From patchwork Sat Jul 10 19:26:01 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Colin Foster X-Patchwork-Id: 472813 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-14.2 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_CR_TRAILER, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI,MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER,SPF_HELO_NONE,SPF_PASS, UNWANTED_LANGUAGE_BODY, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A0F36C07E95 for ; Sat, 10 Jul 2021 19:26:44 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7DE1F61356 for ; Sat, 10 Jul 2021 19:26:44 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S230432AbhGJT31 (ORCPT ); Sat, 10 Jul 2021 15:29:27 -0400 Received: from ([]:51932 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S231286AbhGJT3O (ORCPT ); Sat, 10 Jul 2021 15:29:14 -0400 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=jxCzBYq7DhA5ACJyiEykDYLP2KM49a89+0HrTKUieqrbfZDm0oMTc7s7uRAwX8tuwXDpygU8SBPydmxR0RGMDt3MXRTTTs2ElAz9f1ZdRwxjxmhous+tAM++1WAu4nomoyZVYiHCuOA5ytZT7IPA2yk6zuoeXVdbsmDrpPcoaoBNk6GzshPCY6MACSRJjH6Y1kT+gWzFsqfjKyULQfAr8pJSjVAdn91CHNiaT9mSFamMKw5RZuZDSqkYfSJWgx+vzGnY0+Hv90sDSCNkC8fwvO0hZMj1IUbiHMg/IM/XNGEwS/IeDi4jlB3h7ddXf3qLoy8cxGdhFY3vtj/RQcm1Uw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=5yj2QgVgaWHhnroy/hd1RTTPXmhsNSCSjUMHFjDU6ho=; b=DG28OtDeepm4jD44zMJIfcoLiBsqpZXU3LZ3pUZn0yugpWIZKp8oOHQGnV5enMgtUmx2QWpvr1po1Y+l7H8D5TXFAxTyO7C32Fc2jaGZcmQz5TqspgpXcWWfCxc6hsplYE3b29bI+LRDBy81bgxhF1FskcVYqJL05xFo7f+BNktDb60CZJhG/AhaOCpc+tRahZ/Ti5GdKRa9f18JcLIgCgvJk2bLh8Dgb1MWKP1OghiCP/SsgxHAaSKeS4ZPTTj0dTTFH8WXdSFZHl31x5E+XQ5/9Dn73ILGJzyQjEwmuUU42SnHy1nDeYsz+rr5h5Cz5G2XaSd1XBtU75UkdhM/aw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-inadvantage-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=5yj2QgVgaWHhnroy/hd1RTTPXmhsNSCSjUMHFjDU6ho=; b=ucoMfyGoNFPLNno+Aup5KGc6lRNgF7tQIPigKF4ifBZOeyWZmGLuxKIpV6+znZ8XKzXLMYQAqL3BfEpESI+In7Z/lZCyAAWVZ7vYj1wlQJ0E7Xw96GIIsG6+r40PEuTcIiruxtG/RdxYOK5m9EKOd3RBCDGYiiUc4Zc6l0i7fuY= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:301:35::37) by (2603:10b6:301:7::15) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4308.22; Sat, 10 Jul 2021 19:26:20 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::e81f:cf8e:6ad6:d24d]) by ([fe80::e81f:cf8e:6ad6:d24d%3]) with mapi id 15.20.4287.033; Sat, 10 Jul 2021 19:26:20 +0000 From: Colin Foster To:,,,,,,,,,, Cc:,, Subject: [RFC PATCH v2 net-next 7/8] net: dsa: ocelot: felix: add support for VSC75XX control over SPI Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2021 12:26:01 -0700 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:301:2::28) To (2603:10b6:301:35::37) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from localhost.localdomain ( by (2603:10b6:301:2::28) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4308.19 via Frontend Transport; Sat, 10 Jul 2021 19:26:20 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: f9156d6d-4b18-4913-8bbd-08d943d898df X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: MWHPR10MB1709: X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:983; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(346002)(396003)(376002)(39830400003)(136003)(366004)(8936002)(7416002)(6506007)(5660300002)(2906002)(66556008)(26005)(2616005)(8676002)(44832011)(6486002)(6512007)(66476007)(6666004)(38100700002)(38350700002)(52116002)(66946007)(921005)(4326008)(956004)(83380400001)(1076003)(316002)(30864003)(36756003)(86362001)(186003)(478600001); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: f9156d6d-4b18-4913-8bbd-08d943d898df X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 10 Jul 2021 19:26:20.8368 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 48e842ca-fbd8-4633-a79d-0c955a7d3aae X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: tofSgv0CCuBkrK3vDfBHjLlI2JYKN5PXbfaphYBvQXLsQNdxsfc0JZWnWtTRBwPLwjy89Iy9bjKPSnCkbKq8oaC0/6jzuZ3kOHDz9x97Z2c= X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: MWHPR10MB1709 Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Utilize the Felix and Ocelot drivers to allow control of the VSC7511, VSC7512, VSC7513 and VAC7514 chips from an external CPU over SPI. Signed-off-by: Colin Foster --- drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Kconfig | 12 + drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Makefile | 6 + drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/ocelot_vsc7512_spi.c | 1068 +++++++++++++++++++ drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot.c | 8 + include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h | 19 + 5 files changed, 1113 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/ocelot_vsc7512_spi.c diff --git a/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Kconfig b/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Kconfig index 932b6b6fe817..4528a0bb0a18 100644 --- a/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Kconfig @@ -14,6 +14,18 @@ config NET_DSA_MSCC_FELIX This driver supports the VSC9959 (Felix) switch, which is embedded as a PCIe function of the NXP LS1028A ENETC RCiEP. +config NET_DSA_MSCC_OCELOT_SPI + tristate "Ocelot Ethernet SPI switch support" + depends on NET_DSA && SPI + depends on NET_VENDOR_MICROSEMI + select MSCC_OCELOT_SWITCH_LIB + select NET_DSA_TAG_OCELOT_8021Q + select NET_DSA_TAG_OCELOT + help + This driver supports the VSC7511, VSC7512, VSC7513 and VSC7514 chips + when controlled through SPI. It can be used with the Microsemi dev + boards and an external CPU or custom hardware. + config NET_DSA_MSCC_SEVILLE tristate "Ocelot / Seville Ethernet switch support" depends on NET_DSA diff --git a/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Makefile b/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Makefile index 34b9b128efb8..6ccd5482de7b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/Makefile @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only obj-$(CONFIG_NET_DSA_MSCC_FELIX) += mscc_felix.o +obj-$(CONFIG_NET_DSA_MSCC_OCELOT_SPI) += mscc_ocelot_spi.o obj-$(CONFIG_NET_DSA_MSCC_SEVILLE) += mscc_seville.o mscc_felix-objs := \ felix.o \ felix_vsc9959.o +mscc_ocelot_spi-objs := \ + felix.o \ + felix_mdio.o \ + ocelot_vsc7512_spi.o + mscc_seville-objs := \ felix.o \ felix_mdio.o \ diff --git a/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/ocelot_vsc7512_spi.c b/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/ocelot_vsc7512_spi.