diff mbox

[Branch,~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk] Rev 380: Merge in branch where unit tests were moved out of fetch_image_ui.py into linaro_image_tools/test...

Message ID 20110720094129.17419.24082.launchpad@loganberry.canonical.com
State Accepted
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Commit Message

James Tunnicliffe July 20, 2011, 9:41 a.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  James Tunnicliffe (dooferlad)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: James Tunnicliffe (dooferlad)
  review: Approve - Guilherme Salgado (salgado)
  review: Resubmit - James Tunnicliffe (dooferlad)
revno: 380 [merge]
committer: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
branch nick: linaro-image-tools
timestamp: Wed 2011-07-20 10:40:02 +0100
  Merge in branch where unit tests were moved out of fetch_image_ui.py into linaro_image_tools/tests/test_fetch_image.py.


You are subscribed to branch lp:linaro-image-tools.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk/+edit-subscription
diff mbox


=== modified file 'fetch_image_ui.py'
--- fetch_image_ui.py	2011-07-14 12:50:56 +0000
+++ fetch_image_ui.py	2011-07-19 16:02:08 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ 
 import os
 import linaro_image_tools.FetchImage as FetchImage
 import string
-import unittest
 import operator
 import Queue
 import time
@@ -1548,167 +1547,5 @@ 
     w = TestDriveWizard('Simple Wizard')
     return w.go()
-class TestURLLookupFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.file_handler   = FetchImage.FileHandler()
-        self.file_handler.update_files_from_server()
-        self.config         = FetchImage.FetchImageConfig()
-        self.config.settings["force_download"] = False
-        # Load settings YAML, which defines the parameters we ask for and
-        # acceptable responses from the user
-        self.config.read_config(self.file_handler.settings_file)
-        # Using the config we have, look up URLs to download data from in the
-        # server index
-        self.db = FetchImage.DB(self.file_handler.index_file)
-    def test_url_lookup(self):
-        self.settings = self.config.settings
-        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
-        #--- Test first with a snapshot build lookup ---
-        # -- Fix a build date --
-        # We only need to look up a single snapshot date. Start with today and
-        # go with the day in the DB, build 0
-        today = wx.DateTime()
-        today.SetToCurrent()
-        # -- Don't iterate through platforms for snapshot --
-        # -- Select hardware --
-        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
-                                   self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
-            compatable_hwpacks = self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][
-                                                    self.settings['hardware']]
-            future_date, past_date = self.db.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
-                                        "linaro-alip",
-                                        today.FormatISODate().encode('ascii'),
-                                        compatable_hwpacks)
-            if past_date == None:
-                # Some hardware packs are not available in the snapshot repo,
-                # so just skip if they aren't
-                continue
-            builds = self.db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
-                                                        "linaro-alip",
-                                                        past_date,
-                                                        compatable_hwpacks)
-            self.assertTrue(len(builds))
-            # If the above assert fails, either the DB is empty, or
-            # db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db failed
-            small_date = re.sub('-', '', past_date)
-            self.settings['build'] = small_date + ":" + "0"
-            # -- Iterate through hardware packs --
-            for self.settings['hwpack'] in compatable_hwpacks:
-                # If hardware pack is available...
-                if(self.settings['hwpack']
-                    in self.db.get_hwpacks('snapshot_hwpacks')):
-                    # -- Iterate through images
-                    os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('snapshot_binaries')
-                    for self.settings['image'] in os_list:
-                        if re.search('old', self.settings['image']):
-                            # Directories with old in the name are of no
-                            # interest to us
-                            continue
-                        # -- Check build which matches these parameters
-                        #    (builds that don't match are excluded in UI) --
-                        if(    len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                                    'select * from snapshot_hwpacks '
