diff mbox

[Branch,~glcompbench-dev/glcompbench/trunk] Rev 75: Merge of lp:~glcompbench-dev/glcompbench/libmatrix-util.

Message ID 20120127222915.8576.68759.launchpad@ackee.canonical.com
State Accepted
Headers show

Commit Message

Jesse Barker Jan. 27, 2012, 10:29 p.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  Jesse Barker (jesse-barker)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: Jesse Barker (jesse-barker)
revno: 75 [merge]
committer: Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2012-01-27 14:26:02 -0800
  Merge of lp:~glcompbench-dev/glcompbench/libmatrix-util.
  Updates glcompbench to reflect the latest lp:libmatrix, which, in and of itself,
  conslidates code previously duplicated between glcompbench and glmark2 into


You are subscribed to branch lp:glcompbench.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~glcompbench-dev/glcompbench/trunk/+edit-subscription
diff mbox


=== modified file 'src/glcompbench.cc'
--- src/glcompbench.cc	2011-12-12 13:16:47 +0000
+++ src/glcompbench.cc	2012-01-27 22:21:17 +0000
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ 
 #include "benchmark.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "log.h"
+#include "util.h"
 static const char *default_benchmarks[] = {
@@ -148,6 +149,9 @@ 
     if (!Options::parse_args(argc, argv))
         return 1;
+    // Initialize Log class
+    Log::init(Util::appname_from_path(argv[0]), Options::show_debug);
     if (Options::show_help ||
         Options::backend == Options::BACKEND_NONE) {

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/Makefile'
--- src/libmatrix/Makefile	2011-06-22 08:59:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/Makefile	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ 
 CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Werror -pedantic -O3
 LIBMATRIX = libmatrix.a
-LIBSRCS = mat.cc program.cc
+LIBSRCS = mat.cc program.cc log.cc util.cc shader-source.cc
 LIBOBJS = $(LIBSRCS:.cc=.o)
 TESTDIR = test
 LIBMATRIX_TESTS = $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test
 TESTSRCS = $(TESTDIR)/options.cc \
+           $(TESTDIR)/const_vec_test.cc \
            $(TESTDIR)/inverse_test.cc \
+           $(TESTDIR)/transpose_test.cc \
+           $(TESTDIR)/shader_source_test.cc \
@@ -16,15 +19,21 @@ 
 # Main library targets here.
 mat.o : mat.cc mat.h vec.h
 program.o: program.cc program.h mat.h vec.h
-libmatrix.a : mat.o mat.h stack.h vec.h program.o program.h
+log.o: log.cc log.h
+util.o: util.cc util.h
+shader-source.o: shader-source.cc shader-source.h mat.h vec.h
+libmatrix.a : mat.o stack.h program.o log.o util.o shader-source.o
 	$(AR) -r $@  $(LIBOBJS)
 # Tests and execution targets here.
 $(TESTDIR)/options.o: $(TESTDIR)/options.cc $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.h
-$(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.o: $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.cc $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.h $(TESTDIR)/inverse_test.h
+$(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.o: $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.cc $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.h $(TESTDIR)/inverse_test.h $(TESTDIR)/transpose_test.h
+$(TESTDIR)/const_vec_test.o: $(TESTDIR)/const_vec_test.cc $(TESTDIR)/const_vec_test.h $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.h vec.h
 $(TESTDIR)/inverse_test.o: $(TESTDIR)/inverse_test.cc $(TESTDIR)/inverse_test.h $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.h mat.h
-$(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test: $(TESTDIR)/options.o $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.o $(TESTDIR)/inverse_test.o libmatrix.a
-	$(CXX) -o $@ $?
+$(TESTDIR)/transpose_test.o: $(TESTDIR)/transpose_test.cc $(TESTDIR)/transpose_test.h $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.h mat.h
+$(TESTDIR)/shader_source_test.o: $(TESTDIR)/shader_source_test.cc $(TESTDIR)/shader_source_test.h $(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test.h shader-source.h
+$(TESTDIR)/libmatrix_test: $(TESTOBJS) libmatrix.a
+	$(CXX) -o $@ $^
 run_tests: $(LIBMATRIX_TESTS)
 clean :

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/gl-if.h'
--- src/libmatrix/gl-if.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/gl-if.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2012 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
+#ifndef GL_IF_H_
+#define GL_IF_H_
+// Inclusion abstraction to provide project specific interface headers for
+// whatever flavor of OpenGL(|ES) is appropriate.  For core libmatrix, this
+// is GLEW.
+#include "gl-headers.h"
+#endif // GL_IF_H_

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/log.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/log.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/log.cc	2012-01-27 22:21:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
+//     Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "log.h"
+#ifdef ANDROID
+#include <android/log.h>
+using std::string;
+const string Log::continuation_prefix("\x10");
+string Log::appname_;
+bool Log::do_debug_(false);
+#ifndef ANDROID
+static const string terminal_color_normal("\033[0m");
+static const string terminal_color_red("\033[1;31m");
+static const string terminal_color_cyan("\033[36m");
+static const string terminal_color_yellow("\033[33m");
+static const string empty;
+static void
+print_prefixed_message(std::ostream& stream, const string& color, const string& prefix,
+                       const string& fmt, va_list ap)
+    va_list aq;
+    /* Estimate message size */
+    va_copy(aq, ap);
+    int msg_size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt.c_str(), aq);
+    va_end(aq);
+    /* Create the buffer to hold the message */
+    char *buf = new char[msg_size + 1];
+    /* Store the message in the buffer */
+    va_copy(aq, ap);
+    vsnprintf(buf, msg_size + 1, fmt.c_str(), aq);
+    va_end(aq);
+    /*
+     * Print the message lines prefixed with the supplied prefix.
+     * If the target stream is a terminal make the prefix colored.
+     */
+    string linePrefix;
+    if (!prefix.empty())
+    {
+        static const string colon(": ");
+        string start_color;
+        string end_color;
+        if (!color.empty())
+        {
+            start_color = color;
+            end_color = terminal_color_normal;
+        }
+        linePrefix = start_color + prefix + end_color + colon;
+    }
+    std::string line;
+    std::stringstream ss(buf);
+    while(std::getline(ss, line)) {
+        /*
+         * If this line is a continuation of a previous log message
+         * just print the line plainly.
+         */
+        if (line[0] == Log::continuation_prefix[0]) {
+            stream << line.c_str() + 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            /* Normal line, emit the prefix. */
+            stream << linePrefix << line;
+        }
+        /* Only emit a newline if the original message has it. */
+        if (!(ss.rdstate() & std::stringstream::eofbit))
+            stream << std::endl;
+    }
+    delete[] buf;
+Log::info(const char *fmt, ...)
+    static const string infoprefix("Info");
+    static const string& infocolor(isatty(fileno(stdout)) ? terminal_color_cyan : empty);
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    if (do_debug_)
+        print_prefixed_message(std::cout, infocolor, infoprefix, fmt, ap);
+    else
+        print_prefixed_message(std::cout, empty, empty, fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+Log::debug(const char *fmt, ...)
+    static const string dbgprefix("Debug");
+    static const string& dbgcolor(isatty(fileno(stdout)) ? terminal_color_yellow : empty);
+    if (!do_debug_)
+        return;
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    print_prefixed_message(std::cout, dbgcolor, dbgprefix, fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+Log::error(const char *fmt, ...)
+    static const string errprefix("Error");
+    static const string& errcolor(isatty(fileno(stderr)) ? terminal_color_red : empty);
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    print_prefixed_message(std::cerr, errcolor, errprefix, fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+    std::cout.flush();
+    std::cerr.flush();
+Log::info(const char *fmt, ...)
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, appname_.c_str(), fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+Log::debug(const char *fmt, ...)
+    if (!do_debug_)
+        return;
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, appname_.c_str(), fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+Log::error(const char *fmt, ...)
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, appname_.c_str(), fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/log.h'
--- src/libmatrix/log.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/log.h	2012-01-27 22:21:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
+//     Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
+#ifndef LOG_H_
+#define LOG_H_
+#include <string>
+class Log
+    static void init(const std::string& appname, bool do_debug = false)
+    {
+        appname_ = appname;
+        do_debug_ = do_debug;
+    }
+    // Emit an informational message
+    static void info(const char *fmt, ...);
+    // Emit a debugging message
+    static void debug(const char *fmt, ...);
+    // Emit an error message
+    static void error(const char *fmt, ...);
+    // Explicit flush of the log buffer
+    static void flush();
+    // A prefix constant that informs the logging infrastructure that the log
+    // message is a continuation of a previous log message to be put on the
+    // same line.
+    static const std::string continuation_prefix;
+    // A constant for identifying the log messages as originating from a
+    // particular application.
+    static std::string appname_;
+    // Indicates whether debug level messages should generate any output
+    static bool do_debug_;
+#endif /* LOG_H_ */

