diff mbox

[PATCHv6,2/2] Initial review stage for ODP v1.0 buffer packet APIs

Message ID 1415639447-27522-1-git-send-email-bill.fischofer@linaro.org
State New
Headers show

Commit Message

Bill Fischofer Nov. 10, 2014, 5:10 p.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org>
Versions of this patch
v1 - Original (missing files)
v2 - Added missing odp_buffer_inlines.h
v3 - Added missing odph_tcp.h
v4 - (mispublished as v3): Allow NULL arguments to odp_buffer_pool_create()
v5 - Correctly handle timer allocs (no blocks), add support for buf_init calls
     on allocation.
v6 - Add remaining segment APIs + unmaps + additional (void *) casts needed
     for some C compiler environments, as noted by Taras

 example/generator/odp_generator.c                  |   69 +-
 example/ipsec/odp_ipsec.c                          |  120 +-
 example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c                   |   25 +-
 example/l2fwd/odp_l2fwd.c                          |   22 +-
 example/odp_example/odp_example.c                  |   18 +-
 example/packet/odp_pktio.c                         |   28 +-
 example/timer/odp_timer_test.c                     |   20 +-
 helper/include/odph_ip.h                           |   47 +-
 helper/include/odph_packet.h                       |   97 -
 helper/include/odph_tcp.h                          |   61 +
 helper/include/odph_udp.h                          |   11 +-
 platform/linux-generic/Makefile.am                 |    4 +-
 platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp.h           |    1 -
 platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer.h    |  504 ++++-
 .../linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer_pool.h    |  341 ++-
 platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_config.h    |    6 +
 platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet.h    | 2294 ++++++++++++++++++--
 .../linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet_flags.h   |  334 ---
 .../linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_inlines.h     |  219 ++
 .../linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_internal.h    |  118 +-
 .../include/odp_buffer_pool_internal.h             |  159 +-
 .../linux-generic/include/odp_packet_internal.h    |  129 +-
 .../linux-generic/include/odp_timer_internal.h     |   15 +-
 platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer.c                |   88 +-
 platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer_pool.c           |  620 ++----
 platform/linux-generic/odp_crypto.c                |    3 +-
 platform/linux-generic/odp_packet.c                | 1047 +++++++--
 platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_flags.c          |  202 --
 platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_io.c             |    7 +-
 platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_socket.c         |   90 +-
 platform/linux-generic/odp_queue.c                 |    7 +-
 platform/linux-generic/odp_schedule.c              |   20 +-
 test/api_test/odp_timer_ping.c                     |   19 +-
 33 files changed, 4812 insertions(+), 1933 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 helper/include/odph_packet.h
 create mode 100644 helper/include/odph_tcp.h
 delete mode 100644 platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet_flags.h
 create mode 100644 platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_inlines.h
 delete mode 100644 platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_flags.c


Taras Kondratiuk Nov. 10, 2014, 5:37 p.m. UTC | #1
On 11/10/2014 07:10 PM, Bill Fischofer wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org>
> ---
> Versions of this patch
> ==
> v1 - Original (missing files)
> v2 - Added missing odp_buffer_inlines.h
> v3 - Added missing odph_tcp.h
> v4 - (mispublished as v3): Allow NULL arguments to odp_buffer_pool_create()
> v5 - Correctly handle timer allocs (no blocks), add support for buf_init calls
>       on allocation.
> v6 - Add remaining segment APIs + unmaps + additional (void *) casts needed
>       for some C compiler environments, as noted by Taras


> -odp_buffer_pool_t odp_buffer_pool_create(const char *name,
> -					 void *base_addr, uint64_t size,
> -					 size_t buf_size, size_t buf_align,
> -					 int buf_type)
> -{
> -	odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl = ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID;
> -	pool_entry_t *pool;
> -	uint32_t i;
>   	for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_POOLS; i++) {
>   		pool = get_pool_entry(i);
>   		LOCK(&pool->s.lock);
> +		if (pool->s.shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
> +			UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
> +			continue;
> +		}
> -		if (pool->s.buf_base == 0) {
> -			/* found free pool */
> +		/* found free pool */
> +		size_t block_size, mdata_size, udata_size;
> -			strncpy(pool->s.name, name,
> -			pool->s.name[ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
> -			pool->s.pool_base_addr = base_addr;
> -			pool->s.pool_size      = size;
> -			pool->s.user_size      = buf_size;
> -			pool->s.user_align     = buf_align;
> -			pool->s.buf_type       = buf_type;
> +		strncpy(pool->s.name, name,
> +		pool->s.name[ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
> -			link_bufs(pool);
> +		pool->s.params = *params;
> +		pool->s.init_params = *init_params;
> -			UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
> +		mdata_size = params->buf_num * buf_stride;
> +		udata_size = params->buf_num * udata_stride;
> +		block_size = params->buf_num * blk_size;
> +
> +		pool->s.pool_size = ODP_PAGE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(mdata_size +
> +							  udata_size +
> +							  block_size);
> -			pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
> -			break;
> +		pool->s.shm = odp_shm_reserve(pool->s.name, pool->s.pool_size,
> +					      ODP_PAGE_SIZE, 0);
> +		if (pool->s.shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
> +			UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
>   		}
> +		pool->s.pool_base_addr = (uint8_t *)odp_shm_addr(pool->s.shm);
> +		pool->s.flags.unsegmented = unsegmented;
> +		pool->s.seg_size = unsegmented ?
> +			blk_size : ODP_CONFIG_BUF_SEG_SIZE;
> +		uint8_t *udata_base_addr = pool->s.pool_base_addr + mdata_size;
> +		uint8_t *block_base_addr = udata_base_addr + udata_size;
> +
> +		pool->s.bufcount = 0;
> +		pool->s.buf_freelist = NULL;
> +		pool->s.blk_freelist = NULL;

Looks like pool->s.blk_freelist and pool->s.buf_freelist are not updated 
anywhere. And then dereferenced in ret_buf().

> +
> +		uint8_t *buf = pool->s.udata_base_addr - buf_stride;

pool->s.udata_base_addr is not initialized here.
Should it be just udata_base_addr?

> +		uint8_t *udat = (udata_stride == 0) ? NULL :
> +			block_base_addr - udata_stride;
> +
> +		/* Init buffer common header and add to pool buffer freelist */
> +		do {
> +			odp_buffer_hdr_t *tmp =
> +				(odp_buffer_hdr_t *)(void *)buf;
> +			tmp->pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
> +			tmp->size = 0;
> +			tmp->type = params->buf_type;
> +			tmp->udata_addr = (void *)udat;
> +			tmp->udata_size = init_params->udata_size;
> +			tmp->segcount = 0;
> +			tmp->segsize = pool->s.seg_size;
> +			tmp->buf_hdl.handle =
> +				odp_buffer_encode_handle((odp_buffer_hdr_t *)
> +							 (void *)buf);
> +			ret_buf(&pool->s, tmp);
> +			buf  -= buf_stride;
> +			udat -= udata_stride;
> +		} while (buf >= pool->s.pool_base_addr);
> +
> +		/* Form block freelist for pool */
> +		uint8_t *blk = pool->s.pool_base_addr + pool->s.pool_size -
> +			pool->s.seg_size;
> +
> +		if (blk_size > 0)
> +			do {
> +				ret_blk(&pool->s, blk);
> +				blk -= pool->s.seg_size;
> +			} while (blk >= block_base_addr);
> +
>   		UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
> +
> +		pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
> +		break;
Bill Fischofer Nov. 10, 2014, 6:07 p.m. UTC | #2
Thanks.  See inline comments:

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Taras Kondratiuk <
taras.kondratiuk@linaro.org> wrote:

> On 11/10/2014 07:10 PM, Bill Fischofer wrote:
>> Signed-off-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org>
>> ---
>> Versions of this patch
>> ==
>> v1 - Original (missing files)
>> v2 - Added missing odp_buffer_inlines.h
>> v3 - Added missing odph_tcp.h
>> v4 - (mispublished as v3): Allow NULL arguments to
>> odp_buffer_pool_create()
>> v5 - Correctly handle timer allocs (no blocks), add support for buf_init
>> calls
>>       on allocation.
>> v6 - Add remaining segment APIs + unmaps + additional (void *) casts
>> needed
>>       for some C compiler environments, as noted by Taras
>> +
>> +               pool->s.bufcount = 0;
>> +               pool->s.buf_freelist = NULL;
>> +               pool->s.blk_freelist = NULL;
> Looks like pool->s.blk_freelist and pool->s.buf_freelist are not updated
> anywhere. And then dereferenced in ret_buf().

They are initialized in the lines just above your comment.  Not sure what
problem you see here.  The ret_buf()/ret_blk() routines push buffers/blocks
onto their respective freelists, so the contents of these pointers become
the next pointer for the freed elements.  Result is that the NULL
propagates to the last element of the list, and is restored to the list
anchor when the last element on that list is popped off of it.  These are
push/pop stack structures.

>  +
>> +               uint8_t *buf = pool->s.udata_base_addr - buf_stride;
> pool->s.udata_base_addr is not initialized here.
> Should it be just udata_base_addr?

No, it is initialized a few lines above in the statement:
  uint8_t *udata_base_addr = pool->s.pool_base_addr + mdata_size;
uint8_t *block_base_addr = udata_base_addr + udata_size;

What's happening is that a pool allocates a single large block of shared
memory and then carves it up into the
individual sections (buffers, udata, and data blocks), and forms elements
of those types that can be then manipulated.

The freelists for the sections are being created from high addresses to low
addreses.  So the memory is organized like this:

Shared memory block
buf[0]...buf[n-1] udata[0]...udata[n-1]   blk[0]...blk[m-1]

A pool has n bufffers (and possible associated udata areas) and m data
blocks.  After the above statement udata_base_addr is the address of
udata[0], so backing up one buf from that (bufs are of size buf_stride)
gives the addres of buf[n-1].  The do/while loop then forms the buffer
freelist from buf[n-1] down to buf[0].

The block freelist is formed similarly from blk[m-1] down to blk[0] a bit
later in the code.

Hope that helps.


>  +               uint8_t *udat = (udata_stride == 0) ? NULL :
>> +                       block_base_addr - udata_stride;
>> +
>> +               /* Init buffer common header and add to pool buffer
>> freelist */
>> +               do {
>> +                       odp_buffer_hdr_t *tmp =
>> +                               (odp_buffer_hdr_t *)(void *)buf;
>> +                       tmp->pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
>> +                       tmp->size = 0;
>> +                       tmp->type = params->buf_type;
>> +                       tmp->udata_addr = (void *)udat;
>> +                       tmp->udata_size = init_params->udata_size;
>> +                       tmp->segcount = 0;
>> +                       tmp->segsize = pool->s.seg_size;
>> +                       tmp->buf_hdl.handle =
>> +                               odp_buffer_encode_handle((odp_buffer_hdr_t
>> *)
>> +                                                        (void *)buf);
>> +                       ret_buf(&pool->s, tmp);
>> +                       buf  -= buf_stride;
>> +                       udat -= udata_stride;
>> +               } while (buf >= pool->s.pool_base_addr);
>> +
>> +               /* Form block freelist for pool */
>> +               uint8_t *blk = pool->s.pool_base_addr + pool->s.pool_size
>> -
>> +                       pool->s.seg_size;
>> +
>> +               if (blk_size > 0)
>> +                       do {
>> +                               ret_blk(&pool->s, blk);
>> +                               blk -= pool->s.seg_size;
>> +                       } while (blk >= block_base_addr);
>> +
>>                 UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
>> +
>> +               pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
>> +               break;
Taras Kondratiuk Nov. 11, 2014, 8:26 a.m. UTC | #3
On 11/10/2014 08:07 PM, Bill Fischofer wrote:
> Thanks.  See inline comments:
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Taras Kondratiuk 
> <taras.kondratiuk@linaro.org <mailto:taras.kondratiuk@linaro.org>> wrote:
>     On 11/10/2014 07:10 PM, Bill Fischofer wrote:
>         Signed-off-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org
>         <mailto:bill.fischofer@linaro.org>>
>         ---
>         Versions of this patch
>         ==
>         v1 - Original (missing files)
>         v2 - Added missing odp_buffer_inlines.h
>         v3 - Added missing odph_tcp.h
>         v4 - (mispublished as v3): Allow NULL arguments to
>         odp_buffer_pool_create()
>         v5 - Correctly handle timer allocs (no blocks), add support for
>         buf_init calls
>                on allocation.
>         v6 - Add remaining segment APIs + unmaps + additional (void *)
>         casts needed
>                for some C compiler environments, as noted by Taras
>         +
>         +               pool->s.bufcount = 0;
>         +               pool->s.buf_freelist = NULL;
>         +               pool->s.blk_freelist = NULL;
>     Looks like pool->s.blk_freelist and pool->s.buf_freelist are not
>     updated anywhere. And then dereferenced in ret_buf().
> They are initialized in the lines just above your comment.  Not sure 
> what problem you see here.  The ret_buf()/ret_blk() routines push 
> buffers/blocks onto their respective freelists, so the contents of these 
> pointers become the next pointer for the freed elements.  Result is that 
> the NULL propagates to the last element of the list, and is restored to 
> the list anchor when the last element on that list is popped off of it.  
> These are push/pop stack structures.

That's is not how it works right now. Current code does:
1. pool->s.blk_freelist = NULL;
2. later odp_cs(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead) ->
        __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead)
3. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap() dereferences blk_freelist and get
   segfault, because it is NULL.

To get behavior that you have described a *pointer* to blk_freelist
have to passed in odp_cs instead of blk_freelist itself.

-odp_cs(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead)
+odp_cs(&pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead)

>         +
>         +               uint8_t *buf = pool->s.udata_base_addr - buf_stride;
>     pool->s.udata_base_addr is not initialized here.
>     Should it be just udata_base_addr?
> No, it is initialized a few lines above in the statement:
> uint8_t *udata_base_addr = pool->s.pool_base_addr + mdata_size;
> uint8_t *block_base_addr = udata_base_addr + udata_size;

That's the point. Local udata_base_addr is initialized, but then
uninitialized pool->s.udata_base_addr is used, which leads to segfault.

Maybe you have sent not the latest patch?
Bill Fischofer Nov. 11, 2014, 1:14 p.m. UTC | #4
Good catch.  Yes, the inner routines are missing an &.  Will send out v2 to
correct that shortly.


On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 2:26 AM, Taras Kondratiuk <
taras.kondratiuk@linaro.org> wrote:

> On 11/10/2014 08:07 PM, Bill Fischofer wrote:
> > Thanks.  See inline comments:
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Taras Kondratiuk
> > <taras.kondratiuk@linaro.org <mailto:taras.kondratiuk@linaro.org>>
> wrote:
> >
> >     On 11/10/2014 07:10 PM, Bill Fischofer wrote:
> >
> >         Signed-off-by: Bill Fischofer <bill.fischofer@linaro.org
> >         <mailto:bill.fischofer@linaro.org>>
> >         ---
> >         Versions of this patch
> >         ==
> >         v1 - Original (missing files)
> >         v2 - Added missing odp_buffer_inlines.h
> >         v3 - Added missing odph_tcp.h
> >         v4 - (mispublished as v3): Allow NULL arguments to
> >         odp_buffer_pool_create()
> >         v5 - Correctly handle timer allocs (no blocks), add support for
> >         buf_init calls
> >                on allocation.
> >         v6 - Add remaining segment APIs + unmaps + additional (void *)
> >         casts needed
> >                for some C compiler environments, as noted by Taras
> >
> >
> >
> >         +
> >         +               pool->s.bufcount = 0;
> >         +               pool->s.buf_freelist = NULL;
> >         +               pool->s.blk_freelist = NULL;
> >
> >
> >     Looks like pool->s.blk_freelist and pool->s.buf_freelist are not
> >     updated anywhere. And then dereferenced in ret_buf().
> >
> >
> > They are initialized in the lines just above your comment.  Not sure
> > what problem you see here.  The ret_buf()/ret_blk() routines push
> > buffers/blocks onto their respective freelists, so the contents of these
> > pointers become the next pointer for the freed elements.  Result is that
> > the NULL propagates to the last element of the list, and is restored to
> > the list anchor when the last element on that list is popped off of it.
> > These are push/pop stack structures.
> That's is not how it works right now. Current code does:
> 1. pool->s.blk_freelist = NULL;
> 2. later odp_cs(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead) ->
>         __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead)
> 3. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap() dereferences blk_freelist and get
>    segfault, because it is NULL.
> To get behavior that you have described a *pointer* to blk_freelist
> have to passed in odp_cs instead of blk_freelist itself.
> -odp_cs(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead)
> +odp_cs(&pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead)
> >
> >
> >         +
> >         +               uint8_t *buf = pool->s.udata_base_addr -
> buf_stride;
> >
> >
> >     pool->s.udata_base_addr is not initialized here.
> >     Should it be just udata_base_addr?
> >
> >
> > No, it is initialized a few lines above in the statement:
> > uint8_t *udata_base_addr = pool->s.pool_base_addr + mdata_size;
> > uint8_t *block_base_addr = udata_base_addr + udata_size;
> That's the point. Local udata_base_addr is initialized, but then
> uninitialized pool->s.udata_base_addr is used, which leads to segfault.
> Maybe you have sent not the latest patch?
diff mbox


