From patchwork Fri Mar 14 06:09:09 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Dmitry Baryshkov X-Patchwork-Id: 873552 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D233318C004 for ; Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:09:36 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741932578; cv=none; b=fx68BjWsqQbZ3UwZbA4n8nVkVoJiyh0lX2ntpYdzyclH8dstnq7k7MFlEUsKIAa/ryTHC0EyXQUf/8Qha9BJewo4ak/8P2UvP2X/o8sAU81wZsCIPszHuJ1hZ95ZoGgra0YlQI2DTEhGJjslPWYCO4/yxuJa6Tv7OVLqPjQbKjU= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1741932578; c=relaxed/simple; bh=VfB9gJwKSkL78mMZ16Sd0RgaTvRJ7KCT53uxqzo9TzM=; h=From:Date:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Message-Id:References: In-Reply-To:To:Cc; b=t0CFIANgXM0Fs6rn2rvuMi2xhyUMKQ0nAqkydPIVAv9Xu+DNrstK8oLXWHcuz2b3vUOTMoahrcyMTnCB4jKmOqBIZdAaCs0BoBt/QwjnuAB0CGfHCTLcCLUgllPdPC81LABF4KcumehkhehMdl9FSxpsPM9KtGyRlCQU9cWPJHs= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=j4Rfza94; arc=none smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="j4Rfza94" Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 52DJdnaE018573 for ; Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:09:35 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= cc:content-transfer-encoding:content-type:date:from:in-reply-to :message-id:mime-version:references:subject:to; s=qcppdkim1; bh= 1sUbM2SvyfVJOsSLSsKL5IhU1OYw0ytKP1s5wBNpq2E=; b=j4Rfza94M7CTeQU1 BzzlR9PSsL/xuxUi60bUdA0zYewVeh37UEbSpyNZRpkQxoZ7wYSZAxOBRob2xGHe XABk1WHgvNIV+SEl2YDbyxmR38tCgDo0r5Q/vciKw+u6atrrLLfPrqh4Sne/0IvW 9LFJF5iFZ6lRIpLKgsihcEiogxRy4oQ+MEWMnnFOTWoQVcW7UO+xIBnwPy7PCvj5 /QljtPTJ+VyKytSe0gDHwWnnmhYNhA0++/M+sDXxhDA9hV8sR4SWVD6HFcnCylVl XPJoihHY7YwJ/urrw3Xq87ad1WS18+Ga0kO2YomRes/Kb9HndwNWS6nQ9JBQWV4M dwuxFQ== Received: from ( []) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 45au2p097m-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT) for ; Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:09:35 +0000 (GMT) Received: by with SMTP id af79cd13be357-7c54e9f6e00so502167685a.0 for ; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 23:09:35 -0700 (PDT) X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1741932575; x=1742537375; h=cc:to:in-reply-to:references:message-id:content-transfer-encoding :mime-version:subject:date:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=1sUbM2SvyfVJOsSLSsKL5IhU1OYw0ytKP1s5wBNpq2E=; b=lW7dCcvjNEq/z6OsGCHZq8twd0RmUmtwpzjUCIpNqzX2QIgKPmpmerZmk7TBnvuO23 qnbC0inUNE1A+2SGfQFYXSBQuw5Z+d9+csFGeAo7drjN7E6CJt2LmXulElld6n+Y0j4Y /R4dPGrXSW2VJtMMau84nVLniBrg6mL9qFsfUGRFUs3bXNnRlfn59uKAtmHAQDh5PHkm j3aYjgmMShHzPa5sliLiuI0aqUM53kW1CY5AdhAqz9TEptF+V7J8hX0o4TpDNmInWpd6 5lhoZ9FNaZX1EX3120E52YDuV/Gaa6LMjxiapwsegRGzhBt+iSzrasNube1f8UPkwEQl zy8A== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YwLgPeA3Ujho93vyniz/mYFixd8kqKLE367xjCXuyD6CjBmODOm oGlglqkj2uGX92jP34XBC+BRSzzt4hiXaPCk/AHVKiIPziRjwq3hFjriB4g8p+UE1oEG/gqwokj ZW1pw+y503MKtckMNIG3pAXqAP+xPL7s5aBOPPCxClf5xyGR8b4xRqAq5NUWAMl0w X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncsUzRxTa/infweXlBkUVycLDtxykz4IsJH0fjIKHURLYtXO4Ly69DY5H8pSsiw QfNvORuYWBCUSnmz7jlSkkWGp/mSVIIU7aFmwYnhl41+gCwo3QHKG9g6fCiYDVNG38HhZ/4tsFb nifopY410wXaBPp2HYPzF+Fgmmo4wpNeh0pYhVPR8q2Y4RpjBa6RjPVqVnoPuQ9jrnP7M2uzg7z nAtr/R82vUyeHuIjgY343aNyNI45BhZMMx/7HvHvIjSCepjHaCEQ6LAVCXbh8um/34Kcg/Sf34F DXpHCLZih5QqsLDyctjrAwrDez2n64ZNRE9YF0fhvqE+58c4HCjCdBBXxp7SYTNaxzcwWVfXCkI FYDoKXN4nTIvuVnYsL6VfqNoR14lm X-Received: by 2002:a05:620a:2450:b0:7c3:dbb2:9b2d with SMTP id af79cd13be357-7c5736e2b15mr833314285a.2.1741932574732; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 23:09:34 -0700 (PDT) X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IFiczPIzoLiw1K6MLhP6jFTeQCsK8L+jcvk60VRCv8qzQ8LFkHt2oyl7Tx7neBgrwJKFvQFwg== X-Received: by 2002:a05:620a:2450:b0:7c3:dbb2:9b2d with SMTP id af79cd13be357-7c5736e2b15mr833311185a.2.1741932574346; Thu, 13 Mar 2025 23:09:34 -0700 (PDT) Received: from umbar.lan ( [2001:14ba:a0c3:3a00:264b:feff:fe8b:be8a]) by with ESMTPSA id 2adb3069b0e04-549ba864fc9sm416071e87.140.