From patchwork Tue Jan 25 07:11:22 2022 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ming Qian X-Patchwork-Id: 536610 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E2BFBC433F5 for ; Tue, 25 Jan 2022 07:18:56 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S1443878AbiAYHR5 (ORCPT ); Tue, 25 Jan 2022 02:17:57 -0500 Received: from ([]:59635 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S1443298AbiAYHOf (ORCPT ); Tue, 25 Jan 2022 02:14:35 -0500 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=eqFbaQdvJDzCNZuWJHLPnceqJoFzM1pgruSIw69ONUiCAW7Xxhsqj5jZmpH2IxmJkz/DSQF0Z1sZj/C3rg8UQLUa5uAA9euePYXozr9g8M/euM6GNXCFgvZOfQKAiDExHhPNuweG11ZLFYyleJl7nU//8bTDCcEUQjcNBgjfBYoiKm5TNzd089W2d1XHUcKtIp1pG20qDBQURH/dFkYJdF8UJWazHLA3MOHUV6RFcyRJFjNSZ52f4LaPYvZPnn6zq+DoRWBH3rJXu3PJ1WYRMa1c7t18/MGlJVw3Q9Q+kfsg+jwXSsVQQDNXGbdZ0DxW8qiHFcFozQ0HeP5DW6tdrw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=oC7zv35MCSnwFfqppw46ehl0mqtaKp5u0rguzZlKoWc=; b=BzGGF25adoh2c4TRv7xoH8Sf+cslZZJGTq98Pei+WdxUNl7gbROIBz17FTkCezt2QIvnImmHX+iv8QvC8PIFN2B7niG5xLR8mxkmil0Nsrq/qKgrJY59LptzShyCd2Q/fDuuM2onneo3quHaIDI35BdAgqG4pAKOWPr0i1aKHcFJsnNkGN3YtRi/s0nTBYhSAci8/OUEYb4Zac84XlMk3fVEloNiP5Dn87uFJuJvzz73l3Vvg2hIpK6rIY+ZoGbRteAqU2448ylC2Aa2cmlr4xol4IOiC3cu/lLzgOvvgB3B/PcqZSnL6PuNYoAqUTbEAfylNbzehtmIMltQ1EiWYA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=none; dmarc=none; dkim=none; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=oC7zv35MCSnwFfqppw46ehl0mqtaKp5u0rguzZlKoWc=; b=e2bANkKouktDMAXHU4MjHigxBjL7w9LBEufFKCwJ80grZ8CcoATD6xh7E63C+vtEvQU1G0YGvmc/YX71iTjnA8B3kslDYNMrxam/7qyNf0rvR1OLwa/v9wOYPgy2eiJH2xnxDZW7IMuwkou/eiG/ruRR8lrTQ0plDaEuY68L+gE= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) by (2603:10a6:803:43::32) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4909.17; Tue, 25 Jan 2022 07:12:16 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::3d7e:6627:fdd0:9d13]) by ([fe80::3d7e:6627:fdd0:9d13%4]) with mapi id 15.20.4909.017; Tue, 25 Jan 2022 07:12:16 +0000 From: Ming Qian To:,,, Cc:,,,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v15 06/13] media: amphion: add vpu v4l2 m2m support Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:11:22 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.33.0 In-Reply-To: References: X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:4::34) To (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: b213470a-c4cd-409c-b6a0-08d9dfd204c4 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: VI1PR04MB4094:EE_ X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:172; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; 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ITU-R BT.709-6*/ + 0, + 0, + V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_M, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.470-6 System M*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_BG, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.470-6 System B, G*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE170M, /*SMPTE170M*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE240M, /*SMPTE240M*/ + 0, /*Generic film*/ + V4L2_COLORSPACE_BT2020, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2*/ + 0, /*SMPTE ST 428-1*/ +}; + +static const u8 colortransfers[] = { + 0, + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6*/ + 0, + 0, + 0, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.470-6 System M*/ + 0, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.470-6 System B, G*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709, /*SMPTE170M*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE240M, /*SMPTE240M*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_NONE, /*Linear transfer characteristics*/ + 0, + 0, + 0, /*IEC 61966-2-4*/ + 0, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.1361-0 extended colour gamut*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SRGB, /*IEC 61966-2-1 sRGB or sYCC*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 (10 bit system)*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 (12 bit system)*/ + V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE2084, /*SMPTE ST 2084*/ + 0, /*SMPTE ST 428-1*/ + 0 /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2100-0 hybrid log-gamma (HLG)*/ +}; + +static const u8 colormatrixcoefs[] = { + 0, + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6*/ + 0, + 0, + 0, /*Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations*/ + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.601-7 625*/ + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.601-7 525*/ + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_SMPTE240M, /*SMPTE240M*/ + 0, + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020, /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2*/ + V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020_CONST_LUM /*Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 constant*/ +}; + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_v2i(u32 primaries) +{ + return vpu_helper_find_in_array_u8(colorprimaries, ARRAY_SIZE(colorprimaries), primaries); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_i2v(u32 primaries) +{ + return primaries < ARRAY_SIZE(colorprimaries) ? colorprimaries[primaries] : 0; +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_v2i(u32 transfers) +{ + return