diff mbox series

[RFC,v5,60/68] target/riscv: rvv-1.0: floating-point/integer type-convert instructions

Message ID 20200929190448.31116-61-frank.chang@sifive.com
State Accepted
Commit 900da87ab966654be76cc9c2fb860329cb423bd4
Headers show
Series support vector extension v1.0 | expand

Commit Message

Frank Chang Sept. 29, 2020, 7:04 p.m. UTC
From: Frank Chang <frank.chang@sifive.com>

Add the following instructions:

* vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v
* vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v

Also adjust GEN_OPFV_TRANS() to accept multiple floating-point rounding

Signed-off-by: Frank Chang <frank.chang@sifive.com>
 target/riscv/insn32.decode              | 11 ++--
 target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvv.c.inc | 83 ++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/target/riscv/insn32.decode b/target/riscv/insn32.decode
index c3d9ef4fe1..88d8f0eb0b 100644
--- a/target/riscv/insn32.decode
+++ b/target/riscv/insn32.decode
@@ -560,10 +560,13 @@  vmfge_vf        011111 . ..... ..... 101 ..... 1010111 @r_vm
 vfclass_v       010011 . ..... 10000 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
 vfmerge_vfm     010111 0 ..... ..... 101 ..... 1010111 @r_vm_0
 vfmv_v_f        010111 1 00000 ..... 101 ..... 1010111 @r2
-vfcvt_xu_f_v    100010 . ..... 00000 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
-vfcvt_x_f_v     100010 . ..... 00001 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
-vfcvt_f_xu_v    100010 . ..... 00010 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
-vfcvt_f_x_v     100010 . ..... 00011 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
+vfcvt_xu_f_v       010010 . ..... 00000 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
+vfcvt_x_f_v        010010 . ..... 00001 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
+vfcvt_f_xu_v       010010 . ..... 00010 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
+vfcvt_f_x_v        010010 . ..... 00011 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
+vfcvt_rtz_xu_f_v   010010 . ..... 00110 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
+vfcvt_rtz_x_f_v    010010 . ..... 00111 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
 vfwcvt_xu_f_v   100010 . ..... 01000 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
 vfwcvt_x_f_v    100010 . ..... 01001 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
 vfwcvt_f_xu_v   100010 . ..... 01010 001 ..... 1010111 @r2_vm
diff --git a/target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvv.c.inc b/target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvv.c.inc
index 01ef472413..452447e5ed 100644
--- a/target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvv.c.inc
+++ b/target/riscv/insn_trans/trans_rvv.c.inc
@@ -2618,33 +2618,42 @@  static bool opfv_check(DisasContext *s, arg_rmr *a)
            vext_check_ss(s, a->rd, a->rs2, a->vm);
-#define GEN_OPFV_TRANS(NAME, CHECK)                                \
-static bool trans_##NAME(DisasContext *s, arg_rmr *a)              \
-{                                                                  \
-    if (CHECK(s, a)) {                                             \
-        uint32_t data = 0;                                         \
-        static gen_helper_gvec_3_ptr * const fns[3] = {            \
-            gen_helper_##NAME##_h,                                 \
-            gen_helper_##NAME##_w,                                 \
-            gen_helper_##NAME##_d,                                 \
-        };                                                         \
-        TCGLabel *over = gen_new_label();                          \
-        gen_set_rm(s, RISCV_FRM_DYN);                              \
-        tcg_gen_brcondi_tl(TCG_COND_EQ, cpu_vl, 0, over);          \
-                                                                   \