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/mat.h'
--- src/libmatrix/mat.h	2011-06-22 08:59:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/mat.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ 
 // However, the internal data representation is column-major, so when using 
 // the raw data access member to treat the data as a singly-dimensioned array,
 // it does not have to be transposed.
+// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 2x2 matrix
+// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it 
+// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
+// work).
 template<typename T>
 class tmat2
@@ -70,6 +75,7 @@ 
     ~tmat2() {}
+    // Reset this to the identity matrix.
     void setIdentity()
         m_[0] = 1;
@@ -78,6 +84,7 @@ 
         m_[3] = 1;
+    // Transpose this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat2& transpose()
         T tmp_val = m_[1];
@@ -86,11 +93,16 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Compute the determinant of this and return it.
     T determinant()
         return (m_[0] * m_[3]) - (m_[2] * m_[1]);
+    // Invert this.  Return a reference to this.
+    //
+    // NOTE: If this is non-invertible, we will
+    //       throw to avoid undefined behavior.
     tmat2& inverse() throw(std::runtime_error)
         T d(determinant());
@@ -109,6 +121,8 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Print the elements of the matrix to standard out.
+    // Really only useful for debug and test.
     void print() const
         static const int precision(6);
@@ -126,8 +140,12 @@ 
         std::cout << " |" << std::endl;
+    // Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
+    // For example, it is valid to pass a tmat2<float> into a call to
+    // the OpenGL command "glUniformMatrix2fv()".
     operator const T*() const { return &m_[0];}
+    // Test if 'rhs' is equal to this.
     bool operator==(const tmat2& rhs) const
         return m_[0] == rhs.m_[0] &&
@@ -136,11 +154,13 @@ 
                m_[3] == rhs.m_[3];
+    // Test if 'rhs' is not equal to this.
     bool operator!=(const tmat2& rhs) const
         return !(*this == rhs);
+    // A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat2& operator=(const tmat2& rhs)
         if (this != &rhs)
@@ -153,6 +173,7 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Add another matrix to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat2& operator+=(const tmat2& rhs)
         m_[0] += rhs.m_[0];
@@ -162,11 +183,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Add another matrix to a copy of this.  Return the copy.
     const tmat2 operator+(const tmat2& rhs)
         return tmat2(*this) += rhs;
+    // Subtract another matrix from this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat2& operator-=(const tmat2& rhs)
         m_[0] -= rhs.m_[0];
@@ -176,11 +199,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Subtract another matrix from a copy of this.  Return the copy.
     const tmat2 operator-(const tmat2& rhs)
         return tmat2(*this) += rhs;
+    // Multiply this by another matrix.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat2& operator*=(const tmat2& rhs)
         T c0r0((m_[0] * rhs.m_[0]) + (m_[2] * rhs.m_[1]));
@@ -194,11 +219,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Multiply a copy of this by another matrix.  Return the copy.
     const tmat2 operator*(const tmat2& rhs)
         return tmat2(*this) *= rhs;
+    // Multiply this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat2& operator*=(const T& rhs)
         m_[0] *= rhs;
@@ -208,11 +235,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Multiply a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
     const tmat2 operator*(const T& rhs)
         return tmat2(*this) *= rhs;
+    // Divide this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat2& operator/=(const T& rhs)
         m_[0] /= rhs;
@@ -222,11 +251,15 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Divide a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
     const tmat2 operator/(const T& rhs)
         return tmat2(*this) /= rhs;
+    // Use an instance of the ArrayProxy class to support double-indexed
+    // references to a matrix (i.e., m[1][1]).  See comments above the
+    // ArrayProxy definition for more details.
     ArrayProxy<T, 2> operator[](int index)
         return ArrayProxy<T, 2>(&m_[index]);
@@ -240,12 +273,16 @@ 
     T m_[4];
+// Multiply a scalar and a matrix just like the member operator, but allow
+// the scalar to be the left-hand operand.
 template<typename T>
 const tmat2<T> operator*(const T& lhs, const tmat2<T>& rhs)
     return tmat2<T>(rhs) * lhs;
+// Multiply a copy of a vector and a matrix (matrix is right-hand operand).
+// Return the copy.
 template<typename T>
 const tvec2<T> operator*(const tvec2<T>& lhs, const tmat2<T>& rhs)
@@ -254,6 +291,8 @@ 
     return tvec2<T>(x,y);
+// Multiply a copy of a vector and a matrix (matrix is left-hand operand).
+// Return the copy.
 template<typename T>
 const tvec2<T> operator*(const tmat2<T>& lhs, const tvec2<T>& rhs)
@@ -262,6 +301,7 @@ 
     return tvec2<T>(x, y);
+// Compute the outer product of two vectors.  Return the resultant matrix.
 template<typename T>
 const tmat2<T> outer(const tvec2<T>& a, const tvec2<T>& b)
@@ -273,6 +313,10 @@ 
     return product;
+// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 3x3 matrix
+// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it 
+// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
+// work).
 template<typename T>
 class tmat3
@@ -294,8 +338,8 @@ 
         m_[8] = m.m_[8];
     tmat3(const T& c0r0, const T& c0r1, const T& c0r2,
-           const T& c1r0, const T& c1r1, const T& c1r2,
-           const T& c2r0, const T& c2r1, const T& c2r2)
+          const T& c1r0, const T& c1r1, const T& c1r2,
+          const T& c2r0, const T& c2r1, const T& c2r2)
         m_[0] = c0r0;
         m_[1] = c0r1;
@@ -309,6 +353,7 @@ 
     ~tmat3() {}
+    // Reset this to the identity matrix.
     void setIdentity()
         m_[0] = 1;
@@ -322,6 +367,7 @@ 
         m_[8] = 1;
+    // Transpose this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat3& transpose()
         T tmp_val = m_[1];
@@ -336,6 +382,7 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Compute the determinant of this and return it.
     T determinant()
         tmat2<T> minor0(m_[4], m_[5], m_[7], m_[8]);
@@ -346,6 +393,10 @@ 
                (m_[6] * minor6.determinant());
+    // Invert this.  Return a reference to this.
+    //
+    // NOTE: If this is non-invertible, we will
+    //       throw to avoid undefined behavior.
     tmat3& inverse() throw(std::runtime_error)
         T d(determinant());
@@ -374,6 +425,8 @@ 
         return *this;       
+    // Print the elements of the matrix to standard out.
+    // Really only useful for debug and test.
     void print() const
         static const int precision(6);
@@ -403,8 +456,12 @@ 
         std::cout << " |" << std::endl;
+    // Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
+    // For example, it is valid to pass a tmat3<float> into a call to
+    // the OpenGL command "glUniformMatrix3fv()".
     operator const T*() const { return &m_[0];}
+    // Test if 'rhs' is equal to this.
     bool operator==(const tmat3& rhs) const
         return m_[0] == rhs.m_[0] &&
@@ -418,11 +475,13 @@ 
                m_[8] == rhs.m_[8];
+    // Test if 'rhs' is not equal to this.
     bool operator!=(const tmat3& rhs) const
         return !(*this == rhs);
+    // A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat3& operator=(const tmat3& rhs)
         if (this != &rhs)
@@ -440,6 +499,7 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Add another matrix to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat3& operator+=(const tmat3& rhs)
         m_[0] += rhs.m_[0];
@@ -454,11 +514,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Add another matrix to a copy of this.  Return the copy.
     const tmat3 operator+(const tmat3& rhs)
         return tmat3(*this) += rhs;
+    // Subtract another matrix from this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat3& operator-=(const tmat3& rhs)
         m_[0] -= rhs.m_[0];
@@ -473,11 +535,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Subtract another matrix from a copy of this.  Return the copy.
     const tmat3 operator-(const tmat3& rhs)
         return tmat3(*this) -= rhs;
+    // Multiply this by another matrix.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat3& operator*=(const tmat3& rhs)
         T c0r0((m_[0] * rhs.m_[0]) + (m_[3] * rhs.m_[1]) + (m_[6] * rhs.m_[2]));
@@ -501,11 +565,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Multiply a copy of this by another matrix.  Return the copy.
     const tmat3 operator*(const tmat3& rhs)
         return tmat3(*this) *= rhs;
+    // Multiply this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat3& operator*=(const T& rhs)
         m_[0] *= rhs;
@@ -520,11 +586,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Multiply a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
     const tmat3 operator*(const T& rhs)
         return tmat3(*this) *= rhs;
+    // Divide this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat3& operator/=(const T& rhs)
         m_[0] /= rhs;
@@ -539,11 +607,15 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Divide a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
     const tmat3 operator/(const T& rhs)
         return tmat3(*this) /= rhs;
+    // Use an instance of the ArrayProxy class to support double-indexed
+    // references to a matrix (i.e., m[1][1]).  See comments above the
+    // ArrayProxy definition for more details.
     ArrayProxy<T, 3> operator[](int index)
         return ArrayProxy<T, 3>(&m_[index]);
@@ -557,12 +629,16 @@ 
     T m_[9];
+// Multiply a scalar and a matrix just like the member operator, but allow
+// the scalar to be the left-hand operand.
 template<typename T>
 const tmat3<T> operator*(const T& lhs, const tmat3<T>& rhs)
     return tmat3<T>(rhs) * lhs;
+// Multiply a copy of a vector and a matrix (matrix is right-hand operand).
+// Return the copy.
 template<typename T>
 const tvec3<T> operator*(const tvec3<T>& lhs, const tmat3<T>& rhs)
@@ -572,6 +648,8 @@ 
     return tvec3<T>(x, y, z);
+// Multiply a copy of a vector and a matrix (matrix is left-hand operand).
+// Return the copy.
 template<typename T>
 const tvec3<T> operator*(const tmat3<T>& lhs, const tvec3<T>& rhs)
@@ -581,6 +659,7 @@ 
     return tvec3<T>(x, y, z);
+// Compute the outer product of two vectors.  Return the resultant matrix.
 template<typename T>
 const tmat3<T> outer(const tvec3<T>& a, const tvec3<T>& b)
@@ -597,6 +676,10 @@ 
     return product;
+// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 4x4 matrix
+// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it 
+// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
+// work).
 template<typename T>
 class tmat4
@@ -626,6 +709,7 @@ 
     ~tmat4() {}
+    // Reset this to the identity matrix.
     void setIdentity()
         m_[0] = 1;
@@ -646,6 +730,7 @@ 
         m_[15] = 1;
+    // Transpose this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat4& transpose()
         T tmp_val = m_[1];
@@ -669,6 +754,7 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Compute the determinant of this and return it.
     T determinant()
         tmat3<T> minor0(m_[5], m_[6], m_[7], m_[9], m_[10], m_[11], m_[13], m_[14], m_[15]);
@@ -681,6 +767,10 @@ 
                (m_[12] * minor12.determinant());
+    // Invert this.  Return a reference to this.
+    //
+    // NOTE: If this is non-invertible, we will
+    //       throw to avoid undefined behavior.
     tmat4& inverse() throw(std::runtime_error)
         T d(determinant());
@@ -726,6 +816,8 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Print the elements of the matrix to standard out.
+    // Really only useful for debug and test.
     void print() const
         static const int precision(6);
@@ -771,8 +863,12 @@ 
         std::cout << " |" << std::endl;
+    // Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
+    // For example, it is valid to pass a tmat4<float> into a call to
+    // the OpenGL command "glUniformMatrix4fv()".
     operator const T*() const { return &m_[0];}
+    // Test if 'rhs' is equal to this.
     bool operator==(const tmat4& rhs) const
         return m_[0] == rhs.m_[0] &&
@@ -793,11 +889,13 @@ 
                m_[15] == rhs.m_[15];
+    // Test if 'rhs' is not equal to this.
     bool operator!=(const tmat4& rhs) const
         return !(*this == rhs);
+    // A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat4& operator=(const tmat4& rhs)
         if (this != &rhs)
@@ -822,6 +920,7 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Add another matrix to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat4& operator+=(const tmat4& rhs)
         m_[0] += rhs.m_[0];
@@ -843,11 +942,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Add another matrix to a copy of this.  Return the copy.
     const tmat4 operator+(const tmat4& rhs)
         return tmat4(*this) += rhs;
+    // Subtract another matrix from this.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat4& operator-=(const tmat4& rhs)
         m_[0] -= rhs.m_[0];
@@ -869,11 +970,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Subtract another matrix from a copy of this.  Return the copy.
     const tmat4 operator-(const tmat4& rhs)
         return tmat4(*this) -= rhs;
+    // Multiply this by another matrix.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat4& operator*=(const tmat4& rhs)
         T c0r0((m_[0] * rhs.m_[0]) + (m_[4] * rhs.m_[1]) + (m_[8] * rhs.m_[2]) + (m_[12] * rhs.m_[3]));
@@ -911,11 +1014,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Multiply a copy of this by another matrix.  Return the copy.
     const tmat4 operator*(const tmat4& rhs)
         return tmat4(*this) *= rhs;
+    // Multiply this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat4& operator*=(const T& rhs)
         m_[0] *= rhs;
@@ -937,11 +1042,13 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Multiply a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
     const tmat4 operator*(const T& rhs)
         return tmat4(*this) *= rhs;
+    // Divide this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tmat4& operator/=(const T& rhs)
         m_[0] /= rhs;
@@ -963,11 +1070,15 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Divide a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
     const tmat4 operator/(const T& rhs)
         return tmat4(*this) /= rhs;
+    // Use an instance of the ArrayProxy class to support double-indexed
+    // references to a matrix (i.e., m[1][1]).  See comments above the
+    // ArrayProxy definition for more details.
     ArrayProxy<T, 4> operator[](int index)
         return ArrayProxy<T, 4>(&m_[index]);
@@ -981,12 +1092,16 @@ 
     T m_[16];
+// Multiply a scalar and a matrix just like the member operator, but allow
+// the scalar to be the left-hand operand.
 template<typename T>
 const tmat4<T> operator*(const T& lhs, const tmat4<T>& rhs)
     return tmat4<T>(rhs) * lhs;
+// Multiply a copy of a vector and a matrix (matrix is right-hand operand).
+// Return the copy.
 template<typename T>
 const tvec4<T> operator*(const tvec4<T>& lhs, const tmat4<T>& rhs)
@@ -997,6 +1112,8 @@ 
     return tvec4<T>(x, y, z, w);
+// Multiply a copy of a vector and a matrix (matrix is left-hand operand).
+// Return the copy.
 template<typename T>
 const tvec4<T> operator*(const tmat4<T>& lhs, const tvec4<T>& rhs)
@@ -1007,6 +1124,7 @@ 
     return tvec4<T>(x, y, z, w);
+// Compute the outer product of two vectors.  Return the resultant matrix.
 template<typename T>
 const tmat4<T> outer(const tvec4<T>& a, const tvec4<T>& b)

