From patchwork Thu Jul 15 15:15:26 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Alan Maguire X-Patchwork-Id: 477725 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-18.8 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_CR_TRAILER, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F14F1C1B08C for ; Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:16:17 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D90CD613D1 for ; Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:16:17 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S238579AbhGOPTH (ORCPT ); Thu, 15 Jul 2021 11:19:07 -0400 Received: from ([]:41912 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S238643AbhGOPS7 (ORCPT ); Thu, 15 Jul 2021 11:18:59 -0400 Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with SMTP id 16FF6akw005314; Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:15:42 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=from : to : cc : subject : date : message-id : in-reply-to : references : content-type : mime-version; s=corp-2021-07-09; bh=EEeISX5A5CSjFQFiUHPfSqnCrqOej145qjAdSh2vU1w=; b=x7kE5KZ5R/ptcIUi//kn4tQn0+qC0DhVqygbn+Dg3nE2UvZDR7/hnlh114UM8F8/wzUl 7QQR6dydjH7RvCt8i+QCn9TYnrgJM8pgZXTSMRB6SwJ+6DBrfiGD9lGtfxTdw3W4GJsO oVTpyd9cuEa1TiwqvV6sjIHoTkLG7Moc3Po314dNHK/3o+48xA3tNtn1cgb+qyR3nAan 7vtA0ukM1gOLAnmRs/CuotGrmN86RuTDhyolq4lhJ42DvWXhpHBBHqsgPmzhcnDWieiu QW2t0mIeudgdD3+feYmCHWJJ+o0frCSzQp8YVyG5Y+kjfW0o0nF3kIA/87ybIHEFV+Wc 9A== DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=from : to : cc : subject : date : message-id : in-reply-to : references : content-type : mime-version; s=corp-2020-01-29; bh=EEeISX5A5CSjFQFiUHPfSqnCrqOej145qjAdSh2vU1w=; b=KkLmxGy/Pgd1koUb7sJk8SYWM3lfTEH2qIev9CrQp9ZaTqc/zlza+CcPM5Z90ezuqrk7 IVyShKZqedoOC+puvv7jipnQHqy4TAmUMtOnXLjHhWcwQFhPzhoQqNPQCLtt3CKx65CF AkFDgHyOla/rxGdgrZyaEEeaSJD2zRxdSQYLjgKZx+39iqi8TZjf8CocMUfDVVtqCiQq rUmd85vSJzahXWu2/K7pizHdbksm44YgiW3Rm392T9dB3qJrNJ6H9TjSl4pLV1G1a3NU lvzu/Y+Q7CrnqTTiibbIGmD+POnl6q/zh4T64vyT/kfhoO5nnRXqKymfzTakkSymn+xs zQ== Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id 39t2tj2b5j-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=OK); Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:15:41 +0000 Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with SMTP id 16FF73ST171923; Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:15:41 GMT Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id 39qyd37ahh-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=OK); Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:15:40 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=eyhSU1KQwAwsfYX4Y1OiClSxi4CXOzffA9X7il8IcGGWZtxkSWvxbuoDK3X46da8oqiWdcZAgsJo/k56tgwXiNRQrO6uKSmJTIUMS6UtP6fbH4GXICvuiSZjfFWF+cxzUi8OHRmk+1ebIWfVKuDmZTdqrMA7hZsklPEs+LHDIn8HcDnlk6f1TYotPbG4bW+S2p5oY6a3/Jb8wyIPLFOx+ZRGfOZDaMpnaC/Uuncutk0yIpKRDErYfi4sohkLOAcI51jrHFqqE5OqJ9jfHZgTYuuIxr0Al+Hxfo+lc2Bzh6zlGVPXmUBQY8Otxu25MudgUzTyjd/d4SImW1sqvctFrw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=EEeISX5A5CSjFQFiUHPfSqnCrqOej145qjAdSh2vU1w=; b=DlxSdJIDU/FIpZyUCyhGGQWmosRe3kiNooad6RovrI2UsbuTs17YwUNZMfbINXGIAshBHedpxnjQBVfeSHzk8KKGW0pWEnr4MXrRUrCJ8r6mkvEkxM35NMKre7djk019D2aNsSoGlmn1ZhH942sjSTufeTz+1DHUZmHbGKBKzu+Po2dTexXFw2qrcS+L6MK9a9Wz7K3eplEnUuyDh/F3lRPMlqbkbilgpeRSjJQRvOR0oFELNmAQrZbrNoUtxcxiyVJm8sA6VCEKR6pWg0MUX5hg23GIU06kyT+q3laWzl7XJS4pPY3sNbRke+LqePnUyefG8ghl3avsfm7WXsS2fA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-oracle-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=EEeISX5A5CSjFQFiUHPfSqnCrqOej145qjAdSh2vU1w=; b=S7k7qvPPrQmS301Q35l3gagG2zaDUgbRgFXoemZvAgjInTRZAg+YLxUA0yJOVkveXEiEfHYGR/Fm2JD+kXsfA+padecH163d4my1WPrYjVZaaia8B8R6P4rJUceLBrY3+IWGwuaIHLOEB1sIR+ApOa3cNkGSnAC1aTGGm7dynjg= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:208:30e::22) by (2603:10b6:208:333::13) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4331.21; Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:15:38 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::39e8:94ec:fc2d:5a56]) by ([fe80::39e8:94ec:fc2d:5a56%9]) with mapi id 15.20.4331.024; Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:15:38 +0000 From: Alan Maguire To:,, Cc:,,,,,,,,,,, Alan Maguire Subject: [PATCH v6 bpf-next 3/3] selftests/bpf: add dump type data tests to btf dump tests Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 16:15:26 +0100 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO4P123CA0357.