From patchwork Thu Mar 26 13:51:19 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Florinel Iordache X-Patchwork-Id: 221796 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-9.8 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id C00ABC2D0EC for ; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:52:37 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 52D2120748 for ; Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:52:37 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="O4U98BTt" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1727973AbgCZNwe (ORCPT ); Thu, 26 Mar 2020 09:52:34 -0400 Received: from ([]:57111 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S1727733AbgCZNwe (ORCPT ); Thu, 26 Mar 2020 09:52:34 -0400 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=mbIaKmFpxWybnXif/pUabYu75+kHvv5cXc8Tkj0+NC79tLVt8qf7dwQX1vrwd9B3ybqLbgJlYKKcrDn6tO1sCW1oF8vqIzINoc2ozOkQhxJAUSwZD8dauvf7VfpEn/knSzNR5UAH2p7WFlkkAblaMAjdkMnnbrikrfFqJdguSumNEQO5svK3/bdwgFcVXY7Ln4eoJb0NMOE42oMobJfurbfbvxA5fLSHtdWvDWaEFDSue0sZn4txUO+k+ggXZtvX0V5s766KQOAvIeBS5/7AyUrcu01vKp56S8I7Yd6Pw4Hr8JjvHc08W1EcV7XXqzglUKcBtXhrQ1TNkuBhbXpX5w== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=M4UM+jO7/Y+hKjL377Mm1nilPThbE8dmXjZPI7dybpU=; b=a8n7uDk/ESA3qRLulplPk1xHDyYuI5s+pJIwDwkGR243diRX5zfD7wukTNvNXOt/mdfTmE4ItcgIFtwkKowK/ZpyWAS9Nme7g/MotjxB75DclDXFwV1bEAlgBIDiaOnCHAf8mphFrmkChOkd9AU7yHUWb7t76ESgNlZij9Ac/g5zXtCZTn+i6+WNmNgnhc4Yb4ad/MW+Ecxw/EdmDi31L0t+ASuPi9YTnZK//4irGZG6yCUAjouG+3fP9OQmdTM+APajBGHDA03BJqsUhSdeIlto6Onz/QSLM9e1qv2EpQDMfuZrQTMcXtXTirjX3D/GKCQYXetQD4CQjyjuzIdm+A== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 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Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:52:11 +0000 X-Mailer: git-send-email 1.9.1 X-Originating-IP: [] X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-HT: Tenant X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 9ecc01e6-9461-4fe3-6abb-08d7d18ce2b0 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: VI1PR04MB4272:|VI1PR04MB4272: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:2399; X-Forefront-PRVS: 0354B4BED2 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: SFV:NSPM; SFS:(10009020)(4636009)(39860400002)(376002)(346002)(136003)(366004)(396003)(26005)(478600001)(186003)(16526019)(956004)(81166006)(3450700001)(36756003)(81156014)(8936002)(44832011)(4326008)(8676002)(5660300002)(2616005)(7416002)(2906002)(66946007)(86362001)(6486002)(30864003)(66556008)(316002)(6506007)(6512007)(66476007)(52116002)(579004)(559001); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; SCL:1; SRVR:VI1PR04MB4272;; FPR:; SPF:None; LANG:en; PTR:InfoNoRecords; Received-SPF: None ( does not designate permitted sender hosts) X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; 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It includes Backplane generic + driver including support for Link Training (IEEE802.3ap/ba). + Based on the link quality, a signal equalization is required. + The standard specifies that a start-up algorithm should be in place + in order to get the link up. + +config ETH_BACKPLANE_FIXED + tristate "Fixed: No Equalization algorithm" + depends on ETH_BACKPLANE + help + This module provides a driver to setup fixed user configurable + coefficient values for backplanes equalization. This means + No Equalization algorithm is used to adapt the initial coefficients + initially set by the user. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/backplane/Makefile b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ded6f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause) +# +# Makefile for Ethernet Backplane driver +# + +obj-$(CONFIG_ETH_BACKPLANE) += eth_backplane.o +obj-$(CONFIG_ETH_BACKPLANE_FIXED) += eq_fixed.o + +eth_backplane-objs := backplane.o link_training.o diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/backplane/backplane.c b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/backplane.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b580bc --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/backplane.c @@ -0,0 +1,1538 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause) +/* Backplane driver + * + * Copyright 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. + * Copyright 2018-2020 NXP + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "backplane.h" +#include "link_training.h" + +/* KR timeouts in milliseconds */ +#define KR_TIMEOUT_1 100 +#define KR_TIMEOUT_2 1000 +#define KR_DENY_RT_INTERVAL 3000 +#define KR_LT_TIMEOUT 500 + +/* KR timings in interations */ +#define KR_AN_WAIT_ITERATIONS 5 +#define KR_TRAIN_STEP_ITERATIONS 2 +#define CDR_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT 3 + +/* AN status register (Clause 45) (MMD 7): MDIO_STAT1 */ +#define AN_LINK_UP_MASK 0x04 + +/* Logging buffer size */ +#define LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 200 + +/* Backplane custom logging */ +#define BPDEV_LOG(name) \ + char log_buffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE]; \ + va_list args; va_start(args, msg); \ + vsnprintf(log_buffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, msg, args); \ + if (!bpphy->attached_dev) \ + dev_##name(&bpphy->, log_buffer); \ + else \ + dev_##name(&bpphy->, "%s: %s", \ + netdev_name(bpphy->attached_dev), log_buffer); \ + va_end(args) + +/* Backplane features */ +__ETHTOOL_DECLARE_LINK_MODE_MASK(backplane_features) __ro_after_init; +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_features); + +const int backplane_common_features_array[] = { + ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_Backplane_BIT, + ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_Autoneg_BIT, + ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_MII_BIT, +}; + +const int backplane_protocol_features_array[] = { + ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_10000baseKR_Full_BIT, + ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_40000baseKR4_Full_BIT, +}; + +/* map string key to pointer data */ +struct spmap_node { + struct list_head entry; + const char *key; + void *pdata; +}; + +/* registered equalization algorithms info */ +static LIST_HEAD(eqalg_list); + +/* lanes attached to an equalization algorithm */ +static LIST_HEAD(lnalg_list); + +/* Backplane mutex between all KR PHY threads */ +static struct mutex backplane_lock; + +static int get_backplane_speed(phy_interface_t bp_mode) +{ + switch (bp_mode) { + case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_10GKR: + return SPEED_10000; + case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_40GKR4: + return SPEED_40000; + default: + pr_err("%s: Unsupported backplane phy interface\n", + BACKPLANE_DRIVER_NAME); + return SPEED_UNKNOWN; + } + return SPEED_UNKNOWN; +} + +static enum ethtool_link_mode_bit_indices + get_backplane_supported_mode(phy_interface_t bp_mode) +{ + switch (bp_mode) { + case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_10GKR: + return ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_10000baseKR_Full_BIT; + case PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_40GKR4: + return ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_40000baseKR4_Full_BIT; + default: + pr_err("%s: Unsupported backplane phy interface\n", + BACKPLANE_DRIVER_NAME); + return ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_Backplane_BIT; + } + return ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_Backplane_BIT; +} + +static int spmap_add(struct list_head *list, const char *key, void *pdata) +{ + struct spmap_node *node; + + /* create a new entry with desired key */ + node = kzalloc(sizeof(*node), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!node) + return -ENOMEM; + + node->key = key; + node->pdata = pdata; + + list_add(&node->entry, list); + + return 0; +} + +static const struct equalization_algorithm *eq_find(const char *key) +{ + struct spmap_node *eqalg, *eqalg_tmp; + + if (!key) + return NULL; + + /* search desired single key */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(eqalg, eqalg_tmp, &eqalg_list, entry) { + if (strcmp(eqalg->key, key) == 0) + return (struct equalization_algorithm *)eqalg->pdata; + } + return NULL; +} + +static void backplane_features_init(void) +{ + linkmode_set_bit_array(backplane_common_features_array, + ARRAY_SIZE(backplane_common_features_array), + backplane_features); + + linkmode_set_bit_array(backplane_protocol_features_array, + ARRAY_SIZE(backplane_protocol_features_array), + backplane_features); +} + +static u32 le_ioread32(void __iomem *reg) +{ + return ioread32(reg); +} + +static void le_iowrite32(u32 value, void __iomem *reg) +{ + iowrite32(value, reg); +} + +static u32 be_ioread32(void __iomem *reg) +{ + return ioread32be(reg); +} + +static void be_iowrite32(u32 value, void __iomem *reg) +{ + iowrite32be(value, reg); +} + +static void training_status_init(struct training_status *trst) +{ + trst->done_training = false; + trst->remote_tx_complete = false; + trst->remote_tx_running = false; + trst->sent_init = false; + trst->lp_rx_ready = 0; + trst->local_tx_running = false; +} + +static void init_krln(struct kr_lane_info *krln, bool revert_default) +{ + if (revert_default) + backplane_default_kr_lane(krln); + + training_status_init(&krln->trst); + krln->state = DETECTING_LP; + krln->an_acquired = false; + + krln->ld_update = 0; + krln->prev_ld_update = 0; + krln->ld_last_nonhold_update = 0; + krln->lp_status = 0; + krln->lp_last_change_status = 0; + krln->last_lp_update_status[C_M1] = 0; + krln->last_lp_update_status[C_Z0] = 0; + krln->last_lp_update_status[C_P1] = 0; + krln->ld_status = 0; + krln->move_back_prev = false; + krln->move_back_cnt = 0; + krln->move_back_lp_status = 0; + + lt_init_ld(krln); +} + +static void setup_supported_linkmode(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int i; + + /* Clear all supported backplane protocols features + * and setup only the currently configured protocol + */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(backplane_protocol_features_array); i++) + linkmode_clear_bit(backplane_protocol_features_array[i], + bpphy->supported); + + linkmode_set_bit(get_backplane_supported_mode(bp_phy->bp_mode), + bpphy->supported); +} + +/* Read AN Link Status */ +static int is_an_link_up(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int ret, val = 0; + + mutex_lock(&bp_phy->bpphy_lock); + + /* Read twice because Link_Status is LL (Latched Low) bit */ + val = phy_read_mmd(bpphy, MDIO_MMD_AN, bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.an_status); + val = phy_read_mmd(bpphy, MDIO_MMD_AN, bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.an_status); + + mutex_unlock(&bp_phy->bpphy_lock); + + ret = (val & AN_LINK_UP_MASK) ? 1 : 0; + + return ret; +} + +static void start_kr_state_machine(struct kr_lane_info *krln, u32 timeout) +{ + /* Check if equalization algorithm is installed */ + if (!krln->eq_alg) + return; + + /* Check if link training is used */ + if (!krln->eq_alg->use_local_tx_training && + !krln->eq_alg->use_remote_tx_training) + return; + + queue_delayed_work(system_power_efficient_wq, &krln->kr_wk, + msecs_to_jiffies(timeout)); +} + +static void stop_kr_state_machine(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + /* Check if equalization algorithm is installed */ + if (!krln->eq_alg) + return; + + /* Check if link training is used */ + if (!krln->eq_alg->use_local_tx_training && + !krln->eq_alg->use_remote_tx_training) + return; + + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&krln->kr_wk); +} + +static void setup_default_settings(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct lane_kr_params krparam; + + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops->read_lane_kr(krln->reg_base, &krparam); + + if (krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.coef_def_dt) { + krln->def_ratio_preq = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cm_def; + krln->def_ratio_pstq = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cp_def; + krln->def_adpt_eq = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cz_def; + } else { + krln->def_ratio_preq = krparam.ratio_preq; + krln->def_ratio_pstq = krparam.ratio_pstq; + krln->def_adpt_eq = krparam.adpt_eq; + } + + if (krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.ampr_def_dt) + krln->def_amp_red = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.amp_red_def; + else + krln->def_amp_red = krparam.amp_red; +} + +static void kr_reset_master_lane(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + const struct lane_io_ops *lane_ops = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops; + + if (backplane_is_multi_lane(bp_phy)) { + /* Reset only the Master Lane */ + if (krln->idx == MASTER_LANE) + lane_ops->reset_lane(krln->reg_base, LANE_RX_TX); + } else { + lane_ops->reset_lane(krln->reg_base, LANE_RX_TX); + } +} + +static void print_single_lane_trained(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + + bpdev_info(bpphy, + "%s link trained, Tx equalization: preq = 0x%x, pstq = 0x%x, adpt_eq = 0x%x\n", + phy_modes(bp_phy->bp_mode), + krln->tuned_ratio_preq, krln->tuned_ratio_pstq, + krln->tuned_adpt_eq); +} + +static void print_multi_lane_trained(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int i; + + bpdev_info(bpphy, + "%s link trained, Tx equalization:\n", + phy_modes(bp_phy->bp_mode)); + + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) + bpdev_info(bpphy, + "\t|- Lane %d: preq = 0x%x, pstq = 0x%x, adpt_eq = 0x%x\n", + i + 1, bp_phy->krln[i].tuned_ratio_preq, + bp_phy->krln[i].tuned_ratio_pstq, + bp_phy->krln[i].tuned_adpt_eq); +} + +static void kr_link_trained(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + + mutex_lock(&bp_phy->trained_lock); + /* Setup lane state as