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/program.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/program.cc	2011-09-05 15:23:11 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/program.cc	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
-// Copyright (c) 2011 Linaro Limited
+// Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Linaro Limited
 // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 // are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
@@ -8,16 +8,15 @@ 
 // Contributors:
 //     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
-//     Alexandros Frantzis - local changes for better integration with glcompbench
+//     Alexandros Frantzis - local integration changes
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "gl-headers.h"
+#include "gl-if.h"
 #include "program.h"
-#include "log.h"
 using std::string;
 using LibMatrix::mat4;
@@ -25,27 +24,6 @@ 
 using LibMatrix::vec3;
 using LibMatrix::vec4;
-gotSource(const string& filename, string& source)
-    using std::ifstream;
-    ifstream inputFile(filename.c_str());
-    if (!inputFile)
-    {
-        std::cerr << "Failed to open \"" << filename << "\"" << std::endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    string curLine;
-    while (getline(inputFile, curLine))
-    {
-        source += curLine;
-        source += '\n';
-    }
-    return true;
 Shader::Shader(unsigned int type, const string& source) :

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/program.h'
--- src/libmatrix/program.h	2011-09-05 15:23:11 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/program.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
-// Copyright (c) 2011 Linaro Limited
+// Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Linaro Limited
 // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 // are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ 
 // Contributors:
 //     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
+//     Alexandros Frantzis - local integration changes
 #ifndef PROGRAM_H_
 #define PROGRAM_H_
@@ -161,7 +162,4 @@ 
     bool valid_;
-// Handy utility for extracting shader source from a named file
-bool gotSource(const std::string& filename, std::string& sourceOut);
 #endif // PROGRAM_H_

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/shader-source.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/shader-source.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/shader-source.cc	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
+//     Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
+#include <istream>
+#include <memory>
+#include "shader-source.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "vec.h"
+#include "util.h"
+ * Holds default precision values for all shader types
+ * (even the unknown type, which is hardwired to default precision values)
+ */
+ShaderSource::default_precision_(ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown + 1);
+ * Loads the contents of a file into a string.
+ *
+ * @param filename the name of the file
+ * @param str the string to put the contents of the file into
+ */
+ShaderSource::load_file(const std::string& filename, std::string& str)
+    std::auto_ptr<std::istream> is_ptr(Util::get_resource(filename));
+    std::istream& inputFile(*is_ptr);
+    if (!inputFile)
+    {
+        Log::error("Failed to open \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    std::string curLine;
+    while (getline(inputFile, curLine))
+    {
+        str += curLine;
+        str += '\n';
+    }
+    return true;
+ * Appends a string to the shader source.
+ *
+ * @param str the string to append
+ */
+ShaderSource::append(const std::string &str)
+    source_ << str;
+ * Appends the contents of a file to the shader source.
+ *
+ * @param filename the name of the file to append
+ */
+ShaderSource::append_file(const std::string &filename)
+    std::string source;
+    if (load_file(filename, source))
+        source_ << source;
+ * Replaces a string in the source with another string.
+ *
+ * @param remove the string to replace
+ * @param insert the string to replace with
+ */
+ShaderSource::replace(const std::string &remove, const std::string &insert)
+    std::string::size_type pos = 0;
+    std::string str(source_.str());
+    while ((pos = str.find(remove, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
+        str.replace(pos, remove.size(), insert);
+        pos++;
+    }
+    source_.clear();
+    source_.str(str);
+ * Replaces a string in the source with the contents of a file.
+ *
+ * @param remove the string to replace
+ * @param filename the name of the file to read from
+ */
+ShaderSource::replace_with_file(const std::string &remove, const std::string &filename)
+    std::string source;
+    if (load_file(filename, source))
+        replace(remove, source);
+ * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) at
+ * global (per shader) scope.
+ *
+ * The string is placed after any default precision qualifiers.
+ *
+ * @param str the string to add
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_global(const std::string &str)
+    std::string::size_type pos = 0;
+    std::string source(source_.str());
+    /* Find the last precision qualifier */
+    pos = source.rfind("precision");
+    if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+        /*
+         * Find the next #endif line of a preprocessor block that contains
+         * the precision qualifier.
+         */
+        std::string::size_type pos_if = source.find("#if", pos);
+        std::string::size_type pos_endif = source.find("#endif", pos);
+        if (pos_endif != std::string::npos && pos_endif < pos_if)
+            pos = pos_endif;
+        /* Go to the next line */
+        pos = source.find("\n", pos);
+        if (pos != std::string::npos)
+            pos++;
+    }
+    else
+        pos = 0;
+    source.insert(pos, str);
+    source_.clear();
+    source_.str(source);
+ * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) at
+ * global (per shader) scope.
+ *
+ * The string is placed after any default precision qualifiers.
+ *
+ * @param function the function to add the string into
+ * @param str the string to add
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_local(const std::string &str, const std::string &function)
+    std::string::size_type pos = 0;
+    std::string source(source_.str());
+    /* Find the function */
+    pos = source.find(function);
+    pos = source.find('{', pos);
+    /* Go to the next line */
+    pos = source.find("\n", pos);
+    if (pos != std::string::npos)
+        pos++;
+    source.insert(pos, str);
+    source_.clear();
+    source_.str(source);
+ * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) to a shader source
+ *
+ * If the function parameter is empty, the string will be added to global
+ * scope, after any precision definitions.
+ *
+ * @param str the string to add
+ * @param function if not empty, the function to add the string into
+ */
+ShaderSource::add(const std::string &str, const std::string &function)
+    if (!function.empty())
+        add_local(str, function);
+    else
+        add_global(str);
+ * Adds a float constant definition.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the constant
+ * @param f the value of the constant
+ * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, float f,
+                        const std::string &function)
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "const float " << name << " = " << std::fixed << f << ";" << std::endl;
+    add(ss.str(), function);
+ * Adds a float array constant definition.
+ *
+ * Note that various GLSL versions (including ES) don't support
+ * array constants.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the constant
+ * @param v the value of the constant
+ * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &array,
+                        const std::string &function)
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "const float " << name << "[" << array.size() << "] = {" << std::fixed;
+    for(std::vector<float>::const_iterator iter = array.begin();
+        iter != array.end();
+        iter++)
+    {
+        ss << *iter;
+        if (iter + 1 != array.end())
+            ss << ", " << std::endl;
+    }
+    ss << "};" << std::endl;
+    add(ss.str(), function);
+ * Adds a vec2 constant definition.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the constant
+ * @param v the value of the constant
+ * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec2 &v,
+                        const std::string &function)
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "const vec2 " << name << " = vec2(" << std::fixed;
+    ss << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ");" << std::endl;
+    add(ss.str(), function);
+ * Adds a vec3 constant definition.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the constant
+ * @param v the value of the constant
+ * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec3 &v,
+                        const std::string &function)
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "const vec3 " << name << " = vec3(" << std::fixed;
+    ss << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ", " << v.z() << ");" << std::endl;
+    add(ss.str(), function);
+ * Adds a vec4 constant definition.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the constant
+ * @param v the value of the constant
+ * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec4 &v,
+                        const std::string &function)
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "const vec4 " << name << " = vec4(" << std::fixed;
+    ss << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ", " << v.z() << ", " << v.w() << ");" << std::endl;
+    add(ss.str(), function);
+ * Adds a mat3 constant definition.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the constant
+ * @param v the value of the constant
+ * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::mat3 &m,
+                        const std::string &function)
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "const mat3 " << name << " = mat3(" << std::fixed;
+    ss << m[0][0] << ", " << m[1][0] << ", " << m[2][0] << "," << std::endl;
+    ss << m[0][1] << ", " << m[1][1] << ", " << m[2][1] << "," << std::endl;
+    ss << m[0][2] << ", " << m[1][2] << ", " << m[2][2] << std::endl;
+    ss << ");" << std::endl;
+    add(ss.str(), function);
+ * Adds a float array declaration and initialization.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the array
+ * @param array the array values
+ * @param init_function the function to put the initialization in
+ * @param decl_function if not empty, the function to put the declaration in
+ */
+ShaderSource::add_array(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &array,
+                        const std::string &init_function,
+                        const std::string &decl_function)
+    if (init_function.empty() || name.empty())
+        return;
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "float " << name << "[" << array.size() << "];" << std::endl;
+    std::string decl(ss.str());
+    ss.clear();
+    ss.str("");
+    ss << std::fixed;
+    for(std::vector<float>::const_iterator iter = array.begin();
+        iter != array.end();
+        iter++)
+    {
+        ss << name << "[" << iter - array.begin() << "] = " << *iter << ";" << std::endl;
+    }
+    add(ss.str(), init_function);
+    add(decl, decl_function);
+ * Gets the ShaderType for this ShaderSource.
+ *
+ * If the ShaderType is unknown, an attempt is made to infer
+ * the type from the shader source contents.
+ *
+ * @return the ShaderType
+ */
+    /* Try to infer the type from the source contents */
+    if (type_ == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown) {
+        std::string source(source_.str());
+        if (source.find("gl_FragColor") != std::string::npos)
+            type_ = ShaderSource::ShaderTypeFragment;
+        else if (source.find("gl_Position") != std::string::npos)
+            type_ = ShaderSource::ShaderTypeVertex;
+        else
+            Log::debug("Cannot infer shader type from contents. Leaving it Unknown.\n");
+    }
+    return type_;
+ * Helper function that emits a precision statement.
+ *
+ * @param ss the stringstream to add the statement to
+ * @param val the precision value
+ * @param type_str the variable type to apply the precision value to
+ */
+ShaderSource::emit_precision(std::stringstream& ss, ShaderSource::PrecisionValue val,
+                             const std::string& type_str)
+    static const char *precision_map[] = {
+        "lowp", "mediump", "highp", NULL
+    };
+    if (val == ShaderSource::PrecisionValueHigh) {
+        if (type_ == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeFragment)
+            ss << "#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH" << std::endl;
+        ss << "precision highp " << type_str << ";" << std::endl;
+        if (type_ == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeFragment) {
+            ss << "#else" << std::endl;
+            ss << "precision mediump " << type_str << ";" << std::endl;
+            ss << "#endif" << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (val >= 0 && val < ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault) {
+        ss << "precision " << precision_map[val] << " ";
+        ss << type_str << ";" << std::endl;
+    }
+    /* There is no default precision in the fragment shader, so set it to mediump */
+    if (val == ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault
+        && type_str == "float" && type_ == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeFragment)
+    {
+        ss << "precision mediump float;" << std::endl;
+    }
+ * Gets a string containing the complete shader source.
+ *
+ * Precision statements are applied at this point.
+ *
+ * @return the shader source
+ */
+    /* Decide which precision values to use */
+    ShaderSource::Precision precision;
+    /* Ensure we have tried to infer the type from the contents */
+    type();
+    if (precision_has_been_set_)
+        precision = precision_;
+    else
+        precision = default_precision(type_);
+    /* Create the precision statements */
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    emit_precision(ss, precision.int_precision, "int");
+    emit_precision(ss, precision.float_precision, "float");
+    emit_precision(ss, precision.sampler2d_precision, "sampler2D");
+    emit_precision(ss, precision.samplercube_precision, "samplerCube");
+    std::string precision_str(ss.str());
+    if (!precision_str.empty()) {
+        precision_str.insert(0, "#ifdef GL_ES\n");
+        precision_str.insert(precision_str.size(), "#endif\n");
+    }
+    return precision_str + source_.str();
+ * Sets the precision that will be used for this shader.
+ *
+ * This overrides any default values set with ShaderSource::default_*_precision().
+ *
+ * @param precision the precision to set
+ */
+ShaderSource::precision(const ShaderSource::Precision& precision)
+    precision_ = precision;
+    precision_has_been_set_ = true;
+ * Gets the precision that will be used for this shader.
+ *
+ * @return the precision
+ */
+const ShaderSource::Precision&
+    return precision_;
+ * Sets the default precision that will be used for a shaders type.
+ *
+ * If type is ShaderTypeUnknown the supplied precision is used for all
+ * shader types.
+ *
+ * This can be overriden per ShaderSource object by using ::precision().
+ *
+ * @param precision the default precision to set
+ * @param type the ShaderType to use the precision for
+ */
+ShaderSource::default_precision(const ShaderSource::Precision& precision,
+                                ShaderSource::ShaderType type)
+    if (type < 0 || type > ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown)
+        type = ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown;
+    if (type == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown) {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown; i++)
+            default_precision_[i] = precision;
+    }
+    else {
+        default_precision_[type] = precision;
+    }
+ * Gets the default precision that will be used for a shader type.
+ *
+ * It is valid to use a type of ShaderTypeUnknown. This will always
+ * return a Precision with default values.
+ *
+ * @param type the ShaderType to get the precision of
+ *
+ * @return the precision
+ */
+const ShaderSource::Precision&
+ShaderSource::default_precision(ShaderSource::ShaderType type)
+    if (type < 0 || type > ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown)
+        type = ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown;
+    return default_precision_[type];
+ * ShaderSource::Precision constructors *
+ ****************************************/
+ * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision with default precision values.
+ */
+ShaderSource::Precision::Precision() :
+    int_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
+    float_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
+    sampler2d_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
+    samplercube_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault)
+ * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision using the supplied precision values.
+ */
+ShaderSource::Precision::Precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValue int_p,
+                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue float_p,
+                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue sampler2d_p,
+                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue samplercube_p) :
+    int_precision(int_p), float_precision(float_p),
+    sampler2d_precision(sampler2d_p), samplercube_precision(samplercube_p)
+ * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision from a string representation of
+ * precision values.
+ *
+ * The string format is:
+ * "<int>,<float>,<sampler2d>,<samplercube>"
+ *
+ * Each precision value is one of "high", "medium", "low" or "default".
+ *
+ * @param precision_values the string representation of the precision values
+ */
+ShaderSource::Precision::Precision(const std::string& precision_values) :
+    int_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
+    float_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
+    sampler2d_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
+    samplercube_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault)
+    std::vector<std::string> elems;
+    Util::split(precision_values, ',', elems);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < elems.size() && i < 4; i++) {
+        const std::string& pstr(elems[i]);
+        ShaderSource::PrecisionValue pval;
+        if (pstr == "high")
+            pval = ShaderSource::PrecisionValueHigh;
+        else if (pstr == "medium")
+            pval = ShaderSource::PrecisionValueMedium;
+        else if (pstr == "low")
+            pval = ShaderSource::PrecisionValueLow;
+        else
+            pval = ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault;
+        switch(i) {
+            case 0: int_precision = pval; break;
+            case 1: float_precision = pval; break;
+            case 2: sampler2d_precision = pval; break;
+            case 3: samplercube_precision = pval; break;
+            default: break;
+        }
+    }

