From patchwork Wed May 27 18:57:03 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Jean-Baptiste Maneyrol X-Patchwork-Id: 199916 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-7.0 required=3.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER,SIGNED_OFF_BY,SPF_HELO_NONE,SPF_PASS, UNWANTED_LANGUAGE_BODY, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7ED67C433E1 for ; Wed, 27 May 2020 18:58:06 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 51A88216FD for ; Wed, 27 May 2020 18:58:06 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="iKkDZEOb"; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="PTGlOyg2" Received: ( by via listexpand id S1728822AbgE0S6E (ORCPT ); Wed, 27 May 2020 14:58:04 -0400 Received: from ([]:41024 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S1728742AbgE0S5y (ORCPT ); Wed, 27 May 2020 14:57:54 -0400 Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with SMTP id 04RIuQjP001589; Wed, 27 May 2020 11:57:50 -0700 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=from : to : cc : subject : date : message-id : in-reply-to : references : content-type : mime-version; s=pfpt1; bh=gtSwqTtO9ukhzvARnknbqS3F3iKZcfW6tzOqlJOI/Zg=; b=iKkDZEObnyhpPWW3WU1/BMyi7/vld6WJ3Rs5KjsLMUaBlw3iCD+EM/6I+4UgcDeYmCoJ afw5oqVHot+NHGlZWIhlJNOFqS6RVJXqtuw+7RdlHcNM8nLlzLt6Bte6euI0TxFAzT0b rhDepDGnBUzMQZXauTqy0xC9EE06JeesCBFbT4lux8CFcfCJPmbwB2kIq/i5n83Lqwh1 itLk+/ei+QNlooIQODNyFnGeGwffsCXEgW9lCfBtgelzb4gBQaxFJ1iZcIFoMKYfEpTV Pe0NOGyhslVNs3Rsmz8tVOnKuAacamy39eUxmYGaXSMg/8l18IbvOPNC8+178JHocwAa IA== Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id 3194qh0ncv-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=NOT); Wed, 27 May 2020 11:57:49 -0700 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=A+HIPSkRYsFoSUIlVEytknE3EVCMG9GqXkzvIgX2IH+GLMpSfk3DHG6eIJIQk+bU/xMlaBR1i8ZVnXivTJpWYN+j/yVDtbzyfGJ4uGkcb0E4zceh6ecZ3cf4dLa8ipfYSK+kO+JrnIdLmDPW4kVD4A2KRfXRFzSAHZX52AghqQl+vcKmDsTrk6f/784L4a7qarBK9dJBeRaBgU9OANo6CgMLvKCNS0e6iz3m0bwOMeYAxQ2CPLgNGysIDVSjp3qkuDN4J9A9LJMhuprXXb8ZRT8RloVNcv6+K6avvYRfStZ1cZniJxv4927CMI7w3OO2vobGqCU4CQOFZy89dRiGUQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=gtSwqTtO9ukhzvARnknbqS3F3iKZcfW6tzOqlJOI/Zg=; b=WJx1fa8hlBrjUe+CAw1qZpv/pE+5MD8bVtI/Wzmaj9SQlu3Gv0SzC86cIktplKnlz6AE8qoLM5PHkeMcjhd07EjL6E57Mt9DtkqiClokEpBeXwRO3pBo2Rwh503S0mMv2LkKqb49KP0IOvTbiUsb8QHApAzbrwhJkMny8XzxGslC+UWpWQB9hgunyWlOYiyoQ7PcpYMPOI9qoV7FIGjm5SanbWVxM0YkFk71AYjQpa8cWNtOWt7nOSVnxjtDL4RCPdehflvcz0Wczwl/YptCJxO8fULZLIPgzgpHzcWeE0AwhoNPLXqgjZPwts4akBkFnbbQGGkcsQCJ1ziYHlfUsw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-invensense-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=gtSwqTtO9ukhzvARnknbqS3F3iKZcfW6tzOqlJOI/Zg=; b=PTGlOyg2afOcbyLNVO8+sS661MshXJbWe3twY7bFT1dL5WSTFt2/6M5C1w9LNw7G14zvMdXe93L507flTJoUUyUNuGy5sCrEAN8/YYm78QzqCH1DDu3YJT1bJ9oUYzLWkVlqIgTULo9T1/91uvNBVPZwXDWiwATXRW0KAyuB0zg= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:208:265::9) by (2603:10b6:208:d0::31) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3021.27; Wed, 27 May 2020 18:57:46 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::8940:8e95:6996:cc0]) by ([fe80::8940:8e95:6996:cc0%8]) with mapi id 15.20.3045.018; Wed, 27 May 2020 18:57:46 +0000 From: Jean-Baptiste Maneyrol To:,,,,, Cc:,,, Jean-Baptiste Maneyrol Subject: [PATCH v2 04/12] iio: imu: inv_icm42600: add gyroscope IIO device Date: Wed, 27 May 2020 20:57:03 +0200 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: LO2P265CA0168.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:9::36) To (2603:10b6:208:265::9) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from ( by LO2P265CA0168.