TRAINED inside the phy trained lock + * to avoid duplicated message printed on multi-lane PHYs + */ + krln->state = TRAINED; + + mutex_lock(&backplane_lock); + + if (backplane_is_single_lane(bp_phy)) + print_single_lane_trained(krln); + else + if (backplane_are_all_lanes_trained(bp_phy)) + print_multi_lane_trained(krln); + + mutex_unlock(&backplane_lock); + mutex_unlock(&bp_phy->trained_lock); +} + +static void kr_train_step(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct training_status *trst = &krln->trst; + u32 lt_timeout = KR_LT_TIMEOUT; + u64 dead_line; + int i = 0; + + /* Check if equalization algorithm is installed */ + if (!krln->eq_alg) + return; + + /* Check if link training is used */ + if (!krln->eq_alg->use_local_tx_training && + !krln->eq_alg->use_remote_tx_training) + return; + + lt_start(krln); + + while (i < KR_TRAIN_STEP_ITERATIONS) { + dead_line = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(lt_timeout); + while (time_before(jiffies, (unsigned long)dead_line)) { + /* check if the LT is already failed */ + if (lt_is_training_failure(krln)) { + /* LT failed already, reset lane to avoid + * it run into hanging, then start LT again. + */ + kr_reset_master_lane(krln); + lt_start(krln); + } else if (lt_is_frame_lock(krln)) { + break; + } + /* wait frame lock (without training_failure) */ + usleep_range(100, 500); + } + + if (!lt_is_frame_lock(krln)) { + i++; + continue; + } + + /* the LT should be finished in 500ms, failed or OK. */ + dead_line = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(lt_timeout); + while (time_before(jiffies, (unsigned long)dead_line)) { + /* check if the LT is already failed */ + if (lt_is_training_failure(krln)) { + kr_reset_master_lane(krln); + break; + } + + if (krln->eq_alg->use_local_tx_training) + lt_train_local_tx(krln); + + if (krln->eq_alg->use_remote_tx_training) + lt_train_remote_tx(krln); + + if (krln->lt_error) + break; + + if (trst->lp_rx_ready && trst->remote_tx_complete) + break; + + usleep_range(100, 500); + } + + i++; + /* check if LT Error occurred */ + if (krln->lt_error) { + init_krln(krln, false); + continue; + } else { + break; + } + } + + lt_stop(krln); + + /* check if Link is successfully TRAINED */ + if (lt_is_rx_trained(krln)) + kr_link_trained(krln); + else + kr_reset_master_lane(krln); +} + +static void an_request_restart(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + const struct lane_io_ops *lane_ops = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops; + int i; + + if (time_before(jiffies, (unsigned long)krln->rt_time)) + return; + if (!backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) + return; + + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + init_krln(&bp_phy->krln[i], true); + /* Reset the lane to recover from link down */ + lane_ops->reset_lane(bp_phy->krln[i].reg_base, LANE_RX_TX); + lt_reset(&bp_phy->krln[i]); + } + /* Start AN only for Master Lane */ + lt_start_an(&bp_phy->krln[MASTER_LANE]); + + krln->rt_time = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(KR_DENY_RT_INTERVAL); +} + +static bool detect_lp(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + u32 an_bp_eth_status = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.an_bp_eth_status; + bool start_train = false; + int an_state; + + /* Check AN state on Master Lane */ + an_state = backplane_read_mmd(&bp_phy->krln[MASTER_LANE], MDIO_MMD_AN, + an_bp_eth_status); + + /* The link training occurs after auto-negotiation + * has determined the link to be a Base-KR link. + * This is indicated by asserting the corresponding + * technology bit within the BP_ETH_STATUS register. + * Note that this occurs before auto-negotiation can declare + * auto-negotiation complete, + * as this requires the PCS to report a valid link. + */ + if (an_state & + bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.get_an_bp_eth_status_bit(bp_phy->bp_mode)) { + /* AN acquired: + * Train all lanes in order starting with Master Lane + */ + krln->an_acquired = true; + krln->an_wait_count = 0; + start_train = true; + } else { + /* AN lost or not yet acquired */ + if (krln->an_acquired) { + /* AN acquired first time but now was lost */ + if (!backplane_is_link_up(bpphy)) { + /* Link is down: restart training */ + krln->an_wait_count = 0; + an_request_restart(krln); + } else { + /* Link is up: + * wait few iterations for AN to be acquired + */ + if (krln->an_wait_count >= + KR_AN_WAIT_ITERATIONS) { + krln->an_wait_count = 0; + an_request_restart(krln); + } else { + krln->an_wait_count++; + } + } + } + /* else: AN was not yet acquired first time + * DO nothing, just wait AN to be acquired first time + */ + } + + return start_train; +} + +static void detect_hotplug(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int i; + + if (krln->idx == MASTER_LANE) { + /* check if all lanes are trained + * only if current lane is Master Lane + */ + if (backplane_are_all_lanes_trained(bp_phy)) { + bpdev_info(bpphy, "Detect hotplug, restart training\n"); + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + /* initializations on Detect hotplug / restart: + * they must not be part of init_krln + */ + bp_phy->krln[i].first_recv_init = false; + } + an_request_restart(krln); + } + } +} + +static void bp_kr_state_machine(struct work_struct *work) +{ + struct delayed_work *dwork = to_delayed_work(work); + struct kr_lane_info *krln = container_of(dwork, struct kr_lane_info, + kr_wk); + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + bool start_train = false; + u32 kr_timeout = KR_TIMEOUT_1; + + if (!backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) + return; + + /* Check if equalization algorithm is installed */ + if (!krln->eq_alg) + return; + + /* Check if link training is used */ + if (!krln->eq_alg->use_local_tx_training && + !krln->eq_alg->use_remote_tx_training) + return; + + if (!bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.get_an_bp_eth_status_bit) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, + "Unknown AN_BP_ETHERNET_STATUS KR detection bit\n"); + return; + } + + mutex_lock(&krln->lane_lock); + switch (krln->state) { + case DETECTING_LP: + start_train = detect_lp(krln); + break; + case TRAINED: + kr_timeout = KR_TIMEOUT_2; + if (!backplane_is_link_up(bpphy)) { + kr_timeout = KR_TIMEOUT_1; + detect_hotplug(krln); + } + break; + } + + if (start_train) + kr_train_step(krln); + + mutex_unlock(&krln->lane_lock); + start_kr_state_machine(krln, kr_timeout); +} + +static void init_kr_state_machine(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + /* Check if equalization algorithm is installed */ + if (!krln->eq_alg) + return; + + /* Check if link training is used */ + if (!krln->eq_alg->use_local_tx_training && + !krln->eq_alg->use_remote_tx_training) + return; + + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&krln->kr_wk, bp_kr_state_machine); +} + +/* backplane_write_mmd - Wrapper function for phy_write_mmd + * for writing a register on an MMD on a given PHY. + * + * Same rules as for phy_write_mmd(); + */ +int backplane_write_mmd(struct kr_lane_info *krln, int devad, u32 regnum, + u16 val) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int mdio_addr = bpphy->mdio.addr; + int err; + + mutex_lock(&bp_phy->bpphy_lock); + + if (devad == MDIO_MMD_AN && backplane_is_multi_lane(bp_phy)) { + /* Multilane AN: prepare mdio address + * for writing bpphy AN registers on respective lane + * AN MDIO address offset for multilane is equal + * to number of lanes + */ + bpphy->mdio.addr = bp_phy->num_lanes + krln->idx; + } + + err = phy_write_mmd(bpphy, devad, regnum, val); + if (err) + bpdev_err(bpphy, + "Writing PHY (%p) MMD = 0x%02x register = 0x%02x failed with error code: 0x%08x\n", + bpphy, devad, regnum, err); + + if (devad == MDIO_MMD_AN && backplane_is_multi_lane(bp_phy)) { + /* Multilane AN: restore mdio address */ + bpphy->mdio.addr = mdio_addr; + } + + mutex_unlock(&bp_phy->bpphy_lock); + + return err; +} + +/* backplane_read_mmd - Wrapper function for phy_read_mmd + * for reading a register from an MMD on a given PHY. + * + * Same rules as for phy_read_mmd(); + */ +int backplane_read_mmd(struct kr_lane_info *krln, int devad, u32 regnum) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int mdio_addr = bpphy->mdio.addr; + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&bp_phy->bpphy_lock); + + if (devad == MDIO_MMD_AN && backplane_is_multi_lane(bp_phy)) { + /* Multilane AN: prepare mdio address + * for reading bpphy AN registers on respective lane + * AN MDIO address offset for multilane is equal to + * number of lanes + */ + bpphy->mdio.addr = bp_phy->num_lanes + krln->idx; + } + + ret = phy_read_mmd(bpphy, devad, regnum); + + if (devad == MDIO_MMD_AN && backplane_is_multi_lane(bp_phy)) { + /* Multilane AN: restore mdio address */ + bpphy->mdio.addr = mdio_addr; + } + + mutex_unlock(&bp_phy->bpphy_lock); + + return ret; +} + +/* backplane_get_current_taps + * convert coefficient taps from internal backplane driver to link training + */ +void backplane_get_current_taps(struct kr_lane_info *krln, u32 *coef) +{ + coef[C_M1] = krln->ratio_preq; + coef[C_Z0] = krln->adpt_eq; + coef[C_P1] = krln->ratio_pstq; +} + +/* backplane_set_current_taps + * convert coefficient taps from link training to internal backplane driver + */ +void backplane_set_current_taps(struct kr_lane_info *krln, u32 *coef) +{ + krln->ratio_preq = coef[C_M1]; + krln->adpt_eq = coef[C_Z0]; + krln->ratio_pstq = coef[C_P1]; +} + +/* backplane_set_all_taps_to_max + * setup all coefficients to MAX values from IEEE802.3ap perspective + */ +void backplane_set_all_taps_to_max(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + krln->ratio_pstq = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cp_max; + krln->adpt_eq = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cz_max; + krln->ratio_preq = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cm_max; +} + +void backplane_tune_kr_lane(struct kr_lane_info *krln, bool reset_lane) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + struct lane_kr_params krparams; + bool reset = false; + + if (backplane_is_multi_lane(bp_phy)) { + /* Reset only the Master Lane */ + reset = (krln->idx == MASTER_LANE); + } else { + reset = true; + } + + /* Do not reset the lane if this is how it was asked */ + if (!reset_lane) + reset = false; + + krparams.ratio_preq = krln->ratio_preq; + krparams.ratio_pstq = krln->ratio_pstq; + krparams.adpt_eq = krln->adpt_eq; + krparams.amp_red = krln->def_amp_red; + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops->tune_lane_kr(krln->reg_base, &krparams, + reset); + + krln->tuned_ratio_preq = krln->ratio_preq; + krln->tuned_ratio_pstq = krln->ratio_pstq; + krln->tuned_adpt_eq = krln->adpt_eq; +} + +void backplane_default_kr_lane(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + krln->ratio_preq = krln->def_ratio_preq; + krln->ratio_pstq = krln->def_ratio_pstq; + krln->adpt_eq = krln->def_adpt_eq; + + backplane_tune_kr_lane(krln, true); +} + +void bpdev_err(struct phy_device *bpphy, char *msg, ...) +{ + BPDEV_LOG(err); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(bpdev_err); + +void bpdev_warn(struct phy_device *bpphy, char *msg, ...) +{ + BPDEV_LOG(warn); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(bpdev_warn); + +void bpdev_info(struct phy_device *bpphy, char *msg, ...) +{ + BPDEV_LOG(info); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(bpdev_info); + +void bpdev_dbg(struct phy_device *bpphy, char *msg, ...) +{ + BPDEV_LOG(dbg); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(bpdev_dbg); + +/* backplane_eq_register + * + * Registers an equalization algorithm with the specified key + * + * key: desired key on which eq algorithm must be registered + * eq_info: eq algorithm information to be registered + * + * Returns: Zero for success or error code in case of failure + */ +int backplane_eq_register(const char *key, + const struct equalization_algorithm *eq_info) +{ + struct spmap_node *eqalg, *eqalg_tmp; + + /* check if desired key already exists */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(eqalg, eqalg_tmp, &eqalg_list, entry) { + if (strcmp(eqalg->key, key) == 0) { + pr_err("%s: Equalization algorithm registration failed: key '%s' already exists\n", + BACKPLANE_DRIVER_NAME, key); + return -EEXIST; + } + } + + spmap_add(&eqalg_list, key, (void *)eq_info); + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_eq_register); + +/* backplane_eq_unregister + * + * Unregisters all equalization algorithm for the specified key + * + * key: desired key for which all registered eq algorithms must be removed + * + * Returns: None + */ +void backplane_eq_unregister(const char *key) +{ + struct spmap_node *node, *node_tmp; + struct kr_lane_info *krln; + + if (!key) + return; + + /* search all keys in lanes list */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(node, node_tmp, &lnalg_list, entry) { + if (strcmp(node->key, key) == 0) { + krln = (struct kr_lane_info *)node->pdata; + if (krln->eq_alg->ops.destroy) + krln->eq_alg->ops.destroy(krln->eq_priv); + krln->eq_alg = NULL; + krln->eq_priv = NULL; + list_del_init(&node->entry); + kfree(node); + } + } + + /* search single key in eq algorithms list */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(node, node_tmp, &eqalg_list, entry) { + if (strcmp(node->key, key) == 0) { + list_del_init(&node->entry); + kfree(node); + break; + } + } +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_eq_unregister); + +void backplane_setup_mdio_c45(struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev) +{ + /* KR PMD registers */ + lt_setup_c45(bp_dev); + + bp_dev->mdio.pmd_ctrl_1 = MDIO_CTRL1; + + /* KX/KR AN registers: IEEE802.3 Clause 45 (MMD 7) */ + bp_dev->mdio.an_control = MDIO_CTRL1; + bp_dev->mdio.an_status = MDIO_STAT1; + bp_dev->mdio.an_ad_ability_0 = MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_10GBKR; + bp_dev->mdio.an_ad_ability_1 = MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_10GBKR + 1; + bp_dev->mdio.an_lp_base_page_ability_1 = MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_10GBKR + 4; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_setup_mdio_c45); + +void backplane_setup_kr_lt_mmd(struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev, int devad, + u32 base) +{ + lt_setup_memmap(bp_dev, devad, base); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_setup_kr_lt_mmd); + +bool backplane_is_mode_kr(phy_interface_t bp_mode) +{ + return (bp_mode >= PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_10GKR && + bp_mode <= PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_40GKR4); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_is_mode_kr); + +bool backplane_is_valid_mode(phy_interface_t bp_mode) +{ + return (bp_mode >= PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_10GKR && + bp_mode <= PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_40GKR4); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_is_valid_mode); + +u8 backplane_num_lanes(phy_interface_t bp_mode) +{ + const char *bp_name; + char num_lanes; + int len; + + if (!backplane_is_valid_mode(bp_mode)) + return 0; + + bp_name = phy_modes(bp_mode); + if (!bp_name) + return 0; + if (strcmp(bp_name, "unknown") == 0) + return 0; + + len = strlen(bp_name); + if (len == 0) + return 0; + num_lanes = bp_name[len - 1]; + if (num_lanes >= '0' && num_lanes <= '9') + return num_lanes - '0'; + + return 1; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_num_lanes); + +bool backplane_is_single_lane(struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy) +{ + return (bp_phy->num_lanes == 1); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_is_single_lane); + +bool backplane_is_multi_lane(struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy) +{ + return (bp_phy->num_lanes > 1); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_is_multi_lane); + +/* backplane_is_cdr_lock + * + * Checks clock and data recovery bit: CDR Lock + * + * krln: desired lane to be verified + * retry: boolean value that specifies if to retry the check + * + * Returns: true if CDR_Lock bit is asserted or false otherwise + */ +bool backplane_is_cdr_lock(struct kr_lane_info *krln, bool retry) +{ + int i; + + if (krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops->is_cdr_lock(krln->reg_base)) + return true; + + if (!retry) + return false; + + /* Try RX_RESET: Allow for few retries */ + for (i = 0; i < CDR_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT; i++) { + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops->reset_lane(krln->reg_base, + LANE_RX); + usleep_range(10, 50); + + if (krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops->is_cdr_lock(krln->reg_base)) + return true; + } + return false; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_is_cdr_lock); + +/* backplane_is_link_up + * Generic Link-up Status: use AN link-up + */ +int backplane_is_link_up(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + return is_an_link_up(bpphy); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_is_link_up); + +int backplane_get_lanes_trained_count(struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy) +{ + int i, lanes_trained = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + if (bp_phy->krln[i].state == TRAINED) + lanes_trained++; + } + return lanes_trained; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_get_lanes_trained_count); + +int backplane_are_all_lanes_trained(struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + if (bp_phy->krln[i].state != TRAINED) + return 0; + } + return 1; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_are_all_lanes_trained); + +int backplane_create(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct device_node *bpphy_node; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy; + + bpphy_node = bpphy->; + if (!bpphy_node) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "No associated device tree node\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* allocate memory for backplane info structure */ + bp_phy = devm_kzalloc(&bpphy->, sizeof(*bp_phy), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!bp_phy) + return -ENOMEM; + + bpphy->priv = bp_phy; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_create); + +/* backplane_parse_dt + * parses the device tree and saves backplane relevant data + * in backplane phy info structure + */ +int backplane_parse_dt(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + struct device_node *bpphy_node; + const char *eqa; + u32 eqinit[4]; + int proplen; + int ret; + + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + bpphy_node = bpphy->; + if (!bpphy_node) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "No associated device tree node\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (!backplane_is_valid_mode(bpphy->interface)) + return -EINVAL; + + bp_phy->bp_mode = bpphy->interface; + bp_phy->num_lanes = backplane_num_lanes(bpphy->interface); + + ret = of_property_read_string(bpphy_node, "eq-algorithm", &eqa); + /* if eq-algorithm node is not found then use the default algorithm */ + if (ret == 0) + bp_phy->bp_dev.eqa_name = eqa; + else + bp_phy->bp_dev.eqa_name = DEFAULT_EQ_ALGORITHM; + + /* if eq-init node exists then use the DTS specified values + * if eq-init node doesn't exist then use values already found in HW + */ + proplen = of_property_count_u32_elems(bpphy_node, "eq-init"); + if (proplen > 0) { + /* There are 3 standard equalization coefficient taps */ + if (proplen > C_NO) + proplen = C_NO; + ret = of_property_read_u32_array(bpphy_node, "eq-init", + (u32 *)eqinit, proplen); + if (ret == 0) { + bp_phy->bp_dev.coef_def_dt = true; + bp_phy->bp_dev.cm_def = eqinit[0]; + bp_phy->bp_dev.cp_def = eqinit[1]; + bp_phy->bp_dev.cz_def = eqinit[2]; + } + } + + /* setup ioread/iowrite according to endianness */ + if (bp_phy->bp_dev.is_little_endian) { + bp_phy-> = le_ioread32; + bp_phy-> = le_iowrite32; + } else { + bp_phy-> = be_ioread32; + bp_phy-> = be_iowrite32; + } + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_parse_dt); + +/* backplane_setup_mdio + */ +int backplane_setup_mdio(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* By default setup MDIO Clause 45 */ + backplane_setup_mdio_c45(&bp_phy->bp_dev); + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_setup_mdio); + +/* backplane_setup_lanes + * Allocates lanes memory map and setup lanes relevant data + * Requires: + * - backplane_dev_info#lane_ops + * for lane access operations + * - backplane_dev_info#equalizer + * for specific Equalizer access + * - backplane_dev_info#lane_io_ops#memmap_size + * for lane memory map allocation + * - backplane_dev_info#cx_def + * for default coefficient setup + */ +int backplane_setup_lanes(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + struct kr_lane_info *krln; + struct eq_setup_info eq_setup; + int i; + + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane lane ops is not set\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!bp_phy->bp_dev.equalizer) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane equalizer info is not set\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops->memmap_size == 0) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Lane memory map size is zero\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) { + if (bp_phy->bp_dev.cm_def == 0 && bp_phy->bp_dev.cz_def == 0 && + bp_phy->bp_dev.cp_def == 0) + bpdev_warn(bpphy, + "All default values for KR parameters are zero\n"); + } + + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + krln = &bp_phy->krln[i]; + + /* setup lane memory map size */ + krln->memmap_size = bp_phy->bp_dev.lane_ops->memmap_size; + + krln->reg_base = devm_ioremap(&bpphy->, + krln->lane_addr, + krln->memmap_size); + if (!krln->reg_base) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Lane memory map allocation failed\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + krln->idx = i; + krln->bpphy = bpphy; + krln->bp_phy = bp_phy; + krln->rt_time = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(KR_DENY_RT_INTERVAL); + + if (backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) { + setup_default_settings(krln); + + /* Find EQ Algorithm info */ + krln->eq_alg = eq_find(bp_phy->bp_dev.eqa_name); + if (!krln->eq_alg) { + /* key for desired algorithm was not found */ + bpdev_err(bpphy, + "Equalization algorithm '%s' is not registered\n", + bp_phy->bp_dev.eqa_name); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!krln->eq_alg->ops.create) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, + "Equalization algorithm creation failed: create operation is not available\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* Setup EQ Algorithm */ + eq_setup.krlane = krln; + eq_setup.bpphy = krln->bpphy; + eq_setup.reg_base = krln->reg_base; + eq_setup.equalizer = *krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.equalizer; + + /* Create EQ Algorithm */ + krln->eq_priv = krln->eq_alg->ops.create(eq_setup); + + /* register lane attached to an algorithm */ + spmap_add(&lnalg_list, bp_phy->bp_dev.eqa_name, krln); + + if (krln->eq_alg->use_remote_tx_training) { + if (!krln->eq_alg->ops.is_rx_ok) + bpdev_warn(bpphy, + "Required operation for remote Tx training is missing: is_rx_ok\n"); + if (!krln->eq_alg->ops.is_eq_done) + bpdev_warn(bpphy, + "Required operation for remote Tx training is missing: is_eq_done\n"); + if (!krln->eq_alg->ops.collect_statistics) + bpdev_warn(bpphy, + "Required operation for remote Tx training is missing: collect_statistics\n"); + if (!krln->eq_alg->ops.generate_request) + bpdev_warn(bpphy, + "Required operation for remote Tx training is missing: generate_request\n"); + } + } + } + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_setup_lanes); + +/* backplane_initialize + * Initializes all PHY and lane mutexes and + * starts lane timers for running the algorithm + */ +int backplane_initialize(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int i; + + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + mutex_init(&bp_phy->bpphy_lock); + mutex_init(&bp_phy->trained_lock); + + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) + mutex_init(&bp_phy->krln[i].lane_lock); + + bpphy->speed = get_backplane_speed(bp_phy->bp_mode); + if (bpphy->speed < 0) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Unsupported backplane mode\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) { + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) + init_kr_state_machine(&bp_phy->krln[i]); + } + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_initialize); + +/* backplane_probe + * + * Probe function for backplane driver to provide generic device behavior + * + * bpphy: backplane phy device + * this is an internal phy block controlled by the software + * which contains other component blocks like: PMA/PMD, PCS, AN + * + * Return: Zero for success or error code in case of failure + */ +int backplane_probe(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + return backplane_create(bpphy); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_probe); + +void backplane_remove(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return; + } + + kfree(bp_phy); + bpphy->priv = NULL; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_remove); + +/* backplane_config_init + * + * Config_Init function for backplane driver to provide generic device behavior + * + * bpphy: backplane phy device + * + * Return: Zero for success or error code in case of failure + */ +int backplane_config_init(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + int ret; + + ret = backplane_parse_dt(bpphy); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = backplane_setup_mdio(bpphy); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = backplane_setup_lanes(bpphy); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = backplane_initialize(bpphy); + if (ret) + return ret; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_config_init); + +int backplane_aneg_done(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + + if (!bpphy-> { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "No associated device tree node\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + bp_phy->aneg_done = true; + bpphy->state = PHY_RUNNING; + + return 1; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_aneg_done); + +int backplane_config_aneg(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + struct kr_lane_info *krln; + struct equalization_ops ops; + int i; + + if (!bpphy-> { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "No associated device tree node\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (backplane_get_lanes_trained_count(bp_phy) > 0) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Incorrectly trained lanes detected\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + krln = &bp_phy->krln[i]; + if (krln->eq_alg) { + ops = krln->eq_alg->ops; + if (ops.dump_algorithm_context) + ops.dump_algorithm_context(krln->eq_priv); + } + } + + if (backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) { + /* Warning: + * Order of the operations below is important + * otherwise the training may be failing + * with error: 'link_training_failed' + */ + + /* setup all lanes to default */ + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) + setup_default_settings(&bp_phy->krln[i]); + + /* Initialize all lanes and reset LT */ + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + init_krln(&bp_phy->krln[i], true); + lt_reset(&bp_phy->krln[i]); + } + } + + /* Warning: + * speed and protocol