-        data = FIELD_DP32(data, VDATA, VM, a->vm);                 \
-        data = FIELD_DP32(data, VDATA, LMUL, s->lmul);             \
-        tcg_gen_gvec_3_ptr(vreg_ofs(s, a->rd), vreg_ofs(s, 0),     \
-                           vreg_ofs(s, a->rs2), cpu_env, 0,        \
-                           s->vlen / 8, data, fns[s->sew - 1]);    \
-        mark_vs_dirty(s);                                          \
-        gen_set_label(over);                                       \
-        return true;                                               \
-    }                                                              \
-    return false;                                                  \
+static bool do_opfv(DisasContext *s, arg_rmr *a,
+                    gen_helper_gvec_3_ptr *fn,
+                    bool (*checkfn)(DisasContext *, arg_rmr *),
+                    int rm)
+    if (checkfn(s, a)) {
+        uint32_t data = 0;
+        gen_set_rm(s, RISCV_FRM_DYN);
+        TCGLabel *over = gen_new_label();
+        gen_set_rm(s, rm);
+        tcg_gen_brcondi_tl(TCG_COND_EQ, cpu_vl, 0, over);
+        data = FIELD_DP32(data, VDATA, VM, a->vm);
+        data = FIELD_DP32(data, VDATA, LMUL, s->lmul);
+        tcg_gen_gvec_3_ptr(vreg_ofs(s, a->rd), vreg_ofs(s, 0),
+                vreg_ofs(s, a->rs2), cpu_env, 0,
+                s->vlen / 8, data, fn);
+        mark_vs_dirty(s);
+        gen_set_label(over);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+#define GEN_OPFV_TRANS(NAME, CHECK, FRM)               \
+static bool trans_##NAME(DisasContext *s, arg_rmr *a)  \
+{                                                      \
+    static gen_helper_gvec_3_ptr * const fns[3] = {    \
+        gen_helper_##NAME##_h,                         \
+        gen_helper_##NAME##_w,                         \
+        gen_helper_##NAME##_d                          \
+    };                                                 \
+    return do_opfv(s, a, fns[s->sew - 1], CHECK, FRM); \
-GEN_OPFV_TRANS(vfsqrt_v, opfv_check)
+GEN_OPFV_TRANS(vfsqrt_v, opfv_check, RISCV_FRM_DYN)
 /* Vector Floating-Point MIN/MAX Instructions */
 GEN_OPFVV_TRANS(vfmin_vv, opfvv_check)
@@ -2690,7 +2699,7 @@  GEN_OPFVF_TRANS(vmfgt_vf, opfvf_cmp_check)
 GEN_OPFVF_TRANS(vmfge_vf, opfvf_cmp_check)
 /* Vector Floating-Point Classify Instruction */
-GEN_OPFV_TRANS(vfclass_v, opfv_check)
+GEN_OPFV_TRANS(vfclass_v, opfv_check, RISCV_FRM_DYN)
 /* Vector Floating-Point Merge Instruction */
 GEN_OPFVF_TRANS(vfmerge_vfm,  opfvf_check)
@@ -2745,10 +2754,24 @@  static bool trans_vfmv_v_f(DisasContext *s, arg_vfmv_v_f *a)
 /* Single-Width Floating-Point/Integer Type-Convert Instructions */
-GEN_OPFV_TRANS(vfcvt_xu_f_v, opfv_check)
-GEN_OPFV_TRANS(vfcvt_x_f_v, opfv_check)
-GEN_OPFV_TRANS(vfcvt_f_xu_v, opfv_check)
-GEN_OPFV_TRANS(vfcvt_f_x_v, opfv_check)
+#define GEN_OPFV_CVT_TRANS(NAME, HELPER, FRM)               \
+static bool trans_##NAME(DisasContext *s, arg_rmr *a)       \
+{                                                           \
+    static gen_helper_gvec_3_ptr * const fns[3] = {         \
+        gen_helper_##HELPER##_h,                            \
+        gen_helper_##HELPER##_w,                            \
+        gen_helper_##HELPER##_d                             \
+    };                                                      \
+    return do_opfv(s, a, fns[s->sew - 1], opfv_check, FRM); \
+GEN_OPFV_CVT_TRANS(vfcvt_xu_f_v, vfcvt_xu_f_v, RISCV_FRM_DYN)
+GEN_OPFV_CVT_TRANS(vfcvt_x_f_v, vfcvt_x_f_v, RISCV_FRM_DYN)
+GEN_OPFV_CVT_TRANS(vfcvt_f_xu_v, vfcvt_f_xu_v, RISCV_FRM_DYN)
+GEN_OPFV_CVT_TRANS(vfcvt_f_x_v, vfcvt_f_x_v, RISCV_FRM_DYN)
+/* Reuse the helper functions from vfcvt.xu.f.v and vfcvt.x.f.v */
+GEN_OPFV_CVT_TRANS(vfcvt_rtz_xu_f_v, vfcvt_xu_f_v, RISCV_FRM_RTZ)
+GEN_OPFV_CVT_TRANS(vfcvt_rtz_x_f_v, vfcvt_x_f_v, RISCV_FRM_RTZ)
 /* Widening Floating-Point/Integer Type-Convert Instructions */