diff mbox series

[v4,5/5] arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5018: Add tsens node

Message ID DS7PR19MB88835438AC6C94F2B057986E9DC72@DS7PR19MB8883.namprd19.prod.outlook.com
State Superseded
Headers show
Series [v4,1/5] dt-bindings: nvmem: Add compatible for IPQ5018 | expand

Commit Message

George Moussalem Feb. 21, 2025, 6:52 a.m. UTC
From: Sricharan Ramabadhran <quic_srichara@quicinc.com>

IPQ5018 has tsens V1.0 IP with 4 sensors.
There is no RPM, so tsens has to be manually enabled. Adding the tsens
and nvmem node and IPQ5018 has 4 thermal sensors (zones). With the
critical temperature being 120'C and action is to reboot. Adding all
the 4 zones here.

Signed-off-by: Sricharan Ramabadhran <quic_srichara@quicinc.com>
Signed-off-by: George Moussalem <george.moussalem@outlook.com>
 [v4] Sorted tsens nodes by address
      Sorted thermal-zones nodes by name

 arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ipq5018.dtsi | 169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 169 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ipq5018.dtsi b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ipq5018.dtsi
index 8914f2ef0bc4..a15078f85ecf 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ipq5018.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ipq5018.dtsi
@@ -147,6 +147,117 @@  usbphy0: phy@5b000 {
 			status = "disabled";
+		qfprom: qfprom@a0000 {
+			compatible = "qcom,ipq5018-qfprom", "qcom,qfprom";
+			reg = <0xa0000 0x1000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <1>;
+			tsens_mode: mode@249 {
+				reg = <0x249 1>;
+				bits = <0 3>;
+			};
+			tsens_base1: base1@249 {
+				reg = <0x249 2>;
+				bits = <3 8>;
+			};
+			tsens_base2: base2@24a {
+				reg = <0x24a 2>;
+				bits = <3 8>;
+			};
+			tsens_s0_p1: s0-p1@24b {
+				reg = <0x24b 0x2>;
+				bits = <2 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s0_p2: s0-p2@24c {
+				reg = <0x24c 0x1>;
+				bits = <1 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s1_p1: s1-p1@24c {
+				reg = <0x24c 0x2>;
+				bits = <7 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s1_p2: s1-p2@24d {
+				reg = <0x24d 0x2>;
+				bits = <5 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s2_p1: s2-p1@24e {
+				reg = <0x24e 0x2>;
+				bits = <3 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s2_p2: s2-p2@24f {
+				reg = <0x24f 0x1>;
+				bits = <1 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s3_p1: s3-p1@24f {
+				reg = <0x24f 0x2>;
+				bits = <7 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s3_p2: s3-p2@250 {
+				reg = <0x250 0x2>;
+				bits = <5 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s4_p1: s4-p1@251 {
+				reg = <0x251 0x2>;
+				bits = <3 6>;
+			};
+			tsens_s4_p2: s4-p2@254 {
+				reg = <0x254 0x1>;
+				bits = <0 6>;
+			};
+		};
+		tsens: thermal-sensor@4a9000 {
+			compatible = "qcom,ipq5018-tsens";
+			reg = <0x4a9000 0x1000>, /* TM */
+			      <0x4a8000 0x1000>; /* SROT */
+			nvmem-cells = <&tsens_mode>,
+				      <&tsens_base1>,
+				      <&tsens_base2>,
+				      <&tsens_s0_p1>,
+				      <&tsens_s0_p2>,
+				      <&tsens_s1_p1>,
+				      <&tsens_s1_p2>,
+				      <&tsens_s2_p1>,
+				      <&tsens_s2_p2>,
+				      <&tsens_s3_p1>,
+				      <&tsens_s3_p2>,
+				      <&tsens_s4_p1>,
+				      <&tsens_s4_p2>;
+			nvmem-cell-names = "mode",
+					   "base1",
+					   "base2",
+					   "s0_p1",
+					   "s0_p2",
+					   "s1_p1",
+					   "s1_p2",
+					   "s2_p1",
+					   "s2_p2",
+					   "s3_p1",
+					   "s3_p2",
+					   "s4_p1",
+					   "s4_p2";
+			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 184 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
+			interrupt-names = "uplow";
+			#qcom,sensors = <5>;
+			#thermal-sensor-cells = <1>;
+		};
 		tlmm: pinctrl@1000000 {
 			compatible = "qcom,ipq5018-tlmm";
 			reg = <0x01000000 0x300000>;
@@ -389,6 +500,64 @@  frame@b128000 {
+	thermal-zones {
+		cpu-thermal {
+			polling-delay-passive = <0>;
+			polling-delay = <0>;
+			thermal-sensors = <&tsens 2>;
+			trips {
+				cpu-critical {
+					temperature = <120000>;
+					hysteresis = <2>;
+					type = "critical";
+				};
+			};
+		};
+		gephy-thermal {
+			polling-delay-passive = <0>;
+			polling-delay = <0>;
+			thermal-sensors = <&tsens 4>;
+			trips {
+				gephy-critical {
+					temperature = <120000>;
+					hysteresis = <2>;
+					type = "critical";
+				};
+			};
+		};
+		top-glue-thermal {
+			polling-delay-passive = <0>;
+			polling-delay = <0>;
+			thermal-sensors = <&tsens 3>;
+			trips {
+				top_glue-critical {
+					temperature = <120000>;
+					hysteresis = <2>;
+					type = "critical";
+				};
+			};
+		};
+		ubi32-thermal {
+			polling-delay-passive = <0>;
+			polling-delay = <0>;
+			thermal-sensors = <&tsens 1>;
+			trips {
+				ubi32-critical {
+					temperature = <120000>;
+					hysteresis = <2>;
+					type = "critical";
+				};
+			};
+		};
+	};
 	timer {
 		compatible = "arm,armv8-timer";
 		interrupts = <GIC_PPI 2 (GIC_CPU_MASK_SIMPLE(4) | IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW)>,