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doc: proper definition of ODP thread

Message ID 1463651795-62030-1-git-send-email-christophe.milard@linaro.org
State Superseded
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Commit Message

Christophe Milard May 19, 2016, 9:56 a.m. UTC
Making clear which ODP instance a thread is joining
when calling odp_init_local().

Signed-off-by: Christophe Milard <christophe.milard@linaro.org>
 doc/glossary.adoc           | 22 +++++++++++++++-------
 include/odp/api/spec/init.h |  3 +++
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff mbox


diff --git a/doc/glossary.adoc b/doc/glossary.adoc
index 2c0de24..8d77f24 100644
--- a/doc/glossary.adoc
+++ b/doc/glossary.adoc
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@  control thread::
     operating system house keeping tasks but will be scheduled by it and may
     receive interrupts.
 ODP instantiation process::
-    The process calling `odp_init_global()`, which is probably the
+    The OS "flow of execution" (i.e. OS process or OS thread)
+    calling `odp_init_global()`, which is probably the
     first process which is started when an ODP application is started.
     There is one single such process per ODP instantiation.
@@ -19,12 +20,19 @@  thread::
 ODP thread::
     An ODP thread is a flow of execution that belongs to ODP:
     Any "flow of execution" (i.e. OS process or OS thread) calling
-    `odp_init_global()`, or `odp_init_local()` becomes an ODP thread.
-    This definition currently limits the number of ODP instances on a given
-    machine to one. In the future `odp_init_global()` will return something
-    like an ODP instance reference and `odp_init_local()` will take such
-    a reference in parameter, allowing threads to join any running ODP instance.
-    Note that, in a Linux environment an ODP thread can be either a Linux
+    `odp_init_local()` becomes an ODP thread.
+    On OSes supporting process hierarchy (e.g. linux), any "flow of execution"
+    calling `odp_init_local()` becomes an ODP thread of the ODP instance whose
+    ODP instantiation process is an ancestor of (or same as) this
+    "flow of execution".
+    This means that on these OSes, all ODP threads are descendant of (or
+    same as) their ODP instantiation process.
+    This also means that on these OSes, the ODP instance passed as
+    `odp_init_local()` parameter is ignored.
+    This parameter is only meaningful on OSes which do not support process
+    hierarchy. It is nevertheless recommended to set the value of this
+    parameter correctly in all cases for portability.
+    Note that, e.g. in a Linux environment an ODP thread can be either a Linux
     process or a linux thread (i.e. a linux process calling `odp_init_local()`
     will be referred as ODP thread, not ODP process).
diff --git a/include/odp/api/spec/init.h b/include/odp/api/spec/init.h
index fec6774..343735e 100644
--- a/include/odp/api/spec/init.h
+++ b/include/odp/api/spec/init.h
@@ -234,6 +234,9 @@  int odp_term_global(odp_instance_t instance);
  * All threads must call this function before calling any other ODP API
  * functions. The instance parameter specifies which ODP instance the thread
  * joins. A thread may be simultaneously part of single ODP instance only.
+ * On OSes supporting process hierarchy (e.g linux), this parameter is actually
+ * ignored as all ODP threads have to be descendant of their ODP
+ * instantiation process.
  * @param instance        Instance handle
  * @param thr_type        Thread type