From patchwork Thu Apr 8 09:15:43 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Dexuan Cui X-Patchwork-Id: 418715 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-23.7 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIMWL_WL_HIGH, DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_CR_TRAILER, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, MENTIONS_GIT_HOSTING, MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DB4D6C433ED for ; Thu, 8 Apr 2021 09:16:14 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A1C476113A for ; Thu, 8 Apr 2021 09:16:14 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S229721AbhDHJQY (ORCPT ); Thu, 8 Apr 2021 05:16:24 -0400 Received: from ([]:43329 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S229600AbhDHJQU (ORCPT ); Thu, 8 Apr 2021 05:16:20 -0400 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=Xbi6g6+puedtFOdDsShUn+hsb7XcXSu7BWgGc/iP1htgtT03+QDxuloyMgYwtE19zt3aUOXJTZjdf47vxP30BMxHnbQXiKtg2dmH6vfWq1kcm9H4PS+jQiJk7D9Cos4Byumq8C5h1ViFugCUlaZ3DsK4WkfTOHDviMvHeznUggP423ud2u8jefKfku65YQj/SD0V8dNsHlMVFi7vvX+XMotfiS679SAo59MoJE9kcoD7Y1wvqYgD0ShllzotLOpO7Q8/+pCovVpuQ4H+AuuC/oYPipFCGz0mtnxjqEM+NMD41z1qb5Jj5PAqklTiD8EiG3PUFGzPccwSPoIhhUPagQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=RIErfeQS0ZuL9CiAOTJze02x9o+sUx4mPm6dg8R8u+M=; b=gl0cS6A/1a2dOxXv5fqUivlfrN8cqZi7Cxwcmb1+7ZLKMxy2jlfo0TBy8kGUZo5rjda4DwHTBsUVFbmykKpjnVQKfmc0Ds/l4m1bxKFUz6DoB6PM9hrUHhUNoDjy3nYSHgoTqY7zSuemUCkiT4mvFtv+K3+WiDggXWHeZHQK9OSjpBPIg8eUr4hW2gr/tE+ttP9ps0xQ7DhOxhdMVe2NboxUVfEz6OrOw+cmJ9KZu6Xu0D/ARB+LMgSD39zNJ22cYbKKpPgFmHPEZBCcCkbwEQSPdM9e37kLrMmwxpHhLf68Rd2bG9n/W3e8Nswlup12Ian2M+Ntobmu2g6GBEjsDw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=RIErfeQS0ZuL9CiAOTJze02x9o+sUx4mPm6dg8R8u+M=; b=EZiJIUKio7xt3EYm7YsLjDojSySqJv7c2KxnwJZ00iXR8BzfGiMVm/mEhC0aR3eTLohS5Cj5+5gNLWcJECGY0wO6DrNQrAPJ9F+I6/wMqkrM9eJfVaCm+zMP6fTjH5g0KxjhsodrnUkokzDcNDrzx3ewNQV//XnPpSeSckWEx9o= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:207:37::26) by (2603:10b6:207:37::12) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4042.4; Thu, 8 Apr 2021 09:16:00 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::6509:a15d:8847:e962]) by ([fe80::6509:a15d:8847:e962%3]) with mapi id 15.20.4042.004; Thu, 8 Apr 2021 09:15:59 +0000 From: Dexuan Cui To:,,,,,,,,,, Cc:,, Dexuan Cui Subject: [PATCH v2 net-next] net: mana: Add a driver for Microsoft Azure Network Adapter (MANA) Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 02:15:43 -0700 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 Reply-To: X-Originating-IP: [2001:4898:80e8:2:4908:1d3:af41:2b67] X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:104:2::15) To (2603:10b6:207:37::26) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from (2001:4898:80e8:2:4908:1d3:af41:2b67) by (2603:10b6:104:2::15) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4020.16 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 8 Apr 2021 09:15:56 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 087d6336-4caf-43b2-3e1c-08d8fa6eebb4 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: BL0PR2101MB1042: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:8882; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(4636009)(366004)(346002)(376002)(136003)(39860400002)(396003)(47530400004)(2906002)(66476007)(316002)(82960400001)(82950400001)(30864003)(52116002)(3450700001)(478600001)(4326008)(6666004)(66556008)(86362001)(6486002)(36756003)(8936002)(1076003)(921005)(10290500003)(8676002)(2616005)(5660300002)(107886003)(83380400001)(16526019)(38100700001)(7696005)(186003)(66946007)(559001)(579004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1102; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 087d6336-4caf-43b2-3e1c-08d8fa6eebb4 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 Apr 2021 09:15:59.3022 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: TdslgWBAkK2xJgpH58HG/HpwSj0j140GRuBGeso6C7pXMr1vPZtDqvjY4Xo4498K5kn8tDnGp2n4yV4l+kNWTQ== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BL0PR2101MB1042 Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Add a VF driver for Microsoft Azure Network Adapter (MANA) that will be available in the future. Co-developed-by: Haiyang Zhang Signed-off-by: Haiyang Zhang Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui --- MAINTAINERS | 4 +- drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig | 1 + drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile | 1 + drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Kconfig | 30 + drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Makefile | 5 + drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/Makefile | 6 + drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma.h | 728 +++++++ .../net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma_main.c | 1515 ++++++++++++++ .../net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.c | 859 ++++++++ .../net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.h | 186 ++ drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana.h | 531 +++++ drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_en.c | 1833 +++++++++++++++++ .../ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_ethtool.c | 278 +++ .../net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.c | 292 +++ .../net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.h | 21 + 15 files changed, 6289 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Kconfig create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/Makefile create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma.h create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma_main.c create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.c create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.h create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana.h create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_en.c create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_ethtool.c create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.c create mode 100644 drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.h Changes in v2: Removed the module_param(num_queues,...). [Andrew Lunn] Changed pr_err() to netdev_err() and dev_err(). [Andrew Lunn] Used reverse X-mas tree style in all the functions. [Andrew Lunn] Changed "= { 0 };" to "= {};" for struct variables. [Leon Romanovsky] Addressed 3 build failures on i386, arc and powerpc by making the the driver dependent on X86_64 in Kconfig: so far, the driver is only validated on X86_64 (in the future, we may enable the driver for ARM64). Also made some cosmetic changes. Rebased the patch to the latest net-next. BTW, the support of XDP and BQL haven't been implemented. They are on our TO-DO list. diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 217c7470bfa9..6ab1f9ac8c54 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -8261,11 +8261,12 @@ S: Maintained T: git git:// F: drivers/media/i2c/hi556.c -Hyper-V CORE AND DRIVERS +Hyper-V/Azure CORE AND DRIVERS M: "K. Y. Srinivasan" M: Haiyang Zhang M: Stephen Hemminger M: Wei Liu +M: Dexuan Cui L: S: Supported T: git git:// @@ -8282,6 +8283,7 @@ F: drivers/hid/hid-hyperv.c F: drivers/hv/ F: drivers/input/serio/hyperv-keyboard.c F: drivers/iommu/hyperv-iommu.c +F: drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/ F: drivers/net/hyperv/ F: drivers/pci/controller/pci-hyperv-intf.c F: drivers/pci/controller/pci-hyperv.c diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig index 4b85f2b74872..d46460c5b44d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ source "drivers/net/ethernet/huawei/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/ethernet/intel/Kconfig" +source "drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Kconfig" source "drivers/net/ethernet/xscale/Kconfig" config JME diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile index 9394493e8187..cb3f9084a21b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/Makefile @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_HUAWEI) += huawei/ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_IBM) += ibm/ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_INTEL) += intel/ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_I825XX) += i825xx/ +obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_MICROSOFT) += microsoft/ obj-$(CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_XSCALE) += xscale/ obj-$(CONFIG_JME) += jme.o obj-$(CONFIG_KORINA) += korina.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Kconfig b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Kconfig new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..12ef6b581566 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Kconfig @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# +# Microsoft Azure network device configuration +# + +config NET_VENDOR_MICROSOFT + bool "Microsoft Azure Network Device" + default y + help + If you have a network (Ethernet) device belonging to this class, say Y. + + Note that the answer to this question doesn't directly affect the + kernel: saying N will just cause the configurator to skip the + question about Microsoft Azure network device. If you say Y, you + will be asked for your specific device in the following question. + +if NET_VENDOR_MICROSOFT + +config MICROSOFT_MANA + tristate "Microsoft Azure Network Adapter (MANA) support" + default m + depends on PCI_MSI && X86_64 + select PCI_HYPERV + help + This driver supports Microsoft Azure Network Adapter (MANA). + So far, the driver is only validated on X86_64. + + To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. + The module will be called mana. + +endif #NET_VENDOR_MICROSOFT diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d2ddc218135f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# +# Makefile for the Microsoft Azure network device driver. +# + +obj-$(CONFIG_MICROSOFT_MANA) += mana/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/Makefile b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0edd5bb685f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause +# +# Makefile for the Microsoft Azure Network Adapter driver + +obj-$(CONFIG_MICROSOFT_MANA) += mana.o +mana-objs := gdma_main.o shm_channel.o hw_channel.o mana_en.o mana_ethtool.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..432229d8e827 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma.h @@ -0,0 +1,728 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause */ +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#ifndef _GDMA_H +#define _GDMA_H + +#include +#include + +#include "shm_channel.h" + +enum gdma_request_type { + GDMA_VERIFY_VF_DRIVER_VERSION = 1, + GDMA_QUERY_MAX_RESOURCES = 2, + GDMA_LIST_DEVICES = 3, + GDMA_REGISTER_DEVICE = 4, + GDMA_DEREGISTER_DEVICE = 5, + GDMA_GENERATE_TEST_EQE = 10, + GDMA_CREATE_QUEUE = 12, + GDMA_DISABLE_QUEUE = 13, + GDMA_CREATE_DMA_REGION = 25, + GDMA_DMA_REGION_ADD_PAGES = 26, + GDMA_DESTROY_DMA_REGION = 27, +}; + +enum gdma_queue_type { + GDMA_INVALID_QUEUE, + GDMA_SQ, + GDMA_RQ, + GDMA_CQ, + GDMA_EQ, +}; + +enum gdma_work_request_flags { + GDMA_WR_NONE = 0, + GDMA_WR_OOB_IN_SGL = BIT(0), + GDMA_WR_SGL_DIRECT = BIT(1), + GDMA_WR_CONSUME_CREDIT = BIT(2), + GDMA_WR_FENCE = BIT(3), + GDMA_WR_CHECK_SN = BIT(4), + GDMA_WR_PAD_DATA_BY_FIRST_SGE = BIT(5), +}; + +enum gdma_eqe_type { + GDMA_EQE_COMPLETION = 3, + GDMA_EQE_TEST_EVENT = 64, + GDMA_EQE_SOC_TO_VF_EVENT = 128, + GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_EQ_ID_DB = 129, + GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_DATA = 130, + GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_DONE = 131, + GDMA_EQE_APP_START = 132, + GDMA_EQE_APP_END = 255, +}; + +enum { + GDMA_DEVICE_NONE = 0, + GDMA_DEVICE_HWC = 1, + GDMA_DEVICE_ANA = 2, +}; + +struct gdma_resource { + /* Protect the bitmap */ + spinlock_t lock; + + /* The bitmap size in bits. */ + u32 size; + + /* The bitmap tracks the resources. */ + unsigned long *map; +}; + +union gdma_doorbell_entry { + u64 as_uint64; + + struct { + u64 id : 24; + u64 reserved : 8; + u64 tail_ptr : 31; + u64 arm : 1; + } cq; + + struct { + u64 id : 24; + u64 wqe_cnt : 8; + u64 tail_ptr : 32; + } rq; + + struct { + u64 id : 24; + u64 reserved : 8; + u64 tail_ptr : 32; + } sq; + + struct { + u64 id : 16; + u64 reserved : 16; + u64 tail_ptr : 31; + u64 arm : 1; + } eq; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_msg_hdr { + u32 hdr_type; + u32 msg_type; + u16 msg_version; + u16 hwc_msg_id; + u32 msg_size; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_dev_id { + union { + struct { + u16 type; + u16 instance; + }; + + u32 as_uint32; + }; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_req_hdr { + struct gdma_msg_hdr req; + struct gdma_msg_hdr resp; /* The expected response */ + struct gdma_dev_id dev_id; + u32 activity_id; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_resp_hdr { + struct gdma_msg_hdr response; + struct gdma_dev_id dev_id; + u32 activity_id; + u32 status; + u32 reserved; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_general_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; +} __packed; + +#define GDMA_MESSAGE_V1 1 + +struct gdma_general_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; +} __packed; + +#define GDMA_STANDARD_HEADER_TYPE 0 + +static inline void gdma_init_req_hdr(struct gdma_req_hdr *hdr, u32 code, + u32 req_size, u32 resp_size) +{ + hdr->req.hdr_type = GDMA_STANDARD_HEADER_TYPE; + hdr->req.msg_type = code; + hdr->req.msg_version = GDMA_MESSAGE_V1; + hdr->req.msg_size = req_size; + + hdr->resp.hdr_type = GDMA_STANDARD_HEADER_TYPE; + hdr->resp.msg_type = code; + hdr->resp.msg_version = GDMA_MESSAGE_V1; + hdr->resp.msg_size = resp_size; +} + +static inline bool is_gdma_msg(const void *req) +{ + struct gdma_req_hdr *hdr = (struct gdma_req_hdr *)req; + + if (hdr->req.hdr_type == GDMA_STANDARD_HEADER_TYPE && + hdr->resp.hdr_type == GDMA_STANDARD_HEADER_TYPE && + hdr->req.msg_size >= sizeof(struct gdma_req_hdr) && + hdr->resp.msg_size >= sizeof(struct gdma_resp_hdr) && + hdr->req.msg_type != 0 && hdr->resp.msg_type != 0) + return true; + + return false; +} + +static inline bool is_gdma_msg_len(const u32 req_len, const u32 resp_len, + const void *req) +{ + struct gdma_req_hdr *hdr = (struct gdma_req_hdr *)req; + + if (req_len >= sizeof(struct gdma_req_hdr) && + resp_len >= sizeof(struct gdma_resp_hdr) && + req_len >= hdr->req.msg_size && resp_len >= hdr->resp.msg_size && + is_gdma_msg(req)) { + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +/* The 16-byte struct is part of the GDMA work queue entry (WQE). */ +struct gdma_sge { + u64 address; + u32 mem_key; + u32 size; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_wqe_request { + struct gdma_sge *sgl; + u32 num_sge; + + u32 inline_oob_size; + const void *inline_oob_data; + + u32 flags; + u32 client_data_unit; +}; + +enum GDMA_PAGE_TYPE { + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_4K, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_8K, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_16K, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_32K, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_64K, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_128K, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_256K, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_512K, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_1M, + GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_2M, +}; + +#define GDMA_INVALID_DMA_REGION 0 + +struct gdma_mem_info { + struct device *dev; + + dma_addr_t dma_handle; + void *virt_addr; + u64 length; + + /* Allocated from the PF driver */ + u64 gdma_region; +}; + +#define REGISTER_ATB_MST_MKEY_LOWER_SIZE 8 + +struct gdma_dev { + struct gdma_dev_id dev_id; + + u32 pdid; + u32 doorbell; + u32 gpa_mkey; + + /* GDMA driver specific pointer */ + void *driver_data; +}; + +#define MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PAGE_SIZE PAGE_SIZE + +#define GDMA_CQE_SIZE 64 +#define GDMA_EQE_SIZE 16 +#define GDMA_MAX_SQE_SIZE 512 +#define GDMA_MAX_RQE_SIZE 256 + +#define GDMA_COMP_DATA_SIZE 0x3C + +#define GDMA_EVENT_DATA_SIZE 0xC + +/* The WQE size must be a multiple of the Basic Unit, which is 32 bytes. */ +#define GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE 32 + +#define INVALID_PDID UINT_MAX +#define INVALID_DOORBELL UINT_MAX +#define INVALID_MEM_KEY UINT_MAX +#define INVALID_QUEUE_ID UINT_MAX +#define INVALID_PCI_MSIX_INDEX UINT_MAX + +struct gdma_comp { + u32 cqe_data[GDMA_COMP_DATA_SIZE / 4]; + u32 wq_num; + bool is_sq; +}; + +struct gdma_event { + u32 details[GDMA_EVENT_DATA_SIZE / 4]; + u8 type; +}; + +struct gdma_queue; + +#define CQE_POLLING_BUFFER 512 +struct ana_eq { + struct gdma_queue *eq; + struct gdma_comp cqe_poll[CQE_POLLING_BUFFER]; +}; + +typedef void gdma_eq_callback(void *context, struct gdma_queue *q, + struct gdma_event *e); + +typedef void gdma_cq_callback(void *context, struct gdma_queue *q); + +/* The 'head' is the producer index. For SQ/RQ, when the driver posts a WQE + * (Note: the WQE size must be a multiple of the 32-byte Basic Unit), the + * driver increases the 'head' in BUs rather than in bytes, and notifies + * the HW of the updated head. For EQ/CQ, the driver uses the 'head' to track + * the HW head, and increases the 'head' by 1 for every processed EQE/CQE. + * + * The 'tail' is the consumer index for SQ/RQ. After the CQE of the SQ/RQ is + * processed, the driver increases the 'tail' to indicate that WQEs have + * been consumed by the HW, so the driver can post new WQEs into the SQ/RQ. + * + * The driver doesn't use the 'tail' for EQ/CQ, because the driver ensures + * that the EQ/CQ is big enough so they can't overflow, and the driver uses + * the owner bits mechanism to detect if the queue has become empty. + */ +struct gdma_queue { + struct gdma_dev *gdma_dev; + + enum gdma_queue_type type; + u32 id; + + struct gdma_mem_info mem_info; + + void *queue_mem_ptr; + u32 queue_size; + + bool monitor_avl_buf; + + u32 head; + u32 tail; + + /* Extra fields specific to EQ/CQ. */ + union { + struct { + bool disable_needed; + + gdma_eq_callback *callback; + void *context; + + unsigned int msix_index; + + u32 log2_throttle_limit; + + /* NAPI data */ + struct napi_struct napi; + int work_done; + int budget; + } eq; + + struct { + gdma_cq_callback *callback; + void *context; + + struct gdma_queue *parent; /* For CQ/EQ relationship */ + } cq; + }; +}; + +struct gdma_queue_spec { + enum gdma_queue_type type; + bool monitor_avl_buf; + unsigned int queue_size; + + /* Extra fields specific to EQ/CQ. */ + union { + struct { + gdma_eq_callback *callback; + void *context; + + unsigned long log2_throttle_limit; + } eq; + + struct { + gdma_cq_callback *callback; + void *context; + + struct gdma_queue *parent_eq; + + } cq; + }; +}; + +struct gdma_irq_context { + void (*handler)(void *arg); + void *arg; +}; + +struct gdma_context { + struct device *dev; + + unsigned int max_num_queue; + unsigned int max_num_msix; + unsigned int num_msix_usable; + struct gdma_resource msix_resource; + struct gdma_irq_context *irq_contexts; + + /* This maps a CQ index to the queue structure. */ + unsigned int max_num_cq; + struct gdma_queue **cq_table; + + /* Protect eq_test_event and test_event_eq_id */ + struct mutex eq_test_event_mutex; + struct completion eq_test_event; + u32 test_event_eq_id; + + void __iomem *bar0_va; + void __iomem *shm_base; + void __iomem *db_page_base; + u32 db_page_size; + + /* Shared memory chanenl (used to bootstrap HWC) */ + struct shm_channel shm_channel; + + /* Hardware communication channel (HWC) */ + struct gdma_dev hwc; + + /* Azure network adapter */ + struct gdma_dev ana; +}; + +#define MAX_NUM_GDMA_DEVICES 4 + +#define ana_to_gdma_context(d) container_of(d, struct gdma_context, ana) +#define hwc_to_gdma_context(d) container_of(d, struct gdma_context, hwc) + +static inline bool gdma_is_ana(struct gdma_dev *gd) +{ + return gd->dev_id.type == GDMA_DEVICE_ANA; +} + +static inline bool gdma_is_hwc(struct gdma_dev *gd) +{ + return gd->dev_id.type == GDMA_DEVICE_HWC; +} + +static inline struct gdma_context *gdma_dev_to_context(struct gdma_dev *gd) +{ + if (gdma_is_hwc(gd)) + return hwc_to_gdma_context(gd); + + if (gdma_is_ana(gd)) + return ana_to_gdma_context(gd); + + return NULL; +} + +u8 *gdma_get_wqe_ptr(const struct gdma_queue *wq, u32 wqe_offset); +u32 gdma_wq_avail_space(struct gdma_queue *wq); + +int gdma_test_eq(struct gdma_context *gc, struct gdma_queue *eq); + +int gdma_create_hwc_queue(struct gdma_dev *gd, + const struct gdma_queue_spec *spec, + struct gdma_queue **queue_ptr); + +int gdma_create_ana_eq(struct gdma_dev *gd, const struct gdma_queue_spec *spec, + struct gdma_queue **queue_ptr); + +int gdma_create_ana_wq_cq(struct gdma_dev *gd, + const struct