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5ff028572a5a --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/ocelot_vsc7512_spi.c @@ -0,0 +1,1068 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR MIT) +/* Copyright 2017 Microsemi Corporation + * Copyright 2018-2019 NXP Semiconductors + * Copyright 2021 Innovative Advantage Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "felix.h" +#include "felix_mdio.h" + +struct ocelot_spi_data { + int spi_padding_bytes; + struct felix felix; + struct spi_device *spi; +}; + +static const u32 vsc7512_dev_cpuorg_regmap[] = { + REG(DEV_CPUORG_IF_CTRL, 0x0000), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_IF_CFGSTAT, 0x0004), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_ORG_CFG, 0x0008), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_ERR_CNTS, 0x000c), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_TIMEOUT_CFG, 0x0010), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_GPR, 0x0014), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_MAILBOX_SET, 0x0018), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_MAILBOX_CLR, 0x001c), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_MAILBOX, 0x0020), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_SEMA_CFG, 0x0024), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_SEMA0, 0x0028), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_SEMA0_OWNER, 0x002c), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_SEMA1, 0x0030), + REG(DEV_CPUORG_SEMA1_OWNER, 0x0034), +}; + +static const u32 vsc7512_gcb_regmap[] = { + REG(GCB_SOFT_RST, 0x0008), + REG(GCB_MIIM_MII_STATUS, 0x009c), + REG(GCB_MIIM_MII_CMD, 0x00a4), + REG(GCB_MIIM_MII_DATA, 0x00a8), + REG(GCB_PHY_PHY_CFG, 0x00f0), + REG(GCB_PHY_PHY_STAT, 0x00f4), +}; + +static const u32 *vsc7512_regmap[TARGET_MAX] = { + [ANA] = ocelot_ana_regmap, + [QS] = ocelot_qs_regmap, + [QSYS] = ocelot_qsys_regmap, + [REW] = ocelot_rew_regmap, + [SYS] = ocelot_sys_regmap, + [S0] = ocelot_vcap_regmap, + [S1] = ocelot_vcap_regmap, + [S2] = ocelot_vcap_regmap, + [PTP] = ocelot_ptp_regmap, + [GCB] = vsc7512_gcb_regmap, + [DEV_GMII] = ocelot_dev_gmii_regmap, + [DEV_CPUORG] = vsc7512_dev_cpuorg_regmap, +}; + +#define VSC7512_BYTE_ORDER_LE 0x00000000 +#define VSC7512_BYTE_ORDER_BE 0x81818181 +#define VSC7512_BIT_ORDER_MSB 0x00000000 +#define VSC7512_BIT_ORDER_LSB 0x42424242 + +static void ocelot_spi_reset_phys(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + ocelot_write(ocelot, 0x1ff, GCB_PHY_PHY_CFG); +} + +struct ocelot_spi_data *felix_to_ocelot_spi(struct felix *felix) +{ + return container_of(felix, struct ocelot_spi_data, felix); +} + +struct ocelot_spi_data *ocelot_to_ocelot_spi(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + struct felix *felix = ocelot_to_felix(ocelot); + + return felix_to_ocelot_spi(felix); +} + +static int ocelot_spi_init_bus(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + struct ocelot_spi_data *ocelot_spi; + struct spi_device *spi; + u32 val, check; + + ocelot_spi = ocelot_to_ocelot_spi(ocelot); + spi = ocelot_spi->spi; + + val = 0; + +#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN + val |= VSC7512_BYTE_ORDER_LE; +#else + val |= VSC7512_BYTE_ORDER_BE; +#endif + + ocelot_write(ocelot, val, DEV_CPUORG_IF_CTRL); + + val = ocelot_spi->spi_padding_bytes; + ocelot_write(ocelot, val, DEV_CPUORG_IF_CFGSTAT); + + check = val | 0x02000000; + + val = ocelot_read(ocelot, DEV_CPUORG_IF_CFGSTAT); + if (check != val) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, + "Error configuring SPI bus. V: 0x%08x != 0x%08x\n", val, + check); + return -ENODEV; + } + + /* The internal copper phys need to be enabled before the mdio bus is + * scanned. + */ + ocelot_spi_reset_phys(ocelot); + + return 0; +} + +static int vsc7512_reset(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + int retries = 100; + int ret, val; + + ocelot_field_write(ocelot, GCB_SOFT_RST_CHIP_RST, 1); + + /* Note: This is adapted from the PCIe reset strategy. The manual doesn't + * suggest how to do a reset over SPI, and the register strategy isn't + * possible. + */ + msleep(100); + + ret = ocelot_spi_init_bus(ocelot); + if (ret) + return ret; + + regmap_field_write(ocelot->regfields[SYS_RESET_CFG_MEM_INIT], 1); + regmap_field_write(ocelot->regfields[SYS_RESET_CFG_MEM_ENA], 1); + + do { + msleep(1); + regmap_field_read(ocelot->regfields[SYS_RESET_CFG_MEM_INIT], + &val); + } while (val && --retries); + + if (!retries) + return -ETIMEDOUT; + + regmap_field_write(ocelot->regfields[SYS_RESET_CFG_CORE_ENA], 1); + + return 0; +} + +static int vsc7512_spi_bus_init(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + struct felix *felix = ocelot_to_felix(ocelot); + int rval; + + rval = ocelot_spi_init_bus(ocelot); + if (rval) { + dev_err(ocelot->dev, "error initializing SPI bus\n"); + goto clear_mdio; + } + + rval = felix_mdio_register(ocelot); + if (rval) + dev_err(ocelot->dev, "error registering MDIO bus\n"); + + felix->ds->slave_mii_bus = felix->imdio; + + return rval; + +clear_mdio: + felix->imdio = NULL; + return rval; +} + +static const struct ocelot_ops vsc7512_ops = { + .bus_init = vsc7512_spi_bus_init, + .reset = vsc7512_reset, + .wm_enc = ocelot_wm_enc, + .wm_dec = ocelot_wm_dec, + .wm_stat = ocelot_wm_stat, + .port_to_netdev = felix_port_to_netdev, + .netdev_to_port = felix_netdev_to_port, +}; + +/* Addresses are relative to the SPI device's base address, downshifted by 2*/ +static const struct resource vsc7512_target_io_res[TARGET_MAX] = { + [ANA] = { + .start = 0x71880000, + .end = 0x7188ffff, + .name = "ana", + }, + [QS] = { + .start = 0x71080000, + .end = 0x710800ff, + .name = "qs", + }, + [QSYS] = { + .start = 0x71800000, + .end = 0x719fffff, + .name = "qsys", + }, + [REW] = { + .start = 0x71030000, + .end = 0x7103ffff, + .name = "rew", + }, + [SYS] = { + .start = 0x71010000, + .end = 0x7101ffff, + .name = "sys", + }, + [S0] = { + .start = 0x71040000, + .end = 0x710403ff, + .name = "s0", + }, + [S1] = { + .start = 0x71050000, + .end = 0x710503ff, + .name = "s1", + }, + [S2] = { + .start = 0x71060000, + .end = 0x710603ff, + .name = "s2", + }, + [GCB] = { + .start = 0x71070000, + .end = 0x710701ff, + .name = "devcpu_gcb", + }, + [DEV_CPUORG] = { + .start = 0x71000000, + .end = 0x710003ff, + .name = "devcpu_org", + }, +}; + +static const struct resource vsc7512_port_io_res[] = { + { + .start = 0x711e0000, + .end = 0x711effff, + .name = "port0", + }, + { + .start = 0x711f0000, + .end = 0x711fffff, + .name = "port1", + }, + { + .start = 0x71200000, + .end = 0x7120ffff, + .name = "port2", + }, + { + .start = 0x71210000, + .end = 0x7121ffff, + .name = "port3", + }, + { + .start = 0x71220000, + .end = 0x7122ffff, + .name = "port4", + }, + { + .start = 0x71230000, + .end = 0x7123ffff, + .name = "port5", + }, + { + .start = 0x71240000, + .end = 0x7124ffff, + .name = "port6", + }, + { + .start = 0x71250000, + .end = 0x7125ffff, + .name = "port7", + }, + { + .start = 0x71260000, + .end = 0x7126ffff, + .name = "port8", + }, + { + .start = 0x71270000, + .end = 0x7127ffff, + .name = "port9", + }, + { + .start = 0x71280000, + .end = 0x7128ffff, + .name = "port10", + }, +}; + +static const struct reg_field vsc7512_regfields[REGFIELD_MAX] = { + [ANA_ADVLEARN_VLAN_CHK] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ADVLEARN, 11, 11), + [ANA_ADVLEARN_LEARN_MIRROR] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ADVLEARN, 0, 10), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_MSTI_DROP] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 27, 27), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_ACLKILL] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 26, 26), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_ACLUSED] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 25, 25), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_AUTOAGE] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 24, 24), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_VS2TTL1] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 23, 23), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_STORM_DROP] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 22, 22), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_LEARN_DROP] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 21, 21), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_AGED_ENTRY] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 20, 20), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_CPU_LEARN_FAILED] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 19, 19), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_AUTO_LEARN_FAILED] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 18, 18), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_LEARN_REMOVE] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 17, 17), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_AUTO_LEARNED] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 16, 16), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_AUTO_MOVED] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 15, 15), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_DROPPED] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 14, 14), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_CLASSIFIED_DROP] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 13, 13), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_CLASSIFIED_COPY] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 12, 12), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_VLAN_DISCARD] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 11, 11), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_FWD_DISCARD] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 10, 10), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_MULTICAST_FLOOD] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 9, 9), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_UNICAST_FLOOD] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 8, 8), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_DEST_KNOWN] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 7, 7), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_BUCKET3_MATCH] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 6, 6), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_BUCKET2_MATCH] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 5, 5), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_BUCKET1_MATCH] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 4, 4), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_BUCKET0_MATCH] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 3, 3), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_CPU_OPERATION] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 2, 2), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_DMAC_LOOKUP] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 1, 1), + [ANA_ANEVENTS_SMAC_LOOKUP] = REG_FIELD(ANA_ANEVENTS, 0, 0), + [ANA_TABLES_MACACCESS_B_DOM] = REG_FIELD(ANA_TABLES_MACACCESS, 18, 18), + [ANA_TABLES_MACTINDX_BUCKET] = REG_FIELD(ANA_TABLES_MACTINDX, 10, 11), + [ANA_TABLES_MACTINDX_M_INDEX] = REG_FIELD(ANA_TABLES_MACTINDX, 0, 9), + [GCB_SOFT_RST_SWC_RST] = REG_FIELD(GCB_SOFT_RST, 1, 1), + [GCB_SOFT_RST_CHIP_RST] = REG_FIELD(GCB_SOFT_RST, 0, 0), + [QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY_TFRM_VLD] = REG_FIELD(QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY, 20, 20), + [QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY_TFRM_FP] = REG_FIELD(QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY, 8, 19), + [QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY_TFRM_PORTNO] = REG_FIELD(QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY, 4, 7), + [QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY_TFRM_TM_SEL] = REG_FIELD(QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY, 1, 3), + [QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY_TFRM_TM_T] = REG_FIELD(QSYS_TIMED_FRAME_ENTRY, 0, 0), + [SYS_RESET_CFG_CORE_ENA] = REG_FIELD(SYS_RESET_CFG, 2, 2), + [SYS_RESET_CFG_MEM_ENA] = REG_FIELD(SYS_RESET_CFG, 1, 1), + [SYS_RESET_CFG_MEM_INIT] = REG_FIELD(SYS_RESET_CFG, 0, 0), + /* Replicated per number of ports (12), register size 4 per port */ + [QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE_PORT_ENA] = REG_FIELD_ID(QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE, 14, 14, 12, 4), + [QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE_SCH_NEXT_CFG] = REG_FIELD_ID(QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE, 11, 13, 12, 