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:9::36) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3021.26 via Frontend Transport; Wed, 27 May 2020 18:57:44 +0000 X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.17.1 X-Originating-IP: [] X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: c48c9dcf-168f-40ae-b2cd-08d8026fd7e2 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: MN2PR12MB3470: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:651; X-Forefront-PRVS: 04163EF38A X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: XniHn++/qDa6rHDwFx3pYj7LWFxk11EQKAupXdBeTTycXdgXHhN6iHjVhcrRxMSKn6Q419tnCjNun80/zK+xBxjyKiDrJSnnHbLMCImtP/RuYKjUFk3RaEsP09iXdWtgTMF5vIAIP6wvJURDt5jyWZ+YosNtyx6EPPwbSENotarOpL/WRwkYkgGLkYry/FLGQpenrgm1YuEASW04Qaingfd4fpFjPXT1+QKrruQztTbcD5QGf3A1kfGBqQwAXhNxeoxQOQJ49q2gx1Nf2mNXKvI5eoQEuVm3UaxMSk6RtYVyIYJeJuimyOiwwvaJmhCMM6BLn62fCLOIME8mCG+HbQ== X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFTY:; SFS:(396003)(39850400004)(136003)(346002)(366004)(376002)(8936002)(66476007)(66556008)(36756003)(66946007)(5660300002)(316002)(30864003)(86362001)(186003)(52116002)(7696005)(26005)(8676002)(478600001)(4326008)(16526019)(1076003)(2616005)(107886003)(6666004)(956004)(83380400001)(6486002)(2906002); 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Attributes: raw, scale, sampling_frequency, calibbias. Gyroscope in low noise mode. Signed-off-by: Jean-Baptiste Maneyrol --- drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600.h | 6 + .../iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_core.c | 4 + .../iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_gyro.c | 600 ++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 610 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_gyro.c diff --git a/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600.h b/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600.h index 14c8ef152418..c1023d59b37b 100644 --- a/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600.h +++ b/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600.h @@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ struct inv_icm42600_suspended { * @orientation: sensor chip orientation relative to main hardware. * @conf: chip sensors configurations. * @suspended: suspended sensors configuration. + * @indio_gyro: gyroscope IIO device. + * @buffer: data transfer buffer aligned for DMA. */ struct inv_icm42600_state { struct mutex lock; @@ -131,6 +133,8 @@ struct inv_icm42600_state { struct iio_mount_matrix orientation; struct inv_icm42600_conf conf; struct inv_icm42600_suspended suspended; + struct iio_dev *indio_gyro; + uint8_t buffer[2] ____cacheline_aligned; }; /* Virtual register addresses: @bank on MSB (4 upper bits), @address on LSB */ @@ -369,4 +373,6 @@ int inv_icm42600_debugfs_reg(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, unsigned int reg, int inv_icm42600_core_probe(struct regmap *regmap, int chip, inv_icm42600_bus_setup bus_setup); +int inv_icm42600_gyro_init(struct inv_icm42600_state *st); + #endif diff --git a/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_core.c b/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_core.c index 81b171d6782c..dccb7bcc782e 100644 --- a/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_core.c +++ b/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_core.c @@ -510,6 +510,10 @@ int inv_icm42600_core_probe(struct regmap *regmap, int chip, if (ret) return ret; + ret = inv_icm42600_gyro_init(st); + if (ret) + return ret; + /* setup runtime power management */ ret = pm_runtime_set_active(dev); if (ret) diff --git a/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_gyro.c b/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_gyro.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9d9672989b23 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/iio/imu/inv_icm42600/inv_icm42600_gyro.c @@ -0,0 +1,600 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later +/* + * Copyright (C) 2020 Invensense, Inc. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "inv_icm42600.h" + +#define INV_ICM42600_GYRO_CHAN(_modifier, _index, _ext_info) \ + { \ + .type = IIO_ANGL_VEL, \ + .modified = 1, \ + .channel2 = _modifier, \ + .info_mask_separate = \ + BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW) | \ + BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_CALIBBIAS), \ + .info_mask_shared_by_type = \ + BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE), \ + .info_mask_shared_by_type_available = \ + BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE) | \ + BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_CALIBBIAS), \ + .info_mask_shared_by_all = \ + BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ), \ + .info_mask_shared_by_all_available = \ + BIT(IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ), \ + .scan_index = _index, \ + .scan_type = { \ + .sign = 's', \ + .realbits = 16, \ + .storagebits = 16, \ + .endianness = IIO_BE, \ + }, \ + .ext_info = _ext_info, \ + } + +enum inv_icm42600_gyro_scan { + INV_ICM42600_GYRO_SCAN_X, + INV_ICM42600_GYRO_SCAN_Y, + INV_ICM42600_GYRO_SCAN_Z, +}; + +static const struct iio_chan_spec_ext_info inv_icm42600_gyro_ext_infos[] = { + IIO_MOUNT_MATRIX(IIO_SHARED_BY_ALL, inv_icm42600_get_mount_matrix), + {}, +}; + +static const struct iio_chan_spec inv_icm42600_gyro_channels[] = { + INV_ICM42600_GYRO_CHAN(IIO_MOD_X, INV_ICM42600_GYRO_SCAN_X, + inv_icm42600_gyro_ext_infos), + INV_ICM42600_GYRO_CHAN(IIO_MOD_Y, INV_ICM42600_GYRO_SCAN_Y, + inv_icm42600_gyro_ext_infos), + INV_ICM42600_GYRO_CHAN(IIO_MOD_Z, INV_ICM42600_GYRO_SCAN_Z, + inv_icm42600_gyro_ext_infos), +}; + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_read_sensor(struct inv_icm42600_state *st, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + int16_t *val) +{ + struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(st->map); + struct inv_icm42600_sensor_conf conf = INV_ICM42600_SENSOR_CONF_INIT; + unsigned int reg; + __be16 *data; + int ret; + + if (chan->type != IIO_ANGL_VEL) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (chan->channel2) { + case IIO_MOD_X: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_GYRO_DATA_X; + break; + case IIO_MOD_Y: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_GYRO_DATA_Y; + break; + case IIO_MOD_Z: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_GYRO_DATA_Z; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + mutex_lock(&st->lock); + + /* enable gyro sensor */ + conf.mode = INV_ICM42600_SENSOR_MODE_LOW_NOISE; + ret = inv_icm42600_set_gyro_conf(st, &conf, NULL); + if (ret) + goto exit; + + /* read gyro register data */ + data = (__be16 *)&st->buffer[0]; + ret = regmap_bulk_read(st->map, reg, data, sizeof(*data)); + if (ret) + goto exit; + + *val = (int16_t)be16_to_cpup(data); + if (*val == INV_ICM42600_DATA_INVALID) + ret = -EINVAL; +exit: + mutex_unlock(&st->lock); + pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(dev); + pm_runtime_put_autosuspend(dev); + return ret; +} + +/* IIO format int + nano */ +static const int inv_icm42600_gyro_scale[] = { + /* +/- 2000dps => 0.001065264 rad/s */ + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_2000DPS] = 0, + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_2000DPS + 1] = 1065264, + /* +/- 1000dps => 0.000532632 rad/s */ + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_1000DPS] = 0, + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_1000DPS + 1] = 532632, + /* +/- 500dps => 0.000266316 rad/s */ + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_500DPS] = 0, + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_500DPS + 1] = 266316, + /* +/- 250dps => 0.000133158 rad/s */ + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_250DPS] = 0, + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_250DPS + 1] = 133158, + /* +/- 125dps => 0.000066579 rad/s */ + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_125DPS] = 0, + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_125DPS + 1] = 66579, + /* +/- 62.5dps => 0.000033290 rad/s */ + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_62_5DPS] = 0, + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_62_5DPS + 1] = 33290, + /* +/- 31.25dps => 0.000016645 rad/s */ + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_31_25DPS] = 0, + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_31_25DPS + 1] = 16645, + /* +/- 15.625dps => 0.000008322 rad/s */ + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_15_625DPS] = 0, + [2 * INV_ICM42600_GYRO_FS_15_625DPS + 1] = 8322, +}; + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_read_scale(struct inv_icm42600_state *st, + int *val, int *val2) +{ + unsigned int idx; + + idx = st->conf.gyro.fs; + + *val = inv_icm42600_gyro_scale[2 * idx]; + *val2 = inv_icm42600_gyro_scale[2 * idx + 1]; + return IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_NANO; +} + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_write_scale(struct inv_icm42600_state *st, + int val, int val2) +{ + struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(st->map); + unsigned int