gdma_queue_spec *spec, + struct gdma_queue **queue_ptr); + +void gdma_destroy_queue(struct gdma_context *gc, struct gdma_queue *queue); + +int gdma_poll_cq(struct gdma_queue *cq, struct gdma_comp *comp, int num_cqe); + +void gdma_arm_cq(struct gdma_queue *cq); + +struct gdma_wqe { + u32 reserved :24; + u32 last_vbytes :8; + + union { + u32 flags; + + struct { + u32 num_sge :8; + u32 inline_oob_size_div4:3; + u32 client_oob_in_sgl :1; + u32 consume_credit :1; + u32 fence :1; + u32 reserved_1 :2; + u32 client_data_unit :14; + u32 check_sn :1; + u32 sgl_direct :1; + }; + }; +} __packed; + +#define INLINE_OOB_SMALL_SIZE 8 +#define INLINE_OOB_LARGE_SIZE 24 + +static inline u32 gdma_align_inline_oobsize(u32 oob_size) +{ + if (oob_size > INLINE_OOB_SMALL_SIZE) + return INLINE_OOB_LARGE_SIZE; + else + return INLINE_OOB_SMALL_SIZE; +} + +#define MAX_TX_WQE_SIZE 512 +#define MAX_RX_WQE_SIZE 256 + +struct gdma_cqe { + u32 cqe_data[GDMA_COMP_DATA_SIZE / 4]; + + union { + u32 as_uint32; + + struct { + u32 wq_num : 24; + u32 is_sq : 1; + u32 reserved : 4; + u32 owner_bits : 3; + }; + } cqe_info; +} __packed; + +#define GDMA_CQE_OWNER_BITS 3 + +#define GDMA_CQE_OWNER_MASK ((1 << GDMA_CQE_OWNER_BITS) - 1) + +#define SET_ARM_BIT 1 + +#define GDMA_EQE_OWNER_BITS 3 + +union gdma_eqe_info { + u32 as_uint32; + + struct { + u32 type : 8; + u32 reserved_1 : 8; + u32 client_id : 2; + u32 reserved_2 : 11; + u32 owner_bits : 3; + }; +} __packed; + +#define GDMA_EQE_OWNER_MASK ((1 << GDMA_EQE_OWNER_BITS) - 1) +#define INITIALIZED_OWNER_BIT(log2_num_entries) (1UL << (log2_num_entries)) + +struct gdma_eqe { + u32 details[GDMA_EVENT_DATA_SIZE / 4]; + u32 eqe_info; +} __packed; + +#define GDMA_REG_DB_PAGE_OFFSET 8 +#define GDMA_REG_DB_PAGE_SIZE 0x10 +#define GDMA_REG_SHM_OFFSET 0x18 + +struct gdma_posted_wqe_info { + u32 wqe_size_in_bu; +}; + +/* GDMA_GENERATE_TEST_EQE */ +struct gdma_generate_test_event_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + u32 queue_index; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_VERIFY_VF_DRIVER_VERSION */ +enum { + GDMA_PROTOCOL_V1 = 1, + GDMA_PROTOCOL_FIRST = GDMA_PROTOCOL_V1, + GDMA_PROTOCOL_LAST = GDMA_PROTOCOL_V1, +}; + +struct gdma_verify_ver_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + + /* Mandatory fields required for protocol establishment */ + u64 protocol_ver_min; + u64 protocol_ver_max; + u64 drv_cap_flags1; + u64 drv_cap_flags2; + u64 drv_cap_flags3; + u64 drv_cap_flags4; + + /* Advisory fields */ + u64 drv_ver; + u32 os_type; /* Linux = 0x10; Windows = 0x20; Other = 0x30 */ + u32 reserved; + u32 os_ver_major; + u32 os_ver_minor; + u32 os_ver_build; + u32 os_ver_platform; + u64 reserved_2; + u8 os_ver_str1[128]; + u8 os_ver_str2[128]; + u8 os_ver_str3[128]; + u8 os_ver_str4[128]; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_verify_ver_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u64 gdma_protocol_ver; + u64 pf_cap_flags1; + u64 pf_cap_flags2; + u64 pf_cap_flags3; + u64 pf_cap_flags4; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_QUERY_MAX_RESOURCES */ +struct gdma_query_max_resources_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u32 status; + u32 max_sq; + u32 max_rq; + u32 max_cq; + u32 max_eq; + u32 max_db; + u32 max_mst; + u32 max_cq_mod_ctx; + u32 max_mod_cq; + u32 max_msix; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_LIST_DEVICES */ +struct gdma_list_devices_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u32 num_of_clients; + u32 reserved; + struct gdma_dev_id clients[64]; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_REGISTER_DEVICE */ +struct gdma_register_device_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u32 pdid; + u32 gpa_mkey; + u32 db_id; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_CREATE_QUEUE */ +struct gdma_create_queue_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + u32 type; + u32 reserved1; + u32 pdid; + u32 doolbell_id; + u64 gdma_region; + u32 reserved2; + u32 queue_size; + u32 log2_throttle_limit; + u32 eq_pci_msix_index; + u32 cq_mod_ctx_id; + u32 cq_parent_eq_id; + u8 rq_drop_on_overrun; + u8 rq_err_on_wqe_overflow; + u8 rq_chain_rec_wqes; + u8 sq_hw_db; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_create_queue_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u32 queue_index; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_DISABLE_QUEUE */ +struct gdma_disable_queue_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + u32 type; + u32 queue_index; + u32 alloc_res_id_on_creation; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_CREATE_DMA_REGION */ +struct gdma_create_dma_region_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + + /* The total size of the DMA region */ + u64 length; + + /* The offset in the first page */ + u32 offset_in_page; + + /* enum GDMA_PAGE_TYPE */ + u32 gdma_page_type; + + /* The total number of pages */ + u32 page_count; + + /* If page_addr_list_len is smaller than page_count, + * the remaining page addresses will be added via the + * message GDMA_DMA_REGION_ADD_PAGES. + */ + u32 page_addr_list_len; + u64 page_addr_list[]; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_create_dma_region_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u64 gdma_region; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_DMA_REGION_ADD_PAGES */ +struct gdma_dma_region_add_pages_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + + u64 gdma_region; + + u32 page_addr_list_len; + u64 page_addr_list[]; +} __packed; + +/* GDMA_DESTROY_DMA_REGION */ +struct gdma_destroy_dma_region_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + + u64 gdma_region; +} __packed; + +int gdma_verify_vf_version(struct pci_dev *pdev); + +int gdma_register_device(struct gdma_dev *gd); +int gdma_deregister_device(struct gdma_dev *gd); + +int gdma_post_work_request(struct gdma_queue *wq, + const struct gdma_wqe_request *wqe_req, + struct gdma_posted_wqe_info *wqe_info); + +int gdma_post_and_ring(struct gdma_queue *queue, + const struct gdma_wqe_request *wqe, + struct gdma_posted_wqe_info *wqe_info); + +int gdma_alloc_res_map(u32 res_avail, struct gdma_resource *r); +void gdma_free_res_map(struct gdma_resource *r); + +void gdma_wq_ring_doorbell(struct gdma_context *gc, struct gdma_queue *queue); + +int gdma_alloc_memory(struct gdma_context *gc, unsigned int length, + struct gdma_mem_info *gmi); + +void gdma_free_memory(struct gdma_mem_info *gmi); + +int gdma_send_request(struct gdma_context *gc, u32 req_len, const void *req, + u32 resp_len, void *resp); +#endif /* _GDMA_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma_main.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..76496ee68d01 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/gdma_main.c @@ -0,0 +1,1515 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#include +#include + +#include "mana.h" + +static u32 gdma_r32(struct gdma_context *g, u64 offset) +{ + return readl(g->bar0_va + offset); +} + +static u64 gdma_r64(struct gdma_context *g, u64 offset) +{ + return readq(g->bar0_va + offset); +} + +static void gdma_init_registers(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + + gc->db_page_size = gdma_r32(gc, GDMA_REG_DB_PAGE_SIZE) & 0xFFFF; + + gc->db_page_base = gc->bar0_va + gdma_r64(gc, GDMA_REG_DB_PAGE_OFFSET); + + gc->shm_base = gc->bar0_va + gdma_r64(gc, GDMA_REG_SHM_OFFSET); +} + +static int gdma_query_max_resources(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct gdma_query_max_resources_resp resp = {}; + struct gdma_general_req req = {}; + int err; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_QUERY_MAX_RESOURCES, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "Failed to query resource info: %d, 0x%x\n", + err, resp.hdr.status); + return err ? err : -EPROTO; + } + + if (gc->num_msix_usable > resp.max_msix) + gc->num_msix_usable = resp.max_msix; + + if (gc->num_msix_usable <= 1) + return -ENOSPC; + + /* HWC consumes 1 MSI-X interrupt. */ + gc->max_num_queue = gc->num_msix_usable - 1; + + if (gc->max_num_queue > resp.max_eq) + gc->max_num_queue = resp.max_eq; + + if (gc->max_num_queue > resp.max_cq) + gc->max_num_queue = resp.max_cq; + + if (gc->max_num_queue > resp.max_sq) + gc->max_num_queue = resp.max_sq; + + if (gc->max_num_queue > resp.max_rq) + gc->max_num_queue = resp.max_rq; + + return 0; +} + +static int gdma_detect_devices(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct gdma_list_devices_resp resp = {}; + struct gdma_general_req req = {}; + struct gdma_dev_id dev; + u32 i, max_num_devs; + u16 dev_type; + int err; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_LIST_DEVICES, sizeof(req), + sizeof(resp)); + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "Failed to detect devices: %d, 0x%x\n", err, + resp.hdr.status); + return err ? err : -EPROTO; + } + + max_num_devs = min_t(u32, MAX_NUM_GDMA_DEVICES, resp.num_of_clients); + + for (i = 0; i < max_num_devs; i++) { + dev = resp.clients[i]; + dev_type = dev.type; + + /* HWC is already detected in hwc_create_channel(). */ + if (dev_type == GDMA_DEVICE_HWC) + continue; + + if (dev_type == GDMA_DEVICE_ANA) + gc->ana.dev_id = dev; + } + + return gc->ana.dev_id.type == 0 ? -ENODEV : 0; +} + +int gdma_send_request(struct gdma_context *gc, u32 req_len, const void *req, + u32 resp_len, void *resp) +{ + struct hw_channel_context *hwc = gc->hwc.driver_data; + + return hwc_send_request(hwc, req_len, req, resp_len, resp); +} + +int gdma_alloc_memory(struct gdma_context *gc, unsigned int length, + struct gdma_mem_info *gmi) +{ + dma_addr_t dma_handle; + void *buf; + + if (length < PAGE_SIZE || !is_power_of_2(length)) + return -EINVAL; + + gmi->dev = gc->dev; + buf = dma_alloc_coherent(gmi->dev, length, &dma_handle, + GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_ZERO); + if (!buf) + return -ENOMEM; + + gmi->dma_handle = dma_handle; + gmi->virt_addr = buf; + gmi->length = length; + + return 0; +} + +void gdma_free_memory(struct gdma_mem_info *gmi) +{ + dma_free_coherent(gmi->dev, gmi->length, gmi->virt_addr, + gmi->dma_handle); +} + +static int gdma_create_hw_eq(struct gdma_context *gc, struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + struct gdma_create_queue_resp resp = {}; + struct gdma_create_queue_req req = {}; + int err; + + if (queue->type != GDMA_EQ) + return -EINVAL; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_CREATE_QUEUE, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + + req.hdr.dev_id = queue->gdma_dev->dev_id; + req.type = queue->type; + req.pdid = queue->gdma_dev->pdid; + req.doolbell_id = queue->gdma_dev->doorbell; + req.gdma_region = queue->mem_info.gdma_region; + req.queue_size = queue->queue_size; + req.log2_throttle_limit = queue->eq.log2_throttle_limit; + req.eq_pci_msix_index = queue->eq.msix_index; + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "Failed to create queue: %d, 0x%x\n", err, + resp.hdr.status); + return err ? err : -EPROTO; + } + + queue->id = resp.queue_index; + queue->eq.disable_needed = true; + queue->mem_info.gdma_region = GDMA_INVALID_DMA_REGION; + return 0; +} + +static int gdma_disable_queue(struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(queue->gdma_dev); + struct gdma_disable_queue_req req = {}; + struct gdma_general_resp resp = {}; + int err; + + WARN_ON(queue->type != GDMA_EQ); + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_DISABLE_QUEUE, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + + req.hdr.dev_id = queue->gdma_dev->dev_id; + req.type = queue->type; + req.queue_index = queue->id; + req.alloc_res_id_on_creation = 1; + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "Failed to disable queue: %d, 0x%x\n", err, + resp.hdr.status); + return err ? err : -EPROTO; + } + + return 0; +} + +#define DOORBELL_OFFSET_SQ 0x0 +#define DOORBELL_OFFSET_RQ 0x400 +#define DOORBELL_OFFSET_CQ 0x800 +#define DOORBELL_OFFSET_EQ 0xFF8 + +static void gdma_ring_doorbell(struct gdma_context *gc, u32 db_index, + enum gdma_queue_type q_type, u32 qid, + u32 tail_ptr, u8 num_req) +{ + void __iomem *addr = gc->db_page_base + gc->db_page_size * db_index; + union gdma_doorbell_entry e = {}; + + switch (q_type) { + case GDMA_EQ: + = qid; + e.eq.tail_ptr = tail_ptr; + e.eq.arm = num_req; + + addr += DOORBELL_OFFSET_EQ; + break; + + case GDMA_CQ: + = qid; + e.cq.tail_ptr = tail_ptr; + e.cq.arm = num_req; + + addr += DOORBELL_OFFSET_CQ; + break; + + case GDMA_RQ: + = qid; + e.rq.tail_ptr = tail_ptr; + e.rq.wqe_cnt = num_req; + + addr += DOORBELL_OFFSET_RQ; + break; + + case GDMA_SQ: + = qid; + e.sq.tail_ptr = tail_ptr; + + addr += DOORBELL_OFFSET_SQ; + break; + + default: + WARN_ON(1); + return; + } + + /* Ensure all writes are done before ring doorbell */ + wmb(); + + writeq(e.as_uint64, addr); +} + +void gdma_wq_ring_doorbell(struct gdma_context *gc, struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + gdma_ring_doorbell(gc, queue->gdma_dev->doorbell, queue->type, + queue->id, queue->head * GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE, 1); +} + +void gdma_arm_cq(struct gdma_queue *cq) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(cq->gdma_dev); + + u32 num_cqe = cq->queue_size / GDMA_CQE_SIZE; + + u32 head = cq->head % (num_cqe << GDMA_CQE_OWNER_BITS); + + gdma_ring_doorbell(gc, cq->gdma_dev->doorbell, cq->type, cq->id, head, + SET_ARM_BIT); +} + +static void gdma_process_eqe(struct gdma_queue *eq) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(eq->gdma_dev); + u32 head = eq->head % (eq->queue_size / GDMA_EQE_SIZE); + struct gdma_eqe *eq_eqe_ptr = eq->queue_mem_ptr; + union gdma_eqe_info eqe_info; + enum gdma_eqe_type type; + struct gdma_event event; + struct gdma_queue *cq; + struct gdma_eqe *eqe; + u32 cq_id; + + eqe = &eq_eqe_ptr[head]; + eqe_info.as_uint32 = eqe->eqe_info; + type = eqe_info.type; + + if ((type >= GDMA_EQE_APP_START && type <= GDMA_EQE_APP_END) || + type == GDMA_EQE_SOC_TO_VF_EVENT || + type == GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_EQ_ID_DB || + type == GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_DATA || type == GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_DONE) { + if (eq->eq.callback) { + event.type = type; + memcpy(&event.details, &eqe->details, + GDMA_EVENT_DATA_SIZE); + + eq->eq.callback(eq->eq.context, eq, &event); + } + + return; + } + + switch (type) { + case GDMA_EQE_COMPLETION: + cq_id = eqe->details[0] & 0xFFFFFF; + if (WARN_ON(cq_id >= gc->max_num_cq)) + break; + + cq = gc->cq_table[cq_id]; + if (WARN_ON(!cq || cq->type != GDMA_CQ || cq->id != cq_id)) + break; + + if (cq->cq.callback) + cq->cq.callback(cq->cq.context, cq); + + break; + + case GDMA_EQE_TEST_EVENT: + gc->test_event_eq_id = eq->id; + complete(&gc->eq_test_event); + break; + + default: + break; + } +} + +static void gdma_process_eq_events(void *arg) +{ + u32 owner_bits, new_bits, old_bits; + union gdma_eqe_info eqe_info; + struct gdma_eqe *eq_eqe_ptr; + struct gdma_queue *eq = arg; + struct gdma_context *gc; + struct gdma_eqe *eqe; + unsigned int arm_bit; + u32 head, num_eqe; + int i; + + num_eqe = eq->queue_size / GDMA_EQE_SIZE; + eq_eqe_ptr = eq->queue_mem_ptr; + + /* Process up to 5 EQEs at a time, and update the HW head. */ + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { + eqe = &eq_eqe_ptr[eq->head % num_eqe]; + eqe_info.as_uint32 = eqe->eqe_info; + + new_bits = (eq->head / num_eqe) & GDMA_EQE_OWNER_MASK; + old_bits = (eq->head / num_eqe - 1) & GDMA_EQE_OWNER_MASK; + + owner_bits = eqe_info.owner_bits; + + if (owner_bits == old_bits) + break; + + if (owner_bits != new_bits) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "EQ %d: overflow detected\n", eq->id); + break; + } + + gdma_process_eqe(eq); + + eq->head++; + } + + /* Always rearm the EQ for HWC. For ANA, rearm it when NAPI is done. */ + if (gdma_is_hwc(eq->gdma_dev)) { + arm_bit = SET_ARM_BIT; + } else if (eq->eq.work_done < eq->eq.budget && + napi_complete_done(&eq->eq.napi, eq->eq.work_done)) { + arm_bit = SET_ARM_BIT; + } else { + arm_bit = 0; + } + + head = eq->head % (num_eqe << GDMA_EQE_OWNER_BITS); + + gc = gdma_dev_to_context(eq->gdma_dev); + + gdma_ring_doorbell(gc, eq->gdma_dev->doorbell, eq->type, eq->id, head, + arm_bit); +} + +static int ana_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget) +{ + struct gdma_queue *eq = container_of(napi, struct gdma_queue, eq.napi); + + eq->eq.work_done = 0; + eq->eq.budget = budget; + + gdma_process_eq_events(eq); + + return min(eq->eq.work_done, budget); +} + +static void gdma_schedule_napi(void *arg) +{ + struct gdma_queue *eq = arg; + struct napi_struct *napi; + + napi = &eq->eq.napi; + napi_schedule_irqoff(napi); +} + +static int gdma_register_irq(struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + struct gdma_dev *gd = queue->gdma_dev; + bool is_ana = gdma_is_ana(gd); + struct gdma_irq_context *gic; + + struct gdma_context *gc; + struct gdma_resource *r; + unsigned int msi_index; + unsigned long flags; + int err; + + gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + r = &gc->msix_resource; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&r->lock, flags); + + msi_index = find_first_zero_bit(r->map, r->size); + if (msi_index >= r->size) { + err = -ENOSPC; + } else { + bitmap_set(r->map, msi_index, 1); + queue->eq.msix_index = msi_index; + err = 0; + } + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&r->lock, flags); + + if (err) + return err; + + WARN_ON(msi_index >= gc->num_msix_usable); + + gic = &gc->irq_contexts[msi_index]; + + if (is_ana) { + netif_napi_add(gd->driver_data, &queue->eq.napi, ana_poll, + NAPI_POLL_WEIGHT); + + napi_enable(&queue->eq.napi); + } + + WARN_ON(gic->handler || gic->arg); + + gic->arg = queue; + gic->handler = is_ana ? gdma_schedule_napi : gdma_process_eq_events; + + return 0; +} + +static void gdma_deregiser_irq(struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + struct gdma_dev *gd = queue->gdma_dev; + struct gdma_irq_context *gic; + struct gdma_context *gc; + struct gdma_resource *r; + unsigned int msix_index; + unsigned long flags; + + /* At most num_online_cpus() + 1 interrupts are used. */ + msix_index = queue->eq.msix_index; + if (WARN_ON(msix_index > num_online_cpus())) + return; + + gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + r = &gc->msix_resource; + + gic = &gc->irq_contexts[msix_index]; + + WARN_ON(!gic->handler || !gic->arg); + gic->handler = NULL; + gic->arg = NULL; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&r->lock, flags); + bitmap_clear(r->map, msix_index, 1); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&r->lock, flags); + + queue->eq.msix_index = INVALID_PCI_MSIX_INDEX; +} + +int gdma_test_eq(struct gdma_context *gc, struct gdma_queue *eq) +{ + struct gdma_generate_test_event_req req = {}; + struct gdma_general_resp resp = {}; + struct device *dev = gc->dev; + int err; + + mutex_lock(&gc->eq_test_event_mutex); + + init_completion(&gc->eq_test_event); + gc->test_event_eq_id = INVALID_QUEUE_ID; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_GENERATE_TEST_EQE, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + + req.hdr.dev_id = eq->gdma_dev->dev_id; + req.queue_index = eq->id; + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err) { + dev_err(dev, "test_eq failed: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + err = -EPROTO; + + if (resp.hdr.status) { + dev_err(dev, "test_eq failed: 0x%x\n", resp.hdr.status); + goto out; + } + + if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&gc->eq_test_event, 30 * HZ)) { + dev_err(dev, "test_eq timed out on queue %d\n", eq->id); + goto out; + } + + if (eq->id != gc->test_event_eq_id) { + dev_err(dev, "test_eq got an event on wrong queue %d (%d)\n", + gc->test_event_eq_id, eq->id); + goto out; + } + + err = 0; +out: + mutex_unlock(&gc->eq_test_event_mutex); + return err; +} + +static void gdma_destroy_eq(struct gdma_context *gc, bool flush_evenets, + struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + int err; + + if (flush_evenets) { + err = gdma_test_eq(gc, queue); + if (err) + dev_warn(gc->dev, "Failed to flush EQ: %d\n", err); + } + + gdma_deregiser_irq(queue); + + if (gdma_is_ana(queue->gdma_dev)) { + napi_disable(&queue->eq.napi); + netif_napi_del(&queue->eq.napi); + } + + if (queue->eq.disable_needed) + gdma_disable_queue(queue); +} + +static int gdma_create_eq(struct gdma_dev *gd, + const struct gdma_queue_spec *spec, bool create_hwq, + struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + struct device *dev = gc->dev; + u32 log2_num_entries; + int err; + + queue->eq.msix_index = INVALID_PCI_MSIX_INDEX; + + log2_num_entries = ilog2(queue->queue_size / GDMA_EQE_SIZE); + + if (spec->eq.log2_throttle_limit > log2_num_entries) { + dev_err(dev, "EQ throttling limit (%lu) > maximum EQE (%u)\n", + spec->eq.log2_throttle_limit, log2_num_entries); + return -EINVAL; + } + + err = gdma_register_irq(queue); + if (err) { + dev_err(dev, "Failed to register irq: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + queue->eq.callback = spec->eq.callback; + queue->eq.context = spec->eq.context; + queue->head |= INITIALIZED_OWNER_BIT(log2_num_entries); + + queue->eq.log2_throttle_limit = spec->eq.log2_throttle_limit ?: 1; + + if (create_hwq) { + err = gdma_create_hw_eq(gc, queue); + if (err) + goto out; + + err = gdma_test_eq(gc, queue); + if (err) + goto out; + } + + return 0; +out: + dev_err(dev, "Failed to create EQ: %d\n", err); + gdma_destroy_eq(gc, false, queue); + return err; +} + +static void gdma_create_cq(const struct gdma_queue_spec *spec, + struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + u32 log2_num_entries = ilog2(spec->queue_size / GDMA_CQE_SIZE); + + queue->head = queue->head | INITIALIZED_OWNER_BIT(log2_num_entries); + queue->cq.parent = spec->cq.parent_eq; + queue->cq.context = spec->cq.context; + queue->cq.callback = spec->cq.callback; +} + +static void gdma_destroy_cq(struct gdma_context *gc, struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + u32 id = queue->id; + + if (id >= gc->max_num_cq) + return; + + if (!gc->cq_table[id]) + return; + + gc->cq_table[id] = NULL; +} + +int gdma_create_hwc_queue(struct gdma_dev *gd, + const struct gdma_queue_spec *spec, + struct gdma_queue **queue_ptr) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + struct gdma_mem_info *gmi; + struct gdma_queue *queue; + int err; + + queue = kzalloc(sizeof(*queue), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!queue) + return -ENOMEM; + + gmi = &queue->mem_info; + err = gdma_alloc_memory(gc, spec->queue_size, gmi); + if (err) + return err; + + queue->head = 0; + queue->tail = 0; + queue->queue_mem_ptr = gmi->virt_addr; + queue->queue_size = spec->queue_size; + queue->monitor_avl_buf = spec->monitor_avl_buf; + + queue->type = spec->type; + queue->gdma_dev = gd; + + if (spec->type == GDMA_EQ) + err = gdma_create_eq(gd, spec, false, queue); + else if (spec->type == GDMA_CQ) + gdma_create_cq(spec, queue); + + if (err) + goto out; + + *queue_ptr = queue; + return 0; + +out: + gdma_free_memory(gmi); + kfree(queue); + return err; +} + +static void gdma_destroy_dma_region(struct gdma_context *gc, u64 gdma_region) +{ + struct gdma_destroy_dma_region_req req = {}; + struct gdma_general_resp resp = {}; + int err; + + if (gdma_region == GDMA_INVALID_DMA_REGION) + return; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_DESTROY_DMA_REGION, sizeof(req), + sizeof(resp)); + req.gdma_region = gdma_region; + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) + dev_err(gc->dev, "Failed to destroy DMA region: %d, 0x%x\n", + err, resp.hdr.status); +} + +static int gdma_create_dma_region(struct gdma_dev *gd, + struct gdma_mem_info *gmi) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + unsigned int num_page = gmi->length / PAGE_SIZE; + struct gdma_create_dma_region_req *req = NULL; + struct gdma_create_dma_region_resp resp = {}; + struct hw_channel_context *hwc; + u32 length = gmi->length; + u32 req_msg_size; + int err; + int i; + + if (length < PAGE_SIZE || !is_power_of_2(length)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (offset_in_page(gmi->virt_addr) != 0) + return -EINVAL; + + hwc = gc->hwc.driver_data; + req_msg_size = sizeof(*req) + num_page * sizeof(u64); + if (req_msg_size > hwc->max_req_msg_size) + return -EINVAL; + + req = kzalloc(req_msg_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!req) + return -ENOMEM; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req->hdr, GDMA_CREATE_DMA_REGION, + req_msg_size, sizeof(resp)); + req->length = length; + req->offset_in_page = 0; + req->gdma_page_type = GDMA_PAGE_TYPE_4K; + req->page_count = num_page; + req->page_addr_list_len = num_page; + + for (i = 0; i < num_page; i++) + req->page_addr_list[i] = gmi->dma_handle + i * PAGE_SIZE; + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, req_msg_size, req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err) + goto out; + + if (resp.hdr.status || resp.gdma_region == GDMA_INVALID_DMA_REGION) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "Failed to create DMA region: 0x%x\n", + resp.hdr.status); + err = -EPROTO; + goto out; + } + + gmi->gdma_region = resp.gdma_region; + +out: + kfree(req); + return err; +} + +int gdma_create_ana_eq(struct gdma_dev *gd, const struct gdma_queue_spec *spec, + struct gdma_queue **queue_ptr) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + struct gdma_mem_info *gmi; + struct gdma_queue *queue; + int err; + + if (spec->type != GDMA_EQ) + return -EINVAL; + + queue = kzalloc(sizeof(*queue), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!queue) + return -ENOMEM; + + gmi = &queue->mem_info; + err = gdma_alloc_memory(gc, spec->queue_size, gmi); + if (err) + return err; + + err = gdma_create_dma_region(gd, gmi); + if (err) + goto out; + + queue->head = 0; + queue->tail = 0; + queue->queue_mem_ptr = gmi->virt_addr; + queue->queue_size = spec->queue_size; + queue->monitor_avl_buf = spec->monitor_avl_buf; + + queue->type = spec->type; + queue->gdma_dev = gd; + + err = gdma_create_eq(gd, spec, true, queue); + if (err) + goto out; + + *queue_ptr = queue; + return 0; +out: + gdma_free_memory(gmi); + kfree(queue); + return err; +} + +int gdma_create_ana_wq_cq(struct gdma_dev *gd, + const struct gdma_queue_spec *spec, + struct gdma_queue **queue_ptr) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + struct gdma_mem_info *gmi; + struct gdma_queue *queue; + int err; + + if (spec->type != GDMA_CQ && spec->type != GDMA_SQ && + spec->type != GDMA_RQ) + return -EINVAL; + + queue = kzalloc(sizeof(*queue), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!queue) + return -ENOMEM; + + gmi = &queue->mem_info; + err = gdma_alloc_memory(gc, spec->queue_size, gmi); + if (err) + return err; + + err = gdma_create_dma_region(gd, gmi); + if (err) + goto out; + + queue->head = 0; + queue->tail = 0; + queue->queue_mem_ptr = gmi->virt_addr; + queue->queue_size = spec->queue_size; + queue->monitor_avl_buf = spec->monitor_avl_buf; + + queue->type = spec->type; + queue->gdma_dev = gd; + + if (spec->type == GDMA_CQ) + gdma_create_cq(spec, queue); + + *queue_ptr = queue; + return 0; + +out: + gdma_free_memory(gmi); + kfree(queue); + return err; +} + +void gdma_destroy_queue(struct gdma_context *gc, struct gdma_queue *queue) +{ + struct gdma_mem_info *gmi = &queue->mem_info; + + switch (queue->type) { + case GDMA_EQ: + gdma_destroy_eq(gc, queue->eq.disable_needed, queue); + break; + + case GDMA_CQ: + gdma_destroy_cq(gc, queue); + break; + + case GDMA_RQ: + break; + + case GDMA_SQ: + break; + + default: + dev_err(gc->dev, "Can't destroy unknown queue: type=%d\n", + queue->type); + return; + } + + gdma_destroy_dma_region(gc, gmi->gdma_region); + + gdma_free_memory(gmi); + + kfree(queue); +} + +int gdma_verify_vf_version(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct gdma_verify_ver_resp resp = {}; + struct gdma_verify_ver_req req = {}; + int err; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_VERIFY_VF_DRIVER_VERSION, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + + req.protocol_ver_min = GDMA_PROTOCOL_FIRST; + req.protocol_ver_max = GDMA_PROTOCOL_LAST; + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "VfVerifyVersionOutput: %d, status=0x%x\n", + err, resp.hdr.status); + return err ? err : -EPROTO; + } + + return 0; +} + +int gdma_register_device(struct gdma_dev *gd) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + struct gdma_register_device_resp resp = {}; + struct gdma_general_req req = {}; + int err; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_REGISTER_DEVICE, sizeof(req), + sizeof(resp)); + + req.hdr.dev_id = gd->dev_id; + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "gdma_register_device_resp failed: %d, 0x%x\n", + err, resp.hdr.status); + return err ? err : -EPROTO; + } + + gd->pdid = resp.pdid; + gd->gpa_mkey = resp.gpa_mkey; + gd->doorbell = resp.db_id; + + return 0; +} + +int gdma_deregister_device(struct gdma_dev *gd) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(gd); + struct gdma_general_resp resp = {}; + struct gdma_general_req req = {}; + int err; + + if (WARN_ON(gd->pdid == INVALID_PDID)) + return -EINVAL; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, GDMA_DEREGISTER_DEVICE, sizeof(req), + sizeof(resp)); + + req.hdr.dev_id = gd->dev_id; + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, sizeof(req), &req, sizeof(resp), &resp); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + dev_err(gc->dev, "Failed to deregister device: %d, 0x%x\n", + err, resp.hdr.status); + return err ? err : -EPROTO; + } + + gd->pdid = INVALID_PDID; + gd->doorbell = INVALID_DOORBELL; + gd->gpa_mkey = INVALID_MEM_KEY; + + return 0; +} + +static u32 gdma_calc_sgl_size(const struct gdma_wqe_request *wqe_req) +{ + u32 sgl_data_size = 0; + int i; + + if (wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_SGL_DIRECT) { + for (i = 0; i < wqe_req->num_sge; i++) + sgl_data_size += wqe_req->sgl[i].size; + } else { + sgl_data_size += sizeof(struct gdma_sge) * + max_t(u32, 1, wqe_req->num_sge); + } + + return sgl_data_size; +} + +u32 gdma_wq_avail_space(struct gdma_queue *wq) +{ + u32 used_space = (wq->head - wq->tail) * GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE; + u32 wq_size = wq->queue_size; + + WARN_ON(used_space > wq_size); + + return wq_size - used_space; +} + +u8 *gdma_get_wqe_ptr(const struct gdma_queue *wq, u32 wqe_offset) +{ + u32 offset = (wqe_offset * GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE) & (wq->queue_size - 1); + + WARN_ON((offset + GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE) > wq->queue_size); + + return wq->queue_mem_ptr + offset; +} + +static u32 gdma_write_client_oob(u8 *wqe_ptr, + const struct gdma_wqe_request *wqe_req, + enum gdma_queue_type q_type, + u32 client_oob_size, u32 sgl_data_size) +{ + bool pad_data = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_PAD_DATA_BY_FIRST_SGE); + bool sgl_direct = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_SGL_DIRECT); + bool oob_in_sgl = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_OOB_IN_SGL); + struct gdma_wqe *header = (struct gdma_wqe *)wqe_ptr; + u8 *ptr; + + memset(header, 0, sizeof(struct gdma_wqe)); + + WARN_ON(client_oob_size != INLINE_OOB_SMALL_SIZE && + client_oob_size != INLINE_OOB_LARGE_SIZE); + + if (sgl_direct) { + header->num_sge = sgl_data_size / sizeof(struct gdma_sge); + header->last_vbytes = sgl_data_size % sizeof(struct gdma_sge); + + if (header->last_vbytes) + header->num_sge++; + } else { + header->num_sge = wqe_req->num_sge; + } + + /* Support for empty SGL: account for the dummy SGE to be written. */ + if (wqe_req->num_sge == 0) + header->num_sge = 1; + + header->inline_oob_size_div4 = client_oob_size / sizeof(u32); + + if (oob_in_sgl) { + WARN_ON(!pad_data || wqe_req->num_sge <= 0); + + header->client_oob_in_sgl = 1; + + if (wqe_req->num_sge == 1) { + /* Support for empty SGL with oob_in_sgl */ + header->num_sge = 2; + } + + if (pad_data) + header->last_vbytes = wqe_req->sgl[0].size; + } + + if (q_type == GDMA_SQ) + header->client_data_unit = wqe_req->client_data_unit; + + header->consume_credit = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_CONSUME_CREDIT); + header->fence = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_FENCE); + header->check_sn = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_CHECK_SN); + header->sgl_direct = sgl_direct; + + /* The size of gdma_wqe + client_oob_size must be less than or equal + * to the basic unit, so the pointer here won't be beyond the queue + * buffer boundary. + */ + ptr = wqe_ptr + sizeof(header); + + if (wqe_req->inline_oob_data && wqe_req->inline_oob_size > 0) { + memcpy(ptr, wqe_req->inline_oob_data, wqe_req->inline_oob_size); + + if (client_oob_size > wqe_req->inline_oob_size) + memset(ptr + wqe_req->inline_oob_size, 0, + client_oob_size - wqe_req->inline_oob_size); + } + + return sizeof(header) + client_oob_size; +} + +static u32 gdma_write_sgl(struct gdma_queue *wq, u8 *wqe_ptr, + const struct gdma_wqe_request *wqe_req) +{ + bool sgl_direct = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_SGL_DIRECT); + bool oob_in_sgl = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_OOB_IN_SGL); + const struct gdma_sge *sgl = wqe_req->sgl; + u32 queue_size = wq->queue_size; + u32 num_sge = wqe_req->num_sge; + struct gdma_sge dummy_sgl[2]; + u8 *wq_base_ptr, *wq_end_ptr; + u32 size_to_queue_end; + const u8 *address; + u32 sgl_size; + u32 size; + int i; + + if (num_sge == 0 || (oob_in_sgl && num_sge == 1)) { + /* Per spec, the case of an empty SGL should be handled as + * follows to avoid corrupted WQE errors: + * Write one dummy SGL entry; + * Set the address to 1, leave the rest as 0. + */ + dummy_sgl[num_sge].address = 1; + dummy_sgl[num_sge].size = 0; + dummy_sgl[num_sge].mem_key = 0; + if (num_sge == 1) + memcpy(dummy_sgl, wqe_req->sgl, + sizeof(struct gdma_sge)); + + num_sge++; + sgl = dummy_sgl; + sgl_direct = false; + } + + sgl_size = 0; + wq_base_ptr = wq->queue_mem_ptr; + wq_end_ptr = wq_base_ptr + queue_size; + size_to_queue_end = (u32)(wq_end_ptr - wqe_ptr); + + if (sgl_direct) { + for (i = 0; i < num_sge; i++) { + address = (u8 *)wqe_req->sgl[i].address; + size = wqe_req->sgl[i].size; + + if (size_to_queue_end < size) { + memcpy(wqe_ptr, address, size_to_queue_end); + wqe_ptr = wq_base_ptr; + address += size_to_queue_end; + size -= size_to_queue_end; + } + + memcpy(wqe_ptr, address, size); + + wqe_ptr += size; + + if (wqe_ptr >= wq_end_ptr) + wqe_ptr -= queue_size; + + size_to_queue_end = (u32)(wq_end_ptr - wqe_ptr); + + sgl_size += size; + } + } else { + address = (u8 *)sgl; + + size = sizeof(struct gdma_sge) * num_sge; + + if (size_to_queue_end < size) { + memcpy(wqe_ptr, address, size_to_queue_end); + + wqe_ptr = wq_base_ptr; + address += size_to_queue_end; + size -= size_to_queue_end; + } + + memcpy(wqe_ptr, address, size); + + sgl_size = size; + } + + return sgl_size; +} + +int gdma_post_work_request(struct gdma_queue *wq, + const struct gdma_wqe_request *wqe_req, + struct gdma_posted_wqe_info *wqe_info) +{ + bool sgl_direct = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_SGL_DIRECT); + bool oob_in_sgl = !!(wqe_req->flags & GDMA_WR_OOB_IN_SGL); + struct gdma_context *gc; + u32 client_oob_size; + u32 sgl_data_size; + u32 max_wqe_size; + u32 wqe_size; + u8 *wqe_ptr; + + if (sgl_direct && (wq->type != GDMA_SQ || oob_in_sgl)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (wqe_req->inline_oob_size > INLINE_OOB_LARGE_SIZE) + return -EINVAL; + + if (oob_in_sgl && wqe_req->num_sge == 0) + return -EINVAL; + + client_oob_size = gdma_align_inline_oobsize(wqe_req->inline_oob_size); + + sgl_data_size = gdma_calc_sgl_size(wqe_req); + + wqe_size = ALIGN(sizeof(struct gdma_wqe) + client_oob_size + + sgl_data_size, GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE); + + if (wq->type == GDMA_RQ) + max_wqe_size = GDMA_MAX_RQE_SIZE; + else + max_wqe_size = GDMA_MAX_SQE_SIZE; + + if (wqe_size > max_wqe_size) + return -EINVAL; + + if (wq->monitor_avl_buf && wqe_size > gdma_wq_avail_space(wq)) { + gc = gdma_dev_to_context(wq->gdma_dev); + dev_err(gc->dev, "unsuccessful flow control!\n"); + return -ENOSPC; + } + + if (wqe_info) + wqe_info->wqe_size_in_bu = wqe_size / GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE; + + wqe_ptr = gdma_get_wqe_ptr(wq, wq->head); + + wqe_ptr += gdma_write_client_oob(wqe_ptr, wqe_req, wq->type, + client_oob_size, sgl_data_size); + + if (wqe_ptr >= (u8 *)wq->queue_mem_ptr + wq->queue_size) + wqe_ptr -= wq->queue_size; + + gdma_write_sgl(wq, wqe_ptr, wqe_req); + + wq->head += wqe_size / GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE; + + return 0; +} + +int gdma_post_and_ring(struct gdma_queue *queue, + const struct gdma_wqe_request *wqe, + struct gdma_posted_wqe_info *wqe_info) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = gdma_dev_to_context(queue->gdma_dev); + + int err = gdma_post_work_request(queue, wqe, wqe_info); + + if (err) + return err; + + gdma_wq_ring_doorbell(gc, queue); + + return 0; +} + +static int gdma_read_cqe(struct gdma_queue *cq, struct gdma_comp *comp) +{ + unsigned int cq_num_cqe = cq->queue_size / sizeof(struct gdma_cqe); + struct gdma_cqe *cq_cqe = cq->queue_mem_ptr; + u32 owner_bits, new_bits, old_bits; + struct gdma_cqe *cqe; + + new_bits = (cq->head / cq_num_cqe) & GDMA_CQE_OWNER_MASK; + old_bits = (cq->head / cq_num_cqe - 1) & GDMA_CQE_OWNER_MASK; + + cqe = &cq_cqe[cq->head % cq_num_cqe]; + owner_bits = cqe->cqe_info.owner_bits; + + /* Return 0 if no new entry. */ + if (owner_bits == old_bits) + return 0; + + /* Return -1 if overflow detected. */ + if (owner_bits != new_bits) + return -1; + + comp->wq_num = cqe->cqe_info.wq_num; + comp->is_sq = cqe->cqe_info.is_sq; + memcpy(comp->cqe_data, cqe->cqe_data, GDMA_COMP_DATA_SIZE); + + return 1; +} + +int gdma_poll_cq(struct gdma_queue *cq, struct gdma_comp *comp, int num_cqe) +{ + int cqe_idx; + int ret; + + for (cqe_idx = 0; cqe_idx < num_cqe; cqe_idx++) { + ret = gdma_read_cqe(cq, &comp[cqe_idx]); + + if (ret < 0) { + cq->head -= cqe_idx; + return ret; + } + + if (ret == 0) + break; + + cq->head++; + } + + return cqe_idx; +} + +static irqreturn_t gdma_intr(int irq, void *arg) +{ + struct gdma_irq_context *gic = arg; + + if (gic->handler) + gic->handler(gic->arg); + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +int gdma_alloc_res_map(u32 res_avail, struct gdma_resource *r) +{ + r->map = bitmap_zalloc(res_avail, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!r->map) + return -ENOMEM; + + r->size = res_avail; + spin_lock_init(&r->lock); + + return 0; +} + +void gdma_free_res_map(struct gdma_resource *r) +{ + bitmap_free(r->map); + r->map = NULL; + r->size = 0; +} + +static int gdma_setup_irqs(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct gdma_irq_context *gic; + unsigned int max_irqs; + int nvec, irq; + int err, i, j; + + max_irqs = min_t(uint, ANA_MAX_NUM_QUEUE + 1, num_online_cpus() + 1); + nvec = pci_alloc_irq_vectors(pdev, 2, max_irqs, PCI_IRQ_MSIX); + if (nvec < 0) + return nvec; + + gc->irq_contexts = kcalloc(nvec, sizeof(struct gdma_irq_context), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!gc->irq_contexts) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto free_irq_vector; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nvec; i++) { + gic = &gc->irq_contexts[i]; + gic->handler = NULL; + gic->arg = NULL; + + irq = pci_irq_vector(pdev, i); + if (irq < 0) { + err = irq; + goto free_irq; + } + + err = request_irq(irq, gdma_intr, 0, "gdma_intr", gic); + if (err) + goto free_irq; + } + + err = gdma_alloc_res_map(nvec, &gc->msix_resource); + if (err) + goto free_irq; + + gc->max_num_msix = nvec; + gc->num_msix_usable = nvec; + + return 0; + +free_irq: + for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { + irq = pci_irq_vector(pdev, j); + gic = &gc->irq_contexts[j]; + free_irq(irq, gic); + } + + kfree(gc->irq_contexts); + gc->irq_contexts = NULL; +free_irq_vector: + pci_free_irq_vectors(pdev); + return err; +} + +static void gdma_remove_irqs(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + struct gdma_irq_context *gic; + int irq, i; + + if (gc->max_num_msix < 1) + return; + + gdma_free_res_map(&gc->msix_resource); + + for (i = 0; i < gc->max_num_msix; i++) { + irq = pci_irq_vector(pdev, i); + if (WARN_ON(irq < 0)) + continue; + + gic = &gc->irq_contexts[i]; + free_irq(irq, gic); + } + + pci_free_irq_vectors(pdev); + + gc->max_num_msix = 0; + gc->num_msix_usable = 0; + kfree(gc->irq_contexts); + gc->irq_contexts = NULL; +} + +static int gdma_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc; + void __iomem *bar0_va; + int bar = 0; + int err; + + err = pci_enable_device(pdev); + if (err) + return -ENXIO; + + pci_set_master(pdev); + + err = pci_request_regions(pdev, "gdma"); + if (err) + goto disable_dev; + + err = dma_set_mask_and_coherent(&pdev->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(64)); + if (err) + goto release_region; + + err = -ENOMEM; + gc = vzalloc(sizeof(*gc)); + if (!gc) + goto release_region; + + bar0_va = pci_iomap(pdev, bar, 0); + if (!bar0_va) + goto free_gc; + + gc->bar0_va = bar0_va; + gc->dev = &pdev->dev; + + pci_set_drvdata(pdev, gc); + + gdma_init_registers(pdev); + + shm_channel_init(&gc->shm_channel, gc->dev, gc->shm_base); + + err = gdma_setup_irqs(pdev); + if (err) + goto unmap_bar; + + mutex_init(&gc->eq_test_event_mutex); + + err = hwc_create_channel(gc); + if (err) + goto remove_irq; + + err = gdma_verify_vf_version(pdev); + if (err) + goto remove_irq; + + err = gdma_query_max_resources(pdev); + if (err) + goto remove_irq; + + err = gdma_detect_devices(pdev); + if (err) + goto remove_irq; + + err = ana_probe(&gc->ana); + if (err) + goto clean_up_gdma; + + return 0; + +clean_up_gdma: + hwc_destroy_channel(gc); + vfree(gc->cq_table); + gc->cq_table = NULL; +remove_irq: + gdma_remove_irqs(pdev); +unmap_bar: + pci_iounmap(pdev, bar0_va); +free_gc: + vfree(gc); +release_region: + pci_release_regions(pdev); +disable_dev: + pci_clear_master(pdev); + pci_disable_device(pdev); + dev_err(gc->dev, "gdma probe failed: err = %d\n", err); + return err; +} + +static void gdma_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); + + ana_remove(&gc->ana); + + hwc_destroy_channel(gc); + vfree(gc->cq_table); + gc->cq_table = NULL; + + gdma_remove_irqs(pdev); + + pci_iounmap(pdev, gc->bar0_va); + + vfree(gc); + + pci_release_regions(pdev); + pci_clear_master(pdev); + pci_disable_device(pdev); +} + +#ifndef PCI_VENDOR_ID_MICROSOFT +#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_MICROSOFT 0x1414 +#endif + +static const struct pci_device_id mana_id_table[] = { + { PCI_DEVICE(PCI_VENDOR_ID_MICROSOFT, 0x00ba) }, + { } +}; + +static struct pci_driver mana_driver = { + .name = "mana", + .id_table = mana_id_table, + .probe = gdma_probe, + .remove = gdma_remove, +}; + +module_pci_driver(mana_driver); + +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, mana_id_table); + +MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Microsoft Azure Network Adapter driver"); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f070688ec55a --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.c @@ -0,0 +1,859 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#include "gdma.h" +#include "hw_channel.h" + +static int hwc_get_msg_index(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u16 *msg_idx) +{ + struct gdma_resource *r = &hwc->inflight_msg_res; + unsigned long flags; + u32 index; + + down(&hwc->sema); + + spin_lock_irqsave(&r->lock, flags); + + index = find_first_zero_bit(hwc->, + hwc->inflight_msg_res.size); + + bitmap_set(hwc->, index, 1); + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&r->lock, flags); + + *msg_idx = index; + + return 0; +} + +static void hwc_put_msg_index(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u16 msg_idx) +{ + struct gdma_resource *r = &hwc->inflight_msg_res; + unsigned long flags; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&r->lock, flags); + bitmap_clear(hwc->, msg_idx, 1); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&r->lock, flags); + + up(&hwc->sema); +} + +static int hwc_verify_resp_msg(const struct hwc_caller_ctx *caller_ctx, + u32 resp_msglen, + const struct gdma_resp_hdr *resp_msg) +{ + if (resp_msglen < sizeof(*resp_msg)) + return -EPROTO; + + if (resp_msglen > caller_ctx->output_buflen) + return -EPROTO; + + return 0; +} + +static void hwc_handle_resp(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u32 resp_msglen, + const struct gdma_resp_hdr *resp_msg) +{ + struct hwc_caller_ctx *ctx; + int err = -EPROTO; + + if (!test_bit(resp_msg->response.hwc_msg_id, + hwc-> { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "hwc_rx: invalid msg_id = %u\n", + resp_msg->response.hwc_msg_id); + goto out; + } + + ctx = hwc->caller_ctx + resp_msg->response.hwc_msg_id; + err = hwc_verify_resp_msg(ctx, resp_msglen, resp_msg); + if (err) + goto out; + + ctx->status_code = resp_msg->status; + + memcpy(ctx->output_buf, resp_msg, resp_msglen); + +out: + ctx->error = err; + complete(&ctx->comp_event); +} + +static int hwc_post_rx_wqe(const struct hwc_wq *hwc_rxq, + struct hwc_work_request *req) +{ + struct device *dev = hwc_rxq->hwc->dev; + struct gdma_sge *sge; + int err; + + sge = &req->sge; + sge->address = (u64)req->buf_sge_addr; + sge->mem_key = hwc_rxq->msg_buf->gpa_mkey; + sge->size = req->buf_len; + + memset(&req->wqe_req, 0, sizeof(struct gdma_wqe_request)); + req->wqe_req.sgl = sge; + req->wqe_req.num_sge = 1; + req->wqe_req.client_data_unit = 0; + + err = gdma_post_and_ring(hwc_rxq->gdma_wq, &req->wqe_req, NULL); + if (err) + dev_err(dev, "Failed to post WQE on HWC RQ: %d\n", err); + + return err; +} + +static void hwc_init_event_handler(void *ctx, struct gdma_queue *q_self, + struct gdma_event *event) +{ + struct hw_channel_context *hwc = ctx; + struct gdma_dev *gd = hwc->gdma_dev; + union hwc_init_type_data type_data; + union hwc_init_eq_id_db eq_db; + struct gdma_context *gc; + u32 type, val; + + switch (event->type) { + case GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_EQ_ID_DB: + eq_db.as_uint32 = event->details[0]; + hwc->cq->gdma_eq->id = eq_db.eq_id; + gd->doorbell = eq_db.doorbell; + break; + + case GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_DATA: + + type_data.as_uint32 = event->details[0]; + type = type_data.type; + val = type_data.value; + + switch (type) { + case HWC_INIT_DATA_CQID: + hwc->cq->gdma_cq->id = val; + break; + + case HWC_INIT_DATA_RQID: + hwc->rxq->gdma_wq->id = val; + break; + + case HWC_INIT_DATA_SQID: + hwc->txq->gdma_wq->id = val; + break; + + case HWC_INIT_DATA_QUEUE_DEPTH: + hwc->hwc_init_q_depth_max = (u16)val; + break; + + case HWC_INIT_DATA_MAX_REQUEST: + hwc->hwc_init_max_req_msg_size = val; + break; + + case HWC_INIT_DATA_MAX_RESPONSE: + hwc->hwc_init_max_resp_msg_size = val; + break; + + case HWC_INIT_DATA_MAX_NUM_CQS: + gc = hwc_to_gdma_context(gd); + gc->max_num_cq = val; + break; + + case HWC_INIT_DATA_PDID: + hwc->gdma_dev->pdid = val; + break; + + case HWC_INIT_DATA_GPA_MKEY: + hwc->rxq->msg_buf->gpa_mkey = val; + hwc->txq->msg_buf->gpa_mkey = val; + break; + } + + break; + + case GDMA_EQE_HWC_INIT_DONE: + complete(&hwc->hwc_init_eqe_comp); + break; + + default: + WARN_ON(1); + break; + } +} + +static void hwc_rx_event_handler(void *ctx, u32 gdma_rxq_id, + const struct hwc_rx_oob *rx_oob) +{ + struct hw_channel_context *hwc = ctx; + struct hwc_wq *hwc_rxq = hwc->rxq; + struct hwc_work_request *rx_req; + struct gdma_resp_hdr *resp; + struct gdma_wqe *dma_oob; + struct gdma_queue *rq; + struct gdma_sge *sge; + u64 rq_base_addr; + u64 rx_req_idx; + u16 msg_id; + u8 *wqe; + + if (WARN_ON(hwc_rxq->gdma_wq->id != gdma_rxq_id)) + return; + + rq = hwc_rxq->gdma_wq; + wqe = gdma_get_wqe_ptr(rq, rx_oob->wqe_offset / GDMA_WQE_BU_SIZE); + dma_oob = (struct gdma_wqe *)wqe; + + sge = (struct gdma_sge *)(wqe + 8 + dma_oob->inline_oob_size_div4 * 4); + WARN_ON(dma_oob->inline_oob_size_div4 != 2 && + dma_oob->inline_oob_size_div4 != 6); + + /* Select the rx WorkRequest for access to virtual address if not in SGE + * and for reposting. The receive reqs index may not match + * channel msg_id if sender posted send WQE's out of order. The rx WR + * that should be recycled here is the one we're currently using. Its + * index can be calculated based on the current address's location in + * the memory region. + */ + rq_base_addr = hwc_rxq->msg_buf->mem_info.dma_handle; + rx_req_idx = (sge->address - rq_base_addr) / hwc->max_req_msg_size; + + rx_req = &hwc_rxq->msg_buf->reqs[rx_req_idx]; + resp = (struct gdma_resp_hdr *)rx_req->buf_va; + + if (resp->response.hwc_msg_id >= hwc->num_inflight_msg) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "HWC RX: wrong msg_id=%u\n", + resp->response.hwc_msg_id); + return; + } + + hwc_handle_resp(hwc, rx_oob->tx_oob_data_size, resp); + + msg_id = resp->response.hwc_msg_id; + resp = NULL; + + hwc_post_rx_wqe(hwc_rxq, rx_req); + + hwc_put_msg_index(hwc, msg_id); +} + +static void hwc_tx_event_handler(void *ctx, u32 gdma_txq_id, + const struct hwc_rx_oob *rx_oob) +{ + struct hw_channel_context *hwc = ctx; + struct hwc_wq *hwc_txq = hwc->txq; + + WARN_ON(!hwc_txq || hwc_txq->gdma_wq->id != gdma_txq_id); +} + +static int hwc_create_gdma_wq(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, + enum gdma_queue_type type, u64 queue_size, + struct gdma_queue **queue) +{ + struct gdma_queue_spec spec = {}; + + if (type != GDMA_SQ && type != GDMA_RQ) + return -EINVAL; + + spec.type = type; + spec.monitor_avl_buf = false; + spec.queue_size = queue_size; + + return gdma_create_hwc_queue(hwc->gdma_dev, &spec, queue); +} + +static int hwc_create_gdma_cq(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u64 queue_size, + void *ctx, gdma_cq_callback *cb, + struct gdma_queue *parent_eq, + struct gdma_queue **queue) +{ + struct gdma_queue_spec spec = {}; + + spec.type = GDMA_CQ; + spec.monitor_avl_buf = false; + spec.queue_size = queue_size; + spec.cq.context = ctx; + spec.cq.callback = cb; + spec.cq.parent_eq = parent_eq; + + return gdma_create_hwc_queue(hwc->gdma_dev, &spec, queue); +} + +static int hwc_create_gdma_eq(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u64 queue_size, + void *ctx, gdma_eq_callback *cb, + struct gdma_queue **queue) +{ + struct gdma_queue_spec spec = {}; + + spec.type = GDMA_EQ; + spec.monitor_avl_buf = false; + spec.queue_size = queue_size; + spec.eq.context = ctx; + spec.eq.callback = cb; + spec.eq.log2_throttle_limit = DEFAULT_LOG2_THROTTLING_FOR_ERROR_EQ; + + return gdma_create_hwc_queue(hwc->gdma_dev, &spec, queue); +} + +static void hwc_comp_event(void *ctx, struct gdma_queue *q_self) +{ + struct hwc_rx_oob comp_data = {}; + struct gdma_comp *completions; + struct hwc_cq *hwc_cq = ctx; + u32 comp_read, i; + + WARN_ON(hwc_cq->gdma_cq != q_self); + + completions = hwc_cq->comp_buf; + comp_read = gdma_poll_cq(q_self, completions, hwc_cq->queue_depth); + WARN_ON(comp_read <= 0 || comp_read > hwc_cq->queue_depth); + + for (i = 0; i < comp_read; ++i) { + comp_data = *(struct hwc_rx_oob *)completions[i].cqe_data; + + if (completions[i].is_sq) + hwc_cq->tx_event_handler(hwc_cq->tx_event_ctx, + completions[i].wq_num, + &comp_data); + else + hwc_cq->rx_event_handler(hwc_cq->rx_event_ctx, + completions[i].wq_num, + &comp_data); + } + + gdma_arm_cq(q_self); +} + +static void hwc_destroy_cq(struct gdma_context *gc, struct hwc_cq *hwc_cq) +{ + if (!hwc_cq) + return; + + kfree(hwc_cq->comp_buf); + + if (hwc_cq->gdma_cq) + gdma_destroy_queue(gc, hwc_cq->gdma_cq); + + if (hwc_cq->gdma_eq) + gdma_destroy_queue(gc, hwc_cq->gdma_eq); + + kfree(hwc_cq); +} + +static int hwc_create_cq(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u16 q_depth, + gdma_eq_callback *callback, void *ctx, + hwc_rx_event_handler_t *rx_ev_hdlr, void *rx_ev_ctx, + hwc_tx_event_handler_t *tx_ev_hdlr, void *tx_ev_ctx, + struct hwc_cq **hwc_cq_p) +{ + struct gdma_queue *eq, *cq; + struct gdma_comp *comp_buf; + struct hwc_cq *hwc_cq; + u32 eq_size, cq_size; + int err; + + eq_size = roundup_pow_of_two(GDMA_EQE_SIZE * q_depth); + WARN_ON(eq_size != 16 * 2 * HW_CHANNEL_VF_BOOTSTRAP_QUEUE_DEPTH); + if (eq_size < MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PAGE_SIZE) + eq_size = MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PAGE_SIZE; + + cq_size = roundup_pow_of_two(GDMA_CQE_SIZE * q_depth); + WARN_ON(cq_size != 64 * 2 * HW_CHANNEL_VF_BOOTSTRAP_QUEUE_DEPTH); + if (cq_size < MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PAGE_SIZE) + cq_size = MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PAGE_SIZE; + + hwc_cq = kzalloc(sizeof(*hwc_cq), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!hwc_cq) + return -ENOMEM; + + err = hwc_create_gdma_eq(hwc, eq_size, ctx, callback, &eq); + if (err) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "Failed to create HWC EQ for RQ: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + hwc_cq->gdma_eq = eq; + + err = hwc_create_gdma_cq(hwc, cq_size, hwc_cq, hwc_comp_event, eq, &cq); + if (err) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "Failed to create HWC CQ for RQ: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + hwc_cq->gdma_cq = cq; + + comp_buf = kcalloc(q_depth, sizeof(struct gdma_comp), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!comp_buf) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + hwc_cq->hwc = hwc; + hwc_cq->comp_buf = comp_buf; + hwc_cq->queue_depth = q_depth; + hwc_cq->rx_event_handler = rx_ev_hdlr; + hwc_cq->rx_event_ctx = rx_ev_ctx; + hwc_cq->tx_event_handler = tx_ev_hdlr; + hwc_cq->tx_event_ctx = tx_ev_ctx; + + *hwc_cq_p = hwc_cq; + return 0; + +out: + hwc_destroy_cq(hwc_to_gdma_context(hwc->gdma_dev), hwc_cq); + return err; +} + +static int hwc_alloc_dma_buf(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u16 q_depth, + u32 max_msg_size, struct hwc_dma_buf **dma_buf_p) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = hwc_to_gdma_context(hwc->gdma_dev); + struct hwc_work_request *hwc_wr; + struct hwc_dma_buf *dma_buf; + struct gdma_mem_info *gmi; + void *virt_addr; + u32 buf_size; + u8 *base_pa; + int err; + u16 i; + + dma_buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*dma_buf) + + q_depth * sizeof(struct hwc_work_request), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!dma_buf) + return -ENOMEM; + + dma_buf->num_reqs = q_depth; + + buf_size = ALIGN(q_depth * max_msg_size, PAGE_SIZE); + + gmi = &dma_buf->mem_info; + err = gdma_alloc_memory(gc, buf_size, gmi); + if (err) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "Failed to allocate DMA buffer: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + virt_addr = dma_buf->mem_info.virt_addr; + base_pa = (u8 *)dma_buf->mem_info.dma_handle; + + for (i = 0; i < q_depth; i++) { + hwc_wr = &dma_buf->reqs[i]; + + hwc_wr->buf_va = virt_addr + i * max_msg_size; + hwc_wr->buf_sge_addr = base_pa + i * max_msg_size; + + hwc_wr->buf_len = max_msg_size; + } + + *dma_buf_p = dma_buf; + return 0; +out: + kfree(dma_buf); + return err; +} + +static void hwc_dealloc_dma_buf(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, + struct hwc_dma_buf *dma_buf) +{ + if (!dma_buf) + return; + + gdma_free_memory(&dma_buf->mem_info); + + kfree(dma_buf); +} + +static void hwc_destroy_wq(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, + struct hwc_wq *hwc_wq) +{ + if (!hwc_wq) + return; + + hwc_dealloc_dma_buf(hwc, hwc_wq->msg_buf); + + if (hwc_wq->gdma_wq) + gdma_destroy_queue(hwc_to_gdma_context(hwc->gdma_dev), + hwc_wq->gdma_wq); + + kfree(hwc_wq); +} + +static int hwc_create_wq(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, + enum gdma_queue_type q_type, u16 q_depth, + u32 max_msg_size, struct hwc_cq *hwc_cq, + struct hwc_wq **hwc_wq_p) +{ + struct gdma_queue *queue; + struct hwc_wq *hwc_wq; + u32 queue_size; + int err; + + WARN_ON(q_type != GDMA_SQ && q_type != GDMA_RQ); + + if (q_type == GDMA_RQ) + queue_size = roundup_pow_of_two(GDMA_MAX_RQE_SIZE * q_depth); + else + queue_size = roundup_pow_of_two(GDMA_MAX_SQE_SIZE * q_depth); + + if (queue_size < MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PAGE_SIZE) + queue_size = MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PAGE_SIZE; + + hwc_wq = kzalloc(sizeof(*hwc_wq), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!hwc_wq) + return -ENOMEM; + + err = hwc_create_gdma_wq(hwc, q_type, queue_size, &queue); + if (err) + goto out; + + err = hwc_alloc_dma_buf(hwc, q_depth, max_msg_size, &hwc_wq->msg_buf); + if (err) + goto out; + + hwc_wq->hwc = hwc; + hwc_wq->gdma_wq = queue; + hwc_wq->queue_depth = q_depth; + hwc_wq->hwc_cq = hwc_cq; + + *hwc_wq_p = hwc_wq; + return 0; + +out: + if (err) + hwc_destroy_wq(hwc, hwc_wq); + return err; +} + +static int hwc_post_tx_wqe(const struct hwc_wq *hwc_txq, + struct hwc_work_request *req, + u32 dest_virt_rq_id, u32 dest_virt_rcq_id, + bool dest_pf) +{ + struct device *dev = hwc_txq->hwc->dev; + struct hwc_tx_oob *tx_oob; + struct gdma_sge *sge; + int err; + + if (req->msg_size == 0 || req->msg_size > req->buf_len) { + dev_err(dev, "wrong msg_size: %u, buf_len: %u\n", + req->msg_size, req->buf_len); + return -EINVAL; + } + + tx_oob = &req->tx_oob; + + tx_oob->vrq_id = dest_virt_rq_id; + tx_oob->dest_vfid = 0; + tx_oob->vrcq_id = dest_virt_rcq_id; + tx_oob->vscq_id = hwc_txq->hwc_cq->gdma_cq->id; + tx_oob->loopback = false; + tx_oob->lso_override = false; + tx_oob->dest_pf = dest_pf; + tx_oob->vsq_id = hwc_txq->gdma_wq->id; + + sge = &req->sge; + sge->address = (u64)req->buf_sge_addr; + sge->mem_key = hwc_txq->msg_buf->gpa_mkey; + sge->size = req->msg_size; + + memset(&req->wqe_req, 0, sizeof(struct gdma_wqe_request)); + req->wqe_req.sgl = sge; + req->wqe_req.num_sge = 1; + req->wqe_req.inline_oob_size = sizeof(struct hwc_tx_oob); + req->wqe_req.inline_oob_data = tx_oob; + req->wqe_req.client_data_unit = 0; + + err = gdma_post_and_ring(hwc_txq->gdma_wq, &req->wqe_req, NULL); + if (err) + dev_err(dev, "Failed to post WQE on HWC RQ: %d\n", err); + + return err; +} + +static int hwc_init_inflight_msg(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u16 num_msg) +{ + int err; + + sema_init(&hwc->sema, num_msg); + + WARN_ON(num_msg != HW_CHANNEL_VF_BOOTSTRAP_QUEUE_DEPTH); + + err = gdma_alloc_res_map(num_msg, &hwc->inflight_msg_res); + if (err) + dev_err(hwc->dev, "Failed to init inflight_msg_res: %d\n", err); + + return err; +} + +static int hwc_test_channel(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u16 q_depth, + u32 max_req_msg_size, u32 max_resp_msg_size) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = hwc_to_gdma_context(hwc->gdma_dev); + struct hwc_wq *hwc_rxq = hwc->rxq; + struct hwc_work_request *req; + struct hwc_caller_ctx *ctx; + int err; + int i; + + /* Post all WQEs on the RQ */ + for (i = 0; i < q_depth; i++) { + req = &hwc_rxq->msg_buf->reqs[i]; + err = hwc_post_rx_wqe(hwc_rxq, req); + if (err) + return err; + } + + ctx = kzalloc(q_depth * sizeof(struct hwc_caller_ctx), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ctx) + return -ENOMEM; + + for (i = 0; i < q_depth; ++i) + init_completion(&ctx[i].comp_event); + + hwc->caller_ctx = ctx; + + err = gdma_test_eq(gc, hwc->cq->gdma_eq); + return err; +} + +void hwc_destroy_channel(struct gdma_context *gc) +{ + struct hw_channel_context *hwc = gc->hwc.driver_data; + struct hwc_caller_ctx *ctx; + + shm_channel_teardown_hwc(&gc->shm_channel, false); + + ctx = hwc->caller_ctx; + kfree(ctx); + hwc->caller_ctx = NULL; + + hwc_destroy_wq(hwc, hwc->txq); + hwc->txq = NULL; + + hwc_destroy_wq(hwc, hwc->rxq); + hwc->rxq = NULL; + + hwc_destroy_cq(hwc_to_gdma_context(hwc->gdma_dev), hwc->cq); + hwc->cq = NULL; + + gdma_free_res_map(&hwc->inflight_msg_res); + + hwc->num_inflight_msg = 0; + + if (hwc->gdma_dev->pdid != INVALID_PDID) { + hwc->gdma_dev->doorbell = INVALID_DOORBELL; + hwc->gdma_dev->pdid = INVALID_PDID; + } + + kfree(hwc); + gc->hwc.driver_data = NULL; +} + +static int hwc_establish_channel(struct gdma_context *gc, u16 *q_depth, + u32 *max_req_msg_size, u32 *max_resp_msg_size) +{ + struct hw_channel_context *hwc = gc->hwc.driver_data; + struct gdma_queue *rq = hwc->rxq->gdma_wq; + struct gdma_queue *sq = hwc->txq->gdma_wq; + struct gdma_queue *eq = hwc->cq->gdma_eq; + struct gdma_queue *cq = hwc->cq->gdma_cq; + int err; + + init_completion(&hwc->hwc_init_eqe_comp); + + err = shm_channel_setup_hwc(&gc->shm_channel, false, + eq->mem_info.dma_handle, + cq->mem_info.dma_handle, + rq->mem_info.dma_handle, + sq->mem_info.dma_handle, + eq->eq.msix_index); + if (err) + return err; + + if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&hwc->hwc_init_eqe_comp, 60 * HZ)) + return -ETIMEDOUT; + + *q_depth = hwc->hwc_init_q_depth_max; + *max_req_msg_size = hwc->hwc_init_max_req_msg_size; + *max_resp_msg_size = hwc->hwc_init_max_resp_msg_size; + + WARN_ON(*q_depth < HW_CHANNEL_VF_BOOTSTRAP_QUEUE_DEPTH); + WARN_ON(*max_req_msg_size != HW_CHANNEL_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE); + WARN_ON(*max_resp_msg_size != HW_CHANNEL_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE); + + WARN_ON(gc->max_num_cq == 0); + if (WARN_ON(cq->id >= gc->max_num_cq)) + return -EPROTO; + + gc->cq_table = vzalloc(gc->max_num_cq * sizeof(struct gdma_queue *)); + if (!gc->cq_table) + return -ENOMEM; + + gc->cq_table[cq->id] = cq; + + return 0; +} + +static int hwc_init_queues(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u16 q_depth, + u32 max_req_msg_size, u32 max_resp_msg_size) +{ + struct hwc_wq *hwc_rxq = NULL; + struct hwc_wq *hwc_txq = NULL; + struct hwc_cq *hwc_cq = NULL; + int err; + + err = hwc_init_inflight_msg(hwc, q_depth); + if (err) + return err; + + /* CQ is shared by SQ and RQ, so CQ's queue depth is the sum of SQ + * queue depth and RQ queue depth. + */ + err = hwc_create_cq(hwc, q_depth * 2, hwc_init_event_handler, hwc, + hwc_rx_event_handler, hwc, hwc_tx_event_handler, + hwc, &hwc_cq); + if (err) { + WARN(1, "Failed to create HWC CQ: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + hwc->cq = hwc_cq; + + err = hwc_create_wq(hwc, GDMA_RQ, q_depth, max_req_msg_size, + hwc_cq, &hwc_rxq); + if (err) { + WARN(1, "Failed to create HWC RQ: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + hwc->rxq = hwc_rxq; + + err = hwc_create_wq(hwc, GDMA_SQ, q_depth, max_resp_msg_size, + hwc_cq, &hwc_txq); + if (err) { + WARN(1, "Failed to create HWC SQ: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + hwc->txq = hwc_txq; + + hwc->num_inflight_msg = q_depth; + hwc->max_req_msg_size = max_req_msg_size; + + return 0; +out: + if (hwc_txq) + hwc_destroy_wq(hwc, hwc_txq); + + if (hwc_rxq) + hwc_destroy_wq(hwc, hwc_rxq); + + if (hwc_cq) + hwc_destroy_cq(hwc_to_gdma_context(hwc->gdma_dev), + hwc_cq); + + gdma_free_res_map(&hwc->inflight_msg_res); + return err; +} + +int hwc_create_channel(struct gdma_context *gc) +{ + u32 max_req_msg_size, max_resp_msg_size; + struct gdma_dev *gd = &gc->hwc; + struct hw_channel_context *hwc; + u16 q_depth_max; + int err; + + hwc = kzalloc(sizeof(*hwc), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!hwc) + return -ENOMEM; + + gd->driver_data = hwc; + hwc->gdma_dev = gd; + hwc->dev = gc->dev; + + /* HWC's instance number is always 0. */ + gd->dev_id.as_uint32 = 0; + gd->dev_id.type = GDMA_DEVICE_HWC; + + gd->pdid = INVALID_PDID; + gd->doorbell = INVALID_DOORBELL; + + err = hwc_init_queues(hwc, HW_CHANNEL_VF_BOOTSTRAP_QUEUE_DEPTH, + HW_CHANNEL_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE, + HW_CHANNEL_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE); + if (err) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "Failed to initialize HWC: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + err = hwc_establish_channel(gc, &q_depth_max, &max_req_msg_size, + &max_resp_msg_size); + if (err) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "Failed to establish HWC: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + WARN_ON(q_depth_max < HW_CHANNEL_VF_BOOTSTRAP_QUEUE_DEPTH); + WARN_ON(max_req_msg_size < HW_CHANNEL_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE); + WARN_ON(max_resp_msg_size > HW_CHANNEL_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE); + + err = hwc_test_channel(gc->hwc.driver_data, + HW_CHANNEL_VF_BOOTSTRAP_QUEUE_DEPTH, + max_req_msg_size, max_resp_msg_size); + if (err) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "Failed to establish HWC: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + return 0; +out: + kfree(hwc); + return err; +} + +int hwc_send_request(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u32 req_len, + const void *req, u32 resp_len, void *resp) +{ + struct hwc_work_request *tx_wr; + struct hwc_wq *txq = hwc->txq; + struct gdma_req_hdr *req_msg; + struct hwc_caller_ctx *ctx; + u16 msg_idx; + int err; + + hwc_get_msg_index(hwc, &msg_idx); + + tx_wr = &txq->msg_buf->reqs[msg_idx]; + + if (req_len > tx_wr->buf_len) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "HWC: req msg size: %d > %d\n", req_len, + tx_wr->buf_len); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ctx = hwc->caller_ctx + msg_idx; + ctx->output_buf = resp; + ctx->output_buflen = resp_len; + + req_msg = (struct gdma_req_hdr *)tx_wr->buf_va; + if (req) + memcpy(req_msg, req, req_len); + + req_msg->req.hwc_msg_id = msg_idx; + + tx_wr->msg_size = req_len; + + err = hwc_post_tx_wqe(txq, tx_wr, 0, 0, false); + if (err) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "HWC: Failed to post send WQE: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&ctx->comp_event, 30 * HZ)) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "HWC: Request timed out!