-                                    'where hardware == ? '
-                                    'and date == ? '
-                                    'and build == ?',
-                                    (self.settings['hwpack'],
-                                     small_date,
-                                     "0")))
-                           and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                                    'select * from snapshot_binaries '
-                                    'where image == ? '
-                                    'and date == ? '
-                                    'and build == ?',
-                                    (self.settings['image'],
-                                     small_date,
-                                     "0")))):
-                            # - Run the function under test! -
-                            image_url, hwpack_url = (
-                              self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self.settings))
-                            self.assertTrue(image_url)
-                            self.assertTrue(hwpack_url)
-        #--- Now test release build lookup ---
-        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
-        # -- Select hardware --
-        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
-                                    self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
-            compatable_hwpacks = (
-                  self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
-            # -- Iterate through hardware packs --
-            for self.settings['hwpack'] in compatable_hwpacks:
-                # If hardware pack is available...
-                if(self.settings['hwpack']
-                    in self.db.get_hwpacks('release_hwpacks')):
-                    # -- Iterate through images
-                    os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('release_binaries')
-                    for self.settings['image'] in os_list:
-                        if re.search('old', self.settings['image']):
-                            # Directories with old in the name are of no
-                            # interest to us
-                            continue
-                        for platform, ignore in (
-                                  self.settings['choice']['platform'].items()):
-                            self.settings['platform'] = platform
-                            # -- Iterate through available builds --
-                            builds = self.db.get_builds(
-                                                    self.settings['platform'],
-                                                    self.settings['image'])
-                            for build in builds:
-                                self.settings['build'] = build
-                                # -- Check build which matches these parameters
-                                #(builds that don't match are excluded in UI)--
-                                if(    len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                                            'select * from release_hwpacks '
-                                            'where platform == ? '
-                                            'and hardware == ? '
-                                            'and build == ?',
-                                            (self.settings['platform'],
-                                             self.settings['hwpack'],
-                                             self.settings['build'])))
-                                   and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                                            'select * from release_binaries '
-                                            'where platform == ? '
-                                            'and image == ? '
-                                            'and build == ?',
-                                            (self.settings['platform'],
-                                             self.settings['image'],
-                                             self.settings['build'])))):
-                                    # - Run the function under test! -
-                                    image_url, hwpack_url = (
-                                        self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self.settings))
-                                    self.assertTrue(image_url)
-                                    self.assertTrue(hwpack_url)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py	2011-07-14 12:50:56 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py	2011-07-19 16:02:08 +0000
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ 
                     test_date[in_the] = None
-            if test_date[in_the] > max_search_date:
+            if test_date[in_the] and test_date[in_the] > max_search_date:
                 test_date[in_the] = None
             if test_date[in_the]:

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/__init__.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/__init__.py	2011-05-10 15:43:32 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/__init__.py	2011-07-19 16:02:08 +0000
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ 
     module_names = [
+        'linaro_image_tools.tests.test_fetch_image',
     # if pyflakes is installed and we're running from a bzr checkout...
     if has_command('pyflakes') and not os.path.isabs(__file__):

=== added file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/test_fetch_image.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/test_fetch_image.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/test_fetch_image.py	2011-07-19 18:01:18 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro
+# Author: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
+# This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
+# Linaro Image Tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import wx
+import unittest
+import re
+import linaro_image_tools.FetchImage as FetchImage
+class TestURLLookupFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.file_handler   = FetchImage.FileHandler()
+        self.file_handler.update_files_from_server()
+        self.config         = FetchImage.FetchImageConfig()
+        self.config.settings["force_download"] = False
+        # Load settings YAML, which defines the parameters we ask for and
+        # acceptable responses from the user
+        self.config.read_config(self.file_handler.settings_file)
+        # Using the config we have, look up URLs to download data from in the
+        # server index
+        self.db = FetchImage.DB(self.file_handler.index_file)
+    def test_url_lookup(self):
+        self.settings = self.config.settings
+        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
+        #--- Test first with a snapshot build lookup ---
+        # -- Fix a build date --
+        # We only need to look up a single snapshot date. Start with today and
+        # go with the day in the DB, build 0
+        today = wx.DateTime()
+        today.SetToCurrent()
+        # -- Don't iterate through platforms for snapshot --
+        # -- Select hardware --
+        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
+                                   self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
+            compatable_hwpacks = self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][
+                                                    self.settings['hardware']]
+            future_date, past_date = self.db.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
+                                        "linaro-alip",
+                                        today.FormatISODate().encode('ascii'),
+                                        compatable_hwpacks)
+            if past_date == None:
+                # Some hardware packs are not available in the snapshot repo,
+                # so just skip if they aren't
+                continue
+            builds = self.db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
+                                                        "linaro-alip",
+                                                        past_date,
+                                                        compatable_hwpacks)
+            self.assertTrue(len(builds))
+            # If the above assert fails, either the DB is empty, or
+            # db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db failed
+            small_date = re.sub('-', '', past_date)
+            self.settings['build'] = small_date + ":" + "0"
+            # -- Iterate through hardware packs --
+            for self.settings['hwpack'] in compatable_hwpacks:
+                # If hardware pack is available...
+                if(self.settings['hwpack']
+                    in self.db.get_hwpacks('snapshot_hwpacks')):
+                    # -- Iterate through images
+                    os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('snapshot_binaries')
+                    for self.settings['image'] in os_list:
+                        if re.search('old', self.settings['image']):
+                            # Directories with old in the name are of no
+                            # interest to us
+                            continue
+                        # -- Check build which matches these parameters
+                        #    (builds that don't match are excluded in UI) --
+                        if(    len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                                    'select * from snapshot_hwpacks '
+                                    'where hardware == ? '
+                                    'and date == ? '
+                                    'and build == ?',
+                                    (self.settings['hwpack'],
+                                     small_date,
+                                     "0")))
+                           and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                                    'select * from snapshot_binaries '
+                                    'where image == ? '
+                                    'and date == ? '
+                                    'and build == ?',
+                                    (self.settings['image'],
+                                     small_date,
+                                     "0")))):
+                            # - Run the function under test! -
+                            image_url, hwpack_url = (
+                              self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self.settings))
+                            self.assertTrue(image_url)
+                            self.assertTrue(hwpack_url)
+        #--- Now test release build lookup ---
+        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
+        # -- Select hardware --
+        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
+                                   self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
+            compatable_hwpacks = (
+                  self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
+            # -- Iterate through hardware packs --
+            for self.settings['hwpack'] in compatable_hwpacks:
+                # If hardware pack is available...
+                if(self.settings['hwpack']
+                    in self.db.get_hwpacks('release_hwpacks')):
+                    # -- Iterate through images
+                    os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('release_binaries')
+                    for self.settings['image'] in os_list:
+                        if re.search('old', self.settings['image']):
+                            # Directories with old in the name are of no
+                            # interest to us
+                            continue
+                        for platform, ignore in (
+                                  self.settings['choice']['platform'].items()):
+                            self.settings['platform'] = platform
+                            # -- Iterate through available builds --
+                            builds = self.db.get_builds(
+                                                    self.settings['platform'],
+                                                    self.settings['image'])
+                            for build in builds:
+                                self.settings['build'] = build
+                                # -- Check build which matches these parameters
+                                #(builds that don't match are excluded in UI)--
+                                if(    len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                                            'select * from release_hwpacks '
+                                            'where platform == ? '
+                                            'and hardware == ? '
+                                            'and build == ?',
+                                            (self.settings['platform'],
+                                             self.settings['hwpack'],
+                                             self.settings['build'])))
+                                   and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                                            'select * from release_binaries '
+                                            'where platform == ? '
+                                            'and image == ? '
+                                            'and build == ?',
+                                            (self.settings['platform'],
+                                             self.settings['image'],
+                                             self.settings['build'])))):
+                                    # - Run the function under test! -
+                                    image_url, hwpack_url = (
+                                             self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(
+                                                      self.settings))
+                                    self.assertTrue(image_url)
+                                    self.assertTrue(hwpack_url)