diff --git a/example/generator/odp_generator.c b/example/generator/odp_generator.c
index ffa5e62..efa418f 100644
--- a/example/generator/odp_generator.c
+++ b/example/generator/odp_generator.c
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ 
 #include <odp.h>
 #include <odph_linux.h>
-#include <odph_packet.h>
 #include <odph_eth.h>
 #include <odph_ip.h>
 #include <odph_udp.h>
@@ -168,24 +167,24 @@  static int scan_mac(char *in, odph_ethaddr_t *des)
  * @param obuf packet buffer
-static void pack_udp_pkt(odp_buffer_t obuf)
+static void pack_udp_pkt(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	char *buf;
-	int max;
-	odp_packet_t pkt;
 	odph_ethhdr_t *eth;
 	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
 	odph_udphdr_t *udp;
 	unsigned short seq;
+	size_t seglen;
+	buf = odp_packet_push_tail_and_map(pkt, args->appl.payload +
+					   ODPH_UDPHDR_LEN +
+					   ODPH_IPV4HDR_LEN +
+					   ODPH_ETHHDR_LEN, &seglen);
-	buf = odp_buffer_addr(obuf);
 	if (buf == NULL)
-	max = odp_buffer_size(obuf);
-	if (max <= 0)
-		return;
-	pkt = odp_packet_from_buffer(obuf);
 	/* ether */
 	odp_packet_set_l2_offset(pkt, 0);
 	eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)buf;
@@ -213,8 +212,7 @@  static void pack_udp_pkt(odp_buffer_t obuf)
 	udp->length = odp_cpu_to_be_16(args->appl.payload + ODPH_UDPHDR_LEN);
 	udp->chksum = 0;
 	udp->chksum = odp_cpu_to_be_16(odph_ipv4_udp_chksum(pkt));
-	odp_packet_set_len(pkt, args->appl.payload + ODPH_UDPHDR_LEN +
@@ -222,27 +220,27 @@  static void pack_udp_pkt(odp_buffer_t obuf)
  * @param obuf packet buffer
-static void pack_icmp_pkt(odp_buffer_t obuf)
+static void pack_icmp_pkt(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	char *buf;
-	int max;
-	odp_packet_t pkt;
 	odph_ethhdr_t *eth;
 	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
 	odph_icmphdr_t *icmp;
 	struct timeval tval;
 	uint8_t *tval_d;
 	unsigned short seq;
+	size_t seglen;
-	buf = odp_buffer_addr(obuf);
+	buf = odp_packet_push_tail_and_map(pkt, args->appl.payload +
+					   ODPH_IPV4HDR_LEN +
+					   ODPH_ETHHDR_LEN, &seglen);
 	if (buf == NULL)
-	max = odp_buffer_size(obuf);
-	if (max <= 0)
-		return;
 	args->appl.payload = 56;
-	pkt = odp_packet_from_buffer(obuf);
 	/* ether */
 	odp_packet_set_l2_offset(pkt, 0);
 	eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)buf;
@@ -277,9 +275,6 @@  static void pack_icmp_pkt(odp_buffer_t obuf)
 	icmp->chksum = 0;
 	icmp->chksum = odp_chksum(icmp, args->appl.payload +
-	odp_packet_set_len(pkt, args->appl.payload + ODPH_ICMPHDR_LEN +
@@ -295,7 +290,7 @@  static void *gen_send_thread(void *arg)
 	thread_args_t *thr_args;
 	odp_queue_t outq_def;
-	odp_buffer_t buf;
+	odp_packet_t buf;
 	thr = odp_thread_id();
 	thr_args = arg;
@@ -316,8 +311,8 @@  static void *gen_send_thread(void *arg)
 	printf("  [%02i] created mode: SEND\n", thr);
 	for (;;) {
 		int err;
-		buf = odp_buffer_alloc(thr_args->pool);
-		if (!odp_buffer_is_valid(buf)) {
+		buf = odp_packet_alloc(thr_args->pool);
+		if (!odp_packet_is_valid(buf)) {
 			ODP_ERR("  [%2i] alloc_single failed\n", thr);
 			return NULL;
@@ -493,13 +488,13 @@  static void *gen_recv_thread(void *arg)
 		pkt = odp_packet_from_buffer(buf);
 		/* Drop packets with errors */
 		if (odp_unlikely(odp_packet_error(pkt))) {
-			odph_packet_free(pkt);
+			odp_packet_free(pkt);
 		print_pkts(thr, &pkt, 1);
-		odph_packet_free(pkt);
+		odp_packet_free(pkt);
 	return arg;
@@ -512,11 +507,11 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	odph_linux_pthread_t thread_tbl[MAX_WORKERS];
 	odp_buffer_pool_t pool;
 	int num_workers;
-	void *pool_base;
 	int i;
 	int first_core;
 	int core_count;
 	odp_shm_t shm;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
 	/* Init ODP before calling anything else */
 	if (odp_init_global(NULL, NULL)) {
@@ -579,20 +574,14 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	printf("First core:         %i\n\n", first_core);
 	/* Create packet pool */
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("shm_packet_pool",
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
-	if (pool_base == NULL) {
-		ODP_ERR("Error: packet pool mem alloc failed.\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
+	params.buf_size = SHM_PKT_POOL_BUF_SIZE;
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED;
+	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("packet_pool", &params, NULL);
-	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("packet_pool", pool_base,
-				      SHM_PKT_POOL_SIZE,
 	if (pool == ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID) {
 		ODP_ERR("Error: packet pool create failed.\n");
diff --git a/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec.c b/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec.c
index da6c48e..3b39be2 100644
--- a/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec.c
+++ b/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec.c
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ 
 #include <odp.h>
 #include <odph_linux.h>
-#include <odph_packet.h>
 #include <odph_eth.h>
 #include <odph_ip.h>
 #include <odph_icmp.h>
@@ -154,8 +153,6 @@  typedef struct {
-static odp_buffer_pool_t ctx_pool = ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID;
  * Get per packet processing context from packet buffer
@@ -166,33 +163,7 @@  static odp_buffer_pool_t ctx_pool = ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID;
 pkt_ctx_t *get_pkt_ctx_from_pkt(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return (pkt_ctx_t *)odp_packet_get_ctx(pkt);
- * Allocate per packet processing context and associate it with
- * packet buffer
- *
- * @param pkt  Packet
- *
- * @return pointer to context area
- */
-pkt_ctx_t *alloc_pkt_ctx(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	odp_buffer_t ctx_buf = odp_buffer_alloc(ctx_pool);
-	pkt_ctx_t *ctx;
-	/* There should always be enough contexts */
-	if (odp_unlikely(ODP_BUFFER_INVALID == ctx_buf))
-		abort();
-	ctx = odp_buffer_addr(ctx_buf);
-	memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
-	ctx->buffer = ctx_buf;
-	odp_packet_set_ctx(pkt, ctx);
-	return ctx;
+	return (pkt_ctx_t *)odp_packet_udata_addr(pkt);
@@ -365,8 +336,7 @@  static
 void ipsec_init_pre(void)
 	odp_queue_param_t qparam;
-	void *pool_base;
-	odp_shm_t shm;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
 	 * Create queues
@@ -399,16 +369,12 @@  void ipsec_init_pre(void)
 	/* Create output buffer pool */
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("shm_out_pool",
+	params.buf_num  = SHM_OUT_POOL_BUF_COUNT;
+	params.buf_size = SHM_OUT_POOL_BUF_SIZE;
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED;
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
-	out_pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("out_pool", pool_base,
+	out_pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("out_pool", &params, NULL);
 	if (ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID == out_pool) {
 		ODP_ERR("Error: message pool create failed.\n");
@@ -637,13 +603,15 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_input_verify(odp_packet_t pkt, pkt_ctx_t *ctx ODP_UNUSED)
 pkt_disposition_e do_route_fwd_db(odp_packet_t pkt, pkt_ctx_t *ctx)
-	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
+	size_t seglen;
+	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &seglen);
 	fwd_db_entry_t *entry;
 	entry = find_fwd_db_entry(odp_be_to_cpu_32(ip->dst_addr));
 	if (entry) {
-		odph_ethhdr_t *eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)odp_packet_l2(pkt);
+		odph_ethhdr_t *eth =
+			(odph_ethhdr_t *)odp_packet_l2_map(pkt, &seglen);
 		memcpy(&eth->dst, entry->dst_mac, ODPH_ETHADDR_LEN);
 		memcpy(&eth->src, entry->src_mac, ODPH_ETHADDR_LEN);
@@ -673,8 +641,9 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_ipsec_in_classify(odp_packet_t pkt,
 				       pkt_ctx_t *ctx,
 				       bool *skip)
+	size_t seglen;
 	uint8_t *buf = odp_packet_addr(pkt);
-	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
+	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &seglen);
 	int hdr_len;
 	odph_ahhdr_t *ah = NULL;
 	odph_esphdr_t *esp = NULL;
@@ -759,6 +728,7 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_ipsec_in_finish(odp_packet_t pkt,
 	odp_crypto_compl_status_t cipher_rc;
 	odp_crypto_compl_status_t auth_rc;
 	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
+	size_t seglen;
 	int hdr_len = ctx->ipsec.hdr_len;
 	int trl_len = 0;
@@ -769,7 +739,7 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_ipsec_in_finish(odp_packet_t pkt,
 		return PKT_DROP;
 	if (!is_crypto_compl_status_ok(&auth_rc))
 		return PKT_DROP;
-	ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
+	ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &seglen);
 	 * Finish auth
@@ -803,11 +773,11 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_ipsec_in_finish(odp_packet_t pkt,
 	ip->chksum = 0;
-	/* Correct the packet length and move payload into position */
-	odp_packet_set_len(pkt, odp_packet_get_len(pkt) - (hdr_len + trl_len));
+	/* Move payload into position and correct the packet length */
 		ipv4_data_p(ip) + hdr_len,
+	odp_packet_pull_tail(pkt, hdr_len + trl_len);
 	/* Fall through to next state */
 	return PKT_CONTINUE;
@@ -833,8 +803,9 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_ipsec_out_classify(odp_packet_t pkt,
 					pkt_ctx_t *ctx,
 					bool *skip)
+	size_t seglen;
 	uint8_t *buf = odp_packet_addr(pkt);
-	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
+	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &seglen);
 	uint16_t ip_data_len = ipv4_data_len(ip);
 	uint8_t *ip_data = ipv4_data_p(ip);
 	ipsec_cache_entry_t *entry;
@@ -921,7 +892,7 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_ipsec_out_classify(odp_packet_t pkt,
 	/* Set IPv4 length before authentication */
 	ipv4_adjust_len(ip, hdr_len + trl_len);
-	odp_packet_set_len(pkt, odp_packet_get_len(pkt) + (hdr_len + trl_len));
+	odp_packet_push_tail(pkt, hdr_len + trl_len);
 	/* Save remaining context */
 	ctx->ipsec.hdr_len = hdr_len;
@@ -995,6 +966,7 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_ipsec_out_finish(odp_packet_t pkt,
 	odp_crypto_compl_status_t cipher_rc;
 	odp_crypto_compl_status_t auth_rc;
 	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
+	size_t seglen;
 	/* Check crypto result */
 	event = odp_packet_to_buffer(pkt);
@@ -1003,7 +975,7 @@  pkt_disposition_e do_ipsec_out_finish(odp_packet_t pkt,
 		return PKT_DROP;
 	if (!is_crypto_compl_status_ok(&auth_rc))
 		return PKT_DROP;
-	ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
+	ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &seglen);
 	/* Finalize the IPv4 header */
 	ip->ttl = ctx->ipsec.ip_ttl;
@@ -1057,7 +1029,7 @@  void *pktio_thread(void *arg ODP_UNUSED)
 		/* Determine new work versus completion or sequence number */
 		if ((completionq != dispatchq) && (seqnumq != dispatchq)) {
-			ctx = alloc_pkt_ctx(pkt);
+			ctx = get_pkt_ctx_from_pkt(pkt);
 			ctx->state = PKT_STATE_INPUT_VERIFY;
 		} else {
 			ctx = get_pkt_ctx_from_pkt(pkt);
@@ -1144,7 +1116,7 @@  void *pktio_thread(void *arg ODP_UNUSED)
 		/* Check for drop */
 		if (PKT_DROP == rc)
-			odph_packet_free(pkt);
+			odp_packet_free(pkt);
 		/* Print packet counts every once in a while */
 		if (PKT_DONE == rc) {
@@ -1167,12 +1139,13 @@  main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	odph_linux_pthread_t thread_tbl[MAX_WORKERS];
 	int num_workers;
-	void *pool_base;
 	int i;
 	int first_core;
 	int core_count;
 	int stream_count;
 	odp_shm_t shm;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
+	odp_buffer_pool_init_t  init_params;
 	/* Init ODP before calling anything else */
 	if (odp_init_global(NULL, NULL)) {
@@ -1232,47 +1205,22 @@  main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	printf("First core:         %i\n\n", first_core);
 	/* Create packet buffer pool */
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("shm_packet_pool",
+	params.buf_num  = SHM_PKT_POOL_BUF_COUNT;
+	params.buf_size = SHM_PKT_POOL_BUF_SIZE;
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED;
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
+	init_params.udata_size = sizeof(pkt_ctx_t);
+	init_params.buf_init   = NULL;
+	init_params.buf_init_arg = NULL;
-	if (NULL == pool_base) {
-		ODP_ERR("Error: packet pool mem alloc failed.\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
+	pkt_pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("packet_pool", &params, &init_params);
-	pkt_pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("packet_pool", pool_base,
 	if (ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID == pkt_pool) {
 		ODP_ERR("Error: packet pool create failed.\n");
-	/* Create context buffer pool */
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("shm_ctx_pool",
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
-	if (NULL == pool_base) {
-		ODP_ERR("Error: context pool mem alloc failed.\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	ctx_pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("ctx_pool", pool_base,
-	if (ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID == ctx_pool) {
-		ODP_ERR("Error: context pool create failed.\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
 	/* Populate our IPsec cache */
 	printf("Using %s mode for crypto API\n\n",
 	       (CRYPTO_API_SYNC == args->appl.mode) ? "SYNC" :
diff --git a/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c b/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c
index fa9aba8..309cf70 100644
--- a/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c
+++ b/example/ipsec/odp_ipsec_stream.c
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ 
 #include <odp.h>
-#include <odph_packet.h>
 #include <odph_eth.h>
 #include <odph_ip.h>
 #include <odph_icmp.h>
@@ -173,7 +172,6 @@  odp_packet_t create_ipv4_packet(stream_db_entry_t *stream,
 				odp_buffer_pool_t pkt_pool)
 	ipsec_cache_entry_t *entry = stream->input.entry;
-	odp_buffer_t bfr;
 	odp_packet_t pkt;
 	uint8_t *base;
 	uint8_t *data;
@@ -184,18 +182,19 @@  odp_packet_t create_ipv4_packet(stream_db_entry_t *stream,
 	odph_icmphdr_t *icmp;
 	stream_pkt_hdr_t *test;
 	uint i;
+	size_t seglen;
-	/* Get buffer */
-	bfr = odp_buffer_alloc(pkt_pool);
-	if (ODP_BUFFER_INVALID == bfr)
+	/* Get packet */
+	pkt = odp_packet_alloc(pkt_pool);
+	if (ODP_PACKET_INVALID == pkt)
-	pkt = odp_packet_from_buffer(bfr);
-	odp_packet_init(pkt);
-	base = odp_packet_data(pkt);
-	data = odp_packet_data(pkt);
+	base = odp_packet_map(pkt, &seglen);
+	data = base;
 	/* Ethernet */
 	odp_packet_set_inflag_eth(pkt, 1);
+	odp_packet_set_inflag_l2(pkt, 1);
 	odp_packet_set_l2_offset(pkt, data - base);
 	eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)data;
 	data += sizeof(*eth);
@@ -251,6 +250,7 @@  odp_packet_t create_ipv4_packet(stream_db_entry_t *stream,
 	/* ICMP header so we can see it on wireshark */
 	icmp = (odph_icmphdr_t *)data;
 	data += sizeof(*icmp);
 	icmp->type = ICMP_ECHO;
 	icmp->code = 0;
 	icmp->un.echo.id = odp_cpu_to_be_16(0x1234);
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@  odp_packet_t create_ipv4_packet(stream_db_entry_t *stream,
 	/* Since ESP can pad we can now fix IP length */
 	ip->tot_len = odp_cpu_to_be_16(data - (uint8_t *)ip);
-	odp_packet_set_len(pkt, data - base);
+	odp_packet_push_tail(pkt, data - base);
 	/* Close AH if specified */
 	if (ah) {
@@ -344,9 +344,10 @@  bool verify_ipv4_packet(stream_db_entry_t *stream,
 	int hdr_len;
 	odph_icmphdr_t *icmp;
 	stream_pkt_hdr_t *test;
+	size_t seglen;
 	/* Basic IPv4 verify (add checksum verification) */
-	data = odp_packet_l3(pkt);
+	data = odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &seglen);
 	ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)data;
 	data += sizeof(*ip);
 	if (0x45 != ip->ver_ihl)
@@ -546,7 +547,7 @@  bool verify_stream_db_outputs(void)
 				good = verify_ipv4_packet(stream, pkt);
 				if (good)
-				odph_packet_free(pkt);
+				odp_packet_free(pkt);
diff --git a/example/l2fwd/odp_l2fwd.c b/example/l2fwd/odp_l2fwd.c
index 57037cd..c43ef86 100644
--- a/example/l2fwd/odp_l2fwd.c
+++ b/example/l2fwd/odp_l2fwd.c
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ 
 #include <odp.h>
 #include <odph_linux.h>
-#include <odph_packet.h>
 #include <odph_eth.h>
 #include <odph_ip.h>
@@ -311,12 +310,12 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	odph_linux_pthread_t thread_tbl[MAX_WORKERS];
 	odp_buffer_pool_t pool;
-	void *pool_base;
 	int i;
 	int first_core;
 	int core_count;
 	odp_pktio_t pktio;
 	odp_shm_t shm;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
 	/* Init ODP before calling anything else */
 	if (odp_init_global(NULL, NULL)) {
@@ -380,20 +379,13 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	printf("First core:         %i\n\n", first_core);
 	/* Create packet pool */
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("shm_packet_pool",
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
+	params.buf_size = SHM_PKT_POOL_BUF_SIZE;
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED;
-	if (pool_base == NULL) {
-		ODP_ERR("Error: packet pool mem alloc failed.\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
+	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("packet_pool", &params, NULL);
-	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("packet_pool", pool_base,
-				      SHM_PKT_POOL_SIZE,
 	if (pool == ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID) {
 		ODP_ERR("Error: packet pool create failed.\n");
@@ -480,7 +472,7 @@  static int drop_err_pkts(odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[], unsigned len)
 		pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
 		if (odp_unlikely(odp_packet_error(pkt))) {
-			odph_packet_free(pkt); /* Drop */
+			odp_packet_free(pkt); /* Drop */
 		} else if (odp_unlikely(i != j++)) {
 			pkt_tbl[j-1] = pkt;
diff --git a/example/odp_example/odp_example.c b/example/odp_example/odp_example.c
index 1ed4a0b..cdb78b6 100644
--- a/example/odp_example/odp_example.c
+++ b/example/odp_example/odp_example.c
@@ -944,13 +944,13 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	test_args_t args;
 	int num_workers;
 	odp_buffer_pool_t pool;
-	void *pool_base;
 	odp_queue_t queue;
 	int i, j;
 	int prios;
 	int first_core;
 	odp_shm_t shm;
 	test_globals_t *globals;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
 	printf("\nODP example starts\n\n");
@@ -1032,19 +1032,13 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	 * Create message pool
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("msg_pool",
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
+	params.buf_num  = MSG_POOL_SIZE/sizeof(test_message_t);
+	params.buf_size = sizeof(test_message_t);
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_RAW;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_NONE;
-	if (pool_base == NULL) {
-		ODP_ERR("Shared memory reserve failed.\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("msg_pool", pool_base, MSG_POOL_SIZE,
-				      sizeof(test_message_t),
+	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("msg_pool", &params, NULL);
 	if (pool == ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID) {
 		ODP_ERR("Pool create failed.\n");
diff --git a/example/packet/odp_pktio.c b/example/packet/odp_pktio.c
index 2cf3f0d..64161f2 100644
--- a/example/packet/odp_pktio.c
+++ b/example/packet/odp_pktio.c
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ 
 #include <odp.h>
 #include <odph_linux.h>
-#include <odph_packet.h>
 #include <odph_eth.h>
 #include <odph_ip.h>
@@ -292,11 +291,11 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	odph_linux_pthread_t thread_tbl[MAX_WORKERS];
 	odp_buffer_pool_t pool;
 	int num_workers;
-	void *pool_base;
 	int i;
 	int first_core;
 	int core_count;
 	odp_shm_t shm;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
 	/* Init ODP before calling anything else */
 	if (odp_init_global(NULL, NULL)) {
@@ -350,20 +349,13 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	printf("First core:         %i\n\n", first_core);
 	/* Create packet pool */
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("shm_packet_pool",
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
+	params.buf_size = SHM_PKT_POOL_BUF_SIZE;
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED;
-	if (pool_base == NULL) {
-		ODP_ERR("Error: packet pool mem alloc failed.\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
+	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("packet_pool", &params, NULL);
-	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("packet_pool", pool_base,
-				      SHM_PKT_POOL_SIZE,
 	if (pool == ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID) {
 		ODP_ERR("Error: packet pool create failed.\n");
@@ -427,7 +419,7 @@  static int drop_err_pkts(odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[], unsigned len)
 		pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
 		if (odp_unlikely(odp_packet_error(pkt))) {
-			odph_packet_free(pkt); /* Drop */
+			odp_packet_free(pkt); /* Drop */
 		} else if (odp_unlikely(i != j++)) {
 			pkt_tbl[j-1] = pkt;
@@ -452,11 +444,12 @@  static void swap_pkt_addrs(odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[], unsigned len)
 	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
 	uint32be_t ip_tmp_addr; /* tmp ip addr */
 	unsigned i;
+	size_t seglen;
 	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
 		pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
 		if (odp_packet_inflag_eth(pkt)) {
-			eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)odp_packet_l2(pkt);
+			eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)odp_packet_l2_map(pkt, &seglen);
 			tmp_addr = eth->dst;
 			eth->dst = eth->src;
@@ -464,7 +457,8 @@  static void swap_pkt_addrs(odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[], unsigned len)
 			if (odp_packet_inflag_ipv4(pkt)) {
 				/* IPv4 */
-				ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
+				ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)
+					odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &seglen);
 				ip_tmp_addr  = ip->src_addr;
 				ip->src_addr = ip->dst_addr;
diff --git a/example/timer/odp_timer_test.c b/example/timer/odp_timer_test.c
index 78b2ae2..c0fcf49 100644
--- a/example/timer/odp_timer_test.c
+++ b/example/timer/odp_timer_test.c
@@ -242,12 +242,11 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	test_args_t args;
 	int num_workers;
 	odp_buffer_pool_t pool;
-	void *pool_base;
 	odp_queue_t queue;
 	int first_core;
 	uint64_t cycles, ns;
 	odp_queue_param_t param;
-	odp_shm_t shm;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
 	printf("\nODP timer example starts\n");
@@ -306,17 +305,12 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	printf("period:             %i usec\n", args.period_us);
 	printf("timeouts:           %i\n", args.tmo_count);
-	/*
-	 * Create message pool
-	 */
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("msg_pool",
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
-	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("msg_pool", pool_base, MSG_POOL_SIZE,
-				      0,
+	params.buf_num  = 1024;
+	params.buf_size = 0;
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_TIMEOUT;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_NONE;
+	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("msg_pool", &params, NULL);
 	if (pool == ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID) {
 		ODP_ERR("Pool create failed.\n");
diff --git a/helper/include/odph_ip.h b/helper/include/odph_ip.h
index 2c83c0f..2dab164 100644
--- a/helper/include/odph_ip.h
+++ b/helper/include/odph_ip.h
@@ -79,10 +79,12 @@  static inline int odph_ipv4_csum_valid(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	odph_ipv4hdr_t ip;
 	uint16be_t chksum;
-	if (!odp_packet_l3_offset(pkt))
+	if (!odp_packet_inflag_ipv4(pkt))
 		return 0;
-	memcpy(&ip, odp_packet_l3(pkt), sizeof(odph_ipv4hdr_t));
+	odp_packet_copy_to_memory(&ip, pkt, odp_packet_l3_offset(pkt),
+				  sizeof(odph_ipv4hdr_t));
 	w = (uint16_t *)(void *)&ip;
 	chksum = ip.chksum;
 	ip.chksum = 0x0;
@@ -105,12 +107,13 @@  static inline uint16sum_t odph_ipv4_csum_update(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	uint16_t *w;
 	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
+	size_t seglen;
 	int nleft = sizeof(odph_ipv4hdr_t);
-	if (!odp_packet_l3_offset(pkt))
+	if (!odp_packet_inflag_ipv4(pkt))
 		return 0;
-	ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
+	ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &seglen);
 	w = (uint16_t *)(void *)ip;
 	ip->chksum = odp_chksum(w, nleft);
 	return ip->chksum;
@@ -126,7 +129,14 @@  static inline uint16sum_t odph_ipv4_csum_update(odp_packet_t pkt)
  * IPv6 header
 typedef struct ODP_PACKED {
-	uint32be_t ver_tc_flow;  /**< Version / Traffic class / Flow label */
+	union {
+		uint32be_t ver_tc_flow;  /**< Version / TC / Flow label */
+		struct {
+			uint32be_t ver:4;    /**< Version (must be 6) */
+			uint32be_t tc:8;     /**< Traffic class */
+			uint32be_t flow:20;  /**< Flow label */
+		};
+	};
 	uint16be_t payload_len;  /**< Payload length */
 	uint8_t    next_hdr;     /**< Next header */
 	uint8_t    hop_limit;    /**< Hop limit */
@@ -137,16 +147,29 @@  typedef struct ODP_PACKED {
 /** @internal Compile time assert */
+ * IPv6 Header extensions
+ */
+typedef struct ODP_PACKED {
+	uint8_t    next_hdr;     /**< Protocol of next header */
+	uint8_t    ext_len;      /**< Length of this extention in 8 byte units,
+				    not counting first 8 bytes, so 0 = 8 bytes
+				    1 = 16 bytes, etc. */
+	uint8_t    filler[6];    /**< Fill out first 8 byte segment */
+} odph_ipv6hdr_ext_t;
 /** @name
  * IP protocol values (IPv4:'proto' or IPv6:'next_hdr')
  * @{*/
-#define ODPH_IPPROTO_ICMP 0x01 /**< Internet Control Message Protocol (1) */
-#define ODPH_IPPROTO_TCP  0x06 /**< Transmission Control Protocol (6) */
-#define ODPH_IPPROTO_UDP  0x11 /**< User Datagram Protocol (17) */
-#define ODPH_IPPROTO_SCTP 0x84 /**< Stream Control Transmission Protocol (132) */
-#define ODPH_IPPROTO_FRAG 0x2C /**< Fragment (44) */
-#define ODPH_IPPROTO_AH   0x33 /**< Authentication Header (51) */
-#define ODPH_IPPROTO_ESP  0x32 /**< Encapsulating Security Payload (50) */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_HOPOPTS 0x00 /**< IPv6 hop-by-hop options */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_ICMP    0x01 /**< Internet Control Message Protocol (1) */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_TCP     0x06 /**< Transmission Control Protocol (6) */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_UDP     0x11 /**< User Datagram Protocol (17) */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_ROUTE   0x2B /**< IPv6 Routing header (43) */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_FRAG    0x2C /**< IPv6 Fragment (44) */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_AH      0x33 /**< Authentication Header (51) */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_ESP     0x32 /**< Encapsulating Security Payload (50) */
+#define ODPH_IPPROTO_INVALID 0xFF /**< Reserved invalid by IANA */
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/helper/include/odph_packet.h b/helper/include/odph_packet.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d53593..0000000
--- a/helper/include/odph_packet.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ 
-/* Copyright (c) 2014, Linaro Limited
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
- */
- * @file
- *
- * Optional ODP packet helper functions
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <odp.h>
- * Helper: Tests if packet is valid
- *
- * Allows for more thorough checking than "if (pkt == ODP_PACKET_INVALID)"
- *
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- *
- * @return 1 if valid, otherwise 0
- */
-static inline int odph_packet_is_valid(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	odp_buffer_t buf = odp_packet_to_buffer(pkt);
-	return odp_buffer_is_valid(buf);
- * Helper: Allocate and initialize a packet buffer from a packet pool
- *
- * @param pool_id  Pool handle
- *
- * @note  The pool must have been created with 'buf_type=ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET'
- *
- * @return Packet handle or ODP_PACKET_INVALID
- */
-static inline odp_packet_t odph_packet_alloc(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_id)
-	odp_packet_t pkt;
-	odp_buffer_t buf;
-	buf = odp_buffer_alloc(pool_id);
-	if (odp_unlikely(!odp_buffer_is_valid(buf)))
-	pkt = odp_packet_from_buffer(buf);
-	odp_packet_init(pkt);
-	return pkt;
- * Helper: Free a packet buffer back into the packet pool
- *
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- */
-static inline void odph_packet_free(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	odp_buffer_t buf = odp_packet_to_buffer(pkt);
-	odp_buffer_free(buf);
- * Helper: Packet buffer maximum data size
- *
- * @note odp_packet_buf_size(pkt) != odp_packet_get_len(pkt), the former returns
- *       the max length of the buffer, the latter the size of a received packet.
- *
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- *
- * @return Packet buffer maximum data size
- */
-static inline size_t odph_packet_buf_size(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	odp_buffer_t buf = odp_packet_to_buffer(pkt);
-	return odp_buffer_size(buf);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/helper/include/odph_tcp.h b/helper/include/odph_tcp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5912b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helper/include/odph_tcp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ 
+/* Copyright (c) 2014, Linaro Limited
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+ * @file
+ *
+ * ODP TCP header
+ */
+#ifndef ODPH_TCP_H_
+#define ODPH_TCP_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <odp_align.h>
+#include <odp_debug.h>
+#include <odp_byteorder.h>
+/** UDP header length */
+#define ODPH_TCPHDR_LEN 8
+/** TCP header */
+typedef struct ODP_PACKED {
+	uint16be_t src_port; /**< Source port */
+	uint16be_t dst_port; /**< Destinatino port */
+	uint32be_t seq_no;   /**< Sequence number */
+	uint32be_t ack_no;   /**< Acknowledgment number */
+	union {
+		uint32be_t flags_and_window;
+		struct {
+			uint32be_t rsvd1:8;
+			uint32be_t flags:8; /**< TCP flags as a byte */
+			uint32be_t rsvd2:16;
+		};
+		struct {
+			uint32be_t hl:4;    /**< Hdr len, in words */
+			uint32be_t rsvd3:6; /**< Reserved */
+			uint32be_t urg:1;   /**< ACK */
+			uint32be_t ack:1;
+			uint32be_t psh:1;
+			uint32be_t rst:1;
+			uint32be_t syn:1;
+			uint32be_t fin:1;
+			uint32be_t window:16; /**< Window size */
+		};
+	};
+	uint16be_t cksm;   /**< Checksum */
+	uint16be_t urgptr; /**< Urgent pointer */
+} odph_tcphdr_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/helper/include/odph_udp.h b/helper/include/odph_udp.h
index b2eaf03..bd0fb68 100644
--- a/helper/include/odph_udp.h
+++ b/helper/include/odph_udp.h
@@ -57,15 +57,14 @@  static inline uint16_t odph_ipv4_udp_chksum(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	odph_udphdr_t *udph;
 	odph_ipv4hdr_t *iph;
 	uint16_t udplen;
+	size_t l3_seglen, l4_seglen;
-	if (!odp_packet_l3_offset(pkt))
+	if (odp_packet_l3_protocol(pkt) != 0x800 ||
+	    odp_packet_l4_protocol(pkt) != ODPH_IPPROTO_UDP)
 		return 0;
-	if (!odp_packet_l4_offset(pkt))
-		return 0;
-	iph = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
-	udph = (odph_udphdr_t *)odp_packet_l4(pkt);
+	iph = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3_map(pkt, &l3_seglen);
+	udph = (odph_udphdr_t *)odp_packet_l4_map(pkt, &l4_seglen);
 	udplen = odp_be_to_cpu_16(udph->length);
 	/* the source ip */
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/Makefile.am b/platform/linux-generic/Makefile.am
index 0153a22..08c147c 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/Makefile.am
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/Makefile.am
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@  include_HEADERS = \
 		  $(top_srcdir)/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_debug.h \
 		  $(top_srcdir)/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_hints.h \
 		  $(top_srcdir)/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_init.h \
-		  $(top_srcdir)/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet_flags.h \
 		  $(top_srcdir)/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet.h \
 		  $(top_srcdir)/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet_io.h \
 		  $(top_srcdir)/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_queue.h \
@@ -46,8 +45,8 @@  subdirheaders_HEADERS = \
 			$(top_srcdir)/helper/include/odph_ip.h \
 			$(top_srcdir)/helper/include/odph_ipsec.h \
 			$(top_srcdir)/helper/include/odph_linux.h \
-			$(top_srcdir)/helper/include/odph_packet.h \
 			$(top_srcdir)/helper/include/odph_ring.h \
+			$(top_srcdir)/helper/include/odph_tcp.h \
 __LIB__libodp_la_SOURCES = \
@@ -60,7 +59,6 @@  __LIB__libodp_la_SOURCES = \
 			   odp_init.c \
 			   odp_linux.c \
 			   odp_packet.c \
-			   odp_packet_flags.c \
 			   odp_packet_io.c \
 			   odp_packet_socket.c \
 			   odp_queue.c \
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp.h
index 6e4f69e..ffdf1f3 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp.h
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@  extern "C" {
 #include <odp_schedule.h>
 #include <odp_sync.h>
 #include <odp_packet.h>
-#include <odp_packet_flags.h>
 #include <odp_packet_io.h>
 #include <odp_crypto.h>
 #include <odp_rwlock.h>
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer.h
index 289e0eb..baa7643 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 
-/* Copyright (c) 2013, Linaro Limited
+/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Linaro Limited
  * All rights reserved.
  * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
@@ -8,7 +8,88 @@ 
  * @file
- * ODP buffer descriptor
+ * @par Buffer
+ * A buffer is an element of a buffer pool used for storing
+ * information. Buffers are referenced by an abstract handle of type
+ * odp_buffer_t. Buffers have associated buffer types that describe
+ * their intended use and the type of metadata that is associated
+ * with them. Buffers of a specific type may be referenced for
+ * processing by cores or by offload engines. Buffers are also
+ * transmitted via queues from one processing element to another.
+ *
+ * @par Buffer Types
+ * An ODP buffer type is identified by the
+ * odp_buffer_type_e enum. It defines the semantics that are to be
+ * attached to the buffer and defines the type of metadata that is
+ * associated with it. ODP implementations MUST support the following
+ * buffer types:
+ *
+ * This is the “basic” buffer type
+ * which simply consists of a single fixed-sized block of contiguous
+ * memory. Buffers of this type do not support user metadata and the
+ * only built-in metadata supported for this type of buffer are those
+ * that are statically computable, such as pool and size. This type of
+ * buffer is entirely under application control and most of the buffer
+ * APIs defined in this document are not available. APIs for this
+ * type of buffer are described in this document.
+ *
+ * This buffer type is suitable for receiving,
+ * processing, and transmitting network packet data. Included in this
+ * type is a rich set of primitives for manipulating buffer aggregates
+ * and for storing system and user metadata. APIs for this type of
+ * buffer are described here and in the ODP Packet Management Design
+ * document.
+ *
+ * This buffer type is suitable for
+ * representing timer timeout events. Does not support buffer
+ * aggregation but does support user metadata. APIs for this type of
+ * buffer are described here and in the ODP Timer Management Design
+ * document.
+ *
+ * A “universal” buffer type capable of
+ * storing information needed for any other buffer type. It is not
+ * intended to be used directly, but exists for possible
+ * implementation convenience.
+ *
+ * @par Metadata
+ * Metadata is additional information relating to a
+ * buffer that is distinct from the application data normally held in
+ * the buffer. Implementations MAY choose to implement metadata as
+ * contiguous with a buffer (e.g., in an implementation-managed prefix
+ * area of the buffer) or in a physically separate metadata area
+ * efficiently accessible by the implementation using the same
+ * identifier as the buffer itself. ODP applications MUST NOT make
+ * assumptions about the addressability relationship between a buffer
+ * and its associated metadata, or between metadata items.
+ * Application use of metadata MUST only be via accessor functions.
+ *
+ * @par Note on OPTIONAL APIs
+ * Every conforming ODP implementation MUST
+ * provide implementations for each API described here. If an API is
+ * designated as OPTIONAL, this means that it is acceptable for an
+ * implementation to do nothing except return
+ * ODP_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE in response to this call. Note that this
+ * may limit the range of ODP applications supported by a given
+ * implementation since applications needing the functionality of the
+ * optional API will likely choose to deploy on other ODP platforms.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * APIs are designated as OPTIONAL under two conditions:
+ *
+ * -# The API is expected to be difficult to provide efficiently on all
+ *  platforms.
+ *
+ * -# A significant number of ODP applications are expected to exist
+ *  that will not need or use this API.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Under these circumstances, an API is designated as OPTIONAL to
+ * permit ODP implementations to be conformant while still expecting
+ * to be able to run a significant number of ODP applications.
 #ifndef ODP_BUFFER_H_
@@ -21,10 +102,9 @@  extern "C" {
 #include <odp_std_types.h>
 /** @defgroup odp_buffer ODP BUFFER
- *  Operations on a buffer.
- *  @{
+ *
+ * @{
@@ -32,62 +112,446 @@  extern "C" {
 typedef uint32_t odp_buffer_t;
-#define ODP_BUFFER_INVALID (0xffffffff) /**< Invalid buffer */
+ * ODP buffer segment
+ */
+typedef uint32_t odp_buffer_segment_t;
+ * ODP Buffer pool
+ */
+typedef uint32_t odp_buffer_pool_t;
+ * ODP buffer type
+ */
+typedef enum odp_buffer_type {
+	ODP_BUFER_TYPE_INVALID  = -1, /**< Buffer type invalid */
+	ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_ANY     = 0,  /**< Buffer type can hold any other
+					 buffer type */
+	ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_RAW     = 1,  /**< Raw buffer,
+					 no additional metadata */
+	ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET  = 2,  /**< Packet buffer */
+	ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_TIMEOUT = 3,  /**< Timeout buffer */
+} odp_buffer_type_e;
+ * ODP buffer options
+ *
+ * @note These options are additive so an application can simply
+ * specify a buf_opts by ORing together the options needed. Note that
+ * buffer pool options are themselves OPTIONAL and a given
+ * implementation MAY fail the buffer pool creation request with an
+ * appropriate errno if the requested option is not supported by the
+ * underlying ODP implementation, with the exception that UNSEGMENTED
+ * pools MUST be supported for non-packet types and for packet types
+ * as long as the requested size is less than the
+ * implementation-defined native packet segment size.
+ *
+ * Use ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_NONE to specify default buffer pool options
+ * with no additions. The ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED option
+ * specifies that the buffer pool should be unsegmented.
+ *
+ * @par Segmented vs. Unsegmented Buffer Pools
+ * By default, the buffers
+ * in ODP buffer pools are logical buffers that support transparent
+ * segmentation managed by ODP on behalf of the application and have a
+ * rich set of associated semantics as described here.
+ * ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED indicates that the buf_size specified
+ * for the pool should be regarded as a fixed buffer size for all pool
+ * elements and that segmentation support is not needed for the pool.
+ * This MAY result in greater efficiency on some implementations. For
+ * packet processing, a typical use of unsegmented pools would be in
+ * conjunction with classification rules that sort packets into
+ * different pools based on their lengths, thus ensuring that each
+ * packet occupies a single segment within an appropriately-sized
+ * buffer.
+ */
+typedef enum odp_buffer_opts {
+	ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_NONE,        /**< Default, no buffer options */
+	ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED, /**< No segments, please */
+} odp_buffer_opts_e;
+ * Error returns
+ */
+#define ODP_BUFFER_INVALID (odp_buffer_t)(-1)
+#define ODP_SEGMENT_INVALID (odp_buffer_segment_t)(-1)
  * Buffer start address
- * @param buf      Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] buf  Buffer handle
  * @return Buffer start address
 void *odp_buffer_addr(odp_buffer_t buf);
- * Buffer maximum data size
