From patchwork Fri Sep 25 12:18:55 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Vladimir Oltean X-Patchwork-Id: 260217 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-12.8 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4EE49C4727C for ; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 12:19:59 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E7C922086A for ; Fri, 25 Sep 2020 12:19:58 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="lVHG/4ca" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1728671AbgIYMT6 (ORCPT ); Fri, 25 Sep 2020 08:19:58 -0400 Received: from ([]:63262 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S1728159AbgIYMTz (ORCPT ); Fri, 25 Sep 2020 08:19:55 -0400 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=dFLBMcYULRuXJ1bSnMMgCd2f1a17wiNurYHSVrqwY7reu5+WBAmBye2AOt8TZ5fn7oRl7CJrKkRXzKuZ3eauNSyNn+5kBH9CodbbarcMUZym2iXdYN4N6391KIVFMBQu7vXdN9jIVaF4+fKQTTI4DhFYpekpOGOZvFA+p5YkeW7Eqdx6w/FPqBNJ7/a02PJd59odrh4LU5B+XL2fv8Ac4BGyigKm21bPwd/pwz3DUxZrAitqCK6noJeUJ7pUvS3yizKdM6Depfrfp6A9WPM59vin5IWiEx4o1D6Tg+Q7C65rlbzjGRfMiLnkk8r2+xSli6296YVQcQv+QSrgSEPZcw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=SYWaNUw/BkVz7+FIFBIcWhFTp9LtGoaiKh6oj2cSEGc=; b=ROO0vxxXzDSyGfjg2yuSEEgmTaabb1ZBpmVas+rgtPMpbGTaIcx5rA1YelYXeChphByEL5YjP0Et+aomt5dUKX4dA35khAO21ZlTzST/DA1Nkk5RBaconZ9mpTbnC5baHkTD+dNb1CUiz+XBqS4dBtyL0iPPIkMY8/53JdI9OgDbxH1zkNNpJkN8MfBLmkQ+/aKFSaqjJB8HW02mv1rB5aYDne4ynaCDzxupPGcQjAWTQNP/On4JD2GNFvP4TTHMdB6YviBZ3Xn/thosDsZf+mc/1r5VuJE8HUkZtU7VYUVGUnj2qZfCC7JcwJQaAU3jZ9X2R8aY2cDkHFdFzvTQTA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 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Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean --- MAINTAINERS | 1 + .../drivers/net/ocelot/ | 179 ++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 180 insertions(+) create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/ocelot/ diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 42c69d2eeece..bcd6852f1c65 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -12542,6 +12542,7 @@ F: drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/* F: drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ F: include/soc/mscc/ocelot* F: net/dsa/tag_ocelot.c +F: tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/ocelot/* OCXL (Open Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface OpenCAPI) DRIVER M: Frederic Barrat diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/ocelot/ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/ocelot/ new file mode 100755 index 000000000000..d66793452932 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/ocelot/ @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +# Copyright 2020 NXP Semiconductors + +# Helpers to map a VCAP IS1 and VCAP IS2 lookup and policy to a chain number +# used by the kernel driver. The numbers are: +# VCAP IS1 lookup 0: 10000 +# VCAP IS1 lookup 1: 11000 +# VCAP IS1 lookup 2: 12000 +# VCAP IS2 lookup 0 policy 0: 20000 +# VCAP IS2 lookup 0 policy 1: 20001 +# VCAP IS2 lookup 0 policy 255: 20255 +# VCAP IS2 lookup 1 policy 0: 21000 +# VCAP IS2 lookup 1 policy 1: 21001 +# VCAP IS2 lookup 1 policy 255: 21255 +IS1() { + local lookup=$1 + + echo $((10000 + 1000 * lookup)) +} + +IS2() { + local lookup=$1 + local pag=$2 + + echo $((20000 + 1000 * lookup + pag)) +} + +show_pretty_filters() { + local eth=$1 + local output= + + output=$(tc filter show dev $eth ingress) + output="${output//chain $(IS1 0)/VCAP IS1 lookup 0}" + output="${output//chain $(IS1 1)/VCAP IS1 lookup 1}" + output="${output//chain $(IS1 2)/VCAP IS1 lookup 2}" + + for pag in {0..255}; do + output="${output//chain $(IS2 0 $pag)/VCAP IS2 lookup 0 policy $pag}" + output="${output//chain $(IS2 1 $pag)/VCAP IS2 lookup 1 policy $pag}" + done + + echo "$output" +} + +eth=swp2 + +tc qdisc add dev $eth clsact + +# Set up the TCAM skeleton. +# The Ocelot switches have a fixed ingress pipeline composed of: +# +# +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------+ +# | VCAP IS1 | | VCAP IS2 | +# | | | | +# | +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# | | Lookup 0 | | Lookup 1 | | Lookup 2 | | --+------> PAG 0: | Lookup 0 | -> | Lookup 1 | | +# | +----------+ -> +----------+ -> +----------+ | | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# | |key&action| |key&action| |key&action| | | | |key&action| |key&action| | +# | |key&action| |key&action| |key&action| | | | | .. | | .. | | +# | | .. | | .. | | .. | | | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# | +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ | | | | +# | selects PAG | | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# +----------------------------------------------+ +------> PAG 1: | Lookup 0 | -> | Lookup 1 | | +# | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# | | |key&action| |key&action| | +# | | | .. | | .. | | +# | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# | | ... | +# | | | +# | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# +----> PAG 254: | Lookup 0 | -> | Lookup 1 | | +# | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# | | |key&action| |key&action| | +# | | | .. | | .. | | +# | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# | | | +# | | +----------+ +----------+ | +# +----> PAG 255: | Lookup 0 | -> | Lookup 1 | | +# | +----------+ +----------+ | +# | |key&action| |key&action| | +# | | .. | | .. | | +# | +----------+ +----------+ | +# +-----------------------------------------+ +# +# Both the VCAP IS1 (Ingress Stage 1) and IS2 (Ingress Stage 2) are indexed +# (looked up) multiple times: IS1 3 times, and IS2 2 times. Each filter +# (key and action pair) can be configured to only match during the first, or +# second, etc, lookup. +# +# During one TCAM lookup, the filter processing stops at the first entry that +# matches, then the pipeline jumps to the next lookup. +# The driver maps each individual lookup of each individual ingress TCAM to a +# separate chain number. For correct rule offloading, it is mandatory that each +# filter installed in one TCAM is terminated by a non-optional GOTO action to +# the next lookup from the fixed pipeline. +# +# A chain can only be used if there is a GOTO action correctly set up from the +# prior lookup in the processing pipeline. Setting up all chains is not +# mandatory. + +# VCAP IS1 is the Ingress Classification TCAM and can offload the following +# actions: +# - skbedit priority +# - vlan pop +# - vlan modify +# - goto (only in lookup 2, the last IS1 lookup) +# +# VSC7514 documentation says: +# Each lookup returns an action vector if there is a match. The potentially +# three IS1 action vectors are applied in three steps. First, the action vector +# from the first lookup is applied, then the action vector from the second +# lookup is applied to the result from the first action vector, and finally, +# the action vector from the third lookup is applied to the result from the +# second action vector. This implies that if two or more lookups return an +# action of DP_ENA = 1; for example, the DP_VAL from the last lookup is used. + +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain 0 flower skip_sw action goto chain $(IS1 0) + +####### +# VCAP IS1 entries in lookup 0 +####### +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain $(IS1 0) \ + protocol ipv4 flower skip_sw src_ip \ + action skbedit priority 7 \ + action goto chain $(IS1 1) +# Last filter must be a catch-all GOTO to the next lookup +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain $(IS1 0) flower skip_sw action goto chain $(IS1 1) + +# VCAP IS1 entries in lookup 1 +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain $(IS1 1) \ + protocol 802.1Q flower skip_sw vlan_id 100 \ + action vlan modify id 10 \ + action goto chain $(IS1 2) +# Last filter must be a catch-all GOTO to the next lookup +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain $(IS1 1) flower skip_sw action goto chain $(IS1 2) + +####### +# VCAP IS1 entries in lookup 2. Policies, if used, can only be applied here +# (as the second parameter to the IS2 helper). +####### +# ... +# Last filter must be a catch-all GOTO to the next lookup +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain $(IS1 2) flower skip_sw action goto chain $(IS2 0 0) + +# VCAP IS2 is the Security Enforcement ingress TCAM and can offload the +# following actions: +# - trap +# - drop +# - police +# The two VCAP IS2 lookups can be segmented into up to 256 groups of rules, +# called Policies. A Policy is selected through the Policy Action Group (PAG) +# action of VCAP IS1 (which is the GOTO offload). + +####### +# VCAP IS2 entries in lookup 0. The default policy (0) is used. +####### +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain $(IS2 0 0) \ + protocol ipv4 flower skip_sw ip_proto udp dst_port 5201 \ + action police rate 50mbit burst 64k \ + action goto chain $(IS2 1 0) +# ... +# Last filter must be a catch-all GOTO to the next lookup +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain $(IS2 0 0) flower skip_sw action goto chain $(IS2 1 0) + +####### +# VCAP IS2 lookup 1, the last pipeline stage, does not need a final GOTO. +####### +tc filter add dev $eth ingress chain $(IS2 1 0) \ + flower skip_sw dst_mac ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff \ + action mirred egress redirect dev swp3 + +####### +# VCAP ES0 +####### +tc filter add dev $eth egress protocol 802.1Q flower skip_sw indev swp0 \ + vlan_id 1 vlan_prio 1 action vlan push protocol 802.1ad id 2 priority 2 + +show_pretty_filters $eth