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[1/4] doc: glossary: defining ODP thread more precisely

Message ID 1455731824-17230-1-git-send-email-christophe.milard@linaro.org
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Christophe Milard Feb. 17, 2016, 5:57 p.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Christophe Milard <christophe.milard@linaro.org>
 doc/glossary.adoc | 12 ++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox


diff --git a/doc/glossary.adoc b/doc/glossary.adoc
index 8e514ee..becaf16 100644
--- a/doc/glossary.adoc
+++ b/doc/glossary.adoc
@@ -9,9 +9,17 @@  control thread::
     A control thread is a type of ODP thread. It will be isolated from the host
     operating system house keeping tasks but will be scheduled by it and may
     receive interrupts.
+ODP instantiation process::
+    The first process which is started when an ODP application is started.
+    There is one single such process per ODP instantiation.
-    An ODP thread is a flow of execution that in a Linux environment could be
-    a Linux process or thread.
+    the word thread (without any further specification) refers to an ODP
+    thread.
+ODP thread::
+    An ODP thread is a flow of execution that belongs to ODP. In a Linux
+    environment an ODP thread can be either a Linux process or a linux thread.
+    In both cases, a linux process (or thread) is said to be an ODP thread if
+    its PID is a descendant of the ODP instantiation process.
     An event is a notification that can be placed in a queue.