+ * Buffer application data size
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf  Buffer handle
- * @param buf      Buffer handle
+ * @return Buffer application data size
- * @return Buffer maximum data size
+ * @note The size returned by this rouine is the size of the
+ * application data contained within the buffer and does not include
+ * any inplementation-defined overhead to support metadata, etc. ODP
+ * does not define APIs for determining the amount of storage that is
+ * physically allocated by an implementation to support ODP buffers.
 size_t odp_buffer_size(odp_buffer_t buf);
  * Buffer type
- * @param buf      Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] buf    Buffer handle
  * @return Buffer type
-int odp_buffer_type(odp_buffer_t buf);
+odp_buffer_type_e odp_buffer_type(odp_buffer_t buf);
-#define ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_INVALID (-1) /**< Buffer type invalid */
-#define ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_ANY       0  /**< Buffer that can hold any other
-					  buffer type */
-#define ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_RAW       1  /**< Raw buffer, no additional metadata */
-#define ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET    2  /**< Packet buffer */
-#define ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_TIMEOUT   3  /**< Timeout buffer */
+ * Get address and size of user metadata for buffer
+ *
+ * @param[in]  buf        Buffer handle
+ * @param[out] udata_size Number of bytes of user metadata available
+ *                        at the returned address
+ * @return                Address of the user metadata for this buffer
+ *                        or NULL if the buffer has no user metadata.
+ */
+void *odp_buffer_udata(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t *udata_size);
+ * Get address of user metadata for buffer
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf         Buffer handle
+ *
+ * @return                Address of the user metadata for this buffer
+ *                        or NULL if the buffer has no user metadata.
+ *
+ * @note This is a "fastpath" version of odp_buffer_udata() since it
+ * omits returning the size of the user metadata area. Callers are
+ * expected to know and honor this limit nonetheless.
+ */
+void *odp_buffer_udata_addr(odp_buffer_t buf);
  * Tests if buffer is valid
- * @param buf      Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] buf    Buffer handle
  * @return 1 if valid, otherwise 0
+ *
+ * @note Since buffer operations typically occur in fastpath sections
+ * of applications, by default most ODP APIs assume that valid buffer
+ * handles are passed to them and results are undefined if this
+ * assumption is not met. This routine exists to enable an
+ * application to request explicit validation of a buffer handle. It
+ * is understood that the performance of this operation MAY vary
+ * considerably on a per-implementation basis.
 int odp_buffer_is_valid(odp_buffer_t buf);
+ * Tests if buffer is segmented
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf    Buffer handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if buffer has more then one segment, otherwise 0
+ *
+ * @note This routine behaves identically to the test
+ * odp_buffer_segment_count() > 1, but is potentially more efficient
+ * and represents the preferred method of determining a buffer's
+ * segmentation status.
+ */
+int odp_buffer_is_segmented(odp_buffer_t buf);
  * Print buffer metadata to STDOUT
- * @param buf      Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] buf    Buffer handle
+ * @note This routine is intended for diagnostic use and prints
+ * implementation-defined information concerning the buffer to the ODP
+ * LOG. It's provision is OPTIONAL.
 void odp_buffer_print(odp_buffer_t buf);
+ * Get count of number of segments in a buffer
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf    Buffer handle
+ *
+ * @return           Count of the number of segments in buf
+ */
+size_t odp_buffer_segment_count(odp_buffer_t buf);
+ * Get the segment identifier for a buffer segment by index
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf    Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] ndx    Segment index of segment of interest
+ *
+ * @return           Segment handle or ODP_SEGMENT_INVALID if the
+ *                   supplied ndx is out of range.
+ */
+odp_buffer_segment_t odp_buffer_segment_by_index(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t ndx);
+ * Get the next segment handle for a buffer segment
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf    Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] seg    Segment identifier of the previous segment
+ *
+ * @return           Segment identifier of next segment or ODP_SEGMENT_INVALID
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the identifier (odp_buffer_segment_t) of
+ * the next buffer segment in a buffer aggregate. The input
+ * specifies the buffer and the previous segment identifier. There are
+ * three use cases for this routine:
+ * @note
+ * -# If the input seg is ODP_SEGMENT_START then the segment identifier returned
+ * is that of the first segment in the buffer. ODP_SEGMENT_NULL MAY be used
+ * as a synonym for ODP_SEGMENT_START for symmetry if desired.
+ *
+ * -# If the input seg is not the last segment in the buffer then the
+ * segment handle of the next segment following seg is returned.
+ *
+ * -# If the input seg is the segment identifier of the last segment in
+ * the buffer then ODP_SEGMENT_NULL is returned.
+ *
+ */
+odp_buffer_segment_t odp_buffer_segment_next(odp_buffer_t buf,
+					     odp_buffer_segment_t seg);
+ * Get addressability for a specified buffer segment
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf     Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] seg     Segment handle of the segment to be mapped
+ * @param[in] seglen  Returned number of bytes in this buffer segment
+ *                    available at the returned address
+ *
+ * @return            Segment start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to obtain addressability to a segment within
+ * a buffer aggregate at a specified segment identifier. The returned seglen
+ * indicates the number of bytes addressable at the returned address.
+ */
+void *odp_buffer_segment_map(odp_buffer_t buf, odp_buffer_segment_t seg,
+			     size_t *seglen);
+ * Unmap a buffer segment
+ *
+ * @param[in] seg     Buffer segment handle
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to unmap a buffer segment previously
+ * mapped by odp_buffer_segment_map(). Following this call,
+ * applications MUST NOT attempt to reference the segment via any
+ * pointer returned from a previous odp_buffer_segment_map() call
+ * referring to it. It is intended to allow certain NUMA
+ * architectures to better manage the coherency of mapped segments.
+ * For non-NUMA architectures this routine will be a no-op. Note that
+ * implementations SHOULD implicitly unmap all buffer segments
+ * whenever a buffer is added to a queue as this indicates that the
+ * caller is relinquishing control of the buffer.
+ */
+void odp_buffer_segment_unmap(odp_buffer_segment_t seg);
+ * Get start address for a specified buffer offset
+ *
+ * @param[in]  buf     Buffer handle
+ * @param[in]  offset  Byte offset within the buffer to be addressed
+ * @param[out] seglen  Returned number of bytes in this buffer
+ *                     segment available at returned address
+ *
+ * @return             Offset start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to obtain addressability to a segment
+ * within a buffer at a specified byte offset. Note that because the
+ * offset is independent of any implementation-defined physical
+ * segmentation the returned seglen may be “short” and will range from
+ * 1 to whatever physical segment size is used by the underlying
+ * implementation.
+ */
+void *odp_buffer_offset_map(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t offset,
+			    size_t *seglen);
+ * Unmap a buffer segment by offset
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf    Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] offset Buffer offset
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to unmap a buffer segment previously
+ * mapped by odp_buffer_offset_map(). Following this call
+ * the application MUST NOT attempt to reference the segment via any
+ * pointer returned by a prior odp_buffer_offset_map() call relating
+ * to this offset. It is intended to allow certain NUMA architectures
+ * to better manage the coherency of mapped segments. For non-NUMA
+ * architectures this routine will be a no-op. Note that
+ * implementations SHOULD implicitly unmap all buffer segments
+ * whenever a buffer is added to a queue as this indicates that the
+ * caller is relinquishing control of the buffer.
+ */
+void odp_buffer_offset_unmap(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t offset);
+ * Split a buffer into two buffers at a specified split point
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf    Handle of buffer to split
+ * @param[in] offset Byte offset within buf to split buffer
+ *
+ * @return           Buffer handle of the created split buffer
+ *
+ * @note This routine splits a buffer into two buffers at the
+ * specified byte offset. The odp_buffer_t returned by the function
+ * is the handle of the new buffer created at the split point. If the
+ * original buffer was allocated from a buffer pool then the split is
+ * allocated from the same pool. If the original buffer was size
+ * bytes in length then upon return the original buffer is of size
+ * offset while the split buffer is of size (size-offset).
+ *
+ * @note Upon return from this function, the system metadata for both
+ * buffers has been updated appropriately by the call since system
+ * metadata maintenance is the responsibility of the ODP
+ * implementation. Any required updates to the user metadata is the
+ * responsibility of the caller.
+ */
+odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_split(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t offset);
+ * Join two buffers into a single buffer
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf1  Buffer handle of first buffer to join
+ * @param[in] buf2  Buffer handle of second buffer to join
+ *
+ * @return          Buffer handle of the joined buffer
+ *
+ * @note This routine joins two buffers into a single buffer. Both
+ * buf1 and buf2 MUST be from the same buffer pool and the resulting
+ * joined buffer will be an element of that same pool. The
+ * application MUST NOT assume that either buf1 or buf2 survive the
+ * join or that the returned joined buffer is contiguous with or
+ * otherwise related to the input buffers. An implementation SHOULD
+ * free either or both input buffers if they are not reused as part of
+ * the construction of the returned joined buffer. If the join cannot
+ * be performed (e.g., if the two input buffers are not from the same
+ * buffer pool, insufficient space in the target buffer pool, etc.)
+ * then ODP_BUFFER_INVALID SHOULD be returned to indicate that the
+ * operation could not be performed, and an appropriate errno set. In
+ * such case the input buffers MUST NOT be freed as part of the failed
+ * join attempt and should be unchanged from their input values and
+ * content.
+ *
+ * @note The result of odp_buffer_join() is the logical concatenation
+ * of the two buffers using an implementation-defined buffer
+ * aggregation mechanism. The application data contents of the
+ * returned buffer is identical to that of the two joined input
+ * buffers however certain associated metadata (e.g., information
+ * about the buffer size) will likely differ.
+ *
+ * @note If user metadata is present in the buffer pool containing the
+ * input buffers, then the user metadata associated with the returned
+ * buffer MUST be copied by this routine from the source buf1.
+ */
+odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_join(odp_buffer_t buf1, odp_buffer_t buf2);
+ * Trim a buffer at a specified trim point
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf    buffer handle of buffer to trim
+ * @param[in] offset byte offset within buf to trim
+ *
+ * @return           Handle of the trimmed buffer or ODP_BUFFER_INVALID
+ *                   if the operation was not performed
+ *
+ * @note This routine discards bytes from the end of a buffer. It is
+ * logically equivalent to a split followed by a free of the split
+ * portion of the input buffer. The input offset must be less than or
+ * equal to the odp_buffer_size() of the input buffer. Upon
+ * successful return the odp_buffer_size() routine would now return
+ * offset as the size of the trimmed buffer. Note that the returned
+ * odp_buffer_t may not necessarily be the same as the input
+ * odp_buffer_t. The caller should use the returned value when
+ * referencing the trimmed buffer instead of the original in case they
+ * are different.
+ *
+ * @note If the input buf contains user metadata, then this data MUST
+ * be copied to the returned buffer if needed by the API
+ * implementation.
+ */
+odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_trim(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t offset);
+ * Extend a buffer for a specified number of bytes
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf  buffer handle of buffer to expand
+ * @param[in] ext  size, in bytes, of the extent to add to the
+ *                 existing buffer.
+ *
+ * @return         Handle of the extended buffer or ODP_BUFFER_INVALID
+ *                 if the operation was not performed
+ *
+ * @note This routine extends a buffer by increasing its size by ext
+ * bytes. It is logically equivalent to an odp_buffer_join() of a
+ * buffer of size ext to the original buffer. Upon successful return
+ * the odp_buffer_size() routine would now return size+ext as the size
+ * of the extended buffer.
+ *
+ * @note Note that the returned odp_buffer_t may not necessarily be the
+ * same as the input odp_buffer_t. The caller should use the returned
+ * value when referencing the extended buffer instead of the original
+ * in case they are different. If the input buf contains user meta
+ * data, then this data MUST be copied to the returned buffer if
+ * needed by the API implementation.
+ */
+odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_extend(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t ext);
+ * Clone a buffer, returning an exact copy of it
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf  buffer handle of buffer to duplicate
+ *
+ * @return         Handle of the duplicated buffer or ODP_BUFFER_INVALID
+ *                 if the operation was not performed
+ *
+ * @note This routine allows an ODP buffer to be cloned in an
+ * implementation-defined manner. The application data contents of
+ * the returned odp_buffer_t is an exact copy of the application data
+ * of the input buffer. The implementation MAY perform this operation
+ * via reference counts, resegmentation, or any other technique it
+ * wishes to employ. The cloned buffer is an element of the same
+ * buffer pool as the input buf. If the input buf contains user meta
+ * data, then this data MUST be copied to the returned buffer by the
+ * ODP implementation.
+ */
+odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_clone(odp_buffer_t buf);
+ * Copy a buffer, returning an exact copy of it
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf  buffer handle of buffer to copy
+ * @param[in] pool buffer pool to contain the copied buffer
+ *
+ * @return         Handle of the copied buffer or ODP_BUFFER_INVALID
+ *                 if the operation was not performed
+ *
+ * @note This routine allows an ODP buffer to be copied in an
+ * implementation-defined manner to a specified buffer pool. The
+ * specified pool may or may not be different from the source buffer’s
+ * pool. The application data contents of the returned odp_buffer_t
+ * is an exact separate copy of the application data of the input
+ * buffer. If the input buf contains user metadata, then this data
+ * MUST be copied to the returned buffer by the ODP implementation.
+ */
+odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_copy(odp_buffer_t buf, odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
  * @}
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer_pool.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer_pool.h
index d04abf0..b71c727 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer_pool.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_buffer_pool.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 
-/* Copyright (c) 2013, Linaro Limited
+/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Linaro Limited
  * All rights reserved.
  * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
@@ -8,7 +8,43 @@ 
  * @file
- * ODP buffer pool
+ * @par Buffer Pools
+ * Buffers are elements of buffer pools that represent an equivalence
+ * class of buffer objects that are managed by a buffer pool manager.
+ * ODP implementations MAY support buffer pool managers implemented in
+ * hardware, software, or a combination of the two. An ODP
+ * implementation MUST support at least one buffer pool and MAY
+ * support as many as it wishes. The implementation MAY support one
+ * or more predefined buffer pools that are not explicitly allocated
+ * by an ODP application. It SHOULD also support application creation
+ * of buffer pools via the odp_buffer_pool_create() API, however it
+ * MAY restrict the types of buffers that can be so created.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Buffer pools are represented by the abstract type odp_buffer_pool_t
+ * that is returned by buffer pool creation and lookup/enumeration
+ * routines. Applications refer to buffer pools via a name of
+ * implementation-defined maximum length that MUST be a minimummap of
+ * eight characters in length and MAY be longer. It is RECOMMENDED
+ * that 32 character buffer pool names be supported to provide
+ * application naming flexibility. The supported maximum length of
+ * buffer pool names is exposed via the ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN
+ * predefined implementation limit.
+ *
+ * @par Segmented vs. Unsegmented Buffer Pools
+ * By default, the buffers in
+ * ODP buffer pools are logical buffers that support transparent
+ * segmentation managed by ODP on behalf of the application and have a
+ * rich set of associated semantics as described here.
+ * ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED indicates that the buf_size specified
+ * for the pool should be regarded as a fixed buffer size for all pool
+ * elements and that segmentation support is not needed for the pool.
+ * This MAY result in greater efficiency on some implementations. For
+ * packet processing, a typical use of unsegmented pools would be in
+ * conjunction with classification rules that sort packets into
+ * different pools based on their lengths, thus ensuring that each
+ * packet occupies a single segment within an appropriately-sized
+ * buffer.
@@ -34,43 +70,316 @@  extern "C" {
 /** Invalid buffer pool */
-/** ODP buffer pool */
-typedef uint32_t odp_buffer_pool_t;
+ * Buffer initialization routine prototype
+ *
+ * @note Routines of this type MAY be passed as part of the
+ * odp_buffer_pool_init_t structure to be called whenever a
+ * buffer is allocated to initialize the user metadata
+ * associated with that buffer.
+ */
+typedef void (odp_buf_init_t)(odp_buffer_t buf, void *buf_init_arg);
+ * Buffer pool parameters
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf_num    Number of buffers that pool should contain
+ * @param[in] buf_size   Size of application data in each buffer
+ * @param[in] buf_type   Buffer type
+ * @param[in] buf_opts   Buffer options
+ */
+typedef struct odp_buffer_pool_param_t {
+	size_t buf_num;             /**< Number of buffers in this pool */
+	size_t buf_size;            /**< Application data size of each buffer */
+	odp_buffer_type_e buf_type; /**< Buffer type */
+	odp_buffer_opts_e buf_opts; /**< Buffer options */
+} odp_buffer_pool_param_t;          /**< Type of buffer pool parameter struct */
+ * Buffer pool initialization parameters
+ *
+ * @param[in] udata_size     Size of the user metadata for each buffer
+ * @param[in] buf_init       Function pointer to be called to initialize the
+ *                           user metadata for each buffer in the pool.
+ * @param[in] buf_init_arg   Argument to be passed to buf_init().
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct odp_buffer_pool_init_t {
+	size_t udata_size;         /**< Size of user metadata for each buffer */
+	odp_buf_init_t *buf_init;  /**< Buffer initialization routine to use */
+	void *buf_init_arg;        /**< Argument to be passed to buf_init() */
+} odp_buffer_pool_init_t;          /**< Type of buffer initialization struct */
  * Create a buffer pool
- * @param name      Name of the pool (max ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1 chars)
- * @param base_addr Pool base address
- * @param size      Pool size in bytes
- * @param buf_size  Buffer size in bytes
- * @param buf_align Minimum buffer alignment
- * @param buf_type  Buffer type
+ * @param[in] name           Name of the pool
+ *                           (max ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1 chars)
+ *
+ * @param[in] params         Parameters controlling the creation of this
+ *                           buffer pool
- * @return Buffer pool handle
+ * @param[in] init_params    Parameters controlling the initialization of
+ *                           this buffer pool
+ *
+ * @return Buffer pool handle or ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NULL with errno set
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to create a buffer pool. It takes three
+ * arguments: the name of the pool to be created, a parameter
+ * structure that controls the pool creation, and an optional
+ * parameter that controls pool initialization. In the creation
+ * parameter structure, the application specifies the number of
+ * buffers that the pool should contain as well as the application
+ * data size for each buffer in the pool, the type of buffers it
+ * should contain, and their associated options. In the
+ * initialization parameters, the application specifies the size of
+ * the user metadata that should be associated with each buffer in
+ * the pool. If no user metadata is required, the init_params SHOULD
+ * be specified as NULL. If user metadata is requested, then
+ * udata_size SHOULD be set to the requested size of the per-buffer
+ * user metadata. Also specified is the address of an
+ * application-provided buffer initialization routine to be called for
+ * each buffer in the pool at the time the pool is initialized, or
+ * when the buffer is allocated. If no application buffer
+ * initialization is needed, then buf_init and buf_init_arg SHOULD be
+ * set to NULL.
 odp_buffer_pool_t odp_buffer_pool_create(const char *name,
-					 void *base_addr, uint64_t size,
-					 size_t buf_size, size_t buf_align,
-					 int buf_type);
+					 odp_buffer_pool_param_t *params,
+					 odp_buffer_pool_init_t *init_params);
+ * Destroy a buffer pool previously created by odp_buffer_pool_create()
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool    Handle of the buffer pool to be destroyed
+ *
+ * @return            0 on Success, -1 on Failure.
+ *
+ * @note This routine destroys a previously created buffer pool.
+ * Attempts to destroy a predefined buffer pool will be rejected
+ * since the application did not create it.  Results are undefined if
+ * an attempt is made to destroy a buffer pool that contains allocated
+ * or otherwise active buffers.
+ */
+int odp_buffer_pool_destroy(odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
  * Find a buffer pool by name
- * @param name      Name of the pool
+ * @param[in] name  Name of the pool
  * @return Buffer pool handle, or ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID if not found.
 odp_buffer_pool_t odp_buffer_pool_lookup(const char *name);
+ * Get the next buffer pool from its predecessor
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pool       Buffer pool handle
+ * @param[out] name       Name of the pool
+ *                        (max ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1 chars)
+ * @param[out] udata_size Size of user metadata used by this pool.
+ * @param[out] params     Output structure for pool parameters
+ * @param[out] predef     Predefined (1) or Created (0).
+ *
+ * @return                Buffer pool handle
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the abstract identifier
+ * (odp_buffer_pool_t) of a buffer pool and is used to obtain the list
+ * of all buffer pools. In this manner an application can discover
+ * both application created and implementation predefined buffer pools
+ * and their characteristics. The input specifies the previous buffer
+ * pool identifier. There are three use cases for this
+ * routine:
+ *
+ * -# If the input pool is ODP_BUFFER_POOL_START then the buffer pool handle
+ * returned is that of the first buffer pool in the list.
+ * if desired.
+ *
+ * -# If the input pool is not the last element in the buffer pool list
+ * then the buffer pool handle of the next buffer pool following  pool is
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * -# If the input pool is the buffer pool handle of the last buffer pool
+ * in the list then ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NULL is returned.
+ *
+ * @note Returned with the buffer pool handle is the name of the pool as
+ * well as its dimensions, type of buffers it contains, and a flag
+ * that says whether the pool is predefined or was created by the
+ * application. Note that the buf_size reported for a buffer pool is
+ * simply the declared expected size of the buffers in the pool and
+ * serves only to estimate the total amount of application data that
+ * can be stored in the pool. Actual sizes of individual buffers
+ * within the pool are dynamic and variable since physical buffer
+ * segments MAY be aggregated to create buffers of arbitrary size (up
+ * to the pool memory limits). Note that for predefined buffer pools,
+ * some implementations MAY return the physical segment counts and
+ * sizes used to construct the pool as output of this routine.
+ */
+odp_buffer_pool_t odp_buffer_pool_next(odp_buffer_pool_t pool,
+				       char *name, size_t *udata_size,
+				       odp_buffer_pool_param_t *params,
+				       int *predef);
+ * Get the high/low watermarks for a buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pool     Handle of the buffer pool
+ * @param[out] high_wm  The high water mark of the designated buffer pool
+ * @param[out] low_wm   The low water mark of the designated buffer pool
+ *
+ * @return Success or ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID if pool is unknown
+ *                 or ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NO_WATERMARKS if no watermarks
+ *                 are associated with this buffer pool.
+ *
+ * @note This routine gets the high/low watermarks associated with a
+ * given buffer pool. If the buffer pool does not have or support
+ * watermarks then an error will be returned and both high_wm and
+ * low_wm will be unchanged.
+ *
+ * @note It is RECOMMENDED that buffer pools of all types support the
+ * setting and getting of watermarks for use in flow control
+ * processing.  Watermarks are designed to trigger flow control
+ * actions based on utilization levels of a buffer pool. When the
+ * number of free buffers in the buffer pool hits the configured low
+ * watermark for the pool, the pool asserts a low watermark condition
+ * and an implementation-defined action in response to this condition
+ * is triggered. Once in a low watermark state, the condition is
+ * maintained until the number of free buffers reaches the configured
+ * high watermark. At this point the low watermark condition is
+ * deasserted and normal pool processing resumes. Having separate high
+ * and low watermarks permits configurable hysteresis to avoid jitter
+ * in handling transient buffer shortages in the pool.
+ *
+ * @note In general, two types of actions are common. The first is to
+ * control Random Early Detection (RED) or Weighted RED (WRED)
+ * processing for the pool, while the second is to control IEEE
+ * 802.1Qbb priority-based flow control (PFC) processing for so-called
+ * “lossless Ethernet” support. The use of watermarks for flow control
+ * processing is most often used for pools containing packets and this
+ * is discussed in further detail in the Class of Service (CoS) ODP
+ * Classification APIs.
+ */
+int odp_buffer_pool_watermarks(odp_buffer_pool_t pool,
+			       size_t *high_wm, size_t *low_wm);
+ * Set the high/low watermarks for a buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ * @param[in] high_wm   The high water mark of the designated buffer pool
+ * @param[in] low_wm    The low water mark of the designated buffer pool
+ *
+ * @return Success or ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID if pool is unknown
+ *                 or ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NO_WATERMARKS if no watermarks
+ *                 are associated with this buffer pool.
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets the high/low watermarks associated with a
+ * specified buffer pool. If the buffer pool does not support
+ * watermarks then errno ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NO_WATERMARKS is set and no
+ * function is performed.
+ */
+int odp_buffer_pool_set_watermarks(odp_buffer_pool_t pool,
+				   size_t high_wm, size_t low_wm);
+ * Get the headroom for a packet buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ *
+ * @return              The headroom for the pool.  If the pool is invalid,
+ *                      returns -1 and errno set to ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID.
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the headroom associated with the buffer
+ * pool.  This is the headroom that will be set for packets allocated
+ * from this packet buffer pool.
+ */
+size_t odp_buffer_pool_headroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
+ * Set the headroom for a packet buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ * @param[in] hr        The headroom for the pool
+ *
+ * @return              0 on Success or -1 on error.  For errors, errno set to
+ *                      ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID if pool is unknown
+ *                      or ODP_INVALID_RANGE if hr exceeds
+ *                      ODP_PACKET_MAX_HEADROOM
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets the default headroom associated with
+ * buffers allocated from this packet pool.  Note that headroom is a
+ * per-packet attribute.  The headroom associated with the buffer pool
+ * is the default headroom to assign to a packet allocated from this
+ * buffer pool by the odp_packet_alloc() routine By contrast, the
+ * odp_cos_set_headroom() classification API sets the default headroom
+ * to assign to a packet by the classifier for packets matching a
+ * particular Class of Service (CoS).  The allowable range of
+ * supported headroom sizes is subject to the ODP_PACKET_MAX_HEADROOM
+ * limit defined by the implementation.  The valid range for hr is
+ *
+ * @note Headroom serves two purposes.  The first is to reserve a prefix area
+ * of buffers that will hold packets for header expansion.  Applications
+ * can add headers to packets via the odp_packet_push_headroom() to make
+ * headroom space available for new headers.
+ *
+ * @note The second use of headroom is to control packet alignment
+ * within buffers.  The buffers in a buffer pool MUST be "naturally
+ * aligned" for addressing purposes by the implementation.  It is
+ * RECOMMENDED that this be cache aligned.  Because a standard
+ * Ethernet header is 14 octets in length, it is usually convenient to
+ * offset packets by 2 octets so that the following Layer 3 header
+ * (typically IPv4 or IPv6) is naturally aligned on a word boundary.
+ * So applications SHOULD specify an offset that reflects the packet
+ * alignment they wish to see.  For example, a call like
+ * odp_buffer_pool_set_headroom(pool, hr+2); would force packets to by
+ * offset by two bytes to achieve the desired Layer 3 alignment while
+ * also reserving hr bytes of headroom for application use.
+ */
+int odp_buffer_pool_set_headroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool, size_t hr);
+ * Get the tailroom for a packet buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ *
+ * @return              The tailroom for the pool.  If the pool is invalid,
+ *                      returns -1 and errno set to ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID.
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the tailroom associated with buffers
+ * allocated from a packet buffer pool.
+ */
+size_t odp_buffer_pool_tailroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
+ * Set the tailroom for a packet buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ * @param[in] tr        The tailroom for the pool
+ *
+ * @return              0 on Success or -1 on error.  For errors, errno set to
+ *                      ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID if pool is unknown
+ *                      or ODP_INVALID_RANGE if hr exceeds
+ *                      ODP_PACKET_MAX_TAILROOM
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets the tailroom associated with buffers
+ * allocated from a packet pool.  The allowable range of supported
+ * tailroom sizes is subject to the ODP_PACKET_MAX_TAILROOM limit
+ * defined by the implementation. The valid range for tr is
+ */
+int odp_buffer_pool_set_tailroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool, size_t tr);
  * Print buffer pool info
- * @param pool      Pool handle
+ * @param[in] pool   Pool handle
+ * @note This is a diagnostic routine that prints statistics regarding
+ * the specified buffer pool to the ODP LOG. This routine is OPTIONAL
+ * and if present its output is implementation-defined.
 void odp_buffer_pool_print(odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_config.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_config.h
index 906897c..65cc5b5 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_config.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_config.h
@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@  extern "C" {
+ * Packet processing limits
+ */
+#define ODP_CONFIG_BUF_SEG_SIZE (512*3)
  * @}
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet.h
index 688e047..6d36b02 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 
-/* Copyright (c) 2013, Linaro Limited
+/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Linaro Limited
  * All rights reserved.
  * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
@@ -8,7 +8,262 @@ 
  * @file
- * ODP packet descriptor
+ * @par ODP Packet Management APIs
+ * Described here are the fundamental
+ * concepts and supporting APIs of the ODP Packet Management routines.
+ * All conforming ODP implementations MUST provide these data types
+ * and APIs. Latitude in how routines MAY be implemented are noted
+ * when applicable.
+ *
+ * @par Inherited and New Concepts
+ * As a type of buffer, packets are
+ * allocated from its containing buffer pool created via
+ * odp_buffer_pool_create() with a buffer type of
+ * ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET. Packets are referenced by an abstract
+ * odp_packet_t handle defined by each implementation.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Packet objects are normally created at ingress when they arrive
+ * at a source odp_pktio_t and are received by an application either
+ * directly or (more typically) via a scheduled receive queue. They
+ * MAY be implicitly freed when they are transmitted to an output
+ * odp_pktio_t via an associated transmit queue, or freed directly via
+ * the odp_packet_free() API.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Packets contain additional system meta data beyond those found
+ * in buffers that is populated by the parse function of the ODP
+ * classifier. See below for a discussion of this meta data and the
+ * accessor functions provided for application reference to them.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Occasionally an application may originate a packet itself,
+ * either de novo or by deriving it from an existing packet, and APIs
+ * are provided to assist in these cases as well. Application-created
+ * packets can be recycled back through a loopback interface to reparse
+ * and reclassify them, or the application can explicitly re-invoke the
+ * parser or do its own parsing as desired. This can also occur as a
+ * result of packet decryption or decapsulation when dealing with
+ * ingress tunnels. See the ODP classification design document for
+ * further details. Additionally, the meta data set as a result of
+ * parsing MAY be directly set by the application as needed.
+ *
+ * @par Packet Structure and Concepts
+ * A packet consists of a sequence
+ * of octets conforming to an architected format, such as Ethernet,
+ * that can be received and transmitted via the ODP pktio abstraction.
+ * Packets have a length, which is the number of bytes in the packet.
+ * Packet data in ODP is referenced to via offsets since these reflect
+ * the logical contents and structure of a packet independent of how
+ * particular ODP implementations store that data.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * These concepts are shown in the following diagram:
+ *
+ * @image html packet.png "ODP Packet Structure" width=\textwidth
+ * @image latex packet.eps "ODP Packet Structure" width=\textwidth
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Packet data consists of zero or more headers, followed by 0 or
+ * more bytes of payload, followed by zero or more trailers.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Packet Segments and Addressing Network SoCs use various
+ * methods and techniques to store and process packets efficiently.
+ * These vary considerably from platform to platform, so to ensure
+ * portability across them ODP adopts certain conventions for
+ * referencing packets.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * ODP APIs use a handle of type odp_packet_t to refer to packet
+ * objects. Associated with packets are various bits of system meta
+ * data that describe the packet. By referring to the meta data, ODP
+ * applications accelerate packet processing by minimizing the need to
+ * examine packet data. This is because the packet meta data is
+ * populated by parsing and classification functions that are coupled
+ * to ingress processing that occur prior to a packet being presented
+ * to the application via the ODP scheduler.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * When an ODP implementation needs to examine the contents of a
+ * packet, it requests addressability to it via a mapping API that
+ * makes the packet (or a contiguously addressable segment of it)
+ * available for coherent access by the application. While ODP
+ * applications MAY request that packets be stored in unsegmented
+ * buffer pools, not all platforms supporting ODP are able to provide
+ * contiguity guarantees for packets and as a result such requests may
+ * either fail or else result in degraded performance compared to
+ * native operation.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Instead, ODP applications SHOULD assume that the underlying
+ * implementation stores packets in segments of implementation-defined
+ * and managed size. These represent the contiguously addressable
+ * portions of a packet that the application may refer to via normal
+ * memory accesses. ODP provides APIs that allow applications to
+ * operate on packet segments in an efficient and portable manner as
+ * needed. By combining these with the meta data provided for
+ * packets, ODP applications can operate in a fully
+ * platform-independent manner while still achieving optimal
+ * performance across the range of platforms that support ODP.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * The use of segments for packet addressing and their
+ * relationship to meta data is shown in this diagram:
+ *
+ * @image html segments.png "ODP Packet Segmentation Structure" width=\textwidth
+ * @image latex segments.eps "ODP Packet Segmentation Structure" width=\textwidth
+ *
+ * @par
+ * The packet meta data is set during parsing and identifies the
+ * starting offsets of the various headers contained in the packet.
+ * The packet itself is physically stored as a sequence of segments
+ * that are managed by the ODP implementation. Segment 0 is the first
+ * segment of the packet and is where the packet’s headroom and
+ * headers typically reside. Depending on the length of the packet,
+ * additional segments may be part of the packet and contain the