\n"); + return -ETIMEDOUT; + } + + if (ctx->error) + return ctx->error; + + if (ctx->status_code) { + dev_err(hwc->dev, "HWC: Failed hw_channel req: 0x%x\n", + ctx->status_code); + return -EPROTO; + } + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..54c07c1ad551 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/hw_channel.h @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause */ +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#ifndef _HW_CHANNEL_H +#define _HW_CHANNEL_H + +#define DEFAULT_LOG2_THROTTLING_FOR_ERROR_EQ 4 + +#define HW_CHANNEL_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE 0x1000 +#define HW_CHANNEL_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE 0x1000 + +#define HW_CHANNEL_VF_BOOTSTRAP_QUEUE_DEPTH 1 + +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_CQID 1 +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_RQID 2 +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_SQID 3 +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_QUEUE_DEPTH 4 +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_MAX_REQUEST 5 +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_MAX_RESPONSE 6 +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_MAX_NUM_CQS 7 +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_PDID 8 +#define HWC_INIT_DATA_GPA_MKEY 9 + +union hwc_init_eq_id_db { + u32 as_uint32; + + struct { + u32 eq_id : 16; + u32 doorbell : 16; + }; +} __packed; + +union hwc_init_type_data { + u32 as_uint32; + + struct { + u32 value : 24; + u32 type : 8; + }; +} __packed; + +struct hwc_rx_oob { + u32 type : 6; + u32 eom : 1; + u32 som : 1; + u32 vendor_err : 8; + u32 reserved1 : 16; + + u32 src_virt_wq : 24; + u32 src_vfid : 8; + + u32 reserved2; + + union { + u32 wqe_addr_low; + u32 wqe_offset; + }; + + u32 wqe_addr_high; + + u32 client_data_unit : 14; + u32 reserved3 : 18; + + u32 tx_oob_data_size; + + u32 chunk_offset : 21; + u32 reserved4 : 11; +} __packed; + +struct hwc_tx_oob { + u32 reserved1; + + u32 reserved2; + + u32 vrq_id : 24; + u32 dest_vfid : 8; + + u32 vrcq_id : 24; + u32 reserved3 : 8; + + u32 vscq_id : 24; + u32 loopback : 1; + u32 lso_override: 1; + u32 dest_pf : 1; + u32 reserved4 : 5; + + u32 vsq_id : 24; + u32 reserved5 : 8; +} __packed; + +struct hwc_work_request { + void *buf_va; + void *buf_sge_addr; + u32 buf_len; + u32 msg_size; + + struct gdma_wqe_request wqe_req; + struct hwc_tx_oob tx_oob; + + struct gdma_sge sge; +}; + +/* hwc_dma_buf represents the array of in-flight WQEs. + * mem_info as know as the GDMA mapped memory is partitioned and used by + * in-flight WQEs. + * The number of WQEs is determined by the number of in-flight messages. + */ +struct hwc_dma_buf { + struct gdma_mem_info mem_info; + + u32 gpa_mkey; + + u32 num_reqs; + struct hwc_work_request reqs[]; +}; + +typedef void hwc_rx_event_handler_t(void *ctx, u32 gdma_rxq_id, + const struct hwc_rx_oob *rx_oob); + +typedef void hwc_tx_event_handler_t(void *ctx, u32 gdma_txq_id, + const struct hwc_rx_oob *rx_oob); + +struct hwc_cq { + struct hw_channel_context *hwc; + + struct gdma_queue *gdma_cq; + struct gdma_queue *gdma_eq; + struct gdma_comp *comp_buf; + u16 queue_depth; + + hwc_rx_event_handler_t *rx_event_handler; + void *rx_event_ctx; + + hwc_tx_event_handler_t *tx_event_handler; + void *tx_event_ctx; +}; + +struct hwc_wq { + struct hw_channel_context *hwc; + + struct gdma_queue *gdma_wq; + struct hwc_dma_buf *msg_buf; + u16 queue_depth; + + struct hwc_cq *hwc_cq; +}; + +struct hwc_caller_ctx { + struct completion comp_event; + void *output_buf; + u32 output_buflen; + + u32 error; /* Linux error code */ + u32 status_code; +}; + +struct hw_channel_context { + struct gdma_dev *gdma_dev; + struct device *dev; + + u16 num_inflight_msg; + u32 max_req_msg_size; + + u16 hwc_init_q_depth_max; + u32 hwc_init_max_req_msg_size; + u32 hwc_init_max_resp_msg_size; + + struct completion hwc_init_eqe_comp; + + struct hwc_wq *rxq; + struct hwc_wq *txq; + struct hwc_cq *cq; + + struct semaphore sema; + struct gdma_resource inflight_msg_res; + + struct hwc_caller_ctx *caller_ctx; +}; + +int hwc_create_channel(struct gdma_context *gc); +void hwc_destroy_channel(struct gdma_context *gc); + +int hwc_send_request(struct hw_channel_context *hwc, u32 req_len, + const void *req, u32 resp_len, void *resp); + +#endif /* _HW_CHANNEL_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..71173553ae6d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana.h @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause */ +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#ifndef _MANA_H +#define _MANA_H + +#include "gdma.h" +#include "hw_channel.h" + +/* Microsoft Azure Network Adapter (ANA)'s definitions */ + +#define ANA_MAJOR_VERSION 0 +#define ANA_MINOR_VERSION 1 +#define ANA_MICRO_VERSION 1 + +typedef u64 ana_handle_t; +#define INVALID_ANA_HANDLE ((ana_handle_t)-1) + +enum TRI_STATE { + TRI_STATE_UNKNOWN = -1, + TRI_STATE_FALSE = 0, + TRI_STATE_TRUE = 1 +}; + +/* Number of entries for hardware indirection table must be in power of 2 */ +#define ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE 64 + +/* The Toeplitz hash key's length in bytes: should be multiple of 8 */ +#define ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE 40 + +#define INVALID_GDMA_DEVICE_ID (~((u32)0)) + +#define COMP_ENTRY_SIZE 64 + +#define ADAPTER_MTU_SIZE 1500 +#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE (ADAPTER_MTU_SIZE + 14) + +#define RX_BUFFERS_PER_QUEUE 512 + +#define MAX_SEND_BUFFERS_PER_QUEUE 256 + +#define EQ_SIZE (8 * PAGE_SIZE) +#define LOG2_EQ_THROTTLE 3 + +struct ana_stats { + u64 packets; + u64 bytes; + struct u64_stats_sync syncp; +}; + +struct ana_txq { + struct gdma_queue *gdma_sq; + + union { + u32 gdma_txq_id; + struct { + u32 reserved1 : 10; + u32 vsq_frame : 14; + u32 reserved2 : 8; + }; + }; + + u16 vp_offset; + + /* The SKBs are sent to the HW and we are waiting for the CQEs. */ + struct sk_buff_head pending_skbs; + struct netdev_queue *net_txq; + + atomic_t pending_sends; + + struct ana_stats stats; +}; + +/* skb data and frags dma mappings */ +struct ana_skb_head { + dma_addr_t dma_handle[MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 1]; + u32 size[MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 1]; +}; + +#define ANA_HEADROOM sizeof(struct ana_skb_head) + +enum ana_tx_pkt_format { ANA_SHORT_PKT_FMT = 0, ANA_LONG_PKT_FMT = 1 }; + +struct ana_tx_short_oob { + u32 pkt_fmt : 2; + u32 is_outer_ipv4 : 1; + u32 is_outer_ipv6 : 1; + u32 comp_iphdr_csum : 1; + u32 comp_tcp_csum : 1; + u32 comp_udp_csum : 1; + u32 supress_txcqe_gen : 1; + u32 vcq_num : 24; + + u32 trans_off : 10; /* Transport header offset */ + u32 vsq_frame : 14; + u32 short_vp_offset : 8; +} __packed; + +struct ana_tx_long_oob { + u32 is_encap : 1; + u32 inner_is_ipv6 : 1; + u32 inner_tcp_opt : 1; + u32 inject_vlan_pri_tag : 1; + u32 reserved1 : 12; + u32 pcp : 3; /* 802.1Q */ + u32 dei : 1; /* 802.1Q */ + u32 vlan_id : 12; /* 802.1Q */ + + u32 inner_frame_offset : 10; + u32 inner_ip_rel_offset : 6; + u32 long_vp_offset : 12; + u32 reserved2 : 4; + + u32 reserved3; + u32 reserved4; +} __packed; + +struct ana_tx_oob { + struct ana_tx_short_oob s_oob; + struct ana_tx_long_oob l_oob; +} __packed; + +enum ana_cq_type { + ANA_CQ_TYPE_RX, + ANA_CQ_TYPE_TX +}; + +enum ana_cqe_type { + CQE_INVALID = 0, + CQE_RX_OKAY = 1, + CQE_RX_COALESCED_4 = 2, + CQE_RX_OBJECT_FENCE = 3, + CQE_RX_TRUNCATED = 4, + + CQE_TX_OKAY = 32, + CQE_TX_SA_DROP = 33, + CQE_TX_MTU_DROP = 34, + CQE_TX_INVALID_OOB = 35, + CQE_TX_INVALID_ETH_TYPE = 36, + CQE_TX_HDR_PROCESSING_ERROR = 37, + CQE_TX_VF_DISABLED = 38, + CQE_TX_VPORT_IDX_OUT_OF_RANGE = 39, + CQE_TX_VPORT_DISABLED = 40, + CQE_TX_VLAN_TAGGING_VIOLATION = 41, + + CQE_INVALID_CQ_PDID = 60, + CQE_INVALID_SQ_PDID = 61, + CQE_LINK_DOWN = 62, + CQE_LINK_UP = 63 +}; + +#define ANA_CQE_COMPLETION 1 + +struct ana_cqe_header { + u32 cqe_type : 6; + u32 client_type : 2; + u32 vendor_err : 24; +} __packed; + +/* NDIS HASH Types */ +#define NDIS_HASH_IPV4 BIT(0) +#define NDIS_HASH_TCP_IPV4 BIT(1) +#define NDIS_HASH_UDP_IPV4 BIT(2) +#define NDIS_HASH_IPV6 BIT(3) +#define NDIS_HASH_TCP_IPV6 BIT(4) +#define NDIS_HASH_UDP_IPV6 BIT(5) +#define NDIS_HASH_IPV6_EX BIT(6) +#define NDIS_HASH_TCP_IPV6_EX BIT(7) +#define NDIS_HASH_UDP_IPV6_EX BIT(8) + +#define ANA_HASH_L3 (NDIS_HASH_IPV4 | NDIS_HASH_IPV6 | NDIS_HASH_IPV6_EX) +#define ANA_HASH_L4 \ + (NDIS_HASH_TCP_IPV4 | NDIS_HASH_UDP_IPV4 | NDIS_HASH_TCP_IPV6 | \ + NDIS_HASH_UDP_IPV6 | NDIS_HASH_TCP_IPV6_EX | NDIS_HASH_UDP_IPV6_EX) + +struct ana_rxcomp_perpkt_info { + u32 pkt_len : 16; + u32 reserved1 : 16; + u32 reserved2; + u32 pkt_hash; +} __packed; + +#define ANA_RXCOMP_OOB_NUM_PPI 4 + +/* Receive completion OOB */ +struct ana_rxcomp_oob { + struct ana_cqe_header cqe_hdr; + + u32 rx_vlan_id : 12; + u32 rx_vlantag_present : 1; + u32 rx_outer_iphdr_csum_succeed : 1; + u32 rx_outer_iphdr_csum_fail : 1; + u32 reserved1 : 1; + u32 rx_hashtype : 9; + u32 rx_iphdr_csum_succeed : 1; + u32 rx_iphdr_csum_fail : 1; + u32 rx_tcp_csum_succeed : 1; + u32 rx_tcp_csum_fail : 1; + u32 rx_udp_csum_succeed : 1; + u32 rx_udp_csum_fail : 1; + u32 reserved2 : 1; + + struct ana_rxcomp_perpkt_info ppi[ANA_RXCOMP_OOB_NUM_PPI]; + + u32 rx_wqe_offset; +} __packed; + +struct ana_tx_comp_oob { + struct ana_cqe_header cqe_hdr; + + u32 tx_data_offset; + + u32 tx_sgl_offset : 5; + u32 tx_wqe_offset : 27; + + u32 reserved[12]; +} __packed; + +struct ana_rxq; + +struct ana_cq { + struct gdma_queue *gdma_cq; + + /* Cache the CQ id (used to verify if each CQE comes to the right CQ. */ + u32 gdma_id; + + /* Type of the CQ: TX or RX */ + enum ana_cq_type type; + + /* Pointer to the ana_rxq that is pushing RX CQEs to the queue. + * Only and must be non-NULL if type is ANA_CQ_TYPE_RX. + */ + struct ana_rxq *rxq; + + /* Pointer to the ana_txq that is pushing TX CQEs to the queue. + * Only and must be non-NULL if type is ANA_CQ_TYPE_TX. + */ + struct ana_txq *txq; + + /* Pointer to a buffer which the CQ handler can copy the CQE's into. */ + struct gdma_comp *gdma_comp_buf; +}; + +#define GDMA_MAX_RQE_SGES 15 + +struct ana_recv_buf_oob { + /* A valid GDMA work request representing the data buffer. */ + struct gdma_wqe_request wqe_req; + + void *buf_va; + dma_addr_t buf_dma_addr; + + /* SGL of the buffer going to be sent has part of the work request. */ + u32 num_sge; + struct gdma_sge sgl[GDMA_MAX_RQE_SGES]; + + /* Required to store the result of gdma_post_work_request. + * gdma_posted_wqe_info.wqe_size_in_bu is required for progressing the + * work queue when the WQE is consumed. + */ + struct gdma_posted_wqe_info wqe_inf; +}; + +struct ana_rxq { + struct { + struct gdma_queue *gdma_rq; + + /* Total number of receive buffers to be allocated */ + u32 num_rx_buf; + + /* Index of RQ in the vPort, not gdma receive queue id */ + u32 rxq_idx; + + /* Cache the gdma receive queue id */ + u32 gdma_id; + u32 datasize; + ana_handle_t rxobj; + }; + + struct ana_cq rx_cq; + + struct net_device *ndev; + struct completion fencing_done; + + u32 buf_index; + + struct ana_stats stats; + + /* MUST BE THE LAST MEMBER: + * Each receive buffer has an associated ana_recv_buf_oob. + */ + struct ana_recv_buf_oob rx_oobs[]; +}; + +struct ana_tx_qp { + struct ana_txq txq; + struct ana_cq tx_cq; + ana_handle_t tx_object; +}; + +struct ana_ethtool_stats { + u64 stop_queue; + u64 wake_queue; +}; + +struct ana_context { + struct gdma_dev *gdma_dev; + struct net_device *ndev; + + u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; + + struct ana_eq *eqs; + + enum TRI_STATE rss_state; + + ana_handle_t default_rxobj; + bool tx_shortform_allowed; + u16 tx_vp_offset; + + struct ana_tx_qp *tx_qp; + + /* Indirection Table for RX & TX. The values are queue indexes */ + u32 ind_table[ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE]; + + /* Indirection table containing RxObject Handles */ + ana_handle_t rxobj_table[ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE]; + + /* Hash key used by the NIC */ + u8 hashkey[ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE]; + + /* This points to an array of num_queues of RQ pointers. */ + struct ana_rxq **rxqs; + + /* Create num_queues EQs, SQs, SQ-CQs, RQs and RQ-CQs, respectively. */ + unsigned int max_queues; + unsigned int num_queues; + + ana_handle_t default_vport; + + bool port_is_up; + bool port_st_save; /* Saved port state */ + bool start_remove; + + struct ana_ethtool_stats eth_stats; +}; + +int ana_config_rss(struct ana_context *ac, enum TRI_STATE rx, + bool update_hash, bool update_tab); + +int ana_do_attach(struct net_device *ndev, bool reset_hash); +int ana_detach(struct net_device *ndev); + +int ana_probe(struct gdma_dev *gd); +void ana_remove(struct gdma_dev *gd); + +extern const struct ethtool_ops ana_ethtool_ops; + +struct ana_obj_spec { + u32 queue_index; + u64 gdma_region; + u32 queue_size; + u32 attached_eq; + u32 modr_ctx_id; +}; + +struct gdma_send_ana_message_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + u32 msg_size; + u32 response_size; + u8 message[]; +} __packed; + +struct gdma_send_ana_message_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u8 response[]; +} __packed; + +enum ana_command_code { + ANA_QUERY_CLIENT_CONFIG = 0x20001, + ANA_QUERY_GF_STAT = 0x20002, + ANA_CONFIG_VPORT_TX = 0x20003, + ANA_CREATE_WQ_OBJ = 0x20004, + ANA_DESTROY_WQ_OBJ = 0x20005, + ANA_FENCE_RQ = 0x20006, + ANA_CONFIG_VPORT_RX = 0x20007, + ANA_QUERY_VPORT_CONFIG = 0x20008, +}; + +/* Query Client Configuration */ +struct ana_query_client_cfg_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + + /* Driver Capability flags */ + u64 drv_cap_flags1; + u64 drv_cap_flags2; + u64 drv_cap_flags3; + u64 drv_cap_flags4; + + /* Driver versions */ + u32 drv_major_ver; + u32 drv_minor_ver; + u32 drv_micro_ver; +} __packed; + +struct ana_query_client_cfg_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + + u64 pf_cap_flags1; + u64 pf_cap_flags2; + u64 pf_cap_flags3; + u64 pf_cap_flags4; + + u16 max_num_vports; + u16 reserved; + u32 max_num_eqs; +} __packed; + +/* Query Vport Configuration */ +struct ana_query_vport_cfg_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + u32 vport_index; +} __packed; + +struct ana_query_vport_cfg_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u32 max_num_sq; + u32 max_num_rq; + u32 num_indirection_ent; + u32 reserved1; + u8 mac_addr[6]; + u8 reserved2[2]; + ana_handle_t vport; +} __packed; + +/* Configure Vport */ +struct ana_config_vport_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + ana_handle_t vport; + u32 pdid; + u32 doorbell_pageid; +} __packed; + +struct ana_config_vport_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u16 tx_vport_offset; + u8 short_form_allowed; + u8 reserved; +} __packed; + +/* Create WQ Object */ +struct ana_create_wqobj_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + ana_handle_t vport; + u32 wq_type; + u32 reserved; + u64 wq_gdma_region; + u64 cq_gdma_region; + u32 wq_size; + u32 cq_size; + u32 cq_moderation_ctx_id; + u32 cq_parent_qid; +} __packed; + +struct ana_create_wqobj_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; + u32 wq_id; + u32 cq_id; + ana_handle_t wq_obj; +} __packed; + +/* Destroy WQ Object */ +struct ana_destroy_wqobj_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + u32 wq_type; + u32 reserved; + ana_handle_t wqobj_handle; +} __packed; + +struct ana_destroy_wqobj_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; +} __packed; + +/* Fence RQ */ +struct ana_fence_rq_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + ana_handle_t wqobj_handle; +} __packed; + +struct ana_fence_rq_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; +} __packed; + +/* Configure Vport Rx Steering */ +struct ana_cfg_rx_steer_req { + struct gdma_req_hdr hdr; + ana_handle_t vport; + u16 num_indir_entries; + u16 indir_tab_offset; + u32 rx_enable; + u32 rss_enable; + u8 update_default_rxobj; + u8 update_hashkey; + u8 update_indir_tab; + u8 reserved; + ana_handle_t default_rxobj; + u8 hashkey[ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE]; +} __packed; + +struct ana_cfg_rx_steer_resp { + struct gdma_resp_hdr hdr; +} __packed; + +/* The max number of queues that are potentially supported. */ +#define ANA_MAX_NUM_QUEUE 64 + +/* ANA uses 1 SQ and 1 RQ for every cpu, but up to 16 by default. */ +#define ANA_DEFAULT_NUM_QUEUE 16 + +#define ANA_SHORT_VPORT_OFFSET_MAX ((1U << 8) - 1) + +struct ana_tx_package { + struct gdma_wqe_request wqe_req; + struct gdma_sge sgl_array[5]; + struct gdma_sge *sgl_ptr; + + struct ana_tx_oob tx_oob; + + struct gdma_posted_wqe_info wqe_info; +}; + +#endif /* _MANA_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_en.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_en.