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[PATCHv4,6/6] doc: userguide: add descriptions of new packet manipulation APIs

Message ID 1462557065-14666-6-git-send-email-bill.fischofer@linaro.org
State Accepted
Commit ed20291aade4856577d776b7c7772cf67b4bc5a2
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Commit Message

Bill Fischofer May 6, 2016, 5:51 p.m. UTC
Add documentation of new packet manipulation APIs added for Monarch


Signed-off-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org>
 doc/users-guide/users-guide-packet.adoc | 165 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 159 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff mbox


diff --git a/doc/users-guide/users-guide-packet.adoc b/doc/users-guide/users-guide-packet.adoc
index 0eadd6b..e3be23c 100644
--- a/doc/users-guide/users-guide-packet.adoc
+++ b/doc/users-guide/users-guide-packet.adoc
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@  handle defined by each implementation.
 Packet objects are normally created at ingress when they arrive at a source
 *odp_pktio_t* and are received by an application either directly or (more
-typically) for a scheduled receive queue. They MAY be implicitly freed when
+typically) via a scheduled receive queue. They MAY be implicitly freed when
 they are transmitted to an output *odp_pktio_t* via an associated transmit
 queue, or freed directly via the `odp_packet_free()` API.
-Occasionally an application may originate a packet itself, either _de novo_ or
+Occasionally an application may originate a packet itself, either directly or
 by deriving it from an existing packet, and APIs are provided to assist in
 these cases as well. Application-created packets can be recycled back through
 a _loopback interface_ to reparse and reclassify them, or the application can
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@  and/or modify this information.
 === Packet Structure and Concepts
 A _packet_ consists of a sequence of octets conforming to an architected
 format, such as Ethernet, that can be received and transmitted via the ODP
-*pktio* abstraction. Packets of a _length_, which is the number of bytes in
+*pktio* abstraction. Packets have a _length_, which is the number of bytes in
 the packet. Packet data in ODP is referenced via _offsets_ since these reflect
 the logical contents and structure of a packet independent of how particular
 ODP implementations store that data.
@@ -44,7 +44,12 @@  areas are logically associated with a packet. Packets can be adjusted by
 _pulling_ and _pushing_ these areas. Typical packet processing might consist
 of stripping headers from a packet via `odp_pull_head()` calls as part of
 receive processing and then replacing them with new headers via
-`odp_push_head()` calls as the packet is being prepared for transmit.
+`odp_push_head()` calls as the packet is being prepared for transmit. Note that
+while headroom and tailroom represent reserved areas of memory, these areas
+not not addressable or directly usable by ODP applications until they are
+made part of the packet via associated push operations. Similarly, bytes
+removed via pull operations become part of a packet's headroom or tailroom
+and are again no longer accessible to the application.
 === Packet Segments and Addressing
 ODP platforms use various methods and techniques to store and process packets
@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@  the range of platforms that support ODP.
 The use of segments for packet addressing and their relationship to metadata
 is shown in this diagram:
-.ODP Packet Segmentation and Manipulation
+.ODP Packet Segmentation
 The packet metadata is set during parsing and identifies the starting offsets
@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@  reserved for the packet and are not usable by the application until made
 available to it by an appropriate API call.
 While the push/pull APIs permit applications to perform efficient manipulation
-of packets within the current segment structure, ODP also provices APIs that
+of packets within the current segment structure, ODP also provides APIs that
 permit segments to be added or removed. The `odp_packet_extend_head()` and
 `odp_packet_trunc_head()` APIs permit segments to be added or removed from
 the beginning of a packet, while `odp_packet_extend_tail()` and
@@ -129,3 +134,151 @@  starting from that changed offset, changing an attribute like
 a valid UDP packet. Applications are expected to exercise appropriate care
 when changing packet metadata to ensure that the resulting metadata changes
 reflect the actual changed packet structure that the application has made.
+=== Packet Manipulation
+ODP Packet manipulation APIs can be divided into two categories: Those
+that do not change a packet's segment structure, and those that potentially do
+change this structure. We've already seen one example of this. The push/pull
+APIs permit manipulation of packet headroom/tailroom that does not result in
+changes to packet segmentation, while the corresponding extend/trunc APIs
+provide the same functionality but with the potential that segments may be
+added to or removed from the packet as part of the operation.
+The reason for having two different types of APIs that perform similar
+functions is that it is expected that on most implementations operations that
+do not change packet segment structure will be more efficient than those that
+do. To account for this, APIs that potentially involve a change in packet
+segmentation always take an output *odp_packet_t* parameter or return
+value. Applications are expected to use this new handle for the resulting
+packet instead of the old (input) handle as the implementation may have
+returned a new handle that now represents the transformed packet.
+To enable applications that manipulate packets this way to operate most
+efficiently the return codes from these APIs follow a standard convention. As
+usual, return codes less than zero indicate error and result in no change to
+the input packet. A return code of zero indicates success, but also indicates
+that any cached addressability to the packet is still valid. Return codes
+greater than zero also indicate success but with a potential change to packet
+addressability. For example, if an application had previously obtained
