From patchwork Mon Jul 4 13:42:10 2022 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ioana Ciornei X-Patchwork-Id: 587238 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6F67BC433EF for ; Mon, 4 Jul 2022 13:42:58 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S234684AbiGDNm5 (ORCPT ); Mon, 4 Jul 2022 09:42:57 -0400 Received: from ([]:49926 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S234683AbiGDNmy (ORCPT ); Mon, 4 Jul 2022 09:42:54 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 8378610BA for ; Mon, 4 Jul 2022 06:42:53 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=OG09VECdgNsf5ff/LUyn+J+58i5LWcd/zVA0Wkjr8J3ANJ4IiBxqaKoTCtbxUOMeDt/gg68pYSWTqBz3qmkeHqimx0NaIpI8O3RY16P5X9O2bkJQeCI7vdIk/WDVvUM5WWI0K/mtczPlzglZgVto/9phlwkjkPSKgma8Zf4CcpbU1opEMQKRCSigyWr2M4kiiW7na1cWrJHNc/J+1+khldeHMffHWZaAdVmcGXDV2GhyawzR9U8KWYRgRjgbz7bhF8ocyEPMU5CycDRL2qrhP3B1Ekqbnb+dW9hDmwjogTXfhRXM22ujt+AAuoWvL4BIKSh5Ac2f6YFbay5eYhCrbw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=7CdgqY2GUSOfcTZoX9EnWPtU8xHS6k7EAicMP1xcu30=; b=G4xnF005JJagTwnuqNdnIDfDoBetTpE/T6t2oZhD6c4LQH3piUPQ3LnYxKP63zcqgtUi6IKXUc+6DjjHLQXpJQvFaBmy/Hjd0rboKKA5IyFvsI86iWdQqZ9C+wMP3/D/bkds5wU0uPmP4/KwNWMKWCazmMRsOPZIlo+1t9Daa8638jPzi+VQtPG2b5E5VyRiqKAmU8HUAP2vP+T7RRFaMxFBh1cpxhzYT0F1QOaCKOtIW+DhTbugAtzeFqTDO54yoSD+xrNhV7UkErYoOU6n9HiPDpsoZ6s7OBZ4y9ldyivSYJ+7S55Xdqpxk3JxkTO/rIjbfXlQImFzgNyZoKizkA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=7CdgqY2GUSOfcTZoX9EnWPtU8xHS6k7EAicMP1xcu30=; b=Dh0rno2CLixfMSJ290z8W3xC7CQR50EBggc+AjxPTSW8vlu89twxyrajUQteGhZdRgQEB/EItlWBPtsY294ra9E1dhiEeRWa74iDt5J5jxGksl3rVfql9rKjVEe8/wz15onC3lDMw+fONoguTPUmSGW0O8aDexai44letfHSlDE= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:150:1e::22) by (2603:10a6:20b:c::26) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.5395.20; Mon, 4 Jul 2022 13:42:50 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::4c14:c403:a8a4:b4e4]) by ([fe80::4c14:c403:a8a4:b4e4%5]) with mapi id 15.20.5373.018; Mon, 4 Jul 2022 13:42:50 +0000 From: Ioana Ciornei To:,,, Cc:,,, Ioana Ciornei Subject: [PATCH v2 net-next 1/4] dt-bindings: net: convert sff, sfp to dtschema Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2022 16:42:10 +0300 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: FR3P281CA0071.DEUP281.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:d10:4b::7) To (2603:10a6:150:1e::22) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: b7f67ad1-900d-4477-cb6a-08da5dc31602 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: AM6PR04MB5141:EE_ X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230016)(4636009)(396003)(39860400002)(366004)(376002)(346002)(136003)(186003)(52116002)(26005)(6666004)(2906002)(6506007)(1076003)(2616005)(41300700001)(6512007)(86362001)(38100700002)(83380400001)(38350700002)(6486002)(66946007)(36756003)(8676002)(66556008)(66476007)(44832011)(4326008)(5660300002)(316002)(8936002)(478600001); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: b7f67ad1-900d-4477-cb6a-08da5dc31602 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 04 Jul 2022 13:42:50.5163 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 686ea1d3-bc2b-4c6f-a92c-d99c5c301635 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: lJtv7XfF7Hh+gL3AsyCeKAOHdTFlvPXndTyy9sbZj5C1iHV0bC+Igzl+PASff6BDJefPqJu7eT/xjACtCVClww== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: AM6PR04MB5141 Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: Convert the sff,sfp.txt bindings to the DT schema format. Also add the new path to the list of maintained files. Signed-off-by: Ioana Ciornei --- Changes in v2: - used the -gpios suffix - restricted the use of some gpios if the compatible is sff,sff .../devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.txt | 85 ----------- .../devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.yaml | 143 ++++++++++++++++++ MAINTAINERS | 1 + 3 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.txt