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8d2ecabf9413 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_en.c @@ -0,0 +1,1833 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "mana.h" + +/* Microsoft Azure Network Adapter (ANA) functions */ + +static int ana_open(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + + ac->port_is_up = true; + + /* Ensure port state updated before txq state */ + smp_wmb(); + + netif_carrier_on(ndev); + netif_tx_wake_all_queues(ndev); + + return 0; +} + +static int ana_close(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + + ac->port_is_up = false; + + /* Ensure port state updated before txq state */ + smp_wmb(); + + netif_tx_disable(ndev); + netif_carrier_off(ndev); + + return 0; +} + +static bool gdma_can_tx(struct gdma_queue *wq) +{ + return gdma_wq_avail_space(wq) >= MAX_TX_WQE_SIZE; +} + +static unsigned int ana_checksum_info(struct sk_buff *skb) +{ + if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP)) { + struct iphdr *ip = ip_hdr(skb); + + if (ip->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) + return IPPROTO_TCP; + + if (ip->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) + return IPPROTO_UDP; + } else if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IPV6)) { + struct ipv6hdr *ip6 = ipv6_hdr(skb); + + if (ip6->nexthdr == IPPROTO_TCP) + return IPPROTO_TCP; + + if (ip6->nexthdr == IPPROTO_UDP) + return IPPROTO_UDP; + } + + /* No csum offloading */ + return 0; +} + +static int ana_map_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ana_context *ac, + struct ana_tx_package *tp) +{ + struct ana_skb_head *ash = (struct ana_skb_head *)skb->head; + struct gdma_dev *gd = ac->gdma_dev; + struct gdma_context *gc; + struct device *dev; + skb_frag_t *frag; + dma_addr_t da; + int i; + + gc = ana_to_gdma_context(gd); + dev = gc->dev; + da = dma_map_single(dev, skb->data, skb_headlen(skb), DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + if (dma_mapping_error(dev, da)) + return -ENOMEM; + + ash->dma_handle[0] = da; + ash->size[0] = skb_headlen(skb); + + tp->wqe_req.sgl[0].address = ash->dma_handle[0]; + tp->wqe_req.sgl[0].mem_key = gd->gpa_mkey; + tp->wqe_req.sgl[0].size = ash->size[0]; + + for (i = 0; i < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; i++) { + frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; + da = skb_frag_dma_map(dev, frag, 0, skb_frag_size(frag), + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + if (dma_mapping_error(dev, da)) + goto frag_err; + + ash->dma_handle[i + 1] = da; + ash->size[i + 1] = skb_frag_size(frag); + + tp->wqe_req.sgl[i + 1].address = ash->dma_handle[i + 1]; + tp->wqe_req.sgl[i + 1].mem_key = gd->gpa_mkey; + tp->wqe_req.sgl[i + 1].size = ash->size[i + 1]; + } + + return 0; + +frag_err: + for (i = i - 1; i >= 0; i--) + dma_unmap_page(dev, ash->dma_handle[i + 1], ash->size[i + 1], + DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + dma_unmap_single(dev, ash->dma_handle[0], ash->size[0], DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + return -ENOMEM; +} + +static int ana_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) +{ + enum ana_tx_pkt_format pkt_fmt = ANA_SHORT_PKT_FMT; + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + u16 txq_idx = skb_get_queue_mapping(skb); + bool ipv4 = false, ipv6 = false; + struct ana_tx_package pkg = {}; + struct netdev_queue *net_txq; + struct ana_stats *tx_stats; + struct gdma_queue *gdma_sq; + unsigned int csum_type; + struct ana_txq *txq; + struct ana_cq *cq; + int err, len; + + if (unlikely(!ac->port_is_up)) + goto tx_drop; + + if (skb_cow_head(skb, ANA_HEADROOM)) + goto tx_drop_count; + + txq = &ac->tx_qp[txq_idx].txq; + gdma_sq = txq->gdma_sq; + cq = &ac->tx_qp[txq_idx].tx_cq; + + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.vcq_num = cq->gdma_id; + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.vsq_frame = txq->vsq_frame; + + if (txq->vp_offset > ANA_SHORT_VPORT_OFFSET_MAX) { + pkg.tx_oob.l_oob.long_vp_offset = txq->vp_offset; + pkt_fmt = ANA_LONG_PKT_FMT; + } else { + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.short_vp_offset = txq->vp_offset; + } + + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.pkt_fmt = pkt_fmt; + + if (pkt_fmt == ANA_SHORT_PKT_FMT) + pkg.wqe_req.inline_oob_size = sizeof(struct ana_tx_short_oob); + else + pkg.wqe_req.inline_oob_size = sizeof(struct ana_tx_oob); + + pkg.wqe_req.inline_oob_data = &pkg.tx_oob; + pkg.wqe_req.flags = 0; + pkg.wqe_req.client_data_unit = 0; + + pkg.wqe_req.num_sge = 1 + skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; + WARN_ON(pkg.wqe_req.num_sge > 30); + + if (pkg.wqe_req.num_sge <= ARRAY_SIZE(pkg.sgl_array)) { + pkg.wqe_req.sgl = pkg.sgl_array; + } else { + pkg.sgl_ptr = kmalloc_array(pkg.wqe_req.num_sge, + sizeof(struct gdma_sge), + GFP_ATOMIC); + if (!pkg.sgl_ptr) + goto tx_drop_count; + + pkg.wqe_req.sgl = pkg.sgl_ptr; + } + + if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP)) + ipv4 = true; + else if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IPV6)) + ipv6 = true; + + if (skb_is_gso(skb)) { + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.is_outer_ipv4 = ipv4; + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.is_outer_ipv6 = ipv6; + + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.comp_iphdr_csum = 1; + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.comp_tcp_csum = 1; + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.trans_off = skb_transport_offset(skb); + + pkg.wqe_req.client_data_unit = skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size; + pkg.wqe_req.flags = GDMA_WR_OOB_IN_SGL | + GDMA_WR_PAD_DATA_BY_FIRST_SGE; + if (ipv4) { + ip_hdr(skb)->tot_len = 0; + ip_hdr(skb)->check = 0; + tcp_hdr(skb)->check = + ~csum_tcpudp_magic(ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, + ip_hdr(skb)->daddr, 0, + IPPROTO_TCP, 0); + } else { + ipv6_hdr(skb)->payload_len = 0; + tcp_hdr(skb)->check = + ~csum_ipv6_magic(&ipv6_hdr(skb)->saddr, + &ipv6_hdr(skb)->daddr, 0, + IPPROTO_TCP, 0); + } + } else if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) { + csum_type = ana_checksum_info(skb); + + if (csum_type == IPPROTO_TCP) { + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.is_outer_ipv4 = ipv4; + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.is_outer_ipv6 = ipv6; + + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.comp_tcp_csum = 1; + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.trans_off = skb_transport_offset(skb); + + } else if (csum_type == IPPROTO_UDP) { + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.is_outer_ipv4 = ipv4; + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.is_outer_ipv6 = ipv6; + + pkg.tx_oob.s_oob.comp_udp_csum = 1; + } else { + /* Can't do offload of this type of checksum */ + if (skb_checksum_help(skb)) + goto free_sgl_ptr; + } + } + + if (ana_map_skb(skb, ac, &pkg)) + goto free_sgl_ptr; + + skb_queue_tail(&txq->pending_skbs, skb); + + len = skb->len; + net_txq = netdev_get_tx_queue(ndev, txq_idx); + + err = gdma_post_work_request(gdma_sq, &pkg.wqe_req, + (struct gdma_posted_wqe_info *)skb->cb); + if (!gdma_can_tx(gdma_sq)) { + netif_tx_stop_queue(net_txq); + ac->eth_stats.stop_queue++; + } + + if (err) { + (void)skb_dequeue_tail(&txq->pending_skbs); + netdev_warn(ndev, "Failed to post TX OOB: %d\n", err); + err = NETDEV_TX_BUSY; + goto tx_busy; + } + + err = NETDEV_TX_OK; + atomic_inc(&txq->pending_sends); + + gdma_wq_ring_doorbell(ana_to_gdma_context(gdma_sq->gdma_dev), gdma_sq); + + /* skb may be freed after gdma_post_work_request. Do not use it. */ + skb = NULL; + + tx_stats = &txq->stats; + u64_stats_update_begin(&tx_stats->syncp); + tx_stats->packets++; + tx_stats->bytes += len; + u64_stats_update_end(&tx_stats->syncp); + +tx_busy: + if (netif_tx_queue_stopped(net_txq) && gdma_can_tx(gdma_sq)) { + netif_tx_wake_queue(net_txq); + ac->eth_stats.wake_queue++; + } + + kfree(pkg.sgl_ptr); + return err; + +free_sgl_ptr: + kfree(pkg.sgl_ptr); +tx_drop_count: + ndev->stats.tx_dropped++; +tx_drop: + dev_kfree_skb_any(skb); + return NETDEV_TX_OK; +} + +static void ana_get_stats64(struct net_device *ndev, + struct rtnl_link_stats64 *st) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + unsigned int num_queues = ac->num_queues; + struct ana_stats *stats; + unsigned int start; + u64 packets, bytes; + int q; + + if (ac->start_remove) + return; + + netdev_stats_to_stats64(st, &ndev->stats); + + for (q = 0; q < num_queues; q++) { + stats = &ac->rxqs[q]->stats; + + do { + start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_irq(&stats->syncp); + packets = stats->packets; + bytes = stats->bytes; + } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_irq(&stats->syncp, start)); + + st->rx_packets += packets; + st->rx_bytes += bytes; + } + + for (q = 0; q < num_queues; q++) { + stats = &ac->tx_qp[q].txq.stats; + + do { + start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_irq(&stats->syncp); + packets = stats->packets; + bytes = stats->bytes; + } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_irq(&stats->syncp, start)); + + st->tx_packets += packets; + st->tx_bytes += bytes; + } +} + +static int ana_get_tx_queue(struct net_device *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb, + int old_q) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct sock *sk = skb->sk; + int txq; + + txq = ac->ind_table[skb_get_hash(skb) & (ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE - 1)]; + + if (txq != old_q && sk && sk_fullsock(sk) && + rcu_access_pointer(sk->sk_dst_cache)) + sk_tx_queue_set(sk, txq); + + return txq; +} + +static u16 ana_select_queue(struct net_device *ndev, struct sk_buff *skb, + struct net_device *sb_dev) +{ + int txq; + + if (ndev->real_num_tx_queues == 1) + return 0; + + txq = sk_tx_queue_get(skb->sk); + + if (txq < 0 || skb->ooo_okay || txq >= ndev->real_num_tx_queues) { + if (skb_rx_queue_recorded(skb)) + txq = skb_get_rx_queue(skb); + else + txq = ana_get_tx_queue(ndev, skb, txq); + } + + return txq; +} + +static const struct net_device_ops ana_devops = { + .ndo_open = ana_open, + .ndo_stop = ana_close, + .ndo_select_queue = ana_select_queue, + .ndo_start_xmit = ana_start_xmit, + .ndo_validate_addr = eth_validate_addr, + .ndo_get_stats64 = ana_get_stats64, +}; + +static void ana_cleanup_context(struct ana_context *ac) +{ + struct gdma_dev *gd = ac->gdma_dev; + + gdma_deregister_device(gd); + + kfree(ac->rxqs); + ac->rxqs = NULL; +} + +static int ana_init_context(struct ana_context *ac) +{ + struct gdma_dev *gd = ac->gdma_dev; + int err; + + gd->pdid = INVALID_PDID; + gd->doorbell = INVALID_DOORBELL; + + ac->rxqs = kcalloc(ac->num_queues, sizeof(struct ana_rxq *), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ac->rxqs) + return -ENOMEM; + + err = gdma_register_device(gd); + if (err) { + kfree(ac->rxqs); + ac->rxqs = NULL; + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int ana_send_request(struct ana_context *ac, void *in_buf, + u32 in_buf_len, void *out_buf, u32 out_buf_len) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = ana_to_gdma_context(ac->gdma_dev); + struct gdma_send_ana_message_resp *resp = NULL; + struct gdma_send_ana_message_req *req = NULL; + struct net_device *ndev = ac->ndev; + int err; + + if (is_gdma_msg_len(in_buf_len, out_buf_len, in_buf)) { + struct gdma_req_hdr *g_req = in_buf; + struct gdma_resp_hdr *g_resp = out_buf; + + static atomic_t act_id; + + g_req->dev_id = gc->ana.dev_id; + g_req->activity_id = atomic_inc_return(&act_id); + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, in_buf_len, in_buf, out_buf_len, + out_buf); + if (err || g_resp->status) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Send GDMA message failed: %d, 0x%x\n", + err, g_resp->status); + return -EPROTO; + } + + if (g_req->dev_id.as_uint32 != g_resp->dev_id.as_uint32 || + g_req->activity_id != g_resp->activity_id) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Wrong GDMA response: %x,%x,%x,%x\n", + g_req->dev_id.as_uint32, + g_resp->dev_id.as_uint32, g_req->activity_id, + g_resp->activity_id); + return -EPROTO; + } + + return 0; + + } else { + u32 req_size = sizeof(*req) + in_buf_len; + u32 resp_size = sizeof(*resp) + out_buf_len; + + req = kzalloc(req_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!req) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + resp = kzalloc(resp_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!resp) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + req->hdr.dev_id = gc->ana.dev_id; + req->msg_size = in_buf_len; + req->response_size = out_buf_len; + memcpy(req->message, in_buf, in_buf_len); + + err = gdma_send_request(gc, req_size, req, resp_size, resp); + if (err || resp->hdr.status) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Send ANA message failed: %d, 0x%x\n", + err, resp->hdr.status); + if (!err) + err = -EPROTO; + goto out; + } + + memcpy(out_buf, resp->response, out_buf_len); + } + +out: + kfree(resp); + kfree(req); + return err; +} + +static int ana_verify_gdma_resp_hdr(const struct gdma_resp_hdr *resp_hdr, + const enum ana_command_code expected_code, + const u32 min_size) +{ + if (resp_hdr->response.msg_type != expected_code) + return -EPROTO; + + if (resp_hdr->response.msg_version < GDMA_MESSAGE_V1) + return -EPROTO; + + if (resp_hdr->response.msg_size < min_size) + return -EPROTO; + + return 0; +} + +static int ana_query_client_cfg(struct ana_context *ac, u32 drv_major_ver, + u32 drv_minor_ver, u32 drv_micro_ver, + u16 *max_num_vports) +{ + struct ana_query_client_cfg_resp resp = {}; + struct ana_query_client_cfg_req req = {}; + int err = 0; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, ANA_QUERY_CLIENT_CONFIG, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + req.drv_major_ver = drv_major_ver; + req.drv_minor_ver = drv_minor_ver; + req.drv_micro_ver = drv_micro_ver; + + err = ana_send_request(ac, &req, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp)); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ac->ndev, "Failed to query config: %d", err); + return err; + } + + err = ana_verify_gdma_resp_hdr(&resp.hdr, ANA_QUERY_CLIENT_CONFIG, + sizeof(resp)); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + netdev_err(ac->ndev, "Invalid query result: %d, 0x%x\n", err, + resp.hdr.status); + if (!err) + err = -EPROTO; + return err; + } + + *max_num_vports = resp.max_num_vports; + + return 0; +} + +static int ana_query_vport_cfg(struct ana_context *ac, u32 vport_index, + u32 *max_sq, u32 *max_rq, u32 *num_indir_entry) +{ + struct ana_query_vport_cfg_resp resp = {}; + struct ana_query_vport_cfg_req req = {}; + int err; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, ANA_QUERY_VPORT_CONFIG, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + + req.vport_index = vport_index; + + err = ana_send_request(ac, &req, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp)); + if (err) + return err; + + err = ana_verify_gdma_resp_hdr(&resp.hdr, ANA_QUERY_VPORT_CONFIG, + sizeof(resp)); + if (err) + return err; + + if (resp.hdr.status) + return -EPROTO; + + *max_sq = resp.max_num_sq; + *max_rq = resp.max_num_rq; + *num_indir_entry = resp.num_indirection_ent; + + ac->default_vport = resp.vport; + memcpy(ac->mac_addr, resp.mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); + + return 0; +} + +static int ana_cfg_vport(struct ana_context *ac, u32 protection_dom_id, + u32 doorbell_pg_id) +{ + struct ana_config_vport_resp resp = {}; + struct ana_config_vport_req req = {}; + int err; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, ANA_CONFIG_VPORT_TX, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + req.vport = ac->default_vport; + req.pdid = protection_dom_id; + req.doorbell_pageid = doorbell_pg_id; + + err = ana_send_request(ac, &req, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp)); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ac->ndev, "Failed to configure vPort TX: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + err = ana_verify_gdma_resp_hdr(&resp.hdr, ANA_CONFIG_VPORT_TX, + sizeof(resp)); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + netdev_err(ac->ndev, "Failed to configure vPort TX: %d, 0x%x\n", + err, resp.hdr.status); + if (!err) + err = -EPROTO; + + goto out; + } + + ac->tx_shortform_allowed = resp.short_form_allowed; + ac->tx_vp_offset = resp.tx_vport_offset; +out: + return err; +} + +static int ana_cfg_vport_steering(struct ana_context *ac, enum TRI_STATE rx, + bool update_default_rxobj, bool update_key, + bool update_tab) +{ + u16 num_entries = ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE; + struct ana_cfg_rx_steer_req *req = NULL; + struct ana_cfg_rx_steer_resp resp = {}; + struct net_device *ndev = ac->ndev; + ana_handle_t *req_indir_tab; + u32 req_buf_size; + int err; + + if (update_key && !ac->hashkey) + return -EINVAL; + + if (update_tab && !ac->rxobj_table) + return -EINVAL; + + req_buf_size = sizeof(*req) + sizeof(ana_handle_t) * num_entries; + req = kzalloc(req_buf_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!req) + return -ENOMEM; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req->hdr, ANA_CONFIG_VPORT_RX, req_buf_size, + sizeof(resp)); + + req->vport = ac->default_vport; + req->num_indir_entries = num_entries; + req->indir_tab_offset = sizeof(*req); + req->rx_enable = rx; + req->rss_enable = ac->rss_state; + req->update_default_rxobj = update_default_rxobj; + req->update_hashkey = update_key; + req->update_indir_tab = update_tab; + req->default_rxobj = ac->default_rxobj; + + if (update_key) + memcpy(&req->hashkey, ac->hashkey, ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE); + + if (update_tab) { + req_indir_tab = (ana_handle_t *)(req + 1); + memcpy(req_indir_tab, ac->rxobj_table, + req->num_indir_entries * sizeof(ana_handle_t)); + } + + err = ana_send_request(ac, req, req_buf_size, &resp, sizeof(resp)); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to configure vPort RX: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + err = ana_verify_gdma_resp_hdr(&resp.hdr, ANA_CONFIG_VPORT_RX, + sizeof(resp)); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ndev, "vPort RX configuration failed: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + if (resp.hdr.status) { + netdev_err(ndev, "vPort RX configuration failed: 0x%x\n", + resp.hdr.status); + err = -EPROTO; + } +out: + kfree(req); + return err; +} + +static int ana_create_wq_obj(struct ana_context *ac, ana_handle_t vport, + u32 wq_type, struct ana_obj_spec *wq_spec, + struct ana_obj_spec *cq_spec, ana_handle_t *wq_obj) +{ + struct ana_create_wqobj_resp resp = {}; + struct ana_create_wqobj_req req = {}; + struct net_device *ndev = ac->ndev; + int err; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, ANA_CREATE_WQ_OBJ, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + req.vport = vport; + req.wq_type = wq_type; + req.wq_gdma_region = wq_spec->gdma_region; + req.cq_gdma_region = cq_spec->gdma_region; + req.wq_size = wq_spec->queue_size; + req.cq_size = cq_spec->queue_size; + req.cq_moderation_ctx_id = cq_spec->modr_ctx_id; + req.cq_parent_qid = cq_spec->attached_eq; + + err = ana_send_request(ac, &req, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp)); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to create WQ object: %d\n", err); + goto out; + } + + err = ana_verify_gdma_resp_hdr(&resp.hdr, ANA_CREATE_WQ_OBJ, + sizeof(resp)); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to create WQ object: %d, 0x%x\n", err, + resp.hdr.status); + if (!err) + err = -EPROTO; + goto out; + } + + if (resp.wq_obj == INVALID_ANA_HANDLE) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to create WQ object: invalid handle\n"); + err = -EPROTO; + goto out; + } + + *wq_obj = resp.wq_obj; + wq_spec->queue_index = resp.wq_id; + cq_spec->queue_index = resp.cq_id; + + return 0; + +out: + return err; +} + +static void ana_destroy_wq_obj(struct ana_context *ac, u32 wq_type, + ana_handle_t wq_obj) +{ + struct ana_destroy_wqobj_resp resp = {}; + struct ana_destroy_wqobj_req req = {}; + struct net_device *ndev = ac->ndev; + int err; + + gdma_init_req_hdr(&req.hdr, ANA_DESTROY_WQ_OBJ, + sizeof(req), sizeof(resp)); + req.wq_type = wq_type; + req.wqobj_handle = wq_obj; + + err = ana_send_request(ac, &req, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp)); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to destroy WQ object: %d\n", err); + return; + } + + err = ana_verify_gdma_resp_hdr(&resp.hdr, ANA_DESTROY_WQ_OBJ, + sizeof(resp)); + if (err || resp.hdr.status) + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to destroy WQ object: %d, 0x%x\n", err, + resp.hdr.status); +} + +static void ana_init_cqe_pollbuf(struct gdma_comp *cqe_poll_buf) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < CQE_POLLING_BUFFER; i++) + memset(&cqe_poll_buf[i], 0, sizeof(struct gdma_comp)); +} + +static void ana_destroy_eq(struct gdma_context *gc, struct ana_context *ac) +{ + struct gdma_queue *eq; + int i; + + if (!ac->eqs) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < ac->num_queues; i++) { + eq = ac->eqs[i].eq; + if (!eq) + continue; + + gdma_destroy_queue(gc, eq); + } + + kfree(ac->eqs); + ac->eqs = NULL; +} + +static int ana_create_eq(struct ana_context *ac) +{ + struct gdma_dev *gd = ac->gdma_dev; + struct gdma_queue_spec spec = {}; + int err; + int i; + + ac->eqs = kcalloc(ac->num_queues, sizeof(struct ana_eq), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ac->eqs) + return -ENOMEM; + + spec.type = GDMA_EQ; + spec.monitor_avl_buf = false; + spec.queue_size = EQ_SIZE; + spec.eq.callback = NULL; + spec.eq.context = ac->eqs; + spec.eq.log2_throttle_limit = LOG2_EQ_THROTTLE; + + for (i = 0; i < ac->num_queues; i++) { + ana_init_cqe_pollbuf(ac->eqs[i].cqe_poll); + + err = gdma_create_ana_eq(gd, &spec, &ac->eqs[i].eq); + if (err) + goto out; + } + + return 0; +out: + ana_destroy_eq(ana_to_gdma_context(gd), ac); + return err; +} + +static int gdma_move_wq_tail(struct gdma_queue *wq, u32 num_units) +{ + u32 used_space_old; + u32 used_space_new; + + used_space_old = wq->head - wq->tail; + used_space_new = wq->head - (wq->tail + num_units); + + if (used_space_new > used_space_old) { + WARN_ON(1); + return -ERANGE; + } + + wq->tail += num_units; + return 0; +} + +static void ana_unmap_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ana_context *ac) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = ana_to_gdma_context(ac->gdma_dev); + struct ana_skb_head *ash = (struct ana_skb_head *)skb->head; + struct device *dev = gc->dev; + int i; + + dma_unmap_single(dev, ash->dma_handle[0], ash->size[0], DMA_TO_DEVICE); + + for (i = 1; i < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags + 1; i++) + dma_unmap_page(dev, ash->dma_handle[i], ash->size[i], + DMA_TO_DEVICE); +} + +static void ana_poll_tx_cq(struct ana_cq *cq) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = cq->gdma_cq->gdma_dev->driver_data; + struct gdma_comp *completions = cq->gdma_comp_buf; + struct gdma_queue *eqkb = cq->gdma_cq->cq.parent; + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct gdma_posted_wqe_info *wqe_info; + unsigned int pkt_transmitted = 0; + unsigned int wqe_unit_cnt = 0; + struct ana_txq *txq = cq->txq; + struct netdev_queue *net_txq; + unsigned int avail_space; + struct gdma_queue *wq; + struct sk_buff *skb; + bool txq_stopped; + int comp_read; + int i; + + comp_read = gdma_poll_cq(cq->gdma_cq, completions, CQE_POLLING_BUFFER); + + for (i = 0; i < comp_read; i++) { + struct ana_tx_comp_oob *cqe_oob; + + if (WARN_ON(!completions[i].is_sq)) + return; + + cqe_oob = (struct ana_tx_comp_oob *)completions[i].cqe_data; + if (WARN_ON(cqe_oob->cqe_hdr.client_type != ANA_CQE_COMPLETION)) + return; + + switch (cqe_oob->cqe_hdr.cqe_type) { + case CQE_TX_OKAY: + break; + + case CQE_TX_SA_DROP: + case CQE_TX_MTU_DROP: + case CQE_TX_INVALID_OOB: + case CQE_TX_INVALID_ETH_TYPE: + case CQE_TX_HDR_PROCESSING_ERROR: + case CQE_TX_VF_DISABLED: + case CQE_TX_VPORT_IDX_OUT_OF_RANGE: + case CQE_TX_VPORT_DISABLED: + case CQE_TX_VLAN_TAGGING_VIOLATION: + WARN(1, "TX: CQE error %d: ignored.