+addressability to a packet's Layer 3 header via the `odp_packet_l3_ptr()` API,
+a return code of zero would mean that the application may continue to use that
+pointer for access to the L3 header, while a return code greater than zero
+would mean that the application should reissue that call to re-obtain
+addressability as the packet segmentation may have changed and hence the old
+pointer may no longer be valid.
+==== Packet Copying
+One of the simplest manipulations that can be done is to make a copy of all or
+part of a packet. The `odp_packet_copy()` and `odp_packet_copy_part()` APIs
+are used to return a new packet that contains either the entirety or a
+selected part of an existing packet. Note that these operations also specify
+the packet pool from which the new packet is to be drawn.
+==== Packet Data Copying and Moving
+ODP provides several APIs to enable portions of a packet to be copied
+either to or from a memory area, another packet, or within a single packet, as
+illustrated below:
+.ODP Packet Data Copying and Moving Operations
+These APIs provide bounds checking when the source or destination is an ODP
+packet. This means that data must be in the offset range
+`0`..`odp_packet_len()-1`. For operations involving memory areas,
+the caller takes responsibility for ensuring that memory areas
+referenced by `odp_packet_copy_to/from_mem()` are valid.
+When manipulating data within a single packet, two similar APIs are provided:
+`odp_packet_copy_data()` and `odp_packet_move_data()`. Of these, the move
+operation is more general and may be used even when the source and destination
+data areas overlap. The copy operation must only be used if the caller knows
+that the two areas do not overlap, and may result in more efficient operation.
+When dealing with overlapping memory areas, `odp_packet_move_data()` operates
+as if the source area was first copied to a non-overlapping separate memory
+area and then copied from that area to the destination area.
+==== Adding and Removing Packet Data
+The various copy/move operations discussed so far only affect the data
+contained in a packet do not change its length. Data can also be added to
+or removed from a packet via the `odp_packet_add_data()` and
+`odp_packet_rem_data()` APIs as shown below:
+.Adding Data to a Packet
+Adding data simply creates the requested amount of "space" within the packet
+at the specified offset. The length of the packet is increased by the number
+of added bytes. The contents of this space upon successful completion
+of the operation is unspecified. It is the application's responsibility to then
+fill this space with meaningful data, _e.g.,_ via a subsequent
+`odp_packet_copy_from_mem()` or `odp_packet_copy_from_pkt()` call.
+.Removing Data from a Packet
+Removing data from a packet has the opposite effect. The specified number of
+bytes at the designated offset are removed from the packet and the resulting
+"hole" is collapsed so that the remainder of the packet immediately follows
+the removal point. The resulting packet length is decreased by the number of
+removed bytes.
+Note that adding or removing data from a packet may affect packet segmentation,
+so the application must use the returned packet handle and abide by the
+return code results of the operation.  Whether or not segmentation is
+changed by these operations, the amount of available packet headroom and/or
+tailroom may also be changed by these operations, so again applications should
+not attempt to cache the results of prior `odp_packet_headroom()` or
+`odp_packet_tailroom()` calls across these APIs.
+==== Packet Splitting and Concatenation
+Another type of manipulation is to split a packet into two packets as shown
+.Splitting a Packet
+The `odp_packet_split()` API indicates the split point by specifying the
+resulting desired length of the original packet.  Upon return, the original
+packet ends at the specified split point and the new "tail" is returned as
+its own separate packet. Note that this new packet will always be from the same
+packet pool as the original packet.
+The opposite operation is performed by the `odp_packet_concat()` API. This API
+takes a destination and source packet as arguments and the result is that
+the source packet is concatenated to the destination packet and ceases to
+have any separete identity. Note that it is legal to concatenate a packet to
+itself, in which case the result is a packet with double the length of the
+original packet.
+==== Packet Realignment
+As previously discussed, packets are divided into implementation-defined
+segments that normally don't concern applications since contiguous
+addressability extents are returned as part of APIs such as
+`odp_packet_offset()`. However, if the application has performed a lot of
+manipulation or processing on a packet, this can sometimes result in segment
+boundaries appearing at inconvenient locations, such as in the middle of
+headers or individual fields, or for headers to become misaligned with respect
+to their addresses in memory. This can make subsequent processing of the
+packet inefficient.
+To address these issues, ODP provides a means of realigning a packet to allow
+for more efficient processing as shown below:
+.Packet Realignment
+Input to `odp_packet_align()` specifies the number of contiguous bytes that
+are needed at a given packet offset as well as the memory alignment required
+for that offset. A value of zero may be specified for either as a "don't care"
+value. If these criteria are already satisfied then the call is an effective
+no-op and will result in a return code of zero to tell the caller that all is
+well. Otherwise, the packet will be logically "shifted" within its containing
+segment(s) to achieve the requested addressability and alignment constraints,
+if possible, and a return code greater than zero will result.
+The requested operation may fail for a number of reasons. For example, if the
+caller is requesting contiguous addressability to a portion of the packet
+larger than the underlying segment size. The call may also fail if the
+requested alignment is too high. Alignment limits will vary among different ODP
+implementations, however ODP requires that all implementations support
+requested alignments of at least 32 bytes.