From patchwork Wed Dec 21 07:32:32 2022 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Chester Lin X-Patchwork-Id: 635795 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 95BB5C4167B for ; Wed, 21 Dec 2022 07:33:19 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S234437AbiLUHdR (ORCPT ); Wed, 21 Dec 2022 02:33:17 -0500 Received: from ([]:60236 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S234457AbiLUHdN (ORCPT ); Wed, 21 Dec 2022 02:33:13 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 95416209BE; Tue, 20 Dec 2022 23:33:09 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=Ss7d+6EpA+zQFkddXDyXMfqhd7i37uHhGbErFP/3Da6VrNfbv5GHDAMTZ7G6dnNAAmbB37AEjBN/KZH/tNfeAz/SSnpnOOw0VlfGRYRqP+5VnFnDEpCOpgk/eNI6shY7WxhXEFIzHBxh5W7M9JhLFsjM1GuWyQ94b8z1MbppeFOU2LIqal0cyj71b9qhsqeq00B0agEYzCpkumyz3OLlRGtKph5IWdNsh16p9hVR78ll1UIO8DvlssPMrjI2PGuxhjTLkHE1naqOIZx0BD5L4PJSMZv4zW9YYXl1QmIWPY1Gmp7C/TZVid55w7VEICicHABREO/yvuVaXMz3Sm6kWw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; 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Received: from (2603:10a6:803:4::13) by (2603:10a6:10:2e0::12) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.5924.16; Wed, 21 Dec 2022 07:33:06 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::9028:2d9e:dbd:b5c]) by ([fe80::9028:2d9e:dbd:b5c%7]) with mapi id 15.20.5924.016; Wed, 21 Dec 2022 07:33:06 +0000 From: Chester Lin To: Dong Aisheng , Fabio Estevam , Shawn Guo , Jacky Bai , Pengutronix Kernel Team , Linus Walleij , =?utf-8?q?Andreas_F=C3=A4rber?= Cc: Chester Lin ,,,,,, Larisa Grigore , Ghennadi Procopciuc , Andrei Stefanescu , Radu Pirea , Matthias Brugger , Matthew Nunez , Phu Luu An , Stefan-Gabriel Mirea Subject: [PATCH v3 2/2] pinctrl: add NXP S32 SoC family support Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 15:32:32 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.37.3 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:400:2b0::14) To (2603:10a6:803:4::13) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: VI1PR0402MB3439:EE_|DU2PR04MB8917:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 83029a01-4fd7-4d51-cc01-08dae32599a7 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; 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This driver is mainly based on NXP's downstream implementation on CodeAurora[1]. [1] Signed-off-by: Matthew Nunez Signed-off-by: Phu Luu An Signed-off-by: Stefan-Gabriel Mirea Signed-off-by: Larisa Grigore Signed-off-by: Ghennadi Procopciuc Signed-off-by: Andrei Stefanescu Signed-off-by: Radu Pirea Signed-off-by: Chester Lin --- Changes in v3: - Rename pinctrl-s32g.c to pinctrl-s32g2.c - Adjust Kconfig options [menu-invisible] and names [S32G -> S32G2]. - Add .suppress_bind_attrs - Drop the .remove callback and replace the module_platform_driver() call with builtin_platform_driver() Changes in v2: - Create a s32_pin_range matrix in the driver for replacing the "nxp,pins" property in DT. - Refine the compatible name to "nxp,s32g2-siul2-pinctrl". - Fix the copyright requested by NXP. - Remove a few recipients from the Cc list since these email addresses are no longer available. drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Kconfig | 14 + drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Makefile | 2 + drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32.h | 76 ++ drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32cc.c | 983 ++++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32g2.c | 773 +++++++++++++++++ 5 files changed, 1848 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32.h create mode 100644 drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32cc.c create mode 100644 drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32g2.c diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Kconfig b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Kconfig index 7a32f77792d9..111d1529d95c 100644 --- a/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Kconfig @@ -217,3 +217,17 @@ config PINCTRL_IMXRT1170 select PINCTRL_IMX help Say Y here to enable the imxrt1170 pinctrl driver + +config PINCTRL_S32CC + bool + depends on ARCH_S32 && OF + select GENERIC_PINCTRL_GROUPS + select GENERIC_PINMUX_FUNCTIONS + select GENERIC_PINCONF + +config PINCTRL_S32G2 + depends on ARCH_S32 && OF + bool "NXP S32G2 pinctrl driver" + select PINCTRL_S32CC + help + Say Y here to enable the pinctrl driver for NXP S32G2 family SoCs diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Makefile b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Makefile index 647dff060477..2b26f5af6fc2 100644 --- a/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Makefile +++ b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/Makefile @@ -33,3 +33,5 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_PINCTRL_IMX25) += pinctrl-imx25.o obj-$(CONFIG_PINCTRL_IMX28) += pinctrl-imx28.o obj-$(CONFIG_PINCTRL_IMXRT1050) += pinctrl-imxrt1050.o obj-$(CONFIG_PINCTRL_IMXRT1170) += pinctrl-imxrt1170.o +obj-$(CONFIG_PINCTRL_S32CC) += pinctrl-s32cc.o +obj-$(CONFIG_PINCTRL_S32G2) += pinctrl-s32g2.o diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32.h b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5481d51686df --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32.h @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later + * + * S32 pinmux core definitions + * + * Copyright 2016-2020, 2022 NXP + * Copyright (C) 2022 SUSE LLC + * Copyright 2015-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. + * Copyright (C) 2012 Linaro Ltd. + */ + +#ifndef __DRIVERS_PINCTRL_S32_H +#define __DRIVERS_PINCTRL_S32_H + +struct platform_device; + +/** + * struct s32_pin_group - describes an S32 pin group + * @name: the name of this specific pin group + * @npins: the number of pins in this group array, i.e. the number of + * elements in pin_ids and pin_sss so we can iterate over that array + * @pin_ids: an array of pin IDs in this group + * @pin_sss: an array of source signal select configs paired with pin_ids + */ +struct s32_pin_group { + const char *name; + unsigned int npins; + unsigned int *pin_ids; + unsigned int *pin_sss; +}; + +/** + * struct s32_pmx_func - describes S32 pinmux functions + * @name: the name of this specific function + * @groups: corresponding pin groups + * @num_groups: the number of groups + */ +struct s32_pmx_func { + const char *name; + const char **groups; + unsigned int num_groups; +}; + +/** + * struct s32_pin_range - pin ID range for each memory region. + * @start: start pin ID + * @end: end pin ID + */ +struct s32_pin_range { + unsigned int start; + unsigned int end; +}; + +struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info { + struct device *dev; + const struct pinctrl_pin_desc *pins; + unsigned int npins; + struct s32_pin_group *groups; + unsigned int ngroups; + struct s32_pmx_func *functions; + unsigned int nfunctions; + unsigned int grp_index; + const struct s32_pin_range *mem_pin_ranges; + unsigned int mem_regions; +}; + +#define S32_PINCTRL_PIN(pin) PINCTRL_PIN(pin, #pin) +#define S32_PAD_CONFIG(idx) ((idx) * 4) +#define S32_PIN_RANGE(_start, _end) { .start = _start, .end = _end } + +int s32_pinctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev, + struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info); +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP +int s32_pinctrl_resume(struct device *dev); +int s32_pinctrl_suspend(struct device *dev); +#endif +#endif /* __DRIVERS_PINCTRL_S32_H */ diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32cc.c