4), + [QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE_YEL_RSRVD] = REG_FIELD_ID(QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE, 10, 10, 12, 4), + [QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE_INGRESS_DROP_MODE] = REG_FIELD_ID(QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE, 9, 9, 12, 4), + [QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE_TX_PFC_ENA] = REG_FIELD_ID(QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE, 1, 8, 12, 4), + [QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE_TX_PFC_MODE] = REG_FIELD_ID(QSYS_SWITCH_PORT_MODE, 0, 0, 12, 4), + [SYS_PORT_MODE_DATA_WO_TS] = REG_FIELD_ID(SYS_PORT_MODE, 5, 6, 12, 4), + [SYS_PORT_MODE_INCL_INJ_HDR] = REG_FIELD_ID(SYS_PORT_MODE, 3, 4, 12, 4), + [SYS_PORT_MODE_INCL_XTR_HDR] = REG_FIELD_ID(SYS_PORT_MODE, 1, 2, 12, 4), + [SYS_PORT_MODE_INCL_HDR_ERR] = REG_FIELD_ID(SYS_PORT_MODE, 0, 0, 12, 4), + [SYS_PAUSE_CFG_PAUSE_START] = REG_FIELD_ID(SYS_PAUSE_CFG, 10, 18, 12, 4), + [SYS_PAUSE_CFG_PAUSE_STOP] = REG_FIELD_ID(SYS_PAUSE_CFG, 1, 9, 12, 4), + [SYS_PAUSE_CFG_PAUSE_ENA] = REG_FIELD_ID(SYS_PAUSE_CFG, 0, 1, 12, 4), + [GCB_MIIM_MII_STATUS_PENDING] = REG_FIELD(GCB_MIIM_MII_STATUS, 2, 2), + [GCB_MIIM_MII_STATUS_BUSY] = REG_FIELD(GCB_MIIM_MII_STATUS, 3, 3), +}; + +static const struct ocelot_stat_layout vsc7512_stats_layout[] = { + { .offset = 0x00, .name = "rx_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x01, .name = "rx_unicast", }, + { .offset = 0x02, .name = "rx_multicast", }, + { .offset = 0x03, .name = "rx_broadcast", }, + { .offset = 0x04, .name = "rx_shorts", }, + { .offset = 0x05, .name = "rx_fragments", }, + { .offset = 0x06, .name = "rx_jabbers", }, + { .offset = 0x07, .name = "rx_crc_align_errs", }, + { .offset = 0x08, .name = "rx_sym_errs", }, + { .offset = 0x09, .name = "rx_frames_below_65_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x0A, .name = "rx_frames_65_to_127_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x0B, .name = "rx_frames_128_to_255_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x0C, .name = "rx_frames_256_to_511_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x0D, .name = "rx_frames_512_to_1023_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x0E, .name = "rx_frames_1024_to_1526_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x0F, .name = "rx_frames_over_1526_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x10, .name = "rx_pause", }, + { .offset = 0x11, .name = "rx_control", }, + { .offset = 0x12, .name = "rx_longs", }, + { .offset = 0x13, .name = "rx_classified_drops", }, + { .offset = 0x14, .name = "rx_red_prio_0", }, + { .offset = 0x15, .name = "rx_red_prio_1", }, + { .offset = 0x16, .name = "rx_red_prio_2", }, + { .offset = 0x17, .name = "rx_red_prio_3", }, + { .offset = 0x18, .name = "rx_red_prio_4", }, + { .offset = 0x19, .name = "rx_red_prio_5", }, + { .offset = 0x1A, .name = "rx_red_prio_6", }, + { .offset = 0x1B, .name = "rx_red_prio_7", }, + { .offset = 0x1C, .name = "rx_yellow_prio_0", }, + { .offset = 0x1D, .name = "rx_yellow_prio_1", }, + { .offset = 0x1E, .name = "rx_yellow_prio_2", }, + { .offset = 0x1F, .name = "rx_yellow_prio_3", }, + { .offset = 0x20, .name = "rx_yellow_prio_4", }, + { .offset = 0x21, .name = "rx_yellow_prio_5", }, + { .offset = 0x22, .name = "rx_yellow_prio_6", }, + { .offset = 0x23, .name = "rx_yellow_prio_7", }, + { .offset = 0x24, .name = "rx_green_prio_0", }, + { .offset = 0x25, .name = "rx_green_prio_1", }, + { .offset = 0x26, .name = "rx_green_prio_2", }, + { .offset = 0x27, .name = "rx_green_prio_3", }, + { .offset = 0x28, .name = "rx_green_prio_4", }, + { .offset = 0x29, .name = "rx_green_prio_5", }, + { .offset = 0x2A, .name = "rx_green_prio_6", }, + { .offset = 0x2B, .name = "rx_green_prio_7", }, + { .offset = 0x40, .name = "tx_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x41, .name = "tx_unicast", }, + { .offset = 0x42, .name = "tx_multicast", }, + { .offset = 0x43, .name = "tx_broadcast", }, + { .offset = 0x44, .name = "tx_collision", }, + { .offset = 0x45, .name = "tx_drops", }, + { .offset = 0x46, .name = "tx_pause", }, + { .offset = 0x47, .name = "tx_frames_below_65_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x48, .name = "tx_frames_65_to_127_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x49, .name = "tx_frames_128_255_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x4A, .name = "tx_frames_256_511_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x4B, .name = "tx_frames_512_1023_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x4C, .name = "tx_frames_1024_1526_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x4D, .name = "tx_frames_over_1526_octets", }, + { .offset = 0x4E, .name = "tx_yellow_prio_0", }, + { .offset = 0x4F, .name = "tx_yellow_prio_1", }, + { .offset = 0x50, .name = "tx_yellow_prio_2", }, + { .offset = 0x51, .name = "tx_yellow_prio_3", }, + { .offset = 0x52, .name = "tx_yellow_prio_4", }, + { .offset = 0x53, .name = "tx_yellow_prio_5", }, + { .offset = 0x54, .name = "tx_yellow_prio_6", }, + { .offset = 0x55, .name = "tx_yellow_prio_7", }, + { .offset = 0x56, .name = "tx_green_prio_0", }, + { .offset = 0x57, .name = "tx_green_prio_1", }, + { .offset = 0x58, .name = "tx_green_prio_2", }, + { .offset = 0x59, .name = "tx_green_prio_3", }, + { .offset = 0x5A, .name = "tx_green_prio_4", }, + { .offset = 0x5B, .name = "tx_green_prio_5", }, + { .offset = 0x5C, .name = "tx_green_prio_6", }, + { .offset = 0x5D, .name = "tx_green_prio_7", }, + { .offset = 0x5E, .name = "tx_aged", }, + { .offset = 0x80, .name = "drop_local", }, + { .offset = 0x81, .name = "drop_tail", }, + { .offset = 0x82, .name = "drop_yellow_prio_0", }, + { .offset = 0x83, .name = "drop_yellow_prio_1", }, + { .offset = 0x84, .name = "drop_yellow_prio_2", }, + { .offset = 0x85, .name = "drop_yellow_prio_3", }, + { .offset = 0x86, .name = "drop_yellow_prio_4", }, + { .offset = 0x87, .name = "drop_yellow_prio_5", }, + { .offset = 0x88, .name = "drop_yellow_prio_6", }, + { .offset = 0x89, .name = "drop_yellow_prio_7", }, + { .offset = 0x8A, .name = "drop_green_prio_0", }, + { .offset = 0x8B, .name = "drop_green_prio_1", }, + { .offset = 0x8C, .name = "drop_green_prio_2", }, + { .offset = 0x8D, .name = "drop_green_prio_3", }, + { .offset = 0x8E, .name = "drop_green_prio_4", }, + { .offset = 0x8F, .name = "drop_green_prio_5", }, + { .offset = 0x90, .name = "drop_green_prio_6", }, + { .offset = 0x91, .name = "drop_green_prio_7", }, +}; + +static unsigned int ocelot_spi_translate_address(unsigned int reg) +{ + return cpu_to_be32((reg & 0xffffff) >> 2); +} + +struct ocelot_spi_regmap_context { + struct spi_device *spi; + u32 base; +}; + +static int ocelot_spi_reg_read(void *context, unsigned int reg, + unsigned int *val) +{ + struct ocelot_spi_regmap_context *regmap_context = context; + struct spi_transfer tx, padding, rx; + struct ocelot_spi_data *ocelot_spi; + struct spi_message msg; + struct spi_device *spi; + unsigned int addr; + u8 *tx_buf; + + BUG_ON(!val); + + spi = regmap_context->spi; + + ocelot_spi = spi_get_drvdata(spi); + + addr = ocelot_spi_translate_address(reg + regmap_context->base); + tx_buf = (u8 *)&addr; + + spi_message_init(&msg); + + memset(&tx, 0, sizeof(struct spi_transfer)); + + /* Ignore the first byte for the 24-bit address */ + tx.tx_buf = &tx_buf[1]; + tx.len = 3; + + spi_message_add_tail(&tx, &msg); + + if (ocelot_spi->spi_padding_bytes > 0) { + u8 dummy_buf[16] = {0}; + + memset(&padding, 0, sizeof(struct spi_transfer)); + + /* Just toggle the clock for padding bytes */ + padding.len = ocelot_spi->spi_padding_bytes; + padding.tx_buf = dummy_buf; + padding.dummy_data = 1; + + spi_message_add_tail(&padding, &msg); + } + + memset(&rx, 0, sizeof(struct spi_transfer)); + rx.rx_buf = val; + rx.len = 4; + + spi_message_add_tail(&rx, &msg); + + return spi_sync(spi, &msg); +} + +static int ocelot_spi_reg_write(void *context, unsigned int reg, + unsigned int val) +{ + struct ocelot_spi_regmap_context *regmap_context = context; + struct spi_transfer tx[2] = {0}; + struct spi_message msg; + struct spi_device *spi; + unsigned int addr; + u8 *tx_buf; + + spi = regmap_context->spi; + + addr = ocelot_spi_translate_address(reg + regmap_context->base); + tx_buf = (u8 *)&addr; + + spi_message_init(&msg); + + /* Ignore the first byte for the 24-bit address and set the write bit */ + tx_buf[1] |= BIT(7); + tx[0].tx_buf = &tx_buf[1]; + tx[0].len = 3; + + spi_message_add_tail(&tx[0], &msg); + + memset(&tx[1], 0, sizeof(struct spi_transfer)); + tx[1].tx_buf = &val; + tx[1].len = 4; + + spi_message_add_tail(&tx[1], &msg); + + return spi_sync(spi, &msg); +} + +static const struct regmap_config ocelot_spi_regmap_config = { + .reg_bits = 24, + .reg_stride = 4, + .val_bits = 32, + + .reg_read = ocelot_spi_reg_read, + .reg_write = ocelot_spi_reg_write, + + .max_register = 0xffffffff, + .use_single_write = true, + .use_single_read = true, + .can_multi_write = false, + + .reg_format_endian = REGMAP_ENDIAN_BIG, + .val_format_endian = REGMAP_ENDIAN_NATIVE, +}; + +static void vsc7512_phylink_validate(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned long *supported, + struct phylink_link_state *state) +{ + struct ocelot_port *ocelot_port = ocelot->ports[port]; + + __ETHTOOL_DECLARE_LINK_MODE_MASK(mask) = { 0, }; + + if (state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_NA && + state->interface != ocelot_port->phy_mode) { + bitmap_zero(supported, __ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_MASK_NBITS); + return; + } + + phylink_set_port_modes(mask); + phylink_set(mask, Autoneg); + phylink_set(mask, Pause); + phylink_set(mask, Asym_Pause); + phylink_set(mask, 10baseT_Half); + phylink_set(mask, 10baseT_Full); + phylink_set(mask, 100baseT_Half); + phylink_set(mask, 100baseT_Full); + phylink_set(mask, 1000baseT_Half); + phylink_set(mask, 1000baseT_Full); + + bitmap_and(supported, supported, mask, __ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_MASK_NBITS); + bitmap_and(state->advertising, state->advertising, mask, + __ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_MASK_NBITS); +} + +static int vsc7512_prevalidate_phy_mode(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + phy_interface_t phy_mode) +{ + switch (phy_mode) { + case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_INTERNAL: + if (port < 4) + return 0; + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_SGMII: + if (port < 8) + return 0; + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_QSGMII: + if (port == 7 || port == 8 || port == 10) + return 0; + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + default: + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } +} + +static int vsc7512_port_setup_tc(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, + enum tc_setup_type type, void *type_data) +{ + return -EOPNOTSUPP; +} + +static const struct vcap_field vsc7512_vcap_es0_keys[] = { + [VCAP_ES0_EGR_PORT] = { 0, 4 }, + [VCAP_ES0_IGR_PORT] = { 4, 4 }, + [VCAP_ES0_RSV] = { 8, 2 }, + [VCAP_ES0_L2_MC] = { 10, 1 }, + [VCAP_ES0_L2_BC] = { 11, 1 }, + [VCAP_ES0_VID] = { 12, 12 }, + [VCAP_ES0_DP] = { 24, 1 }, + [VCAP_ES0_PCP] = { 25, 3 }, +}; + +static const struct vcap_field vsc7512_vcap_es0_actions[] = { + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_PUSH_OUTER_TAG] = { 0, 2 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_PUSH_INNER_TAG] = { 2, 1 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_TAG_A_TPID_SEL] = { 3, 2 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_TAG_A_VID_SEL] = { 5, 1 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_TAG_A_PCP_SEL] = { 6, 2 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_TAG_A_DEI_SEL] = { 8, 2 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_TAG_B_TPID_SEL] = { 10, 2 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_TAG_B_VID_SEL] = { 12, 1 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_TAG_B_PCP_SEL] = { 13, 2 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_TAG_B_DEI_SEL] = { 15, 2 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_VID_A_VAL] = { 17, 12 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_PCP_A_VAL] = { 29, 3 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_DEI_A_VAL] = { 32, 1 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_VID_B_VAL] = { 33, 12 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_PCP_B_VAL] = { 45, 3 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_DEI_B_VAL] = { 48, 1 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_RSV] = { 49, 24 }, + [VCAP_ES0_ACT_HIT_STICKY] = { 73, 1 }, +}; + +static const struct vcap_field vsc7512_vcap_is1_keys[] = { + [VCAP_IS1_HK_TYPE] = { 0, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_LOOKUP] = { 1, 2 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IGR_PORT_MASK] = { 3, 12 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_RSV] = { 15, 9 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_OAM_Y1731] = { 24, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L2_MC] = { 25, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L2_BC] = { 26, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP_MC] = { 27, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_VLAN_TAGGED] = { 28, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_VLAN_DBL_TAGGED] = { 29, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_TPID] = { 30, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_VID] = { 31, 12 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_DEI] = { 43, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_PCP] = { 44, 3 }, + /* Specific Fields for IS1 Half Key S1_NORMAL */ + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L2_SMAC] = { 47, 48 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_ETYPE_LEN] = { 95, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_ETYPE] = { 96, 16 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP_SNAP] = { 112, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4] = { 113, 1 }, + /* Layer-3 Information */ + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L3_FRAGMENT] = { 114, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L3_FRAG_OFS_GT0] = { 115, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L3_OPTIONS] = { 116, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L3_DSCP] = { 117, 6 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L3_IP4_SIP] = { 123, 32 }, + /* Layer-4 Information */ + [VCAP_IS1_HK_TCP_UDP] = { 155, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_TCP] = { 156, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L4_SPORT] = { 157, 16 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_L4_RNG] = { 173, 8 }, + /* Specific Fields for IS1 Half Key S1_5TUPLE_IP4 */ + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_INNER_TPID] = { 47, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_INNER_VID] = { 48, 12 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_INNER_DEI] = { 60, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_INNER_PCP] = { 61, 3 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_IP4] = { 64, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_L3_FRAGMENT] = { 65, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_L3_FRAG_OFS_GT0] = { 66, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_L3_OPTIONS] = { 67, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_L3_DSCP] = { 68, 6 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_L3_IP4_DIP] = { 74, 32 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_L3_IP4_SIP] = { 106, 32 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_L3_PROTO] = { 138, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_TCP_UDP] = { 146, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_TCP] = { 147, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_L4_RNG] = { 148, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS1_HK_IP4_IP_PAYLOAD_S1_5TUPLE] = { 156, 32 }, +}; + +static const struct vcap_field vsc7512_vcap_is1_actions[] = { + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_DSCP_ENA] = { 0, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_DSCP_VAL] = { 1, 6 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_QOS_ENA] = { 7, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_QOS_VAL] = { 8, 3 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_DP_ENA] = { 11, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_DP_VAL] = { 12, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_PAG_OVERRIDE_MASK] = { 13, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_PAG_VAL] = { 21, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_RSV] = { 29, 9 }, + /* The fields below are incorrectly shifted by 2 in the manual */ + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_VID_REPLACE_ENA] = { 38, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_VID_ADD_VAL] = { 39, 12 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_FID_SEL] = { 51, 2 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_FID_VAL] = { 53, 13 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_PCP_DEI_ENA] = { 66, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_PCP_VAL] = { 67, 3 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_DEI_VAL] = { 70, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_VLAN_POP_CNT_ENA] = { 71, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_VLAN_POP_CNT] = { 72, 2 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_CUSTOM_ACE_TYPE_ENA] = { 74, 4 }, + [VCAP_IS1_ACT_HIT_STICKY] = { 78, 1 }, +}; + +static const struct vcap_field vsc7512_vcap_is2_keys[] = { + /* Common: 46 bits */ + [VCAP_IS2_TYPE] = { 0, 4 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_FIRST] = { 4, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_PAG] = { 5, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_IGR_PORT_MASK] = { 13, 12 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_RSV2] = { 25, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_HOST_MATCH] = { 26, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L2_MC] = { 27, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L2_BC] = { 28, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_VLAN_TAGGED] = { 29, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_VID] = { 30, 12 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_DEI] = { 42, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_PCP] = { 43, 3 }, + /* MAC_ETYPE / MAC_LLC / MAC_SNAP / OAM common */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L2_DMAC] = { 46, 48 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L2_SMAC] = { 94, 48 }, + /* MAC_ETYPE (TYPE=000) */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ETYPE_ETYPE] = { 142, 16 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ETYPE_L2_PAYLOAD0] = { 158, 16 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ETYPE_L2_PAYLOAD1] = { 174, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ETYPE_L2_PAYLOAD2] = { 182, 3 }, + /* MAC_LLC (TYPE=001) */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_LLC_L2_LLC] = { 