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/shader-source.h'
--- src/libmatrix/shader-source.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/shader-source.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
+//     Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "vec.h"
+#include "mat.h"
+ * Helper class for loading and manipulating shader sources.
+ */
+class ShaderSource
+    enum ShaderType {
+        ShaderTypeVertex,
+        ShaderTypeFragment,
+        ShaderTypeUnknown
+    };
+    ShaderSource(ShaderType type = ShaderTypeUnknown) :
+        precision_has_been_set_(false), type_(type) {}
+    ShaderSource(const std::string &filename, ShaderType type = ShaderTypeUnknown) :
+        precision_has_been_set_(false), type_(type) { append_file(filename); }
+    void append(const std::string &str);
+    void append_file(const std::string &filename);
+    void replace(const std::string &remove, const std::string &insert);
+    void replace_with_file(const std::string &remove, const std::string &filename);
+    void add(const std::string &str, const std::string &function = "");
+    void add_const(const std::string &name, float f,
+                   const std::string &function = "");
+    void add_const(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &f,
+                   const std::string &function = "");
+    void add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec2 &v,
+                   const std::string &function = "");
+    void add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec3 &v,
+                   const std::string &function = "");
+    void add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec4 &v,
+                   const std::string &function = "");
+    void add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::mat3 &m,
+                   const std::string &function = "");
+    void add_array(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &array,
+                   const std::string &init_function,
+                   const std::string &decl_function = "");
+    ShaderType type();
+    std::string str();
+    enum PrecisionValue {
+        PrecisionValueLow,
+        PrecisionValueMedium,
+        PrecisionValueHigh,
+        PrecisionValueDefault
+    };
+    struct Precision {
+        Precision();
+        Precision(PrecisionValue int_p, PrecisionValue float_p,
+                  PrecisionValue sampler2d_p, PrecisionValue samplercube_p);
+        Precision(const std::string& list);
+        PrecisionValue int_precision;
+        PrecisionValue float_precision;
+        PrecisionValue sampler2d_precision;
+        PrecisionValue samplercube_precision;
+    };
+    void precision(const Precision& precision);
+    const Precision& precision();
+    static void default_precision(const Precision& precision,
+                                  ShaderType type = ShaderTypeUnknown);
+    static const Precision& default_precision(ShaderType type);
+    void add_global(const std::string &str);
+    void add_local(const std::string &str, const std::string &function);
+    bool load_file(const std::string& filename, std::string& str);
+    void emit_precision(std::stringstream& ss, ShaderSource::PrecisionValue val,
+                        const std::string& type_str);
+    std::stringstream source_;
+    Precision precision_;
+    bool precision_has_been_set_;
+    ShaderType type_;
+    static std::vector<Precision> default_precision_;

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/basic-global-const.vert'
--- src/libmatrix/test/basic-global-const.vert	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/basic-global-const.vert	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ 
+const vec4 ConstantColor = vec4(1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000);
+attribute vec3 position;
+uniform mat4 modelview;
+uniform mat4 projection;
+varying vec4 color;
+    vec4 curVertex = vec4(position, 1.0);
+    gl_Position = projection * modelview * curVertex;
+    color = ConstantColor;

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/basic.frag'
--- src/libmatrix/test/basic.frag	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/basic.frag	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ 
+varying vec4 color;
+    gl_FragColor = color;

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/basic.vert'
--- src/libmatrix/test/basic.vert	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/basic.vert	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 
+attribute vec3 position;
+uniform mat4 modelview;
+uniform mat4 projection;
+varying vec4 color;
+    vec4 curVertex = vec4(position, 1.0);
+    gl_Position = projection * modelview * curVertex;
+    color = ConstantColor;

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/const_vec_test.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/test/const_vec_test.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/const_vec_test.cc	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2011 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
+#include <iostream>
+#include "libmatrix_test.h"
+#include "const_vec_test.h"
+#include "../vec.h"
+using LibMatrix::vec2;
+using LibMatrix::vec3;
+using LibMatrix::vec4;
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+Vec2TestConstOperator::run(const Options& options)
+    const vec2 a(1.0, 1.0);
+    const vec2 b(2.0, 2.0);
+    vec2 aplusb(a + b);
+    vec2 aminusb(a - b);
+    vec2 atimesb(a * b);
+    vec2 adivb(a / b);
+    const float s(2.5);
+    vec2 stimesb(s * b);
+Vec3TestConstOperator::run(const Options& options)
+    const vec3 a(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    const vec3 b(2.0, 2.0, 2.0);
+    vec3 aplusb(a + b);
+    vec3 aminusb(a - b);
+    vec3 atimesb(a * b);
+    vec3 adivb(a / b);
+    const float s(2.5);
+    vec3 stimesb(s * b);
+Vec4TestConstOperator::run(const Options& options)
+    const vec4 a(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    const vec4 b(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0);
+    vec4 aplusb(a + b);
+    vec4 aminusb(a - b);
+    vec4 atimesb(a * b);
+    vec4 adivb(a / b);
+    const float s(2.5);
+    vec4 stimesb(s * b);

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/const_vec_test.h'
--- src/libmatrix/test/const_vec_test.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/const_vec_test.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2011 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
+#ifndef CONST_VEC_TEST_H_
+#define CONST_VEC_TEST_H_
+class MatrixTest;
+class Options;
+class Vec2TestConstOperator : public MatrixTest
+    Vec2TestConstOperator() : MatrixTest("vec2::const") {}
+    virtual void run(const Options& options);
+class Vec3TestConstOperator : public MatrixTest
+    Vec3TestConstOperator() : MatrixTest("vec3::const") {}
+    virtual void run(const Options& options);
+class Vec4TestConstOperator : public MatrixTest
+    Vec4TestConstOperator() : MatrixTest("vec4::const") {}
+    virtual void run(const Options& options);
+#endif // CONST_VEC_TEST_H_

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/test/inverse_test.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/test/inverse_test.cc	2011-06-22 08:59:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/inverse_test.cc	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
 #include <iostream>
 #include "libmatrix_test.h"
 #include "inverse_test.h"

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/test/inverse_test.h'
--- src/libmatrix/test/inverse_test.h	2011-06-22 08:59:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/inverse_test.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
 #ifndef INVERSE_TEST_H_
 #define INVERSE_TEST_H_

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/test/libmatrix_test.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/test/libmatrix_test.cc	2011-06-22 08:59:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/libmatrix_test.cc	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ 
 #include <vector>
 #include "libmatrix_test.h"
 #include "inverse_test.h"
+#include "transpose_test.h"
+#include "const_vec_test.h"
+#include "shader_source_test.h"
 using std::cerr;
 using std::cout;
@@ -35,12 +38,20 @@ 
     testVec.push_back(new MatrixTest2x2Inverse());
     testVec.push_back(new MatrixTest3x3Inverse());
     testVec.push_back(new MatrixTest4x4Inverse());
+    testVec.push_back(new MatrixTest2x2Transpose());
+    testVec.push_back(new MatrixTest3x3Transpose());
+    testVec.push_back(new MatrixTest4x4Transpose());
+    testVec.push_back(new ShaderSourceBasic());
     for (vector<MatrixTest*>::iterator testIt = testVec.begin();
          testIt != testVec.end();
         MatrixTest* curTest = *testIt;
+        if (testOptions.beVerbose())
+        {
+            cout << "Running test " << curTest->name() << endl;
+        }
         if (!curTest->passed())

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/test/libmatrix_test.h'
--- src/libmatrix/test/libmatrix_test.h	2011-06-22 08:59:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/libmatrix_test.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/test/options.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/test/options.cc	2011-06-22 08:59:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/options.cc	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
 #include <iostream>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <getopt.h>
@@ -21,6 +32,15 @@ 
     int c =  getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index);
     while (c != -1) 
+        // getopt_long() returns '?' and prints an "unrecognized option" error
+        // to stderr if it does not recognize an option.  Just trigger
+        // the help/usage message, stop processing and get out.
+        if (c == '?')
+        {
+            show_help_ = true;
+            break;
+        }
         std::string optname(long_options[option_index].name);
         if (optname == verbose_name_)

