Show patches with: Archived = No       |   11325 patches
« 1 2 ... 64 65 66113 114 »
Patch Series S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
linux-generic: test: add traffic manager to validation --- 2016-02-29 Mike Holmes New
[API-NEXT,v6] doc: user-guide documentation for classification --- 2016-02-29 Balasubramanian Manoharan Accepted
[API-NEXT] validation: pktio: fix type on defining pktiout mode --- 2016-02-29 Maxim Uvarov Accepted
[API-NEXT,3/3] doc: userguide: add PktIO chapter to ODP User Guide --- 2016-02-28 Bill Fischofer Superseded
[API-NEXT,2/3] doc: images: add additional svg images used for PktIO chapter --- 2016-02-28 Bill Fischofer Superseded
[API-NEXT,1/3] doc: images: add gv file for pktio state machine --- 2016-02-28 Bill Fischofer New
[v2] distribute the AC_CONFIG_FILES --- 2016-02-26 Mike Holmes Accepted
[API-NEXT,v5] doc: user-guide documentation for classification --- 2016-02-26 Balasubramanian Manoharan Superseded
[API-NEXT] validation: tm: fix arm compilation --- 2016-02-26 Maxim Uvarov Accepted
[API-NEXT,v4] doc: user-guide documentation for classification --- 2016-02-26 Balasubramanian Manoharan Superseded
[PATCHv2,2/2] example: generator: clean up termination progress --- 2016-02-25 Maxim Uvarov Accepted
[PATCHv2,1/2] performance: scheduling: cleanly destroy resources --- 2016-02-25 Maxim Uvarov Accepted
linux-generic: make x86 cpuinfo parser more robust --- 2016-02-25 Hongbo Zhang New
[API-NEXT,v3] doc: user-guide documentation for classification --- 2016-02-25 Balasubramanian Manoharan Superseded
[PATCHv2] doc: userguide: add thread type description to odp_init_local() discussion --- 2016-02-25 Bill Fischofer Accepted
doc: userguide: add thread type description to odp_init_local() discussion --- 2016-02-25 Bill Fischofer Superseded
[API-NEXT,RFC,2/2] add isolation support to pktio performance test --- 2016-02-24 New
[API-NEXT,RFC,1/2] linux-generic: add command line cpumask helpers --- 2016-02-24 New
[API-NEXT,4/4] linux-generic: add support for initial cpumasks --- 2016-02-24 New
[API-NEXT,3/4] ODP API: add control/worker cpumasks to init data --- 2016-02-24 New
[API-NEXT,2/4] linux-generic: Make cpu detection work with NO_HZ_FULL --- 2016-02-24 New
[API-NEXT,1/4] linux-generic: Correct worker count calculation in tests --- 2016-02-24 New distribute the AC_CONFIG_FILES --- 2016-02-24 Mike Holmes Superseded
[V2,2/2] linux-generic: test: add process mode scheduler test --- 2016-02-24 Mike Holmes New
[V2,1/2] linux-generic: test: move validation tests to their own directory --- 2016-02-24 Mike Holmes New
[PATCHv2] linux-generic: shmem: odp scope in /dev/shmem --- 2016-02-23 Christophe Milard Accepted
linux-generic: shmem: odp scope in /dev/shmem --- 2016-02-23 Christophe Milard Superseded
linux-generic: fix usage of function strncpy --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang Accepted
[v4,8/8] linux-generic: sysinfo clean up for ARM --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang New
[v4,7/8] linux-generic: use one uniform call systemcpu() --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang Accepted
[v4,6/8] linux-generic: systemcpu(): use input parameter instead of global data --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang Accepted
[v4,5/8] linux-generic: move CPU info dummy data to generic default file --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang Accepted
[v4,4/8] linux-generic: create ARM files and move ARM ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE in it --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang New
[v4,3/8] linux-generic: separate PowerPC ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE to its arch file --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang Accepted
[v4,2/8] linux-generic: separate MIPS ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE to its arch file --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang Accepted
[v4,1/8] linux-generic: separate x86 ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE to its arch file --- 2016-02-23 Hongbo Zhang Accepted
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2] linux-generic: Makefile: fix broken include path --- 2016-02-22 Anders Roxell Accepted
[API-NEXT] linux-generic: Makefile: fix broken include path --- 2016-02-22 Anders Roxell New
[V3,2/2] linux-generic: Make cpu detection work with NO_HZ_FULL --- 2016-02-22 Superseded
[V3,1/2] linux-generic: Correct worker count calculation in tests --- 2016-02-22 Superseded
doc: userguide: Reflect queue type name change from NONE to PARALLEL --- 2016-02-22 Bill Fischofer New
[v2,4/4] doc: depend the docs on the images --- 2016-02-22 Mike Holmes Accepted
[v2,3/4] doc: use imagedir attribute for path --- 2016-02-22 Mike Holmes Accepted
[v2,2/4] doc: update to latest ax_prog_doxygen.m4 --- 2016-02-22 Mike Holmes Accepted
[v2,1/4] doc: drop using output dir for guides --- 2016-02-22 Mike Holmes Accepted
[PATCHv3,4/4] doc: removing invalid characters --- 2016-02-22 Christophe Milard Accepted
[PATCHv3,3/4] doc: user-guide: fixing other typos --- 2016-02-22 Christophe Milard New
[PATCHv3,2/4] doc: user-guide: shmem --- 2016-02-22 Christophe Milard Accepted
[PATCHv3,1/4] doc: glossary: defining ODP thread more precisely --- 2016-02-22 Christophe Milard Accepted
[3/3] builddeb: support creating source-only package with git archive --- 2016-02-22 Ricardo Salveti Accepted
[2/3] pkg/debian: use dh-autoreconf by default --- 2016-02-22 Ricardo Salveti Accepted
[1/3] bootstrap: force autoconf update --- 2016-02-22 Ricardo Salveti Accepted