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:18d::20) To (2603:10b6:208:30e::22) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from ( by LO4P123CA0357.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:18d::20) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4331.21 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:15:36 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 1fade103-8093-415d-53bf-08d947a36708 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: BLAPR10MB5123: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:4941; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(366004)(2616005)(44832011)(83380400001)(316002)(8676002)(478600001)(2906002)(66476007)(4326008)(66556008)(86362001)(66946007)(30864003)(8936002)(6486002)(52116002)(7696005)(186003)(5660300002)(36756003)(956004)(7416002)(6666004)(26005)(38100700002)(107886003)(38350700002); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 1fade103-8093-415d-53bf-08d947a36708 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 15 Jul 2021 15:15:38.4780 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 4e2c6054-71cb-48f1-bd6c-3a9705aca71b X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: ebEJ+Kef6wrdO0+xMutEyMLJ3Y8frk/2dEKxGPfXRp5m//amlrJYGv58gPJfHkD5qK1ice6wyY4ZlDZu/XxGEw== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: BLAPR10MB5123 X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version: vendor=nai engine=6200 definitions=10045 signatures=668682 X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details: rule=notspam policy=default score=0 phishscore=0 mlxlogscore=999 adultscore=0 malwarescore=0 bulkscore=0 mlxscore=0 suspectscore=0 spamscore=0 classifier=spam adjust=0 reason=mlx scancount=1 engine=8.12.0-2104190000 definitions=main-2107150107 X-Proofpoint-GUID: z_dC5TeZaS-_dVXNRavRjKAB9utw66if X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: z_dC5TeZaS-_dVXNRavRjKAB9utw66if Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Test various type data dumping operations by comparing expected format with the dumped string; an snprintf-style printf function is used to record the string dumped. Also verify overflow handling where the data passed does not cover the full size of a type, such as would occur if a tracer has a portion of the 8k "struct task_struct". Signed-off-by: Alan Maguire --- tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/btf_dump.c | 600 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 600 insertions(+) diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/btf_dump.c b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/btf_dump.c index 1b90e68..2bfa47e 100644 --- a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/btf_dump.c +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/btf_dump.c @@ -232,7 +232,577 @@ void test_btf_dump_incremental(void) btf__free(btf); } +#define STRSIZE 4096 + +static void btf_dump_snprintf(void *ctx, const char *fmt, va_list args) +{ + char *s = ctx, new[STRSIZE]; + + vsnprintf(new, STRSIZE, fmt, args); + if (strlen(s) < STRSIZE) + strncat(s, new, STRSIZE - strlen(s) - 1); +} + +static int btf_dump_data(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, + char *name, char *prefix, __u64 flags, void *ptr, + size_t ptr_sz, char *str, const char *expected_val) +{ + DECLARE_LIBBPF_OPTS(btf_dump_type_data_opts, opts); + size_t type_sz; + __s32 type_id; + int ret = 0; + + if (flags & BTF_F_COMPACT) + opts.compact = true; + if (flags & BTF_F_NONAME) + opts.skip_names = true; + if (flags & BTF_F_ZERO) + opts.emit_zeroes = true; + if (prefix) { + ASSERT_STRNEQ(name, prefix, strlen(prefix), + "verify prefix match"); + name += strlen(prefix) + 1; + } + type_id = btf__find_by_name(btf, name); + if (!ASSERT_GE(type_id, 0, "find type id")) + return -ENOENT; + type_sz = btf__resolve_size(btf, type_id); + str[0] = '\0'; + ret = btf_dump__dump_type_data(d, type_id, ptr, ptr_sz, &opts); + if (type_sz <= ptr_sz) { + if (!ASSERT_EQ(ret, type_sz, "failed/unexpected type_sz")) + return -EINVAL; + } else { + if (!ASSERT_EQ(ret, -E2BIG, "failed to return -E2BIG")) + return -EINVAL; + } + if (!ASSERT_STREQ(str, expected_val, "ensure expected/actual match")) + return -EFAULT; + return 0; +} + +#define TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(_b, _d, _prefix, _str, _type, _flags, \ + _expected, ...) \ + do { \ + char __ptrtype[64] = #_type; \ + char *_ptrtype = (char *)__ptrtype; \ + _type _ptrdata = __VA_ARGS__; \ + void *_ptr = &_ptrdata; \ + \ + (void) btf_dump_data(_b, _d, _ptrtype, _prefix, _flags, \ + _ptr, sizeof(_type), _str, \ + _expected); \ + } while (0) + +/* Use where expected data string matches its stringified declaration */ +#define TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(_b, _d, _prefix, _str, _type, _flags, \ + ...) \ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(_b, _d, _prefix, _str, _type, _flags, \ + "(" #_type ")" #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__) + +/* overflow test; pass typesize < expected type size, ensure E2BIG returned */ +#define TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_OVER(_b, _d, _prefix, _str, _type, _type_sz, \ + _expected, ...) \ + do { \ + char __ptrtype[64] = #_type; \ + char *_ptrtype = (char *)__ptrtype; \ + _type _ptrdata = __VA_ARGS__; \ + void *_ptr = &_ptrdata; \ + \ + (void) btf_dump_data(_b, _d, _ptrtype, _prefix, 0, \ + _ptr, _type_sz, _str, _expected); \ + } while (0) + +#define TEST_BTF_DUMP_VAR(_b, _d, _prefix, _str, _var, _type, _flags, \ + _expected, ...) \ + do { \ + _type _ptrdata = __VA_ARGS__; \ + void *_ptr = &_ptrdata; \ + \ + (void) btf_dump_data(_b, _d, _var, _prefix, _flags, \ + _ptr, sizeof(_type), _str, \ + _expected); \ + } while (0) + +static void test_btf_dump_int_data(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, + char *str) +{ + /* simple int */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, NULL, str, int, BTF_F_COMPACT, 1234); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, int, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "1234", 1234); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, int, 0, "(int)1234", 1234); + + /* zero value should be printed at toplevel */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, int, BTF_F_COMPACT, "(int)0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, int, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, int, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_ZERO, + "(int)0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, int, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME | BTF_F_ZERO, + "0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, NULL, str, int, BTF_F_COMPACT, -4567); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, int, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "-4567", -4567); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, int, 0, "(int)-4567", -4567); + + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_OVER(btf, d, NULL, str, int, sizeof(int)-1, "", 1); +} + +static void test_btf_dump_float_data(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, + char *str) +{ + float t1 = 1.234567; + float t2 = -1.234567; + float t3 = 0.0; + double t4 = 5.678912; + double t5 = -5.678912; + double t6 = 0.0; + long double t7 = 9.876543; + long double t8 = -9.876543; + long double t9 = 0.0; + + /* since the kernel does not likely have any float types in its BTF, we + * will need to add some of various sizes. + */ + + ASSERT_GT(btf__add_float(btf, "test_float", 4), 0, "add float"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_float", NULL, 0, &t1, 4, str, + "(test_float)1.234567"), "dump float"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_float", NULL, 0, &t2, 4, str, + "(test_float)-1.234567"), "dump float"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_float", NULL, 0, &t3, 4, str, + "(test_float)0.000000"), "dump float"); + + ASSERT_GT(btf__add_float(btf, "test_double", 8), 0, "add_double"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_double", NULL, 0, &t4, 8, str, + "(test_double)5.678912"), "dump double"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_double", NULL, 0, &t5, 8, str, + "(test_double)-5.678912"), "dump double"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_double", NULL, 