\n", + cqe_oob->cqe_hdr.cqe_type); + break; + + default: + /* If the CQE type is unexpected, log an error, assert, + * and go through the error path. + */ + WARN(1, "TX: Unexpected CQE type %d: HW BUG?\n", + cqe_oob->cqe_hdr.cqe_type); + return; + } + + if (WARN_ON(txq->gdma_txq_id != completions[i].wq_num)) + return; + + skb = skb_dequeue(&txq->pending_skbs); + if (WARN_ON(!skb)) + return; + + wqe_info = (struct gdma_posted_wqe_info *)skb->cb; + wqe_unit_cnt += wqe_info->wqe_size_in_bu; + + ana_unmap_skb(skb, ac); + + napi_consume_skb(skb, eqkb->eq.budget); + + pkt_transmitted++; + } + + if (WARN_ON(wqe_unit_cnt == 0)) + return; + + gdma_move_wq_tail(txq->gdma_sq, wqe_unit_cnt); + + wq = txq->gdma_sq; + avail_space = gdma_wq_avail_space(wq); + + /* Ensure tail updated before checking q stop */ + smp_mb(); + + net_txq = txq->net_txq; + txq_stopped = netif_tx_queue_stopped(net_txq); + + if (txq_stopped && ac->port_is_up && avail_space >= MAX_TX_WQE_SIZE) { + netif_tx_wake_queue(net_txq); + ac->eth_stats.wake_queue++; + } + + if (atomic_sub_return(pkt_transmitted, &txq->pending_sends) < 0) + WARN_ON(1); +} + +static void ana_post_pkt_rxq(struct ana_rxq *rxq) +{ + struct ana_recv_buf_oob *recv_buf_oob; + u32 curr_index; + int err; + + curr_index = rxq->buf_index++; + if (rxq->buf_index == rxq->num_rx_buf) + rxq->buf_index = 0; + + recv_buf_oob = &rxq->rx_oobs[curr_index]; + + err = gdma_post_and_ring(rxq->gdma_rq, &recv_buf_oob->wqe_req, + &recv_buf_oob->wqe_inf); + if (WARN_ON(err)) + return; + + WARN_ON(recv_buf_oob->wqe_inf.wqe_size_in_bu != 1); +} + +static void ana_rx_skb(void *buf_va, struct ana_rxcomp_oob *cqe, + struct ana_rxq *rxq) +{ + struct ana_stats *rx_stats = &rxq->stats; + struct net_device *ndev = rxq->ndev; + uint pkt_len = cqe->ppi[0].pkt_len; + u16 rxq_idx = rxq->rxq_idx; + struct napi_struct *napi; + struct ana_context *ac; + struct gdma_queue *eq; + struct sk_buff *skb; + u32 hash_value; + + ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + eq = ac->eqs[rxq_idx].eq; + eq->eq.work_done++; + napi = &eq->eq.napi; + + if (!buf_va) { + ++ndev->stats.rx_dropped; + return; + } + + skb = build_skb(buf_va, PAGE_SIZE); + + if (!skb) { + free_page((unsigned long)buf_va); + ++ndev->stats.rx_dropped; + return; + } + + skb_put(skb, pkt_len); + skb->dev = napi->dev; + + skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, ndev); + skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); + skb_record_rx_queue(skb, rxq_idx); + + if ((ndev->features & NETIF_F_RXCSUM) && cqe->rx_iphdr_csum_succeed) { + if (cqe->rx_tcp_csum_succeed || cqe->rx_udp_csum_succeed) + skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; + } + + if (cqe->rx_hashtype != 0 && (ndev->features & NETIF_F_RXHASH)) { + hash_value = cqe->ppi[0].pkt_hash; + + if (cqe->rx_hashtype & ANA_HASH_L4) + skb_set_hash(skb, hash_value, PKT_HASH_TYPE_L4); + else + skb_set_hash(skb, hash_value, PKT_HASH_TYPE_L3); + } + + napi_gro_receive(napi, skb); + + u64_stats_update_begin(&rx_stats->syncp); + rx_stats->packets++; + rx_stats->bytes += pkt_len; + u64_stats_update_end(&rx_stats->syncp); +} + +static void ana_process_rx_cqe(struct ana_rxq *rxq, struct ana_cq *cq, + struct gdma_comp *cqe) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = ana_to_gdma_context(rxq->gdma_rq->gdma_dev); + struct ana_rxcomp_oob *oob = (struct ana_rxcomp_oob *)cqe->cqe_data; + struct net_device *ndev = rxq->ndev; + struct ana_recv_buf_oob *rxbuf_oob; + struct device *dev = gc->dev; + void *new_buf, *old_buf; + struct page *new_page; + u32 curr, pktlen; + dma_addr_t da; + + switch (oob->cqe_hdr.cqe_type) { + case CQE_RX_OKAY: + break; + + case CQE_RX_TRUNCATED: + netdev_err(ndev, "Dropped a truncated packet\n"); + return; + + case CQE_RX_COALESCED_4: + netdev_err(ndev, "RX coalescing is unsupported\n"); + return; + + case CQE_RX_OBJECT_FENCE: + netdev_err(ndev, "RX Fencing is unsupported\n"); + return; + + default: + netdev_err(ndev, "Unknown RX CQE type = %d\n", + oob->cqe_hdr.cqe_type); + return; + } + + if (oob->cqe_hdr.cqe_type != CQE_RX_OKAY) + return; + + pktlen = oob->ppi[0].pkt_len; + + if (pktlen == 0) { + /* data packets should never have packetlength of zero */ + netdev_err(ndev, "RX pkt len=0, rq=%u, cq=%u, rxobj=0x%llx\n", + rxq->gdma_id, cq->gdma_id, rxq->rxobj); + return; + } + + curr = rxq->buf_index; + rxbuf_oob = &rxq->rx_oobs[curr]; + WARN_ON(rxbuf_oob->wqe_inf.wqe_size_in_bu != 1); + + new_page = alloc_page(GFP_ATOMIC); + + if (new_page) { + da = dma_map_page(dev, new_page, 0, rxq->datasize, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + if (dma_mapping_error(dev, da)) { + __free_page(new_page); + new_page = NULL; + } + } + + new_buf = new_page ? page_to_virt(new_page) : NULL; + + if (new_buf) { + dma_unmap_page(dev, rxbuf_oob->buf_dma_addr, rxq->datasize, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + old_buf = rxbuf_oob->buf_va; + + /* refresh the rxbuf_oob with the new page */ + rxbuf_oob->buf_va = new_buf; + rxbuf_oob->buf_dma_addr = da; + rxbuf_oob->sgl[0].address = rxbuf_oob->buf_dma_addr; + } else { + old_buf = NULL; /* drop the packet if no memory */ + } + + ana_rx_skb(old_buf, oob, rxq); + + gdma_move_wq_tail(rxq->gdma_rq, rxbuf_oob->wqe_inf.wqe_size_in_bu); + + ana_post_pkt_rxq(rxq); +} + +static void ana_poll_rx_cq(struct ana_cq *cq) +{ + struct gdma_comp *comp = cq->gdma_comp_buf; + u32 comp_read, i; + + comp_read = gdma_poll_cq(cq->gdma_cq, comp, CQE_POLLING_BUFFER); + WARN_ON(comp_read > CQE_POLLING_BUFFER); + + for (i = 0; i < comp_read; i++) { + if (WARN_ON(comp[i].is_sq)) + return; + + /* verify recv cqe references the right rxq */ + if (WARN_ON(comp[i].wq_num != cq->rxq->gdma_id)) + return; + + ana_process_rx_cqe(cq->rxq, cq, &comp[i]); + } +} + +static void ana_cq_handler(void *context, struct gdma_queue *gdma_queue) +{ + struct ana_cq *cq = context; + + WARN_ON(cq->gdma_cq != gdma_queue); + + if (cq->type == ANA_CQ_TYPE_RX) + ana_poll_rx_cq(cq); + else + ana_poll_tx_cq(cq); + + gdma_arm_cq(gdma_queue); +} + +static void ana_deinit_cq(struct ana_context *ac, struct ana_cq *cq) +{ + if (!cq->gdma_cq) + return; + + gdma_destroy_queue(ana_to_gdma_context(ac->gdma_dev), cq->gdma_cq); +} + +static void ana_deinit_txq(struct ana_context *ac, struct ana_txq *txq) +{ + if (!txq->gdma_sq) + return; + + gdma_destroy_queue(ana_to_gdma_context(ac->gdma_dev), txq->gdma_sq); +} + +static void ana_destroy_txq(struct ana_context *ac) +{ + int i; + + if (!ac->tx_qp) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < ac->num_queues; i++) { + ana_destroy_wq_obj(ac, GDMA_SQ, ac->tx_qp[i].tx_object); + + ana_deinit_cq(ac, &ac->tx_qp[i].tx_cq); + + ana_deinit_txq(ac, &ac->tx_qp[i].txq); + } + + kfree(ac->tx_qp); + ac->tx_qp = NULL; +} + +static int ana_create_txq(struct ana_context *ac, struct net_device *net) +{ + struct gdma_dev *gd = ac->gdma_dev; + struct ana_obj_spec wq_spec; + struct ana_obj_spec cq_spec; + struct gdma_queue_spec spec; + struct gdma_context *gc; + struct ana_txq *txq; + struct ana_cq *cq; + u32 txq_size; + u32 cq_size; + int err; + int i; + + ac->tx_qp = kcalloc(ac->num_queues, sizeof(struct ana_tx_qp), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ac->tx_qp) + return -ENOMEM; + + /* The minimum size of the WQE is 32 bytes, hence + * MAX_SEND_BUFFERS_PER_QUEUE represents the maximum number of WQEs + * the send queue can store. This value is then used to size other + * queues in the driver to prevent overflow. + * SQ size must be divisible by PAGE_SIZE. + */ + txq_size = MAX_SEND_BUFFERS_PER_QUEUE * 32; + BUILD_BUG_ON(txq_size % PAGE_SIZE != 0); + + cq_size = MAX_SEND_BUFFERS_PER_QUEUE * COMP_ENTRY_SIZE; + cq_size = ALIGN(cq_size, PAGE_SIZE); + + gc = ana_to_gdma_context(gd); + + for (i = 0; i < ac->num_queues; i++) { + ac->tx_qp[i].tx_object = INVALID_ANA_HANDLE; + + /* create SQ */ + txq = &ac->tx_qp[i].txq; + + u64_stats_init(&txq->stats.syncp); + txq->net_txq = netdev_get_tx_queue(net, i); + txq->vp_offset = ac->tx_vp_offset; + skb_queue_head_init(&txq->pending_skbs); + + memset(&spec, 0, sizeof(spec)); + spec.type = GDMA_SQ; + spec.monitor_avl_buf = true; + spec.queue_size = txq_size; + err = gdma_create_ana_wq_cq(gd, &spec, &txq->gdma_sq); + if (err) + goto out; + + /* create SQ's CQ */ + cq = &ac->tx_qp[i].tx_cq; + cq->gdma_comp_buf = ac->eqs[i].cqe_poll; + cq->type = ANA_CQ_TYPE_TX; + + cq->txq = txq; + + memset(&spec, 0, sizeof(spec)); + spec.type = GDMA_CQ; + spec.monitor_avl_buf = false; + spec.queue_size = cq_size; + spec.cq.callback = ana_cq_handler; + spec.cq.parent_eq = ac->eqs[i].eq; + spec.cq.context = cq; + err = gdma_create_ana_wq_cq(gd, &spec, &cq->gdma_cq); + if (err) + goto out; + + memset(&wq_spec, 0, sizeof(wq_spec)); + memset(&cq_spec, 0, sizeof(cq_spec)); + + wq_spec.gdma_region = txq->gdma_sq->mem_info.gdma_region; + wq_spec.queue_size = txq->gdma_sq->queue_size; + + cq_spec.gdma_region = cq->gdma_cq->mem_info.gdma_region; + cq_spec.queue_size = cq->gdma_cq->queue_size; + cq_spec.modr_ctx_id = 0; + cq_spec.attached_eq = cq->gdma_cq->cq.parent->id; + + err = ana_create_wq_obj(ac, ac->default_vport, GDMA_SQ, + &wq_spec, &cq_spec, + &ac->tx_qp[i].tx_object); + + if (err) + goto out; + + txq->gdma_sq->id = wq_spec.queue_index; + cq->gdma_cq->id = cq_spec.queue_index; + + txq->gdma_sq->mem_info.gdma_region = GDMA_INVALID_DMA_REGION; + cq->gdma_cq->mem_info.gdma_region = GDMA_INVALID_DMA_REGION; + + txq->gdma_txq_id = txq->gdma_sq->id; + + cq->gdma_id = cq->gdma_cq->id; + + if (cq->gdma_id >= gc->max_num_cq) { + WARN_ON(1); + return -EINVAL; + } + + gc->cq_table[cq->gdma_id] = cq->gdma_cq; + + gdma_arm_cq(cq->gdma_cq); + } + + return 0; + +out: + ana_destroy_txq(ac); + return err; +} + +static void gdma_napi_sync_for_rx(struct ana_rxq *rxq) +{ + struct net_device *ndev = rxq->ndev; + u16 rxq_idx = rxq->rxq_idx; + struct napi_struct *napi; + struct ana_context *ac; + struct gdma_queue *eq; + + ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + eq = ac->eqs[rxq_idx].eq; + napi = &eq->eq.napi; + + napi_synchronize(napi); +} + +static void ana_destroy_rxq(struct ana_context *ac, struct ana_rxq *rxq, + bool validate_state) + +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = ana_to_gdma_context(ac->gdma_dev); + struct ana_recv_buf_oob *rx_oob; + struct device *dev = gc->dev; + int i; + + if (!rxq) + return; + + if (validate_state) + gdma_napi_sync_for_rx(rxq); + + ana_destroy_wq_obj(ac, GDMA_RQ, rxq->rxobj); + + ana_deinit_cq(ac, &rxq->rx_cq); + + for (i = 0; i < rxq->num_rx_buf; i++) { + rx_oob = &rxq->rx_oobs[i]; + + if (!rx_oob->buf_va) + continue; + + dma_unmap_page(dev, rx_oob->buf_dma_addr, rxq->datasize, + DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + free_page((unsigned long)rx_oob->buf_va); + rx_oob->buf_va = NULL; + } + + if (rxq->gdma_rq) + gdma_destroy_queue(ana_to_gdma_context(ac->gdma_dev), + rxq->gdma_rq); + + kfree(rxq); +} + +#define ANA_WQE_HEADER_SIZE 16 +#define ANA_WQE_SGE_SIZE 16 + +static int ana_alloc_rx_wqe(struct ana_context *ac, struct ana_rxq *rxq, + u32 *rxq_size, u32 *cq_size) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = ana_to_gdma_context(ac->gdma_dev); + struct ana_recv_buf_oob *rx_oob; + struct device *dev = gc->dev; + struct page *page; + dma_addr_t da; + u32 buf_idx; + + WARN_ON(rxq->datasize == 0 || rxq->datasize > PAGE_SIZE); + + *rxq_size = 0; + *cq_size = 0; + + for (buf_idx = 0; buf_idx < rxq->num_rx_buf; buf_idx++) { + rx_oob = &rxq->rx_oobs[buf_idx]; + memset(rx_oob, 0, sizeof(*rx_oob)); + + page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL); + if (!page) + return -ENOMEM; + + da = dma_map_page(dev, page, 0, rxq->datasize, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); + + if (dma_mapping_error(dev, da)) { + __free_page(page); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + rx_oob->buf_va = page_to_virt(page); + rx_oob->buf_dma_addr = da; + + rx_oob->num_sge = 1; + rx_oob->sgl[0].address = rx_oob->buf_dma_addr; + rx_oob->sgl[0].size = rxq->datasize; + rx_oob->sgl[0].mem_key = ac->gdma_dev->gpa_mkey; + + rx_oob->wqe_req.sgl = rx_oob->sgl; + rx_oob->wqe_req.num_sge = rx_oob->num_sge; + rx_oob->wqe_req.inline_oob_size = 0; + rx_oob->wqe_req.inline_oob_data = NULL; + rx_oob->wqe_req.flags = 0; + rx_oob->wqe_req.client_data_unit = 0; + + *rxq_size += ALIGN(ANA_WQE_HEADER_SIZE + + ANA_WQE_SGE_SIZE * rx_oob->num_sge, 32); + *cq_size += COMP_ENTRY_SIZE; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int ana_push_wqe(struct ana_rxq *rxq) +{ + struct ana_recv_buf_oob *rx_oob; + u32 buf_idx; + int err; + + for (buf_idx = 0; buf_idx < rxq->num_rx_buf; buf_idx++) { + rx_oob = &rxq->rx_oobs[buf_idx]; + + err = gdma_post_and_ring(rxq->gdma_rq, &rx_oob->wqe_req, + &rx_oob->wqe_inf); + if (err) + return -ENOSPC; + } + + return 0; +} + +static struct ana_rxq *ana_create_rxq(struct ana_context *ac, u32 rxq_idx, + struct ana_eq *eq, + struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct gdma_dev *gd = ac->gdma_dev; + struct ana_obj_spec wq_spec; + struct ana_obj_spec cq_spec; + struct gdma_queue_spec spec; + struct ana_cq *cq = NULL; + struct gdma_context *gc; + u32 cq_size, rq_size; + struct ana_rxq *rxq; + int err; + + gc = ana_to_gdma_context(gd); + + rxq = kzalloc(sizeof(*rxq) + + RX_BUFFERS_PER_QUEUE * sizeof(struct ana_recv_buf_oob), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!rxq) + return NULL; + + rxq->ndev = ndev; + rxq->num_rx_buf = RX_BUFFERS_PER_QUEUE; + rxq->rxq_idx = rxq_idx; + rxq->datasize = ALIGN(MAX_FRAME_SIZE, 64); + rxq->rxobj = INVALID_ANA_HANDLE; + + err = ana_alloc_rx_wqe(ac, rxq, &rq_size, &cq_size); + if (err) + goto out; + + rq_size = ALIGN(rq_size, PAGE_SIZE); + cq_size = ALIGN(cq_size, PAGE_SIZE); + + /* Create RQ */ + memset(&spec, 0, sizeof(spec)); + spec.type = GDMA_RQ; + spec.monitor_avl_buf = true; + spec.queue_size = rq_size; + err = gdma_create_ana_wq_cq(gd, &spec, &rxq->gdma_rq); + if (err) + goto out; + + /* Create RQ's CQ */ + cq = &rxq->rx_cq; + cq->gdma_comp_buf = eq->cqe_poll; + cq->type = ANA_CQ_TYPE_RX; + cq->rxq = rxq; + + memset(&spec, 0, sizeof(spec)); + spec.type = GDMA_CQ; + spec.monitor_avl_buf = false; + spec.queue_size = cq_size; + spec.cq.callback = ana_cq_handler; + spec.cq.parent_eq = eq->eq; + spec.cq.context = cq; + err = gdma_create_ana_wq_cq(gd, &spec, &cq->gdma_cq); + if (err) + goto out; + + memset(&wq_spec, 0, sizeof(wq_spec)); + memset(&cq_spec, 0, sizeof(cq_spec)); + wq_spec.gdma_region = rxq->gdma_rq->mem_info.gdma_region; + wq_spec.queue_size = rxq->gdma_rq->queue_size; + + cq_spec.gdma_region = cq->gdma_cq->mem_info.gdma_region; + cq_spec.queue_size = cq->gdma_cq->queue_size; + cq_spec.modr_ctx_id = 0; + cq_spec.attached_eq = cq->gdma_cq->cq.parent->id; + + err = ana_create_wq_obj(ac, ac->default_vport, GDMA_RQ, + &wq_spec, &cq_spec, &rxq->rxobj); + if (err) + goto out; + + rxq->gdma_rq->id = wq_spec.queue_index; + cq->gdma_cq->id = cq_spec.queue_index; + + rxq->gdma_rq->mem_info.gdma_region = GDMA_INVALID_DMA_REGION; + cq->gdma_cq->mem_info.gdma_region = GDMA_INVALID_DMA_REGION; + + rxq->gdma_id = rxq->gdma_rq->id; + cq->gdma_id = cq->gdma_cq->id; + + err = ana_push_wqe(rxq); + if (err) + goto out; + + if (cq->gdma_id >= gc->max_num_cq) + goto out; + + gc->cq_table[cq->gdma_id] = cq->gdma_cq; + + gdma_arm_cq(cq->gdma_cq); + +out: + if (!err) + return rxq; + + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to create RXQ: err = %d\n", err); + + ana_destroy_rxq(ac, rxq, false); + + if (cq) + ana_deinit_cq(ac, cq); + + return NULL; +} + +static int ana_add_rx_queues(struct ana_context *ac, struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct ana_rxq *rxq; + int err = 0; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ac->num_queues; i++) { + rxq = ana_create_rxq(ac, i, &ac->eqs[i], ndev); + if (!rxq) { + err = -ENOMEM; + goto out; + } + + u64_stats_init(&rxq->stats.syncp); + + ac->rxqs[i] = rxq; + } + + ac->default_rxobj = ac->rxqs[0]->rxobj; +out: + return err; +} + +static void ana_destroy_vport(struct ana_context *ac) +{ + struct ana_rxq *rxq; + u32 rxq_idx; + + for (rxq_idx = 0; rxq_idx < ac->num_queues; rxq_idx++) { + rxq = ac->rxqs[rxq_idx]; + if (!rxq) + continue; + + ana_destroy_rxq(ac, rxq, true); + ac->rxqs[rxq_idx] = NULL; + } + + ana_destroy_txq(ac); +} + +static int ana_create_vport(struct ana_context *ac, struct net_device *net) +{ + struct gdma_dev *gd = ac->gdma_dev; + int err; + + ac->default_rxobj = INVALID_ANA_HANDLE; + + err = ana_cfg_vport(ac, gd->pdid, gd->doorbell); + if (err) + return err; + + err = ana_create_txq(ac, net); + return err; +} + +static void ana_key_table_init(struct ana_context *ac, bool reset_hash) +{ + int i; + + if (reset_hash) + get_random_bytes(ac->hashkey, ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE); + + for (i = 0; i < ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) + ac->ind_table[i] = i % ac->num_queues; +} + +int ana_config_rss(struct ana_context *ac, enum TRI_STATE rx, + bool update_hash, bool update_tab) +{ + int err; + int i; + + if (update_tab) { + for (i = 0; i < ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) + ac->rxobj_table[i] = ac->rxqs[ac->ind_table[i]]->rxobj; + } + + err = ana_cfg_vport_steering(ac, rx, true, update_hash, update_tab); + return err; +} + +int ana_detach(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct ana_txq *txq; + int i, err; + + ASSERT_RTNL(); + + ac->port_st_save = ac->port_is_up; + ac->port_is_up = false; + ac->start_remove = true; + + /* Ensure port state updated before txq state */ + smp_wmb(); + + netif_tx_disable(ndev); + netif_carrier_off(ndev); + + /* No packet can be transmitted now since ac->port_is_up is false. + * There is still a tiny chance that ana_poll_tx_cq() can re-enable + * a txq because it may not timely see ac->port_is_up being cleared + * to false, but it doesn't matter since ana_start_xmit() drops any + * new packets due to ac->port_is_up being false. + * + * Drain all the in-flight TX packets + */ + for (i = 0; i < ac->num_queues; i++) { + txq = &ac->tx_qp[i].txq; + + while (atomic_read(&txq->pending_sends) > 0) + usleep_range(1000, 2000); + } + + /* We're 100% sure the queues can no longer be woken up, because + * we're sure now ana_poll_tx_cq() can't be running. + */ + netif_device_detach(ndev); + + ac->rss_state = TRI_STATE_FALSE; + err = ana_config_rss(ac, TRI_STATE_FALSE, false, false); + if (err) + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to disable vPort: %d\n", err); + + ana_destroy_vport(ac); + + ana_destroy_eq(ana_to_gdma_context(ac->gdma_dev), ac); + + ana_cleanup_context(ac); + + /* TODO: Implement RX fencing */ + ssleep(1); + + return 0; +} + +int ana_do_attach(struct net_device *ndev, bool reset_hash) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + struct gdma_dev *gd = ac->gdma_dev; + u32 max_txq, max_rxq, max_queues; + u32 num_indirect_entries; + u16 max_vports = 1; + int err; + + err = ana_init_context(ac); + if (err) + return err; + + err = ana_query_client_cfg(ac, ANA_MAJOR_VERSION, ANA_MINOR_VERSION, + ANA_MICRO_VERSION, &max_vports); + if (err) + goto reset_ac; + + err = ana_query_vport_cfg(ac, 0, &max_txq, &max_rxq, + &num_indirect_entries); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to query info for vPort 0\n"); + goto reset_ac; + } + + max_queues = min_t(u32, max_txq, max_rxq); + if (ac->max_queues > max_queues) + ac->max_queues = max_queues; + + if (ac->num_queues > ac->max_queues) + ac->num_queues = ac->max_queues; + + memcpy(ndev->dev_addr, ac->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); + + err = ana_create_eq(ac); + if (err) + goto reset_ac; + + err = ana_create_vport(ac, ndev); + if (err) + goto destroy_eq; + + netif_set_real_num_tx_queues(ndev, ac->num_queues); + + err = ana_add_rx_queues(ac, ndev); + if (err) + goto destroy_vport; + + ac->rss_state = ac->num_queues > 1 ? TRI_STATE_TRUE : TRI_STATE_FALSE; + + netif_set_real_num_rx_queues(ndev, ac->num_queues); + + ana_key_table_init(ac, reset_hash); + + err = ana_config_rss(ac, TRI_STATE_TRUE, true, true); + if (err) + goto destroy_vport; + + return 0; + +destroy_vport: + ana_destroy_vport(ac); +destroy_eq: + ana_destroy_eq(ana_to_gdma_context(gd), ac); +reset_ac: + gdma_deregister_device(gd); + kfree(ac->rxqs); + ac->rxqs = NULL; + return err; +} + +int ana_probe(struct gdma_dev *gd) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = ana_to_gdma_context(gd); + struct device *dev = gc->dev; + struct net_device *ndev; + struct ana_context *ac; + int err; + + dev_info(dev, "Azure Network Adapter (ANA) Driver version: %d.