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Thu, 13 Mar 2025 23:09:32 -0700 (PDT) From: Dmitry Baryshkov Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 08:09:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH v2 05/10] dt-bindings: display/msm: Add Qualcomm SAR2130P Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> To: Rob Clark , Abhinav Kumar , Dmitry Baryshkov , Sean Paul , Marijn Suijten , David Airlie , Simona Vetter , Maarten Lankhorst , Maxime Ripard , Thomas Zimmermann , Rob Herring , Krzysztof Kozlowski , Conor Dooley , Kuogee Hsieh , Krishna Manikandan , Jonathan Marek , Bjorn Andersson , Neil Armstrong , Will Deacon , Robin Murphy , Joerg Roedel , Konrad Dybcio Cc:,,,,,,, Dmitry Baryshkov , Krzysztof Kozlowski X-Mailer: b4 0.14.2 X-Developer-Signature: v=1; a=openpgp-sha256; l=14907;; h=from:subject:message-id; bh=mhVUBuasCeOBkqrxG/5PgGqIfKxDHldHx8QOIkjyyg4=; b=owEBbQGS/pANAwAKAYs8ij4CKSjVAcsmYgBn08gGEGhOStiAQ9q+BX0yTfKI7tEBx70wL+wF0 ptm+zhx9HaJATMEAAEKAB0WIQRMcISVXLJjVvC4lX+LPIo+Aiko1QUCZ9PIBgAKCRCLPIo+Aiko 1XNmB/wJnGQmTb/Ak7VdmPYDhhfv4SkYGL2YmjxdpyCYUlElGEopGPF1WuX8ggT3T8Tkiq5KbMW YCOEC+pBV/iiuxnK1HzE1vRt1aeVlTsG+1s7KQJZHQS2Z3naB5Fe59uoQ6O6dnBWNqKToDUszwv 7F9hMweRha2T92o1yNM2N1eE0ccO/0zugQstJksubZOIojdEFJf/cH1tHdoTDJyJopg0jNQYK2f nrAK0Z8Nb1euurpgVOQENKpD5UngeI7Rf9MZu88OqpNUcQ1tx4+OJaGoHPxnhLFrg6Wrz+uSxRR 2nwiT1N0ozwCThsNTzt1rmowZRgU1OLdWy3yTF+I03Si0qts X-Developer-Key:; a=openpgp; fpr=8F88381DD5C873E4AE487DA5199BF1243632046A X-Proofpoint-GUID: KhT1nhHJH-deoxQnisaxjvTbnHWU5GWO X-Authority-Analysis: v=2.4 cv=Q4XS452a c=1 sm=1 tr=0 ts=67d3c81f cx=c_pps a=qKBjSQ1v91RyAK45QCPf5w==:117 a=xqWC_Br6kY4A:10 a=IkcTkHD0fZMA:10 a=Vs1iUdzkB0EA:10 a=gEfo2CItAAAA:8 a=KKAkSRfTAAAA:8 a=EUspDBNiAAAA:8 a=VwQbUJbxAAAA:8 a=-YBHemuPtO_JcOlGpNkA:9 a=QEXdDO2ut3YA:10 a=NFOGd7dJGGMPyQGDc5-O:22 a=sptkURWiP4Gy88Gu7hUp:22 a=cvBusfyB2V15izCimMoJ:22 X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: KhT1nhHJH-deoxQnisaxjvTbnHWU5GWO X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version: vendor=baseguard engine=ICAP:2.0.293,Aquarius:18.0.1093,Hydra:6.0.680,FMLib: definitions=2025-03-14_02,2025-03-13_01,2024-11-22_01 X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details: rule=outbound_notspam policy=outbound score=0 mlxlogscore=999 adultscore=0 lowpriorityscore=0 mlxscore=0 clxscore=1015 phishscore=0 malwarescore=0 spamscore=0 impostorscore=0 bulkscore=0 suspectscore=0 priorityscore=1501 classifier=spam authscore=0 authtc=n/a authcc= route=outbound adjust=0 reason=mlx scancount=1 engine=8.19.0-2502280000 definitions=main-2503140047 From: Dmitry Baryshkov Describe the Mobile Display SubSystem (MDSS) device present on the Qualcomm SAR2130P platform. It looks pretty close to SM8550 on the system level. SAR2130P features two DSI hosts and single DisplayPort controller. Signed-off-by: Dmitry Baryshkov Reviewed-by: Krzysztof Kozlowski Signed-off-by: Dmitry Baryshkov --- .../bindings/display/msm/qcom,sar2130p-mdss.yaml | 439 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 439 insertions(+) diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,sar2130p-mdss.