1-ok 0-fail): kCCBCtl@0x%x kCCB@0x%x fwCCBCtl@0x%x fwCCB@0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(155, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "FW IRQ # %u @ %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(156, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Setting breakpoint: Addr 0x%08.8x DM%u usc_breakpoint_ctrl_dm = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(157, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Invalid KCCB setup for OSid %u: KCCB 0x%08x, KCCB Ctrl 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(158, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Invalid KCCB cmd (%u) for OSid %u @ KCCB 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(159, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "FW FAULT: At line %d in file 0x%08x%08x, additional data=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(160, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Invalid breakpoint: MemCtx 0x%08x Addr 0x%08.8x DM%u usc_breakpoint_ctrl_dm = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(161, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Discarding invalid SLC flushinval command for OSid %u: DM %u, FWCtx 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(162, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Invalid Write Offset update notification from OSid %u to DM %u: FWCtx 0x%08x, MemCtx 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(163, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Null FWCtx in KCCB kick cmd for OSid %u: KCCB 0x%08x, ROff %u, WOff %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(164, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Checkpoint CCB for OSid %u is full, signalling host for full check state (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(165, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 8), + "OSid %d CCB init status: %d (1-ok 0-fail): kCCBCtl@0x%x kCCB@0x%x fwCCBCtl@0x%x fwCCB@0x%x chptCCBCtl@0x%x chptCCB@0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(166, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "OSid %d fw state transition request: from %d to %d (0-offline 1-ready 2-active 3-offloading). Status %d (1-ok 0-fail)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(167, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "OSid %u has %u stale commands in its KCCB" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(168, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Applying VCE pause" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(169, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "OSid %u KCCB slot %u value updated to %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(170, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "Unknown KCCB Command: KCCBCtl=0x%08x, KCCB=0x%08x, Roff=%u, Woff=%u, Wrap=%u, Cmd=0x%08x, CmdType=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(171, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 10), + "Unknown Client CCB Command processing fences: FWCtx=0x%08x, CCBCtl=0x%08x, CCB=0x%08x, Roff=%u, Doff=%u, Woff=%u, Wrap=%u, CmdHdr=0x%08x, CmdType=0x%08x, CmdSize=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(172, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 10), + "Unknown Client CCB Command executing kick: FWCtx=0x%08x, CCBCtl=0x%08x, CCB=0x%08x, Roff=%u, Doff=%u, Woff=%u, Wrap=%u, CmdHdr=0x%08x, CmdType=0x%08x, CmdSize=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(173, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Null FWCtx in KCCB kick cmd for OSid %u with WOff %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(174, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Discarding invalid SLC flushinval command for OSid %u, FWCtx 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(175, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Invalid Write Offset update notification from OSid %u: FWCtx 0x%08x, MemCtx 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(176, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Initialised Firmware with config flags 0x%08x and extended config flags 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(177, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Set Periodic Hardware Reset Mode: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(179, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "PHR mode %d, FW state: 0x%08x, HWR flags: 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(180, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "PHR mode %d triggered a reset" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(181, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Signal update, Snoop Filter: %u, Signal Id: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(182, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "WARNING: Skipping FW KCCB Cmd type %d which is not yet supported on Series8." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(183, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "MMU context cache data NULL, but cache flags=0x%x (sync counter=%u, update value=%u) OSId=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(184, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 5), + "SLC range based flush: Context=%u VAddr=0x%02x%08x, Size=0x%08x, Invalidate=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(185, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "FBSC invalidate for Context Set [0x%08x]: Entry mask 0x%08x%08x." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(186, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "TDM context switch check: Roff %u was not valid for kick starting at %u, moving back to %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(187, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Signal updates: FIFO: %u, Signals: 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(188, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Invalid FBSC cmd: FWCtx 0x%08x, MemCtx 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(189, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Insert BRN68497 WA blit after TDM Context store." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(190, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "UFO Updates for previously finished FWCtx 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(191, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "RTC with RTA present, %u active render targets" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(192, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Invalid RTA Set-up. The ValidRenderTargets array in RTACtl is Null!" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(193, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Block 0x%x / Counter 0x%x INVALID and ignored" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(194, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "ECC fault GPU=0x%08x FW=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(195, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Processing XPU event on DM = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(196, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "OSid %u failed to respond to the virtualisation watchdog in time. Timestamp of its last input = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(197, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "GPU-%u has locked up (see HWR logs for more info)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(198, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Updating Tiles In Flight (Dusts=%d, PartitionMask=0x%08x, ISPCtl=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(199, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "GPU has locked up (see HWR logs for more info)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(200, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Reprocessing outstanding XPU events from cores 0x%02x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(201, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "Secondary XPU event on DM=%d, CoreMask=0x%02x, Raised=0x%02x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(202, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 8), + "TDM Queue: Core %u, FWCtx 0x%08.8x, prio: %d, queue: 0x%08x%08x (Roff = %u, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(203, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "TDM stalled Core %u (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(204, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 8), + "Compute Queue: Core %u, FWCtx 0x%08.8x, prio: %d, queue: 0x%08x%08x (Roff = %u, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(205, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Compute stalled core %u (Roff = %u, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(206, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 6), + "User Mode Queue mismatched stream start: Core %u, FWCtx 0x%08.8x, queue: 0x%08x%08x (Roff = %u, StreamStartOffset = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(207, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "TDM resumed core %u (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(208, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Compute resumed core %u (Roff = %u, Woff = %u, Size = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(209, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + " Updated permission for OSid %u to perform MTS kicks: %u (1 = allowed, 0 = not allowed)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(210, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Mask = 0x%X, mask2 = 0x%X" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(211, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + " core %u, reg = %u, mask = 0x%X)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(212, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "ECC fault received from safety bus: 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(213, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Safety Watchdog threshold period set to 0x%x clock cycles" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(214, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "MTS Safety Event trigged by the safety watchdog." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(215, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "DM%d USC tasks range limit 0 - %d, stride %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(216, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "ECC fault GPU=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(217, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "GPU Hardware units reset to prevent transient faults." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(218, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Kick Abort cmd: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(219, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "Kick Ray: FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(220, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Ray finished" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(221, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "State of firmware's private data at boot time: %d (0 = uninitialised, 1 = initialised); Fw State Flags = 0x%08X" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(222, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "CFI Timeout detected (%d increasing to %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(223, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "CFI Timeout detected for FBM (%d increasing to %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(224, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 0), + "Geom OOM event not allowed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(225, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 4), + "Changing OSid %d's priority from %u to %u; Isolation = %u (0 = off; 1 = on)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(226, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Skipping already executed TA FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(227, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 2), + "Attempt to execute TA FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d ahead of time on other GEOM" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(228, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 8), + "Kick TDM: Kick ID %u FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(229, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 12), + "Kick TA: Kick ID %u FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, RTD 0x%08x, First kick:%d, Last kick:%d, CSW resume:%d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(230, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 11), + "Kick 3D: Kick ID %u FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, RTD 0x%08x, Partial render:%d, CSW resume:%d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(231, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 7), + "Kick Compute: Kick ID %u FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(232, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "TDM finished: Kick ID %u " }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(233, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "TA finished: Kick ID %u " }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(234, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 3), + "3D finished: Kick ID %u , HWRTData0State=%x, HWRTData1State=%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(235, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Compute finished: Kick ID %u " }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(236, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 10), + "Kick TDM: Kick ID %u FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, Base 0x%08x%08x. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(237, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 8), + "Kick Ray: Kick ID %u FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d. (PID:%d, prio:%d, frame:%d, ext:0x%08x, int:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(238, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1), + "Ray finished: Kick ID %u " }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 2), + "Bg Task DM = %u, counted = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 1), + "Bg Task complete DM = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 3), + "Irq Task DM = %u, Breq = %d, SBIrq = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 1), + "Irq Task complete DM = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 0), + "Kick MTS Bg task DM=All" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 1), + "Kick MTS Irq task DM=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 2), + "Ready queue debug DM = %u, celltype = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 2), + "Ready-to-run debug DM = %u, item = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 3), + "Client command header DM = %u, client CCB = 0x%x, cmd = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 3), + "Ready-to-run debug OSid = %u, DM = %u, item = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 3), + "Ready queue debug DM = %u, celltype = %d, OSid = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 3), + "Bg Task DM = %u, counted = %d, OSid = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 1), + "Bg Task complete DM Bitfield: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 0), + "Irq Task complete." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 7), + "Discarded Command Type: %d OS ID = %d PID = %d context = 0x%08x cccb ROff = 0x%x, due to USC breakpoint hit by OS ID = %d PID = %d." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 4), + "KCCB Slot %u: DM=%u, Cmd=0x%08x, OSid=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 2), + "KCCB Slot %u: Return value %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 1), + "Bg Task OSid = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 3), + "KCCB Slot %u: Cmd=0x%08x, OSid=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 1), + "Irq Task (EVENT_STATUS=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MTS, 2), + "VZ sideband test, kicked with OSid=%u from MTS, OSid for test=%u" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 1), + "FwCommonContext [0x%08x] cleaned" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 3), + "FwCommonContext [0x%08x] is busy: ReadOffset = %d, WriteOffset = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 2), + "HWRTData [0x%08x] for DM=%d, received cleanup request" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 3), + "HWRTData [0x%08x] HW Context cleaned for DM%u, executed commands = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 2), + "HWRTData [0x%08x] HW Context for DM%u is busy" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 2), + "HWRTData [0x%08x] HW Context %u cleaned" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 1), + "Freelist [0x%08x] cleaned" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 1), + "ZSBuffer [0x%08x] cleaned" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 3), + "ZSBuffer [0x%08x] is busy: submitted = %d, executed = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 4), + "HWRTData [0x%08x] HW Context for DM%u is busy: submitted = %d, executed = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 2), + "HW Ray Frame data [0x%08x] for DM=%d, received cleanup request" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 3), + "HW Ray Frame Data [0x%08x] cleaned for DM%u, executed commands = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 4), + "HW Ray Frame Data [0x%08x] for DM%u is busy: submitted = %d, executed = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 2), + "HW Ray Frame Data [0x%08x] HW Context %u cleaned" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 1), + "Discarding invalid cleanup request of type 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 1), + "Received cleanup request for HWRTData [0x%08x]" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 3), + "HWRTData [0x%08x] HW Context is busy: submitted = %d, executed = %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CLEANUP, 3), + "HWRTData [0x%08x] HW Context %u cleaned, executed commands = %d" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "CDM FWCtx 0x%08.8x needs resume" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "*** CDM FWCtx 0x%08.8x resume from snapshot buffer 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "CDM FWCtx shared alloc size load 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** CDM FWCtx store complete" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** CDM FWCtx store start" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "CDM Soft Reset" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "3D FWCtx 0x%08.8x needs resume" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "*** 3D FWCtx 0x%08.8x resume" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** 3D context store complete" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "3D context store pipe state: 0x%08.8x 0x%08.8x 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** 3D context store start" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "*** 3D TQ FWCtx 0x%08.8x resume" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "TA FWCtx 0x%08.8x needs resume" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "*** TA FWCtx 0x%08.8x resume from snapshot buffer 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "TA context shared alloc size store 0x%x, load 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** TA context store complete" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** TA context store start" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "Higher priority context scheduled for DM %u, old prio:%d, new prio:%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "Set FWCtx 0x%x priority to %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "3D context store pipe%d state: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "3D context resume pipe%d state: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "SHG FWCtx 0x%08.8x needs resume" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "*** SHG FWCtx 0x%08.8x resume from snapshot buffer 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "SHG context shared alloc size store 0x%x, load 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** SHG context store complete" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** SHG context store start" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "Performing TA indirection, last used pipe %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "CDM context store hit ctrl stream terminate. Skip resume." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 4), + "*** CDM FWCtx 0x%08.8x resume from snapshot buffer 0x%08x%08x, shader state %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "TA PDS/USC state buffer flip (%d->%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "TA context store hit BRN 52563: vertex store tasks outstanding" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(32, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "TA USC poll failed (USC vertex task count: %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(33, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "TA context store deferred due to BRN 54141." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(34, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 7), + "Higher priority context scheduled for DM %u. Prios (OSid, OSid Prio, Context Prio): Current: %u, %u, %u New: %u, %u, %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(35, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** TDM context store start" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(36, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** TDM context store complete" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(37, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "TDM context needs resume, header [0x%08.8x, 0x%08.8x]" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(38, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 8), + "Higher priority context scheduled for DM %u. Prios (OSid, OSid Prio, Context Prio): Current: %u, %u, %u New: %u, %u, %u. Hard Context Switching: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(39, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "3D context store pipe %2d (%2d) state: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(40, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "3D context resume pipe %2d (%2d) state: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(41, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "*** 3D context store start version %d (1=IPP_TILE, 2=ISP_TILE)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(42, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "3D context store pipe%d state: 0x%08.8x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(43, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "3D context resume pipe%d state: 0x%08.8x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(44, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "3D context resume IPP state: 0x%08.8x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(45, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "All 3D pipes empty after ISP tile mode store! IPP_status: 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(46, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 3), + "TDM context resume pipe%d state: 0x%08.8x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(47, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** 3D context store start version 4" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(48, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "Multicore context resume on DM%d active core mask 0x%04.4x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(49, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 2), + "Multicore context store on DM%d active core mask 0x%04.4x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(50, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 5), + "TDM context resume Core %d, pipe%d state: 0x%08.8x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(51, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** RDM FWCtx store complete" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(52, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 0), + "*** RDM FWCtx store start" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(53, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "RDM FWCtx 0x%08.8x needs resume" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(54, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_CSW, 1), + "RDM FWCtx 0x%08.8x resume" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 3), + "Activate MemCtx=0x%08x BIFreq=%d secure=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 1), + "Deactivate MemCtx=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 1), + "Alloc PC reg %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 2), + "Grab reg set %d refcount now %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 2), + "Ungrab reg set %d refcount now %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 6), + "Setup reg=%d BIFreq=%d, expect=0x%08x%08x, actual=0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 2), + "Trust enabled:%d, for BIFreq=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 9), + "BIF Tiling Cfg %d base 0x%08x%08x len 0x%08x%08x enable %d stride %d --> 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 4), + "Wrote the Value %d to OSID0, Cat Base %d, Register's contents are now 0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 3), + "Wrote the Value %d to OSID1, Context %d, Register's contents are now 0x%04x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 7), + "ui32OSid = %u, Catbase = %u, Reg Address = 0x%x, Reg index = %u, Bitshift index = %u, Val = 0x%08x%08x" }, \ + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 5), + "Map GPU memory DevVAddr 0x%x%08x, Size %u, Context ID %u, BIFREQ %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 1), + "Unmap GPU memory (event status 0x%x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 3), + "Activate MemCtx=0x%08x DM=%d secure=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 6), + "Setup reg=%d DM=%d, expect=0x%08x%08x, actual=0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 4), + "Map GPU memory DevVAddr 0x%x%08x, Size %u, Context ID %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 2), + "Trust enabled:%d, for DM=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 5), + "Map GPU memory DevVAddr 0x%x%08x, Size %u, Context ID %u, DM %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 6), + "Setup register set=%d DM=%d, PC address=0x%08x%08x, OSid=%u, NewPCRegRequired=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_BIF, 3), + "Alloc PC set %d as register range [%u - %u]" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "GPIO write 0x%02x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "GPIO read 0x%02x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 0), + "GPIO enabled" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 0), + "GPIO disabled" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "GPIO status=%d (0=OK, 1=Disabled)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 2), + "GPIO_AP: Read address=0x%02x (%d byte(s))" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 2), + "GPIO_AP: Write address=0x%02x (%d byte(s))" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 0), + "GPIO_AP timeout!" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "GPIO_AP error. GPIO status=%d (0=OK, 1=Disabled)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "GPIO already read 0x%02x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 2), + "SR: Check buffer %d available returned %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SR: Waiting for buffer %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 2), + "SR: Timeout waiting for buffer %d (after %d ticks)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 2), + "SR: Skip frame check for strip %d returned %d (0=No skip, 1=Skip frame)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SR: Skip remaining strip %d in frame" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SR: Inform HW that strip %d is a new frame" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SR: Timeout waiting for INTERRUPT_FRAME_SKIP (after %d ticks)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SR: Strip mode is %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SR: Strip Render start (strip %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SR: Strip Render complete (buffer %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SR: Strip Render fault (buffer %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "TRP state: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "TRP failure: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SW TRP State: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "SW TRP failure: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 1), + "HW kick event (%u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 4), + "GPU core (%u/%u): checksum 0x%08x vs. 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 6), + "GPU core (%u/%u), unit (%u,%u): checksum 0x%08x vs. 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 6), + "HWR: Core%u, Register=0x%08x, OldValue=0x%08x%08x, CurrValue=0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 4), + "HWR: USC Core%u, ui32TotalSlotsUsedByDM=0x%08x, psDMHWCtl->ui32USCSlotsUsedByDM=0x%08x, bHWRNeeded=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MISC, 6), + "HWR: USC Core%u, Register=0x%08x, OldValue=0x%08x%08x, CurrValue=0x%08x%08x" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 10), + "ALIST%d SP = %u, MLIST%d SP = %u (VCE 0x%08x%08x, TE 0x%08x%08x, ALIST 0x%08x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 8), + "Is TA: %d, finished: %d on HW %u (HWRTData = 0x%08x, MemCtx = 0x%08x). FL different between TA/3D: global:%d, local:%d, mmu:%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 14), + "UFL-3D-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u), FL-3D-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u), MFL-3D-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PT = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 14), + "UFL-TA-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u), FL-TA-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u), MFL-TA-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PT = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 5), + "Freelist grow completed [0x%08x]: added pages 0x%08x, total pages 0x%08x, new DevVirtAddr 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "Grow for freelist ID=0x%08x denied by host" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 5), + "Freelist update completed [0x%08x]: old total pages 