setup operation + * must be done just before AN and state machine start + * otherwise if it is done earlier, + * the error: 'REQ Timeout' will occur + */ + /* setup supported speed and protocol */ + bpphy->speed = get_backplane_speed(bp_phy->bp_mode); + if (bpphy->speed < 0) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Unsupported backplane mode\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + setup_supported_linkmode(bpphy); + linkmode_copy(bpphy->advertising, bpphy->supported); + bpphy->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL; + + if (backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) { + /* Start AN only for Master Lane */ + lt_start_an(&bp_phy->krln[MASTER_LANE]); + /* start state machine on all lanes */ + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) + start_kr_state_machine(&bp_phy->krln[i], KR_TIMEOUT_1); + } + + bp_phy->aneg_config = true; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_config_aneg); + +int backplane_suspend(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int i; + + if (!bpphy-> { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "No associated device tree node\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (bp_phy->aneg_config && !bp_phy->phy_suspended) { + if (backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) { + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) + stop_kr_state_machine(&bp_phy->krln[i]); + } + bp_phy->phy_suspended = true; + } + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_suspend); + +int backplane_resume(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + int i; + + if (!bpphy-> { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "No associated device tree node\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (bp_phy->aneg_config && bp_phy->phy_suspended) { + if (backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) { + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + init_krln(&bp_phy->krln[i], true); + start_kr_state_machine(&bp_phy->krln[i], + KR_TIMEOUT_1); + } + } + bp_phy->phy_suspended = false; + } + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_resume); + +int backplane_read_status(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + + if (!bpphy-> { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "No associated device tree node\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!bp_phy) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Backplane phy info is not allocated\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* Linkup method proposal for training stability: + * Don't raise linkup until all lanes are trained + * in order to prevent interface sending packets that may + * interfere with the training packets + */ + if (backplane_is_link_up(bpphy)) + if (backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) + bpphy->link = backplane_are_all_lanes_trained(bp_phy); + else + bpphy->link = 1; + else + bpphy->link = 0; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_read_status); + +int backplane_match_phy_device(struct phy_device *bpphy) +{ + struct device_node *bpphy_node; + + if (!bpphy-> + return 0; + + if (!bpphy->is_c45) + return 0; + + bpphy_node = bpphy->; + if (!bpphy_node) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "No associated device tree node\n"); + return 0; + } + + return 1; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(backplane_match_phy_device); + +static int __init backplane_module_init(void) +{ + pr_info("%s: Backplane driver version %s\n", + BACKPLANE_DRIVER_NAME, BACKPLANE_DRIVER_VERSION); + mutex_init(&backplane_lock); + backplane_features_init(); + return 0; +} + +static void __exit backplane_module_exit(void) +{ + pr_info("%s: Backplane driver version %s unloaded\n", + BACKPLANE_DRIVER_NAME, BACKPLANE_DRIVER_VERSION); +} + +module_init(backplane_module_init); +module_exit(backplane_module_exit); + +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Backplane driver"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Florinel Iordache "); +MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/backplane/backplane.h b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/backplane.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..911e418 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/backplane.h @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause) */ +/* Backplane driver + * + * Copyright 2018-2020 NXP + */ + +#ifndef __BACKPLANE_H +#define __BACKPLANE_H + +#include +#include + +#include "equalization.h" + +/* Backplane Driver name */ +#define BACKPLANE_DRIVER_NAME "backplane" + +/* Backplane Driver version */ +#define BACKPLANE_DRIVER_VERSION "1.0.0" + +/* Maximum number of lanes per phy */ +#define MAX_KR_LANES_PER_PHY 4 + +/* Lanes definitions */ +#define MASTER_LANE 0 +#define SINGLE_LANE 0 + +extern __ETHTOOL_DECLARE_LINK_MODE_MASK(backplane_features) __ro_after_init; + +#define BACKPLANE_FEATURES ((unsigned long *)&backplane_features) + +enum train_state { + DETECTING_LP, + TRAINED, +}; + +enum lane_req { + LANE_INVALID, + LANE_RX, + LANE_TX, + LANE_RX_TX +}; + +struct lane_kr_params { + u32 ratio_preq; + u32 ratio_pstq; + u32 adpt_eq; + u32 amp_red; +}; + +/* Generic Lane operations */ +struct lane_io_ops { + const void *priv; /* device specific private info */ + u32 memmap_size; /* lane memory map size */ + void (*reset_lane)(void __iomem *reg, enum lane_req req); + void (*tune_lane_kr)(void __iomem *reg, struct lane_kr_params *params, + bool reset); + void (*read_lane_kr)(void __iomem *reg, struct lane_kr_params *params); + bool (*is_cdr_lock)(void __iomem *reg); +}; + +/* Endianness specific memory I/O operations + */ +struct mem_io_ops { + u32 (*read32)(void __iomem *addr); + void (*write32)(u32 value, void __iomem *addr); +}; + +struct training_status { + bool done_training; + bool remote_tx_complete; + bool remote_tx_running; + bool sent_init; + bool lp_rx_ready; + bool local_tx_running; +}; + +struct kr_mdio_info { + /* MDIO_XFI_PMD Registers */ + int lt_devad; + u32 pmd_ctrl_1; + /* MDIO_XFI_PMD LT Registers */ + u32 lt_kr_pmd_control; + u32 lt_kr_pmd_status; + u32 lt_kr_lp_cu; + u32 lt_kr_lp_status; + u32 lt_kr_ld_cu; + u32 lt_kr_ld_status; + u32 lt_prbs_berr_lower; + u32 lt_prbs_berr_upper; + /* MDIO_XFI_AN Registers: MMD 7 */ + u32 an_control; + u32 an_status; + u32 an_ad_ability_0; + u32 an_ad_ability_1; + u32 an_lp_base_page_ability_1; + u32 an_bp_eth_status; + /* MDIO AN register ops */ + u32 (*get_an_bp_eth_status_bit)(phy_interface_t bp_mode); + u32 (*get_an_ad_ability_1_init)(phy_interface_t bp_mode); +}; + +/* Backplane device info */ +struct backplane_dev_info { + u32 cm_min; + u32 cm_max; + u32 cz_min; + u32 cz_max; + u32 cp_min; + u32 cp_max; + u32 sum_ratio_numer; + u32 sum_ratio_denom; + u32 cm_def; + u32 cz_def; + u32 cp_def; + u32 amp_red_def; + bool coef_def_dt; /* defaults for eq coef initialized from DT */ + bool ampr_def_dt; /* defaults for amp red initialized from DT */ + bool is_little_endian; /* serdes endianness */ + u32 base_addr; /* serdes base address */ + u32 memmap_size; /* serdes memory map size */ + const char *eqa_name; /* EQ algorithm name */ + struct mem_io_ops io; + const struct lane_io_ops *lane_ops; + const struct equalizer_info *equalizer; + struct kr_mdio_info mdio; +}; + +struct backplane_phy_info; + +/* KR Lane info */ +struct kr_lane_info { + /* generic KR data */ + void __iomem *reg_base; /* lane memory map: registers base address */ + u32 memmap_size; /* lane memory map size */ + u32 lane_addr; /* lane address */ + u8 idx; /* lane relative index inside multi-lane PHY */ + struct phy_device *bpphy; /* backplane phy device */ + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy; + const struct equalization_algorithm *eq_alg; + struct eq_data_priv *eq_priv; + struct training_status trst; + struct delayed_work kr_wk; + /* mutex for multiple lanes training case */ + struct mutex lane_lock; + enum train_state state; + /* KR LD/LP updates and status */ + u32 ld_update; + u32 prev_ld_update; + u32 ld_last_nonhold_update; /* last change (non-hold) update */ + u32 ld_status; + u32 lp_status; + u32 lp_last_change_status; /* last change (non-zero) status */ + u32 last_lp_update_status[C_NO]; + /* training status data */ + bool lt_error; + bool move_back_prev; + u32 move_back_cnt; + u32 move_back_lp_status; + u32 req_ld_update_init_count; + u32 repeat_request_count; + u64 init_handshake_time; + bool first_recv_init; + bool an_acquired; + u32 an_wait_count; + u64 rt_time; + /* KR parameters (current, default, tunned) */ + u32 ratio_preq; + u32 ratio_pstq; + u32 adpt_eq; + u32 def_ratio_preq; + u32 def_ratio_pstq; + u32 def_adpt_eq; + u32 def_amp_red; + u32 tuned_ratio_preq; + u32 tuned_ratio_pstq; + u32 tuned_adpt_eq; +}; + +struct backplane_phy_info { + phy_interface_t bp_mode; + u8 num_lanes; + bool aneg_config; + bool aneg_done; + bool phy_suspended; + struct backplane_dev_info bp_dev; + struct kr_lane_info krln[MAX_KR_LANES_PER_PHY]; + /* bpphy mutexes */ + struct mutex bpphy_lock; + /* mutex between multiple lanes training */ + struct mutex trained_lock; +}; + +bool backplane_is_mode_kr(phy_interface_t bp_mode); + +bool backplane_is_valid_mode(phy_interface_t bp_mode); + +u8 backplane_num_lanes(phy_interface_t bp_mode); + +bool backplane_is_single_lane(struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy); + +bool backplane_is_multi_lane(struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy); + +int backplane_is_link_up(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +void backplane_setup_mdio_c45(struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev); + +void backplane_setup_kr_lt_mmd(struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev, int devad, + u32 base); + +int backplane_read_mmd(struct kr_lane_info *krln, int devad, u32 regnum); + +int backplane_write_mmd(struct kr_lane_info *krln, int devad, u32 regnum, + u16 val); + +void backplane_default_kr_lane(struct kr_lane_info *krln); + +void backplane_get_current_taps(struct kr_lane_info *krln, u32 *coef); + +void backplane_set_current_taps(struct kr_lane_info *krln, u32 *coef); + +void backplane_set_all_taps_to_max(struct kr_lane_info *krln); + +void backplane_tune_kr_lane(struct kr_lane_info *krln, bool reset_lane); + +int backplane_are_all_lanes_trained(struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy); + +int backplane_get_lanes_trained_count(struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy); + +/* generic main operations to be used on probe callback */ + +int backplane_create(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_parse_dt(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_setup_mdio(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_setup_lanes(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_initialize(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +/* predefined phy_driver callback functions */ + +int backplane_probe(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +void backplane_remove(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_config_init(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_aneg_done(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_config_aneg(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_suspend(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_resume(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_read_status(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +int backplane_match_phy_device(struct phy_device *bpphy); + +#endif /* __BACKPLANE_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/backplane/eq_fixed.c b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/eq_fixed.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5244cec --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/eq_fixed.c @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause) +/* Fixed: No Equalization algorithm + * + * Copyright 2019-2020 NXP + */ + +#include +#include + +#include "equalization.h" + +#define ALGORITHM_NAME "backplane_fixed" +#define ALGORITHM_DESCR "Fixed Equalization" +#define ALGORITHM_VERSION "1.0.0" + +/* Fixed Algorithm API */ + +/* Create Fixed Equalization Algorithm */ +static struct eq_data_priv *create(struct eq_setup_info setup) +{ + return NULL; +} + +static const struct equalization_algorithm eq_alg = { + .name = ALGORITHM_NAME, + .descr = ALGORITHM_DESCR, + .version = ALGORITHM_VERSION, + .use_local_tx_training = false, + .use_remote_tx_training = false, + .ops = { + .create = create, + .destroy = NULL, + .is_rx_ok = NULL, + .is_eq_done = NULL, + .collect_statistics = NULL, + .generate_request = NULL, + .process_bad_state = NULL, + .dump_algorithm_context = NULL, + } +}; + +static const char * const alg_keys[] = { + DEFAULT_EQ_ALGORITHM, + "bypass", +}; + +static int __init fixed_init(void) +{ + int i, err; + + pr_info("%s: %s algorithm version %s\n", + ALGORITHM_NAME, ALGORITHM_DESCR, ALGORITHM_VERSION); + + /* register Fixed algorithm: */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(alg_keys); i++) { + err = backplane_eq_register(alg_keys[i], &eq_alg); + if (err) { + pr_err("%s: '%s' equalization algorithm registration failed\n", + ALGORITHM_NAME, alg_keys[i]); + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static void __exit fixed_exit(void) +{ + int i; + + /* unregister Fixed algorithm: */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(alg_keys); i++) + backplane_eq_unregister(alg_keys[i]); + + pr_info("%s: %s algorithm version %s unloaded\n", + ALGORITHM_NAME, ALGORITHM_DESCR, ALGORITHM_VERSION); +} + +module_init(fixed_init); +module_exit(fixed_exit); + +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Fixed Equalization Algorithm"); +MODULE_AUTHOR("Florinel Iordache "); +MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/backplane/equalization.h b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/equalization.