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,sar2130p-mdss.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..870144b53cec9d3e0892276e14b49b745d021879 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,sar2130p-mdss.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,439 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause +%YAML 1.2 +--- +$id:,sar2130p-mdss.yaml# +$schema: + +title: Qualcomm SAR2130P Display MDSS + +maintainers: + - Dmitry Baryshkov + +description: + SAR2310P MSM Mobile Display Subsystem(MDSS), which encapsulates sub-blocks like + DPU display controller, DSI and DP interfaces etc. + +$ref: /schemas/display/msm/mdss-common.yaml# + +properties: + compatible: + const: qcom,sar2130p-mdss + + clocks: + items: + - description: Display MDSS AHB + - description: Display AHB + - description: Display hf AXI + - description: Display core + + iommus: + maxItems: 1 + + interconnects: + items: + - description: Interconnect path from mdp0 port to the data bus + - description: Interconnect path from CPU to the reg bus + + interconnect-names: + items: + - const: mdp0-mem + - const: cpu-cfg + +patternProperties: + "^display-controller@[0-9a-f]+$": + type: object + additionalProperties: true + properties: + compatible: + const: qcom,sar2130p-dpu + + "^displayport-controller@[0-9a-f]+$": + type: object + additionalProperties: true + properties: + compatible: + contains: + const: qcom,sar2130p-dp + + "^dsi@[0-9a-f]+$": + type: object + additionalProperties: true + properties: + compatible: + contains: + const: qcom,sar2130p-dsi-ctrl + + "^phy@[0-9a-f]+$": + type: object + additionalProperties: true + properties: + compatible: + const: qcom,sar2130p-dsi-phy-5nm + +required: + - compatible + +unevaluatedProperties: false + +examples: + - | + #include + #include + #include + + display-subsystem@ae00000 { + compatible = "qcom,sar2130p-mdss"; + reg = <0x0ae00000 0x1000>; + reg-names = "mdss"; + + interconnects = <&mmss_noc_master_mdp &mc_virt_slave_ebi1>, + <&gem_noc_master_appss_proc &config_noc_slave_display_cfg>; + interconnect-names = "mdp0-mem", "cpu-cfg"; + + resets = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_core_bcr>; + + power-domains = <&dispcc_mdss_gdsc>; + + clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_ahb_clk>, + <&gcc_gcc_disp_ahb_clk>, + <&gcc_gcc_disp_hf_axi_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_mdp_clk>; + clock-names = "iface", "bus", "nrt_bus", "core"; + + interrupts = ; + interrupt-controller; + #interrupt-cells = <1>; + + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x1c00 0x2>; + + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + ranges; + + display-controller@ae01000 { + compatible = "qcom,sar2130p-dpu"; + reg = <0x0ae01000 0x8f000>, + <0x0aeb0000 0x2008>; + reg-names = "mdp", "vbif"; + + clocks = <&gcc_gcc_disp_ahb_clk>, + <&gcc_gcc_disp_hf_axi_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_ahb_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_mdp_lut_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_mdp_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_vsync_clk>; + clock-names = "bus", + "nrt_bus", + "iface", + "lut", + "core", + "vsync"; + + assigned-clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_vsync_clk>; + assigned-clock-rates = <19200000>; + + operating-points-v2 = <&mdp_opp_table>; + power-domains = <&rpmhpd RPMHPD_MMCX>; + + interrupt-parent = <&mdss>; + interrupts = <0>; + + ports { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + port@0 { + reg = <0>; + + dpu_intf0_out: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&mdss_dp0_in>; + }; + }; + + port@1 { + reg = <1>; + + dpu_intf1_out: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&mdss_dsi0_in>; + }; + }; + + port@2 { + reg = <2>; + + dpu_intf2_out: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&mdss_dsi1_in>; + }; + }; + }; + + mdp_opp_table: opp-table { + compatible = "operating-points-v2"; + + opp-200000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <200000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_low_svs>; + }; + + opp-325000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <325000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_svs>; + }; + + opp-375000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <375000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_svs_l1>; + }; + + opp-514000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <514000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_nom>; + }; + }; + }; + + displayport-controller@ae90000 { + compatible = "qcom,sar2130p-dp", + "qcom,sm8350-dp"; + reg = <0xae90000 0x200>, + <0xae90200 0x200>, + <0xae90400 0xc00>, + <0xae91000 0x400>, + <0xae91400 0x400>; + + interrupt-parent = <&mdss>; + interrupts = <12>; + clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_ahb_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_dptx0_aux_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_dptx0_link_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_dptx0_link_intf_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_dptx0_pixel0_clk>; + clock-names = "core_iface", + "core_aux", + "ctrl_link", + "ctrl_link_iface", + "stream_pixel"; + + assigned-clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_dptx0_link_clk_src>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_dptx0_pixel0_clk_src>; + assigned-clock-parents = <&usb_dp_qmpphy_QMP_USB43DP_DP_LINK_CLK>, + <&usb_dp_qmpphy_QMP_USB43DP_DP_VCO_DIV_CLK>; + + phys = <&usb_dp_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_DP_PHY>; + phy-names = "dp"; + + #sound-dai-cells = <0>; + + operating-points-v2 = <&dp_opp_table>; + power-domains = <&rpmhpd RPMHPD_MMCX>; + + ports { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + port@0 { + reg = <0>; + mdss_dp0_in: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&dpu_intf0_out>; + }; + }; + + port@1 { + reg = <1>; + mdss_dp0_out: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&usb_dp_qmpphy_dp_in>; + }; + }; + }; + + dp_opp_table: opp-table { + compatible = "operating-points-v2"; + + opp-162000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <162000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_low_svs_d1>; + }; + + opp-270000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <270000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_low_svs>; + }; + + opp-540000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <540000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_svs_l1>; + }; + + opp-810000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <810000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_nom>; + }; + }; + }; + + dsi@ae94000 { + compatible = "qcom,sar2130p-dsi-ctrl", + "qcom,mdss-dsi-ctrl"; + reg = <0x0ae94000 0x400>; + reg-names = "dsi_ctrl"; + + interrupt-parent = <&mdss>; + interrupts = <4>; + + clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_byte0_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_byte0_intf_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_pclk0_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_esc0_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_ahb_clk>, + <&gcc_gcc_disp_hf_axi_clk>; + clock-names = "byte", + "byte_intf", + "pixel", + "core", + "iface", + "bus"; + + assigned-clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_byte0_clk_src>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_pclk0_clk_src>; + assigned-clock-parents = <&mdss_dsi0_phy 0>, <&mdss_dsi0_phy 1>; + + operating-points-v2 = <&dsi_opp_table>; + power-domains = <&rpmhpd RPMHPD_MMCX>; + + phys = <&mdss_dsi0_phy>; + phy-names = "dsi"; + + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + ports { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + port@0 { + reg = <0>; + + mdss_dsi0_in: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&dpu_intf1_out>; + }; + }; + + port@1 { + reg = <1>; + + mdss_dsi0_out: endpoint { + }; + }; + }; + + dsi_opp_table: opp-table { + compatible = "operating-points-v2"; + + opp-187500000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <187500000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_low_svs>; + }; + + opp-300000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <300000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_svs>; + }; + + opp-358000000 { + opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <358000000>; + required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_svs_l1>; + }; + }; + }; + + mdss_dsi0_phy: phy@ae94400 { + compatible = "qcom,sar2130p-dsi-phy-5nm"; + reg = <0x0ae95000 0x200>, + <0x0ae95200 0x280>, + <0x0ae95500 0x400>; + reg-names = "dsi_phy", + "dsi_phy_lane", + "dsi_pll"; + + #clock-cells = <1>; + #phy-cells = <0>; + + clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_ahb_clk>, + <&rpmhcc_rpmh_cxo_clk>; + clock-names = "iface", "ref"; + }; + + dsi@ae96000 { + compatible = "qcom,sar2130p-dsi-ctrl", + "qcom,mdss-dsi-ctrl"; + reg = <0x0ae96000 0x400>; + reg-names = "dsi_ctrl"; + + interrupt-parent = <&mdss>; + interrupts = <5>; + + clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_byte1_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_byte1_intf_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_pclk1_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_esc1_clk>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_ahb_clk>, + <&gcc_gcc_disp_hf_axi_clk>; + clock-names = "byte", + "byte_intf", + "pixel", + "core", + "iface", + "bus"; + + assigned-clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_byte1_clk_src>, + <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_pclk1_clk_src>; + assigned-clock-parents = <&mdss_dsi1_phy 0>, <&mdss_dsi1_phy 1>; + + operating-points-v2 = <&dsi_opp_table>; + power-domains = <&rpmhpd RPMHPD_MMCX>; + + phys = <&mdss_dsi1_phy>; + phy-names = "dsi"; + + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + ports { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + port@0 { + reg = <0>; + + mdss_dsi1_in: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&dpu_intf2_out>; + }; + }; + + port@1 { + reg = <1>; + + mdss_dsi1_out: endpoint { + }; + }; + }; + }; + + mdss_dsi1_phy: phy@ae97000 { + compatible = "qcom,sar2130p-dsi-phy-5nm"; + reg = <0x0ae97000 0x200>, + <0x0ae97200 0x280>, + <0x0ae97500 0x400>; + reg-names = "dsi_phy", + "dsi_phy_lane", + "dsi_pll"; + + #clock-cells = <1>; + #phy-cells = <0>; + + clocks = <&dispcc_disp_cc_mdss_ahb_clk>, + <&rpmhcc_rpmh_cxo_clk>; + clock-names = "iface", "ref"; + }; + }; +...