[API-NEXT,PATCHv5,6/6] validation: tm: add cunit test for traffic mngr --- 2016-02-21 Bill Fischofer New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv5,5/6] linux-generic: tm: fix numerous bugs in timer wheel and main tm implementation --- 2016-02-21 Bill Fischofer New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv5,4/6] linux-generic: tm: correct some old comments and stop using cpu cycles --- 2016-02-21 Bill Fischofer New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv5,1/6] api: tm: replace pktio with pktout_queue in odp_tm_egress_struct --- 2016-02-21 Bill Fischofer New
[API-NEXT,3/3] example: generator: clean up termination progress --- 2016-02-20 Maxim Uvarov Superseded
[API-NEXT,2/3] performance: scheduling: cleanly destroy resources --- 2016-02-20 Maxim Uvarov Superseded
[API-NEXT,1/3] linux-generic: pktio ipc: add pid to pool shm file --- 2016-02-20 Maxim Uvarov New
[API-NEXT] doc/users-quide: improve timer API section --- 2016-02-19 Ivan Khoronzhuk Superseded
[v1] validation: classification: add test case for odp_cos_drop() function --- 2016-02-18 Balasubramanian Manoharan Accepted
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2,4/4] validation: crypto: add unit test for odp_crypto_capability() --- 2016-02-18 Bill Fischofer New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2,3/4] validation: crypto: use odp_pool_param_init() instead of memset() --- 2016-02-18 Bill Fischofer New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2,2/4] linux-generic: crypto: implement odp_crypto_capability() --- 2016-02-18 Bill Fischofer New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2,1/4] api: crypto: add odp_crypto_capability() api --- 2016-02-18 Bill Fischofer New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv4] linux-generic: pktio: add option to enable and disable ipc pktio --- 2016-02-18 Maxim Uvarov Accepted
[PATCHv2,4/4] doc: removing invalid characters --- 2016-02-18 Christophe Milard Superseded
[PATCHv2,3/4] doc: user-guide: fixing other typos --- 2016-02-18 Christophe Milard Superseded
[PATCHv2,2/4] doc: user-guide: shmem --- 2016-02-18 Christophe Milard Superseded
[PATCHv2,1/4] doc: glossary: defining ODP thread more precisely --- 2016-02-18 Christophe Milard New
[API-NEXTv2] doc: user-guide documentation for classification --- 2016-02-18 Balasubramanian Manoharan Superseded
[API-NEXT,4/4] validation: crypto: add unit test for odp_crypto_capability() --- 2016-02-17 Bill Fischofer Superseded
[API-NEXT,3/4] validation: crypto: use odp_pool_param_init() instead of memset() --- 2016-02-17 Bill Fischofer Superseded
[API-NEXT,2/4] linux-generic: crypto: implement odp_crypto_capability() --- 2016-02-17 Bill Fischofer Superseded
[API-NEXT,1/4] api: crypto: add odp_crypto_capability() api --- 2016-02-17 Bill Fischofer Superseded
[4/4] doc: removing invalid characters --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard Superseded
[3/4] doc: user-guide: fixing other typos --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard Superseded
[2/4] doc: user-guide: shmem --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard Superseded
[1/4] doc: glossary: defining ODP thread more precisely --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard Superseded
[API-NEXT] api: time: fix typo for cmp function --- 2016-02-17 Ivan Khoronzhuk Accepted
[API-NEXT,3/3] linux-generic: drv: adding byteorder.h --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard New
[API-NEXT,2/3] linux-generic: byte-order: split common part --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard New
[API-NEXT,1/3] drv: adding byteorder.h --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard New
validation: print backtrace on segfault and other related signals --- 2016-02-17 Maxim Uvarov New
helper: remove ring code --- 2016-02-17 Maxim Uvarov Accepted
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2,2/2] linux-generic: drv: adding compiler.h --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard Accepted
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2,1/2] drv: adding compiler.h --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard New
[API-NEXT,2/2] linux-generic: drv: adding compiler.h --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard New
[API-NEXT,1/2] drv: adding compiler.h --- 2016-02-17 Christophe Milard Superseded
[API-NEXT,PATCHv3,2/2] linux-generic: pktio ipc: share pool only if it has prefix ipc --- 2016-02-17 Maxim Uvarov New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv3,1/2] linux-generic: pktio: add option to enable and disable ipc pktio --- 2016-02-17 Maxim Uvarov New
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2,2/2] linux-generic: pktio ipc: share pool only if it has prefix ipc --- 2016-02-17 Maxim Uvarov Superseded
[API-NEXT,PATCHv2,1/2] linux-generic: pktio: add option to enable and disable ipc pktio --- 2016-02-17 Maxim Uvarov Superseded
[V2,2/2] linux-generic: Make cpu detection work with NO_HZ_FULL --- 2016-02-16 New
[V2,1/2] linux-generic: Correct worker count calculation in tests --- 2016-02-16 New
validation: scheduler: correct pause/resume sequence --- 2016-02-16 Ivan Khoronzhuk Accepted
[API-NEXT] linux-generic: pktio: add option to enable and disable ipc pktio --- 2016-02-16 Maxim Uvarov Superseded
[API-NEXT] linux-generic: pktio: add option to enable and disable ipc pktio --- 2016-02-16 Maxim Uvarov Superseded
linux-generic: pktio: add option to enable and disable ipc pktio --- 2016-02-16 Maxim Uvarov Superseded
[2/2] Make cpu detection work with NO_HZ_FULL --- 2016-02-15 Superseded
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