0x%08x, new total pages 0x%08x, new DevVirtAddr 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "Reconstruction of freelist ID=0x%08x failed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 2), + "Ignored attempt to pause or unpause the DM while there is no relevant operation in progress (0-TA,1-3D): %d, operation(0-unpause, 1-pause): %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 2), + "Force free 3D Context memory, FWCtx: 0x%08x, status(1:success, 0:fail): %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM pause TA ALLOC: PM_PAGE_MANAGEOP set to 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM unpause TA ALLOC: PM_PAGE_MANAGEOP set to 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM pause 3D DALLOC: PM_PAGE_MANAGEOP set to 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM unpause 3D DALLOC: PM_PAGE_MANAGEOP set to 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM ALLOC/DALLOC change was not actioned: PM_PAGE_MANAGEOP_STATUS=0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 7), + "Is TA: %d, finished: %d on HW %u (HWRTData = 0x%08x, MemCtx = 0x%08x). FL different between TA/3D: global:%d, local:%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 10), + "UFL-3D-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u), FL-3D-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 10), + "UFL-TA-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u), FL-TA-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 7), + "Freelist update completed [0x%08x / FL State 0x%08x%08x]: old total pages 0x%08x, new total pages 0x%08x, new DevVirtAddr 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 7), + "Freelist update failed [0x%08x / FL State 0x%08x%08x]: old total pages 0x%08x, new total pages 0x%08x, new DevVirtAddr 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 10), + "UFL-3D-State-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u), FL-3D-State-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 10), + "UFL-TA-State-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u), FL-TA-State-Base: 0x%08x%08x (SP = %u, 4PB = %u, 4PT = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 5), + "Freelist 0x%08x base address from HW: 0x%02x%08x (expected value: 0x%02x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 5), + "Analysis of FL grow: Pause=(%u,%u) Paused+Valid(%u,%u) PMStateBuffer=0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 5), + "Attempt FL grow for FL: 0x%08x, new dev address: 0x%02x%08x, new page count: %u, new ready count: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 5), + "Deferring FL grow for non-loaded FL: 0x%08x, new dev address: 0x%02x%08x, new page count: %u, new ready count: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 4), + "Is GEOM: %d, finished: %d (HWRTData = 0x%08x, MemCtx = 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "3D Timeout Now for FWCtx 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "GEOM PM Recycle for FWCtx 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM running primary config (Core %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM running secondary config (Core %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(32, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM running tertiary config (Core %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(33, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_PM, 1), + "PM running quaternary config (Core %d)" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 3), + "Global link list dynamic page count: vertex 0x%x, varying 0x%x, node 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 3), + "Global link list static page count: vertex 0x%x, varying 0x%x, node 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 0), + "RPM request failed. Waiting for freelist grow." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 0), + "RPM request failed. Aborting the current frame." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 1), + "RPM waiting for pending grow on freelist 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 3), + "Request freelist grow [0x%08x] current pages %d, grow size %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 2), + "Freelist load: SHF = 0x%08x, SHG = 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 2), + "SHF FPL register: 0x%08x.0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 2), + "SHG FPL register: 0x%08x.0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 5), + "Kernel requested RPM grow on freelist (type %d) at 0x%08x from current size %d to new size %d, RPM restart: %d (1=Yes)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 0), + "Restarting SHG" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 0), + "Grow failed, aborting the current frame." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 1), + "RPM abort complete on HWFrameData [0x%08x]." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 1), + "RPM freelist cleanup [0x%08x] requires abort to proceed." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 2), + "RPM page table base register: 0x%08x.0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 0), + "Issuing RPM abort." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 0), + "RPM OOM received but toggle bits indicate free pages available" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 0), + "RPM hardware timeout. Unable to process OOM event." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 5), + "SHF FL (0x%08x) load, FPL: 0x%08x.0x%08x, roff: 0x%08x, woff: 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 5), + "SHG FL (0x%08x) load, FPL: 0x%08x.0x%08x, roff: 0x%08x, woff: 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 3), + "SHF FL (0x%08x) store, roff: 0x%08x, woff: 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RPM, 3), + "SHG FL (0x%08x) store, roff: 0x%08x, woff: 0x%08x" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "3D RTData 0x%08x finished on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "3D RTData 0x%08x ready on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 4), + "CONTEXT_PB_BASE set to 0x%x, FL different between TA/3D: local: %d, global: %d, mmu: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "Loading VFP table 0x%08x%08x for 3D" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "Loading VFP table 0x%08x%08x for TA" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 10), + "Load Freelist 0x%x type: %d (0:local,1:global,2:mmu) for DM%d: TotalPMPages = %d, FL-addr = 0x%08x%08x, stacktop = 0x%08x%08x, Alloc Page Count = %u, Alloc MMU Page Count = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 0), + "Perform VHEAP table store" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "RTData 0x%08x: found match in Context=%d: Load=No, Store=No" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "RTData 0x%08x: found NULL in Context=%d: Load=Yes, Store=No" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "RTData 0x%08x: found state 3D finished (0x%08x) in Context=%d: Load=Yes, Store=Yes" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "RTData 0x%08x: found state TA finished (0x%08x) in Context=%d: Load=Yes, Store=Yes" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 5), + "Loading stack-pointers for %d (0:MidTA,1:3D) on context %d, MLIST = 0x%08x, ALIST = 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 10), + "Store Freelist 0x%x type: %d (0:local,1:global,2:mmu) for DM%d: TotalPMPages = %d, FL-addr = 0x%08x%08x, stacktop = 0x%08x%08x, Alloc Page Count = %u, Alloc MMU Page Count = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "TA RTData 0x%08x finished on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "TA RTData 0x%08x loaded on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 12), + "Store Freelist 0x%x type: %d (0:local,1:global,2:mmu) for DM%d: FL Total Pages %u (max=%u,grow size=%u), FL-addr = 0x%08x%08x, stacktop = 0x%08x%08x, Alloc Page Count = %u, Alloc MMU Page Count = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 12), + "Load Freelist 0x%x type: %d (0:local,1:global,2:mmu) for DM%d: FL Total Pages %u (max=%u,grow size=%u), FL-addr = 0x%08x%08x, stacktop = 0x%08x%08x, Alloc Page Count = %u, Alloc MMU Page Count = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 1), + "Freelist 0x%x RESET!!!!!!!!" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 5), + "Freelist 0x%x stacktop = 0x%08x%08x, Alloc Page Count = %u, Alloc MMU Page Count = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "Request reconstruction of Freelist 0x%x type: %d (0:local,1:global,2:mmu) on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 1), + "Freelist reconstruction ACK from host (HWR state :%u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 0), + "Freelist reconstruction completed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "TA RTData 0x%08x loaded on HW context %u HWRTDataNeedsLoading=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "TE Region headers base 0x%08x%08x (RGNHDR Init: %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 8), + "TA Buffers: FWCtx 0x%08x, RT 0x%08x, RTData 0x%08x, VHeap 0x%08x%08x, TPC 0x%08x%08x (MemCtx 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "3D RTData 0x%08x loaded on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 4), + "3D Buffers: FWCtx 0x%08x, RT 0x%08x, RTData 0x%08x (MemCtx 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 2), + "Restarting TA after partial render, HWRTData0State=0x%x, HWRTData1State=0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "CONTEXT_PB_BASE set to 0x%x, FL different between TA/3D: local: %d, global: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 12), + "Store Freelist 0x%x type: %d (0:local,1:global) for PMDM%d: FL Total Pages %u (max=%u,grow size=%u), FL-addr = 0x%08x%08x, stacktop = 0x%08x%08x, Alloc Page Count = %u, Alloc MMU Page Count = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 12), + "Load Freelist 0x%x type: %d (0:local,1:global) for PMDM%d: FL Total Pages %u (max=%u,grow size=%u), FL-addr = 0x%08x%08x, stacktop = 0x%08x%08x, Alloc Page Count = %u, Alloc MMU Page Count = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(32, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 5), + "3D Buffers: FWCtx 0x%08x, parent RT 0x%08x, RTData 0x%08x on ctx %d, (MemCtx 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(33, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 7), + "TA Buffers: FWCtx 0x%08x, RTData 0x%08x, VHeap 0x%08x%08x, TPC 0x%08x%08x (MemCtx 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(34, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 4), + "3D Buffers: FWCtx 0x%08x, RTData 0x%08x on ctx %d, (MemCtx 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(35, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 6), + "Load Freelist 0x%x type: %d (0:local,1:global) for PMDM%d: FL Total Pages %u (max=%u,grow size=%u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(36, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 1), + "TA RTData 0x%08x marked as killed." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(37, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 1), + "3D RTData 0x%08x marked as killed." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(38, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 1), + "RTData 0x%08x will be killed after TA restart." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(39, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "RTData 0x%08x Render State Buffer 0x%02x%08x will be reset." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(40, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "GEOM RTData 0x%08x using Render State Buffer 0x%02x%08x." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(41, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_RTD, 3), + "FRAG RTData 0x%08x using Render State Buffer 0x%02x%08x." }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "Force Z-Load for partial render" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "Force Z-Store for partial render" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "3D MemFree: Local FL 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "3D MemFree: MMU FL 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "3D MemFree: Global FL 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 6), + "OOM TA/3D PR Check: [0x%08.8x] is 0x%08.8x requires 0x%08.8x, HardwareSync Fence [0x%08.8x] is 0x%08.8x requires 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 3), + "OOM TA_cmd=0x%08x, U-FL 0x%08x, N-FL 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 5), + "OOM TA_cmd=0x%08x, OOM MMU:%d, U-FL 0x%08x, N-FL 0x%08x, MMU-FL 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "Partial render avoided" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "Partial render discarded" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "Partial Render finished" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM Owner = 3D-BG" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM Owner = 3D-IRQ" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM Owner = NONE" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM Owner = TA-BG" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM Owner = TA-IRQ" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 2), + "ZStore address 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 2), + "SStore address 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 2), + "ZLoad address 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 2), + "SLoad address 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "No deferred ZS Buffer provided" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "ZS Buffer successfully populated (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "No need to populate ZS Buffer (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "ZS Buffer successfully unpopulated (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "No need to unpopulate ZS Buffer (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Send ZS-Buffer backing request to host (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Send ZS-Buffer unbacking request to host (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Don't send ZS-Buffer backing request. Previous request still pending (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Don't send ZS-Buffer unbacking request. Previous request still pending (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Partial Render waiting for ZBuffer to be backed (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Partial Render waiting for SBuffer to be backed (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(32, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM State = none" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(33, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM State = PR blocked" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(34, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM State = wait for grow" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(35, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM State = wait for HW" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(36, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM State = PR running" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(37, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM State = PR avoided" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(38, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM State = PR executed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(39, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 2), + "3DMemFree matches freelist 0x%08x (FL type = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(40, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "Raise the 3DMemFreeDedected flag" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(41, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Wait for pending grow on Freelist 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(42, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "ZS Buffer failed to be populated (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(43, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 5), + "Grow update inconsistency: FL addr: 0x%02x%08x, curr pages: %u, ready: %u, new: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(44, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 4), + "OOM: Resumed TA with ready pages, FL addr: 0x%02x%08x, current pages: %u, SP : %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(45, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 5), + "Received grow update, FL addr: 0x%02x%08x, current pages: %u, ready pages: %u, threshold: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(46, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "No deferred partial render FW (Type=%d) Buffer provided" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(47, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "No need to populate PR Buffer (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(48, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "No need to unpopulate PR Buffer (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(49, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Send PR Buffer backing request to host (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(50, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Send PR Buffer unbacking request to host (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(51, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Don't send PR Buffer backing request. Previous request still pending (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(52, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 1), + "Don't send PR Buffer unbacking request. Previous request still pending (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(53, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 2), + "Partial Render waiting for Buffer %d type to be backed (ID=0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(54, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 4), + "Received grow update, FL addr: 0x%02x%08x, new pages: %u, ready pages: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(66, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 3), + "OOM TA/3D PR Check: [0x%08.8x] is 0x%08.8x requires 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(67, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 3), + "OOM: Resumed TA with ready pages, FL addr: 0x%02x%08x, current pages: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(68, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 3), + "OOM TA/3D PR deadlock unblocked reordering DM%d runlist head from Context 0x%08x to 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(69, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_SPM, 0), + "SPM State = PR force free" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 4), + "Check Pow state DM%d int: 0x%x, ext: 0x%x, pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "GPU idle (might be powered down). Pow state int: 0x%x, ext: 0x%x, flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "OS requested pow off (forced = %d), DM%d, pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 4), + "Initiate powoff query. Inactive DMs: %d %d %d %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Any RD-DM pending? %d, Any RD-DM Active? %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "GPU ready to be powered down. Pow state int: 0x%x, ext: 0x%x, flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "HW Request On(1)/Off(0): %d, Units: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Request to change num of dusts to %d (Power flags=%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Changing number of dusts from %d to %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Sidekick init" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Rascal+Dusts init (# dusts mask: 0x%x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Initiate powoff query for RD-DMs." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Initiate powoff query for TLA-DM." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Any RD-DM pending? %d, Any RD-DM Active? %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "TLA-DM pending? %d, TLA-DM Active? %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Request power up due to BRN37270. Pow stat int: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "Cancel power off request int: 0x%x, ext: 0x%x, pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "OS requested forced IDLE, pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "OS cancelled forced IDLE, pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "Idle timer start. Pow state int: 0x%x, ext: 0x%x, flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "Cancel idle timer. Pow state int: 0x%x, ext: 0x%x, flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Active PM latency set to %dms. Core clock: %d Hz" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Compute cluster mask change to 0x%x, %d dusts powered." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Null command executed, repeating initiate powoff query for RD-DMs." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Power monitor: Estimate of dynamic energy %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "Check Pow state: Int: 0x%x, Ext: 0x%x, Pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Proactive DVFS: New deadline, time = 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Proactive DVFS: New workload, cycles = 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Proactive DVFS: Proactive frequency calculated = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Proactive DVFS: Reactive utilisation = %u percent" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(32, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Proactive DVFS: Reactive frequency calculated = %u.%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(33, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Proactive DVFS: OPP Point Sent = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(34, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Proactive DVFS: Deadline removed = 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(35, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Proactive DVFS: Workload removed = 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(36, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Proactive DVFS: Throttle to a maximum = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(37, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Proactive DVFS: Failed to pass OPP point via GPIO." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(38, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Proactive DVFS: Invalid node passed to function." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(39, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Proactive DVFS: Guest OS attempted to do a privileged action. OSid = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(40, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Proactive DVFS: Unprofiled work started. Total unprofiled work present: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(41, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Proactive DVFS: Unprofiled work finished. Total unprofiled work present: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(42, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Proactive DVFS: Disabled: Not enabled by host." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(43, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "HW Request Completed(1)/Aborted(0): %d, Ticks: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(44, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Allowed number of dusts is %d due to BRN59042." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(45, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "Host timed out while waiting for a forced idle state. Pow state int: 0x%x, ext: 0x%x, flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(46, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 5), + "Check Pow state: Int: 0x%x, Ext: 0x%x, Pow flags: 0x%x, Fence Counters: Check: %u - Update: %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(47, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Proactive DVFS: OPP Point Sent = 0x%x, Success = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(48, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Proactive DVFS: GPU transitioned to idle" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(49, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Proactive DVFS: GPU transitioned to active" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(50, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Power counter dumping: Data truncated writing register %u. Buffer too small." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(51, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Power controller returned ABORT for last request so retrying." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(52, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Discarding invalid power request: type 0x%x, DM %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(53, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Detected attempt to cancel forced idle while not forced idle (pow state 0x%x, pow flags 0x%x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(54, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Detected attempt to force power off while not forced idle (pow state 0x%x, pow flags 0x%x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(55, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Detected attempt to change dust count while not forced idle (pow state 0x%x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(56, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "Power monitor: Type = %d (0 = power, 1 = energy), Estimate result = 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(57, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Conflicting clock frequency range: OPP min = %u, max = %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(58, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Proactive DVFS: Set floor to a minimum = 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(59, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "OS requested pow off (forced = %d), pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(60, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Discarding invalid power request: type 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(61, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "Request to change SPU power state mask from 0x%x to 0x%x. Pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(62, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Changing SPU power state mask from 0x%x to 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(63, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Detected attempt to change SPU power state mask while not forced idle (pow state 0x%x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(64, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Invalid SPU power mask 0x%x! Changing to 1" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(65, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "Proactive DVFS: Send OPP %u with clock divider value %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(66, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "PPA block started in perf validation mode." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(67, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Reset PPA block state %u (1=reset, 0=recalculate)." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(68, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 1), + "Power controller returned ABORT for Core-%d last request so retrying." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(69, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 3), + "HW Request On(1)/Off(0): %d, Units: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(70, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 5), + "Request to change SPU power state mask from 0x%x to 0x%x and RAC from 0x%x to 0x%x. Pow flags: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(71, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 4), + "Changing SPU power state mask from 0x%x to 0x%x and RAC from 0x%x to 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(72, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 2), + "RAC pending? %d, RAC Active? %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(73, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_POW, 0), + "Initiate powoff query for RAC." }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Lockup detected on DM%d, FWCtx: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Reset fw state for DM%d, FWCtx: 0x%08.8x, MemCtx: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 0), + "Reset HW" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 0), + "Lockup recovered." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Lock-up DM%d FWCtx: 0x%08.8x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Lockup detected: GLB(%d->%d), PER-DM(0x%08x->0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Early fault detection: GLB(%d->%d), PER-DM(0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Hold scheduling due lockup: GLB(%d), PER-DM(0x%08x->0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "False lockup detected: GLB(%d->%d), PER-DM(0x%08x->0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "BRN37729: GLB(%d->%d), PER-DM(0x%08x->0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Freelists reconstructed: GLB(%d->%d), PER-DM(0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Reconstructing freelists: %u (0-No, 1-Yes): GLB(%d->%d), PER-DM(0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "HW poll %u (0-Unset 1-Set) failed (reg:0x%08x val:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Discarded cmd on DM%u FWCtx=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 6), + "Discarded cmd on DM%u (reason=%u) HWRTData=0x%08x (st: %d), FWCtx 0x%08x @ %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "PM fence WA could not be applied, Valid TA Setup: %d, RD powered off: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 5), + "FL snapshot RTD 0x%08.8x - local (0x%08.8x): %d, global (0x%08.8x): %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 8), + "FL check RTD 0x%08.8x, discard: %d - local (0x%08.8x): s%d?=c%d, global (0x%08.8x): s%d?=c%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "FL reconstruction 0x%08.8x c%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "3D check: missing TA FWCtx 0x%08.8x @ %d, RTD 0x%08x." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Reset HW (mmu:%d, extmem: %d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Zero TA caches for FWCtx: 0x%08.8x (TPC addr: 0x%08x%08x, size: %d bytes)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Recovery DM%u: Freelists reconstructed. New R-Flags=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 5), + "Recovery DM%u: FWCtx 0x%08x skipped to command @ %u. PR=%u. New R-Flags=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "Recovery DM%u: DM fully recovered" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "DM%u: Hold scheduling due to R-Flag = 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 0), + "Analysis: Need freelist reconstruction" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Analysis DM%u: Lockup FWCtx: 0x%08.8x. Need to skip to next command" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Analysis DM%u: Lockup while TA is OOM FWCtx: 0x%08.8x. Need to skip to next command" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Analysis DM%u: Lockup while partial render FWCtx: 0x%08.8x. Need PR cleanup" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 0), + "GPU has locked up" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(32, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "DM%u ready for HWR" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(33, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Recovery DM%u: Updated Recovery counter. New R-Flags=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(34, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "Analysis: BRN37729 detected, reset TA and re-kicked 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(35, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "DM%u timed out" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(36, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "RGX_CR_EVENT_STATUS=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(37, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "DM%u lockup falsely detected, R-Flags=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(38, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 0), + "GPU has overrun its deadline" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(39, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 0), + "GPU has failed a poll" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(40, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "RGX DM%u phase count=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(41, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Reset HW (loop:%d, poll failures: 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(42, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "MMU fault event: 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(43, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "BIF1 page fault detected (Bank1 MMU Status: 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(44, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "Fast CRC Failed. Proceeding to full register checking (DM: %u)." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(45, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Meta MMU page fault detected (Meta MMU Status: 0x%08x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(46, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Fast CRC Check result for DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(47, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Full Signature Check result for DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(48, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Final result for DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u with HWRChecksToGo=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(49, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "USC Slots result for DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u USCSlotsUsedByDM=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(50, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Deadline counter for DM%u is HWRDeadline=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(51, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "Holding Scheduling on OSid %u due to pending freelist reconstruction" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(52, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Requesting reconstruction for freelist 0x%x (ID=%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(53, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "Reconstruction of freelist ID=%d complete" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(54, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Reconstruction needed for freelist 0x%x (ID=%d) type: %d (0:local,1:global,2:mmu) on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(55, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "Reconstruction of freelist ID=%d failed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(56, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Restricting PDS Tasks to help other stalling DMs (RunningMask=0x%02x, StallingMask=0x%02x, PDS_CTRL=0x%08x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(57, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Unrestricting PDS Tasks again (RunningMask=0x%02x, StallingMask=0x%02x, PDS_CTRL=0x%08x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(58, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "USC slots: %u used by DM%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(59, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "USC slots: %u empty" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(60, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 5), + "HCS DM%d's Context Switch failed to meet deadline. Current time: 0x%08x%08x, deadline: 0x%08x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(61, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "Begin hardware reset (HWR Counter=%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(62, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "Finished hardware reset (HWR Counter=%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(63, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Holding Scheduling on DM %u for OSid %u due to pending freelist reconstruction" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(64, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 5), + "User Mode Queue ROff reset: FWCtx 0x%08.8x, queue: 0x%08x%08x (Roff = %u becomes StreamStartOffset = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(65, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Reconstruction needed for freelist 0x%x (ID=%d) type: %d (0:local,1:global) on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(66, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Mips page fault detected (BadVAddr: 0x%08x, EntryLo0: 0x%08x, EntryLo1: 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(67, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "At least one other DM is running okay so DM%u will get another chance" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(68, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Reconstructing in FW, FL: 0x%x (ID=%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(69, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Zero RTC for FWCtx: 0x%08.8x (RTC addr: 0x%08x%08x, size: %d bytes)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(70, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 5), + "Reconstruction needed for freelist 0x%x (ID=%d) type: %d (0:local,1:global) phase: %d (0:TA, 1:3D) on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(71, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Start long HW poll %u (0-Unset 1-Set) for (reg:0x%08x val:0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(72, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "End long HW poll (result=%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(73, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "DM%u has taken %d ticks and deadline is %d ticks" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(74, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 5), + "USC Watchdog result for DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u Status=%u USCs={0x%x} with HWRChecksToGo=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(75, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 6), + "Reconstruction needed for freelist 0x%x (ID=%d) OSid: %d type: %d (0:local,1:global) phase: %d (0:TA, 1:3D) on HW context %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(76, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "GPU-%u has locked up" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(77, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "DM%u has locked up" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(78, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "Core %d RGX_CR_EVENT_STATUS=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(79, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "RGX_CR_MULTICORE_EVENT_STATUS%u=0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(80, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 5), + "BIF0 page fault detected (Core %d MMU Status: 0x%08x%08x Req Status: 0x%08x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(81, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "MMU page fault detected (Core %d MMU Status: 0x%08x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(82, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "MMU page fault detected (Core %d MMU Status: 0x%08x%08x 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(83, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "Reset HW (core:%d of %d, loop:%d, poll failures: 0x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(84, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Fast CRC Check result for Core%u, DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(85, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Full Signature Check result for Core%u, DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(86, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 4), + "USC Slots result for Core%u, DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u USCSlotsUsedByDM=%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(87, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 6), + "USC Watchdog result for Core%u DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u Status=%u USCs={0x%x} with HWRChecksToGo=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(88, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "RISC-V MMU page fault detected (FWCORE MMU Status 0x%08x Req Status 