vpu_helper_find_in_array_u8(colortransfers, ARRAY_SIZE(colortransfers), transfers); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_i2v(u32 transfers) +{ + return transfers < ARRAY_SIZE(colortransfers) ? colortransfers[transfers] : 0; +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_v2i(u32 matrix) +{ + return vpu_helper_find_in_array_u8(colormatrixcoefs, ARRAY_SIZE(colormatrixcoefs), matrix); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_i2v(u32 matrix) +{ + return matrix < ARRAY_SIZE(colormatrixcoefs) ? colormatrixcoefs[matrix] : 0; +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_v2i(u32 full_range) +{ + return (full_range == V4L2_QUANTIZATION_FULL_RANGE); +} + +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_i2v(u32 full_range) +{ + if (full_range) + return V4L2_QUANTIZATION_FULL_RANGE; + + return V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; +} + +int vpu_color_check_primaries(u32 primaries) +{ + return vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_v2i(primaries) ? 0 : -EINVAL; +} + +int vpu_color_check_transfers(u32 transfers) +{ + return vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_v2i(transfers) ? 0 : -EINVAL; +} + +int vpu_color_check_matrix(u32 matrix) +{ + return vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_v2i(matrix) ? 0 : -EINVAL; +} + +int vpu_color_check_full_range(u32 full_range) +{ + int ret = -EINVAL; + + switch (full_range) { + case V4L2_QUANTIZATION_FULL_RANGE: + case V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE: + ret = 0; + break; + default: + break; + } + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_color_get_default(u32 primaries, u32 *ptransfers, u32 *pmatrix, u32 *pfull_range) +{ + u32 transfers; + u32 matrix; + u32 full_range; + + switch (primaries) { + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_REC709: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709; + break; + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_M: + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_BG: + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE170M: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601; + break; + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE240M: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE240M; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_SMPTE240M; + break; + case V4L2_COLORSPACE_BT2020: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020; + break; + default: + transfers = V4L2_XFER_FUNC_DEFAULT; + matrix = V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_DEFAULT; + break; + } + full_range = V4L2_QUANTIZATION_LIM_RANGE; + + if (ptransfers) + *ptransfers = transfers; + if (pmatrix) + *pmatrix = matrix; + if (pfull_range) + *pfull_range = full_range; + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_helpers.c b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_helpers.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..768abf89e606 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_helpers.c @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" + +int vpu_helper_find_in_array_u8(const u8 *array, u32 size, u32 x) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { + if (array[i] == x) + return i; + } + + return 0; +} + +bool vpu_helper_check_type(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + const struct vpu_format *pfmt; + + for (pfmt = inst->formats; pfmt->pixfmt; pfmt++) { + if (!vpu_iface_check_format(inst, pfmt->pixfmt)) + continue; + if (pfmt->type == type) + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +const struct vpu_format *vpu_helper_find_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 pixelfmt) +{ + const struct vpu_format *pfmt; + + if (!inst || !inst->formats) + return NULL; + + if (!vpu_iface_check_format(inst, pixelfmt)) + return NULL; + + for (pfmt = inst->formats; pfmt->pixfmt; pfmt++) { + if (pfmt->pixfmt == pixelfmt && (!type || type == pfmt->type)) + return pfmt; + } + + return NULL; +} + +const struct vpu_format *vpu_helper_enum_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, int index) +{ + const struct vpu_format *pfmt; + int i = 0; + + if (!inst || !inst->formats) + return NULL; + + for (pfmt = inst->formats; pfmt->pixfmt; pfmt++) { + if (!vpu_iface_check_format(inst, pfmt->pixfmt)) + continue; + + if (pfmt->type == type) { + if (index == i) + return pfmt; + i++; + } + } + + return NULL; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_valid_frame_width(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 width) +{ + const struct vpu_core_resources *res; + + if (!inst) + return width; + + res = vpu_get_resource(inst); + if (!res) + return width; + if (res->max_width) + width = clamp(width, res->min_width, res->max_width); + if (res->step_width) + width = ALIGN(width, res->step_width); + + return width; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_valid_frame_height(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 height) +{ + const struct vpu_core_resources *res; + + if (!inst) + return height; + + res = vpu_get_resource(inst); + if (!res) + return height; + if (res->max_height) + height = clamp(height, res->min_height, res->max_height); + if (res->step_height) + height = ALIGN(height, res->step_height); + + return height; +} + +static u32 get_nv12_plane_size(u32 width, u32 height, int plane_no, + u32 stride, u32 interlaced, u32 *pbl) +{ + u32 bytesperline; + u32 size = 0; + + bytesperline = ALIGN(width, stride); + if (pbl) + bytesperline = max(bytesperline, *pbl); + height = ALIGN(height, 2); + if (plane_no == 0) + size = bytesperline * height; + else if (plane_no == 1) + size = bytesperline * height >> 1; + if (pbl) + *pbl = bytesperline; + + return size; +} + +static u32 get_tiled_8l128_plane_size(u32 fmt, u32 width, u32 height, int plane_no, + u32 stride, u32 interlaced, u32 *pbl) +{ + u32 ws = 3; + u32 hs = 7; + u32 bitdepth = 8; + u32 bytesperline; + u32 size = 0; + + if (interlaced) + hs++; + if (fmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M_10BE_8L128) + bitdepth = 10; + bytesperline = DIV_ROUND_UP(width * bitdepth, BITS_PER_BYTE); + bytesperline = ALIGN(bytesperline, 1 << ws); + bytesperline = ALIGN(bytesperline, stride); + if (pbl) + bytesperline = max(bytesperline, *pbl); + height = ALIGN(height, 1 << hs); + if (plane_no == 0) + size = bytesperline * height; + else if (plane_no == 1) + size = (bytesperline * ALIGN(height, 1 << (hs + 1))) >> 1; + if (pbl) + *pbl = bytesperline; + + return size; +} + +static u32 get_default_plane_size(u32 width, u32 height, int plane_no, + u32 stride, u32 interlaced, u32 *pbl) +{ + u32 bytesperline; + u32 size = 0; + + bytesperline = ALIGN(width, stride); + if (pbl) + bytesperline = max(bytesperline, *pbl); + if (plane_no == 0) + size = bytesperline * height; + if (pbl) + *pbl = bytesperline; + + return size; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_get_plane_size(u32 fmt, u32 w, u32 h, int plane_no, + u32 stride, u32 interlaced, u32 *pbl) +{ + switch (fmt) { + case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M: + return get_nv12_plane_size(w, h, plane_no, stride, interlaced, pbl); + case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M_8L128: + case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M_10BE_8L128: + return get_tiled_8l128_plane_size(fmt, w, h, plane_no, stride, interlaced, pbl); + default: + return get_default_plane_size(w, h, plane_no, stride, interlaced, pbl); + } +} + +u32 vpu_helper_copy_from_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *rptr, u32 size, void *dst) +{ + u32 offset; + u32 start; + u32 end; + void *virt; + + if (!stream_buffer || !rptr || !dst) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!size) + return 0; + + offset = *rptr; + start = stream_buffer->phys; + end = start + stream_buffer->length; + virt = stream_buffer->virt; + + if (offset < start || offset > end) + return -EINVAL; + + if (offset + size <= end) { + memcpy(dst, virt + (offset - start), size); + } else { + memcpy(dst, virt + (offset - start), end - offset); + memcpy(dst + end - offset, virt, size + offset - end); + } + + *rptr = vpu_helper_step_walk(stream_buffer, offset, size); + return size; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *wptr, u32 size, void *src) +{ + u32 offset; + u32 start; + u32 end; + void *virt; + + if (!stream_buffer || !wptr || !src) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!size) + return 0; + + offset = *wptr; + start = stream_buffer->phys; + end = start + stream_buffer->length; + virt = stream_buffer->virt; + if (offset < start || offset > end) + return -EINVAL; + + if (offset + size <= end) { + memcpy(virt + (offset - start), src, size); + } else { + memcpy(virt + (offset - start), src, end - offset); + memcpy(virt, src + end - offset, size + offset - end); + } + + *wptr = vpu_helper_step_walk(stream_buffer, offset, size); + + return size; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_memset_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *wptr, u8 val, u32 size) +{ + u32 offset; + u32 start; + u32 end; + void *virt; + + if (!stream_buffer || !wptr) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!size) + return 0; + + offset = *wptr; + start = stream_buffer->phys; + end = start + stream_buffer->length; + virt = stream_buffer->virt; + if (offset < start || offset > end) + return -EINVAL; + + if (offset + size <= end) { + memset(virt + (offset - start), val, size); + } else { + memset(virt + (offset - start), val, end - offset); + memset(virt, val, size + offset - end); + } + + offset += size; + if (offset >= end) + offset -= stream_buffer->length; + + *wptr = offset; + + return size; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_get_free_space(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc desc; + + if (vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(inst, &desc)) + return 0; + + if (desc.rptr > desc.wptr) + return desc.rptr - desc.wptr; + else if (desc.rptr < desc.wptr) + return (desc.end - desc.start + desc.rptr - desc.wptr); + else + return desc.end - desc.start; +} + +u32 vpu_helper_get_used_space(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc desc; + + if (vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(inst, &desc)) + return 0; + + if (desc.wptr > desc.rptr) + return desc.wptr - desc.rptr; + else if (desc.wptr < desc.rptr) + return (desc.end - desc.start + desc.wptr - desc.rptr); + else + return 0; +} + +int vpu_helper_g_volatile_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = ctrl_to_inst(ctrl); + + switch (ctrl->id) { + case V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_CAPTURE: + ctrl->val = inst->min_buffer_cap; + break; + case V4L2_CID_MIN_BUFFERS_FOR_OUTPUT: + ctrl->val = inst->min_buffer_out; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_helper_find_startcode(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, u32 