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[v2,0/3] RTISC-V: Remove deprecated ISA, CPUs and machines

Message ID cover.1588878640.git.alistair.francis@wdc.com
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Series RTISC-V: Remove deprecated ISA, CPUs and machines | expand


Alistair Francis May 7, 2020, 7:11 p.m. UTC
 - Remove the CPUs and ISA seperatley

Alistair Francis (3):
  hw/riscv: spike: Remove deprecated ISA specific machines
  target/riscv: Remove the deprecated CPUs
  target/riscv: Drop support for ISA spec version 1.09.1

 hw/riscv/spike.c                              | 217 ------------------
 include/hw/riscv/spike.h                      |   6 +-
 target/riscv/cpu.c                            |  30 ---
 target/riscv/cpu.h                            |   8 -
 target/riscv/csr.c                            |  82 ++-----
 .../riscv/insn_trans/trans_privileged.inc.c   |   6 -
 tests/qtest/machine-none-test.c               |   4 +-
 7 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 332 deletions(-)