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[BlueZ,0/2] Fix Ubuntu 24.04 build error

Message ID 20250204101612.66823-1-pmontes@shsconsultores.es
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Series Fix Ubuntu 24.04 build error | expand


Pablo Montes Feb. 4, 2025, 10:16 a.m. UTC
On Ubuntu 24.04: build warnings for buffer read overflow are treated
as errors on emulator. This may be ignored with 
CFLAGS="-Wno-error=stringop-overflow" but discarding packet if offset
is greater than buffer size removes the warning.
Could close GitHub issue #1049.

Also I lost some time using mesh-cfgclient on a fresh Linux with no
.config folder in home: mesh-cfgclient failed but did not explain the
error, so printing a message could be welcome for others.