+ * remaining packet payload and tailroom. The application need not
+ * concern itself with segments except that when the application
+ * requires addressability to a packet it understands that
+ * addressability is provided on a per-segment basis. So, for
+ * example, if the application makes a call like
+ * odp_packet_payload_map() to obtain addressability to the packet
+ * payload, the returned seglen from that call is the number of bytes
+ * from the start of the payload that are contiguously addressable to
+ * the application from the returned payload address. This is because
+ * the following byte occupies a different segment that may be stored
+ * elsewhere. To obtain access to those bytes, the application simply
+ * requests addressability to that offset and it will be able to
+ * address the payload bytes that occupy segment 1, etc. Note that
+ * the returned seglen for any mapping call is always the lesser of
+ * the remaining packet length and the size of its containing segment.
+ * So a mapping request for segment 2, for example, would return a
+ * seglen that extends only to the end of the packet since the
+ * remaining bytes are part of the tailroom reserved for the packet
+ * and are not usable by the application until made available to it by
+ * an appropriate API call.
+ *
+ * @par Headroom and Tailroom
+ * Because data plane applications will
+ * often manipulate packets by adding or removing headers and/or
+ * trailers, ODP implementations MUST support the concepts of headroom
+ * and tailroom for packets. How implementations choose to support
+ * these concepts is unspecified by ODP.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Headroom is an area that logically prepends the start of a
+ * packet and is reserved for the insertion of additional header
+ * information to the front of a packet. Typical use of headroom
+ * might be packet encapsulation as part of tunnel operations.
+ * Tailroom is a similar area that logically follows a packet reserved
+ * for the insertion of trailer information at the end of a packet.
+ * Typical use of tailroom might be in payload manipulation or in
+ * additional checksum insertion. The idea behind headroom and
+ * tailroom is to support efficient manipulation of packet headers
+ * and/or trailers by preallocating buffer space and/or meta data to
+ * support the insertion of packet headers and/or trailers while
+ * avoiding the overhead of more general split/join buffer operations.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that not every application or communication protocol will
+ * need these and ODP implementations MAY impose restrictions or
+ * modifications on when and how these capabilities are used. For
+ * example, headroom MAY indicate the byte offset into a packet buffer
+ * at which packet data is received from an associated odp_pktio_t.
+ * An implementation MAY add to the requested headroom or tailroom for
+ * implementation-defined alignment or other reasons. Note also that
+ * implementations MUST NOT assume that headroom and/or tailroom is
+ * necessarily contiguous with any other segment of the packet unless
+ * the underlying buffer pool the packet has been allocated from has
+ * been explicitly defined as unsegmented. See the ODP Buffer API
+ * design for discussion of segmented vs. unsegmented buffers and
+ * their implementation models. This convention is observed
+ * automatically because every mapping call returns a corresponding
+ * seglen that tells the application the number of bytes it may
+ * reference from the address returned by that call. Applications
+ * MUST observe these limits to avoid programming errors and
+ * portability issues.
+ *
+ * @par Packet Parsing and Inflags
+ * ODP packets are intended to be
+ * processed by the ODP Classifier upon receipt. As part of its
+ * processing, the classifier parses information from the packet
+ * headers and makes this information available as system meta data so
+ * that applications using ODP do not have to reference packets or
+ * their headers directly for most processing. The set of headers
+ * supported by the ODP parse functions MUST include at minimum the
+ * following:
+ *
+ * - Layer 2: ARP, SNAP (recognition), VLAN (C-Tag and S-Tag)
+ * - Layer 3: IPv4, IPv6
+ * - Layer 4: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6, IPsec (ESP and AH)
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Other protocols MAY be supported, however ODP v1.0 does not
+ * define APIs for referencing them.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Parsing results are stored as meta data associated with the
+ * packet. These include various precomputed offsets used for direct
+ * access to parsed headers as well as indicators of packet contents
+ * that are collectively referred to as inflags. Inflags are packet
+ * meta data that may be inspected or set via accessor functions as
+ * described below. Setters are provided to enable applications that
+ * create or modify packet headers to update these attributes
+ * efficiently. Applications that use them take responsibility for
+ * ensuring that the results are consistent. ODP itself does not
+ * validate an inflag setter to ensure that it reflects actual packet
+ * contents. Applications that wish this additional assurance should
+ * request an explicit packet reparse.
+ *
+ * @par Packet Outflags
+ * Packet transmission options are controlled by
+ * packet meta data collectively referred to as outflags. An
+ * application sets these to request various services related to
+ * packet transmission.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note: The outflags controlling checksum offload processing are
+ * overrides. That is, they have no effect unless they are set
+ * explicitly by the application. By default, checksum offloads are
+ * controlled by the corresponding settings of the odp_pktio_t through
+ * which a packet is transmitted. The purpose of these bits is to
+ * permit this offload processing to be overridden on a per-packet
+ * basis. Note that not every implementation may support such
+ * override capabilities, which is why the setters here return a
+ * success/failure indicator.
+ *
+ * @par Packet Headroom and Tailroom Routines
+ * Data plane applications frequently manipulate the headers and trailers
+ * associated with packets. These operations involve either stripping
+ * headers or trailers from packets or inserting new headers or
+ * trailers onto them. To enable this manipulation, ODP provides the
+ * notion of headroom and tailroom, as well as a set of APIs that
+ * enable their efficient manipulation.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Headroom is a set of bytes that logically precede the start of
+ * a packet, enabling additional headers to be created that become
+ * part of the packet. Similarly, tailroom is a set of bytes that
+ * logically follow the end of a packet, enabling additional payload
+ * and/or trailers to be created that become part of the packet. Both
+ * headroom and tailroom are meta data associated with packets, and
+ * are assigned at packet creation.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Packet headroom and tailroom is manipulated by the following
+ * routines that MUST be provided by conforming ODP implementations.
+ * These operations define push and pull operations. The convention
+ * is that push operations move away from packet data while pull
+ * operations move towards packet data. Alternately, push operations
+ * add to packet data, while pull operations remove packet data.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * These concepts are shown as operations on the packet diagram
+ * we saw previously:
+ *
+ * @image html hrtr.png "Headroom and Tailroom Manipulation" width=\textwidth
+ * @image latex hrtr.eps "Headroom and Tailroom Manipulation" width=\textwidth
 #ifndef ODP_PACKET_H_
@@ -21,7 +276,7 @@  extern "C" {
 #include <odp_buffer.h>
 /** @defgroup odp_packet ODP PACKET
- *  Operations on a packet.
+ *
  *  @{
@@ -31,7 +286,7 @@  extern "C" {
 typedef odp_buffer_t odp_packet_t;
 /** Invalid packet */
+#define ODP_PACKET_INVALID (odp_packet_t)(-1)
 /** Invalid offset */
 #define ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID ((uint32_t)-1)
@@ -40,411 +295,2038 @@  typedef odp_buffer_t odp_packet_t;
  * ODP packet segment handle
-typedef int odp_packet_seg_t;
+typedef uint32_t odp_packet_segment_t;
 /** Invalid packet segment */
+#define ODP_PACKET_SEGMENT_INVALID (odp_packet_segment_t)(-1)
+ * Convert a buffer handle to a packet handle
+ *
+ * @param[in] buf  Buffer handle
+ *
+ * @return Packet handle
+ *
+ * @note This routine converts a buffer handle to a packet handle.
+ * Only meaningful if buffer is of type ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET.
+ * Results are undefined otherwise.
+ */
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_from_buffer(odp_buffer_t buf);
+ * Convert a packet handle to a buffer handle
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return Buffer handle
+ *
+ * @note This routine converts a packet handle to a buffer handle.
+ * This routine always succeeds (assuming pkt is a valid packet
+ * handle) since all packets are buffers.
+ */
+odp_buffer_t odp_packet_to_buffer(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Get the headroom for a packet buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ *
+ * @return              The headroom for the pool. If the pool is invalid,
+ *                      returns -1 and errno set to ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID.
+ */
+size_t odp_buffer_pool_headroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
- * ODP packet segment info
+ * Set the headroom for a packet buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ * @param[in] hr        The headroom for the pool
+ *
+ * @return              0 on Success or -1 on error. For errors, errno set to
+ *                      ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID if pool is unknown
+ *                      or ODP_INVALID_RANGE if hr exceeds
+ *                      ODP_PACKET_MAX_HEADROOM
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets the default headroom associated with
+ * buffers allocated from this packet pool. Note that headroom is a
+ * per-packet attribute. The headroom associated with the buffer pool
+ * is the default headroom to assign to a packet allocated from this
+ * buffer pool by the odp_packet_alloc() routine By contrast, the
+ * odp_cos_set_headroom() classification API sets the default headroom
+ * to assign to a packet by the classifier for packets matching a
+ * particular Class of Service (CoS). The allowable range of
+ * supported headroom sizes is subject to the ODP_PACKET_MAX_HEADROOM
+ * limit defined by the implementation. The valid range for hr is
+ *
+ * @note Note also that if the buffer is unsegmented, the specified
+ * headroom will subtract from the preallocated segments that comprise
+ * the pool. Applications need to take this into account when sizing
+ * unsegmented buffer pools.
+ *
+ * @note Specifying a new headroom for an existing buffer pool does not
+ * affect the headroom associated with existing buffers. The buffer
+ * pool headroom setting only affects new buffers allocated from the
+ * pool.
-typedef struct odp_packet_seg_info_t {
-	void   *addr;      /**< Segment start address */
-	size_t  size;      /**< Segment maximum data size */
-	void   *data;      /**< Segment data address */
-	size_t  data_len;  /**< Segment data length */
-} odp_packet_seg_info_t;
+int odp_buffer_pool_set_headroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool, size_t hr);
+ * Get the tailroom for a packet buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ *
+ * @return              The tailroom for the pool. If the pool is invalid,
+ *                      returns -1 and errno set to ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID.
+ */
+size_t odp_buffer_pool_tailroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
+ * Set the tailroom for a packet buffer pool
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool      Handle of the buffer pool
+ * @param[in] tr        The tailroom for the pool
+ *
+ * @return              0 on Success or -1 on error. For errors, errno set to
+ *                      ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID if pool is unknown
+ *                      or ODP_INVALID_RANGE if hr exceeds
+ *                      ODP_PACKET_MAX_TAILROOM
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets the tailroom associated with buffers
+ * allocated from a packet pool. The allowable range of supported
+ * tailroom sizes is subject to the ODP_PACKET_MAX_TAILROOM limit
+ * defined by the implementation. The valid range for tr is
+ *
+ * @note Note also that if the buffer is unsegmented, the specified
+ * tailroom will subtract from the preallocated segments that comprise
+ * the pool. Applications need to take this into account when sizing
+ * unsegmented buffer pools.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Specifying a new tailroom for an existing buffer pool does not
+ * affect the tailroom associated with existing buffers. The buffer
+ * pool tailroom setting only affects new buffers allocated from the
+ * pool.
+ */
+int odp_buffer_pool_set_tailroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool, size_t tr);
- * Initialize the packet
+ * Packet alloc
- * Needs to be called if the user allocates a packet buffer, i.e. the packet
- * has not been received from I/O through ODP.
+ * @param[in] pool    Pool handle for a pool of type ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @return Packet handle or ODP_PACKET_INVALID
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to allocate a packet from a buffer pool
+ * of type ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET. The returned odp_packet_t is an
+ * opaque handle for the packet that can be used in further calls to
+ * manipulate the allocated packet. The value ODP_PACKET_INVALID is
+ * returned if the request cannot be satisfied. The length of the
+ * allocated packet is set to 0.
+ *
+ * @note If non-persistent user meta data is associated with the
+ * underlying buffer that contains the packet, the buf_init() routine
+ * specified as part of the containing buffer pool will be called as
+ * part of buffer allocation to enable the application to initialize
+ * the user meta data associated with it.
+ */
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_alloc(odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
+ * Allocate a packet from a buffer pool of a specified length
+ *
+ * @param[in] pool  Pool handle
+ * @param[in] len   Length of packet requested
+ *
+ * @return          Packet handle or ODP_PACKET_INVALID
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to allocate a packet of a given length
+ * from a packet buffer pool. The returned odp_packet_t is an opaque
+ * handle for the packet that can be used in further calls to
+ * manipulate the allocated packet. The returned buffer is
+ * initialized as an ODP packet and with the length set to the
+ * requested len. The caller will then initialize the packet with
+ * headers and payload as needed. This call itself does not
+ * initialize packet contents or the meta data that would be present
+ * following a packet parse.
+ */
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_alloc_len(odp_buffer_pool_t pool, size_t len);
+ * Packet free
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt     Handle of the packet to be freed
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to return a packet back to its
+ * containing buffer pool. Results are undefined if an application
+ * attempts to reference a packet after it is freed.
+ */
+void odp_packet_free(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Initialize a packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt     Handle of the packet to be initialized
+ *
+ * @note This routine is called following packet allocation to
+ * initialize the packet meta data and internal structure to support
+ * packet operations. Note that this function is performed whenever a
+ * packet is allocated so it would only be used if an application
+ * wished to re-initialize a packet to permit it to discard whatever
+ * previous contents existed and start a fresh packet without having
+ * to free and re-allocate the packet. Re-initializing a packet
+ * resets its headroom and tailroom to their default values (from the
+ * containing packet pool) and sets the packet length to 0.
 void odp_packet_init(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Convert a buffer handle to a packet handle
+ * Obtain buffer pool handle of a packet
- * @param buf  Buffer handle
+ * @param[in] pkt   Packet handle
- * @return Packet handle
+ * @return Buffer pool the packet was allocated from
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that returns the handle
+ * of the buffer pool containing the referenced packet.
-odp_packet_t odp_packet_from_buffer(odp_buffer_t buf);
+odp_buffer_pool_t odp_packet_pool(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Convert a packet handle to a buffer handle
+ * Get the headroom available for a packet
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pkt   Packet handle
- * @return Buffer handle
+ * @return Headroom available for this packet, in bytes.
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the current headroom available for a
+ * buffer. The initial value for this is taken either from the
+ * containing buffer pool (for explicit packet allocation) or from the
+ * Class of Service (CoS) on packet reception. It is adjusted
+ * dynamically by the odp_packet_push_head() and
+ * odp_packet_pull_head() routines.
-odp_buffer_t odp_packet_to_buffer(odp_packet_t pkt);
+size_t odp_packet_headroom(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Set the packet length
+ * Get the tailroom available for a packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt   Packet handle
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param len  Length of packet in bytes
+ * @return Tailroom available for this packet, in bytes.
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the current tailroom available for a
+ * buffer. The initial value for this is taken either from the
+ * containing buffer pool. It is adjusted dynamically by the
+ * odp_packet_push_tail() and odp_packet_pull_tail() routines.
-void odp_packet_set_len(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len);
+size_t odp_packet_tailroom(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Get the packet length
+ * Get packet length
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
  * @return   Packet length in bytes
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that returns the length
+ * (in bytes) of a packet. This is the total number of octets that
+ * would transmit for the packet, not including the Ethernet Frame
+ * Check Sequence (FCS), and includes all packet headers as well as
+ * payload. Results are undefined if the supplied pkt does not
+ * specify a valid packet. Note that packet length will change in
+ * response to headroom/tailroom and/or split/join operations. As a
+ * result, this attribute does not have a setter accessor function.
-size_t odp_packet_get_len(odp_packet_t pkt);
+size_t odp_packet_len(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Set packet user context
+ * Get address and size of user meta data associated with a packet
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt        Packet handle
+ * @param[out] udata_size Number of bytes of user meta data available
+ *                        at the returned address
- * @param buf      Packet handle
- * @param ctx      User context
+ * @return                Address of the user meta data for this packet
+ *                        or NULL if the buffer has no user meta data.
+ * @note This routine returns the address of the user meta data
+ * associated with an ODP packet. This enables the caller to read or
+ * write the user meta data associated with the buffer. The caller
+ * MUST honor the returned udata_size in referencing this storage.
-void odp_packet_set_ctx(odp_packet_t buf, const void *ctx);
+void *odp_packet_udata(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *udata_size);
- * Get packet user context
+ * Get address of user meta data associated with a packet
- * @param buf      Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pkt         Packet handle
- * @return User context
+ * @return                Address of the user meta data for this packet
+ *                        or NULL if the buffer has no user meta data.
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the address of the user meta data
+ * associated with an ODP packet. This enables the caller to read or
+ * write the user meta data associated with the packet. This routine
+ * is intended as a fast-path version of odp_packet_udata() for
+ * callers that only require the address of the user meta data area
+ * associated with the packet. This routine assumes that the caller
+ * already knows and will honor the size limits of this area.
-void *odp_packet_get_ctx(odp_packet_t buf);
+void *odp_packet_udata_addr(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Packet buffer start address
+ * Tests if packet is valid
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
- * Returns a pointer to the start of the packet buffer. The address is not
- * necessarily the same as packet data address. E.g. on a received Ethernet
- * frame, the protocol header may start 2 or 6 bytes within the buffer to
- * ensure 32 or 64-bit alignment of the IP header.
+ * @return         1 if valid, otherwise 0
- * Use odp_packet_l2(pkt) to get the start address of a received valid frame
- * or odp_packet_data(pkt) to get the current packet data address.
+ * @note This routine tests whether a packet is valid.  A packet is
+ * valid if the packet identified by the supplied odp_packet_t exists
+ * and has been allocated.
+ */
+int odp_packet_is_valid(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Tests if packet is segmented
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
- * @return  Pointer to the start of the packet buffer
+ * @return         1 if packet has more than one segment, otherwise 0
- * @see odp_packet_l2(), odp_packet_data()
+ * @note This routine tests whether a packet is segmented. Logically
+ * equivalent to testing whether odp_packet_segment_count(pkt) > 1,
+ * but may be more efficient in some implementations.
-uint8_t *odp_packet_addr(odp_packet_t pkt);
+int odp_packet_is_segmented(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Packet data address
+ * Print packet metadata to ODP Log
- * Returns the current packet data address. When a packet is received from
- * packet input, the data address points to the first byte of the packet.
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @note This routine is used for debug purposes to print the metadata
+ * associated with a packet to the ODP log. This routine is OPTIONAL
+ * and MAY be treated as a no-op if the function is not available or
+ * if the supplied odp_packet_t is not valid.
+ */
+void odp_packet_print(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Parse a packet and set its meta data.
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle of packet to be parsed
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet has any parse errors, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine requests that the specified packet by parsed and
+ * the meta data associated with it be set. The return value
+ * indicates whether the parse was successful or if any parse errors
+ * were encountered. The intent of this routine is to allow
+ * applications that construct or modify packets to force an
+ * implementation-provided re-parse to set the relevant packet meta
+ * data. As an alternative, the application is free to set these
+ * individually as it desires with appropriate setter functions,
+ * however in this case it is the application’s responsibility to
+ * ensure that they are set consistently as no error checking is
+ * performed by the setters. Calling odp_packet_parse(), by contrast,
+ * guarantees that they will be set properly to reflect the actual
+ * contents of the packet.
+ */
+int odp_packet_parse(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Check for packet errors
+ *
+ * Checks all error flags at once.
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt   Packet handle
- * @return  Pointer to the packet data
+ * @return 1 if packet has errors, 0 otherwise
- * @see odp_packet_l2(), odp_packet_addr()
+ * @note This routine is a summary routine that says whether the
+ * referenced packet contains any errors. If odp_packet_error() is 0
+ * then the packet is well-formed.
-uint8_t *odp_packet_data(odp_packet_t pkt);
+int odp_packet_error(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Get pointer to the start of the L2 frame
+ * Control indication of packet error.
- * The L2 frame header address is not necessarily the same as the address of the
- * packet buffer, see odp_packet_addr()
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val Value to set for this bit (0 or 1).
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @note This routine is used to set the error flag for a packet.
+ * Note that while error is a summary bit, at present ODP does not
+ * define any error detail bits.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_error(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Examine packet reference count
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return reference count of the packet
+ *
+ * @note This routine examines the reference count associated with a
+ * packet. The reference count is used to control when a packet is
+ * freed. When initially allocated, the refcount for a packet is set
+ * to 1. When a packet is transmitted its refcount is decremented and
+ * if the refcount is 0 then the packet is freed by the transmit
+ * function of the odp_pktio_t that transmits it. If the refcount is
+ * greater than zero then the packet is not freed and instead is
+ * returned to the application for further processing. Note that a
+ * packet refcount is an unsigned integer and can never be less than
+ * 0.
+ */
+unsigned int odp_packet_refcount(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Increment a packet’s refcount.
- * @return  Pointer to L2 header or NULL if not found
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val Value to increment refcount by
- * @see odp_packet_addr(), odp_packet_data()
+ * @return The packet refcount following increment
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to increment the refcount for a packet
+ * by a specified amount.
-uint8_t *odp_packet_l2(odp_packet_t pkt);
+unsigned int odp_packet_incr_refcount(odp_packet_t pkt, unsigned int val);
- * Return the byte offset from the packet buffer to the L2 frame
+ * Decrement a packet’s refcount.
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val Value to decrement refcount by
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @return The packet refcount following decrement
- * @return  L2 byte offset or ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID if not found
+ * @note This routine is used to decrement the refcount for a packet
+ * by a specified amount. The refcount will never be decremented
+ * below 0 regardless of the specified val.
-size_t odp_packet_l2_offset(odp_packet_t pkt);
+unsigned int odp_packet_decr_refcount(odp_packet_t pkt, unsigned int val);
- * Set the byte offset to the L2 frame
+ * Check for L2 header, e.g., Ethernet
- * @param pkt     Packet handle
- * @param offset  L2 byte offset
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a valid & known L2 header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * a valid Layer 2 header.
-void odp_packet_set_l2_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset);
+int odp_packet_inflag_l2(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Control indication of Layer 2 presence.
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @param val[in] 1 if packet contains a valid & known L2 header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains a
+ * valid Layer 2 header.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_l2(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Get pointer to the start of the L3 packet
+ * Check for L3 header, e.g. IPv4, IPv6
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @return  Pointer to L3 packet or NULL if not found
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a valid & known L3 header, 0 otherwise
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * a valid Layer 3 header.
-uint8_t *odp_packet_l3(odp_packet_t pkt);
+int odp_packet_inflag_l3(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Return the byte offset from the packet buffer to the L3 packet
+ * Control indication of L3 header, e.g. IPv4, IPv6
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains a valid & known L3 header, 0 otherwise
- * @return  L3 byte offset or ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID if not found
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains a
+ * valid Layer 3 header.
-size_t odp_packet_l3_offset(odp_packet_t pkt);
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_l3(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set the byte offset to the L3 packet
+ * Check for L4 header, e.g. UDP, TCP, (also ICMP)
- * @param pkt     Packet handle
- * @param offset  L3 byte offset
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a valid & known L4 header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * a valid Layer 4 header.
-void odp_packet_set_l3_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset);
+int odp_packet_inflag_l4(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Control indication of L4 header, e.g. UDP, TCP, (also ICMP)
+ *
+ * @param pkt[in] Packet handle
+ * @param val[in] 1 if packet contains a valid & known L4 header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains a
+ * valid Layer 4 header.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_l4(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Get pointer to the start of the L4 packet
+ * Check for Ethernet header
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @return  Pointer to L4 packet or NULL if not found
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a valid eth header, 0 otherwise
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * a valid Ethernet header.
-uint8_t *odp_packet_l4(odp_packet_t pkt);
+int odp_packet_inflag_eth(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Return the byte offset from the packet buffer to the L4 packet
+ * Control indication of Ethernet header
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @return  L4 byte offset or ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID if not found
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a valid eth header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains a
+ * valid Ethernet header.
-size_t odp_packet_l4_offset(odp_packet_t pkt);
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_eth(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set the byte offset to the L4 packet
+ * Check for Ethernet SNAP vs. DIX format
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @param pkt     Packet handle
- * @param offset  L4 byte offset
+ * @return 1 if packet is SNAP, 0 if it is DIX
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet Ethernet
+ * is SNAP. If odp_packet_inflag_eth() is 1 and
+ * odp_packet_inflag_snap() is 0 then the packet is in DIX format.
-void odp_packet_set_l4_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset);
+int odp_packet_inflag_snap(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Print (debug) information about the packet
+ * Control indication of Ethernet SNAP vs. DIX format
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet is SNAP, 0 if it is DIX
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet Ethernet is
+ * SNAP.
-void odp_packet_print(odp_packet_t pkt);
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_snap(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Copy contents and metadata from pkt_src to pkt_dst
- * Useful when creating copies of packets
+ * Check for jumbo frame
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @param pkt_dst Destination packet
- * @param pkt_src Source packet
+ * @return 1 if packet contains jumbo frame, 0 otherwise
- * @return 0 if successful
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * a jumbo frame. A jumbo frame has a length greater than 1500 bytes.
-int odp_packet_copy(odp_packet_t pkt_dst, odp_packet_t pkt_src);
+int odp_packet_inflag_jumbo(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Tests if packet is segmented (a scatter/gather list)
+ * Control indication of jumbo frame
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains jumbo frame, 0 otherwise
- * @return Non-zero if packet is segmented, otherwise 0
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains a
+ * jumbo frame. A jumbo frame has a length greater than 1500 bytes.
-int odp_packet_is_segmented(odp_packet_t pkt);
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_jumbo(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Segment count
+ * Check for VLAN
- * Returns number of segments in the packet. A packet has always at least one
- * segment (the packet buffer itself).
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a VLAN header, 0 otherwise
- * @return Segment count
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * one or more VLAN headers.
-int odp_packet_seg_count(odp_packet_t pkt);
+int odp_packet_inflag_vlan(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Get segment by index
+ * Control indication of VLAN
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @param pkt   Packet handle
- * @param index Segment index (0 ... seg_count-1)
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains a VLAN header, 0 otherwise
- * @return Segment handle, or ODP_PACKET_SEG_INVALID on an error
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains one
+ * or more VLAN headers.
-odp_packet_seg_t odp_packet_seg(odp_packet_t pkt, int index);
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_vlan(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Get next segment
+ * Check for VLAN QinQ (stacked VLAN)
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @param pkt   Packet handle
- * @param seg   Current segment handle
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a VLAN QinQ header, 0 otherwise
- * @return Handle to next segment, or ODP_PACKET_SEG_INVALID on an error
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * a double VLAN header (Q-in-Q) matching the IEEE 802.1ad
+ * specification.
-odp_packet_seg_t odp_packet_seg_next(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg);
+int odp_packet_inflag_vlan_qinq(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Segment info
+ * Controls indication of VLAN QinQ (stacked VLAN)
- * Copies segment parameters into the info structure.
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains a VLAN QinQ header, 0 otherwise
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
- * @param info Pointer to segment info structure
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains a
+ * double VLAN header (Q-in-Q) matching the IEEE 802.1ad
+ * specification.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_vlan_qinq(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Check for ARP
- * @return 0 if successful, otherwise non-zero
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet contains an ARP header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * an ARP header.
-int odp_packet_seg_info(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg,
-			odp_packet_seg_info_t *info);
+int odp_packet_inflag_arp(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Segment start address
+ * Controls indication of ARP
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains an ARP header, 0 otherwise
- * @return Segment start address, or NULL on an error
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains an
+ * ARP header.
-void *odp_packet_seg_addr(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg);
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_arp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Segment maximum data size
+ * Check for IPv4
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
+ * @return 1 if packet contains an IPv4 header, 0 otherwise
- * @return Segment maximum data size
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * an IPv4 header.
-size_t odp_packet_seg_size(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg);
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipv4(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Segment data address
+ * Control indication of IPv4
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains an IPv4 header, 0 otherwise
- * @return Segment data address
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains an
+ * IPv4 header.
-void *odp_packet_seg_data(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg);
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipv4(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Segment data length
+ * Check for IPv6
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @return Segment data length
+ * @return 1 if packet contains an IPv6 header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * an IPv6 header.
+ */
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipv6(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Control indication of IPv6
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains an IPv6 header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains an
+ * IPv6 header.
-size_t odp_packet_seg_data_len(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg);
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipv6(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Segment headroom
+ * Check for IP fragment
- * seg_headroom = seg_data - seg_addr
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
+ * @return 1 if packet is an IP fragment, 0 otherwise
- * @return Number of octets from seg_addr to seg_data
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * an IP fragment.
-size_t odp_packet_seg_headroom(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg);
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipfrag(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Segment tailroom
+ * Controls indication of IP fragment
- * seg_tailroom = seg_size - seg_headroom - seg_data_len
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet is an IP fragment, 0 otherwise
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains an
+ * IP fragment.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipfrag(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Check for IP options
- * @return Number of octets from end-of-data to end-of-segment
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet contains IP options, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * IP options.
-size_t odp_packet_seg_tailroom(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg);
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipopt(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Push out segment head
+ * Controls indication of IP options
- * Push out segment data address (away from data) and increase data length.
- * Does not modify packet in case of an error.
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains IP options, 0 otherwise
- * seg_data     -= len
- * seg_data_len += len
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains IP
+ * options.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipopt(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Check for IPSec
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
- * @param len  Number of octets to push head (0 ... seg_headroom)
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
- * @return New segment data address, or NULL on an error
+ * @return 1 if packet requires IPSec processing, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * an IPSec header (ESP or AH).
-void *odp_packet_seg_push_head(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg,
-			       size_t len);
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipsec(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Pull in segment head
+ * Control indication of IPSec
- * Pull in segment data address (towards data) and decrease data length.
- * Does not modify packet in case of an error.
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet requires IPSec processing, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains an
+ * IPSec header (ESP or AH).
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipsec(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Check for UDP