offset, u32 bytesused) +{ + u32 start_code; + int start_code_size; + u32 val = 0; + int i; + int ret = -EINVAL; + + if (!stream_buffer || !stream_buffer->virt) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (pixelformat) { + case V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264: + start_code_size = 4; + start_code = 0x00000001; + break; + default: + return 0; + } + + for (i = 0; i < bytesused; i++) { + val = (val << 8) | vpu_helper_read_byte(stream_buffer, offset + i); + if (i < start_code_size - 1) + continue; + if (val == start_code) { + ret = i + 1 - start_code_size; + break; + } + } + + return ret; +} + +int vpu_find_dst_by_src(struct vpu_pair *pairs, u32 cnt, u32 src) +{ + u32 i; + + if (!pairs || !cnt) + return -EINVAL; + + for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + if (pairs[i].src == src) + return pairs[i].dst; + } + + return -EINVAL; +} + +int vpu_find_src_by_dst(struct vpu_pair *pairs, u32 cnt, u32 dst) +{ + u32 i; + + if (!pairs || !cnt) + return -EINVAL; + + for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + if (pairs[i].dst == dst) + return pairs[i].src; + } + + return -EINVAL; +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_helpers.h b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_helpers.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3676cc83e85b --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_helpers.h @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#ifndef _AMPHION_VPU_HELPERS_H +#define _AMPHION_VPU_HELPERS_H + +struct vpu_pair { + u32 src; + u32 dst; +}; + +#define MAKE_TIMESTAMP(s, ns) (((s32)(s) * NSEC_PER_SEC) + (ns)) +#define VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP MAKE_TIMESTAMP(-1, 0) + +int vpu_helper_find_in_array_u8(const u8 *array, u32 size, u32 x); +bool vpu_helper_check_type(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type); +const struct vpu_format *vpu_helper_find_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 pixelfmt); +const struct vpu_format *vpu_helper_enum_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, int index); +u32 vpu_helper_valid_frame_width(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 width); +u32 vpu_helper_valid_frame_height(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 height); +u32 vpu_helper_get_plane_size(u32 fmt, u32 width, u32 height, int plane_no, + u32 stride, u32 interlaced, u32 *pbl); +u32 vpu_helper_copy_from_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *rptr, u32 size, void *dst); +u32 vpu_helper_copy_to_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *wptr, u32 size, void *src); +u32 vpu_helper_memset_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 *wptr, u8 val, u32 size); +u32 vpu_helper_get_free_space(struct vpu_inst *inst); +u32 vpu_helper_get_used_space(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_helper_g_volatile_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl); +void vpu_helper_get_kmp_next(const u8 *pattern, int *next, int size); +int vpu_helper_kmp_search(u8 *s, int s_len, const u8 *p, int p_len, int *next); +int vpu_helper_kmp_search_in_stream_buffer(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 offset, int bytesused, + const u8 *p, int p_len, int *next); +int vpu_helper_find_startcode(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, u32 offset, u32 bytesused); + +static inline u32 vpu_helper_step_walk(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, u32 pos, u32 step) +{ + pos += step; + if (pos > stream_buffer->phys + stream_buffer->length) + pos -= stream_buffer->length; + + return pos; +} + +static inline u8 vpu_helper_read_byte(struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, u32 pos) +{ + u8 *pdata = (u8 *)stream_buffer->virt; + + return pdata[pos % stream_buffer->length]; +} + +int vpu_color_check_primaries(u32 primaries); +int vpu_color_check_transfers(u32 transfers); +int vpu_color_check_matrix(u32 matrix); +int vpu_color_check_full_range(u32 full_range); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_v2i(u32 primaries); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_primaries_i2v(u32 primaries); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_v2i(u32 transfers); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_transfers_i2v(u32 transfers); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_v2i(u32 matrix); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_matrix_i2v(u32 matrix); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_v2i(u32 full_range); +u32 vpu_color_cvrt_full_range_i2v(u32 full_range); +int vpu_color_get_default(u32 primaries, u32 *ptransfers, u32 *pmatrix, u32 *pfull_range); + +int vpu_find_dst_by_src(struct vpu_pair *pairs, u32 cnt, u32 src); +int vpu_find_src_by_dst(struct vpu_pair *pairs, u32 cnt, u32 dst); +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_v4l2.c b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_v4l2.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9d3176c0f5eb --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_v4l2.c @@ -0,0 +1,720 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_v4l2.h" +#include "vpu_msgs.