Show patches with: Submitter = Eric Snowberg       |    Archived = No       |   131 patches
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Patch Series S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v3,12/14] integrity: Do not allow mok keyring updates following init Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[v3,11/14] KEYS: link secondary_trusted_keys to mok trusted keys Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[v3,10/14] KEYS: change link restriction for secondary to also trust mok Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg New
[v3,09/14] KEYS: Introduce link restriction to include builtin, secondary and mok keys Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg New
[v3,08/14] KEYS: add a reference to mok keyring Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg New
[v3,07/14] integrity: add new keyring handler for mok keys Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[v3,06/14] integrity: accessor function to get trust_moklist Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg New
[v3,05/14] integrity: restrict INTEGRITY_KEYRING_MOK to restrict_link_by_ca Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg New
[v3,04/14] integrity: add add_to_mok_keyring Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg New
[v3,03/14] integrity: Trust MOK keys if MokListTrustedRT found Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[v3,02/14] KEYS: CA link restriction Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[v3,01/14] integrity: Introduce a Linux keyring for the Machine Owner Key (MOK) Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-08-12 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,v2,12/12] integrity: store reference to mok keyring Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,v2,11/12] integrity: Do not allow mok keyring updates following init Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,v2,10/12] KEYS: link system_trusted_keys to mok_trusted_keys Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,v2,09/12] KEYS: add a reference to mok keyring Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,v2,08/12] integrity: Suppress error message for keys added to the mok keyring Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,v2,07/12] integrity: add new keyring handler for mok keys Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,v2,06/12] integrity: accessor function to get trust_moklist Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,v2,05/12] integrity: restrict INTEGRITY_KEYRING_MOK to restrict_link_by_system_trusted_or_ca Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,v2,04/12] integrity: add add_to_mok_keyring Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,v2,03/12] integrity: Trust MOK keys if MokListTrustedRT found Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,v2,02/12] KEYS: CA link restriction Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,v2,01/12] integrity: Introduce a Linux keyring for the Machine Owner Key (MOK) Enroll kernel keys thru MOK --- 2021-07-26 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,12/12] integrity: Suppress error message for keys added to the mok keyring Untitled series #141799 --- 2021-07-07 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,10/12] integrity: add new keyring handler Untitled series #141799 --- 2021-07-07 Eric Snowberg Superseded
[RFC,09/12] integrity: accessor function to get trust_moklist Untitled series #141799 --- 2021-07-07 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,08/12] integrity: restrict INTEGRITY_KEYRING_MOK to restrict_link_by_secondary_trusted_or_ca Untitled series #141799 --- 2021-07-07 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,06/12] integrity: Trust mok keys if MokListTrustedRT found Untitled series #141799 --- 2021-07-07 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,03/12] KEYS: CA link restriction Untitled series #141799 --- 2021-07-07 Eric Snowberg New
[RFC,02/12] KEYS: Allow unrestricted keys to be moved to the secondary keyring Untitled series #141799 --- 2021-07-07 Eric Snowberg New
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