142, 40 }, + /* MAC_SNAP (TYPE=010) */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_SNAP_L2_SNAP] = { 142, 40 }, + /* MAC_ARP (TYPE=011) */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_SMAC] = { 46, 48 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_ADDR_SPACE_OK] = { 94, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_PROTO_SPACE_OK] = { 95, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_LEN_OK] = { 96, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_TARGET_MATCH] = { 97, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_SENDER_MATCH] = { 98, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_OPCODE_UNKNOWN] = { 99, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_OPCODE] = { 100, 2 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_L3_IP4_DIP] = { 102, 32 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_L3_IP4_SIP] = { 134, 32 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_MAC_ARP_DIP_EQ_SIP] = { 166, 1 }, + /* IP4_TCP_UDP / IP4_OTHER common */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_IP4] = { 46, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L3_FRAGMENT] = { 47, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L3_FRAG_OFS_GT0] = { 48, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L3_OPTIONS] = { 49, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_IP4_L3_TTL_GT0] = { 50, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L3_TOS] = { 51, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L3_IP4_DIP] = { 59, 32 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L3_IP4_SIP] = { 91, 32 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_DIP_EQ_SIP] = { 123, 1 }, + /* IP4_TCP_UDP (TYPE=100) */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_TCP] = { 124, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_DPORT] = { 125, 16 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_SPORT] = { 141, 16 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_RNG] = { 157, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_SPORT_EQ_DPORT] = { 165, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_SEQUENCE_EQ0] = { 166, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_FIN] = { 167, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_SYN] = { 168, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_RST] = { 169, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_PSH] = { 170, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_ACK] = { 171, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_URG] = { 172, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_1588_DOM] = { 173, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L4_1588_VER] = { 181, 4 }, + /* IP4_OTHER (TYPE=101) */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_IP4_L3_PROTO] = { 124, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L3_PAYLOAD] = { 132, 56 }, + /* IP6_STD (TYPE=110) */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_IP6_L3_TTL_GT0] = { 46, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_L3_IP6_SIP] = { 47, 128 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_IP6_L3_PROTO] = { 175, 8 }, + /* OAM (TYPE=111) */ + [VCAP_IS2_HK_OAM_MEL_FLAGS] = { 142, 7 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_OAM_VER] = { 149, 5 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_OAM_OPCODE] = { 154, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_OAM_FLAGS] = { 162, 8 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_OAM_MEPID] = { 170, 16 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_OAM_CCM_CNTS_EQ0] = { 186, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_HK_OAM_IS_Y1731] = { 187, 1 }, +}; + +static const struct vcap_field vsc7512_vcap_is2_actions[] = { + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_HIT_ME_ONCE] = { 0, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_CPU_COPY_ENA] = { 1, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_CPU_QU_NUM] = { 2, 3 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_MASK_MODE] = { 5, 2 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_MIRROR_ENA] = { 7, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_LRN_DIS] = { 8, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_POLICE_ENA] = { 9, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_POLICE_IDX] = { 10, 9 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_POLICE_VCAP_ONLY] = { 19, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_PORT_MASK] = { 20, 11 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_REW_OP] = { 31, 9 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_SMAC_REPLACE_ENA] = { 40, 1 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_RSV] = { 41, 2 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_ACL_ID] = { 43, 6 }, + [VCAP_IS2_ACT_HIT_CNT] = { 49, 32 }, +}; + +static struct vcap_props vsc7512_vcap_props[] = { + [VCAP_ES0] = { + .action_type_width = 0, + .action_table = { + [ES0_ACTION_TYPE_NORMAL] = { + .width = 73, + .count = 1, + }, + }, + .target = S0, + .keys = vsc7512_vcap_es0_keys, + .actions = vsc7512_vcap_es0_actions, + }, + [VCAP_IS1] = { + .action_type_width = 0, + .action_table = { + [IS1_ACTION_TYPE_NORMAL] = { + .width = 78, + .count = 4, + }, + }, + .target = S1, + .keys = vsc7512_vcap_is1_keys, + .actions = vsc7512_vcap_is1_actions, + }, + [VCAP_IS2] = { + .action_type_width = 1, + .action_table = { + [IS2_ACTION_TYPE_NORMAL] = { + .width = 49, + .count = 2, + }, + [IS2_ACTION_TYPE_SMAC_SIP] = { + .width = 6, + .count = 4, + }, + }, + .target = S2, + .keys = vsc7512_vcap_is2_keys, + .actions = vsc7512_vcap_is2_actions, + }, +}; + +static struct regmap *vsc7512_regmap_init(struct ocelot *ocelot, + struct resource *res) +{ + struct ocelot_spi_regmap_context *context; + struct regmap_config regmap_config; + struct ocelot_spi_data *ocelot_spi; + struct regmap *regmap; + struct device *dev; + char name[32]; + + ocelot_spi = ocelot_to_ocelot_spi(ocelot); + dev = &ocelot_spi->spi->dev; + + context = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(struct ocelot_spi_regmap_context), + GFP_KERNEL); + + if (IS_ERR(context)) + return ERR_CAST(context); + + context->base = res->start; + context->spi = ocelot_spi->spi; + + memcpy(®map_config, &ocelot_spi_regmap_config, + sizeof(ocelot_spi_regmap_config)); + + /* A