diff mbox series

[V2,08/10] disas/: fix some comment spelling errors

Message ID 640CDEE67BE2784FAE298BB2517210E48AC415@dggemi522-mbs.china.huawei.com
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Commit Message

Lichang Zhao Aug. 26, 2020, 7:48 a.m. UTC
I found that there are many spelling errors in the comments of qemu,
so I used the spellcheck tool to check the spelling errors
and finally found some spelling errors in the disas folder.

Signed-off-by: zhaolichang <zhaolichang@huawei.com>
disas/hppa.c | 2 +-
disas/m68k.c | 8 ++++----
disas/ppc.c  | 2 +-
3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff mbox series


diff --git a/disas/hppa.c b/disas/hppa.c
index 2dbd1fc445..dcf9a47f34 100644
--- a/disas/hppa.c
+++ b/disas/hppa.c
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@  print_insn_hppa (bfd_vma memaddr, disassemble_info *info)
                            fput_fp_reg (GET_FIELD (insn, 6, 10), info);

-                       /* 'fA' will not generate a space before the regsiter
+                      /* 'fA' will not generate a space before the register
                            name.  Normally that is fine.  Except that it
                            causes problems with xmpyu which has no FP format
                            completer.  */
diff --git a/disas/m68k.c b/disas/m68k.c
index 863409c67c..aefaecfbd6 100644
--- a/disas/m68k.c
+++ b/disas/m68k.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@  struct floatformat
   unsigned int exp_start;
   unsigned int exp_len;
   /* Bias added to a "true" exponent to form the biased exponent.  It
-     is intentionally signed as, otherwize, -exp_bias can turn into a
+     is intentionally signed as, otherwise, -exp_bias can turn into a
      very large number (e.g., given the exp_bias of 0x3fff and a 64
      bit long, the equation (long)(1 - exp_bias) evaluates to
      4294950914) instead of -16382).  */
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@  struct m68k_opcode_alias
       and remaining 3 bits of register shifted 9 bits in first word.
       Indicate upper/lower in 1 bit shifted 7 bits in second word.
       Use with `R' or `u' format.
-   n  `m' withouth upper/lower indication. (For M[S]ACx; 4 bits split
+   n  `m' without upper/lower indication. (For M[S]ACx; 4 bits split
       with MSB shifted 6 bits in first word and remaining 3 bits of
       register shifted 9 bits in first word.  No upper/lower
       indication is done.)  Use with `R' or `u' format.
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@  fetch_arg (unsigned char *buffer,

/* Check if an EA is valid for a particular code.  This is required
    for the EMAC instructions since the type of source address determines
-   if it is a EMAC-load instruciton if the EA is mode 2-5, otherwise it
+   if it is a EMAC-load instruction if the EA is mode 2-5, otherwise it
   is a non-load EMAC instruction and the bits mean register Ry.
    A similar case exists for the movem instructions where the register
    mask is interpreted differently for different EAs.  */
@@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@  print_indexed (int basereg,

/* Returns number of bytes "eaten" by the operand, or
    return -1 if an invalid operand was found, or -2 if
-   an opcode tabe error was found.
+   an opcode table error was found.
    ADDR is the pc for this arg to be relative to.  */

static int
diff --git a/disas/ppc.c b/disas/ppc.c
index 63e97cfe1d..02be878198 100644
--- a/disas/ppc.c
+++ b/disas/ppc.c
@@ -5226,7 +5226,7 @@  operand_value_powerpc (const struct powerpc_operand *operand,
       if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED) != 0)
           /* BITM is always some number of zeros followed by some
-             number of ones, followed by some numer of zeros.  */
+            number of ones, followed by some number of zeros.  */
           unsigned long top = operand->bitm;
           /* top & -top gives the rightmost 1 bit, so this
              fills in any trailing zeros.  */