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/shader_source_test.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/test/shader_source_test.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/shader_source_test.cc	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2012 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
+#include <string>
+#include "libmatrix_test.h"
+#include "shader_source_test.h"
+#include "../shader-source.h"
+#include "../vec.h"
+using std::string;
+using LibMatrix::vec4;
+ShaderSourceBasic::run(const Options& options)
+    static const string vtx_shader_filename("test/basic.vert");
+    ShaderSource vtx_source(vtx_shader_filename);
+    ShaderSource vtx_source2(vtx_shader_filename);
+    pass_ = (vtx_source.str() == vtx_source2.str());
+ShaderSourceAddConstGlobal::run(const Options& options)
+    // Load the original shader source.
+    static const string src_shader_filename("test/basic.vert");
+    ShaderSource src_shader(src_shader_filename);
+    // Add constant at global scope
+    static const vec4 constantColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+    src_shader.add_const("ConstantColor", constantColor);
+    // Load the pre-modified shader
+    static const string result_shader_filename("test/basic-global-const.vert");
+    ShaderSource result_shader(result_shader_filename);
+    // Compare the output strings to confirm the results.
+    pass_ = (src_shader.str() == result_shader.str());

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/shader_source_test.h'
--- src/libmatrix/test/shader_source_test.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/shader_source_test.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2012 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
+class MatrixTest;
+class Options;
+class ShaderSourceBasic : public MatrixTest
+    ShaderSourceBasic() : MatrixTest("ShaderSource::basic") {}
+    virtual void run(const Options& options);
+class ShaderSourceAddConstGlobal : public MatrixTest
+    ShaderSourceAddConstGlobal() : MatrixTest("ShaderSource::AddConstGlobal") {}
+    virtual void run(const Options& options);

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/transpose_test.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/test/transpose_test.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/transpose_test.cc	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
+#include <iostream>
+#include "libmatrix_test.h"
+#include "transpose_test.h"
+#include "../mat.h"
+using LibMatrix::mat2;
+using LibMatrix::mat3;
+using LibMatrix::mat4;
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+MatrixTest2x2Transpose::run(const Options& options)
+    // First, a simple test to ensure that the transpose of the identity is
+    // the identity.
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 1: Transpose of the identity is the identity." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    mat2 m;
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Starting with mat2 (should be identity): " << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    m.transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Transpose of identity (should be identity): " << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    mat2 mi;
+    if (m != mi)
+    {
+        // FAIL! Transpose of the identity is the identity.
+        return;
+    }
+    // At this point, we have 2 identity matrices.
+    // Next, set an element in the matrix and transpose twice.  We should see
+    // the original matrix (with i,j set).
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 2: Transposing a matrix twice yields the original matrix." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    m[0][1] = 6.3;
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Matrix should now have (0, 1) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    mi = m;
+    m.transpose().transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Matrix should now have (0, 1) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    if (m != mi)
+    {
+        // FAIL! Transposing the same matrix twice should yield the original.
+        return;
+    }    
+    // Next, reset mi back to the identity.  Set element element j,i in this
+    // matrix and transpose m.  They should now be equal.
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 3: Transpose of matrix (i,j) == x is equal to matrix (j,i) == x." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    mi.setIdentity();
+    mi[1][0] = 6.3;
+    m.transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Matrix should now have (1, 0) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+    if (m == mi)
+    {
+        pass_ = true;
+    }
+    // FAIL! Transposing the same matrix twice should yield the original.
+MatrixTest3x3Transpose::run(const Options& options)
+    // First, a simple test to ensure that the transpose of the identity is
+    // the identity.
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 1: Transpose of the identity is the identity." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    mat3 m;
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Starting with mat2 (should be identity): " << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    m.transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Transpose of identity (should be identity): " << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    mat3 mi;
+    if (m != mi)
+    {
+        // FAIL! Transpose of the identity is the identity.
+        return;
+    }
+    // At this point, we have 2 identity matrices.
+    // Next, set an element in the matrix and transpose twice.  We should see
+    // the original matrix (with i,j set).
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 2: Transposing a matrix twice yields the original matrix." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    m[0][1] = 6.3;
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Matrix should now have (0, 1) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    mi = m;
+    m.transpose().transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Matrix should now have (0, 1) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    if (m != mi)
+    {
+        // FAIL! Transposing the same matrix twice should yield the original.
+        return;
+    }    
+    // Next, reset mi back to the identity.  Set element element j,i in this
+    // matrix and transpose m.  They should now be equal.
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 3: Transpose of matrix (i,j) == x is equal to matrix (j,i) == x." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    mi.setIdentity();
+    mi[1][0] = 6.3;
+    m.transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Matrix should now have (1, 0) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+    if (m == mi)
+    {
+        pass_ = true;
+    }
+    // FAIL! Transposing the same matrix twice should yield the original.
+MatrixTest4x4Transpose::run(const Options& options)
+    // First, a simple test to ensure that the transpose of the identity is
+    // the identity.
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 1: Transpose of the identity is the identity." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    mat4 m;
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Starting with mat2 (should be identity): " << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    m.transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Transpose of identity (should be identity): " << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    mat4 mi;
+    if (m != mi)
+    {
+        // FAIL! Transpose of the identity is the identity.
+        return;
+    }
+    // At this point, we have 2 identity matrices.
+    // Next, set an element in the matrix and transpose twice.  We should see
+    // the original matrix (with i,j set).
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 2: Transposing a matrix twice yields the original matrix." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    m[0][1] = 6.3;
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Matrix should now have (0, 1) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    mi = m;
+    m.transpose().transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Matrix should now have (0, 1) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+    }
+    if (m != mi)
+    {
+        // FAIL! Transposing the same matrix twice should yield the original.
+        return;
+    }    
+    // Next, reset mi back to the identity.  Set element element j,i in this
+    // matrix and transpose m.  They should now be equal.
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << endl << "Assertion 3: Transpose of matrix (i,j) == x is equal to matrix (j,i) == x." << endl << endl;
+    }
+    mi.setIdentity();
+    mi[1][0] = 6.3;
+    m.transpose();
+    if (options.beVerbose())
+    {
+        cout << "Matrix should now have (1, 0) == 6.300000" << endl << endl;
+        m.print();
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+    if (m == mi)
+    {
+        pass_ = true;
+    }
+    // FAIL! Transposing the same matrix twice should yield the original.

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/test/transpose_test.h'
--- src/libmatrix/test/transpose_test.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/test/transpose_test.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Jesse Barker - original implementation.
+class MatrixTest;
+class Options;
+class MatrixTest2x2Transpose : public MatrixTest
+    MatrixTest2x2Transpose() : MatrixTest("mat2::transpose") {}
+    virtual void run(const Options& options);
+class MatrixTest3x3Transpose : public MatrixTest
+    MatrixTest3x3Transpose() : MatrixTest("mat3::transpose") {}
+    virtual void run(const Options& options);
+class MatrixTest4x4Transpose : public MatrixTest
+    MatrixTest4x4Transpose() : MatrixTest("mat4::transpose") {}
+    virtual void run(const Options& options);
+#endif // TRANSPOSE_TEST_H_

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/util.cc'
--- src/libmatrix/util.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/util.cc	2012-01-27 22:21:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
+//     Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#ifdef ANDROID
+#include <android/asset_manager.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "log.h"
+#include "util.h"
+ * Splits a string using a delimiter
+ *
+ * @param s the string to split
+ * @param delim the delimitir to use
+ * @param elems the string vector to populate
+ */
+Util::split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems)
+    std::stringstream ss(s);
+    std::string item;
+    while(std::getline(ss, item, delim))
+        elems.push_back(item);
+    struct timeval tv;
+    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+    uint64_t now = static_cast<uint64_t>(tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 +
+                   static_cast<double>(tv.tv_usec);
+    return now;
+Util::appname_from_path(const std::string& path)
+    std::string::size_type slashPos = path.rfind("/");
+    std::string::size_type startPos(0);
+    if (slashPos != std::string::npos)
+    {
+        startPos = slashPos + 1;
+    }
+    return std::string(path, startPos, std::string::npos);
+#ifndef ANDROID
+std::istream *
+Util::get_resource(const std::string &path)
+    std::ifstream *ifs = new std::ifstream(path.c_str());
+    return static_cast<std::istream *>(ifs);
+Util::list_files(const std::string& dirName, std::vector<std::string>& fileVec)
+    DIR* dir = opendir(dirName.c_str());
+    if (!dir)
+    {
+        Log::error("Failed to open models directory '%s'\n", dirName.c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    struct dirent* entry = readdir(dir);
+    while (entry)
+    {
+        std::string pathname(dirName + "/");
+        pathname += std::string(entry->d_name);
+        // Skip '.' and '..'
+        if (entry->d_name[0] != '.')
+        {
+            fileVec.push_back(pathname);
+        }
+        entry = readdir(dir);
+    }
+    closedir(dir);
+AAssetManager *Util::android_asset_manager = 0;
+Util::android_set_asset_manager(AAssetManager *asset_manager)
+    Util::android_asset_manager = asset_manager;
+AAssetManager *
+    return Util::android_asset_manager;
+std::istream *
+Util::get_resource(const std::string &path)
+    std::string path2(path);
+    /* Remove leading '/' from path name, it confuses the AssetManager */
+    if (path2.size() > 0 && path2[0] == '/')
+        path2.erase(0, 1);
+    std::stringstream *ss = new std::stringstream;
+    AAsset *asset = AAssetManager_open(Util::android_asset_manager,
+                                       path2.c_str(), AASSET_MODE_RANDOM);
+    if (asset) {
+        ss->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(AAsset_getBuffer(asset)),
+                  AAsset_getLength(asset));
+        Log::debug("Load asset %s\n", path2.c_str());
+        AAsset_close(asset);
+    }
+    else {
+        Log::error("Couldn't load asset %s\n", path2.c_str());
+    }
+    return static_cast<std::istream *>(ss);
+Util::list_files(const std::string& dirName, std::vector<std::string>& fileVec)
+    AAssetManager *mgr(Util::android_get_asset_manager());
+    std::string dir_name(dirName);
+    /* Remove leading '/' from path, it confuses the AssetManager */
+    if (dir_name.size() > 0 && dir_name[0] == '/')
+        dir_name.erase(0, 1);
+    AAssetDir* dir = AAssetManager_openDir(mgr, dir_name.c_str());
+    if (!dir)
+    {
+        Log::error("Failed to open models directory '%s'\n", dir_name.c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    const char *filename(0);
+    while ((filename = AAssetDir_getNextFileName(dir)) != 0)
+    {
+        std::string pathname(dir_name + "/");
+        pathname += std::string(filename);
+        fileVec.push_back(pathname);
+    }
+    AAssetDir_close(dir);

=== added file 'src/libmatrix/util.h'
--- src/libmatrix/util.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/util.h	2012-01-27 22:21:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ 
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Linaro Limited
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
+// this distribution, and is available at
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Contributors:
+//     Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
+//     Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
+#ifndef UTIL_H_
+#define UTIL_H_
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <istream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef ANDROID
+#include <android/asset_manager_jni.h>
+struct Util {
+    static void split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems);
+    static uint64_t get_timestamp_us();
+    static std::istream *get_resource(const std::string &path);
+    static void list_files(const std::string& dirName, std::vector<std::string>& fileVec);
+    template <class T> static void dispose_pointer_vector(std::vector<T*> &vec)
+    {
+        for (typename std::vector<T*>::const_iterator iter = vec.begin();
+             iter != vec.end();
+             iter++)
+        {
+            delete *iter;
+        }
+        vec.clear();
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    static T
+    fromString(const std::string& asString)
+    {
+        std::stringstream ss(asString);
+        T retVal;
+        ss >> retVal;
+        return retVal;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    static std::string
+    toString(const T t)
+    {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << t;
+        return ss.str();
+    }
+    static std::string
+    appname_from_path(const std::string& path);
+#ifdef ANDROID
+    static void android_set_asset_manager(AAssetManager *asset_manager);
+    static AAssetManager *android_get_asset_manager(void);
+    static AAssetManager *android_asset_manager;
+#endif /* UTIL_H */