%d.%d\n", + ANA_MAJOR_VERSION, ANA_MINOR_VERSION, ANA_MICRO_VERSION); + + ndev = alloc_etherdev_mq(sizeof(struct ana_context), gc->max_num_queue); + if (!ndev) + return -ENOMEM; + + gd->driver_data = ndev; + + ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + ac->gdma_dev = gd; + ac->ndev = ndev; + ac->max_queues = gc->max_num_queue; + ac->num_queues = min_t(uint, gc->max_num_queue, ANA_DEFAULT_NUM_QUEUE); + ac->default_vport = INVALID_ANA_HANDLE; + + ndev->netdev_ops = &ana_devops; + ndev->ethtool_ops = &ana_ethtool_ops; + ndev->mtu = ETH_DATA_LEN; + ndev->max_mtu = ndev->mtu; + ndev->min_mtu = ndev->mtu; + ndev->needed_headroom = ANA_HEADROOM; + SET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, gc->dev); + + netif_carrier_off(ndev); + err = ana_do_attach(ndev, true); + if (err) + goto free_net; + + rtnl_lock(); + + netdev_lockdep_set_classes(ndev); + + ndev->hw_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM; + ndev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXCSUM; + ndev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_TSO | NETIF_F_TSO6; + ndev->hw_features |= NETIF_F_RXHASH; + ndev->features = ndev->hw_features; + ndev->vlan_features = 0; + + err = register_netdevice(ndev); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ndev, "Unable to register netdev.\n"); + goto destroy_vport; + } + + rtnl_unlock(); + + return 0; +destroy_vport: + rtnl_unlock(); + + ana_destroy_vport(ac); + ana_destroy_eq(gc, ac); +free_net: + gd->driver_data = NULL; + netdev_err(ndev, "Failed to probe net device: %d\n", err); + free_netdev(ndev); + return err; +} + +void ana_remove(struct gdma_dev *gd) +{ + struct gdma_context *gc = ana_to_gdma_context(gd); + struct net_device *ndev = gd->driver_data; + struct device *dev = gc->dev; + + if (!ndev) { + dev_err(dev, "Failed to find a net device to remove\n"); + return; + } + + /* All cleanup actions should stay after rtnl_lock(), otherwise + * other functions may access partially cleaned up data. + */ + rtnl_lock(); + + ana_detach(ndev); + + unregister_netdevice(ndev); + + rtnl_unlock(); + + free_netdev(ndev); + + gd->driver_data = NULL; +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_ethtool.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8e438fe96eab --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/mana_ethtool.c @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "mana.h" + +static const struct { + char name[ETH_GSTRING_LEN]; + u16 offset; +} ana_eth_stats[] = { + {"stop_queue", offsetof(struct ana_ethtool_stats, stop_queue)}, + {"wake_queue", offsetof(struct ana_ethtool_stats, wake_queue)}, +}; + +static int ana_get_sset_count(struct net_device *ndev, int stringset) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + unsigned int num_queues = ac->num_queues; + + if (stringset != ETH_SS_STATS) + return -EINVAL; + + return ARRAY_SIZE(ana_eth_stats) + num_queues * 4; +} + +static void ana_get_strings(struct net_device *ndev, u32 stringset, u8 *data) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + unsigned int num_queues = ac->num_queues; + u8 *p = data; + int i; + + if (stringset != ETH_SS_STATS) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ana_eth_stats); i++) { + memcpy(p, ana_eth_stats[i].name, ETH_GSTRING_LEN); + p += ETH_GSTRING_LEN; + } + + for (i = 0; i < num_queues; i++) { + sprintf(p, "rx_%d_packets", i); + p += ETH_GSTRING_LEN; + sprintf(p, "rx_%d_bytes", i); + p += ETH_GSTRING_LEN; + } + + for (i = 0; i < num_queues; i++) { + sprintf(p, "tx_%d_packets", i); + p += ETH_GSTRING_LEN; + sprintf(p, "tx_%d_bytes", i); + p += ETH_GSTRING_LEN; + } +} + +static void ana_get_ethtool_stats(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_stats *e_stats, u64 *data) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + unsigned int num_queues = ac->num_queues; + void *eth_stats = &ac->eth_stats; + struct ana_stats *stats; + unsigned int start; + u64 packets, bytes; + int q, i = 0; + + for (q = 0; q < ARRAY_SIZE(ana_eth_stats); q++) + data[i++] = *(u64 *)(eth_stats + ana_eth_stats[q].offset); + + for (q = 0; q < num_queues; q++) { + stats = &ac->rxqs[q]->stats; + + do { + start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_irq(&stats->syncp); + packets = stats->packets; + bytes = stats->bytes; + } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_irq(&stats->syncp, start)); + + data[i++] = packets; + data[i++] = bytes; + } + + for (q = 0; q < num_queues; q++) { + stats = &ac->tx_qp[q].txq.stats; + + do { + start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_irq(&stats->syncp); + packets = stats->packets; + bytes = stats->bytes; + } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_irq(&stats->syncp, start)); + + data[i++] = packets; + data[i++] = bytes; + } +} + +static int ana_get_rxnfc(struct net_device *ndev, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd, + u32 *rules) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + + switch (cmd->cmd) { + case ETHTOOL_GRXRINGS: + cmd->data = ac->num_queues; + return 0; + } + + return -EOPNOTSUPP; +} + +static u32 ana_get_rxfh_key_size(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + return ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE; +} + +static u32 ana_rss_indir_size(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + return ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE; +} + +static int ana_get_rxfh(struct net_device *ndev, u32 *indir, u8 *key, u8 *hfunc) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + int i; + + if (hfunc) + *hfunc = ETH_RSS_HASH_TOP; /* Toeplitz */ + + if (indir) { + for (i = 0; i < ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) + indir[i] = ac->ind_table[i]; + } + + if (key) + memcpy(key, ac->hashkey, ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE); + + return 0; +} + +static int ana_set_rxfh(struct net_device *ndev, const u32 *indir, + const u8 *key, const u8 hfunc) +{ + bool update_hash = false, update_table = false; + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + u32 save_table[ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE]; + u8 save_key[ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE]; + int i, err; + + if (hfunc != ETH_RSS_HASH_NO_CHANGE && hfunc != ETH_RSS_HASH_TOP) + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + + if (indir) { + for (i = 0; i < ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) + if (indir[i] >= ac->num_queues) + return -EINVAL; + + update_table = true; + for (i = 0; i < ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { + save_table[i] = ac->ind_table[i]; + ac->ind_table[i] = indir[i]; + } + } + + if (key) { + update_hash = true; + memcpy(save_key, ac->hashkey, ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE); + memcpy(ac->hashkey, key, ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE); + } + + err = ana_config_rss(ac, TRI_STATE_TRUE, update_hash, update_table); + + if (err) { /* recover to original values */ + if (update_table) { + for (i = 0; i < ANA_INDIRECT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) + ac->ind_table[i] = save_table[i]; + } + + if (update_hash) + memcpy(ac->hashkey, save_key, ANA_HASH_KEY_SIZE); + + ana_config_rss(ac, TRI_STATE_TRUE, update_hash, update_table); + } + + return err; +} + +static int ana_attach(struct net_device *ndev) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + int err; + + ASSERT_RTNL(); + + err = ana_do_attach(ndev, false); + if (err) + return err; + + netif_device_attach(ndev); + + ac->port_is_up = ac->port_st_save; + ac->start_remove = false; + + /* Ensure port state updated before txq state */ + smp_wmb(); + + if (ac->port_is_up) { + netif_carrier_on(ndev); + netif_tx_wake_all_queues(ndev); + } + + return 0; +} + +static void ana_get_channels(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_channels *channel) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + + channel->max_combined = ac->max_queues; + channel->combined_count = ac->num_queues; +} + +static int ana_set_channels(struct net_device *ndev, + struct ethtool_channels *channels) +{ + struct ana_context *ac = netdev_priv(ndev); + unsigned int new_count; + unsigned int old_count; + int err, err2; + + new_count = channels->combined_count; + old_count = ac->num_queues; + + if (new_count < 1 || new_count > ac->max_queues || + channels->rx_count || channels->tx_count || channels->other_count) + return -EINVAL; + + if (new_count == old_count) + return 0; + + err = ana_detach(ndev); + if (err) { + netdev_err(ndev, "ana_detach failed: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + ac->num_queues = new_count; + + err = ana_attach(ndev); + if (!err) + return 0; + + netdev_err(ndev, "ana_attach failed: %d\n", err); + + /* Try to roll it back to the old configuration. */ + ac->num_queues = old_count; + err2 = ana_attach(ndev); + if (err2) + netdev_err(ndev, "ana re-attach failed: %d\n", err2); + + return err; +} + +const struct ethtool_ops ana_ethtool_ops = { + .get_ethtool_stats = ana_get_ethtool_stats, + .get_sset_count = ana_get_sset_count, + .get_strings = ana_get_strings, + .get_rxnfc = ana_get_rxnfc, + .get_rxfh_key_size = ana_get_rxfh_key_size, + .get_rxfh_indir_size = ana_rss_indir_size, + .get_rxfh = ana_get_rxfh, + .set_rxfh = ana_set_rxfh, + .get_channels = ana_get_channels, + .set_channels = ana_set_channels, +}; diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..128bd02ebd99 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.c @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "shm_channel.h" + +#define PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BYTES 6 +#define PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BITS (PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BYTES * 8) +#define PAGE_FRAME_L48_MASK 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF +#define PAGE_FRAME_H4_WIDTH_BITS 4 +#define VECTOR_MASK 0xFFFF +#define SHMEM_VF_RESET_STATE ((u32)-1) + +#define SMC_MSG_TYPE_ESTABLISH_HWC 1 +#define SMC_MSG_TYPE_ESTABLISH_HWC_VERSION 0 + +#define SMC_MSG_TYPE_DESTROY_HWC 2 +#define SMC_MSG_TYPE_DESTROY_HWC_VERSION 0 + +#define SMC_MSG_DIRECTION_REQUEST 0 +#define SMC_MSG_DIRECTION_RESPONSE 1 + +/* Shared memory channel protocol header + * 4 bytes + * + * msg_type: set on request and response; response matches request. + * msg_version: newer PF writes back older response (matching request) + * older PF acts on latest version known and sets that version in result + * (less than request). + * direction: 0 for request, VF->PF; 1 for response, PF->VF. + * status: 0 on request, + * operation result on response (success = 0, failure = 1 or greater). + * reset_vf: If set on either establish or destroy request, indicates perform + * FLR before/after the operation. + * owner_is_pf: 1 indicates PF owned, 0 indicates VF owned. + */ +union shm_channel_proto_hdr { + u32 as_uint32; + + struct { + u8 msg_type : 3; + u8 msg_version : 3; + u8 reserved_1 : 1; + u8 direction : 1; + + u8 status; + + u8 reserved_2; + + u8 reset_vf : 1; + u8 reserved_3 : 6; + u8 owner_is_pf : 1; + }; +} __packed; + +#define SMC_APERTURE_BITS 256 +#define SMC_BASIC_UNIT (sizeof(u32)) +#define SMC_APERTURE_DWORDS (SMC_APERTURE_BITS / (SMC_BASIC_UNIT * 8)) +#define SMC_LAST_DWORD (SMC_APERTURE_DWORDS - 1) + +static int shm_channel_poll_register(void __iomem *base, bool reset) +{ + void __iomem *ptr = base + SMC_LAST_DWORD * SMC_BASIC_UNIT; + u32 last_dword; + int i; + + /* wait up to 20 seconds */ + for (i = 0; i < 20 * 100; i++) { + last_dword = readl(ptr); + + /* shmem reads as 0xFFFFFFFF in the reset case */ + if (reset && last_dword == SHMEM_VF_RESET_STATE) + return 0; + + /* If bit_31 is set, the PF currently owns the SMC. */ + if (!(last_dword & BIT(31))) + return 0; + + usleep_range(1000, 2000); + } + + return -ETIMEDOUT; +} + +static int shm_channel_read_response(struct shm_channel *sc, u32 msg_type, + u32 msg_version, bool reset_vf) +{ + union shm_channel_proto_hdr hdr; + void __iomem *base = sc->base; + int err; + + /* Wait for PF to respond. */ + err = shm_channel_poll_register(base, reset_vf); + if (err) + return err; + + hdr.as_uint32 = readl(base + SMC_LAST_DWORD * SMC_BASIC_UNIT); + + if (reset_vf && hdr.as_uint32 == SHMEM_VF_RESET_STATE) + return 0; + + /* Validate protocol fields from the PF driver */ + if (hdr.msg_type != msg_type || hdr.msg_version > msg_version || + hdr.direction != SMC_MSG_DIRECTION_RESPONSE) { + dev_err(sc->dev, "Wrong SMC response 0x%x, type=%d, ver=%d\n", + hdr.as_uint32, msg_type, msg_version); + return -EPROTO; + } + + /* Validate the operation result */ + if (hdr.status != 0) { + dev_err(sc->dev, "SMC operation failed: 0x%x\n", hdr.status); + return -EPROTO; + } + + return 0; +} + +void shm_channel_init(struct shm_channel *sc, struct device *dev, + void __iomem *base) +{ + sc->dev = dev; + sc->base = base; +} + +int shm_channel_setup_hwc(struct shm_channel *sc, bool reset_vf, u64 eq_addr, + u64 cq_addr, u64 rq_addr, u64 sq_addr, + u32 eq_msix_index) +{ + union shm_channel_proto_hdr *hdr; + u16 all_addr_h4bits = 0; + u16 frame_addr_seq = 0; + u64 frame_addr = 0; + u8 shm_buf[32]; + u64 *shmem; + u32 *dword; + u8 *ptr; + int err; + int i; + + /* Ensure VF already has possession of shared memory */ + err = shm_channel_poll_register(sc->base, false); + if (err) { + dev_err(sc->dev, "Timeout when setting up HWC: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + if ((eq_addr & PAGE_MASK) != eq_addr) + return -EINVAL; + + if ((cq_addr & PAGE_MASK) != cq_addr) + return -EINVAL; + + if ((rq_addr & PAGE_MASK) != rq_addr) + return -EINVAL; + + if ((sq_addr & PAGE_MASK) != sq_addr) + return -EINVAL; + + if ((eq_msix_index & VECTOR_MASK) != eq_msix_index) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Scheme for packing four addresses and extra info into 256 bits. + * + * Addresses must be page frame aligned, so only frame address bits + * are transferred. + * + * 52-bit frame addresses are split into the lower 48 bits and upper + * 4 bits. Lower 48 bits of 4 address are written sequentially from + * the start of the 256-bit shared memory region followed by 16 bits + * containing the upper 4 bits of the 4 addresses in sequence. + * + * A 16 bit EQ vector number fills out the next-to-last 32-bit dword. + * + * The final 32-bit dword is used for protocol control information as + * defined in shm_channel_proto_hdr. + */ + + memset(shm_buf, 0, sizeof(shm_buf)); + ptr = shm_buf; + + /* EQ addr: low 48 bits of frame address */ + shmem = (u64 *)ptr; + frame_addr = (eq_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT); + *shmem = (frame_addr & PAGE_FRAME_L48_MASK); + all_addr_h4bits |= (frame_addr >> PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BITS) << + (frame_addr_seq++ * PAGE_FRAME_H4_WIDTH_BITS); + ptr += PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BYTES; + + /* CQ addr: low 48 bits of frame address */ + shmem = (u64 *)ptr; + frame_addr = (cq_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT); + *shmem = (frame_addr & PAGE_FRAME_L48_MASK); + all_addr_h4bits |= (frame_addr >> PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BITS) << + (frame_addr_seq++ * PAGE_FRAME_H4_WIDTH_BITS); + ptr += PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BYTES; + + /* RQ addr: low 48 bits of frame address */ + shmem = (u64 *)ptr; + frame_addr = (rq_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT); + *shmem = (frame_addr & PAGE_FRAME_L48_MASK); + all_addr_h4bits |= (frame_addr >> PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BITS) << + (frame_addr_seq++ * PAGE_FRAME_H4_WIDTH_BITS); + ptr += PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BYTES; + + /* SQ addr: low 48 bits of frame address */ + shmem = (u64 *)ptr; + frame_addr = (sq_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT); + *shmem = (frame_addr & PAGE_FRAME_L48_MASK); + all_addr_h4bits |= (frame_addr >> PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BITS) << + (frame_addr_seq++ * PAGE_FRAME_H4_WIDTH_BITS); + ptr += PAGE_FRAME_L48_WIDTH_BYTES; + + /* High 4 bits of the four frame addresses */ + *((u16 *)ptr) = all_addr_h4bits; + ptr += sizeof(u16); + + /* EQ MSIX vector number */ + *((u16 *)ptr) = (u16)eq_msix_index; + ptr += sizeof(u16); + + /* 32-bit protocol header in final dword */ + *((u32 *)ptr) = 0; + + hdr = (union shm_channel_proto_hdr *)ptr; + hdr->msg_type = SMC_MSG_TYPE_ESTABLISH_HWC; + hdr->msg_version = SMC_MSG_TYPE_ESTABLISH_HWC_VERSION; + hdr->direction = SMC_MSG_DIRECTION_REQUEST; + hdr->reset_vf = reset_vf; + + /* Write 256-message buffer to shared memory (final 32-bit write + * triggers HW to set possession bit to PF). + */ + dword = (u32 *)shm_buf; + for (i = 0; i < SMC_APERTURE_DWORDS; i++) + writel(*dword++, sc->base + i * SMC_BASIC_UNIT); + + /* Read shmem response (polling for VF possession) and validate. + * For setup, waiting for response on shared memory is not strictly + * necessary, since wait occurs later for results to appear in EQE's. + */ + err = shm_channel_read_response(sc, SMC_MSG_TYPE_ESTABLISH_HWC, + SMC_MSG_TYPE_ESTABLISH_HWC_VERSION, + reset_vf); + if (err) { + dev_err(sc->dev, "Error when setting up HWC: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +int shm_channel_teardown_hwc(struct shm_channel *sc, bool reset_vf) +{ + union shm_channel_proto_hdr hdr = {}; + int err; + + /* Ensure already has possession of shared memory */ + err = shm_channel_poll_register(sc->base, false); + if (err) { + dev_err(sc->dev, "Timeout when tearing down HWC\n"); + return err; + } + + /* Set up protocol header for HWC destroy message */ + hdr.msg_type = SMC_MSG_TYPE_DESTROY_HWC; + hdr.msg_version = SMC_MSG_TYPE_DESTROY_HWC_VERSION; + hdr.direction = SMC_MSG_DIRECTION_REQUEST; + hdr.reset_vf = reset_vf; + + /* Write message in high 32 bits of 256-bit shared memory, causing HW + * to set possession bit to PF. + */ + writel(hdr.as_uint32, sc->base + SMC_LAST_DWORD * SMC_BASIC_UNIT); + + /* Read shmem response (polling for VF possession) and validate. + * For teardown, waiting for response is required to ensure hardware + * invalidates MST entries before software frees memory. + */ + err = shm_channel_read_response(sc, SMC_MSG_TYPE_DESTROY_HWC, + SMC_MSG_TYPE_DESTROY_HWC_VERSION, + reset_vf); + if (err) { + dev_err(sc->dev, "Error when tearing down HWC: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..aa55837239d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/microsoft/mana/shm_channel.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause */ +/* Copyright (c) 2021, Microsoft Corporation. */ + +#ifndef _SHM_CHANNEL_H +#define _SHM_CHANNEL_H + +struct shm_channel { + struct device *dev; + void __iomem *base; +}; + +void shm_channel_init(struct shm_channel *sc, struct device *dev, + void __iomem *base); + +int shm_channel_setup_hwc(struct shm_channel *sc, bool reset_vf, u64 eq_addr, + u64 cq_addr, u64 rq_addr, u64 sq_addr, + u32 eq_msix_index); + +int shm_channel_teardown_hwc(struct shm_channel *sc, bool reset_vf); + +#endif /* _SHM_CHANNEL_H */