b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32cc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1ac1afa29993 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32cc.c @@ -0,0 +1,983 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later +/* + * Core driver for the S32 CC (Common Chassis) pin controller + * + * Copyright 2017-2022 NXP + * Copyright (C) 2022 SUSE LLC + * Copyright 2015-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../core.h" +#include "../pinconf.h" +#include "../pinctrl-utils.h" +#include "pinctrl-s32.h" + +#define S32CC_PIN_NO_SHIFT 4 + +#define S32_MSCR_SSS_MASK GENMASK(2, 0) +#define S32_MSCR_PUS BIT(12) +#define S32_MSCR_PUE BIT(13) +#define S32_MSCR_SRE(X) (((X) & GENMASK(3, 0)) << 14) +#define S32_MSCR_IBE BIT(19) +#define S32_MSCR_ODE BIT(20) +#define S32_MSCR_OBE BIT(21) + +static u32 get_pin_no(u32 pinmux) +{ + return pinmux >> S32CC_PIN_NO_SHIFT; +} + +static u32 get_pin_func(u32 pinmux) +{ + return pinmux & GENMASK(3, 0); +} + +struct s32_pinctrl_mem_region { + void __iomem *base; + const struct s32_pin_range *pin_range; +}; + +/* + * Holds pin configuration for GPIO's. + * @pin_id: Pin ID for this GPIO + * @config: Pin settings + * @list: Linked list entry for each gpio pin + */ +struct gpio_pin_config { + unsigned int pin_id; + unsigned int config; + struct list_head list; +}; + +/* + * Pad config save/restore for power suspend/resume. + */ +struct s32_pinctrl_context { + unsigned long *pads; +}; + +/* + * @dev: a pointer back to containing device + * @pctl: a pointer to the pinctrl device structure + * @regions: reserved memory regions with start/end pin + * @info: structure containing information about the pin + * @gpio_configs: Saved configurations for GPIO pins + * @gpiop_configs_lock: lock for the `gpio_configs` list + * @s32_pinctrl_context: Configuration saved over system sleep + * @reg_lock: lock for the `mscr/imcrs` registers + */ +struct s32_pinctrl { + struct device *dev; + struct pinctrl_dev *pctl; + struct s32_pinctrl_mem_region *regions; + struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info; + struct list_head gpio_configs; + spinlock_t gpio_configs_lock; +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP + struct s32_pinctrl_context saved_context; +#endif + spinlock_t reg_lock; +}; + +static struct s32_pinctrl_mem_region * +s32_get_region(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned int pin) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pin_range *pin_range; + unsigned int mem_regions = ipctl->info->mem_regions; + unsigned int i; + + for (i = 0; i < mem_regions; ++i) { + pin_range = ipctl->regions[i].pin_range; + if (pin >= pin_range->start && pin <= pin_range->end) + return &ipctl->regions[i]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static inline int s32_check_pin(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin) +{ + return s32_get_region(pctldev, pin) ? 0 : -EINVAL; +} + +static inline int s32_pinctrl_readl_nolock(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin, + unsigned long *config) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl_mem_region *region; + unsigned int offset; + + region = s32_get_region(pctldev, pin); + if (!region) + return -EINVAL; + + offset = pin - region->pin_range->start; + + *config = readl(region->base + S32_PAD_CONFIG(offset)); + + return 0; +} + +static inline int s32_pinctrl_readl(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin, + unsigned long *config) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + unsigned long flags; + int ret; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&ipctl->reg_lock, flags); + ret = s32_pinctrl_readl_nolock(pctldev, pin, config); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ipctl->reg_lock, flags); + + return ret; +} + +static inline int s32_pinctrl_writel_nolock(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin, + unsigned long config) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl_mem_region *region; + unsigned int offset; + + region = s32_get_region(pctldev, pin); + if (!region) + return -EINVAL; + + offset = pin - region->pin_range->start; + + writel(config, region->base + S32_PAD_CONFIG(offset)); + + return 0; + +} + +static inline int s32_pinctrl_writel(unsigned long config, + struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + unsigned long flags; + int ret; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&ipctl->reg_lock, flags); + ret = s32_pinctrl_writel_nolock(pctldev, pin, config); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ipctl->reg_lock, flags); + + return ret; +} + +static int s32_get_groups_count(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + + return info->ngroups; +} + +static const char *s32_get_group_name(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int selector) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + + return info->groups[selector].name; +} + +static int s32_get_group_pins(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int selector, const unsigned int **pins, + unsigned int *npins) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + + *pins = info->groups[selector].pin_ids; + *npins = info->groups[selector].npins; + + return 0; +} + +static void s32_pin_dbg_show(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, struct seq_file *s, + unsigned int offset) +{ + seq_printf(s, "%s", dev_name(pctldev->dev)); +} + +static int s32_dt_group_node_to_map(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + struct device_node *np, + struct pinctrl_map **map, + unsigned int *reserved_maps, + unsigned int *num_maps, + const char *func_name) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + struct device *dev = ipctl->dev; + unsigned long *cfgs = NULL; + unsigned int n_cfgs, reserve = 1; + int n_pins, ret; + + n_pins = of_property_count_elems_of_size(np, "pinmux", sizeof(u32)); + if (n_pins < 0) { + dev_warn(dev, "Unable to find 'pinmux' property in node %s.\n", + np->name); + } else if (!n_pins) { + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret = pinconf_generic_parse_dt_config(np, pctldev, &cfgs, &n_cfgs); + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev, "%pOF: could not parse node property\n", np); + return ret; + } + + if (n_cfgs) + reserve++; + + ret = pinctrl_utils_reserve_map(pctldev, map, reserved_maps, num_maps, + reserve); + if (ret < 0) + goto free_cfgs; + + ret = pinctrl_utils_add_map_mux(pctldev, map, reserved_maps, num_maps, + np->name, func_name); + if (ret < 0) + goto free_cfgs; + + if (n_cfgs) { + ret = pinctrl_utils_add_map_configs(pctldev, map, reserved_maps, + num_maps, np->name, cfgs, n_cfgs, + PIN_MAP_TYPE_CONFIGS_GROUP); + if (ret < 0) + goto free_cfgs; + } + +free_cfgs: + kfree(cfgs); + return ret; +} + +static int s32_dt_node_to_map(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + struct device_node *np_config, + struct pinctrl_map **map, + unsigned int *num_maps) +{ + unsigned int reserved_maps; + struct device_node *np; + int ret = 0; + + reserved_maps = 0; + *map = NULL; + *num_maps = 0; + + for_each_available_child_of_node(np_config, np) { + ret = s32_dt_group_node_to_map(pctldev, np, map, + &reserved_maps, num_maps, + np_config->name); + if (ret < 0) + break; + } + + if (ret) + pinctrl_utils_free_map(pctldev, *map, *num_maps); + + return ret; + +} + +static const struct pinctrl_ops s32_pctrl_ops = { + .get_groups_count = s32_get_groups_count, + .get_group_name = s32_get_group_name, + .get_group_pins = s32_get_group_pins, + .pin_dbg_show = s32_pin_dbg_show, + .dt_node_to_map = s32_dt_node_to_map, + .dt_free_map = pinctrl_utils_free_map, +}; + +static int s32_update_pin_mscr(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned int pin, + unsigned long mask, unsigned long new_mask) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + unsigned long config, flags; + int ret; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&ipctl->reg_lock, flags); + + ret = s32_pinctrl_readl_nolock(pctldev, pin, &config); + if (ret) + goto unlock; + + config &= ~mask; + config |= new_mask; + + ret = s32_pinctrl_writel_nolock(pctldev, pin, config); + if (ret) + goto unlock; + +unlock: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ipctl->reg_lock, flags); + + return ret; +} + +static int s32_pmx_set(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned int selector, + unsigned int group) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + int i, ret; + struct s32_pin_group *grp; + + /* + * Configure the mux mode for each pin in the group for a specific + * function. + */ + grp = &info->groups[group]; + + dev_dbg(ipctl->dev, "set mux for function %s group %s\n", + info->functions[selector].name, grp->name); + + /* Check beforehand so we don't have a partial config. */ + for (i = 0; i < grp->npins; ++i) { + if (s32_check_pin(pctldev, grp->pin_ids[i]) != 0) { + dev_err(info->dev, "invalid pin: %d in group: %d\n", + grp->pin_ids[i], group); + return -EINVAL; + } + } + + for (i = 0, ret = 0; i < grp->npins && !ret; ++i) { + ret = s32_update_pin_mscr(pctldev, grp->pin_ids[i], + S32_MSCR_SSS_MASK, grp->pin_sss[i]); + } + + return ret; +} + +static int s32_pmx_get_funcs_count(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + + return info->nfunctions; +} + +static const char *s32_pmx_get_func_name(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int selector) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + + return info->functions[selector].name; +} + +static int s32_pmx_get_groups(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int selector, + const char * const **groups, + unsigned int * const num_groups) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + + *groups = info->functions[selector].groups; + *num_groups = info->functions[selector].num_groups; + + return 0; +} + +static int s32_pmx_gpio_request_enable(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + struct pinctrl_gpio_range *range, + unsigned int offset) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + unsigned long config; + struct gpio_pin_config *gpio_pin; + unsigned long flags; + int ret; + + ret = s32_pinctrl_readl(pctldev, offset, &config); + if (ret != 0) + return -EINVAL; + + /* Save current configuration */ + gpio_pin = kmalloc(sizeof(*gpio_pin), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!gpio_pin) + return -ENOMEM; + + gpio_pin->pin_id = offset; + gpio_pin->config = config; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&ipctl->gpio_configs_lock, flags); + list_add(&(gpio_pin->list), &(ipctl->gpio_configs)); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ipctl->gpio_configs_lock, flags); + + /* GPIO pin means SSS = 0 */ + config &= ~S32_MSCR_SSS_MASK; + + return s32_pinctrl_writel(config, pctldev, offset); +} + +static void s32_pmx_gpio_disable_free(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + struct pinctrl_gpio_range *range, + unsigned int offset) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + struct list_head *pos, *tmp; + struct gpio_pin_config *gpio_pin; + unsigned long flags; + int ret; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&ipctl->gpio_configs_lock, flags); + + list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, &ipctl->gpio_configs) { + gpio_pin = list_entry(pos, struct gpio_pin_config, list); + + if (gpio_pin->pin_id == offset) { + ret = s32_pinctrl_writel(gpio_pin->config, pctldev, + gpio_pin->pin_id); + if (ret != 0) + goto unlock; + + list_del(pos); + kfree(gpio_pin); + break; + } + } + +unlock: + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ipctl->gpio_configs_lock, flags); +} + +static int s32_pmx_gpio_set_direction(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + struct pinctrl_gpio_range *range, + unsigned int offset, + bool input) +{ + unsigned long config; + int ret; + + ret = s32_pinctrl_readl(pctldev, offset, &config); + if (ret != 0) + return -EINVAL; + + if (input) { + /* Disable output buffer and enable input buffer */ + config &= ~S32_MSCR_OBE; + config |= S32_MSCR_IBE; + } else { + /* Disable input buffer and enable output buffer */ + config &= ~S32_MSCR_IBE; + config |= S32_MSCR_OBE; + } + + return s32_pinctrl_writel(config, pctldev, offset); +} + +static const struct pinmux_ops s32_pmx_ops = { + .get_functions_count = s32_pmx_get_funcs_count, + .get_function_name = s32_pmx_get_func_name, + .get_function_groups = s32_pmx_get_groups, + .set_mux = s32_pmx_set, + .gpio_request_enable = s32_pmx_gpio_request_enable, + .gpio_disable_free = s32_pmx_gpio_disable_free, + .gpio_set_direction = s32_pmx_gpio_set_direction, +}; + +static int s32_pinconf_get(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin_id, + unsigned long *config) +{ + int ret = s32_pinctrl_readl(pctldev, pin_id, config); + + if (ret) + return -EINVAL; + + return 0; +} + +static int s32_get_pin_conf(enum pin_config_param param, u32 arg, + unsigned long *mask, unsigned long *config) +{ + switch (param) { + /* All pins are persistent over suspend */ + case PIN_CONFIG_PERSIST_STATE: + return 0; + case PIN_CONFIG_DRIVE_OPEN_DRAIN: + *config |= S32_MSCR_ODE; + *mask |= S32_MSCR_ODE; + break; + case PIN_CONFIG_OUTPUT_ENABLE: + if (arg) + *config |= S32_MSCR_OBE; + else + *config &= ~S32_MSCR_OBE; + *mask |= S32_MSCR_OBE; + break; + case PIN_CONFIG_INPUT_ENABLE: + if (arg) + *config |= S32_MSCR_IBE; + else + *config &= ~S32_MSCR_IBE; + *mask |= S32_MSCR_IBE; + break; + case PIN_CONFIG_SLEW_RATE: + *config |= S32_MSCR_SRE(arg); + *mask |= S32_MSCR_SRE(~0); + break; + case PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_PULL_UP: + if (arg) + *config |= S32_MSCR_PUS; + else + *config &= ~S32_MSCR_PUS; + fallthrough; + case PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_PULL_DOWN: + if (arg) + *config |= S32_MSCR_PUE; + else + *config &= ~S32_MSCR_PUE; + *mask |= S32_MSCR_PUE | S32_MSCR_PUS; + break; + case PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_HIGH_IMPEDANCE: + *config &= ~(S32_MSCR_ODE | S32_MSCR_OBE | S32_MSCR_IBE); + *mask |= S32_MSCR_ODE | S32_MSCR_OBE | S32_MSCR_IBE; + fallthrough; + case PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_DISABLE: + *config &= ~(S32_MSCR_PUS | S32_MSCR_PUE); + *mask |= S32_MSCR_PUS | S32_MSCR_PUE; + break; + default: + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int s32_pinconf_mscr_modify_write(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin_id, + unsigned long *configs, + unsigned int num_configs, bool write) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + unsigned long config = 0, mask = 0; + int i, ret; + + if (s32_check_pin(pctldev, pin_id) != 0) + return -EINVAL; + + dev_dbg(ipctl->dev, "pinconf set pin %s with %d configs\n", + pin_get_name(pctldev, pin_id), num_configs); + + for (i = 0; i < num_configs; i++) { + ret = s32_get_pin_conf(pinconf_to_config_param(configs[i]), + pinconf_to_config_argument(configs[i]), + &mask, &config); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + /* If the MSCR configuration has to be written, + * the SSS field should not be touched. + */ + if (write) + mask = ~S32_MSCR_SSS_MASK; + + if (!config && !mask) + return 0; + + ret = s32_update_pin_mscr(pctldev, pin_id, mask, config); + + dev_dbg(ipctl->dev, "%s: pin %d cfg 0x%lx\n", + write ? "set" : "update", pin_id, config); + + return ret; +} + +static int s32_pinconf_mscr_write(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin_id, unsigned long *configs, + unsigned int num_configs) +{ + return s32_pinconf_mscr_modify_write(pctldev, pin_id, configs, + num_configs, true); +} + +static int s32_pinconf_mscr_modify(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin_id, unsigned long *configs, + unsigned int num_configs) +{ + return s32_pinconf_mscr_modify_write(pctldev, pin_id, configs, + num_configs, false); +} + +static int s32_pinconf_set(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + unsigned int pin_id, unsigned long *configs, + unsigned int num_configs) +{ + return s32_pinconf_mscr_modify(pctldev, pin_id, configs, num_configs); +} + +static int s32_pconf_group_set(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned int selector, + unsigned long *configs, unsigned int num_configs) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + struct s32_pin_group *grp; + int i, ret; + + grp = &info->groups[selector]; + for (i = 0; i < grp->npins; i++) { + ret = s32_pinconf_mscr_write(pctldev, grp->pin_ids[i], + configs, num_configs); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void s32_pinconf_dbg_show(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + struct seq_file *s, unsigned int pin_id) +{ + unsigned long config; + int ret = s32_pinctrl_readl(pctldev, pin_id, &config); + + if (!ret) + seq_printf(s, "0x%lx", config); +} + +static void s32_pinconf_group_dbg_show(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, + struct seq_file *s, unsigned int selector) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + struct s32_pin_group *grp; + unsigned long config; + const char *name; + int i, ret; + + seq_puts(s, "\n"); + grp = &info->groups[selector]; + for (i = 0; i < grp->npins; i++) { + name = pin_get_name(pctldev, grp->pin_ids[i]); + ret = s32_pinconf_get(pctldev, grp->pin_ids[i], &config); + if (ret) + return; + seq_printf(s, "%s: 0x%lx\n", name, config); + } +} + +static const struct pinconf_ops s32_pinconf_ops = { + .pin_config_get = s32_pinconf_get, + .pin_config_set = s32_pinconf_set, + .pin_config_group_set = s32_pconf_group_set, + .pin_config_dbg_show = s32_pinconf_dbg_show, + .pin_config_group_dbg_show = s32_pinconf_group_dbg_show, +}; + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP +static bool s32_pinctrl_should_save(struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl, + unsigned int pin) +{ + const struct pin_desc *pd = pin_desc_get(ipctl->pctl, pin); + + if (!pd) + return false; + + /* + * Only restore the pin if it is actually in use by the kernel (or + * by userspace). + */ + if (pd->mux_owner || pd->gpio_owner) + return true; + + return false; +} + +int s32_pinctrl_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev); + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + const struct pinctrl_pin_desc *pin; + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + struct s32_pinctrl_context *saved_context = &ipctl->saved_context; + int i; + int ret; + unsigned long config; + + for (i = 0; i < info->npins; i++) { + pin = &info->pins[i]; + + if (!s32_pinctrl_should_save(ipctl, pin->number)) + continue; + + ret = s32_pinctrl_readl(ipctl->pctl, pin->number, &config); + if (ret) + return -EINVAL; + + saved_context->pads[i] = config; + } + + return 0; +} + +int s32_pinctrl_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev); + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + const struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + const struct pinctrl_pin_desc *pin; + struct s32_pinctrl_context *saved_context = &ipctl->saved_context; + int ret, i; + + for (i = 0; i < info->npins; i++) { + pin = &info->pins[i]; + + if (!s32_pinctrl_should_save(ipctl, pin->number)) + continue; + + ret = s32_pinctrl_writel(saved_context->pads[i], + ipctl->pctl, pin->number); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} +#endif + +static void s32_pinctrl_parse_groups(struct device_node *np, + struct s32_pin_group *grp, + struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info) +{ + const __be32 *p; + struct device *dev; + struct property *prop; + int i, npins; + u32 pinmux; + + dev = info->dev; + + dev_dbg(dev, "group: %s\n", np->name); + + /* Initialise group */ + grp->name = np->name; + + npins = of_property_count_elems_of_size(np, "pinmux", sizeof(u32)); + + if (npins < 0) { + dev_err(dev, "Failed to read 'pinmux' property in node %s.\n", + np->name); + return; + } + if (!npins) { + dev_err(dev, "The group %s has no pins.\n", np->name); + return; + } + + grp->npins = npins; + + grp->pin_ids = devm_kcalloc(info->dev, grp->npins, + sizeof(unsigned int), GFP_KERNEL); + grp->pin_sss = devm_kcalloc(info->dev, grp->npins, + sizeof(unsigned int), GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!grp->pin_ids || !grp->pin_sss) { + dev_err(dev, "Failed to allocate memory for the group %s.\n", + np->name); + return; + } + + i = 0; + of_property_for_each_u32(np, "pinmux", prop, p, pinmux) { + grp->pin_ids[i] = get_pin_no(pinmux); + grp->pin_sss[i] = get_pin_func(pinmux); + + dev_dbg(info->dev, "pin-id: 0x%x, sss: 0x%x", + grp->pin_ids[i], grp->pin_sss[i]); + i++; + } +} + +static void s32_pinctrl_parse_functions(struct device_node *np, + struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info, + u32 index) +{ + struct device_node *child; + struct s32_pmx_func *func; + struct s32_pin_group *grp; + u32 i = 0; + + dev_dbg(info->dev, "parse function(%d): %s\n", index, np->name); + + func = &info->functions[index]; + + /* Initialise function */ + func->name = np->name; + func->num_groups = of_get_child_count(np); + if (func->num_groups == 0) { + dev_err(info->dev, "no groups defined in %s\n", np->full_name); + return; + } + func->groups = devm_kzalloc(info->dev, + func->num_groups * sizeof(char *), GFP_KERNEL); + + for_each_child_of_node(np, child) { + func->groups[i] = child->name; + grp = &info->groups[info->grp_index++]; + s32_pinctrl_parse_groups(child, grp, info); + i++; + } +} + +static int s32_pinctrl_probe_dt(struct platform_device *pdev, + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info; + struct device_node *np = pdev->dev.of_node; + struct device_node *child; + struct resource *res; + int mem_regions = info->mem_regions; + u32 nfuncs = 0; + u32 i = 0; + + if (!np) + return -ENODEV; + + if (mem_regions == 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "mem_regions is 0\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ipctl->regions = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, + mem_regions * sizeof(*(ipctl->regions)), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ipctl->regions) + return -ENOMEM; + + for (i = 0; i < mem_regions; ++i) { + res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, i); + if (!res) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "reg index:%u not found\n", i); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ipctl->regions[i].base = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res); + if (IS_ERR(ipctl->regions[i].base)) + return PTR_ERR(ipctl->regions[i].base); + + ipctl->regions[i].pin_range = &info->mem_pin_ranges[i]; + } + + nfuncs = of_get_child_count(np); + if (nfuncs <= 0) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no functions defined\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + info->nfunctions = nfuncs; + info->functions = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, + nfuncs * sizeof(struct s32_pmx_func), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!info->functions) + return -ENOMEM; + + info->ngroups = 0; + for_each_child_of_node(np, child) + info->ngroups += of_get_child_count(child); + info->groups = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, + info->ngroups * sizeof(struct s32_pin_group), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!info->groups) + return -ENOMEM; + + i = 0; + for_each_child_of_node(np, child) + s32_pinctrl_parse_functions(child, info, i++); + + return 0; +} + +int s32_pinctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev, + struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *info) +{ + struct s32_pinctrl *ipctl; + int ret; + struct pinctrl_desc *s32_pinctrl_desc; +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP + struct s32_pinctrl_context *saved_context; +#endif + + if (!info || !info->pins || !info->npins) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "wrong pinctrl info\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + info->dev = &pdev->dev; + + /* Create state holders etc for this driver */ + ipctl = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*ipctl), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!ipctl) + return -ENOMEM; + + ipctl->info = info; + ipctl->dev = info->dev; + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, ipctl); + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ipctl->gpio_configs); + spin_lock_init(&ipctl->gpio_configs_lock); + spin_lock_init(&ipctl->reg_lock); + + s32_pinctrl_desc = + devm_kmalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*s32_pinctrl_desc), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!s32_pinctrl_desc) + return -ENOMEM; + + s32_pinctrl_desc->name = dev_name(&pdev->dev); + s32_pinctrl_desc->pins = info->pins; + s32_pinctrl_desc->npins = info->npins; + s32_pinctrl_desc->pctlops = &s32_pctrl_ops; + s32_pinctrl_desc->pmxops = &s32_pmx_ops; + s32_pinctrl_desc->confops = &s32_pinconf_ops; + s32_pinctrl_desc->owner = THIS_MODULE; + + ret = s32_pinctrl_probe_dt(pdev, ipctl); + if (ret) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "fail to probe dt properties\n"); + return ret; + } + + ipctl->pctl = devm_pinctrl_register(&pdev->dev, s32_pinctrl_desc, + ipctl); + + if (IS_ERR(ipctl->pctl)) { + dev_err(&pdev->dev, "could not register s32 pinctrl driver\n"); + return PTR_ERR(ipctl->pctl); + } + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP + saved_context = &ipctl->saved_context; + saved_context->pads = + devm_kcalloc(&pdev->dev, info->npins, + sizeof(*saved_context->pads), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!saved_context->pads) + return -ENOMEM; +#endif + + dev_info(&pdev->dev, "initialized s32 pinctrl driver\n"); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32g2.c b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32g2.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7dd0b4f8904d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/pinctrl/freescale/pinctrl-s32g2.c @@ -0,0 +1,773 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later +/* + * NXP S32G pinctrl driver + * + * Copyright 2015-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. + * Copyright 2017-2018, 2020-2022 NXP + * Copyright (C) 2022 SUSE LLC + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "pinctrl-s32.h" + +enum s32_pins { + S32G_MSCR_PA_00 = 0, + S32G_MSCR_PA_01 = 1, + S32G_MSCR_PA_02 = 2, + S32G_MSCR_PA_03 = 3, + S32G_MSCR_PA_04 = 4, + S32G_MSCR_PA_05 = 5, + S32G_MSCR_PA_06 = 6, + S32G_MSCR_PA_07 = 7, + S32G_MSCR_PA_08 = 8, + S32G_MSCR_PA_09 = 9, + S32G_MSCR_PA_10 = 10, + S32G_MSCR_PA_11 = 11, + S32G_MSCR_PA_12 = 12, + S32G_MSCR_PA_13 = 13, + S32G_MSCR_PA_14 = 14, + S32G_MSCR_PA_15 = 15, + S32G_MSCR_PB_00 = 16, + S32G_MSCR_PB_01 = 17, + S32G_MSCR_PB_02 = 18, + S32G_MSCR_PB_03 = 19, + S32G_MSCR_PB_04 = 20, + S32G_MSCR_PB_05 = 21, + S32G_MSCR_PB_06 = 22, + S32G_MSCR_PB_07 = 23, + S32G_MSCR_PB_08 = 24, + S32G_MSCR_PB_09 = 25, + S32G_MSCR_PB_10 = 26, + S32G_MSCR_PB_11 = 27, + S32G_MSCR_PB_12 = 28, + S32G_MSCR_PB_13 = 29, + S32G_MSCR_PB_14 = 30, + S32G_MSCR_PB_15 = 31, + S32G_MSCR_PC_00 = 32, + S32G_MSCR_PC_01 = 33, + S32G_MSCR_PC_02 = 34, + S32G_MSCR_PC_03 = 35, + S32G_MSCR_PC_04 = 36, + S32G_MSCR_PC_05 = 37, + S32G_MSCR_PC_06 = 38, + S32G_MSCR_PC_07 = 39, + S32G_MSCR_PC_08 = 40, + S32G_MSCR_PC_09 = 41, + S32G_MSCR_PC_10 = 42, + S32G_MSCR_PC_11 = 43, + S32G_MSCR_PC_12 = 44, + S32G_MSCR_PC_13 = 45, + S32G_MSCR_PC_14 = 46, + S32G_MSCR_PC_15 = 47, + S32G_MSCR_PD_00 = 48, + S32G_MSCR_PD_01 = 49, + S32G_MSCR_PD_02 = 50, + S32G_MSCR_PD_03 = 51, + S32G_MSCR_PD_04 = 52, + S32G_MSCR_PD_05 = 53, + S32G_MSCR_PD_06 = 54, + S32G_MSCR_PD_07 = 55, + S32G_MSCR_PD_08 = 56, + S32G_MSCR_PD_09 = 57, + S32G_MSCR_PD_10 = 58, + S32G_MSCR_PD_11 = 59, + S32G_MSCR_PD_12 = 60, + S32G_MSCR_PD_13 = 61, + S32G_MSCR_PD_14 = 62, + S32G_MSCR_PD_15 = 63, + S32G_MSCR_PE_00 = 64, + S32G_MSCR_PE_01 = 65, + S32G_MSCR_PE_02 = 66, + S32G_MSCR_PE_03 = 67, + S32G_MSCR_PE_04 = 68, + S32G_MSCR_PE_05 = 69, + S32G_MSCR_PE_06 = 70, + S32G_MSCR_PE_07 = 71, + S32G_MSCR_PE_08 = 72, + S32G_MSCR_PE_09 = 73, + S32G_MSCR_PE_10 = 74, + S32G_MSCR_PE_11 = 75, + S32G_MSCR_PE_12 = 76, + S32G_MSCR_PE_13 = 77, + S32G_MSCR_PE_14 = 78, + S32G_MSCR_PE_15 = 79, + S32G_MSCR_PF_00 = 80, + S32G_MSCR_PF_01 = 81, + S32G_MSCR_PF_02 = 82, + S32G_MSCR_PF_03 = 83, + S32G_MSCR_PF_04 = 84, + S32G_MSCR_PF_05 = 85, + S32G_MSCR_PF_06 = 86, + S32G_MSCR_PF_07 = 87, + S32G_MSCR_PF_08 = 88, + S32G_MSCR_PF_09 = 89, + S32G_MSCR_PF_10 = 90, + S32G_MSCR_PF_11 = 91, + S32G_MSCR_PF_12 = 92, + S32G_MSCR_PF_13 = 93, + S32G_MSCR_PF_14 = 94, + S32G_MSCR_PF_15 = 95, + S32G_MSCR_PG_00 = 96, + S32G_MSCR_PG_01 = 97, + S32G_MSCR_PG_02 = 98, + S32G_MSCR_PG_03 = 99, + S32G_MSCR_PG_04 = 100, + S32G_MSCR_PG_05 = 101, + S32G_MSCR_PH_00 = 112, + S32G_MSCR_PH_01 = 113, + S32G_MSCR_PH_02 = 114, + S32G_MSCR_PH_03 = 115, + S32G_MSCR_PH_04 = 116, + S32G_MSCR_PH_05 = 117, + S32G_MSCR_PH_06 = 118, + S32G_MSCR_PH_07 = 119, + S32G_MSCR_PH_08 = 120, + S32G_MSCR_PH_09 = 121, + S32G_MSCR_PH_10 = 122, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_00 = 144, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_01 = 145, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_02 = 146, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_03 = 147, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_04 = 148, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_05 = 149, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_06 = 150, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_07 = 151, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_08 = 152, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_09 = 153, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_10 = 154, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_11 = 155, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_12 = 156, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_13 = 157, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_14 = 158, + S32G_MSCR_PJ_15 = 159, + S32G_MSCR_PK_00 = 160, + S32G_MSCR_PK_01 = 161, + S32G_MSCR_PK_02 = 162, + S32G_MSCR_PK_03 = 163, + S32G_MSCR_PK_04 = 164, + S32G_MSCR_PK_05 = 165, + S32G_MSCR_PK_06 = 166, + S32G_MSCR_PK_07 = 167, + S32G_MSCR_PK_08 = 168, + S32G_MSCR_PK_09 = 169, + S32G_MSCR_PK_10 = 170, + S32G_MSCR_PK_11 = 171, + S32G_MSCR_PK_12 = 172, + S32G_MSCR_PK_13 = 173, + S32G_MSCR_PK_14 = 174, + S32G_MSCR_PK_15 = 175, + S32G_MSCR_PL_00 = 176, + S32G_MSCR_PL_01 = 177, + S32G_MSCR_PL_02 = 178, + S32G_MSCR_PL_03 = 179, + S32G_MSCR_PL_04 = 180, + S32G_MSCR_PL_05 = 181, + S32G_MSCR_PL_06 = 182, + S32G_MSCR_PL_07 = 183, + S32G_MSCR_PL_08 = 184, + S32G_MSCR_PL_09 = 185, + S32G_MSCR_PL_10 = 186, + S32G_MSCR_PL_11 = 187, + S32G_MSCR_PL_12 = 188, + S32G_MSCR_PL_13 = 189, + S32G_MSCR_PL_14 = 190, + + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA0 = 540, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA1 = 541, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA2 = 542, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA3 = 543, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA4 = 544, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA5 = 545, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA6 = 546, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA7 = 547, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_DQS_A = 548, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA0 = 552, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA1 = 554, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA2 = 551, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA3 = 553, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA4 = 557, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA5 = 550, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA6 = 556, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA7 = 555, + S32G_IMCR_QSPI_DQS_B = 558, + S32G_IMCR_BOOT_BOOTMOD0 = 560, + S32G_IMCR_BOOT_BOOTMOD1 = 561, + S32G_IMCR_I2C0_SCL = 566, + S32G_IMCR_I2C0_SDA = 565, + S32G_IMCR_LIN0_RX = 512, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_CMD = 515, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT0 = 516, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT1 = 517, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT2 = 520, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT3 = 521, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT4 = 522, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT5 = 523, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT6 = 519, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT7 = 518, + S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DQS = 524, + S32G_IMCR_CAN0_RXD = 513, + S32G_IMCR_CAN1_RXD = 631, + S32G_IMCR_CAN2_RXD = 632, + S32G_IMCR_CAN3_RXD = 633, + /* GMAC0 */ + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_MDIO = 527, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_CRS = 526, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_COL = 525, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_D0 = 531, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_D1 = 532, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_D2 = 533, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_D3 = 534, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_ER = 528, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_CLK = 529, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_DV = 530, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_TX_CLK = 538, + S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_REF_CLK = 535, + /* PFE EMAC 0 MII */ + /* PFE EMAC 1 MII */ + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_MDIO = 857, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_CRS = 856, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_COL = 855, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_D0 = 861, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_D1 = 862, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_D2 = 863, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_D3 = 864, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_ER = 860, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_CLK = 859, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_DV = 865, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_TX_CLK = 866, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_REF_CLK = 858, + /* PFE EMAC 2 MII */ + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_MDIO = 877, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_CRS = 876, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_COL = 875, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_D0 = 881, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_D1 = 882, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_D2 = 883, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_D3 = 884, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_ER = 880, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_CLK = 879, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_DV = 885, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_TX_CLK = 886, + S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_REF_CLK = 878, + + S32G_IMCR_FlexRay0_A_RX = 785, + S32G_IMCR_FlexRay0_B_RX = 786, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH0 = 655, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH0 = 665, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH1 = 656, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH1 = 666, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH2 = 657, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH2 = 667, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH3 = 658, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH3 = 668, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH4 = 659, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH4 = 669, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH5 = 660, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH5 = 670, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_EXTCLK = 661, + S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_EXTCLK = 671, + S32G_IMCR_I2C1_SCL = 717, + S32G_IMCR_I2C1_SDA = 718, + S32G_IMCR_I2C2_SCL = 719, + S32G_IMCR_I2C2_SDA = 720, + S32G_IMCR_I2C3_SCL = 721, + S32G_IMCR_I2C3_SDA = 722, + S32G_IMCR_I2C4_SCL = 723, + S32G_IMCR_I2C4_SDA = 724, + S32G_IMCR_LIN1_RX = 736, + S32G_IMCR_LIN2_RX = 737, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI0_PCS0 = 980, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI0_SCK = 981, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI0_SIN = 982, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI1_PCS0 = 985, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI1_SCK = 986, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI1_SIN = 987, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI2_PCS0 = 990, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI2_SCK = 991, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI2_SIN = 992, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI3_PCS0 = 995, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI3_SCK = 996, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI3_SIN = 997, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI4_PCS0 = 1000, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI4_SCK = 1001, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI4_SIN = 1002, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI5_PCS0 = 1005, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI5_SCK = 1006, + S32G_IMCR_DSPI5_SIN = 1007, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN0_RXD = 745, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN1_RXD = 746, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN2_RXD = 747, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN3_RXD = 748, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN4_RXD = 749, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN5_RXD = 750, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN6_RXD = 751, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN7_RXD = 752, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN8_RXD = 753, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN9_RXD = 754, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN10_RXD = 755, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN11_RXD = 756, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN12_RXD = 757, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN13_RXD = 758, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN14_RXD = 759, + S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN15_RXD = 760, + S32G_IMCR_USB_CLK = 895, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA0 = 896, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA1 = 897, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA2 = 898, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA3 = 899, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA4 = 900, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA5 = 901, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA6 = 902, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA7 = 903, + S32G_IMCR_USB_DIR = 904, + S32G_IMCR_USB_NXT = 905, + + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ0 = 910, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ1 = 911, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ2 = 912, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ3 = 913, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ4 = 914, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ5 = 915, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ6 = 916, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ7 = 917, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ8 = 918, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ9 = 919, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ10 = 920, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ11 = 921, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ12 = 922, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ13 = 923, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ14 = 924, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ15 = 925, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ16 = 926, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ17 = 927, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ18 = 928, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ19 = 929, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ20 = 930, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ21 = 931, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ22 = 932, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ23 = 933, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ24 = 934, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ25 = 935, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ26 = 936, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ27 = 937, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ28 = 938, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ29 = 939, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ30 = 940, + S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ31 = 941, +}; + +/* Pad names for the pinmux subsystem */ +static const struct pinctrl_pin_desc s32_pinctrl_pads_siul2[] = { + + /* SIUL2_0 pins. */ + + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PA_15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PB_15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PC_15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PD_15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PE_15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PF_15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PG_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PG_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PG_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PG_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PG_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PG_05), + + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA4), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA5), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA6), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_A_DATA7), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_DQS_A), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA4), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA5), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA6), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_B_DATA7), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_QSPI_DQS_B), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C0_SCL), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C0_SDA), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LIN0_RX), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_CMD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT4), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT5), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT6), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DAT7), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USDHC_DQS), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_CAN0_RXD), + /* GMAC0 */ + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_MDIO), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_CRS), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_COL), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_D0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_D1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_D2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_D3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_ER), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_RX_DV), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_TX_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_Ethernet_REF_CLK), + + /* SIUL2_1 pins. */ + + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PH_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PJ_15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PK_15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_00), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_01), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_02), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_03), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_04), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_05), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_06), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_07), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_08), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_09), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_MSCR_PL_14), + + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexRay0_A_RX), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexRay0_B_RX), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH4), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH4), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_CH5), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_CH5), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer0_EXTCLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_FlexTimer1_EXTCLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C1_SCL), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C1_SDA), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C2_SCL), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C2_SDA), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C3_SCL), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C3_SDA), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C4_SCL), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