=== modified file 'src/libmatrix/vec.h'
--- src/libmatrix/vec.h	2011-01-17 18:15:21 +0000
+++ src/libmatrix/vec.h	2012-01-26 19:36:28 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
-// Copyright (c) 2010 Linaro Limited
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Linaro Limited
 // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 // are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ 
 namespace LibMatrix
+// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 2-element vector
+// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it 
+// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
+// work).
 template<typename T>
 class tvec2
@@ -24,10 +28,10 @@ 
     tvec2() :
         y_(0) {}
-    tvec2(T t) :
+    tvec2(const T t) :
         y_(t) {}
-    tvec2(T x, T y) :
+    tvec2(const T x, const T y) :
         y_(y) {}
     tvec2(const tvec2& v) :
@@ -35,18 +39,26 @@ 
         y_(v.y_) {}
     ~tvec2() {}
+    // Print the elements of the vector to standard out.
+    // Really only useful for debug and test.
     void print() const
         std::cout << "| " << x_ << " " << y_ << " |" << std::endl;
+    // Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
+    // For example, it is valid to pass a tvec2<float> into a call to
+    // the OpenGL command "glUniform2fv()".
     operator const T*() const { return &x_;}
+    // Get and set access members for the individual elements.
     const T x() const { return x_; }
     const T y() const { return y_; }
     void x(const T& val) { x_ = val; }
     void y(const T& val) { y_ = val; }
+    // A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec2& operator=(const tvec2& rhs)
         if (this != &rhs)
@@ -57,6 +69,7 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Divide this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec2& operator/=(const T& rhs)
         x_ /= rhs;
@@ -64,11 +77,29 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec2 operator/(const T& rhs)
-    {
-        return tvec2(*this) /= rhs;
-    }
+    // Divide a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec2 operator/(const T& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec2(*this) /= rhs;
+    }
+    // Component-wise divide of this by another vector.
+    // Return a reference to this.
+    tvec2& operator/=(const tvec2& rhs)
+    {
+        x_ /= rhs.x_;
+        y_ /= rhs.y_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // Component-wise divide of a copy of this by another vector.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec2 operator/(const tvec2& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec2(*this) /= rhs;
+    }
+    // Multiply this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec2& operator*=(const T& rhs)
         x_ *= rhs;
@@ -76,11 +107,29 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec2 operator*(const T& rhs)
-    {
-        return tvec2(*this) *= rhs;
-    }
+    // Multiply a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec2 operator*(const T& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec2(*this) *= rhs;
+    }
+    // Component-wise multiply of this by another vector.
+    // Return a reference to this.
+    tvec2& operator*=(const tvec2& rhs)
+    {
+        x_ *= rhs.x_;
+        y_ *= rhs.y_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // Component-wise multiply of a copy of this by another vector.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec2 operator*(const tvec2& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec2(*this) *= rhs;
+    }
+    // Add a scalar to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec2& operator+=(const T& rhs)
         x_ += rhs;
@@ -88,11 +137,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec2 operator+(const T& rhs)
+    // Add a scalar to a copy of this.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec2 operator+(const T& rhs) const
         return tvec2(*this) += rhs;
+    // Component-wise addition of another vector to this.
+    // Return a reference to this.
     tvec2& operator+=(const tvec2& rhs)
         x_ += rhs.x_;
@@ -100,11 +152,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec2 operator+(const tvec2& rhs)
+    // Component-wise addition of another vector to a copy of this.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec2 operator+(const tvec2& rhs) const
         return tvec2(*this) += rhs;
+    // Subtract a scalar from this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec2& operator-=(const T& rhs)
         x_ -= rhs;
@@ -112,11 +167,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec2 operator-(const T& rhs)
+    // Subtract a scalar from a copy of this.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec2 operator-(const T& rhs) const
         return tvec2(*this) -= rhs;
+    // Component-wise subtraction of another vector from this.
+    // Return a reference to this.
     tvec2& operator-=(const tvec2& rhs)
         x_ -= rhs.x_;
@@ -124,16 +182,20 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec2 operator-(const tvec2& rhs)
+    // Component-wise subtraction of another vector from a copy of this.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec2 operator-(const tvec2& rhs) const
         return tvec2(*this) -= rhs;
+    // Compute the length of this and return it.
     float length() const
         return sqrt(dot(*this, *this));
+    // Make this a unit vector.
     void normalize()
         float l = length();
@@ -141,6 +203,7 @@ 
         y_ /= l;
+    // Compute the dot product of two vectors.
     static T dot(const tvec2& v1, const tvec2& v2)
         return (v1.x_ * v2.x_) + (v1.y_ * v2.y_); 
@@ -151,6 +214,10 @@ 
     T y_;
+// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 3-element vector
+// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it 
+// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
+// work).
 template<typename T>
 class tvec3
@@ -159,11 +226,11 @@ 
         z_(0) {}
-    tvec3(T t) :
+    tvec3(const T t) :
         z_(t) {}
-    tvec3(T x, T y, T z) :
+    tvec3(const T x, const T y, const T z) :
         z_(z) {}
@@ -173,12 +240,19 @@ 
         z_(v.z_) {}
     ~tvec3() {}
+    // Print the elements of the vector to standard out.
+    // Really only useful for debug and test.
     void print() const
         std::cout << "| " << x_ << " " << y_ << " " << z_ << " |" << std::endl;
+    // Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
+    // For example, it is valid to pass a tvec3<float> into a call to
+    // the OpenGL command "glUniform3fv()".
     operator const T*() const { return &x_;}
+    // Get and set access members for the individual elements.
     const T x() const { return x_; }
     const T y() const { return y_; }
     const T z() const { return z_; }
@@ -187,6 +261,7 @@ 
     void y(const T& val) { y_ = val; }
     void z(const T& val) { z_ = val; }
+    // A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec3& operator=(const tvec3& rhs)
         if (this != &rhs)
@@ -198,6 +273,7 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Divide this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec3& operator/=(const T& rhs)
         x_ /= rhs;
@@ -206,11 +282,30 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec3 operator/(const T& rhs)
-    {
-        return tvec3(*this) /= rhs;
-    }
+    // Divide a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec3 operator/(const T& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec3(*this) /= rhs;
+    }
+    // Component-wise divide of this by another vector.
+    // Return a reference to this.
+    tvec3& operator/=(const tvec3& rhs)
+    {
+        x_ /= rhs.x_;
+        y_ /= rhs.y_;
+        z_ /= rhs.z_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // Component-wise divide of a copy of this by another vector.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec3 operator/(const tvec3& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec3(*this) /= rhs;
+    }
+    // Multiply this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec3& operator*=(const T& rhs)
         x_ *= rhs;
@@ -219,11 +314,30 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec3 operator*(const T& rhs)
-    {
-        return tvec3(*this) *= rhs;
-    }
+    // Multiply a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec3 operator*(const T& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec3(*this) *= rhs;
+    }
+    // Component-wise multiply of this by another vector.
+    // Return a reference to this.
+    tvec3& operator*=(const tvec3& rhs)
+    {
+        x_ *= rhs.x_;
+        y_ *= rhs.y_;
+        z_ *= rhs.z_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // Component-wise multiply of a copy of this by another vector.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec3 operator*(const tvec3& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec3(*this) *= rhs;
+    }
+    // Add a scalar to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec3& operator+=(const T& rhs)
         x_ += rhs;
@@ -232,11 +346,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec3 operator+(const T& rhs)
+    // Add a scalar to a copy of this.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec3 operator+(const T& rhs) const
         return tvec3(*this) += rhs;
+    // Component-wise addition of another vector to this.
+    // Return a reference to this.
     tvec3& operator+=(const tvec3& rhs)
         x_ += rhs.x_;
@@ -245,11 +362,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec3 operator+(const tvec3& rhs)
+    // Component-wise addition of another vector to a copy of this.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec3 operator+(const tvec3& rhs) const
         return tvec3(*this) += rhs;
+    // Subtract a scalar from this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec3& operator-=(const T& rhs)
         x_ -= rhs;
@@ -258,11 +378,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec3 operator-(const T& rhs)
+    // Subtract a scalar from a copy of this.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec3 operator-(const T& rhs) const
         return tvec3(*this) -= rhs;
+    // Component-wise subtraction of another vector from this.
+    // Return a reference to this.
     tvec3& operator-=(const tvec3& rhs)
         x_ -= rhs.x_;
@@ -271,16 +394,20 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec3 operator-(const tvec3& rhs)
+    // Component-wise subtraction of another vector from a copy of this.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec3 operator-(const tvec3& rhs) const
         return tvec3(*this) -= rhs;
+    // Compute the length of this and return it.
     float length() const
         return sqrt(dot(*this, *this));
+    // Make this a unit vector.
     void normalize()
         float l = length();
@@ -289,11 +416,13 @@ 
         z_ /= l;
+    // Compute the dot product of two vectors.
     static T dot(const tvec3& v1, const tvec3& v2)
         return (v1.x_ * v2.x_) + (v1.y_ * v2.y_) + (v1.z_ * v2.z_); 
+    // Compute the cross product of two vectors.
     static tvec3 cross(const tvec3& u, const tvec3& v)
         return tvec3((u.y_ * v.z_) - (u.z_ * v.y_),
@@ -307,6 +436,10 @@ 
     T z_;
+// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 4-element vector
+// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it 
+// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
+// work).
 template<typename T>
 class tvec4
@@ -316,12 +449,12 @@ 
         w_(0) {}
-    tvec4(T t) :
+    tvec4(const T t) :
         w_(t) {}
-    tvec4(T x, T y, T z, T w) :
+    tvec4(const T x, const T y, const T z, const T w) :
@@ -333,12 +466,19 @@ 
         w_(v.w_) {}
     ~tvec4() {}
+    // Print the elements of the vector to standard out.
+    // Really only useful for debug and test.
     void print() const
         std::cout << "| " << x_ << " " << y_ << " " << z_ << " " << w_ << " |" << std::endl;
+    // Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
+    // For example, it is valid to pass a tvec4<float> into a call to
+    // the OpenGL command "glUniform4fv()".
     operator const T*() const { return &x_;}
+    // Get and set access members for the individual elements.
     const T x() const { return x_; }
     const T y() const { return y_; }
     const T z() const { return z_; }
@@ -349,6 +489,7 @@ 
     void z(const T& val) { z_ = val; }
     void w(const T& val) { w_ = val; }
+    // A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec4& operator=(const tvec4& rhs)
         if (this != &rhs)
@@ -361,6 +502,7 @@ 
         return *this;
+    // Divide this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec4& operator/=(const T& rhs)
         x_ /= rhs;
@@ -370,11 +512,31 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec4 operator/(const T& rhs)
-    {
-        return tvec4(*this) /= rhs;
-    }
+    // Divide a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec4 operator/(const T& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec4(*this) /= rhs;
+    }
+    // Component-wise divide of this by another vector.
+    // Return a reference to this.
+    tvec4& operator/=(const tvec4& rhs)
+    {
+        x_ /= rhs.x_;
+        y_ /= rhs.y_;
+        z_ /= rhs.z_;
+        w_ /= rhs.w_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // Component-wise divide of a copy of this by another vector.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec4 operator/(const tvec4& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec4(*this) /= rhs;
+    }
+    // Multiply this by a scalar.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec4& operator*=(const T& rhs)
         x_ *= rhs;
@@ -384,11 +546,31 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec4 operator*(const T& rhs)
-    {
-        return tvec4(*this) *= rhs;
-    }
+    // Multiply a copy of this by a scalar.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec4 operator*(const T& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec4(*this) *= rhs;
+    }
+    // Component-wise multiply of this by another vector.
+    // Return a reference to this.
+    tvec4& operator*=(const tvec4& rhs)
+    {
+        x_ *= rhs.x_;
+        y_ *= rhs.y_;
+        z_ *= rhs.z_;
+        w_ *= rhs.w_;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // Component-wise multiply of a copy of this by another vector.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec4 operator*(const tvec4& rhs) const
+    {
+        return tvec4(*this) *= rhs;
+    }
+    // Add a scalar to this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec4& operator+=(const T& rhs)
         x_ += rhs;
@@ -398,11 +580,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec4 operator+(const T& rhs)
+    // Add a scalar to a copy of this.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec4 operator+(const T& rhs) const
         return tvec4(*this) += rhs;
+    // Component-wise addition of another vector to this.
+    // Return a reference to this.
     tvec4& operator+=(const tvec4& rhs)
         x_ += rhs.x_;
@@ -412,11 +597,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec4 operator+(const tvec4& rhs)
+    // Component-wise addition of another vector to a copy of this.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec4 operator+(const tvec4& rhs) const
         return tvec4(*this) += rhs;
+    // Subtract a scalar from this.  Return a reference to this.
     tvec4& operator-=(const T& rhs)
         x_ -= rhs;
@@ -426,11 +614,14 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec4 operator-(const T& rhs)
+    // Subtract a scalar from a copy of this.  Return the copy.
+    const tvec4 operator-(const T& rhs) const
         return tvec4(*this) -= rhs;
+    // Component-wise subtraction of another vector from this.
+    // Return a reference to this.
     tvec4& operator-=(const tvec4& rhs)
         x_ -= rhs.x_;
@@ -440,16 +631,20 @@ 
         return *this;
-    const tvec4 operator-(const tvec4& rhs)
+    // Component-wise subtraction of another vector from a copy of this.
+    // Return the copy.
+    const tvec4 operator-(const tvec4& rhs) const
         return tvec4(*this) -= rhs;
+    // Compute the length of this and return it.
     float length() const
         return sqrt(dot(*this, *this));
+    // Make this a unit vector.
     void normalize()
         float l = length();
@@ -459,6 +654,7 @@ 
         w_ /= l;
+    // Compute the dot product of two vectors.
     static T dot(const tvec4& v1, const tvec4& v2)
         return (v1.x_ * v2.x_) + (v1.y_ * v2.y_) + (v1.z_ * v2.z_) + (v1.w_ * v2.w_); 
@@ -497,4 +693,24 @@ 
 } // namespace LibMatrix
+// Global operators to allow for things like defining a new vector in terms of
+// a product of a scalar and a vector
+template<typename T>
+const LibMatrix::tvec2<T> operator*(const T t, const LibMatrix::tvec2<T>& v)
+    return v * t;
+template<typename T>
+const LibMatrix::tvec3<T> operator*(const T t, const LibMatrix::tvec3<T>& v)
+    return v * t;
+template<typename T>
+const LibMatrix::tvec4<T> operator*(const T t, const LibMatrix::tvec4<T>& v)
+    return v * t;
 #endif // VEC_H_