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..167c9f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/equalization.h @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause) */ +/* Equalization interface + * for Equalization and Link Training (IEEE802.3ap/ba) + * + * Copyright 2019-2020 NXP + */ + +#ifndef __EQUALIZATION_H +#define __EQUALIZATION_H + +#include + +/* Default equalization algorithm */ +#define DEFAULT_EQ_ALGORITHM "fixed" + +struct kr_lane_info; +struct eq_setup_info; + +/* EQ Algorithms Interface used by Link Training + * to call equalization algorithms callbacks + */ + +/* Equalization private data + * specifically defined by each algorithm to be used internally + */ +struct eq_data_priv; + +/* Equalization Algorithm operations */ +struct equalization_ops { + /* Mandatory operations: */ + struct eq_data_priv *(*create)(struct eq_setup_info setup); + void (*destroy)(struct eq_data_priv *priv); + /* Required operations for remote Tx link training: */ + bool (*is_rx_ok)(struct eq_data_priv *priv); + bool (*is_eq_done)(struct eq_data_priv *priv); + bool (*collect_statistics)(struct eq_data_priv *priv); + void (*generate_request)(struct eq_data_priv *priv); + /* Optional operations: */ + void (*process_bad_state)(struct eq_data_priv *priv); + void (*dump_algorithm_context)(struct eq_data_priv *priv); +}; + +/* Equalization Algorithm description data */ +struct equalization_algorithm { + const char *name; + const char *descr; + const char *version; + bool use_local_tx_training; + bool use_remote_tx_training; + struct equalization_ops ops; +}; + +/* Equalizer Interface for EQ Algorithms: + * Used by equalization algorithms to collect equalizer statistics + * required to take correct decisions for tuning equalization parameters + */ + +/* Equalizer counters type + * + * Equalizer Binning Counters for Data Dependent Edge Statistics: + * + * Bin(s) = (# late edges - # early edges) + * Prior/Next Edge at T -/+ #UI (Unit Interval) + * Bin_1: 1UI wide pulses: Prior Edge at T - 1UI + * final edges on short pulses: + * - contains the scoring of final edges on pulses that are 1UI long + * - represents the difference between the number of short pulse late edges + * and the number of short pulse early edges + * Bin_2: 2UI wide pulses: Prior Edge at T - 2UI + * Bin_3: 3UI (or >=3UI) wide pulses: Prior Edge at T - 3UI (or T - >=3UI) + * Bin_4: 4UI (or >=4UI) wide pulses: Prior Edge at T - 4UI (or T - >=4UI) + * Bin_Med: >=5UI and <=7UI wide pulses: + * Prior Edge in between T - >=5UI and T - <=7UI + * final edges on medium pulses: + * - contains the scoring of final edges on pulses between 5UI and 7UI long + * Bin_Long: >=8UI wide pulses: Prior Edge at T - >=8UI + * final edges on long pulses: + * - contains the scoring of final edges on pulses longer than 7UI long + * - represents the difference between the number of long pulse late edges + * and the number of long pulse early edges + * Bin_M1: 1UI wide pulses: Next Edge at T + 1UI + * initial edges on short pulses following non-single bits: + * - contains the scoring of initial edges on pulses that are 1UI long + * following non-single bits + * - the next edge is 1UI away and prior edge is more than 1UI away + * Bin_M2: 2UI wide pulses: Next Edge at T + 2UI + * Bin_M3: 3UI (or >=3UI) wide pulses: Next Edge at T + 3UI (or T + >=3UI) + * Bin_M4: 4UI (or >=4UI) wide pulses: Next Edge at T + 4UI (or T + >=4UI) + * Bin_MMed: >=5UI and <=7UI wide pulses: + * Next Edge in between T + >=5UI and T + <=7UI + * initial edges on medium pulses following non-single bits: + * - contains the scoring of initial edges on pulses between 5UI and 7UI + * following non-single bits + * Bin_MLong: >=8UI wide pulses: Next Edge at T + >=8UI + * initial edges on long pulses following non-single bits: + * - contains the scoring of initial edges on pulses longer than 7UI long + * - represents the difference between the number of long pulse late edges + * and the number of long pulse early edges + * + * Bin_Offset = [(# late rising edges + # early falling edges) - + * (# early rising edges + # late falling edges)] + * - contains the transition information for the difference between + * all bits that are narrower than expected and + * all bits that are wider than expected + * + * Bin_Avg: Low Pass Filter of Running Disparity + * - Bin_Avg provides a time weighted, filtered average of disparity which + * indicates the BLW potential of recently received data + * New Bin_Avg = Bin_Avg - Bin_Avg/8 + block_disparity + * where block_disparity = (#of ones - #of zeros) + * + * Bin_BLW: Bin Baseline Wander + * - BinBLW accumulates the correlation between Bin_Avg and Bin_Offset + * - Low frequency deficiency (LFD) causes BLW effect + * New Bin_BLW = Bin_BLW + Bin_Avg, for Bin_Offset > 0 + * = Bin_BLW - Bin_Avg, for Bin_Offset < 0 + * = Bin_BLW, for Bin_Offset = 0 + * + * Equalizer gains: + * GAIN_LF: Low-frequency gain of the equalizer amplifier + * GAIN_MF: Middle-frequency gain of the equalizer amplifier + * GAIN_HF: High-frequency gain of the equalizer amplifier + * + * Equalizer status: + * EQOFFSET: equalization offset status + * Binary coded status of RX Adaptive Equalization offset controls of lane + */ +enum eqc_type { + EQC_BIN_1, + EQC_BIN_2, + EQC_BIN_3, + EQC_BIN_4, + EQC_BIN_MED, + EQC_BIN_LONG, + EQC_BIN_M1, + EQC_BIN_M2, + EQC_BIN_M3, + EQC_BIN_M4, + EQC_BIN_MMED, + EQC_BIN_MLONG, + EQC_BIN_OFFSET, + EQC_BIN_AVG, + EQC_BIN_BLW, + EQC_GAIN_LF, + EQC_GAIN_MF, + EQC_GAIN_HF, + EQC_EQOFFSET, +}; + +/* Equalizer counters range */ +struct eqc_range { + s16 min; + s16 max; + s16 mid_low; + s16 mid_high; +}; + +/* Equalizer counters collection operations */ +struct equalizer_ops { + int (*collect_counters)(void *reg, enum eqc_type type, s16 *counters, + u8 size); + int (*collect_multiple_counters)(void *reg, enum eqc_type type[], + u8 type_no, s16 *counters, u8 size); + struct eqc_range *(*get_counter_range)(enum eqc_type type); +}; + +/* Equalizer info and operations */ +struct equalizer_info { + const char *name; + const char *version; + struct equalizer_ops ops; +}; + +/* Equalization setup information */ +struct eq_setup_info { + struct phy_device *bpphy; + /* kr lane info used as parameter for link training API */ + struct kr_lane_info *krlane; + void *reg_base; + struct equalizer_info equalizer; +}; + +/* Link Training Interface used by EQ Algorithms + * to interact with IEEE802.3ap/ba standards + */ + +/* update request type + * Identifies the LP update request type according to IEEE802.3ap-2007 + * which must be sent to LP to request coefficients update + * + * HOLD: Request LP to Hold all coefficients update + * INC: Request LP to Increment the specified coefficient + * DEC: Request LP to Decrement the specified coefficient + * INIT: Request LP to Initialize all coefficients + * PRESET: Request LP to set all coefficients to Preset + * INVALID: Invalid request type: should not be used as LP request + */ +enum req_type { + REQ_HOLD, + REQ_INC, + REQ_DEC, + REQ_INIT, + REQ_PRESET, + REQ_INVALID +}; + +/* coefficient field + * Identifies the coefficient field on which must take a desired action + * according to IEEE802.3ap-2007 + * + * coefficients: + * M1: C(-1): Pre-cursor + * Z0: C(0): Main cursor + * P1: C(+1): Post-cursor + * NO: Number of coefficients (this is not a valid coefficient field) + */ +enum coef_field { + C_M1, + C_Z0, + C_P1, + C_NO +}; + +/* coefficient status + * Specifies the coefficient status according to IEEE802.3ap-2007: + * Coefficient update process + * + * NOTUPDATED: Coefficient is not updated + * UPDATED: Coefficient is updated + * MIN: Coefficient has reached the minimum threshold + * MAX: Coefficient has reached the maximum threshold + * INVALID: Invalid coefficient status + */ +enum coef_status { + COEF_NOTUPDATED, + COEF_UPDATED, + COEF_MIN, + COEF_MAX, + COEF_INVALID +}; + +void lt_lp_update(struct kr_lane_info *krln, u32 update); + +u32 lt_encode_request(u32 base_update, enum req_type req, + enum coef_field field); + +u32 lt_encode_startup_request(enum req_type req); + +enum req_type lt_decode_coef_update(u32 update, enum coef_field field); + +bool lt_is_update_of_type(u32 update, enum req_type type); + +bool lt_is_lp_at_startup(struct kr_lane_info *krln, enum req_type type); + +enum coef_status lt_get_lp_coef_status(struct kr_lane_info *krln, + enum coef_field field); + +void lt_move_lp_back(struct kr_lane_info *krln); + +void lt_set_error(struct kr_lane_info *krln, bool err); + +/* Backplane Driver Interface for EQ Algorithms: + * Used by equalization algorithms to interact + * with backplane driver during equalization + */ + +/* equalization algorithm registration */ +int backplane_eq_register(const char *key, + const struct equalization_algorithm *eq_info); +void backplane_eq_unregister(const char *key); + +bool backplane_is_cdr_lock(struct kr_lane_info *krln, bool retry); + +void bpdev_err(struct phy_device *bpphy, char *msg, ...); + +void bpdev_warn(struct phy_device *bpphy, char *msg, ...); + +void bpdev_info(struct phy_device *bpphy, char *msg, ...); + +void bpdev_dbg(struct phy_device *bpphy, char *msg, ...); + +#endif /* __EQUALIZATION_H */ diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/backplane/link_training.c b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/link_training.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2afecd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/link_training.c @@ -0,0 +1,1604 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause) +/* Link Training (IEEE802.3ap/ba) + * Ethernet Operation over Electrical Backplanes + * + * Copyright 2019-2020 NXP + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "link_training.h" + +/* KR LP/LD Coefficients */ +#define PRESET_MASK 0x2000 +#define INIT_MASK 0x1000 +#define COP1_MASK 0x30 +#define COP1_SHIFT 4 +#define COZ0_MASK 0xc +#define COZ0_SHIFT 2 +#define COM1_MASK 0x3 +#define COM1_SHIFT 0 +#define ALL_COEF_MASK (COP1_MASK | COZ0_MASK | COM1_MASK) +#define LD_ALL_MASK (PRESET_MASK | INIT_MASK | ALL_COEF_MASK) + +/* KR LP Status Report */ +#define LP_STATUS_ALL_COEF_UPDATED 0x15 + +/* KR LP/LD Status Report: + * RX_READY_MASK - Receiver Ready + * 0b - The LP/LD receiver is requesting that training continue + * 1b - The LP/LD receiver has determined that training is complete + * and is prepared to receive data. + */ +#define RX_READY_MASK 0x8000 + +/* Increment/Decrement Requests */ +#define HOLD 0 +#define INCREMENT 1 +#define DECREMENT 2 +#define RESERVED 3 + +/* Increment/Decrement Steps */ +#define STEP_INCREMENT_P1 -1 +#define STEP_INCREMENT_Z0 1 +#define STEP_INCREMENT_M1 -1 + +/* KR PMD Control defines */ +#define TRAIN_EN 0x3 +#define TRAIN_DISABLE 0x1 +#define PMD_RESET 0x1 + +/* KR PMD Status defines */ +#define PMD_STATUS_TRAIN_FAIL 0x8 +#define PMD_STATUS_SUP_STAT 0x4 +#define PMD_STATUS_FRAME_LOCK 0x2 +#define PMD_STATUS_RX_STAT 0x1 + +/* KR PMD control register (Register 1.150) */ +#define REGISTER_KR_PMD_CTRL 150 + +/* Link training KR PMD registers offsets */ +#define OFFSET_KR_PMD_CTRL 0x0 +#define OFFSET_KR_PMD_STATUS 0x1 +#define OFFSET_KR_LP_CU 0x2 +#define OFFSET_KR_LP_STATUS 0x3 +#define OFFSET_KR_LD_CU 0x4 +#define OFFSET_KR_LD_STATUS 0x5 +#define OFFSET_KR_PRBS_BERR_LOWER 0x7F6B +#define OFFSET_KR_PRBS_BERR_UPPER 0x7F6C + +/* Timeouts */ +#define TIMEOUT_MOVE_BACK_PREV 6 +#define TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST 10 + +/* Backplane Ethernet status (Register 7.48) */ +#define AN_BP_ETH_STATUS_OFFSET 0x30 + +/* AN registers initialization */ +#define AN_CTRL_INIT 0x1200 + +/* Training for Remote Tx */ + +static u32 get_mask_for_req(enum req_type req) +{ + u32 cmd = HOLD; + + switch (req) { + case REQ_HOLD: + cmd = HOLD; + break; + case REQ_INC: + cmd = INCREMENT; + break; + case REQ_DEC: + cmd = DECREMENT; + break; + case REQ_INIT: + cmd = INIT_MASK; + break; + case REQ_PRESET: + cmd = PRESET_MASK; + break; + case REQ_INVALID: + cmd = RESERVED; + break; + default: + cmd = HOLD; + break; + } + return cmd; +} + +static enum req_type get_req_for_mask(u32 cmd) +{ + enum req_type req = REQ_HOLD; + + switch (cmd) { + case HOLD: + req = REQ_HOLD; + break; + case INCREMENT: + req = REQ_INC; + break; + case DECREMENT: + req = REQ_DEC; + break; + case INIT_MASK: + req = REQ_INIT; + break; + case PRESET_MASK: + req = REQ_PRESET; + break; + case RESERVED: + req = REQ_INVALID; + break; + default: + req = REQ_HOLD; + break; + } + return req; +} + +/* ld_coef_status + * Coefficient update process + * Once the updated, maximum, or minimum state is reported it continues + * to be reported until a hold request is received, + * after which the status reverts to not_updated. + */ +static void ld_coef_status(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_ld_status, + krln->ld_status); +} + +/* ld_coef_update + * LD sends to LP the specified request for coefficients update + */ +static void ld_coef_update(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_ld_cu, + krln->ld_update); +} + +/* get_lp_lcs + * get LP lcs (last change status) + * returns the last LP change (non-zero) status: + * meaning the last LP status resulted from a change request + * Coefficient update process + * Once the updated, maximum, or minimum state is reported it continues + * to be reported until a hold request is received, + * after which the status reverts to not_updated. + */ +static u32 get_lp_lcs(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + return krln->lp_last_change_status; +} + +static bool is_all_status(u32 status, enum coef_status cs) +{ + return ((status & ALL_COEF_MASK) == + (cs << COP1_SHIFT | cs << COZ0_SHIFT | cs << COM1_SHIFT)); +} + +/* Training