idx; + struct inv_icm42600_sensor_conf conf = INV_ICM42600_SENSOR_CONF_INIT; + int ret; + + for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_scale); idx += 2) { + if (val == inv_icm42600_gyro_scale[idx] && + val2 == inv_icm42600_gyro_scale[idx + 1]) + break; + } + if (idx >= ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_scale)) + return -EINVAL; + + conf.fs = idx / 2; + + pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + mutex_lock(&st->lock); + + ret = inv_icm42600_set_gyro_conf(st, &conf, NULL); + + mutex_unlock(&st->lock); + pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(dev); + pm_runtime_put_autosuspend(dev); + + return ret; +} + +/* IIO format int + micro */ +static const int inv_icm42600_gyro_odr[] = { + /* 12.5Hz */ + 12, 500000, + /* 25Hz */ + 25, 0, + /* 50Hz */ + 50, 0, + /* 100Hz */ + 100, 0, + /* 200Hz */ + 200, 0, + /* 1kHz */ + 1000, 0, + /* 2kHz */ + 2000, 0, + /* 4kHz */ + 4000, 0, +}; + +static const int inv_icm42600_gyro_odr_conv[] = { + INV_ICM42600_ODR_12_5HZ, + INV_ICM42600_ODR_25HZ, + INV_ICM42600_ODR_50HZ, + INV_ICM42600_ODR_100HZ, + INV_ICM42600_ODR_200HZ, + INV_ICM42600_ODR_1KHZ_LN, + INV_ICM42600_ODR_2KHZ_LN, + INV_ICM42600_ODR_4KHZ_LN, +}; + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_read_odr(struct inv_icm42600_state *st, + int *val, int *val2) +{ + unsigned int odr; + unsigned int i; + + odr = st->conf.gyro.odr; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_odr_conv); ++i) { + if (inv_icm42600_gyro_odr_conv[i] == odr) + break; + } + if (i >= ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_odr_conv)) + return -EINVAL; + + *val = inv_icm42600_gyro_odr[2 * i]; + *val2 = inv_icm42600_gyro_odr[2 * i + 1]; + + return IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_MICRO; +} + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_write_odr(struct inv_icm42600_state *st, + int val, int val2) +{ + struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(st->map); + unsigned int idx; + struct inv_icm42600_sensor_conf conf = INV_ICM42600_SENSOR_CONF_INIT; + int ret; + + for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_odr); idx += 2) { + if (val == inv_icm42600_gyro_odr[idx] && + val2 == inv_icm42600_gyro_odr[idx + 1]) + break; + } + if (idx >= ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_odr)) + return -EINVAL; + + conf.odr = inv_icm42600_gyro_odr_conv[idx / 2]; + + pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + mutex_lock(&st->lock); + + ret = inv_icm42600_set_gyro_conf(st, &conf, NULL); + + mutex_unlock(&st->lock); + pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(dev); + pm_runtime_put_autosuspend(dev); + + return ret; +} + +/* + * Calibration bias values, IIO range format int + nano. + * Value is limited to +/-64dps coded on 12 bits signed. Step is 1/32 dps. + */ +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_calibbias[] = { + -1, 117010721, /* min: -1.117010721 rad/s */ + 0, 545415, /* step: 0.000545415 rad/s */ + 1, 116465306, /* max: 1.116465306 rad/s */ +}; + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_read_offset(struct inv_icm42600_state *st, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + int *val, int *val2) +{ + struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(st->map); + int64_t val64; + int32_t bias; + unsigned int reg; + int16_t offset; + uint8_t data[2]; + int ret; + + if (chan->type != IIO_ANGL_VEL) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (chan->channel2) { + case IIO_MOD_X: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER0; + break; + case IIO_MOD_Y: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER1; + break; + case IIO_MOD_Z: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER3; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + mutex_lock(&st->lock); + + ret = regmap_bulk_read(st->map, reg, st->buffer, sizeof(data)); + memcpy(data, st->buffer, sizeof(data)); + + mutex_unlock(&st->lock); + pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(dev); + pm_runtime_put_autosuspend(dev); + if (ret) + return ret; + + /* 12 bits signed value */ + switch (chan->channel2) { + case IIO_MOD_X: + offset = sign_extend32(((data[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | data[0], 11); + break; + case