=== removed file 'src/log.cc'
--- src/log.cc	2011-01-17 18:15:21 +0000
+++ src/log.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ 
- * Copyright © 2011 Linaro Limited
- *
- * This file is part of glcompbench.
- *
- * glcompbench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * glcompbench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with glcompbench.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Authors:
- *  Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
- *  Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
- */
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include "options.h"
-#include "log.h"
-Log::info(const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-Log::debug(const char *fmt, ...)
-    if (!Options::show_debug)
-        return;
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-Log::error(const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);

=== removed file 'src/log.h'
--- src/log.h	2011-01-17 18:15:21 +0000
+++ src/log.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ 
- * Copyright © 2011 Linaro Limited
- *
- * This file is part of glcompbench.
- *
- * glcompbench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * glcompbench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with glcompbench.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Authors:
- *  Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
- *  Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
- */
-#ifndef LOG_H_
-#define LOG_H_
-class Log
-    static void info(const char *fmt, ...);
-    static void debug(const char *fmt, ...);
-    static void error(const char *fmt, ...);
-#endif /* LOG_H_ */

=== removed file 'src/shader-source.cc'
--- src/shader-source.cc	2011-12-12 12:43:08 +0000
+++ src/shader-source.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@ 
- * Copyright © 2010-2011 Linaro Limited
- *
- * This file is part of the glmark2 OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark.
- *
- * glmark2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- * version.
- *
- * glmark2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * glmark2.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Authors:
- *  Alexandros Frantzis (glmark2)
- */
-#include <istream>
-#include <memory>
-#include "shader-source.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "vec.h"
-#include "util.h"
- * Holds default precision values for all shader types
- * (even the unknown type, which is hardwired to default precision values)
- */
-ShaderSource::default_precision_(ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown + 1);
- * Loads the contents of a file into a string.
- *
- * @param filename the name of the file
- * @param str the string to put the contents of the file into
- */
-ShaderSource::load_file(const std::string& filename, std::string& str)
-    std::auto_ptr<std::istream> is_ptr(Util::get_resource(filename));
-    std::istream& inputFile(*is_ptr);
-    if (!inputFile)
-    {
-        Log::error("Failed to open \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str());
-        return false;
-    }
-    std::string curLine;
-    while (getline(inputFile, curLine))
-    {
-        str += curLine;
-        str += '\n';
-    }
-    return true;
- * Appends a string to the shader source.
- *
- * @param str the string to append
- */
-ShaderSource::append(const std::string &str)
-    source_ << str;
- * Appends the contents of a file to the shader source.
- *
- * @param filename the name of the file to append
- */
-ShaderSource::append_file(const std::string &filename)
-    std::string source;
-    if (load_file(filename, source))
-        source_ << source;
- * Replaces a string in the source with another string.
- *
- * @param remove the string to replace
- * @param insert the string to replace with
- */
-ShaderSource::replace(const std::string &remove, const std::string &insert)
-    std::string::size_type pos = 0;
-    std::string str(source_.str());
-    while ((pos = str.find(remove, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
-        str.replace(pos, remove.size(), insert);
-        pos++;
-    }
-    source_.clear();
-    source_.str(str);
- * Replaces a string in the source with the contents of a file.
- *
- * @param remove the string to replace
- * @param filename the name of the file to read from
- */
-ShaderSource::replace_with_file(const std::string &remove, const std::string &filename)
-    std::string source;
-    if (load_file(filename, source))
-        replace(remove, source);
- * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) at
- * global (per shader) scope.
- *
- * The string is placed after any default precision qualifiers.
- *
- * @param str the string to add
- */
-ShaderSource::add_global(const std::string &str)
-    std::string::size_type pos = 0;
-    std::string source(source_.str());
-    /* Find the last precision qualifier */
-    pos = source.rfind("precision");
-    if (pos != std::string::npos) {
-        /*
-         * Find the next #endif line of a preprocessor block that contains
-         * the precision qualifier.
-         */
-        std::string::size_type pos_if = source.find("#if", pos);
-        std::string::size_type pos_endif = source.find("#endif", pos);
-        if (pos_endif != std::string::npos && pos_endif < pos_if)
-            pos = pos_endif;
-        /* Go to the next line */
-        pos = source.find("\n", pos);
-        if (pos != std::string::npos)
-            pos++;
-    }
-    else
-        pos = 0;
-    source.insert(pos, str);
-    source_.clear();
-    source_.str(source);
- * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) at
- * global (per shader) scope.
- *
- * The string is placed after any default precision qualifiers.
- *
- * @param function the function to add the string into
- * @param str the string to add
- */
-ShaderSource::add_local(const std::string &str, const std::string &function)
-    std::string::size_type pos = 0;
-    std::string source(source_.str());
-    /* Find the function */
-    pos = source.find(function);
-    pos = source.find('{', pos);
-    /* Go to the next line */
-    pos = source.find("\n", pos);
-    if (pos != std::string::npos)
-        pos++;
-    source.insert(pos, str);
-    source_.clear();
-    source_.str(source);
- * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) to a shader source
- *
- * If the function parameter is empty, the string will be added to global
- * scope, after any precision definitions.
- *
- * @param str the string to add
- * @param function if not empty, the function to add the string into
- */
-ShaderSource::add(const std::string &str, const std::string &function)
-    if (!function.empty())
-        add_local(str, function);
-    else
-        add_global(str);
- * Adds a float constant definition.
- *
- * @param name the name of the constant
- * @param f the value of the constant
- * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
- */
-ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, float f,
-                        const std::string &function)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "const float " << name << " = " << std::fixed << f << ";" << std::endl;
-    add(ss.str(), function);
- * Adds a float array constant definition.
- *
- * Note that various GLSL versions (including ES) don't support
- * array constants.
- *
- * @param name the name of the constant
- * @param v the value of the constant
- * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
- */
-ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &array,
-                        const std::string &function)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "const float " << name << "[" << array.size() << "] = {" << std::fixed;
-    for(std::vector<float>::const_iterator iter = array.begin();
-        iter != array.end();
-        iter++)
-    {
-        ss << *iter;
-        if (iter + 1 != array.end())
-            ss << ", " << std::endl;
-    }
-    ss << "};" << std::endl;
-    add(ss.str(), function);
- * Adds a vec2 constant definition.
- *
- * @param name the name of the constant
- * @param v the value of the constant
- * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
- */
-ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec2 &v,
-                        const std::string &function)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "const vec2 " << name << " = vec2(" << std::fixed;
-    ss << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ");" << std::endl;
-    add(ss.str(), function);
- * Adds a vec3 constant definition.
- *
- * @param name the name of the constant
- * @param v the value of the constant
- * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
- */
-ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec3 &v,
-                        const std::string &function)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "const vec3 " << name << " = vec3(" << std::fixed;
-    ss << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ", " << v.z() << ");" << std::endl;
-    add(ss.str(), function);
- * Adds a vec4 constant definition.
- *
- * @param name the name of the constant
- * @param v the value of the constant
- * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
- */
-ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec4 &v,
-                        const std::string &function)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "const vec4 " << name << " = vec4(" << std::fixed;
-    ss << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ", " << v.z() << ", " << v.w() << ");" << std::endl;
-    add(ss.str(), function);
- * Adds a mat3 constant definition.
- *
- * @param name the name of the constant
- * @param v the value of the constant
- * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
- */
-ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::mat3 &m,
-                        const std::string &function)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "const mat3 " << name << " = mat3(" << std::fixed;
-    ss << m[0][0] << ", " << m[1][0] << ", " << m[2][0] << "," << std::endl;
-    ss << m[0][1] << ", " << m[1][1] << ", " << m[2][1] << "," << std::endl;
-    ss << m[0][2] << ", " << m[1][2] << ", " << m[2][2] << std::endl;
-    ss << ");" << std::endl;
-    add(ss.str(), function);
- * Adds a float array declaration and initialization.
- *
- * @param name the name of the array
- * @param array the array values
- * @param init_function the function to put the initialization in
- * @param decl_function if not empty, the function to put the declaration in
- */
-ShaderSource::add_array(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &array,
-                        const std::string &init_function,
-                        const std::string &decl_function)
-    if (init_function.empty() || name.empty())
-        return;
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "float " << name << "[" << array.size() << "];" << std::endl;
-    std::string decl(ss.str());
-    ss.clear();
-    ss.str("");
-    ss << std::fixed;
-    for(std::vector<float>::const_iterator iter = array.begin();
-        iter != array.end();
-        iter++)
-    {
-        ss << name << "[" << iter - array.begin() << "] = " << *iter << ";" << std::endl;
-    }
-    add(ss.str(), init_function);
-    add(decl, decl_function);
- * Gets the ShaderType for this ShaderSource.
- *
- * If the ShaderType is unknown, an attempt is made to infer
- * the type from the shader source contents.
- *
- * @return the ShaderType
- */
-    /* Try to infer the type from the source contents */
-    if (type_ == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown) {
-        std::string source(source_.str());
-        if (source.find("gl_FragColor") != std::string::npos)
-            type_ = ShaderSource::ShaderTypeFragment;
-        else if (source.find("gl_Position") != std::string::npos)
-            type_ = ShaderSource::ShaderTypeVertex;
-        else
-            Log::debug("Cannot infer shader type from contents. Leaving it Unknown.\n");
-    }
-    return type_;
- * Helper function that emits a precision statement.
- *
- * @param ss the stringstream to add the statement to
- * @param val the precision value
- * @param type_str the variable type to apply the precision value to
- */
-ShaderSource::emit_precision(std::stringstream& ss, ShaderSource::PrecisionValue val,
-                             const std::string& type_str)
-    static const char *precision_map[] = {
-        "lowp", "mediump", "highp", NULL
-    };
-    if (val == ShaderSource::PrecisionValueHigh) {
-        if (type_ == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeFragment)
-            ss << "#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH" << std::endl;
-        ss << "precision highp " << type_str << ";" << std::endl;
-        if (type_ == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeFragment) {
-            ss << "#else" << std::endl;
-            ss << "precision mediump " << type_str << ";" << std::endl;
-            ss << "#endif" << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    else if (val >= 0 && val < ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault) {
-        ss << "precision " << precision_map[val] << " ";
-        ss << type_str << ";" << std::endl;
-    }
-    /* There is no default precision in the fragment shader, so set it to mediump */
-    if (val == ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault
-        && type_str == "float" && type_ == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeFragment)
-    {
-        ss << "precision mediump float;" << std::endl;
-    }
- * Gets a string containing the complete shader source.
- *
- * Precision statements are applied at this point.
- *
- * @return the shader source
- */
-    /* Decide which precision values to use */
-    ShaderSource::Precision precision;
-    /* Ensure we have tried to infer the type from the contents */
-    type();
-    if (precision_has_been_set_)
-        precision = precision_;
-    else
-        precision = default_precision(type_);
-    /* Create the precision statements */
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    emit_precision(ss, precision.int_precision, "int");
-    emit_precision(ss, precision.float_precision, "float");
-    emit_precision(ss, precision.sampler2d_precision, "sampler2D");
-    emit_precision(ss, precision.samplercube_precision, "samplerCube");
-    std::string precision_str(ss.str());
-    if (!precision_str.empty()) {
-        precision_str.insert(0, "#ifdef GL_ES\n");
-        precision_str.insert(precision_str.size(), "#endif\n");
-    }
-    return precision_str + source_.str();
- * Sets the precision that will be used for this shader.
- *
- * This overrides any default values set with ShaderSource::default_*_precision().
- *
- * @param precision the precision to set
- */
-ShaderSource::precision(const ShaderSource::Precision& precision)
-    precision_ = precision;
-    precision_has_been_set_ = true;
- * Gets the precision that will be used for this shader.
- *
- * @return the precision
- */
-const ShaderSource::Precision&
-    return precision_;
- * Sets the default precision that will be used for a shaders type.
- *
- * If type is ShaderTypeUnknown the supplied precision is used for all
- * shader types.
- *
- * This can be overriden per ShaderSource object by using ::precision().
- *
- * @param precision the default precision to set
- * @param type the ShaderType to use the precision for
- */
-ShaderSource::default_precision(const ShaderSource::Precision& precision,
-                                ShaderSource::ShaderType type)
-    if (type < 0 || type > ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown)
-        type = ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown;
-    if (type == ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown) {
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown; i++)
-            default_precision_[i] = precision;
-    }
-    else {
-        default_precision_[type] = precision;
-    }
- * Gets the default precision that will be used for a shader type.
- *
- * It is valid to use a type of ShaderTypeUnknown. This will always
- * return a Precision with default values.
- *
- * @param type the ShaderType to get the precision of
- *
- * @return the precision
- */
-const ShaderSource::Precision&
-ShaderSource::default_precision(ShaderSource::ShaderType type)
-    if (type < 0 || type > ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown)
-        type = ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown;
-    return default_precision_[type];
- * ShaderSource::Precision constructors *
- ****************************************/
- * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision with default precision values.
- */
-ShaderSource::Precision::Precision() :
-    int_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
-    float_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
-    sampler2d_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
-    samplercube_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault)
- * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision using the supplied precision values.
- */
-ShaderSource::Precision::Precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValue int_p,
-                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue float_p,
-                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue sampler2d_p,
-                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue samplercube_p) :
-    int_precision(int_p), float_precision(float_p),
-    sampler2d_precision(sampler2d_p), samplercube_precision(samplercube_p)
- * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision from a string representation of
- * precision values.
- *
- * The string format is:
- * "<int>,<float>,<sampler2d>,<samplercube>"
- *
- * Each precision value is one of "high", "medium", "low" or "default".
- *
- * @param precision_values the string representation of the precision values
- */
-ShaderSource::Precision::Precision(const std::string& precision_values) :
-    int_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
-    float_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
-    sampler2d_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault),
-    samplercube_precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault)
-    std::vector<std::string> elems;
-    Util::split(precision_values, ',', elems);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < elems.size() && i < 4; i++) {
-        const std::string& pstr(elems[i]);
-        ShaderSource::PrecisionValue pval;
-        if (pstr == "high")
-            pval = ShaderSource::PrecisionValueHigh;
-        else if (pstr == "medium")
-            pval = ShaderSource::PrecisionValueMedium;
-        else if (pstr == "low")
-            pval = ShaderSource::PrecisionValueLow;
-        else
-            pval = ShaderSource::PrecisionValueDefault;
-        switch(i) {
-            case 0: int_precision = pval; break;
-            case 1: float_precision = pval; break;
-            case 2: sampler2d_precision = pval; break;
-            case 3: samplercube_precision = pval; break;
-            default: break;
-        }
-    }