for Local Tx */ + +static void initialize(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + backplane_default_kr_lane(krln); + + krln->ld_status &= ~ALL_COEF_MASK; + krln->ld_status |= COEF_UPDATED << COP1_SHIFT | + COEF_UPDATED << COZ0_SHIFT | + COEF_UPDATED << COM1_SHIFT; + + ld_coef_status(krln); +} + +/* preset + * Preset as defined by: IEEE 802.3, sub-clause + * Setup all coefficients to MAX values from IEEE802.3 perspective + */ +static void preset(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + backplane_set_all_taps_to_max(krln); + + backplane_tune_kr_lane(krln, true); + + krln->ld_status &= ~ALL_COEF_MASK; + krln->ld_status |= COEF_MAX << COP1_SHIFT | + COEF_MAX << COZ0_SHIFT | + COEF_MAX << COM1_SHIFT; + + ld_coef_status(krln); +} + +static bool is_rx_ready(u32 status) +{ + return ((status & RX_READY_MASK) != 0); +} + +/* is_ld_valid + * LD coefficient values have hardware restrictions + * Check if all ld coefficients are in range + */ +static int is_ld_valid(struct kr_lane_info *krln, u32 *ld_coef) +{ + u32 ratio_pstq = ld_coef[C_P1]; + u32 adpt_eq = ld_coef[C_Z0]; + u32 ratio_preq = ld_coef[C_M1]; + struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev = &krln->bp_phy->bp_dev; + + /* HW restrictions: + * Section 5.3.1 10GBaseKR Transmit Adaptive Equalization Control + * additional restrictions set down by 802.3 specification Clause 72, + * specifically Transmitter output waveform requirements + * + * Maintaining the following relationships limit transmit equalization + * to reasonable levels compliant with the KR specification + */ + + /* 1. [condition (1) was moved below for optimization purpose] */ + + /* Basic HW restrictions: */ + + /* 2. tx_ratio_preq <= MIN_C(-1) */ + if (ratio_preq > bp_dev->cm_min) + return -ERANGE; + /* 3. tx_ratio_post1q <= MIN_C(+1) */ + if (ratio_pstq > bp_dev->cp_min) + return -ERANGE; + /* 4. MIN_C(0) <= tx_adpt_eq <= MAX_C(0) */ + if (adpt_eq < bp_dev->cz_min) + return -ERANGE; + if (adpt_eq > bp_dev->cz_max) + return -ERANGE; + /* 5. tx_ratio_post1q >= tx_ratio_preq */ + if (ratio_pstq < ratio_preq) + return -ERANGE; + + /* Additional HW restrictions: + * 1. MIN_C(0) <= tx_ratio_preq + tx_adpt_eq + + * tx_ratio_post1q <= MAX_C(0) + */ + if ((ratio_preq + ratio_pstq + adpt_eq) < bp_dev->cz_min) + return -ERANGE; + if ((ratio_preq + ratio_pstq + adpt_eq) > bp_dev->cz_max) + return -ERANGE; + /* 6. + * ( tx_adpt_eq + tx_ratio_preq + tx_ratio_post1q ) / + * ( tx_adpt_eq - tx_ratio_preq - tx_ratio_post1q ) < + * sum_ratio_numerator / sum_ratio_denominator + */ + if (((adpt_eq + ratio_preq + ratio_pstq) * bp_dev->sum_ratio_denom) >= + ((adpt_eq - ratio_preq - ratio_pstq) * bp_dev->sum_ratio_numer)) + return -ERANGE; + + return 0; +} + +static bool update_ld_status(struct kr_lane_info *krln, enum coef_field field, + enum coef_status cs) +{ + u32 mask, val; + u32 ld_cs = cs; + + if (cs == COEF_INVALID) + return false; + + switch (field) { + case C_P1: + mask = COP1_MASK; + val = ld_cs << COP1_SHIFT; + break; + case C_Z0: + mask = COZ0_MASK; + val = ld_cs << COZ0_SHIFT; + break; + case C_M1: + mask = COM1_MASK; + val = ld_cs << COM1_SHIFT; + break; + default: + return false; + } + + krln->ld_status &= ~mask; + krln->ld_status |= val; + + return true; +} + +static enum coef_status inc_dec(struct kr_lane_info *krln, + enum coef_field field, int request) +{ + u32 ld_coef[C_NO], step[C_NO], ld_limit[C_NO]; + int err; + + backplane_get_current_taps(krln, ld_coef); + + step[C_P1] = STEP_INCREMENT_P1; + step[C_Z0] = STEP_INCREMENT_Z0; + step[C_M1] = STEP_INCREMENT_M1; + + /* Coefficient update process + * Upon execution of a received increment or decrement request, + * the status is reported as updated, maximum, or minimum. + */ + switch (request) { + case INCREMENT: + ld_limit[C_P1] = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cp_max; + ld_limit[C_Z0] = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cz_max; + ld_limit[C_M1] = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cm_max; + if (ld_coef[field] != ld_limit[field]) + ld_coef[field] += step[field]; + else + return COEF_MAX; + break; + case DECREMENT: + ld_limit[C_P1] = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cp_min; + ld_limit[C_Z0] = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cz_min; + ld_limit[C_M1] = krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.cm_min; + if (ld_coef[field] != ld_limit[field]) + ld_coef[field] -= step[field]; + else + return COEF_MIN; + break; + default: + break; + } + + err = is_ld_valid(krln, ld_coef); + if (!err) { + /* accept new ld coefficients */ + backplane_set_current_taps(krln, ld_coef); + backplane_tune_kr_lane(krln, false); + } else { + if (request == DECREMENT) + return COEF_MIN; + if (request == INCREMENT) + return COEF_MAX; + } + + /* UPDATED */ + return COEF_UPDATED; +} + +static void check_request(struct kr_lane_info *krln, int request) +{ + int cop1_req, coz0_req, com1_req; + int old_status; + enum coef_status cu = COEF_INVALID; + + cop1_req = (request & COP1_MASK) >> COP1_SHIFT; + coz0_req = (request & COZ0_MASK) >> COZ0_SHIFT; + com1_req = (request & COM1_MASK) >> COM1_SHIFT; + + /* IEEE802.3-2008, + * Ensure we only act on INCREMENT/DECREMENT when we are in NOT UPDATED + * + * Coefficient update process + * An increment or decrement request will only be acted upon when + * the state of the tap is not_updated. + */ + old_status = krln->ld_status; + + if (cop1_req && !(krln->ld_status & COP1_MASK)) { + cu = inc_dec(krln, C_P1, cop1_req); + update_ld_status(krln, C_P1, cu); + } + + if (coz0_req && !(krln->ld_status & COZ0_MASK)) { + cu = inc_dec(krln, C_Z0, coz0_req); + update_ld_status(krln, C_Z0, cu); + } + + if (com1_req && !(krln->ld_status & COM1_MASK)) { + cu = inc_dec(krln, C_M1, com1_req); + update_ld_status(krln, C_M1, cu); + } + + if (old_status != krln->ld_status) + ld_coef_status(krln); +} + +static void training_complete(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct training_status *trst = &krln->trst; + + /* update training status */ + trst->remote_tx_complete = true; + trst->remote_tx_running = false; + + /* report LD status */ + krln->ld_status |= RX_READY_MASK; + ld_coef_status(krln); + + /* update PMD status and tell LP we are ready */ + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_pmd_status, + PMD_STATUS_RX_STAT); +} + +/* Link Training general API */ + +/* Setup standard KR LT memory map registers + * 10GBASE-KR PMD control register (Register 1.150) + */ +void lt_setup_c45(struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev) +{ + bp_dev->mdio.an_bp_eth_status = AN_BP_ETH_STATUS_OFFSET; + + lt_setup_memmap(bp_dev, MDIO_MMD_PMAPMD, REGISTER_KR_PMD_CTRL); +} + +/* Setup KR LT memory map registers + * IEEE Std 802.3ap-2007: Table 45.3 PMA/PMD registers + */ +void lt_setup_memmap(struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev, int devad, u32 base) +{ + bp_dev->mdio.lt_devad = devad; + bp_dev->mdio.lt_kr_pmd_control = base + OFFSET_KR_PMD_CTRL; + bp_dev->mdio.lt_kr_pmd_status = base + OFFSET_KR_PMD_STATUS; + bp_dev->mdio.lt_kr_lp_cu = base + OFFSET_KR_LP_CU; + bp_dev->mdio.lt_kr_lp_status = base + OFFSET_KR_LP_STATUS; + bp_dev->mdio.lt_kr_ld_cu = base + OFFSET_KR_LD_CU; + bp_dev->mdio.lt_kr_ld_status = base + OFFSET_KR_LD_STATUS; + bp_dev->mdio.lt_prbs_berr_lower = base + OFFSET_KR_PRBS_BERR_LOWER; + bp_dev->mdio.lt_prbs_berr_upper = base + OFFSET_KR_PRBS_BERR_UPPER; +} + +/* lt_is_lp_rx_ready + * Reports if LP Receiver is ready + * false: The LP receiver is requesting that training continue + * true: The LP receiver has determined that training is complete + * and is prepared to receive data. + */ +bool lt_is_lp_rx_ready(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct kr_mdio_info *mdio = &krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio; + + /* Read LP Status */ + krln->lp_status = backplane_read_mmd(krln, + mdio->lt_devad, + mdio->lt_kr_lp_status); + return is_rx_ready(krln->lp_status); +} + +/* lt_is_ld_rx_ready + * Reports if LD Receiver is ready + * false: The LD receiver is requesting that training continue + * true: The LD receiver has determined that training is complete + * and is prepared to receive data. + */ +bool lt_is_ld_rx_ready(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + return is_rx_ready(krln->ld_status); +} + +void lt_start(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_pmd_control, + TRAIN_EN); +} + +void lt_stop(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_pmd_control, + TRAIN_DISABLE); +} + +void lt_reset(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.pmd_ctrl_1, PMD_RESET); + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_pmd_control, + TRAIN_DISABLE); + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_ld_cu, 0); + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_ld_status, 0); + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_pmd_status, 0); + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_lp_cu, 0); + backplane_write_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_lp_status, 0); +} + +/* lt_is_rx_trained + * IEEE Std 802.3ap-2007: Table 72.3 MDIO/PMD status variable mapping + * PMD status variable: rx_trained + */ +bool lt_is_rx_trained(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + int val; + int timeout = 100; + + val = backplane_read_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_pmd_status); + + if ((val & PMD_STATUS_RX_STAT) && !(val & PMD_STATUS_TRAIN_FAIL)) { + while (timeout--) { + if (backplane_is_link_up(bpphy)) + return true; + + usleep_range(100, 500); + } + } + return false; +} + +/* lt_is_training_failure + * IEEE Std 802.3ap-2007: Table 72.3 MDIO/PMD status variable mapping + * PMD status variable: PMD_fault + */ +bool lt_is_training_failure(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct kr_mdio_info *mdio = &krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio; + int lt_state; + + lt_state = backplane_read_mmd(krln, mdio->lt_devad, + mdio->lt_kr_pmd_status); + + /* according to spec: 8023ap-2007.pdf + * training_failure + * Boolean variable that is set to TRUE when the training state machine + * has timed out due to expiration of the max_wait_timer while in the + * SEND_TRAINING, TRAIN_LOCAL, or + * TRAIN_REMOTE states and is set to FALSE otherwise. + */ + if (lt_state & PMD_STATUS_TRAIN_FAIL) + return true; + + return false; +} + +/* lt_is_frame_lock + * IEEE Std 802.3ap-2007: Table 72.3 MDIO/PMD status variable mapping + * PMD status variable: frame_lock + */ +bool lt_is_frame_lock(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct kr_mdio_info *mdio = &krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio; + int lt_state; + + lt_state = backplane_read_mmd(krln, mdio->lt_devad, + mdio->lt_kr_pmd_status); + + if ((lt_state & PMD_STATUS_SUP_STAT) && + (lt_state & PMD_STATUS_FRAME_LOCK)) + return true; + + return false; +} + +void lt_start_an(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct phy_device *bpphy = krln->bpphy; + struct backplane_phy_info *bp_phy = bpphy->priv; + struct kr_mdio_info *mdio = &bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio; + u32 an_ad_ability_1 = mdio->an_ad_ability_1; + u32 init_an_ad_ab1; + int i; + int err; + + if (!backplane_is_mode_kr(bp_phy->bp_mode)) + return; + + if (!mdio->get_an_ad_ability_1_init) { + bpdev_err(bpphy, "Unknown AN_AD_ABILITY_1 init value\n"); + return; + } + + init_an_ad_ab1 = mdio->get_an_ad_ability_1_init(bp_phy->bp_mode); + + if (krln->idx == MASTER_LANE) { + for (i = 0; i < bp_phy->num_lanes; i++) { + err = backplane_write_mmd(&bp_phy->krln[i], MDIO_MMD_AN, + an_ad_ability_1, + init_an_ad_ab1); + if (err) + bpdev_err(bpphy, + "Setting AN register 0x%02x on lane %d failed with error code: 0x%08x\n", + an_ad_ability_1, + bp_phy->krln[i].idx, err); + } + udelay(1); + err = backplane_write_mmd(krln, MDIO_MMD_AN, mdio->an_control, + AN_CTRL_INIT); + if (err) + bpdev_err(bpphy, + "Setting AN register 0x%02x on Master Lane failed with error code: 0x%08x\n", + MDIO_CTRL1, err); + } +} + +/* Training for Remote Tx + * This is the main routine for Remote Tx training + */ +void lt_train_remote_tx(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct training_status *trst = &krln->trst; + u32 prev_req_init, prev_req_preset; + u32 prev_req_cp1, prev_req_cz0, prev_req_cm1; + u32 status_cp1, status_cz0, status_cm1; + u64 lp_resp_time; + + /* Check stop condition for Remote Tx training */ + if (trst->remote_tx_complete) + return; + + /* Check if equalization algorithm is installed */ + if (!krln->eq_alg) + return; + + /* Check that all required callback operations are installed */ + if (!krln->eq_alg->ops.collect_statistics || + !krln->eq_alg->ops.is_rx_ok || + !krln->eq_alg->ops.generate_request || + !krln->eq_alg->ops.is_eq_done) + return; + + /* Start new Remote Tx training step */ + trst->remote_tx_running = true; + + /* Store current state as previous state */ + krln->prev_ld_update = krln->ld_update; + if ((krln->prev_ld_update & ALL_COEF_MASK) != HOLD) + krln->ld_last_nonhold_update = krln->prev_ld_update; + + prev_req_init = krln->prev_ld_update & INIT_MASK; + prev_req_preset = krln->prev_ld_update & PRESET_MASK; + prev_req_cp1 = (krln->prev_ld_update & COP1_MASK) >> COP1_SHIFT; + prev_req_cz0 = (krln->prev_ld_update & COZ0_MASK) >> COZ0_SHIFT; + prev_req_cm1 = (krln->prev_ld_update & COM1_MASK) >> COM1_SHIFT; + + /* Training Done condition */ + if (krln->eq_alg->ops.is_eq_done(krln->eq_priv)) + trst->done_training = true; + + /* Check if Training is Done */ + if (trst->done_training) { + training_complete(krln); + return; + } + + /* Read LP Status */ + krln->lp_status = + backplane_read_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_lp_status); + + if ((krln->lp_status & ALL_COEF_MASK) != 0) + krln->lp_last_change_status = krln->lp_status; + + status_cp1 = (krln->lp_status & COP1_MASK) >> COP1_SHIFT; + status_cz0 = (krln->lp_status & COZ0_MASK) >> COZ0_SHIFT; + status_cm1 = (krln->lp_status & COM1_MASK) >> COM1_SHIFT; + + if (status_cp1 == COEF_UPDATED || status_cp1 == COEF_MIN || + status_cp1 == COEF_MAX) + krln->last_lp_update_status[C_P1] = status_cp1; + if (status_cz0 == COEF_UPDATED || status_cz0 == COEF_MIN || + status_cz0 == COEF_MAX) + krln->last_lp_update_status[C_Z0] = status_cz0; + if (status_cm1 == COEF_UPDATED || status_cm1 == COEF_MIN || + status_cm1 == COEF_MAX) + krln->last_lp_update_status[C_M1] = status_cm1; + + /* IEEE802.3-2008, + * we send initialize to the other side to ensure default settings + * for the LP. Naturally, we should do this only once. + */ + if (!trst->sent_init) { + /* All status MUST be NOTUPDATED for INIT to be executed + * otherwise send HOLD first + */ + if (status_cp1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED && + status_cz0 == COEF_NOTUPDATED && + status_cm1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + trst->sent_init = true; + krln->ld_update = INIT_MASK; + krln->req_ld_update_init_count = 1; + krln->init_handshake_time = jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies); + } else { + /* send HOLD before sending subsequent Init requests + * this is not the very first Init sent + */ + krln->ld_update = HOLD; + } + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + /* continue to sent init request until LP responds to init */ + if (prev_req_init) { + if (krln->lp_status == 0) { + /* nothing to do here for now... + * perhaps the partner board LP has not yet started + * so continue to send INIT requests + * this will happen in the next condition anyway... + */ + } + /* Initialize + * The initialize control shall only be initially sent when all + * coefficient status fields indicate not_updated, + * and will then continue to be sent + * until no coefficient status field indicates not_updated. + */ + if (status_cp1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED || + status_cz0 == COEF_NOTUPDATED || + status_cm1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + krln->ld_update = INIT_MASK; + ld_coef_update(krln); + krln->req_ld_update_init_count++; + } else { + /* IEEE802.3-2008, + * We may clear INITIALIZE when no coefficients + * show NOT UPDATED. + */ + /* v1: krln->ld_update &= ~INIT_MASK; */ + /* better send request: HOLD ALL + * should be equivalent since only INIT is set now + */ + krln->ld_update = HOLD; + + lp_resp_time = jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies) - + krln->init_handshake_time; + if (!krln->first_recv_init) { + /* Init handshake not done yet, + * but will be soon + */ + krln->req_ld_update_init_count = 1; + lp_resp_time = 0; + } + ld_coef_update(krln); + } + return; + } + + /* Preset + * The preset control shall only be initially sent when all coefficient + * status fields indicate not_updated, + * and will then continue to be sent until the status for all + * coefficients indicates updated or maximum + */ + /* IEEE802.3-2008, + * We may clear PRESET when all coefficients show UPDATED or MAX. + */ + /* check if previous request was preset */ + if (prev_req_preset) { + if ((status_cp1 == COEF_UPDATED || status_cp1 == COEF_MAX) && + (status_cz0 == COEF_UPDATED || status_cz0 == COEF_MAX) && + (status_cm1 == COEF_UPDATED || status_cm1 == COEF_MAX)) { + krln->ld_update &= ~PRESET_MASK; + } else { + /* All status MUST be NOTUPDATED for INIT to be executed + * otherwise send HOLD first + */ + if (status_cp1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED && + status_cz0 == COEF_NOTUPDATED && + status_cm1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + krln->ld_update = PRESET_MASK; + } else { + /* send HOLD before sending subsequent + * Preset requests + */ + krln->ld_update = HOLD; + } + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + } + + /* IEEE802.3-2008, + * We only request coefficient updates when no PRESET/INITIALIZE is + * pending. We also only request coefficient updates when the + * corresponding status is NOT UPDATED and nothing is pending. + */ + if (krln->ld_update & (PRESET_MASK | INIT_MASK)) + return; + + /* continue to move back to previous request until LP responds to it + * Move back to previous C(-1), C(0), C(+1) and HOLD + */ + if (krln->move_back_prev) { + /* can exit from here only with: DONE Training */ + if (krln->move_back_cnt == TIMEOUT_MOVE_BACK_PREV) { + trst->done_training = true; + training_complete(krln); + return; + } + krln->move_back_cnt++; + + if (status_cp1 == COEF_UPDATED) + krln->move_back_lp_status |= + (COEF_UPDATED << COP1_SHIFT); + if (status_cz0 == COEF_UPDATED) + krln->move_back_lp_status |= + (COEF_UPDATED << COZ0_SHIFT); + if (status_cm1 == COEF_UPDATED) + krln->move_back_lp_status |= + (COEF_UPDATED << COM1_SHIFT); + + if ((krln->move_back_lp_status & ALL_COEF_MASK) == + LP_STATUS_ALL_COEF_UPDATED) { + trst->done_training = true; + training_complete(krln); + return; + } + + /* Move back to previous C(-1), C(0), C(+1) */ + krln->ld_update = krln->prev_ld_update; + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + + /* Coefficient update process + * Once the updated, maximum, or minimum state is reported it continues + * to be reported until a hold request is received, + * after which the status reverts to not_updated. + */ + + /* IEEE802.3-2008, + * We set coefficient requests to HOLD when we get the information + * about any updates On clearing our prior response, we also update + * our internal status. + */ + + /* send a Hold if want to send another INC same as previous + * and received status: NOTUPDATED + * 1. Continue to send previous REQ until receive status UPDATED + * 2. Continue to send HOLD until receive status NOTUPDATED + */ + + /* 3. LP can remain stuck ~42 ms in reset Rx lane: so we should wait + * around ~50 ms and only after that issue Timeout error message + */ + + switch (prev_req_cp1) { + case HOLD: + /* previous request was: HOLD */ + if (status_cp1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + /* All good here: + * continue to check the other coefficient requests + * and if all are good then proceed to + * generate coefficient tuning requests + */ + } else { + /* Continue to send the same request: (2.) + * Continue to send HOLD until receive status NOTUPDATED + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count >= + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST) { + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(+1) HOLD request without LP response timeout !\n"); + /* Hold Request Timeout: + * continue to send HOLD until LP responds + * with NOTUPDATED + */ + krln->repeat_request_count = 0; + } else { + /* Allow LP some time to respond + * and repeat request + */ + msleep(20); + /* Allow LP more time to respond, + * as the last chance, on the last time + * before issuing timeout error: (3.) + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count == + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST - 1) + msleep(30); + krln->repeat_request_count++; + } + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + break; + case INCREMENT: + case DECREMENT: + /* previous request was: INC/DEC */ + if (status_cp1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + /* Continue to send the same request: (1.) + * Continue to send previous REQ + * until receive status UPDATED + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count >= + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST) { + if (prev_req_cp1 == INCREMENT) + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(+1) INC request without LP response timeout !\n"); + else + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(+1) DEC request without LP response timeout !\n"); + /* Request Timeout: + * just continue: proceed again to + * generate coefficient tuning requests + */ + } else { + /* Allow LP some time to respond + * and repeat request + */ + msleep(20); + /* Allow LP more time to respond, + * as the last chance, + * on the last time before + * issuing timeout error: (3.) + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count == + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST - 1) + msleep(30); + krln->repeat_request_count++; + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + } else { + /* All good here: + * LP responded to this Request + * Sent HOLD for this coefficient + * before asking another request + * continue to check the other coefficient requests + */ + krln->ld_update &= ~COP1_MASK; + } + break; + default: + /* previous request was: RESERVED: do nothing */ + break; + } + + switch (prev_req_cz0) { + case HOLD: + /* previous request was: HOLD */ + if (status_cz0 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + /* All good here: + * continue to check the other coefficient requests + * and if all are good then proceed to + * generate coefficient tuning requests + */ + } else { + /* Continue to send the same request: (2.) + * Continue to send HOLD until receive status NOTUPDATED + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count >= + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST) { + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(0) HOLD request without LP response timeout !\n"); + /* Hold Request Timeout: + * continue to send HOLD until LP responds + * with NOTUPDATED + */ + krln->repeat_request_count = 0; + } else { + /* Allow LP some time to respond + * and repeat request + */ + msleep(20); + /* Allow LP more time to respond, + * as the last chance, + * on the last time before issuing + * timeout error: (3.) + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count == + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST - 1) + msleep(30); + krln->repeat_request_count++; + } + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + break; + case INCREMENT: + case DECREMENT: + /* previous request was: INC/DEC */ + if (status_cz0 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + /* Continue to send the same request: (1.) + * Continue to send previous REQ until receive + * status UPDATED + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count >= + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST) { + if (prev_req_cz0 == INCREMENT) + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(0) INC request without LP response timeout !\n"); + else + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(0) DEC request without LP response timeout !\n"); + /* Request Timeout: + * just continue: proceed again to + * generate coefficient tuning requests + */ + } else { + /* Allow LP some time to respond + * and repeat request + */ + msleep(20); + /* Allow LP more time to respond, as the last + * chance, on the last time before issuing + * timeout error: (3.) + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count == + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST - 1) + msleep(30); + krln->repeat_request_count++; + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + } else { + /* All good here: + * LP responded to this Request + * Sent HOLD for this coefficient + * before asking another request + * continue to check the other coefficient requests + */ + krln->ld_update &= ~COZ0_MASK; + } + break; + default: + /* previous request was: RESERVED: do nothing */ + break; + } + + switch (prev_req_cm1) { + case HOLD: + /* previous request was: HOLD */ + if (status_cm1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + /* All good here: + * continue to check the other coefficient requests + * and if all are good then proceed to + * generate coefficient tuning requests + */ + } else { + /* Continue to send the same request: (2.) + * Continue to send HOLD until receive status + * NOTUPDATED + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count >= + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST) { + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(-1) HOLD request without LP response timeout !\n"); + /* Hold Request Timeout: + * continue to send HOLD until + * LP responds with NOTUPDATED + */ + krln->repeat_request_count = 0; + } else { + /* Allow LP some time to respond + * and repeat request + */ + msleep(20); + /* Allow LP more time to respond, + * as the last chance, + * on the last time + * before issuing timeout error: (3.) + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count == + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST - 1) + msleep(30); + krln->repeat_request_count++; + } + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + break; + case INCREMENT: + case DECREMENT: + /* previous request was: INC/DEC */ + if (status_cm1 == COEF_NOTUPDATED) { + /* Continue to send the same request: (1.) + * Continue to send previous REQ until receive status + * UPDATED + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count >= + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST) { + if (prev_req_cm1 == INCREMENT) + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(-1) INC request without LP response timeout !\n"); + else + bpdev_err(krln->bpphy, + "REQ Timeout: Repeating C(-1) DEC request without LP response timeout !