0, &t6, 8, str, + "(test_double)0.000000"), "dump double"); + + ASSERT_GT(btf__add_float(btf, "test_long_double", 16), 0, "add long double"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_long_double", NULL, 0, &t7, 16, + str, "(test_long_double)9.876543"), + "dump long_double"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_long_double", NULL, 0, &t8, 16, + str, "(test_long_double)-9.876543"), + "dump long_double"); + ASSERT_OK(btf_dump_data(btf, d, "test_long_double", NULL, 0, &t9, 16, + str, "(test_long_double)0.000000"), + "dump long_double"); +} + +static void test_btf_dump_char_data(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, + char *str) +{ + /* simple char */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, NULL, str, char, BTF_F_COMPACT, 100); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, char, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "100", 100); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, char, 0, "(char)100", 100); + /* zero value should be printed at toplevel */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, char, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(char)0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, char, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, char, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_ZERO, + "(char)0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, char, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME | BTF_F_ZERO, + "0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, char, 0, "(char)0", 0); + + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_OVER(btf, d, NULL, str, char, sizeof(char)-1, "", 100); +} + +static void test_btf_dump_typedef_data(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, + char *str) +{ + /* simple typedef */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, NULL, str, uint64_t, BTF_F_COMPACT, 100); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, u64, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "1", 1); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, u64, 0, "(u64)1", 1); + /* zero value should be printed at toplevel */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, u64, BTF_F_COMPACT, "(u64)0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, u64, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, u64, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_ZERO, + "(u64)0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, u64, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME | BTF_F_ZERO, + "0", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, u64, 0, "(u64)0", 0); + + /* typedef struct */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, BTF_F_COMPACT, + {.counter = (int)1,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "{1,}", { .counter = 1 }); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, 0, +"(atomic_t){\n" +" .counter = (int)1,\n" +"}", + {.counter = 1,}); + /* typedef with 0 value should be printed at toplevel */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, BTF_F_COMPACT, "(atomic_t){}", + {.counter = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "{}", {.counter = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, 0, +"(atomic_t){\n" +"}", + {.counter = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_ZERO, + "(atomic_t){.counter = (int)0,}", + {.counter = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME | BTF_F_ZERO, + "{0,}", {.counter = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, BTF_F_ZERO, +"(atomic_t){\n" +" .counter = (int)0,\n" +"}", + { .counter = 0,}); + + /* overflow should show type but not value since it overflows */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_OVER(btf, d, NULL, str, atomic_t, sizeof(atomic_t)-1, + "(atomic_t){\n", { .counter = 1}); +} + +static void test_btf_dump_enum_data(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, + char *str) +{ + /* enum where enum value does (and does not) exist */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, BTF_F_COMPACT, + BPF_MAP_CREATE); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(enum bpf_cmd)BPF_MAP_CREATE", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "BPF_MAP_CREATE", + BPF_MAP_CREATE); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, 