create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.yaml diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 832139919f20..000000000000 --- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -Small Form Factor (SFF) Committee Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) -Transceiver - -Required properties: - -- compatible : must be one of - "sff,sfp" for SFP modules - "sff,sff" for soldered down SFF modules - -- i2c-bus : phandle of an I2C bus controller for the SFP two wire serial - interface - -Optional Properties: - -- mod-def0-gpios : GPIO phandle and a specifier of the MOD-DEF0 (AKA Mod_ABS) - module presence input gpio signal, active (module absent) high. Must - not be present for SFF modules - -- los-gpios : GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Receiver Loss of Signal - Indication input gpio signal, active (signal lost) high - -- tx-fault-gpios : GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Module Transmitter - Fault input gpio signal, active (fault condition) high - -- tx-disable-gpios : GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Transmitter Disable - output gpio signal, active (Tx disable) high - -- rate-select0-gpios : GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Rx Signaling Rate - Select (AKA RS0) output gpio signal, low: low Rx rate, high: high Rx rate - Must not be present for SFF modules - -- rate-select1-gpios : GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Tx Signaling Rate - Select (AKA RS1) output gpio signal (SFP+ only), low: low Tx rate, high: - high Tx rate. Must not be present for SFF modules - -- maximum-power-milliwatt : Maximum module power consumption - Specifies the maximum power consumption allowable by a module in the - slot, in milli-Watts. Presently, modules can be up to 1W, 1.5W or 2W. - -Example #1: Direct serdes to SFP connection - -sfp_eth3: sfp-eth3 { - compatible = "sff,sfp"; - i2c-bus = <&sfp_1g_i2c>; - los-gpios = <&cpm_gpio2 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - mod-def0-gpios = <&cpm_gpio2 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; - maximum-power-milliwatt = <1000>; - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&cpm_sfp_1g_pins &cps_sfp_1g_pins>; - tx-disable-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 24 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - tx-fault-gpios = <&cpm_gpio2 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; -}; - -&cps_emac3 { - phy-names = "comphy"; - phys = <&cps_comphy5 0>; - sfp = <&sfp_eth3>; -}; - -Example #2: Serdes to PHY to SFP connection - -sfp_eth0: sfp-eth0 { - compatible = "sff,sfp"; - i2c-bus = <&sfpp0_i2c>; - los-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - mod-def0-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 27 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&cps_sfpp0_pins>; - tx-disable-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 29 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - tx-fault-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 26 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; -}; - -p0_phy: ethernet-phy@0 { - compatible = "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c45"; - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&cpm_phy0_pins &cps_phy0_pins>; - reg = <0>; - interrupt = <&cpm_gpio2 18 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; - sfp = <&sfp_eth0>; -}; - -&cpm_eth0 { - phy = <&p0_phy>; - phy-mode = "10gbase-kr"; -}; diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..86f3ed2546d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause) +%YAML 1.2 +--- +$id: ",sfp.yaml#" +$schema: "" + +title: Small Form Factor (SFF) Committee Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) + Transceiver + +maintainers: + - Russell King + +properties: + compatible: + enum: + - sff,sfp # for SFP modules + - sff,sff # for soldered down SFF modules + + i2c-bus: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle + description: + phandle of an I2C bus controller for the SFP two wire serial + + maximum-power-milliwatt: + maxItems: 1 + description: + Maximum module power consumption Specifies the maximum power consumption + allowable by a module in the slot, in milli-Watts. Presently, modules can + be up to 1W, 1.5W or 2W. + +patternProperties: + "mod-def0-gpios": + maxItems: 1 + description: + GPIO phandle and a specifier of the MOD-DEF0 (AKA Mod_ABS) module + presence input gpio signal, active (module absent) high. Must not be + present for SFF modules + + "los-gpios": + maxItems: 1 + description: + GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Receiver Loss of Signal Indication + input gpio signal, active (signal lost) high + + "tx-fault-gpios": + maxItems: 1 + description: + GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Module Transmitter Fault input gpio + signal, active (fault condition) high + + "tx-disable-gpios": + maxItems: 1 + description: + GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Transmitter Disable output gpio + signal, active (Tx disable) high + + "rate-select0-gpios": + maxItems: 1 + description: + GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Rx Signaling Rate Select (AKA RS0) + output gpio signal, low - low Rx rate, high - high Rx rate Must not be + present for SFF modules + + "rate-select1-gpios": + maxItems: 1 + description: + GPIO phandle and a specifier of the Tx Signaling Rate Select (AKA RS1) + output gpio signal (SFP+ only), low - low Tx rate, high - high Tx rate. Must + not be present for SFF modules + +allOf: + - if: + properties: + compatible: + contains: + const: sff,sff + then: + properties: + mod-def0-gpios: false + rate-select0-gpios: false + rate-select1-gpios: false + +required: + - compatible + - i2c-bus + +additionalProperties: false + +examples: + - | # Direct serdes to SFP connection + #include + + sfp_eth3: sfp-eth3 { + compatible = "sff,sfp"; + i2c-bus = <&sfp_1g_i2c>; + los-gpios = <&cpm_gpio2 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; + mod-def0-gpios = <&cpm_gpio2 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; + maximum-power-milliwatt = <1000>; + pinctrl-names = "default"; + pinctrl-0 = <&cpm_sfp_1g_pins &cps_sfp_1g_pins>; + tx-disable-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 24 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; + tx-fault-gpios = <&cpm_gpio2 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; + }; + + cps_emac3 { + phy-names = "comphy"; + phys = <&cps_comphy5 0>; + sfp = <&sfp_eth3>; + }; + + - | # Serdes to PHY to SFP connection + #include + #include + + sfp_eth0: sfp-eth0 { + compatible = "sff,sfp"; + i2c-bus = <&sfpp0_i2c>; + los-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; + mod-def0-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 27 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; + pinctrl-names = "default"; + pinctrl-0 = <&cps_sfpp0_pins>; + tx-disable-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 29 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; + tx-fault-gpios = <&cps_gpio1 26 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; + }; + + mdio { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + p0_phy: ethernet-phy@0 { + compatible = "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c45"; + pinctrl-names = "default"; + pinctrl-0 = <&cpm_phy0_pins &cps_phy0_pins>; + reg = <0>; + interrupt = <&cpm_gpio2 18 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; + sfp = <&sfp_eth0>; + }; + }; + + cpm_eth0 { + phy = <&p0_phy>; + phy-mode = "10gbase-kr"; + }; diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS index 28108e4fdb8f..8677878603fe 100644 --- a/MAINTAINERS +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -18110,6 +18110,7 @@ SFF/SFP/SFP+ MODULE SUPPORT M: Russell King L: S: Maintained +F: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/sff,sfp.yaml F: drivers/net/phy/phylink.c F: drivers/net/phy/sfp* F: include/linux/mdio/mdio-i2c.h