0x%08x%08x)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(89, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "TEXAS1_PFS poll failed on core %d with value 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(90, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "BIF_PFS poll failed on core %d with value 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(91, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "MMU_ABORT_PM_STATUS set poll failed on core %d with value 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(92, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "MMU_ABORT_PM_STATUS unset poll failed on core %d with value 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(93, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "MMU_CTRL_INVAL poll (all but fw) failed on core %d with value 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(94, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 2), + "MMU_CTRL_INVAL poll (all) failed on core %d with value 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(95, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "TEXAS%d_PFS poll failed on core %d with value 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(96, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 3), + "Extra Registers Check result for Core%u, DM%u is HWRNeeded=%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(97, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWR, 1), + "FW attempted to write to read-only GPU address 0x%08x" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Block 0x%x mapped to Config Idx %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Block 0x%x omitted from event - not enabled in HW" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Block 0x%x included in event - enabled in HW" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Select register state hi_0x%x lo_0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Counter stream block header word 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Counter register offset 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Block 0x%x config unset, skipping" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Accessing Indirect block 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Accessing Direct block 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Programmed counter select register at offset 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Block register offset 0x%x and value 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Reading config block from driver 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Reading block range 0x%x to 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Recording block 0x%x config from driver" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 0), + "Finished reading config block from driver" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Custom Counter offset: 0x%x value: 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Select counter n:%u ID:0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 3), + "The counter ID 0x%x is not allowed. The package [b:%u, n:%u] will be discarded" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Custom Counters filter status %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "The Custom block %d is not allowed. Use only blocks lower than %d. The package will be discarded" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "The package will be discarded because it contains %d counters IDs while the upper limit is %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Check Filter 0x%x is 0x%x ?" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "The custom block %u is reset" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Encountered an invalid command (%d)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "HWPerf Queue is full, we will have to wait for space! (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(26, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 3), + "HWPerf Queue is fencing, we are waiting for Roff = %d (Roff = %u, Woff = %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(27, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Custom Counter block: %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(28, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Block 0x%x ENABLED" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(29, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Block 0x%x DISABLED" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(30, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Accessing Indirect block 0x%x, instance %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(31, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Counter register 0x%x, Value 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(32, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Counters filter status %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(33, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 2), + "Block 0x%x mapped to Ctl Idx %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(34, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 0), + "Block(s) in use for workload estimation." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(35, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 3), + "GPU %u Cycle counter 0x%x, Value 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(36, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 3), + "GPU Mask 0x%x Cycle counter 0x%x, Value 0x%x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(37, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_HWP, 1), + "Blocks IGNORED for GPU %u" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 5), + "Transfer 0x%02x request: 0x%02x%08x -> 0x%08x, size %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 4), + "Transfer of type 0x%02x expected on channel %u, 0x%02x found, status %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 1), + "DMA Interrupt register 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 1), + "Waiting for transfer of type 0x%02x completion..." }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 3), + "Loading of cCCB data from FW common context 0x%08x (offset: %u, size: %u) failed" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 3), + "Invalid load of cCCB data from FW common context 0x%08x (offset: %u, size: %u)" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 1), + "Transfer 0x%02x request poll failure" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 2), + "Boot transfer(s) failed (code? %u, data? %u), used slower memcpy instead" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DMA, 7), + "Transfer 0x%02x request on ch. %u: system 0x%02x%08x, coremem 0x%08x, flags 0x%x, size %u" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(1, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 2), + "0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(2, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 1), + "0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(3, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 2), + "0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(4, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 3), + "0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(5, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 4), + "0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(6, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 5), + "0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(7, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 6), + "0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(8, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 7), + "0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(9, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 8), + "0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(10, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 1), + "%d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(11, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 2), + "%d %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(12, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 3), + "%d %d %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(13, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 4), + "%d %d %d %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(14, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 5), + "%d %d %d %d %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(15, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 6), + "%d %d %d %d %d %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(16, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 7), + "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(17, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 8), + "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(18, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 1), + "%u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(19, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 2), + "%u %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(20, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 3), + "%u %u %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(21, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 4), + "%u %u %u %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(22, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 5), + "%u %u %u %u %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(23, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 6), + "%u %u %u %u %u %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 7), + "%u %u %u %u %u %u %u" }, + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(25, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_DBG, 8), + "%u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u" }, + + { ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(65535, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_NULL, 15), + "You should not use this string" }, +}; + +#define ROGUE_FW_SF_FIRST ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(0, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_NULL, 0) +#define ROGUE_FW_SF_MAIN_ASSERT_FAILED ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(24, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_MAIN, 1) +#define ROGUE_FW_SF_LAST ROGUE_FW_LOG_CREATESFID(65535, ROGUE_FW_GROUP_NULL, 15) + +#endif /* PVR_ROGUE_FWIF_SF_H */