=== removed file 'src/shader-source.h'
--- src/shader-source.h	2011-12-02 21:54:50 +0000
+++ src/shader-source.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ 
- * Copyright © 2010-2011 Linaro Limited
- *
- * This file is part of the glmark2 OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark.
- *
- * glmark2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- * version.
- *
- * glmark2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * glmark2.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Authors:
- *  Alexandros Frantzis (glmark2)
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include "vec.h"
-#include "mat.h"
- * Helper class for loading and manipulating shader sources.
- */
-class ShaderSource
-    enum ShaderType {
-        ShaderTypeVertex,
-        ShaderTypeFragment,
-        ShaderTypeUnknown
-    };
-    ShaderSource(ShaderType type = ShaderTypeUnknown) :
-        precision_has_been_set_(false), type_(type) {}
-    ShaderSource(const std::string &filename, ShaderType type = ShaderTypeUnknown) :
-        precision_has_been_set_(false), type_(type) { append_file(filename); }
-    void append(const std::string &str);
-    void append_file(const std::string &filename);
-    void replace(const std::string &remove, const std::string &insert);
-    void replace_with_file(const std::string &remove, const std::string &filename);
-    void add(const std::string &str, const std::string &function = "");
-    void add_const(const std::string &name, float f,
-                   const std::string &function = "");
-    void add_const(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &f,
-                   const std::string &function = "");
-    void add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec2 &v,
-                   const std::string &function = "");
-    void add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec3 &v,
-                   const std::string &function = "");
-    void add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec4 &v,
-                   const std::string &function = "");
-    void add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::mat3 &m,
-                   const std::string &function = "");
-    void add_array(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &array,
-                   const std::string &init_function,
-                   const std::string &decl_function = "");
-    ShaderType type();
-    std::string str();
-    enum PrecisionValue {
-        PrecisionValueLow,
-        PrecisionValueMedium,
-        PrecisionValueHigh,
-        PrecisionValueDefault,
-    };
-    struct Precision {
-        Precision();
-        Precision(PrecisionValue int_p, PrecisionValue float_p,
-                  PrecisionValue sampler2d_p, PrecisionValue samplercube_p);
-        Precision(const std::string& list);
-        PrecisionValue int_precision;
-        PrecisionValue float_precision;
-        PrecisionValue sampler2d_precision;
-        PrecisionValue samplercube_precision;
-    };
-    void precision(const Precision& precision);
-    const Precision& precision();
-    static void default_precision(const Precision& precision,
-                                  ShaderType type = ShaderTypeUnknown);
-    static const Precision& default_precision(ShaderType type);
-    void add_global(const std::string &str);
-    void add_local(const std::string &str, const std::string &function);
-    bool load_file(const std::string& filename, std::string& str);
-    void emit_precision(std::stringstream& ss, ShaderSource::PrecisionValue val,
-                        const std::string& type_str);
-    std::stringstream source_;
-    Precision precision_;
-    bool precision_has_been_set_;
-    ShaderType type_;
-    static std::vector<Precision> default_precision_;

=== removed file 'src/util.cc'
--- src/util.cc	2011-12-02 21:54:50 +0000
+++ src/util.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ 
- * Copyright © 2011 Linaro Limited
- *
- * This file is part of glcompbench.
- *
- * glcompbench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * glcompbench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with glcompbench.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Authors:
- *  Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
- *  Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
- */
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "util.h"
- * Splits a string using a delimiter
- *
- * @param s the string to split
- * @param delim the delimitir to use
- * @param elems the string vector to populate
- */
-Util::split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems)
-    std::stringstream ss(s);
-    std::string item;
-    while(std::getline(ss, item, delim))
-        elems.push_back(item);
-    struct timeval tv;
-    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-    uint64_t now = static_cast<uint64_t>(tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 +
-                   static_cast<double>(tv.tv_usec);
-    return now;
-std::istream *
-Util::get_resource(const std::string &path)
-    std::ifstream *ifs = new std::ifstream(path.c_str());
-    return static_cast<std::istream *>(ifs);
-Util::list_files(const std::string& dirName, std::vector<std::string>& fileVec)
-    DIR* dir = opendir(dirName.c_str());
-    if (!dir)
-    {
-        Log::error("Failed to open models directory '%s'\n", dirName.c_str());
-        return;
-    }
-    struct dirent* entry = readdir(dir);
-    while (entry)
-    {
-        std::string pathname(dirName + "/");
-        pathname += std::string(entry->d_name);
-        // Skip '.' and '..'
-        if (entry->d_name[0] != '.')
-        {
-            fileVec.push_back(pathname);
-        }
-        entry = readdir(dir);
-    }
-    closedir(dir);

=== removed file 'src/util.h'
--- src/util.h	2011-12-02 21:54:50 +0000
+++ src/util.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ 
- * Copyright © 2011 Linaro Limited
- *
- * This file is part of glcompbench.
- *
- * glcompbench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * glcompbench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with glcompbench.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Authors:
- *  Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@linaro.org>
- *  Jesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>
- */
-#ifndef UTIL_H_
-#define UTIL_H_
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <istream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <stdint.h>
-struct Util {
-    static void split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems);
-    static uint64_t get_timestamp_us();
-    static std::istream *get_resource(const std::string &path);
-    static void list_files(const std::string& dirName, std::vector<std::string>& fileVec);
-    template <class T> static void dispose_pointer_vector(std::vector<T*> &vec)
-    {
-        for (typename std::vector<T*>::const_iterator iter = vec.begin();
-             iter != vec.end();
-             iter++)
-        {
-            delete *iter;
-        }
-        vec.clear();
-    }
-    template<typename T>
-    static T
-    fromString(const std::string& asString)
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss(asString);
-        T retVal;
-        ss >> retVal;
-        return retVal;
-    }
-    template<typename T>
-    static std::string
-    toString(const T t)
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << t;
-        return ss.str();
-    }
-#endif /* UTIL_H */