_I2C4_SDA), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LIN1_RX), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LIN2_RX), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI0_PCS0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI0_SCK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI0_SIN), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI1_PCS0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI1_SCK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI1_SIN), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI2_PCS0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI2_SCK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI2_SIN), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI3_PCS0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI3_SCK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI3_SIN), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI4_PCS0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI4_SCK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI4_SIN), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI5_PCS0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI5_SCK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_DSPI5_SIN), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN0_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN1_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN2_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN3_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN4_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN5_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN6_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN7_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN8_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN9_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN10_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN11_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN12_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN13_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN14_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_LLCE_CAN15_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_CAN1_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_CAN2_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_CAN3_RXD), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA4), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA5), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA6), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DATA7), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_DIR), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_USB_NXT), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_MDIO), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_CRS), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_COL), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_D0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_D1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_D2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_D3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_ER), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_RX_DV), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_TX_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_1_REF_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_MDIO), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_CRS), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_COL), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_D0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_D1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_D2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_D3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_ER), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_RX_DV), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_TX_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_PFE_EMAC_2_REF_CLK), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ0), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ1), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ2), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ3), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ4), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ5), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ6), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ7), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ8), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ9), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ10), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ11), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ12), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ13), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ14), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ15), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ16), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ17), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ18), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ19), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ20), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ21), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ22), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ23), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ24), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ25), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ26), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ27), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ28), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ29), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ30), + S32_PINCTRL_PIN(S32G_IMCR_SIUL_EIRQ31), +}; + +static const struct s32_pin_range s32_pin_ranges_siul2[] = { + /* MSCR pin ID ranges */ + S32_PIN_RANGE(0, 101), + S32_PIN_RANGE(112, 122), + S32_PIN_RANGE(144, 190), + /* IMCR pin ID ranges */ + S32_PIN_RANGE(512, 595), + S32_PIN_RANGE(631, 909), + S32_PIN_RANGE(942, 1007), +}; + +static struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info s32_pinctrl_info = { + .pins = s32_pinctrl_pads_siul2, + .npins = ARRAY_SIZE(s32_pinctrl_pads_siul2), + .mem_pin_ranges = s32_pin_ranges_siul2, + .mem_regions = ARRAY_SIZE(s32_pin_ranges_siul2), +}; + +static const struct of_device_id s32_pinctrl_of_match[] = { + { + + .compatible = "nxp,s32g2-siul2-pinctrl", + .data = (void *) &s32_pinctrl_info, + }, + { /* sentinel */ } +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, s32_pinctrl_of_match); + +static int s32g_pinctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + const struct of_device_id *of_id = + of_match_device(s32_pinctrl_of_match, &pdev->dev); + + if (!of_id) + return -ENODEV; + + return s32_pinctrl_probe + (pdev, (struct s32_pinctrl_soc_info *) of_id->data); +} + +static const struct dev_pm_ops s32g_pinctrl_pm_ops = { + SET_LATE_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS(s32_pinctrl_suspend, + s32_pinctrl_resume) +}; + +static struct platform_driver s32g_pinctrl_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = "s32g-siul2-pinctrl", + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .of_match_table = s32_pinctrl_of_match, + .pm = &s32g_pinctrl_pm_ops, + .suppress_bind_attrs = true, + }, + .probe = s32g_pinctrl_probe, +}; + +builtin_platform_driver(s32g_pinctrl_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Matthew Nunez "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("NXP S32G pinctrl driver"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");