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a UDP header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * a UDP header.
+ */
+int odp_packet_inflag_udp(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Control indication of UDP
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains a UDP header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains a
+ * UDP header.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_udp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Check for TCP
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet contains a TCP header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * a TCP header.
+ */
+int odp_packet_inflag_tcp(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Control indication of TCP
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains a TCP header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains a
+ * TCP header.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_tcp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Check for TCP options
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet contains TCP options, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * TCP options.
+ */
+int odp_packet_inflag_tcpopt(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Controls indication of TCP options
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains TCP options, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains TCP
+ * options.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_tcpopt(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Check for ICMP
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 1 if packet contains an ICMP header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether the referenced packet contains
+ * an ICMP header.
+ */
+int odp_packet_inflag_icmp(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Control indication of ICMP
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 1 if packet contains an ICMP header, 0 otherwise
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether the referenced packet contains an
+ * ICMP header.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_icmp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Query Layer 3 checksum offload override setting
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 0 if no Layer 3 checksum to be performed, 1 if yes, -1 if not set
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether Layer 3 checksum offload
+ * processing is to be performed for the referenced packet. Since
+ * this is an override bit, if the application has not set this
+ * attribute an error (-1) is returned indicating that this bit has
+ * not been specified.
+ */
+int odp_packet_outflag_l3_chksum(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Override Layer 3 checksum calculation
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 0 if no Layer 3 checksum to be performed, 1 if yes
+ *
+ * @return 0 if override successful, -1 if not
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets whether Layer 3 checksum offload processing
+ * is to be performed for the referenced packet. An error return (-1)
+ * indicates that the implementation is unable to provide per-packet
+ * overrides of this function.
+ */
+int odp_packet_set_outflag_l3_chksum(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Request Layer 4 checksum offload override setting
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 0 if no Layer 4 checksum to be performed, 1 if yes, -1 if not set
+ *
+ * @note This routine indicates whether Layer 4 checksum offload
+ * processing is to be performed for the referenced packet. Since
+ * this is an override bit, if the application has not set this
+ * attribute an error (-1) is returned indicating that this bit has
+ * not been specified.
+ */
+int odp_packet_outflag_l4_chksum(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Request L4 checksum calculation
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt Packet handle
+ * @param[in] val 0 if no Layer 4 checksum to be performed, 1 if yes
+ *
+ * @return 0 if override successful, -1 if not
- * seg_data     += len
- * seg_data_len -= len
+ * @note This routine specifies whether Layer 4 checksums offload
+ * processing is to be performed for the referenced packet. An error
+ * return (-1) indicates that the implementation is unable to provide
+ * per-packet overrides of this function.
+ */
+int odp_packet_set_outflag_l4_chksum(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
+ * Get offset of start of Layer 2 headers
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return         Byte offset into packet of start of Layer 2 headers
+ *                 or ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID if not found.
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that returns the byte
+ * offset of the start of the Layer 2 headers of a packet. Results
+ * are undefined if the supplied pkt does not specify a valid packet.
+ * Note that if the packet contains unusual Layer 2 tags the caller
+ * will use this function to allow it to parse the Layer 2 headers
+ * directly if desired.
+ *
+ */
+size_t odp_packet_l2_offset(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Specify start of Layer 2 headers
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt    Packet handle
+ * @param[in] offset Byte offset into packet of start of Layer 2 headers.
+ *
+ * @return  0 on Success, -1 on errors
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that sets the byte
+ * offset of the start of the Layer 2 headers of a packet. Results
+ * are undefined if the supplied pkt does not specify a valid packet.
+ * An error return results if the specified offset is out of range.
+ * Note that this routine does not verify that the specified offset
+ * correlates with packet contents. The application assumes that
+ * responsibility when using this routine.
+ */
+int odp_packet_set_l2_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset);
+ * Returns the VLAN S-Tag and C-Tag associated with packet
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt   Packet handle
+ * @param[out] stag  S-Tag associated with packet or 0x00000000
+ * @param[out] ctag  C-Tag associated with packet or 0x00000000
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the S-Tag (Ethertype 0x88A8) and C-Tag
+ * (Ethertype 0x8100) associated with the referenced packet. Note
+ * that the full tag (including the Ethertype) is returned so that the
+ * caller can easily distinguish between the two as well as handle
+ * older sources that use 0x8100 for both tags (QinQ). If the packet
+ * contains only one VLAN tag, it will be returned as the “S-Tag”. If
+ * the packet does not contain VLAN tags then both arguments will be
+ * returned as zeros.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note: as meta data values returned by this routine are in
+ * host-endian format. VLAN tags themselves are always received and
+ * transmitted in network byte order.
+ *
+ */
+void odp_packet_vlans(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t *stag, uint32_t *ctag);
+ * Specifies the VLAN S-Tag and C-Tag associated with packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt    Packet handle
+ * @param[in] stag   S-Tag associated with packet or 0xFFFFFFFF
+ * @param[in] ctag   C-Tag associated with packet or 0xFFFFFFFF
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets the S-Tag (Ethertype 0x88A8) and C-Tag
+ * (Ethertype 0x8100) associated with the referenced packet. A value
+ * of 0xFFFFFFFF is specified to indicate that no corresponding S-Tag
+ * or C-Tag is present. Note: This routine simply sets the VLAN meta
+ * data for the packet. It does not affect packet contents. It is
+ * the caller’s responsibility to ensure that the packet contents
+ * matches the specified values.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_vlans(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t stag, uint32_t ctag);
+ * Get offset of start of Layer 3 headers
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
- * @param len  Number of octets to pull head (0 ... seg_data_len)
+ * @return         Byte offset into packet of start of Layer 3 headers
+ *                 or ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID if not found.
- * @return New segment data address, or NULL on an error
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that returns the byte
+ * offset of the start of the Layer 3 headers of a packet. Results
+ * are undefined if the supplied pkt does not specify a valid packet.
+ * In conjunction with the odp_packet_l3_protocol() routine, this
+ * routine allows the caller to process the Layer 3 header(s) of the
+ * packet directly, if desired.
+ */
+size_t odp_packet_l3_offset(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Set offset of start of Layer 3 headers
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt    Packet handle
+ * @param[in] offset Byte offset into packet of start of Layer 3 headers
+ *
+ * @return  0 on Success, -1 on errors
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that returns the byte
+ * offset of the start of the Layer 3 headers of a packet. Results
+ * are undefined if the supplied pkt does not specify a valid packet.
+ * An error return results if the specified offset is out of range.
+ * In conjunction with the odp_packet_set_l3_protocol() routine, this
+ * routine allows the caller to specify the Layer 3 header meta data
+ * of the packet directly, if desired. Note that this routine does not
+ * verify that the specified offset correlates with packet contents.
+ * The application assumes that responsibility when using this
+ * routine.
+ */
+int odp_packet_set_l3_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset);
+ * Get the Layer 3 protocol of this packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return         Ethertype of the Layer 3 protocol used or
+ *                 ODP_NO_L3_PROTOCOL if no Layer 3 protocol exists.
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the IANA-assigned Ethertype of the Layer
+ * 3 protocol used in the packet. This is the last Layer 2 Ethertype
+ * that defines the Layer 3 protocol. This is widened from a uint16_t
+ * to an int to allow for error return codes. Note: This value is
+ * returned in host-endian format.
+ */
+uint32_t odp_packet_l3_protocol(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Set the Layer 3 protocol of this packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pcl  Layer 3 protocol value
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets the IANA-assigned Ethertype of the Layer 3
+ * protocol used in the packet. This is the last Layer 2 Ethertype
+ * that defines the Layer 3 protocol. Note: This routine simply sets
+ * the Layer 3 protocol meta data for the packet. It does not affect
+ * packet contents. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that
+ * the packet contents matches the specified value.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_l3_protocol(odp_packet_t pkt, uint16_t pcl);
+ * Get offset of start of Layer 4 headers
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return         Byte offset into packet of start of Layer 4 headers
+ *                 or ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID if not found.
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that returns the byte
+ * offset of the start of the Layer 4 headers of a packet. Results
+ * are undefined if the supplied pkt does not specify a valid packet.
+ * In conjunction with the odp_packet_l4_protocol() routine, this
+ * routine allows the caller to process the Layer 4 header associated
+ * with the packet directly if desired.
+ */
+size_t odp_packet_l4_offset(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Set offset of start of Layer 4 headers
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt    Packet handle
+ * @param[in] offset Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on error.
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that sets the byte
+ * offset of the start of the Layer 4 headers of a packet. Results
+ * are undefined if the supplied pkt does not specify a valid
+ * packet. An error return results if the specified offset is out of
+ * range. In conjunction with the odp_packet_set_l4_protocol()
+ * routine, this routine allows the caller to specify the Layer 4
+ * header meta data with the packet directly if desired. Note that
+ * this routine does not verify that the specified offset correlates
+ * with packet contents. The application assumes that responsibility
+ * when using this routine.
-void *odp_packet_seg_pull_head(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg,
-			       size_t len);
+int odp_packet_set_l4_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset);
- * Push out segment tail
+ * Get the Layer 4 protocol of this packet
- * Increase segment data length.
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return         Protocol number of the Layer 4 protocol used or
+ *                 ODP_NO_L4_PROTOCOL if none exists.
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the IANA-assigned Protocol number of the
+ * Layer 4 protocol used in the packet. This is widened from uint8_t
+ * to an int to allow for error return codes.
+ */
+uint32_t odp_packet_l4_protocol(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Set the Layer 4 protocol of this packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] pcl  Layer 4 protocol value
+ *
+ * @note This routine sets the IANA-assigned Protocol number of the
+ * Layer 4 protocol used in the packet. Note: This routine simply
+ * sets the Layer 4 protocol meta data for the packet. It does not
+ * affect packet contents. It is the caller’s responsibility to
+ * ensure that the packet contents matches the specified value.
+ */
+void odp_packet_set_l4_protocol(odp_packet_t pkt, uint8_t pcl);
+ * Get offset of start of packet payload
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return         Byte offset into packet of start of packet payload
+ *                 or ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID if not found.
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that returns the byte
+ * offset of the start of the packet payload. Results are undefined
+ * if the supplied pkt does not specify a valid packet. For ODP, the
+ * packet payload is defined as the first byte beyond the last packet
+ * header recognized by the ODP packet parser. For certain protocols
+ * this may in fact be the start of a Layer 5 header, or an
+ * unrecognized Layer 3 or Layer 4 header, however ODP does not make
+ * this distinction.
+ */
+size_t odp_packet_payload_offset(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Set offset of start of packet payload
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt    Packet handle
+ * @param[in] offset Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on error
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that sets the byte
+ * offset of the start of the packet payload. Results are undefined
+ * if the supplied pkt does not specify a valid packet. An error
+ * return results if the specified offset is out of range. For ODP,
+ * the packet payload is defined as the first byte beyond the last
+ * packet header recognized by the ODP packet parser. For certain
+ * protocols this may in fact be the start of a Layer 5 header, or an
+ * unrecognized Layer 3 or Layer 4 header, however ODP does not make
+ * this distinction. Note that this routine does not verify that the
+ * specified offset correlates with packet contents. The application
+ * assumes that responsibility when using this routine.
+ */
+int odp_packet_set_payload_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset);
+ * Get count of number of segments in a packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return         Count of the number of segments in pkt
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the number of physical segments in the
+ * referenced packet. A packet that is not in an aggregated buffer
+ * will return 1 since it is comprised of a single segment. The
+ * packet segments of the aggregate buffer are in the range
+ * [0..odp_packet_segment_count-1]. Results are undefined if the
+ * supplied pkt is invalid. Use odp_packet_is_valid() to verify
+ * packet validity if needed.
+ */
+int odp_packet_segment_count(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Get the segment identifier for a packet segment by index
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] ndx  Segment index of segment of interest
+ *
+ * @return         Segment identifier or ODP_SEGMENT_INVALID if the
+ *                 supplied ndx is out of range.
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the abstract identifier
+ * (odp_packet_segment_t) of a particular segment by its index value.
+ * Valid ndx values are in the range
+ * [0..odp_packet_segment_count(pkt)-1]. Results are undefined if the
+ * supplied pkt is invalid. Use odp_packet_is_valid() to verify
+ * packet validity if needed.
+ */
+odp_packet_segment_t odp_packet_segment_by_index(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t ndx);
+ * Get the next segment identifier for a packet segment
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle
+ * @param[in] seg  Segment identifier of the previous segment
+ *
+ * @return         Segment identifier of next segment or ODP_SEGMENT_INVALID
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the abstract identifier
+ * (odp_packet_segment_t) of the next packet segment in a buffer
+ * aggregate. The input specifies the packet and the previous segment
+ * identifier. There are three use cases for this routine:
+ *
+ * -# If the input seg is ODP_SEGMENT_START then the segment
+ * identifier returned is that of the first segment in the packet.
+ * ODP_SEGMENT_NULL MAY be used as a synonym for ODP_SEGMENT_START
+ * for symmetry if desired.
+ *
+ * -# If the input seg is not the last segment in the packet then the
+ * segment identifier of the next segment following seg is returned.
+ *
+ * -# If the input seg is the segment identifier of the last segment
+ * in the packet then ODP_SEGMENT_NULL is returned.
+ *
+ */
+odp_packet_segment_t odp_packet_segment_next(odp_packet_t pkt,
+					     odp_packet_segment_t seg);
+ * Get start address for a specified packet segment
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in]  seg     Segment identifier of the packet to be addressed
+ * @param[out] seglen  Returned number of bytes in this packet
+ *                     segment available at returned address
+ *
+ * @return             Start address of packet within segment or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to obtain addressability to a segment
+ * within a packet aggregate at a specified segment identifier. The
+ * returned seglen indicates the number of bytes addressable at the
+ * returned address. Note that the returned address is always within
+ * the packet and the address returned is the first packet byte within
+ * the specified segment. So if the packet itself begins at a
+ * non-zero byte offset into the physical segment then the address
+ * returned by this call will not be the same as the starting address
+ * of the physical segment containing the packet.
+ */
+void *odp_packet_segment_map(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_segment_t seg,
+			     size_t *seglen);
+ * Unmap a packet segment
+ *
+ * @param[in] seg  Packet segment handle
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to unmap a packet segment previously
+ * mapped by odp_packet_segment_map(). Following this call,
+ * applications MUST NOT attempt to reference the segment via any
+ * pointer returned from a previous odp_packet_segment_map() call
+ * referring to it. It is intended to allow certain NUMA
+ * architectures to better manage the coherency of mapped segments.
+ * For non-NUMA architectures this routine will be a no-op. Note that
+ * implementations SHOULD implicitly unmap all packet segments
+ * whenever a packet is freed or added to a queue as this indicates
+ * that the caller is relinquishing control of the packet.
+ */
+void odp_packet_segment_unmap(odp_packet_segment_t seg);
+ * Get start address for a specified packet offset
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in]  offset  Byte offset within the packet to be addressed
+ * @param[out] seglen  Returned number of bytes in this packet
+ *                     segment available at returned address
+ *
+ * @return             Offset start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine returns the address of the packet starting at
+ * the specified byte offset. The returned seglen indicates the
+ * number of addressable bytes available at the returned address.
+ * This limit MUST be honored by the caller.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that this is a general routine for accessing arbitrary
+ * byte offsets within a packet and is the bases for the “shortcut”
+ * APIs described below that access specific parser-identified offsets
+ * of interest.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note also that the returned seglen is always the minimum of
+ * the physical buffer segment size available at the starting offset
+ * and odp_packet_len() - offset. This rule applies to the “shortcut”
+ * routines that follow as well.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * For example, suppose the underlying implementation uses 256
+ * byte physical segment sizes and odp_packet_len() is 900. In this
+ * case a call to odp_packet_map() for offset 200 would return a
+ * seglen of 56, a call to odp_packet_map() for offset 256 would
+ * return a seglen of 256, and a call to odp_packet_map() for offset
+ * 768 would return a seglen of 132 since the packet ends there.
+ */
+void *odp_packet_offset_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset,
+			    size_t *seglen);
+ * Unmap a packet segment by offset
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt    Packet handle
+ * @param[in] offset Packet offset
+ *
+ * @note This routine is used to unmap a buffer segment previously
+ * implicitly mapped by odp_packet_offset_map(). Following this call
+ * the application MUST NOT attempt to reference the segment via any
+ * pointer returned by a prior odp_packet_offset_map() call relating
+ * to this offset. It is intended to allow certain NUMA architectures
+ * to better manage the coherency of mapped segments. For non-NUMA
+ * architectures this routine will be a no-op. Note that
+ * implementations SHOULD implicitly unmap all packet segments
+ * whenever a packet is added to a queue as this indicates that the
+ * caller is relinquishing control of the packet.
+ */
+void odp_packet_offset_unmap(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset);
+ * Map packet to provide addressability to it
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt    Packet handle
+ * @param[out] seglen Number of contiguous bytes available at returned address
+ *
+ * @return         Packet start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine is an accessor function that returns the
+ * starting address of the packet. This is the first byte that would
+ * be placed on the wire if the packet were transmitted at the time of
+ * the call. This is normally the same as the first byte of the
+ * Ethernet frame that was received, and would normally be the start
+ * of the L2 header. Behavior of this routine is equivalent to the
+ * call:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_offset_map(pkt,0,&seglen);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par
+ * It is thus a shortcut for rapid access to the raw packet
+ * headers. Note that the returned seglen is the minimum of the
+ * packet length and the number of contiguous bytes available in the
+ * packet segment containing the returned starting address. It is a
+ * programming error to attempt to address beyond this returned
+ * length.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * For packets created by odp_packet_alloc() or
+ * odp_packet_alloc_len() this is the first byte of the allocated
+ * packet’s contents. Note that in the case of odp_packet_alloc() the
+ * packet length defaults to 0 and in the case of
+ * odp_packet_alloc_len() the contents of the packet is indeterminate
+ * until the application creates that content. Results are undefined
+ * if the supplied pkt does not represent a valid packet.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that applications would normally not use this routine
+ * unless they need to do their own parsing of header fields or are
+ * otherwise directly adding or manipulating their own packet headers.
+ * Applications SHOULD normally use accessor functions to obtain the
+ * parsed header information they need directly.
+ *
+ */
+void *odp_packet_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen);
+ * Get addressability to first packet segment
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt    Packet handle
+ *
+ * @return         Packet start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @warning Deprecated API!
+ * @warning
+ * This API provides a fast path for addressability to the first
+ * segment of a packet.  Calls to this routine SHOULD be replaced
+ * with corresponding calls to odp_packet_map() since this routine
+ * gives no indication of addressing limits of the returned pointer.
+ */
+void *odp_packet_addr(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Get address for the preparsed Layer 2 header
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[out] seglen  Returned number of bytes in this packet
+ *                     segment available at returned address
+ *
+ * @return             Layer 2 start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine provides the caller with addressability to the
+ * first Layer 2 header of the packet, as identified by the ODP
+ * parser. Note that this may not necessarily represent the first
+ * byte of the packet as the caller may have pushed additional
+ * (unparsed) headers onto the packet. Also, if the packet does not
+ * have a recognized Layer 2 header then this routine will return NULL
+ * while odp_packet_map() will always return the address of the first
+ * byte of the packet (even if the packet is of null length).
+ *
+ * @par
+ *  Note that the behavior of this routine is identical to the
+ * call odp_packet_offset_map(pkt,odp_packet_l2_offset(pkt),&seglen).
+ *
+ */
+void *odp_packet_l2_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen);
+ * Get address for the preparsed Layer 3 header
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[out] seglen  Returned number of bytes in this packet
+ *                     segment available at returned address
+ *
+ * @return             Layer 3 start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine provides the caller with addressability to the
+ * first Layer 3 header of the packet, as identified by the ODP
+ * parser. If the packet does not have a recognized Layer 3 header
+ * then this routine will return NULL.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that the behavior of this routine is identical to the
+ * call odp_packet_offset_map(pkt,odp_packet_l3_offset(pkt),&seglen).
+ *
+ */
+void *odp_packet_l3_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen);
+ * Get address for the preparsed Layer 4 header
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[out] seglen  Returned number of bytes in this packet
+ *                     segment available at returned address
+ *
+ * @return             Layer 4 start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine provides the caller with addressability to the
+ * first Layer 4 header of the packet, as identified by the ODP
+ * parser. If the packet does not have a recognized Layer 4 header
+ * then this routine will return NULL.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that the behavior of this routine is identical to the
+ * call odp_packet_offset_map(pkt,odp_packet_l4_offset(pkt),&seglen).
+ *
+ */
+void *odp_packet_l4_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen);
+ * Get address for the packet payload
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt      Packet handle
+ * @param[out] seglen  Returned number of bytes in this packet
+ *                     segment available at returned address
+ *
+ * @return             Payload start address or NULL
+ *
+ * @note This routine provides the caller with addressability to the
+ * payload of the packet, as identified by the ODP parser. If the
+ * packet does not have a recognized payload (e.g., a TCP ACK packet)
+ * then this routine will return NULL. As noted above, ODP defines
+ * the packet payload to be the first byte after the last recognized
+ * header. This may in fact represent a Layer 5 header, or an
+ * unrecognized Layer 3 or Layer 4 header. It is an application
+ * responsibility to know how to deal with these bytes based on its
+ * protocol knowledge.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that the behavior of this routine is identical to the call
+ * odp_packet_offset_map(pkt,odp_packet_payload_offset(pkt),&seglen).
+ *
+ */
+void *odp_packet_payload_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen);
+ * Clone a packet, returning an exact copy of it
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle of packet to duplicate
+ *
+ * @return         Handle of the duplicated packet or ODP_PACKET_INVALID
+ *                 if the operation was not performed
+ *
+ * @note This routine allows an ODP packet to be cloned in an
+ * implementation-defined manner. The contents of the returned
+ * odp_packet_t is an exact copy of the input packet. The
+ * implementation MAY perform this operation via reference counts,
+ * resegmentation, or any other technique it wishes to employ. The
+ * cloned packet is an element of the same buffer pool as the input
+ * pkt and shares the same system meta data such as headroom and
+ * tailroom. If the input pkt contains user meta data, then this data
+ * MUST be copied to the returned packet by the ODP implementation.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is OPTIONAL. An implementation that does not
+ * support this function MUST provide a matching routine that simply
+ * returns ODP_PACKET_INVALID with an errno of
+ */
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_clone(odp_packet_t pkt);
+ * Copy a packet, returning an exact copy of it
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt  Packet handle of packet to copy
+ * @param[in] pool Buffer pool to contain copied packet
+ *
+ * @return         Handle of the copied packet or ODP_PACKET_INVALID
+ *                 if the operation was not performed
+ *
+ * @note This routine allows an ODP packet to be copied in an
+ * implementation-defined manner. The specified pool may or may not
+ * be different from that of the source packet, but if different MUST
+ * be of type ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET. The contents of the returned
+ * odp_packet_t is an exact separate copy of the input packet, and as
+ * such inherits its initial headroom and tailroom settings from the
+ * buffer pool from which it is allocated. If the input pkt contains
+ * user meta data, then this data MUST be copied to the returned
+ * packet if needed by the ODP implementation.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is OPTIONAL. An implementation that does not
+ * support this function MUST provide a matching routine that simply
+ * returns ODP_PACKET_INVALID with an errno of
+ */
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_copy(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_buffer_pool_t pool);
+ * Copy selected bytes from one packet to another
+ *
+ * @param[in] dstpkt    Handle of destination packet
+ * @param[in] dstoffset Byte offset in destination packet to receive bytes
+ * @param[in] srcpkt    Handle of source packet
+ * @param[in] srcoffset Byte offset in source packet from which to copy
+ * @param[in] len       Number of bytes to be copied
+ *
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on errors.
+ *
+ * @note This routine copies a slice of an ODP packet to another
+ * packet in an implementation-defined manner. The call copies len
+ * bytes starting at srcoffset from srcpkt to offset dstoffset in
+ * dstpkt. Any existing bytes in the target range of the destination
+ * packet are overwritten by the operation. The operation will fail
+ * if sufficient bytes are not available in the source packet or
+ * sufficient space is not available in the destination packet. This
+ * routine does not change the length of the destination packet. If
+ * the caller wishes to extend the destination packet it must first
+ * push the tailroom of the destination packet to make space available
+ * to receive the copied bytes.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is OPTIONAL. An implementation that does not
+ * support this function MUST provide a matching routine that simply
+ * returns -1 with an errno of ODP_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE.
+ */
+int odp_packet_copy_to_packet(odp_packet_t dstpkt, size_t dstoffset,
+			      odp_packet_t srcpkt, size_t srcoffset,
+			      size_t len);
+ * Copy selected bytes from a packet to a memory area
+ *
+ * @param[out] mem       Address to receive copied bytes
+ * @param[in]  srcpkt    Handle of source packet
+ * @param[in]  srcoffset Byte offset in source packet from which to copy
+ * @param[in]  len       Number of bytes to be copied
+ *
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on errors.
+ *
+ * @note This routine copies a slice of an ODP packet to an
+ * application-supplied memory area in an implementation-defined
+ * manner. The call copies len bytes starting at srcoffset from
+ * srcpkt to the address specified by mem. Any existing bytes in the
+ * target memory are overwritten by the operation. The operation will
+ * fail if sufficient bytes are not available in the source packet.
+ * It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that the specified
+ * memory area is large enough to receive the packet bytes being
+ * copied.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is OPTIONAL. An implementation that does not
+ * support this function MUST provide a matching routine that simply
+ * returns -1 with an errno of ODP_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE.
+ *
+ */
+int odp_packet_copy_to_memory(void *mem,
+			      odp_packet_t srcpkt, size_t srcoffset,
+			      size_t len);
+ * Copy bytes from a memory area to a specified offset in a packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] dstpkt    Handle of destination packet
+ * @param[in] dstoffset Byte offset in destination packet to receive bytes
+ * @param[in] mem       Address of bytes to be copied
+ * @param[in] len       Number of bytes to be copied
+ *
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on errors.
+ *
+ * @note This routine copies len bytes from the application memory
+ * area mem to a specified offset of an ODP packet in an
+ * implementation-defined manner. Any existing bytes in the target
+ * range of the destination packet are overwritten by the operation.
+ * The operation will fail if sufficient space is not available in the
+ * destination packet. This routine does not change the length of the
+ * destination packet. If the caller wishes to extend the destination
+ * packet it must first push the tailroom of the destination packet to
+ * make space available to receive the copied bytes.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is OPTIONAL. An implementation that does not
+ * support this function MUST provide a matching routine that simply
+ * returns -1 with an errno of ODP_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE.
+ *
+ */
+int odp_packet_copy_from_memory(odp_packet_t dstpkt, size_t dstoffset,
+				void *mem, size_t len);
+ * Split a packet into two packets at a specified split point
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt    Handle of packet to split
+ * @param[in] offset Byte offset within pkt to split packet
+ * @param[in] hr     Headroom of split packet
+ * @param[in] tr     Tailroom of source packet
+ *
+ * @return           Packet handle of the created split packet
+ *
+ * @note This routine splits a packet into two packets at the
+ * specified byte offset. The odp_packet_t returned by the function
+ * is the handle of the new packet created at the split point. The new
+ * (split) packet is allocated from the same buffer pool as the
+ * original packet. If the original packet was len bytes in length
+ * then upon return the original packet is of length offset while the
+ * split packet is of length (len-offset).
+ *
+ * @par
+ * The original packet’s headroom is unchanged by this function.
+ * The split packet inherits it’s tailroom from the original packet.
+ * The hr and tr parameters are used to assign new headroom and
+ * tailroom values to the split and original packets, respectively.
+ * This operation is illustrated by the following diagrams. Prior to
+ * the split, the original packet looks like this:
+ *
+ * @image html splitbefore.png "Packet before split" width=\textwidth
+ * @image latex splitbefore.eps "Packet before split" width=\textwidth
+ *
+ * @par
+ * After splitting at the specified split offset the result is this:
+ *
+ * @image html splitafter.png "Packet after split" width=\textwidth
+ * @image latex splitafter.eps "Packet after split" width=\textwidth
+ *
+ * @par
+ * The data from the original packet from the specified split
+ * offset to the end of the original packet becomes the split packet.
+ * The packet data at the split point becomes offset 0 of the new
+ * packet created by the split. The split packet inherits the
+ * original packet’s tailroom and is assigned its own headroom from
+ * hr, while the original packet retains its original headroom while
+ * being assigned a new tailroom from tr.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Upon return from this function, the system meta data for both
+ * packets has been updated appropriately by the call since system
+ * meta data maintenance is the responsibility of the ODP
+ * implementation. Any required updates to the user meta data is the
+ * responsibility of the caller.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is OPTIONAL. An implementation that does not
+ * support this function MUST provide a matching routine that simply
+ * returns ODP_PACKET_INVALID with an errno of
+ */
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_split(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset,
+			      size_t hr, size_t tr);
+ * Join two packets into a single packet
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt1  Packet handle of first packet to join
+ * @param[in] pkt2  Packet handle of second packet to join
+ *
+ * @return          Packet handle of the joined packet
+ *
+ * @note This routine joins two packets into a single packet. Both
+ * pkt1 and pkt2 MUST be from the same buffer pool and the resulting
+ * joined packet will be an element of that same pool. The
+ * application MUST NOT assume that either pkt1 or pkt2 survive the
+ * join or that the returned joined packet is contiguous with or
+ * otherwise related to the input packets. An implementation SHOULD
+ * free either or both input packets if they are not reused as part of
+ * the construction of the returned joined packet. If the join cannot
+ * be performed (e.g., if the two input packets are not from the same
+ * buffer pool, insufficient space in the target buffer pool, etc.)
+ * then ODP_PACKET_INVALID SHOULD be returned to indicate that the
+ * operation could not be performed, and an appropriate errno set. In
+ * such case the input packets MUST NOT be freed as part of the failed
+ * join attempt and MUST be unchanged from their input values and
+ * content.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * The result of odp_packet_join() is the logical concatenation
+ * of the two packets using an implementation-defined aggregation
+ * mechanism. The application data contents of the returned packet is
+ * identical to that of the two joined input packets however certain
+ * associated meta data (e.g., information about the packet length)
+ * will likely differ. The headroom associated with the joined packet
+ * is the headroom of pkt1 while the tailroom of the joined packet is
+ * the tailroom of pkt2. Any tailroom from pkt1 or headroom from pkt2
+ * from before the join is handled in an implementation-defined manner
+ * and is no longer visible to the application.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * If user meta data is present in the input packets, then the
+ * user meta data associated with the returned packet MUST be copied
+ * by this routine from the source pkt1.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is OPTIONAL. An implementation that does not
+ * support this function MUST provide a routine matching that simply
+ * returns ODP_PACKET_INVALID with an errno of
+ */