0, + "(enum bpf_cmd)BPF_MAP_CREATE", + BPF_MAP_CREATE); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME | BTF_F_ZERO, + "BPF_MAP_CREATE", 0); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_ZERO, + "(enum bpf_cmd)BPF_MAP_CREATE", + BPF_MAP_CREATE); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME | BTF_F_ZERO, + "BPF_MAP_CREATE", BPF_MAP_CREATE); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, BTF_F_COMPACT, 2000); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "2000", 2000); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, 0, + "(enum bpf_cmd)2000", 2000); + + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_OVER(btf, d, "enum", str, enum bpf_cmd, + sizeof(enum bpf_cmd) - 1, "", BPF_MAP_CREATE); +} + +static void test_btf_dump_struct_data(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, + char *str) +{ + DECLARE_LIBBPF_OPTS(btf_dump_type_data_opts, opts); + char zero_data[512] = { }; + char type_data[512]; + void *fops = type_data; + void *skb = type_data; + size_t type_sz; + __s32 type_id; + char *cmpstr; + int ret; + + memset(type_data, 255, sizeof(type_data)); + + /* simple struct */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, BTF_F_COMPACT, + {.name_off = (__u32)3,.val = (__s32)-1,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "{3,-1,}", + { .name_off = 3, .val = -1,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, 0, +"(struct btf_enum){\n" +" .name_off = (__u32)3,\n" +" .val = (__s32)-1,\n" +"}", + { .name_off = 3, .val = -1,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "{-1,}", + { .name_off = 0, .val = -1,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME | BTF_F_ZERO, + "{0,-1,}", + { .name_off = 0, .val = -1,}); + /* empty struct should be printed */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct btf_enum){}", + { .name_off = 0, .val = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "{}", + { .name_off = 0, .val = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, 0, +"(struct btf_enum){\n" +"}", + { .name_off = 0, .val = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_ZERO, + "(struct btf_enum){.name_off = (__u32)0,.val = (__s32)0,}", + { .name_off = 0, .val = 0,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct btf_enum, + BTF_F_ZERO, +"(struct btf_enum){\n" +" .name_off = (__u32)0,\n" +" .val = (__s32)0,\n" +"}", + { .name_off = 0, .val = 0,}); + + /* struct with pointers */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct list_head, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct list_head){.next = (struct list_head *)0x1,}", + { .next = (struct list_head *)1 }); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct list_head, 0, +"(struct list_head){\n" +" .next = (struct list_head *)0x1,\n" +"}", + { .next = (struct list_head *)1 }); + /* NULL pointer should not be displayed */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct list_head, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct list_head){}", + { .next = (struct list_head *)0 }); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct list_head, 0, +"(struct list_head){\n" +"}", + { .next = (struct list_head *)0 }); + + /* struct with function pointers */ + type_id = btf__find_by_name(btf, "file_operations"); + if (ASSERT_GT(type_id, 0, "find type id")) { + type_sz = btf__resolve_size(btf, type_id); + str[0] = '\0'; + + ret = btf_dump__dump_type_data(d, type_id, fops, type_sz, &opts); + ASSERT_EQ(ret, type_sz, + "unexpected return value dumping file_operations"); + cmpstr = +"(struct file_operations){\n" +" .owner = (struct module *)0xffffffffffffffff,\n" +" .llseek = (loff_t (*)(struct file *, loff_t, int))0xffffffffffffffff,"; + + ASSERT_STRNEQ(str, cmpstr, strlen(cmpstr), "file_operations"); + } + + /* struct with char array */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_prog_info, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct bpf_prog_info){.name = (char[16])['f','o','o',],}", + { .name = "foo",}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_prog_info, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "{['f','o','o',],}", + {.name = "foo",}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_prog_info, 0, +"(struct bpf_prog_info){\n" +" .name = (char[16])[\n" +" 'f',\n" +" 'o',\n" +" 'o',\n" +" ],\n" +"}", + {.name = "foo",}); + /* leading null char means do not display string */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_prog_info, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct bpf_prog_info){}", + {.name = {'\0', 'f', 'o', 'o'}}); + /* handle non-printable characters */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_prog_info, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct bpf_prog_info){.name = (char[16])[1,2,3,],}", + { .name = {1, 2, 3, 0}}); + + /* struct with non-char array */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct __sk_buff, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct __sk_buff){.cb = (__u32[5])[1,2,3,4,5,],}", + { .cb = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,},}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct __sk_buff, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "{[1,2,3,4,5,],}", + { .cb = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct __sk_buff, 0, +"(struct __sk_buff){\n" +" .cb = (__u32[5])[\n" +" 1,\n" +" 2,\n" +" 3,\n" +" 4,\n" +" 5,\n" +" ],\n" +"}", + { .cb = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},}); + /* For non-char, arrays, show non-zero values only */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct __sk_buff, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct __sk_buff){.cb = (__u32[5])[0,0,1,0,0,],}", + { .cb = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0},}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct __sk_buff, 0, +"(struct __sk_buff){\n" +" .cb = (__u32[5])[\n" +" 0,\n" +" 0,\n" +" 1,\n" +" 0,\n" +" 0,\n" +" ],\n" +"}", + { .cb = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0},}); + + /* struct with bitfields */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_C(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_insn, BTF_F_COMPACT, + {.code = (__u8)1,.dst_reg = (__u8)0x2,.src_reg = (__u8)0x3,.off = (__s16)4,.imm = (__s32)5,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_insn, + BTF_F_COMPACT | BTF_F_NONAME, + "{1,0x2,0x3,4,5,}", + { .code = 1, .dst_reg = 0x2, .src_reg = 0x3, .off = 4, + .imm = 5,}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_insn, 0, +"(struct bpf_insn){\n" +" .code = (__u8)1,\n" +" .dst_reg = (__u8)0x2,\n" +" .src_reg = (__u8)0x3,\n" +" .off = (__s16)4,\n" +" .imm = (__s32)5,\n" +"}", + {.code = 1, .dst_reg = 2, .src_reg = 3, .off = 4, .imm = 5}); + + /* zeroed bitfields should not be displayed */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_insn, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct bpf_insn){.dst_reg = (__u8)0x1,}", + { .code = 0, .dst_reg = 1}); + + /* struct with enum bitfield */ + type_id = btf__find_by_name(btf, "fs_context"); + if (ASSERT_GT(type_id, 0, "find fs_context")) { + type_sz = btf__resolve_size(btf, type_id); + str[0] = '\0'; + + opts.emit_zeroes = true; + ret = btf_dump__dump_type_data(d, type_id, zero_data, type_sz, &opts); + ASSERT_EQ(ret, type_sz, + "unexpected return value dumping fs_context"); + + ASSERT_NEQ(strstr(str, "FS_CONTEXT_FOR_MOUNT"), NULL, + "bitfield value not present"); + } + + /* struct with nested anon union */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_sock_ops, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(struct bpf_sock_ops){.op = (__u32)1,(union){.args = (__u32[4])[1,2,3,4,],.reply = (__u32)1,.replylong = (__u32[4])[1,2,3,4,],},}", + { .op = 1, .args = { 1, 2, 3, 4}}); + + /* union with nested struct */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA(btf, d, "union", str, union bpf_iter_link_info, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "(union bpf_iter_link_info){.map = (struct){.map_fd = (__u32)1,},}", + { .map = { .map_fd = 1 }}); + + /* struct skb with nested structs/unions; because type output is so + * complex, we don't do a string comparison, just verify we return + * the type size as the amount of data displayed. + */ + type_id = btf__find_by_name(btf, "sk_buff"); + if (ASSERT_GT(type_id, 0, "find struct sk_buff")) { + type_sz = btf__resolve_size(btf, type_id); + str[0] = '\0'; + + ret = btf_dump__dump_type_data(d, type_id, skb, type_sz, &opts); + ASSERT_EQ(ret, type_sz, + "unexpected return value dumping sk_buff"); + } + + /* overflow bpf_sock_ops struct with final element nonzero/zero. + * Regardless of the value of the final field, we don't have all the + * data we need to display it, so we should trigger an overflow. + * In other words oveflow checking should trump "is field zero?" + * checks because if we've overflowed, it shouldn't matter what the + * field is - we can't trust its value so shouldn't display it. + */ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_OVER(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_sock_ops, + sizeof(struct bpf_sock_ops) - 1, + "(struct bpf_sock_ops){\n\t.op = (__u32)1,\n", + { .op = 1, .skb_tcp_flags = 2}); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_DATA_OVER(btf, d, "struct", str, struct bpf_sock_ops, + sizeof(struct bpf_sock_ops) - 1, + "(struct bpf_sock_ops){\n\t.op = (__u32)1,\n", + { .op = 1, .skb_tcp_flags = 0}); +} + +static void test_btf_dump_var_data(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, + char *str) +{ + TEST_BTF_DUMP_VAR(btf, d, NULL, str, "cpu_number", int, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "int cpu_number = (int)100", 100); + TEST_BTF_DUMP_VAR(btf, d, NULL, str, "cpu_profile_flip", int, BTF_F_COMPACT, + "static int cpu_profile_flip = (int)2", 2); +} + +static void test_btf_datasec(struct btf *btf, struct btf_dump *d, char *str, + const char *name, const char *expected_val, + void *data, size_t data_sz) +{ + DECLARE_LIBBPF_OPTS(btf_dump_type_data_opts, opts); + int ret = 0, cmp; + size_t secsize; + __s32 type_id; + + opts.compact = true; + + type_id = btf__find_by_name(btf, name); + if (!ASSERT_GT(type_id, 0, "find type id")) + return; + + secsize = btf__resolve_size(btf, type_id); + ASSERT_EQ(secsize, 0, "verify section size"); + + str[0] = '\0'; + ret = btf_dump__dump_type_data(d, type_id, data, data_sz, &opts); + ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0, "unexpected return value"); + + cmp = strcmp(str, expected_val); + ASSERT_EQ(cmp, 0, "ensure expected/actual match"); +} + +static void test_btf_dump_datasec_data(char *str) +{ + struct btf *btf = btf__parse("xdping_kern.o", NULL); + struct btf_dump_opts opts = { .ctx = str }; + char license[4] = "GPL"; + struct btf_dump *d; + + if (!ASSERT_NEQ(btf, NULL, "xdping_kern.o BTF not found")) + return; + + d = btf_dump__new(btf, NULL, &opts, btf_dump_snprintf); + + if (!ASSERT_NEQ(d, NULL, "could not create BTF dump")) + return; + + test_btf_datasec(btf, d, str, "license", + "SEC(\"license\") char[4] _license = (char[4])['G','P','L',];", + license, sizeof(license)); +} + void test_btf_dump() { + char str[STRSIZE]; + struct btf_dump_opts opts = { .ctx = str }; + struct btf_dump *d; + struct btf *btf; int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(btf_dump_test_cases); i++) { @@ -245,4 +815,34 @@ void test_btf_dump() { } if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: incremental")) test_btf_dump_incremental(); + + btf = libbpf_find_kernel_btf(); + if (!ASSERT_NEQ(btf, NULL, "no kernel BTF found")) + return; + + d = btf_dump__new(btf, NULL, &opts, btf_dump_snprintf); + + if (!ASSERT_NEQ(d, NULL, "could not create BTF dump")) + return; + + /* Verify type display for various types. */ + if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: int_data")) + test_btf_dump_int_data(btf, d, str); + if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: float_data")) + test_btf_dump_float_data(btf, d, str); + if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: char_data")) + test_btf_dump_char_data(btf, d, str); + if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: typedef_data")) + test_btf_dump_typedef_data(btf, d, str); + if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: enum_data")) + test_btf_dump_enum_data(btf, d, str); + if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: struct_data")) + test_btf_dump_struct_data(btf, d, str); + if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: var_data")) + test_btf_dump_var_data(btf, d, str); + btf_dump__free(d); + btf__free(btf); + + if (test__start_subtest("btf_dump: datasec_data")) + test_btf_dump_datasec_data(str); }