IIO_MOD_Y: + offset = sign_extend32(((data[0] & 0xF0) << 4) | data[1], 11); + break; + case IIO_MOD_Z: + offset = sign_extend32(((data[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | data[0], 11); + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* + * convert raw offset to dps then to rad/s + * 12 bits signed raw max 64 to dps: 64 / 2048 + * dps to rad: Pi / 180 + * result in nano (1000000000) + * (offset * 64 * Pi * 1000000000) / (2048 * 180) + */ + val64 = (int64_t)offset * 64LL * 3141592653LL; + /* for rounding, add + or - divisor (2048 * 180) divided by 2 */ + if (val64 >= 0) + val64 += 2048 * 180 / 2; + else + val64 -= 2048 * 180 / 2; + bias = div_s64(val64, 2048 * 180); + *val = bias / 1000000000L; + *val2 = bias % 1000000000L; + + return IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_NANO; +} + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_write_offset(struct inv_icm42600_state *st, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + int val, int val2) +{ + struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(st->map); + int64_t val64, min, max; + unsigned int reg, regval; + int16_t offset; + int ret; + + if (chan->type != IIO_ANGL_VEL) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (chan->channel2) { + case IIO_MOD_X: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER0; + break; + case IIO_MOD_Y: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER1; + break; + case IIO_MOD_Z: + reg = INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER3; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* inv_icm42600_gyro_calibbias: min - step - max in nano */ + min = (int64_t)inv_icm42600_gyro_calibbias[0] * 1000000000LL + + (int64_t)inv_icm42600_gyro_calibbias[1]; + max = (int64_t)inv_icm42600_gyro_calibbias[4] * 1000000000LL + + (int64_t)inv_icm42600_gyro_calibbias[5]; + val64 = (int64_t)val * 1000000000LL + (int64_t)val2; + if (val64 < min || val64 > max) + return -EINVAL; + + /* + * convert rad/s to dps then to raw value + * rad to dps: 180 / Pi + * dps to raw 12 bits signed, max 64: 2048 / 64 + * val in nano (1000000000) + * val * 180 * 2048 / (Pi * 1000000000 * 64) + */ + val64 = val64 * 180LL * 2048LL; + /* for rounding, add + or - divisor (3141592653 * 64) divided by 2 */ + if (val64 >= 0) + val64 += 3141592653LL * 64LL / 2LL; + else + val64 -= 3141592653LL * 64LL / 2LL; + offset = div64_s64(val64, 3141592653LL * 64LL); + + /* clamp value limited to 12 bits signed */ + if (offset < -2048) + offset = -2048; + else if (offset > 2047) + offset = 2047; + + pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + mutex_lock(&st->lock); + + switch (chan->channel2) { + case IIO_MOD_X: + /* OFFSET_USER1 register is shared */ + ret = regmap_read(st->map, INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER1, + ®val); + if (ret) + goto out_unlock; + st->buffer[0] = offset & 0xFF; + st->buffer[1] = (regval & 0xF0) | ((offset & 0xF00) >> 8); + break; + case IIO_MOD_Y: + /* OFFSET_USER1 register is shared */ + ret = regmap_read(st->map, INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER1, + ®val); + if (ret) + goto out_unlock; + st->buffer[0] = ((offset & 0xF00) >> 4) | (regval & 0x0F); + st->buffer[1] = offset & 0xFF; + break; + case IIO_MOD_Z: + /* OFFSET_USER4 register is shared */ + ret = regmap_read(st->map, INV_ICM42600_REG_OFFSET_USER4, + ®val); + if (ret) + goto out_unlock; + st->buffer[0] = offset & 0xFF; + st->buffer[1] = (regval & 0xF0) | ((offset & 0xF00) >> 8); + break; + default: + ret = -EINVAL; + goto out_unlock; + } + + ret = regmap_bulk_write(st->map, reg, st->buffer, 2); + +out_unlock: + mutex_unlock(&st->lock); + pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(dev); + pm_runtime_put_autosuspend(dev); + return ret; +} + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_read_raw(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + int *val, int *val2, long mask) +{ + struct inv_icm42600_state *st = iio_device_get_drvdata(indio_dev); + int16_t data; + int ret; + + if (chan->type != IIO_ANGL_VEL) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (mask) { + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW: + ret = iio_device_claim_direct_mode(indio_dev); + if (ret) + return ret; + ret = inv_icm42600_gyro_read_sensor(st, chan, &data); + iio_device_release_direct_mode(indio_dev); + if (ret) + return ret; + *val = data; + return IIO_VAL_INT; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE: + return inv_icm42600_gyro_read_scale(st, val, val2); + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ: + return inv_icm42600_gyro_read_odr(st, val, val2); + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_CALIBBIAS: + return inv_icm42600_gyro_read_offset(st, chan, val, val2); + default: + return -EINVAL; + } +} + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_read_avail(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + const int **vals, + int *type, int *length, long mask) +{ + if (chan->type != IIO_ANGL_VEL) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (mask) { + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE: + *vals = inv_icm42600_gyro_scale; + *type = IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_NANO; + *length = ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_scale); + return IIO_AVAIL_LIST; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ: + *vals = inv_icm42600_gyro_odr; + *type = IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_MICRO; + *length = ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_odr); + return IIO_AVAIL_LIST; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_CALIBBIAS: + *vals = inv_icm42600_gyro_calibbias; + *type = IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_NANO; + return IIO_AVAIL_RANGE; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } +} + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_write_raw(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + int val, int val2, long mask) +{ + struct inv_icm42600_state *st = iio_device_get_drvdata(indio_dev); + int ret; + + if (chan->type != IIO_ANGL_VEL) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (mask) { + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE: + ret = iio_device_claim_direct_mode(indio_dev); + if (ret) + return ret; + ret = inv_icm42600_gyro_write_scale(st, val, val2); + iio_device_release_direct_mode(indio_dev); + return ret; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ: + return inv_icm42600_gyro_write_odr(st, val, val2); + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_CALIBBIAS: + ret = iio_device_claim_direct_mode(indio_dev); + if (ret) + return ret; + ret = inv_icm42600_gyro_write_offset(st, chan, val, val2); + iio_device_release_direct_mode(indio_dev); + return ret; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } +} + +static int inv_icm42600_gyro_write_raw_get_fmt(struct iio_dev *indio_dev, + struct iio_chan_spec const *chan, + long mask) +{ + if (chan->type != IIO_ANGL_VEL) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (mask) { + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SCALE: + return IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_NANO; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_SAMP_FREQ: + return IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_MICRO; + case IIO_CHAN_INFO_CALIBBIAS: + return IIO_VAL_INT_PLUS_NANO; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } +} + +static const struct iio_info inv_icm42600_gyro_info = { + .read_raw = inv_icm42600_gyro_read_raw, + .read_avail = inv_icm42600_gyro_read_avail, + .write_raw = inv_icm42600_gyro_write_raw, + .write_raw_get_fmt = inv_icm42600_gyro_write_raw_get_fmt, + .debugfs_reg_access = inv_icm42600_debugfs_reg, +}; + +int inv_icm42600_gyro_init(struct inv_icm42600_state *st) +{ + struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(st->map); + const char *name; + struct iio_dev *indio_dev; + + name = devm_kasprintf(dev, GFP_KERNEL, "%s-gyro", st->name); + if (!name) + return -ENOMEM; + + indio_dev = devm_iio_device_alloc(dev, 0); + if (!indio_dev) + return -ENOMEM; + + iio_device_set_drvdata(indio_dev, st); + indio_dev->dev.parent = dev; + indio_dev->name = name; + indio_dev->info = &inv_icm42600_gyro_info; + indio_dev->modes = INDIO_DIRECT_MODE; + indio_dev->channels = inv_icm42600_gyro_channels; + indio_dev->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(inv_icm42600_gyro_channels); + + st->indio_gyro = indio_dev; + return devm_iio_device_register(dev, st->indio_gyro); +}