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_join(odp_packet_t pkt1, odp_packet_t pkt2);
+ * Push out packet head
+ *
+ * Push out packet address (away from data) and increase data length.
  * Does not modify packet in case of an error.
- * seg_data_len  += len
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_headroom       -= len
+ * odp_packet_len            += len
+ * odp_packet_l2_offset      += len
+ * odp_packet_l3_offset      += len
+ * odp_packet_l4_offset      += len
+ * odp_packet_payload_offset += len
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in] len     Number of octets to push head [0...odp_packet_headroom]
+ *
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on error
+ *
+ * @note This routine pushes the packet start away from the current
+ * start point and into the packet headroom. This would normally be
+ * used by the application to prepend additional header information to
+ * the start of the packet. Note that pushing the header does not
+ * affect the parse results. Upon completion odp_packet_map() now
+ * points to the new start of the packet data area and
+ * odp_packet_len() is increased by the specified len.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that it is the caller’s responsibility to initialize the
+ * new header area with meaningful data. This routine simply
+ * manipulates packet meta data and does not affect packet contents.
+ * The specified len is added to the following:
+ *
+ * - odp_packet_l2_offset
+ * - odp_packet_l3_offset
+ * - odp_packet_l4_offset
+ * - odp_packet_payload_offset
+ * - odp_packet_len
+ *
+ * @par
+ * In addition odp_packet_headroom is decremented by the specified len.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that this routine simply adjusts the headroom and other
+ * meta data. If the caller also wishes to immediately address the
+ * newly added header area it can use the
+ * odp_packet_push_head_and_map() routine instead.
+ */
+int odp_packet_push_head(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len);
+ * Push out packet head and map resulting packet
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
- * @param len  Number of octets to push tail (0 ... seg_tailroom)
+ * Push out packet address (away from data) and increase data length.
+ * Does not modify packet in case of an error.
- * @return New segment data length, or -1 on an error
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_headroom       -= len
+ * odp_packet_len            += len
+ * odp_packet_l2_offset      += len
+ * odp_packet_l3_offset      += len
+ * odp_packet_l4_offset      += len
+ * odp_packet_payload_offset += len
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in]  len     Number of octets to push head [0...odp_packet_headroom]
+ * @param[out] seglen  Number of addressable bytes at returned start address
+ *
+ * @return New packet data start address, or NULL on an error
+ *
+ * @note This routine pushes the packet start away from the current
+ * start point and into the packet headroom. This would normally be
+ * used by the application to prepend additional header information to
+ * the start of the packet. Note that pushing the header does not
+ * affect the parse results. Upon completion odp_packet_map() now
+ * points to the new start of the packet data area and
+ * odp_packet_len() is increased by the specified len.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * The returned seglen specifies the number of contiguously
+ * addressable bytes available at the returned start address. The
+ * caller MUST NOT attempt to address beyond this range. To access
+ * additional parts of the packet following odp_packet_push_head() the
+ * odp_packet_offset_map() routine SHOULD be used.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that it is the caller’s responsibility to initialize the
+ * new header area with meaningful data. This routine simply
+ * manipulates packet meta data and does not affect packet contents.
+ * The specified len is added to the following:
+ *
+ * - odp_packet_l2_offset
+ * - odp_packet_l3_offset
+ * - odp_packet_l4_offset
+ * - odp_packet_payload_offset
+ * - odp_packet_len
+ *
+ * @par
+ * In addition odp_packet_headroom is decremented by the specified len.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is equivalent to the following code:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_push_head(pkt,len);
+ * void *result = odp_packet_map(pkt,&seglen);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par
+ * It exists for application convenience and MAY offer
+ * implementation efficiency.
-int odp_packet_seg_push_tail(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg,
-			     size_t len);
+void *odp_packet_push_head_and_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len,
+				   size_t *seglen);
- * Pull in segment tail
+ * Pull in packet head
- * Decrease segment data length.
+ * Pull in packet address (consuming data) and decrease data length.
  * Does not modify packet in case of an error.
- * seg_data_len  -= len
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_headroom       += len
+ * odp_packet_len            -= len
+ * odp_packet_l2_offset      -= len
+ * odp_packet_l3_offset      -= len
+ * odp_packet_l4_offset      -= len
+ * odp_packet_payload_offset -= len
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in] len     Number of octets to pull head [0...odp_packet_len]
+ *
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on error
+ *
+ * @note This routine pulls (consumes) bytes from the start of a
+ * packet, adding to the packet headroom. Typical use of this is to
+ * remove (pop) headers from a packet, possibly prior to pushing new
+ * headers. odp_packet_len() is decreased to reflect the shortened
+ * packet data resulting from the pull. This routine does not affect
+ * the contents of the packet, only meta data that describes it. The
+ * affected parsed offsets are decremented by the specified len,
+ * however no offset is decremented below 0.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note: Since odp_packet_push_head() and odp_packet_pull_head()
+ * simply manipulate meta data, it is likely that the meaning of the
+ * pre-parsed header offsets may be lost if headers are stripped and
+ * new headers are inserted. If the application is doing significant
+ * header manipulation, it MAY wish to call odp_packet_parse() when it
+ * is finished to cause the packet to be reparsed and the meaning of
+ * the various parsed meta data to be restored to reflect the new
+ * packet contents.
+ */
+int odp_packet_pull_head(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len);
+ * Pull in packet head and make results addressable to caller
+ *
+ * Pull in packet address (consuming data) and decrease data length.
+ * Does not modify packet in case of an error.
+ *
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_headroom       += len
+ * odp_packet_len            -= len
+ * odp_packet_l2_offset      -= len
+ * odp_packet_l3_offset      -= len
+ * odp_packet_l4_offset      -= len
+ * odp_packet_payload_offset -= len
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in]  len     Number of octets to pull head [0...odp_packet_len]
+ * @param[out] seglen Number of addressable bytes at returned start address
+ *
+ * @return New packet data start address, or NULL on an error
+ *
+ * @note This routine pulls (consumes) bytes from the start of a
+ * packet, adding to the packet headroom. Typical use of this is to
+ * remove (pop) headers from a packet, possibly prior to pushing new
+ * headers. The return value of this routine is the new
+ * odp_packet_map() for the packet and odp_packet_len() is decreased
+ * to reflect the shortened packet data resulting from the pull. This
+ * routine does not affect the contents of the packet, only meta data
+ * that describes it. The affected parsed offsets are decremented by
+ * the specified len, however no offset is decremented below 0.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note: Since odp_packet_push_head() and odp_packet_pull_head()
+ * simply manipulate meta data, it is likely that the meaning of the
+ * pre-parsed header offsets may be lost if headers are stripped and
+ * new headers are inserted. If the application is doing significant
+ * header manipulation, it MAY wish to call odp_packet_parse() when it
+ * is finished to cause the packet to be reparsed and the meaning of
+ * the various parsed meta data to be restored to reflect the new
+ * packet contents.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * Note that this routine is equivalent to the calls:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_pull_head(pkt,len);
+ * void *result = odp_packet_map(pkt,&seglen);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par
+ * It exists for application convenience and MAY offer
+ * implementation efficiency.
+ */
+void *odp_packet_pull_head_and_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len,
+				   size_t *seglen);
+ * Push out packet tail
+ *
+ * Push out the end of the packet, consuming tailroom and increasing
+ * its length. Does not modify packet in case of an error.
+ *
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_len      += len
+ * odp_packet_tailroom -= len
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in] len     Number of octets to push tail [0...odp_packet_tailroom]
+ *
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on Failure
+ *
+ * @note This routine adds additional bytes to the end of a packet,
+ * increasing its length. Note that it does not change the contents
+ * of the packet but simply manipulates the packet meta data. It is
+ * the caller’s responsibility to initialize the new area with
+ * meaningful packet data.
+ *
+ * @par The intended use of this routine is to allow the application
+ * to insert additional payload or trailers onto the packet.
+ */
+int odp_packet_push_tail(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len);
+ * Push out packet tail and map results
+ *
+ * Push out the end of the packet, consuming tailroom and increasing
+ * its length. Does not modify packet in case of an error.
+ *
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_len      += len
+ * odp_packet_tailroom -= len
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @param[in]  pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in]  len     Number of octets to push tail [0...odp_packet_tailroom]
+ * @param[out] seglen  Number of addressable bytes at returned data address
+ *
+ * @return Address of start of additional packet data, or NULL on an error
+ *
+ * @note This routine adds additional bytes to the end of a packet,
+ * increasing its length. Note that it does not change the contents
+ * of the packet but simply manipulates the packet meta data. It is
+ * the caller’s responsibility to initialize the new area with
+ * meaningful packet data.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * This routine is equivalent to the code:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * void *dataptr;
+ * size_t *seglen;
+ * odp_packet_push_tail(pkt, len);
+ * dataptr = odp_packet_offset_map(pkt, odp_packet_len(pkt) - len, &seglen);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par
+ * The returned pointer is the mapped start of the new data area
+ * (beginning at the former odp_packet_len() offset) and the returned
+ * seglen is the number of contiguously addressable bytes available at
+ * that address. The caller should initialize the additional data
+ * bytes to meaningful values. If seglen is less than the requested
+ * len then odp_packet_offset_map() should be used to address the
+ * remaining bytes.
+ *
+ * @par
+ * The intended use of this routine is to allow the application
+ * to insert additional payload or trailers onto the packet.
+ */
+void *odp_packet_push_tail_and_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len,
+				   size_t *seglen);
+ * Pull in packet tail
+ *
+ * Reduce packet length, trimming data from the end of the packet,
+ * and adding to its tailroom. Does not modify packet in case of an error.
+ *
+ * @code
+ * odp_packet_len      -= len
+ * odp_packet_tailroom += len
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @param[in] pkt     Packet handle
+ * @param[in] len     Number of octets to pull tail [0...odp_packet_len]
- * @param pkt  Packet handle
- * @param seg  Segment handle
- * @param len  Number of octets to pull tail (0 ... seg_data_len)
+ * @return 0 on Success, -1 on failure.
- * @return New segment data length, or -1 on an error
+ * @note This routine pulls in the packet tail, adding those bytes to
+ * the packet tailroom. Upon successful return the packet has been
+ * trimmed by len bytes. The intended use of this routine is to allow
+ * the application to remove tailers from the packet.
-int odp_packet_seg_pull_tail(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_seg_t seg,
-			     size_t len);
+int odp_packet_pull_tail(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len);
  * @}
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet_flags.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet_flags.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ccaa04f..0000000
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/api/odp_packet_flags.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@ 
-/* Copyright (c) 2014, Linaro Limited
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
- */
- * @file
- *
- * ODP packet flags
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <odp_std_types.h>
-#include <odp_packet.h>
-/** @addtogroup odp_packet
- *  Boolean operations on a packet.
- *  @{
- */
- * Check for packet errors
- *
- * Checks all error flags at once.
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet has errors, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_error(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check if error was 'frame length' error
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if frame length error detected, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_errflag_frame_len(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for L2 header, e.g. ethernet
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains a valid & known L2 header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_l2(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for L3 header, e.g. IPv4, IPv6
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains a valid & known L3 header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_l3(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for L4 header, e.g. UDP, TCP, SCTP (also ICMP)
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains a valid & known L4 header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_l4(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for Ethernet header
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains a valid eth header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_eth(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for jumbo frame
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains jumbo frame, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_jumbo(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for VLAN
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains a VLAN header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_vlan(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for VLAN QinQ (stacked VLAN)
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains a VLAN QinQ header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_vlan_qinq(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for ARP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains an ARP header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_arp(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for IPv4
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains an IPv4 header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipv4(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for IPv6
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains an IPv6 header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipv6(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for IP fragment
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet is an IP fragment, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipfrag(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for IP options
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains IP options, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipopt(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for IPSec
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet requires IPSec processing, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipsec(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for UDP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains a UDP header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_udp(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for TCP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains a TCP header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_tcp(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for SCTP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains an SCTP header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_sctp(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Check for ICMP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @return 1 if packet contains an ICMP header, 0 otherwise
- */
-int odp_packet_inflag_icmp(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Request L4 checksum calculation
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- */
-void odp_packet_outflag_l4_chksum(odp_packet_t pkt);
- * Set flag for L2 header, e.g. ethernet
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_l2(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for L3 header, e.g. IPv4, IPv6
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_l3(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for L4 header, e.g. UDP, TCP, SCTP (also ICMP)
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_l4(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for Ethernet header
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_eth(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for jumbo frame
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_jumbo(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for VLAN
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_vlan(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for VLAN QinQ (stacked VLAN)
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_vlan_qinq(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for ARP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_arp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for IPv4
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipv4(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for IPv6
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipv6(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for IP fragment
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipfrag(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for IP options
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipopt(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for IPSec
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipsec(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for UDP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_udp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for TCP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_tcp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for SCTP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_sctp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * Set flag for ICMP
- *
- * @param pkt Packet handle
- * @param val Value
- */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_icmp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val);
- * @}
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_inlines.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_inlines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b08df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_inlines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ 
+/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Linaro Limited
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Inline functions for ODP buffer mgmt routines - implementation internal
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+static inline odp_buffer_t odp_hdr_to_buf(odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr)
+	return hdr->buf_hdl.handle;
+static inline odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_encode_handle(odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr)
+	odp_buffer_bits_t handle;
+	uint32_t pool_id = pool_handle_to_index(hdr->pool_hdl);
+	struct pool_entry_s *pool = get_pool_entry(pool_id);
+	handle.pool_id = pool_id;
+	handle.index = ((uint8_t *)hdr - pool->pool_base_addr) /
+	handle.seg = 0;
+	return handle.u32;
+static inline odp_buffer_segment_t odp_hdr_to_seg(odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr,
+						  size_t ndx)
+	odp_buffer_bits_t handle;
+	uint32_t pool_id = pool_handle_to_index(hdr->pool_hdl);
+	struct pool_entry_s *pool = get_pool_entry(pool_id);
+	handle.pool_id = pool_id;
+	handle.index = ((uint8_t *)hdr - pool->pool_base_addr) /
+	handle.seg = ndx;
+	return handle.u32;
+static inline odp_buffer_hdr_t *odp_buf_to_hdr(odp_buffer_t buf)
+	odp_buffer_bits_t handle;
+	uint32_t pool_id;
+	uint32_t index;
+	struct pool_entry_s *pool;
+	handle.u32 = buf;
+	pool_id    = handle.pool_id;
+	index      = handle.index;
+	if (odp_unlikely(pool_id > ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_POOLS)) {
+		ODP_ERR("odp_buf_to_hdr: Bad pool id\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	pool = get_pool_entry(pool_id);
+	if (odp_unlikely(index > pool->num_bufs - 1)) {
+		ODP_ERR("odp_buf_to_hdr: Bad buffer index\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return (odp_buffer_hdr_t *)(void *)
+		(pool->pool_base_addr + (index * ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE));
+static inline uint32_t odp_buffer_refcount(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf)
+	return buf->ref_count;
+static inline uint32_t odp_buffer_incr_refcount(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf,
+						uint32_t val)
+	return odp_atomic_fetch_add_u32(&buf->ref_count, val) + val;
+static inline uint32_t odp_buffer_decr_refcount(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf,
+						uint32_t val)
+	uint32_t tmp;
+	tmp = odp_atomic_fetch_sub_u32(&buf->ref_count, val);
+	if (tmp < val) {
+		odp_atomic_fetch_add_u32(&buf->ref_count, val - tmp);
+		return 0;
+	} else {
+		return tmp - val;
+	}
+static inline odp_buffer_hdr_t *validate_buf(odp_buffer_t buf)
+	odp_buffer_bits_t handle;
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr;
+	handle.u32 = buf;
+	/* For buffer handles, segment index must be 0 */
+	if (handle.seg != 0)
+		return NULL;
+	pool_entry_t *pool = odp_pool_to_entry(handle.pool_id);
+	/* If pool not created, handle is invalid */
+	if (pool->s.shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID)
+		return NULL;
+	/* A valid buffer index must be on stride, and must be in range */
+	if ((handle.index % pool->s.mdata_stride != 0) ||
+	    ((uint32_t)(handle.index / pool->s.mdata_stride) >=
+	     pool->s.num_bufs))
+		return NULL;
+	buf_hdr = (odp_buffer_hdr_t *)(void *)
+		(pool->s.pool_base_addr +
+		 (handle.index * ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE));
+	/* Handle is valid, so buffer is valid if it is allocated */
+	if (buf_hdr->segcount == 0)
+		return NULL;
+	else
+		return buf_hdr;
+int odp_buffer_snprint(char *str, size_t n, odp_buffer_t buf);
+static inline void *buffer_map(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf,
+			       size_t offset,
+			       size_t *seglen,
+			       size_t limit)
+	int seg_index  = offset / buf->segsize;
+	int seg_offset = offset % buf->segsize;
+	size_t buf_left = limit - offset;
+	*seglen = buf_left < buf->segsize ?
+		buf_left : buf->segsize - seg_offset;
+	return (void *)(seg_offset + (uint8_t *)buf->addr[seg_index]);
+static inline odp_buffer_segment_t buffer_segment(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf,
+						  size_t ndx)
+	odp_buffer_bits_t seghandle;
+	seghandle.u32 = buf->buf_hdl.u32;
+	if (ndx > buf->segcount) {
+	} else {
+		seghandle.seg = ndx;
+		return seghandle.handle;
+	}
+static inline odp_buffer_segment_t segment_next(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf,
+						odp_buffer_segment_t seg)
+	odp_buffer_bits_t seghandle;
+	seghandle.u32 = seg;
+		return (odp_buffer_segment_t)buf->buf_hdl.u32;
+	if (seghandle.prefix != buf->buf_hdl.prefix ||
+	    seghandle.seg >= buf->segcount) {
+	} else {
+		seghandle.seg++;
+		return (odp_buffer_segment_t)seghandle.u32;
+	}
+static inline void *segment_map(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf,
+				odp_buffer_segment_t seg,
+				size_t *seglen,
+				size_t limit)
+	size_t buf_left;
+	odp_buffer_bits_t seghandle;
+	seghandle.u32 = seg;
+	if (seghandle.prefix != buf->buf_hdl.prefix ||
+	    seghandle.seg > buf->segcount)
+		return NULL;
+	buf_left = limit - (seghandle.seg * buf->segsize);
+	*seglen = buf_left < buf->segsize ?
+		buf_left : buf->segsize;
+	return buf->addr[seghandle.seg];
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_internal.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_internal.h
index 0027bfc..60a3d7d 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_internal.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_internal.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 
-/* Copyright (c) 2013, Linaro Limited
+/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Linaro Limited
  * All rights reserved.
  * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
@@ -20,26 +20,39 @@  extern "C" {
 #include <odp_std_types.h>
 #include <odp_atomic.h>
-#include <odp_buffer_pool.h>
 #include <odp_buffer.h>
 #include <odp_debug.h>
 #include <odp_align.h>
-/* TODO: move these to correct files */
-typedef uint64_t odp_phys_addr_t;
-#define ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK       16
-#define ODP_BUFS_PER_SCATTER      4
-#define ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_CHUNK    0xffff
+#include <odp_config.h>
+		  "ODP Segment size must be a multiple of cache line size");
+#define ODP_SEGBITS(x)				\
+	((x) <    2 ?  1 :			\
+	 ((x) <    4 ?  2 :			\
+	  ((x) <    8 ?  3 :			\
+	   ((x) <   16 ?  4 :			\
+	    ((x) <   32 ?  5 :			\
+	     ((x) <   64 ?  6 :			\
+	      ((x) <  128 ?  7 :		\
+	       ((x) <  256 ?  8 :		\
+		((x) <  512 ?  9 :		\
+		 ((x) < 1024 ? 10 :		\
+		  ((x) < 2048 ? 11 :		\
+		   ((x) < 4096 ? 12 :		\
+		    (0/0)))))))))))))
+		  "Number of segments must not exceed log of cache line size");
@@ -50,73 +63,44 @@  typedef union odp_buffer_bits_t {
 	struct {
 		uint32_t pool_id:ODP_BUFFER_POOL_BITS;
 		uint32_t index:ODP_BUFFER_INDEX_BITS;
+		uint32_t seg:ODP_BUFFER_SEG_BITS;
-} odp_buffer_bits_t;
+	struct {
+		uint32_t prefix:ODP_BUFFER_PREFIX_BITS;
+	        uint32_t:ODP_BUFFER_SEG_BITS;
+	};
+} odp_buffer_bits_t;
 /* forward declaration */
 struct odp_buffer_hdr_t;
- * Scatter/gather list of buffers
- */
-typedef struct odp_buffer_scatter_t {
-	/* buffer pointers */
-	struct odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf[ODP_BUFS_PER_SCATTER];
-	int                      num_bufs;   /* num buffers */
-	int                      pos;        /* position on the list */
-	size_t                   total_len;  /* Total length */
-} odp_buffer_scatter_t;
- * Chunk of buffers (in single pool)
- */
-typedef struct odp_buffer_chunk_t {
-	uint32_t num_bufs;                      /* num buffers */
-	uint32_t buf_index[ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK]; /* buffers */
-} odp_buffer_chunk_t;
 /* Common buffer header */
 typedef struct odp_buffer_hdr_t {
 	struct odp_buffer_hdr_t *next;       /* next buf in a list */
-	odp_buffer_bits_t        handle;     /* handle */
-	odp_phys_addr_t          phys_addr;  /* physical data start address */
-	void                    *addr;       /* virtual data start address */
-	uint32_t                 index;	     /* buf index in the pool */
+	odp_buffer_bits_t        buf_hdl;    /* handle */
 	size_t                   size;       /* max data size */
-	size_t                   cur_offset; /* current offset */
 	odp_atomic_u32_t         ref_count;  /* reference count */
-	odp_buffer_scatter_t     scatter;    /* Scatter/gather list */
-	int                      type;       /* type of next header */
+	odp_buffer_type_e        type;       /* type of next header */
 	odp_buffer_pool_t        pool_hdl;   /* buffer pool handle */
+	void                    *udata_addr; /* user meta data addr */
+	size_t                   udata_size; /* size of user meta data */
+	uint32_t                 segcount;   /* segment count */
+	uint32_t                 segsize;    /* segment size */
+	void                    *addr[ODP_BUFFER_MAX_SEG]; /* Block addrs */
 } odp_buffer_hdr_t;
-/* Ensure next header starts from 8 byte align */
-ODP_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(odp_buffer_hdr_t) % 8) == 0, "ODP_BUFFER_HDR_T__SIZE_ERROR");
-/* Raw buffer header */
-typedef struct {
-	odp_buffer_hdr_t buf_hdr;    /* common buffer header */
-	uint8_t          buf_data[]; /* start of buffer data area */
-} odp_raw_buffer_hdr_t;
-/* Chunk header */
-typedef struct odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t {
-	odp_buffer_hdr_t   buf_hdr;
-	odp_buffer_chunk_t chunk;
-} odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t;
-int odp_buffer_snprint(char *str, size_t n, odp_buffer_t buf);
+typedef struct odp_buffer_hdr_stride {
+	uint8_t pad[ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(sizeof(odp_buffer_hdr_t))];
+} odp_buffer_hdr_stride;
-void odp_buffer_copy_scatter(odp_buffer_t buf_dst, odp_buffer_t buf_src);
+typedef struct odp_buf_blk_t {
+	struct odp_buf_blk_t *next;
+	struct odp_buf_blk_t *prev;
+} odp_buf_blk_t;
+/* Forward declaration */
+odp_buffer_t buffer_alloc(odp_buffer_pool_t pool, size_t size);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_pool_internal.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_pool_internal.h
index e0210bd..cb2e387 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_pool_internal.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_buffer_pool_internal.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@  extern "C" {
 #include <odp_align.h>
 #include <odp_hints.h>
 #include <odp_config.h>
+#include <odp_shared_memory.h>
 #include <odp_debug.h>
 /* Use ticketlock instead of spinlock */
@@ -47,66 +48,146 @@  struct pool_entry_s {
 	odp_spinlock_t          lock ODP_ALIGNED_CACHE;
-	odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *head;
-	uint64_t                free_bufs;
 	char                    name[ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN];
-	odp_buffer_pool_t       pool_hdl ODP_ALIGNED_CACHE;
-	uintptr_t               buf_base;
-	size_t                  buf_size;
-	size_t                  buf_offset;
+	odp_buffer_pool_t       pool_hdl;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
+	odp_buffer_pool_init_t  init_params;
+	odp_shm_t               shm;
+	union {
+		uint32_t all;
+		struct {
+			uint32_t unsegmented:1;
+			uint32_t predefined:1;
+		};
+	} flags;
+	uint8_t                *pool_base_addr;
+	size_t                  pool_size;
+	int                     mdata_stride;
+	uint8_t                *udata_base_addr;
+	int                     buf_udata_size;
+	int                     udata_stride;
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t       *buf_freelist;
+	uint8_t                *blk_freelist;
+	odp_atomic_u32_t        bufcount;
 	uint64_t                num_bufs;
-	void                   *pool_base_addr;
-	uint64_t                pool_size;
-	size_t                  user_size;
-	size_t                  user_align;
-	int                     buf_type;
-	size_t                  hdr_size;
+	size_t                  seg_size;
+	size_t                  high_wm;
+	size_t                  low_wm;
+	size_t                  headroom;
+	size_t                  tailroom;
+typedef union pool_entry_u {
+	struct pool_entry_s s;
+	uint8_t pad[ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(sizeof(struct pool_entry_s))];
+} pool_entry_t;
 extern void *pool_entry_ptr[];
+#if UINTPTR_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffff
+#define odp_at odp_atomic_u64_t
+#define odp_cs(p, o, n) odp_atomic_cmpset_u64((odp_at *)(void *)(p),	\
+					      (uint64_t)(o), (uint64_t)(n))
+#define odp_at odp_atomic_u32_t
+#define odp_cs(p, o, n) odp_atomic_cmpset_u32((odp_at *)(void *)(p),	\
+					      (uint32_t)(o), (uint32_t)(n))
-static inline void *get_pool_entry(uint32_t pool_id)
+/* This macro suggested by Shmulik Ladkani */
+#define odp_ref(p) \
+	((typeof(p))(uintptr_t) *(volatile typeof(p) const *)&(p))
+static inline void *get_blk(struct pool_entry_s *pool)
-	return pool_entry_ptr[pool_id];
+	void *oldhead, *newhead;
+	do {
+		oldhead = odp_ref(pool->blk_freelist);
+		if (oldhead == NULL)
+			break;
+		newhead = ((odp_buf_blk_t *)oldhead)->next;
+	} while (odp_cs(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, newhead) == 0);
+	return (void *)oldhead;
+static inline void ret_blk(struct pool_entry_s *pool, void *block)
+	void *oldhead;
-static inline odp_buffer_hdr_t *odp_buf_to_hdr(odp_buffer_t buf)
+	do {
+		oldhead = odp_ref(pool->blk_freelist);
+		((odp_buf_blk_t *)block)->next = oldhead;
+	} while (odp_cs(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, block) == 0);
+static inline odp_buffer_hdr_t *get_buf(struct pool_entry_s *pool)
-	odp_buffer_bits_t handle;
-	uint32_t pool_id;
-	uint32_t index;
-	struct pool_entry_s *pool;
-	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr;
-	handle.u32 = buf;
-	pool_id    = handle.pool_id;
-	index      = handle.index;
-	if (odp_unlikely(pool_id > ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_POOLS)) {
-		ODP_ERR("odp_buf_to_hdr: Bad pool id\n");
-		return NULL;
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *oldhead, *newhead;
+	do {
+		oldhead = odp_ref(pool->buf_freelist);
+		if (oldhead == NULL)
+			break;
+		newhead = oldhead->next;
+	} while (odp_cs(pool->buf_freelist, oldhead, newhead) == 0);
+	if (oldhead != NULL) {
+		oldhead->next = oldhead;
+		odp_atomic_inc_u32(&pool->bufcount);
-	pool = get_pool_entry(pool_id);
+	return (void *)oldhead;
-	if (odp_unlikely(index > pool->num_bufs - 1)) {
-		ODP_ERR("odp_buf_to_hdr: Bad buffer index\n");
-		return NULL;
-	}
+static inline void ret_buf(struct pool_entry_s *pool, odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf)
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *oldhead;
-	hdr = (odp_buffer_hdr_t *)(pool->buf_base + index * pool->buf_size);
+	while (buf->segcount > 0)
+		ret_blk(pool, buf->addr[--buf->segcount]);
-	return hdr;
+	do {
+		oldhead = odp_ref(pool->buf_freelist);
+		buf->next = oldhead;
+	} while (odp_cs(pool->blk_freelist, oldhead, buf) == 0);
+	odp_atomic_dec_u32(&pool->bufcount);
+static inline odp_buffer_pool_t pool_index_to_handle(uint32_t pool_id)
+	return pool_id + 1;
+static inline uint32_t pool_handle_to_index(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
+	return pool_hdl - 1;
+static inline void *get_pool_entry(uint32_t pool_id)
+	return pool_entry_ptr[pool_id];
+static inline pool_entry_t *odp_pool_to_entry(odp_buffer_pool_t pool)
+	return (pool_entry_t *)get_pool_entry(pool_handle_to_index(pool));
+static inline pool_entry_t *odp_buf_to_pool(odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf)
+	return odp_pool_to_entry(buf->pool_hdl);
+static inline size_t odp_buffer_pool_segment_size(odp_buffer_pool_t pool)
+	return odp_pool_to_entry(pool)->s.seg_size;
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_packet_internal.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_packet_internal.h
index 49c59b2..656c56c 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_packet_internal.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_packet_internal.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@  extern "C" {
 #include <odp_debug.h>
 #include <odp_buffer_internal.h>
 #include <odp_buffer_pool_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_inlines.h>
 #include <odp_packet.h>
 #include <odp_packet_io.h>
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@  typedef union {
 		uint32_t vlan:1;      /**< VLAN hdr found */
 		uint32_t vlan_qinq:1; /**< Stacked VLAN found, QinQ */
+		uint32_t snap:1;      /**< SNAP */
 		uint32_t arp:1;       /**< ARP */
 		uint32_t ipv4:1;      /**< IPv4 */
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@  typedef union {
 		uint32_t udp:1;       /**< UDP */
 		uint32_t tcp:1;       /**< TCP */
-		uint32_t sctp:1;      /**< SCTP */
+		uint32_t tcpopt:1;    /**< TCP Options present */
 		uint32_t icmp:1;      /**< ICMP */
 } input_flags_t;
@@ -69,7 +71,9 @@  typedef union {
 	struct {
 		/* Bitfield flags for each detected error */
+		uint32_t app_error:1; /**< Error bit for application use */
 		uint32_t frame_len:1; /**< Frame length error */
+		uint32_t snap_len:1;  /**< Snap length error */
 		uint32_t l2_chksum:1; /**< L2 checksum error, checks TBD */
 		uint32_t ip_err:1;    /**< IP error,  checks TBD */
 		uint32_t tcp_err:1;   /**< TCP error, checks TBD */
@@ -88,7 +92,10 @@  typedef union {
 	struct {
 		/* Bitfield flags for each output option */
-		uint32_t l4_chksum:1; /**< Request L4 checksum calculation */
+		uint32_t l3_chksum_set:1; /**< L3 chksum bit is valid */
+		uint32_t l3_chksum:1;     /**< L3 chksum override */
+		uint32_t l4_chksum_set:1; /**< L3 chksum bit is valid */
+		uint32_t l4_chksum:1;     /**< L4 chksum override  */
 } output_flags_t;
@@ -101,29 +108,33 @@  typedef struct {
 	/* common buffer header */
 	odp_buffer_hdr_t buf_hdr;
-	input_flags_t  input_flags;
 	error_flags_t  error_flags;
+	input_flags_t  input_flags;
 	output_flags_t output_flags;
-	uint32_t frame_offset; /**< offset to start of frame, even on error */
 	uint32_t l2_offset; /**< offset to L2 hdr, e.g. Eth */
 	uint32_t l3_offset; /**< offset to L3 hdr, e.g. IPv4, IPv6 */
 	uint32_t l4_offset; /**< offset to L4 hdr (TCP, UDP, SCTP, also ICMP) */
+	uint32_t payload_offset; /**< offset to payload */
-	uint32_t frame_len;
+	uint32_t vlan_s_tag;     /**< Parsed 1st VLAN header (S-TAG) */
+	uint32_t vlan_c_tag;     /**< Parsed 2nd VLAN header (C-TAG) */
+	uint32_t l3_protocol;    /**< Parsed L3 protocol */
+	uint32_t l3_len;         /**< Layer 3 length */
+	uint32_t l4_protocol;    /**< Parsed L4 protocol */
+	uint32_t l4_len;         /**< Layer 4 length */
-	uint64_t user_ctx;        /* user context */
+	uint32_t frame_len;
+	uint32_t headroom;
+	uint32_t tailroom;
 	odp_pktio_t input;
-	uint32_t pad;
-	uint8_t  buf_data[]; /* start of buffer data area */
 } odp_packet_hdr_t;
-ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_t) == ODP_OFFSETOF(odp_packet_hdr_t, buf_data),
-ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_t) % sizeof(uint64_t) == 0,
+typedef struct odp_packet_hdr_stride {
+	uint8_t pad[ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_t))];
+} odp_packet_hdr_stride;
  * Return the packet header
@@ -133,10 +144,100 @@  static inline odp_packet_hdr_t *odp_packet_hdr(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	return (odp_packet_hdr_t *)odp_buf_to_hdr((odp_buffer_t)pkt);
+static inline void odp_packet_set_len(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->frame_len = len;
+static inline odp_packet_hdr_t *odp_packet_hdr_from_buf_hdr(odp_buffer_hdr_t
+							    *buf_hdr)
+	return (odp_packet_hdr_t *)buf_hdr;
+static inline odp_buffer_hdr_t *odp_packet_hdr_to_buf_hdr(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt)
+	return &pkt->buf_hdr;
+static inline odp_packet_t odp_packet_from_buf_internal(odp_packet_t buf)
+	return (odp_packet_t)buf;
+static inline odp_buffer_t odp_packet_to_buf_internal(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return (odp_buffer_t)pkt;
+static inline void packet_init(pool_entry_t *pool,
+			       odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
+			       size_t size)
+	/* Reset parser metadata */
+	pkt_hdr->error_flags.all  = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->input_flags.all  = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->output_flags.all = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l2_offset        = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l3_offset        = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l4_offset        = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->payload_offset   = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->vlan_s_tag       = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->vlan_c_tag       = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l3_protocol      = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l4_protocol      = 0;
+       /*
