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[BlueZ] adapter: Fix execute "LE Add Device To Resolving List" command fail

Message ID 20240731015747.788949-1-clancy_shang@163.com
State Superseded
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Series [BlueZ] adapter: Fix execute "LE Add Device To Resolving List" command fail | expand

Commit Message

clancy_shang@163.com July 31, 2024, 1:57 a.m. UTC
From: Clancy Shang <clancy.shang@quectel.com>

According to Bluetooth Core Specification Version 5.4 | Vol 4, Part E,
7.8.38, if there is an existing entry in the resolving list with the same
non-zero Peer_IRK, the Controller should return the error code Invalid
HCI Command Parameters (0x12), so fix it.

Test environment:
I tested with the game controller device, and the steps are as follows:
1. The game controller device enters advertising pairing mode and then
2. Disconnect.
3. Make the hand shank enter advertising pairing mode again and then
4. Reproduce.
The step one and step four, the game controller device is the same device
but with a different privacy static address, causing the same IRK.

There could be some trouble if it is fixed in the kernel.
Firstly, there would be two devices in the paired list, but only the latest
device can be conneted. Actually they are the same device.
Secondly, the display will show two devices too.

Signed-off-by: Clancy Shang <clancy.shang@quectel.com>
 src/adapter.c | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/src/adapter.c b/src/adapter.c
index 85ddfc165..d2f09cc2c 100644
--- a/src/adapter.c
+++ b/src/adapter.c
@@ -8901,6 +8901,73 @@  static void store_irk(struct btd_adapter *adapter, const bdaddr_t *peer,
+static void delete_existing_irk_from_directory(
+						struct btd_adapter *adapter,
+						const unsigned char *key)
+	char dirname[PATH_MAX];
+	GError *gerr = NULL;
+	DIR *dir;
+	struct dirent *entry;
+	create_filename(dirname, PATH_MAX, "/%s",
+				btd_adapter_get_storage_dir(adapter));
+	dir = opendir(dirname);
+	if (!dir) {
+		btd_error(adapter->dev_id,
+				"Unable to open adapter storage directory: %s",
+								dirname);
+		return;
+	}
+	while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
+		struct btd_device *device;
+		char filename[PATH_MAX];
+		GKeyFile *key_file;
+		struct irk_info *irk_info;
+		uint8_t bdaddr_type;
+		if (entry->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN)
+			entry->d_type = util_get_dt(dirname, entry->d_name);
+		if (entry->d_type != DT_DIR || bachk(entry->d_name) < 0)
+			continue;
+		create_filename(filename, PATH_MAX, "/%s/%s/info",
+					btd_adapter_get_storage_dir(adapter),
+					entry->d_name);
+		key_file = g_key_file_new();
+		if (!g_key_file_load_from_file(key_file, filename,
+								0, &gerr)) {
+			error("Unable to load key file from %s: (%s)",
+					filename, gerr->message);
+			g_clear_error(&gerr);
+		}
+		bdaddr_type = get_le_addr_type(key_file);
+		irk_info = get_irk_info(key_file, entry->d_name, bdaddr_type);
+		if (irk_info) {
+			if (!memcmp(irk_info->val, key, 16)) {
+				DBG("Has same irk, delete it");
+				device = btd_adapter_find_device(adapter,
+							&irk_info->bdaddr,
+							irk_info->bdaddr_type);
+				if (device)
+					btd_adapter_remove_device(adapter,
+									device);
+			}
+		}
+		g_key_file_free(key_file);
+	}
+	closedir(dir);
 static void new_irk_callback(uint16_t index, uint16_t length,
 					const void *param, void *user_data)
@@ -8950,6 +9017,8 @@  static void new_irk_callback(uint16_t index, uint16_t length,
 	if (!persistent)
+	delete_existing_irk_from_directory(adapter, irk->val);
 	store_irk(adapter, &addr->bdaddr, addr->type, irk->val);
 	btd_device_set_temporary(device, false);