unique bus name is required for each regmap */ + if (res->name) + snprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "ocelot_spi-%s", res->name); + else + snprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "ocelot_spi@0x%08x", + res->start); + + = name; + regmap_config.max_register = res->end - res->start; + + regmap = devm_regmap_init(dev, NULL, context, ®map_config); + + if (IS_ERR(regmap)) + return ERR_CAST(regmap); + + return regmap; +} + +static const struct felix_info ocelot_spi_info = { + .target_io_res = vsc7512_target_io_res, + .port_io_res = vsc7512_port_io_res, + .regfields = vsc7512_regfields, + .map = vsc7512_regmap, + .ops = &vsc7512_ops, + .stats_layout = vsc7512_stats_layout, + .num_stats = ARRAY_SIZE(vsc7512_stats_layout), + .vcap = vsc7512_vcap_props, + .num_mact_rows = 1024, + + /* The 7512 and 7514 both have support for up to 10 ports. The 7511 and + * 7513 have support for 4. Due to lack of hardware to test and + * validate external phys, this is currently limited to 4 ports. + * Expanding this to 10 for the 7512 and 7514 and defining the + * appropriate phy-handle values in the device tree should be possible. + */ + .num_ports = 4, + .num_tx_queues = OCELOT_NUM_TC, + .mdio_bus_alloc = felix_mdio_bus_alloc, + .mdio_bus_free = felix_mdio_bus_free, + .phylink_validate = vsc7512_phylink_validate, + .prevalidate_phy_mode = vsc7512_prevalidate_phy_mode, + .port_setup_tc = vsc7512_port_setup_tc, + .init_regmap = vsc7512_regmap_init, +}; + +static int ocelot_spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi) +{ + struct ocelot_spi_data *ocelot_spi; + struct dsa_switch *ds; + struct ocelot *ocelot; + struct felix *felix; + struct device *dev; + int err; + + dev = &spi->dev; + + ocelot_spi = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(struct ocelot_spi_data), + GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!ocelot_spi) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (spi->max_speed_hz <= 500000) { + ocelot_spi->spi_padding_bytes = 0; + } else { + /* Calculation taken from the manual for IF_CFGSTAT:IF_CFG. Err + * on the side of more padding bytes, as having too few can be + * difficult to detect at runtime. + */ + ocelot_spi->spi_padding_bytes = 1 + + (spi->max_speed_hz / 1000000 + 2) / 8; + } + + dev_set_drvdata(dev, ocelot_spi); + ocelot_spi->spi = spi; + + spi->bits_per_word = 8; + + err = spi_setup(spi); + if (err < 0) { + dev_err(&spi->dev, "Error %d initializing SPI\n", err); + return err; + } + + felix = &ocelot_spi->felix; + + ocelot = &felix->ocelot; + ocelot->dev = dev; + + /* Not sure about this */ + ocelot->num_flooding_pgids = 1; + + felix->info = &ocelot_spi_info; + + ds = kzalloc(sizeof(*ds), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ds) { + err = -ENOMEM; + dev_err(dev, "Failed to allocate DSA switch\n"); + return err; + } + + ds->dev = &spi->dev; + ds->num_ports = felix->info->num_ports; + ds->num_tx_queues = felix->info->num_tx_queues; + ds->ops = &felix_switch_ops; + ds->priv = ocelot; + felix->ds = ds; + + err = dsa_register_switch(ds); + if (err) { + dev_err(dev, "Failed to register DSA switch: %d\n", err); + goto err_register_ds; + } + + return 0; + +err_register_ds: + kfree(ds); + return err; +} + +static int ocelot_spi_remove(struct spi_device *spi) +{ + struct ocelot_spi_data *ocelot_spi; + struct felix *felix; + + ocelot_spi = spi_get_drvdata(spi); + felix = &ocelot_spi->felix; + + dsa_unregister_switch(felix->ds); + + kfree(felix->ds); + + devm_kfree(&spi->dev, ocelot_spi); + + return 0; +} + +const struct of_device_id vsc7512_of_match[] = { + { .compatible = "mscc,vsc7514" }, + { .compatible = "mscc,vsc7513" }, + { .compatible = "mscc,vsc7512" }, + { .compatible = "mscc,vsc7511" }, + { }, +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, vsc7512_of_match); + +static struct spi_driver ocelot_vsc7512_spi_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = "vsc7512", + .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(vsc7512_of_match), + }, + .probe = ocelot_spi_probe, + .remove = ocelot_spi_remove, +}; +module_spi_driver(ocelot_vsc7512_spi_driver); + +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Ocelot Switch SPI driver"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot.c index adfb9781799e..10937dc59fce 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot.c @@ -2016,6 +2016,14 @@ int ocelot_init(struct ocelot *ocelot) int i, ret; u32 port; + if (ocelot->ops->bus_init) { + ret = ocelot->ops->bus_init(ocelot); + if (ret) { + dev_err(ocelot->dev, "Bus init failed\n"); + return ret; + } + } + if (ocelot->ops->reset) { ret = ocelot->ops->reset(ocelot); if (ret) { diff --git a/include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h b/include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h index ff6e65a266d6..f5383804e724 100644 --- a/include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h +++ b/include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h @@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ enum ocelot_target { PTP, GCB, DEV_GMII, + DEV_CPUORG, TARGET_MAX, }; @@ -407,6 +408,8 @@ enum ocelot_reg { GCB_MIIM_MII_STATUS, GCB_MIIM_MII_CMD, GCB_MIIM_MII_DATA, + GCB_PHY_PHY_CFG, + GCB_PHY_PHY_STAT, DEV_CLOCK_CFG = DEV_GMII << TARGET_OFFSET, DEV_PORT_MISC, DEV_EVENTS, @@ -446,6 +449,20 @@ enum ocelot_reg { PCS1G_TSTPAT_STATUS, DEV_PCS_FX100_CFG, DEV_PCS_FX100_STATUS, + DEV_CPUORG_IF_CTRL = DEV_CPUORG << TARGET_OFFSET, + DEV_CPUORG_IF_CFGSTAT, + DEV_CPUORG_ORG_CFG, + DEV_CPUORG_ERR_CNTS, + DEV_CPUORG_TIMEOUT_CFG, + DEV_CPUORG_GPR, + DEV_CPUORG_MAILBOX_SET, + DEV_CPUORG_MAILBOX_CLR, + DEV_CPUORG_MAILBOX, + DEV_CPUORG_SEMA_CFG, + DEV_CPUORG_SEMA0, + DEV_CPUORG_SEMA0_OWNER, + DEV_CPUORG_SEMA1, + DEV_CPUORG_SEMA1_OWNER, }; enum ocelot_regfield { @@ -504,6 +521,7 @@ enum ocelot_regfield { SYS_RESET_CFG_MEM_ENA, SYS_RESET_CFG_MEM_INIT, GCB_SOFT_RST_SWC_RST, + GCB_SOFT_RST_CHIP_RST, GCB_MIIM_MII_STATUS_PENDING, GCB_MIIM_MII_STATUS_BUSY, SYS_PAUSE_CFG_PAUSE_START, @@ -560,6 +578,7 @@ struct ocelot; struct ocelot_ops { struct net_device *(*port_to_netdev)(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port); int (*netdev_to_port)(struct net_device *dev); + int (*bus_init)(struct ocelot *ocelot); int (*reset)(struct ocelot *ocelot); u16 (*wm_enc)(u16 value); u16 (*wm_dec)(u16 value);