+	* Packet headroom is set from the pool's headroom
+	* Packet tailroom is rounded up to fill the last
+	* segment occupied by the allocated length.
+	*/
+	pkt_hdr->frame_len = size;
+	pkt_hdr->headroom  = pool->s.headroom;
+	pkt_hdr->tailroom  =
+		(pool->s.seg_size * pkt_hdr->buf_hdr.segcount) -
+		(pool->s.headroom + size);
+#define pull_offset(x, len) (x = x < len ? 0 : x - len)
+static inline void push_head(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr, size_t len)
+	pkt_hdr->headroom  -= len;
+	pkt_hdr->frame_len += len;
+	pkt_hdr->l2_offset += len;
+	pkt_hdr->l3_offset += len;
+	pkt_hdr->l4_offset += len;
+	pkt_hdr->payload_offset += len;
+static inline void pull_head(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr, size_t len)
+	pkt_hdr->headroom  += len;
+	pkt_hdr->frame_len -= len;
+	pull_offset(pkt_hdr->l2_offset, len);
+	pull_offset(pkt_hdr->l3_offset, len);
+	pull_offset(pkt_hdr->l4_offset, len);
+	pull_offset(pkt_hdr->payload_offset, len);
+static inline void push_tail(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr, size_t len)
+	pkt_hdr->tailroom  -= len;
+	pkt_hdr->frame_len += len;
+static inline void pull_tail(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr, size_t len)
+	pkt_hdr->tailroom  += len;
+	pkt_hdr->frame_len -= len;
  * Parse packet and set internal metadata
-void odp_packet_parse(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len, size_t l2_offset);
+void odph_packet_parse(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len, size_t l2_offset);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_timer_internal.h b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_timer_internal.h
index ad28f53..d06677a 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_timer_internal.h
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/include/odp_timer_internal.h
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@  extern "C" {
 #include <odp_std_types.h>
 #include <odp_queue.h>
 #include <odp_buffer.h>
-#include <odp_buffer_internal.h>
 #include <odp_buffer_pool_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_inlines.h>
 #include <odp_timer.h>
 struct timeout_t;
@@ -48,17 +49,11 @@  typedef struct odp_timeout_hdr_t {
 	timeout_t meta;
-	uint8_t buf_data[];
 } odp_timeout_hdr_t;
-ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(odp_timeout_hdr_t) ==
-	   ODP_OFFSETOF(odp_timeout_hdr_t, buf_data),
-ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(odp_timeout_hdr_t) % sizeof(uint64_t) == 0,
+typedef struct odp_timeout_hdr_stride {
+	uint8_t pad[ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(sizeof(odp_timeout_hdr_t))];
+} odp_timeout_hdr_stride;
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer.c
index e54e0e7..5dfdbba 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer.c
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer.c
@@ -5,21 +5,59 @@ 
 #include <odp_buffer.h>
-#include <odp_buffer_internal.h>
 #include <odp_buffer_pool_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_inlines.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
+void *odp_buffer_offset_map(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t offset, size_t *seglen)
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
+	if (offset > buf_hdr->size)
+		return NULL;
+	return buffer_map(buf_hdr, offset, seglen, buf_hdr->size);
+void odp_buffer_offset_unmap(odp_buffer_t buf ODP_UNUSED,
+			     size_t offset ODP_UNUSED)
+odp_buffer_segment_t odp_buffer_segment_by_index(odp_buffer_t buf,
+						 size_t ndx)
+	return buffer_segment(odp_buf_to_hdr(buf), ndx);
+odp_buffer_segment_t odp_buffer_segment_next(odp_buffer_t buf,
+					     odp_buffer_segment_t seg)
+	return segment_next(odp_buf_to_hdr(buf), seg);
+void *odp_buffer_segment_map(odp_buffer_t buf, odp_buffer_segment_t seg,
+			     size_t *seglen)
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
+	return segment_map(buf_hdr, seg, seglen, buf_hdr->size);
+void odp_buffer_segment_unmap(odp_buffer_segment_t seg ODP_UNUSED)
 void *odp_buffer_addr(odp_buffer_t buf)
 	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
-	return hdr->addr;
+	return hdr->addr[0];
 size_t odp_buffer_size(odp_buffer_t buf)
 	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
@@ -27,24 +65,32 @@  size_t odp_buffer_size(odp_buffer_t buf)
 	return hdr->size;
-int odp_buffer_type(odp_buffer_t buf)
+odp_buffer_type_e odp_buffer_type(odp_buffer_t buf)
 	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
 	return hdr->type;
-int odp_buffer_is_valid(odp_buffer_t buf)
+void *odp_buffer_udata(odp_buffer_t buf, size_t *usize)
-	odp_buffer_bits_t handle;
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
-	handle.u32 = buf;
+	*usize = hdr->udata_size;
+	return hdr->udata_addr;
-	return (handle.index != ODP_BUFFER_INVALID_INDEX);
+void *odp_buffer_udata_addr(odp_buffer_t buf)
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
+	return hdr->udata_addr;
+int odp_buffer_is_valid(odp_buffer_t buf)
+	return validate_buf(buf) != NULL;
 int odp_buffer_snprint(char *str, size_t n, odp_buffer_t buf)
@@ -63,27 +109,13 @@  int odp_buffer_snprint(char *str, size_t n, odp_buffer_t buf)
 	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
 			"  pool         %i\n",        hdr->pool_hdl);
 	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  index        %"PRIu32"\n", hdr->index);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  phy_addr     %"PRIu64"\n", hdr->phys_addr);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  addr         %p\n",        hdr->addr);
+			"  addr         %p\n",        hdr->addr[0]);
 	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
 			"  size         %zu\n",       hdr->size);
 	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  cur_offset   %zu\n",       hdr->cur_offset);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
 			"  ref_count    %i\n",        hdr->ref_count);
 	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
 			"  type         %i\n",        hdr->type);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  Scatter list\n");
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"    num_bufs   %i\n",        hdr->scatter.num_bufs);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"    pos        %i\n",        hdr->scatter.pos);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"    total_len  %zu\n",       hdr->scatter.total_len);
 	return len;
@@ -100,9 +132,3 @@  void odp_buffer_print(odp_buffer_t buf)
 	printf("\n%s\n", str);
-void odp_buffer_copy_scatter(odp_buffer_t buf_dst, odp_buffer_t buf_src)
-	(void)buf_dst;
-	(void)buf_src;
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer_pool.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer_pool.c
index a48d7d6..5e0cf8f 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer_pool.c
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/odp_buffer_pool.c
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ 
 #include <odp_std_types.h>
 #include <odp_buffer_pool.h>
-#include <odp_buffer_pool_internal.h>
 #include <odp_buffer_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_pool_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_inlines.h>
 #include <odp_packet_internal.h>
 #include <odp_timer_internal.h>
 #include <odp_shared_memory.h>
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ 
 #include <odp_config.h>
 #include <odp_hints.h>
 #include <odp_debug.h>
+#include <odph_eth.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -33,36 +35,26 @@ 
 #define LOCK_INIT(a) odp_spinlock_init(a)
-#define NULL_INDEX ((uint32_t)-1)
-union buffer_type_any_u {
+typedef union buffer_type_any_u {
 	odp_buffer_hdr_t  buf;
 	odp_packet_hdr_t  pkt;
 	odp_timeout_hdr_t tmo;
-ODP_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(union buffer_type_any_u) % 8) == 0,
+} odp_anybuf_t;
 /* Any buffer type header */
 typedef struct {
 	union buffer_type_any_u any_hdr;    /* any buffer type */
-	uint8_t                 buf_data[]; /* start of buffer data area */
 } odp_any_buffer_hdr_t;
+typedef struct odp_any_hdr_stride {
+	uint8_t pad[ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(sizeof(odp_any_buffer_hdr_t))];
+} odp_any_hdr_stride;
-typedef union pool_entry_u {
-	struct pool_entry_s s;
-	uint8_t pad[ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(sizeof(struct pool_entry_s))];
-} pool_entry_t;
+#define NULL_INDEX ((uint32_t)-1)
 typedef struct pool_table_t {
 	pool_entry_t pool[ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_POOLS];
@@ -76,39 +68,6 @@  static pool_table_t *pool_tbl;
 /* Pool entry pointers (for inlining) */
 void *pool_entry_ptr[ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_POOLS];
-static __thread odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *local_chunk[ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_POOLS];
-static inline odp_buffer_pool_t pool_index_to_handle(uint32_t pool_id)
-	return pool_id + 1;
-static inline uint32_t pool_handle_to_index(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
-	return pool_hdl -1;
-static inline void set_handle(odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr,
-			      pool_entry_t *pool, uint32_t index)
-	odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
-	uint32_t          pool_id  = pool_handle_to_index(pool_hdl);
-	if (pool_id >= ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_POOLS)
-		ODP_ABORT("set_handle: Bad pool handle %u\n", pool_hdl);
-	if (index > ODP_BUFFER_MAX_INDEX)
-		ODP_ERR("set_handle: Bad buffer index\n");
-	hdr->handle.pool_id = pool_id;
-	hdr->handle.index   = index;
 int odp_buffer_pool_init_global(void)
 	uint32_t i;
@@ -142,269 +101,167 @@  int odp_buffer_pool_init_global(void)
 	return 0;
-static odp_buffer_hdr_t *index_to_hdr(pool_entry_t *pool, uint32_t index)
-	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr;
-	hdr = (odp_buffer_hdr_t *)(pool->s.buf_base + index * pool->s.buf_size);
-	return hdr;
-static void add_buf_index(odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk_hdr, uint32_t index)
-	uint32_t i = chunk_hdr->chunk.num_bufs;
-	chunk_hdr->chunk.buf_index[i] = index;
-	chunk_hdr->chunk.num_bufs++;
-static uint32_t rem_buf_index(odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk_hdr)
+ * Buffer pool creation
+ */
+odp_buffer_pool_t odp_buffer_pool_create(const char *name,
+					 odp_buffer_pool_param_t *args,
+					 odp_buffer_pool_init_t *init_args)
-	uint32_t index;
+	odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl = ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID;
+	pool_entry_t *pool;
 	uint32_t i;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t *params;
+	odp_buffer_pool_init_t *init_params;
-	i = chunk_hdr->chunk.num_bufs - 1;
-	index = chunk_hdr->chunk.buf_index[i];
-	chunk_hdr->chunk.num_bufs--;
-	return index;
-static odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *next_chunk(pool_entry_t *pool,
-					  odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk_hdr)
-	uint32_t index;
-	index = chunk_hdr->chunk.buf_index[ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK-1];
-	if (index == NULL_INDEX)
-		return NULL;
-	else
-		return (odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *)index_to_hdr(pool, index);
-static odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *rem_chunk(pool_entry_t *pool)
-	odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk_hdr;
-	chunk_hdr = pool->s.head;
-	if (chunk_hdr == NULL) {
-		/* Pool is empty */
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	pool->s.head = next_chunk(pool, chunk_hdr);
-	pool->s.free_bufs -= ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK;
-	/* unlink */
-	rem_buf_index(chunk_hdr);
-	return chunk_hdr;
-static void add_chunk(pool_entry_t *pool, odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk_hdr)
-	if (pool->s.head) /* link pool head to the chunk */
-		add_buf_index(chunk_hdr, pool->s.head->buf_hdr.index);
-	else
-		add_buf_index(chunk_hdr, NULL_INDEX);
+	/* Default pool creation arguments */
+	static odp_buffer_pool_param_t default_params = {
+		.buf_num = 1024,
+		.buf_size = ODP_CONFIG_BUF_SEG_SIZE,
+		.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET,
+	};
-	pool->s.head = chunk_hdr;
-	pool->s.free_bufs += ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK;
+	/* Default initialization paramters */
+	static odp_buffer_pool_init_t default_init_params = {
+		.udata_size = 0,
+		.buf_init = NULL,
+		.buf_init_arg = NULL,
+	};
+	/* Handle NULL input parameters */
+	params = args == NULL ? &default_params : args;
+	init_params = init_args == NULL ? &default_init_params
+		: init_args;
-static void check_align(pool_entry_t *pool, odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr)
-	if (!ODP_ALIGNED_CHECK_POWER_2(hdr->addr, pool->s.user_align)) {
-		ODP_ABORT("check_align: user data align error %p, align %zu\n",
-			  hdr->addr, pool->s.user_align);
-	}
+	if (params->buf_type != ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET)
+		params->buf_opts |= ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED;
-		ODP_ABORT("check_align: hdr align error %p, align %i\n",
-			  hdr, ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
-	}
-static void fill_hdr(void *ptr, pool_entry_t *pool, uint32_t index,
-		     int buf_type)
-	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr = (odp_buffer_hdr_t *)ptr;
-	size_t size = pool->s.hdr_size;
-	uint8_t *buf_data;
+	int unsegmented = ((params->buf_opts & ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED) ==
-	if (buf_type == ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_CHUNK)
-		size = sizeof(odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t);
+	uint32_t udata_stride =
+		ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(init_params->udata_size);
-	switch (pool->s.buf_type) {
-		odp_raw_buffer_hdr_t *raw_hdr;
-		odp_packet_hdr_t *packet_hdr;
-		odp_timeout_hdr_t *tmo_hdr;
-		odp_any_buffer_hdr_t *any_hdr;
+	uint32_t blk_size, buf_stride;
+	switch (params->buf_type) {
-		raw_hdr  = ptr;
-		buf_data = raw_hdr->buf_data;
+		blk_size = params->buf_size;
+		buf_stride = sizeof(odp_buffer_hdr_stride);
-		packet_hdr = ptr;
-		buf_data   = packet_hdr->buf_data;
+		if (unsegmented)
+			blk_size =
+				ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(params->buf_size);
+		else
+			blk_size = ODP_ALIGN_ROUNDUP(params->buf_size,
+		buf_stride = sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_stride);
-		tmo_hdr  = ptr;
-		buf_data = tmo_hdr->buf_data;
+		blk_size = 0;  /* Timeouts have no block data, only metadata */
+		buf_stride = sizeof(odp_timeout_hdr_stride);
-		any_hdr  = ptr;
-		buf_data = any_hdr->buf_data;
+		if (unsegmented)
+			blk_size =
+				ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(params->buf_size);
+		else
+			blk_size = ODP_ALIGN_ROUNDUP(params->buf_size,
+		buf_stride = sizeof(odp_any_hdr_stride);
-	default:
-		ODP_ABORT("Bad buffer type\n");
-	}
-	memset(hdr, 0, size);
-	set_handle(hdr, pool, index);
-	hdr->addr     = &buf_data[pool->s.buf_offset - pool->s.hdr_size];
-	hdr->index    = index;
-	hdr->size     = pool->s.user_size;
-	hdr->pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
-	hdr->type     = buf_type;
-	check_align(pool, hdr);
-static void link_bufs(pool_entry_t *pool)
-	odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk_hdr;
-	size_t hdr_size;
-	size_t data_size;
-	size_t data_align;
-	size_t tot_size;
-	size_t offset;
-	size_t min_size;
-	uint64_t pool_size;
-	uintptr_t buf_base;
-	uint32_t index;
-	uintptr_t pool_base;
-	int buf_type;
-	buf_type   = pool->s.buf_type;
-	data_size  = pool->s.user_size;
-	data_align = pool->s.user_align;
-	pool_size  = pool->s.pool_size;
-	pool_base  = (uintptr_t) pool->s.pool_base_addr;
-	if (buf_type == ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_RAW) {
-		hdr_size = sizeof(odp_raw_buffer_hdr_t);
-	} else if (buf_type == ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET) {
-		hdr_size = sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_t);
-	} else if (buf_type == ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_TIMEOUT) {
-		hdr_size = sizeof(odp_timeout_hdr_t);
-	} else if (buf_type == ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_ANY) {
-		hdr_size = sizeof(odp_any_buffer_hdr_t);
-	} else
-		ODP_ABORT("odp_buffer_pool_create: Bad type %i\n", buf_type);
-	/* Chunk must fit into buffer data area.*/
-	min_size = sizeof(odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t) - hdr_size;
-	if (data_size < min_size)
-		data_size = min_size;
-	/* Roundup data size to full cachelines */
-	data_size = ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(data_size);
-	/* Min cacheline alignment for buffer header and data */
-	data_align = ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(data_align);
-	offset     = ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(hdr_size);
-	/* Multiples of cacheline size */
-	if (data_size > data_align)
-		tot_size = data_size + offset;
-	else
-		tot_size = data_align + offset;
-	/* First buffer */
-	buf_base = ODP_ALIGN_ROUNDUP(pool_base + offset, data_align) - offset;
-	pool->s.hdr_size   = hdr_size;
-	pool->s.buf_base   = buf_base;
-	pool->s.buf_size   = tot_size;
-	pool->s.buf_offset = offset;
-	index = 0;
-	chunk_hdr = (odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *)index_to_hdr(pool, index);
-	pool->s.head   = NULL;
-	pool_size     -= buf_base - pool_base;
-	while (pool_size > ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK * tot_size) {
-		int i;
-		fill_hdr(chunk_hdr, pool, index, ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_CHUNK);
-		index++;
-		for (i = 0; i < ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK - 1; i++) {
-			odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr = index_to_hdr(pool, index);
-			fill_hdr(hdr, pool, index, buf_type);
-			add_buf_index(chunk_hdr, index);
-			index++;
-		}
-		add_chunk(pool, chunk_hdr);
-		chunk_hdr = (odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *)index_to_hdr(pool,
-								   index);
-		pool->s.num_bufs += ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK;
-		pool_size -=  ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK * tot_size;
+	default:
-odp_buffer_pool_t odp_buffer_pool_create(const char *name,
-					 void *base_addr, uint64_t size,
-					 size_t buf_size, size_t buf_align,
-					 int buf_type)
-	odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl = ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID;
-	pool_entry_t *pool;
-	uint32_t i;
 	for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_BUFFER_POOLS; i++) {
 		pool = get_pool_entry(i);
+		if (pool->s.shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
+			UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
+			continue;
+		}
-		if (pool->s.buf_base == 0) {
-			/* found free pool */
+		/* found free pool */
+		size_t block_size, mdata_size, udata_size;
-			strncpy(pool->s.name, name,
-			pool->s.name[ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
-			pool->s.pool_base_addr = base_addr;
-			pool->s.pool_size      = size;
-			pool->s.user_size      = buf_size;
-			pool->s.user_align     = buf_align;
-			pool->s.buf_type       = buf_type;
+		strncpy(pool->s.name, name,
+		pool->s.name[ODP_BUFFER_POOL_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0;
-			link_bufs(pool);
+		pool->s.params = *params;
+		pool->s.init_params = *init_params;
-			UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
+		mdata_size = params->buf_num * buf_stride;
+		udata_size = params->buf_num * udata_stride;
+		block_size = params->buf_num * blk_size;
+		pool->s.pool_size = ODP_PAGE_SIZE_ROUNDUP(mdata_size +
+							  udata_size +
+							  block_size);
-			pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
-			break;
+		pool->s.shm = odp_shm_reserve(pool->s.name, pool->s.pool_size,
+					      ODP_PAGE_SIZE, 0);
+		if (pool->s.shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
+			UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
+		pool->s.pool_base_addr = (uint8_t *)odp_shm_addr(pool->s.shm);
+		pool->s.flags.unsegmented = unsegmented;
+		pool->s.seg_size = unsegmented ?
+			blk_size : ODP_CONFIG_BUF_SEG_SIZE;
+		uint8_t *udata_base_addr = pool->s.pool_base_addr + mdata_size;
+		uint8_t *block_base_addr = udata_base_addr + udata_size;
+		pool->s.bufcount = 0;
+		pool->s.buf_freelist = NULL;
+		pool->s.blk_freelist = NULL;
+		uint8_t *buf = pool->s.udata_base_addr - buf_stride;
+		uint8_t *udat = (udata_stride == 0) ? NULL :
+			block_base_addr - udata_stride;
+		/* Init buffer common header and add to pool buffer freelist */
+		do {
+			odp_buffer_hdr_t *tmp =
+				(odp_buffer_hdr_t *)(void *)buf;
+			tmp->pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
+			tmp->size = 0;
+			tmp->type = params->buf_type;
+			tmp->udata_addr = (void *)udat;
+			tmp->udata_size = init_params->udata_size;
+			tmp->segcount = 0;
+			tmp->segsize = pool->s.seg_size;
+			tmp->buf_hdl.handle =
+				odp_buffer_encode_handle((odp_buffer_hdr_t *)
+							 (void *)buf);
+			ret_buf(&pool->s, tmp);
+			buf  -= buf_stride;
+			udat -= udata_stride;
+		} while (buf >= pool->s.pool_base_addr);
+		/* Form block freelist for pool */
+		uint8_t *blk = pool->s.pool_base_addr + pool->s.pool_size -
+			pool->s.seg_size;
+		if (blk_size > 0)
+			do {
+				ret_blk(&pool->s, blk);
+				blk -= pool->s.seg_size;
+			} while (blk >= block_base_addr);
+		pool_hdl = pool->s.pool_hdl;
+		break;
 	return pool_hdl;
@@ -431,76 +288,126 @@  odp_buffer_pool_t odp_buffer_pool_lookup(const char *name)
-odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_alloc(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
+int odp_buffer_pool_destroy(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
-	pool_entry_t *pool;
-	odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk;
-	odp_buffer_bits_t handle;
-	uint32_t pool_id = pool_handle_to_index(pool_hdl);
+	pool_entry_t *pool = odp_pool_to_entry(pool_hdl);
-	pool  = get_pool_entry(pool_id);
-	chunk = local_chunk[pool_id];
+	if (pool == NULL)
+		return -1;
-	if (chunk == NULL) {
-		LOCK(&pool->s.lock);
-		chunk = rem_chunk(pool);
+	LOCK(&pool->s.lock);
+	if (pool->s.shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID ||
+	    pool->s.bufcount > 0 ||
+	    pool->s.flags.predefined) {
+		return -1;
+	}
-		if (chunk == NULL)
+	odp_shm_free(pool->s.shm);
-		local_chunk[pool_id] = chunk;
-	}
+	pool->s.shm = ODP_SHM_INVALID;
+	UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
-	if (chunk->chunk.num_bufs == 0) {
-		/* give the chunk buffer */
-		local_chunk[pool_id] = NULL;
-		chunk->buf_hdr.type = pool->s.buf_type;
+	return 0;
-		handle = chunk->buf_hdr.handle;
-	} else {
-		odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr;
-		uint32_t index;
-		index = rem_buf_index(chunk);
-		hdr = index_to_hdr(pool, index);
+size_t odp_buffer_pool_headroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
+	return odp_pool_to_entry(pool_hdl)->s.headroom;
+int odp_buffer_pool_set_headroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl, size_t hr)
+	pool_entry_t *pool = odp_pool_to_entry(pool_hdl);
-		handle = hdr->handle;
+	if (hr >= pool->s.seg_size/2) {
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		pool->s.headroom = hr;
+		return 0;
-	return handle.u32;
+size_t odp_buffer_pool_tailroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
+	return odp_pool_to_entry(pool_hdl)->s.tailroom;
+int odp_buffer_pool_set_tailroom(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl, size_t tr)
+	pool_entry_t *pool = odp_pool_to_entry(pool_hdl);
-void odp_buffer_free(odp_buffer_t buf)
+	if (tr >= pool->s.seg_size/2) {
+		return -1;
+	} else {
+		pool->s.tailroom = tr;
+		return 0;
+	}
+odp_buffer_t buffer_alloc(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl, size_t size)
-	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr;
-	uint32_t pool_id;
-	pool_entry_t *pool;
-	odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk_hdr;
+	pool_entry_t *pool = odp_pool_to_entry(pool_hdl);
+	size_t totsize = pool->s.headroom + size + pool->s.tailroom;
+	odp_anybuf_t *buf;
+	uint8_t *blk;
+	if ((pool->s.flags.unsegmented && totsize > pool->s.seg_size) ||
+	    (!pool->s.flags.unsegmented && totsize > ODP_CONFIG_BUF_MAX_SIZE))
+	buf = (odp_anybuf_t *)(void *)get_buf(&pool->s);
+	if (buf == NULL)
+	/* Get blocks for this buffer, if pool uses application data */
+	if (buf->buf.segsize > 0)
+		do {
+			blk = get_blk(&pool->s);
+			if (blk == NULL) {
+				ret_buf(&pool->s, &buf->buf);
+			}
+			buf->buf.addr[buf->buf.segcount++] = blk;
+			totsize = totsize <  pool->s.seg_size ? 0 :
+				totsize - pool->s.seg_size;
+		} while (totsize > 0);
+	switch (buf->buf.type) {
+		break;
-	hdr       = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
-	pool_id   = pool_handle_to_index(hdr->pool_hdl);
-	pool      = get_pool_entry(pool_id);
-	chunk_hdr = local_chunk[pool_id];
+		packet_init(pool, &buf->pkt, size);
+		if (pool->s.init_params.buf_init != NULL)
+			(*pool->s.init_params.buf_init)
+				(buf->buf.buf_hdl.handle,
+				 pool->s.init_params.buf_init_arg);
+		break;
-	if (chunk_hdr && chunk_hdr->chunk.num_bufs == ODP_BUFS_PER_CHUNK - 1) {
-		/* Current chunk is full. Push back to the pool */
-		LOCK(&pool->s.lock);
-		add_chunk(pool, chunk_hdr);
-		UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock);
-		chunk_hdr = NULL;
-	}
+		break;
-	if (chunk_hdr == NULL) {
-		/* Use this buffer */
-		chunk_hdr = (odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *)hdr;
-		local_chunk[pool_id] = chunk_hdr;
-		chunk_hdr->chunk.num_bufs = 0;
-	} else {
-		/* Add to current chunk */
-		add_buf_index(chunk_hdr, hdr->index);
+	default:
+		ret_buf(&pool->s, &buf->buf);
+	return odp_hdr_to_buf(&buf->buf);
+odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_alloc(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
+	return buffer_alloc(pool_hdl, 0);
+void odp_buffer_free(odp_buffer_t buf)
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr(buf);
+	pool_entry_t *pool = odp_buf_to_pool(hdr);
+	ret_buf(&pool->s, hdr);
@@ -516,8 +423,6 @@  odp_buffer_pool_t odp_buffer_pool(odp_buffer_t buf)
 void odp_buffer_pool_print(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
 	pool_entry_t *pool;
-	odp_buffer_chunk_hdr_t *chunk_hdr;
-	uint32_t i;
 	uint32_t pool_id;
 	pool_id = pool_handle_to_index(pool_hdl);
@@ -528,47 +433,4 @@  void odp_buffer_pool_print(odp_buffer_pool_t pool_hdl)
 	printf("  pool          %i\n",           pool->s.pool_hdl);
 	printf("  name          %s\n",           pool->s.name);
 	printf("  pool base     %p\n",           pool->s.pool_base_addr);
-	printf("  buf base      0x%"PRIxPTR"\n", pool->s.buf_base);
-	printf("  pool size     0x%"PRIx64"\n",  pool->s.pool_size);
-	printf("  buf size      %zu\n",          pool->s.user_size);
-	printf("  buf align     %zu\n",          pool->s.user_align);
-	printf("  hdr size      %zu\n",          pool->s.hdr_size);
-	printf("  alloc size    %zu\n",          pool->s.buf_size);
-	printf("  offset to hdr %zu\n",          pool->s.buf_offset);
-	printf("  num bufs      %"PRIu64"\n",    pool->s.num_bufs);
-	printf("  free bufs     %"PRIu64"\n",    pool->s.free_bufs);
-	/* first chunk */
-	chunk_hdr = pool->s.head;
-	if (chunk_hdr == NULL) {
-		return;
-	}
-	printf("\n  First chunk\n");
-	for (i = 0; i < chunk_hdr->chunk.num_bufs - 1; i++) {
-		uint32_t index;
-		odp_buffer_hdr_t *hdr;
-		index = chunk_hdr->chunk.buf_index[i];
-		hdr   = index_to_hdr(pool, index);
-		printf("  [%i] addr %p, id %"PRIu32"\n", i, hdr->addr, index);
-	}
-	printf("  [%i] addr %p, id %"PRIu32"\n", i, chunk_hdr->buf_hdr.addr,
-	       chunk_hdr->buf_hdr.index);
-	/* next chunk */
-	chunk_hdr = next_chunk(pool, chunk_hdr);
-	if (chunk_hdr) {
-		printf("  Next chunk\n");
-		printf("  addr %p, id %"PRIu32"\n", chunk_hdr->buf_hdr.addr,
-		       chunk_hdr->buf_hdr.index);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_crypto.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_crypto.c
index 1475437..1e8d448 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_crypto.c
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/odp_crypto.c
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ 
 #include <odp_shared_memory.h>
 #include <odp_crypto_internal.h>
 #include <odp_hints.h>
-#include <odph_packet.h>
 #include <string.h>
@@ -370,7 +369,7 @@  odp_crypto_operation(odp_crypto_op_params_t *params,
 		if (completion_event == odp_packet_to_buffer(params->pkt))
 			completion_event =
-		odph_packet_free(params->pkt);
+		odp_packet_free(params->pkt);
 		params->pkt = ODP_PACKET_INVALID;
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet.c
index 82ea879..4ae7471 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet.c
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet.c
@@ -11,29 +11,31 @@ 
 #include <odph_eth.h>
 #include <odph_ip.h>
+#include <odph_tcp.h>
+#include <odph_udp.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
-static inline uint8_t parse_ipv4(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
-				 odph_ipv4hdr_t *ipv4, size_t *offset_out);
-static inline uint8_t parse_ipv6(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
-				 odph_ipv6hdr_t *ipv6, size_t *offset_out);
 void odp_packet_init(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	odp_packet_hdr_t *const pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	pool_entry_t *pool = odp_buf_to_pool(&pkt_hdr->buf_hdr);
 	const size_t start_offset = ODP_FIELD_SIZEOF(odp_packet_hdr_t, buf_hdr);
 	uint8_t *start;
 	size_t len;
 	start = (uint8_t *)pkt_hdr + start_offset;
-	len = ODP_OFFSETOF(odp_packet_hdr_t, buf_data) - start_offset;
+	len = sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_t) - start_offset;
 	memset(start, 0, len);
 	pkt_hdr->l2_offset = ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID;
 	pkt_hdr->l3_offset = ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID;
 	pkt_hdr->l4_offset = ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID;
+	pkt_hdr->payload_offset = ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID;
+	pkt_hdr->headroom = pool->s.headroom;
+	pkt_hdr->tailroom = pool->s.tailroom;
 odp_packet_t odp_packet_from_buffer(odp_buffer_t buf)
@@ -46,55 +48,107 @@  odp_buffer_t odp_packet_to_buffer(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	return (odp_buffer_t)pkt;
-void odp_packet_set_len(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len)
+size_t odp_packet_len(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->frame_len = len;
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->frame_len;
-size_t odp_packet_get_len(odp_packet_t pkt)
+void *odp_packet_offset_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset, size_t *seglen)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->frame_len;
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (offset >= pkt_hdr->frame_len)
+		return NULL;
+	return  buffer_map(&pkt_hdr->buf_hdr,
+			   pkt_hdr->headroom + offset,
+			   seglen, pkt_hdr->frame_len);
-uint8_t *odp_packet_addr(odp_packet_t pkt)
+void odp_packet_offset_unmap(odp_packet_t pkt ODP_UNUSED,
+			     size_t offset ODP_UNUSED)
-	return odp_buffer_addr(odp_packet_to_buffer(pkt));
-uint8_t *odp_packet_data(odp_packet_t pkt)
+void *odp_packet_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen)
-	return odp_packet_addr(pkt) + odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->frame_offset;
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	return buffer_map(&pkt_hdr->buf_hdr,
+			  0, seglen, pkt_hdr->frame_len);
+void *odp_packet_addr(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	size_t seglen;
+	return odp_packet_map(pkt, &seglen);
-uint8_t *odp_packet_l2(odp_packet_t pkt)
+odp_packet_segment_t odp_packet_segment_by_index(odp_packet_t pkt,
+						 size_t ndx)
-	const size_t offset = odp_packet_l2_offset(pkt);
-	if (odp_unlikely(offset == ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID))
-		return NULL;
+	return (odp_packet_segment_t)
+		buffer_segment(&odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->buf_hdr, ndx);
-	return odp_packet_addr(pkt) + offset;
+odp_packet_segment_t odp_packet_segment_next(odp_packet_t pkt,
+					     odp_packet_segment_t seg)
+	return (odp_packet_segment_t)
+		segment_next(&odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->buf_hdr, seg);
-size_t odp_packet_l2_offset(odp_packet_t pkt)
+void *odp_packet_segment_map(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_segment_t seg,
+			     size_t *seglen)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l2_offset;
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	return segment_map(&pkt_hdr->buf_hdr, seg,
+			   seglen, pkt_hdr->frame_len);
-void odp_packet_set_l2_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset)
+void odp_packet_segment_unmap(odp_packet_segment_t seg ODP_UNUSED)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l2_offset = offset;
-uint8_t *odp_packet_l3(odp_packet_t pkt)
+void *odp_packet_udata(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *len)
-	const size_t offset = odp_packet_l3_offset(pkt);
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
-	if (odp_unlikely(offset == ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID))
-		return NULL;
+	*len = pkt_hdr->buf_hdr.udata_size;
+	return pkt_hdr->buf_hdr.udata_addr;
+void *odp_packet_udata_addr(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->buf_hdr.udata_addr;
+void *odp_packet_l2_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen)
+	return odp_packet_offset_map(pkt, odp_packet_l2_offset(pkt), seglen);
+size_t odp_packet_l2_offset(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l2_offset;
+int odp_packet_set_l2_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (offset >= hdr->frame_len)
+		return -1;
-	return odp_packet_addr(pkt) + offset;
+	hdr->l2_offset = offset;
+	return 0;
+void *odp_packet_l3_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen)
+	return odp_packet_offset_map(pkt, odp_packet_l3_offset(pkt), seglen);
 size_t odp_packet_l3_offset(odp_packet_t pkt)
@@ -102,19 +156,35 @@  size_t odp_packet_l3_offset(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l3_offset;
-void odp_packet_set_l3_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset)
+int odp_packet_set_l3_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l3_offset = offset;
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (offset >= hdr->frame_len)
+		return -1;
+	hdr->l3_offset = offset;
+	return 0;
-uint8_t *odp_packet_l4(odp_packet_t pkt)
+uint32_t odp_packet_l3_protocol(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	const size_t offset = odp_packet_l4_offset(pkt);
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
-	if (odp_unlikely(offset == ODP_PACKET_OFFSET_INVALID))
-		return NULL;
+	if (hdr->input_flags.l3)
+		return hdr->l3_protocol;
+	else
+		return -1;
+void odp_packet_set_l3_protocol(odp_packet_t pkt, uint16_t protocol)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l3_protocol = protocol;
-	return odp_packet_addr(pkt) + offset;
+void *odp_packet_l4_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen)
+	return odp_packet_offset_map(pkt, odp_packet_l4_offset(pkt), seglen);
 size_t odp_packet_l4_offset(odp_packet_t pkt)
@@ -122,154 +192,550 @@  size_t odp_packet_l4_offset(odp_packet_t pkt)
 	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l4_offset;
-void odp_packet_set_l4_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset)
+int odp_packet_set_l4_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l4_offset = offset;
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (offset >= hdr->frame_len)
+		return -1;
+	hdr->l4_offset = offset;
+	return 0;
+uint32_t odp_packet_l4_protocol(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
-int odp_packet_is_segmented(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	if (hdr->input_flags.l4)
+		return hdr->l4_protocol;
+	else
+		return -1;
+void odp_packet_set_l4_protocol(odp_packet_t pkt, uint8_t protocol)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->l4_protocol = protocol;
+void *odp_packet_payload_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t *seglen)
+	return odp_packet_offset_map(pkt, odp_packet_payload_offset(pkt),
+				     seglen);
+size_t odp_packet_payload_offset(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->payload_offset;
+int odp_packet_set_payload_offset(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t offset)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (offset >= hdr->frame_len)
+		return -1;
+	hdr->payload_offset = offset;
+	return 0;
+int odp_packet_error(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->error_flags.all != 0;
+void odp_packet_set_error(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->error_flags.app_error = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_l2(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l2;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_l2(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l2 = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_l3(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l3;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_l3(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l3 = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_l4(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l4;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_l4(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l4 = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_eth(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.eth;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_eth(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.eth = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_jumbo(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.jumbo;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_jumbo(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.jumbo = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_vlan(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.vlan;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_vlan(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.vlan = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_vlan_qinq(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.vlan_qinq;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_vlan_qinq(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.vlan_qinq = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_snap(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.snap;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_snap(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.snap = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_arp(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.arp;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_arp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.arp = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipv4(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipv4;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipv4(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipv4 = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipv6(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipv6;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipv6(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipv6 = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipfrag(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipfrag;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipfrag(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipfrag = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipopt(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipopt;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipopt(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipopt = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_ipsec(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipsec;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipsec(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipsec = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_udp(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.udp;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_udp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.udp = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_tcp(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.tcp;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_tcp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.tcp = val;
+int odp_packet_inflag_tcpopt(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.tcpopt;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_tcpopt(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr((odp_buffer_t)pkt);
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.tcpopt = val;
-	if (buf_hdr->scatter.num_bufs == 0)
+int odp_packet_inflag_icmp(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.icmp;
+void odp_packet_set_inflag_icmp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
+	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.icmp = val;
+int odp_packet_is_valid(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf = validate_buf((odp_buffer_t)pkt);