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" + +void vpu_inst_lock(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + mutex_lock(&inst->lock); +} + +void vpu_inst_unlock(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + mutex_unlock(&inst->lock); +} + +dma_addr_t vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(struct vb2_buffer *vb, u32 plane_no) +{ + if (plane_no >= vb->num_planes) + return 0; + return vb2_dma_contig_plane_dma_addr(vb, plane_no) + + vb->planes[plane_no].data_offset; +} + +unsigned int vpu_get_vb_length(struct vb2_buffer *vb, u32 plane_no) +{ + if (plane_no >= vb->num_planes) + return 0; + return vb2_plane_size(vb, plane_no) - vb->planes[plane_no].data_offset; +} + +void vpu_set_buffer_state(struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf, unsigned int state) +{ + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + + vpu_buf->state = state; +} + +unsigned int vpu_get_buffer_state(struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf) +{ + struct vpu_vb2_buffer *vpu_buf = to_vpu_vb2_buffer(vbuf); + + return vpu_buf->state; +} + +void vpu_v4l2_set_error(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vb2_queue *src_q; + struct vb2_queue *dst_q; + + if (!inst) + return; + + vpu_inst_lock(inst); + dev_err(inst->dev, "some error occurs in codec\n"); + if (inst->fh.m2m_ctx) { + src_q = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + dst_q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + if (src_q) + src_q->error = 1; + if (dst_q) + dst_q->error = 1; + } + vpu_inst_unlock(inst); +} + +int vpu_notify_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + static const struct v4l2_event ev = { + .id = 0, + .type = V4L2_EVENT_EOS + }; + + vpu_trace(inst->dev, "[%d]\n", inst->id); + v4l2_event_queue_fh(&inst->fh, &ev); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_notify_source_change(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + static const struct v4l2_event ev = { + .id = 0, + .type = V4L2_EVENT_SOURCE_CHANGE, + .u.src_change.changes = V4L2_EVENT_SRC_CH_RESOLUTION + }; + + vpu_trace(inst->dev, "[%d]\n", inst->id); + v4l2_event_queue_fh(&inst->fh, &ev); + return 0; +} + +int vpu_set_last_buffer_dequeued(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vb2_queue *q; + + if (!inst || !inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return -EINVAL; + + q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + if (!list_empty(&q->done_list)) + return -EINVAL; + + if (q->last_buffer_dequeued) + return 0; + vpu_trace(inst->dev, "last buffer dequeued\n"); + q->last_buffer_dequeued = true; + wake_up(&q->done_wq); + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + return 0; +} + +const struct vpu_format *vpu_try_fmt_common(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct v4l2_format *f) +{ + struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pixmp = &f->fmt.pix_mp; + u32 type = f->type; + u32 stride = 1; + u32 bytesperline; + u32 sizeimage; + const struct vpu_format *fmt; + const struct vpu_core_resources *res; + int i; + + fmt = vpu_helper_find_format(inst, type, pixmp->pixelformat); + if (!fmt) { + fmt = vpu_helper_enum_format(inst, type, 0); + if (!fmt) + return NULL; + pixmp->pixelformat = fmt->pixfmt; + } + + res = vpu_get_resource(inst); + if (res) + stride = res->stride; + if (pixmp->width) + pixmp->width = vpu_helper_valid_frame_width(inst, pixmp->width); + if (pixmp->height) + pixmp->height = vpu_helper_valid_frame_height(inst, pixmp->height); + pixmp->flags = fmt->flags; + pixmp->num_planes = fmt->num_planes; + if (pixmp->field == V4L2_FIELD_ANY) + pixmp->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + for (i = 0; i < pixmp->num_planes; i++) { + bytesperline = max_t(s32, pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline, 0); + sizeimage = vpu_helper_get_plane_size(pixmp->pixelformat, + pixmp->width, + pixmp->height, + i, + stride, + pixmp->field > V4L2_FIELD_NONE ? 1 : 0, + &bytesperline); + sizeimage = max_t(s32, pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage, sizeimage); + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = bytesperline; + pixmp->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = sizeimage; + } + + return fmt; +} + +static bool vpu_check_ready(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + if (!inst) + return false; + if (inst->state == VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT || inst->id < 0) + return false; + if (!inst->ops->check_ready) + return true; + return call_vop(inst, check_ready, type); +} + +int vpu_process_output_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *buf = NULL; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = NULL; + + if (!inst || !inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vpu_check_ready(inst, inst->out_format.type)) + return -EINVAL; + + v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf(inst->fh.m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vpu_get_buffer_state(vbuf) == VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + + if (!vbuf) + return -EINVAL; + + dev_dbg(inst->dev, "[%d]frame id = %d / %d\n", + inst->id, vbuf->sequence, inst->sequence); + return call_vop(inst, process_output, &vbuf->vb2_buf); +} + +int vpu_process_capture_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *buf = NULL; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = NULL; + + if (!inst || !inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!vpu_check_ready(inst, inst->cap_format.type)) + return -EINVAL; + + v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf(inst->fh.m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vpu_get_buffer_state(vbuf) == VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + if (!vbuf) + return -EINVAL; + + return call_vop(inst, process_capture, &vbuf->vb2_buf); +} + +struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vpu_find_buf_by_sequence(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 sequence) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *buf = NULL; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = NULL; + + if (!inst || !inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return NULL; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf(inst->fh.m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vbuf->sequence == sequence) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + } else { + v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf(inst->fh.m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vbuf->sequence == sequence) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + } + + return vbuf; +} + +struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vpu_find_buf_by_idx(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 idx) +{ + struct v4l2_m2m_buffer *buf = NULL; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = NULL; + + if (!inst || !inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return NULL; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf(inst->fh.m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vbuf->vb2_buf.index == idx) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + } else { + v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf(inst->fh.m2m_ctx, buf) { + vbuf = &buf->vb; + if (vbuf->vb2_buf.index == idx) + break; + vbuf = NULL; + } + } + + return vbuf; +} + +int vpu_get_num_buffers(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + struct vb2_queue *q; + + if (!inst || !inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return -EINVAL; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) + q = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + else + q = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + + return q->num_buffers; +} + +static void vpu_m2m_device_run(void *priv) +{ +} + +static void vpu_m2m_job_abort(void *priv) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = priv; + struct v4l2_m2m_ctx *m2m_ctx = inst->fh.m2m_ctx; + + v4l2_m2m_job_finish(m2m_ctx->m2m_dev, m2m_ctx); +} + +static const struct v4l2_m2m_ops vpu_m2m_ops = { + .device_run = vpu_m2m_device_run, + .job_abort = vpu_m2m_job_abort +}; + +static int vpu_vb2_queue_setup(struct vb2_queue *vq, + unsigned int *buf_count, + unsigned int *plane_count, + unsigned int psize[], + struct device *allocators[]) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(vq); + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + int i; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, vq->type); + + if (*plane_count) { + if (*plane_count != cur_fmt->num_planes) + return -EINVAL; + for (i = 0; i < cur_fmt->num_planes; i++) { + if (psize[i] < cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]) + return -EINVAL; + } + return 0; + } + + *plane_count = cur_fmt->num_planes; + for (i = 0; i < cur_fmt->num_planes; i++) + psize[i] = cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_vb2_buf_init(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + + vpu_set_buffer_state(vbuf, VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE); + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_vb2_buf_out_validate(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + + vbuf->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_vb2_buf_prepare(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(vb->vb2_queue); + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_format *cur_fmt; + u32 i; + + cur_fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, vb->type); + for (i = 0; i < cur_fmt->num_planes; i++) { + if (vpu_get_vb_length(vb, i) < cur_fmt->sizeimage[i]) { + dev_dbg(inst->dev, "[%d] %s buf[%d] is invalid\n", + inst->id, vpu_type_name(vb->type), vb->index); + vpu_set_buffer_state(vbuf, VPU_BUF_STATE_ERROR); + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_vb2_buf_finish(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(vb->vb2_queue); + struct vb2_queue *q = vb->vb2_queue; + + if (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_LAST) + vpu_notify_eos(inst); + + if (list_empty(&q->done_list)) + call_vop(inst, on_queue_empty, q->type); +} + +void vpu_vb2_buffers_return(struct vpu_inst *inst, unsigned int type, enum vb2_buffer_state state) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *buf; + + if (!inst || !inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return; + + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) { + while ((buf = v4l2_m2m_src_buf_remove(inst->fh.m2m_ctx))) + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(buf, state); + } else { + while ((buf = v4l2_m2m_dst_buf_remove(inst->fh.m2m_ctx))) + v4l2_m2m_buf_done(buf, state); + } +} + +static int vpu_vb2_start_streaming(struct vb2_queue *q, unsigned int count) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(q); + struct vpu_format *fmt = vpu_get_format(inst, q->type); + int ret; + + vpu_inst_unlock(inst); + ret = vpu_inst_register(inst); + vpu_inst_lock(inst); + if (ret) { + vpu_vb2_buffers_return(inst, q->type, VB2_BUF_STATE_QUEUED); + return ret; + } + + vpu_trace(inst->dev, "[%d] %s %c%c%c%c %dx%d %u(%u) %u(%u) %u(%u) %d\n", + inst->id, vpu_type_name(q->type), + fmt->pixfmt, + fmt->pixfmt >> 8, + fmt->pixfmt >> 16, + fmt->pixfmt >> 24, + fmt->width, fmt->height, + fmt->sizeimage[0], fmt->bytesperline[0], + fmt->sizeimage[1], fmt->bytesperline[1], + fmt->sizeimage[2], fmt->bytesperline[2], + q->num_buffers); + call_vop(inst, start, q->type); + vb2_clear_last_buffer_dequeued(q); + + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_vb2_stop_streaming(struct vb2_queue *q) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(q); + + vpu_trace(inst->dev, "[%d] %s\n", inst->id, vpu_type_name(q->type)); + + call_vop(inst, stop, q->type); + vpu_vb2_buffers_return(inst, q->type, VB2_BUF_STATE_ERROR); + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(q->type)) + inst->sequence = 0; +} + +static void vpu_vb2_buf_queue(struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + struct vpu_inst *inst = vb2_get_drv_priv(vb->vb2_queue); + + if (!inst || !inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return; + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(vb->type)) { + vbuf->sequence = inst->sequence++; + if ((s64)vb->timestamp < 0) + vb->timestamp = VPU_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; + } + + v4l2_m2m_buf_queue(inst->fh.m2m_ctx, vbuf); + vpu_process_output_buffer(inst); + vpu_process_capture_buffer(inst); +} + +static const struct vb2_ops vpu_vb2_ops = { + .queue_setup = vpu_vb2_queue_setup, + .buf_init = vpu_vb2_buf_init, + .buf_out_validate = vpu_vb2_buf_out_validate, + .buf_prepare = vpu_vb2_buf_prepare, + .buf_finish = vpu_vb2_buf_finish, + .start_streaming = vpu_vb2_start_streaming, + .stop_streaming = vpu_vb2_stop_streaming, + .buf_queue = vpu_vb2_buf_queue, + .wait_prepare = vb2_ops_wait_prepare, + .wait_finish = vb2_ops_wait_finish, +}; + +static int vpu_m2m_queue_init(void *priv, struct vb2_queue *src_vq, struct vb2_queue *dst_vq) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = priv; + int ret; + + src_vq->type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE; + inst->out_format.type = src_vq->type; + src_vq->io_modes = VB2_MMAP | VB2_DMABUF; + src_vq->timestamp_flags = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_COPY; + src_vq->ops = &vpu_vb2_ops; + src_vq->mem_ops = &vb2_dma_contig_memops; + if (inst->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC && inst->use_stream_buffer) + src_vq->mem_ops = &vb2_vmalloc_memops; + src_vq->drv_priv = inst; + src_vq->buf_struct_size = sizeof(struct vpu_vb2_buffer); + src_vq->min_buffers_needed = 1; + src_vq->dev = inst->vpu->dev; + src_vq->lock = &inst->lock; + ret = vb2_queue_init(src_vq); + if (ret) + return ret; + + dst_vq->type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE; + inst->cap_format.type = dst_vq->type; + dst_vq->io_modes = VB2_MMAP | VB2_DMABUF; + dst_vq->timestamp_flags = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_COPY; + dst_vq->ops = &vpu_vb2_ops; + dst_vq->mem_ops = &vb2_dma_contig_memops; + if (inst->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC && inst->use_stream_buffer) + dst_vq->mem_ops = &vb2_vmalloc_memops; + dst_vq->drv_priv = inst; + dst_vq->buf_struct_size = sizeof(struct vpu_vb2_buffer); + dst_vq->min_buffers_needed = 1; + dst_vq->dev = inst->vpu->dev; + dst_vq->lock = &inst->lock; + ret = vb2_queue_init(dst_vq); + if (ret) { + vb2_queue_release(src_vq); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_v4l2_release(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + vpu_trace(inst->vpu->dev, "%p\n", inst); + + vpu_release_core(inst->core); + put_device(inst->dev); + + if (inst->workqueue) { + cancel_work_sync(&inst->msg_work); + destroy_workqueue(inst->workqueue); + inst->workqueue = NULL; + } + + v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(&inst->ctrl_handler); + mutex_destroy(&inst->lock); + v4l2_fh_del(&inst->fh); + v4l2_fh_exit(&inst->fh); + + call_vop(inst, cleanup); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_open(struct file *file, struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu = video_drvdata(file); + struct vpu_func *func; + int ret = 0; + + if (!file || !inst || !inst->ops) + return -EINVAL; + + if (inst->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) + func = &vpu->encoder; + else + func = &vpu->decoder; + + atomic_set(&inst->ref_count, 0); + vpu_inst_get(inst); + inst->vpu = vpu; + inst->core = vpu_request_core(vpu, inst->type); + if (inst->core) + inst->dev = get_device(inst->core->dev); + mutex_init(&inst->lock); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&inst->cmd_q); + inst->id = VPU_INST_NULL_ID; + inst->release = vpu_v4l2_release; + inst->pid = current->pid; + inst->tgid = current->tgid; + inst->min_buffer_cap = 2; + inst->min_buffer_out = 2; + v4l2_fh_init(&inst->fh, func->vfd); + v4l2_fh_add(&inst->fh); + + ret = call_vop(inst, ctrl_init); + if (ret) + goto error; + + inst->fh.m2m_ctx = v4l2_m2m_ctx_init(func->m2m_dev, inst, vpu_m2m_queue_init); + if (IS_ERR(inst->fh.m2m_ctx)) { + dev_err(vpu->dev, "v4l2_m2m_ctx_init fail\n"); + ret = PTR_ERR(func->m2m_dev); + goto error; + } + + inst->fh.ctrl_handler = &inst->ctrl_handler; + file->private_data = &inst->fh; + inst->state = VPU_CODEC_STATE_DEINIT; + inst->workqueue = alloc_workqueue("vpu_inst", WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, 1); + if (inst->workqueue) { + INIT_WORK(&inst->msg_work, vpu_inst_run_work); + ret = kfifo_init(&inst->msg_fifo, + inst->msg_buffer, + rounddown_pow_of_two(sizeof(inst->msg_buffer))); + if (ret) { + destroy_workqueue(inst->workqueue); + inst->workqueue = NULL; + } + } + vpu_trace(vpu->dev, "tgid = %d, pid = %d, type = %s, inst = %p\n", + inst->tgid, inst->pid, vpu_core_type_desc(inst->type), inst); + + return 0; +error: + vpu_inst_put(inst); + return ret; +} + +int vpu_v4l2_close(struct file *file) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu = video_drvdata(file); + struct vpu_inst *inst = to_inst(file); + + vpu_trace(vpu->dev, "tgid = %d, pid = %d, inst = %p\n", inst->tgid, inst->pid, inst); + + vpu_inst_lock(inst); + if (inst->fh.m2m_ctx) { + v4l2_m2m_ctx_release(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + inst->fh.m2m_ctx = NULL; + } + vpu_inst_unlock(inst); + + call_vop(inst, release); + vpu_inst_unregister(inst); + vpu_inst_put(inst); + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_add_func(struct vpu_dev *vpu, struct vpu_func *func) +{ + struct video_device *vfd; + int ret; + + if (!vpu || !func) + return -EINVAL; + + if (func->vfd) + return 0; + + func->m2m_dev = v4l2_m2m_init(&vpu_m2m_ops); + if (IS_ERR(func->m2m_dev)) { + dev_err(vpu->dev, "v4l2_m2m_init fail\n"); + func->vfd = NULL; + return PTR_ERR(func->m2m_dev); + } + + vfd = video_device_alloc(); + if (!vfd) { + v4l2_m2m_release(func->m2m_dev); + dev_err(vpu->dev, "alloc vpu decoder video device fail\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + vfd->release = video_device_release; + vfd->vfl_dir = VFL_DIR_M2M; + vfd->v4l2_dev = &vpu->v4l2_dev; + vfd->device_caps = V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_M2M_MPLANE | V4L2_CAP_STREAMING; + if (func->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) { + strscpy(vfd->name, "amphion-vpu-encoder", sizeof(vfd->name)); + vfd->fops = venc_get_fops(); + vfd->ioctl_ops = venc_get_ioctl_ops(); + } else { + strscpy(vfd->name, "amphion-vpu-decoder", sizeof(vfd->name)); + vfd->fops = vdec_get_fops(); + vfd->ioctl_ops = vdec_get_ioctl_ops(); + } + + ret = video_register_device(vfd, VFL_TYPE_VIDEO, -1); + if (ret) { + video_device_release(vfd); + v4l2_m2m_release(func->m2m_dev); + return ret; + } + video_set_drvdata(vfd, vpu); + func->vfd = vfd; + + ret = v4l2_m2m_register_media_controller(func->m2m_dev, func->vfd, func->function); + if (ret) { + v4l2_m2m_release(func->m2m_dev); + func->m2m_dev = NULL; + video_unregister_device(func->vfd); + func->vfd = NULL; + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +void vpu_remove_func(struct vpu_func *func) +{ + if (!func) + return; + + if (func->m2m_dev) { + v4l2_m2m_unregister_media_controller(func->m2m_dev); + v4l2_m2m_release(func->m2m_dev); + func->m2m_dev = NULL; + } + if (func->vfd) { + video_unregister_device(func->vfd); + func->vfd = NULL; + } +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_v4l2.h b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_v4l2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..90fa7ea67495 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_v4l2.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#ifndef _AMPHION_VPU_V4L2_H +#define _AMPHION_VPU_V4L2_H + +#include + +void vpu_inst_lock(struct vpu_inst *inst); +void vpu_inst_unlock(struct vpu_inst *inst); +void vpu_set_buffer_state(struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf, unsigned int state); +unsigned int vpu_get_buffer_state(struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf); + +int vpu_v4l2_open(struct file *file, struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_v4l2_close(struct file *file); + +const struct vpu_format *vpu_try_fmt_common(struct vpu_inst *inst, struct v4l2_format *f); +int vpu_process_output_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_process_capture_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst); +struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vpu_find_buf_by_sequence(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 sequence); +struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vpu_find_buf_by_idx(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type, u32 idx); +void vpu_v4l2_set_error(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_notify_eos(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_notify_source_change(struct vpu_inst *inst); +int vpu_set_last_buffer_dequeued(struct vpu_inst *inst); +void vpu_vb2_buffers_return(struct vpu_inst *inst, unsigned int type, enum vb2_buffer_state state); +int vpu_get_num_buffers(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type); + +dma_addr_t vpu_get_vb_phy_addr(struct vb2_buffer *vb, u32 plane_no); +unsigned int vpu_get_vb_length(struct vb2_buffer *vb, u32 plane_no); +static inline struct vpu_format *vpu_get_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 type) +{ + if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type)) + return &inst->out_format; + else + return &inst->cap_format; +} + +static inline char *vpu_type_name(u32 type) +{ + return V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(type) ? "output" : "capture"; +} + +static inline int vpu_vb_is_codecconfig(struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf) +{ +#ifdef V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG + return (vbuf->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG) ? 1 : 0; +#else + return 0; +#endif +} + +#endif