\n"); + /* Request Timeout: + * just continue: proceed again to + * generate coefficient tuning requests + */ + } else { + /* Allow LP some time to respond and repeat + * request + */ + msleep(20); + /* Allow LP more time to respond, as the last + * chance, on the last time before issuing + * timeout error: (3.) + */ + if (krln->repeat_request_count == + TIMEOUT_REPEAT_REQUEST - 1) + msleep(30); + krln->repeat_request_count++; + ld_coef_update(krln); + return; + } + } else { + /* All good here: + * LP responded to this Request + * Sent HOLD for this coefficient + * before asking another request + * continue to check the other coefficient requests + */ + krln->ld_update &= ~COM1_MASK; + } + break; + default: + /* previous request was: RESERVED: do nothing */ + break; + } + + /* Reset repeat request counter: + * must be after all prev_req verifications above + */ + krln->repeat_request_count = 0; + + if (krln->prev_ld_update != krln->ld_update) { + ld_coef_update(krln); + /* Redo these status checks and updates until we have no more + * changes, to speed up the overall process. + */ + return; + } + + /* Do nothing if we have pending request. */ + if (prev_req_cp1 || prev_req_cz0 || prev_req_cm1) + return; + else if (krln->lp_status & ALL_COEF_MASK) + /* No pending request but LP status was not reverted to + * not updated. + */ + return; + + /* Initialize status for the current step */ + krln->lt_error = false; + + /* if CDR_LOCK = 0: Statistics are invalid */ + if (!backplane_is_cdr_lock(krln, true)) { + if (krln->eq_alg->ops.process_bad_state) + krln->eq_alg->ops.process_bad_state(krln->eq_priv); + return; + } + + /* collect bit edge statistics */ + if (!krln->eq_alg->ops.collect_statistics(krln->eq_priv)) + return; + + /* if CDR_LOCK = 0: Statistics are invalid */ + if (!backplane_is_cdr_lock(krln, true)) { + if (krln->eq_alg->ops.process_bad_state) + krln->eq_alg->ops.process_bad_state(krln->eq_priv); + return; + } + + /* Check Rx */ + if (!krln->eq_alg->ops.is_rx_ok(krln->eq_priv)) { + if (krln->eq_alg->ops.process_bad_state) + krln->eq_alg->ops.process_bad_state(krln->eq_priv); + return; + } + krln->eq_alg->ops.generate_request(krln->eq_priv); + + /* All C are in Hold and both Bins are stopped: + * So the Training is done + */ + if (krln->eq_alg->ops.is_eq_done(krln->eq_priv)) { + trst->done_training = true; + training_complete(krln); + } +} + +/* Training for Local Tx + * Initialize LD (Local Device) + */ +void lt_init_ld(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + /* report initial ld status to lp */ + krln->ld_status = 0; + ld_coef_status(krln); +} + +/* Training for Local Tx + * This is the main routine for Local Tx training + */ +void lt_train_local_tx(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + struct training_status *trst = &krln->trst; + int request, old_ld_status; + + /* Check stop condition for Local Tx training */ + trst->lp_rx_ready = lt_is_lp_rx_ready(krln); + if (trst->lp_rx_ready) { + /* LP receiver is ready + * As soon as the LP shows ready, + * no need to do any more updates. + */ + krln->ld_status &= ~ALL_COEF_MASK; + ld_coef_status(krln); + + trst->local_tx_running = false; + return; + } + + /* Start new Local Tx training step */ + trst->local_tx_running = true; + + /* get request from LP */ + request = backplane_read_mmd(krln, krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_devad, + krln->bp_phy->bp_dev.mdio.lt_kr_lp_cu) & + LD_ALL_MASK; + + old_ld_status = krln->ld_status; + + /* IEEE802.3-2008, + * Ensure we always go to NOT UDPATED for status reporting in + * response to HOLD requests. + * IEEE802.3-2008, + * ... but only if PRESET/INITIALIZE are not active to ensure + * we keep status until they are released. + * + * Coefficient update process + * Once the updated, maximum, or minimum state is reported it continues + * to be reported until a hold request is received, + * after which the status reverts to not_updated. + */ + if (!(request & (PRESET_MASK | INIT_MASK))) { + /* Reset status on HOLD request */ + if (!(request & COP1_MASK)) + krln->ld_status &= ~COP1_MASK; + + if (!(request & COZ0_MASK)) + krln->ld_status &= ~COZ0_MASK; + + if (!(request & COM1_MASK)) + krln->ld_status &= ~COM1_MASK; + + ld_coef_status(krln); + } + + /* IEEE802.3-2008, + * only act on PRESET/INITIALIZE if all status is NOT UPDATED. + */ + if (request & (PRESET_MASK | INIT_MASK)) { + if (!(krln->ld_status & ALL_COEF_MASK)) { + if (request & PRESET_MASK) + preset(krln); + + if (request & INIT_MASK) { + if (!krln->first_recv_init) { + krln->first_recv_init = true; + /* Init requests must be counted + * from initial handshake + */ + krln->req_ld_update_init_count = 1; + krln->init_handshake_time = + jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies); + } + initialize(krln); + } + } else { + /* Inform the partner about current ld status + * which should be: ALL UPDATED for INIT and + * ALL MAX for PRESET + */ + ld_coef_status(krln); + } + } + + /* check if LP Coefficient are not in HOLD */ + if (request & ALL_COEF_MASK) + check_request(krln, request & ALL_COEF_MASK); + + /* Make sure the partner is always informed about the current ld status + * this will ensure avoidance of several training issues and errors: + * 'link_training_failed' + * 'Repeating request without LP response' + */ + ld_coef_status(krln); +} + +/* Training for Remote Tx API */ + +/* lt_lp_update + * + * Sends to LP the specified request for coefficients update + * + * krln: desired lane for which to send lp update + * update: desired update request to be sent to LP + * + * Returns: None + */ +void lt_lp_update(struct kr_lane_info *krln, u32 update) +{ + krln->ld_update = update; + ld_coef_update(krln); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_lp_update); + +/* lt_encode_request + * + * Encodes a request in the update word + * and adds it to other bit requests already existent in the update word + * + * base_update: base update word used to add a new desired request + * req: desired request type to be encoded + * field: the field for which the request must be encoded + * + * Returns: the encoded update word + */ +u32 lt_encode_request(u32 base_update, enum req_type req, + enum coef_field field) +{ + u32 new_cmd = base_update; + u32 cmd; + + if (req >= REQ_INIT) + return RESERVED; + + cmd = get_mask_for_req(req); + + switch (field) { + case C_P1: + new_cmd |= (cmd << COP1_SHIFT); + break; + case C_Z0: + new_cmd |= (cmd << COZ0_SHIFT); + break; + case C_M1: + new_cmd |= (cmd << COM1_SHIFT); + break; + default: + return RESERVED; + } + return new_cmd; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_encode_request); + +/* lt_encode_startup_request + * + * Encodes a startup request in the update word + * + * req: desired startup request type to be encoded + * + * Returns: the encoded update word + */ +u32 lt_encode_startup_request(enum req_type req) +{ + if (req == REQ_HOLD || req == REQ_INIT || req == REQ_PRESET) + return get_mask_for_req(req); + + return RESERVED; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_encode_startup_request); + +/* lt_decode_coef_update + * + * Decodes a request update for the specified field + * + * update: update word to be decoded + * field: desired field for which to decode the update + * + * Returns: the decoded request type + */ +enum req_type lt_decode_coef_update(u32 update, enum coef_field field) +{ + u32 cmd = HOLD; + + switch (field) { + case C_P1: + cmd = (update & COP1_MASK) >> COP1_SHIFT; + break; + case C_Z0: + cmd = (update & COZ0_MASK) >> COZ0_SHIFT; + break; + case C_M1: + cmd = (update & COM1_MASK) >> COM1_SHIFT; + break; + default: + return REQ_INVALID; + } + + return get_req_for_mask(cmd); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_decode_coef_update); + +/* lt_is_update_of_type + * + * Checks if a request update is according to the specified type + * by checking the specific request bit in update word + * + * update: desired update word to be verified + * type: desired type to check against + * + * Returns: true if update is according to asked type or false otherwise + */ +bool lt_is_update_of_type(u32 update, enum req_type type) +{ + u32 mask = HOLD; + + switch (type) { + case REQ_HOLD: + return (update == HOLD); + case REQ_INC: + mask |= (INCREMENT << COP1_SHIFT); + mask |= (INCREMENT << COZ0_SHIFT); + mask |= (INCREMENT << COM1_SHIFT); + return ((update & mask) != 0); + case REQ_DEC: + mask |= (DECREMENT << COP1_SHIFT); + mask |= (DECREMENT << COZ0_SHIFT); + mask |= (DECREMENT << COM1_SHIFT); + return ((update & mask) != 0); + case REQ_INIT: + return ((update & INIT_MASK) != 0); + case REQ_PRESET: + return ((update & PRESET_MASK) != 0); + default: + return false; + } + return false; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_is_update_of_type); + +/* lt_is_lp_at_startup + * + * Checks if LP status is still at startup status: INIT or PRESET + * + * krln: desired lane to be verified + * req: request type to check startup status + * it makes sense only for INIT or PRESET requests + * + * Returns: true if LP status is still at startup status or false otherwise + */ +bool lt_is_lp_at_startup(struct kr_lane_info *krln, enum req_type type) +{ + u32 lp_st = krln->lp_status; + u32 lp_lcs = get_lp_lcs(krln); + bool lp_startup; + + /* LP status still at Init/Preset: + * IF now LP status is Init/Preset + * OR (now LP status is NOTUPDATED + * AND the last nonzero LP status was Init/Preset) + */ + switch (type) { + case REQ_INIT: + if (is_all_status(lp_st, COEF_UPDATED)) + lp_startup = true; + else + lp_startup = is_all_status(lp_st, COEF_NOTUPDATED) && + is_all_status(lp_lcs, COEF_UPDATED); + break; + case REQ_PRESET: + /* LP status still at Preset + * if now LP status is Preset + * OR now LP status is NOTUPDATED + * AND the last nonzero LP status was Preset + */ + if (is_all_status(lp_st, COEF_MAX) || + is_all_status(lp_st, COEF_UPDATED)) + lp_startup = true; + else + lp_startup = is_all_status(lp_st, COEF_NOTUPDATED) && + (is_all_status(lp_lcs, COEF_MAX) || + is_all_status(lp_lcs, COEF_UPDATED)); + break; + default: + return false; + } + + return lp_startup; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_is_lp_at_startup); + +/* lt_get_lp_coef_status + * + * Determines the last LP coefficient status + * according to IEEE802.3ap-2007: + * Coefficient update process + * + * krln: desired lane to be verified + * field: coefficient field to be verified + * + * Returns: the last LP coefficient status + */ +enum coef_status lt_get_lp_coef_status(struct kr_lane_info *krln, + enum coef_field field) +{ + return krln->last_lp_update_status[field]; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_get_lp_coef_status); + +/* lt_set_error + * + * Sets or resets the LT (Link Training) Error flag + * This is used to signal to the generic kr training step procedure + * that an LT error state has occurred + * and link training cannot be successfully finished + * + * krln: desired lane to set lt error + * err: boolean value that specifies if set or reset the error flag + * + * Returns: None + */ +void lt_set_error(struct kr_lane_info *krln, bool err) +{ + krln->lt_error = err; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_set_error); + +/* lt_move_lp_back + * Request LP to move back to previous coefficients setup and HOLD + * The procedure for sending this request is based on reverting the + * latest change request (non-hold update) for all coefficients + * This procedure should be used to exit from bad states like not CDR_Lock + * + * krln: desired lane for which to send lp update + * + * Returns: None + */ +void lt_move_lp_back(struct kr_lane_info *krln) +{ + u32 prev_req_cp1 = (krln->ld_last_nonhold_update & COP1_MASK) >> + COP1_SHIFT; + u32 prev_req_cz0 = (krln->ld_last_nonhold_update & COZ0_MASK) >> + COZ0_SHIFT; + u32 prev_req_cm1 = (krln->ld_last_nonhold_update & COM1_MASK) >> + COM1_SHIFT; + u32 temp; + + /* Move back to previous C(-1), C(0), C(+1) and HOLD */ + temp = HOLD; + switch (prev_req_cp1) { + case INCREMENT: + temp |= DECREMENT << COP1_SHIFT; + break; + case DECREMENT: + temp |= INCREMENT << COP1_SHIFT; + break; + } + switch (prev_req_cz0) { + case INCREMENT: + temp |= DECREMENT << COZ0_SHIFT; + break; + case DECREMENT: + temp |= INCREMENT << COZ0_SHIFT; + break; + } + switch (prev_req_cm1) { + case INCREMENT: + temp |= DECREMENT << COM1_SHIFT; + break; + case DECREMENT: + temp |= INCREMENT << COM1_SHIFT; + break; + } + + krln->ld_update = temp; + ld_coef_update(krln); + + /* start the procedure for sending request to move LP back + * to previous setup until LP responds to it + */ + krln->move_back_prev = true; + krln->move_back_cnt = 0; + krln->move_back_lp_status = 0; + if (prev_req_cp1 == HOLD) + krln->move_back_lp_status |= (COEF_UPDATED << COP1_SHIFT); + if (prev_req_cz0 == HOLD) + krln->move_back_lp_status |= (COEF_UPDATED << COZ0_SHIFT); + if (prev_req_cm1 == HOLD) + krln->move_back_lp_status |= (COEF_UPDATED << COM1_SHIFT); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(lt_move_lp_back); diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/backplane/link_training.h b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/link_training.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54374aa --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/net/phy/backplane/link_training.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause) */ +/* Link Training (IEEE802.3ap/ba) + * + * Copyright 2019-2020 NXP + */ + +#ifndef __LINK_TRAINING_H +#define __LINK_TRAINING_H + +#include "backplane.h" + +/* Link Training interface with backplane driver */ + +void lt_setup_c45(struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev); +void lt_setup_memmap(struct backplane_dev_info *bp_dev, int devad, u32 base); + +void lt_start(struct kr_lane_info *krln); +void lt_stop(struct kr_lane_info *krln); +void lt_reset(struct kr_lane_info *krln); + +bool lt_is_rx_trained(struct kr_lane_info *krln); +bool lt_is_training_failure(struct kr_lane_info *krln); +bool lt_is_frame_lock(struct kr_lane_info *krln); + +bool lt_is_lp_rx_ready(struct kr_lane_info *krln); +bool lt_is_ld_rx_ready(struct kr_lane_info *krln); + +void lt_init_ld(struct kr_lane_info *krln); +void lt_start_an(struct kr_lane_info *krln); + +void lt_train_remote_tx(struct kr_lane_info *krln); +void lt_train_local_tx(struct kr_lane_info *krln); + +#endif /* __LINK_TRAINING_H */