+	if (buf == NULL)
 		return 0;
-		return 1;
+		return buf->type == ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_PACKET;
+int odp_packet_is_segmented(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return (odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->buf_hdr.segcount > 1);
-int odp_packet_seg_count(odp_packet_t pkt)
+int odp_packet_segment_count(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr = odp_buf_to_hdr((odp_buffer_t)pkt);
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->buf_hdr.segcount;
-	return (int)buf_hdr->scatter.num_bufs + 1;
+size_t odp_packet_headroom(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->headroom;
+size_t odp_packet_tailroom(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->tailroom;
- * Simple packet parser: eth, VLAN, IP, TCP/UDP/ICMP
- *
- * Internal function: caller is resposible for passing only valid packet handles
- * , lengths and offsets (usually done&called in packet input).
- *
- * @param pkt        Packet handle
- * @param len        Packet length in bytes
- * @param frame_offset  Byte offset to L2 header
- */
-void odp_packet_parse(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len, size_t frame_offset)
+int odp_packet_push_head(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len)
-	odp_packet_hdr_t *const pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
-	odph_ethhdr_t *eth;
-	odph_vlanhdr_t *vlan;
-	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ipv4;
-	odph_ipv6hdr_t *ipv6;
-	uint16_t ethtype;
-	size_t offset = 0;
-	uint8_t ip_proto = 0;
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
-	pkt_hdr->input_flags.eth = 1;
-	pkt_hdr->frame_offset = frame_offset;
-	pkt_hdr->frame_len = len;
+	if (len > pkt_hdr->headroom)
+		return -1;
-	if (odp_unlikely(len < ODPH_ETH_LEN_MIN)) {
-		pkt_hdr->error_flags.frame_len = 1;
-		return;
-	} else if (len > ODPH_ETH_LEN_MAX) {
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.jumbo = 1;
-	}
+	push_head(pkt_hdr, len);
+	return 0;
-	/* Assume valid L2 header, no CRC/FCS check in SW */
-	pkt_hdr->input_flags.l2 = 1;
-	pkt_hdr->l2_offset = frame_offset;
+void *odp_packet_push_head_and_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len, size_t *seglen)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
-	eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)odp_packet_data(pkt);
-	ethtype = odp_be_to_cpu_16(eth->type);
-	vlan = (odph_vlanhdr_t *)&eth->type;
+	if (len > pkt_hdr->headroom)
+		return NULL;
-	if (ethtype == ODPH_ETHTYPE_VLAN_OUTER) {
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.vlan_qinq = 1;
-		ethtype = odp_be_to_cpu_16(vlan->tpid);
-		offset += sizeof(odph_vlanhdr_t);
-		vlan = &vlan[1];
+	push_head(pkt_hdr, len);
+	return buffer_map(&pkt_hdr->buf_hdr, 0, seglen, pkt_hdr->frame_len);
+int odp_packet_pull_head(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (len > pkt_hdr->frame_len)
+		return -1;
+	pull_head(pkt_hdr, len);
+	return 0;
+void *odp_packet_pull_head_and_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len, size_t *seglen)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (len > pkt_hdr->frame_len)
+		return NULL;
+	pull_head(pkt_hdr, len);
+	return buffer_map(&pkt_hdr->buf_hdr, 0, seglen, pkt_hdr->frame_len);
+int odp_packet_push_tail(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (len > pkt_hdr->tailroom)
+		return -1;
+	push_tail(pkt_hdr, len);
+	return 0;
+void *odp_packet_push_tail_and_map(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len, size_t *seglen)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	size_t origin = pkt_hdr->frame_len;
+	if (len > pkt_hdr->tailroom)
+		return NULL;
+	push_tail(pkt_hdr, len);
+	return buffer_map(&pkt_hdr->buf_hdr, origin, seglen,
+			  pkt_hdr->frame_len);
+int odp_packet_pull_tail(odp_packet_t pkt, size_t len)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	if (len > pkt_hdr->frame_len)
+		return -1;
+	pull_tail(pkt_hdr, len);
+	return 0;
+void odp_packet_print(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	int max_len = 512;
+	char str[max_len];
+	int len = 0;
+	int n = max_len-1;
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len, "Packet ");
+	len += odp_buffer_snprint(&str[len], n-len, (odp_buffer_t) pkt);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  input_flags  0x%x\n", hdr->input_flags.all);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  error_flags  0x%x\n", hdr->error_flags.all);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  output_flags 0x%x\n", hdr->output_flags.all);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  l2_offset    %u\n", hdr->l2_offset);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  l3_offset    %u\n", hdr->l3_offset);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  l3_len       %u\n", hdr->l3_len);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  l3_protocol  0x%x\n", hdr->l3_protocol);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  l4_offset    %u\n", hdr->l4_offset);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  l4_len       %u\n", hdr->l4_len);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  l4_protocol  %u\n", hdr->l4_protocol);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  payload_offset    %u\n", hdr->payload_offset);
+	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
+			"  frame_len    %u\n", hdr->frame_len);
+	str[len] = '\0';
+	printf("\n%s\n", str);
+int odp_packet_copy_to_packet(odp_packet_t dstpkt, size_t dstoffset,
+			      odp_packet_t srcpkt, size_t srcoffset,
+			      size_t len)
+	void *dstmap;
+	void *srcmap;
+	size_t cpylen, minseg, dstseglen, srcseglen;
+	while (len > 0) {
+		dstmap = odp_packet_offset_map(dstpkt, dstoffset, &dstseglen);
+		srcmap = odp_packet_offset_map(srcpkt, srcoffset, &srcseglen);
+		if (dstmap == NULL || srcmap == NULL)
+			return -1;
+		minseg = dstseglen > srcseglen ? srcseglen : dstseglen;
+		cpylen = len > minseg ? minseg : len;
+		memcpy(dstmap, srcmap, cpylen);
+		srcoffset += cpylen;
+		dstoffset += cpylen;
+		len       -= cpylen;
-	if (ethtype == ODPH_ETHTYPE_VLAN) {
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.vlan = 1;
-		ethtype = odp_be_to_cpu_16(vlan->tpid);
-		offset += sizeof(odph_vlanhdr_t);
+	return 0;
+int odp_packet_copy_to_memory(void *dstmem, odp_packet_t srcpkt,
+			      size_t srcoffset, size_t dstlen)
+	void *mapaddr;
+	size_t seglen, cpylen;
+	uint8_t *dstaddr = (uint8_t *)dstmem;
+	while (dstlen > 0) {
+		mapaddr = odp_packet_offset_map(srcpkt, srcoffset, &seglen);
+		if (mapaddr == NULL)
+			return -1;
+		cpylen = dstlen > seglen ? seglen : dstlen;
+		memcpy(dstaddr, mapaddr, cpylen);
+		srcoffset += cpylen;
+		dstaddr   += cpylen;
+		dstlen    -= cpylen;
-	/* Set l3_offset+flag only for known ethtypes */
-	switch (ethtype) {
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipv4 = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.l3 = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->l3_offset = frame_offset + ODPH_ETHHDR_LEN + offset;
-		ipv4 = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
-		ip_proto = parse_ipv4(pkt_hdr, ipv4, &offset);
-		break;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipv6 = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.l3 = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->l3_offset = frame_offset + ODPH_ETHHDR_LEN + offset;
-		ipv6 = (odph_ipv6hdr_t *)odp_packet_l3(pkt);
-		ip_proto = parse_ipv6(pkt_hdr, ipv6, &offset);
-		break;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.arp = 1;
-		/* fall through */
-	default:
-		ip_proto = 0;
-		break;
+	return 0;
+int odp_packet_copy_from_memory(odp_packet_t dstpkt, size_t dstoffset,
+				void *srcmem, size_t srclen)
+	void *mapaddr;
+	size_t seglen, cpylen;
+	uint8_t *srcaddr = (uint8_t *)srcmem;
+	while (srclen > 0) {
+		mapaddr = odp_packet_offset_map(dstpkt, dstoffset, &seglen);
+		if (mapaddr == NULL)
+			return -1;
+		cpylen = srclen > seglen ? seglen : srclen;
+		memcpy(mapaddr, srcaddr, cpylen);
+		dstoffset += cpylen;
+		srcaddr   += cpylen;
+		srclen    -= cpylen;
-	switch (ip_proto) {
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.udp = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.l4 = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->l4_offset = pkt_hdr->l3_offset + offset;
-		break;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.tcp = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.l4 = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->l4_offset = pkt_hdr->l3_offset + offset;
-		break;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.sctp = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.l4 = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->l4_offset = pkt_hdr->l3_offset + offset;
-		break;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.icmp = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.l4 = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->l4_offset = pkt_hdr->l3_offset + offset;
-		break;
-	default:
-		/* 0 or unhandled IP protocols, don't set L4 flag+offset */
-		if (pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipv6) {
-			/* IPv6 next_hdr is not L4, mark as IP-option instead */
-			pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipopt = 1;
+	return 0;
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_copy(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_buffer_pool_t pool)
+	size_t pktlen = odp_packet_len(pkt);
+	const size_t meta_offset = ODP_FIELD_SIZEOF(odp_packet_hdr_t, buf_hdr);
+	odp_packet_t newpkt = odp_packet_alloc_len(pool, pktlen);
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *newhdr, *srchdr;
+	uint8_t *newstart, *srcstart;
+	if (newpkt != ODP_PACKET_INVALID) {
+		/* Must copy meta data first, followed by packet data */
+		srchdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+		newhdr = odp_packet_hdr(newpkt);
+		newstart = (uint8_t *)newhdr + meta_offset;
+		srcstart = (uint8_t *)srchdr + meta_offset;
+		memcpy(newstart, srcstart,
+		       sizeof(odp_packet_hdr_t) - meta_offset);
+		if (odp_packet_copy_to_packet(newpkt, 0, pkt, 0, pktlen) != 0) {
+			odp_packet_free(newpkt);
+			newpkt = ODP_PACKET_INVALID;
-		break;
+	return newpkt;
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_alloc(odp_buffer_pool_t pool)
+	if (odp_pool_to_entry(pool)->s.params.buf_type !=
+	return (odp_packet_t)buffer_alloc(pool, 0);
+odp_packet_t odp_packet_alloc_len(odp_buffer_pool_t pool, size_t len)
+	if (odp_pool_to_entry(pool)->s.params.buf_type !=
+	return (odp_packet_t)buffer_alloc(pool, len);
+void odp_packet_free(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	odp_buffer_free((odp_buffer_t)pkt);
+uint32_t odp_packet_refcount(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	return odp_buffer_refcount(&odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->buf_hdr);
+uint32_t odp_packet_incr_refcount(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t val)
+	return odp_buffer_incr_refcount(&odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->buf_hdr, val);
+uint32_t odp_packet_decr_refcount(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t val)
+	return odp_buffer_decr_refcount(&odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->buf_hdr, val);
+ * Parser helper function for IPv4
+ */
 static inline uint8_t parse_ipv4(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
-				 odph_ipv4hdr_t *ipv4, size_t *offset_out)
+				 uint8_t **parseptr, size_t *offset)
-	uint8_t ihl;
+	odph_ipv4hdr_t *ipv4 = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)*parseptr;
+	uint8_t ver = ODPH_IPV4HDR_VER(ipv4->ver_ihl);
+	uint8_t ihl = ODPH_IPV4HDR_IHL(ipv4->ver_ihl);
 	uint16_t frag_offset;
-	ihl = ODPH_IPV4HDR_IHL(ipv4->ver_ihl);
-	if (odp_unlikely(ihl < ODPH_IPV4HDR_IHL_MIN)) {
+	pkt_hdr->l3_len = odp_be_to_cpu_16(ipv4->tot_len);
+	if (odp_unlikely(ihl < ODPH_IPV4HDR_IHL_MIN) ||
+	    odp_unlikely(ver != 4) ||
+	    (pkt_hdr->l3_len > pkt_hdr->frame_len - *offset)) {
 		pkt_hdr->error_flags.ip_err = 1;
 		return 0;
+	*offset   += ihl * 4;
+	*parseptr += ihl * 4;
 	if (odp_unlikely(ihl > ODPH_IPV4HDR_IHL_MIN)) {
 		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipopt = 1;
-		return 0;
 	/* A packet is a fragment if:
@@ -280,7 +746,6 @@  static inline uint8_t parse_ipv4(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
 	frag_offset = odp_be_to_cpu_16(ipv4->frag_offset);
 	if (odp_unlikely(ODPH_IPV4HDR_IS_FRAGMENT(frag_offset))) {
 		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipfrag = 1;
-		return 0;
 	if (ipv4->proto == ODPH_IPPROTO_ESP ||
@@ -291,108 +756,260 @@  static inline uint8_t parse_ipv4(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
 	/* Set pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipopt when checking L4 hdrs after return */
-	*offset_out = sizeof(uint32_t) * ihl;
+	*offset = sizeof(uint32_t) * ihl;
 	return ipv4->proto;
+ * Parser helper function for IPv6
+ */
 static inline uint8_t parse_ipv6(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
-				 odph_ipv6hdr_t *ipv6, size_t *offset_out)
+				 uint8_t **parseptr, size_t *offset)
-	if (ipv6->next_hdr == ODPH_IPPROTO_ESP ||
-	    ipv6->next_hdr == ODPH_IPPROTO_AH) {
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipopt = 1;
-		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipsec = 1;
+	odph_ipv6hdr_t *ipv6 = (odph_ipv6hdr_t *)*parseptr;
+	odph_ipv6hdr_ext_t *ipv6ext;
+	pkt_hdr->l3_len = odp_be_to_cpu_16(ipv6->payload_len);
+	/* Basic sanity checks on IPv6 header */
+	if (ipv6->ver != 6 ||
+	    pkt_hdr->l3_len > pkt_hdr->frame_len - *offset) {
+		pkt_hdr->error_flags.ip_err = 1;
 		return 0;
+	/* Skip past IPv6 header */
+	*offset   += sizeof(odph_ipv6hdr_t);
+	*parseptr += sizeof(odph_ipv6hdr_t);
+	/* Skip past any IPv6 extension headers */
+	if (ipv6->next_hdr == ODPH_IPPROTO_HOPOPTS ||
+	    ipv6->next_hdr == ODPH_IPPROTO_ROUTE) {
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipopt = 1;
+		do  {
+			ipv6ext    = (odph_ipv6hdr_ext_t *)*parseptr;
+			uint16_t extlen = 8 + ipv6ext->ext_len * 8;
+			*offset   += extlen;
+			*parseptr += extlen;
+		} while ((ipv6ext->next_hdr == ODPH_IPPROTO_HOPOPTS ||
+			  ipv6ext->next_hdr == ODPH_IPPROTO_ROUTE) &&
+			*offset < pkt_hdr->frame_len);
+		if (*offset >= pkt_hdr->l3_offset + ipv6->payload_len) {
+			pkt_hdr->error_flags.ip_err = 1;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if (ipv6ext->next_hdr == ODPH_IPPROTO_FRAG)
+			pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipfrag = 1;
+		return ipv6ext->next_hdr;
+	}
 	if (odp_unlikely(ipv6->next_hdr == ODPH_IPPROTO_FRAG)) {
 		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipopt = 1;
 		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipfrag = 1;
-		return 0;
-	/* Don't step through more extensions */
-	*offset_out = ODPH_IPV6HDR_LEN;
 	return ipv6->next_hdr;
-void odp_packet_print(odp_packet_t pkt)
+ * Parser helper function for TCP
+ */
+static inline void parse_tcp(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
+			     uint8_t **parseptr, size_t *offset)
-	int max_len = 512;
-	char str[max_len];
-	int len = 0;
-	int n = max_len-1;
-	odp_packet_hdr_t *hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	odph_tcphdr_t *tcp = (odph_tcphdr_t *)*parseptr;
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len, "Packet ");
-	len += odp_buffer_snprint(&str[len], n-len, (odp_buffer_t) pkt);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  input_flags  0x%x\n", hdr->input_flags.all);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  error_flags  0x%x\n", hdr->error_flags.all);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  output_flags 0x%x\n", hdr->output_flags.all);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  frame_offset %u\n", hdr->frame_offset);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  l2_offset    %u\n", hdr->l2_offset);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  l3_offset    %u\n", hdr->l3_offset);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  l4_offset    %u\n", hdr->l4_offset);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  frame_len    %u\n", hdr->frame_len);
-	len += snprintf(&str[len], n-len,
-			"  input        %u\n", hdr->input);
-	str[len] = '\0';
+	if (tcp->hl < sizeof(odph_tcphdr_t)/sizeof(uint32_t))
+		pkt_hdr->error_flags.tcp_err = 1;
+	else if ((uint32_t)tcp->hl * 4 > sizeof(odph_tcphdr_t))
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.tcpopt = 1;
-	printf("\n%s\n", str);
+	pkt_hdr->l4_len = pkt_hdr->l3_len +
+		pkt_hdr->l3_offset - pkt_hdr->l4_offset;
+	*offset += sizeof(odph_tcphdr_t);
+	*parseptr += sizeof(odph_tcphdr_t);
-int odp_packet_copy(odp_packet_t pkt_dst, odp_packet_t pkt_src)
+ * Parser helper function for UDP
+ */
+static inline void parse_udp(odp_packet_hdr_t *pkt_hdr,
+			     uint8_t **parseptr, size_t *offset)
-	odp_packet_hdr_t *const pkt_hdr_dst = odp_packet_hdr(pkt_dst);
-	odp_packet_hdr_t *const pkt_hdr_src = odp_packet_hdr(pkt_src);
-	const size_t start_offset = ODP_FIELD_SIZEOF(odp_packet_hdr_t, buf_hdr);
-	uint8_t *start_src;
-	uint8_t *start_dst;
-	size_t len;
+	odph_udphdr_t *udp = (odph_udphdr_t *)*parseptr;
+	uint32_t udplen = odp_be_to_cpu_16(udp->length);
-	if (pkt_dst == ODP_PACKET_INVALID || pkt_src == ODP_PACKET_INVALID)
-		return -1;
+	if (udplen < sizeof(odph_udphdr_t) ||
+	    udplen > (pkt_hdr->l3_len +
+		      pkt_hdr->l3_offset - pkt_hdr->l4_offset)) {
+		pkt_hdr->error_flags.udp_err = 1;
+	}
-	if (pkt_hdr_dst->buf_hdr.size <
-		pkt_hdr_src->frame_len + pkt_hdr_src->frame_offset)
-		return -1;
+	pkt_hdr->l4_len = udplen;
+	*offset += sizeof(odph_udphdr_t);
+	*parseptr += sizeof(odph_udphdr_t);
+ * Simple packet parser: eth, VLAN, IP, TCP/UDP/ICMP
+ *
+ * Internal function: caller is resposible for passing only valid packet handles
+ * , lengths and offsets (usually done&called in packet input).
+ *
+ * @param pkt        Packet handle
+ */
+int odp_packet_parse(odp_packet_t pkt)
+	odp_packet_hdr_t *const pkt_hdr = odp_packet_hdr(pkt);
+	odph_ethhdr_t *eth;
+	odph_vlanhdr_t *vlan;
+	uint16_t ethtype;
+	uint8_t *parseptr;
+	size_t offset, seglen;
+	uint8_t ip_proto = 0;
+	/* Reset parser metadata for new parse */
+	pkt_hdr->error_flags.all  = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->input_flags.all  = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->output_flags.all = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l2_offset        = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l3_offset        = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l4_offset        = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->payload_offset   = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->vlan_s_tag       = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->vlan_c_tag       = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l3_protocol      = 0;
+	pkt_hdr->l4_protocol      = 0;
+	/* We only support Ethernet for now */
+	pkt_hdr->input_flags.eth = 1;
-	/* Copy packet header */
-	start_dst = (uint8_t *)pkt_hdr_dst + start_offset;
-	start_src = (uint8_t *)pkt_hdr_src + start_offset;
-	len = ODP_OFFSETOF(odp_packet_hdr_t, buf_data) - start_offset;
-	memcpy(start_dst, start_src, len);
+	if (odp_unlikely(pkt_hdr->frame_len < ODPH_ETH_LEN_MIN)) {
+		pkt_hdr->error_flags.frame_len = 1;
+		goto parse_exit;
+	} else if (pkt_hdr->frame_len > ODPH_ETH_LEN_MAX) {
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.jumbo = 1;
+	}
-	/* Copy frame payload */
-	start_dst = (uint8_t *)odp_packet_data(pkt_dst);
-	start_src = (uint8_t *)odp_packet_data(pkt_src);
-	len = pkt_hdr_src->frame_len;
-	memcpy(start_dst, start_src, len);
+	/* Assume valid L2 header, no CRC/FCS check in SW */
+	pkt_hdr->input_flags.l2 = 1;
-	/* Copy useful things from the buffer header */
-	pkt_hdr_dst->buf_hdr.cur_offset = pkt_hdr_src->buf_hdr.cur_offset;
+	eth = (odph_ethhdr_t *)odp_packet_map(pkt, &seglen);
+	offset = sizeof(odph_ethhdr_t);
+	parseptr = (uint8_t *)&eth->type;
+	ethtype = odp_be_to_cpu_16(*((uint16_t *)(void *)parseptr));
-	/* Create a copy of the scatter list */
-	odp_buffer_copy_scatter(odp_packet_to_buffer(pkt_dst),
-				odp_packet_to_buffer(pkt_src));
+	/* Parse the VLAN header(s), if present */
+	if (ethtype == ODPH_ETHTYPE_VLAN_OUTER) {
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.vlan_qinq = 1;
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.vlan = 1;
+		vlan = (odph_vlanhdr_t *)(void *)parseptr;
+		pkt_hdr->vlan_s_tag = ((ethtype << 16) |
+				       odp_be_to_cpu_16(vlan->tci));
+		offset += sizeof(odph_vlanhdr_t);
+		parseptr += sizeof(odph_vlanhdr_t);
+		ethtype = odp_be_to_cpu_16(*((uint16_t *)(void *)parseptr));
+	}
-	return 0;
+	if (ethtype == ODPH_ETHTYPE_VLAN) {
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.vlan = 1;
+		vlan = (odph_vlanhdr_t *)(void *)parseptr;
+		pkt_hdr->vlan_c_tag = ((ethtype << 16) |
+				       odp_be_to_cpu_16(vlan->tci));
+		offset += sizeof(odph_vlanhdr_t);
+		parseptr += sizeof(odph_vlanhdr_t);
+		ethtype = odp_be_to_cpu_16(*((uint16_t *)(void *)parseptr));
+	}
-void odp_packet_set_ctx(odp_packet_t pkt, const void *ctx)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->user_ctx = (intptr_t)ctx;
+	/* Check for SNAP vs. DIX */
+	if (ethtype < ODPH_ETH_LEN_MAX) {
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.snap = 1;
+		if (ethtype > pkt_hdr->frame_len - offset) {
+			pkt_hdr->error_flags.snap_len = 1;
+			goto parse_exit;
+		}
+		offset   += 8;
+		parseptr += 8;
+		ethtype = odp_be_to_cpu_16(*((uint16_t *)(void *)parseptr));
+	}
-void *odp_packet_get_ctx(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return (void *)(intptr_t)odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->user_ctx;
+	/* Consume Ethertype for Layer 3 parse */
+	parseptr += 2;
+	/* Set l3_offset+flag only for known ethtypes */
+	pkt_hdr->input_flags.l3 = 1;
+	pkt_hdr->l3_offset = offset;
+	pkt_hdr->l3_protocol = ethtype;
+	/* Parse Layer 3 headers */
+	switch (ethtype) {
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipv4 = 1;
+		ip_proto = parse_ipv4(pkt_hdr, &parseptr, &offset);
+		break;
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipv6 = 1;
+		ip_proto = parse_ipv6(pkt_hdr, &parseptr, &offset);
+		break;
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.arp = 1;
+		ip_proto = 255;  /* Reserved invalid by IANA */
+		break;
+	default:
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.l3 = 0;
+		ip_proto = 255;  /* Reserved invalid by IANA */
+	}
+	/* Set l4_offset+flag only for known ip_proto */
+	pkt_hdr->input_flags.l4 = 1;
+	pkt_hdr->l4_offset = offset;
+	pkt_hdr->l4_protocol = ip_proto;
+	/* Parse Layer 4 headers */
+	switch (ip_proto) {
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.icmp = 1;
+		break;
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.tcp = 1;
+		parse_tcp(pkt_hdr, &parseptr, &offset);
+		break;
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.udp = 1;
+		parse_udp(pkt_hdr, &parseptr, &offset);
+		break;
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.ipsec = 1;
+		break;
+	default:
+		pkt_hdr->input_flags.l4 = 0;
+		break;
+	}
+       /*
+	* Anything beyond what we parse here is considered payload.
+	* Note: Payload is really only relevant for TCP and UDP.  For
+	* all other protocols, the payload offset will point to the
+	* final header (ARP, ICMP, AH, ESP, or IP Fragment.
+	*/
+	pkt_hdr->payload_offset = offset;
+	return pkt_hdr->error_flags.all != 0;
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_flags.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_flags.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06fdeed..0000000
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_flags.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ 
-/* Copyright (c) 2014, Linaro Limited
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier:     BSD-3-Clause
- */
-#include <odp_packet_flags.h>
-#include <odp_packet_internal.h>
-int odp_packet_error(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return (odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->error_flags.all != 0);
-/* Get Error Flags */
-int odp_packet_errflag_frame_len(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->error_flags.frame_len;
-/* Get Input Flags */
-int odp_packet_inflag_l2(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l2;
-int odp_packet_inflag_l3(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l3;
-int odp_packet_inflag_l4(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l4;
-int odp_packet_inflag_eth(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.eth;
-int odp_packet_inflag_jumbo(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.jumbo;
-int odp_packet_inflag_vlan(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.vlan;
-int odp_packet_inflag_vlan_qinq(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.vlan_qinq;
-int odp_packet_inflag_arp(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.arp;
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipv4(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipv4;
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipv6(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipv6;
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipfrag(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipfrag;
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipopt(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipopt;
-int odp_packet_inflag_ipsec(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipsec;
-int odp_packet_inflag_udp(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.udp;
-int odp_packet_inflag_tcp(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.tcp;
-int odp_packet_inflag_sctp(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.sctp;
-int odp_packet_inflag_icmp(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	return odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.icmp;
-/* Set Output Flags */
-void odp_packet_outflag_l4_chksum(odp_packet_t pkt)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->output_flags.l4_chksum = 1;
-/* Set Input Flags */
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_l2(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l2 = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_l3(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l3 = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_l4(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.l4 = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_eth(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.eth = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_jumbo(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.jumbo = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_vlan(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.vlan = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_vlan_qinq(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.vlan_qinq = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_arp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.arp = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipv4(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipv4 = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipv6(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipv6 = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipfrag(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipfrag = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipopt(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipopt = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_ipsec(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.ipsec = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_udp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.udp = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_tcp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.tcp = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_sctp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.sctp = val;
-void odp_packet_set_inflag_icmp(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
-	odp_packet_hdr(pkt)->input_flags.icmp = val;
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_io.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_io.c
index f35193f..5c6f628 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_io.c
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_io.c
@@ -369,7 +369,8 @@  odp_queue_t odp_pktio_outq_getdef(odp_pktio_t id)
 int pktout_enqueue(queue_entry_t *qentry, odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr)
-	odp_packet_t pkt = odp_packet_from_buffer(buf_hdr->handle.handle);
+	odp_packet_t pkt =
+		odp_packet_from_buf_internal(odp_hdr_to_buf(buf_hdr));
 	int len = 1;
 	int nbr;
@@ -391,7 +392,9 @@  int pktout_enq_multi(queue_entry_t *qentry, odp_buffer_hdr_t *buf_hdr[],
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < num; ++i)
-		pkt_tbl[i] = odp_packet_from_buffer(buf_hdr[i]->handle.handle);
+		pkt_tbl[i] =
+			odp_packet_from_buf_internal(
+				odp_hdr_to_buf(buf_hdr[i]));
 	nbr = odp_pktio_send(qentry->s.pktout, pkt_tbl, num);
 	return (nbr == num ? 0 : -1);
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_socket.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_socket.c
index 0492d1e..da66cf0 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_socket.c
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/odp_packet_socket.c
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ 
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <sys/syscall.h>
+#include <odp_spinlock.h>
 #include <odp_packet_socket.h>
 #include <odp_packet_internal.h>
 #include <odp_hints.h>
 #include <odph_eth.h>
 #include <odph_ip.h>
-#include <odph_packet.h>
 /** Provide a sendmmsg wrapper for systems with no libc or kernel support.
  *  As it is implemented as a weak symbol, it has zero effect on systems
@@ -178,28 +178,19 @@  int setup_pkt_sock(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock, const char *netdev,
 	unsigned int if_idx;
 	struct ifreq ethreq;
 	struct sockaddr_ll sa_ll;
-	odp_packet_t pkt;
-	uint8_t *pkt_buf;
-	uint8_t *l2_hdr;
 		return -1;
 	pkt_sock->pool = pool;
-	pkt = odph_packet_alloc(pool);
-	if (!odph_packet_is_valid(pkt))
-		return -1;
-	pkt_buf = odp_packet_addr(pkt);
-	l2_hdr = ETHBUF_ALIGN(pkt_buf);
 	/* Store eth buffer offset for pkt buffers from this pool */
-	pkt_sock->frame_offset = (uintptr_t)l2_hdr - (uintptr_t)pkt_buf;
+	pkt_sock->frame_offset = 0;
 	/* pkt buffer size */
-	pkt_sock->buf_size = odph_packet_buf_size(pkt);
+	pkt_sock->buf_size = odp_buffer_pool_segment_size(pool);
 	/* max frame len taking into account the l2-offset */
-	pkt_sock->max_frame_len = pkt_sock->buf_size - pkt_sock->frame_offset;
-	odph_packet_free(pkt);
+	pkt_sock->max_frame_len = pkt_sock->buf_size -
+		odp_buffer_pool_headroom(pool) -
+		odp_buffer_pool_tailroom(pool);
@@ -284,7 +275,6 @@  int recv_pkt_sock_basic(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 	int const sockfd = pkt_sock->sockfd;
 	odp_packet_t pkt = ODP_PACKET_INVALID;
 	uint8_t *pkt_buf;
-	uint8_t *l2_hdr;
 	int nb_rx = 0;
 	/*  recvfrom:
@@ -297,15 +287,14 @@  int recv_pkt_sock_basic(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 		if (odp_likely(pkt == ODP_PACKET_INVALID)) {
-			pkt = odph_packet_alloc(pkt_sock->pool);
+			pkt = odp_packet_alloc(pkt_sock->pool);
 			if (odp_unlikely(pkt == ODP_PACKET_INVALID))
 		pkt_buf = odp_packet_addr(pkt);
-		l2_hdr = pkt_buf + pkt_sock->frame_offset;
-		recv_bytes = recvfrom(sockfd, l2_hdr,
+		recv_bytes = recvfrom(sockfd, pkt_buf,
 				      pkt_sock->max_frame_len, MSG_DONTWAIT,
 				      (struct sockaddr *)&sll, &addrlen);
 		/* no data or error: free recv buf and break out of loop */
@@ -316,7 +305,8 @@  int recv_pkt_sock_basic(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 		/* Parse and set packet header data */
-		odp_packet_parse(pkt, recv_bytes, pkt_sock->frame_offset);
+		odp_packet_set_len(pkt, recv_bytes);
+		odp_packet_parse(pkt);
 		pkt_table[nb_rx] = pkt;
@@ -324,7 +314,7 @@  int recv_pkt_sock_basic(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 	} /* end for() */
 	if (odp_unlikely(pkt != ODP_PACKET_INVALID))
-		odph_packet_free(pkt);
+		odp_packet_free(pkt);
 	return nb_rx;
@@ -350,8 +340,7 @@  int send_pkt_sock_basic(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 	while (i < len) {
 		pkt = pkt_table[i];
-		frame = odp_packet_l2(pkt);
-		frame_len = odp_packet_get_len(pkt);
+		frame = odp_packet_map(pkt, &frame_len);
 		ret = send(sockfd, frame, frame_len, flags);
 		if (odp_unlikely(ret == -1)) {
@@ -367,8 +356,10 @@  int send_pkt_sock_basic(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 	}			/* end while */
 	nb_tx = i;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-		odph_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+		if (odp_packet_decr_refcount(pkt_table[i], 1) == 0)
+			odp_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
+	}
 	return nb_tx;
@@ -395,7 +386,7 @@  int recv_pkt_sock_mmsg(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 	memset(msgvec, 0, sizeof(msgvec));
 	for (i = 0; i < (int)len; i++) {
-		pkt_table[i] = odph_packet_alloc(pkt_sock->pool);
+		pkt_table[i] = odp_packet_alloc(pkt_sock->pool);
 		if (odp_unlikely(pkt_table[i] == ODP_PACKET_INVALID))
@@ -417,13 +408,12 @@  int recv_pkt_sock_mmsg(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 		/* Don't receive packets sent by ourselves */
 		if (odp_unlikely(ethaddrs_equal(pkt_sock->if_mac,
 						eth_hdr->h_source))) {
-			odph_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
+			odp_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
 		/* Parse and set packet header data */
-		odp_packet_parse(pkt_table[i], msgvec[i].msg_len,
-				 pkt_sock->frame_offset);
+		odp_packet_parse(pkt_table[i]);
 		pkt_table[nb_rx] = pkt_table[i];
@@ -431,7 +421,7 @@  int recv_pkt_sock_mmsg(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 	/* Free unused pkt buffers */
 	for (; i < msgvec_len; i++)
-		odph_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
+		odp_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
 	return nb_rx;
@@ -457,8 +447,8 @@  int send_pkt_sock_mmsg(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 	memset(msgvec, 0, sizeof(msgvec));
 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-		uint8_t *const frame = odp_packet_l2(pkt_table[i]);
-		const size_t frame_len = odp_packet_get_len(pkt_table[i]);
+		size_t frame_len;
+		uint8_t *const frame = odp_packet_map(pkt_table[i], &frame_len);
 		iovecs[i].iov_base = frame;
 		iovecs[i].iov_len = frame_len;
 		msgvec[i].msg_hdr.msg_iov = &iovecs[i];
@@ -472,8 +462,10 @@  int send_pkt_sock_mmsg(pkt_sock_t *const pkt_sock,
 		flags = 0;	/* blocking for next rounds */
-	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-		odph_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+		if (odp_packet_decr_refcount(pkt_table[i], 1) == 0)
+			odp_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
+	}
 	return len;
@@ -537,7 +529,6 @@  static inline void mmap_tx_user_ready(struct tpacket2_hdr *hdr)
 static inline unsigned pkt_mmap_v2_rx(int sock, struct ring *ring,
 				      odp_packet_t pkt_table[], unsigned len,
 				      odp_buffer_pool_t pool,
-				      size_t frame_offset,
 				      unsigned char if_mac[])
 	union frame_map ppd;
@@ -570,18 +561,18 @@  static inline unsigned pkt_mmap_v2_rx(int sock, struct ring *ring,
-			pkt_table[i] = odph_packet_alloc(pool);
+			pkt_table[i] = odp_packet_alloc(pool);
 			if (odp_unlikely(pkt_table[i] == ODP_PACKET_INVALID))
-			l2_hdr = odp_packet_addr(pkt_table[i])
-				 + frame_offset;
+			l2_hdr = odp_packet_addr(pkt_table[i]);
+			odp_packet_set_len(pkt_table[i], pkt_len);
 			memcpy(l2_hdr, pkt_buf, pkt_len);
 			/* Parse and set packet header data */
-			odp_packet_parse(pkt_table[i], pkt_len, frame_offset);
+			odp_packet_parse(pkt_table[i]);
 			frame_num = next_frame_num;
@@ -613,8 +604,7 @@  static inline unsigned pkt_mmap_v2_tx(int sock, struct ring *ring,
 			next_frame_num = (frame_num + 1) % ring->rd_num;
-			pkt_buf = odp_packet_l2(pkt_table[i]);
-			pkt_len = odp_packet_get_len(pkt_table[i]);
+			pkt_buf = odp_packet_map(pkt_table[i], &pkt_len);
 			ppd.v2->tp_h.tp_snaplen = pkt_len;
 			ppd.v2->tp_h.tp_len = pkt_len;
@@ -624,7 +614,8 @@  static inline unsigned pkt_mmap_v2_tx(int sock, struct ring *ring,
-			odph_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
+			if (odp_packet_decr_refcount(pkt_table[i], 1) == 0)
+				odp_packet_free(pkt_table[i]);
 			frame_num = next_frame_num;
 		} else {
@@ -805,9 +796,6 @@  static int mmap_store_hw_addr(pkt_sock_mmap_t *const pkt_sock,
 int setup_pkt_sock_mmap(pkt_sock_mmap_t *const pkt_sock, const char *netdev,
 			odp_buffer_pool_t pool, int fanout)
-	odp_packet_t pkt;
-	uint8_t *pkt_buf;
-	uint8_t *l2_hdr;
 	int if_idx;
 	int ret = 0;
@@ -816,16 +804,8 @@  int setup_pkt_sock_mmap(pkt_sock_mmap_t *const pkt_sock, const char *netdev,
 		return -1;
-	pkt = odph_packet_alloc(pool);
-	if (!odph_packet_is_valid(pkt))
-		return -1;
-	pkt_buf = odp_packet_addr(pkt);
-	l2_hdr = ETHBUF_ALIGN(pkt_buf);
 	/* Store eth buffer offset for pkt buffers from this pool */
-	pkt_sock->frame_offset = (uintptr_t)l2_hdr - (uintptr_t)pkt_buf;
-	odph_packet_free(pkt);
+	pkt_sock->frame_offset = 0;
 	pkt_sock->pool = pool;
 	pkt_sock->sockfd = mmap_pkt_socket();
@@ -892,7 +872,7 @@  int recv_pkt_sock_mmap(pkt_sock_mmap_t *const pkt_sock,
 	return pkt_mmap_v2_rx(pkt_sock->rx_ring.sock, &pkt_sock->rx_ring,
 			      pkt_table, len, pkt_sock->pool,
-			      pkt_sock->frame_offset, pkt_sock->if_mac);
+			      pkt_sock->if_mac);
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_queue.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_queue.c
index 1318bcd..af3a330 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_queue.c
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/odp_queue.c
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ 
 #include <odp_std_types.h>
 #include <odp_align.h>
 #include <odp_buffer.h>
-#include <odp_buffer_internal.h>
 #include <odp_buffer_pool_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_internal.h>
+#include <odp_buffer_inlines.h>
 #include <odp_internal.h>
 #include <odp_shared_memory.h>
 #include <odp_schedule_internal.h>
@@ -422,7 +423,7 @@  int odp_queue_deq_multi(odp_queue_t handle, odp_buffer_t buf[], int num)
 	ret = queue->s.dequeue_multi(queue, buf_hdr, num);
 	for (i = 0; i < ret; i++)
-		buf[i] = buf_hdr[i]->handle.handle;
+		buf[i] = odp_hdr_to_buf(buf_hdr[i]);
 	return ret;
@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@  odp_buffer_t odp_queue_deq(odp_queue_t handle)
 	buf_hdr = queue->s.dequeue(queue);
 	if (buf_hdr)
-		return buf_hdr->handle.handle;
+		return odp_hdr_to_buf(buf_hdr);
diff --git a/platform/linux-generic/odp_schedule.c b/platform/linux-generic/odp_schedule.c
index 1bf819b..f30b877 100644
--- a/platform/linux-generic/odp_schedule.c
+++ b/platform/linux-generic/odp_schedule.c
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@  int odp_schedule_init_global(void)
 	odp_shm_t shm;
 	odp_buffer_pool_t pool;
-	void *pool_base;
 	int i, j;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
 	ODP_DBG("Schedule init ... ");
@@ -99,20 +99,12 @@  int odp_schedule_init_global(void)
 		return -1;
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("odp_sched_pool",
+	params.buf_num  = SCHED_POOL_SIZE/sizeof(queue_desc_t);
+	params.buf_size = sizeof(queue_desc_t);
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_RAW;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_UNSEGMENTED;
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
-	if (pool_base == NULL) {
-		ODP_ERR("Schedule init: Shm reserve failed.\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("odp_sched_pool", pool_base,
-				      SCHED_POOL_SIZE, sizeof(queue_desc_t),
-				      ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_RAW);
+	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("odp_sched_pool", &params, NULL);
 	if (pool == ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID) {
 		ODP_ERR("Schedule init: Pool create failed.\n");
diff --git a/test/api_test/odp_timer_ping.c b/test/api_test/odp_timer_ping.c
index 65e3834..90c1ae6 100644
--- a/test/api_test/odp_timer_ping.c
+++ b/test/api_test/odp_timer_ping.c
@@ -318,9 +318,8 @@  int main(int argc ODP_UNUSED, char *argv[] ODP_UNUSED)
 	ping_arg_t pingarg;
 	odp_queue_t queue;
 	odp_buffer_pool_t pool;
-	void *pool_base;
 	int i;
-	odp_shm_t shm;
+	odp_buffer_pool_param_t params;
 	if (odp_test_global_init() != 0)
 		return -1;
@@ -333,14 +332,14 @@  int main(int argc ODP_UNUSED, char *argv[] ODP_UNUSED)
 	 * Create message pool
-	shm = odp_shm_reserve("msg_pool",
-	pool_base = odp_shm_addr(shm);
-	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("msg_pool", pool_base, MSG_POOL_SIZE,
-				      BUF_SIZE,
-				      ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_RAW);
+	params.buf_num  = MSG_POOL_SIZE/BUF_SIZE;
+	params.buf_size = BUF_SIZE;
+	params.buf_type = ODP_BUFFER_TYPE_RAW;
+	params.buf_opts = ODP_BUFFER_OPTS_NONE;
+	pool = odp_buffer_pool_create("msg_pool", &params, NULL);
 	if (pool == ODP_BUFFER_POOL_INVALID) {
 		ODP_ERR("Pool create failed.\n");
 		return -1;